Travel Writers Exchange

Travel Journalists

Travel Journalism

We’re often asked “What’s the difference between travel writing and travel journalism? ?”

The answer is …..not a lot. But it IS more than just semantics!

While they are similar in many ways, often overlap, and both sometimes share the narrative essay format, there are key differences .

So what IS travel journalism? The difference between Travel Writing and Travel Journalism

  • …a travel writer generally writes about a place , and does so in a way that allows the reader to visualize the experience. Travel Writing can — and frequently does — serve as a ‘review’ of sorts (aka “service pieces”) intended to encourage travel and tourism, to make readers want to go visit that place , whereas…
  • … a travel journalist generally tells a story involving people that is unique to that place , and does so in a way that relays the facts. The intent of most Travel Journalism is to encourage a broader view and wider understanding of the world we live in, to make readers want to meet those people .

When a story takes on elements of creativity that have no basis in fact , then it’s still Travel Writing , but definitely NOT Travel Journalism!

How to Become a Travel Journalist

Before Diving In – Key Factors to Consider:

  • If you want to become a travel journalist, first and foremost you must love to write . You must be articulate and skilled at communicating. And — obviously — you must enjoy traveling, meeting people, researching facts, and crafting a compelling story from what you learn.
  • It’s also important to know that most media outlets have dramatically scaled back their ‘staff’ writer positions, and instead rely on freelance submissions for content. This means there are very few ‘jobs’ available and a large pool of highly qualified travel writers and travel journalists competing for them.

But don’t get discouraged! An expert essay writer who works hard can make a good living as a freelance travel journalist, as the vast number of online media outlets coupled with a ceaseless demand for content means that there are more opportunities than ever before for getting published, and there are still outlets that will pay for good quality articles and stories. ( Be sure to check out our page “ Top 10 Travel Writing Courses “, which lists several that – in addition to writing skills – will teach you how to take your earnings from writing to the highest level .)

Tips on How to become a Travel Journalist

  • Choose the right course of study . You can go for a four-year general journalism degree at a top journalism school , which will certainly open doors, OR ( to save a boatload of money ) consider an online writing course specifically for travel journalism ( as well as travel photography ) such as Roy Stevenson’s Online Travel Writing & Marketing Master Class , which can help open the RIGHT doors.   WHILE a degree is NOT necessary if you plan to remain a freelancer , if you’re looking for a steady-paycheck type of job, it can make a difference, as typically when a job opening for a travel journalist is announced, often the majority of applicants are those with journalism degrees and many years of experience that qualifies them.
  • Consider a mentoring relationship like the one offered by (the aforementioned) Roy Stevenson, who offers both group and one-on-one coaching – although you must already have good writing skills and some byline history, Roy is a very successful professional who can teach you how to take your career to a higher level of publication and earning. ( Be sure to scroll down to view his requirements – this is NOT a writing course, it’s a coaching class for working writers and journalists ).
  • Consider an internship . Sometimes the best way into a staff job at a media outlet is to start as an intern , and although interns are often selected from an applicant pool filled with journalism or communications students, it’s not always the case – sometimes those with good writing skills, a passion for the job, and a positive and enthusiastic mindset will get the internship . It’s a great way to learn the ropes and build a network (see below) of industry contacts, that you can then use to learn about upcoming-but-unposted job opportunities.   Sometimes you have to create your own internships ….if a travel writing internship isn’t advertised, call an Editor at a publication (online or offline) that you’d like to work for and offer to be an intern.
  • Decide the type of travel journalism you would like to pursue — such as newspapers, magazines, television, or online — each has a different style and requires different skills.
  • Develop a network of other travel writers, editors, and publishers. The best way to do this is to attend writing workshops and writers conferences where you can continue your education, learn to improve your writing, and make new professional contacts.
  • Start small, with your local paper or a local magazine – read enough back issues to see what types of stories and articles they generally publish, and what they’ve not published lately – if you can provide them with something that fits, contact the editor and pitch your idea.
  • Visit job boards . For example, check out .

High Quality Resources for Travel Writers & Travel Journalists:

In our opinion, before you ever put pen to paper, you should check out these very affordable ebooks to learn how to get started:

  • 125 Websites That Want to Publish Your Travel Stories
  • 100 Print Magazines That Want to Publish YOUR Travel Articles
  • How to land Press Trips and Fam Tours (special report)
  • How to Break into the Luxury Travel Writing Market
  • The Complete Guide to Marketing and Selling Your Travel Articles
  • The Complete Guide to Query Letters for Travel Writers

How to become a Travel Journalist — Additional Resources:

Consider joining a writer’s organization such as the Society of Professional Journalists . A one-year membership will cost you $72, but a journalism organization is a great way to find opportunities to learn and improve your skills, develop a network, build relationships with publishers and editors, and find market leads.

