Umroh Akbar

Dalwa tour & travel bersama keluarga besar dalwa - bangil.

dalwa tour and travel

Dalwa Tour & Travel Kesempuraan Ibadah Anda, Harapan Kami

Pernahkah anda terbayang sudah keluar uang banyak niat mau ibadah, tapi malah ada resiko :, travelnya tidak amanah.

Banyak kasus, jamaah tergiur harga murah, sudah bayar tapi duit dibawa lari. Akhirnya jamaah yang jadi korban dan gak bisa berangkat.

Fasilitas Di Downgrade

Banyaknya praktek yang tidak amanah dari travel umroh menyebabkan kerugian yang mendasar terhadap jamaah. Fasilitas-fasilitas yang dijanjikan sering kali tidak sesuai dengan kenyataannya.

Travelnya Tidak / Belum Berizin

Sudah daftar umroh, tapi ternyata travelnya gak mempunyai izin Umroh. Alhasil travel bermasalah dan banyak jamaah yang terbengkalai.

Tour Leader Travel Yang Tidak Jelas

Banyak kasus petugas yang terdaftar dan tercetak di id card jamaah ternyata abal-abal dan tidak bisa dihubungi. Jadi menyusahkan jamaah yang tersesat saat di tanah suci.

Management Informasi Travel Buruk

Banyak informasi yang tidak transparan dan tidak dijelaskan di awal yang menimbulkan banyak perubahan di belakang yang merugikan jamaah.

Kami memahami apa yang anda khawatirkan. Dan kami berusaha mewujudkan apa yang anda inginkan.

Bersama Dalwa Tour & Travel Anda Bisa Beribadah Dengan Tenang, Aman, Nyaman & Sesuai Sunnah.

Kami yang akan membantu menyiapkan semua yang anda butuhkan untuk beribadah dengan tenang di tanah suci.

dalwa tour and travel


Momen UMROH AKBAR ini paling di tunggu banyak orang karena langsung di dampingi Keluarga besar DALWA – BANGIL :

– Habib Muhammad Shodiq Bin Hasan Baharun (Alumni Darul Mustofa Tarim), domisili di Sumenep. – Habib Ali Zainal Abidin Bin Hasan Baharun (Alumni Sayyid Muhammad Al Maliki Makkah), menjadi Ketua Yayasan dan Pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Darullughah Wadda’wah. – Habib Segaf Bin hasan Baharun (Alumni Habib Zen Bin Sumaith Madinah), menjadi Rektor Institut Agama Islam Darullughah Wadda’wah dan membantu Ustadzah Khodijah Al Hinduan dalam membina Pondok Pesantren Darullughah Wadda’wah Putri. – Habib Ali Bin Hasan Baharun (Alumni Habib Zen Bin Sumaith Madinah), membina Pondok Pesantren Darullughah Wadda’wah II dan III yang berada di Desa Pandean Kecamatan Rembang Pasuruan – Habib Husin Bin Hasan Baharun (Alumni Habib Salim Asy Syatiri Yaman), membantu Hb. Ali Baharun dalam membina Pondok Pesantren Darullughah Wadda’wah II dan III yang berada di Desa Pandean Kecamatan Rembang Pasuruan – Habib Abdullah Bin Ahmad Al Jufri ( Mantu Dari Habib Hasan Baharun)

Rasakan Umroh Akbar bersama Keluarga Besar Dalwa – Bangil yang penuh Makna  membantu Anda memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang agama dan memperkuat ikatan Anda dengan Allah dalam menjalankan ibadah umroh.

Selain didampingi oleh Keluarga Besar Dalwa , Dalwa Tour & Travel juga menawarkan pilihan paket yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda.

Mulai dari akomodasi yang nyaman, transportasi yang modern dan andal, hingga panduan lokal yang berpengalaman, kami mengatur segala sesuatu dengan sempurna agar Anda dapat fokus pada ibadah tanpa khawatir.

dalwa tour and travel

Tentang Dalwa Tour & Travel

Tingkatkan spiritualitas Anda dengan pengalaman tak terlupakan Umroh Akbar bersama Dalwa Tour & Travel. Kami bangga menjadi mitra perjalanan Anda dalam menunaikan ibadah suci ini.

