Midsommar i Stockholm. En kvinna dansar skrattandes på en äng. Solnedgång.

Photo: Rania Rönntoft

Midsommar i Stockholm

Publish date : 4 december 2023

Midsommar i Stockholm kan firas på en rad olika sätt. Traditionellt med midsommarstång och sillunch, eller i sus och dus på innerstadsklubb. Här kommer några förslag!

Midsommar är en av våra mest älskade högtider. Så till den milda grad att den av många anses som Sveriges egentlige Nationaldag. Under midsommarhelgen brukar många stockholmare passa på att ta sig utanför tullarna eller ut till Skärgården. Men du som tänkte vara kvar i stan har flera trevliga alternativ till firanden att välja på:

Vad håller öppet?

Många museer och attraktioner håller stängt under Midsommarhelgen. Men det finns de som är öppna. Här är ett urval:

  • Millesgården
  • Nordiska Museet
  • Kungliga slottet
  • Skansen, Skansen Akvariet, Baltic Sea Science Center och Snus och tändsticksmuseum
  • SkiStar Sports & Adventures
  • Skogskyrkogården
  • Spritmuseum & The Absolut Art Collection
  • The Viking Museum

Firande i Stockholm

Midsommar på Skansen är något av en institution i Stockholm, och har firats sedan parkens grundande 1886. Här kan du delta i olika lekar med barnen, se hur midsommar firats genom historien, smaka på Midsommars läckerheter och besöka Skansens djur.

Hasselbackens oväntade midsommarfirande kombinerar en drag show med midsommartraditioner, lekar, snapsvisor och en härlig buffé. Var förberedda på roliga överraskningar!

Mosebacketerassen är öppen med ett midsommarfirande för hela familjen. Förrutom den vanliga menyn finns det korv, glass och det blir sång och dans. DJ är Patrik Arve.

Firande utanför Stockholm

På Djurö i Stockholms skärgård ligger hotell Djurönäset . Till midsommarfirandet här vankas det mat, musik, och dans med lekar kring midsommarstången. Det finns även möjlighet att tävla mot varandra i femkampsbodarna, eller bara checka in på hotellet och ta det lugnt i deras spa.

I Sandhamn dukar Sandhamn Seglarhotell upp till midsommarlunch, dans och fest. På Sandhamn reses midsommarstången mitt i byn på Adolfs torg. Midsommartåget med musiker och kör går genom byn.

På skärgårdsön Grinda kan du äta midsommarlunch på Grinda Wärdshus och på ängen nedanför kläs midsommarstången innan det är dags för traditionell dans och sång.

För de som bor kring Mälaren och har egen båt går det att fira midsommarafton på Birka . Tillsammans kläs midsommarstången innan dansen. På restaurang Särimner serveras en midsommaranpassad lunchmeny för hela familjen.

När är midsommar 2024?

  • Midsommarafton är på fredag 21 juni.
  • Midsommardagen är på lördag 22 juni.

Varför firar vi midsommar?

Midsommar firades ursprungligen till Johannes Döparens ära. I bondesamhället var det en brytpunkt i arbetsåret och midsommarstången är ett gammalt högtidlighållande av sommaren och växtligheten. Läs mer om midsommarfirandets historia på Nordiska museets hemsida .

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Foto: Mikael Kristenson

Fira midsommar i Stockholm

Oavsett om du är en riktig traditionalist eller föredrar att fira midsommar ute på stan, finns det mycket att göra på midsommarafton i Stockholm 2024. Dansa runt stången, njut av sill och nubbe eller gör det till en heldag och fira midsommar på restaurang – här guidar vi till midsommarfirande i parker, inne i city och i Stockholms skärgård.

Missa inte: Här kan du köpa matkassar till midsommar i Stockholm

  • Skansen – Stans mesta midsommarfirande
  • Mosebacke­terrassen – Midsommar på Söders höjder
  • Hasselbacken – Ett firande med överraskningar
  • Vinterviken – Fira i det gröna
  • Villa Godthem – Traditionsenlig meny
  • Hågelbyparken – Majstång, kransar och parklekar
  • Sjöboden & Djurönäset – Hela midsommarpaketet
  • Ulla Winbladh – Klassiskt på restaurang
  • Herrängens Gård – Midsommaridyll
  • Lydmar – Midsommar mitt i stan
  • Lilla Hasselbacken – Midsommar med grill
  • Smådalarö Gård – Avkopplad lyx i skärgården
  • Torekällberget – För stora och små
  • Midsommar i skärgården – Idylliska firanden

Midsommarfirande i Stockholm

Här kan du fira midsommar i Stockholm

 – Midsommar

Stans mesta midsommarfirande

Fira midsommar på Skansen i dagarna tre. Under fredag, lördag och söndag kan man ta del av olika aktiviteter för stora och små. Dansa runt majstången, bind en krans, njut av folksånger, ta del av roliga historier och musik från hela världen, dansa på någon av dansbanorna eller bara njut i det gröna. På midsommarafton klockan 11 kan du vara med och resa majstången. Marknaden är öppen och mat och dryck finns på flera platser runtom i parken.

  • Pris:  Vuxna 245 kr, barn (4-15 år) 70 kr, pensionär/student 225 kr
  • Datum:  23-25 juni
  • Hemsida • 08-442 80 00
  • Läs mer på Thatsup


Midsommar på söders höjder.

För många som väljer att fira midsommar i stan är Mosebacketerrassen en given destination. Även detta år drämmer Patrik Arve av små grodorna och andra klassiska midsommarsånger som man kan dansa och sjunga med till, barn som vuxna, katter som hundar. Utöver den vanliga menyn kommer det att säljas burgare, sallad och dryck. Häng kvar hela kvällen och titta på solnedgången innan du går hem.

  • Pris:  Fri entré
  • Tid:  Från kl 12


Ett firande med överraskningar.

Hasselbacken bjuder in till ett midsommarfirande utöver det vanliga. Här arrangeras en inkluderande midsommarafton som delvis kommer att innehålla högtidens heliga traditioner, såsom klädsel och resning av midsommarstången, allsång, lekar och snapsvisor – men var beredd på oväntade överraskningar. Värdar för kalaset är dragshowduon Lillan och Tjorven.

  • Pris:  Fri entré. Trerätters midsommarmeny 695 kr för vuxna.
  • Hemsida • 08-121 333 02


Fira i det gröna.

I lummiga Vintervikens Trädgård precis utanför tullarna pågår traditionsenligt midsommarfirande. Klockan 13 kläs stången och därefter blir det dans. Vintervikens Trädgårdskafé har öppet och serverar ett midsommarpaket, och i baren vid stora scenen finns dryck och enklare tilltugg.

  • Pris:  Fri entré
  • Tid:  11-18

Villa Godthem

Traditionsenlig meny.

Luta dig tillbaka och njut av traditionsenlig mat. På Villa Godthem har man satt ihop en klassisk midsommarmeny med sill, färskpotatis, plankstek och såklart – jordgubbar med vaniljglass. Det går även att boka dryckespaketet. Äter gör du i salongen eller ute i trädgården.

  • Pris:  695 kr per person
  • Tid:  Från kl 11.30
  • Hemsida • 08-684 238 40


Majstång, kransar och parklekar.

I mysiga Hågelbyparken firas midsommar på traditionellt vis med dans runt stången, blomsterkransar och folkparkslekar. Här blir det firande för alla åldrar.

  • Tid:  10-16
  • Hemsida • 08-599 071 00

Sjöboden – Midsommar

Sjöboden & Djurönäset

Hela midsommarpaketet.

Den som verkligen vill gå all in ska bege sig till Djurönäset ute i skärgården och kombinera sommarmiddag på skärgårdskrogen med övernattning och frukostbuffé på hotellet. Delta i folkparkens traditionsenliga midsommarfirande eller koppla av i hotellets spa.

  • Pris:  Välj mellan olika paketpriser
  • Hemsida Sjöboden djuronaset.com/menyer/skargardskrogen-sjoboden Djurönäset djuronaset.com • Visa telefonnummer Sjöboden 08-571 490 00 Djurönäset 08-571 490 00
  • Läs mer på Thatsup Sjöboden Djurönäset

Ulla Winbladh

Klassiskt på restaurang.

På Ulla Winbladh tar man traditioner på allvar, så även midsommarafton. Fira årets midsommar ute på Djurgården med en meny som innehåller lerpottasill, grillad kalvrygg med ramslökssmör till varmrätt och jordgubbstårta till dessert. Gästerna välkomnas med handbundna blomsterkransar under den lövade portalen.

  • Pris:  625 kr per person
  • Tid:  Från kl 12.30
  • Hemsida • 08-534 897 01

Herrängens Gård – Midsommar

Herrängens Gård


En mer idyllisk plats att fira midsommar på än Herrängens Gård är svår att hitta. Här bjuder man in till ett traditionellt firande på dansbanan, med resning av stången, ringdans, ballongförsäljning och ansiktsmålning för småttingarna. I caféet serveras en midsommarmeny med klassiska smaker samt dessert. För den som föredrar något lite enklare finns även baguetter, pannkakor, bakverk och annat gott. Visar vädret sin bästa sida kan du passa på att ta ett dopp vid den närliggande bryggan.

  • Pris:  Cafémeny 285 kr per vuxen, barn äter för halva priset
  • Tid:  11-16
  • Hemsida • 08-646 38 03

Midsommar mitt i stan

Avnjut midsommarmat mitt i stan. På Lydmars terrass kan du äta omgiven av grönska, trots att du befinner dig i centrala Stockholm. På menyn finns bland annat traditionella rätter som matjessill.