Don’t forget to read Top 10 Travel Writing Courses – our curated list of editor-approved online courses that are very affordably priced and will teach you everything you need to know about building a career as a travel writer or a travel journalist.     Disclaimer: SOME of the above links are ‘affiliate’ links and TWE earns a small amount from your purchase – this helps us to maintain this website and continue to provide valuable information. HOWEVER, we only promote products and services that we believe will be of greatest benefit you in the pursuit of a career in travel writing and/or travel journalism.

  • Making Money
  • Travel Journalism
  • Travel Journalist
  • Travel Writing

Related Links:

  • - custom essay writing from scratch. A huge team of experienced writers. 50+ disciplines. Top-notch quality and timely delivery guaranteed.

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travel journal jobs

What Is a Travel Journal + How to Make One with Examples

travel journal jobs

Traveling to new places and journaling about your exciting and enriching experiences is beyond rewarding. Whether you're exploring a bustling city, immersing yourself in nature's wonders, or embarking on a cultural adventure, capturing your travel experiences is a great way to preserve memories and reflect on your journey. One popular and creative way to document your travels is through a travel journal . In this article, we'll cover what a travel journal is, the benefits of keeping one, how to choose the best travel journal among different types, and provide you with tips and examples on how to make your own.

Ready to discover how to capture your travel experiences in different places, explore creative travel journal ideas and travel journal prompts, and more? Let the adventure begin!

What is a Travel Journal?

A travel journal is a personal diary that allows you to record your thoughts, feelings, and experiences during your travels. It serves as a visual and written account of your adventures, providing you with a tangible keepsake that you can cherish for years to come. Unlike a regular journal, a travel diary focuses specifically on your journeys, including details about the different places you visit, the people you meet, the food you try, and the sights you see.

Benefits of Keeping a Travel Journal

Keeping a travel journal offers numerous benefits beyond simply documenting your experiences. Here are some additional reasons why you should consider starting one:

1. Emotional and Mental Well-Being

Journaling has been shown to have positive effects on emotional and mental well-being . When you write about your travel experiences, you have the opportunity to process and reflect on your emotions, helping you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your reactions to different situations via your journal entries. It can be a therapeutic outlet for releasing stress, anxiety, or even excitement, allowing you to better manage your emotions throughout your journey.

2. Enhanced Memory Retention

Writing about your travels helps improve memory retention. By actively engaging with your experiences and recording them in detail, you reinforce the neural connections related to those memories. This makes it easier to recall specific moments, sights, sounds, and even the feelings associated with them in the future. Your travel diary becomes a valuable tool for preserving and retrieving cherished memories.

3. Cultural Exploration and Appreciation

A travel journal encourages you to be more observant and attentive to the details of the places you visit. It prompts you to delve deeper into the local culture, traditions, and customs. By documenting your interactions with locals, sampling regional cuisine, and exploring hidden gems, you develop a greater appreciation for the unique aspects of each destination. Your journal becomes a testament to the richness and diversity of the world around you.

travel journal jobs

4. Personal Growth and Self-Reflection

Writing in a travel diary allows for introspection and personal growth. As you reflect on your experiences, you gain insights into your own values, beliefs, and perspectives. You may discover new passions or interests, challenge preconceived notions, or develop a greater sense of empathy and understanding for others. The process of self-reflection through journaling can lead to personal transformation and a deeper connection to the world.

5. Travel Planning and Preparation

Your travel journal can serve as a practical resource for future trips. By documenting your itineraries, accommodations, transportation details, and recommendations, you create a valuable reference guide that covers your experiences more fully. You can refer back to your journal to jog your memory or provide recommendations to fellow travelers. It becomes a repository of knowledge that can streamline the planning process for future adventures.

6. Connection with Loved Ones

Sharing your travel journal with friends, family, or future generations can be a meaningful way to connect and bond. Your journal becomes a storytelling tool, allowing others to experience your journey vicariously through your words, sketches, and photographs. It can spark conversations, ignite curiosity, and inspire others to embark on their own adventures.

7. Creative Expression

Engaging in the creative process of journaling stimulates your imagination and artistic abilities. Whether you're writing prose, sketching landscapes, creating collages, or experimenting with different art mediums, your travel diary becomes a canvas for self-expression. It encourages you to think outside the box, explore new artistic techniques, and develop your creative skills.

Keeping a travel journal goes beyond simply recording your experiences. It has profound benefits for your emotional well-being, memory retention, personal growth, and cultural appreciation. It serves as a tangible reminder of your adventures, a tool for planning future trips, a means of connecting with others, and a creative outlet for self-expression. So, grab a journal and embark on your journey of exploration and self-discovery through travel journaling.

Types of Travel Journals

travel journal jobs

There are different journals for just about any goal or activity you can think of – from travel journals to fitness journals , from gratitude journals to garden journals , and more. Similarly, there are various types of travel diaries to suit different preferences and styles. We cover the best travel journals below so you can find one perfect for you.

1. Guided Travel Journals

Guided journals provide travel journal prompts and structured sections to help you capture specific aspects of your journey. Guided journals often include questions, blank pages to fill in, and guided activities to guide your journaling process. Using a guided journal or planner , can ensure you cover all the essentials, without missing any crucial details you’ll want to revisit later.

