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Nick, Simon en Kees zijn terug met een documentaireserie over The Beatles: 'De band voelt als een mythe'

Bram de graaf, 18 mei 2023 10:00, laatste update: 09-05-23 14:49.

Nick Schilder, Kees Tol en Simon Keizer

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Het trio maakte eerder series over Simon & Garfunkel en Abba . "Vervolgseries waren nooit onze bedoeling", zegt Nick Schilder . " AVROTROS was eerst sceptisch toen we een tv-programma over onze jeugdhelden Simon & Garfunkel wilden maken. Toch kregen we de kans en het scoorde boven verwachting goed."

Een tweede programma over Abba – ook een succes – was vooral een wens van Kees Tol , bekent Schilder . "Hij is idolaat van ze. Vervolgens dachten we: laten we nog iets maken voor het publiek, over een groep waar iedereen van is gecharmeerd. Er was maar één act die daarvoor in aanmerking kwam: The Beatles ."

Zelf ontdekte hij de beroemde band uit Liverpool rond zijn tiende. "Ik leerde toen het door Paul McCartney geschreven liedje Blackbird  spelen op de gitaar. Het werkte aanmoedigend om zo'n geweldig nummer te reproduceren. Ik denk dat iedere muzikant dat wel heeft met Beatles -liedjes. Compositorisch zitten ze erg goed in elkaar. The Beatles zijn heel belangrijk geweest voor mijn muzikale ontwikkeling."

Nick, Simon en Kees: The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour

Voor Nick, Simon en Kees: The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour toog het drietal naar Liverpool, waar alle Beatles tussen 1940 en 1943 werden geboren. Het ligt net als Volendam aan het water. "We gingen ons een beetje met hen identificeren. Liverpool had met het grote Londen hetzelfde als wij met Amsterdam. En net als Volendam was er een harde competitieve samenleving. Maar we beseften donders goed dat we nog niet de schoenveters van The Beatles mogen strikken."

In de havenstad onderzochten ze waarom de band nog altijd zo populair is. "Het is een optelsom van factoren geweest. Het is alsof er daar een wonder is gebeurd. De op de rockmuziek gebaseerde muziekstijl Merseybeat was er heel populair. Opeens waren daar vier jongens van dezelfde leeftijd die erg waren beïnvloed door de rock-'n-roll van Little Richard en Chuck Berry, maar dat melodieuzer brachten."

The Beatles verbleven in 1960 een periode in Hamburg, waar ze soms zeven uur per dag optraden. "Ze raakten daar enorm op elkaar ingespeeld. Terug in Liverpool waren ze klaar voor het grote werk. De stemmen van Lennon en McCartney pasten geweldig bij elkaar in de samenzang, ze gingen zelf liedjes schrijven en hadden in George Martin een topproducer die zijn tijd ver vooruit was. Dat alles is er de oorzaak van dat we nog altijd naar die muziek luisteren. Ze zijn zo bepalend geweest. Niet alleen voor de muziekgeschiedenis, ze veroorzaakten ook een hele cultuuromslag."

The Beatles, Abba en Simon & Garfunkel

In Liverpool spraken ze onder meer de zus van John Lennon over diens jeugd. " De band voelt als een mythe, maar dan besef je dat het over gewone mensen van vlees en bloed gaat. We bezochten de kerk waar John en Paul elkaar voor het eerst ontmoetten, en waar de popmuziek eigenlijk is ontstaan. Ik voelde me als muzikant heel klein om door hun historie te reizen, het zijn zulke grootheden. En hun liedjes zulke monumenten."

The Beatles en Abba gingen na tien jaar uit elkaar, Simon & Garfunkel hielden het veertien jaar met elkaar vol. Wat dat betreft hebben Nick & Simon het als duo niet slecht gedaan. "Haha, zeventien jaar is inderdaad best lang als je dat naast andere acts legt. Ik kan met een gerust hart zeggen dat we qua lengte niets tekort zijn gekomen."

Schilder richt zich nu op zijn solocarrière. Aan welke muzikale richting we daarbij moeten denken, wil hij niet zeggen. "Vooralsnog permitteer ik me alle vrijheid. Ik zit in een goede vibe en werk met nieuwe mensen. Ik heb al wat dingen in het Nederlands gemaakt die heel anders zijn, ik experimenteer wat met Engels. Ook luister ik veel naar Pink Floyd, die veel deden met geluidseffecten. Welke technieken gebruikten ze? Hoe kan ik zelf zoiets maken? Wat het uiteindelijk wordt, zal de toekomst uitwijzen. Ik vind het belangrijk om na zeventien jaar met Simon nu ook wat rust te nemen. En de tijd om dingen te laten bezinken."

Nick, Simon en Kees: The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour is vanaf 18 mei 2023 elke donderdag om 21:30 uur te zien bij AVROTROS op NPO 1 . 

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magical mystery tour nick simon kees

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Nick, Simon en Kees: The Beatles – Magical Mystery Tour

Nick, Simon en Kees: The Beatles – Magical Mystery Tour is een nieuw tv-programma van Nick Schilder, Simon Keizer en Kees Tol. De eerste twee mogen dan afscheid hebben genomen als muzikaal duo; ze maken nog steeds tv samen. Vandaag – vrijdag 30 juni 2023 – wordt om 16.40 uur Nick, Simon & Kees: The Beatles | De documentaire uitgezonden.

