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Tour Operator Marocco - Viaggi Marocco - Tour Marocco - Arché Travel

Tour Marocco 2024 - Viaggi in Marocco d'Autore

Tour marocco il tuo viaggio in marocco organizzato d'autore, un catalogo tour marocco 2024 esclusivo.

Una vasta selezione di Tour Marocco 2024 d'Autore nella magia del Maghreb. Conosciuto anche come la porta del Sahara, un viaggio in Marocco è un'esperienza autentica e reale. Infatti, scoprirete una terra ricca di contrasti, colori e sensazioni di ogni tipo. I nostri tour del Marocco di Gruppo vi consentono di vivere la vera essenza del gioiello del Maghreb, con esperienze a stretto contatto con le comunità locali, pernottamenti in riad nelle città imperiali e cammellate nel deserto. Tutto ciò unito a visite storico-culturali che vi portano alla scoperta di un paese dalla storia millenaria.

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Alla scoperta del Regno del Marocco

I nostri Tour e Viaggi in Marocco 2024 vi porteranno nel cuore del paese, alla scoperta dei luoghi più autentici di tutto il Nord Africa. Infatti, scoprirete il fascino di Marrakech e delle Città Imperiali , le maestose dune del Sahara fino alla magia di Essaouira e della costa Atlantica . Inoltre, i nostri viaggi in Marocco vi porteranno ad ammirare panorami mozzafiato tra le Montagne dell'Atlante , gli incredibili colori di Chefchaouen e della Costa Mediterranea . Un'esclusiva selezione di viaggi organizzati in Marocco, tra storia, natura e cultura.

Il Tuo Viaggio in Marocco d'Autore

Arché Travel, tra i migliori  Tour Operator Marocco , vi porta nel cuore del Nord Africa con una selezione di Viaggi e Tour in Marocco di Gruppo. Infatti, la nostra esperienza unita ad una forte passione per il Maghreb, ci permettono di realizzare  il tuo viaggio culturale in Marocco . Inoltre, collaboriamo con i migliori fornitori locali con una profonda conoscenza del territorio e una comprovata esperienza. Con Arché Travel vivrete l’emozione di un viaggio in Marocco con servizi di qualità e in sicurezza.

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"In Marocco sentirete subito la preziosa e rara influenza del sole che conferisce a ogni cosa una vita penetrante. Il pittoresco qui abbonda, è un luogo fatto per i pittori… La bellezza è dappertutto, non la bellezza raffigurata nei quadri alla moda, ma qualcosa di più semplice e primordiale.” - Eugène Delacroix -


Sicurezza e Garanzia per i Vostri Marocco Viaggi

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Le Parole dei Nostri Viaggiatori in Marocco

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"Marocco Tour 2024" , una selezione di viaggi Marocco organizzati di gruppo alla scoperta dei luoghi più significativi. - Viaggi di Gruppo in Marocco d'Autore -

Tour Marocco Città Imperiali e Chefchaouen | Arché Travel - Tour Operator Marocco

Tour: Ponte Ognissanti Deserto e Città Imperiali

Tour Marocco Agosto Deserto e Città Imperiali - Tour Operator Marocco

Tour: Agosto Deserto e Città Imperiali

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Tour Marocco Ponte 25 Aprile / 1 Maggio

Capodanno in Marocco Tour - Tour Marocco di gruppo | Arché Travel

Tour: Capodanno in Marocco Città Imperiali

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Tour: Capodanno Deserto e Città Imperiali

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Tour: Pasqua Marocco Deserto e Città Imperiali

Tour Marocco del Sud di Gruppo Marocco Tour | Arché Travel

Tour Marocco del Sud: Grande Sud & Kasbah

Gran Tour del Marocco di Gruppo - Arché Travel

FAQ - Le Domande in Preparazione al Viaggio Marocco

Il Marocco è aperto al turismo internazionale, ed è pertanto un paese visitabile. Per conoscere le regole per l’ingresso nel paese vi invitiamo a consultare il nostro articolo “ L e regole per entrare in Marocco”.

Il Marocco è un paese molto variegato, e offre attrazioni di ogni tipo. Ecco cosa visitare in Marocco: – Marrakech : la più famosa delle città imperiali e la capitale berbera. Assolutamente da non perdere la Moschea della Koutubia, Piazza Jemaa el-Fna, Palazzo el Bahia, le Tombe Saadiane, oltre che i suoi coloratissimi souq. – Casablanca : la città più popolosa del Marocco, tra storia e presente. Da non perdere la Mosche di Hassan II, l’unica visitabile all’interno. – Fès : la più elegante delle città imperiali, con l’università e lo sfarzoso Palazzo Reale. Da non perdere i quartieri della medina con le tipiche concerie a cielo aperto. – Essaouira : conserva la più bella medina lungo la costa atlantica. Protetta da una grande fortificazione, conserva una splendida spiaggia ed è il luogo preferito di numerosi artisti di fama internazionale – Meknès : la terza città imperiale, da non perdere le sue porte d’accesso, la madrasa e l’antico palazzo reale. – Rabat : antica città imperiale e attuale capitale del Marocco. Città moderna che ospita numerose attrazioni storiche, come il Mausoleo di Mohammed V, la Torre Hassan e Kasba degli Oudaia. – Volubilis : il sito archeologico più grande del Marocco. Antica città romana protetta dall’Unesco. – Chefchaouen : considerata la città blu è il villaggio più bello del Marocco, con una medina splendidamente conservata. – Agadir : ambita località di mare, con un’immensa spiaggia e una baia chilometrica. – Ait Ben-Haddou : l’attrazione più fotografata del Marocco e la kasba meglio conservata. Protetta dall’Unesco sorge in un’oasi nel deserto. – Merzouga : l’oasi più bella del Marocco, dalla quale poter esplorare il deserto e dormire in un suggestivo campo tendato – Ouarzazate : oasi alle porte del Sahara, è anche denominata la “Hollywood del deserto”.

In Marocco potrete prendere parte a numerose attività ed esperienze. Ecco cosa fare in Marocco: – Surf sulla Costa Atlantica : le località di Taghazout, Agadir, Essaouira e Legzira sono ambite dai surfisti di tutto il mondo. – Cammellata nel deserto : durante il vostro viaggio a Merzouga, Zagora o Ouarzazate potrete approfittare per fare un’indimenticabile escursione nel deserto a dorso di cammello. – Trekking sull’Atlante : le Montagne dell’Atlante offrono scorci mozzafiato, e il modo migliore per ammirarli è facendo trekking lungo i suoi sentieri. – Street food a Piazza Jemaa el-Fna : la piazza principale di Marrakech è un continuo brulicare di artisti, saltinbanchi e… cibo a volontà! Assaggiare la cucina tipica marocchina è una delle esperienze da non perdere.

Il Marocco è un paese sicuro , e in grado di accogliere ogni anno viaggiatori da tutto il mondo. Comunque, in Marocco vige la regola che vale per tutti i paesi del Maghreb. Pertanto, è sempre consigliabile non portare oggetti di valore ed evitare di mostrare denaro in pubblico. Ad ogni modo, i turisti nel paese sono perfettamente tutelati e protetti e la criminalità è sotto controllo. Infatti, non si registrano problemi di sicurezza nelle principali località turistiche del Marocco. Infine, le strutture sanitarie e il personale medico del Marocco sono generalmente di buon livello.

Il clima del Marocco è di tipo mediterraneo lungo le coste, continentale e semi-desertico nelle regioni interne e desertico nel Sahara Occidentale e ai confini con l’Algeria. Pertanto, il Marocco è visitabile tutto l’anno . Tuttavia, il periodo ideale per andare in Marocco sono i mesi che vanno da ottobre ad aprile . Infatti, in questi periodi le temperature sono più fresche e piacevoli, perfette per uscite nel deserto e la visita delle Città Imperiali.

Per i viaggiare in Marocco è necessario il passaporto con validità residua di almeno 6 mesi dal momento dell’ingresso nel paese. Non è quindi sufficiente la carta d’identità. Ad ogni modo, al momento non è richiesto il visto per i cittadini italiani che si recano in Marocco per motivi turistici e soggiorni fino a 90 giorni. Per maggiori informazioni Viaggiare Sicuri Marocco fare riferimento al sito  Viaggiare Sicuri .

Ad oggi non è richiesta alcuna vaccinazione obbligatoria per i viaggi in Marocco. Ad ogni modo, in vista di un Marocco viaggio organizzato, consigliamo di contattare il proprio medico per quanto riguarda le vaccinazioni facoltative e/o consigliate.

Per i nostri viaggi in Marocco l’assicurazione è sempre obbligatoria . Infatti, per i viaggio all’estero è sempre raccomandabile munirsi di una buona copertura assicurativa. Per maggiori informazioni sulla nostra polizza annullamento, medico e bagaglio visitare la nostra pagina Assicurazione .

Per andare in Marocco è necessario portare con sé vestiti e accessori che rispettino standard di praticità e comodità . Inoltre, a seconda del periodo in cui effettuate il viaggio organizzato Marocco, è utile portare vestiti che si adattino al clima e all’ambiente circostante. Si consiglia pertanto di portare con sé: – Copricapo in tela o foulard per proteggersi dai forti raggi ultravioletti – Abiti in cotone e magliette tipo T-shirt che consentano di muoversi con comodità – Pullover e vestiti pesanti per i trekking e i viaggi nella Catena dell’Atlante – Pantaloni lunghi in tela di cotone e jeans – Costume da bagno per le spiagge di Agadir, El Jadida, Essaouira e lungo la costa atlantica e mediterranea – Biancheria intima in cotone e calze in cotone spesso – Scarpe da trekking e/o da ginnastica per le camminate in città e sui sentieri dell’Atlante e nel deserto – Giacca antivento tipo k-way. – Zaino di capacità di 15-20 litri, da utilizzare per le escursioni a piedi – Borraccia per idratarsi durante le calde giornate del Marocco – Occhiali da sole per ripararsi dal forte sole marocchino – Fazzoletti e salviette rinfrescanti – Lozione antisolare per pelle e labbra ad elevato fattore di protezione – Repellente per insetti e zanzare (di tipo Autan) – Collirio per le escursioni nel deserto – Borsa porta denaro e porta documenti – Ombrello pieghevole da utilizzare in caso di pioggia, specialmente al nord e lungo la costa atlantica – Torcia elettrica per le nottate nel deserto

La valuta del Marocco è il dirham . Il tasso di cambio è di  1 EUR = 10,90 MAD  aggiornato a dicembre 2020. Le carte di credito in Marocco sono accettate in tutte le grandi città, gli alberghi e le principali località turistiche. Ad ogni modo, nelle aree rurali, di montagna e nel sud del Marocco, sono raramente accettate. Pertanto, consigliamo di portare con sé banconote in euro da poter cambiare presso banche e uffici di cambio locali.

Il Marocco è un paese decisamente economico. Ad ogni modo, ci sono notevoli differenze da tenere conto tra lo standard locale e quello internazionale. – Bottiglia d’acqua da 1 litro : 8 MAD (0.80 €) – Un caffè/thè : 11 MAD (1 €) – Pranzo tipico in street food : 80 MAD (7 €) – Pranzo in ristorante : 110 MAD (10 €) – Shopping nei souk tradizionali : dai 100 ai 500 MAD (dai 10 ai 45 €)

Corrente elettrica: Il voltaggio in Marocco è pari a 220 Volts e sono necessarie spine a due poli rotondi. Adattatore: E’ sempre consigliabile munirsi, prima della partenza, di un adattatore universale per tutti i tipi di trasformatori e voltaggio.

La lingua ufficiale del Marocco è l’ arabo . Inoltre, una larga fetta di popolazione parla fluentemente il francese . Mentre nel nord, a Tangeri, Melilla e Ceuta viene anche parlato lo spagnolo . Ad ogni modo, l’inglese è parlato dal personale degli hotel e dei ristoranti, oltre che guide turistiche e autisti.

In Marocco le etnie predominanti sono quella araba e quella berbera, e la popolazione locale è nella stragrande maggioranza di fede musulmana. Infatti, la fede nell’islam è un fattore predominante nella vita in Marocco, e le usanze religiose sono molto sentite e praticate. Per questo motivo, durante il periodo del ramadan è raccomandabile non mangiare, bere e fumare in pubblico durante le ore diurne. Inoltre, ricordiamo che in Marocco non è permesso entrare nelle moschee ai turisti di fede diversa da quella musulmana, ad eccezione della Moschea Hassan II di Casablanca.

Il viaggio è sempre un’esperienza indimenticabile, ma che può prevedere anche qualche piccolo imprevisto. Dunque, durante un viaggio in Marocco, è utile salvarsi i seguenti numeri di emergenza: – Primo soccorso: 15 – Polizia e forze dell’ordine: 19 – Vigli del fuoco: 170

Un viaggio in Marocco è anche una piacevole esperienza culinaria. Infatti, la cucina marocchina è ricca di sapori e di storiche tradizioni che si tramandano da generazioni. I suoi piatti hanno origini molto antiche, con influssi arabi, berberi, spagnoli, portoghesi e francesi. I piatti onnipresenti durante un viaggio in Marocco sono il famoso cous cous e la tajine , che prende il nome dalla pentola in cui viene cotto. Inoltre, da non perdere sono gli straordinari baghrir , deliziose crepes di semola caratterizzate dalle sue caratteristiche bolle. Se invece amate i gusti fosti, vi consigliamo la Rfissa tipica di Casablanca, a base di carne di pollo, riso e spezie. A Fès invece potrete degustare le tipiche pastilla , sformato di pasta sfoglia con ripieno di carne di piccione e spezie. Ad ogni modo, tra le numerose bancarelle di Piazza Jema el-Fna a Marrakech avrete l’imbarazzo della scelta, tra piatti di carne, riso, verdure e spezie.

Sebbene l’acqua in Marocco sia potabile nelle grandi strutture ricettive e nei ristoranti, sconsigliamo di bere acqua dal rubinetto . Infatti, è sempre raccomandabile bere esclusivamente acqua in bottiglie chiuse ermeticamente.

Il Marocco vi farà conoscere antiche tradizioni, usi e costumi locali. Tutte le città marocchine sono un brulicare di mercati, souk e bazaar con ogni sorta di artigianato locale. Pertanto, potrete scegliere tra tappeti lavorati a mano e oggetti in cuoio. Inoltre, tra i tantissimi venditori delle medine marocchine, troverete le tipiche lampade e le babouche . Se invece avete assaggiato i deliziosi cous cous dei ristoranti, potrete tornare a casa con le splendide tajine splendidamente decorate dei mercati cittadini. Se invece volete comprare prodotti naturali marocchini, tra olio d’argan , spezie , cosmetici e caffè marocchino avrete solo l’imbarazzo della scelta.

A seconda di dove ci si trova, gli orari dei negozi in Marocco possono variare a seconda del tipo di attività che essi svolgono. – I grandi negozi rimangono aperti dalle 08:30 alle 12:00 e dalle 16:00 alle 19:00 . – Le piccole botteghe artigianali e le bancarelle dei souk sono invece molto flessibili, e non hanno orari prestabiliti. Ad ogni modo, li troverete sempre dal mattino presto fino alle 21.00 . – I musei hanno orari che indicativamente rispettano l’orario continuato dalle 08:30 alle 18:00 . Tuttavia, consigliamo di consultare l’attrazione che si intende visitare per evitare spiacevoli sorprese. Tuttavia, consigliamo di informarsi anticipatamente, in quanto tutti gli orari subiscono variazioni durante il Ramadan e la preghiera del venerdì.

La mancia in Marocco è un uso ben radicata nel tessuto sociale del paese. Per i viaggi organizzati, le guide e gli autisti sono soliti ricevere rispettivamente una mancia di 3,00 € e 2,00 € per persona al giorno. Inoltre, nei ristoranti consigliamo di fornire una mancia di circa il 10% del conto finale . Ad ogni modo alcuni ristoranti includono la mancia nel costo del servizio, pertanto è sempre buona norma controllare in anticipo.

Il fuso orario del Marocco è due ore indietro rispetto all’Italia durante l’ora legale. Invece, durante l’ora solare la differenze è di un’ora indietro . Pertanto, se in Italia sono le 09:00 in Marocco saranno le 07:00 con l’ora legale, e le 08:00 con l’ora solare. Inoltre, nelle enclavi spagnole di Melilla e Ceuta vige lo stesso orario italiano.

Il prefisso per chiamare dal Marocco verso l’Italia è 0039 + il numero desiderato. Il prefisso per chiamare dall’Italia verso il Marocco è 00212 + il numero desiderato. La copertura per la rete mobile in Marocco è piuttosto buona nelle grandi città e nelle località turistiche. Tuttavia, nelle zone rurali la linea peggiora considerevolmente, e nel deserto sull’Atlante potrebbe essere molto debole o completamente assente. Infine, l’ accesso ad internet è generalmente garantito nelle grandi città marocchine, e il wi-fi gratuito nella maggior parta degli hotel, ristoranti e locali turistici.

