• Prisma di Giada
  • Ventagli di Fiori di Pesco
  • Classici Rivisitati
  • Fiori e Sculture

La Luna nel Lago

  • La Terra dei Lama
  • La Via della Seta
  • Xi’an
  • La nostra Cina
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  • Nuove procedure per il visto

Tra i primi Tour Operator italiani ad organizzare viaggi in Cina, con oltre 30 anni di esperienza

Finalmente si ritorna a viaggiare in cina, i nostri itinerari, marco polo – tour di 9 giorni/6 notti.

  • A PARTIRE DA 2.240 €

Prisma di Giada – Tour di 11 giorni/8 notti

  • A PARTIRE DA 2.640 €

Universo di Colori – Tour di 13 giorni/10 notti

  • A PARTIRE DA 2.180 €

Ventagli di Fiori di Pesco – Tour di 11 giorni/10 notti


Classici rivisitati – Tour di 13 giorni/10 notti


Fiori e sculture – Tour di 17 giorni/14 notti


La Terra dei Lama – Tour di 15 giorni/12 notti


La Via della Seta – Tour di 17 giorni/14 notti


Esclusiva Chinasia

I nostri alberghi, nuove procedure per l’ottenimento del visto turistico per la cina, in partenza, dicono di noi.

È stato super, dall’organizzazione ai servizi, allo stesso gruppo, simpatico, accomodante, puntuale e collaborativo. E’ stato sorprendente questo meraviglioso, contraddittorio paese, ora un po’ meno alieno di quanto sia stato finora per me. Buone le guide locali, ma, meravigliosa quella che ci ha accompagnati da Roma e riportati a casa, con qualche difficoltà e 24 ore di ritardo dal previsto. E’ Fabrizio Cavaglieri, competente, professionale sempre, molto paziente e gentile. Spero di poter tornare a visitare un altra parte di questo grande paese.

È stato un tour fantastico sotto tutti i profili accompagnati da una guida competente disponibile gentile professionale di nome Stella che parlava benissimo l’italiano pur essendo cinese. Gli hotel tutti di ottima qualità e centrali. Anche il cibo ci ha profondamente colpiti in POSITIVO sia come qualità sia come scelta del cibo e dei locali che ci hanno ospitato. Sempre in salette “vip”. La precisione e la puntualità è stata rispettata durante tutto il tour così come l’assistenza fino all’imbarco. Che dire … grazie!

Bellissimo viaggio: in un mondo globalizzato la Cina mantiene tradizioni, una filosofia di vita e la consapevolezza di essere una grande nazione che ne fanno una realtà “diversa” ed interessantissima. La nostra accompagnatrice Lucia, bravissima, ci ha saputo guidare, con dolcezza e fermezza allo stesso tempo, dentro questo mondo aiutandoci a capire, sempre attenta alle esigenze di ciascun viaggiatore. Viaggio senz’altro da consigliare!

Un viaggio ben organizzato e meraviglioso. Da evidenziare la rilevante competenza della guida che ci ha accompagnato nelle tappe dell’itinerario: Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Guilin, Xian e Pechino. Giovane e determinata Lucia ha magistralmente guidato l’intero gruppo partito da Roma, ha saputo rendere, ogni tappa del viaggio, interessante ed emozionate. Da fare per scoprire interessanti aspetti della storia e attualità del più grande e antico impero del pianeta.

Viaggio perfetto e organizzato in tutti i particolari; nulla è affidato al caso e la qualità dei servizi è veramente degna di nota. Un particolare apprezzamento per la nostra accompagnatrice, sig.ra Adelaide, vero angelo custode del gruppo e in grado di risolvere qualunque situazione legata al viaggio.

Organizzazione curata nei dettagli, eccezionale la nostra guida Stella, disponibile e attenta alle nostre richieste, sempre pronta a soddisfare ogni nostro dubbio, guide locali preparate. Sicuramente siamo stati fortunati sia per le condizioni atmosferiche che abbiamo trovato nelle diverse città visitate sia perché il gruppo era composto da sei persone quindi le visite sono state approfondite. Un viaggio e un tour operator che consiglio.