The Beatles – Magical Mystery Tour

Voor een nieuw avontuur als documentairemakers verdiepen Nick Schilder, Simon Keizer en Kees Tol zich in het leven van hun gezamenlijke muzikale helden: The Beatles *. Hiervoor doen ze hun eigen Magical Mystery Tour en reizen ze af naar Engeland om het verhaal van John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison en Ringo Starr te ontdekken en vast te leggen. Wat maakt het dat The Beatles zo’n onuitwisbare indruk hebben achtergelaten? En wat is het mysterie achter hun populaire liedjes waardoor ze hedendaagse muzikanten nog steeds beïnvloeden? 

Nick & Simon en The Beatles

De muziek van The Beatles wordt gezien als de belangrijkste en invloedrijkste muziek, ontstaan in de jaren ‘60. Nummers als Let It Be, Here Comes The Sun en Hey Jude worden tegenwoordig nog steeds veel gedraaid. Nick Schilder *, Simon Keizer en Kees Tol ontmoeten mensen die dicht bij de bandleden staan en krijgen hiermee een interessant inkijkje in het leven van één van de meest populaire bands van de wereld. Ze starten hun reis in Liverpool. De stad waar John, Paul, Ringo en George opgroeiden en samen hun eerste muzikale stappen zetten. 

Julia Baird, Strawberry Field

Ze bezoeken onder andere Strawberry Field in Liverpool, wat in de jeugdjaren van John Lennon een weeshuis was van het Leger des Heils en waar nu een tentoonstelling over John Lennon is ingericht. Hij bezingt in het nummer Strawberry Fields Forever deze plek als een mooie jeugdherinnering, waar hij veel speelde met de kinderen uit het weeshuis. Ze ontmoeten hier Julia Baird, de halfzus van John, die tegenwoordig ere-directeur van dit Strawberry Field is, waarmee ze een project is gestart om kansarme jongeren een mogelijkheid te bieden op de arbeidsmarkt. En hoewel Julia eigenlijk alleen daarover wil praten, gooit Kees Tol al zijn charmes in de strijd om toch ook de verhalen over haar bekende broer te ontfutselen. 

Beatles Roadmanager Tony Bramwell

Net zoals The Beatles reizen Nick, Kees, en Simon * na Liverpool af naar Londen. De stad die de muziek van de groep tot nog grotere hoogte bracht. In Londen ontmoeten zij onder anderen Tony Bramwell. Hij kent The Beatles vanaf kleins af aan en wordt later hun roadmanager. Als iemand The Beatles door en door kent, is hij het wel. In de Twickenham Film Studio’s spreken ze met hem af. Op deze locatie zijn verschillende films opgenomen en zijn er iconische nummers tot stand gekomen voor hun laatste album. Toepasselijk genoeg is dit ook de laatste stop voor onze Volendammers. Maar niet voordat ze deze bijzondere reis muzikaal afsluiten met de verschillende gasten die ze tijdens hun eigen Magical Mystery Tour hebben ontmoet.

Nick, Simon en Kees: The Beatles – Magical Mystery Tour kijken

Nick, Simon en Kees: The Beatles – Magical Mystery Tour is te kijken vanaf 18 mei om 21.30 uur bij AVROTROS op NPO 1. Je kunt de afleveringen ook terugkijken via NPO Plus en NPO Start, waar je de afleveringen vooruit kunt kijken. Vanuit het buitenland doe je dat met behulp van een VPN Verbinding , die je op Nederland zet. Geniet je van dit soort shows, kijk dan bijvoorbeeld ook Nick, Simon & Kees: Take a chance on me over ABBA.


Wist je dat Nick, Kees en Simon ook een documentaire bij de Magical Mystery Tour hebben gemaakt Gedurende zes afleveringen bezochten de Volendammers locaties die van betekenis waren voor de band en spraken ze met mensen die de carrière van John, Paul, Ringo en George van dichtbij hebben meegemaakt. Deze documentaire – die te kijken is op vrijdag 30 juni om 16.40 uur – is het eindresultaat van hoe Nick, Kees en Simon de geschiedenis van The Beatles op eigen wijze hebben vastgelegd.

Nick & Simon gestopt; toch op tv

Nick & Simon zijn als muzikaal duo * gestopt. Je kon recent nog kijken naar hun afscheidsconcert . Maar ze maken nog steeds programma’s, zoals recent ook Strandgasten . Kees Tol zag je recent nog op tv in Make Up Your Mind 2023 .

Meer over de inhoud van Nick, Simon en Kees: The Beatles – Magical Mystery Tour

Aflevering 1

Voor een nieuw avontuur als documentairemakers verdiepen Nick, Simon en Kees zich in het leven van hun gezamenlijke muzikale helden: The Beatles. Ze starten in Nederland, wel in het West-Friese dorpje Blokker: de plek waar The Beatles in 1964 optraden. Hun reis wordt vervolgd in Liverpool, de plek waar Ringo Starr, George Harrison, Paul McCartney en John Lennon opgroeiden. Hier duiken de Volendammers in de jeugd van de mannen. Zo bezoeken ze de huizen waar de bandleden opgroeiden en brengen ze een bezoekje aan de wereldberoemde Penny Lane.

Aflevering 2

Nick, Simon en Kees ontmoeten Colin Hanton en Rod Davis, twee muzikanten die vroeger in The Quarrymen zaten, het schoolbandje van John Lennon dat later zou uitgroeien tot The Beatles. Colin en Rod waren erbij op de dag dat John Lennon en Paul McCartney elkaar leerden kennen. Ze nemen het drietal mee naar de plek van de ontmoeting. Daarna gaan ze langs bij Roag Best, de halfbroer van voormalig drummer Pete Best. Zijn familie speelde een belangrijke rol bij het ontstaan van The Beatles. Ze sluiten af bij David Bedford, hij noemt zichzelf The Beatles detective en doet al jaren onderzoek naar sleutelmomenten in de geschiedenis van de band.