In Marocco non ci sono particolari restrizioni per scattare fotografie o girare video nelle principali città e località turistiche. Comunque, è sempre fondamentale comportarsi con rispetto nei confronti della popolazione locale, degli usi e dei costumi del paese. Pertanto, è obbligatorio chiedere sempre il permesso prima di fotografare persone, specialmente se donne o bambini, e i luoghi di culto. Ricordiamo inoltre che fotografare le aree militari è severamente proibito dalla legge. Infine, In Marocco non sono consentite riprese con il drone , fatto salvo permessi speciali rilasciati direttamente dall’aviazione marocchina.

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Top Tour Operators and Travel Agencies in Morocco 2024/2025

Top Tour Operators and Travel Agencies in Morocco. Below you will find 39 of the best tour operators and travel agencies in Morocco offering in total 251 tours and holidays through-out Morocco. Combined they have received 393 customer reviews and an average rating of 5 out of 5 stars. The top tour activities offered in Morocco are: Sightseeing, attractions, culture and history, Wildlife, landscapes and nature & Adventure and sport.

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39 Tour Operators in Morocco with 393 Reviews

Travel Talk

Travel Talk

  • Address 18 Exhibition House Addison Bridge Place, London, England
  • Response Rate 96%
  • Response Time 3 hours

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  • Best-in-Class Top 5% of companies
  • Excellent Service Top 10% of companies
  • Superior Service Top 15% of companies

Exodus Travels

Exodus Travels

  • Address Grange Mills, Weir Road, London, England
  • Response Rate 85%

DesertBrise Travel

DesertBrise Travel

  • Address Dour Aarib Mhamid El Ghizlane zagora Morocco, M'Hamid El Ghizlane, Morocco
  • Response Time 1 hour

Touareg Trails

Touareg Trails

  • Address Ksar Merzouga Ouast - Morocco, Merzouga, Morocco
  • Response Rate 100%

Insight Vacations

Insight Vacations

  • Address 33 Kern Road, Toronto, Canada
  • Response Rate 86%
  • Response Time 2 hours

Guided Morocco Tours

Guided Morocco Tours

  • Address Gueliz, Marrakech, Morocco


  • Address 38-51 Bedford Way, London, England
  • Response Rate 88%

Intrepid Travel

Intrepid Travel

  • Address 380 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Australia
  • Response Rate 90%

VPT Tours

  • Address Calle Ferraz, 3, Madrid, Spain
  • Response Rate 70%

World Expeditions

World Expeditions

  • Address 1B Osiers Road, Wandsworth, London, England
  • Response Rate 82%


  • Address Picquet House, St Peter Port, Guernsey, London, England

On The Go Tours

On The Go Tours

  • Address 3 Shortlands, 4th floor, Office 19, Hammersmith, England

Sirius Adventures

Sirius Adventures

  • Address 29 Rue Moulay al hassan , marrakech, Morocco

Fez Travel

  • Address Hocapasa Mah. Tayahatun Sokak No:3 Sukran Han 3rd Floor, Sirkeci, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Response Rate 71%

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Nomade Experiences è un’agenzia autorizzata dal Ministero del Turismo del Governo del Marocco, con protocollo N°37D/15 e con sede a Marrakech. Essere autorizzati dal Governo (avere quindi un numero di protocollo e non solo una semplice registrazione di società indicata con 'patente') vuol dire garantire la massima sicurezza al turista, perchè assicurati. Si consiglia di contattare i seguenti numeri per avere garanzie in merito, indicando il numero di protocollo:

Ente del Turismo del Marocco Milano + 39 02 5830 3633 Ministero del Turismo del Marocco Rabat + 212 0 537 577 800

Per chi cerca viaggi particolari e organizzati nei minimi dettagli, Nomade Experiences fa per voi! Siamo berberi locali e grandi conoscitori del Marocco in ogni suo angolo sia culturale che ambientale. Consultate anche le nostre offerte e escursioni da Marrakech! State per vivere un viaggio indimenticabile!


Se avete pochi giorni a disposizione potete scoprire il magico deserto acquistando in sicurezza sulla nostra pagina il vostro mini tour in Marocco.

Acquista online con PayPal o PayZone tour ed escursioni di gruppo:

Sono i soliti Tour in Marocco? E’ evidente che il percorso è lo stesso di altri tour operator, ma Nomade Experiences garantisce originalità, sicurezza, affidabilità, puntualità e divertimento e angoli nuovi da visitare!









C’é un grande marocco oltre alle cittá.

marocco mare tour operator



Cortile Riad

Il cuore del Riad è il suo cortile interno, caratterizzato da fontane, e giardino interno. Le camere si affacciano sul patio.

Terrazza Riad

I Riad sono dotati di terrazze sono meravigliosamente decorate, dove poter cenare o trascorrere una giornata in tranquillità osservando il panorama sui tetti della Medina.

Camera Riad

Il vero Riad è formato da 2 o 3 piani al massimo. La temperatura è ottima tutto l’anno grazie ai muri spessi. Tutte le stanze sono comunque dotate di climatizzatori.

Ristorante Riad

I Riad sono dotati di ristoranti che propongono ottimi piatti marocchini e prime colazioni servite con prodotti locali.




Stefano, Milano

Tour delle città imperiali, e poi deserto e mare ad Essaouira…un’esperienza meravigliosa grazie a Nomade Experiences! Si sono presi cura di noi sin dai primi contatti email e hanno assecondato tutte le nostre esigenze. Grazie!!!


Nina, Torino

Il nostro tour in Marocco è stata un’esperienza meravigliosa ed indimenticabile. É rimasta anche nel cuore di mia figlia di sei anni, che è stata coccolata da tutti e non dimentica nulla di quel viaggio stupendo.

kasbah marocco

Mattia, Milano

Un fantastico tour di tre giorni alla scoperta del Marocco dalle catene dell’atlante alla sabbia del Sahara! Una esperienza fantastica accompagnati dalla splendida guida Sufian! Un meraviglioso e simpaticissimo compagno di viaggio molto preparato e pronto a risolvere ogni problema e ogni necessità! Super consigliato!!!


Sandra, Bologna

Da pochi giorni rientrati dal deserto: esperienza indimenticabile. Da Marrakech siamo partiti per raggiungere Merzouga, il percorso è standard (Atlante per poi visitare Gole e valle del Dades, kasbah Ait Ben Haddou, arrivare a Rissani), ma ci siamo fermati in villaggi berberi dislocati qua e là tra le montagne. Abbiamo poi trascorso la notte nel deserto in un accampamento con tende dotate di servizi privati e doccia con acqua calda! Da rifare…grazie




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Prenota subito il Capodanno in Marocco

Cosa vuoi fare a Capodanno? Festeggia il Capodanno 2019 nell’incantevole Marrakech o nel magico deserto o in una autentica e antica kasbah.



Sono i soliti Tour in Marocco? É evidente che il percorso è lo stesso di altri tour operator, ma Nomade Experiences garantisce originalità, sicurezza perchè assicurati legalmente, affidabilità, puntualità e divertimento e angoli nuovi da visitare!

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The Best Tour Companies in Morocco

line of people riding camels through the desert

The undulating sand dunes. The camel rides. The hikes through the Atlas Mountains. The bustling medinas. The couscous-laced dishes. The seemingly endless mint tea. And, of course, the super friendly and welcoming people. Morocco will change and challenge you.

It can be sensory overload at times, but it’s well worth your time and money to get yourself to Morocco. I fell in love with it as soon as I arrived .

It’s not always easy to get around this country of 37 million people. For new travelers, Morocco’s up-close and personal nature can be a challenge. The country is a battery on your senses and, for those without a lot of travel experience, that can be overwhelming , which is why jumping on an organized tour might be one of the best ways to see it for the first time.

I myself went on a group tour in Morocco a number of years ago, and it was a blast and a great primer. If you’d like to travel in Morocco but are apprehensive at all (or simply want someone else to do all the organizing and guiding!), there a number of great travel companies that can take you around to all the greatest sites of this fantastic nation.

Here are some of the best tour companies in Morocco to help you plan your trip:

1. Intrepid

It’s always been my favorite multiday, small-group tour operator out there, and I always have an incredible time on its tours. I really love the guides, off-the-beaten-track itineraries, and commitment to the local community.

Intrepid also is environmentally friendly, uses local guides and transportation, and doesn’t rush the tours. The tours get a good mix of young and older travelers and balance being both fun and educational. You learn a lot without it feeling boring!

2. Culture Morocco Tours

This operator offers tours from various cities in Morocco. So, if you’re based in, say, Marrakech or Fes or Tangier or Casablanca, you can jump on a two-day or weeklong tour of another part of the country. There are also tours lasting up to 30 days, so chances are there’s an itinerary that suits your needs.

The company also offers private tours. While that might not be as cheap, you’ll be able to plan the trip exactly as you see fit. This is a great option for independent travelers who want the flexibility of designing their own excursion but the comfort and safety of going with a company.

3. Nomadic Tours

This company has been leading travelers around the sand dunes, narrow streets, medinas, and mosques of Morocco for close to two decades. One nice thing about Nomadic Tours is that it will never cancel the tour if enough people don’t sign up. Just two people? The tour is still on! It also doesn’t charge you a single supplement if you’re solo.

The company offers the usual highlight tours, but also ones aimed at teen travelers, families, and hikers (for example, there’s an 11-day trekking trip with Berbers in the Atlas Mountains). There are a dozen on offer, ranging from 5 to 15 days, using local guides.

4. Mountain Bike Morocco

This company only does bike tours: road bikes, mountain bikes, and e-bikes. Most are moderately challenging, so you’ll need to be in decent shape. However, you don’t need to be a professional cyclist — beginners are welcome!

Pedal through valleys in the mountains and stop in remote Berber villages to chat with the locals. Or do a nine-day bike excursion from the fabled Atlas Mountains to the coast. It also offers several single-day tours in case you just want to add in a day of biking to your existing itinerary. These day trips are easy or mildly difficult and suitable for beginners too.

5. TBA Escapes

My friend Kiersten from The Blonde Abroad created this bespoke tour company that organizes all-female tours around the globe. Their Morocco tour is incredibly popular and sells out every time. It includes a visit to the iconic Blue City of Chefchaouen, glamping in the desert, comfortable stays in local riads and hotels, and even a hot air balloon ride! If you’re a female traveler who wants to experience Morocco in style, this is the tour for you.

Everyone I know who has been to Morocco wants to go back. It’s just one of those countries that entices you , overwhelming your senses with its sprawling golden dunes and bustling, labyrinthine markets.

However, it can be a challenging place to visit — one that occasionally tests your patience — which is why visiting Morocco on a tour is a great option for new travelers.

Book Your Trip to Morocco: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Use Skyscanner to find a cheap flight. They are my favorite search engine because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the biggest inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • Safety Wing (for everyone below 70)
  • Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Looking for the Best Companies to Save Money With? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel too.

Want More Information on Morocco? Be sure to visit our robust destination guide on Morocco for even more tips on how to plan your visit!

Got a comment on this article? Join the conversation on Facebook , Instagram , or Twitter and share your thoughts!

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free.

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A narrow alleyway in a quiet market in Morocco, lined by small shops selling colorful wares

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Viaggi Dell' Elefante - Tour Operator

5 Proposte di viaggio

Esistono molte "afriche", tutte parimenti facenti parte di uno stesso destino storico.

La regione settentrionale, il Maghreb ("luogo del tramonto " in lingua berbera), quella che di certo sentiamo più vicina e affine alla nostra vocazione mediterranea, ci svela i tesori delle popolazioni locali, in scenari che vanno dalle grandi catene montuose (es. l'Atlante marocchino) a città da fiaba (come Marrakech), kasbah, oasi e dune nel deserto.

Il Marocco, ovvero "Regno Maghrebino", è lo Stato dell'Africa Settentrionale che si trova alla punta occidentale più estrema del mondo arabo denominata, appunto, Maghreb. E' bagnato dal Mar Mediterraneo e dallo Stretto di Gibilterra nella parte settentrionale, dall'Oceano Atlantico ad Ovest; confine, inoltre, a est con l'Alegeria e, a sud, con il Sahara Occidentale, ma, avendo rivendicato la sovranità su tale territorio, il Marocco si considera confinante a sud con la Mauritania. Esistono, inoltre, alcuni exclave spagnole.

L'anima del Marocco è antica, elegante e misteriosa; essa si sprigiona dalle tinte tenui degli orizzonti fatti di cime innevate, soffici deserti e palme sbiadite, dalle città ridenti dal passato tumultuoso e naif, dalle spiagge larghe, da kasbah incantevoli, dai fiori profumati e dalle tradizioni millenarie.

Il colore rosso della terra del Marocco che accende le tonalità delle mura che avvolgono la Medina, la città antica: è questo il primo colpo d’occhio che Marrakech, città calda, magica, quasi irreale, offre al visitatore. Ma dopo aver varcato una delle porte che conducono all’interno dell’antico fortilizio ci si trova subito immersi nell’Oriente africano. Marrakech ha un clima mite tutto l’anno e si presenta con due anime ben distinte: la medina, o città vecchia, e la ville nouvelle, o città nuova. Il punto centrale della medina è la grande Piazza Djemaa el Fnaa, il vero cuore della città. Altri punti di grande interesse sono il minareto della Koutoubia, il palazzo della Bahia e i vari souk.

Casablanca è la più grande città del Marocco, capitale commerciale e cuore pulsante ed economico del paese (circa 4 milioni di abitanti). Fondata dai portoghesi nel 1575 (Casa Branca), la città non offre particolari spunti storico-architettonici, ma si presenta come una metropoli essenzialmente moderna. Molto grande la medina vecchia e i suoi souk, ricchi di spunti folcloristici e botteghe di artigianato. La maggiore attrazione di Casablanca è la grande moschea di Hassan II, la terza più grande al mondo, dopo quelle della Mecca e di Medina in Arabia Saudita. Ultimata nel 1993, sorge in parte sull’oceano e può ospitare sino a 20.000 fedeli.

La capitale amministrativa del Marocco, Rabat, situata sulla costa atlantica del paese e sulle sponde del fiume Bouregreg, ha una storia architettonica e culturale lunga circa 8 secoli. Molti i siti di interesse storico: la kasbah degli Oudaia; la torre di Hassan; la necropoli di Chella; il Mausoleo di Mohamed V; la cinta di mura; i souk e la medina. Molte le iniziative culturali organizzate nel corso dell’anno e numerosi gli spazi e le strutture didattiche dedicate all’arte, alla musica e alla danza. La città ospita anche varie biblioteche, musei e gallerie di arte antica a contemporanea.

Fes, con quasi un milione di abitanti, fondata nell'anno 809, è la città imperiale più antica del Marocco, simbolo del paese per la ricchezza dei suoi monumenti. La città si divide in tre parti: Fes el-Bali (Fes vecchia), Fes el-Jdid (Fes nuova) e la Ville Nouvelle (realizzata dai francesi nel periodo coloniale). Fes el-Bali, cinta dalle mura originarie, è una delle città più intriganti del mondo arabo: entrarvi è come fare un salto indietro nel tempo, perdendosi tra un'infinità di passaggi, scale, cortili e un groviglio di vicoli costellati da botteghe. Fes el-Jdid, invece, costruita a partire dal 1276, è oggi il regno di mercanti di tappeti, incantatori di serpenti e artisti di strada.

Ouarzazate, cittadina relativamente giovane, fondata dai francesi negli anni ’20, si trova in una suggestiva posizione all’incrocio tra la Valle del Dades, la Valle di Draa e l’inizio del grande deserto del Sahara. I dintorni sono caratterizzati da ampie vallate, palmeti, colline e montagne attraversati da fiumi, preludio al deserto. Ma il tesoro più importante dalla regione sono le numerose kasbah arroccate su colline o al bordo di corsi d’acqua. La più famosa è quella di Ait Benhaddhou, ora patrimonio dell’Unesco, nota soprattutto per aver ospitato i set cinematografici di film famosi.

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10 Best Morocco Tour Operators 2024 [Unbiased & With Reviews]

10 best morocco tour operators 2024.

Are you planning to visit Morocco, but unsure which tour provider to select? Now, you no longer have to waste time searching the internet and filling out dozens of contact forms. Simply fill out ONE form, we’ll send it off to multiple tour providers and they’ll contact YOU! You’ll be able to compare rates and find the lowest cost tour for the most affordable trip abroad.

Get Free Quotes From 10 Best Morocco Tour Operators

Are you planning on taking a once-in-lifetime Morocco desert tour? Are you wondering what the best Morocco tours are? Are you looking for the highest rated, cheapest and most trusted Morocco tour operator to plan your trip?

