🔖 Rekomendasi Restoran Keluarga dan Rombongan Wisatawan di Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta  SalSari Resto & Coffee

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Destinasi Open Trip Bandung

Paket wisata bandung.

start form: Rp 400.000

Kawah Putih

  • Glamping Lakeside
  • RancaUpas Deer Conservation
  • Strawberry Farm

Paket 1 Hari (1D Tour)

start form: Rp 935.000

  • Tangkuban Perahu
  • Floating Market
  • Farmhouse Lembang

Gedung Sate

Paket 2 hari (2d1n tour).

start form: Rp 1.950.000

  • Dusun Bambu

Paket 3 Hari (3D2N Tour)

start form: Rp 1.740.000

  • Kawah putih

Situ Patenggang

  • Kebun Teh Ranca Bali
  • Petik Strawberry

Paket 4 Hari (4D3N Tour)

start form: Rp 2.196.000

  • Alun-alun Bandung
  • Jalan Braga
  • Factory Outlet Jl. Riau Area
  • Air Panas Ciater

Paket 5 Hari (5D4N Tour)

start form: Rp 4.750.000

  • Jalan Asia Afrika
  • The Lodge Maribaya
  • Floating Market Lembang

Paket Honeymoon (Bulan Madu)

Transportasi wisata bandung, sewa bus bandung.

  • Hiace Commuter
  • Hiace Premio

Sewa Mobil Bandung

  • Grand New Innova.
  • Honda Brio.
  • Honda Jazz.
  • Honda Mobilio.
  • Grand Fortuner.

Open trip Bandung

Bandung adalah salah satu kota wisata favorit di Indonesia. Kota ini menawarkan berbagai macam destinasi yang menarik, mulai dari wisata alam, budaya, kuliner, hingga belanja. Kota yang bisa ditempuh 2,5 jam berkendara dari Jakarta ini sering menjadi destinasi liburan. Jika Anda ingin menikmati keindahan dan jalan jalan di Bandung tanpa repot, Anda bisa memilih open trip Bandung dari Jakarta sebagai pilihan.

Open trip Bandung adalah paket wisata yang menyediakan fasilitas transportasi, penginapan, tiket masuk, makan, dan guide untuk mengunjungi beberapa destinasi terbaik di Bandung dalam satu hari atau lebih. Anda bisa bergabung dengan rombongan wisatawan lainnya yang memiliki minat yang sama, sehingga bisa lebih hemat dan seru. Dengan begitu Anda bisa liburan murah di Bandung.

Kegiatan open trip biasanya diselenggarakan oleh agen-agen wisata yang profesional dan berpengalaman. Salah satunya adalah Salsa Wisata, yang menyediakan berbagai pilihan open trip Bandung murah dengan harga terjangkau dan pelayanan oke.

Bersama Salsa Wisata, Anda bisa memilih destinasi open trip Bandung yang sesuai dengan selera dan kebutuhan Anda. Berikut adalah beberapa destinasi open trip Bandung terbaik yang bisa Anda pilih.

Daftar Destinasi Open Trip Bandung Populer

Museum Gedung Sate

Bagi sebagian orang yang sedang melakukan trip ke Bandung 1 hari, Gedung Sate selalu masuk ke dalam daftar destinasi kunjungan. Karena selain murah, ada banyak daya tarik yang ditawarkan.

Gedung Sate adalah destinasi wisata sejarah dan budaya yang ikonik di Bandung. Gedung ini merupakan gedung pemerintahan provinsi Jawa Barat yang memiliki arsitektur bergaya kolonial dengan ornamen berbentuk tusuk sate di atapnya.

Di sini, Anda bisa melihat koleksi foto-foto dan benda-benda bersejarah yang berkaitan dengan perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Anda juga bisa menikmati pemandangan kota Bandung dari balkon gedung atau dari menara observasi yang terletak di lantai enam gedung.

Trans Studio Bandung

Trans Studio Bandung

Trans Studio Bandung adalah destinasi wisata hiburan ramah anak dan rekreasi yang spektakuler di Bandung. Sebagai informasi, Trans Studio Bandung masuk ke dalam jajaran taman bermain indoor terbesar di dunia yang memiliki berbagai wahana permainan yang seru dan menantang, seperti roller coaster, giant swing, simulator, dan lain-lain.

Tempat wisata hits ini juga memiliki berbagai zona tema yang menarik, seperti Studio Central, Lost City, Magic Corner, Dino Island, dan Marvel Superheroes. Di sini, Anda bisa merasakan sensasi menjadi bintang film atau pahlawan super dengan berbagai efek khusus dan pertunjukan live. Nah jika Anda memesan layanan open trip Bandung 2 hari, Trans Studio Bandung bisa dimasukan ke dalam itinerary hari ke 2, baru setelah itu belanja oleh-oleh.

Cafe Sudut Pandang Bandung

Cafe Sudut Pandang Bandung

Cafe Sudut Pandang Bandung di Lembang merupakan salah satu tempat nongkrong yang hits dan kekinian di kota kembang. Sudut Pandang bukanlah cafe biasa. Cafe ini menawarkan pemandangan alam yang indah dan sejuk dari ketinggian, dengan berbagai spot foto yang unik dan instagramable.

Anda bisa menikmati berbagai menu makanan dan minuman lezat sambil duduk di kursi ayunan atau hammock yang menggantung di udara. Kamu juga bisa mengunjungi Sudut Cerita, sebuah ruangan dengan wahana multimedia interaktif yang menyajikan karya seni edukasi tentang alam dan global warming.

Farm House Lembang

Farmhouse Lembang Bandung

Farm House Lembang adalah salah satu destinasi wisata keluarga ramah anak yang populer di Bandung. Di sini, Anda bisa merasakan suasana pedesaan Eropa dengan berbagai bangunan bergaya klasik, taman bunga, dan hewan ternak. Anda juga bisa berfoto-foto dengan berbagai spot menarik, seperti rumah hobbit, rumah kaca, rumah susun kayu, dan lain-lain. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa menikmati berbagai kuliner lezat di Farm House Lembang , seperti susu segar, sosis bakar, roti bakar, dan lain-lain.

Nah buat Anda yang sedang merencanakan family trip ke Bandung, bisa memasukkan Farm House Lembang ke dalam daftar tujuan. Dijamin anak-anak pasti akan sangat senang bermain di Farm House.

Orchid Forest Cikole

Orchid Forest Cikole

Masih di kawasan Lembang yang sejuk, Orchid Forest Cikole adalah destinasi wisata alam yang menawarkan pemandangan indah di tengah hutan pinus dengan berbagai tumbuhan anggrek yang cantik.

Anda bisa berjalan-jalan di jembatan gantung yang menghubungkan antara pohon-pohon pinus atau naik kereta gantung untuk melihat panorama hutan dari atas. Orchid Forest Cikole juga menyediakan berbagai aktivitas seru lainnya, seperti paintball, outbound, camping, dan glamping.

The Lodge Maribaya & Fairy Garden

The Lodge Maribaya Lembang

Ada satu destinasi open trip Bandung Jogja yang instagramable di Lembang bernama The Lodge Maribaya & Fairy Garden. Tempat wisata hits Lembang ini menggabungkan alam dan dunia fantasi di Lembang Bandung Barat. Di sini, Anda bisa merasakan suasana pegunungan yang asri dengan udara segar dan pemandangan indah.

Anda juga bisa berfoto-foto dengan berbagai spot unik dan instagramable, seperti ayunan langit, gardu pandang kayu, rumah pohon kayu, tenda glamor, dan lain-lain. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa mengunjungi Fairy Garden yang merupakan taman bunga dengan dekorasi seperti di negeri dongeng lengkap dengan lampu-lampu warna-warni yang menawan.

D'dieuland Lembang

D’Dieuland adalah tempat wisata edukasi yang menyenangkan di kawasan wisata Punclut Bandung. Di sini, Anda bisa belajar tentang berbagai jenis tanaman, hewan, dan budaya dari berbagai negara di dunia. Anda juga bisa berinteraksi langsung dengan hewan-hewan lucu dan jinak, seperti kelinci, kambing, burung, dan lain-lain. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa berfoto-foto dengan berbagai replika bangunan ikonik dunia, seperti Menara Eiffel, Patung Liberty, Piramida Mesir, dan lain-lain.

Lembang Park and Zoo

Lembang Park and Zoo

Lembang Park and Zoo merupakan objek wisata keluarga yang menyajikan berbagai wahana permainan dan kebun binatang di Bandung. Di sini, Anda bisa menikmati berbagai permainan seru dan menantang, seperti roller coaster, bumper car, flying fox, water boom, dan lain-lain.

Berbagai jenis hewan eksotis dan langka, seperti harimau putih, singa putih, jerapah, zebra, flamingo, dan lain-lain bisa Anda lihat disini. Destinasi wisata ini juga menyediakan berbagai fasilitas pendukung, seperti restoran, toko souvenir, mushola, toilet, dan tempat parkir.

The Great Asia Afrika

The Great Asia Afrika

The Great Asia Afrika adalah destinasi wisata yang mengajak Anda untuk berkeliling benua Asia dan Afrika tanpa harus keluar dari Bandung. Di sini, Anda bisa merasakan suasana dan budaya dari berbagai negara di kedua benua tersebut, seperti India, Thailand, Korea Selatan, Jepang, China, Mesir, Maroko, Kenya, dan lain-lain. Anda juga bisa berfoto-foto dengan berbagai spot menarik yang menggambarkan ciri khas dari masing-masing negara tersebut.

Saung Angklung Udjo

Saung Angklung Udjo

Saung Angklung Udjo merupakan tempat wisata budaya dan edukasi yang wajib dikunjungi jika Anda ingin mengenal lebih dekat kebudayaan Sunda. Di sini, Anda bisa menyaksikan pertunjukan angklung yang mengagumkan dengan berbagai lagu daerah maupun nasional. Anda juga bisa ikut bermain angklung bersama para pemain atau belajar membuat angklung sendiri di workshop. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa melihat pertunjukan tari-tarian tradisional Sunda yang menarik dan menghibur.

Gunung Tangkuban Parahu

Gunung Tangkuban Parahu

Gunung Tangkuban Parahu adalah destinasi wisata alam yang legendaris di Subang. Walaupun berada di luar Bandung, namun jaraknya masih berdekatan dan menjadi destinasi favorit para wisatawan yang melakukan open trip ke Bandung.

Tempat yang populer di Bandung ini merupakan gunung berapi aktif yang memiliki kawah luas dan indah bernama Kawah Ratu. Di sini, Anda bisa melihat pemandangan kawah yang mengeluarkan asap putih dari dekat atau dari atas bukit.

Anda juga bisa menjelajahi kawah-kawah lainnya yang lebih kecil dan eksotis, seperti Kawah Domas dan Kawah Upas. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa menikmati pemandian air panas alami yang berasal dari sumber mata air gunung.

The Ranch Ciater Subang

Resto The Ranch Ciater Subang

Tak jauh dari Tangkuban Perahu, ada beberapa tempat wisata Subang bagus yang bisa Anda kunjungi seperti salah satunya The Ranch. Objek wisata The Ranch Ciater Subang adalah salah satu destinasi wisata yang menawarkan sensasi berkuda di atas awan dengan pemandangan alam yang indah dan sejuk.

Selain berkuda, pengunjung juga bisa menikmati berbagai wahana lain seperti taman kelinci, flying fox, wagon train, dan kiddy farm. Ada juga cafe dan resto yang menyediakan menu makanan dan minuman yang lezat dan segar. Harga tiket masuk The Ranch Ciater Subang adalah Rp 20.000 untuk weekday dan Rp 25.000 untuk weekend, belum termasuk harga tiket wahana dan parkir.

Pemandian Air Panas Ciater

Pemandian Air Panas Ciater

Pemandian Air Panas Ciater adalah destinasi wisata yang cocok untuk Anda yang ingin bersantai dan menyehatkan tubuh. Di sini, Anda bisa menikmati air panas yang berasal dari gunung Tangkuban Parahu yang dipercaya memiliki khasiat untuk menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit kulit dan rematik. Anda bisa memilih untuk mandi di kolam umum atau kolam pribadi yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas mewah. Pemandian Air Panas Ciater juga menyediakan berbagai fasilitas lainnya, seperti restoran, hotel, spa, outbound, dan taman bermain.


kastil eropa D'Castello Subang

Jika Anda mencari tempat wisata yang menarik dan berbeda, Anda bisa mengunjungi D’Castello Subang . Tempat ini adalah sebuah kawasan yang menampilkan replika bangunan-bangunan khas Eropa, seperti istana, gereja, dan rumah-rumah bergaya klasik. Anda bisa berfoto-foto di sini seolah-olah sedang berlibur di Eropa.

Selain itu, Anda juga bisa menikmati fasilitas lainnya, seperti, taman bermain, restoran, dan toko oleh-oleh. D’Castello Subang berlokasi di Jl. Palasari Dua – Babakan Gn. No.16, Ciater, Kec. Ciater, Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat. Dari Lembang hanya butuh waktu sekitar 30 menit berkendara untuk mencapainya. Harga tiket masuknya adalah Rp 20.000 per orang.

Kawah Putih Bandung

Kawah Putih adalah destinasi wisata alam yang mempesona di Ciwidey Bandung. Tempat wisata alam ini merupakan kawah gunung Patuha yang memiliki warna putih kehijauan karena mengandung belerang. Di sini, Anda bisa melihat pemandangan kawah yang eksotis dengan airnya yang tenang dan kabutnya yang misterius. Anda juga bisa berfoto-foto dengan latar belakang kawah yang cantik atau mengelilingi kawah dengan berjalan kaki atau naik kereta kuda.

ranca upas ciwidey

Tempat wisata alam di Ciwidey yang menawarkan suasana pegunungan sejuk dan asri lainnya yaitu Ranca Upas. Di sini, Anda bisa berkemah di tengah hutan pinus yang luas dengan tenda-tenda yang sudah disediakan atau membawa sendiri. Anda juga bisa melihat rusa-rusa jinak yang berkeliaran di sekitar lokasi atau memberi makan mereka dengan wortel atau rumput. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa menikmati wahana permainan air yang menyegarkan di Ranca Upas Waterpark.

explore Situ Patenggang

Masih di kawasan Ciwidey, Situ Patenggang merupakan destinasi wisata alam yang romantis di Bandung. Tempat wisata alam Ciwidey ini merupakan danau alami yang memiliki pemandangan indah dengan airnya yang biru dan pepohonan hijau di sekitarnya.

Di sini, Anda bisa menikmati perahu untuk mengelilingi danau atau menuju pulau kecil di tengahnya yang bernama Pulau Asmara. Anda juga bisa berkunjung ke Batu Cinta yang dipercaya sebagai tempat bersejarah bagi pasangan yang ingin mendapatkan kebahagiaan.

Palalangon Park

Palalangon Park

Palalangon Park adalah destinasi wisata yang menyajikan berbagai wahana permainan dan hiburan di Bandung. Di sini, Anda bisa menikmati berbagai permainan seru dan modern, seperti VR game, 4D cinema, flying simulator, trampoline park, dan lain-lain. Anda juga bisa melihat pertunjukan musik, tari, dan akrobatik yang spektakuler di panggung utama. Tempat wisata ini juga menyediakan berbagai fasilitas pendukung, seperti restoran, kafe, toko souvenir, mushola, toilet, dan tempat parkir.

Pasar Cibaduyut

Pasar Cibaduyut

Terakhir sebelum meninggalkan Kota Bandung, hal yang tak boleh dilewatkan yaitu belanja oleh-oleh. Nah, Pasar Cibaduyut merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata belanja yang terkenal di Bandung. Pasar ini merupakan pusat industri sepatu kulit terbesar di Indonesia. Di sini, Anda bisa membeli berbagai jenis sepatu kulit berkualitas dengan harga terjangkau.

Anda juga bisa memesan sepatu kulit sesuai dengan ukuran dan model yang Anda inginkan. Selain sepatu kulit, Anda juga bisa menemukan berbagai oleh-oleh khas Bandung tahan lama dari kulit lainnya, seperti tas, dompet, jaket, ikat pinggang, dan lain-lain.

Itulah beberapa destinasi open trip Bandung terbaik yang bisa Anda pilih untuk mengisi liburan Anda. Jika Anda tertarik untuk mengikuti open trip Bandung 1 hari dari Jakarta, Anda bisa menghubungi Salsa Wisata sebagai agen wisata terpercaya yang menyediakan berbagai paket open trip Bandung dengan harga murah dan fasilitas lengkap. Salsa Wisata juga menyediakan layanan sewa bus pariwisata dan rental mobil untuk memenuhi kebutuhan transportasi Anda selama di Bandung.

Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi Salsa Wisata sekarang juga dan dapatkan penawaran menarik dari kami. Salsa Wisata siap memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk membuat liburan Anda menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan berkesan. Segera pesan open trip Bandung dari Semarang favorit Anda dan nikmati keindahan dan kekayaan Bandung bersama Salsa Wisata. Terima kasih telah membaca artikel ini dan selamat berlibur.

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Tempat wisata populer, destinasi wisata populer.