Dalam perjalanan yang luar biasa ini, kami hadirkan sesuatu yang istimewa – pengalaman yang tidak akan pernah Anda lupakan.

dalwa tour and travel

Galeri Foto Kegiatan Umroh


Kami juga memperhatikan setiap detail untuk memastikan Anda merasa dihargai dan terjamin selama perjalanan. Staff kami yang ramah dan profesional siap membantu Anda sepanjang waktu, memberikan pelayanan yang luar biasa dan menjawab setiap pertanyaan atau kebutuhan yang Anda miliki.

dalwa tour and travel

Sudah Berizin Resmi Kemenag

Dalwa Tour & Travel  telah berpengalaman dalam memberangkatkan jama’ah ibadah haji dan umroh. Kami sangat menjaga kepuasan dan kepercayaan jama’ah dalam melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umroh.

Lebih dari 10.000+ Jama’ah telah mempercayakan penyelenggaraan haji dan umrohnya bersama Dalwa Tour & Travel

Dalwa Tour & Travel telah mengantongi izin resmi dari pemerintah penyelenggaraan umroh Nomor SK Umroh PPIU : 022020911284


  • Perlengkapan dan Handling Bandara
  • Makan Sehari 3x
  • Zam-zam water
  • Buku Manasik
  • Transportasi selama di saudi
  • Bimbingan Manasik
  • Muthawif dan TL berpengalaman
  • Koper Hardcase Bagasi
  • Koper Hardcase Kabin
  • Tas Tenteng
  • Tas Serbaguna
  • Kain ihrom ( Pria )
  • Mukena ( Wanita )
  • Sertifikat Umroh
  • Kain Seragam BATIK

DESTINASI ( tujuan )

Ziarah Dalam/ Tour sekitar Masjidil Haram : Ka’bah, Multazam, Hijir Ismail, Maqom Ibrahim, Jabal Abi Qubais, Rumah Sayyidah Khodijah RA, Perkampungan Syiib, Daar Maulid ( Rumah Kelahiran Nabi SAW ), Penampungan Air Zam-zam

Ziarah Luar/ City Tour Kota Makkah : Jabal Tsur, Jabal Nur ( Gua hiro – Optional), Gua Hira, Jabal Rahmah, Arofah, Tempat Wukuf Nabi SAW, Mudzalifah, Mina, Tempat Nabi Ismail AS disembelih, Miqot Ji’ronah, Pekuburan Ma’la, Museum Alqur’an

Opsional : Museum Haramain, Hudaibiyah, Taif

Ziarah Dalam/ Tour sekitar Masjid Nabawi : Masjid Nabawi, Qubatul Hadra, Sumur Ha’, Raudhah, Makam Rasululloh, Pemakaman Baqi’, Masjid Ghamamah, Masjid Sayyidina Abu Bakar, Masjid Sayyidina Umar Bin Khatab, Masjid Sayyidina Ustman, Masjid Sayyidina Ali, Tsaqifah Bani Saidah, Kota Madina Lama, Rumah Sahabat Abu Ayyub Al Anshory, Sumur milik Sahabat Tholhah bin Ubaidillah

Ziarah Luar/ City Tour Kota Madinah : Tempat Mushaf Ustmani, Turbah Syifa’ (Debu/Tanah Obat), Biir Izziq, Kebun Qurma, Gunung Uhud, Pemakaman Syuhada’ Uhud, Masjid Quba, Masjid Bilal, Masjid Ijabah, Masjid Salman Al Farisi, Masjid Qiblatain, Masjid Jum’ah, Masjid Khandaq

Opsional : Percetakan Al Quran terbesar di dunia, Madain Saleh, Jabal Magnet, Al Hejaz railway museum

Cerita Jujur Dari Orang Yang Sudah Merasakan Umroh Bersama Dalwa Travel

Alhamdulillah, saya sangat bersyukur dapat mengikuti perjalanan ibadah umroh bersama Travel Umroh Dalwa. Semua pengalaman saya selama perjalanan ini sungguh luar biasa dan sesuai dengan syariat agama. Tim pendamping dari Dalwa begitu perhatian dalam memberikan bimbingan selama ibadah. Mereka membantu saya dan rombongan untuk melaksanakan semua ritual dengan benar dan penuh khidmat. Saya benar-benar merasa mendapatkan manfaat spiritual yang mendalam dan kesan yang tak terlupakan. Terima kasih, Travel Umroh Dalwa, saya benar-benar merasa puas dan tak sabar untuk berangkat lagi bersama mereka di masa mendatang.