  • Pris:  Se meny
  • Tid:  Från lunch
  • Hemsida • 08-22 31 60

Lilla Hasselbacken

Midsommar med grill.

Mittemot Skansen firar Lilla Hasselbacken midsommar genom att duka upp sin årliga Sill & Grill-buffé. Som namnet antyder finns här både traditionella rätter och andra somriga alternativ. Ett omtyckt tillägg är snapspaketet, och för den som vill skippa nubben erbjuds alkoholfria varianter. 

  • Pris:  Vuxna 495 kr, barn under 12 år 195 kr
  • Tid:  Öppet 11-22, buffé 12-20
  • Hemsida • 08-663 71 82

Smådalarö Gård Hotell & Spa – Midsommar

Smådalarö Gård

Avkopplad lyx i skärgården.

Vill du ha en avslappnad midsommar snarare än festligheter? På Smådalarö Gård kan du koppla av och njuta av ett dygns lyx i skärgårdens hjärta. På midsommarafton binder ni blomsterkransar, och sätter er sedan till bords intill vattnet. Där äter ni midsommarlunch som avslutas med jordgubbstårta, och till kvällen serveras en somrig tvårätters middag. Efter en god natts sömn startar ni dagen med frukostbuffé och nybryggt kaffe. 

  • Pris:  Se hemsida
  • Tid:  Incheckning från kl 15
  • Hemsida • 08-501 551 00


För stora och små.

På Torekällbergets friluftsmuseum firar man midsommar med folkdans, karusell, dockteater, och andra roliga aktiviteter för hela familjen. Klockan 15 reser man stången och dansar därefter runt denna. Här kan du se hela programmet för dagen. 

  • Pris:  0-5 år fri entré, 6-17 år 40 kr, vuxen 100 kr 
  • Tid:  10-17
  • Hemsida • 08-523 014 22

Midsommar i skärgården

Idylliska firanden.

Vill man fira midsommar i skärgården kan man bland annat ta buss eller båt till Waxholms Hotell , där man kan fira midsommar med midsommarplatå, övernattning och skärgårdsfrukost. I Sandhamn tågar midsommarfirandet genom hamnen runt klockan 15, och åskådare uppmanas att stämma in i de klassiska sångerna. På ön Grinda vankas traditionellt firande med att klä stången, ackompanjerande trubadurer och middag på Grinda Wärdshus .

Frågor och svar

När dansar man runt midsommarstången 2024.

Dansen runt midsommarstången äger vanligtvis rum på midsommarafton, vilket är fredagen den 21 juni 2024.

Vad kan man göra på midsommar 2024?

På midsommar kan man delta i traditionella aktiviteter som dansa runt midsommarstången, plocka blommor till att binda kransar, äta god mat och umgås med familj och vänner.

Vart ska man vara på midsommar?

Midsommar firas traditionellt utomhus, i trädgårdar, parker eller på picknickplatser nära naturen.

Var kan man fira midsommar i Stockholm?

I Stockholm finns flera platser där man kan fira midsommar, till exempel Skansen, Djurgården, eller någon av stadens parker och grönområden där traditionella midsommarfiranden och danser anordnas.

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visit stockholm midsommar

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Discover Stockholm’s greatest Midsummer celebrations! Here at Skansen, we’ve been celebrating Midsummer since the 1890s. Alongside Christmas, this is one of Sweden’s most important holidays. Old and new traditions sit side-by-side: the maypole, folk music, traditional Swedish dances and putting flowers under your pillow.

Midsummer marks the summer solstice, when the sun is at its highest in the sky. What we celebrate each year at the end of June is thus the summer itself. For many people, Midsummer is also associated with dancing, music, spending time with friends and family, eating strawberry cake and enjoying the warm, bright summer night and its mystery.

Several of our Midsummer customs date back hundreds of years, and have become almost synonymous to the rest of the world with the image of Sweden and the Swedish summer. The significance of Midsummer has its roots in both folklore and Christianity, but there is clearly something magical about this celebration of love that continues to captivate us.

A festival with many different influences

As with many holidays, no one really knows how long Midsummer has been celebrated. For one thing, traditions change over time. It may also be the case that the origins of Midsummer celebrations go back so far that they have always been a feature of the people living in what is now modern-day Sweden.

But there are no reliable sources to tell us whether or not pre-Christian celebrations actually took place. Our prehistoric ancestors have left rock carvings depicting festive rituals and sun worship ceremonies. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether these were associated with the summer solstice.

During the fourth century, the Christian church began to observe St John the Baptist’s Day. This is because, according to the Gospel of St Luke, John was born six months before Jesus, and it was important to commemorate him because he is said to have urged people to do the right thing and baptised those who repented of their sins. The day therefore became a church holiday – the original Midsummer’s Day in Sweden from the 15th century onwards. Today, however, Midsummer’s Day is no longer part of the church calendar.

visit stockholm midsommar

The Maypole is decorated

visit stockholm midsommar

Midsummer wreath of birch leaves

visit stockholm midsommar

The Maypole is raised at Tingsvallen

The magic and greenery of Midsummer

We now know that Midsummer has been celebrated in the Nordic countries since the Middle Ages, with traditions similar to today’s celebrations. Among farming communities, Midsummer was an important break in the working year and, according to folklore, Midsummer night had magical powers, with supernatural beings being particularly active.

The leaf-dressed Midsummer pole – the maypole – is said to have symbolised good sowing and growth among farmers. It probably came to Sweden via Germany, and early evidence that it was already an established symbol in the 17th century can be found in Erik Dahlberg’s Suecia Antiqua.

However, the green birch leaves themselves also had a function. In days gone by, leaves were laid in the fields at Midsummer to prevent the crops from being destroyed by storms. Today, alongside their use on the maypole, birch leaves are also a feature of Midsummer wreaths – usually together with meadow flowers.

One tradition that survives to this day in some places is predicting love by placing seven or nine types of flowers under your pillow. These are picked during the evening (in silence, in order not to break the spell), and it is said that on Midsummer’s night you will dream of your future spouse.

Midsummer at Skansen

At Skansen, Midsummer is celebrated every year with traditions from all around Sweden and various folk activities.

“Ever since the first year when Skansen was opened, Midsummer has been celebrated in the old, traditional way, by dressing the maypole and dancing around it, as well as folk dances by young people in folk costume on the dance floor. A Midsummer vigil has been held, filled with music, etc. In recent years, the public dance floors which had been arranged for the spring festivities have been allowed to remain over Midsummer, so that the many members of the general public who usually visit Skansen on these days have also had a Midsummer dance.” – from ‘25 Years of Skansen’.

visit stockholm midsommar

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Midsummer in Stockholm

Posted By Lola A. Åkerström on Jun 15, 2020

Learn all about Midsummer in Stockholm in less than four minutes.

Swedish girls - Swedish Midsummer in Stockholm - Photography by Lola Akinmade Åkerström

All photos by author

[Editor’s Note – This post will be updated every year to reflect current Midsummer celebrations – Last updated June 17, 2019]

No other celebration brings otherwise reserved Swedes out of their shells more than the summer solstice festival of Midsummer.

While its roots are traditionally pagan, Midsummer is celebrated by all classes of society and you’ll find people wearing handmade wildflower wreaths on their heads as they dance and hop around the maypole ( majstång ) decorated with flowers and greens singing traditional Swedish folk songs.

Swedish girls - Swedish Midsummer in Stockholm - Photography by Lola Akinmade Åkerström

Swedish Midsummer for Dummies from Sweden on Vimeo .

Ready to celebrate?

Swedish Midsummer in Stockholm - Photography by Lola Akinmade Åkerström

Other venues include Vasaparken, Tantolunden, Farsta Gård as well as the listing below provided by Gratis i Stockholm .

Adolfs Torg, Sandhamn Akalla By, Kista Älta Gård, Nacka Björklunds hage, Norra Ängby, Bromma Borgmästarängen, Sigtuna Bruket, Järfälla Dansbanan, Årsta Havsbad, Haninge Dansbanan, Årsta Havsbad, Haninge Djursholms Slottspark, Djursholm Domarudden, Åkersberga Ekebyhovs Slottpark, Ekerö Färingsö Hembygdsgård, Ölstavägen 27, Färentuna Farsta Gård Gålö Havsbad Grödinge Bygdegård, Botkyrka Höglundaängarna, Jordbro, Haninge Jakobsbergs Gård, Bredäng Jakobsbergs Gård, Odd Fellowvägen 18-22, Bredäng Kvarnparken, Danderyd Lägret, Waxholm Lekparken, Råbergsvallen, Rosersberg Lunda, Märsta Överjärva Gård, Ulriksdalsfältet, Solna På ängen bredvid Ica i Djurö by Sätunaparken, Märsta Schweizerparken, Dalarö Sjöängen, Trångsund Sjödalsparken, Huddinge Skälby Gård, Skälby gårds väg 20 vid dansbanan, Järfälla Skälbyparken, Järfälla Solsäter, Långsjövägen 63, Trollbäcken Spånga Kyrka, Spånga Stora Nyckelviken, Nacka Tempeludden, Riddersvik, Hässelby Villastad Trädgårdstorp, Tullinge Tyresö Slott, Slottsparken Tyresta By, bakom Dahlgrensgården, Vendelsö Värmdö bygdegård, Värmdö Vidbo, Märsta Vitabergsparken, Södermalm

Additional Midsummer Concerts/Events

Midsommarkonsert: Jazz och folkliga koraler—Brännkyrka kyrka, Götalandsvägen 193, 125 35 Älvsjö

Swedish Midsummer in Stockholm - Photography by Lola Akinmade Åkerström

Author: Lola A. Åkerström

Lola Akinmade Åkerström is an award-winning writer, photographer, and travel blogger , and is also the Founder/Editor-in-chief of Slow Travel Stockholm. Her photography is represented by National Geographic Creative. She tweets at @LolaAkinmade .