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Head Office Salsa Wisata

Roaming Atlas

Bandung Itinerary: Your Thrilling 2-Day Weekend Getaway Guide to the Paris of Java’s Enchanting Delights

Bandung Itinerary City View Roaming Atlas

Nestled in lush Indonesian landscapes, Bandung captivates, blending beauty, mountains, and heritage. Its verdant surroundings charm with rolling tea plantations and waterfalls, offering an escape. Towering mountains like Tangkuban Perahu allure with misty peaks. Beyond nature, Bandung thrives with diverse cultures, art, and markets. Exploring means immersing in local artistry, cuisine, and the harmonious past-present convergence.

Bandung Itinerary Table of Contents

Brief history of bandung.

Initially inhabited by the indigenous Sundanese people, the area’s fertile land attracted early settlers who established agricultural communities. However, Bandung’s trajectory dramatically shifted during Dutch colonial rule. The European elite transformed the city into a mountain resort, leading to the construction of elegant colonial buildings that still grace the city today.

The city’s strategic location also played a pivotal role during World War II and the Indonesian struggle for independence, marking Bandung as a significant historical site. Post-independence, Bandung transformed into a hub of education and innovation, exemplified by the renowned Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).

Proven Tips for an Exceptional Experience with Your Bandung Itinerary

How to get to bandung from jakarta.

Traveling from Jakarta to Bandung is a breeze, with a journey time of approximately 3 hours. I suggest opting for the Executive tickets, which come at a slightly higher cost of $6.50 compared to the economy. However, considering the total price of $16.33, the enhanced comfort offered in the executive class is undoubtedly worthwhile.

What’s the estimated amount of Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) required for the Bandung Itinerary?

The majority of the locations mentioned do accept credit cards, but please note that street vendors might not. To cover potential expenses, it’s advisable to have at least Rp. 500,000 (~$33.30 USD) in cash. This can be particularly helpful for emergencies, such as unexpected transportation needs when returning from the outskirts to the city, as we experienced.

Transport from the Train Station

Stepping out of the train station can be a bit overwhelming, with numerous drivers offering rides. My suggestion is to politely decline and instead, walk outside the station premises, opting for a Grab ride to save time and hassle.

Is it advisable to acquire an e-SIM card for newer phones?

Getting an e-SIM card is highly recommended, especially if you plan to use services like GRAB and require reliable navigation. For just $4.79, you can obtain a 3-day e-SIM with 500 MB of daily high-speed data and unlimited lower-speed data. Additionally, there are alternative options tailored for extended stays and higher-speed requirements for travelers.

Alternatively, if your travels extend beyond Indonesia, it’s strongly advised to consider the Southeast Asia e-SIM. This option encompasses Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, and Macau, ensuring connectivity across multiple destinations which start at just $5.79.

Bandung Itinerary Day 1 – City Exploration

Nuart sculpture park.

Cost: Rp. 50,000 (~$3.30 USD)

Borobudur sculpture Bandung NuArt Roaming Atlas

Start your day with a leisurely stroll amidst artistry and captivating sculptures at the sculpture park, where you can explore the works of Nyoman Nuarta. The sculptures are rooted in the Tri Hita Karana philosophy (Balinese), emphasizing the perpetual preservation of harmony with the divine, unity among humanity, and ultimately, harmony with the natural world and environment.

Born in a small Balinese town, Nyoman Nuarta journeyed to Bandung during the early 1970s to pursue fine art studies at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). Growing up in Tegallinggah village under the guidance of his Kelihan Adat uncle, Nuarta imbibed the significance of harmonious relations between humans, nature, and the Creator, a tenet he portrays in his works following the Trihita Karana philosophy.

Nuart Sculpture Bandung NuArt Roaming Atlas

As part of the Indonesian New Art Movement in 1977, his career commenced, culminating in his triumph at the Proclamator Monument Contest in 1979 and the creation of the statue of Sukarno. With over 200 artworks showcased globally, Nuarta earned acclaim through prestigious awards and monumental pieces like “Arjuna Wijaya,” “Jalesveva Jayamahe,” and “Garuda Wisnu Kencana.”

Gedung Sate

Embark on an exhilarating journey to Gedung Sate in Bandung, West Java, a name that intrigues and delights. Its playful title derives from the satay-like ornaments adorning its pinnacle, offering a taste of Indonesia’s culinary charm. Beyond its governmental role, Gedung Sate beckons adventurers and culture enthusiasts alike.

Bandung Gedung Sate Roaming Atlas

This architectural marvel was born in 1920 during Dutch colonization. It seamlessly melds east and west in its neoclassical design, earning accolades as Java’s most captivating building.

Museum Gedung Sate

Cost: Rp. 5,000 ($0.33 USD)

Step inside and discover more than history; the innovative smart museum, a recent addition since 2017, infuses tradition with technology. Augmented reality and virtual reality intermingle with exhibits, creating an interactive narrative that fascinates visitors of all ages. Gedung Sate’s story is one of transformation and allure, inviting exploration within the captivating embrace of Bandung’s iconic landmark.

Exploring its museum requires visitors to secure a reservation in advance through its official website, followed by presenting the digital ticket upon arrival at the museum’s entrance.

Gedung Sate Garden

Deeper into the courtyard, discover Gedung Sate’s well-tended garden—a serene retreat offering relaxation to locals. While strolling, admire the architecture and relish the tranquil ambiance. Among visitors, street food vendors amplify festivity with delightful snacks and drinks. Try pineapple juice for tropical refreshment.

Gedung Sate Tower

Fortunately, the tower of Gedung Sate is open to visitors, and you can reach it by climbing the stairs past the museum. Once at the top, you’ll find a quaint café named Coffee Morning with tables on the tower’s veranda. Grab a seat and enjoy a 360° view of Bandung City. Inside the tower, a remarkable detail emerges. An old siren resonates across a 40-km radius, adding an intriguing touch to the atmosphere.

Braga Street

Braga Street is a hotspot, especially after 5 p.m. It exudes colonial charm, dotted with cafes, restaurants, shops, and galleries.

Bandung Itinerary Day 2 – Nature Exploration

On day 2, while Grab is accessible in the city, it’s challenging in the mountains. I strongly suggest renting a car with a driver, especially if you’re not comfortable driving on the right side. It’s cheaper than Grab at $16, inclusive of the driver’s meal (excluding gas, tolls, and parking fees). For under $20, you’ll enjoy convenient travel without concerns about return or further destinations.

Warung Kopi Gunung

Warung Kopi Gunung Roaming Atlas

Our day kicks off with a delightful breakfast and coffee at an incredible restaurant. With views of trees, tranquil mountain scenes, and an outdoor setting, it’s a perfect spot. The standout is the scrumptious local cuisine and coffee.

Warung Kopi Gunung Bridge Roaming Atlas

Mount Tangkuban Perahu

Cost: Rp. 300,000(~$19.58 USD)

Tangkuban Perahu Roaming Atlas

Enter the world of Tangkuban Perahu, a striking stratovolcano. Its name translates to “overturned boat,” a fitting description of its shape. Adventurers are lured here to witness its splendor firsthand. Trails lead to the crater’s edge, offering a glimpse into its depths and the power of nature.

Sulfuric fumes and bubbling hot springs create an otherworldly ambiance, enhancing the allure of this iconic destination. Amid mystique and captivating landscapes, Tangkuban Perahu stands as a testament to our planet’s dynamic forces.

The Ranch Ciater Subang

Entrance Fee Cost: Rp. 25,000 (~$1.66 USD)

Ranch Ciater offers an idyllic retreat for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. Set against a backdrop of lush greenery and rolling hills, this destination encapsulates the essence of countryside charm. Visitors can engage in an array of outdoor activities, from horseback riding through picturesque trails to immersing in the soothing warmth of natural hot springs. The ranch’s expansive grounds provide ample space for families and friends to enjoy leisurely strolls or capture memorable moments against the stunning landscape. Whether seeking relaxation or adventure, Ranch Ciater promises an unforgettable experience in the embrace of nature’s splendor.

Curug Cibareubeuy

Cost: Rp. 10,000 (~$0.66 USD)

For those drawn to trekking and hot springs over traditional outdoor activities, Curug Cibareubeuy is an alternative to Ranch Ciater Subang. Curug Cibareubeuy offers a hidden paradise awaiting discovery. Nestled in lush landscapes, this waterfall beckons adventurers to embrace the serenity of cascading waters and nature’s tranquility. The trek to the falls winds through enchanting trails, immersing visitors in the wilderness. Upon arrival, the sight and sound of water gushing down rocky tiers create a captivating spectacle. Whether seeking a peaceful retreat or an exhilarating trek, Curug Cibareubeuy promises an escape into Indonesia’s untouched natural beauty.

Sukawana Tea Plantation

Sukawana Tea Plantation Roaming Atlas

Nestled in picturesque landscapes, Sukawana Tea Plantation beckons with its enchanting beauty. Rolling hills adorned with meticulously cultivated tea bushes create a breathtaking vista that seems to stretch to the horizon. Visitors are transported into a serene world of verdant tranquility as they explore the plantation’s pathways.

The air is filled with the soothing aroma of freshly grown tea leaves, while the workers’ diligent efforts add an element of authenticity to the experience. The chance to witness the intricate process of tea cultivation and perhaps even partake in a tea-tasting session makes a visit to Sukawana Tea Plantation a truly immersive journey into the heart of Indonesia’s tea culture.

Ruang Lapang

While heading back to the city, consider a stop at this restaurant for drinks and food. Its charming outdoor setting offers a glamping-like experience, immersing you in nature’s embrace.

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Wander With Jo

25 BEST Things to do in Bandung, Indonesia (For First Time Travellers)

Having spent over 11 months in Bandung , Indonesia I can honestly say I know the best things to do in Bandung – hand’s down! It is like my second home and I am already raring to head back to catch up with friends and enjoy the fresh mountain air this West Javan paradise offers. So if you are wondering what to do in Bandung Indonesia, you have come to the right spot.

Quick Book Guide To Bandung Indonesia

Are you traveling at the last minute to Bandung, Indonesia and wondering where to go, what to do and where to stay? Well then here’s my quick book guide that covers the top 3 handpicked hotels and tours you can try to ensure a fun filled adventure in this cute mountain town.

Top Hotels in Bandung

Ivory Hotel Bandung – This cute boutique hotel was an absolute delight to stay in. Read my full review with images here or click here to check availability . My top pick for a mid-range budget stay in Bandung.

Hilton Bandung   – One of the top rated hotels in Bandung and the name speaks for itself.

Sheraton Bandung    – Unparalleled luxury by Sheraton

Best Tours in Bandung

Private guided tour of Badung covering all top attractions – Kawah Putih, floating market, food, museums, orchid forest and Tangkuban Perahu. Click to check availability of this highly rated tour .

Kawah Putih tour from Bandung City – Visit the spectacular white crater

Volcano hike and Jungle trekking tour – This one is for the adrenaline junkies.

Top Things to Do in Bandung for Nature Lovers

things to do in Bandung

If you love nature, the countryside, and the great outdoors, Bandung offers the perfect escape as you head towards Lembang for a quick city break. Bandung outdoor activities are a plenty and you will be spoilt for choice and running short on time if this is your cuppa.

Hiking is surely one of the top things to do on your Bandung trip if you want to enjoy surreal views, fresh air and loads of nature. Depending on how much time you have there are several excellent hiking spots in Bandung to try.

Hike to Sunset Point of Tebing Keraton

The melting sun set - Clicked from Tebing Keraton

One of the best places to visit in Bandung for hiking is undoubtedly the sunset sunrise point – Tebing Keraton ( aka Keraton Cliff ). While I was living in Bandung, almost 5 years ago, this little gem of a place suddenly popped out of nowhere as a social media hotspot. Suddenly, all youngsters were posting about the epic sunsets at Tebing Keraton. Obviously, I had to go see what the hype was all about.

hiking bandung

It’s a short 25 min hike from the parking lot and you can climb down to any of the cliff’s offering “on the edge” views of the Dago forest below. Remember there are no ropes, harnesses or any sort of security personnel on the spot – so be careful while you hedge out for those Instagrammable shots.

Gawk at the Crater of Tangkuban Perahu

This stunning active volcano is pretty much on everyone’s Bandung bucket list and one of the prime Bandung attractions. Located just 30 kms from the North towards Lembang, it’s the perfect day trip from Bandung or even a picnic spot to enjoy with family or friends.

hiking tangkuban perahu

I went there several times to gawk at the smoky crater and enjoy amazing weather up in the mountains. You can even choose to hike Tangkuban Perahu volcano – I have heard it is arduous and honestly never tried it myself. The 2-hour hike does reward you with a refreshing hot water spring but a lot of sulfur fumes as well.

Tangkuban perahu crater

No matter what is your reason for visiting Tangkuban perahu, it is surely one of the top things to do in Bandung for all age groups.

Photograph the stunning Kawah Putih

Located in Ciwidey , around 50 kms from Bandung, Kawah Putih or the white crater lake is one of the most popular places to visit in Bandung and surely one of the top things to do in Ciwidey . It is an excellent weekend getaway from Bandung but can just as easily be covered in a day trip.

kawah putih ciwidey bandung

Let me warn you that the pungent smell of sulfur can be overpowering here but the breathtaking views more the make up for this slight discomfort. Barren branches of trees with an epic bay like white lake backdrop oozing of fumes can be mystical and magical to look at.

kawah putih pictures

Just for the mind-blowing views, it is one of the best places to photograph in Bandung and should make it to your Bandung itinerary. So if you have a free weekend and are wondering what to see in Bandung, this stunning crater lake should be on top of your list.

Enjoy Mountain Views at Gunung Batu

Another adobe for nature lovers is this lovely hiking spot in Lembang, North of Bandung. Gunung batu is a sure shot way to get your dose of great outdoors and fall in love with the city of Bandung.

This was my very first hike in Bandung with some local couchsurfers. So it was my first introduction to the culture and the real beauty of this hill town…and exactly how I fell in love with Bandung and decided to stay for 11 months (instead of my original plan of 2 months).

gunung batu hike

The hike starts from just above Dulang cafe in Lembang (which is a great starting and ending point). It is short but tricky when you get to the end and climb the big hill. I needed a little bit of hand holding in some parts and once you are at the top, the views are simply surreal.

hiking gunung batu

I noticed a group were camping there, perhaps to get the spectacular sunrise and vouched to go back for that since we missed the rising sun by well over an hour. It was still the best introduction I could get to Bandung and the hiking routes available there. Indonesian people are also extremely kind, friendly and helpful – I never felt like an outsider with a totally new group and met the lovely Bandung couchsurfing group several times after.

Take a dip in Infinity Pool at Dulang Cafe

Dulang cafe turned out to be one of my favorite hangouts in Bandung – especially for a relaxing day out.

The cafe boasts of an amazing infinity pool, overlooking green valley views.

dulang resort bandung

I was sold from the first time I lay my eyes and took a dip in its refreshing waters. A day out at Dulang is highly recommended and you can enjoy cocktails by the pool and a hearty meal after your dip as well.

Taking a dip is free for all customers of cafe and surprisingly, it is almost never crowded. Only a couple of times, I found 2 or max 3 other people in the pool (Apart from our gang) and if you wait, you can almost always have the entire pool to yourself.

dulang cafe bandung

Surely one of the best things to do in Bandung to enjoy scenic views and completely recharge your batteries.

Walk around Juanda Forest Park in Dago

The Juanda forest park in Dago pakar consists of long winding green paths, caves and heck even waterfalls. Enter from gate no 1 and walk all the way 4 kms upto gate no 4 for a lovely day out.

hiking dago pakar

I lived in Dago for over 6 months and when I discovered this walk I was amazed. Imagine living right next door to waterfalls and amazing greenery? You can see tell why I love Bandung so much!

Soak in a Hot Spring

From Ciwidey to Lembang, Bandung is a mecca for hot spring lovers . You can choose to stay in the resort to indulge in rejuvenating spa treatments which end by taking a dip in natural hot springs; or simply buy a one time visit pass for $3.5 – $5 (depending on day of the week and the hot spring you choose).

I have always taken a pass and usually visited with friends in late evenings to enjoy a warm dip in the cool weather of Bandung. You will come out with soft and supple skin and feel all tensions evaporate in the smoky waters.

If you are bored on a Sunday and wondering what to do in Bandung, seek out these nature spots for instant serenity.

Things to Do in Bandung Indonesia as per Other Avid Travellers

After picking my top attractions of Bandung, I decided to ask a few other fellow travelers about their Bandung hot spots and this is what we came up with –

Check out Ancient Stones at The Stone Garden

Picked by Marya Sutimi of The BeauTraveler

the stone garden bandung

If you’ve heard about some ancient tourist destinations like Machu Picchu, Cappadocia, or even Stonehenge, it will surprise you to know that Bandung has its own site that used to be the ancient seamount thousand years ago: The Stone Garden GeoPark.

As the name implied, Stone Garden Geopark is the ancient seamount that has many formations of ancient stones, formed randomly on the hill, and has been around for over 27 million years. It has supported the fact as some geologists have discovered fossils of ancient coral in Pawon Cave, known as Gua Pawon by the locals.