- Rania Salsabila

dalwa tour and travel

Sungguh tak terlupakan! Perjalanan ibadah umroh bersama Dalwa Tour Travel benar-benar menyentuh hati saya. Semua proses, mulai dari pendaftaran hingga kepulangan, dilaksanakan dengan tertib dan teratur. Rombongan kami diberikan informasi yang jelas dan detil sebelum berangkat, sehingga saya merasa siap secara fisik dan mental. Selama di Tanah Suci, penginapan dan transportasi yang disediakan nyaman, dan tempat makan yang halal sangat terjaga. Travel Umroh Dalwa benar-benar memperhatikan aspek syariat agama dalam setiap tahapan perjalanan. Terima kasih, Travel Umroh Dalwa, saya sungguh puas dengan pelayanannya yang istimewa.

- Farhan Akbar

dalwa tour and travel

Sebelumnya saya sangat khawatir tentang perjalanan ibadah umroh, tapi semua kekhawatiran saya sirna saat bergabung dengan Travel Umroh Dalwa. Rombongan kami ditemani oleh tim yang sangat berpengalaman dan berpengetahuan tentang hukum-hukum agama. Mereka membimbing kami dengan sabar dan menjelaskan setiap detil ritual umroh dengan jelas. Semua kegiatan kami selama di Makkah dan Madinah dilakukan sesuai syariat agama, dan saya merasa kedekatan dengan Allah yang sungguh nyata. Terima kasih banyak, Travel Umroh Dalwa, perjalanan ini sangat berarti bagi saya dan keluarga.

- Zara Azzahra

dalwa tour and travel

Mengapa Harus Dalwa Tour & Travel

  • Jadwal berangkat yang pasti
  • Ada garansi dari penyelenggara umrah
  • Maskapai penerbangan yang nyaman
  • Harga yang sangat Terjangkau

dalwa tour and travel

Jangan sia-siakan kesempatan ini untuk meraih pahala besar dan mendapatkan pengalaman spiritual yang tak terlupakan. Bergabunglah dengan Umroh Akbar bersama Dalwa Tour & Travel dan bimbingan langsung Al-Habib Zein Baharun . Hubungi kami sekarang dan daftarkan diri Anda untuk perjalanan suci ini. Mari bersama-sama meraih berkah di Tanah Suci !

Paket Terbaik Mengunjungi Baitullah Bersama Keluarga Tercinta

dalwa tour and travel

Rp 30.000.000,-

Rp 32.500.000,-.

Paket Bronze

  • Asuransi Perjalanan
  • Tiket Pesawat PP
  • 12 Hari ( Berangkat 09 Oktober 2023)
  • Hotel Makkah (Ramada inn / Setaraf ***)
  • Hotel Madinah (Jawharat Al Rasheed/ Setaraf ***)
  • Tanpa Transit ( Surabaya - Madinah)

Rp 35.000.000,-

Rp 37.500.000,-.

Paket Silver

  • Hotel Makkah (Pull Man ZamZam/ Setaraf *****)

Rp 40.000.000,-

Rp 42.500.000,-.

  • Hotel Madinah (Millenium Al Aqeeq/ Setaraf *****)

Punya Pertanyaan Tentang Rencana Keberangkatan Anda?

Segera Konsultasikan Rencana Anda kepada Kami untuk mendapatkan Pilihan Terbaik

dalwa tour and travel

Alamat Kantor

Dalwa Center, Jl. Raya No.51, Panumbuan, Raci, Kec. Bangil, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67153

Hubungi Kami

(0343) 4505050

Copyright 2023 ©


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Paket Umroh

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Umroh Januari

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Umroh Maulid

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Umroh Ramadhan

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Women's Dress

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Men's Shirt

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Ini 15 Travel Umroh dengan Rating Terbaik di Kota Pasuruan

Jika Anda berada di Kota Pasuruan, Jawa Timur dan mencari Travel Umroh terbaik, Anda telah datang ke tempat yang tepat. Kami telah mengumpulkan daftar 15 Travel Umroh paling populer di Kota Pasuruan .

Dari Travel Umroh dengan pelayanan prima hingga review dan rating tertinggi, pilihan kami akan membantu Anda menemukan tempat-tempat yang menawarkan servis terbaik di Kota Pasuruan.