2. Traditional Handwritten Journals

These are classic journals or notebooks with blank pages where you can freely write, draw, or glue mementos. Traditional journals offer the most flexibility in terms of customization for creative journal entries.

3. Photographic Travel Journals

For those who prefer visual storytelling, a photographic travel journal focuses on capturing moments through photographs. You can include pictures alongside brief descriptions or captions to narrate your journey visually.

4. Scrapbook Travel Journals

Scrapbook-style journals combine photographs, tickets, postcards, and other memorabilia with handwritten notes and decorative elements. They provide a visually appealing way to preserve your travel memories.

5. Sketchbook Travel Journals

If you have artistic inclinations, a sketchbook journal allows you to sketch and paint scenes, landmarks, and people you encounter during your travels. It's a great way to capture the essence of a place through your own artwork.

6. Digital Travel Journals

In the digital age, many people opt for digital travel journals, using apps or online platforms to document their adventures. Digital journals offer the convenience of easy editing, multimedia integration, and the ability to share your journey with others online.

7. Travel Bullet Journals

A popular trend in journaling, travel bullet journals combine organization and creativity. Based on the bullet journaling system, these journals use symbols, icons, and trackers to help you plan and record your travels. You can create sections for itineraries, packing lists, daily logs, and more, all while adding artistic touches and personalization.

You can also use a monthly planner with ample note pages and customize it as a travel calendar journal.

Whether you prefer the structure of guided journals, the freedom of traditional handwritten journals, the visual impact of photographic or scrapbook journals, the artistic expression of sketchbook journals, the convenience of digital journals, or the organization of travel bullet journals, there's a type of travel journal that will resonate with you and enhance your travel experiences. Choose the one that suits your style and embark on a journey of creativity and self-expression.

How to Make a Travel Journal

Now that you have an idea of the different types of travel journals, let's explore how to make your own.

1. Selecting the Right Journal

Consider the type of journaling experience you desire. If you prefer writing and sketching, a traditional blank-page journal or sketchbook might be ideal. If you want structure and guidance, opt for a guided travel journal. If you're tech-savvy, explore digital journaling options.

2. Gathering Essential Supplies

Depending on the type of journal you choose, gather supplies such as pens, pencils, markers, glue, scissors, washi tape, stickers, and any other decorative elements you'd like to incorporate. If you're going digital, ensure you have a suitable device and any necessary apps or software.

3. Planning Your Journal

Before your trip, plan how you want to organize your journal. Consider creating sections for different aspects like itineraries, accommodation, food, and sightseeing. This will help you stay organized and make it easier to find information later.

travel journal jobs

4. Documenting Your Journey

During your trip, actively engage in your journaling process with regular (yet not restrictive or rigid) journal entries. Write about your daily experiences, jot down interesting conversations, glue in ticket stubs or postcards, and take photographs to complement your entries. Let your creativity flow and capture the essence of each moment.

Travel Journal Page and Layout Examples

travel journal jobs

The layout and organization of your travel journal pages play a crucial role in bringing your travel experiences, from all the different places you’ve visited, to life. By incorporating various elements and sections, you can create a visually appealing and informative journal that captures the essence of your journey. From practical pages for itineraries and packing lists to creative spreads for reflections and bucket lists, here are some ideas to help you design engaging and meaningful pages for your travel diary.

1. Packing List and Pre-Trip Planning Pages

Dedicate a page or spread to jot down your packing list and pre-trip preparations. Include essential items, travel tips, and any special considerations for the destination. You can even add checkboxes or symbols to mark off items as you pack, ensuring you don't forget anything important.

travel journal jobs

You may also want to check out these helpful travel and packing tips .

2. A List of Local Words and Phrases

Learning a few basic words and phrases in the local language can greatly enhance your travel experience. Create a page dedicated to practicing and referring to these words and phrases. Include translations, pronunciation guides, and space to practice writing them. This page can be a helpful tool for connecting with locals and immersing yourself in the local culture.

3. Itinerary Pages

Design pages dedicated to your daily itineraries. Include the places you plan to visit, opening hours, transportation details, and any additional notes or reservations. You can add maps, photographs, or illustrations to make the page visually appealing and easy to navigate.

4. Accommodation and Restaurant Reviews

Reserve pages to review and rate the accommodations and restaurants you experience. Include details like the location, ambiance, service, and any standout dishes. You can even attach business cards, menus, or photographs to accompany your reviews. These pages will not only serve as a reference for future trips but also help fellow travelers discover hidden gems.

5. Post-Trip Reflection and Wrap-Up

Allocate space in your journal for post-trip reflections. Create pages to summarize your overall experience, highlight your favorite moments, and reflect on the lessons learned during your journey. Include photographs, sketches, or quotes that capture the essence of your adventure. These reflection pages will serve as a reminder of the growth and memories you gained from your travels.