Aflevering 3

Nick, Kees en Simon bezoeken twee belangrijke bars voor de carrière van The Beatles. Ze treffen daar de coverband Beatles Complete aan: vier jongens die in de huid kruipen van John, Paul, Ringo en George. Later die avond hebben ze afgesproken met de Liverpoolse radiohost Pete Price die de Volendammers met zijn verhalen meeneemt naar het Liverpool van de jaren 60. Ze sluiten af met een bezoekje aan Strawberry Field, de plek die voor John Lennon de inspiratie is voor zijn nummer Strawberry Fields Forever. Ze hebben daar afgesproken met voormalig Beatles-secretaresse Freda Kelly, die een dierbare relatie had met alle vier de Beatles-leden.

Aflevering 4

Nick, Kees en Simon hebben een ontmoeting met de halfzus van John Lennon. Ze vertelt over haar broer op een plek die tekenend is voor hun jeugd: Strawberry Field. Het is tijd om hun avontuur in Liverpool af te sluiten en dat doen ze op een bijzondere manier. Nick en Simon zingen onder begeleiding van een strijkkwartet het liedje Eleanor Rigby, op de plek waar John Lennon en Paul McCartney elkaar ooit ontmoeten. Ze vervolgen hun reis in Londen, de stad waar The Beatles wereldberoemd werden. Hier hebben ze afgesproken met David Stark en Richard Porter. Beide heren zijn al jaren Beatlesfan en weten alles over de band en hun tijd in Londen.

Aflevering 5

Nick, Kees en Simon zijn in Londen, de stad waar The Beatles hun grote internationale successen behaalden en waar het begrip Beatlemania een wereldwijd fenomeen werd. Ze spreken muziekjournalist Hannah Ewens, die een boek heeft geschreven over ‘fangirls’. Ook ontmoeten ze de kapper die jarenlang verantwoordelijk was voor de kapsels van The Beatles en zijn eigen haarsalon runde in de Apple Tailoring-boutique, een van de ondernemingen van The Beatles. De mannen komen nog dichterbij, want ze spreken ook Jenny Boyd, de schoonzus van George Harrison. Jenny ging mee op de welbekende spirituele reis naar India.

Aflevering 6

Nick gaat in de leer bij sitarspeler Jonathan Mayer. George Harrison leerde het Indiase instrument bespelen in de jaren 60 en dat lijkt Nick ook wel wat. Hierna bezoeken Nick, Kees en Simon de plek waar The Beatles-film Yellow Submarine in première ging. Dit doen ze samen met David Stark die toentertijd bij de première aanwezig was. Ten slotte hebben ze afgesproken met Tony Bramwell, de tourmanager van The Beatles. De Volendammers ontmoeten hem in de iconische Twickenham Film Studios. The Beatles hebben hier veel muziek gemaakt en verschillende films opgenomen. De perfecte plek om hun Beatles-avontuur muzikaal af te sluiten.

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I Am The Walrus from Magical Mystery Tour

Magical Mystery Tour

Released 26th December 1968

"We said to everyone: 'Be on the coach on Monday morning.' I told them all, 'We're going to make it up as we go along, but don't worry - it'll be all right.'" Paul
"It was good. We would get off the bus: 'Let's stop here,' and go and do this and that. Go on the beach, draw a heart, dance. Then we'd put the music to it. It took two weeks to film and a long time to edit." Ringo
"In the time that had elapsed since A Hard Day's Night and Help! - although it was probably only two years - it was as if we'd gone through five hundred years mentally. We didn't see any way of making a similar film of four jolly lads nipping around singing catchy little tunes. It had to be something that had more meaning." George
"They thought we were stepping out of our roles. They'd like just to keep us in cardboard suits that were designed for us. Whatever image they have for themselves, they're disappointed if we don't fulfil it. And we never do, so there's always a lot of disappointment." John

Away in the sky, beyond the clouds, live 4 or 5 Magicians. By casting wonderful spells they turn the Most Ordinary Coach Trip into a Magical Mystery Tour. If you let yourself go, the Magicians will take you away to marvellous places. Maybe you've been on a Magical Mystery Tour without even realising it. Are you ready to go?

The Beatles produced this film around a coach journey across England. It features a series of musical vignettes, interspersed with scenes of comedy and fantasy. It includes tracks such as Magical Mystery Tour, The Fool On the Hill, Your Mother Should Know, and I Am The Walrus.

" Having been involved in feature films such as A Hard Day’s Night and Help! The Beatles wanted to make a film that was in keeping with the spirit of the times. So in the summer of 1967 we came up with a scenario that would keep the project extremely freewheeling.

At the time Richard Lester, the director of our first two films, was quoted in Rolling Stone as saying “ They should make their next film themselves, just the way they make an album. I mean that it should grow organically rather than having the professional cult of film making superimposed upon it. ”

I took over most of the responsibility of pulling this together. We remembered mystery tours from when we were growing up in Liverpool which would take people on a bus trip without them knowing the ultimate destination. So that’s what we did. We wrote a basic story outline starting with a hand drawn pie-chart, recorded some songs, engaged some likely looking actors and along with a few friends set off in our brightly coloured bus heading towards the south west coast of England.

Most of the dialogue was improvised and would involve us talking to the actors, deciding a basic idea for a scene and filming it right away. None of us knew our destination, as in the mystery tours of our childhood, but we had a very enjoyable few days and then returned to London to sort out all the footage we had shot.

It turned out to be a wacky, impromptu romp that puzzled a few people at the time but as the years have gone by it now stands as a fond reminder of that period in our lives."

Paul McCartney, August 2012.