Since the 19th century, this place was a mining area that wasn’t a public attraction until 2014 when the local government finally opened it for the public as a Geopark and a protected cultural preserve. Once you set your foot here, the karst topography in the area gives us a unique experience and the scenery of the ancient rock mountain would make a great addition on your Instagram feed.

This is the place you could use for a short escape to just sit there and relax. With affordable entry tickets, magnificent views, and historical background, Stone Garden is a hidden gem attraction that should be included in your must-visit list in Bandung.

Learn how Kopi Luwak is Made

Picked by Arrianne Guzman of Travel Habeat

kopi luwak bandung

Even just a day trip in Bandung can offer you a number of interesting things to do like exploring a kopi luwak factory . The coffee lover in me will not miss such kind of experience. You will not only get to taste the world’s most expensive coffee, but you can witness for yourself the coffee making process, that is, from bean to cup.

Several kopi luwak production sites are available in the area like Sawarga Kopi Luwak. If you’re lucky, you can see freshly gathered beans as they were picked from the forest. Take note that these beans came from luwaks eating only the flesh of berries and expelling the beans as feces.

As you tour around, you’ll discover how the beans are dried, sorted, and roasted. From roasting, you will smell that lingering coffee fragrance as the beans are ground next. The last step will be packaging and you can also grab one as prices in factories themselves are cheaper. Aside from savoring a cup of kopi luwak, learning behind the scenes of its production will surely be a fun experience.  

Gawk at Incredible Fossils at the Geological Museum

Picked by Mark Wyld of WyldFamilyTravel

bandung geological museum

Any visit to the Bandung must include a visit to the Geological Museum. The museum is one of the best things to do in Bandung if you have an interest in dinosaurs. As you walk into this amazing Bandung attraction, you are greeted by a giant 4 meters high Mammoth skeleton that lived 165,000 years ago. This giant fossil dominates the entry hall. The mammoth is 85% original fossils with 15% having been molded to make this giant mammoth complete. After this amazing introduction, you have three collections to explore.

geological museum in bandung

Geology of Indonesia, History of Life, Geological Resources, Benefits and Disasters. The museum has a large collection of rocks and minerals and even meteorites that have crashed in Indonesia. The star of the show is a section of an 11.5kg meteorite that fell in Java. You will learn about the minerals found in Indonesia with examples of crystals, coal, iron ore, and more.

The collection of fossils in the history of the life gallery is amazing with more skeletons and a special exhibition that changes over time. The museum is housed in a large 2 story building. The museum was only a few dollars to get into and one of the highlights of any trip to Bandung.

Fun Things to Do in Bandung at Night

Bandung might seem like a small hill town, but trust me, with its growing expat community and thirsty party loving locals, it is an epic destination for night owls. The only issue is the clubbing scene is very underground and you need to know which days to go where or you would end up club hopping without any concrete action plans.

Due to lack of information on Bandung nightlife, I wrote this complete guide to underground drinking holes of Bandung here . Below is a synopsis of what to do in Bandung at night for party lovers like yours truly.

Chill out At Tambuhak Food & Beverage Garden

tambuhak bandung

Tambuhak is the newest coolest chill spot in Bandung for youngsters. Geared with food stalls and beer garden, Tambuhak has been the hot new favorite of all the cool kids on the block. Frank’s tacos are to die for and the burgers are mouthwatering. I would give it full marks for its warm outdoor decor and recommend it as an excellent “pre-party” spot.

Enjoy Live Music in Braga street

Braga street has a reputation as being the go to spot for picking up girls in Bandung. While that is true to a great extent, for a solo female traveler such as myself, it turned out to be a fun and happening party street.

braga street bandung

With daily live music spread across tons of bars lining both sides of the street, funky street art, cheap beer bars, pool tables and heck even a fancy rooftop pub – Jalan Braga has just about everything a new party goer in Bandung would seek.

Braga is an immersive experience as you get low down and party and sing along with locals. Though disliked by some expats, Braga street is a real gem to understand how to party like a local in Bandung.

Sing your Hearts out at one of the Many Karaoke Bars

Going to a Karaoke club is totally a thing in Bandung. Usually they are sought after by rich Indo-Chinese men for picking up local Indonesian chicks, however, these clubs are excellent for partying with a cool group of friends.

You can book a private room with aircon, get snacks and alcohol served to you and make a mad night out of it. My Karaoke nights in Bandung always started off slow and ended in some after party club.

Indulge in Bandung Nightlife

things to do in bandung indonesia

Bandung has an array of night clubs since this city gets hoards of visitors from its rich neighbour – Jakarta every weekend. For people living in Jakarta, Bandung is just 2 hour drive away and the perfect weekend getaway to be away from big city chaos and enjoy some amazing mountain air.

For Indonesian men, Bandung is considered a great pick up city as the local women are said to be the prettiest in Indonesia – I cannot testify but in general Indonesian women really maintain themselves and know how to look pretty. Some popular night clubs are – Shelter, Mox, Southbank, Sobbers, Maja house, and Amnesia , with new ones popping up each year – Backyard being the newest of the lot.

Soak in the Thriving Bar and Pub Culture of Bandung

Bar and pub culture in Bandung is surprisingly pretty good. Once I discovered the expat community one fine day over $1 beers in Pizza e bira , it was a life changer for my party game. I was introduced to a whole new world of pre party and after party bars and chilled out underground drinking holes.

Places like Nomad’s bar (perched on a hill, inside a huge lovely house – where I ended up living for 6 months) or OJ’s (Again inside a house with entrance from the garage) – are all unique and super secret.

nomads bar bandung

You will literally only get to go with a local or someone who knows the place/ owner. I love such secret spots so Bandung nightlife started to amaze me as I spent more and more time in the city. Halfway and Bamboo shack were other favorites of mine. Bamboo shack for the free pool table as you can easily spend a few hours downing balls and gulping beers with your gang.

What to Do in Bandung – Other cool things to Try!

what to do in Bandung

Enjoy Strawberry Picking

Strawberry picking in Lembang is one of the best things to do in Bandung with family.

strawberry lembang

If you are heading to Lembang, you can combine this activity with others like visiting Kopi luwak plantation, Tangkuban perahu or even the floating market. En-route to any of these Bandung attractions, you will spot several strawberry farms where you can choose and pick your own fresh berries.

Dine at Fancy Restaurants without  Breaking the Bank

Congo is one of my favorite restaurants in Bandung – which is saying a lot since the city perhaps has thousands of amazing eateries.

Situated in the upscale Dago pakar area of North Bandung, this jungle themed restaurant is huge and boasts of killer city views, without a big dent in your pocket. It is classy so dress accordingly. It was my ‘go to place’ for any friends who would visit me while I was living in Bandung. Upscale, posh and would perhaps just set you back $40 per person, including alcohol – for a place like that, we would easily end up paying double or more in Delhi or even let’s say Jakarta or Bali.

There are many similar restaurants which ooze of style and class whilst maintaining high hygiene standards and yet easy on the pocket. Rumah Payung is another such cool spot.

rumah payung bandung

Midnight visit to the Spooky Japanese Cave at Dago

Nestled in the forest park of Dago is the infamous Dutch cave known to hold Indonesian prisoners and also used as a torture cell. There are several stories going around of supernatural beings, possessions and ghosts in the cave.

Even though the park closes at 5 pm, since you are able to camp overnight they allow entrance with a guide anytime of the day (or night). I visited the caves twice at night with my friends (And a guide ofcourse) and every time I could feel goosebumps.

Once I even saw a TV crew with the spokes lady claiming to be possessed by a ghost – right in front of us!!!

To be honest, I am not sure how true the stories of the haunted Dutch cave of Dago are but it surely gives a thrill if you are brave enough to venture out at night. Though as per this forum post , most ghost sightings happen during the day.

Outlet Shopping

Bandung is known for cheap outlet shopping all over Indonesia. Locals from Jakarta and neighbouring cities come to Bandung for the various factory outlets of big international brands in Setiabudi and other areas. I am not much of a shopaholic so cannot comment on the prices but I have heard the branded clothes and shoes are super cost effective and infact exported throughout the country (and beyond) from here.

Visit the Lovely Lembang Floating Market

Lembang floating market was actually never on my list of places to visit in Bandung. However, when my parents were visiting me, I decided to find some family friendly attractions in Bandung; and the Lembang floating market popped right up. We hired a cab and went there to be pleasantly surprised.

Floating market Lembang Bandung

Lots of open spaces, colourful stores, delicious cuisines, riverside cafes and ofcourse floating boats with vendors selling fresh produce.

Enjoy Cheap and Delicious Street Food

You can be totally spoilt for choice when you start thinking ‘ What to eat in Bandung ‘. That’s because the street food of Bandung is cheap, good and plenty.

Ayam and bebek Betutu

You have so many options to choose from for all sorts of budgets and palates. From spicy to sweet, from fried to roasted – there is something for everyone. My top favorite Bandung dishes were – Martabak, Nasi cunning, Ayam Goreng, Sate, Bubur Ayam, Tofu pedas, Mie goreng, Bebek goreng and so many more. Just thinking about the Bandung food is making me want to go back.

You will soon realise that Indonesians are big time foodies and in a student town like Bandung, eating out is preferred over home cooking. So the city is literally dotted with umpteen restaurants, street food vendors, cafes and home delivery options (via Gojek and other apps).

Watch Ram fighting

Ram fighting could be a yay or nay for most but what I witnessed was a fun event. The proud Ram owners decorated their animals as well as took good care of them.

ram fighting

They took pride in their fleet and showed them off. For locals it is a family fun event with gifts like refrigerators for the winning ram owners. It was done in good taste with the referee making sure the Ram were not hurt.

Shop at Cihampelas Walk

This modern shopping mall is perhaps the most popular mall in Bandung. With a variety of international brands, food court, salons, bars and a fancy modern outlook, it is a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

Get a Relaxing Massage

Finding a massage parlour or a spa in Bandung is as easy as it gets. Based on your budget and requirements, you can get a full body massage for as low as $5 or as high as $50. I must have tried over 20 odd places and with a massage parlour on literally every street, your choices are endless. If you are too tired to even head out, fret not just download the ‘Golife app’ and get a professional masseuse right at your doorstep, without breaking the bank. So after trying all the cool activities in Bandung, wind up with a uber relaxing massage.

Try White Koffie

white koffie

I would say try this premixed concoction at your own risk because it is so addictive, I still pack bag fulls of coffee to and from my Indonesian trips. I feel like a coffee smuggler and even have some friends hooked to this lovely mix of coffee, milk power and ground sugar. The closest alternative to this is Nescafe 3-in-1 in India but to be honest, it doesn’t even come close.

For more information on traveling to Bandung and latest restrictions for 2022, click here .

Where to stay in Bandung

Bandung has an array of hotels, guest houses and homestays. You can get a simple room for as low as $100 a month – yes, that’s right – those are the shared student accommodations.

However, for tourists, here’s a list of hotels in Bandung I would recommend to try –

Budget Sleeps

Nomads Bar – An after-party bar with rooms on rent was my choice of stay for most of my time in Bandung. To book or for queries, simply email me or comment below. They are not available on any booking engines so I will connect you to the owners directly.

Mitra Dago Antapani – Situated in one of my favorite locations in North Bandung – Dago pakar, this homestay is clean, cozy, highly rated and doesn’t break the bank.

Red Doorz – Red doorz has several budget sleeps across the city in popular areas like Dago, Setiabudi, Cihampelas, etc.

Mid-Range Hotels in Bandung

Morning Coffee at EverJoy

Ivory by Ayola – I stayed in this cute quirky hotel and loved the artsy decor, food and hospitality. Click to read my full review or to check prices. Here’s a short video walkthrough I created for the hotel during my stay –

Studio 28 at Clove garden – Studio 28 is a stunning fully furnished apartment near Jalan Riau with an outdoor swimming pool, perfect for small families or a group of friends.

Seventeen Homestay – Seventeen offers basic rooms with terrace and garden. It is clean and highly rated property.

Luxury Hotels in Bandung

Bandung has an array of luxury sleeps and you can be spoilt for choices. I have visited these hotels and heard good things from my Indonesian friends so if you are looking to splurge, these 3 are your best bets –

Padma Hotel Bandung –  This is one of the best hotels in Bandung, hand’s down. With stunning mountain views, a glass-floored restaurant, outdoor swimming pool, spa, open-air hot tub and several activities for guests; Padma hotel deserves to be one of the most sought after accommodations for luxury travelers to Bandung.

Sheraton Hotel and Towers – Living up to its brand name, Sheraton Bandung offers floor to ceiling windows showcasing lush greenery of this pretty mountain town, amongst all other 5 star amenities.

Hilton Bandung -Hilton is one of the best selling hotels in Bandung. Boasting of a stunning rooftop pool, central location, spacious rooms and panoramic views of Tangkuban Perahu, all add to its sellability.

BONUS – Sep 2023 Update from a Reader of WanderWithJo

A reader of WanderWithJo – Nathaniel Shaughnessy recently visited the lovely mountain town of Bandung and shared these fresh off the block snippets of his time in this student town. 

How to Travel Around Bandung?

The cheapest and fastest way to travel around Bandung is hiring a Gojek - a bike taxi. If you plan to spend a long time in the city, simply rent a bike.

What is Bandung Famous for?

This capital of West Java is a getaway for city dwellers from Jakarta. Bandung offers mist covered landscapes ranging from tea plantations to volcanoes.

What to do in Bandung for 3 Days?

Well I had 11 months in Bandung so I covered a lot of ground. If you have just 3 days at hand, I would suggest to try one of the hikes, stay in Dago Pakar and check out the white crater - Kawah Putih.

Well if you don’t have 11 months to spend in Badung like I did, you can even cover some of these interesting places in Bandung in a span of few days. Once you experience this cute town, you might be lured to stay longer so be sure to come with a flexible itinerary and an open heart. You can easily fall in love with this city of Indonesia.

So have you visited Bandung or planning to? Well then keep this list of best things to do in Bandung handy to ensure you have an awesome visit to my favorite little hill town.

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2 thoughts on “25 best things to do in bandung, indonesia (for first time travellers)”.

' src=

Omg Jo! This is such a comprehensive post on Bandung. I can imagine that you had spent those 11 months quite well. Now I know where to ask when I am visiting this part of the globe, 😉

' src=

Absolutely girl. I am your “one stop shop” for anything Bandung 🙂

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Ultimate Guide: 15 BEST Things to Do in Bandung, Indonesia

Published: May 24, 2020

Modified: December 27, 2023

by David Jefferson

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A man stands at the end of a trail overlooking the mountainous region below in Bandung, Indonesia

If you ever find yourself in Indonesia, don’t forget to stop by Bandung. As the capital of the West Java province, the city of Bandung draws in thousands of tourists each year. The metropolitan area that surrounds Bandung, known as Greater Bandung, is the third-largest in the country with more than 8.5 million residents. There are plenty of things to do in Bandung, each one as exciting and unique as the last. If you plan to visit this beautiful city, here are 15 of the best activities you can do in Bandung Indonesia.

Admire The Rainbow Garden

Rows of begonia flowers are lined up in Bandung, Indonesia

Photo by Agustinus Dimas from Flickr

The Rainbow Garden , also known as Bandung Flower Garden, is the perfect place for couples or romantics at heart. True to its name, this tourist attraction is riddled with fields upon fields of different flowers, all colorful and vibrant, lined up to resemble a bright rainbow.

Frolic around with your friends, alone, or with your partner. It’s a great location for Instagram photos or for those who are just looking to stroll around and admire the beauty of flowers. Entrance to the Rainbow Garden costs about $1, which is a bargain considering what you’re getting in exchange. Plus, the fee comes with a free drink — perfect on hot days.

The Rainbow Garden is located at Lembang, West Bandung Regency, West Java 40391, Indonesia, right next to the famous Lembang Floating Market.

Climb Tebing Gunung Hawu

photo of the limestone formation at Tebing Gunung Hawu

Photo by Ocyid X on WikiCommons

Looking for the thrill of a lifetime that’s relaxing at the same time? Head to Tebing Gunung Hawu and climb the towering limestone peaks. In between these hills are broad chasms where hammocks hang on slacklines at the ready. These hammocks give tourists an opportunity to wind down after a long hike .

What makes this experience even more alluring is the scenic views of the city of Bandung. From atop high peaks, you’ll appreciate its beauty even more. Pro tip: head to Tebing Gunung Hawu at the crack of dawn to catch the sunrise for a magical experience you won’t soon forget.

Tebing Gunung Hawu is located in Padalarang,West Bandung Regency, West Java 40553, Indonesia.

Dine At Dusun Bambu

Floral boats float on a lake lined with huts on the edges in Dusun Bambu, Bandung, Indonesia

Photo by boshakti from Pixabay

Dusun Bambu is a family leisure park situated at the foot of a large mountain. There is a towering bamboo structure at the entrance and whimsical floral shuttles that can take you everywhere. Of course, you can opt to walk instead to enjoy the scenic vistas and picturesque views. Keep in mind, though, that the park is very big, so you may become tired after a while.

The park itself is a tourist attraction, but there a few restaurants located inside that are equally popular. Arguably the best one, however, is Cafe Burangrang. With its tied glass form, diners can enjoy rich meals made with fresh Indonesian spices while admiring the man-made lake down below. All of this makes for a truly unforgettable dining experience!