6. Travel Bucket List

Create a dedicated page to list destinations, landmarks, or experiences you aspire to visit or accomplish in the future. You can divide the page into different categories like countries, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, or adrenaline-fueled activities. This page will serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for your future travels.

7. Travel Budget, Savings Goals, and Tracking

If budgeting is important to you, design pages to track your travel expenses, savings goals, and tips for saving money during your travels. Create tables or graphs to visually represent your budget and savings progress. These pages will help you stay accountable and ensure you're making the most of your financial resources.

Your travel diary is a personal and creative space to capture the memories, emotions, and experiences of your journeys. Through carefully designed pages and layouts, you can transform your journal into a visual and written narrative of your adventures. Whether you choose to incorporate practical elements like itineraries and packing lists or focus on creative expressions like reflections and bucket lists, the possibilities are endless. Let your imagination guide you as you create pages that reflect your unique travel style and personality. With each turn of the page, your travel diary will become a treasure trove of cherished memories and a gateway to relive your journeys again and again.

Creative Travel Journaling Ideas and Prompts

travel journal jobs

Stuck on what to write or include in your travel diary? Here are some creative travel journal ideas and travel journal prompts to get you started:

  • Write a letter to your future self reflecting on your travel experiences and what you hope to remember.
  • Describe the scents, sounds, and tastes that stand out in each place you visit.
  • Create a "People You Meet" page, where you can jot down brief descriptions or draw portraits of interesting individuals you encounter during your journey.
  • Write a short story or poem inspired by a specific location or experience.
  • Make a to-do list of activities or experiences you want to accomplish at each destination. Challenge yourself to complete as many as possible and check them off as you go.
  • Write a gratitude list, noting the things you're grateful for during your travels. It could be the stunning sunsets, the kindness of locals, or the serendipitous encounters.

A travel diary is a beautiful way to document and cherish your travel experiences. Whether you opt for a traditional handwritten journal, a photographic account, or a digital platform, the process of journaling will enhance your journey and provide a lasting memory of your adventures. Experiment with different styles, layouts, and prompts to make your travel journal uniquely yours. So, grab a journal and start capturing your travel memories today!

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The Packable Life

16 Travel Jobs & Side Hustles [Get Paid to Travel!]

Five men smiling and standing in front of a mountain range during a guided travel and hiking trip on the final day of a paid job

Of course, remote work and the digital nomad life are great, but we’re here to show you jobs that require travel as a prerequisite. In other words, if you play your cards right, you can make traveling an integral part of your job.

There’s nothing wrong with a “regular” job, but some of us need a slightly less conventional line of work. With the right hustle, you can spend time seeing the world, experiencing new cultures, eating new food, etc. – all while earning money (or, at the very least, not losing any).

Finding a travel job and getting paid to see the world isn’t as complicated as it sounds. I’m currently doing so and will walk you through many of the options that exist for you. Read on to learn the ins and outs of working on the go — we guarantee there’s at least one job here with your name on it.

Travel Jobs & Side Hustles

Start a Travel Blog

Become a freelance travel writer, teach english abroad, teach english online.

  • Start a YouTube Channel

Become a Professional House & Pet Sitter

Become a travel nurse, work as a flight attendant, work on board a cruise ship, find a job as a tour guide, become a travel journalist, freelance as a travel photographer, move overseas and become a translator, find an au pairs job abroad, work for the peace corps, volunteer abroad for free accommodations.

  • Final Thought: Travel Jobs & Side Hustles

Man and his dog in a white camper van typing on his laptop while working on his travel blog

What kind of travel blog would we be if we didn’t walk you through what we know best? Noel , the founder of The Packable Life, makes a living full-time by sharing tips, resources, and gear recommendations for travelers, hikers, and backpackers worldwide.

If you have wanderlust, time, and resources, you’re probably qualified to start your own travel blog. Travel planning can be challenging on your own, which is why many of our readers turn to more experienced travelers (us) for help.

Bloggers earn money through affiliate marketing, ad revenue, and brand partnerships. If that sounds intimidating and hard to get into, it really isn’t — consistency, transparency, and a little luck will take you a long way as a travel blogger.

Resource : How to Start a Travel Blog

As a freelance travel writer, this one is right up my alley. Here’s one of the Internet’s best-kept secrets: anyone with a flair for writing can write for reputable publications, bloggers, and newspapers, many of which focus primarily on the travel sector.

If you have a way with words and are passionate about traveling, you stand a good chance at landing a writing gig in the travel niche. Ultimately, the job boils down to writing the types of articles you wished you’d read before leaving on a trip.

Getting your foot in the door can take a little while, but once things get going, you can manage your workload and have spare time to visit the locations you read about online. I’ve discovered lots of places that can help you find writing jobs, such as:

  • National Geographic Travel
  • Adventure in You

Resource : Travel Writing Jobs

Man giving a peace sign surrounded by four kindergartners while teaching English in Chengdu, China

English is a global standard, so there’s always a demand for people qualified to teach it. If it’s your native language (or you feel it might as well be), you can earn a respectable living by teaching English abroad.