Organizzazione perfetta sin dalla partenza all’aeroporto di Fiumicino.  All’arrivo a Pechino ci ha accolto l’accompagnatore nazionale LiLi che ci ha seguito nei minimi dettagli per tutto il viaggio. Ottimi sia gli hotel che i ristoranti (tutti di alto livello). In ogni città eravamo accompagnati da una guida locale ed un autista. Bellissimi i siti visitati tra cui la Grande Muraglia, La città Proibita, L’esercito di Terracotta.  Viaggio da consigliare senza dubbi.

Era tanto che volevamo andare in Cina, su consiglio della nostra agenzia abbiamo scelto Chinasia. Il tour prevede 4 siti, Pechino, Xi’an, Guilin e Shanghai, è un “all inclusive” con cene e pranzi davvero ottimi, inoltre insieme al gruppo parte un accompagnatore della Chinasia, nel nostro caso era Fabrizio, ottima persona di grande cultura e sapienza nello spiegare storia usi e costumi della Cina. Invito a partecipare a questo genere di viaggi, ne sarete arricchiti!

Ottima organizzazione! Guide professionali: LI a Pechino, Aurora a Xian, Massimo a Shanghai. Un suggerimento: accorciare il soggiorno a Guilin a favore di Shanghai o, comunque, anticipare il volo serale perché, coi soliti ritardi dei voli interni, si arriva in albergo a Shanghai alle due di notte. Un particolare apprezzamento alla qualità degli alberghi (menzione speciale al Titan di Xi’an). Comunque complimenti per la qualità totale dell’offerta. Consiglierò.

Viaggi individuali

Xi’an, tutto il bello della cina in 30″, tutti i nostri viaggi sono prenotabili esclusivamente presso le migliori agenzie di viaggio, chinasia by idee per viaggiare tour operator dal 1995, in collaborazione con.

chinasia tour operator

Medita ammirando panorami da fiaba 





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Percorri anche tu l'itinerario dei blogger italiani!

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1. Vicolo di Zhaikuan-Chengdu 成都窄宽巷子.jpg


Provincia di sichuan: tra spiritualità e natura.

Il Sichuan è una delle province più affascinanti e autentiche della Cina, un luogo in cui storia, cultura, innovazione e natura si intrecciano in completa armonia.

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Self-drive verso la Cina ed Orie nte

Fulvio Luin 

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Da Trieste alla Città Proibita in macchina - racconto viaggio di un triestino.


Perché Orienty?

Affidabilità, serietà e sicurezza 

Offriamo i nostri servizi con la massima cura e mettendo sempre al centro i nostri viaggiatori, assicurando un servizio di alta qualità, serio, affidabile e sicuro


Orienty Tour è una agenzia di viaggi che  si impegna a garantire un servizio personalizzato e soprattutto orientato a soddisfare i propri clienti

Unicità e flessibilità

Orienty Tour organizza viaggi in Cina indimendicabili per le giovani coppie che volano in viaggio di nozze, per i più giovani che vogliono una esperienza di studio esclusiva e anche per i singoli che desiderano tuffarsi in una avventura straordinaria

Il nostro Tour Operator vanta una conoscenza molto approfondita non solo dei territori cinesi ma anche della gente del luogo


  Com’è il clima in Cina, e che vestiti dovrei portare?    

Data l’immensa estensione del territorio cinese, le differenze in temperature e precipitazioni sono enormi, amplificate dall’ altitudine di certe zone o dalla presenza di regioni desertiche. L’abbigliamento, quindi, deve essere pratico e deve tener conto dell’itinerario scelto: visitando località estremamente diverse è difficile dirvi in anticipo cosa mettere in valigia. Cercheremo tuttavia di darvi indicazioni più chiare in base alle necessità specifiche.

Ci sono procedure per il visto e l’ingresso in Cina?

È richiesto il visto rilasciato dai Consolati cinesi per poter entrare in Cina ed è richiesto che il passaporto abbia validità di almeno sei mesi oltre la data d’ingresso. All’arrivo nel Paese dovrete compilare un modulo d’ingresso con i vostri dati, il volo e il numero del visto; un modulo simile, chiamato “Departure Card”, sarà compilato al momento della partenza ed entrambi dovranno essere consegnati al controllo passaporti.

Com’è il fuso orario tra Italia e Cina?

La differenza tra Italia e Cina è di 7 ore, che diventa 6 quando entra in vigore l’ora legale in Italia. Essendo ad est rispetto a noi, quando qui sono le 10:00, in tutta la Cina sono le ore 17:00.

Qual è la moneta locale in Cina?