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Midsummer in Sweden – like something from another world

Midsummer is here and all over the country, Swedes are getting ready to celebrate. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun. Or why not organise your own Midsummer party. Here’s how!

Sweden’s National Day is 6 June, but Midsummer is when Swedes truly celebrate. In 2024, Midsummer Eve falls on 21 June but in many places, festivities are held during the whole Midsummer weekend. Welcome to join the celebration!

The Midsummer night is filled with magic

The Christian tradition of celebrating the prophet St. John the Baptist coincides with the summer solstice. In Northern Europe, the date is still celebrated with the lighting of bonfires and festivities.

From the late Middle Ages, Swedes began raising and dancing around a Midsummer pole. Decorating it with flowers and greenery is called ‘maja’, so it is also known as a maypole.

In the agrarian society, the Midsummer night was considered a time of magic and mystery when plants acquired healing powers and were used to predict the future. Young women would pick seven different kinds of flowers and put them under their pillow to dream of their future husbands. The flowers must be picked in silence, or the magic would be broken. Regardless of gender and norms, those feeling curious and intrigued should probably take a chance on this Midsummer magic, it might just work.

Walking barefoot in the dew as the Midsummer night turned to dawn helped you stay healthy. Wearing a wreath of flowers in your hair is an old symbol of rebirth and fertility. To preserve the flowers’ magic throughout the year, bouquets were dried and sometimes placed in the Christmas bath to keep the family healthy through the long, cold winter.

Today, Midsummer is about celebrating that the best time of the year lies ahead of us.

Midsummer preparations

With roots in pagan times, Midsummer is a celebration of the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, but it is also a celebration of life and love. The celebration involves a lot of food and flowers, so preparations start early in the day with cooking and picking wild flowers.

Photo : Vilhelm Stokstad/imagebank.sweden.se

Midsummer in northern Sweden

Photo : Asaf Kliger/imagebank.sweden.se

Pickled herring, fresh potatoes and strawberries

Like all major holidays, Midsummer revolves around eating and drinking. The Midsummer fare boils down to a few musts: fresh potatoes, pickled herring, Aquavit or 'snaps' and strawberries. When combined, they will give you the taste of real Swedish summer.

Potatoes came to Sweden in the mid-1650s, but it took a hundred years before they were planted, harvested and eaten on a larger scale around the country. At Midsummer, fresh new potatoes aka 'färskpotatis' cooked with dill are a must. Small, and with thin skin that is gently scrubbed, they make lovely companions with pickled herring, gravlax and Swedish meatballs .

The traditional food served at Midsummer is part of the Swedish smorgasbord that Swedes also enjoy during Easter and Christmas. It developed during the 1800s and stems from the ‘brännvinsbord’ that was served as a starter, consisting of bread, butter, cheese, salmon, anchovy or pickled herring, sausages, dried meat and three kinds of 'brännvin' aka Aquavit. An old-fashioned ‘brännvinsbord’ can be seen at the Nordic Museum in Stockholm , which has several traditional table settings on display.

Midsummer celebration

Midsummer takes place in June and is a celebration of the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. It is one of the most celebrated holidays in Sweden. A traditional lunch is served in the garden with pickled herring, new potatoes, cured salmon and drinking snaps followed by a drinking song.

Photo : Anna Hållams/imagebank.sweden.se

New potatoes at midsummer

Photo : Alexander Hall/imagebank.sweden.se

Drinking songs are unique to Sweden 

A vital part of enjoying Aquavit is the toasting and singing. For each toast, a new song is sung. The most popular drinking song is ‘ Helan går ’. The name meaning ‘the whole goes (down)’ refers to the drink being the first in a series of ‘snaps’. If you don’t drink the first one, you can’t have the second, called ‘Halvan’ meaning ‘the half’. 

Drinking songs are unique to Sweden (and the Swedish-speaking parts of Finland) and new ones are composed by using known melodies and making up lyrics. The Museum of Spirits in Stockholm has collected more than 12,000 drinking songs. If you were to sing one drinking song every day, they would last more than 32 years! 

The meal is finished off with fresh strawberries served with whipped cream. Any Swede will tell you that Swedish strawberries are the best, and they may be right. Due to the long, bright and cool spring nights Swedish strawberries don’t burn their sugar as quickly, making them sweeter. You can also enjoy them in a classic strawberry cake aka 'jordgubbstårta' .

Kubb is a lawn game where the objective is to knock over wooden blocks by throwing wooden batons at them. The game can be played on any flat surface, but summer grass is favoured. The game has alleged Viking roots, although this is disputed. Its popularity took off in the 1980s and there is even a World Championship on the island of Gotland every summer.

Photo : Ulf Lundin/imagebank.sweden.se

Midsummer games

Photo : Carolina Romare/imagebank.sweden.se

Kubb, femkamp and other fun games 

Having enjoyed all that lovely Midsummer food, it is time to play some games. At Midsummer parties, it's ok to be a bit whimsical and people of all ages participate. The different family games played at Midsummer are commonly called ‘femkamp’, often with a playful twist. Classic garden games like croquet and sack race are played and creative new games are made up.  

A popular outdoor summer game for Swedes of all ages is ‘kubb’ where the objective is to knock down ten small wooden blocks (‘kubb’) and one large wooden block (‘the king’) by throwing wooden sticks. 

'Kubb' is played in local parks and private gardens. Being so widely spread all over the country, there are many variants of the game and players have developed their own understanding of how to play it. Friendly arguments about the rules of kubb have almost become part of the game. 

Midsummer flowers

Midsummer flower crown

All you need for your Midsummer party

Midsummer celebrations are big events by nature. Experiencing the holiday with a small group of friends is also fun. 

Pickled herring comes in many flavours and can be found in all food stores. Dare to try a few different kinds. Here you can also get fresh potatoes, gravlax or other types of salmon, meatballs, strawberries and whipping cream. Don’t forget crisp bread, cheese and butter! 

Systembolaget  is a government-owned liquor outlet and the knowledgeable staff will help you choose Aquavit and other beverages. The stores are closed on Sundays and major holidays so plan your visit in time before Midsummer. 

The 'kubb' game can be found at department stores, sports stores or toy stores. 

Now you are all set for midsummer!

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  • Midsommarguide 2021

Midsommarguide 2021 – fira midsommar i Stockholm

Bästa tipsen på midsommarfiranden i city & skärgården.

”Små grodorna”, blommor, sommar, dans, skärgård, snaps, jordgubbar och sill – allt detta hör en riktig svensk midsommar till. Visste du att midsommar betyder ”Mitt i sommaren ”? Vi firar midsommar när dagen är som längst, nära solståndet. För oss svenskar är detta en av de viktigaste högtiderna under året och vi firar den gärna tillsammans med nära och kära. Vi har i vår midsommarguide samlat våra bästa tips på midsommarfiranden i Stockholm, både i city, ombord på båt eller i skärgården. Lär dig steg för steg hur du binder en egen midsommarkrans. På kartan längst ner i inlägget får du en överblick över vart de olika midsommarfirandena äger rum.

Midsommarlunch ombord på M/S Prins Carl Philip

Under hela midsommarhelgen kan du äta en specialkomponerad midsommarmeny ombord på sekelskiftesbåten M/S Prins Carl Philip. Lunchkryssningen avgår från Klara Mälarstrand och tar dig genom natursköna Mälaren ut till Drottningholms slott och tillbaka – en fantastisk tur. Menyn består av båtens klassiska S.O.S till förrätt och sedan rostbiff på ryggbiff med en somrig sallad till varmrätt – svenska smaker och väl utvalda råvaror. 

Öppettider/avgångstider:  25-27 juni – kl. 12.00 alternativt kl. 14.00 Hitta hit:  Klara Mälarstrand, kajplats 5 Bokning:  Förboka plats i matsalen ombord på M/S Prins Carl Philip för garanterad plats.

Midsommarkänsla på Skansen

Att fira midsommar på Skansen är för många en kär tradition. I år har Skansen valt att anordna ett tryggt och säkert firande. I stället för den traditionsenliga midsommarstången kommer det finnas flera mindre stänger och platser för picknick runt om i parken. Det kommer finnas olika aktiviteter för både stora och små och hela Skansen kommer vara blomsterprydd med härlig midsommarkänsla.

Öppettider/avgångstider:  Dagligen kl. 10.00-16.00 Hitta hit:  Djurgårdsslätten 49-51 på Kungliga Djurgården                      Bokning:  Förköpt biljett krävs och du köper din biljett till Skansen på Ticketmaster .

Traditionsenlig midsommar på Grinda

På Grinda kan du som vill fira en riktig midsommar göra det redan från tidig förmiddag då alla som vill hjälps åt att samla blommor och kvistar till att smycka stången och för att binda kransar. Tillsammans reses midsommarstången och senare under eftermiddagen anordnas ett Corona tryggt firande med underhållning av trubadur, men utan dans runt stången. På Grinda Wärdshus serveras en välkomponerad midsommarmeny för dig som vill lyxa lite extra. Annars är det trevligt att ta med sig egen picknick och slå sig ner i gräset, på stranden eller ute på någon klippa!