Countries like Japan , South Korea , and China are keen on hiring foreign teachers, especially language tutors. Often, you don’t even need to speak the local language. And whenever you’re not teaching, you’ll have plenty of time to immerse yourself in the local culture and forge lifetime memories.

For a very reasonable price, you can pay to get accredited (or otherwise qualified) via an online program . Once you get a certificate, you can apply to as many places as you want and see where you end up.

Resource : Best Countries to Teach English

You can always try online English tutoring if you don’t want to be a teacher tethered to a single location. The nature of the job is very similar to what we discussed above, only you’ll get to move around as you teach and see more of the world.

Depending on the website or service, you may or may not need a teaching certificate to land one of these jobs. Either way, prospective countries are full of students eager to learn, so expect a reasonable income and a flexible schedule.

Some jobs involve zero upfront investment, but others require setting up a ‘digital classroom’ with a whiteboard and props. Here are some of the most reputable sites for this niche:

  • EnglishHunt

Resource : Best Online English Teaching Companies

Start a youtube channel.

For those of you who are a bit more adventurous, a viable (but admittedly harder) option would be to start a YouTube channel to chronicle your travels. Practically, this means showing off some of the most interesting parts of your trips and hoping your channel takes off.

The hardest part about running a YouTube travel channel is standing out from the crowd — there are loads of ambitious travelers out there with fantastic production skills. Even if your videos are great, those inscrutable YouTube algorithms greatly influence what goes viral and what doesn’t.

Still, if your channel takes off, the sky’s the limit regarding how many people you can reach. Luckily, you can always take inspiration from the platform’s most engaging content creators. Here are some of my personal favorites:

  • Drew Binsky
  • Bald & Bankrupt
  • Nicole Laeno

Resource : Starting a YouTube Channel

Cat staring out a window while her owners are out of town and she's under the care of a house sitter

House-sitting jobs are less about making money and more about securing a nice place to stay for free. In exchange for looking after somebody’s property, you can crash at their place for a while and spend your lodging savings some other way.

Every now and then, people get to house-sit for the rich and famous and make a pretty penny while doing so. You may be tempted to aim high right off the bat, but remember — most pro housesitters got started with unpaid jobs, so be sure to temper your expectations.

In a way, a free bed is a lot like making actual money, so search online for offers in the area you’d like to visit. To keep things simple, TrustedHousesitters is by far the most reputable and reliable source for house-sitting gigs. Check it out first and go from there.

Resource : How to Become a House Sitter

Experienced nurses can travel the world and earn money by sharing their essential healthcare skills. As a trained nurse, you’d be hard-pressed to find an organization that wouldn’t benefit from your help in some way.

Nursing is one of those jobs that objectively makes the world a better place, and doing it abroad lets you make a difference in ways you can hardly imagine. Besides, travel nursing keeps things fresh by allowing you to move around every few months and experience new cultures.

The hard part is having enough training and real-world experience since there’s no shortage of people competing for these positions. Still, if you’re passionate about healthcare but want more time to yourself, travel nurses arguably get the best of both worlds.

Resource : How to Become a Travel Nurse

“Work and travel” doesn’t get much more literal than this. Flight attendants travel the world and make airline passengers’ flights more comfortable, and in their downtime, they get to enjoy free hotels and lots of sightseeing around the globe.

No university degree is required to be a flight attendant, so the barrier to entry is pretty straightforward: you need to be hospitable, empathetic, and fully committed to your passengers for the duration of an entire flight. A winning smile doesn’t hurt, either.

Obviously, people with a specific type of temperament would fare better at a hands-on job like this. It also helps if you have a background in service and hospitality, but if you don’t mind flying and feel you have what it takes, it can make for a fantastic experience.

Resource : How to Become a Flight Attendant

Cruise ship navigating clear blue waters in the afternoon

If you aren’t the biggest fan of flying, you can always ride the waves instead and land a job on a cruise ship. Interesting tourists, solid wages, and breathtaking port towns are only some of the reasons to consider this career path.

Since cruise ship workers are always on the move, you can expect to see new destinations every few days. Not to mention, you’ll get to meet new people with each cruise if you want to play the social game as you travel.

Remember that working on a cruise ship takes a specific set of skills. Also, applying for a position can be easier said than done. For a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about cruise ship work, check out Wandering Earl’s 175-page eBook to land a job in no time.

Resource : Work on Board Cruise Ships

If you want to get paid to travel, consider jobs that involve helping fellow travelers. If you have a city or country you know well, you can show people around for a living and point them towards some of the destination’s more interesting landmarks and activities.

People who love history, food, and culture would get a kick out of this job — after all, what could be more rewarding than being paid to share your passion with like-minded people? The primary qualifications needed are good social, navigational, and communication skills.

Multi-language fluency is also a big plus. A lot of tour guide positions pay extra if you can translate what you’re saying into the local language, so it may be helpful to at least learn the basics before applying.