Il nome della moneta locale è “yuan” o “kuai”. Un Euro è pari a 7,85 Yuan.

Sono richiesti vaccini per entrare in Cina?

In generale, la Cina è un paese sicuro, quindi non è necessario alcun vaccino specifico. È però consigliato rivolgersi al proprio medico di famiglia o al centro vaccini dell'ospedale della vostra città, che di solito ha un'area dedicata a fornire informazioni dettagliate sulle malattie infettive e gli eventuali vaccini richiesti e/o consigliati. I vaccini, di solito, vanno fatti dalle 4 alle 6 settimane prima della partenza.

Come fare per l’assicurazione?

Per quanto riguarda l’assicurazione, vi rimandiamo alla pagina specifica del nostro sito per le informazioni specifiche.

Qual è il miglior periodo per visitare la Cina?

La Cina copre un'area molto vasta e il suo territorio è ricco di paesaggi mozzafiato tutti diversi tra loro. Grazie a questa sua caratteristica, la Cina è visitabile tutto l'anno. Ogni zona presenta caratteristiche climatiche diverse, per godere al meglio del vostro viaggio prestate quindi attenzione al clima che caratterizza la zona che intendete visitare. In generale, però, i periodi ideali per andare in Cina sono aprile-maggio e settembre-ottobre.


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Deals of the Week   Mad for the Med   Up to 50% OFF

China Tours & Trips

China, Asia's largest country, swings between the stunning modern vibes of Beijing and Shanghai and the centuries old culture and traditions of Tibet . Take a walk on the Great Wall of China , have a river cruise on Yangtze river with one of our adventures or visit Yunnan and fall in love with this country.

250+ China tour packages with 450 reviews

China Unveiled: 17-Day Journey from Hong Kong to Beijing Tour

  • In-depth Cultural

China Unveiled: 17-Day Journey from Hong Kong to Beijing

The Dragon Trip is a great tour. Such value for money. The tour guides were all great and we don't think we could have traveled China without them.
  • 5% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

China Express Tour

China Express

Great fun packed itinerary and wonderful leading by the guide Howard from Xian. Amazing, just go.

8-Day Small Group China Tour to Beijing, Xi\'an and Shanghai Tour

  • Christmas & New Year

8-Day Small Group China Tour to Beijing, Xi'an and Shanghai

This was the best step we made to explore China. This tour was more and beyond our expectations. Maggie was our guide and I cannot recommend her highly enough. Maggie was so giving in her knowledge, so we could soak up the culture.
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

The Essence of Guilin Tour

  • Sightseeing

The Essence of Guilin

The trip was well planned, managed and the pace whilst punchy meant we got to see all the key areas of Guilin, China and immerse ourselves in the culture. I would highly recommend using Truly China Travel

11-Day Small Group China Tour to Beijing, Xi\'an, Guilin and Shanghai Tour

11-Day Small Group China Tour to Beijing, Xi'an, Guilin and Shanghai

It was a fantastic trip . The two girls Tina in Beijing and Celine In Xi’an were amazing . Very knowledgeable. We saw so much and it was an amazing place . The food was good and the hotels were 5 star really. The only thing is maybe we could just say stop for and hour at a couple of places were there was a market that we walked through where we could just look around by a souvenir or just sits down get a drink and soak up the atmosphere of the place . In Shanghai we could have had an hour to look around the French quarter and take it all in . We did not need to to the shops as that was the point but he Mosque in Xi’an would have been another spot we could have just sat had a drink or a quick look at sovereign whatever anyone wanted to do for an hour . Guilin was the same when we walked up the old street we needed to rest get a cold drink and icy pole as it was so hot the blind after the cruise. Just a note that maybe in Shanghai the day we arrive maybe an activity for the evening (A dinner some where ax a group) as he hotel is a fair way out of town and it took us a while to get in . Apart from that I would still recommended this 11 days . You saw all you need and more and the activities were really good . So thank you all. If you haven’t visited China yet I would recommend this tour . Loved it . Regards Vicky from Melbourne Australia