Located in North Africa, Morocco is one of the most beautiful travel destinations of the world. As one of the only nations in Africa to have both Atlantic and Mediterranean coastlines, the country is not teeming with a number of stunning beaches but also has a vast terrain of mountains and deserts to explore. The cuisine, culture, heritage, architecture and people of Morocco make it one of the most sought-after and luxury-focused travel destinations of the world.

While touring Morocco is one of the most wonderful opportunities of a lifetime, it can get confusing when you start looking for the tours in Morocco. The minute you google tour operators in Morocco, hundreds of results pop up, all claiming to be as good as each other. Some however, are far from trustworthy – so how do you know which one to choose? Choosing the wrong tour company in Morocco have horrible consequences for your holiday.

That’s why we’re here to help. At TravellersQuest, we don’t want see choosing the wrong tour operator and potentially threatening the quality of your trip. We want you to find a reputable and safe local tour operator to organize your trip to Morocco. To save you time, we did the hard work for you. We spent thousands of hours researching, and finding the safest and best tours of Morocco for you.

In this article, we’ll present to you an unbiased selection of the 10 best Morocco tour operators of the world.

Table update Oct 9, 2023

Morocco Inspiring Tours

Morocco Inspiring Tours

Morocco Inspiring Tours  is a Morocco tour operator based in Marrakech. The company has a number of highly trained and local experts on the ground crafting one-of-a-kind tours in Morocco. The tour company excels in creating day trips and Morocco desert tours that can be tailored to suit the needs of individuals, couples, families and more.

Morocco Inspiring Tours can also organize company or corporate events in Marrakech. The company is highly rated and has been noted for its excellence not only by Trip Advisor but was also won the 2016 and 2017 Travel Awards by Viator.

Morocco Inspiring Tours Best Morocco Tour Packages

Day trip to atlas mountain 4 valley.

This is a fully guided, full-day walking and riding tour from Marrakech to the Atlas Mountains. Separating the Atlantic and Mediterranean coastlines from the Sahara Desert, the Atlas Mountains span across Northwestern Africa, through Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. You’ll be able to witness spectacular views and varied landscapes, with the chance to learn about the customs and culture of the Berber villages as you travel through.

Merzouga Sahara

Here you’ll have a chance to head to Merzouga, a small dusty town in eastern Morocco located on the edge of the beautiful Sahara Desert. Highlights of this 3-day Morocco desert tour include crossing the Atlas Mountains, reaching the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ksar of Ait-Ben-Haddou, visit a number of gorges such as Todra Gorges, enjoy camel rides, and more.

Morocco Inspiring Tours offers some other exciting package tours to Morocco, such as:

  • Day Trip To Atlas Mountains & 5 Valleys From Marrakech
  • Camel Ride Trip
  • 4 Days Desert Tour From Marrakech To Dunes Of Merzouga

Morocco Inspiring Tours Reviews

Morocco Inspiring Tours is a fabulous Morocco tour operator with a number of fantastic reviews. The Morocco tour reviews show that Morocco Inspiring Tours’ client satisfaction rate is excellent. Of the total of 2491 reviews made on Trip Advisor, 95% of the customers of Morocco Inspiring Tours rated the operator as excellent.

Couldn’t of asked for a better day from start to finish, we were greeted by the best tour guide anyone could of asked for in Ismail! STEVEN JACK M

Read all reviews of Morocco Inspiring Tours on TripAdvisor.

Morocco Desert Tour

Morocco Desert Tour

Morocco Desert Tour is indeed the best local Morocco tour agency specializing in tailor-made holidays and excursions in Morocco. They offer a range of services, including desert trekking and guided walks with overnight stays in nomad tents. Their tours are led by experienced local guides and drivers who are proficient in English, ensuring a unique and off-the-beaten-path experience for travelers.

They offer cultural tours to Morocco’s top attractions, from Marrakech to Fes via the Sahara Desert. Morocco Desert Tour has received recognition with a Certificate of Excellence and Travelers’ Choice Award on TripAdvisor, attesting to their high-quality services.

Morocco Desert Tour Best Morocco Tour Packages

Morocco Desert Tour presents a selection of enticing tour packages that showcase the best of Morocco. The “Morocco Desert Tours to Chefchaouen” offers a unique blend of culture and authenticity, allowing travelers to engage with nomadic communities, witness stunning desert sunrises and sunsets, and explore historic cities like Fes. This customizable journey can commence from Casablanca, ensuring it suits your preferences perfectly.

For those seeking a more condensed adventure, the “Three Days Trip Marrakech to Fes Desert Tours” covers essential Moroccan sights, from picturesque Ait Benhaddou to the majestic Erg Chebbi dunes, with sandboarding adventures along the way. The tour also includes visits to Midelt and Ifran, culminating in the enchanting city of Fez.

On the other hand, the “Classic Morocco 10 Days Tour” offers a comprehensive exploration of the country, unveiling its authentic and hidden gems. Starting from Casablanca Airport, it takes you on a captivating journey through cities like Rabat, Chefchaouen, and Meknes, as well as natural wonders like Todra Gorges and Dades Gorge, before concluding in vibrant Marrakech.

Morocco Desert Tour Reviews

Morocco Desert Tour is a highly esteemed tour company in Morocco, consistently ranking as the top choice among travelers. They hold the prestigious #1 ranking out of 145 Tours & Activities in Ouarzazate, Morocco. With an impressive 1,628 glowing reviews, they have garnered widespread acclaim from satisfied customers and have received multiple awards and recognition.

Elabdellaoui is an excellent businessman! He was always so quick to respond our questions and very flexible to our last minute tour adjustments. Uçman T

Read all reviews of Morocco Desert Tours on TripAdvisor.

Premium Transfers & Tours

Premium Transfers & Tours

Premium Transfers & Tours is a highly-rated tour operator and transportation service provider based in Casablanca, Morocco. They offer a wide range of services designed to meet the needs of travelers, including airport transfers, chauffeured car hire, day trips, guided tours, and more. Their team of background-checked chauffeurs and local guides provides a safe and knowledgeable experience for visitors.

They emphasize convenience, affordability, and efficiency, offering a fleet of well-equipped vehicles and personalized services. Premium Transfers & Tours prides itself on competitive pricing without compromising quality and has built professional partnerships to ensure the success of their clients’ travel experiences in Morocco.

Premium Transfers & Tours Best Morocco Tour Packages

Premium Transfers & Tours presents an enticing array of Morocco tour packages that promise enriching experiences. In the “FEZ Private Day Trip from Casablanca,” you are transported to the enchanting Middle Ages of Fez. You can wander through its labyrinthine alleys, absorb the vibrant atmosphere, and explore historical landmarks such as Bouanania and Attarine medersas.

For those seeking a deeper understanding of Moroccan culture, the “Marrakech Guided City Tour with High Atlas Mountain” offers an extraordinary journey. It combines a comprehensive exploration of Marrakech’s iconic sites, including Koutoubia Mosque and Bahia Palace, with an excursion into the High Atlas Mountains. This immersive experience delves into local traditions through craftsmen’s workshops and visits to Berber houses and families.

Additionally, the “Casablanca City Tour” introduces travelers to Morocco’s largest city and economic center, Casablanca. You can explore iconic landmarks such as the awe-inspiring Hassan II Mosque, the scenic Ain Diab Corniche, and the charming walled city. The tour also includes culinary adventures at the local food market.

Premium Transfers & Tours Reviews

Premium Transfers & Tours is highly regarded as the top choice for transfer and tour services in Morocco. With an impressive 2,131 amazing reviews, they have earned a reputation for excellence among travelers. Their ranking as #2 out of 206 Transportation and tours in Casablanca, Morocco, further underscores their quality services. Premium Transfers & Tours has also received several awards and recognitions from TripAdvisor.

Zouhair took us on a half-day tour of Casa. We had a blast! He is a hoot, speaks impeccable English, and was very patient with us. MarieColorado

Read all reviews of Premium Transfers & Tours on TripAdvisor.

Palma Quad

Palma Quad is a prominent Morocco tour operator founded by Rachid Jabbar, a passionate local traveler. They focus on providing authentic, responsible, and well-organized experiences in Essaouira, emphasizing the balance between safety and adventure. Palma Quad ensures that travelers are both safe and comfortable during their tours, even if they are beginners, by providing training and instructions.

The company invests in high-quality quad bikes and equipment, primarily Yamaha Grizzly, suitable for the local terrain. All equipment is meticulously maintained for reliability and comfort, and the quad bikes are fully automatic for ease of handling. With over 15 years of experience, Palma Quad has earned a solid reputation for outstanding tour services and boasts a 100% satisfaction rate. Their professional team undergoes continuous training to ensure excellent service and expertise in their respective roles.

Palma Quad Best Morocco Tour Packages

Palma Quad offers a collection of captivating Morocco tour packages, showcasing the natural beauty and coastal charm of Essaouira. The “6H Quad Tour” is an exciting escape from urban life. As you journey through sand dunes, argan forests, wild beaches, and picturesque fishing villages, you’ll experience the unique essence of Essaouira. The tour also includes a visit to Sidi Kaouki village and a delicious Moroccan lunch at a local restaurant.

For those seeking a memorable sunset experience, the “Quad Bike Sunset Tour” is an excellent choice. It combines the thrill of quad biking through Essaouira’s countryside with the opportunity to witness a breathtaking sunset at a scenic spot along the Atlantic coast.

The “Camel Ride: Sunset Photo Shoot Tour” offered by Palma Quad delivers an authentic and enchanting experience on the magnificent beaches of Essaouira. As you ride camel along the beach beside the Atlantic Ocean, ascending gentle sand dunes, you’ll be captivated by the mesmerizing colors of the sunset. A dedicated photographer accompanies you, expertly capturing the various moments of your camel ride.

Palma Quad Reviews

Palma Quad is undoubtedly one of the top-rated tour companies in Morocco. With an impressive 1,508 excellent reviews, they have earned the trust and admiration of travelers. Their remarkable ranking as #1 out of 152 Tours & Activities in Essaouira, Morocco, underscores their exceptional services. Palma Quad boasts a 5-star client satisfaction rating.

Went as a family of 5, with three grown up boys aged 16-20. Everyone really enjoyed the trip. Would recommend! Tony A

Read all reviews of Palma Quad on TripAdvisor.

Desert Dream

Desert Dream

Desert Dream is a top-rated Moroccan tour company based in Ouarzazate, specializing in personalized tours tailored to your interests and budget. They offer a variety of experiences, from desert adventures like camel treks and hiking to cultural excursions and luxury desert camps. Their friendly, multilingual guides have extensive experience in the Sahara and southern Morocco. Desert Dream also provides 24/7 door-to-door service with comfortable vehicles to meet your travel needs, ensuring a hassle-free and unforgettable Moroccan vacation.

Desert Dream Best Morocco Tour Packages

Desert Dream’s Morocco tour packages offer a range of unforgettable experiences. Their Camel Trek takes you on a mesmerizing journey through the Moroccan Sahara Desert. You’ll witness stunning sand dunes, serene sunsets, and star-filled nights while savoring local dishes prepared by knowledgeable guides.

The Little 3 Days Discovery tour unveils Morocco’s diverse landscapes, starting from Marrakesh and traversing the High Atlas Mountains. Highlights include the famous Ait Ben Haddou Kasbah, the Dades gorges, and a night in a charming riad. You’ll also explore the Todra gorges, ride camels in the spectacular Erg Chebbi dunes, and experience sunrise at the desert camp.

For a refreshing natural experience, the Ouzoud Waterfalls Tour is a delightful escape. Just a few hours from Marrakech, you’ll discover waterfalls cascading into picturesque pools in the Atlas Mountains. This enchanting spot is also home to Barbary apes and various bird species, providing a unique and unexpected encounter with nature.

Desert Dream Reviews

I highly recommend Desert Dream for a custom tour. The private tour created for me and my 3 friends was definitely a desert dream of a lifetime. Sylvia h

Read all reviews of Desert Dream Tours on TripAdvisor.

Desert Majesty

Desert Majesty

Desert Majesty is a highly reputed Moroccan tour company based in Marrakech. The company is authorized and licensed by Morocco’s tourism authority. They specialize in organizing luxurious holidays, tailor-made tours, tourist activities, and excursions that aim to exceed travelers’ expectations. Their team of passionate travel specialists creates customized journeys based on individual interests and schedules.

Their tours cater to a diverse range of clients, including families, couples, VIPs, and corporate groups. Desert Majesty ensures the best online prices, easy booking processes, and offers free cancellations for added convenience and peace of mind, making them a trusted choice for unforgettable Moroccan experiences.

Desert Majesty Best Morocco Tour Packages

Desert Majesty offers a unique and romantic honeymoon tour to Erg Chegaga in the Sahara Desert. This tour is designed for couples seeking a memorable and intimate experience in one of Morocco’s most breathtaking natural landscapes.  

The “Little Majesty Zagora Desert and Dunes Tour” by Desert Majesty provides a brief but immersive journey through the desert landscapes around Zagora, allowing travelers to experience the beauty of the Sahara’s dunes and the charm of desert life.

The “Marrakech to Fes Desert Tour 5 Days” offers an extended adventure across Morocco’s desert terrain. Over five days, this tour takes you from the vibrant city of Marrakech through the Sahara Desert, showcasing the diverse landscapes and cultural richness of the region, with highlights including desert camps, camel rides, and historic cities.

Desert Majesty Reviews

Desert Majesty has garnered an impressive reputation with 1084 rave reviews from satisfied travelers. Their ranking as #2 out of 98 Outdoor Activities in Morocco, highlights their popularity and the quality of their services. They are widely recognized as a top-rated Moroccan tour and travel agency.

We did a couple’s trip for 4 days from Marrakech to Agadir and we had THE best vacation of our lives. Everything was perfect… Lucas D

Read all reviews of Attractive Tours on TripAdvisor.

Marrakech Tour Guide

Marrakech Tour Guide

Marrakech Tour Guide , established in 2010 by Youssef Kharroubi,  is one of the top Morocco tour providers. The company has earned a strong reputation for crafting themed trips. Comprising a team of dedicated tourism professionals, they are committed to delivering high-quality itineraries filled with history, meaningful encounters, discoveries, and spirituality.

Since inception, Marrakech Tour Guide has built a network of knowledgeable speakers and correspondents in various countries, chosen for their passion and reliability. These partnerships ensure successful and secure journeys. Their team includes guides and companions, each with a unique background, ranging from academics and journalists to musicians and experts in various fields, all passionate about providing exceptional travel experiences.

Marrakech Tour Guide Best Morocco Tour Packages

Marrakech Tour Guide offers a range of captivating Morocco tour packages. Their Full Day Tour provides an immersive exploration of Marrakech’s cultural and historical gems, including iconic sites like the Koutoubia Minaret, Saadian Tombs, Private Museum of Marrakech, and the splendid Bahia Palace. This comprehensive tour offers a deep dive into the city’s rich history, architecture, and artistry.

For those looking to experience the enchantment of Marrakech after dark, the Marrakech Night Tour is a 2-3 hour guided walking adventure through Djemaa el Fna square. Here, you’ll encounter snake charmers, fortune tellers, water vendors, and the vibrant energy of the city’s nightlife.

Additionally, the Shopping Tour Marrakech allows you to explore the city’s bustling bazaars, renowned as a shopper’s paradise. Starting from the Sammarine area, you’ll delve into the heart of the souks, discovering a wide array of items such as lamps, glassware, rugs, jewelry, and more. Witness artisans at work in their workshops and receive expert guidance from your licensed guide to find the best deals.

Marrakech Tour Guide Reviews

Marrakech Tour Guide boasts an impressive track record with 1,073 excellent reviews and a perfect 5-star client satisfaction rate. Their ranking as #1 out of 355 Shopping and tours in Marrakech highlights their exceptional services and reputation as the top choice for guided tours in the country.

Friendly, knowledgeable, and super informative — Youssef led a fantastic and insightful stroll around the souq of Marrakech that brought the city, its history, culture, and traditions to life. BabsCabs

Read all reviews of Marrakech Tour Guide on TripAdvisor.

Toubkal Guide

Toubkal Guide  is a Morocco tour operator and travel agency that specializes in planning and organizing trips to Morocco. Apt at organizing Morocco holidays, the company is able to tailor-make travel itineraries in accordance with its customers’ needs and preferences.

The company’s guides are local and can speak many languages such as Spanish, English, Italian, French and Portuguese.  Its tour packages are known to provide some of the best Morocco tour prices for a quality service.

Toubkal Guide’s Best Morocco tour packages

Toubkal treks.

This trek can vary from just a 2-day Toubkal trek to 8-day trek. Your trek begins from the stunning vista of Imlil and follows an easy hike to the village of Aroumd. After, you will walk through the tiny settlement of Sidi Chamharouch, Isougouane valley, awe-inspiring streams and breathtaking landscapes.