Dusun Bambu is located at Jl. Kolonel Masturi No.KM, Kertawangi, Kec. Cisarua, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40551, Indonesia.

Dine At Kampung Daun

the famous waterfall in Kampung Daun at night

Photo by Chen Wu on Flickr

If you had lunch at Cafe Burangrang in Dusun Bambu, make sure to save room for dinner at Kampung Daun. Guests enjoy meals in private dining huts in the middle of a nature-filled location. Apart from lush foliage that surrounds the area, you can also hear the sound of waterfalls nearby.

No trip to Indonesia would be complete without trying local cuisine. And there’s no better place than Kampung Daun. Here, tourists can sample authentic Indonesian food made with Indonesian spices. To make the dining experience even more genuine, you can listen to Indonesian music while eating. If you’re lucky, you may even catch a cultural show. Plus, Kampung Daun is vegetarian-friendly! What more could you ask for?

Kampung Daun is located at Perumahan Villa Triniti Blok RR1 Jl. Sersan Bajuri No.88 Km.4,7, Cihideung, Kec. Parongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40154, Indonesia.

Drop By Kawah Putih

Lake in mountain, Kawah Putih, Ciwidey, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Photo by Adobe Stock

Kawah Putih , also known as White Crater, is a volcanic crater lake in Bandung, Indonesia. While it may not sound like an exciting destination, you’ll quickly change your mind once you witness the crater lake in all its glory. The turquoise water is nothing short of magical, while the surrounding trees look like they came straight out of a storybook.

Kawah Putih sits about 50 km south of Bandung, but the journey to this beautiful crater is well worth it. Make sure to time your visit, though, because Kawah Putih attracts many tourists, especially on weekends. 

Kawah Putih is located in Sugihmukti, Pasirjambu, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

Feel Young Again At Kota Mini

If you want to relive your youth, the European-inspired town of Kota Mini is the place to be. Kota Mini was intentionally built for children, but whimsical adults and the young-at-heart will also enjoy this miniature town. The houses are meant to be smaller, but their tiny size only adds to their charm. The cobblestone streets are also lined by fences, with phone booths and benches dotting the path.

Spend an entire afternoon getting lost in this wonderful destination, filled with perfect photo opportunities and amusing rooms to explore. If you’re in dire need of a pick-me-up, a visit to this bright and vibrant town is sure to liven your spirits in an instant. The entrance is only $2 per person, so you’re definitely in for a bargain.

Kota Mini is located at Lembang, West Bandung Regency, West Java 40391, Indonesia.

Get Lost In Maribaya

A woman swings over trees with open arms and a wide smile in Maribaya, Bandung, Indonesia

© Photo by Aidya F from Unsplash

Situated in the outskirts of Bandung, Maribaya is home to an adventure theme park (The Lodge) and a nature park (Taman Wisata Maribaya) for the ages. Also known as Maribaya Tourist Park, Taman Wisata Maribaya boasts a plethora of scenic views and fun activities suitable for nature lovers. Go for a lively exercise or a leisurely stroll through the paths that pass through the forest. Cross bridges over waterfalls and gaze at their majesty. Heck, even city dwellers will find something to love in Maribaya.

Thrill-seekers will enjoy The Lodge Maribaya , with activities like zip bikes, sky wings, and even a mountain swing waiting to pump up your adrenaline. The area is also the best place to go glamping in Bandung, so pack your bags and head to Maribaya at the soonest!

Taman Wisata Maribaya is located at Jalan Maribaya Babakan Gentong, Lembang 40391, Indonesia.

Go On An Off-Road Trip

lush foliage and trees in the countryside of Bandung

© Photo by Devitapra on WikiCommons

If you’ve never been off-roading before, why not start in Bandung Indonesia? Gather your friends or family and head to the Bandung countryside, where mountainous regions are just waiting to be explored via an open landrover. You’ll pass by vistas of tea plantations, muddy terrain, and puddles of rainwater along the way. Don’t forget to take pictures of the forest you’ll be passing through as well.

Off-roading in Bandung is a great adventure for both experienced off-roaders and the uninitiated. There are several travel companies that offer the off-roading experience, so do your research and take your pick wisely. Some travel companies, like the Bandung Off-Road , even organize pit stops where travelers can take a break and enjoy a nice cup of coffee in the mountains.

Be warned, though. Not everyone should go on an off-roading trip. People with back problems or spinal injuries should skip this item, as off-roading can be really tough on the back.

Immerse Yourself In Sundanese Culture at Komunitas Hong

A Hindu shrine dedicated to King Siliwangi in the Hindu temple Pura Parahyangan Agung Jagatkarta, Bogor, West Java

© Photo by Gunawan Kartapranata on WikiCommons

The Sundanese people are native to the West Java region of Indonesia. Make it a part of your itinerary to visit Komunitas Hong, a family-friendly center where visitors can learn about the Sundanese culture. Be exposed to the traditions and ways of the Sundanese and listen to the folklore that has permeated their culture through generations.

You’ll also find games and toys made of bamboo enjoyed by the Sundanese children. Don’t worry, though. You’ll also get your chance to play with the toys and games, which are designed for groups of at least two people. While sightseeing and shopping are great activities in Bandung, there’s nothing quite like immersing yourself in the local culture. It’s a shared experience you won’t soon forget!

The Hong Community is located at Jl. Bukit Pakar Utara No.31, Ciburial, Kec. Cimenyan, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40198, Indonesia.

Stop By The Bandung Zoological Gardens

A herd of deer gather near the fence of an enclosure in Bandung Zoo, Bandung, Indonesia

© Photo by Helene Nguyen from Unsplash

The Bandung Zoological Gardens, also known locally as Kebun Binatang Bandung, is a home for animals dating all the way back to 1933. Interestingly, this zoo was established as a way of merging two separate zoos back in the day, the Cimindi Zoo and Dago Atas Zoo. Now, the Bandung Indonesia zoo stands as a testament of time and nature. While not as impressive as other zoos in the world, Bandung Zoo definitely has some gems.

You’ll find a wide range of animals here, including lions and alligators. Visitors will also have a chance to mingle with turtles, snakes, monkeys, zebras, hippos, peacocks, tigers, and even camels. There are several types of birds to gawk at as well. While adults may not be impressed, children will definitely love exploring the many corners and animals of this zoo. The entrance fee only costs $3 per person, which is relatively cheap compared to admissions in other zoos.

The Bandung Zoological Gardens is located at Jl. Kebun Binatang no. 6, Taman Sari, Bandung, Indonesia.

Visit One Of Many Tea Fields

A panoramic view of a tea valley in Bandung, Indonesia

© Photo by ariftsm from Pixabay

Although Indonesia is located in Southeast Asia , Bandung boasts a cool climate thanks to its strategic placement in the mountains. Due to its overall cooler temperatures, Bandung makes for a great location to plant tea leaves. This is why the city is home to a smorgasbord of tea fields and plantations. Take your pick, wander around, and get lost in the bevy of tea fields in the area.

Don’t worry about potentially damaging the plants. There are pathways in between for people to walk on — clearly, the tea fields here welcome so many visitors that trails are now necessary. You don’t even have to shell out any money, as visiting these plantations is largely free of charge.

If you’re too lazy to organize your own trip and would rather pay for a tour guide, there are many travel agencies that offer tours of the different tea plantations in North Bandung. Some of them even include samples of the tea. And nothing beats sipping warm tea on a cool morning in Bandung Indonesia!

Visit Tangkuban Perahu

An aerial view of Tangkuban Perahu in Bandung, Indonesia

© Photo by Danial Shah from Unsplash

Ever wanted to visit an active volcano? Bandung Indonesia is your best bet! Around 30 km north of Bandung lies Tangkuban Perahu , an active volcano with a live crater. Some volcanoes are off-limits to visitors, but not this one. In fact, you can even drive all the way into the live crater itself and stand in awe of its wonder. Being an active volcano, expect it to get seriously hot in there, with actual steaming smoke that’s white as rice emanating from the ground.

Perhaps even more interesting than the actual experience itself, however, is the story behind the active volcano. Legend has it that a strong young man once fell in love with his own mother. Distraught and horrified by the revelation, the mother put forth a challenge for her son — to build an enormous boat in a single night.

As the mother was afraid that her son would complete the task on time, she prayed to God to let the sunrise earlier, before her son could finish building the boat. Defeated, the son was driven to madness and kicked the boat, giving Tangkuban Perahu, which means “overturned boat,” its iconic shape.

A car ride to Tangkuban Perahu takes about 2 hours, though you can rent a moped and drive it down there yourself for a tad longer. You can also opt to pay for an organized tour.

Tangkuban Perahu is located at Cikahuripan, Lembang, West Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia.

Visit The Lembang Floating Market

Floating food stalls and boats line the edges of a lake in Lembang Floating Market, Bandung, Indonesia

© Photo by Ya, saya inBaliTimur from Flickr

Another countryside destination in Bandung is the Lembang Floating Market. If you’ve ever been to the floating markets in Bangkok , this one is somewhat similar, except it’s smaller. Since it’s situated in the Bandung countryside, you’ll have to take a drive or ride a moped to get there. Don’t worry — the trip is definitely worth it, and you get to see some sights while you’re at it!

This floating market sells authentic local dishes and snacks for cheap. So, travelers on a tight budget can head to this attraction for a full-course meal for less. Explore the many vendors on wooden boats. You can do so on foot by strolling around the boardwalk, where food stalls are also accessible, or you can rent out a boat and cruise down as you munch on Indonesian food. There’s an entrance fee, though, but it’s not very expensive (around $1) and it comes with a complimentary drink, too. It sounds like the perfect way to spend your day!

The Lembang Floating Market is located at Jl. Grand Hotel No.33E, Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40391, Indonesia.

Watch A Saung Angklung Udjo Show

dancers performing at the Kandaga mask dance

© Photo by Gunawan Midori on WikiCommons

The Angklung is a traditional Sundanese instrument made out of bamboo, with each one producing a note to create a full orchestra of melodies when several are played together. Tourists who want a real taste of traditional music should head to Saung Angklung Udjo, where a museum and evening angklung concerts await.

The performance opens with a shadow puppet show, which is a vital part of Indonesian culture. Then, local children begin to sing and dance before a full angklung concert goes into full swing. The show is interactive and far from boring, as it lets the audience participate in playing the angklung to create a full orchestra. If you’ve ever heard of the saying, “music brings people together,” you’ll see it come alive firsthand in Bandung Indonesia.

The Saung Angklung Udjo is located at Jl. Padasuka 118, Bandung 40192, Indonesia.

Watch The Sunset At Tebing Keraton

The corner of a fence overlooks the view from atop Tebing Keraton in Bandung, Indonesia

© Photo by Agustinus Dimas from Flickr

Also known as Keraton Cliff or the Royal Cliff, Tebing Keraton is the best place to watch the sunset or sunrise either alone or with someone special. It’s one of the hidden destinations in Bandung that’s for its picturesque views of the city and devastatingly beautiful peaks.

Apart from catching the sunrise and fall from atop the cliff, you can also cycle around this misty spot, though there are steep climbs that will really test your strength and endurance. For breakfast, remember to stop by Bubur Gowes, a stall that sells delicious bubur (rice porridge) that’s popular among cyclists. Just remember to pack a light jacket as early mornings can be chilly here.

Getting to Tebing Keraton takes more than a simple drive, though. After parking your car in the lot, you have to rent a motorbike taxi or Gojek , which costs about $3 to $4 both ways. In total, the distance from the lot to the cliff and back again is around 3 km.

Tebing Keraton is located at Bukit Dago Pakar, Bandung 40198, Indonesia.

What To Do In Bandung At Night?

While Bandung is breathtaking no matter the time, the city is no stranger to an active nightlife. Tourists can experience their fair share of parties here, with clubs like Southbank, Malmo, and Sobbers at the ready. If you’re more in the mood for singing instead of dancing, sing your heart out at one of the many karaoke places in the city. If you’d rather watch someone else sing, you can catch live music at bars like Troy’s, La Baraga, Little Collins, or Holywings.

You can also sample local beer at the Beer Garden in Taman Sari. Not a beer fan? Stuff your face with street food instead. At night, Bandung comes alive as the streets transform and vendors selling all kinds of dishes stay way into the late night. If you want something more relaxing after a tiring day of adventure, visit a night spa in Bandung Indonesia instead.

Where To Stay In Bandung Indonesia?

drone shot of the entire property of Padma Hotel Bandung

© Photo from official Padma Hotel Bandung Facebook page

There are a number of options for accommodations in Bandung Indonesia. If it’s your first time visiting this gorgeous city, the neighborhood of Bandung Wetan, which sits right at the city center, is the ideal place to stay. If you’re traveling on a budget, there are many different hostels to choose from, including Ostel by Ostic, which is one of the best hostels in the city. There are also some fancier Bandung Indonesia hotels you can book, such as the Padma Hotel Bandung , Summer Hills Hotel & Villas , Four Points by Sheraton Bandung , Crowne Plaza Bandung , and Mercure Hotel Bandung . 

If fancy chain hotels aren’t your thing, try one of the many unique hotels in the West Java region. Bandung offers no shortage of artsy hotels, each one filled with corners upon corners of Instagram-worthy backgrounds. Book a stay at the luxurious Art Deco for the eponymous architectural style or at the Beehive Hotel with its minimalist design. Cottonwood Bed & Breakfast is equally quirky, with its Victorian-inspired style and themed rooms. Other options include the Noor Hotel, the Kollektiv Hotel, and the Breeze Bandung.

What To Shop In Bandung Indonesia?

Tourists love to shop in Bandung, and it’s easy to see why. The prices are competitive and the selections are seemingly limitless. You can shop for virtually everything — from clothes and jewelry to food and local souvenirs. There are a number of different markets here, as well as many outlets selling branded items for less.

If you’re more of a mall rat, don’t you worry. Shopping malls in Bandung Indonesia are abundant, such as Click Square, Trans Studio Mall, and Bandung Indah Plaza. Shoppers on a budget won’t be disappointed either. Find local apparel for cheap at Pasar Baru Trade Center and locally-made, high-quality leather shoes at Cibaduyut. For jeans, Gang Tamim is the best place to be.

How Long Is The Train From Jakarta To Bandung Indonesia?

Travelers visiting Indonesia for the first time likely want to stop by as many cities as they can. After all, when are they ever going to get the chance to visit this beautiful Asian country again? In Java region, begin your itinerary in Jakarta before heading to Bandung and then Surabaya, with your last stop being the province of Bali . However, for many travelers, the itinerary isn’t the problem — it’s the transportation. Getting from one destination to another is a challenging task to take on when you’re a foreigner.

If you’re coming from Jakarta, ride a train to get to Bandung Indonesia. The distance between these two cities is about 150 km, so expect a long journey. The duration of your train ride depends on which station you’ll be coming from in Jakarta. Train rides from Gambir Station usually last about 3 hours, while the ones from Pasar Senen take about 4 hours. Make sure to check the schedule of the train, though, as they leave at different times during the day.

What Is Bandung Famous For?

photo of Dusun Bambu on a cloudy day showing the lush foliage and trees

© Photo by a1phys on WikiCommons

Bandung is famous for many things. Tourists flock to this Indonesian city for the various sights and fashion scene, which is why it has been dubbed the Paris of Java. Visitors love to shop here, as evidenced by its plethora of shopping malls and markets.

Apart from that, Bandung is a great place to admire and appreciate nature as well as relax in hot springs. The city is home to a number of parks, including the famous Dusun Bambu, and several hot spring resorts to choose from. Bandung is also great for sampling local Indonesian cuisine, with tasty offerings for both meat-eaters and vegetarians alike. With its perfect blend of nature and synthetics, Bandung is truly a destination for the books.

What Language Is Spoken In Indonesia?

Many people mistake Indonesia for India and incorrectly believe that the language spoken in this Southeast Asian country is Indian. In truth, the language spoken in Indonesia is none other than Indonesian. The official language in the country is Bahasa Indonesia. There are also more than 300 different native languages spoken in various parts of the country. 

When Is The Best Time To Visit Bandung Indonesia?

The weather in Bandung can be quite fickle, so it’s important to time your visit well. Generally, the best time to visit Bandung Indonesia is between June and September, which is the dry season. Some tourists dislike traveling during the summer because of the hot weather commonly associated with Southeast Asia.

However, these summer months provide the best weather for travelers in Bandung, with sunny days and the perfect temperature experienced all over the city, particularly the countryside. Contrary to popular belief, the summer months in Bandung aren’t hot at all. Because it’s situated in higher parts of the country, Bandung enjoys cool climates even during the summer.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, there are a lot of things to do and enjoy in Bandung Indonesia. From authentic Indonesian cuisine and beautiful nature parks to endless opportunities for shopping and unique cultural experiences, Bandung is certainly every travel enthusiast’s dream destination.

Bandung is not a very well-known city, especially compared to other cities in Indonesia like Jakarta and Bali . However, there’s no denying that Bandung belongs among the top destinations in the country. So, what are you waiting for? Satisfy your wanderlust and head to Bandung Indonesia for your next trip abroad!