Öppettider/avgångstider:  25-27 juni – båt avgår kl. 10.00 och 16.30 från Strandvägen Hitta hit: Skärgårdsön Grinda – åk med Cinderellabåtarna från Stockholm till Grinda eller ta egen båt och lägg till i gästhamnen Bokning:  Förboka din båtbiljett på Cinderellabåtarna för garanterad plats ombord. Glöm inte att förboka bord i matsalen på Grinda Wärdshus.

Spelemannatåg på Sandhamn

På Sandhamn kan du fira midsommar genom att äta gott på någon av öns alla restauranger exempelvis Seglarhotellet och Wärdshuset för att nämna några. I år kommer Sandhamns vänner att anordna ett lite annorlunda midsommarfirande där föreningens spelemanståg under eftermiddagen tågar spelandes genom hamnen och sjunger klassiska sånger. Du som åskådare får gärna ha blomkrans på huvudet och stämma upp till sång.

Öppettider/avgångstider:  25-27 juni – båt avgår kl. 10.00 och 16.30 från Strandvägen Hitta hit:  Skärgårdsön Sandhamn – åk med Cinderellabåtarna från Stockholm till Sandhamn eller ta egen båt och lägg till i gästhamnen Bokning:  Förboka din båtbiljett på Cinderellabåtarna för garanterad plats ombord.

Somrig brunchkryssning med S/S Stockholm

Njut av en somrig och välkomponerad brunchbuffé ombord på vackra S/S Stockholm under hela midsommarhelgen. Du kommer garanterat njuta av både maten, miljön och vyerna över den svenska skärgården. På buffén finns något för alla smaker – klassiska rätter, vegetariska alternativ och nya smakkombinationer.

Öppettider/avgångstider: 25-27 juni –kl. 12.00 Hitta hit: Strandvägen, kajplats 16 Bokning: Förboka plats i matsalen ombord på S/S Stockholm för garanterad plats.

Steg för steg – så binder du en midsommarkrans

Blomsterkrans i håret hör midsommar till – både vackert och klassiskt. Att binda din egen midsommarkrans är både enkelt och roligt. Du kan då själv välja ut dina favoritblommor och designa din krans helt utifrån ditt tycke och smak.

Lista på bra saker att ha när du binder din krans

  • Ståltråd
  • Myrtentråd
  • Sekatör
  • Sommarblommor
  • Kvistar med grönt

5 steg till en midsommarkrans

  • Linda ståltråden med floratejp och gör en ögla i varje ände
  • Fäst myrtentråden på ståltråden
  • Bind fast några blommor i taget med myrtentråden på ståltråden
  • Varva blommor med gröna kvistar och fortsätt runt hela stommen
  • Trä sidenbandet genom ändöglorna på ståltråden och gör en rosett. Sidenbandet gör det enkelt att justera storleken på kransen och blir en fin detalj.

Midsommarguide – karta över firanden i Stockholm

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A girl with a flower crown

Midsommar, what? A truly unique celebration in Sweden

By: kornelia januszewska, it’s june, your are in sweden and the summer solstice is coming up – what do you do, the answer is simple – you celebrate midsommar, of course..

Midsommar in Sweden

The History of Midsommar

Just imagine a never-ending lunch party, with flower crowns on your head, dancing around a maypole ( midsommarstång ) while singing to joyful folk music and enjoying the company of your friends, as well as, the rays of sunshine on your face missed so dearly the past few winter-ish/spring-ish months. I mean, it sounds like a dream come true, right?

Therefore it is of no surprise as to why midsommar is in fact one of the most-celebrated holidays in Sweden aside from Christmas.

Originally, midsommar celebrations were directed towards John the Baptist, as a Christian holiday, which took place on the 24th of June. As we might have known, modern-day Swedes aren’t the most religious, so as a consequence, in 1953, it was decided that the summer solstice would always be celebrated on the Friday between the 20th and 26th of June.

Some people believe its origins come from pagan times when such rituals like dancing around the maypole were to celebrate overall fertility.

And even till now, there are still such beliefs about the magic of a midsommar night – that many choose to have a little “getaway” to bathe naked in the dew on the following morning as it’s considered healthy for one’s body and mind.

Cultural References

Swedish midsommar was, is, and probably will be an inspiration for various artistic creations.

William Shakespeare dwelled into the magical aspects of the night in his dramatical piece “ The Midsummer’s Night Dream ”, but the celebrations were also turned into an American horror-thriller movie “ Midsommar ” from 2019, although, it’s worth mentioning that both visions mentioned are far from the truth and reality of the festivity.

4 Strange Midsommar Traditions

1. doing the frog dance 🐸 .

Basically everybody imitating frogs and hopping around the maypole, while singing “Små grodorna” (small frogs).

2. Eating lots of herring 🐟

Indulging in good food, but mostly herring in every single form: pickled, smoked, fermented, etc.

3. Sudden weather changes ☔️

Call it bad luck, or a curse, but usually happens that on the midsommar weekend  – the weather goes a bit crazy. So, I would normally be prepared for some rain, but hopefully, the sun.

4. Putting flowers under the pillow 🌼

A tradition where the Swedes pick seven types of flowers and put them under their pillow to dream about the one, true love. No amount of guarantee is given, though.

Where to celebrate Midsommer in Stockholm?

So, where should you go to experience this rather unique festivity?

Pay a visit to Skansen , the open-air museum in Stockholm, which hosts a 3-day midsommar celebration that is of the more traditional sort. Or you can always create your own gathering with friends in the nearest park. And don’t forget that you will need to get some fresh strawberries, summer potatoes, dill, salmon, and a flower crown to complete the whole midsommar vibes.

Let’s hope we all get the chance this year to welcome the summer solstice outside together with our friends and take in some positive energy.

Enjoy the video below of Alicia Vikander doing the traditional Swedish frog dance!

Glad midsommar!

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Midsummer in Stockholm

For most Brits Midsummer is an ordinary day, almost oblivious to British minds. Midsummer in Sweden though is really special, the biggest holiday of the year after Christmas.


Midsummarafton (Midsummer's Eve) is a public holiday, called a Red Day in Sweden. Swedes have a very generous allocation of Red Days, enough to make the average American green with envy, and, of all their Red Days, Midsummer is the one closest to Swedish hearts.

Midsommarafton is celebrated on the Friday nearest the longest day of the year which is on:

• 19th June in 2015, • 24th June in 2016, • 23rd June in 2017.

The biggest celebrations usually occur on Midsommarafton , with Midsummardagen (Midsummer's Day) normally just a day for recovering! Traditionally the celebrations go on right through the night, especially in the north of Sweden where the sun doesn't set.

Skansen is a large open-air museum and zoo near Stockholm city centre, on Djurgården, an island a twenty minute walk from the Gamla Stan (the old town) or a short ferry ride. It is the place where most visitors to Stockholm, and any Swedes left in Stockholm, go to celebrate Midsummer.

There can be long queues to get in to Skansen on Midsommarafton , especially between 11am and 1pm as this is when most people arrive to see the raising of the Maypole. The queues tend to be slightly shorter at the entrance opposite Nordiska Museet (The Nordic Museum) and longest at the main entrance, but expect to queue for around 30 minutes.

Flower crowns


Don't forget to take your own crown of flowers! However, if you haven't got one don't worry as you can make your own on Orsa Hill, in the centre of Skansen. Skansen staff helpfully provide plenty of twigs and you can then go and pick some elderflowers, daisies or even grass to decorate your crown.


Of course, for a more stylish flower crown you need to take some flowers with you. Many Swedes like to choose flowers in yellow and blue, the Swedish colours, but any pretty flowers will do!


The raising of the grand Maypole

visit stockholm midsommar

Allow plenty of time to get a good place to watch the raising of the grand Maypole, which is normally at 2pm on Tingsvallen. It gets extremely crowded so take a rug and have a picnic on the grass whilst you wait.


If you can't face sitting on the grass there are tables scattered around Skansen for your picnic. It is traditional to take plenty of little Swedish flags to decorate your picnic, presumably to prevent you from forgetting than you are in Sweden.

The procession into Tingsvallen


The procession into the ring is led by flag-carrying Swedes and a group of very good musicians, all in traditional dress.

Decorating the Maypole


The grand Maypole is decorated with lots of flowers to the accompaniment of much cheering and a commentary in five languages, but predominantly in Swedish and English.

visit stockholm midsommar

The Maypole is not as colourfully decorated as in some parts of Sweden, but raising it is more fun because it is done by hand, whereas in some places they use a crane. The crowd obviously enjoy shouting out words of encouragement to the heave-hoers.

Dancing round the Maypole

visit stockholm midsommar

Once the Maypole is erected everyone flocks into the ring to dance round the Maypole. This is pretty difficult to do because it is so crowded, but it is an essential part of Swedish Midsummer experience.


Whether you are shy and bemused by the whole thing or a confident extrovert dancer you can be sure of a fantastic time. The dances are really simple and whether you have to pretend to be a frog or a rocket, the caller makes everything clear.

visit stockholm midsommar

Skansen guides are top notch and enjoy joining in, so if you are lucky you will be asked to dance by one of the guides.

The BIG shut down

visit stockholm midsommar

Unless you are going to Stockholm to see the Midsummer celebrations,  Midsommarafton and Midsommardagen is NOT a good time to visit the city. Stockholmers flock out of the city at Midsummer to their summer houses to eat lots of herring, drink snaps well into the night and pretend to be frogs round a Maypole. As a result nearly all shops are closed on Friday and Saturday and most of my favourite Stockholm restaurants are shut for the whole of the long weekend. Most museums and art galleries are also shut on Friday and Saturday.