Travel Umroh dengan Rating Tertinggi di Kota Pasuruan

Daftar isi:


  • Alamat : Jl. Raya Pantura No.288, Penambangan, Sambirejo, Kec. Rejoso, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67181, Indonesia
  • Google Map : Klik disini
  • Rating Google : 4.3 (114)
  • Nomor telepon : +62 817-0332-5420
  • Jam Buka : Senin: 08.00–15.00 Selasa: 08.00–15.00 Rabu: 08.00–15.00 Kamis: 08.00–15.00 Jumat: 08.00–15.00 Sabtu: 08.00–15.00 Minggu: Tutup

5 Tanggapan pada Ini 15 Travel Umroh dengan Rating Terbaik di Kota Pasuruan

Tempat yg cocok utk beristirahat. Aman dan nyaman

Tempat pembelajaran bagi umat Islam Indonesia yang akan beribadah haji ke Makkah. Dilengkapi area perkantoran Dan sebuah masjid yang Bisa menampung lebih seratus orang jamaah. Pada bagian belakang tempat ini terdapat tanah Lapangan dengan lantai paving stones, di Tengah nya terdapat bangunan kotak miniature replika Kakbah. Tempat ini digunakan untuk kegiatan manasik haji.

Kantor perusahaan bimbingan untuk ibadah haji dan umrah, terletak di sebelah selatan jalan raya Rejoso Pasuruan, kantor terintegrasi dengan masjid yang bersih, tempat wudhu dan toiletnya bersih, area parkir sangat luas, memudahkan untuk kendaraan besar bisa parkir di dalamnya, kawasan kantor sekaligus bisa dijadikan tempat sholat jika dalam perjalanan, di depan ada penjual kopi

Layanan jamaah haji yg ok…. Sarana tunggu bisa ngopi dll….

Terimakasih kepada takmir. Masjidnya terbuka, sejuk, dan nyaman buat musafir.

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15 Travel Umroh Pilihan di Kota Pasuruan

Travel Umroh (1) terbaik di Kota Pasuruan

Rosana Travel Pasuruan (Official)

  • Alamat : Jl. Dokter Setiabudi No.20, Purutrejo, Kec. Purworejo, Kota Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67117, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.9 (73)
  • Nomor telepon : +62 812-3329-102
  • Jam Buka : Senin: 08.30–16.30 Selasa: 08.30–16.30 Rabu: 08.30–16.30 Kamis: 08.30–16.30 Jumat: 08.30–16.30 Sabtu: 08.30–12.30 Minggu: Tutup
  • Ulasan : Pelayanan umroh haji yang sangat memuaskan ?? ✭✭✭✭✭ By Viole Play (3 bulan lalu) Biro perjalanan wisata, umroh dan haji Eksklusif yg mempunyai izin resmi, dan punya kantor cabang resmi di berbagai daerah ✭✭✭✭✭ By akhmad syukron (3 tahun lalu) Travel untuk keperluan Umroh dan Haji Exklusive, rosana travel mempunyai anak perusahan yaitu Al Fatihah travel yg orientasi nya melayani umroh kelas ekonomi ataupun program promo umroh. Sedangkan rosana sendiri fokus pada pelayanan semi VIP dan VIP umroh.. ✭✭✭✭✭ By Iswantoro Iswantoro (10 bulan lalu) Ini biro perjalanan haji dan umroh dan warung wakRo juga milik H Rosana Hayati ✭✭✭✭ By Imam Djazuli (setahun yang lalu) pelayanan bagus dan memuaskan.. aman dan amanah, meskipun saat pandemi Covid tetep berangkat.. ✭✭✭✭✭ By AF Circle (2 tahun lalu)

Okka Wisata Tour & Travel

  • Alamat : JL. Insinyur Haji Juanda, PTC KAV B-8 , Kepel, Bugul Kidul, Tapaan, Bugulkidul, Tapaan, Kec. Bugul Kidul, Kota Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67129, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 3.9 (35)

Nur Faz Tour & Travel

  • Alamat : Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No.48, Bukir, Kec. Gadingrejo, Kota Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67171, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.8 (32)

Dalwa Tours & Travel

  • Alamat : Dalwa Center, Jl. Raya No.51, Panumbuan, Raci, Kec. Bangil, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67153, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.9 (29)

ABI Tours & Travel

  • Alamat : Jl. Dokter Wahidin Sudiro Husodo No.171b, Purutrejo, Kec. Purworejo, Kota Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67126, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.2 (19)