Sahara Trips

Sahara Trips is yet another amazing trip offered by this company, which range from 2 days to 8 days. The trip allows you to explore and experience the beautiful sand dunes of the desert, amazing camel rides and life-changing sunsets.

Indeed, Joining Toubkal guides Sahara Desert adventure package will be once in a life-time adventure for you! This will give you a true picture of the Morocco’s natural beauty, and how humans have been surviving and flourishing there.

Toubkal Guide offers some other exciting tours, such as:

  • Morocco Excursions
  • Highlights of Morocco Tour

Toubkal Guide Reviews

Toubkal Guide is a good Morocco tour operator with a number of reviews. The Morocco tour reviews show that Toubkal Guide’s client satisfaction rate is excellent. Of the total of 1269 reviews made on Trip Advisor, 100% of the customers of Toubkal Guide rated the operator as excellent.

What an amazing trip! Everything was taken care of and done in a professional manner. It was a long trip for sure, but it was made easier…Sean M

Read all reviews of Toubkal Guide on TripAdvisor.

Maroc Expedition Travel

Maroc Expedition Travel

Maroc Expedition Travel  is a Morocco tour operator based in Marrakech offering a varied range of private cultural holidays and day trips that can be tailor-made to suit the needs of singles, couples, and small groups. The company was noted for its excellence multiple times by Trip Advisor.

With a team of expert travel consultants equipped with local know-how planning tours of Morocco, the company is apt at crafting one-of-a-kind itineraries that bring into play authenticity and exploration while simultaneously respecting local customs and the environment. All the Morocco tour guides are local and can speak many languages such as English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and Berber.

Maroc Expedition Travel Best Morocco Tour Packages

Marrakech guided city tour in half-day.

This Morocco-guided tour is perfect for those wanting to learn more about the history of Marrakech. Starting off in the famous square of Djemaa el Fna, you’ll walk through the important sights of Medina, the oldest parts of Marrakech.

Highlight monuments are Koutoubia Mosque, Saadian Tombs, Bahia Palace. You’ll then reach the souks (markets) to discover all sorts of hand-crafted wonders to buy. Your local guide is authorized by the ministry of tourism so don’t forget to ask them for a few tips on how to make your stay even more amazing.

Marrakech Palm Grove Camel Ride with Tea Break

This is a must-try experience for the whole family where people of all ages can join, featuring a camel ride through the tranquil palm groves of Marrakech and a tea break too. 

You’ll have a scenic ride and cross through dry areas and rivers as well as local villages. You may also get the chance to dress up in the traditional costumes of the Touareg people.

Maroc Expedition Travel offers some other exciting around Morocco tours, such as:

  • Ouzoud Waterfalls Day Trip from Marrakech
  • Essaouira Day Trip from Marrakech

Maroc Expedition Travel Reviews

Maroc Expedition Travel is a reputable Morocco tour operator with a number of glowing reviews. The Morocco tour reviews show that out of the total of 1053 reviews made on Trip Advisor, 98% of the customers rated the operator as excellent.

The best tour/vacation company I have ever experienced, Bravo! If you have never been to Morocco, I recommend you go, and make sure you use Maroc Expedition Travel. debs020764

Read all reviews of Marco Expedition Travel on TripAdvisor.

Sahara Luxury Trips

Sahara Luxury Trips

Sahara Luxury trips is a Morocco tour operator based in Marrakech offering a varied range of private  Sahara and luxury holidays and trips  that can be tailor-made to suit the needs of singles, couples, and small groups. The company was noted for its excellence by Trip Advisor.

The team is highly of local experts are extremely experienced in tourism who offers customized tours around Morocco that guarantee comfort, safety and enjoyment. Simply choose the cities or places you wish to explore and Sahara Luxury Trips will organize you a unique route. All the Morocco tour guides are local and can speak many languages such as English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and Berber.

Sahara Luxury Trips Best Morocco Tour Packages

7 days from fez to marrakech via the desert.

This tour is perfect for those staying in Fez who have 7 days to spare. Start off by exploring the mysteries of the city of Fez before heading to the Moroccan Switzerland known as Ifrane, traveling through Midelt, a national park known for its famous monkeys.

While sleeping under stars and in charming riads along the way, other highlights of this tour include the Ziz Valley, visits to the Berber villages, visit the nomads and panoramas of the Erg Chebbi desert, sunrise over sand dunes in Merzouga, treks through caves and more before you end up in Marrakech.

Discovery 15 Days of Morocco

This special Morocco tour package is perfect for those with a longer period of time to spend exploring Morocco. With nights spent in charming riads, hotels, and sleeping under the stars, each day focuses on specific highlights which gives visitors more time to explore.

From Tanger, stops include a visit to the “Spanish city” of Tetouan, Chefchaouen, Chauen, Casablanca, Rabat, Meknes, Fez, Midelt, Ziz Valley, Erg Chebbi, Merzouga, Khemliya, Ouzina, Dades Valley, High Atlas Mountains, Essaouira and more. The perfect way to truly see all the sights of Morocco.

Sahara Luxury trips offer some other exciting around Morocco tours, such as:

  • 9 Days Imperial Cities
  • Morocco 8 Days From North To South

Sahara Luxury Trips Reviews

Sahara Luxury trips is a growing Morocco tour operator with a number of rave reviews. The Morocco tour reviews show that Sahara Luxury trips’ client satisfaction rate is excellent and near perfect. Of the total of 434 reviews made on Trip Advisor, 99 % of the customers of Sahara Luxury trips rated the operator as excellent.

Rachid was very attentive. He knew how to make us want to come back very quickly. What a road trip! Thank you for everything! Nadir B

Read all reviews of Sahara Luxury Trips on TripAdvisor.

Absolutely! A trip to the Sahara Desert in Morocco is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The vast sand dunes, breathtaking landscapes, and the opportunity to camp under a star-filled sky make it truly worth the journey.

You can experience the desert in various regions of Morocco, with the most famous being the Sahara Desert in the southeast. Other desert areas include the Agafay Desert near Marrakech and the arid landscapes of the southern regions like Zagora and Merzouga.

The cost of a trip to Morocco can vary widely depending on your travel style and duration. On average, a mid-range traveler can expect to spend around $100 to $150 per day, which typically covers expenses such as meals, accommodation, and activities. Luxury travelers may incur higher costs, while budget-conscious travelers can often find more affordable options.

To get a comprehensive experience of Morocco, a 10 to 14-day trip is ideal. This allows you to explore the diverse landscapes, historical sites, and vibrant cities at a relaxed pace. However, shorter trips are also possible if you have specific destinations in mind.

To make the most of a 7-day trip to Morocco, focus on key destinations like Marrakech, Fes, the Sahara Desert, and the Atlas Mountains. Prioritize your must-see attractions and be prepared for a fast-paced adventure.

The best time to visit Morocco is during the spring (March to May) and fall (September to November) when the weather is pleasant for exploring. Avoid the scorching heat of summer and be prepared for cooler temperatures in the winter, especially in the mountainous regions.

Morocco is generally considered safe for travelers. However, it’s essential to stay informed about any travel advisories and follow local guidelines. Exercise the usual precautions like safeguarding your belongings and being aware of your surroundings.

Yes, Morocco is known for its hospitality and friendliness towards tourists. Locals are generally welcoming and eager to share their culture with visitors. Engaging with the local community can enhance your travel experience.

Mare Marocco

Per le tue prossime vacanze scegli.

Il Marocco è una terra affascinante e ricca di tradizioni millenarie, ma è anche la destinazione perfetta per una vacanza al mare. La costa del Marocco vanta molte località bellissime, capaci di incantare i viaggiatori con le loro spiagge, il mare turchese e la cultura affascinante. In Marocco sono tante le spiagge e le località costiere dove ci si può abbronzare, fare lunghe passeggiate e godersi i ritmi tradizionali del paese. È davvero piacevole rilassarsi distesi sulla sabbia fine e lasciarsi accarezzare dalla brezza marina.Date un’occhiata ai tour che vi proponiamo per scoprire il piu’ adatto ai vostri gusti!

Per una vacanza al mare scegli

La costa atlantica del marocco.

Quando pensiamo a un viaggio in Marocco ci vengono in mente le esotiche Città Imperiali, il deserto, le montagne dell’Atlante e le sue magnifiche Kasbah. Ma questo paese conserva anche splendidi litorali, composti da lunghe spiagge e un mare adatto ad ogni tipo di esigenza. Tra scenari mediterranei a quelli più aridi o prettamente desertici, siamo sicuri che troverete località perfette per le vostre vacanze in Marocco al mare. Mare Marocco:  le migliori spiagge e resort del Marocco.

Mare Marocco – EL JADIDA: elegante e raffinata

dal 2004 patrimonio dell’Umanità, El Jadida è una antica città portoghese, durante il periodo dal 1506 fino al 1769, i portoghesi la edificarono inizialmente con cinque bastioni. Oggi ne rimangono solo quattro, famosi tra essi il bastione dell’Angelo, da cui si gode una splendida vista sulla città e il bastione San Sebastiano che conserva un’inquietante cappella dell’Inquisizione.

Mare Marocco – EL GZIRA: una delle 10 spiagge piú belle del Marocco

El Gezira è un posto che non si dimentica facilmente, sabbia dorata che si confonde con le rocce color ocra. I massi, scolpiti dall’azione dell’Oceano Atlantico, hanno la forma di  tre gigateschi archi che si affacciano sulla spiaggia. Una delle 10 spiaggie piu’ belle al mondo.

Mare Marocco – ESSAOUIRA: tra mare e charme

quattro chilometri di sabbia finissima, che costeggia l’oceano. Oltre a godersi il relax e il mare, a Essaouira si possono fare anche numerosi sport acquatici ed escursioni nell’entroterra, tra natura e cultura. Essaouira è stata fondata da mercanti cartaginesi in un luogo abitato da popolazioni berbere e fu trasformata in uno scalo commerciale importante.

Mare Marocco – AGADIR: 10 km di spiaggia

mare calmo, fondale pieno di pesci variopinti e colorati, clima caldo e sabbia a tratti scura a tratti fine e bianca. Le spiagge di Agadir si estendono per oltre dieci chilometri, lungo i quali potrete scegliere tra fare windsurf, moto d’acqua o quad, o stare tranquilli al sole o ancora visitare la spiaggia a dorso di un cammello o a dorso di un cavallo.

Mare Marocco

Vacanze Mare Marocco

Se il Marocco è la meta delle vostre vacanze, allora preparatevi all’incontro con un mare dai riflessi vivaci e dalle acque trasparenti. La natura qui si è divertita a costruire un paesaggio adornato di colori spettacolari in un’atmosfera assolutamente magica. Seguiteci alla scoperta delle spiagge del Marocco che si trovano sulla costa atlantica e che diventeranno le protagoniste della vostra estate al mare. Anche al nord, a Tangeri si trovano numerose attrazioni turistiche che meritano almeno una visita. Tra i luoghi più suggestivi ci sono le Grotte d’Hercules : dal nome del luogo già possiamo percepire i collegamenti mitologici che arricchiscono di suggestione questo posto. In questa zona sono presenti diverse spiagge tra le più apprezzate dai vacanzieri, dal momento che risultano molto affollate nei mesi di luglio e agosto. Rispetto alla costa che affaccia sul Mediterraneo, qui l’acqua risulta più fredda. Da non perdere è il tramonto visto dalla succitata finestra presente nella grotta.

Mare Marocco, Itinerari per

Le tue vacanze al mare.

Mare Marocco

Costa Atlantica

Mare Marocco

Mare e deserto

Mare Marocco

Mare e Città Imperiali

Tour operator locale.

con più di 10 anni di esperienza nel turismo


marocco mare tour operator


  • Sahara Express
  • Mare da Sogno
  • La città blu
  • Deserto e kasbahs
  • Marocco All in One
  • Itinerari su misura
  • Desert Camp
  • Turismo responsabile
  • Marrakech YOGA


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Best Morocco Tour Companies

Search 125 Morocco tour operators and travel companies, with 1,637 reviews.


Featured Morocco Trips

Exodus Travels

Exodus Travels

Health Safety +

All Morocco Tour Companies

Morocco tour companies range from global operators to boutique and local operators. Tours in Morocco often focus on history, cuisine, and cultural immersion. Choose the best Morocco tour company for your style and budget.


G Adventures

Intrepid Travel

Intrepid Travel


Insight Vacations


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Health Safety


Project Expedition

Charlie The Traveler

Charlie The Traveler


Morocco Private Expert

DesertBrise Travel

DesertBrise Travel

Travel Talk

Travel Talk

SITA World Tours

SITA World Tours

Travel for All

Travel for All

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marocco mare tour operator

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Morocco Reviews & Ratings

Trusted Customer

Best of Morocco

This tour was very large, 42 people and at times I feel like I didn't get as much care as I would I'm a smaller group. It was unusual. 1. I didn't like how Trafalga...

Dolores V. Kaneshiro

The tour guide is outstanding and the history of the Moroccan people is fascinating, however the toured places are too far apart, making it hard for older passengers...

Did not appreciate that bags had to be packed and in the hallway by 6:30AM and we needed to be on the bus by 7:30AM. After 13 hours of flight time getting to Morocc...

Christopher Tyree

Trafalgar did it again! We thoroughly enjoyed our tour of Morocco. When traveling through the various parts of the itinerary we were shocked at the amount of varia...

See all Morocco reviews

What to Look for When Reading Tour Company Reviews

Related Trips and Tours

Trip planning.

marocco mare tour operator

  • Morocco Tours
  • Traveling to Morocco from the USA
  • Traveling to Morocco from Australia
  • Traveling to Morocco from Canada
  • Sahara Desert
  • Camel Riding Marrakech
  • Golf Courses in Morocco
  • Quad Biking
  • Horse and Carriage Rides in Marrakech
  • Cookery Classes in Morocco
  • A Closer Look At Marrakesh
  • Why Everyone Loves Morocco
  • Things To Know Before Travelling To Morocco
  • Trekking in Morocco’s Atlas Mountains
  • What is MICE?

Call us for any Query (052) 431-0798

Morocco Tour Agency

Holidays in Morocco

Exploring morocco travel – your dream vacation awaits.

Morocco is renowned the world over for its alluring all-natural beauty, barren landscapes and the beautiful Sahara Desert, as well as breathtaking beaches running along the coastal cities of Agadir, Asilah and Essaouira.

There’s just so much to do like trekking in Morocco, camel riding in the Sahara, exploring the ancient and mysterious Arabic culture, spending a few nights in the gorgeous Dades Valley, and much more.

Our private Morocco tours agency has been offering the best package holidays in Morocco for well over 8 years. Give us a call or write to us, and book your private Morocco tour today.

Why choose us as your Tour Operators in Morocco?

  • At Exploring Morocco Travel, we’ve been serving tourists all over the world with a range of  private Morocco tours  and  package holidays in Morocco . Over the years, we have earned our customers’ confidence and loyalty, making us the best tour operators to Morocco.
  • We’re among the selected few travel agencies in Morocco that looks forward to and loves offering unique Morocco touring opportunities to groups, individuals, Mice and more.
  • With a dedicated 24-hour customer support line, travelers can have assistance no matter where they are around the globe. Whether they need to sort out hotel booking or car rental concerns or arrange ‘short notice’ tours, we are always happy to help.
  • We are the preferred tour operators in Morocco – providing the highest quality  Morocco tour  standards, as well as luxury hotel stays at unbeatable prices.
  • Our professional and friendly private Morocco tour guides love taking care of every traveler like their own family. Our drivers are also well-trained, insured and licensed to offer the safest, most comfortable ride during your Morocco tour.

marocco mare tour operator

Morocco Tour Operators

Best morocco tours, explore morocco tours, morocco travel package.

marocco mare tour operator

Morocco Travel Tours

Morocco private tours, great vibes, friendly folks, alluring locales and unbelievable food – book today and explore morocco in a dreamy way.

private Morocco tours

Private Morocco Tours and Affordable Package Holidays in Morocco

Are you ready to explore Morocco on a solo tour or perhaps thinking about taking private Morocco tours with the family? We offer the best package holidays in Morocco here at Exploring Morocco Travel to wholeheartedly meet your travel desires and fantasies. With so many travel agencies in Morocco to choose from, it can be daunting to find the  best tour operators to Morocco  – someone who will offer you lots of value for money while also showcasing the true beauty and adventure that lies in Morocco. At Exploring Morocco Travel, we guarantee a fun, exciting, stress-free and affordable private Morocco tours experience. No need to take a chance on just any Morocco desert tours agency or trekking in Morocco packages where you’re not sure if you’ll get your money’s worth. We are  tour operators in Morocco  who offer 100% price transparency and stay true to our promise of delivering Morocco tours like you’ve always dreamed. We’re among the few  premier travel agencies in Morocco  that provide a highly professional service, helping you bypass all the typical hassles associated with taking tours in a foreign land. We value your comfort and privacy, and go to unimaginable lengths to ensure that your private Morocco tour goes smoothly from start to finish.

