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Ośrodek Wypoczynkowy Łabędzi Ostrów

Zoo Safari Okrągłe

Jeśli ktoś marzył o wyprawie na safari, to na pewno ucieszy go wiadomość, że nie musi lecieć aż do Afryki. Wystarczy podróż na Mazury, do ZOO Safari Okrągłe. Park, który położony jest w malowniczej miejscowości w powiecie giżyckim, oferuje możliwość obejrzenia dzikich zwierząt w niekonwencjonalny sposób, czyli podczas przejażdżki samochodami terenowymi. Szansa poruszania się między egzotycznymi zwierzętami i obserwowania ich z bliska, dostarcza niesamowitych wrażeń, silnych przeżyć i wzruszeń.

Spis treści

ZOO Safari Okrągłe – miejsce pełne atrakcji

ZOO Safari położone jest w niewielkiej wsi Okrągłe, nad urokliwym zbiornikiem o tej samej nazwie (Jezioro Okrągłe). Na ponad 100 hektarach powierzchni zobaczyć można około 400 zwierząt z 24 różnych gatunków. O niezwykłości ZOO decyduje forma zwiedzania, która umożliwia niemal bezpośredni kontakt z dzikimi zwierzętami, a także liczne dodatkowe atrakcje. Na terenie ZOO Safari Okrągłe organizowane są imprezy dla grup: szkolenia, konferencje, imprezy integracyjne i okolicznościowe, spotkania biznesowe, imprezy dziecięce i uroczystości rodzinne. Na gości czekają także emocjonujące atrakcje takie jak: zjazdy na dętkach TUBING ( zarówno w lecie, jak i zimą), arenę RC, a w sezonie zimowym nauka jazdy na nartach.

Z myślą o najmłodszych

Oprócz wyżej wymienionych ofert, ZOO Safari Okrągłe oferuje również dodatkową rozrywkę dla dzieci. Najmłodsi mogą skorzystać z placu zabaw Bajdocja, zabawy na dmuchanym zamku ze zjeżdżalnią, przejażdżki na kucyku oraz nauki jazdy konnej. Kolejną atrakcją zorganizowaną z myślą o najmłodszych są zabawy oraz quizy związane ze zwierzętami, które odbywają się na zakończenie zwiedzania. Nic więc dziwnego, że ZOO Safari Okrągłe cieszy się niesłabnącym powodzeniem i odwiedzane jest przez gości w różnym wieku. Fakt, że zarówno osoby dorosłe, jak i młodzież bywają tu tak samo chętnie jak maluchy, nasuwa wniosek, że bezpośredni kontakt ze zwierzętami jest potrzebą ogólnoludzką, nie przypisaną do żadnej grupy wiekowej.

Mieszkańcy ZOO Safari Okrągłe

W tracie przejażdżki samochodem terenowym, bryczką lub na przyczepie za ciągnikiem można podglądać z bliska życie zwierząt, które w przeciwieństwie do ogrodów zoologicznych żyją w niemal naturalnych warunkach. Można tu zobaczyć zwierzęta z różnych kontynentów i stref klimatycznych. Całe zwiedzanie zaczyna się od obserwacji stada dzików, danieli oraz jeleni mandżurskich, europejskich i Axis. Jeleń (Axis kuhlii) to endemiczny gatunek, który jest stosunkowo słabo poznany. Jest średniej wielkości ssakiem parzysto kopnym z rodziny jeleniowatych. Prowadzi nocny tryb życia, Żyje zazwyczaj samotnie lub w parach. Występuje na półwyspie Indyjskim, podobnie jak bawół indyjski którego nazwa gatunkowa brzmi Arni Azjatycki. Dziko żyjące Axis oraz woły są zagrożone i żyją w znikomej liczbie na obszarach chronionych w Indiach, a także w rezerwatach przyrody w Tajlandii. Próbowano je introdukować w Europie, lecz nieskutecznie. Fakt ten sprawia, że możliwość obserwowania tych gatunków z bliska w ZOO Safari Okrągłe jest bardzo cenna.

ZOO Safari Okrągłe – niesamowite konie

Wśród gości ZOO ogromne zainteresowanie wzbudzają wszystkie gatunki z rodziny koniowatych: kucyki, osiołki nubijskie (inaczej zwane osłami afrykańskimi lub osłami dzikimi), konie Przewalskiego, konik Polski, koń Wielkopolski, koń Zimnokrwisty. Polskie konie w typie zimnokrwistym charakteryzują się łagodnym usposobieniem i zrównoważonym temperamentem. Są przyjazne i chętnie współpracują z człowiekiem. Natomiast koń Przewalskiego to dzisiaj jedyny dziko żyjący gatunek koni. W niedalekiej przeszłości został okrutnie przetrzebiony, jednak dzięki skutecznej ochronie, obecna populacja tego gatunku wzrosła do dwóch tysięcy. Współcześnie na wolności żyje jedynie w Chinach oraz Mongolii, a w rezerwatach można go spotkać na terenie Kalifornii i Ukrainy.

Te co skaczą i fruwają…

Na terenie ZOO Safari Okrągłe można także oglądać: owce wrzosówki, krowy Highland Cattle oraz Herefordy, kury, kaczki, gęsi, króliki, kozy, a także bażanty złociste. Na koniec jeszcze jeden mieszkaniec safari budzący ogromną sympatię, to Lama andyjska (Lama glama,). Występuje w głównie Ameryce Południowej, gdzie jest zwierzęciem udomowionym. Jest bardzo towarzyska i waleczna. Czasami pluje na inną lamę, w celu zdyscyplinowania „przeciwnika” niższej rangi. Na ogół jednak jest niezwykle opiekuńcza i rodzinna.

Safari ZOO Okrągłe – stworzone z pasji

Kompleks powstał z zawodowych i osobistych zamiłowań ludzi, dla których Kraina Tysiąca Jezior stała się nowym domem. Po realizacji kilku projektów biznesowych przyszedł czas na stworzenie miejsca, które stanowiło połączenie ich wieloletnich doświadczeń w prowadzeniu działalności gospodarczej ze śmiałymi marzeniami. Do hodowli bydła rasy Hereford dokupiono więc dzikie zwierzęta. Obecnie ich liczba stale rośnie, rozmnażają się i dochodzą nowe gatunki. ZOO Safari Okrągłe czynne jest codziennie, zarówno w sezonie letnim, jak i zimowym. Przed przyjazdem należy dokonać rezerwacji i dostosować się do instrukcji korzystania z obiektu. Wycieczka po rozległym terenie zajmuje około 60 minut i przystosowano ją także dla osób niepełnosprawnych. W zimie organizatorzy oferują wyprawy do jeleni i danieli oraz odwiedziny zwierząt w stajni. Należy pamiętać, że na safari nie można zabierać zwierząt domowych.

Inne wpisy z tej kategorii

Papugarnia mazury (papugarnia w wilkasach), muzeum mazurskie w owczarni, górznieńsko-lidzbarski park krajobrazowy, zainteresowanych zapraszamy do kontaktu.

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Pensjonat Sielanka

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     Zapraszamy na niezapomnianą przygodę ZOO SAFARI! Nasz park czynny jest przez cały rok - w sezonach letnich i zimowych, codziennie. Jednak, ze względu na duże zainteresowanie, zalecamy wcześniejszą rezerwację telefoniczną . 

   Przejażdżka specjalnie dostosowanymi samochodami i ciągnikami z przyczepami trwa około 60 minut , podczas której zobaczycie Państwo niesamowite gatunki dzikich zwierząt.

   Aby zwiększyć swoje szanse na udział w przejażdżce, prosimy o przybycie minimum 10 minut przed umówioną godziną . 

   Za bilety safari płatność przyjmowana jest tylko gotówką  a nasz telefon jest czynny w godzinach 9.00-18.30 .

          kom. 660-811-811

   W sezonie zimowym oferujemy wyjazdy do jeleni i danieli, oraz odwiedziny zwierząt w stajni, co sprawia, że wizyta u nas jest jeszcze bardziej atrakcyjna. Cennik jest ważny do 1 grudnia 2023 roku, więc nie zwlekaj i już dziś dokonaj rezerwacji. 

Pamiętaj, im wcześniej zarezerwujesz tym lepiej! Do zobaczenia w Okrągłym!

park safari mazury

20 Unmissable Places You Should Visit In Mazury, Poland

By: Author Sunset Travellers

Posted on Last updated: July 12, 2023

Categories Europe , Poland , Travel

I grew up in Mazury and absolutely love this fantastic region in Poland. Masuria, often overlooked by many tourists preferring to spend their time in Gdansk, Warsaw or Krakow, has a lot to offer.

20 Unforgettable places to visit in Mazury, Poland

Mazury ( English: Masuria, German: Masuren ), located in the northeast part of Poland in the Warmia – Mazury region, are very popular amongst Polish and Germans. The area, however, is somewhat overlooked by many tourists.

Mazury cover 1732 km² of which Masurian lake district covers 486 km².

These lakes were ground out of the land by glaciers during the Pleistocene ice age around 14,000 – 15,000 years ago when ice covered northeastern Europe.

By 10,000 BC, the ice started to melt, and eventually, the Mazury lakes formed.

There are over 2 thousand lakes, of which the biggest Masurian lake district lake is Śniardwy (113,8 km²) and Mamry (105 km²).

Mazury Map – Masuria Map

Best time to visit Mazury

The best time to visit the Masurian Lake district and explore the best things to do in Mazury Lakes is no doubt in the summer months.

Spring months of May – June and autumn September are usually less crowded, which makes for a perfect holiday away from the crowds.

July and August tend to be the busiest, with many tourists choosing the popular Mikolajki, Giżycko, or Mrągowo.

If you want to avoid crowds, I suggest going to the beautiful countryside.

How to get Mazury

This undiscovered region recently opened Olsztyn-Mazury airport with flight connections from London.

The most convenient way is, however, to fly to Gdansk or Warsaw and rent a car or hop on a train or bus.

There are plenty of various flight connections during the summer to make the area more accessible to travellers. Both Ryanair and Wizzair operate many affordable flights.

It takes approximately 2 hours to drive from Olsztyn or 4 hours to get from Gdansk or Warsaw to the Mazury Lake District. The e-podroznik website has the most up-to-date public transport connections from all major cities to Mazury.

Best places to stay in Mazury

20 Unmissable Places You Should Visit In Mazury, Poland


Mazury has a lot of different accommodation options ranging from luxurious hotels to affordable B&Bs.