China Delights Small Group Tour Tour

China Delights Small Group Tour

This is a great tour that packs a lot in. Time flies as you see so much although you won't spend long at many of the sites. My favourite bits of the itinerary were: - The Great Wall at Mutianyu (Beijing) we took the chair lift option which meant we could ride the toboggan back down. - Terracotta Warriors (Xian) half day - Li River Cruise (Guilin) - Huangpu River Cruise (Shanghai) which luckily turned into an evening cruise as we couldn't get on the earlier one. Those are the highlights but there are so many other things such as the Tang Dynasty Dancing and Dumpling Dinner and Summer Palace in Beijng and Reed Flute Caves in Guilin. In particular Guilin so picturesque and Shanghai so modern. We were lucky with our first two guides, Tina (Beijing) and Celine (Xian) who were both excellent. Autumn in Guilin and Mindy in Shanghai were good too. Autumn stayed with us to help us find and order food in the evenings so a couple of long shifts for her. Celine helped arrange a birthday cake for one of our younger travellers. Included meals were excellent. Full banquets usually in local restaurants but we really enjoyed the home cooked lunch as well. Food was plentyful. We even enjoyed the set meal box on the cruise. Hotels were generally of a good standard. Check-in at The Great Wall Hotel in Beijing was really slow though and trying to find a table for breakfast was difficult and located a fair distance away from where the restaurants are (need to get the subway to reach them) The hotel in Guilin was the worst one, the rooms being some distance away from the lift and lobby and small bathrooms. The hotel in Shanghai was excellent. It was nice touch that we got framed photo souvenirs of our trip from Beijing although I think both myself and my sister should have received one each as we paid for single supplements. Some feedback I'd give would be that they need to let us know about the optional night tours that are available on the website/ itinerary before we come out so that we can budget properly. There was a night visit for the Big Goose Pagoda in Xian with the musical fountain light show which we would have liked to have gone to didn't go to due to the weather. We found that the night cruise in Guilin was expensive as the premium we paid for the guide to buy the tickets and come onboard with us was excessive. We could have just walked to the ticket office and bought the tickets ourselves. The night tour of Shanghai was just as expensive but at least that included a coach to drive us around as well as the guide. Having said that, we could have used the subway and got around ourselves and because it started so late, we didn't see much. It is worth going up Jin Mao Tower. Overall, we had a great time on this trip and would recommend Travel China Guide.
  • Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees.

China Highlights (5 destinations) Tour

  • Train & Rail

China Highlights (5 destinations)

Looking for tours beyond just china.

Explore tours with itineraries going through multiple countries, including China.

Hong Kong to Chengdu Express: 9-Day Chinese Journey Tour

Hong Kong to Chengdu Express: 9-Day Chinese Journey

I will use tourrader again

Wild Yunnan 8D: Kunming-Dali-Lijiang- Shangri-La Tour

Wild Yunnan 8D: Kunming-Dali-Lijiang- Shangri-La

Since we were traveling in an unpopular travel time, we had our own private tour guide. Our guide, Nancy, was also our driver for Dali, Lijiang and Shangri-La. The whole itinerary was very good scheduled and not to packed, so we had time to stroll around the cities by ourselves as well. We were very happy overall and will definitely recommend this tour

North China Getaway Tour

North China Getaway

Best of China Small Group Tour Tour

Best of China Small Group Tour

Chinese Cuisine & Culture Tour

  • Food & Culinary

Chinese Cuisine & Culture

I saw a lot and the chosen destinations were very interesting. The organization was also great. Everything went smoothly and on time. All the tour guides were extremely friendly, well informed and very keen to fulfill all wishes. The hotels were clean and well maintained. The hotels were centrally located for exploring on your own. I felt very well looked after, learned a lot about China and can only recommend this trip.

Great Wall & Warriors - 10 days Tour

Great Wall & Warriors - 10 days

Just did the Great Wall and Warriors tour in China. It was an Wonderful experience. Enjoyed it very much the service was great. Would definitely recommend this tour. Feng our tour guide was awesome

6 Days Lhasa Gyantse Shigatse Group Tour Tour

6 Days Lhasa Gyantse Shigatse Group Tour

a 6-day/5-night Lhasa Shigatse group tour with Great Tibet Tour in September 2019. There are three times group airport pickup and drop off included. It is about a 1-hour journey from the airport to the central city.   I stayed at the Shangbala Hotel in Lhasa. Most of the clients in the Shangbala Hotel were foreign. I enjoyed breakfast at the Shangbala Hotel. Every morning, my guide will meet us at the hotel hall around 9:30 am. So I can enjoy a good sleep.   The tour guide and driver were both Tibetan. They will talk about Tibetan history and their lifestyle with us. I felt relaxed during my trip. I will recommend this Tour to my friends and family who would like to travel to Tibet.