KBIHU Makkah Madinah

  • Alamat : Jl. Hangtuah No.40, Ngemplakrejo, Kec. Panggungrejo, Kota Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67113, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.6 (12)


  • Alamat : Jl. Irian Jaya No.03, Gadingrejo, Kec. Gadingrejo, Kota Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67132, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.8 (6)

PT. URIPA Tour & Travel Umroh

  • Alamat : Jl. Panglima Sudirman No.150, Kebonagung, Kec. Purworejo, Kota Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67111, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 4.8 (5)

KBIHU Al Kautsar

  • Alamat : Jalan Ir. H. Juanda No.10 Kel. Tapaan Kec. Bugul Kidul, Tapaan, Kec. Bugul Kidul, Kota Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67129, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 5 (2)

Arminareka Perdana

  • Alamat : JL KH. Abdul Hamid, No. 121, Kebonsari, Panggungrejo, Kebonsari, Pasuruan, Kota Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67114, Indonesia

Samira Travel Pasuruan konsultan umroh dan haji plus

  • Alamat : Unnamed Road, Rt 2 Rw. 1, Sekar Putih, Kec. Gondang Wetan, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67174, Indonesia
  • Rating Google : 5 (1)

An Nahl Umroh & Haji Pasuruan

  • Alamat : 9W32+CV6, Kebonsari, Kec. Purworejo, Kota Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67115, Indonesia
  • Rating Google :

Arminareka Perdana Haji & Umroh (Bu Esthi)

  • Alamat : Jl. Dokter Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Jl. Mangga No.100, Purutrejo, Kec. Purworejo, Kota Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67117, Indonesia

Arminareka Perdana Umroh & Haji Plus

  • Alamat : Jl. K.H. Hasyim Ashari Kav.17, Bakalan, Bugulkidul, Bakalan, Kec. Bugul Kidul, Kota Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67128, Indonesia
  • Alamat : Jl. Raya Pleret No.08, RT./RW:04, Pleret, Kec. Pohjentrek, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67119, Indonesia

Sekian ulasan dari tim Direktori Bisnis Karinov , semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencari Travel Umroh terbaik di daerah Anda.

7 Les Privat di Denpasar dengan Pelayanan Terbaik

Top 7 rekomendasi les privat di sambi kerep, top 7 rekomendasi les privat di pakal, 7 les privat di bulak dengan pelayanan terbaik, daftar les privat unggulan di benowo.

  • 7 Les Privat di Asemrowo dengan Pelayanan Terbaik

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All Creatures Great and Small: Touring The Dales

Greetings From Darrowby postcard. Celebrate the popular MASTERPIECE series and the beauty of the Dales by touring the actual locations where filming takes place, including the Skeldale House, Heston Grange, The Drovers Arms, as well as scenic vistas, bridges and farms.

Premieres Sunday, Feb. 25, 2024 at 8 p.m. on KPBS TV / PBS App

Celebrate the popular MASTERPIECE series and the beauty of the Dales by touring the actual locations where filming takes place, including the Skeldale House, Heston Grange, The Drovers Arms, as well as scenic vistas, bridges and farms.

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How to travel alone without feeling lonely.

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Therapists say it's normal to have pangs of loneliness while traveling alone.

Even the most enthusiastic solo travelers know that loneliness can sneak up on you while traveling the world. While your initial reaction may be to avoid those feelings, therapists say it helps to embrace the emotion.

“Just like you’re choosing to travel to experience new things, give yourself permission to feel different things throughout your journey,” says Samantha Bender , LCSW-S, a therapist at Octave based in Texas. “So often, the most exploring you do when you travel is within yourself.”

Her first suggestion is to ask yourself what you want to get out of your travel experience. Are you traveling solo because you want peace and quiet, and a feeling of independence? Or are you traveling solo so that you have the freedom to meet a lot of different people? Perhaps it’s a bit of both.

While you could tailor a trip to spend most of your solo travel adventure alone, there’s also group trips led by tour companies like Kensington Tours and Abercrombie & Kent that give you an opportunity to meet other travelers with similar interests.

Why Do You Feel Lonely When Traveling Solo?

When we experience amazing moments in our lives, like travel, we want to share it with others, explains Colleen Marshall, MA, LMFT, and Vice President of Clinical Care at Two Chairs .