You can book a 5-star hotel like  Hotel Gołębiewski Mikołajki or a delightful farm stay for an authentic feel.

There are also a lot of Masurian Lake District beach hotels. I suggest looking here and finding one that is the best for you. 

The agrotourism ( Polish: Agroturystyka ) industry in Mazury is continuously growing, and you can stay close to nature with all the facilities and a unique feel.

Many agritourism accommodations in Mazury advertise now on Airbnb, and you can stay at a charming 100-year-old house like this for an unforgettable experience .

park safari mazury

We have recently also renovated the above 100-year-old barn, and you can book our place via Airbnb or directly on mazurypodklonem.com

Booking.com is also popular and will help you find a suitable hotel.

You can also find our stunning Barn here on Booking . 

20 Unmissable Places You Should Visit In Mazury

1. explore mikołajki.

Mikołajki it’s a sailing village very popular in the summer, packed with bars, restaurants, souvenir shops and more.

An absolute must-visit.

Every summer the place hosts a’ szanty festival’. You can rent a boat here for a few hours or the day and explore the area.

Mikolajki is very popular amongst ‘rich Polish’, so if you want to spot Polish celebrities, this is the place to be. There are also a few swimming areas if you wish to cool down on a hot sunny day.

2. See the rare Mute Swan in Łuknajno

20 Unmissable Places You Should Visit In Mazury, Poland

Łuknajno Lake is an ornithological reserve covering 1189.11 ha. It protects one of the largest mute swan refugees in Poland.

In the summer and autumn periods, there are up to 2,500 swans and over 175 different bird species in reserve, 95 of which nest.

In 1977, the lake was recognized by UNESCO. Hookah duck, a species occurring in the area of the Azov and Caspian Sea, is breeding here.

You can also see white-tailed eagles, marsh harriers, grey herons, cormorants, black terns, and many others unique to the area species.

3. Taste traditional Polish cuisine at Folwark Łuknajno

If you get hungry after bird watching, stop at Folwark Łuknajno for some delicious Polish cuisine. Folwark Łuknajno is a settlement from the beginning of the 17th century.

There used to be an Inn here, destroyed by the Tartars in 1656. In the later period, a manor house was created, a small estate located beautifully on the isthmus between the Śniardwy and Łuknajno lakes.

This mansion, destroyed during the First World War in 1914-1915, was rebuilt in 1916-1918.

The old manor house and quadrangle of farm buildings have survived. Here you will also find a viewing tower overlooking the lake.

4. Visit Mrągowo

20 Unmissable Places You Should Visit In Mazury, Poland

Mazury Lakes

Mrągowo is a beautiful town surrounded by a lake. There is a pathway around the lake that makes for a perfect family walk.

The city, covered by cobblestone streets, is packed with shops, bars and restaurants.

It’s less busy than Mikolajki worth a visit. Here you can do some shopping, enjoy the views and have a nice meal at ‘ Restauracja Gosciniec – Molo ’.

5. Learn horseback riding in Gałkowo

Have a fantastic meal at ‘Potocki Restaurant’ and afterwards enjoy the ride. The food here is simple and delicious. A must if you are planning to eat something local and Polish.

Across from the restaurant, you will find a stud farm where you can learn horseback riding or take a guided tour through the forest on a horse.

6. Taste the real Polish ‘Pierogi’

Discover the road to a small village called Osiniak-Piotrowo and the ‘ Pierogi u Ewy ’ restaurant serving delicious Polish dumplings.

The dumplings are made fresh to order and are the best in the area. They also have beer on tap and soft drinks if you are not hungry. Enjoy!

7. See Śluza Guzianka

Guzianka is a great place to stop for fresh fish. Here you will also find the famous ‘Śluza Guzianka’. The lock was built in 1879 as a wooden sluice chamber.

In 1899, it was modernised – brick and stone walls were made, and an electric drive was installed.

The location between Bełdany Lake and Guzianka Mała is a vital transport hub, allowing ships from Ruciane Nida to cross the Great Masurian Lakes.

The conduit is 44 m long and 7.5 m wide. The work it does is raising or lowering the water level to a height of 2 m. During the year, nearly 20,000 yachts pass through it.

8. Kayak the Krutynia River

20 Unmissable Places You Should Visit In Mazury, Poland

Kayaking On The River

Krutyń is a small beautiful village sitting right on the Krutyń River. It’s a great place to go for food, and you can also rent out kayaks or canoes and explore the river. If you are coming from Warsaw, this tour will include everything for you. 

Kayaking on the Krutynia River is a must. It’s a very easy-flowing river, so it’s not hard to paddle at all. To rent a kayak, drive to Krutyń village, and you will see plenty of rental places. 

You can leave the car at the rental place, and they will pick you up when you finish.

The most popular route starts in Krutyń to Wojnowo or Ukta village. If you feel more adventurous, you can start in Ukta and end in Zgon.

9. Discover the Old Believer’s History in Wojnowo

Russian Old Believers established the village of Wojnowo in the first half of the XIX century.

In 1654 they split off from the Russian Orthodox Church, rejecting reforms introduced by Patriarch Nikon.

Those reforms concerned Church customs, hymns and liturgical books. Old Believers have been so-called because they have practised their traditional customs.

There’s The Orthodox Church built between 1921-1923. A monastery on Lake Dus and a brick temple of the Old Believers that is the neo-gothic “molenna” house of prayer from 1923-27.

All three churches are open to They are free to the public and hold fascinating history.

10. Jump on a boat in Ruciane-Nida

Ruciane is very popular for its boat port ‘ U Faryja ‘. Faryj has several ships that go in and out of Ruciane-Nida around the lakes or to Mikołajki.

Just drive to Ruciane-Nida, and you can purchase the ticket at the office. The price starts at 12zl for an hour on the Nidzkie Lake.

If you are looking to make a full day out of it, pay around 50zl for a return ticket and board the ship to Mikołajki.

11. Rent a boat

‘Pod Dębem’, located close to Ruciane-Nida, is a popular boat rental place.

You can rent a kayak, water bike or boat here. There is also a small beach great for swimming as well as a bar/restaurant.

Keep in mind the place gets bustling during the summer.

12. Follow the steps of the famous Polish poet

20 Unmissable Places You Should Visit In Mazury, Poland

Masurian Lake District

In Pranie, you will find Muzeum Konstantego Ildefonsa Gałczyńskiego – the Polish poet museum.

Enjoy the beautiful grounds right on the lake while embracing Polish history. Here you will also find a Bistro if you would like to stop for a bite.

13. Visit the most beautiful church in Święta Lipka

The village is known for the pilgrimage church, ‘Our Dear Lady of Święta Lipka’, a masterpiece of Baroque architecture.

A great attraction of the ‘Basilica of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary’ is the extraordinary Baroque organ with moving figurines of angels playing instruments.

Organ concerts in this church make for a truly unforgettable experience.

14. Discover the Adolf Hitler headquarters

In Gierłoż, next to Ketrzyn you will find Wolf’s Lair. Wolf’s Lair was Adolf Hitler’s first Eastern Front military headquarters in World War II.

Construction works here began in November 1940 under the pretext of building chemical plants “Askania”.

About 200 objects were created on the area of 250 ha, consisting of anti-aircraft shelters, objects with a lighter construction of concrete and bricks, and wooden barracks.

The headquarters had two landing paddocks and a railway station.

There is a small entry fee to access, but it’s worth it. If you wish, you can also hire a private guide or join one of many walking tours.

If you are in Warsaw, there is a brilliant private tour you can book. Get a quote below: 

15. explore the reszel castle.

20 Unmissable Places You Should Visit In Mazury, Poland

Masuria Poland

Reszel is a small town where Reszel Castle proudly sits. The castle, an Ordensburg fortress, was built between 1350-1401 by the Teutonic Order.

The castle was frequently looted, besieged and gained by Polish and Teutonic forces. In the nineteenth century, the castle adapted into a prison was fully renovated after the Second World War.

Currently, the castle houses the branch of the Museum of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship in Olsztyn, a hotel and a restaurant.

16. Go wild at Kadzidłowo

Kadzidłowo Park Dzikich Zwierzat’ lies in the Masuria woods, near Mikolajki. Here you will find a Game Park with many rare native Polish animals. The onsite restaurant also offers traditional Polish cuisine.

17. Explore Olsztyn

Olsztyn is Mazury’s largest city with the largest shopping mall ‘ Galeria Warminska ’. Here you will also find Olsztyn Royal Castle.

The first mention of “the castle Przymiłowice” (later Olsztyn) comes from 1306, built at the place where an early medieval castle had been before.

Between 1349-59 it was enlarged at the initiative of Casimir the Great to defend the frontier of Silesia and Malopolska. In 1370 castle passed into the hands of Wladyslaw Jagiello.

Plus, there is a LOT to do in Olsztyn , from vodka tours to food tours , the place is well worth a few day’s stopovers. 

Tip: Make sure to do an Olsztyn city tour. This walking tour of the old town is a MUST! 

18. jump into the bełdany lake.

20 Unmissable Places You Should Visit In Mazury, Poland

Masurian Lakes District – River Krutynia

Discover ‘Galindia Mazurski Eden’ in Iznota. Galindia is situated on a peninsula where the river Krutyn is falling into Lake Bełdany – marked on the tourist maps as the place with the most beautiful view.

It is a trendy tourist spot where you can rent out water equipment, have a meal or drink and soak in the views.

19. Cycle around the Rezerwat Zakręt

Rezerwat Zakręt in Krutyń is, in my opinion, the best place to visit in Mazury. This stunning nature reserve is perfect for a walking or cycling trip.

The path goes around one of the three dystrophic lakes. The Zakret Reserve is located 1 km west of the village of Krutyń, by the road leading to Lake Mokre.

These beautiful lakes are perfect for swimming, and best to explore them on bikes. Take a picnic basket, and you can spend the day in the area.

20. Find one of the most stunning lakes in Mazury

With over 2000 lakes, the Masurian Lake District has hundreds of pure crystal clear lakes where you will find no other soul.

I’ve spent my entire childhood swimming at these lakes, and yet there are so many to discover.

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20 Unforgettable places to visit in Mazury, Poland

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park safari mazury

Mazury – magnificent Polish Lake District

Mazury, Poland’s largest Lake District covers over 2000 lakes connected with each other through small streams and rivers. This magnificent region is often referred to as the land of thousand lakes stretches over 200 miles and is currently regarded as one of the favourite tourist destinations in Poland. It’s the perfect holiday spot for people looking for outdoor activities or people who are seeking to be close to nature, crave some tranquillity and need a break from busy city life. 

park safari mazury

Mazury is home to several resort towns and organic farms that offer accommodation. Alternatively, you may decide to stay on a sailing ship or go to basics and camp in the forest. Either way is great to explore the Great Masurian Lake District.  