The boats to the archipelago still run!

visit stockholm midsommar

Fortunately the boats out to the archipelago all run over Midsummer. Stockholm looks at its most impressive when seen from the water, so it is well worth finding time for a boat trip.

visit stockholm midsommar

There are three main companies: Cinderellabåtarna and Strömma Kanalbolagtet (both from Strandvägen, opposite the Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern ) and  Waxholmsbolaget (opposite the Grand Hotel).

Subject to good weather and having sufficient time, I recommend visiting one of the more distant islands that can't also be reached by car such as Grinda, Gällno, Karlö or, even though it is over 3 hours from Stockholm, Utö.

visit stockholm midsommar

Stockholm is a cycle-friendly city with many excellent cycle paths, some of which have very beautiful stretches. The island of Djurgården is excellent for cycling with lots of green space and tracks near the water.

If you stroll down to Strandvägen, where there many boats tied up, you will find a couple of companies happy to rent you a bike for around 250 SEK (£22, €28, $38) per day .

Restaurants and clubs

visit stockholm midsommar

As many of most popular restaurants in Stockholm close for midsummer it is worth booking a table in advance. Fem Små Hus is one of my favourite Stockholm restaurants and is the only one in my personal top ten that stays open for Midsummer. It is in  Gamla Stan (the old town) and although fairly expensive (main courses are around 300 SEK) it is highly rated.

Wine in Sweden is expensive but don't feel obliged to order a bottle. It is fine to order just one glass. Expect to pay between 100-150 SEK for a glass of wine at Fem Små Hus .

visit stockholm midsommar

Most clubs are also closed for Midsummer, but if you like jazz and blues I recommend visiting Stampen in Gamla Stan. Admission is normally free, the drinks are reasonably priced and the quality of music is good. An appreciative mixed-aged crowd enjoy the pub-like atmosphere.

If you can get yourself to Stockholm for Midsummer I am sure you will have an enjoyable time and a memorable experience. For more information about Sweden at Midsummer click here .

John Duxbury

Swedish Food .com

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Midsummer in Sweden: 2023 guide

Dancing, feasting, drinking and a seemingly endless supply of sunlight: there’s a lot to like about Midsummer in Sweden.

Swedish midsummer

With the possible exception of the weeks leading up to Christmas , the other big festival on the Swedish calendar, it’s the best time of year to be a foreign visitor in the country.

Midsummer – or midsommar – is still a huge deal across Sweden, with people young and old getting together to celebrate, either at large community events or smaller gatherings of friends and family.

Almost everyone gets to finish work early on Midsummer’s Eve, leading to a mass exodus from cities like Stockholm and out into the countryside, where meadows full of wild flowers are at their most beautiful.

Plenty of foreign tourists visit Sweden in June, to enjoy this most Swedish of celebrations, with activities such as traditional dancing around a maypole and floral wreath making.

What’s Midsummer all about, then?

Swedish Midsummer traditions are thought to have their roots in pre-Christian, sun-worshipping cultures. The time of year around the summer solstice, when the darkness of night is replaced by a magical twilight, would have held special significance for people in northern climes.

Despite later attempts by the church to transform Midsummer into an entirely Christian festival, it’s the pagan symbols that have stood the test of time.

Women and young children still put wild flowers in their hair, and communities across the country still decorate phallic midsommarstänger , or maypoles, for people to sing and dance around.

The best known of all the songs performed is Små Grodorna (Small Frogs). Its lyrics (The little frogs, the little frogs, are funny to observe/No ears, no ears, no tails) have very little to do with Midsummer, but nobody seems too worried.

Other traditional Midsummer games

Aside from maypole dancing, Swedes traditionally celebrated Midsummer by dressing up as “green men” and covering themselves in ferns to encourage fertility as well as decorating their houses and tools with foliage.

Today, people are more likely to play lawn games such as kubb (also known as Viking chess), where the aim is to knock down your opponents’ wooden blocks by throwing wooden sticks at them. 

Also popular is Kasta hästsko , where players toss horseshoes at a stake in the ground or in a sandbox, with aim of getting the horseshoe round the stake, or as close as possible.

Games such as sack races, egg and spoon races, darts, croquet and chasing games are also often played at Midsummer.

And you may see people playing Spotta groda (or Spit the frog), a fairly new game whereby players stand behind a line and try to spit a frog-shaped gummy sweet as far as they can. The person who spits the frog the furthest wins!

Midsummer food and drink

The other part of the traditional Swedish Midsummer celebration involves eating and drinking copious amounts, ideally outside, and ideally without rain or mosquitoes to dampen the mood.

The classic midsommar lunch is eaten around a table stacked with boiled potatoes, different types of pickled herring, crispbread and salads, though these days just about anything goes.

What starts off as a civilised feast can often end up getting rowdy, thanks to the large amounts of bitter-tasting snaps consumed throughout the meal – not to mention the accompanying songs, which inevitably end with everyone taking a gulp of the strong stuff.

visit stockholm midsommar

Is the Stockholm Pass worth buying?

Read this guide to see how much you could save during your trip!

When is Midsummer?

Celebrations in Sweden take place on the day known as midsommarafton – that is, Midsummer’s Eve.

Until the 1950s this meant the 23rd June, but the rules have since been changed so that Midsummer is always celebrated on a Friday, to help fit in better with the working week.

Although the official public holiday is on the Saturday (Midsummer’s Day), the main festivities take place on the Friday (Midsummer’s Eve) and most companies treat this day as a holiday too.

Is everything shut during Midsummer?

The Friday (Midsummer’s Eve) is the main event, so many shops are closed altogether, or only open for short periods.

In larger cities like Stockholm , Malmö and Gothenburg some restaurants, petrol stations and big supermarkets will still be open, though your options will be limited in rural areas. The same applies on the Saturday (Midsummer’s Day).

Midsummer in Sweden

What’s the weather like at Midsummer?

It could be gloriously sunny, but there’s a running joke in Sweden that the weather on Midsummer’s Eve is often the same as at Christmas.

Realistically, snow is very, very unlikely, even in the north, and there’s a good chance you’ll be basking in warm weather.

Daylight-wise, the sun sets for just a few hours in Stockholm and Gothenburg . In Swedish Lapland , the sun stays above the horizon right around the clock.

The best places to celebrate Midsummer

The best way to experience Midsummer is with a group of Swedes.

Unless you’re lucky enough to have been invited to dinner with some Swedish friends, your best bet is to head to one of the public gatherings which are held in parks and town squares around the country.

These tend to kick off fairly early on Midsummer’s Eve – aim to get there for around midday.

Midsummer celebrations in Stockholm

If at all possible it’s worth leaving Stockholm for the countryside, as that’s where you’ll find the really traditional Midsummer celebrations.

If you’re short on time or just don’t fancy leaving the big city, however, there are a couple of places you can try on Midsummer’s Eve:

Stockholm’s huge open-air museum, Skansen , puts on the city’s biggest Midsummer celebration.

There’s been some kind of Midsummer festivity taking place here since 1892, and the tradition continues today. Buy a ticket and visit the museum here!

The park hosts three days of celebrations (from 23rd–25th June this year), with a maypole being raised at 11am on Midsummer’s Eve, followed by dancing round the maypole, folk music and folk dancing and making a birch leaf crown.

Bring a picnic, or eat in one of the park’s restaurants, and enjoy the atmospheric Midsummer decorations, while children can play with old-style traditional games, go on a family walk and listen to storytellers.

If you want to stay near Skansen, Scandic Hasselbacken is a family-friendly option with comfy rooms. They put on games and dancing round a maypole for the children, plus a Midsummer menu and a slightly less traditional Midsummer drag show with DJs and dancing for the adults!

Special Midsummer tickets must be bought in advance for admission to the park on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the Midsummer weekend, and visitor numbers are limited. Day tickets cost around 245 SEK (children under 15 years old enter for 70 SEK).

To get there, take a tram bound for Waldermarsudde from Sergels Torg and get off at Skansen.


To experience Midsummer on a smaller scale in Stockholm, head to Vitabergsparken, a small park on the eastern side of Södermalm , for the usual dancing, singing and snacks.

Entry is free and it’s fairly easy to reach from the city centre; bus #3 from Slussen stops on Gotlandsgatan, near the park’s western edge.

Akalla By is a good option if you want to enjoy traditional Midsummer celebrations away from the hustle of the city. It’s easy to reach using public transport (just take the  T-bana to Akalla).

Midsummer kayak tour

If you want to do something a little different to celebrate Midsummer, why not take a kayak tour with a celebration Midsummer meal .

On Midsummer’s Eve you can kayak out on the water and set up in a scenic spot for a traditional Midsummer picnic of herrings, potatoes, meatballs, boiled eggs with caviar and crispbread with cheese.

The island of Grinda, in the Stockholm archipelago , usually celebrates midsummer in style.

The meadow behind the  Grinda Wärdshus hotel is where the celebrations happen, with a flower-festooned maypole around which guests can dance. Everyone is encouraged to pick flowers and help make floral wreaths and decorate the pole.

In the afternoon, traditional troubadors lead the singing and provided entertainment. The hotel even put on a three-course Midsummer banquet, with dancing and DJs afterwards. The hotel also puts on themed barbecues in the evening.

Midsummer celebrations in Gothenburg


Gothenburg’s main park, Slottsskogen , is usually one of the best places in Gothenburg to celebrate Midsummer, with plenty of green, open space for picnics and outdoor beers.