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Magical Mystery Tour (1967)

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Magical Mystery Tour

Released as a six-song double EP in the United Kingdom and an 11-song album in the US and elsewhere, Magical Mystery Tour was the soundtrack to the television film of the same name, which was first broadcast by the BBC on 26 December 1967 .

In the wake of the death of Brian Epstein on 27 August 1967 , The Beatles found themselves suddenly without direction. Whereas since 1962 they had been carefully guided by their manager, at the peak of their career they were unused to making their own business decisions or having absolute autonomy over their future.

On 1 September 1967 , five days after Epstein’s body was discovered in his London home, The Beatles met at Paul McCartney ’s house at 7 Cavendish Avenue in St John’s Wood, London. The previous day an announcement had been issued stating that the band would continue to be managed by NEMS Enterprises – now under the guidance of Epstein’s brother Clive – until further notice.

During the 1 September meeting The Beatles agreed to continue with Magical Mystery Tour , a project begun in April shortly after the completion of Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band . Crucially, this was a time when McCartney began steering many of the group’s decisions, encouraging them to continue during a period in which they might easily have collapsed amid a lack of direction.

I was still under a false impression. I still felt every now and then that Brian would come in and say, ‘It’s time to record,’ or, ‘Time to do this.’ And Paul started doing that: ‘Now we’re going to make a movie. Now we’re going to make a record.’ And he assumed that if he didn’t call us, nobody would ever make a record. Paul would say, well, now he felt like it – and suddenly I’d have to whip out twenty songs. He’d come in with about twenty good songs and say, ‘We’re recording.’ And I suddenly had to write a fucking stack of songs.

McCartney’s concept for Magical Mystery Tour was to produce a television special about a group of ordinary people taking a mystery trip on a coach. The film would take in various locations in England and France, and would be mostly improvised and take advantage of the encounters they had on the road.

Magical Mystery Tour was Paul’s idea. It was a good way to work. Paul had a great piece of paper – just a blank piece of white paper with a circle on it. The plan was: ‘We start here – and we’ve got to do something here…’ We filled it in as we went along. We rented a bus and off we went. There was some planning: John would always want a midget or two around, and we had to get an aircraft hangar to put the set in. We’d do the music, of course. They were the finest videos, and it was a lot of fun. To get the actors we looked through the actors’ directory, Spotlight: ‘Oh, we need someone like this, and someone like that.’ We needed a large lady to play my auntie. So we found a large lady.

Latest Comments

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Absolutely underrated in so many ways.

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Problem is… it’s not really an album. Just a collection of songs already recorded

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But isn’t that what the definition of an album is? A collection of songs already recorded?

Kind of hard to make an album if none of the songs have been recorded already.

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The idea is that if you for example compare it to Sgt. Peppers, there is no feeling of a “string” guiding you through the album. MMT seems very convoluted to me. Side 1 & 2 seem to me like they are from different albums and mindsets. In almost every album theres a definite feel of “This is their idea of music at this point”. This doesn’t happen for me in Magical Mystery Tour.

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best beatle album a collection of hits Such a master piece, along with revolver, rubber soul, sgt pepper, and white album

and help. and a hard days night and well all beatle music.

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The only Capitol release that improved upon a British release. (Or even equalled it, for that matter, since the UK “Pepper” was ever-so slightly better than the US version, which excluded the inner-groove gibberish and for-dogs-only tone.)

' src=

Yep, I agree that Capitol finally did the Beatles right by adding all those wonderful 1967 singles. For once they didn’t butcher the EP, (like all the previous LP’s) they just added to it. But I also really love the EP for what it is. Never saw it growing up in Canada until I finally got my own UK EP import.

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How can you not love MMT? It gives me a warm, magical, mysterious feeling just thinking about it. The only downer is Blue Jay Way which is tough to get all the way through. They should have put “It’s All Too Much” on this instead of Yellow Submarine. Then it would be spotless!

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Yellow Submarine isn’t on Magical Mystery Tour. Did you mean Blue Jay Way?

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I think he means they shoud have put the song It’s All Too Much on the album MMT istead of the album Yellow Submarine.

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I agree with you about MMT being a supreme beatles album , but i dont agree about blue jay way … when you consider how hari wrote it , he was took out to a friends house in (america i think) by whoever and the friend was not at home so george waited at the house entrance while (whoever) went to look for the friend or a phone …. it was getting towards dusk a little dark and george being on his own in the unfamiliar surroundings of a foreign country got a little scared and the lane/road was called Blue Jay Way and the song was born…. you might say written with the help of fear !!!

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Blue Jay Way was not meant to be a Top 40 hit. It was first & foremost a vehicle to tell us the story of Paul’s death, and its video was likewise a vehicle to show you quick flashes of his corpse, his damaged face after the accident, and even his displaced jawbone flying around. These grisly images are presented against a busy background of people dancing & darting across the scene, so you must freeze frames to see them. But they are all there to tell the story as The Beatles intended.

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Pure bullocks. George told the story many times as to what this song is about. You simply haven’t a clue I’m afraid.

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Just another fool on the hill.

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Is it the EP you’re referring to? Blue Jay Way although lengthy is a significant Harrison piece, instrumentation-wise, which I find quite soothing when listened to. You don’t have a complete MMT experience without this song.

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Blue Jay Way may be the only song on all of The Beatles albums that I skip every single time.

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I love all the Beatle albums, but between this one and Beatles for sale, they are my least favorite.I find it suprising that John Lennon said it was his favorite.I heard that in the Anthology DVD and I assumed it was from an interview at the time of MMT’s release but on here it says from a Rolling Stone 1974 interview.I am the Walrus is definetly one of Lennons best works, but the album as a whole just doesnt stand up there for me.It’s still a great record, just not one of their better ones in my opinion.