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  • Accommodations


The highland city of Bandung is only a short 2.5 hours’ drive southeast of Jakarta via a toll road and is the overwhelming destination of choice for Jakarta residents to get away for weekends and long holidays. Lately, it has also become a favorite holiday resort for tourists from Singapore and Malaysia, who come here in droves to shop and enjoy its nature and fabulous foods. And with its popularity, an abundance of hotels have sprouted offering business facilities to luxurious service or also budget rooms, and eateries galore serving yummy local dishes to old-style Dutch cuisine. Meanwhile, the adjacent cool town of Lembang and other scenic areas now also offer a wide variety of attractions and entertainment for the whole family, a haven for Instagrammers.

City of Colorful and Cool Charms

Where Two Continents Meet

Worldwide, Bandung is better known today for its historic Bandung Conference, - otherwise known as the first Asian-African Conference in 1955, that brought together 29 newly independent countries from the two continents representing over half of the world's population. Delegations were headed by legendary leaders that included Jawaharlal Nehru and daughter Indira Gandhi, King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Prime Minister Zhou En Lai of China and of course Indonesia's own President Soekarno, and many, many more.

But back in Dutch colonial days, at the beginning of the 20th century, Bandung was the favorite resort of wealthy tea and coffee planters owners of swathes of undulating tea and coffee plantations . Bandung was then also dubbed the elegant " Parijs van Java", the Paris of Java. For this reason also, in Central Bandung you can still admire Art Deco buildings of Dutch colonial heritage, which include "Gedung Sate" the Governor's office building; the present Bidakara Homann Hotel, and Gedung Merdeka, venue for the Asian-African Conference with its attached Museum. Reminiscent also of those heydays, some restaurants still serve genuine, sizzling Dutch Beef steaks and Dutch bitterballen, for food-lovers to make a beeline to Bandung.

City of Colorful and Cool Charms

Where Love and Culture Collides

Indeed,"Pasundan (the land of the Sundanese in the West Java province) was created when God was smiling", said MAW Brouwer, renowned Dutch psychologist, and writer who spent most of his life in Bandung. While, Pidi Baiq – Bandung's own multitalented artists and pop culture icon - said: "Bandung is not just a mere spot on the map. More than that, it evokes lasting emotions that remain silently within me". These two quotes are carved right by Bandung's Big Square in the heart of the city and illustrate the irresistible charm that spells: Bandung.

Bandung is also a university city, most prominently known for its Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), from where Indonesia's first President Soekarno graduated, and which persistently produces the country's best engineers and scientists until today. Bandung is now also developed to become the Creative City, where millennials and students are encouraged to express their exuberant creativity in art, music and innovative digital creations.

While, for affordable latest fashion trends, the city is second to none. There are factory outlets galore in Distros that dot the main Dago avenue (now called Jalan Ir. H. Juanda), along Jalan Riau (officially known as Jalan R.E. Martadinata), or on the way up to Lembang at Jalan Setiabudi, where cars regularly jam the roads and parking lots. But if you are looking for bales of affordable textiles, then you should go to Pasar Baru Trade Center where you can practice your bargaining skills and get special discounts for buying clothes and materials in bulk.

City of Colorful and Cool Charms

Whereas, for those looking for unique selfie spots, you are in the right city! Those who love nature at its finest should walk up the dramatic hills of Tebing Keraton or The Royal (Palace) Cliff, the peak of Moko Hill, Eurad Highland Lembang, or the Stone Garden Citatah. For special attractions with special features, visit the Farm House at Lembang where you discover a hobbit village and Victorian English towns. At De Ranch Lembang selfies are spot-on in cowboy-style surroundings. Do visit the Rabbit Town which dedicates itself as a 'selfie' tourist attraction offering a range of selfie spots just the thing to send on to friends on Instagram and Youtube. Another attraction is Bandung's Amazing Art World where you can take hundreds of unique photos with 3D effects or get to the Upside Down World, where the world is literally turned upside down for you to take pictures, that are sure to amaze your friends and family. Your experiences here will surely linger on for a long while.

On the other hand, if you wish to get close to the local people, its music, dance, and culture, then Saung Angklung Udjo or Udjo's House of Angklung is one you should not miss. Famed for its Angklung, the local traditional bamboo musical instrument, here you can watch a children orchestra present delightful music shaking the Angklung and perform Sundanese dances and music. Here you may also learn how to play the Angklung yourself and become part of the orchestra.

Lembang: A Mountainous Getaway

Those who prefer an escape from the hives of routines in the metropolitan city can go to Lembang . Just north of Bandung, this area offers mountainous sceneries, instagrammable spots and cool soft breezes. 

Nature seekers can go to the Tebing Keraton , an indulging scenic spot as a rock that bulges over the edge of the cliff at its main area - the perfect place to view the golden sunrise or sunset. T angkuban Perahu Mountain is also a great place to consider for rock climbers! Once you set foot on this majestic glory, you will see the fumes from the inactive mountain. The blissful view from the top of this mountain will leave you astonished.

Lembang can also offer you the best spots for photos and selfies for the whole family. Two of the most popular destinations are Farmhouse Lembang or De’Ranch. Children can enjoy a horse-ride in De’Ranch or the whole family could take countless pictures in the Hobbit House. Both are exception choices for family attractions.

Husein Sastranegara International Airport in Bandung is connected to major Indonesian and a number of neighboring countries. Air Asia serves direct flights from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia as well as Singapore to Bandung. Silk Air also flies Singapore to Bandung and Malindo Air from Kuala Lumpur to Bandung. On domestic flights, Bandung is served by direct flights from Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Bandar Lampung, Bali, Surakarta, Pekanbaru, Banjarmasin, Kualanamu (North Sumatra), Palembang, Pontianak, Yogyakarta, Balikpapan, Batam, Makassar, and Pangkal Pinang. With soon to be operated modern Kertajati International Airport at Majalengka in June 2018, access to Bandung and its beautiful surroundings will become a whole lot faster and much more convenient.

From the capital city of Jakarta, Bandung is also accessible via a toll road that allows you to reach the city in just a little 2.5 hours drive (barring traffic jams). Aside from renting a car, there are a number of shuttle minibus services at various points across Jakarta and at the Soekarno Hatta International Airport in Tangerang that will take you directly to Bandung in air-conditioned comfort.

For your accommodation in Bandung, ranging from Airbnb to luxurious hotels, do check with Online Travel Agents.

Bandung in Moving Frames

An exploration of the wondrous labuan bajo, borobudur - the grand temple, mandalika - where the waves collide, likupang - escape to the new world, the heartbeat of toba, nearby spectacles.

Tangkuban Perahu: Astonishing Views of the Overturned Boat

Tangkuban Perahu: Astonishing Views of the Overturned Boat

Pasar Baru Trade Center: Historical Bandung Marketplace

Pasar Baru Trade Center: Historical Bandung Marketplace

Udjo's House of Angklung: Sundanese Cultural Marvel

Udjo's House of Angklung: Sundanese Cultural Marvel

Kawah Putih: Magical Splendor and Hypnotizing Ambience

Kawah Putih: Magical Splendor and Hypnotizing Ambience

Bandung Factory Outlets: Apparel and Leatherware

Bandung Factory Outlets: Apparel and Leatherware

Discover Lembang: A Mountain Escape

Discover Lembang: A Mountain Escape

Bandung Chinatown

Bandung Chinatown

Cipanas Town: Palace, Springs & Vibrant Market

Cipanas Town: Palace, Springs & Vibrant Market

Bandung Culinary

Bandung Culinary

Tebing Keraton

Tebing Keraton


Bandung Trip Ideas

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17 Artsy Hotels in Bandung that will Make You be Instagram Darling

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15 Stylish Spots with Great Coffee for Your Holiday in Bandung

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15 Outdoor Adventures in Bandung You Must Accomplish This Summer!

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Make Your Holiday Healthier With These 5 Exciting Ideas

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12 Inspiring Fit-Cation Escape You can Enjoy in Bandung

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Looking for Year End Holiday Plans? Here’s 5 Exciting Things You Can Do in Indonesia

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5 Ideas for Your Passionate Honeymoon in Bandung

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13 Unique Transportations You Have to Try in Indonesia

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Let’s Go Glamping around Bandung!

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5 Budget Shopping Spots in Bandung that Worth Your Trip!

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4 Fantastic Things To Do With Family in Kawah Putih Area

What They Say

Romantic bandung - the paris of java.

Well, I just love Bali so much, and we fell in love with the culture, people, the food. Everything was just amazing. I feel like in Bali, you can find serenity anywhere, literally. It's our favorite place that we've been to on our entire trip.

Romantic Bandung - The Paris Of Java!

by Jack Morris Influencer

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open trip to bandung

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Experienced 5 Wonders in Indonesia

Experienced 5 Wonders in Indonesia

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Indonesia Travel Guide

Bandung Trip Itinerary – 3 days or nights

Bandung is your one-stop destination for culinary, culture, shopping and nature. Your trip will definitely tickle your every sense with Bandung’s diverse tourist attractions and things to do .

Culinary wise, you will find unique cafes in every corner and delicious local food everywhere. Culture-wise, there are the Lawangwangi art space performances while shopping wise, you will be spoilt for choices with its many factory outlets and boutiques.

To top it off, get around Bandung for excursions to famous places like the Kawah Putih Crater or chill by Situ Patenggang lake or look up the legend of Tangkuban Perahu.

Read on for our Bandung Trip 3 days itinerary plan that will help you to maximise your visit here!

-> Or jump to see the Best Accommodations in Bandung

Day One – Shopping, Cafe and Restaurant

Bandung is really quite a vibrant city and is considered a hub for retail and culinary tourism. Jalan Setiabudi, Jalan Cihampelas, and Jalan Riau are a couple of very popular areas where you’ll find the streets fill with shopping and eating opportunities!

Start the morning with a trip to Rumah Mode on Jalan Setiabudi (to beat the afternoon crowds!). This factory outlet bursts at the seams with all things retail. They also have a few eateries where you can taste local treats such as Batagor, Nasi Timbel, and Martabak, set around beautiful garden settings.

Midday head down to Jalan Cihampelas, popularly known as ‘Jeans Street’ due to the huge amount of denim sellers there. This is also a busy street with a notable lack of walking areas – so take care when moving from shop to shop! What makes this street stand out are the large cartoon statues that head some of the shops. You’ll find Rambo, Spiderman, Aladdin, Hercules, Superman, to name just a few! This street isn’t the cleanest or most organized, but it’s worth a visit if only just to see it’s unique visual appeal.

If Jeans Street tired you out, which it most certainly will, you can pop into Ciwalk Mall for a bit of relaxation with more complete, organized shops and restaurants. It’s designed in a garden walk style which makes for pleasant strolling. Gokanna serves up traditional Indonesian and Sundanese (the local food in Bandung) dishes , or there are western favourites such as Soho, Raffles, and Pizza Hut among others.

After a bit of rest, Jalan Riau calls for more shopping and an abundance of delectable cafes and restaurants. Two favourite factory outlets here are The Secret Factory Outlet and Heritage Factory Outlet . They’re both comfortable, complete, and reasonably cheap. Heritage is set in one of the old Dutch buildings that have been refurbished to suit modern Bandung, and there’s quite a good restaurant next door called Dakken Coffee and Steak, also in a refurbished colonial building. They serve tasty local and western food, recommended! Otherwise, there’s a lovely café around the corner on Jalan Progo called Hummingbird Eatery, which also has a decadent selection of cakes and cookies!

If you don’t fancy settling in for dinner here around Riau, there’s a nice restaurant not too far away called Atmosphere Resort Café that has a stunning traditional décor and delectable menu.

Day Two – Excursions from Bandung

With shopping and eating thoroughly explored in the city, it’s time to find some nature!

Head to the south Ciwidey hills in the morning. You’ll find the temperatures drop and the natural scenery takes over. Kawah Putih Crater Lake is quite a beautiful sight! The enchanting turquoise crater, ghostly bare trees, grey hills and white mist make it a rather stunning spot for budding photographers and selfie-takers. Make sure you wear a mask or cover your nose and mouth as breathing in sulfur fumes can be uncomfortable. Nearby, you’ll find lushly green tea plantations such as Rancabali that will also take your breath away! They cover rather large areas, so crowds aren’t a worry and peaceful moments are enough for everyone. There are a few places that have thermal hot pools too, but they’re usually full of local families and can get really crowded.

Excursion from bandung to kawah putih crater, indonesia

Stop by Situ Patenggang lake and prepare to witness yet another sight for sore eyes. Take a small boat ride to Batu Cinta and hear the old story about this ‘Love Rock’ in the middle of the lake. This is a really picturesque lake so make sure you have your camera ready! No doubt you’ll be doing a lot of snacking on local treats around Ciwidey , but for a late lunch, there are some good traditional restaurants . Saung Gawir comes recommended, as does Sidang Reret, both boast delicious local cuisines and stunning natural scenery. They are located on the main road from which you come and go from Ciwidey area.

Situ patenggang lake, bandung, indonesia

In the evening, you might find yourself tired from the hectic traffic getting to and from Ciwidey. So it might be a nice idea to chill at your hotel or take an evening stroll along Jalan Braga , possibly the most unique and well-known heritage streets in Bandung that still holds it’s colonial style architecture. Here you’ll find cafes, restaurants, art shops and even a mall (Braga City Walk). On the southern corner sits Gedung Merdeka which houses the Asian-African Conference Museum that was first held in 1955, and its 60th-anniversary conference was held just recently in 2015. Masjid Raya Bandung is just around the corner in Alun-Alun. The most noteworthy mosque in the city is open to the public on Saturday and Monday. It should also be said that most shops on Jalan Braga are closed on Sundays, so a visit to this area would be best on Saturday (though very busy), or Monday.

Day Three – Nature, art and food

Today can be a relaxing and unwinding mix of nature, art, and food.

30km to the north of Bandung lies a stratovolcano crater called Tangkuban Perahu (meaning: ‘up-turned boat’) which has an interesting local legend about love and tragedy that can be told by locals there, just ask! There are three main craters: Kawah Ratu, Kawah Domas, and Kawah Upas. The atmosphere is friendly and very local, with souvenirs, snacks, and plenty of photo opportunities. It gets pretty chilly up there so be sure to bring a jacket and scarf. Or you can buy colourful scarves and gloves on the site!

Tangkuban perahu, bandung, indonesia

Also in the north, there are a few villas and resorts like Gracia Resort and Spa * (75,000 IDR entrance) and Ciater Hot Springs (40,000 IDR entrance) which have hot spring pools and nice restaurants. Spend a night here to experience the cool temperatures and steamy springs, and sample local delicacies in any of the cosy restaurants. Really, quite a treat! Again, the temperatures are comfortably neutral during the day but can get rather cold once night falls.

While you’re in the area, visit an art gallery and restaurant. One popular gallery is called Lawangwangi Art Space . They have alternate exhibitions monthly with both local and international artists, a café, event rooms, garden, and photogenic balcony with a beautiful view of Bandung. Another famous gallery is called Selasar which has similar features but specializes in delicious Indian dishes among other Indonesian and western flavors. Selasar tends to be a lot quieter and calmer in the atmosphere than the ever-popular Lawangwangi.

Best Accommodations in Bandung

Stays here range from high end to mid-range hotels to hostels, B&Bs and budget hotels or hostels. Being a fairly popular travel destination for both locals and foreigners, Bandung does not lack in choices of place to stay. Most people like to stay in the center of Bandung for easy access to shopping and food, but if you are looking for a relaxing and tranquil getaway, a little up north are some beautiful retreats, with quicker access to tourist spots

Agoda.com is a great choice because they have the most extensive hotel listings in Asia with great deals. Booking.com * is a favourite of many because it offers cancellation allowing flexibility.

Luxury (from 150 USD)

  • Padma Hotel For those who enjoy nature and tranquillity, this hotel is surrounded by greeneries and mountain breeze. Highly recommended for luxury seekers. This deluxe hotel comes with a stunning pool area, impressive outdoor dining and a variety of free activities to choose from. Find latest prices or reviews at Agoda.com * Find latest prices or reviews at Booking.com *
  • The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung For those seeking luxury in a good location, this hotel is attached to a major mall. The skyline views from the rooms will make you want to stay in! The interior is extravagant yet comfortable. It is also a favourite of family, as there are clubs and sand area at the pool for the kids. Find latest prices or reviews at Agoda.com * Find latest prices or reviews at Booking.com *

Mid-range (50 – 150 USD)

  • Hilton Bandung For those looking for a well-known hotel with world class services and strong security. You will find all the usual luxury here, with impressive rooftop pool, featuring beautiful views of Tangkuban Perahu mountain. Also well located, it is only 5 minutes walk to the shopping center and 5 minutes drive to the airport. Book quickly as this hotel often sells out. Find latest prices or reviews at Agoda.com * Find latest prices or reviews at Booking.com *
  • Grand Mercure Another safe and well known hotel for a mid-range budget. This hotel located quietly just off center of Bandung. With a grand design, it comes with impressive pools, sun terraces and a fitness center. Find latest prices or reviews at Agoda.com * Find latest prices or reviews at Booking.com *

Budget (below 50 USD)

  • Harris Hotel Well-known name for its good budget hotels, this one in Bandung lives up to it. Value for money, this hotel comes with a rooftop pool, gym and spa. The spacious rooms come with a view to the beautiful Ciumbeuleuit area. Located north of Bandung, it has easy access to Lembang area with many of Bandung’s must see places above. Find latest prices or reviews at Agoda.com * Find latest prices or reviews at Booking.com *
  • Ivory by Ayola Hotel Bandung For those looking for an affordable hotel in the center of Bandung. Located strategically at the Riau Street, this stylishly designed hotel is spacious yet cozy. Guests love it here for the price, location, comfortable beds and good coffee. Find the latest prices and reviews at Agoda.com * Find latest prices or reviews at Booking.com *

This is a contributed post by our fellow independent travelers. Do you have a story to share or maybe a photo or even a travel tip? Indonesia Travel Guide thrives on the contribution of travelers and the community so please feel free to write to us. You can send your contributions to allindonesiatravel [at] gmail.com or check out our contribution and article submissions page.