One of the city’s best hostels – also called Slottsskogen – is just around the corner offering dorms and private rooms. Entry to the park is free for everyone.

Galaxen City Farm

If you’ve got kids, Galaxen City Farm , in the city suburbs, is a great place to celebrate Midsummer. Kids can help dress the maypole, and there’s games around the maypole, dancing and pony rides.

Plus there’s the usual farm animals including chickens, rabbits, cows, horse, sheep and pigs. 

The coast and islands

Traditional Midsummer celebrations are usually held at Bassängbacken, around half an hour’s drive south of Gothenburg along the coast, as well as at Tjolöholm Castle , a further half an hour south.

The islands of the Gothenburg archipelago are also a good choice for Midsummer celebrations, in particular the island of Vrångö in the southern archipelago.

Midsummer celebrations in Northern Sweden

Of course, the further north you go the later the sun sets and by the time you’re north of the Arctic Circle in Swedish Lapland, it’s light all night at Midsummer.

For ideas of things to do in Swedish Lapland, see our guide to tours in Swedish Lapland .


For a really awesome experience, you can go skiing at midnight in Riksgränsen, Sweden’s most northerly ski resort.

The midnight sun starts from mid-May in Riksgränsen, some 200km north of the Arctic Circle, and if you’re lucky there may still be enough snow left on the slopes to ski at Midsummer.

If not, Riksgränsen certainly celebrates Midsummer in style, with renditions of the Small Frogs song ringing out from the mountaintops and locals dancing around the bars on skies and snowboards!

The Arctic Lodge has comfortable apartments with balconies, just 500 metres from the slopes in Riksgränsen.

Also up in Swedish Lapland, Kiruna is a good place to spend Midsummer, as it’s a hub for tours and trips around the area. Fancy playing golf beneath the midnight sun , going horse-riding at midnight , or hiking the Midnight Sun Trail from the city up to the top of Luossavaara Mountain?

For more what to do in Kiruna, see our guide to tours and trips from Kiruna , and how to get to Kiruna from Stockholm .

Camp Ripan in Kiruna has comfortable chalets and is a good place to spend Midsummer in an outdoor hot tub or in the pool with a view.

Just north of the Arctic Circle, Jokkmokk has been a meeting point and trading centre for the Sami people for hundreds of years. Ájtte , the city’s museum of Sami culture puts on traditional Midsummer celebrations, but with a Sami twist.

In summer, Jokkmokk is a stop on the scenic Inlandsbanan train trip , so makes a good destination to spend the Midsummer holidays.

The Peace & Quiet Hotel is a good place to stay, with direct access into the lake for a midnight swim under the sun.

And for the best Midsummer parties in Sweden?

If you’re looking for the best place to celebrate midsummer in Sweden, our advice is to head to the countryside.

Midsummer is one of the best times to visit Sweden

Dalarna, in the central part of the country, has some spectacular scenery, with rolling green hills broken by shimmering lakes and red wooden cottages.

Lots of the hotels here put on special midsummer offers: the beautifully decorated Tällbergsgårdens Hotell , right near Lake Siljan, and the nearby Klockargården Hotell both offer Midsummer packages, with music, entertainment and traditional dress.

Towns and villages around the lake, such as Leksand, Rättvik or Mora, put on some of the country’s best Midsummer parties, and claim to have Sweden’s largest Midsummer gatherings and tallest maypoles.

Almost every village in these parts has its own celebrations – and they are usually spaced out, making it possible to celebrate Midsummer a few times within the same week. Just pace your snaps carefully!

Don’t forget insurance – even if your trip has already started!

It’s no good visiting Sweden for Midsummer if you don’t have adequate travel insurance.

Even though Sweden is safe, we strongly recommend getting a decent policy in place for your trip.

It really can make a world of difference when things go wrong. World Nomads provides travel insurance for travelers in over 100 countries. As an affiliate, we receive a fee when you get a quote from World Nomads using this link . We do not represent World Nomads. This is information only and not a recommendation to buy travel insurance.

Travel insurance for Scandinavia

Sweden travel guide (perfect for first time visitors!) The ultimate guide to camping in Sweden Where to see the midnight sun in Sweden Special places to stay in Sweden


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I’m visiting Sweden during the Midsummer festivities. Purposefully, I’ve read a lot about this tradition, but the sources I checked don’t point out the actual locations for the experience. And what if I don’t manage to get invited by locals? Thanks for solving that problem for me 🙂 Finally, an informative article!

Routes North

Thanks Patti, and we’re glad you found the article helpful! Have a great trip to Sweden 🙂


Hi! I would like to know what time is the celebration at Akalla By!

It’s from 11am–4pm! 🙂

valarie baker

thanks..just joining newsletter!


Will any museums are open June 24 in Stockholm? Thank you!

Yes they should be!


Great! Thank you so much! ?


If you are a tourist in Stockholm during midsummer, do restaurants, bars and cafes change their schedules dramatically? What should we expect if we want to eat and drink? Thanks!

Hi Jennifer,

You should definitely find plenty of places to eat and drink in Stockholm during Midsummer! Our eating and drinking section has some good suggestions!


The official Visit Stockholm site says it’s on June 19th in 2017? Perhaps the celebrations are the weekend after?

Sorry, just saw not that you mentioned celebrations being after the official date 🙂

Hi Sofie! No worries, hope you found the guide useful 🙂


is there midsummer celebration during Saturday (midsummer day) in BODEN (Lappland) ???

we gona celebrate midsummer eve in Stockholm during Friday and at 10pm take the night train to Boden arriving there at 10 am

we may stop at boden or kiruna but kiruna will be arriving late 5pm so I was wondering to stop in Boden and get some midsummer rural lappland celebration, is there any??


Can you recommend some place in the Stockholm archipelago for a midsummer celebration? Thank you!

Debi Berglund

Extremely informative and very interesting.

Love this site. This has really helped me plan a trip to see my family.

Thanks Debi, hope you have a great trip!

Hey Routes North! 🙂 I’m wondering where the two pictures from this article were taken and which midsummer celebration it was? The pictures are looking really nice! Do you know which celebration it was? I’m also interested if you can recommend some places out in the Stockholm archipelago to celebrate midsummer? Thanks! 🙂 Sophie

Hej Sophie! Sure, the pictures were taken at Mariebergsskogen in Karlstad! A really nice, local celebration 🙂

And we do recommend a place for Midsummer in the archipelago in the article, under the Stockholm section 🙂

An Adventurous World

Home » Europe » Sweden » 13 BEST Things to do in Stockholm in Summer

13 BEST Things to do in Stockholm in Summer

By Author Chelsey Knott

Posted on Last updated: February 14, 2024

This post contains product affiliate links. These are mainly on items/hotels/tours that I personally endorse & love. I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase, but at no extra cost to you.

From exploring palaces and cruising the archipelago to discovering the urban beaches, here are the best things to do in Stockholm in summer!

stockholm in summer

Spread out over 14 islands where Lake Mälaren meets the sea, the Swedish city of Stockholm is a capital like no other. Streets lined with classic Baroque architecture, incredible museums, and all that water: Stockholm provides incredible intellectual and visual stimulation every time you visit!

I love visiting Stockholm in summer, it is such a different experience than visiting over the winter time . After months of the short dark days, the sun comes back in full force. With up to 18 hours of daylight each day, there is plenty of time to dive into Stockholm summer activities.

Spend your days feasting your eyes on the architecture at Gamla Stan or wandering the graffiti wall of fame. And, make sure to reserve some time to get out on the water, either on a cruise or even diving right in!

best things to do in stockholm in summer

Additionally, the Stockholm summer events calendar is packed and ready to please. Spend your summer weekends partying in gardens, catching a movie under the stars, or munching your way across an epic street food celebration.

So if you’re headed to Stockholm this summer, I’ve prepared a list of my favourite activities for you. Read on and find out!

Visiting Stockholm at other times of the year? Check out my guide on visiting Stockholm in winter !

Stockholm summer weather

stockholm summer weather

Summers in Stockholm are delightfully sunny and comfortably warm. Over the summer months you can expect average highs of 20–25°C (68–77°F) during the day, cooling down to around 13°C (55°F) at night.

While the weather is generally warm and sunny, it can still be unpredictable in Sweden . I recommend bringing layers and a light jacket for the cooler evenings. Don’t forget your swimsuit and sunscreen!

Are you planning an amazing weekend in Stockholm? If so, you may want to book your hotels and tours asap to ensure availability. Here are some links to quickly help plan your trip!

Best hotels and apartments in Stockholm:

  • Bank Hotel (best rated 5* hotel)
  • Hotel Hasselbacken (best rated 4* hotel)
  • Mälardrottningen Yacht Hotel (stay on a boat!)

Best activities and tours in Stockholm:

  • City Archipelago Sightseeing Cruise (top rated tour!)
  • ABBA The Museum Entrance Ticket (great indoor activity)
  • Skansen Open-Air Museum Ticket (perfect for families)

Best things to do in Stockholm in summer

Visit stockholm’s old town: gamla stan.

stockholm summer activities

One of the first things to do when you arrive in Stockholm is to get yourself acquainted with Gamla Stan, Stockholm’s Old Town. Founded in 1252, the Old Town is centred around a medieval square, Stortorget.

Comprised of picturesque, brightly painted buildings and cobbled streets, this square is a hubbub of activity with tourists and locals alike. Alongside cafes and shops, here you’ll see the Stockholm Stock Exchange. This is a great place to drink a coffee and observe the city. There are also some great walking tours to help you get acquainted.