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In the states, MMT was a Christmas release, 6 months after Sgt. P. It was seen as the next Beatles album, when in fact it was an extension of Sgt. P. That the White Album was in fact the next Beatles album has been lost on the American public’s consciousness.

One has to wonder what might have happened if they didn’t feel the need or succumb to the pressure to churn out album after album in the wake of Brian’s death. The massive White Album, then 5 months later convening for Get BAck/Let It Be… then Abbey Road right after. Bands today could never maintain the pace of recording/movies/business pressures as did the Beatles. Perhaps, if… they might have… oh well. There are a lot of “perhaps’ ” in the history of the Beatles.

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Yeah, it’s UNCANNY (and terribly stupid on their part) that less than ONE MONTH AND A HALF after releasing the White Album, these crazy workaholics should convene again for the drudgery of more recording AND filming. Even without the alleged “tensions” attending the recording of The Beatles, any four human beings should have been exhausted after such strenuous work. Why not wait at least until spring/early summer to resume work, have a good rest of writing/rehearsing/recording (and putting up with each other!), and then “get back” with renewed energy? I’m sure The Beatles wouldn’t have split up if they had respected themselves a little bit more. They seemed to have gotten caught up into a masochistic groove: what sense does it make to play LIVE in the middle of the winter on a windswept rooftop in London!!!? That, despite all the odds, that performance should have been SO good is yet another proof of how great The Beatles were, but they simply seem to have stretched human nature too far…. What a waste!

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The band had a very work a day attitude to what they did. Essentially they saw being recording artists the same way as being a Teacher,Nurse,Engineer, Postman or any other job. You went to work everyday and had some days off for weekends or holidays. Paul particularly had this attitude. Although their hours of work were unusual they were more like shift workers working a backshift.

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It continued after they split up as well. After recording TWO Albums in 1969, they immediately dived into solo singles and albums.

Ringo releasing 2 albums in 1970, Paul 1 in 1970 and 2 in 1971, George a triple album in 1970, John releasing albums in 1970 and 1971.

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The Beatles got it right. They split up while they were a YOUNG band & will always be remembered as such……Unlike the rolling stones.

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It is very simple why they did so much work in November 1966 to August 1969 in the studio. They were not touring and could spend the time recording as much material as they could release.

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I live in the US and close to 40 years ago read that the White Album was meant as a follow-up to Sgt. Pepper’s, with the stark cover and relative simplicity of the songs countering the extravagance and complexity of Pepper.

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well, bear in mind that side 2 was mostly songs that had gotten lots of radio play during the year before, so even in the U.S. it was clear to me, as an 11 year old, that it included a lot of re-packaged material. Compared to my experience of the White Album which was like getting this amazing toy chest, every single song was unfamiliar, the whole thing had a vibe, and what a treat to discover them all from scratch. And there was an obvious difference between the fun but ultimately kind of commercial comic book in MMT and the much more interesting packaging of the White Album and Sgt Pepper. Kind of the same thing with Let It Be…when I got THAT for Christmas it was exciting to have a new bit of Beatles product and i gleaned pleasure from various tracks. But every single thing about it signaled that it wasn’t a major work in the canon. Starting with the banal packaging.

I concur wholeheartedly. The albums’ and singles’ releasing frequency was imo also a bad business decision altogether on part of the parts involved. It sort of unnecessarily saturated the Fab4 market, with the exception of the hardcore fans worldwide.

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Not at all. Their creativity had multiplied and they wanted to keep the box open as they weren’t planning any tours; MMT was to be broadcast in MondoVison, exploring a new format it turned out to be more than an interlude, quite magically. Meanwhile the affiliated record companies had been releasing as much as possible already, clearly Apple was created to keep them letting it get so out of control, as well as an outlet for whatever the Beatles would fancy.

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This album has its similarities to the white album not pepper think about it The Fool On The Hill and Mother Natures Son or Flying and Wild Honey Pie, Strawberry Fields Forever and Glass Onion, Baby Your A Rich Man and Happiness Is A Warm Gun!!

strawberry fields forever was originally wrote for pepper penny lane also but the big wigs moneymen who all but owned the Beatles were impatient pepper took so long to make that they demanded a release so EMI released SFF/PL so it does have similarities to pepper. the information can be found in the “complete abbey road recordings” which was put out by EMI/HAMLIN.

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I saw ‘MMT’, the color version, in a small ‘art’ theatre in my city in early 1968…I was quite intrigued as it had a dreamlike and slightly ‘down’ air about it, quite different from ‘HDN’ & ‘Help’.

I can only imagine what the UK Boxing Day audience who saw the black & white version thought.

Very ‘surrealistic’ and way ahead of later MTV rubbish.

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MMT was not distributed in North America until late 1968-early 1969 in small theatres with Eric Anderson doing a short concert as well as introducing the movie.

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The MMT movie best moment is definettly Jonh serving sppaghetti to the big lady! That’s so genius!. I like the album very very much! Except for “Hello Goodbye”(I hate it, but fits the purposes of the movie/album I guess), all the songs are great and fit within The Beatles best work!

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Outstanding album; really better than other higher-profile albums like SPLHCB.