Best time of the year to visit Mazury 

Every time of the year is good to visit Mazury but of course, everything depends on what you are looking for. Summer is obviously the busiest time of the year to visit Polish Lake District as lots of people want to spend their summer holidays by the lakes, either sailing or sunbathing, swimming and relaxing. However, if you still want to enjoy warm weather but avoid the hustle and bustle of the summer period then you should book your stay around September when there are fewer visitors around. 

Spring and autumn are great if you like to hike or you are looking for a relaxing break from your daily life. Additionally, autumn offers the opportunity to experience wild mushroom hunting which is one of the most favourite Polish activities. 

Finally, winter can be also wonderful if spent in Mazury. Of course, the majority of people would choose mountains (Tatras or Bieszczady) but this is a great opportunity to be alone and pay a bargain for accommodation. 

How to get to Mazury

park safari mazury

The Great Masurian Lake District is located in the northeastern part of the country and is three hours drive from Warsaw. If passing through Warsaw , the best way to get to Mazury is by train. However, you can get there by bus, car and plane as there are scheduled flights from the capital to Olsztyn-Mazury Airport. In addition, during the summer peak period, there are plenty of various flight connections that make the area more accessible to tourists. Some airlines like Wizzair and Ryanair offer affordable flights. Do check out this website for up to date public transport details and connections from major Polish cities to Mazury.  

Places to Stay in Mazury

Mazury has several accommodation options which range from luxurious hotels to affordable B&Bs. If you are looking for a luxurious place to stay, you could try one of the boutique hotels like Gallery 69, Hotel Mikolajki and Masuria Arte. If you are more of a green, nature-focused person, you could stay in one of the beautiful organic farms. Kwasne Jabiko and Siedlisko Bianki are two farms that offer an exciting agritourism experience with organic food and a friendly atmosphere. Spa resorts like Przystan Hotel and Spa as well as the Glendoria are popular spas that offer a very relaxing stay in Mazury. Finally, if you want to be more independent and looking for accommodation for bigger number of people you can choose to rent Airbnb. 

What to do in Mazury – outdoors activity guide 

park safari mazury

Polish Lake District is heaven for anyone looking for outdoor activities. Of course, the main attraction of the region is water sports – sailing, canoeing, water skiing and swimming but there is so much more that you can do in Mazury. The region is home to many species of plants, birds and animals (lookout for rare Mute Swans in Luknajno!) that are unique to the Lake District so hiking is highly advisable. Another option is to rent a bike and explore forests surrounding the lakes. Both hiking and biking are great if you want to visit some exciting sightseeing sides – old castles and historical buildings hidden in different parts of the region.

Finally, finishing and mushroom hunting are a very popular choice of spending relaxing time surrounded by nature and tranquillity. 

Places and towns to visit in Mazury

On top of all the outdoors activities, Mazury is also home to some enhancing little towns and villages. Miklajki is a sailing village that is filled with souvenir shops, restaurants and bars. This location is regarded as ‘a must visit’ by many tourists. Another good option is Mragowo which is one of the most beautiful towns in the area. Finally also worth visiting are Reszel castle, as well as the Rezerwat Zakret. 

Irrespectively of your choice, Mazury is definitely worth visiting and exploring, especially in warm months. 

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Mazury and the Mazurian Lakes

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The Mazury (Masuria) region in northeastern Poland is home to the famous Masurian Lake district, a tighly-knit net of over 2.000 lakes. The area is famous for water-sports such as kayaking and sailing, as well as While the major lakes Śniardwy and Mamry see a vast amount of tourists in summer, many of the smaller lakes are not too crowded.

The Mazurian Lakes

Kayaking in mazury, tailor-made travel itineraries for poland, created by local experts.

Explore the Liberation Route in Poland

11 days  / from 1613 USD

Explore the Liberation Route in Poland

Poland was the first country that Hitler invaded and with it starting World War II. Discover the Polish sites of World War II with this itinerary, from the Northern city of Gdansk where the first battle took place to the concentration camps of Auschwitz close to Krakow.

The heart of Mazury lies in the vast expanse of lakes, rivers and forests to the north and east of Olsztyn, a land of tiny villages and unspoilt nature. It’s paradise for hikers, and offers perfect conditions for sailing and kayaking. Because of the absence of large towns, Mazury can be tricky to explore if you don’t have your own wheels. In summer, the biggest lakes – Mamry and Śniardwy – attract the biggest crowds. One option is to base yourself in the lakeside village of Mikolajki , from where you can set off into the countryside or onto surrounding lakes – the smaller ones will inevitably be quieter: as a general rule, tranquillity increases as you travel east.

Buses from Olsztyn run to Mikolajki six times a day. The tourist office is on pl. Wolnosci (April–June & Sept Sat & Sun 10am–6pm; July & Aug daily 10am–6pm; t 87/421 6850). There’s no shortage of accommodation in the village itself, although some guesthouses are only open in the summer. You’ll find dozens of small pensjons on ul. Kajki running eastward along the lakefront; try Krol Sielaw at no.5 ( t 87/421 6323, w www.krolsielaw.mazury.info ; 150zł), a friendly place with en suites above a popular pizzeria. A number of bars and inexpensive restaurants pop up in the summer along the waterfront, and you can get fresh bread and tasty pastries at Cukiernia on ul. 3 Maja.

Known as the “land of a thousand lakes”, Mazury is one of the best kayaking spots in Europe. The hundreds of kilometres of signposted trails can keep you paddling for days, through sun-dappled forests and lakes filled with swans. The best known is the Krutynia Trail , which begins near the village of Sorkwity and ends 115km later in the town of Ruciana-Nida. A number of companies rent kayaks and canoes; the English-speaking AS Tour (89/742 1430, www.masuria-canoeing.com ) rents boats from 20zł per day, and offers a pick-up and drop-off service. Stay at campsites scattered along the kayak trails, or in village guesthouses en route – the tourist office can help with this.

The main town in the Mazury region, Olsztyn is first and foremost a transport hub and a handy springboard for forays into the countryside. You probably won’t want to linger too long here, but the historical centre is picturesque and there are enough sights to keep visitors entertained for a day or two.

Olsztyn’s most distinctive landmark is the Wysoka Brama (High Gate) at the entrance to the old town on ul. Staromiejska, an imposing red-brick edifice from the fourteenth century that was once part of the city walls and has served as an armoury and a prison. Olsztyn was once home to Nicolaus Copernicus, and you can see one of his sun dials embedded in the walls of the castle on ul. Zamkowa, now the town’s historical museum (Tues–Sun: June–Aug 9am–5pm; Sept–May 10am–4pm; 9zł). At the eastern edge of the old town stands the elegant Gothic St Jacob’s Cathedral , in which Napoleon’s troops once imprisoned 1500 Russian soldiers – the prisoners burnt most of the cathedral’s original wooden furnishings to keep warm.

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Best Places To Visit In Mazury Poland

The Lake District is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Poland . Famous for the unspoiled nature , amazing landscapes, and peace that is hard to find anywhere else. If you are looking for the best places to visit in Mazury Poland, you’ve come to the right site.

This complete list will help you plan your trip to the Polish Lake District. If you have any questions, join our Poland Travel Planning Facebook group . We will be happy to answer all your questions!

Before you start reading and browsing through the stunning pictures of the Masurian Lake District, take a look at the map below. You will find there all the best places to visit in Mazury Poland that we write about in this post:

Because of the relatively small area of the region, we decided to add Żuławy and Warmia to this list as well.

That means you will not only see the best places to visit in Mazury Poland here but also other worth-seeing spots in Warminsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship.

Table of Contents

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Nestled between two lakes: Niegocin and Kisajno, Gizycko is one of the best places to visit in Mazury Poland.

It’s the town frequently chosen by domestic and foreign tourists for their holiday destination. Not only they can find the beautiful beaches nearby, do some water sports but also go sightseeing.

One of the biggest attraction in the town are the Boyen Fortress and the Water Tower .

Once one of the most beautiful cities in Poland , Elbląg, is a part of Żuławy.

The Old Town of Elbląg was considered even more stunning than the one in Gdansk- unfortunately, it was almost completely destroyed by Russians at the end of World War II.

It’s now being restored, so you can still see some ruins right next to the impressive monuments.

The main reason to visit Elbląg is different though. It’s where you can find one of the Seven Wonders of Poland- Elbląg Canal . It has a unique system of inclined planes, each equipped with parallel rail tracks. The boats are carried on carriages that run on these rails. 

You can take a cruise on one of these boats (that are actually similar to trams!). How awesome is that?

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One of the most beautiful places in Mazury Poland, Mikolajki has a lovely old town and pretty nice beaches.

The reason why tourists are visiting Mikolajki is Tropicana Aquapark located in the famous Golebiewski Hotel . Kids and adults can have endless fun sliding down the waterslides and playing in the pools.

Lavender Fields (Lawendowe Pole)

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Masurian Lake District has its own Lavender Fields where you can take some Insta-worthy photos!

Located in Nowe Kawkowo, it’s open from May till the end of September.

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The capital of Warmia and Masuria Voivodeship, Olsztyn is definitely worth visiting.

It has it all-the vibrant atmosphere of Old Town, the beautiful beach, and of course the monuments that will take your breath away.

One of the biggest towns of the Masurian Lake District, Mrągowo is famous for the country music festival .

We’ve attended it a few years ago and it was pretty amazing! Apart from the music, it’s worth visiting Mrągowo to do some water sports and relax on the beach.

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That’s probably one of the most peaceful places to visit in Masurian Lake District.

Węgorzewo is located on the shores of the Mamry, the second-largest lake in Poland. The biggest tourist attraction in the town is the Museum of Folk Culture , where you can learn a bit more about Polish culture and history.

Open Air Museum in Olsztynek

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The Open Air Museum in Olsztynek is one of the best (and the largest!) in the entire country of Poland.

You can learn there about the culture and history of the Masurian district. If you are traveling with kids, they will love the fact that there are some farm animals living in the museum.

Wolf’s Liar

It is a gem for all the history buffs (but not only!). Wilczy Szaniec is Adolf Hitler’s secret military headquarter.

Wolf’s Liar is definitely one of the best places to visit in Mazury Poland.