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15 best things to do in bandung {indonesia} in 2024.

Cazzy Magennis

Guess what!? Bandung is one of my favourite places in all of Indonesia!

Why? Well, it's not on the typical tourist trail, so therefore prices have not increased, and you still feel like you're discovering activities, temples and experiences that no one has yet. If you compare this to Yogyakarta, which is a very popular spot on the island of Java, Bandung will feel like an untouched gem!

Bandung is located on the island of Java, Indonesia and is a great place to visit if you’ve landed in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.

We spent 2 nights/3 days exploring the area of Bandung and did lots of awesome activities.

So we're going to take you through the best things to do in Bandung below, but before that...

If you're looking for a SUPER quick answer to the best sites in Bandung, then I'll round up my top 5 right here: 

  • See an actual active volcano (Tangkuban Perahu)
  • Discover the tea fields (and of course drink tea!)
  • Go to Mini Kotor (if you like weird and wonderful!)
  • Chase waterfalls (check out number 14 to hear our favourites!)
  • Floating markets at Lembang for a bite to eat


Top things to do in Bandung

@dreambigtravelfar BANDUNG, Indonesia 🇮🇩 was a real surprise for us! Not only is it home to a really cool volcano crater (which was closed on our visit 😞) but it's home to amazing tea fields (which means a slightly cooler climate- yay!), beautiful views, waterfalls, random photo spots, great food and friendly locals! #travelcouple #travelblog ♬ original sound - DreamBigTravelFar

Okay, so now for the part you came for, a list of the top things to do in Bandung.

All these Bandung activities are what Bradley and I did, including some extras we planned on doing but simply ran out of time. 

1. Check out the active volcano Tangkuban Perahu

actv volcano in bandung

This is an epic active volcano located around 30 km outside of the city.

It’s possible to take tours here, get a grab for a cheap price, or rent a moped and visit yourself.

This is an active volcano that you can drive right up to the crater.

You’ll see down the crater of one of the inactive ones, and you can pay extra ( around 50,000 ) for a tour that takes you closer to the other peaks. 

Bradley and I drove the whole way up here and we got to the entrance and it was empty. We found a lady who worked there who spoke English and the volcano had erupted a couple of days before (somehow I missed that when Googling), anyway, the whole area was blocked off due to the sulphur so we couldn’t visit.

We did get to visit the “admin” centre where the guys showed us how the measure the pressure of the volcano and the history of when it went off etc. 

Now before I visited I was warned by countless online articles about the amount of people here trying to sell you stuff and hoarding you. They said it takes away from the experience.

There were 3 guys there trying to sell stuff to two people, so I would believe that there are hundreds more when it’s open. But actually they were nice guys and we just chatted! 

It’s probably the most expensive entrance fee in Bandung for foreigners, IDR 300,000 (USD 22) per person and locals have to pay just IDR 20,000. ‍

(Weekends are more expensive too!)

Btw, there are beautiful tea fields located next to the volcano, which is what we visited instead since it was closed! 

2. Wander around beautiful tea fields 

bandung indonesia

Thanks to its cool climate Bandung is home to many many stunning tea fields.

It actually reminded me a lot of Sri Lanka whilst driving through them.

If you’ve never visited tea fields before, then I highly recommend you visit these.

You won’t need to pay a penny (woohoo!) and there are many to choose from and you can just walk among them and admire them.

There are trails so you don’t need to walk on any important crops. We flew our drone here and it was awesome. 

You will need bring yourself to the Bandung countryside to experience these tea fields, and the cooler climate.

But honestly, the countryside of Bandung is where all the real beauty sits. 

If you want to find these specific tea fields then follow directions to "Kebun Teh Sekitar Ciater"

3. Relax in one of the many hot spring resorts on offer 

Maribay Natural hot springs resort

Due to it’s volcanic activity, Bandung it home to some amazing hot springs.

However, they are not as natural as the ones I came across secluded in Chile, rather they have been turned into hot spring resorts.

Whilst this may be less peaceful, it's still a super great experience, because who doesn't love to relax in a hot spring!?

We checked out hot spring Marabyia.

Tip: Remember Bandung is a Muslim area, so I’d try and be a little respectful with your choice of swimwear, just out of respect. 

I highly recommend taking a combination tour to hot springs and other sites to create an awesome full day trip to Bandung!

4. Visit the floating market Lembang for a bite to eat 

Floating Market Lembang

I love floating markets!

I've loved them all across Asia, especially in Thailand.

Well, Bandung also has some really cool floating markets, and the best is Lembang Floating Market. (I suggest you arrive hungry!)

Again it’s out in the countryside, so you’ll either need to use Grab Taxi, or rent a moped to get there. But it’s so cute and cheap! Probably one of the cheapest things to do in Bandung. 

It’s like a mini replica of the Thailand floating markets in Bangkok, but I liked it even more.

You can opt to get a boat or you can walk around the boardwalk and sample some of the many many food stalls on offer.

There is so much choice for amazing food and drink, I was so sad that I had already eaten before we got there. 

Also you’re entrance ticket gives you a free drink. It’s only 20,000 IDR entrance (which is around $1.20)

5. Admire the colorful Bandung flower garden

flower garden bandung

The floating market of Bandung and Bandung flower garden are located right next to each other, but they’re a separate ticket. 

Anyway, wow, the colors on offer here are magnificent! I loved it.

It’s such a beautiful place to wander and get great pictures. It’s actually a really romantic spot and I could imagine a few proposals have been conducted here.

It’s only 10,000 IDR entrance (less than $1) and you get another free drink with your ticket! 

One of the romantic things to do in Bandung, coming from a couple! :P 

Read Also: Our Top Travel Photograpy Tips

6. Relive your youth at Mini Koto

mini kota bandung

Mini Koto (translation: Mini City) took me right back to my childhood.

I just wish I had my little niece with me so I could play with her in all the little houses!

It’s basically a mini town, but it’s built for children, so there is a fairy house, there is a princess house where kids can dress up, there’s a candy store, mirror room, a bakery, gosh just everything. And there is a mini fairground.

They play Disney music too as you wander, and it really adds to the cute atmosphere. 

I loved it, but before I went in, the lady at the desk did say “it’s really only for kids, you might not enjoy it”...oh but I did! 

It’s only 20,000 IDR entrance. 

7. Visit Tebing Keraton for sunset 

Looking for the perfect sunset spot in Bandung? Then this is highly rated.

Brad and I don’t drive in the dark so we didn’t make this sunset spot, but I put it on my original list of Bandung attractions, so if you’re travelling via grab or a private driver, then ask them to wait for you.

8. Visit Dusun Bambu (lunch on lake houses) 

This was one of the things to do in Bandung that we didn’t go to in the end.

Simply because we ran out of time and only had one day to explore the countryside!

We needed to make it back to the city before sunset (driving on a moped in the dark is not fun) so we ran out of time. 

But I really wanted to go here as there are little restaurants on the lake houses and you’re surrounded by a picturesque view. 

I can’t imagine it’s expensive compared to the rest of the prices of things I’ve listed above, so if you are in Bandung, then add this to your places to visit in Bandung list and don’t run out of time like me.  

9. Go glamping in the woods 

Ciwidey west Java

Whilst driving through the Bandung countryside on our moped we drove past lots of camping posts in forests along the side of the road and I have to say they looked AWESOME.

Hence why I mentioned this.

We had already paid for accommodation in the city, but had I done my research better, and if there was better information online about the things to do in Bandung (you’re welcome), I would 1000% have arranged a glamping night in the countryside. 

You know you can dine and sleep on a pirates ship too?

But there are hobbit houses, little pods, and all the glamping luxury you can imagine, and it’s half the price of what it would be elsewhere in the world. 

Since the temperature is cooler up there it’s also pleasant to sleep, and there are lots of activities for kids such as ziplining. Thus making this, one of the great things to do in Bandung with kids. 

10. Try karaoke 

drinking bintangs in bandung

Indonesians like their karaoke, (however not as much as the Filipinos!), but it you want a local experience, then I suggest you find yourself a karaoke experience.

Our hotel which was located in the city centre actually had karaoke on the night we visited alongside a delicious Chinese BBQ buffet. It’s good fun and if you’re too afraid to sing, drink a couple of Bintangs to help. 

11. Shop in the city for fabric heaven 

Bandung - West Java Indonesia

The city may be hectic, but it’s well known for its wide range of fabrics, so if you want some new materials or even want to get a dress or suit made, then this is the place to be.

There are lots of “shopping malls”, not in the fancy, with lots of stores sense, but with lots of stalls with locals selling their products. An interesting, yet chaotic experience. 

12. Go offroading 

This is something I researched for Brad and I to do but the time wasn’t there. It’s very reasonably priced and if you have never been offroading before, then this is a great place to try it.

As I mentioned before, there are lots of forests in the countryside of Bandung and that’s where you will head for your trip.

You can check out the website here for more information on how to book etc. 

13. Visit the famous White Crater in South Bandung

White Crater in South Bandung

When visiting Bandung with a tight schedule, you will probably have to decide whether you want to visit the north or south area.

We opted for North, but I wish I had time to visit the beautiful White Crater in the south.

The pictures are quite iconic if you’ve seen them, and if you have time, definitely add this to your list of things to do in Bandung. 

The famous "White Crater", official name Kawah Putih is a crater lake located near the cute village of Ciwidey, near Bandung, Indonesia.

It is truly regarded as one of the most unique & stunning places in West Java.

It's actually one of two craters of Mount Patuha, with the dry being Kawah Patuha and the Patuha Crater located 600 meters to its northwest.

It first opened for visitors in 1987, and now it's one of the most popular tourist attractions for day trippers who are simply stunned by its mesmerizing ambience.

Remember it can get super busy on the weekends!

14. Chase waterfalls in Bandung

waterfalls in bandung

There are lots of little waterfalls all over Bandung. Whilst none of them are mind blowing or epic, they are pretty and quaint and worth stopping by for a picnic, or just to relax.

We actually tried to find some waterfalls that didn’t exist, so I won’t mention them.

You can check Tu Curug Cimahi, but as you’re driving along you’ll see signs for them and the best waterfalls are undiscovered, so ask the locals to direct you! 

Here are some other great waterfalls in Bandung to chase:

  • Curug Omas Waterfall
  • Malela Waterfall
  • Batu Templek Waterfall
  • Layung Waterfall

15. Explore Mount Gutur 

This is another cool volcano that is located in the south of Bandung and whilst it’s not the type of volcano you can drive up to, it does make for some epic drone shots and pics from the base of the volcano.

You can climb up this volcano too with a variety of marked paths, however it’s said to be challenging.

There is also a nice lake nearby called Situ Bagendit which is worth a visit too. 

When is the best time to visit Bandung?

Bandung West Java

The best time to visit Bandung is during the dry season which runs from June to September.

This is the summer months and you’ll hopefully have nice weather and sunshine. 

Actually Bandung is located in the higher parts of Indonesia which means the climate is a little cooler.

If you’re sightseeing in the high mountains then you may even need a jacket! 

Bradley and I visited in August and it was perfect weather. 

How long do you need in Bandung?

There is lots to do in Bandung for a couple of days.

We visited for 2 nights, which is a good amount if you can go exploring on both days.

If not, I suggest staying 3 days to see all the volcanoes and best sights in both the north and south Bandung. 

How to get to Bandung?

When it comes to getting to Bandung, you have a couple of options. 

Fly: Bandung has an airport, so you can easily fly there from Jakarta, Bali, or other parts of Indonesia. Flights can be very reasonable and I suggest using Skyscanner to check for flights. 

Train: If you have landed in Jakarta, or Yogyakarta, then it’s super easy and comfortable to get a train to Bandung. The train system in Java is excellent.

All trains are very comfortable, have clean toilets on board and are extremely well priced. We started our Java adventure in Jakarta, so we got the train from Jakarta to Bandung, fuss free! 

Hire a driver: You could hire a driver to take you around Java, but of course he would need to be with you “full-time” and you would need to arrange accommodation for them etc. However, if budget isn’t an issue, then this may be a nice and comfortable way to get around Java and get to Bandung. 

Getting around Bandung, Indonesia

places to visit in bandung

When it comes to getting around Bandung, it can seem a little more complicated compared to other Java cities like Jogjakarta which has a more established tourism structure. However you still have a few options. 

Grab: Grab is widely available in Bandung and actually it’s a super cheap and convenient way to get around Bandung. Even go up to the north is quite reasonably priced. For shorter journeys you can use mopeds via grab to get around. 

Moped: You can easily get around Bandung via moped. It was a blooming nightmare trying to find a legitimate company, but we found one we highly recommend. They’re called Vectoran motor rental and it cost us 100,000 IDR to get the Moped. They will bring it to your hotel if you wish, or if you’re going to be exploring the north, I suggest you just get a grab up to the company to pick up the moped, because you’ll miss out the worst of the city traffic. 

Driving in the countryside in Bandung is lovely. It’s filled with beautiful tea fields and mountains, but it can get cold, so bring yourself a jacket. 

Driver: You could arrange a private driver to take you around Bandung. Actually, you could easily take a Grab driver and negotiate and all-day rate with him.

Where to stay in Bandung

Bandung city

When it comes to accommodation in Bandung you have quite a few options. Below I suggest 3 different properties including the one we stayed at ourselves. 

Pasar Baru Square Hotel Bandung : this is where Bradley and I stayed. It was right in the city centre and a great price. City views, spacious rooms, and decent food. Good for couples. 

The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung : a very luxurious stay for those who don’t mind splashing a bit of cash, but this is one of the nicest hotels I've ever seen. 

Vila Air Natural Resort : This one is out in the countryside and looks amazing. Just look at that pool and super close to the volcano and other great sites in the north of Bandung. So good for one night if you want to explore that area without driving lots. 

Other useful posts for planning your trip to Indonesia

Below are some other useful guides we’ve written that you might find useful for your trip to Indonesia. 

  • Things to do in Yogyakarta 
  • Things to do in Malang
  • 10 Day Java Itinerary

So there you have it, my guide to the best things to do in Bandung, Indonesia. If you’ve got any other tourist attractions in Bandung you think are worth making this list, then drop me a comment below.

I hope you enjoy your time in Bandung, and don’t forget to bring a jacket for the evenings in the north area! 

Happy travels.

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Bandung tours.

  • Ports of Call Tours
  • Cultural Tours
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

open trip to bandung

1. Active Volcano, Rice Field, Hot Spring, Fruit market, Tea Plantation with Lunch

open trip to bandung

2. Active Volcano, Local Coffee, Tea factory, and Hot Spring

open trip to bandung

3. Bandung Volcano, Hotsprings, Mud, Lunch etc all Included

open trip to bandung

4. White Crater Day Trip Private Tour Bandung Kawah Putih All In

open trip to bandung

5. Private Car Charter From Bandung

open trip to bandung

6. Private Guided Sightseeing Day Tour of Bandung

open trip to bandung

7. kawah putih tour 3D.2N including papandayan volcano-dragon village-green canyon

open trip to bandung

8. Kawah Putih Tour From Bandung City

open trip to bandung

9. Private Bandung Car Charter

open trip to bandung

10. Kawah Putih tour - Day trip Ticket etc all including

open trip to bandung

11. Tangkuban Parahu Volcano North Bandung Private Tour

open trip to bandung


open trip to bandung

13. Bandung Private Tour Mountain Volcano and Hotspring ( Overland )

open trip to bandung

14. Lembang Tour From Bandung

open trip to bandung

15. Sunrise Trekking At Sunan Ibu Kawah Putih

open trip to bandung

16. Trekking Tour Mount Papandayan - Garut

open trip to bandung

17. Private Kertajati International Airport Transfers (KJT) for Bandung

open trip to bandung

18. Private Tour to Bandung Volcano Hot Springs and Mud bathing

open trip to bandung

19. Sunrise Gunung Putri Lembang From Bandung

open trip to bandung

20. Kawah Putih Private Tour

open trip to bandung

21. Fullday Bandung Volcano,Tea Plantation,Fruits Market with Lunch & Souvenir

open trip to bandung

22. Private Transfer Bandung Airport (BDO) to Ciburial

open trip to bandung

23. Private Rafting Adventure in Pangalengan with Lunch

open trip to bandung

24. Private Transfer from Sukaresmi Bandung to Jakarta Airport (CGK)

open trip to bandung

25. Private Transfer Bandung Airport (BDO) to Kec. Batununggal Kel. Kacapiring 40271

open trip to bandung

26. Private Transfer from Pagerwangi to Bandung Airport (BDO)

open trip to bandung

27. Private Transfer from Braga to Bandung Airport (BDO)

open trip to bandung

28. Private Transfer Bandung Airport (BDO) to 40294 Arcamanik, Bandung City

open trip to bandung

29. Private Transfer from Pasteur Bandung to Jakarta Airport (CGK)

open trip to bandung

30. Private Transfer from Sukarasa bandung to Jakarta Airport (CGK)

What travelers are saying.

jon j

  • Active Volcano, Rice Field, Hot Spring, Fruit market, Tea Plantation with Lunch
  • Bandung Volcano, Hotsprings, Mud, Lunch etc all Included
  • Private Guided Sightseeing Day Tour of Bandung
  • White Crater Day Trip Private Tour Bandung Kawah Putih All In
  • Kawah Putih tour - Day trip Ticket etc all including
  • RajaTour Bandung
  • Enoss Travellers Tours
  • Diaz Travelindo
  • Bandung Walking Tour by Bandung Good Guide
  • Cerita Bandung
  • ToursByLocals - Jakarta
  • 7 Summits Travel
  • Bandung Holiday Tours
  • Jari Rent Car

Campa Tour and Event

  • Open Trip Bandung – Lembang
  • Tour Category

Halo, para pecinta jalan-jalan! Apakah kamu merasa butuh liburan tapi tidak ingin repot mengatur semuanya? Nah, Open Trip Bandung – Lembang adalah solusi sempurna untukmu! Jadi, nggak perlu lagi pusing-pusing mikirin itinerary dan segala macam persiapan. Cukup siapkan diri dan bawa semangat petualanganmu!