7 Days Lhasa To Shigatse and Namtso Group Tour Tour

7 Days Lhasa To Shigatse and Namtso Group Tour

I love this trip so much! It is a lifetime experience I will never forget. The guide was very caring. I was a little dizzy on the first day. The guide constantly asked about my condition. He was also humorous and knowledgeable on Tibetan Buddhism and history. We learned a lot along the way. At EBC, we were so lucky to have good weather. When we look out from the window of the nomad tent, breathtaking! I see the starry sky! With the good arrangement and accompaniment, our trip has become more meaningful and wonderful. Thanks for everything. I highly recommend it to our friends.

What people love about China Tours

Fantastic. Guides went overboard to help
The tour was wonderful. The tour guides were very informative and gave lots of recommendations. I went during their down season in December, best decision every. There was not a lot of people at the most popular tourist locations. I recommend coming during the winter.

China Destinations

  • Western China (163)
  • Southern China (109)
  • Great Wall of China (47)
  • Northern China (38)
  • Sichuan (30)
  • Yunnan (19)
  • Xinjiang (18)
  • Silk Road (16)
  • Guangxi (15)
  • Gobi Desert (8)
  • Guangdong (7)
  • Guizhou (5)

Travel Styles

  • Small Group (199)
  • Budget (50)
  • Luxury (37)
  • Singles and Solo (353)
  • For Couples (76)
  • Seniors (233)
  • Group (448)
  • Family (325)
  • In-depth Cultural (316)
  • Fully Guided (307)
  • Personalized (299)
  • Partially Guided (271)
  • Explorer (242)
  • Active (138)
  • Private (134)
  • Hiking & Trekking (30)
  • River Cruise (24)
  • Coach / Bus (19)
  • Intl. Flights Included (18)
  • Train & Rail (9)
  • Bicycle (7)
  • 3 Day Tours (23)
  • 7 Day Tours (111)
  • 10 Day Tours (113)
  • 2 Week Tours (121)
  • 3 Week Tours (59)
  • 4 Week Tours (10)
  • Spring 2024 (387)
  • Summer 2024 (416)
  • Fall / Autumn 2024 (419)
  • Winter 2024 / 2025 (300)
  • Spring 2025 (239)
  • Summer 2025 (181)
  • Fall / Autumn 2025 (179)
  • Winter 2025 / 2026 (127)
  • April 2024 (347)
  • May 2024 (402)
  • June 2024 (388)
  • July 2024 (396)
  • August 2024 (397)
  • September 2024 (411)
  • October 2024 (405)
  • November 2024 (345)
  • December 2024 (297)
  • January 2025 (209)
  • February 2025 (188)
  • March 2025 (214)
  • April 2025 (211)
  • May 2025 (209)
  • June 2025 (175)
  • July 2025 (165)
  • August 2025 (173)
  • September 2025 (172)
  • October 2025 (173)
  • November 2025 (148)

China Tours starting in

  • Starting in Beijing (167)
  • Starting in Shanghai (43)
  • Starting in Lhasa (38)
  • Starting in Chengdu (31)
  • Starting in Kathmandu (26)
  • Starting in Hong Kong (18)
  • Starting in Urumqi (17)
  • Starting in Guangzhou (15)
  • Starting in Xi'an (13)
  • Starting in Lanzhou (8)
  • China Travel Guide | All You Need to Know

International Versions

  • Deutsch: China Rundreisen
  • Français: Circuits et voyages en Chine
  • Español: Circuitos y viajes por China
  • Nederlands: China Rondreizen


BRI spurs Italy to embrace China

chinasia tour operator

ROME - Tourists from China are greeted with welcome signs in their own language upon landing at Rome's Fiumicino Airport, the largest and most dynamic air hub in Italy.

Going all out to impress their Chinese customers, Italian tourism personnel eye greater opportunities in closer Italy-China commercial and tourism exchanges.

In 2017, Italy registered some 1.5 million Chinese tourists, according to the Chinese Tourism Academy, a public entity under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Altogether, they generated in 2017 over 5 million overnight stays, up 12.4 percent year-on-year, according to Italy's National Institute of Statistics.

Industrial personnel are working head over heels to enhance their services and adjust to the changing tourism market, especially the changing appetite of Chinese visitors.