Resource : How to Become a Tour Guide

As far as travel jobs go, solid writing skills can help pay the bills while you travel. Writing informative and enticing reports from the road is always in demand. As a travel journalist, you’ll get to travel year-round and meet exciting people from all walks of life.

Travel journalists usually pair up with tour companies or independent contractors to visit and write pieces on specific cities or countries. Compared to more formulaic blogging formats, you’re freer to focus on telling stories about intriguing or unique destinations.

Travel journalism’s relative lack of format templates means you’ll need some extra creative juice in your storytelling — fresh angles and a more evocative style. But talented wordsmiths can earn a good living in travel journalism by crafting memorable stories.

Resource : Travel Journalist Career Guide

Professional photographer in a field holding a camera in his right hand as the sun goes down in the distance

Some people have a special knack for cameras, an ability to rise above tourist-level snapshots. If that sounds like you, consider becoming a full-time travel photographer. Travelers are constantly taking photos, so why not be the one who earns money doing it?

Travel photography can take you in many directions, from selling to publications to advertising on stock photo websites. If the stars align, you can use your photos to grow your social media and website traffic and go on to even bigger things.

This is a very competitive field since everyone these days thinks they’re an artist. Still, if you have a good eye, the necessary technical skills, and some travel savings to fall back on, photography could be an investment worth considering.

Resource : Travel Photography Jobs to Take You Around the World

Your iPhone may help you translate a menu or decipher street signs, but it’s seldom up to the task of handling everyday conversations, especially in the workplace. But if you know an extra language or two, you can earn good money by translating.

Machines rarely convey the level of nuance so essential to smooth human interactions. When you’re a fluent translator, you can become indispensable, especially in more demanding business and technical environments.

Unfortunately, the demand for general full-time translators is relatively modest. However, as mentioned above, multi-language fluency can boost your chances as a language tutor or tour guide. For the big bucks, build your technical vocabulary in another language.

Resource : How to Become a Translator

No matter where you go, kids will always be kids, and those who can handle them can make a decent living doing so. Sure, it’s a lot of responsibility, but you get lots of time for after-hours sightseeing and adventuring.

Wherever you go, spending time with kids is a great way to familiarize yourself with the local culture. Kids ask a lot of questions, and if they like you, they’ll be happy to try to answer your questions. It can be a very enriching exchange.

Being patient and liking kids is, of course, a prerequisite for this job. Running after young ones can be hard physical work, so it helps if you have experience with children and are relatively fit and active. Keeping up with them will definitely burn some calories.

Resource : Become an Au Pairs and Find Host Families Abroad

White man in Africa standing in front of a group of African children under a tree while teaching them English

If committing to nursing or medical school isn’t an option, consider joining the Peace Corps to help in other ways. There are communities in need of food and shelter all over the world, so this can be one of the most rewarding options for hard-working empaths.

Working for the Peace Corps can take a lot out of you, but the organization makes it worth your while. On top of decent compensation, you get the added benefit of doing things that matter for people who genuinely need your help.

Be warned that you’ll probably need to sign a two-year contract once you qualify, so backing out would be tricky. This is the kind of job you apply for if you’re absolutely sure you can handle it, so think carefully before signing up.

Resource : Work for the Peace Corps

Being an unpaid volunteer while earning money sounds contradictory, especially when traveling. But if you focus on the big picture when you do the math, it can actually work. Start by calculating the cost of lodging and food, a big chunk of your travel expenses.

Most organizations know that you still need to be compensated even though you’re not on their payroll. They’ll often help you get placed with host families or subsidized, low-cost lodging. Your meals may be included in this, or at least be more affordable.

You’ll still have other travel expenses, but affording them becomes much easier if the essentials are covered. Ask your volunteer-based employer about other cost-saving resources within the community and save even more.

Remember : Today’s volunteer position might become your paid job of tomorrow. It may make sense to play the long game. Learn more about all of this by checking out these reputable placement services for volunteer jobs:

  • Go Overseas

Resource : Best Volunteer Abroad Programs

Find a travel job & get paid to explore the world.

Group of flight attendants and a pilot getting paid to travel as they walk down the tarmac towards the sunset

And there you have it — 16 of the best travel jobs that’ll help you get paid to bounce around the world. From travel blogging and au pair gigs to becoming a travel nurse or flight attendant, there really is something for everyone looking to make a buck while on the road.

Anyone can benefit from devoting themselves to seeing the world firsthand and all that it has to offer. Here at The Packable Life, we’ve built our lives around travel, so we practice what we preach and know it can also work for others.

One of the hardest parts of holding down a conventional job is that it can leave you feeling trapped. Working on the go can change all that. If you’re getting itchy feet, choose a path that gets you out of town to earn money while exploring globally.

I’ve learned firsthand that finding travel jobs and getting paid to work on the road isn’t all that hard. Yes, taking the first step with a job outside your comfort zone can be daunting, but if you stick to it, the rewards can change your whole life for the better.