Destinasi Menarik

Bandung dan Lembang adalah dua destinasi yang selalu menyenangkan untuk dijelajahi. Bandung, kota kreatif dengan nuansa kulinernya yang lezat, dan Lembang dengan pesonanya yang khas pedesaan. Kamu akan diajak berkeliling ke tempat-tempat menarik seperti Farm House Susu Lembang yang Instagramable, Floating Market yang seru, dan Tent Village yang cocok untuk liburan romantis.

Berkumpul dengan Traveler Lainnya

Salah satu hal terbaik dari open trip adalah kamu bisa bertemu dengan traveler lainnya. Bisa jadi kamu akan menemukan teman-teman baru yang memiliki minat yang sama. Bersama mereka, kamu bisa berbagi cerita, tips, dan pengalaman seru selama perjalanan. Siapa tahu, kamu akan memiliki teman liburan baru!

Tidak Perlu Mikirin Segala Macam Detail

Dalam open trip, semuanya sudah diatur oleh penyelenggara. Kamu tinggal datang, ikut serunya, dan menikmati momen-momen berharga. Tiket masuk, transportasi, dan akomodasi sudah disiapkan dengan baik. Kamu hanya perlu membawa pakaian dan barang pribadimu saja. Praktis, bukan?

Berpengalaman dengan Guide Profesional

Selama perjalanan, kamu akan ditemani oleh guide yang berpengalaman. Mereka akan memberikan informasi menarik tentang tempat-tempat yang kamu kunjungi, serta membantu menjawab pertanyaanmu. Jadi, kamu bisa benar-benar menikmati liburanmu tanpa khawatir tersesat atau kebingungan.

Jadi, jangan ragu untuk mencoba Open Trip Bandung – Lembang untuk liburan seru tanpa ribet. Dengan harga yang terjangkau dan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan, kamu pasti akan pulang dengan senyuman di wajahmu dan kisah-kisah seru untuk diceritakan kepada teman-temanmu. Ayo, buat rencana liburanmu sekarang dan bergabunglah dalam petualangan ini!

Additional information

  • 05.00 Meeting point
  • 05.30 Perjalanan menuju Lembang
  • 09.00 Tiba di Great Asia Afrika, Explore dan hunting Foto
  • 11.30 Perjalanan menuju Floating Market
  • 11.45 Tiba di Floating Market, makan siang. Explore dan hunting Foto
  • 14.30 Belanja oleh-oleh
  • 16.00 Perjalanan menuju meeting point
  • 19.00 Tiba di meeting point & trip selesai

Januari : 2, 23 Februari : 1 , 20 Maret : 6, 19 April : 2, 23 Mei : 8, 26 Juni : 11, 18 July : 2, 30 Agustus : 13, 28 September : 3, 18 Oktober : 9, 30 November : 12, 27 Desember : 10, 24, 31

Open Trip Bandung – Lembang

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10 Referensi Paket Open Trip Bandung Murah Mulai Dari 125 Ribuan

Jika bicara soal destinasi liburan, sepertinya Bandung adalah salah satu kota yang hampir tidak pernah ketinggalan dari daftar tujuan wisata bagi semua orang, terutama masyarakat Ibukota Jakarta.

Karena jaraknya yang tidak terlalu jauh, Bandung bisa banget dijadikan sebagai destinasi liburan akhir pekan. Kalau ngomongin liburan, kamu team backpacker-an atau nge-trip ramai-ramai bareng rombongan nih?

Buat kamu yang tidak terbiasa backpackeran karena ribet harus urus apa-apa sendiri, liburan ke Bandung dengan ikut open trip juga bisa jadi alternatif oke lho.

Nah untuk lebih memudahkan rencana liburanmu, kami sudah berhasil merangkum beberapa informasi mengenai daftar referensi paket open trip Bandung paling recommended dan murah nih.

1. Mau Jadi Nomer Satu? Pasang Iklan Klik Disini ❤️

Alamat: Telepon: WhatsApp:

2. Funtrips ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Masjid Nomor 6, Jatiwarna, Pondok Melati, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17124 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0821 1803 2001 WhatsApp:  0821 1803 2001 Harga Mulai: Rp 325.000,-

Paket open trip Funtrips juga bisa kamu pilih jika ingin liburan ke Bandung dari Jakarta nih. Harga paketnya pun lumayan murah yaitu 325ribuan saja untuk satu hari perjalanan.

Harga tersebut sudah termasuk asuransi wisata, asuransi rafting, transportasi dari Jakarta PP, dokumentasi, konsumsi, p3k, guide dan lain-lain.

3. Indoribu ❤️

Alamat:  Perum Taman Wisma Asri 2, Blok AA 25 Nomor 38, Jalan Hibrida 15, Teluk Pucung, Bekasi Utara, West Java 17121 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0856 8000 040 WhatsApp:  0856 8000 040 Harga Mulai: Rp 260.000,-

Indoribu juga membuka paket open trip Bandung-Lembang The Lodge Maribaya dengan budget mulai dari 260ribuan saja nih. Durasi perjalannya yakni hanya 1 hari dengan dua pilihan meeting point yaitu Jakarta dan Bekasi.

4. Kili Kili Adventure ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Mandala Tengah Nomor 27, Tomang, Grogol petamburan, Kota Jakarta Barat 11440 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  021 560 4818 WhatsApp: 0821 1089 3015 Harga Mulai: Rp 250.000,-

Paket open trip dari Kili Kili Adventure pun bisa nih kamu andalkan untuk menemani waktu liburanmu di Bandung.

Bersama Kili Kili Adventure kamu akan diajak berkeliling Kota Bandung mengunjungi berbagai tempat wisata unggulan seperti Lembang, Tebing Keraton, Kawah Putih, dll.

5. My Permata Wisata ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Ambulombo Nomor 9B, Karang Mulya, Karang Tengah, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15154 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0812 8243 2413 WhatsApp:  0812 8243 2413 Harga Mulai: Rp 195.000,-

My Permata Wisata menawarkan paket open trip Bandung dengan harga super murah yakni mulai dari 195ribuan saja untuk satu hari satu malam perjalanan.

Tebing Keraton adalah salah satu destinasi wisata yang bakal kamu kunjungi jika memilih My Permata Wisata sebagai kawan open trip-mu.

6. Le Lucky Tour ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Cipinang Lontar II Nomor 6, Cipinang, Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur 13240 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0812 8200 8998 WhatsApp:  0812 8200 8998 Harga Mulai: Rp 125.000,-

Le Lucky Tour menawarkan paket open trip city tour Bandung dengan budget mulai dari 125ribuan.

Mereka memiliki beberapa pilihan paket yang bisa kamu pilih sesuai dengan destinasi wisata tujuannya. Kuota minimal paket open trip Le Lucky Tour ini adalah 4 orang.

7. Travel Trip ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Karang Tengah, Pusaka, Tarumajaya, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 14150 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0877 7848 7111 WhatsApp:  0877 7848 7111 Harga Mulai: Rp 155.000,-

Travel Trip punya tawaran paket open trip one day trip ke Ciwidey nih yang bisa dinikmati hanya dengan biaya 155ribu saja.

Harga tersebut sudah termasuk Bus, makan siang, transport wisata, tour leader dan photographer. Beberapa destinasi yang bakal dikunjungi seperti Kawah Putih, Pinishi Resto dan Ranca Upas.

8. All Bandung Travel ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Banyak Niaga Kulon Kota Baru Parahyangan Nomor 21, Cipeundeuy, Padalarang, Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40553 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  022 8779 3660 WhatsApp:  0811 231 9119 Harga Mulai: Rp 265.000,-

All Bandung Travel siap menemani waktu liburanmu di Bandung dengan memberikan tawaran paket open trip seharga 265ribu. Jadwal keberangkatan open trip All Bandung Travel ini hampir setiap akhir pekan. So, tunggu apalagi? Informasi lebih lanjut bisa hubungi nomor diatas.

9. Raja Tour Bandung ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Kuningan Raya Nomor 2, Antapani Tengah, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40211 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  022 8778 9418 WhatsApp:  0811 2256 012 Harga Mulai: Rp 375.000,-

Hanya dengan kocek mulai dari 375k saja kamu sudah bisa menikmati pengalaman seru liburan di Bandung bareng Raja Tour. Kamu bisa cek seperti apa rencana itinerarynya dengan mengunjungi situs web rajatourbandung.com.

10. Sera Tour ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Juanda Nomor 43, Dago, Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40135 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0823 1727 0000 WhatsApp:  0823 1727 0000 Harga Mulai: Rp 350.000,-

Sera Tour yang paket open tripnya bisa ditebus dengan kocek 350ribu. Beberapa pilihan destinasi yang akan dikunjungi diantaranya ada Kawah Putih, Tea Plantantions, Situ Patengan dan Pusat Kerajinan Cibaduyut.

11. Nuartha Tours ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Gegerkalong Girang Baru Nomor 13, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp: 022 2028 1876 WhatsApp: 0812 8288 0919 Harga Mulai: Rp 160.000,-

Nuartha Tours merupakan salah satu biro perjalanan dan wisata yang berdomisili di Kota Bandung.

Mereka membuka paket open trip Bandung dengan tiga pilihan start point yakni Stasiun Bandung, Plaza Semanggi Jakarta dan Hotel Amarossa Bekasi Barat. Budget yang perlu disiapkan yakni mulai dari 160ribu untuk satu hari trip.

open trip to bandung

Nah jadi itulah dia beberapa rekomendasi paket open trip Bandung yang bisa kamu pilih untuk menemani waktu liburanmu ke Paris van Java.


Adelia Irfandi atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Adel (lahir 6 Desember 1991) adalah seorang penulis berasal dari Palembang. Adel salah satu penulis yang aktif mengunggah karya tulisnya di JejakPiknik.com

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Hotel dekat stasiun bandung di traveloka pegipegi murah ada kolam renang agoda 2022 tiket com kota airy arimbi penginapan backpacker bagus jalan barat kereta cimahi kiaracondong cari daftar daerah fave hall sekitar st melati nama oyo terbaik reddoorz serena scarlet sovia transit yang zodiak bintang 3 4 5 api baru berbintang instagramable harga dengan depan ibis rekomendasi nyaman paling atau recommended review syariah termurah dan tempat wisata unik yg

10 Hotel Dekat Stasiun Bandung Yang Instagramable dan Recommended Dengan Harga Mulai Rp.120.000

open trip to bandung

Taman Labirin di Bandung Seluas 13.800 Meter Persegi Jadi Wahana Rekreasi Warga Yang Murah Meriah

Villa private pool di bandung untuk honeymoon murah dengan kolam renang pribadi sewa 1 bedroom dago kamar rekomendasi airbnb air hangat yang ada indah jawa barat pinus with zahra c8 4br infinity resort 2 mewah terbaik 4 one cempaka best in family hotel west java keluarga swimming 2br 5

10 Rekomendasi Villa Dengan Private Pool di Bandung, Bisa Sewa Untuk Honeymoon Mulai Rp3.200.000

Bakso enak di bandung yang terenak paling kampung mie 24 jam tempat yamin 2021 ayam lembang timur tahu urat goreng murah warung selatan bandungan kota dimana antapani alun alun alamat baso aci semarang buah batu bakar besar babat belakang bip cihampelas cimahi cuanki ceker cincang resep dago daerah unik dan halal setiabudi gerobak gede soekarno hatta harga ikan jual jalan riau kopo kabupaten kaki lima metro makan malam makanan malang yg pasirkaliki pasteur pangalengan pahlawan pabrik pasir kaliki rudal rekomendasi sukajadi sarijadi sekitar solo sapi sumsum tukang

Cicipi Nikmatnya 10 Rekomendasi Kuliner Bakso Terpopuler Viral di Kota Bandung Yang Harganya Murah

Wisata Belanja Seru di Rumah Mode Factory Outlet Bandung

Banyak Wahana Air di Panghegar Waterboom Bandung

Tinggalkan komentar Batalkan balasan

Tourbandung.com – call center 081223344117

Open Trip Bandung

  • November 15, 2013
  • salsabilayugo

Open Trip Bandung dan Program Perjalanan – Dijemput di Hotel/Bandara Husein/Stasiun KA Bandung/Pool Shuttle. Pukul 08.30 Transfer menuju Lembang, Mengunjungi tempat pemandian Air panas Sari Ater , disana Anda dapat berendam air panas, ataupun merasakan kesejukan udara yang masih alami. Melanjutkan tour ke Gunung Tangkuban Perahu , adalah Gunung yang terkenal dengan sejarah Sangkuriang dan Dayang Sumbi dengan pemandangan yang sangat indah. Kemudian mengunjungi Kebun Str awbe rry (Anda dapat memetik buah strawberry langsung dari pohon nya).  Makan siang di local resto.  Shopping di “ITEUNG” Pusat oleh-oleh, adalah Pusat penjualan Souvenir, Kerajinan, Tas, Batik, Kaos Bandung, dan Makanan khas yang dijual dengan harga murah dan kualitas terbaik. Shopping di Factory Outlet Jl. Riau Area dan Jl. Dago, setelah selesai, transfer kembali menuju hotel/Bandara/Stasiun/Pool Shutle, end of service. (Durasi Tour Max. 12 Jam)




Dijemput di Hotel/Bandara Husein/Stasiun KA Bandung/Pool Shuttle. Pukul 08.30 transfer ke Ciwidey, dalam perjalanan para peserta dapat menikmati suasana perkampungan dan perkebunan teh. Tiba di Ciwidey mengunjungi Kawah Putih , salah satu objek wisata terbaik di Ciwidey, dengan pemandangan alam yang masih alami nan exotic. Melanjutkan tour ke Situ Patenggang . Makan siang di local resto. Kemudian transfer kembali ke Bandung, Shopping di “ITEUNG” Pusat oleh-oleh, adalah Pusat penjualan Souvenir, Kerajinan, Tas, Batik, Kaos Bandung, dan Makanan khas yang dijual dengan harga murah dan kualitas terbaik. Shopping di Factory Outlet Jl. Riau Area dan Jl. Dago, setelah selesai, transfer kembali menuju hotel/Bandara/Stasiun/Pool Shutle, end of service. (Durasi Tour Max. 12 Jam)


Noted : 2-3 by Avanza | 4-6 by Avanza/Apv | 7-10 by Elf | 11-14 by Elf | 15-18 BY Elf | 19-26 By Bus


  • Transport sesuai jumlah peserta based on PRIVATE TOUR .
  • Entrance fees : Tangkuban perahu + Sari ater + Kebun Strawberry (CODE : BODT-L-FT2014)
  • Entrance fees : Kawah Putih (include shuttle) + Situ Patenggang (CODE : BODT-C-FT2014)
  • Refreshment : Mineral Water 1 Botol / Pax + Permen
  • Meals : 1x Makan siang di Local Rest.
  • Driver as Guide 2-14 Pax. + Local guide 15-26 Pax Bahasa Indonesia


  • Ticket Pesawat/Airport tax/Ticket KA/Ticket Shuttle dan Akomodasi Hotel
  • Tips Driver & Guide Local. 2-6 Pax 25.000/pax/day |7-14 Pax 20.000/pax/day |  15-26 Pax 10.000/pax/day
  • High season surcharge periode : Peak Season, Liburan Sekolah, Lebaran, Natal dan Tahun Baru
  • Additional Lunch/Diner Rp. 50.000/pax/day

Baca juga informasi mengenai seputar wisata lain nya di  https://tourbandung.com

Untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lengkap mengenai paket wisata yang kami miliki Anda bisa menghubungi layanan Customer Service yang telah kami sediakan di:


PT. FRES INDONESIA WISATA Ruko Kota Kembang Permain Kav. 39 Jl. Jakarta No. 20 Bandung, Jawabarat 40271 Tel. +62 22 7234731 | +62 22 7203713 Hotline/WA : +62 81 223344117 (24Hrs) Hotline/WA : +62 856 200 6008 (24Hrs) email     : [email protected] PIN BB : Tourbandung

Our Contact Center

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Kantor Pusat :  Komplek GBA 1 Blok i No. 46 Bojongsoang, Kab. Bandung 40288 Tel. (+62 22) 87511636 CS1 Call/WA : +62 81 223344 117 CS2 Call/WA : +62 856 2006007 CS3 Call/WA : +62 856 2006008

Telegram : +62 8562006008 Line ID : frestour DM : @frestour email : [email protected] email : [email protected]

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  • Paket Wisata Open Trip

Open Trip Gunung Prau Start Bandung

Open Trip Gunung Prau Start Jakarta

  • Brand: Cakrawala Trip

Rp  370.000

  • Jadwal tur : Setiap hari Jumat
  • Meeting point : Bandung Pukul 17.00, Basecamp Pukul 06.00, Jakarta Pukul 20.00
  • Waktu pemesanan : H-7 sebelum tanggal trip
  • Kuota Tur : Tur ini membutuhkan 10 orang untuk dapat berjalan

Ada pertanyaan terkait listing ini?