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This has to be said: MMT is NOT a Beatles album. It is an American COMPILATION of Beatles music. Nothing to do with them apart from that. Since its entry to the “official canon” the attitude seems to have grown that it should be considered as if one of the UK albums that they put so much thought and effort into. Comparing it to those albums is just wrong. I love the album. It is one the great COMPILATION albums – but to see how the group wanted the music on it presented at the time, look to the UK double-ep (which is a fantastic package) and the relevant singles. However much I love it as an album, one of my big disappointments is that it made the original CD reissue series in the ’80s. That gave the impression there were 13 albums instead of 12. What would Mark have done? I would have had “Past Masters” live up to its job description – to collect ALL recordings not featured on the 12 albums they recorded and released as they envisioned them. You could then have a “Past Masters” that made sense, instead of having a big 1967-shaped hole at its centre. And if anyone’s wondering, it would easily fit. “Past Masters” is about 94 minutes, MMT 36, giving a “Past Masters” that would be around 130 minutes. Volume/Disc 1: 1962-66, Volume/Disc 2: 1967-70 (think I’ve heard that split somewhere before). A later release of MMT could have been done later, as has happened with other Capitol albums. Don’t get me wrong though, I don’t dislike the album or anything, I just dislike it’s elevated status alongside the 12 albums they did record. I dread the day when I come across a comment telling me that The Beatles never recorded a better album than “1”!

It’s a nice idea. However, having MMT incorporated into Past Masters may have meant we didn’t get the MMT artwork – the booklet is really worth having. Personally I’m glad they kept it as a standalone release, but it’s all personal preference. I do think there’s quite a big hole in PM because MMT hoovered up all the amazing 1967 singles.

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True it’s technically not a Beatles album although I believe Parlophone did decide to start pressing copies of it in the U.K. at some point like it was a Beatles album. It’s a great companion album to Sgt. Pepper since those two albums basically give you 99% of their 67 output.

I totally agree, it was an EP and should have gone down in history as an EP. When they released the new 2014 mono LP set, they should included the EP and put the remaining singles Past Masters.

No I think they got it right releasing it as an album when it came time to standardise the albums throughout the world as there was packaging especially for it, and for once Capitol got it right in putting all the 1967 singles on the second side, It would have left Past/Mono Masters as lop sided from 1965 onwards with the 11 songs that are on the album.

However i do agree that they could release Magical Mystery Tour as a stand alone Double EP in both stereo and mono, and maybe release it as a twelve inch singles as well in stereo and mono. So you could have four options in which to buy it.

It’s an album. It exists today as an album because that’s what it is. So, in other words: The Beatles were wrong and Capitol was right. They knew it was an album, and it is!

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Another detail to clarify who wore which animal suit…look for the wristwatch.

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I got this album in June 1980. It is great that the songs on the British EP and the1967 singles and Bsides could be included on one album. It compliments Sgt Pepper in that regard. I Am The Walrus is one of my favorite songs of all time and a great example of John Lennons offbeat genius. And for that matter The Fool On The Hill is one of McCartneys finest. And then you have other masterpieces like All You Need Is Love, Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields Forever on side two. Thats not to forget Baby Youre A Rich Man.

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Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane belong on Sgt Pepper, but as usual EMI couldn’t wait and needed a single before Pepper was finished. and the Beatles didn’t put their singles on albums to that point.The iconic album would have been truly awesome with.their best two songs of 1967

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Agreed, what I have done is make my own albums, So Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane are on my version of Pepper, likewise I added Rain to Revolver and removed Yellow Submarine.

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I’ve done the same. Magical Mystery Tour and Yellow Submarine get spliced together as the great psychedelic afterbirth that follows Sergeant P. My version runs: Magical Mystery Tour, Baby You’re a Rich Man, Only a Northern Song, Hello Goodbye, All You Need Is Love, Flying, Your Mother Should Know, The Inner Light, Hey Bulldog, Blue Jay Way, All Together Now, I Am the Walrus, The Fool on the Hill and It’s All Too Much. I was inspired by the great article “Playing God” by Todd Burns and have similarly chopped and changed all the albums to include singles from each period. I’ve only just noticed that You Know My Name (LUTN) is missing. That might go last. I’m interested in hearing about other versions or improvements!

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Havent seen the mmt movie, but excluding hello goodbye, & blue jay way its great back to back

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I have the original 1967 MMT EMI in mint condition, can some one tell me the value of this record? Thanks!

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Check around a little bit but I have seen a quote of up to $750 on moneymusic.com

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If we allow that MMT is indeed a Beatles album, then it clearly is in their very top-most in the canon. It has at least 5 of what would be considered universally accepted of the top 25 Beatles songs of all time. SFF, AYNIL, IATW, PL, and FOTH

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The first Beatle album I ever owned at the age of 13 and for that it will also have a nostalgic place in my heart.

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It is fabulous. Just brilliant. Frankly, it should be seen for what it is, very serious music. Because “Strawberry Fields Forever” is so good, I really think that this is the best album of all, well, I suppose, along with “Sgt. Pepper”. “I Am the Walrus” and “Fool on the Hill’ are so good that I find myself playing this more than any other of their albums. Yes, I prefer the old vinyl one though I also have the CD and I believe the EP somewhere as well. If it is serious music you want, and not necessarily pop entertainment, then this one really stands out. Forget about the costumes, the movie, the inside information, and just focus on the 11 songs. I have no problem with any of the songs that people who have commented on dislike. It’s all great. The album version stated here to not be released was everywhere in the U. K., yes, everywhere as soon as 1968 and all through the 70’s. Import? That’s silly, since it’s their album. The cover maybe, perhaps, but certainly not the music. It’s a bit like saying an American printing of a Shakespeare play is American when the play isn’t. As for the reason I find this to be their best, well it certainly has nothing to do with the film. I’ve never seen it and that’s all right. It’s all about the brilliant music herein. Cheers!

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Yeah but my question is, where are the costumes and masks today? Were they donated or does the current Beatle members have it?