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“There is even research from the positive psychology world that when we do share something we are savoring or enjoying with others it increases our experience of happiness and sense of joy,” Marshall says. “When we are traveling, solo sharing is harder to do because those we care about are not readily available to share with or talk with.”

Solo travelers can come up with a plan before their trip for how they'll handle loneliness.

Her advice?

Think about how you will share your travel or experiences with others ahead of time.

“Maybe set up a video call with a loved one during a meal or end your day with sharing what you enjoyed,” Marshall says.

7 Ways To Avoid Feeling Lonely When Traveling Solo

While it’s normal to feel pangs of loneliness while solo traveling, you don’t want the feeling to overshadow your trip entirely. With that in mind, therapists and seasoned solo travelers share their top tips to avoid feeling lonely while traveling.

1. Before Your Trip, Come Up With A Plan To Handle Your Loneliness

Some tactics, Bender says, that can be part of your plan include:

  • Bring some journaling prompts
  • Download your favorite podcasts or songs for a mood lift
  • Start a travel journal where you can collect mementos and photos

As part of your plan for preparation, create a plan for when you return home. Schedule an appointment with your therapist where you can share new revelations or insights that you gathered while on your trip.

2. Write Postcards While On Your Trip

Writing can be very therapeutic especially if you’re feeling lonely or dissociated, Bender says.

“When we write, it helps us feel present in our reality,” she says. “Try writing a letter or sending a postcard to a loved one while you’re on your trip. You can even send a note of gratitude to yourself so that you have something waiting for you in the mail to remind you of your experience.”

3. Consider Low-Energy And High-Energy Options To Address Feelings Of Loneliness

If you find yourself lonely on a trip, consider your energy level, and go over different high-energy and low-energy options you have, Bender recommends. This practice is applicable for daily life, but even more important when you’re traveling because it can be so tiring.

A high-energy option would be signing up for a group activity, such as a guided tour or a cooking class, she says. That is a structured way to introduce yourself to others while learning a new skill, and both can be healthy distractions or preventions for loneliness.

Taking a cooking class is a great way to meet people when you are traveling alone.

People-watching is a low-energy thing you can do to feel less lonely while you travel, she says. Embrace that time to people-watch as a way to connect to the world and the people around you.

4. Look For Opportunities To Connect With Others

While traveling, look for activities where you can connect with other travelers or locals, Marshall suggests. For example, rather than going through the museum alone, join a tour guided experience.

“Connection is all around us, we just need to join in,” she says.

Some other ways to meet people organically while traveling solo is to go to local cafes, markets, community events and learn about their culture, says Reen B. Patel , a Licensed Educational Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Participate in group excursions like day trips and tours, she suggests.

5. Co-Work in A New Place

Try checking out a co-working space in a new city.

Ahead of your travels, check out your LinkedIn to see if you have any connections in the destination that you’re traveling to, suggests Katya Varbanova , says CEO of Viral Marketing Stars. If you’re a digital nomad or traveling for bleisure (business plus leisure), rent a desk at a coworking space and meet some fellow travelers or locals. Another option is being a part of a member’s club like Soho House, she points out. The “Every House” membership unlocks access to the houses all around the world, including their amenities, like spas, screening rooms and events.

6. Book an Airbnb Experience

Musician Alissa Musto has taken dozens of solo trips over the past few years and recommends booking an Airbnb experience, which are hosted by locals and are popular among solo travelers who you can connect with over shared interests. These types of experience range from city tours to the ins and outs of beekeeping to learning the art of origami.

7. Volunteer With Other Travelers

Volunteering while traveling is a great way to meet like-minded people.

Another idea? Give back to the place you’re visiting. The Hawaiian islands, for example, started the Mālama Hawai'i program to better connect tourists with Hawaiian land and culture.

“I’ve also found that volunteering is a great way to be part of a community for a day, and do something good with your time and talent,” Musto says. “I’ve met several interesting people from all over the world as a volunteer and they’re always happy to have additional help and meet new friends.”

Good Destinations For Solo But Social Travel

Surprisingly, I’ve found that some of the best places for solo travelers to socialize are not big cities at all, but less popular tourist destinations and national parks, Musto says.

“Big tourist destinations and cities often attract groups of friends traveling together, couples or families that are more into doing their own thing,” she says.

Paddling the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.

On the flipside, quieter, outdoors-centric destinations attract many solo travelers trying to enjoy nature, but open to socializing with other-like minded individuals and people tend to be welcoming, inviting and happy to strike up a conversation or share a meal.