Pro tip: come early in the morning if you’re wanting to beat the crowds and get some good pics for your ‘gram.

Cruise the Stockholm archipelago

stockholm sweden summer

The city proper is spread out over 14 islands, however, the greater archipelago has around 24,000 islands and islets. Isn’t that incredible!?

If you’re spending summer in Stockholm then I really recommend stepping aboard a historic ship and taking a stylish cruise . Spend 2.5 hours sailing around the archipelago, learning about the history of the sights as you cruise by. This is such a great outing!

If you don’t have time for a full cruise, then hop on one of the public transport ferries which go between the islands. These can be paid for using your SL public transport pass and it’s a great way of getting on the water.

Go for a dip

stockholm beach

While beaches may not be your first thought when visiting Nordic countries, Stockholm actually has an abundance of places to swim. And if you’re visiting Stockholm in summer, this is the best time to make the most of them!

For a centrally located swimming area, head to Smedsuddsbadet . This popular spot has both sand and grass to stretch out on, and can become quite lively on summer evenings.

Visit Skansen: the oldest open air museum


When you’re craving a mixture of Swedish culture and history, but with a good dose of nature thrown in, it is time to visit Skansen . Set over a whopping 75 acres, this open air museum showcases the traditional ways of Swedish life. You’ll also encounter a range of Nordic wildlife.

Over the summer months, you’ll be treated to displays of singing and dancing, and there are lots of hands on activities to participate in. This is a great day out, especially if you’re travelling with kids.

Partake in fika

fika sweden

The Swedish tradition of fika is to pause during the day to drink coffee. Now this is something I can get behind!

While this may sound somewhat like your normal schedule, the Swedish have built this into a cultural institution. So much so, it is even built into their work contracts! Over the summer, the best place to partake in this Swedish pass time is in one of the glorious garden cafes, such as the charming Rosendal Trädgårdskafe. Here, over the summer months you can take a seat in the orchard and enjoy the full relaxation effect associated with fika.

Spend a night at the drive in

stockholm film festival

The Stockholm Film Festival holds an annual summer homage to retro drive in movie theatres. Each June screens pop up across the city, showcasing a line up of classics.

Stockholm’s mild summer evenings are just excellent for enjoying an outdoor movie. Never fear, if you don’t have four wheels to rock up in, you can hire a bicycle and show up on two. Bring a picnic to really make the most of it!

Hallwylska Palazzo

hallwylska palazzo

When you’re ready to treat yourself, enjoy a magnificent feast in the stunning courtyard of Hallwylska museet . Not only is the courtyard something of fairy tales, the food here is simply mouthwatering.

Marrying a combination of traditional Swedish cuisine with French and Italian inspiration, the restaurant uses high quality fresh ingredients to create incredible dishes. Sit in the sunshine and enjoy a selection small dishes, paired with one of their signature cocktails. It’s on the pricier side, but well worth it!

Down a tunnbrödsrulle


If sampling street food is more up your alley, make your way down to a late night hot dog stand to try local favourite, tunnbrödsrulle. These Anthony Bourdain approved snacks are what to eat at the end of a big night out.

Tunnbrödsrulle is the wild and glorious combination of mashed potatoes, hot dogs, lettuce, onions, shrimp salad and jalapeños, all wrapped up in flat bread. Trust me, I know how it sounds, but somehow the combination is incredible. Big night or not, you have to try this!

Snösätra Graffiti Wall of Fame


If you’re a fan of street art, an excellent summer activity is taking a sunny stroll along the Snösätra Graffiti Wall of Fame. The wall is located in an abandoned industrial area in Stockholm’s south known as Snösätra. Thanks to local artists, this area has been given a vibrant facelift and has become quite the popular destination.

Each spring artists from across the globe redo all of the artwork, so there will be a fresh gallery each year you visit. So, grab an ice cream and enjoy this open air gallery.

Rosendal Garden Party

stockholm summer festival

Kicking off the Stockholm summer events calendar each year is epic festival, Rosendal Garden Party . Located in the gorgeous Rosendal Trädgård, it’s just a short walk from the centre of town.

Spread over 4 days, this festival attracts many big names. This year’s event is taking place from June 8-11, and the line up includes musical legends including Aphex Twin, and The War on Drugs. You’ll also catch many other local and international favourites. Grab some tickets and get ready to dance!

Attend a street food festival

street food festival stockholm

One of my favourite parties on the Stockholm summer events calendar has to be the Street Food Festival. Featuring a vibrant mix of delicious food, craft beer, DJs and graffiti, you’re bound to leave this event full and smiling. Best of all, entrance is free!

The 2023 event is booked for 28 and 29 July. If you’re in Stockholm for these dates, be sure to check it out!

midsommer sweden

The most traditional celebration on the Stockholm summer events calendar, and one you should definitely try to catch, is the Midsommar festival . Taking place on the closest Friday to 23 June, Midsommar celebrates the longest day of the year, and the arrival of the summer months.

The occasion is marked by the whimsically donning a flower garland and dancing around a pole, while heartily consuming flavoured schnapps. How magic does that sound?

While many Sweeds have private celebrations with their families, you will find some great public events too. For the most traditional celebration, head to Skansen.

Drottningholm Palace

places to visit in stockholm in summer

Spend a day visiting the residence of the royal family of Sweden at Drottningholm Palace. This impressive palace and gardens are open to the public and certainly worth the visit. The palace itself was built in the 1600s and is UNESCO listed.

There are guided tours available if you’d like to dive deep into the palace’s fascinating history. Or you can simply wander the grounds and marvel. If you’re travelling with little ones, there are some super fun activities they can take part in including going on a treasure hunt.

This is included with the Stockholm city pass which gives you access to 45+ different sites and attractions over the city. It’s a great way of saving some money if you’re in Stockholm for a few days!

Where to stay in Stockholm

Luxury: at six.

hotels in stockholm

Sleek modern design, wonderful service and incredibly comfortable beds await you at At Six. This luxury hotel is centrally located and the rooms include excellent features including rainfall showers and deep bath tubs. With both a coffee machine and cocktail making facilities right in your room, you’ll be ready for every occasion.

Mid-range: Hotel With Urban Deli

rooftop bar stockholm

Looking for a mid-range hotel that is deliciously photo-worthy? Hotel With Urban Deli is for you. The rooms in this trendy hotel feature innovative design and industrial-modern furnishings, creating a striking yet functional effect. Guests here benefit from an excellent complementary breakfast, and there is an epic rooftop space complete with bar.

Budget: Biz Apartment Hammarby Sjöstad

where to stay in stockholm

Enjoy the space and comfort of your own apartment during your stay at Biz Apartment Hammarby Sjöstad. Located in the city’s southern Sjöstad district, these clean and stylish apartments have everything you need for a self catered stay. They are also well connected by public transport.

So as you can see, summer is a fantastic time to visit Stockholm as there are so many activities to enjoy. Are your favourites on the list? Let me know in the comments below.

Travelling around? Then find how to get from Stockholm to Copenhagen to visit a very different city in Scandinavia.

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13 BEST Things to do in Stockholm in Summer

About the Author

Chelsey Knott

Chelsey has lived, worked and studied across 9 countries, and has travelled in 40+. When she is not laying on a beach in Thailand or eating her way across India, she can be found discovering hidden corners of London.

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visit stockholm midsommar

10 härliga tips att baka till midsommar

Tips och trix.

10 härliga tips att baka till midsommar 2023

Nedräkningen till midsommarafton har börjat och tittar man i väderappen så ser det ut att bli både soligt och riktigt varmt! Vi är ju inte bortskämda med bra väder på midsommar, så det känns ju extra härligt att vädret är med oss denna dag! Är du fortfarande osäker på vad du ska bjuda på till midsommarfikat så kommer här några av mina favoriter till midsommar

1. Jordgubbstårta med italiensk maräng En härlig jordgubbstårta kan ju aldrig bli fel att bjuda på till midsommar. Här är en variant med en fräsch färskostkräm och jordgubbar som fyllning, och som sedan är täckt med en len och god italiensk maräng. Byt ut marängen mot vispad grädde om du föredrar det!

visit stockholm midsommar

2. Rulltårtstårta Här är en tårta som går rätt fort att få ihop då rulltårta går så snabbt att grädda. Sedan är det bara att fylla och rulla ihop. Dela rulltårtan i skivor och stapla på varandra med grädde och jordgubbar emellan. Väldigt enkelt och väldigt gott! Vill du att det ska gå ännu fortare så eller om du inte har tillgång till ugn, så använder du en köpt rulltårta! Har en glutenfri variant också om du behöver baka glutenfritt, byt ut fyllningen om du vill mot sylt.

visit stockholm midsommar

3. Strawboffeepaj i glas Känner du till Banoffeepaj?! Här är den somriga jordgubbsvarianten på den – Strawboffeepaj, fast jag har gjort den i små portionsglas istället för en stor paj. En god paj med digestive, kola, jordgubbar, grädde och som toppas med hackad Daim. Vill du hellre göra en stor så använder du mängderna i denna Strawboffeepaj . Detta är ett no-bake-recept vilket innebär att du varken behöver använda spis eller ugn för att göra den. En enkel dessert att bjuda på till midsommar!