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A lot of you guys doesn’t have a clue about MMT. The US album was fully supported by The Beatles. Before 1967 they couldn’t do anything about Capitol’s releases, but by renewing their contract with EMI, one of their demands was that they could control releases overseas. If the Beatles had put their foot down before Capitol, the US album would not have happend. They did not.

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The whole movie was a rent party. The bus, the sets, actors, costumes; all rented.Only the music was bought and paid for…by the fans. And we (Americans) didn’t even get to see the movie.

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Nigel – the movie did play here in the states but probably in sporadic and random theaters. I saw it somewhere in Connecticut in the 70’s.

I was totally nuts about “I Am The Walrus” when it came out and it’s still a favorite. But beyond that I feel that the other songs from the movie (Side “A” of the US album) are collectively about the weakest material the Beatles ever put out. It feels to me as though they wanted to keep the innovation and magic of Sergeant Pepper going but were just trying too hard. Also I wonder if Brian Epstein’s death and resulting lack of “grown up” direction didn’t contribute to the muddle.

Instead of “Magical Mystery Tour” I refer to this album as “Whoa! Way Too Much Acid!”.

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Did anyone know that in magical mystery tour Paul is wherein a flashers coat during the song fool on the hill and you can actually see for a fleeting moment his junk.

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This was thought to be as one could not tell due to the quality of the VHS tapes .Now its on Blu ray and DVDone can tell that this information is wrong.

Really like the sound of this album. Sounds a bit like Pepper in style, without all the psychedelic organs that makes Pepper sound a bit dated. Only song I’m not a huge fan of is “Blue Jay Way” which to me, drones on a bit too long.

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this, in my opinion, is the only US release that was better than the UK version! Strawberry Fields Forever, Penny Lane and I am the Walrus all on the same album!

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For most of us Americans under 60, this is an album. It starts with MMT and ends with All You Need is Love. I discovered this album as an 11 year old and didnt learn until my mid 20’s that I had the compiled American release. I decided to keep my original thoughts to it. Its the MMT album! They all evoke a 1967 feel to it; psychadelia (dark & positive), wit, nostalgia, & love. It feels like a concept album (all 11 songs). Lets not put this in the same category as the Hey Jude compilation Album that includes songs from years past. Whenever i have been asked if Pepper was the best Beatles album, i often jokingly respond that its not even the best album of ’67. I love MMT.

But the point i want to remind people of are the small magical pieces between songs. They are enjoyable little treats. You could make the point that this pattern continues on side 2 with the short snippets after Hello Goodbye & Strawberry Fields Forever. That is another reason why the two sides hold nicely together.

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I’m in my 70s now and I guess that’s why it’s not an album to me, just mainly a collection of songs. The fact is that by the fall of 1967 we had heard the non-film songs lots on the radio and they were completely familiar when MMT was released. The film songs (except “I Am The Walrus”) did not seem in the same league musically with the singles and therefore the whole effort seemed like a weird mashing together of unrelated elements, very much the opposite of the Beatles’ normal way of doing things. Of course I bought the album though! But when I had first heard that the Beatles would follow up Sgt. Pepper with something called “Magical Mystery Tour,” just the name conjured images of an even deeper dive into psychedelia and therefore MMT was rather a flat disappointment in that regard.

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The reason John said, “The Walrus was Paul” was not because Paul was in the Walrus costume. It was because he had a mo-ped accident and grew a moustache to hide the scar. The others said he looked like a walrus, but also grew moustaches in solidarity.

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No one has mentioned that US Capitol, in making MMT a full album, copied UK Parlophone’s method for their earlier soundtrack LP’s, with all the movie songs on Side 1 and all the non-movie songs from the same time-frame on Side 2.

That is interesting, but seeing as side one was the same as the British release, this could be a coincidence? But there’s equal chance it was deliberate.

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In my opinion, “Magical Mystery Tour” was The Beatles at the zenith of their psychedelic phase and some of the sessions happened to coincide with the Summer of Love. John and George went into their keyboardist mode during the sessions for MMT and both of them began to write keyboard-led songs during this period, so it clearly gave them a fantastic opportunity to develop their own keyboard techniques – George went into the organ and John clearly developed a fondness for pianos, mellotrons and organs – but neither fully abandoned playing their guitars altogether. Conversely, Paul’s bass never took a back seat to guitars or keyboards, since he was easily able to overdub it whenever he needed to or if he wished to rerecord them for the final mixes. Here’s a bit of trivia: in the video for “All You Need is Love”, the mystery drummer using brushes on Ringo’s hi-hats is Keith Moon. During the psychedelic period, John, Paul and George repainted their Gibson J-160E, Rickenbacker bass and Fender Stratocaster (nicknamed Rocky) respectively in psychedelic finish and Ringo used a red front head on the bass drum of his Ludwig drum kit. So yes, it is very interesting to know what instruments were used during these creative recording sessions.

What’s not to love about this LP. The only Capitol LP that outperforms the EP.

Great write up Joe. Always enjoy your site. Truly the best Beatles Forum out there!

That’s true for a number of reasons: a) Capitol compromised by merely expanding the EP into album format by including all six tracks from the EP on side one and filling out side 2 with their singles from 1967 (“Hello Goodbye”, “Strawberry Fields Forever”, “Penny Lane”, “Baby You’re a Rich Man” and “All You Need is Love”) on side two, so this was clearly some compensation over the omission of “Strawberry Fields Forever” and “Penny Lane” from “Sgt. Pepper”. b) The album was a popular import into the UK and it eventually got a British release in 1976. c) It was the officially adopted CD version in 1987 and 2009 plus it got remastered for vinyl in 2012.

I have always considered the “Magical Mystery Tour” LP a special case and the exception to the rule among the pre-Sgt. Pepper Capitol releases that The Beatles clearly disliked.