Święta Lipka

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One of the best pilgrimage sites in Poland , Święta Lipka sanctuary is a must-visit for all the Catholics.

The baroque basilica that you can see on the photo above is impressive. Święta Lipka is where many people claimed to be healed by Virgin Mary.

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Just wanted to say that I love your content. Keep up the good work.

My friend Jordan from Thailand Nomads recommended your website to me.

Cheers, Abigail

Thanks Abigail 🙂

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Masuria (Mazury), Poland: 18 Things to Do & Places to See in Masurian Lakes

Masuria (Mazury) Poland lakes what to see what to do attractions

  • Author: Bartek Dziwak
  • Updated: January 24, 2024

Masuria (Mazury) and the Land of the Great Masurian Lakes is one of Poland’s most diverse and beautiful regions. Mazury is famous for its thousands of lakes, vast forests and wildlife. It is an ideal place for a holiday not only if you like sailing and water attractions but also if you are interested in history, WWII mysteries, hydro-technical monuments, castles and even… deer! You will have enough attractions for several trips to Masuria.

To help you plan your visit, I have prepared a list of 18 exciting places to see in Masuria (Mazury) in the north-eastern part of Poland.

You can enjoy the Masurian landscape while walking, exploring the area by bike, hopping on a sailboat, or canoeing. Masuria is one of the most beautiful places to see in Poland .

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Find  worth visiting places, lakes, beautiful cities & nature sights with good hotels & apartments on a map of 200+ best places to see in Mazury & Warmia . 

Save time on planning your trip. Map works on your phone & computer (Google Maps).

1. The Great Masurian Lakes Trail

pol: Szlak Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich

Travelling around the Masuria region can be almost never-ending. All you need to do is hop on a sailboat and head for the Great Masurian Lakes Trail. It’s a 100km-long waterway starting on Lake Wiartel and running through lakes Nidzkie, Bełdany, Mikołajskie, Tałty, Tałtowisko, Szymon, Jagodne, Boczne, Niegocin, Kisajno, Dargin, Kirsajty and Mamry leading to Węgorzewo.

Sailing on the Great Masurian Lakes Trail is great fun but also a task that requires caution and experience . On the water, you may be faced with rapidly changing weather conditions and a large number of other boats. If you have little experience, use the services of a skipper and sail safely!

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You don’t have to cover it all to get a taste of a bit of Masurian life on the water . Your journey can have several interesting stops, during which you will visit Mikołajki, Ryn, Giżycko, and Ruciane-Nida (more about these towns later) or look for more desolate corners to relax in nature.

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Although the lakes look unconnected at first glance, you can easily cross them without going ashore, thanks to a network of canals. Along the way, you will come across many exciting engineering structures, such as the swing bridge in Giżycko on the Łuczański Canal. In high season, crowds of tourists and queues of ships line up in front of it.

An exciting option for bicycle enthusiasts is to ride the Mazurian Bicycle Loop (Mazurska Pętla Rowerowa). You can choose to ride only parts of the loop, hooking up with observation towers along the route. When the loop construction is complete, it will be 300 km long and connect with the Green Velo bike trail .

Get ready for travel to Poland & Masuria

1.  Accommodation : book early & save money   (stay in Mikołajki , Giżycko or Węgorzewo ).

2.  Currency exchange : you can use your bank card, but much cheaper is the free Curve card .

3.  Rent a car : you’ll be flexible & see more in less time .

4.  Map of Mazury sights : explore better with a map of the best attractions on your phone.

2. Śniardwy Lake – Poland’s largest lake

Within the boundaries of the Masurian Landscape Park, you will find Poland’s largest lake – Śniardwy , with an area of 113.8 km². You can count eight islands on the lake. One of them, Czarci Ostrów, was formerly used militarily. The Prussians built warehouses on it, which were guarded by solid fortifications.

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You can go on a bicycle trip around the lake. If you decide to go on a bicycle trip, you can visit the Polish Academy of Sciences research station in Popielno (they breed and protect the Polish horse breed – “konik polski – the Polish Konik”).

Think about a bicycle tour around Śniardwy – there are 85 km to ride. The route leads mainly through the picturesque Mazurian Landscape Park (Mazurski Park Krajobrazowy) and has a rope-pulled ferry crossing of Lake Bełdany on the way. You can rent a bike at the MazurskieRowery.pl rental (Mikołajki), which we used during our cycling tour around Lake Łuknajno.

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You will find several viewpoints around the Masurian Sea, as the locals call Śniardwy. I recommend you reach at least a few of them:

  • a viewing tower near Lake Łuknajno (location on the map: 53.797179150, 21.639160018) – a viewing point that you will find by the Agrotourism Farm Łuknajno. This place is an interesting accommodation option if you want to rest close to nature, outside the most popular Mazurian villages,

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  • the cliff in Szeroki Ostrów (location on the map: 53.73577908, 21.73694266) – a natural cliff from which you will have the Sniardwy on your palm. Szeroki Ostrów used to be an island, but in the 20th century, a causeway was laid, turning the island into a peninsula. You can get here by bike, but it is also possible by car. There is a campsite on Szerokie Ostrow,
  • a lookout point near the Kwik village (location on the map: 53.7456446, 21.7967866) – another good vantage point on the Masurian Sea. It is also worth seeing a nearby weir on a small channel connecting Śniardwy with Białoławki Lake.

Apart from bicycles, Śniardwy offers a multitude of water attractions. You can rent water equipment in Mikołajki (e.g., Wioska pod Żaglami, Fali Adrenaliny, Huskatlenie) and Nowe Guty (e.g., Marina Śniardwy). You can choose from kayaks, pedal boats, sup boards and even paddle boats and catamarans.

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Embark on a cruise ship on Lake Śniardwy . Many opportunities are offered by Żegluga Mazurska (e.g. routes on the three lakes – Mikołajskie, Śniardwy and Bełdany or cruises from Mikloajki to Śniardwy and islands on the lake). Also, have a look at Żegluga Pasażerska Mikołajki and the largest Polish inland sailing ship Chopin (also Mikołajki).

Remember that Śniardwy is a large body of water known for its dangerous white scow . If you lack experience on the water, take advantage of organised cruises or hire a boat with a skipper.

3. Giżycko and the Niegocin and Kisajno Lakes

Giżycko is one of the most popular destinations in the Land of the Great Masurian Lakes (Kraina Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich) for water holiday fans. The town lies between the Niegocin and Kisajno lakes. Here you will find the largest passenger and yacht harbour in the Masuria region , making Giżycko the capital of boats and sails in the summer.

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The strategic location of Giżycko in the isthmus between the lakes led to the establishment of the fortress Boyen in the 19th century – a fortification built by order of Friedrich Wilhelm IV as a guarantee of the security of the Prussian state. It never took an active part in battles. I recommend visiting the fortress museum, with a sizable model and some reconstructed buildings, such as the Armourer’s Workshop.

To enter the Boyen fortress you must buy an entrance ticket . You can check on the website the ticket prices and opening hours of the fortress . You can albo use the services of guides (guided tours in Polish, German and Russian).

The most popular attraction in Giżycko is the only revolving bridge in Poland on the Łuczański Canal , which connects the Niegocin and Kisajno lakes. The bridge usually allows cars to pass but can be manually rotated to allow boats to pass over the canal. The whole procedure takes a few minutes, thanks to the muscle power of just one person!

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Above the Łuczański Canal, you will still find a wing of the former Teutonic Knights’ castle , which now houses the 4-star St. Bruno Hotel with a fabulous SPA integrated into the castle’s atmosphere. We stayed in the castle in Giżycko and have fond memories of that time.

Walking around Giżycko, it is worth reaching St. Bruno’s Hill , where you have a good view of Lake Niegocin. Returning to the heart of Giżycko, look around Grunwaldzki Square (Plac Grunwaldzki), where you will find the Evangelical Augsburg Church (a place of International Festival of Organ and Chamber Music) and the former Fala cinema with its socialist-realist mosaic.

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Heading towards the lake, you will reach the area of the eco-marina and the promenade leading to the observation deck and pier. From here, you can see the ships on their regular cruises on the surrounding lakes. You will find the town beach next door, popular with tourists and Giżycko residents.

You can check on the website the directions of the Żegluga Mazurska tours and ticket prices . Also check the offer of the ship Bosman, which offers the popular “3 lakes, 3 canals in 1 hour” tour .

If you like vantage points, also look at the water tower (Wieża Ciśnień) with its exhibition on the history of Giżycko. At the top, you will enjoy a café with a view of the whole town and the nearby lakes. You must pay admission to the viewpoint – even if you want to use the café.

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I recommend eating at one of the places I have tried: the Grota restaurant with eel broth and salmon fillet in mango. Also the Omega bar is legendary – a milk bar with typical Polish dishes such as ‘kotlet schabowy’ or ‘placek po węgiersku’. I recommend it for its great atmosphere, reasonable prices and tasty food.

4. Mikołajki and Tałty and Mikołajskie Lakes

Mikołajki, situated on the Mikołajskie and Tałty lakes, stands out for its architecturally pleasing consistency . Low-rise buildings, red sloping roofs, a lively promenade and lakes full of ships are important attractions of Mikolajki that leave good memories.

Mikolajki’s main street, named after Michal Kajka, will lead you to the market square with the fountain of King Sielaw. This crowned fish is the town’s symbol on its coat of arms, related to the legend of King Sielaw fighting with the fishermen, who cut the fishermen’s nets and drove the area to starvation.

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When finally caught by the locals, the king wanted to avoid death at their hands and promised them nets full of fish after each catch. The fishermen agreed to the offer, but they chained the king to the bridge to be safe.

A visit to Mikołajki would not be complete without a visit to the sailing village (Wioska Żeglarska) and a stroll along the promenade on Mikołajskie Lake. Near the spectacular footbridge that connects the two shores of the lake, you will find the harbour of the Żegluga Mazurska. Continuing north, you will reach the Evangelical Augsburg Church with a small Museum of the Polish Reformation.

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From the port in Mikołajki, you can embark on cruises by Żegluga Mazurska ( check schedule and prices ). On the other shore, near the Amax Hotel, is the Chopin – Poland’s largest inland sailing ship , which also offers water excursions in the area.

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You can look at the city from above by climbing up to the vantage point on the tower of St Nicholas Church (kościół św. Mikołaja). You can buy tickets for the tower at the entrance. The stairs to the top are relatively easy, but if you have a crisis of form, you can rest on the chairs strategically placed on the route. 😉

If you fancy seeing the buildings of Mikołajki reflected picturesquely in Lake Mikołajskie, take an evening stroll to the southern shore (or stay overnight at the Amax Hotel overlooking the lake). Along the way, you can hook up with the well-regarded bistro Przechowalnia Marzeń (Storage of Dreams) with good breakfasts and coffee.