Strawboffeepaj i glas

4. Jordgubbskladdkaka Kladdkaka är mångas favorit och här har ni en som verkligen passar till midsommar – Jordgubbskladdkaka! En kladdkaka som smakar jordgubbar med vaniljkräm, helt underbart ljuvlig och enkel att göra dessutom! Servera den gärna med klick grädde eller glass.

visit stockholm midsommar

5. Mördegstårta med rabarber- & jordgubbsmousse Tycker denna mördegstårta blir så där härligt midsommarvacker med blommorna som dekoration. Tårtan kan du förbereda så slipper du stressa med den på midsommarafton. Lägg ihop den i god tid så den hinner mjukna något, då blir det lättare att dela tårta. Mördegstårtan har härliga sommarsmaker men en mousse på både rabarber och jordgubbar.

Mördegstårta med rabarber- & jordgubbsmousse

6. Jordgubbstiramisu En riktigt härlig sommardessert är detta för mig, min mosters jordgubbstiramisu! Välj om du vill göra den i en stor skål eller flera små portionsglas. Även detta är en no-bake, vilket innebär att du varken behöver spis eller ugn för att göra midsommardesserten. Goda smaker av savoiardikex, mascarponekräm och jordgubbar, en riktigt fräsch dessert att avsluta firandet med.

visit stockholm midsommar

7. Budapestrulle med jordgubbar Här har vi en riktigt god rulltårta med hasselnötsmaräng som du sedan fyller med grädde och jordgubbar. Enkelt, fräscht och gott! Har du inte provat Budapestrulle tidigare kan jag verkligen rekommendera dig att göra det!

Budapestrulle med jordgubbar

8. Flarntårta med glass Nu när det är så varmt så kan det vara gott med en glassig tårta som denna flarntårta. Den består av krispiga flarn med både havre och nötter. Sedan varvar du flarnen med glass och bär. Här valde jag klassiska smaker som vaniljglass och jordgubbar, men funkar med andra smaker också.

Flarntårta med glass

9. Himmelsk Jordgubbstårta Denna himmelska jordgubbstårta kommer från Fridas bakblogg och är precis som den heter – himmelsk! En riktigt fräsch tårta med en jordgubbsfyllning med Philadelphiaost som man bara vill äta mer av. Ett bra alternativ för dem som inte gillar gräddtårta.

Himmelsk Jordgubbstårta 2023

10. No-bake jordgubbscheesecake Självklart måste vi ju ha med en cheesecake också, och denna är no-bake jordgubbscheesecake kan du förbereda dagen innan om du vill. En enkel cheesecake som kanske ser mer avancerad ut än vad den är. Den blir både vacker och god, så ett perfekt bakverk att ställa fram på midsommarbordet.

visit stockholm midsommar


Singoallatårta – Världens snabbaste tårta Bonusrecept för dig som har glömt bort att du var ansvarig för tårtan, har extra bråttom eller inte har tillgång till ett väl utrustat kök. Dock behöver du en elvisp eller någon som är stark i armarna. Denna tårta gör du på 2 ingredienser och du gör den på bara några minuter (om du har en elvisp)! Varva kakor och fyllning och garnera ev. med bär – klart!

visit stockholm midsommar

Självklart hittar du klassiska recept som gräddtårta, Pinocchiotårta och mycket annat gott på bloggen. Här finns även chokladiga bakverk för den som inte är förtjust i fruktiga. Alla midsommarrecept (matiga sådana också) hittar du under kategorin ” Midsommar ”, så kika gärna in där för fler tips!

The Hornstull Market 2024

Hornstulls marknad

Hornstulls Marknad is a public market taking place every Saturday and Sunday, from the first weekend of April to the last weekend in September (except for the midsummer weekend in June). Flea, vintage, design, art, crafts, antiques, literature, delicatessen, foodstuffs and much more.

Hornstulls Strand

Hornstulls strand


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  1. Fira midsommar i Stockholm 2024

    Midsommar i Stockholm. 4 december 2023. Dela. Spara. Midsommar i Stockholm kan firas på en rad olika sätt. Traditionellt med midsommarstång och sillunch, eller i sus och dus på innerstadsklubb. Här kommer några förslag! Midsommar är en av våra mest älskade högtider. Så till den milda grad att den av många anses som Sveriges egentlige Nationaldag.

  2. Midsummer in Stockholm 2024

    11 January 2024. One of the most characteristic and beloved Swedish traditions of all is Midsummer's Eve. It's the longest day of the year - when the sky never darkens - and this year it's celebrated on Friday, June 21. Midsummer, or at least holidays resembling it, are celebrated in many European countries.

  3. Celebrate Midsummer in Sweden 2024

    Stockholm. The capital of Sweden serves up a range of Midsummer celebrations. Skansen open-air museum is the place to go for traditional festivities in Stockholm. They will provide all you need to get into the mood - from wreath making to folk dancing - for several days.

  4. Fira midsommar i Stockholm

    Oavsett om du är en riktig traditionalist eller föredrar att fira midsommar ute på stan, finns det mycket att göra på midsommarafton i Stockholm 2024. Dansa runt stången, njut av sill och nubbe eller gör det till en heldag och fira midsommar på restaurang - här guidar vi till midsommarfirande i parker, inne i city och i ...

  5. Midsummer at Skansen 2023

    Skansen. The event date has passed. Photo: Skansen. Midsummer's Eve is, with Christmas, the most popular festival in Sweden. You can be certain of a lively time with traditional Swedish entertainment and plenty of fun.

  6. Midsummer

    Midsummer. Discover Stockholm's greatest Midsummer celebrations! Here at Skansen, we've been celebrating Midsummer since the 1890s. Alongside Christmas, this is one of Sweden's most important holidays. Old and new traditions sit side-by-side: the maypole, folk music, traditional Swedish dances and putting flowers under your pillow.

  7. Midsummer in Stockholm

    Swedish Midsummer for Dummies from Sweden on Vimeo. Ready to celebrate? If you find yourself in Stockholm during Midsummer, head over to Skansen on Djurgården for the city's most popular venue. Other venues include Vasaparken, Tantolunden, Farsta Gård as well as the listing below provided by Gratis i Stockholm. Adolfs Torg, Sandhamn.

  8. Midsummer in Sweden

    Sweden's National Day is 6 June, but Midsummer is when Swedes truly celebrate. In 2024, Midsummer Eve falls on 21 June but in many places, festivities are held during the whole Midsummer weekend. Welcome to join the celebration! The Midsummer night is filled with magic.

  9. Midsummer Celebration at Hasselbacken

    A magnificent midsummer celebration at Hasselbacken! This time with Lillan & Tjorven who will keep the celebration going and make the day extra festive. They also have the actor and musician Nils Närman Svensson with them. Between 12.00 - 16.00 there will be dancing around the midsummer pole, singing, and entertainment. Hasselbacken.

  10. Midsommarguide 2021

    Stockholm. Blogg. Midsommarguide 2021 - fira midsommar i Stockholm. 2021-06-14. Bästa tipsen på midsommarfiranden i city & skärgården. "Små grodorna", blommor, sommar, dans, skärgård, snaps, jordgubbar och sill - allt detta hör en riktig svensk midsommar till. Visste du att midsommar betyder "Mitt i sommaren "?

  11. Midsommar, what? A truly unique celebration in Sweden

    Where to celebrate Midsommer in Stockholm? So, where should you go to experience this rather unique festivity? Pay a visit to Skansen, the open-air museum in Stockholm, which hosts a 3-day midsommar celebration that is of the more traditional sort. Or you can always create your own gathering with friends in the nearest park.

  12. Midsummer in Stockholm

    Midsummarafton (Midsummer's Eve) is a public holiday, called a Red Day in Sweden. Swedes have a very generous allocation of Red Days, enough to make the average American green with envy, and, of all their Red Days, Midsummer is the one closest to Swedish hearts.

  13. Five variants on Swedish Midsummer and where to find them

    A Midsummer celebration in Dalarna. Photo: Anna Hållams7Imagebank Sweden. It's Midsummer Eve on Friday, the Swedish celebration to top them all, eclipsing Valborg bonfires, crayfish parties, Easter, New Year's Eve and even, we'd argue, Christmas. But what are your options as a foreigner in Sweden? Advertisement.

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  15. 13 BEST Things to do in Stockholm in Summer

    Rosendal Garden Party. Attend a street food festival. Midsommar. Drottningholm Palace. Where to stay in Stockholm.

  16. Biggest events in Stockholm 2024

    Tourist attractions. The biggest Stockholm events in 2024. 14 March 2024. Grab your calendar! Here are the biggest festivals, concerts, trade fairs, and concerts you don't want to miss. Whether you're looking for beloved city-spanning festivals or specialized trade fairs, Stockholm has no shortage of large public events.

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    Eat & Drink. Restaurants. Guide to Midsommarkransen. Photo: Visit Stockholm. Restaurants. Guide to Midsommarkransen. 10 January 2022. Midsommarkransen was built in the early years' of the 20th century, to house for workers at AB Tellus's brick factory.

  18. 10 härliga tips att baka till midsommar

    1. Jordgubbstårta med italiensk maräng. En härlig jordgubbstårta kan ju aldrig bli fel att bjuda på till midsommar. Här är en variant med en fräsch färskostkräm och jordgubbar som fyllning, och som sedan är täckt med en len och god italiensk maräng. Byt ut marängen mot vispad grädde om du föredrar det! 2.

  19. The Hornstull Market 2024

    Hornstulls Strand. 7 Apr — 29 Sep 2024. Photo: Visit Stockholm. Hornstulls Marknad is a public market taking place every Saturday and Sunday, from the first weekend of April to the last weekend in September (except for the midsummer weekend in June). Flea, vintage, design, art, crafts, antiques, literature, delicatessen, foodstuffs and much more.