Perhaps the running order for the album version of “Magical Mystery Tour” had some influence on Simon and Garfunkel finalizing the running order for their 1968 album “Bookends”, as side one on that album was a song cycle (not a concept album, per se) and side 2 had the duo’s 1966-1967 singles and songs written by Paul Simon for the film “The Graduate”, most notably “Mrs. Robinson”.

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Hairsplitting aside as to it’s official album status -this is my favorite Beatles album. There’s at least 5 masterpieces on it. It has the band at their psychedelic peak . Blue Jay Way is the only weak track but that’s made up for by the increasing fondness I have for Baby You’re a Rich Man. 5/5

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Uitzending van Nick, Simon & Kees: The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour gemist? Nick, Simon en Kees gaan na een succesvolle zoektocht naar ABBA nu op zoek naar een andere hele grote band: The Beatles. Ze starten hun eigen 'Magical Mystery Tour' en proberen het verhaal van de vier leden vast te leggen en te ontdekken.

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magical mystery tour nick simon kees

Blokker Nick, Simon en Kees starten in Nederland, in het West-Friese dorpje Blokker: de plek waar The Beatles in 1964 optraden. Hun reis wordt vervolgd in Liverpool, de plek waar Ringo Starr, George Harrison, Paul McCartney en John Lennon opgroeiden.

Penny Lane Hier duiken de Volendammers in de jeugd van de mannen. Zo bezoeken ze de huizen waar de bandleden opgroeiden en brengen ze een bezoekje aan de wereldberoemde Penny Lane. Bekijk deze aflevering van Nick, Simon & Kees: The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour hier terug.

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Nick, Simon & Kees: Magical Mystery Tour

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    Voor een nieuw avontuur als documentairemakers verdiepen Nick, Simon en Kees zich in het leven van hun gezamenlijke muzikale helden: The Beatles. Hiervoor doen ze hun eigen Magical Mystery Tour en reizen ze af naar Engeland om het verhaal van John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison en Ringo Starr te ontdekken en vast te leggen. Wat maakt het dat The Beatles zo'n onuitwisbare indruk ...

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  4. Nick, Simon en Kees zijn terug met een documentaireserie over The

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  5. Nick, Simon en Kees: the Beatles

    In deze Magical Mystery Tour ontmoeten Nick, Simon en Kees mensen die dicht bij de bandleden staan. Zo krijgen ze nog meer te over één van de meest populaire bands van de wereld. De reis in Engeland start in Liverpool, de stad waar de artiesten opgroeiden en samen hun eerste muzikale stappen zetten.

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  7. Magical Mystery Tour

    Magical Mystery Tour is a record by the English rock band the Beatles that was released as a double EP in the United Kingdom and an LP in the United States. It includes the soundtrack to the 1967 television film of the same name.The EP was issued in the UK on 8 December 1967 on the Parlophone label, while the Capitol Records LP release in the US and Canada occurred on 27 November and features ...

  8. Nick, Simon en Kees: The Beatles

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    The Beatles produced this film around a coach journey across England. It features a series of musical vignettes, interspersed with scenes of comedy and fantasy. It includes tracks such as Magical Mystery Tour, The Fool On the Hill, Your Mother Should Know, and I Am The Walrus. " Having been involved in feature films such as A Hard Day's Night ...

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    Perhaps the running order for the album version of "Magical Mystery Tour" had some influence on Simon and Garfunkel finalizing the running order for their 1968 album "Bookends", as side one on that album was a song cycle (not a concept album, per se) and side 2 had the duo's 1966-1967 singles and songs written by Paul Simon for the ...

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    Uitzending van Nick, Simon & Kees: The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour gemist? Nick, Simon en Kees gaan na een succesvolle zoektocht naar ABBA nu op zoek naar een andere hele grote band: The Beatles. Ze starten hun eigen 'Magical Mystery Tour' en proberen het verhaal van de vier leden vast te leggen en te ontdekken.

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    Nick, Simon en Kees gaan als Volendamse vrienden op reis om zich te laten inspireren door de muziekcultuur van het land of de geschiedenis van artiesten, waar zij meer over te weten willen komen.

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    Nick, Simon & Kees zie je bij de AVROTROS. Nick, Simon en Kees gaan als Volendamse vrienden op reis om zich te laten inspireren door de muziekcultuur van het land of de geschiedenis van artiesten, waar zij meer over te weten willen komen. Deze keer gaan Nick, Simon en Kees de Beatles achterna in The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour.

  16. The Beatles

    Magical Mystery Tour is a record by the English rock band The Beatles that was released as a double EP in the United Kingdom and an LP in the United States. ...

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    Magical Mystery Tour is a 1967 British made-for-television musical film written, produced, directed by, and starring the Beatles. It is the third film that starred the band and depicts a group of people on a coach tour (including the band members) who experience strange happenings caused by magicians (also played by the band as well as road ...

  19. 06 30 2023 Nick, Simon en Kees Magical Mystery Tour

    06 30 2023 Nick, Simon en Kees Magical Mystery Tour. 3 plays 3. Uploaded 2 months ago 2 months ago. Favorite Repost Add To Share this show. Mark as spam.

  20. Nick, Simon & Kees

    Nick, Simon & Kees gaan op zoek naar de mooiste verhalen van de Beatles. Tijdens hun zoektocht naar de legendarische Britse band, zingen de Volendammers de n...

  21. Twickenham Film Studios

    Last December, Dutch band 'Nick, Simon & Kees' came to Twickenham to film their Magical Mystery Tour documentary about The Beatles! After touring around the site and using the Grading Theatre for ...

  22. Nick & Simon Magical Mystery Tour by Beatlesfanclub

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