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Looking for good restaurants in Mikolajki, I recommend you check out Słoneczny Port (Sunny Port) – a restaurant with its waterfront and an enchanting view of Lake Tałty. You can buy local products and take home a bit of Masurian flavour. Also worth a visit is the Na Wodzie Restaurant – a floating restaurant overlooking Lake Tałty.

5. Lake Łuknajno and viewing towers

A must-see sightseeing tour of the Mikolajki area is a bicycle trip around Lake Luknajno . The ride at a leisurely pace will take you about 3 hours, and along the way, you will meet dozens of bird species in their natural habitat and several lookout towers.

Peeping at them is the essence of sustainable, peaceful slow-motion tourism , which I have come to love. The route passes through the Lake Luknajno nature reserve, home to almost 100 species of birds , including storks, cranes, several ducks and even 2,000 swans. This reserve is Europe’s largest breeding ground for the mute swan.

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It is worth bringing binoculars with you, as they make bird watching from the lookout towers more rewarding. The route is not demanding, mostly leading along relatively flat gravel roads among meadows and forests. Including the one by Śniardwy, you will reach four lookout towers.

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Each of them will allow you to look at the surroundings from a different angle and catch various species of birds in the lenses of your binoculars. Even if you won’t be able to tell them apart (like me), the pleasure of peeping at their wildlife is incredible.

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During your trip, you may want to buy coffee at Folwark Łuknajno , which has a viewing tower over Lake Śniardwy. They have fish soup, Masurian spring rolls, potato baba with nibbles and quite a few seasonal dishes on offer. You can also stay overnight at Folwark Łuknajno (2- and 3-bed rooms available).

6. Wolf’s Lair – former Hitler’s headquarters

pol: Wilczy Szaniec, ger: Wolfschanze

The bunker complex in the forests near Gierłoża, known as the Wolf’s Lair, was one of the most heavily guarded and important corners of the Third Reich at the time of the German attack on the Soviet Union, or the conduct of Operation Barbarossa. Hitler lived in the Wolfschanze for as many as ca. 800 days. It was also here that Claus von Stauffenberg made his failed assassination attempt on the Nazi leader in 1944.

Before entering the Wolf’s Lair, you’ll need to buy an entrance ticket – please check ticket prices and opening hours . You can visit with an audio guide, which you can buy in a booth near the parking lot.

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I have never felt shivers and anxiety when entering the grounds of any attraction. Witnessing myself walking on paths previously trodden by the most remarkable criminals of the modern world – Hitler, Himmler, Göring, Keitler, Bormann, other leading Nazis and even Mussolini – was terrifying.

The Wolf’s Lair is a complex of over a dozen structures and bunkers in various states of disrepair after the complex was blown up in the face of approaching Soviet troops. The structures were so sturdy that tonnes of TNT destroyed the shafts in Kętrzyn, located a few kilometres away, but they could not cope with the bunkers’ walls, which were several metres wide.

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On 20 July 1944, at the Wolf’s Lair, during a working meeting with Hitler, Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg made an unsuccessful attempt on the life of the leader of the Third Reich . The bomb explosion slightly injured Hitler, so the assassination attempt did not threaten his life. After the plot was discovered, Stauffenberg was executed.

If you look at the photographs displayed at the Wolf’s Lair, you will see how many famous photographs of Nazi criminals were taken here. Here, the most important decisions of the declining part of the war were made. Long months spent in the bunker caused Hitler’s mental health to decline. After escaping from the Wolf’s Lair to Berlin, he committed suicide in the bunker beneath the Reich Chancellery.

7. Krutynia River and canoeing trips

The picturesque Krutynia River does not break any records in length (it is only 99 km long). Still, due to its numerous meanders and interesting landforms, it is an excellent attraction for canoeists and fans of relaxation in nature. The canoe trail on the Krutynia has 91 km and leads through the Puszcza Piska forest and the Mazurian Landscape Park. It is one of the most beautiful canoe routes in Poland and Europe .

Thinking of kayaking down the Krutynia River? Your choices include one-day rafting trips and multi-day trips starting in the village of Krutynia. There are several canoe rentals in the village of Krutynia. Quite a few rafting trips also start in the village of Ukta (Przystań Ukta).

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Canoeists claim that the most exciting part of the Krutynia River canoeing trip is the 14-kilometre-long section between Cierzpięta on Lake Mokry and Rosocha, which takes about 5 hours to complete.

If you are not in the mood for kayak adventures but the Krutynia River interests you as a place for relaxation, look for secluded locations on the river banks. Just right if you want to relax in the embrace of nature and without crowds.

8. Deer Farm (PAN research station) in Kosewo Górne

The deer farm in Kosewo Górne is one of the nicest surprises on a journey through the Great Mazurian Lakes Region . In the centre, which is run by scientists and, at the same time, deer enthusiasts, we encountered a respectful approach to the animals. It is around the deer that the life of the research station revolves, and tourists here are just silent observers of the wildlife.

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Guided by Mr Paweł, in two hours, we learned a lot about the daily life of deer – their habits, instincts, and ways of communication. We even learned the basics of genetics and species classification to more consciously distinguish between roe deer, red deer, fallow deer and elk.

You can visit the PAN research station in Kosewo Gorne during the summer season – from May to August . You can find detailed information about available dates on the website . Beware of Google Maps – the navigation leads to the station by an incorrect, impassable road (look for road signs).

Walking around the PAS research station in Kosewo Górne meant communing with wild animals. Frightened by our sight, the herds of deer slowly gave way to us and watched our movements from hiding with great curiosity. Imagine what a magical experience this must be, with everything happening in the hilly, picturesque area.

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If you are a bit lucky, you will manage to make friends with Gabi – a deer raised under the watchful eye of Mr Paweł. Gabi has much less fear of humans than her wild sisters and brothers, making her happy to walk with tourists, and, of course, she loves it when visitors decide to pet her vigorously.

9. Mamerki Bunkers (Mauerwald)

In addition to the best-known Wolf’s Lair in Mamerki, you can visit the bunkers formerly occupied by the Headquarters of the Third Reich’s Land Forces (OKH). All ground troop movements on the Eastern Front, including the legendary Battle of Stalingrad, were commanded from here.

The tour of Mamerki has three stages – the bunkers in the so-called Brigid’s Town (right next to the car park and ticket office), the museum dedicated to World War II next to the highest observation tower in Masuria and the so-called giant bunkers in the Quelle Zone (a few hundred metres away, across the street). I was most impressed by the museum.

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You can find details of the Mamerki bunker tour on the website. Parking in front of the ticket office is free. Stopping here, you will visit two parts of the complex – you will have to drive several hundred meters to the giant bunkers (the third part).

The complex subject of the eastern front of the Second World War is told here in an accessible, sensitive way. The content to read doesn’t overwhelm with an overload of information. The museum collects many remnants of the German presence, including swastika-decorated porcelain and pieces of soldiers’ equipment. There is even room for a replica of a U-boat submarine.

At the museum, you will also have the opportunity to speculate about the lost Amber Chamber , which is said to have been hidden somewhere in the Mamerki bunkers. To this day, however, it has not been found, although the former East Prussian supreme commander Erich Koch pointed to this very area as the place where it was deposited.

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In Brigid’s Town, you will visit the bunkers of the former Communications and Command Centre. The giant bunkers located further on owe their name to the walls and ceilings up to 7 metres thick! Just imagine what an important place Masuria must have been for the Nazis in the 1940s.

10. The Upper and Lower Leśniewo Locks on the Mazury Canal

pol: śluza Leśniewo Górne i Leśniewo Dolne

If you are looking for remnants of Prussian and German plans for developing these lands in Masuria, you will come across the route of the Masurian Canal. It was supposed to connect the Great Masurian Lakes via Lake Mamry with the Baltic Sea. Construction was halted several times due to ongoing wars (World War I and World War II) and financial difficulties. The canal wasn’t completed, but several monumental buildings remain.

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The locks of Lesniewo Górne and Lesniewo Dolne are located near Mamerki and Lake Mamry, at the beginning of the planned Mazurian Canal. You can reach the locks on foot from Mamerki , or you can stop your car at a private parking lot and walk a few hundred meters to the Lesniewo Górne lock. Admission to the locks is free .

The most characteristic structure on the Mazurian Canal is the Lesniewo Górne lock. It was 60-80% successfully built, although the hydro-technical equipment that was supposed to work in the lock never arrived here. Hidden in the forest, the sluice is impressive for its size and the preserved site of the Third Reich emblem . The shadow of the eagle with the swastika and the raw concrete look monumental and terrifying.

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Closer to the car park, you will still find the remains of the construction of the Leśniewo Dolne sluice. The degree of progress of its construction was much lower (about 20%), so there are far fewer things to see here as well. However, it was planned to be built identically to the Upper Lesniewo.

11. Reszel – castle and historic Old Town

Reszel is the prettiest little town I have seen during my trips around Warmia and Masuria . The bishop’s castle dominating the town, the coherent development of the Market Square area with its rows of historic houses, the mighty parish church and the Gothic bridge – all within a few hundred metres from the Town Hall.

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Reszel was granted town rights in 1337, developing as a thriving crafts centre, including blacksmithing and artistic carpentry. Approximately 30% of the town was destroyed during the Second World War, which was rebuilt in the post-war years.

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Reszel’s most important monument is the bishop’s castle , built in 1241 by order of the Teutonic Knights, where you can visit the observation tower (and look from it at the charming Old Town). The castle in Reszel houses the Hotel Zamek Reszel (an atmospheric place!) and a restaurant where we had a delicious lunch.

While in Reszel, remember that by going here you have passed the historical border of Masuria and Warmia . Reszel is in Warmia and to refer to it as a Masurian town is a historical mistake. It’s of great significance to Poles living in this part of the country. Better not to confuse these lands. 😉

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Other highlights include the 14th-century parish church of St Peter and St Paul (kościół farny św. Piotra i Pawła), which has a mystical twilight atmosphere. Look out for the 19th-century organ, thanks to which the Reszel Organ and Chamber Music Concerts are organised in Reszel. You can climb the 232 steps to the observation deck in the church tower.

Reszel’s Old Town boasts many historic townhouses. The ones on Wyspiańskiego Street look particularly lovely. In the heart of the Market Square, you will find the Town Hall surrounded by more than 20 historic houses.