"The profile of Chinese tourists has changed in latest years, in line with the rapid evolution of the Chinese population, and of its average income," Jacopo Sertoli, president of Shanghai-based Welcome Chinese Company, said, adding that recreation is becoming more important for Chinese.

Meanwhile, "the interest of Italians toward China has evolved and partially changed in recent years, and our offer has adjusted accordingly," said Laura Grassi, chief manager of Italian tour operator Chinasia, the first and the oldest Italian operator to manage outbound flows to China since the early 1980s.

Chinasia has gathered much expertise over more than three decades. "At the beginning, China tours mostly attracted Italian people from the middle-high class, well educated, and with an average age of 40," Grassi said.

Today, clients have various profiles. "We have the young student, who is possibly able to speak a little Chinese and wants to have an experience; we have many couples, and families with children as well," she said.

Not surprisingly, Italy is stepping up education to train personnel for the tertiary sector.

At the European University located in the northwest of the Italian capital, the bachelor's and master's degrees in tourism management constitute key educational offers, with special emphasis on Chinese culture-related education.

"Our graduate school students must take cultural anthropology, because it is crucial for them to learn about habits, traditions, and tastes of emerging tourism inflows," said Alessandra Romano, director of European University's Master's in Tourism Management program.

The master's program focuses more on "market niches" than mass tourism, as explained by the professor, "where high-level professionals and managerial roles are more required".

He said: "Yet, we do believe there is already a 'niche' of very high-level Chinese travelers, who have higher needs, and this is a crucial opportunity we cannot miss."

Italy's hopes in the sector are high in terms of growth and of employment, especially considering the sluggish domestic economy lately.

Tourism contributed some 13 percent to the Italian gross domestic product in 2017, according to a February report by a branch of the National Research Center.

People employed in the industry comprised about 14.7 percent of Italy's workforce in 2017, and some 250,000 new jobs are expected by 2023, according to a recent survey by Florence-based Center for Tourism Studies.

However, industry experts are not yet satisfied, and are expecting to unleash greater potential through the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative.

"This (the BRI) is something we really should concentrate on doing well," said Marina Lalli, head of the tourism branch of Italy's major business group Confindustria.

"Up to now, we have mainly drawn tourists from Asia - and from China especially - who wanted to see Italy for its way of life and style, but this is not enough anymore.

"We cannot just count on the fact that we have a beautiful country, nice weather, and good food... The interests of tourists are evolving, and the sector goes more and more digital.

"As such, we need to know really well the Chinese market and how it works, to cater to its needs and demands.

"It is very simple: we just cannot lose that market, and let the big numbers from China come to Europe and visit Italy only a few days as a second destination."

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10 of the Best Chinese Tour Operators and Travel companies

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Tourists riding a boat on the water. Photo by Chastagner Thierry- Unsplash

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China Tour Packages 2022

China Tour Packages & Top China Vacations for 2024/2025

China is so big, so diverse and so fast-changing. No matter it’s your first time to visit China or your tenth, you’ll be amazed by the time-honored history, profound culture, stupendous natural scenery, and friendly Han people and ethnic minorities...

To take you out of the guidebooks and into the real world of China, we are here to offer you the private China vacations with best travel experience possible. From our TOP 10 China vacation tour packages and the most classic China vacations, you’re bound to find something that’s just right for you. From our China vacation tours from the popular gateway cities, you’re on the way to link your country and China in convenient way and enjoy unbeatable value for money.


  • Flexibility: departure date depends on your plan;
  • Budget: all arrangements are according to your budget;
  • Private: No join-in groups; private guides, drivers, cars;
  • Comfort: travel at your pace; highest quality travel service at the best prices;
  • Peace of mind: our travel consultants will ensure that your trip to China and in China is totally worry free.

We are one of the few China travel agencies who have kept active and received lots of feedbacks and reviews during pandemic years


Best China Tour Packages - Perfect for the First-timers

We have made things easier for you. Here are the best 5 China tour itineraries which have been chosen by 85% fist-visitors, and have covered classic Beijing, Xian, Shanghai as well as beautiful Guilin, Zhangjiajie, Yangtze, Tibet, etc. Enjoy exclusive private tour package covering accommodation, flight/bullet train transfer, private car, own tour guide, meals, fun activities…

China Tour Packages & Top China Vacations

8 Days Best of China Tour

China Tour Packages & Top China Vacations

10 Days Classic China Tour

13 Days China Landscape Tour

China Tour Packages & Top China Vacations

15 Days Panoramic Impression of China

17 Days China Paradise Tour with Yangtze Cruise

Find China Tours by Interests

Looking for unique China experiences? Want to get under the skin of every destination you visit? China and our team can always satisfy you. Culture exploration, nature fun, hiking, family holiday, honeymoon… no matter what travel style you want, you can always find an ideal tour with us.