Brittany Anas

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Blinken begins Middle East tour with strains growing in US-Israel ties

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visits Saudi Arabia

  • Blinken set to meet Arab foreign ministers on Thursday
  • Israeli military chief says Israeli forces are targeting Hamas at Gaza's Al Shifa hospital
  • The head of the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees issues a new warning about the plight of Palestinians in Gaza
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Writing by Peter Graff and Timothy Heritage; Editing by Sharon Singleton and William Maclean

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A senior correspondent with nearly 25 years’ experience covering the Palestinian-Israeli conflict including several wars and the signing of the first historic peace accord between the two sides.

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Humeyra Pamuk is a senior foreign policy correspondent based in Washington DC. She covers the U.S. State Department, regularly traveling with U.S. Secretary of State. During her 20 years with Reuters, she has had postings in London, Dubai, Cairo and Turkey, covering everything from the Arab Spring and Syria's civil war to numerous Turkish elections and the Kurdish insurgency in the southeast. In 2017, she won the Knight-Bagehot fellowship program at Columbia University’s School of Journalism. She holds a BA in International Relations and an MA on European Union studies.

Netanyahu speaks as German Chancellor Scholz visits Jerusalem

Pakistan's benchmark index touched an all-time high on Thursday, extending a rally following a staff level agreement with the International Monetary Fund earlier this month to free up more financial aid for the country.

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  • What Waxahatchee Can’t Live Without

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If you’re like us, you’ve probably wondered what famous people add to their carts. Not the JAR brooch and Louis XV chair but the  hair spray  and the  electric toothbrush . We asked Waxahatchee’s Katie Crutchfield, who is about to go on tour in support of her new album, Tigers Blood , about the sleek silver ring that monitors her heart rate, her favorite lip color, and the incense she burns in the recording studio.

Circa Air Inflatable Knee Pillow for Side Sleepers

I am a side sleeper and I suffer from all kinds of workout-related injuries and I really need a knee pillow to sleep. But when I travel, I struggled to pack one. How the fuck are you supposed to bring this thing with you everywhere? And then one day, I thought, Wouldn’t it be great if there’s an inflatable knee pillow? I looked it up and it does exist, and it has changed my life. I bring it with me everywhere. It takes three big breaths to blow up and then you have a knee pillow that you can still put in your suitcase. I don’t overinflate it — I leave a little bit of air out of it so it has a little bit of squish.

Typology Tinted Lip Oil

I’m a big Magasin reader, and Laura Reilly did this interview with Into the Gloss where she goes through her whole beauty routine. And there are so many products in it that I use and love but also a whole lot that I hadn’t heard of, so I was really just clicking on every link. This lip oil was one thing that she recommended, and it’s so great. It comes in just a few shades, and it’s really good for just everyday wear. I have the red and the pink. It moisturizes your lips but also gives you a little bit of color. It’s hard for me to say how long it lasts because I’m always putting on more. What I love is that it’s really subtle; I’m not a strong-lip-color-in-the-light-of-day kind of girl. It’s the subtleness that makes me really like it.

Salter House Lamb Nightdress

I have been a person who wears nightgowns as clothes for a long time. The Salter House ones are a really good, soft cotton. I’ll throw a T-shirt over them, I’ll throw a sweater over them, and wear them out of the house. They’re something you can wear any time and dress up or dress down. I have probably six different styles. I’ll sleep in them, of course, and especially on tour it’s really great for me to go from the tour bus into public. There’s some in-between time where I can’t change clothes yet and I just have to wear what I’m sleeping in. As I was saying that, I was like, That’s maybe a little too revealing: I like to wear something in bed and then the whole day? But these are great if you’re that type of person, which I’m assuming more of your readers than are willing to admit are.

High & Lonely Winona Forever Incense

My producer Brad Cook is a fragrance person, and he’s really good at knowing the best candle of the moment. He stays very in the know. And same with incense — he’s always got stuff burning in the studio that’s immaculate. People are always like, “What is that?” He brought this incense to the session for my record Tigers Blood . He started burning it, and immediately I was like, This is the best-smelling incense I’ve ever smelled . Brad specifically burned the Winona Forever one for the whole session for my new record, and it’s one of my favorite scents that I’ve ever smelled. All of them are great, but Winona Forever is the GOAT.