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Walking east along Spichrzowa Street, you will reach the Gothic (though not this certainty) High Bridge, thrown over the Jizera River. An exciting curiosity of Reszel is the Art Nouveau Villa Maria from 1906 , with its colourful façade of an unusual shape. The town can offer a lot of attractions, so you should plan about 3-4 hours for Reszel.

12. Święta Lipka Sanctuary and historic organs

A few kilometres from Reszel lies the Marian Sanctuary in Święta Lipka, a significant attraction on the itinerary of people of faith or interested in sacral architecture. We came here for a concert of organ music on a baroque organ with moving figures , which dates from 1721. We did not manage to listen to the concert but had the opportunity to see the sanctuary’s rich (sometimes overwhelming) interior.

You can check the dates of the organ presentations on the shrine’s website . The concerts are held only for groups of a “dozen or so” people (there are no strict numbers). Visiting Swieta Lipka in the off-season, we didn’t have a chance to hear the organ, but if you come here during the season, the concert will almost certainly take place.

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Crowds of pilgrims were and are still attracted to Święta Lipka by the legend of the condemned man to whom Mary supposedly appeared in a death dungeon. She gave him a piece of wood and a chisel to carve the holy statue. When the guards and judges saw the figure in the morning, they considered its appearance to be a miracle.

Legend had attracted visitors to Święta Lipka since the 15th century when a chapel was built around the holy tree. The sanctuary is currently in the hands of the Jesuits, who manage the site. Tourists come here to see the church’s interior and the live show put on by the moving organ. Miraculously, it escaped devastation during the Red Army’s march. Entry to the church is free.

13. Mrągowo and Lake Czos

Mragowo gets crowded a few times a year. The amphitheatre on Lake Czos fills up on the occasion of several major festivals , including the Country Picnic and Mazurian Cabaret Night.

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Mragowo boasts an eye-pleasing city centre with a grand City Hall , where you’ll find a branch of the Museum of Warmia and Mazury. We looked there to learn more about the history of old Mragowo (known as Sensburg) and see old Country Picnic posters.

From the Town Hall, you can walk along the promenade to the Mragowo pier on Lake Czos , from which you can get a good view of the festival amphitheatre. Right next to the City Hall stands the distinctive Prussian-walled building of the Bosnian Watchtower, which is believed to be the oldest building in the city.

It’s worth setting off on a short walk toward Lake Magistrackie to see the sculptures of the city of Mrągowo and then reach the Bismarck Tower with a vantage point overlooking the city. You can buy local handicrafts at the ticket office.

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If you like viewpoints, go to the Góra Czterech Wiatrów (Four Winds Mountain). It offers a good view of Mragowo and Lake Czos. It’s close to a wild lakeside beach where you can relax without crowds of tourists.

You could explore Mragowo according to an unusual theme – traces of historic doors. You can find a brochure at the tourist information desk next to the City Hall called “Mragowo. From door to door”, and then wander around the city in their footsteps for up to several hours. Walking in the footsteps of Mragowo’s modernism can also be an interesting motive.

14. Lake Mamry and city of Węgorzewo

Mamry Lake, the second largest lake in the Land of the Great Masurian Lakes , is an essential point in the plan to visit Masuria. In addition to the many opportunities for water activities, the Mamry Lake area is rich in diverse attractions. After all, right next door are the World War II monuments of Mamerki, the remains of the Mazurian Canal with sluices in Lesniewo, and many bicycle routes.

An essential base for accommodation and excursions around Mamry Lake is Węgorzewo. While in town, try to find time to see the former Teutonic castle on the Węgorapa River and visit the Museum of Railway Tradition , telling the story of the importance of railroads in former East Prussia. The Museum of Folk Culture is also worth a look.

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The ships of the Żegluga Mazurska embark on regular cruises on Lake Mamry departing from the harbor in Węgorzewo. A popular route is the cruise from Węgorzewo to Upałty Island on Lake Mamry and from Węgorzewo to Giżycko. Check the pricelist and cruise schedule on the website .

If the weather is good, you could rent a bicycle and set off on a tour . You can choose between the 38-kilometer-long Little Mamry Loop, leading through Trygort, Sztynort and Ogonki along the Green Velo bike trail, or the much shorter Węgorzewo Loop (16 km through the viewpoint on Lake Święcajty and Konopki Hill).

The area around Węgorzewo and Lake Mamry is a good base for exploring this part of Masuria. You can plan several overnight stays here to freely reach nearby attractions related to World War II, among other things.

15. Ryn Castle

Wandering in the footsteps of Teutonic history in the former East Prussia, you will reach Ryn, whose castle from the end of the 14th century dominates the landscape. It was an excellent foothold for The Teutonic Knights to launch attacks on Lithuania and the seat of the Teutonic convent.

A night at the Hotel Zamek Ryn is a good way to get a feel for the place. You can take a guided tour of the castle on weekends. Visit the Ryn Castle website for tour details, hours and ticket prices .

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When the secularization of the Teutonic state took place, the castle began to perform administrative functions in the secular structures of Prussia. Ryn castle burned down during the Swedish Deluge, and in the 19th century, it was cleaned up and used as a Prussian prison, after which… burned down again. Today, a four-star hotel with SPA operates in the castle.

If you feel like testing the local Masurian cuisine, look at the Gościniec Ryński Młyn, which belongs to the castle. The chef there, Agnieszka Wesolowska, specializes in Masurian cuisine , which has several interesting facets besides fish dishes.

16. Szczytno and the ruins of the Teutonic castle

Landing at Szymany airport, you are only a few minutes away from Szczytno. Here you can visit the revitalized ruins of a former Teutonic castle. Although it’s just ruins, history can bring the place to life in the imagination. Especially if the story is spun by… a belted knight!

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Admission to the revitalized ruins of Szczytno Castle is free. In addition to the outdoor area, check out the exhibition hall with collections on the history of the castle and Szczytno. You can check the opening hours on the website.

Szczytno was made famous among Poles by Henryk Sienkiewicz, who tied an essential part of the plot of “Teutonic Knights” to the castle in Szczytno. The novel’s protagonist, Jurand of Spychow (village less than 30 km from Szczytno), tried to win back his beloved Danusia at the castle in Szczytno. Nowadays, you can sip Jurand beer in Szczytno.

Next to the ruins of the Teutonic castle, a massive town hall with a clock tower was built in the 1930s, moments before the outbreak of World War II. Also, find a moment to stroll along the Domowe Duże Lake with its municipal beach and pier. You’ll also find quaint figurines of the so-called “pofajdok” on the city’s streets.

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“Pofajdok” is a Masurian folk name for a young man with a rather immature approach to life but a sincere and good heart. In Szczytno, these lovely men, walking their paths, are commemorated with 13 sculptures, which you will find in important city points.

17. Ruciane-Nida

If you want to relax in nature’s surroundings, I recommend visiting Ruciane-Nida. The town lies in the heart of the Piska Forest (Puszcza Piska) on as many as three lakes – Nidzkie, Guzianka Mała and Guzianka Wielka. It is a good base for exploring the attractions of Masuria.

A unique attraction of Rudiane-Nida is the historic Zdzislaw Boronski Seed Hulling Plant . It was established in the late 19th century and has been extracting seeds from cones ever since. The warehouse of the hulling plant can hold as much as 180 tons of cones at a time.

Have you ever seen so many cones at once? 😉 In one day, the plant can prepare 30 kg of pine seeds from… as much as 2,700 kg of cones!

While in Rucian-Nida, see the Guzianka I and Guzianka II locks, which connect Lake Nidzkie with the Mazurian sailing routes. In the town, you can also see military monuments – the Ruciane Guzianka defensive junction buildings with a machine gun tower. In nearby Galkowo, visit the beautiful Hunter Manor (Dworek Łowczy).

18. Old Believers’ Monuments in the village of Wojnowo

pol: Staroobrzędowcy

In my opinion, the unassuming village of Wojnowo is one of the most picturesque villages I have seen in this part of Poland. Russians arrived in today’s Warmia and Masuria, looking for a place to profess their faith without harassment. They did not accept the reform of the Orthodox Church of the 18th century – hence they came to be called Old Believers or Old Believers.

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If you want to visit the monastery of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Wojnowo, you need to make an appointment with its caretakers in advance . Unfortunately, communication is only possible in Polish . If you can manage it – call 660 707 570 from 10 am to 5 pm and make a convenient appointment.

They found a peaceful corner in Wojnowo, which they founded in 1830. An Old Believers’ monastery (monaster Zaśnięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny) and a wooden Orthodox church were established in Wojnowo. In the village, you can see wooden houses from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries , which adds extra magic to the village.

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As if that were not enough, the Krutynia River, loved by canoeists, flows through the village. So we have in Wojnowo a small Masurian paradise, which I strongly recommend you to see, e.g. when travelling towards Mikolajki or Mragowo.

Where to sleep in Masuria? Which city to choose?

Masuria is well prepared to receive many tourists during the season. The largest accommodation bases are Mikołajki , Giżycko , Wilkasy i Ruciane-Nida . During our five-day trip through Masuria, we stayed in several places:

  • Mikołajki – Amax Boutique Hotel on the shores of Lake Mikołajskie,
  • Giżycko – St. Bruno Hotel in a former Teutonic castle on the Luczanski Canal,
  • Ryn – Hotel Zamek Ryn in a former Teutonic castle.

Such a distribution of accommodations allowed us to reach all points of interest in Masuria without overstretching the road. You can also consider an overnight stay in Węgorzewo (if you want to focus on the northern part of Masuria) or Mrągowo .

How to get to Masuria (Mazury)? Planes, trains and buses

You can get to Masuria by any means of transportation. The most common choice is to get there in your car. Also, public transportation connects the most important points of Masuria with the rest of Poland. During our trip to Masuria, we tested the air connection between Wroclaw and Olsztyn-Mazury Airport.

Check this: Poland for WEEKEND – 38 Beautiful Places To See & Things To Do: Local’s Guide

Masuria by plane – Olsztyn-Mazury Airport

The Olsztyn-Mazury Airport (Mazury Airport) operates in Szymany, near Szczytno. Seasonal flights from Wroclaw, Krakow and Rzeszow arrive here.