Last Updated on March 18, 2024

Photo of author

Andrej Paskalov

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Winter hangs on, high winds, dangerous driving conditions cause cancellations, power outages across upper peninsula.

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Journal City Editor

MARQUETTE — A massive spring storm caused cancelations and power outages across much of the Upper Peninsula Wednesday.

A predicted 24-plus inches of snow caused school and business to announce closures as early as Tuesday afternoon in preperation for severe weather that made travel in some areas of the U.P. impossible.

Much of the central U.P. was impacted by high winds and freezing rain during Wednesday’s storm, causing thousands of area residents to lose power, including nearly 10,000 in Menominee county and more than 3,000 in Delta county as of noon on Wednesday.

While much of the predicted snow didn’t materalize in Marquette Wednesday morning, high winds, with gusts as high as 50 mph, slush and freezing rain made driving conditions difficult for many commuters.

Snowy conditions are still expected through much of today but forecasts for the upcoming weekend are looking much better, with the National Weather Service predicting sunny weather in the high-to-mid 40’s.

Randy Crouch can be reached at 906-228-2500, ext 570. His email address is [email protected]

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Push underway to restrict tobacco products in Michigan

By SOPHIA CERU Special to the Journal LANSING – Pending legislation may allow counties to tighten ...

By RANDY CROUCH Journal City Editor MARQUETTE — A massive spring storm caused cancelations and power outages ...

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EGLE awards $2M for scrap tire market development grants

Apparent joyride ends in crash.

MARQUETTE — At approximately 11:15 p.m. on April 1, a Marquette Police Department officer attempted to pull over ...

Severe weather roars through several states, spawning potential tornadoes

(AP) — Thousands of homes and businesses were without power Tuesday as severe weather roared through several ...

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Starting at $4.62/week..

Trump leads Biden in six key swing states amid concerns of economy, job performance

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WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in six key swing states, a new Wall Street Journal poll found , as concerns about Biden’s job performance and his handling of the economy fuel voter dissatisfaction. 

The poll shows Trump leading Biden in Arizona by five points, Georgia by one point, Michigan by three points, North Carolina by six points, Nevada by four points and Pennsylvania by three points when voters were asked to choose between the two candidates. Biden and Trump both tied for Wisconsin. 

On a test ballot with four other Independent and third-party candidates, Trump held a similar lead to Biden in the six states. In Wisconsin, however, Biden leads Trump by three points, according to the poll. 

The poll was conducted between March 17 and March 24 among 600 registered voters in each state with a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.

In all seven states, more voters disapproved than approved of Biden’s job performance by 16 or more percentage points. 

Prep for the polls: See who is running for president and compare where they stand on key issues in our Voter Guide

By contrast, more voters in Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada and Pennsylvania approved of Trump’s job performance when he was in office than disapproved by two or more percentage points. The approval rating was tied in Wisconsin and down by one point in Arizona for Trump. 

Biden’s handling of the economy is also a liability for him in the 2024 election. The poll found that more voters believe that Trump is better suited to handle the economy and inflation and rising costs rather than Biden. 

Other polls have found a tight matchup between Trump and Biden as well. A USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll found Trump edging Biden 40%-38%. 


Travel Advisor Resources

Travel Advisor vs. Travel Consultant Jobs: Are They Different?

Fora Author Fora Travel

The Modern Travel Agency

Fora Travel

Travel consultant jobs: are they any different from travel advisor or travel agent jobs ? Is there a difference between travel advisors and agents? We get it — it’s confusing. That’s why we’re covering all the bases, from traditional in-office travel agent positions to contemporary remote travel consultant jobs. 

Interested in an awesome career in travel? Sign up to become a Fora Advisor today.

Traditionally, travel advisor & travel consultant jobs were different

Today, travel agent , travel consultant and travel advisor are all used interchangeably for the most part. 

However, if you want to get technical, there are slight differences. Here’s how they break down.

(P.S. Here’s what travel agents do .)

Historically, travel agents only booked trips & reservations for clients

Travel agents have existed since the late 1800s (it was one of the first jobs in the travel agency ), where they booked accommodations and railroad tickets through networks existing in the United States. There was no internet to rely on back then, so going through an agent was the only surefire way to secure hotel rooms or train tickets in advance. 

Over time, the types of bookings travel agents could make expanded, particularly as it became significantly easier to travel around the world in the 20th century. Meanwhile, competition was increasing among agents, especially in major cities, where people were more likely to travel elsewhere.

Travel consultants changed the equation by helping clients plan trips

By the 1960s, as travel networks continued to expand worldwide, it became increasingly possible to plan detailed itineraries abroad. Likewise, more involved travel agents began distinguishing themselves as travel consultants to separate themselves from ordinary travel agents. 

Thus, in the early days, travel consultant jobs were geared toward booking and planning, whereas “standard" travel agents still focused mostly on booking.