Ōura Ring Gen3

I have it on right now. It’s a ring that tracks all your body data, and you have an app that gives you scores for everything throughout the day. I love data. I really like to be very in tune with what’s happening with my body at all times. It’s a little bit of an anxiety thing for me, but also, as somebody who travels a lot, there are times when I really don’t get enough sleep. This ring actually puts my mind at ease because it often tells me when I’m doing better than I think I am. Or if I’m really experiencing a hard moment, it tells me that, too. It monitors your steps and your heart rate and your heart-rate variability and your breathing when you’re sleeping and your body temperature and everything. The ring is so subtle; I’ll stack other rings on top of it to make it cute. I know myself well enough to know that I am 100 percent the type of person who’ll buy an Apple Watch and then wear it for two days and then never wear it again, and it would be a stupid waste of money. Again, I saw Brad Cook wearing this, and as soon as I realized what was happening, I was like, I’m buying this immediately . And I haven’t taken it off since. I wear it every day, all the time, and have for the last year and a half. Brad’s an influencer.

Josh Rosebrook Advanced Hydration Mask

I love his entire product line, and I use a lot of his products in my skin-care routine. He has a couple masks that I love, but this one I’d say is the best catchall. I love to put it on while I’m traveling. If there’s a bathtub in the hotel room, I’ll wash my face and put it on and just let the steam from the bath kind of soak in. It makes it so soft and hydrated without getting oily or anything. All his products are clean, and it feels like a good skin reset. I only do it once a week or every other week, so it lasts a long time. The little pot will last a few months for sure.

Black & White Coffee Roasters Specialty Instant Coffee

This was another Brad recommendation. I love this roaster. It was founded by the former lead barista from Counter Culture; it’s a North Carolina brand. Most coffee people are pretty in the know about it. I have a subscription for their beans; they come to my house. When I was younger, I’d travel with a whole coffee setup: I’d bring an AeroPress and a grinder. I traveled with a kettle many times. But now I bring this instant coffee, and it really gets the job done. There are a lot of cool roasters that are doing instant coffee well, but this is the best one that I’ve found. I just performed on a cruise a couple of weeks ago, and I would go to the main dining area and just get hot water for my instant coffee every morning, and it was so easy. I don’t have to bring 16 different props with me anymore.

Bala the Power Ring

I have the whole product line, so it was hard for me to pick a specific thing. But the ring is great. I work out with Brad’s wife, Stella — she’s my trainer, and she introduced me to it. We do a lot of Pilates-based movement exercises. So I’m holding this thing and squatting all day. It’s great because it’s not overly heavy. It’s just enough to give you what you need. You’d think that it being a circle, it wouldn’t make sense in that many ways, but there are so many ways in which you can use it. It’s a game changer.

Hoka Ora Recovery Slide 3

I really connect with hideous footwear that’s designed to be comfortable. UGGs, Crocs — you name it. Once I discovered these, I started wearing them all the time around my house and outside my house, with socks and without socks. They’re truly the most comfortable shoe that I’ve ever found, and I consider myself to be somewhat of an expert. I love my Crocs too, but these are so much more comfortable. More cushiony. They’re designed to be worn after a lot of exercise. It’s a similar weight to a Croc — very light — but there’s a thicker sole and just a little bit more support.

J-2000M Jiffy Garment Steamer With Metal Steam Head 120 Volts

I’m someone who’s always looking for a dupe. I’m always like, What’s a cheaper version of something that’s just as good? And this is a case in which I decided to buy the actual thing, and I’m really glad I did. I have the metal steam head, so it gets really hot. It’s industrial. Years and years of buying a shitty steamer and having my outfit covered in water and totally wrinkled have led me here. Steaming is one of the most calming things you can do. I had a friend open a store here in Kansas City recently, and she was getting ready for her big grand opening and I asked if I could help. She said I could come down and steam, and I was like, Yesss. I was so at peace.

The Strategist is designed to surface the most useful, expert recommendations for things to buy across the vast e-commerce landscape. Some of our latest conquests include the best acne treatments , rolling luggage , pillows for side sleepers , natural anxiety remedies , and bath towels . We update links when possible, but note that deals can expire and all prices are subject to change.

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    U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken began a tour of the Middle East on Wednesday by holding talks in Saudi Arabia, hoping to secure a ceasefire in the Gaza war as increasing strain shows in ...

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