Tour Operator Or Travel Agency

Our package holidays in morocco – no. 1 choice for tourists worldwide.

By relying on our tour operators in Morocco, you can easily save 50% on your vacation budget – savings that you simply can’t enjoy when working with other travel agencies in Morocco. We truly care about your travel experience and do everything possible to offer the most unbeatable prices. From accommodation to car rentals and sightseeing to the best food spots and return tickets – we’ll take care of it all for you. Here are more reasons to choose us when taking Morocco tours:

  • Super-fast and 100% secure payment options
  • Completely transparent pricing – no extra charges or hidden fees whatsoever
  • The safest and most secure way to explore Morocco
  • Expert travel guidance from the best tour operators to Morocco
  • Full arrangements for food & drinks, accommodation, travelling and entertainment
  • Exclusive Sahara Desert sightseeing and trekking tour
  • Straightforward application process
  • The friendliest and most professional team of tour operators in Morocco you’ll ever meet
  • 24/7 customer support and travel assistance
  • Easy ticket booking process for flights and local events
  • Unmatched privacy and security
  • Unforgettable private Morocco touring experience overall

Book the most amazing Morocco Tours today

With the best tour operators in Morocco guiding you every step of the way, we guarantee an experience of a lifetime. Our extensive experience in providing Morocco tours to folks flying in from all parts of the world means that you are in for an exciting and adventurous ride that dreams are made of. Our experienced tour operators in Morocco are dedicated to helping you get the most out of your package holidays in Morocco – from all the shopping, entertainment and leisure activities to  sight-seeing in the Sahara , trekking in Morocco, booking tickets for local shows, and much more. Come on board and be prepared to experience the best private Morocco tours and an adventure of a lifetime – with fond memories to share with all your friends and family for years to come.

WhatsApp us now!

Morocco Travel Agaency

Morocco Tour Operator

Morocco tour operator - unraveling the magic of north africa.

Welcome to our Morocco travel agency, your leading tour operator in Morocco, dedicated to creating unforgettable experiences in the enchanting land of Morocco. With a deep passion for travel and a commitment to exceptional service, we are here to take you on a journey of discovery, cultural immersion and adventure.

Who we are:

At our travel agency in Morocco, we are more than just a tour operator – we are your travel partners. With years of experience and a deep knowledge of Morocco, we specialize in creating bespoke itineraries that suit your interests, preferences and budget. Our team of passionate travel experts are dedicated to sharing the beauty, history and diversity of Morocco with you.

And our services:

1. personalized tours in morocco :.

Explore Morocco your way with our customized tour packages. Whether you are interested in the bustling medinas of Marrakech, the tranquility of the Sahara desert or the coastal charm of Essaouira, we design tours that reflect your unique travel style.

2. Cultural Immersion:

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Moroccan culture. Our itineraries include visits to historic sites, interactions with local artisans, traditional music and dance performances, and authentic culinary experiences.

3. Morocco desert adventures:

Embark on an unforgettable journey to the heart of the Sahara Desert. Camp under a blanket of stars, ride camels over the dunes, and witness breathtaking sunrises and sunsets over the sand.

4. City Experiences:

From the bustling souks of Marrakech to the blue streets of Chefchaouen, our city experiences capture the essence of each destination. Discover hidden gems, architectural wonders and a vibrant local life.

5. Accommodation and Transportation:

Rest assured that your comfort is our priority. We handpick accommodations ranging from luxurious riads to charming boutique hotels. Our reliable transportation ensures seamless travel during your trip.

Why choose us:

1. local expertise:.

Our team is made up of locals who know Morocco inside out. This insider knowledge ensures an authentic and insightful experience.

2. Personalized Attention:

We understand that no two travelers are the same. Our dedicated travel experts work closely with you to curate a trip that is in line with your interests and desires.

3. Outstanding Guides:

Our expert guides are passionate storytellers who bring Morocco’s history, culture and landscapes to life, making your trip both educational and captivating.

4. Commitment to Sustainability:

We are committed to responsible tourism and actively contribute to the conservation of Morocco’s natural and cultural heritage.

Contact us:

Ready to embark on your Moroccan adventure? Get in touch with us today to start planning the trip of your dreams. If you have any questions or are ready to book, our team is here to assist you every step of the way.

travel operator from Marrakech Morocco


4-Day Tour from Marrakech to the Merzouga Desert

A tour that will take you from your hotel in Marrakech and introduce you to the desert, villages and mountainous regions of the great Moroccan Sahara.

tour di lusso nel deserto del marocco

3-Day Marrakech to Fes Desert Tour

3-day tour from Marrakech to the Fes desert with 2 nights (first night in Boumalne Du Dades or nearby in a hotel and second night in a camp in the Sahara desert).

zakariae daoui I2YeucCFOmw unsplash

1 Day Trip from Marrakech to Casablanca

This day trip from Marrakech to Casablanca reveals the charm of Morocco’s most cosmopolitan city....

travel operator from Fes Morocco


3-Day Morocco Desert Tour from Fez to Marrakech

This 3-day desert tour from Fez to Marrakech, Morocco takes you through the Middle Atlas, the Sahara Desert, the Todra Gorges, Ouarzazate

viaggi da fotografare-Marocco-Chefchaouen

6-Day Cultural Tour from Fes to the North and Imperial Cities

During this tour of the private and northern imperial cities from Fez, you will explore the three imperial cities of Morocco, from Fez to Meknes and Rabat, exploring the pearls of Chefchaouen North and Tangier.

viaggio ouarzazate

4-Day Desert Tour from Fes to Marrakech

The 4-day desert tour from Fes to Marrakech through the dunes of Erg Chebbi to Merzouga is highly recommended. The tour includes 2 nights in the Sahara desert,

Morocco Camel Trekking in Merzouga

  • Desert of Morocco

Morocco Camel Trekking in Merzouga



How cloudy is Merzouga in April

  • Questions and answers

How cloudy is Merzouga in April

Tips for driving in Morocco

  • Morocco Travel Guide

Tips for driving in Morocco

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Crea tu viaggio su misura con un, tour operator locale.


I nostri Tour: le Città Imperiali, il Gran Sud del Marocco, la Costa Atlantica, il deserto.


Tu tour personalizado con un tour operator locale ​


La garanzia 100% di un viaggio organizzato su misura




I tuoi esperti in loco.

MaroccoAdventure ti fara' vivere delle esperienze di viaggio uniche. Ma non solo, MaroccoAdventure è anche una comunità di migliaia di viaggiatori che contribuiscono ogni giorno a valutare le loro prestazioni in loco per mantenere un livello di qualità molto alto. Il 97% dei nostri viaggiatori è soddisfatto del nostro servizio! I nostri autisti e guide vivono sul posto e conoscono alla perfezione ogni angolo del Marocco, condividendo con il viaggiatore la loro esperienza e la loro passione. Gli operatori conoscono alla perfezione l'italiano e collaborano con guide e autisti che parlano italiano



Sempre a disposizione e attenti a tutte le richieste dei viaggiatori

Conoscenza approfondita del territorio

Il tour operatore locale vi propone prezzi senza intermediari


Professionisti nell'organizzazione dei viaggi

Lavoriamo nel rispetto delle popolazioni e il medioambiente

Da molti anni lavoriamo nel mondo del turismo


Ci adattiamo a qualsiasi richiesta di ogni viaggiatore

Guide e autisti parlano italiano. Assistenza in italiano 24 ore su 24

Entrando in contatto diretto con un operatore locale, potrai personalizzare ogni dettaglio del tuo viaggio:

gli alloggi, l'itinerario, le attività e molto altro ancora.





Deep Morocco Tours Logo


We are an  Experienced Travel Company  that offers a variety of Morocco tours and excursions. Our native guides and extensive local knowledge offer you an authentic Moroccan experience with all its’ treasures.


We are passionate about Morocco and our highly experienced guides will take you into the heart of this amazing country, so that you have a true Moroccan experience… one you will never forget .

Whether you are looking for wild adventures, laid-back beaches, soaring mountains or vibrant souks, we can customize a holiday to suit your timeline, interests, and budget.

We provide  Tours in Morocco , including  Ca mels ,  Mules ,  4×4 or  Trekking,  so you can experience the vastness of the Sahara Desert with our experienced guides.

We also offer an exciting  Marrakesh City Tour  where you will discover mosques, palaces, gardens and the ultimate market experience. This ancient city will enchant you with its maze-like alleys lined with vendors selling traditional textiles, pottery and jewellery.


Our Morocco tours, trips and excursions are suitable for small groups, couples, friends, family holidays with children, women traveling alone and independent travelers.  We also cater for educational visits and film productions.  There really is something for everyone. Our local guides can speak a variety of languages and are experienced at organizing “off the beaten track” excursions so that our clients can experience the authentic Moroccan lifestyle.

We are happy to collect clients from the airport, harbor, train station or their accommodation. Whatever you want to see and however you wish to spend your holidays, Deep Morocco Tours is committed to providing you with an exceptional travel experience in Morocco.

-Saïd Amraoui  | Managing Director

Our Morocco tours, trips and excursions are suitable for small groups, couples, friends, family holidays with children, women traveling alone and independent travelers. We also cater for educational visits and film productions. There really is something for everyone. Our local guides can speak a variety of languages and are experienced at organizing “off the beaten track” excursions so that our clients can experience the authentic Moroccan lifestyle.

-Saïd Amraoui | Managing Director

“I took a group of teenagers to Morocco to do some community work on the edges of the Sahara. Said and Deep Morocco Tours were amazing! His knowledge of the area and local customs was fabulous and he made this a trip of a lifetime for the children! I have no reservations in recommending Said and Deep Morocco tours. Thank you Said for opening our eyes to the real Morocco. A must have for any Moroccan adventure!”
“Erg Chebbi is a jewel of the Sahara with its red sand dunes reaching for the stars. Said Amraoui from Deep Morocco Tours has the keys to unveil the beauties and mysteries hidden in this special corner of Morocco. From a nomad Berber family, he is a bridge between worlds, knowing the manners and codes of the Saharan culture and Western customs. Polite, polyglot, extremely agreeable company. They are very professional and have the know-how to set up any trip or adventure required. We highly recommend Deep Morocco Tours.”
I visited Morocco with my wife and had Deep Morocco Tours organise our trip. We visited the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara Desert. This did include lots of time on the road and we stayed with the same driver who was very friendly and always made sure we were comfortable. I wrote to Said three days before going to Morocco and he answered straight away, having set up a customized tour after explaining to him the places I wanted to go. He even made some really helpful comments and tips in order to rearrange some of our destinations. Great help! Said even called us on phone to check we arrived back into the UK. Highly recommend booking with them and experience this beautiful country! Thanks Said.
Deep Morocco Tours did a fantastic job with our group of 8. Our ages ranged from 23-51 and every one of us had a wonderful time. They were friendly, informative, and it still blows me away how much we got to experience in 10 short days. Even in the months leading up to our trip they were in constant contact with us, asking us exactly what we wanted on our custom-made tour. We left it up to them to plan everything and it was perfect.


Said amraoui… a specialist tour operator since 2007.

Deep Morocco Tours was established in 2007 by Said Amraoui.  Said grew up in the Sahara Desert; he has a deep and intimate knowledge of the stunning desert.

He has worked for national and international travel companies as an  In Country Agent  guiding individual groups and has a wealth of experience in tourism throughout Morocco. He has been organizing various types of tourism, travel, and environmental projects since 2003.

After graduating with a Bachelors (BA) degree in Sustainable Tourism and Languages, Said created Deep Morocco Tours to pass on his passion for travel and adventure.

marocco mare tour operator

Omar Amraoui: Driver/Guide

Born in the charming village of Tafrout, Omar’s soul was nurtured by the vast Merzouga desert landscapes. Unlike many who leave their schooling behind, Omar’s thirst for knowledge led him to complete high school in Rissani and even earn a physics degree from the University of Meknes. But his true passion lay in sharing the magic of Morocco and its rich culture. So, he embraced tourism, joining Deep Morocco Tours in 2018.

Our clients rave about Omar’s infectious enthusiasm, his sharp wit, and his deep understanding of Morocco’s heritage. It’s not just a job for him; it’s a mission to craft unforgettable experiences, transforming each trip into an authentic Moroccan adventure.

Today, Deep Morocco Tours employs an expert team of guides and drivers who are passionate about sharing the culture and history of Morocco with our customers.

As a Tour Operator, we are committed to providing you with a unique travel experience whilst our tours meet responsible and sustainable travel standards. We are happy to customize any of our tours to meet your particular requirements.

Contact us and let your exotic adventure begin.

Our Philosophy of Travel and Customer Service:

  • Professionalism
  • Responsible Travel
  • Flexibility

Said and his team look forward to welcoming you to Morocco soon. Morocco beckons … come trek, discover, unearth, and encounter the heart of this ancient country.



Experience the epitome of travel excellence with Deep Morocco Tours – your unrivaled choice for exclusive private tours and meticulously curated itineraries, Whether you represent a discerning travel company seeking a top-tier DMC in Morocco or you’re an adventurous traveler with refined tastes, our unparalleled expertise ensures journeys that redefine the extraordinary. #deepmoroccotours Ready to embark? Connect with our travel specialists: Let’s discuss your vision and craft the perfect itinerary. Website: Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: +4477 6320 8149 / +212 662 525 118 Don’t just visit Morocco, experience it with Deep Morocco Tours. #SaharaExpedition #DeepMoroccoTours #MoroccoTravel #SaharaAdventure #ExploreMorocco #DesertExperience

marocco mare tour operator

Experience the epitome of travel excellence with Deep Morocco Tours – your unrivaled choice for exclusive private tours and meticulously curated itineraries, Whether you represent a discerning travel company seeking a top-tier DMC in Morocco or you’re an adventurous traveler with refined tastes, our unparalleled expertise ensures journeys that redefine the extraordinary. #deepmoroccotours Ready to embark? Connect with our travel specialists: Let’s discuss your vision and craft the perfect itinerary. Website: Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: +4477 6320 8149 / +212 662 525 118 Don’t just visit Morocco, experience it with Deep Morocco Tours. #SaharaExpedition #DeepMoroccoTours #MoroccoTravel #SaharaAdventure #ExploreMorocco #DesertExperience ...

The best itinerary for Morocco: Group and private Tour ( We have the flexibility to tailor the trip according to your specific needs and interests.) Day 1: Arrival in Tangier 🛳️ #deepmoroccotours Day 2: Tangier - Asilah - Chefchaouen 🏞️ journey showcasing picturesque landscapes to Chefchaouen. 🏙️ Highlight charming streets, #ChefchaouenBeauty or #AsilahArt. Day 3: Chefchaouen - Volubilis - Meknes 🚗 Scenic drive to Volubilis, ancient ruins transition. 🏛️ Explore Volubilis, Bab Mansour el-Aleuj in a Reel, #MeknesHistory. Day 4: Meknes - Cedar Forest - Merzouga 🌲 Cedar Forest beauty, Atlas Mountains journey. 🏜️ Anticipation for Merzouga desert, #AtlasMountainsAdventure Day 5: Merzouga Exploration and Camel Ride 🎶 Capture Gnaoua culture, camel ride serenity. 🐪 Engage with viewers, #SaharaMagic Day 6: Merzouga Sahara - Todra Gorge - Dades Valley 🌅 Sahara sunrise, Erfoud journey, Todra Gorge beauty. 🏞️ Dramatic cliffs, rock formations, #SaharaSunrise. Day 7: Dades Valley - Valley of Roses - Ait Ben Haddou - Marrakech 🏞️ Scenic drive, Ait Ben Haddou history, bustling Marrakech. 🏰 Highlight iconic landmarks #MarrakechVibes. Day 8: Marrakech Sightseeing tour, Majorelle and Menara gardens, vibrant markets. 🛍️ Cultural experiences, #MarrakechMagic Day 9: Departure from Marrakech 📲 Follow for more adventures @deepmoroccotours Contact Details: 🌐 📧 [email protected] 📞 +212662525118 #Deepmoroccotours @MoroccoTravel #ExploreMorocco

The best itinerary for Morocco: Group and private Tour ( We have the flexibility to tailor the trip according to your specific needs and interests.) Day 1: Arrival in Tangier 🛳️ #deepmoroccotours Day 2: Tangier - Asilah - Chefchaouen 🏞️ journey showcasing picturesque landscapes to Chefchaouen. 🏙️ Highlight charming streets, #ChefchaouenBeauty or #AsilahArt. Day 3: Chefchaouen - Volubilis - Meknes 🚗 Scenic drive to Volubilis, ancient ruins transition. 🏛️ Explore Volubilis, Bab Mansour el-Aleuj in a Reel, #MeknesHistory. Day 4: Meknes - Cedar Forest - Merzouga 🌲 Cedar Forest beauty, Atlas Mountains journey. 🏜️ Anticipation for Merzouga desert, #AtlasMountainsAdventure Day 5: Merzouga Exploration and Camel Ride 🎶 Capture Gnaoua culture, camel ride serenity. 🐪 Engage with viewers, #SaharaMagic Day 6: Merzouga Sahara - Todra Gorge - Dades Valley 🌅 Sahara sunrise, Erfoud journey, Todra Gorge beauty. 🏞️ Dramatic cliffs, rock formations, #SaharaSunrise. Day 7: Dades Valley - Valley of Roses - Ait Ben Haddou - Marrakech 🏞️ Scenic drive, Ait Ben Haddou history, bustling Marrakech. 🏰 Highlight iconic landmarks #MarrakechVibes. Day 8: Marrakech Sightseeing tour, Majorelle and Menara gardens, vibrant markets. 🛍️ Cultural experiences, #MarrakechMagic Day 9: Departure from Marrakech 📲 Follow for more adventures @deepmoroccotours Contact Details: 🌐 📧 [email protected] 📞 +212662525118 #Deepmoroccotours @MoroccoTravel #ExploreMorocco ...