A small, beautifully designed terminal with local architectural motifs (e.g., exits in the style of old Mazurian cottages or decorative beams of wood, symbolizing Mazurian trees) accommodates everything tourists need. It operates several car rentals, stores and even an observation deck with a relaxation area. Useful if you’re a little stressed about flying. 😉

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You could reach Olsztyn-Szymany Airport by buses from Olsztyn and Grajewo (and the Great Mazurian Lakes region in high season), as well as trains from Olsztyn, stopping right next to the airport terminal entrance. However, visiting the Great Mazurian Lakes Region will be most convenient with a rented car .

Masuria by rail

Long-distance trains connect all major Polish cities with Olsztyn, from where you can take local trains to Kętrzyn, Giżycko, Elk and Korysz, among others. You can check train schedules on the Portal Pasażera (available in English). You can buy tickets for regional trains at Koleo .

Masuria by car – how to rent a car?

Arriving in Masuria and travelling by rental car is the most convenient option for people from farther corners of Poland. Finding a car rental at the Olsztyn-Mazury airport will be most accessible, but they are also available in the centre of Olsztyn.

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The attractions of Masuria and the Land of the Great Masurian Lakes are spread over a large area, which makes travelling between them by car the most efficient – especially if you only have a few days to visit Masuria.

Masuria without a car – how to plan a trip?

If you have decided to visit Masuria without a car, you must adjust your sightseeing plan to the available public transportation network. You will reach several larger towns (Giżycko, Kętrzyn) by local trains and others – by buses.

The number of connections increases during the tourist season. The best place to look for buses is e-podroznik.pl (available in English).

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Some of Mazury’s attractions are outside the reach of public transportation. If you want to get there, you can opt for a bicycle tour covering the places of interest or hitchhiking, which should work well during the tourist season.

You have just learned a list of 18 attractions and places worth seeing in Masuria, especially the Land of the Great Masurian Lakes. The list of exciting nooks and crannies worth visiting here is very long. I have selected attractions for you that will allow you to get to know Masuria from different perspectives, stimulating your curiosity and encouraging you to visit the Land of the Great Masurian Lakes further. Have a great tour, and see you in Masuria!

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BIAŁOWIEŻA NATIONAL PARK – MAP of 50+ Best Places to See

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MAZURY & WARMIA (LAKES DISTRICT) – MAP of 200+ Best Places to See

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Mountains of Lower Silesia (Poland) - 55 Best Hiking Routes

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Hi from the author! I’m Bartek Dziwak – traveller and founder of BartekOnTheGo.com travel blog.

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BIAŁOWIEŻA NATIONAL PARK: MAP of 50+ Best Places to See & Things to Do

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KOŁOBRZEG (Poland): MAP of 50+ Best Places to See, Sights, Beaches, Restaurants & Accommodation

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Beautiful landscape of the masurian lakes during a sunset in Poland.

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The Great Masurian Lakes

The Great Masurian Lake district (Kraina Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich), east of Olsztyn, is a verdant land of rolling hills dotted with countless lakes, healthy little farms, scattered tracts of forest and small towns. The district is centred on Lake Śniardwy (114 sq km), Poland’s largest lake, and Lake Mamry and its adjacent waters (an additional 104 sq km). Over 15% of the area is covered by water and another 30% by forest.

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Must-see attractions.

 Wolf's Lair ( Wolfsschanze, Wolfschanze, Wilczy Szaniec), Adolf Hitler' military headquarters in World War II. Gierloz near Ketrzyn, Poland. The attempted assassination of Hitler took place here.; Shutterstock ID 674053669; Your name (First / Last): Gemma Graham; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: BiT Destination Page Images

Wolf's Lair

Hidden in thick forest near the hamlet of Gierłoż, 8km east of Kętrzyn, is one of Poland’s eeriest historical relics – 18 overgrown hectares of huge,…

Boyen Fortress

Boyen Fortress

The Boyen Fortress was built between 1844 and 1856 to protect the kingdom’s border with Russia, and was named after the then Prussian minister of war,…

Łuknajno Reserve

Łuknajno Reserve

The shallow 700-hectare Lake Łuknajno, 4km east of Mikołajki, shelters Europe’s largest surviving community of wild swans (Cygnus olor) and is home to…

Rotary Bridge

Rotary Bridge

Giżycko’s working rotary bridge was built in 1889 and is the only one of its kind in the country. Despite weighing more than 100 tonnes, it can be turned…


Kętrzyn’s Teutonic past lives on in the form of its mid-14th-century brick castle on the southern edge of the town centre. Today the building is home to…

Water Tower

Water Tower

Built in 1900 in neo-Gothic style, Giżycko’s seven-storey Water Tower supplied the city with running water until 1997. Today the tall red-brick structure…

St George’s Church

St George’s Church

With its squat, square tower, the Gothic church looks like the town’s second fortress from a distance. Its interior has furnishings and decoration dating…

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A Guide to Visiting Masuria, Poland

Beautiful Masuria

Looking for unforgettable outdoor holiday ideas? Poland’s Masuria Lakeland is an area of impressive natural beauty with more than 2,000 lakes, dense forests, organic farms and charming resort towns. Little known outside of Poland , Lakeland is well worth exploring.

Best time to visit.

There is no doubt that the best time to visit Masuria is the summer season, which is also the busiest and most expensive time of the year. If you want to avoid the crowds, book your stay at the beginning of June or September, when the weather is still good and there are less tourists around.

Goldopiwo Lake

How to get there

If you’re combining your trip to Mazury with visiting Warsaw , the best way to get to the Lakeland to and from Warsaw is by train (to the region’s biggest cities: Olsztyn, Gizycko and Elblag), by bus (check out the affordable polskibus.com ), by car or also by plane (there are daily flights to Olsztyn-Mazury Airport).

people cheering on a mountain

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Where to stay

If you’re craving an authentic nature-focused experience, go for a farm stay. Places such as Siedlisko Bianki , Moniówka and Kwaśne Jabłko offer a new take on agrotourism (‘agroturystyka’ in Polish ), with organic regional food, big communal kitchens and a friendly atmosphere.

Spa resorts such as Dr Irena Eris Wzgórza Dylewskie , Gołębiewski Mikołajki , Przystań Hotel & Spa in Olszytyn or the hip Glendoria (with an outdoor wooden spa) are also immensely popular. Make sure you book in advance.

For a truly luxury experience, head to one of Masuria’s stylish boutique hotels such as Masuria Arte or Gallery 69 .

Masuria is one of the best places in Poland to get out and experience the great outdoors. From kayaking along the picturesque Krutynia River and cycling through the area’s thick forests, to sailing and fishing on the country’s biggest lakes, there are plenty of activities to choose from.

Mamry Lake

1. Masurian lakes & towns to visit

Measuring over 113 sq km, Śniardwy is Poland’s biggest lake and Pole’s favourite sailing spot. You can take a boat out by yourself or rent a skipper to enjoy a day out on the water (or simply relax on one of the wooden decks). Other lakes worth recommending are the Luknajo Lake (which is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve), Niegocin and Mamry.

Gizycko, Mikolajki and Wegorzewo are the prime towns to visit, get some food and organise your tours and boat/kayak rentals.

Sniardwy, Poland

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Gizycko | © Shutterstock

2. Wolf’s Lair

Masuria also houses Hitler’s former Second World War military headquarters, Wolfschanze (Wolf’s Lair), hidden in the forests close to Kętrzyn village. It’s here that Hitler spent more than 800 days and survived an assassination attempt in 1944.

Wolf’s Lair, Wilczy Szaniec

Wolf's Lair | © Shutterstock

Wolf’s Lair | © Shutterstock

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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Masuria resort & spa

Premium chalets, attractions, holidays 2024 in masuria.

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We created this place specifically for people who appreciate active recreation in natural surroundings. We have prepared many attractions for amateur walks, water sports, cyclists and whole families with children. We want Ruciane Park to be a place of unforgettable experience for all.

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You wake up, see the lake and hear the sound of the forest. It makes your day imediately. Chalets itself are well equipped and comfortable. There are a ... Czytaj więcej

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Plan Poland

5 Places to Visit in Mazury

Mazury have two faces. The one of thousands of tourists cramped at the biggest lakes, either sunbathing at the beach or sailing back to back from Węgorzewo to Mikołajki. And a tranquil face of endless wilderness, lakes and rivers. In this post we will try to give you enough tips, so you will be able to avoid the noise and crowds.

Here’s five places to visit in Mazury by Plan Poland (also worth discovering by bike ) .

Places to visit in Mazury

holidays in poland travel planning traveling around poland

When to go to Mazury

The timing might be crucial. Mazury is one of the most popular holiday destinations among Polish people. Plus, there is at least a few milions of German people who enjoy spending their free time there.

So if you want to avoid the biggest crowds, come to Mazury:

  • in late May, early June and September – if you want to enjoy some sun and
  • avoid long weekends and summer weekends – long weekends is anywhere near 1-3 May (Constitution Day), 15 August and movable holiday of Corpus Christi (somewhere in May or June)

If you don’t mind the weather, you can come any time you want. Keep in mind a high sailing season starts with the end of June and last till the end of August.

Sailing in Mazury

As Mazury are one of the largest lakesides in Europe, it is a sailing paradise. It is of course worth to spend at least two days sailing around the biggest Polish lakes.

If you are interested in sailing in Mazury, check our previous post.

Sailing mazury ultimate guide polish lakeside

Wojnowo has been located by Christian Orthodox, who fled Russia in fear of oppression. The village is stuning. It is particulary worth it to visit local church and a monastery.

Also, every year Wojnowo turn into an open air photo gallery . Almost all the fences in the town are decorated with the award winning photography. It is worth a stop.

wojnowo cerkiew places to visit in mazury small town in mazury

Popielno is famous for wild horses living in the forest on this small Mazurian peninsula. Kids and teenagers can sign up for horse riding classes.

As Popielno is situated on a small hill between two huge lakes and covered with fields of barley and tall trees, the place is just spectacular. There is a small camping site and a tiny tiny marina. A beautiful place.

popielno mazury places to visit in mazury where to go in mazury interesting places in Mazury

Valley of Krutynia river

By Valley of Krutynia river Plan Poland understands the lakes: Zdróżno, Uplik, Mokre. And of course the Krutynia river.

It is the part of the most popular kayaking site in Poland. The lakes we mentioned above are simply beautiful. You can disocver them on a kayak or watch them from the shore. They are surrounded by a vast green forest with good biking trails.

Finding a swimming spot is a piece of cake. And the towns like Spychowo or Zgon are much quieter than Mikołajki or Giżycko.

zgon mazury small town in mazury

In my opinion it is the most beautiful Polish summer resort. But it goes completely under the radar. There is just one small guest house and lots of summer houses of these lucky bastards who can afford buying land there.