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Open Trip Gunung Prau Start Bandung. Gunung Prau merupakan puncak tertinggi di kawasan dataran tinggi Dieng dengan ketinggian 2.565 mdpl. Vegetasi utamanya adalah padang rumput yang luas memanjang dari barat ke timur dan terbagi menyebar di 4 daerah administratif, yaitu Kabupaten Wonosobo, Kabupaten Temanggung, Kabupaten Batang dan Kabupaten Kendal. Gunung ini dikelola oleh Perhutani, dan banyak jalur yang dibuka untuk menuju ke puncaknya, antara lain jalur Patak Banteng, Dieng, Kalilembu, Kejajar, Igirmranak, dan banyak lagi lainnya.

Apa yang kamu lihat ketika bergabung di Open Trip Gunung Prau Start Bandung?. Puncak dari gunung Prau merupakan padang rumput luas yang memanjang dari barat ke timur. Bukit-bukit dan sabana dengan sedikit pepohonan dapat dijumpai pada puncaknya. Gunung ini menjadi salah satu tujuan pendakian utama di Dataran Tinggi Dieng sebagai salah satu spot sunrise favorit bagi wisatawan.

Sunrise Camp menjadi tempat yang tidak boleh dilewatkan untuk dinikmati, di mana akan disuguhkan pemandangan sunrise yang luar biasa dengan gunung-gunung yang berjajar megah di depannya. Gunung yang bisa dilihat dari Sunrise Camp antara lain Gunung Sindoro, Gunung Sumbing, Gunung Kembang, Gunung Merbabu, Gunung Merapi, Gunung Lawu dan Gunung Ungaran.

Sudah siap untuk gabung di Open Trip Gunung Prau Start Bandung bareng Cakrawala Trip sekarang?


  • 20.00 : Meeting Point Uki Cawang Jakarta Timur
  • 05.00 : Tiba di basecamp, Istirahat
  • 07.30 : Makan Pagi, Persiapan Pendakian
  • 12.00 : Perjalanan pos 1 menggunakan ojek
  • 15.00 : Tiba di tempat camp, istirahat dan enjoy yang sunset
  • 16.00 : acara bebas, Isoma (Camp 1)
  • 05.00 : Enjoy sunrise
  • 10.00 : Packing, makan, Persiapan turun
  • 12.00 : Sampe Basecamp
  • 13.20 : Perjalanan menuju jakarta
  • 01.00 : Sampai uki Cawang Jakarta timur (Trip Selesai)
  • Puncak Gunung Prau
  • Kembali kerumah dengan selamat 😀

Harga Termasuk

Paket A : Transportasi Elf,Hiace,Bis Full Ac Pp Simaksi

Paket B :  Paket A Porter Tenda Porter logistik Guide Makan Dibc 2x + Nasi Bungkus Buat Ditrek (Min 16 Orang) Makan Selama Pendakian Perlengkapan Makan & Minum Perlengkapan Masak P3k Standar Tenda Kap4 Buah Buahan Puding Kebersihan BC (basecampe) Fasilitas Bc (listrik, toilet dll) Sertifikat (Pdf) Jodoh Bila Beruntung

Tidak Termasuk

❌ Pilih Salah Satu (Surat Sehat, Vaksin, Antigen, Pcr) ❌ Perlengkapan Pribadi ❌ Matras, Sleeping Bag (Sb) ❌ Cemilan Pribadi, Air Minum ❌ Porter Pribadi

Jadwal Open Trip Gunung Prau Start Jakarta 2022

🔸 Jul : (22-25) (29-01) 🔸 Agu :   (5-8) (12-15) (15-18) (16-19) (19-22) (26-29) 🔸 Sep :   (2-5) (9-12) (16-19) (23-26) (30-3 Okt) 🔸 Okt : (7-10) (14-17) (21-24) (28-31) 🔸 Nov : (4-7) (11-13) (18-20) (25-28) 🔸 Des : (2-5) (9-12) (16-19) (23-26) (30-2 jan)

Additional information

Saran perlengkapan.

  • Carier/Daypack
  • Sepatu treking /Sandal Gunung
  • Celana dan pakaian secukupnya
  • Jaket bulang/ waterproof
  • Topi, sarung tangan
  • Senter/Headlamp
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Matras Tni/aluminium foil
  • Obat pribadi
  • Perlengkapan mandi dan shalat
  • Raincoat /jas hujan
  • Tisu kering
  • Batrei cadangan
  • Trashbag /kantong sampah
  • Treckingpole
  • Cemilan dan air secukupnya
  • Masker /buff
  • Foto Copy Ktp 1x

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* Jenis Paket

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Israel weighs response to Iran attack

By Kathleen Magramo, Sana Noor Haq, Maureen Chowdhury and Tori B. Powell, CNN

Israel's sense of reason has been replaced by revenge, new Irish prime minister says

From CNN's Niamh Kennedy

Taoiseach Simon Harris appears on CNN on Tuesday, April 16.

Ireland's newly appointed prime minister told CNN that Israel's sense of reason has been "replaced by revenge" as he addressed recent tensions between the Israeli and Irish governments.  

In his first television interview since being appointed last week, Taoiseach Simon Harris hit back at recent criticisms from the Israeli foreign ministry and the Israeli Ambassador to Ireland Dana Erlich, accusing the country of being "on the wrong side of history" when it comes to the war in Gaza. 

"Excuse me for finding it a little bit hard to see where the representative of the (Benjamin) Netanyahu government is talking about being on the wrong side because I think the actions of the Netanyahu government right now, in terms of allowing this humanitarian catastrophe to unfold in Gaza, and the impact on women, children, civilians and civilian infrastructure is profound," Harris told CNN's Christiane Amanpour.  Harris went on to say that "Ireland is extraordinarily clear in its condemnation of Hamas ... and of the right of Israel to be able to live in safety and security. But we also believe that reason has now been replaced by revenge."

The prime minister doubled down on his call for "an immediate cessation of hostilities" in Gaza alongside his plan to convince fellow European Union leaders to formally recognize the state of Palestine. Harris laid out his belief that a peaceful solution to the war in Gaza "involves a number of countries that are like-minded coming together to recognize the state of Palestine." 

He reiterated that "Ireland stands ready to recognize the state of Palestine" and is very keen to do so alongside other EU member states to increase the "potential positive momentum."  

The Israeli foreign ministry has condemned Ireland's intention to recognize Palestinian statehood, maintaining in a press release last week that doing so would be awarding Hamas a "prize for terrorism."

IDF says its airstrikes in Lebanon killed 3 Hezbollah fighters

From CNN's Eugenia Yosef and Mohammed Tawfeeq

The Israel Defense Forces said its airstrikes killed three Hezbollah fighters, including two commanders, in southern Lebanon on Tuesday. 

Muhammad Hussein Shahouri, "the Commander of the Rockets and Missiles Unit of Radwan Forces' Western Region," was killed in an airstrike in Kfar Dounine in south Lebanon, an IDF statement said. "As part of his role, Muhammad planned and promoted rocket and missile launches toward Israeli territory from the areas of Lebanon's central and western regions." 

Mahmoud Ibrahim Fadlallah, "an operative of Hezbollah's Rockets and Missiles Unit," was also killed in the same airstrike, the IDF added.

Earlier, the IDF said in a separate statement that its airstrike killed Ismail Youssef Bazz , "the commander of Hezbollah's coastal sector, in the area of Ain Ebel in Lebanon," in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah confirmed the deaths of its three fighters without providing details on the circumstances of their deaths or ranks. 

At least 13 people killed, including 7 children, after strike on central Gaza's Al-Maghazi refugee camp

From CNN's Mohammad Al-Sawalhi in Gaza, CNN’s Kareem Khadder, Abeer Salman and Zeena Saifi in Jerusalem

At least 13 people were killed, including seven children, and more than 25 people were wounded after a strike targeted the Al-Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza on Tuesday, according to Al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital officials.

Graphic video obtained exclusively by CNN from eyewitness Nihad Owdetallah shows several casualties scattered on the floor, including children, with blood streaming around the area. Dozens of people appear to be running around in panic, screaming and trying to count and carry the dead bodies. A foosball table covered in dust is seen among the dead bodies. 

Owdetallah, who lives in the camp, told CNN he heard an explosion at around 3:40 p.m. local time on Tuesday. 

"I immediately walked to see what happened and found dead bodies thrown on the ground. People screaming, kids screaming. Kids dead on the ground. They were just playing foosball, and they were martyred," he said.

Footage shot for CNN from inside Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital shows a continuous flow of causalities and injured people being ushered in, as the emergency room is crowded with patients, including several wounded children, crying out on the floor.

Video from inside a morgue at the hospital shows families trying to identify their loved ones among the deceased. Fatmeh Issa points to a white body bag with a young boy’s bloodied face exposed, telling CNN, "This is my son."

Another man cries out, “They have nothing to do with anyone! They are civilians. Have mercy on us. You are killing children. You are not killing an army or fighters; you are killing children who were peacefully playing in the street."

Video shows him handing a young girl’s dead body to another man, both men crying out Quranic verses and sobbing. The man who receives her body is seen placing her on the ground, and covers her body with a jacket, telling CNN she is his daughter.

"This is my oldest daughter … her name is Lujain, she is 9-years-old. A strike hit them while they were playing out in the street. They are all just children,” he said.CNN has reached out to the Israel Defense Forces for comment but has not yet received a response.

UN commission accuses Israel of obstructing its probe into October 7 attacks

From CNN’s Benjamin Brown, Caitlin Danaher and Eugenia Yosef

A United Nations Commission of Inquiry accused Israel of actively obstructing its efforts to collect evidence from victims and first-hand witnesses of Hamas’ attacks in southern Israel on October 7.

"So far as the government of Israel is concerned, we have faced not merely a lack of cooperation, but active obstruction of our efforts to receive evidence from Israeli witnesses and victims to the events that occurred in southern Israel," commissioner Chris Sidoti said on Tuesday at a UN briefing for diplomats in Geneva, organized by Egypt.

The UN Commission of Inquiry has been collecting evidence of war crimes committed by all sides in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories since October 7, 2023.

The commissioner appealed to the Israeli government to cooperate and urged victims and witnesses to the events in southern Israel to contact the commission. “We have contact with many, but we would like to have contact with more,” Sidoti said.

CNN has reached out to Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs for comment.

US will go back to Israel with evidence from report on Palestinian child's death, State Department says

From CNN's Michael Conte

The United States will be going to Israel with new information from a  Washington Post report  that contradicts the results of an Israeli investigation into the death of 5-year-old Palestinian girl Hind Rajab , who was found dead in Gaza in February.

"What we're going to do is take the information that is contained in that Washington Post story, we're going to go back to the government of Israel and ask them for further information,” Matthew Miller, State Department spokesperson, said at a briefing on Tuesday.

Miller said the report contradicts what Israel told the US, that “there were no IDF units in the area at the time of her death.”

"The death of Hind Rajab is really an unspeakable tragedy, something that never should have occurred and never should occur," Miller said.

The US called on Israel to investigate Rajab’s death in February, and Miller now says the US “would still welcome a full investigation into this matter, and how it occurred in the first place.”

More: Rajab was found dead after being trapped in a car with members of her family who were reportedly shot to death by Israeli forces weeks prior. Rescue workers dispatched to find her were also reportedly shot and killed.

US continuing to review findings of Israeli probe into World Central Kitchen strike, State Department says

From CNN's Jennifer Hansler

The United States is continuing to review the findings of the Israeli investigation into the deadly strike on a World Central Kitchen convoy, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said on Tuesday. 

"There hasn't been a final assessment," Miller said. The US was briefed on the findings on April 4. Miller said the US is engaging "with humanitarian organizations to see what questions they have, and that process is ongoing."

The United States is “not at this time” calling for an independent investigation, Miller said. He said he did not have a timetable for when its assessment will be completed.

US will restrict Iranian foreign minister's movements while in New York, source says

Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian speaks at a press conference at his headquarters in Tehran, Iran, on Sunday, April 14.

The US will restrict the movements of Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and his delegation while they are in New York this week, a source familiar told CNN.

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller had earlier indicated that the US would place additional travel restrictions on the minister, who will be in New York for a meeting at the United Nations.

According to the source familiar, Amir-Abdollahian and the Iranian delegation’s travel is restricted to the seven blocks north-south and one block west surrounding the UN headquarters in Manhattan, the Iranian Mission to the UN, the residence of their permanent representative to the UN, the six blocks surrounding Queensboro Plaza in Long Island City, and access to John F. Kennedy International Airport using a specific driving route.

Iran's response: Iran has not been notified of any additional restrictions on the movements of Amir-Abdollahian and the country's delegation while they are in New York, Iran’s Permanent Mission to the UN told CNN.

The spokesperson explained that the movements of Amir-Abdollahian and the delegation, including diplomats from the Iranian Mission to the UN, have always been restricted to a 25-mile radius surrounding UN headquarters in Manhattan.

The post was updated with a response from the Iranian mission.

Iran "seems to be business as usual" after closing nuclear facilities on Sunday, IAEA chief says

From CNN's Raja Razek 

Rafael Grossi, International Atomic Energy Agency director general, appears on CNN on Tuesday, April 16.

After Iran closed its nuclear facilities on Sunday for "security considerations," Rafael Grossi, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) director general, told CNN that its inspectors are back in the facilities and the "situation seems to be business as usual."

He also noted that the situation was "extremely tense" over the weekend.

Israel’s war cabinet met again on Tuesday to discuss Israel’s response to Iran’s drone and missile attack.

Grossi said the IAEA believes that in times of conflict, the targeting of nuclear facilities "could be perhaps tempting for a military decision-maker — It will be a terrible mistake with potentially very serious consequences."

He added that he does not have "any information or any indication that there is planning on the part of Israel or any other state to be targeting nuclear facilities." Grossi said the agency is still on alert and that "there should be extreme restraint on everybody's side." 

As for Tehran's current nuclear program, Grossi said Iran "continues to amass important quantities of uranium enriched at levels that are very, very close, technically identical I would say, with those which are required for nuclear weapons," but cautioned that "that does not mean that this equivalent to a nuclear weapon."

Iran has long held that its nuclear program is intended for peaceful purposes, despite skepticism from the international community.

US treasury secretary warns US will strengthen Iran sanctions

From CNN’s Maisie Linford

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen speaks during a press conference today amid the IMF-World Bank Group spring meetings, at the Treasury Department in Washington, DC.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the Treasury would use its sanctions authority and work with allies to "continue disrupting the Iranian regime's malign and destabilizing activity."

 Speaking in a news conference in Washington, DC, Yellen said:

“From this weekend’s attack to the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea, Iran’s actions threaten the region’s stability and could cause economic spillovers.”

Her comments Tuesday come as global finance ministers and central bank governors gather in Washington for the International Monetary Fund and World Bank spring meetings.

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  10. The Ultimate Bandung Travel Guide

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  12. Eager to Visit Bandung? Find the Helpful Tips Here

    From the capital city of Jakarta, Bandung is also accessible via a toll road that allows you to reach the city in just a little 2.5 hours drive (barring traffic jams). Aside from renting a car, there are a number of shuttle minibus services at various points across Jakarta and at the Soekarno Hatta International Airport in Tangerang that will ...

  13. Bandung Trip Itinerary

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    Batu Templek Waterfall. Layung Waterfall. 15. Explore Mount Gutur. This is another cool volcano that is located in the south of Bandung and whilst it's not the type of volcano you can drive up to, it does make for some epic drone shots and pics from the base of the volcano.

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