WELCOME TO DEEP MOROCCO TOURS! We are an Experienced Travel Company that offers a variety of Morocco tours and excursions. Our native guides and extensive local knowledge offer you an authentic Moroccan experience with all its treasures. BE TRANSFORMED BY THE HEART OF MOROCCO We are passionate about Morocco, and our highly experienced guides will take you into the heart of this amazing country, so that you have a true Moroccan experience… one you will never forget. What We Offer: Tailored Tours: Whether you are looking for wild adventures, laid-back beaches, soaring mountains, or vibrant souks, we can customize a holiday to suit your timeline, interests, and budget. Diverse Tour Options: Experience the vastness of the Sahara Desert with our experienced guides through Camels, Mules, 4×4, or Trekking, tailored to your preferences. Marrakesh City Tour: Immerse yourself in the rich history and vibrant culture of Marrakesh as you explore mosques, palaces, gardens, and the bustling markets filled with traditional textiles, pottery, and jewelry. Custom, Private Moroccan Tours: Our Morocco tours are designed for everyone, from small groups to couples, families with children, women traveling alone, and independent travelers. We also cater to educational visits and film productions. Experienced Guides: Our local guides are multilingual and adept at organizing “off the beaten track” excursions, ensuring you experience the authentic Moroccan lifestyle. Convenience: We provide convenient pick-up and drop-off from the airport, harbor, train station, or accommodation, ensuring a seamless travel experience from start to finish. Whatever your desires for exploration in Morocco, Deep Morocco Tours is dedicated to delivering an exceptional travel experience. Contact us: [email protected] WhatsApp: +212662525118 #deepmoroccotours #moroccotravel #moroccotours #marrakech #moroccotrip #moroccovacations #royalmansour #luxurytravel #moroccotravels #casablancatravel #deeptravel #worldtraveler #destinations

WELCOME TO DEEP MOROCCO TOURS! We are an Experienced Travel Company that offers a variety of Morocco tours and excursions. Our native guides and extensive local knowledge offer you an authentic Moroccan experience with all its treasures. BE TRANSFORMED BY THE HEART OF MOROCCO We are passionate about Morocco, and our highly experienced guides will take you into the heart of this amazing country, so that you have a true Moroccan experience… one you will never forget. What We Offer: Tailored Tours: Whether you are looking for wild adventures, laid-back beaches, soaring mountains, or vibrant souks, we can customize a holiday to suit your timeline, interests, and budget. Diverse Tour Options: Experience the vastness of the Sahara Desert with our experienced guides through Camels, Mules, 4×4, or Trekking, tailored to your preferences. Marrakesh City Tour: Immerse yourself in the rich history and vibrant culture of Marrakesh as you explore mosques, palaces, gardens, and the bustling markets filled with traditional textiles, pottery, and jewelry. Custom, Private Moroccan Tours: Our Morocco tours are designed for everyone, from small groups to couples, families with children, women traveling alone, and independent travelers. We also cater to educational visits and film productions. Experienced Guides: Our local guides are multilingual and adept at organizing “off the beaten track” excursions, ensuring you experience the authentic Moroccan lifestyle. Convenience: We provide convenient pick-up and drop-off from the airport, harbor, train station, or accommodation, ensuring a seamless travel experience from start to finish. Whatever your desires for exploration in Morocco, Deep Morocco Tours is dedicated to delivering an exceptional travel experience. Contact us: [email protected] WhatsApp: +212662525118 #deepmoroccotours #moroccotravel #moroccotours #marrakech #moroccotrip #moroccovacations #royalmansour #luxurytravel #moroccotravels #casablancatravel #deeptravel #worldtraveler #destinations ...

Transport yourself to Morocco in just 60 seconds! Let the essence of Morocco inspire your wanderlust right from the comfort of your home. 🌟🇲🇦 #wonderlust #morocco🇲🇦 #virtualstylist #vitrualtravel #chefchaouen #casablanca #marrakech #sahara #deepmoroccotours #luckypeople #adventure #tours #explore #viral #vivatravelagency #review #excellence #kingdomhearts #unique #travelphotography #traveltheworld #travelagencymorocco #travelagent #tourism

Transport yourself to Morocco in just 60 seconds! Let the essence of Morocco inspire your wanderlust right from the comfort of your home. 🌟🇲🇦 #wonderlust #morocco🇲🇦 #virtualstylist #vitrualtravel #chefchaouen #casablanca #marrakech #sahara #deepmoroccotours #luckypeople #adventure #tours #explore #viral #vivatravelagency #review #excellence #kingdomhearts #unique #travelphotography #traveltheworld #travelagencymorocco #travelagent #tourism ...

Experience life beyond the ordinary in Marrakech. From bustling squares to tranquil gardens, find adventure in every bite and corner of this enchanting city. Also, Spice up your life (and feed your soul) in Marrakech! Tagines bursting with flavor, fragrant pastries, and endless culinary delights await. Bon appétit! #marrakech #foodtravel #morocco🇲🇦 #spices #journey #deepmoroccotours #luxurylifestyle #traveltheworld #jordan #trip #travelphotography #london #marrakechmedina #secret #cameltrophy #wcatravelandtours #wanderlust #tiktok #trendingreels #streetstyle #old #meditation #oldschool

Experience life beyond the ordinary in Marrakech. From bustling squares to tranquil gardens, find adventure in every bite and corner of this enchanting city. Also, Spice up your life (and feed your soul) in Marrakech! Tagines bursting with flavor, fragrant pastries, and endless culinary delights await. Bon appétit! #marrakech #foodtravel #morocco🇲🇦 #spices #journey #deepmoroccotours #luxurylifestyle #traveltheworld #jordan #trip #travelphotography #london #marrakechmedina #secret #cameltrophy #wcatravelandtours #wanderlust #tiktok #trendingreels #streetstyle #old #meditation #oldschool ...

Ditch the predictable hotel room and embrace the magic of the desert. Imagine sleeping under a blanket of stars, lulled by the whisper of the wind, with endless dunes sprawling out your window. Your king-size bed becomes a front-row seat to nature’s grandest show. #travelphotography #magickingdom #trip #tourismagency #traveltheworld #saharadesert #desertlife #explore #exercise #livelongerfeelbetter #tourcompany #deepmoroccotours #trendingreels #tbt #visitmorocco🇲🇦 #innerpeace #tiktok #instagram #facebook #roadtrip #escape

Ditch the predictable hotel room and embrace the magic of the desert. Imagine sleeping under a blanket of stars, lulled by the whisper of the wind, with endless dunes sprawling out your window. Your king-size bed becomes a front-row seat to nature’s grandest show. #travelphotography #magickingdom #trip #tourismagency #traveltheworld #saharadesert #desertlife #explore #exercise #livelongerfeelbetter #tourcompany #deepmoroccotours #trendingreels #tbt #visitmorocco🇲🇦 #innerpeace #tiktok #instagram #facebook #roadtrip #escape ...

Soaring above Marrakech’s mesmerizing landscapes in a hot air balloon is pure magic! 🌄✨ Join us for a sunrise balloon ride with #DeepMoroccoTours and witness the breathtaking views of the Atlas Mountains. 🎈 Indulge in luxury, explore culture, and create unforgettable moments with our bespoke travel experiences. 🌍 Contact us: 👉🏽 [email protected] 👉🏽WhatsApp: +447763208149 #AdventureInMorocco #BucketListDestination #MarrakechBalloonRide #AdventureInMorocco #SunriseViews #AtlasMountainsMagic #TravelGoals #LuxuryExperiences #ExploreMorocco #CulturalJourney #BucketListDestination #DeepMoroccoTours #WanderlustAdventure #MemorableMoments #PrivateTours #HotAirBalloonFun #DiscoverWithUs #TravelEnthusiast #MoroccoVacation #UnforgettableExperiences #BespokeTravel #adventureawaits #california #DiscoverWithUs #TravelGoals #deepmoroccotours

Soaring above Marrakech’s mesmerizing landscapes in a hot air balloon is pure magic! 🌄✨ Join us for a sunrise balloon ride with #DeepMoroccoTours and witness the breathtaking views of the Atlas Mountains. 🎈 Indulge in luxury, explore culture, and create unforgettable moments with our bespoke travel experiences. 🌍 Contact us: 👉🏽 [email protected] 👉🏽WhatsApp: +447763208149 #AdventureInMorocco #BucketListDestination #MarrakechBalloonRide #AdventureInMorocco #SunriseViews #AtlasMountainsMagic #TravelGoals #LuxuryExperiences #ExploreMorocco #CulturalJourney #BucketListDestination #DeepMoroccoTours #WanderlustAdventure #MemorableMoments #PrivateTours #HotAirBalloonFun #DiscoverWithUs #TravelEnthusiast #MoroccoVacation #UnforgettableExperiences #BespokeTravel #adventureawaits #california #DiscoverWithUs #TravelGoals #deepmoroccotours ...

Certainly! Consider elevating your Moroccan adventure with the enchanting experience of a hot air balloon ride in Marrakech. This unforgettable journey promises to add a touch of magic to your bespoke itinerary with Deep Morocco Tours, creating memories that will soar beyond the ordinary. #marrakech #hotairballoon #morocco #deepmoroccotours #wonderful_places #wonderlustmovement #movie #atlasmountains #greattime #privatejet #flowers #views #travelphotography #journey #luxurylifestyle #mylifemystory #yourtripmyadventure #youradventure #tour #exploremorocco #visit #visitmorocco #camelriding #camelmilk #greatdane #visittheworld #goodvibes #nicepeople #thinkgold #travelgram

Certainly! Consider elevating your Moroccan adventure with the enchanting experience of a hot air balloon ride in Marrakech. This unforgettable journey promises to add a touch of magic to your bespoke itinerary with Deep Morocco Tours, creating memories that will soar beyond the ordinary. #marrakech #hotairballoon #morocco #deepmoroccotours #wonderful_places #wonderlustmovement #movie #atlasmountains #greattime #privatejet #flowers #views #travelphotography #journey #luxurylifestyle #mylifemystory #yourtripmyadventure #youradventure #tour #exploremorocco #visit #visitmorocco #camelriding #camelmilk #greatdane #visittheworld #goodvibes #nicepeople #thinkgold #travelgram ...

As the sun dips below the horizon, the desert transforms into a canvas of magical moments. The shifting hues paint the vast landscape, casting a warm glow over the dunes. In this tranquil embrace of nature’s beauty, one can’t help but admire the enchanting spectacle that unfolds after the sunset in the desert. #desert #sunsetlovers #sunset #morocco #deepmoroccotours #merzouga #marrakech #tours #trips #culturetrip #morocco🇲🇦 #peaceofmind #peace #innerpeace #appreciation #thankgod #gratitude #joy #life #delight #camel #specialmoments #moment #unique #freedom #summer #holiday #travelphotography #traveltheworld #streetstyle

As the sun dips below the horizon, the desert transforms into a canvas of magical moments. The shifting hues paint the vast landscape, casting a warm glow over the dunes. In this tranquil embrace of nature’s beauty, one can’t help but admire the enchanting spectacle that unfolds after the sunset in the desert. #desert #sunsetlovers #sunset #morocco #deepmoroccotours #merzouga #marrakech #tours #trips #culturetrip #morocco🇲🇦 #peaceofmind #peace #innerpeace #appreciation #thankgod #gratitude #joy #life #delight #camel #specialmoments #moment #unique #freedom #summer #holiday #travelphotography #traveltheworld #streetstyle ...

A bespoke journey unfolds a narrative only you can tell—an experience uniquely crafted by Deep Morocco Tours. We specialise in curating exceptional experiences across every corner of Morocco, tailored to the destinations you and your companions desire to explore. #bestfriends #photoshoot #reels #traveladdict #deepmoroccotours #dogoftheday #lovelife #lovefamily #lovetravel #artoftheday #morocco #instatravel #trendingreels #visitmorocco #experiences #fashionblogger #food #foodie #exoticdestinations #dream #peace

A bespoke journey unfolds a narrative only you can tell—an experience uniquely crafted by Deep Morocco Tours. We specialise in curating exceptional experiences across every corner of Morocco, tailored to the destinations you and your companions desire to explore. #bestfriends #photoshoot #reels #traveladdict #deepmoroccotours #dogoftheday #lovelife #lovefamily #lovetravel #artoftheday #morocco #instatravel #trendingreels #visitmorocco #experiences #fashionblogger #food #foodie #exoticdestinations #dream #peace ...

Embarking on a journey with Deep Morocco Tours isn`t just a typical experience—it`s a personalized narrative you`ll cherish for years to come. Your voyage becomes a legacy, and we take pride in our excellence in crafting these unique stories. No matter what your preferences are, Deep Morocco Tours team is dedicated to orchestrating a tailor-made trip that aligns precisely with your desires. Your search for exceptional travel company ends here; choose Deep Morocco Tours for an unparalleled experience. #travelphotography #bluetown #morocco #visitmorocco #trip #deepmoroccotours #travelblogger #travagency #traveltips #tour #touroperators #bespoke #tourcompany #visiting #world #celebrity #celebration #wedding #luxurylifestyle #luxury #marrakech #joyas #happylife #happyfamily #loveislove #faith #beauty #goodvibes #goals #numbers

Embarking on a journey with Deep Morocco Tours isn`t just a typical experience—it`s a personalized narrative you`ll cherish for years to come. Your voyage becomes a legacy, and we take pride in our excellence in crafting these unique stories. No matter what your preferences are, Deep Morocco Tours team is dedicated to orchestrating a tailor-made trip that aligns precisely with your desires. Your search for exceptional travel company ends here; choose Deep Morocco Tours for an unparalleled experience. #travelphotography #bluetown #morocco #visitmorocco #trip #deepmoroccotours #travelblogger #travagency #traveltips #tour #touroperators #bespoke #tourcompany #visiting #world #celebrity #celebration #wedding #luxurylifestyle #luxury #marrakech #joyas #happylife #happyfamily #loveislove #faith #beauty #goodvibes #goals #numbers ...

Embark on a journey beyond the ordinary with Deep Morocco Tours, where over 15 years of expertise converge to craft bespoke adventures. We don’t just plan trips; we orchestrate personalized odysseys. Listening is our forte—whether meticulously curating itineraries or fine-tuning details mid-travel. With every mile, we unravel the unique narrative of each guest, tailoring experiences that resonate individually. At Deep Morocco Tours, we transcend the mundane, offering not just a tour but a tapestry of moments exclusively yours. Our seasoned insights unveil hidden gems, transforming every trip into an extraordinary voyage. If you crave the exceptional, your path converges with Deep Morocco Tours—the epitome of bespoke travel. Your journey, your story, impeccably crafted by us. #travelphotography #tours #bespoketravel #luxurylifestyle #deepmoroccotours #katrinakaif #trips #visiting #visitmorocco #sahara #people #beyondtravel #safari #joy #marrakech #casa #local #travelagency #original #everyone #elite #professionalguide #guidebook #trendingreels #explorepage #expeditionvehicles #yoga #peaceofmind

Embark on a journey beyond the ordinary with Deep Morocco Tours, where over 15 years of expertise converge to craft bespoke adventures. We don’t just plan trips; we orchestrate personalized odysseys. Listening is our forte—whether meticulously curating itineraries or fine-tuning details mid-travel. With every mile, we unravel the unique narrative of each guest, tailoring experiences that resonate individually. At Deep Morocco Tours, we transcend the mundane, offering not just a tour but a tapestry of moments exclusively yours. Our seasoned insights unveil hidden gems, transforming every trip into an extraordinary voyage. If you crave the exceptional, your path converges with Deep Morocco Tours—the epitome of bespoke travel. Your journey, your story, impeccably crafted by us. #travelphotography #tours #bespoketravel #luxurylifestyle #deepmoroccotours #katrinakaif #trips #visiting #visitmorocco #sahara #people #beyondtravel #safari #joy #marrakech #casa #local #travelagency #original #everyone #elite #professionalguide #guidebook #trendingreels #explorepage #expeditionvehicles #yoga #peaceofmind ...