“Travel advisor” is the contemporary term (and what Fora uses)

Travel agents and consultants thrived through the late 20th century until the advent of the internet, when automated, online travel agencies (or OTAs) began outpacing real people as a seemingly more convenient choice. Unfortunately, many in the industry failed to evolve properly, and like many 20th-century professions, travel planning with a person was largely reserved for bespoke trips and the occasional savvy traveler. 

From these “survivors” (we acknowledge that may be a tad dramatic) came contemporary travel advisors — the term we feel best encapsulates the profession.

Travel advisors — and by extension, Fora Advisors — bring much more to the table than OTAs. For one, they’re real people who can handle unusual circumstances, special requests and offer an all-around more concierge-based experience. Moreover, there’s a lot more value to booking with an advisor than through an OTA (see all the types of bookings you can make as a Fora Advisor ).

But there has always been tons of overlap, and the terms are still used interchangeably

There has always been tons of overlap between travel consultants, agents and, more recently, advisors. Often, it’s up to the professional to determine their title.

Moreover, with additional categories like remote travel agent or traditional travel agent further muddying the waters, it can still be pretty confusing knowing what’s what. In reality, all three terms are more or less accurate today, so don’t worry too much about the jargon.

Interested in a travel consultant job? Sign up to become a Fora Advisor today.

(Want to know how to become a travel agent ? Check out our full guide.)

Travel consultant jobs: FAQs

Here are a few answers to common questions about travel consultant jobs (a.k.a. travel advisor jobs).

What does a modern travel consultant do?

Anyone referring to themselves as a travel consultant in today’s market likely provides all the same services as modern travel advisors. Again, the terms are often interchangeable and up to the discretion of the advisor (or agent, or consultant).

Curious about what it takes to be a successful travel advisor ? Our guide has tips.

Can you make good money as a remote travel consultant? What does a travel consultant’s salary look like?

With patience and determination, absolutely. We can’t comment on the success of other travel agencies, but the Fora travel advisor salary of many of our top earners exceeds six figures (in case you’re wondering if being a travel agent is worth it ).

Our guide to how much travel agents make breaks this down a bit more, including topics like travel agent commissions and more.

Sound like a great deal? Apply to become a Fora Advisor .

How do you become a remote travel consultant online? Is it hard?

Becoming a travel agent online is actually pretty straightforward when you join Fora; we make it simple. As part of our membership, we provide extensive, expert-led travel agent training and opportunities for travel agent certification . More importantly, you don’t need to attend some sort of outdated travel agent school to become a Fora Advisor. We should note that some travel consultant jobs do require prior experience and education.

( What does it take to become a travel agent ? At Fora, having a passion for travel means you’re already 90 percent of the way there.)

What experience do you need to become a travel consultant?

As we noted, while some agencies require existing experience or travel agent education , this isn’t universal. In fact, it’s one of the most common myths about becoming a travel advisor . At Fora, we welcome anyone with a passion for travel, no experience, certification or degree required.

Are any travel consultant jobs part time?

Some agencies do require a full-time commitment, but there’s no reason your travel consultant job can’t be a travel side hustle . One of the perks of working with Fora is that we place flexibility front and center. 

Looking for a part-time gig in an exciting field? Become a Fora Advisor .

Are there different types of contemporary travel consultants?

Yes, though it’s probably more accurate to say that travel consultant jobs can take on a variety of niches. For instance, corporate travel agents book and plan business trips. Luxury travel advisors plan (what else?) luxury trips. And Disney travel agents plan Disney vacations. 

The list of niches is nearly endless, and you’ll find plenty of travel consultants who specialize in travel to specific destinations, like the best places to stay in Hawai‘i .

Want to learn more about remote travel consultant Jobs? Ask Fora

If you’re dying to learn more about remote travel consultant jobs, why not ask the source? Sign up to become a Fora Advisor . 

There are tons of reasons to become a Fora Advisor (take it from our existing advisors), but to sum it up, you don’t need experience or education, you can work as much or as little as you want and we’ll teach you all you need to know to be successful. 

Still testing the waters? Check out these travel advisor resources, too:

How Long Does It Take to Become a Travel Agent?  

How Much Does It Cost to Become a Travel Agent? Fora Tells  

How Do Travel Agents Get Clients? Fora's Top 5 Tips  

Why Group Bookings Are Great: Tips from an Expert  

How Much Do Travel Agents Make Per Booking?  

How to Market Your Travel Business Like a Pro: Tips from the Experts  

Room Blocks 101: Mastering the Art of Group Bookings

Are you the go-to person for travel tips?

Transform your passion for travel into your dream job. We'll set you up with everything you need to succeed as a travel advisor. From training to top-notch tech, marketing assets, community, commission tracking & payments (and more), we've got you.


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  27. Travel Advisor vs. Travel Consultant Jobs: Are They Different?

    Travel agents have existed since the late 1800s (it was one of the first jobs in the travel agency), where they booked accommodations and railroad tickets through networks existing in the United States.There was no internet to rely on back then, so going through an agent was the only surefire way to secure hotel rooms or train tickets in advance.