There is no road. Well… OK, there is a dirt road. In my opinion it is much easier to get there by boat than by bike. The closest shop is 4 km from Łajs.

Why so great? It is situated in between two lakes in the middle of Warmia Wilderness. It is an official border between Warmia and Mazury. North from the village, there are two crystal clear lakes.

What more do you need. That’s definition of Mazury.

biking in mazury warmia forest łajs

This place is perfect if you are in a need for a break. Tranquil, away from the world. You really really have to try to see Karwica’s main road on a map. It is a kind of a place where you can spot a roe deer dining in front of your terrace.

At the same time it close enough to bigger city – Ruciane Nida. And of course it is located at the edge of the beautiful lake and a huge forest.

What to do while there:

  • go kayaking on Krutynia (prefereably not on weekend – SOOOOO many people)
  • visit Leśniczówka Gałczyńskiego
  • hike around Nidzka Wilderness

karwica small town in mazury interesting places in mazury

How to get to Mazury

The best train connection : Olsztyn, Giżycko, Ełk.

How to get there quick? Bring your own car.

There are several buses that depart from Dworzec Zachodni in Warsaw to Mikołajki, Giżycko, Ruciane Nida and Węgorzewo every day.

Visiting Łowicz. Things to do in Łowicz

Justyna Dzik

Author Justyna Dzik

Hi there! I am Justyna and my goal is to make you fall in love with Poland. I traveled my country back and forth by bike, car, train, bus... Even a baloon. I advice to independent tourists and guide tours organized by Plan Poland. I am the author of ZDalaOdBiura.pl travel blog. Contact me if you need help in organizing your visit.

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park safari mazury

Hello Justyna

Thank you for your helpful webiste. I would like to visit Mazury before the end of September and would like advice on arriving by train or bus and bike rental with a suggestion for a good central accomodation that would be a base to explore Mazury by bike.

Please let me know if you are avaialble.

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Parc Safari opens on May 17

Parc Safari is hiring!

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Parc Safari’s hiring fair is on April 6!

at the Louis-Cyr school 319, St-Louis st Napierville

Fill out the online form and come meet us at the hiring fair!

For people age  25+ , starting time is at 9am

For people age  14+ , starting time is at  1pm

Things to do at Parc Safari!


Prices and opening hours vary, consult the Rates and Hours page!

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Elephant caught on camera attacking safari truck

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Bedfordshire: Black bears at Woburn Safari Park ride on swan pedalos

The four young bears, Harvard, Maple, Colorado, and Aspen, enjoyed riding on the pedalos at Woburn Safari Park in Befordshire.

Saturday 23 March 2024 22:56, UK

Pic: Woburn Safari Park

A lucky group of black bears were treated to a pedalo ride after a lake formed in their enclosure.

After heavy rain created a mini lake in their 13-acre reserve, keepers at Woburn Safari Park decided to float a swan pedalo on the water.

According to Tommy Babington, deputy head of the carnivore section at the park in Bedfordshire , the bears were "immediately intrigued" by their new neighbour and "wasted no time in investigating" it.

Pic: Woburn Safari Park

The pedalo is usually used elsewhere on the site but was awaiting new pedals, Mr Babington said.

"It was great fun for visitors to seeing them climb on board, and we love devising new ways to provide food, scent and habitat enrichment that stimulates their natural foraging behaviours," he said.

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"Bears are naturally very curious animals, and keepers will encourage this with all kinds of enrichment through their habitat as this keeps their minds and bodies active.

"The swan boat enrichment may be a less conventional approach to stimulating their natural behaviours, but it certainly was a hit."

More on Bedfordshire

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Pic: Woburn Safari Park

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The four black bears are two pairs of siblings - two male and two female - named Harvard, Maple, Colorado, and Aspen.

Originally from North America, they can grow up to 2m long and weigh more than 45 stone.

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Bears spotted swanning about on a pedalo after safari park floods

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The curious bears made themselves at home on the pedalo (Picture: Woburn Safari Park)

A group of bears at a Bedfordshire safari park were spotted playing with a pedalo after heavy rains created a temporary lake in their enclosure.

Staff at Woburn Safari Park decided to borrow a swan-shaped pedalo to give to the bears – and the fuzzy animals did not disappoint.

The group of bears could be seen climbing into the boat, until all four seats onboard were occupied.

Tommy Babington, deputy head of the carnivores section at Woburn Safari Park, said: ‘There’s been so much wet weather this year that a new mini lake has formed in the black bears drive-through at Woburn Safari Park, so we had the idea of turning this into interesting enrichment for them.’

The park is home to adult male Chuck, as well as three females named Indiana, Phoenix, and Dixie – and the sleuth also includes juvenile male Koda, and females Georgia and Denver.

The North American black bears require a lot of stimulation to keep them busy, especially during the summer months.

Bears enjoying a ride on a pedalo at Woburn Safari Park in Bedfordshire. Bears at a safari park were spotted enjoying a ride on a pedalo after heavy rain created a makeshift lake. Woburn Safari Park in Bedfordshire had a gigantic puddle form in the black bear enclosure - and staff were quick to take advantage of the new terrain. They borrowed a swan-shaped pedalo and left it by the edge of the makeshift lake - and the bears didn't take long to investigate. One by one, the group of bears - also known as a sleuth - began to climb into the boat as it floated on the lake, until all four seats were taken.

And the species loves to play – especially as young cubs – for reasons ranging from stimulating brain development, increasing cardiovascular fitness and burning off excess energy.

The North American Bear Centre explained this: ‘Some bear cubs play long and hard. Others play much less. Each has its own personality.’

Mr Babington added: ‘It was great fun for visitors to see them climb on board, and we love devising new ways to provide food, scent and habitat enrichment that stimulates their natural foraging behaviours.’

Black bears are a curious species – one even helped himself to an entire box of cupcakes in a car park.

In total, the bear destroyed 60 cupcakes and a ‘bunch of coconut cake’, the shop said.

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But they seemed to embrace the encounter, releasing ‘bear’ themed treats just days after.

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Aggressive elephant lifts safari car filled with tourists into the air in South Africa

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A frightening moment for a group of tourists in South Africa was caught on camera when an elephant approached their safari truck and partially lifted it up into the air.

The incident happened March 18 in Pilanesberg National Park, northwest of Johannesburg.

The group of local South Africans were touring the area when they got too close to the elephant bull to take pictures. That's when the large animal became aggressive and approached the safari truck.

Video from the scene shows the elephant lifting the front portion of the vehicle with its tusks before letting it drop to the ground. Screaming can be heard in the video.

The guide backed up the vehicle and slammed his hand against what appears to be the door in attempt to convince the elephant to stop.

The tour operator Mankwe Game Trackers told ABC News they understand the elephant was in musth, a periodic state of the bull elephant characterized by aggressive behavior and a surge of testosterone levels.

Nobody was hurt in the encounter, but the park offered counseling for those who were the most rattled.

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  17. 5 Places to Visit in Mazury Away From Crowds

    Popielno. Popielno is famous for wild horses living in the forest on this small Mazurian peninsula. Kids and teenagers can sign up for horse riding classes. As Popielno is situated on a small hill between two huge lakes and covered with fields of barley and tall trees, the place is just spectacular. There is a small camping site and a tiny tiny ...

  18. Parc Safari

    COOLBOX at Parc Safari! Enjoy a sleepover in nature, close to the animals, with all the comforts of home! Details. 5 February 2024. The hackers have deleted our Facebook page. We have started a new one, please like, follow and share it! Link to the new page is here. Thank you for your support!

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    The stunning region of Mazury in north-east Poland is called the Land of a Thousand Lakes, but actually there are 2,600 of them. Many are sizeable and connected with one another, naturally or by canals, thanks to which the region offers explorers splendid sailing routes. Join us on a tour of some of the biggest and most amazing Mazurian lakes!

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    1. Electrostal History and Art Museum. 2. Statue of Lenin. 3. Park of Culture and Leisure. 4. Museum and Exhibition Center. 5.

  21. THE BEST Things to Do in Elektrostal with Kids (Updated 2024)

    1. Park of Culture and Leisure. 16. Parks. Fun Things to Do in Elektrostal with Kids: Family-friendly activities and fun things to do. See Tripadvisor's 796 traveler reviews and photos of kid friendly Elektrostal attractions.

  22. Videos show terrifying moment bull elephant lifts safari truck

    A large bull elephant appears to attack a safari truck at Pilanesberg National Park, March 18, 2024, in South Africa. "The Field Guides Association of SA points out the video offers little context ...

  23. Elephant caught on camera attacking safari truck

    Frightened tourists were seen ducking between seats during a tense standoff between a safari driver and a bull elephant at Pilanesberg National Park in South Africa. March 21, 2024 Examined

  24. Muzey "Knyazhiy Dvor"

    Latest travel itineraries for Muzey "Knyazhiy Dvor" in December (updated in 2023), book Muzey "Knyazhiy Dvor" tickets now, view reviews and photos of Muzey "Knyazhiy Dvor", popular attractions, hotels, and restaurants near Muzey "Knyazhiy Dvor"

  25. Bears take a ride on swan pedalo at Woburn Safari Park

    Image source, Woburn Safari Park. Image caption, Room for one more? Follow East of England news on Facebook, Instagram and X. Got a story? Email [email protected] or WhatsApp 0800 169 1830.

  26. Bedfordshire: Black bears at Woburn Safari Park ride on swan pedalos

    The four young bears, Harvard, Maple, Colorado, and Aspen, enjoyed riding on the pedalos at Woburn Safari Park in Befordshire. Saturday 23 March 2024 22:56, UK Image: Pic: Woburn Safari Park

  27. Bears spotted swanning about on a pedalo after safari park floods

    The curious bears made themselves at home on the pedalo (Picture: Woburn Safari Park) A group of bears at a Bedfordshire safari park were spotted playing with a pedalo after heavy rains created a ...

  28. THE 10 CLOSEST Hotels to Park of Culture and Leisure, Elektrostal

    Hotels near Park of Culture and Leisure, Elektrostal on Tripadvisor: Find 1,348 traveler reviews, 1,930 candid photos, and prices for 60 hotels near Park of Culture and Leisure in Elektrostal, Russia.

  29. Video shows elephant bull lifting safari car into the air at

    The incident happened March 18 in Pilanesberg National Park, northwest of Johannesburg. The group of local South Africans were touring the area when they got too close to the elephant bull to take ...