Have a question, or ready to book your trip? We’d love to hear from you – send us a message using the form, or contact us directly by phone or email.

  • Office: +212 (0)662525118

Mobile: +212 (0)673809140

Deep Morocco Tours Tissir GH2, A14, 2eme Etage, IMM A, Marrakesh 40160, Morocco


Newwave Media srl

Viaggi in marocco.

Una notte sotto il cielo stellato

Un mare di dune

Quando il risveglio è indimenticabile

Luoghi indimenticabili

Colore colore colore

Arte e Architetttura

@Walter Meregalli

Storia, storie ...

Lo shopping, organizza un viaggio in marocco, con l’assistenza di un operatore locale.


La nostra visione del viaggio è che ci si sposta per addentrarsi in qualcosa di diverso dalla routine, per scoprire una cultura, per annusare gli odori, assaporare piatti, incontrare persone che lasceranno il segno nei nostri ricordi.

Per vivere una esperienza autentica , occorre farsi accompagnare da una persona del posto .

E quando la persona che ti accompagna parla la tua lingua, si adatta alle tue necessità, è meglio.

Questo è quello che facciamo noi: accompagnarti! Accompagnarti nella scelta e accompagnarti durante l’esperienza.

Già ti sentiamo dire “si ma cosa fate di diverso dagli altri?”: personalizziamo !

Dimentica risposte automatiche, freddi cataloghi da sfogliare.

Noi, persone in carne ed ossa, leggiamo ogni email, le analizziamo, cerchiamo di capire che tipo di esperienza vuoi fare, dialoghiamo con te, e ti proponiamo un itinerario tagliato su misura. E poi ti accompagniamo.

Tutto questo è riassunto nel nostro motto: VIAGGI QUANDO VUOI DOVE VUOI CON CHI VUOI

Viaggi in Marocco personalizzati in base ai tuoi desideri! Niente pacchetti pre-confezionati

Operiamo in  tutto il Paese

Il tuo ritmo è sacro: per questa ragione non organizziamo viaggi in gruppo e non troverai sconosciuti al tuo arrivo

Ti proponiamo alcuni ESEMPI di tour: dai un’occhiata a queste possibilità e poi contattaci per disegnare l’itinerario dei tuo sogni!

Puoi farlo utilizzando i TASTI ARANCIONI che trovi ovunque nel nostro sito.

Da qualunque punto della pagina web potrai raggiungerci.

I tour più richiesti

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Tour Deserto Merzouga da Marrakech: 4 giorni

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No dromedario no jeep.

Vieni a scoprire le escursioni in Quad o Buggy


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Hammam Tradizionale a Marrakech

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Cosa fare a Tangeri? Inizia visitando il Museo della Kasbah

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Dar Si Said, Museo di Marrakech: imperdibile o da evitare?

marocco mare tour operator

Agadir: se per te è solo una meta di mare, devi assolutamente saperne di più!

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Merzouga Tours

Organizzare un viaggio in marocco scarica la brochure con tutte le informazioni per viaggiare senza pensieri.

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Youssef azeroual.


Non vedo l'ora di ritornare in questo paese meraviglioso. Ho organizzato un tour in Marocco con l'agenzia Marocco Tour. Non ci sono parole per descrivere quanto questa esperienza sia stata meravigliosa. Il tutto è stato organizzato alla perfezione, l'itinerario ci ha permesso di scoprire nel profondo questa bellissima terra; non solo le città imperiali, ma anche la città blu, le scimmie libere nelle foreste di cedri, le splendide dune di Merzouga e molto altro... questo viaggio ci ha permesso di conoscere un minimo non solo la cultura Marocchina, ma anche quella Amazigh, da cui sono rimasta estremamente affascinata. Grazie a Aldo per la sua costante presenza prima della partenza e per la sua gentilezza e disponibilità nell'accontentare le nostre richieste; e grazie a Youssef, che ci ha accompagnato durante il tour, sempre con il sorriso stampato sul viso, prendendosi cura di tutti i dettagli e che con la sua simpatia e generosità ha davvero contribuito a rendere unico questo splendido viaggio. Non vedo l'ora di ritornare in questo paese meraviglioso.


Il Marocco è una terra affascinante, la cultura, la tradizione, una storia che affonda nella notte dei tempi. Il Paese è splendido ma… è la sua gente, più delle vestigia storiche, dei monumenti, delle arti antiche… che ti può davvero rubare il cuore!

Partite da Marrakech abbiamo viaggiato passando attraverso le alte montagne dell'Atlante, ammirando i panorami mozzafiato della valle del Draa e villaggi tradizionali berberi. Arrivate a Zagora siamo salite sui cammelli per raggiungere il nostro accampamento nomade nel deserto. tramonto strepitoso! Una notte nel deserto, esperienza bellissima, stelle impazzite, canti e risate e sussurri e l’eco del silenzio… e il calore di un popolo nomade che con spontaneità e semplicità è sempre pronto ad aprire la “porta” della propria tenda per condividere un bicchiere di tè e mille storie senza tempo. Che dire, le piccole cose rendono ancora grande l’uomo! Pur essendo un paese ferito dal tragico terremoto, nulla di ció che abbiamo visitato è sembrato esserne stato segnato, tanto i muri della città quanto i cuori della propria gente. Un ringraziamento speciale a Aldo per la costante presenza e a Youssef che così lontane dal nostro mondo ci ha fatto sentire in ogni momento a casa!

Simona e Emilia

La vita e’ come una mucca”: grazie del latte ricevuto!!! ❤️

Semplicemente meraviglioso!

Il Marocco e’ un Paese ricco di storia, paesaggi, profumi e culture millenarie che, grazie a Youssef, abbiamo potuto iniziare a conoscere ed assaporare. Devo essere sincero.. appena prenotato il viaggio con Marocco Tour un po’ di domande ed interrogativi c’erano.. più dovuti ad una “diseducazione” alla diffidenza ed alla paura del diverso che in Europa ci stiamo auto-imponendo e di cui ci stiamo purtroppo assuefando. Partiamo dal primo contatto con l’’organizzazione: Aldo, una persona molto schietta, sincera e vera, pronta a risponderci a qualsiasi domanda (anche le più banali) e ad introdurci, con informazioni utili, il viaggio sino a prima della partenza. Arrivati a Marrakech, incontriamo Youssef: una persona straordinaria, solare e vera, che ci ha fatto conoscere, per tutta la durata del viaggio, la cultura e le tradizioni berbere. Marrakech, Rabat, Meknès, Chefchaouen, Fez, Merzouga ed il deserto, le Gole del Todra, la Valle del Dades, Ouarzazate ed infine nuovamente Marrakech: queste le tappe principali, dietro le quali si nascondono volti, storie, canti, balli e forti emozioni! Grazie a Marocco Tour e soprattutto ad Aldo e Youssef! Viaggio consigliatissimo! Affidatevi a Marocco Tour e tornerete a casa con la sensazione di non aver fatto solo un bel viaggio e qualche bella foto, ma di essere entrati e di aver vissuto, anche se per qualche giorno, in una terra fatta di sguardi, paesaggi e volti autentici!

Magico Marocco in 8 giorni

Anna, Luci e Sara


Infinite Morocco

Become inspired to travel to Morocco

Tailor-made Morocco vacations crafted by experts.

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Morocco Travel Agency – Tour Operator

To infinite morocco..

As a leading independent local Marrakech tour operator and dynamic travel company, we specialize in creating hand-curated experiences that showcase the beauty and diversity of Morocco. From imperial cities to the southern regions, we offer a range of tailor-made vacations that allow you to fully immerse yourself in the culture and history of this enchanting country.

As a full-service Morocco tour operator , we handle your trip’s details, including hotel bookings, vehicle rentals, sightseeing activities, luxury holidays, dining, multi-day excursions, and golf tours.

We are particularly renowned for our exceptional desert tours Morocco , which offer a truly unforgettable experience. Our deep love for Morocco drives us to provide only the best for our clients.

Visit morocco

What can we do for you? Morocco tours!

What to visit in marrakech and travel to morocco

Let us introduce you to the Kingdom’s true beauty and diversity through a wide range of Morocco custom tours .

We will take you to the must-see sites, stunning landscapes, beautiful beaches, and remote and hidden regions in the Atlas Mountains and deep Sahara. We aim to provide you with the most memorable, enjoyable, and inspiring travel experiences, introducing you to the local culture and its people along the way. The best time to visit Morocco , is when you are ready to go!

As a leading local Morocco tour operator , we offer a variety of quality trips, including luxury tours, family vacations, desert tours, photography expeditions, culinary tours, and honeymoon breaks.

All of our tours are tailored to your specific objectives. They are suitable for families, small groups, and independent travelers seeking luxury vacations planned by local experts, travel advisors, and qualified guides.

Is it safe to travel to Morocco right now ? Absolutely! Morocco has taken steps to ensure the safety of travelers during the pandemic. For more information on how we address this issue in our travel plans, please visit our COVID-19 Morocco Travel Updates page.

Infinite Morocco is a fully licensed and registered travel company with a state-authorized financial institution providing full protection for everything you book with us. Our company registration number is 6993467 and our VAT number is 47129625. We are also members of ARAVDT (The Regional Association of Travel Agencies of Draa-Tafilalet) and JATA (The Japanese Association of Travel Agencies). In addition, we hold an official license from the Ministry of Tourism of Morocco in Rabat (license number 44D/15). ARAVDT is an active association of small travel companies dedicated to providing quality tours and services at great prices. We are committed to offering the same level of excellence to our clients.

Welcome to Morocco ! Let us help you plan a lifetime vacation in this beautiful country. Our tour company is based in Ouarzazate and Marrakech, and we specialize in multi-day Morocco package tours that showcase the best of the country.

If you’re ready to start planning your trip, present your request, and we’ll send you more details. And if you have any questions, such as “ Can I travel to Morocco from the USA now ?” don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be happy to talk with you over the phone and help you plan the trip of a lifetime.

Our tours take you from Marrakech to the Sahara Desert , through the breathtaking Atlas Mountains, and to charming valleys like Ounila, Dades, Draa, and Todra. You’ll also have the opportunity to explore the city of Fes and other imperial cities.

Whether you want a 3-day/2-night tour, a 4-day/3-night tour, or even a 7-day/6-night tour, we can design a custom Morocco itinerary that meets your travel needs and preferences.

  • Read everything about our Morocco travel agency .

Why Book with Us and Travel to Morocco

At Infinite Morocco , we understand that your time is valuable. That’s why we prioritize organizing a high-quality, customized vacation for you in the best destinations in Morocco . Our local expertise allows us to create a one-of-a-kind itinerary that will be unforgettable from start to finish. So, please sit back, relax, and let us handle the planning while you enjoy all our Morocco tours .

Friendly team

Expert multi-lingual staff can understand and fulfill your expectations and requests before your trip to Morocco.

Licensed agency

Fully licensed and recognized by the Ministry of Tourism, our travel agency is authorized to provide exceptional services in Morocco.

Handpicked hotels

We offer a diverse selection of hand-picked hideaways where to stay in Morocco , including boutique hotels, luxury riads, traditional kasbahs, and Sahara desert camps.

Fleet of vehicles

We offer a fleet of luxury SUVs and minibusses (seating 7 to 17) through our subsidiary transportation company.

Experience Morocco

The moroccan history

The Moroccan culture

Morocco is known for its diverse and fascinating culture, which is quite different from that of Western countries. Its culture is shaped by elements such as history, faith, traditions, and customs. While Morocco has modernized in recent years, it is still a good idea to familiarize yourself with some of its customs and traditions before visiting.

The moroccan hospitality

The Moroccan hospitality

The Moroccan people are incredibly friendly, and hospitality is a matter of honor in this North African country. You may be invited to drink tea or have a meal at someone’s home just minutes after meeting them. Moroccans are also very curious and always open to small talk, so don’t be shy and interact with the locals.

The moroccan cuisine

The Moroccan cuisine

Herbs, spices, meat, and fish are all fundamental to Moroccan cuisine, with lamb and beef being particularly popular types of meat. While a wide range of Moroccan herbs and spices are used, dishes are generally not spicy. Couscous, originally a Berber dish, is now a popular and special part of Moroccan cuisine. You can also expect to taste a variety of tagine recipes cooked in clay pots while traveling in the country.

The moroccan culture

The Moroccan history

Morocco’s history is rich and fascinating, reflecting the fusion of many different peoples, dynasties, religions, and thousands of years in a beautiful country full of prime monuments and archeological wonders. From the ancient madrasas of Fes, Meknes, and Marrakech, to the ancient ruins of Volubilis, to the vast Sahara Desert heritage where fortified buildings called kasbahs stand the test of time with their magnificent architecture, there is much to discover in the history of Morocco.

Moroccan Travel Agency

Infinite Morocco is a trusted, Moroccan-owned travel agency and local tour operator company based in Ouarzazate, Morocco (also known as the African version of Hollywood). We are licensed and bonded by the Moroccan Ministry of Tourism.

Our private tour packages in Morocco include stays at unique boutique hotels, lodges, luxury desert camps, and authentic luxury riads. You will also have a private, insured vehicle and personal driver, as well as expert local guides for major medinas and historical sites. We offer mid-priced tours, customized trips, and affordable luxury Morocco tours to suit your needs and budget.

Jamaa elfnaa

Morocco Tailor-Made Tours

At Infinite Morocco, we specialize in creating tailor-made tours of Morocco to suit your individual needs and preferences.

Our Morocco tailor-made tours include luxurious accommodation options such as boutique hotels, lodges, luxury desert camps, and authentic riads. We provide Marrakech travel services and Casablanca travel services .

You’ll have a private, insured vehicle and personal driver to take you around, as well as expert local guides to show you the major medinas and historical sites.

Whether you’re looking for a mid-priced, customized, or affordable luxury tour, we have something to suit every budget. Let us help you plan the perfect Morocco vacation .

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Tour Operator in Marrakech

  • Custom Group Tours

Travel Agency in Morocco Marrakesh

Coming Morocco your trusted Travel Agency in Marrakesh

Best Desert Tours in Morocco

Discover Merzouga & Zagora Desert by booking the Best Desert Tours in Morocco

Full Day Tours from Marrakesh

Book our Day Tours from Marrakesh and enjoy Essaouira, Ouzoud falls & Atlas Mountains

Custom Private Tours Morocco

Customize your Private Tours in Morocco with us

Choose Coming Morcco, your best Tour Operator in Marrakech

Historical Imperial Cities of Morocco

We offer unique tours to Historical Imperial Cities of Morocco

Welcome to Coming Morocco, your Travel Agency in Morocco Marrakesh! We create unforgettable tours that immerse you in the rich culture and the fascinating landscapes of Morocco . Whether you seek the cultural experiences, thrilling adventures, or peaceful escapes, our dedication is to turn your travel dream into reality...

Best Desert Tours in Morocco

Merzouga & Zagora

Full Day Tours from Marrakesh

Essaouira , Ouzoud Falls

Best Activities in Marrakesh

Best Activities in Marrakesh

Quad Bike & Camel Ride

Tour Operator in Marrakech

Best Morocco Tours

Explore the heart of the desert with our Best Desert Tours in Morocco . Feel the warmth of golden sands and indulge in the unforgettable camel ride experience .

3 Days Merzouga Desert Tour from Marrakesh

3 Days Merzouga Desert Tour from Marrakesh

2 Days Zagora Desert Tour from Marrakesh

2 Days Zagora Desert Tour from Marrakesh

3 Days Erg Chigaga Desert Tour From Marrakech

3 Days Erg Chigaga Desert Tour From Marrakech

View all Desert Tours in Morocco

Create your own custom tour

Customise your tour experiences around Morocco :)

Let's Plan Your Journey

The Full Day Tours from Marrakesh are meticulously crafted to explore nearby cultural gems, such as Essaouira , and natural wonders like Ouzoud Falls or the Atlas Mountains , all in a single day.

Ourika Valley Day Tour from Marrakesh

Ourika Valley Day Tour from Marrakesh

Ouzoud Waterfalls and Boat Trip from Marrakesh

Ouzoud Waterfalls and Boat Trip from Marrakesh

Essaouira Day Tour from Marrakesh

Essaouira Day Tour from Marrakesh

Atlas Mountain and Agafay Desert Day Tour from Marrakesh

Atlas Mountain and Agafay Desert Day Tour from Marrakesh

View all Full Day Tours from Marrakesh

Discover unique experiences with Coming Morocco, your gateway to the Best Activities in Marrakesh.

Camel Riding in Marrakesh

Camel Riding in Marrakesh

Ballooning in Marrakesh

Ballooning in Marrakesh

Agafay Camel Ride and Dinner

Agafay Camel Ride and Dinner

Quad Biking in Marrakesh

Quad Biking in Marrakesh

Marrakesh Guided City Tour

Marrakesh Guided City Tour

View all Activities & Attractions

Why Booking With Coming Morocco?

Coming Morocco provides personalized travel itineraries and services including tours, hotel reservations, guides, airport transfers, and vehicle rentals.

  • Tour Eiffel $42
  • Shopping tour $35
  • Versailles tour $20
  • Montparnasse skyline $26
  • Pompidue $26
  • Senna River tour $32
  • Notredame $48
  • Lafaiette $55
  • Trocadero $76
  • Open Bus tour $55
  • Louvre museum $24
  • Madlene Cathedral $24
  • Montparnasse $36
  • D'Orsey museum $28
  • Gioconda Louvre musuem $44
  • Tour Eiffel $56
  • Ladefanse $16
  • Notredame $26


Airport Transfer For Private & VIP Group

Best Activities in Marrakesh

Engage in authentic cultural experiences, such as traditional Moroccan cooking classes and immersive local encounters.

Best Desert Tours in Morocco

Discover the best desert tours in Morocco

Airoport Transfer Marrakech

Airoport Transfer Marrakech

Book your transfer for anywhere in Morocco & get to your destination point with maximum comfort. 24/7 support service, reliable drivers with comfortable cars.

marocco mare tour operator

Coming Morocco Immerse yourself in the magic of Marrakech with our meticulously crafted travel itineraries.

Customer Testimonials

We constantly survey our customers and ask if they're willing to say a few words. As you'll see, many do. We're proud of our high quality products and services.

"Excellent experience! We booked a custom private tours in Morocco starting from Marrakech and ending in Casablanca. We were a family of 6 people. We discovered Marrakesh, Rabat, Chefchaouen, Fes and the majestic desert. The driver Hamid and our guide Ismail were well experienced and very friendly. We highly recommend Coming Morocco. They are the best travel agency in Morocco Marrakesh"

"Coming morocco is Amazing company to use, I highly recommend. Very friendly and professional. Catered for my family, a large group of 20. Ourika waterfall and quad biking. Iv been to marrakech a few times and by far thr best company i have used for excursions."

"I have traveled many countries in my lifetime but Morocco has been by far the best experience. Most of the people don’t know about Morocco since it is not in the usual pathway when traveling from USA to Europe and to Asia. That’s actually good because it has kept Morocco away from outside world exposure. When I visited Morocco, it was my first visit to the country. I learned about Morocco from a Moroccan friend in USA. Frankly, I was very cautious with my reservations due to lack of knowledge about the country. Safety and security was never a concern when visiting the country..."

"Amazing holidays! Our first excursion was Agafay Camel Ride and Dinner. We loved the serenity of Agafay Desert. The camel ride was a unique experience and we were able to take some memorable pictures. The dinner was delicious in wonderful and relaxing setting in a luxury camp. The driver Mohamed was professional and knowledgeable . They picked us up right on time from our hotel and brought us back safely..."

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  • Destinazioni

Un Tour Marocco regala sempre emozioni suggestive. Sono viaggi all'insegna dell'avventura e della scoperta. Fa parte dell'Africa degli Uomini, dei Viaggi Etnici e Tribali . Il Marocco, terra di profumi, suoni e colori. Terra ricca di storia, capace di sedurre qualsiasi viaggiatore attraverso la bellezza e la storia dei Tour delle Città Imperiali : Rabat, la capitale del regno, dove l'eleganza del suo cuore storico si sposa con la sua essenza più moderna, Meknes, dove si mescolano grandezza storica, bellezza e sapori autentici, Fez, un invito costante per gli amanti della cultura e dell'arte e Marrakech, la "perla del sud", una sorpresa di colori. Qui dove la sabbia crea dune e palazzi, emergono i villaggi fortificati con le caratteristiche Kasbah. Ma il Marocco è anche mare e montagne... è la meraviglia delle oasi che crescono la dove l'acqua porta vita. Vivi la magia di un Tour Marocco organizzati dal tour operator specializzato in viaggi in Africa da oltre 50 anni.

I nostri Tour

  • Tour con piccoli gruppi
  • Viaggi Individuali
  • Tour di gruppo
  • Partenze Esclusive

marocco mare tour operator

Marocco Smart

L'Africa degli Uomini

8 /giorni 7/notti

marocco mare tour operator

Marocco Explorer

11 /giorni 10/notti

marocco mare tour operator

Marocco Magic

marocco mare tour operator

Marocco Best

marocco mare tour operator

Marocco - La via delle 1000 Kasbahs

7 /giorni 6/notti

marocco mare tour operator

Gran Tour del Marocco

10 /giorni 9/notti

marocco mare tour operator

Marocco - Città imperiali e Essaouira

marocco mare tour operator

Marocco Discovery

Richiedi informazioni, informazioni marocco.

Alcuni consigli di viaggo utili per organizzare al meglio un viaggio in Marocco:

Qual è il periodo migliore per fare un viaggio in Marocco?

Il periodo migliore per fare un viaggio in Marocco dipende dalle preferenze personali e dalle attività che si desidera svolgere. La primavera e l’autunno sono i momenti più ambiti per visitare il Marocco, specialmente la primavera, poiché le temperature sono moderate intorno ai 20-25°C ed è l’ideale per esplorare le città imperiali come Marrakech, Fes e Rabat, nonché per fare escursioni nelle montagne dell'Atlante e visitare i giardini in fiore. L'estate può essere molto calda ed è consigliabile trascorrere il tempo nelle regioni costiere.

Quali sono le possibilità di viaggio per il Marocco?

Il Marocco offre varie possibilità di viaggio che permettono tutte di vivere una esperienza di viaggio completa a 360 gradi. Si può scegliere di partire in piccoli gruppi ed essere assistiti per tutta la durata del viaggio da una guida locale parlante lingua italiana.

Quali sono i luoghi da non perdere in Marocco?

Il Marocco è ricco di luoghi affascinanti e suggestivi da non perdere. Marrakech, conosciuta come la "Perla del Sud", e i palazzi storici come il Palazzo Bahia. I meravigliosi Jardin Majorelle e il Giardino di Menara. Le altre città imperiali: Fes, Rabat e Meknès. Chefchaouen, famosa per i suoi edifici dipinti di blu, e Merzouga nel deserto del Sahara. Casablanca è conosciuta per la sua architettura moderna e il famoso edificio della Moschea di Hassan II. Valle del Dades e Gole del Todra offrono spettacolari paesaggi desertici. 

Il Marocco è una destinazione adeguata per i bambini e per le famiglie?

Il Marocco può essere una destinazione adatta per le famiglie. Oltre alle città imperiali, Il Marocco vanta una bellissima costa con numerose spiagge che possono essere perfette per una giornata di relax in famiglia. Anche un'escursione nel deserto può essere un'esperienza emozionante per tutta la famiglia. Il Marocco è famoso per i suoi splendidi giardini, come il Jardin Majorelle a Marrakech, ma ci sono anche parchi e giardini pubblici in diverse città, dove i bambini possono giocare e correre liberamente.

Quali sono le migliori attività da svolgere in un viaggio in Marocco?

Il Marocco offre una vasta gamma di attività interessanti da svolgere durante il viaggio: fare un’escursione nel deserto del Sahara, in cammello o in jeep, un must durante un viaggio in Marocco; visitare le città imperiali come Marrakech, Fes, Meknes e Rabat e le loro medine; perdersi nei souk marocchini; visitare il Jardin Majorelle a Marrakech; puoi esplorare il Palazzo Bahia, il Palazzo El Badii e il Palazzo Reale a Marrakech. Infine, il Marocco ha una lunga costa, con città come Essaouira, Agadir, Tangeri e Casablanca che offrono opportunità per fare sport acquatici come surf, windsurf o kitesurf. 

African Explorer


marocco mare tour operator

Hacked By pr0dy001

Grand Tours of Morocco

Saint-Exupéry Grand Tour experience

Tours From Marrakech To Desert

Marrakech Experience

Desert tour, Morocco trekking and 4x4

Sound Desert Experience

Special Week end in Marrakech

Marrakech I love you

Tour of 1000 Kasbahs

Thousand and One Nights Experience - SPECIAL OUARZAZATE

Summer Tours and Sea Holidays

Ocean Sea Experience


The Moroccan Antilles!

Celebrate the New Year under the starry sky of Morocco

New Year in the Sahara Desert

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  1. Morocco Tours Operator

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  2. Tour Marocco Città Imperiali e Mare

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  3. Marocco Mare e Spiagge

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  4. Marocco Mare e Spiagge

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  5. Nomadexperience

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  6. Le spiagge più belle del Marocco

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  1. Tour to Marocco


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    Il Tuo Viaggio in Marocco d'Autore. Arché Travel, tra i migliori Tour Operator Marocco, vi porta nel cuore del Nord Africa con una selezione di Viaggi e Tour in Marocco di Gruppo.Infatti, la nostra esperienza unita ad una forte passione per il Maghreb, ci permettono di realizzare il tuo viaggio culturale in Marocco.Inoltre, collaboriamo con i migliori fornitori locali con una profonda ...

  2. 10 Best Tour Operators and Travel Agencies in Morocco

    Below you will find 39 of the best tour operators and travel agencies in Morocco offering in total 251 tours and holidays through-out Morocco. Combined they have received 393 customer reviews and an average rating of 5 out of 5 stars. The top tour activities offered in Morocco are: Sightseeing, attractions, culture and history, Wildlife ...

  3. Tour Marocco, Tour Operator Marocco, Vacanze in Marocco

    Tour operator autorizzato dal Governo del Marocco. Viaggi in Marocco sia per privati che per gruppi. Vacanze in Marocco tra deserto, mare, cultura e sport. ... Un tour in Marocco non può escludere il mare con Essaouira. Essaouira è la città bianca del Marocco: le vie sono larghe, luminose, la gente che la abita è molto ospitale ed è famosa ...

  4. The Best Tour Companies in Morocco in 2024

    Here are some of the best tour companies in Morocco to help you plan your trip: 1. Intrepid. It's always been my favorite multiday, small-group tour operator out there, and I always have an incredible time on its tours. I really love the guides, off-the-beaten-track itineraries, and commitment to the local community.

  5. Africa

    Essenza del Marocco. ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL'ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo - minimo 4 partecipanti 9 giorni / 8 notti Visitare le città imperiali e scendere a sud fra le più alte dune del Marocco in soli 9 giorni. Un viaggio pensato con i tempi giusti, con le visite a tutt... Viaggi di Gruppo. 2650 €. Durata 9 giorni.

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    Toubkal Guide. Trip Advisor - 1,269 reviews. Maroc Expedition Travel. Trip Advisor - 1,053 reviews. Sahara Luxury Trips. Trip Advisor - 434 reviews. Table update Oct 9, 2023. Get Free Quotes From 10 Best Morocco Tour Operators.

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    As a regional tour operator, they have a local's insight into the hidden gems around Morocco and can create a truly rich cultural experience. Featured Morocco Trips. Connect with an Expert. Follow. Compare. View profile. View trips # 17. of 125. matches. none. DesertBrise Travel. 5. 185 reviews.

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    Dream like holidays with the #1 Morocco tour operator & travel agency. Discover Marrakech, Chefchaouen & the Sahara. Book or call (+212) 524432452. ... We are tour operators in Morocco who offer 100% price transparency and stay true to our promise of delivering Morocco tours like you've always dreamed.

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    Welcome to our Morocco travel agency, your leading tour operator in Morocco, dedicated to creating unforgettable experiences in the enchanting land of Morocco. With a deep passion for travel and a commitment to exceptional service, we are here to take you on a journey of discovery, cultural immersion and adventure.

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    Per prenotazioni, preventivi e richieste informazioni contatta il nostro servizio clienti. Siamo a tua disposizione dal Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 9.00 alle 13.00 e dalle 14.00 alle 19.00 e il sabato dalle 9.00 alle 13.00. +39 049 7620111. Scopri tour e viaggi in Marocco offerti da Viaggi di Boscolo, prenota online il tuo viaggio e vivi un ...

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    Tour organizzati Marocco. Viaggi su misura - potrai personalizzare ogni dettaglio del tuo viaggio: gli alloggi, l'itinerario, le attività e molto altro ancora. ... Mare Marocco. Costa Atlantica; Mare e deserto; Tour al deserto. Sahara Express; ... TOUR ORGANIZZATI MAROCCO. Crea tu viaggio su misura con un tour operator locale. SCOPRI. I nostri ...

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    We provide Tours in Morocco, including Camels, Mules, 4×4 or Trekking, so you can experience the vastness of the Sahara Desert with our experienced guides. We also offer an exciting Marrakesh City Tour where you will discover mosques, palaces, gardens and the ultimate market experience. This ancient city will enchant you with its maze-like ...

  15. Viaggi in Marocco

    Viaggi in Marocco personalizzati in base ai tuoi desideri! Niente pacchetti pre-confezionati. Operiamo in tutto il Paese. Il tuo ritmo è sacro: per questa ragione non organizziamo viaggi in gruppo e non troverai sconosciuti al tuo arrivo. Ti proponiamo alcuni ESEMPI di tour: dai un'occhiata a queste possibilità e poi contattaci per ...

  16. HOME

    TOUR IN MAROCCO: EMOZIONI DA VIVERE. Youssef Azeroual è un caro amico e un serio professionista, la sua competenza come guida, vanta oltre 10 anni di esperienza nell'organizzazione di tutti i tipi di viaggi in tutto il Marocco. Oltre all'offerta dei percorsi principali, è in grado di organizzare il tuo viaggio su misura.

  17. #1 Travel to MOROCCO Become Inspired

    Moroccan Travel Agency. Infinite Morocco is a trusted, Moroccan-owned travel agency and local tour operator company based in Ouarzazate, Morocco (also known as the African version of Hollywood). We are licensed and bonded by the Moroccan Ministry of Tourism. Our private tour packages in Morocco include stays at unique boutique hotels, lodges ...

  18. Travel Agency in Morocco Marrakesh

    Travel Agency in Morocco Marrakesh. Welcome to Coming Morocco, your Travel Agency in Morocco Marrakesh! We create unforgettable tours that immerse you in the rich culture and the fascinating landscapes of Morocco. Whether you seek the cultural experiences, thrilling adventures, or peaceful escapes, our dedication is to turn your travel dream ...

  19. Maroc Experience

    LOOKING FOR THE SOUTH. 8 days, 7 nights. Last Minute Offer. 810EURO/PP BASED ON 2PEOPLE. We are a Local Tour Operator. We organize holidays and unforgettable trips in the warm lands of Morocco. Hacked By pr0dy001. Hacked By pr0dy001. Saint-Exupéry Grand Tour experience.

  20. Atitur Marocco

    DURATA: 11 giorni/10 notti. Riad Tradizionali + Casa Berbera + Campo Tendato. guarda il dettaglio. Tour operator specializzato in pacchetti di viaggio ed itinerari su misura in Marocco. Tour con partenza garantita in esclusiva in italiano. Volo, hotel e visite guidate.

  21. Viaggi e Tour in Marocco

    Qui dove la sabbia crea dune e palazzi, emergono i villaggi fortificati con le caratteristiche Kasbah. Ma il Marocco è anche mare e montagne... è la meraviglia delle oasi che crescono la dove l'acqua porta vita. Vivi la magia di un Tour Marocco organizzati dal tour operator specializzato in viaggi in Africa da oltre 50 anni.

  22. Morocco tour operator / Marrakech desert tours & Morocco trips

    Highlights of Morocco tour operator: A cross the Atlas Mountains. Hike to traditional mountain villages and learn about Berber culture. Travel on the road of 1000 kasbahs between Marrakech and Sahara desert. Join our Sahara desert tours from Marrakech, Fes, Casablanca and wherever in Morocco. Ride the camel and spend a night in a desert camp.

  23. Tour operator Marocco, Vacanza Marocco, Viaggio organizzato, Marocco

    Un viaggio dedicato a chi ama il mare, con le sue spiagge non attrezzate, libere e naturali. ... Desert tour, Morocco trekking and 4x4. Sound Desert Experience. Special Week end in Marrakech. Marrakech I love you. Tour of 1000 Kasbahs. Thousand and One Nights Experience - SPECIAL OUARZAZATE .