  • Classic China Beijing, Xian, Shanghai…
  • Natural China Zhangjiajie,Guilin…
  • Cultural China Xian, Silk Road…
  • Family-friendly Chengdu, Shanghai…
  • Adventure & Hiking Tibet, Xinjiang…
  • Holidays & Resorts Club Med, Sanya...

CD-BXS-08 8 Days Best of China Tour

Beijing / Xian / Shanghai

trip details »

Jean's family from France visited Mutianyu Great Wall in Beijing in September 2019

Beijing / Xian

Forbidden City Photographed by Our Guest Jessica in September 2023

Hong Kong / Beijing / Xian / Guilin / Yangshuo / Guilin / Shanghai

Gorgeous Scenery of Three Gorges

Shanghai / Yichang / Yangtze Cruise / Chongqing / Xian / Beijing

Our clients Susa's group from Germany visited Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon in October, 2021

Hong Kong / Guilin / Chengdu / Yangtze Cruise / Zhangjiajie / Shanghai / Xian / Beijing

Potala Palace

Shanghai / Guilin / Yangshuo / Guilin / Chengdu / Lhasa / Xian / Beijing

Mogao Caves

Beijing / Xian / Dunhuang / Turpan / Urumqi

Meijiawu Longjing Tea Plantation in Spring

Luoyang / Shaolin Temple / Luoyang

Jiayang Steam Train passing through canola flowers in March

Chengdu / Leshan Giant Buddha / Jiayang Steam Train / Chengdu

View from Shenxianbao Viewing Platform

Chengdu / Siguniangshan / Jinchuan / Danba / Tagong / Xinduqiao / Leshan / Chengdu

Luoping Canola Flowers

Kunming / Stone Forest / Luoping / Kunming

Wuyuan - The Most Beautiful Countryside in China

Huangshan / Wuyuan

Lingshan Grand Buddha

Guilin / Yangshuo / Longsheng

Mount Wuyi Joyous Jiuqu Stream Rafting

Xiamen / Nanjing Tulou / Yongding Tulou / Xiamen / Wuyishan

Wuyuan Autumn Sceneries

Jingdezhen / Wuyuan

chinasia tour operator

Beijing / Xian / Guilin / Yangshuo / Yangtze Cruise / Shanghai

Our customers TJ Maa's group from USA visited Three Pagodas in Dali, Yunnan, China in 2018.

Kunming / Dali / Lijiang / Shangri-La

Xinduqiao Town Countryside Scenery in Autumn

Chengdu / Wolong / Mount Siguniang / Danba / Tagong / Xinduqiao / Kangding / Chengdu

Shaiqiu (Crops Drying) in Yangchan Village

Yellow Mountain - Hongcun - Jiusha - Yangchan - Huangshan

Morning mist in Hemu Village in Autumn

Urumqi - Wu'erhe - Kanas - Burqin - Urumqi - Turpan - Urumqi

The Most Famous Rock of Ashima in Stone Forest

Kunming / Dali / Lijiang

China Snow Town

Harbin / China Snow Town / Harbin

Xiling Snow Mountain Ski Resort

Chengdu / Xiling Snow Mountain / Chengdu

Our customers Bernhard’s group from German visited Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge in Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon, Zhangjiajie, Hunan on August 31, 2020.

  • Zhangjiajie

Wonderful Skiing Experience

Changbai Mountain

Skiing Course at Club Med Yabuli

Harbin / Yabuli Ski Resort / Harbin

Anjali from USA visited Yellow Mountain Huangshan in January, 2019

Tunxi - Huangshan - Hot Spring - Hongcun

Beidahu Ski Resort Skiing

Jilin / Beidahu Ski Resort / Jilin

Mysterious Lakes in Badain Jaran Desert (Taken by Our Travel Consultant Wing)

Xining - Zhangye - Badain Jaran Desert

Stone Monkey Watching the Sea (on Lion Peak)

Shanghai / Suzhou / Hangzhou / Huangshan

Taking a relaxing cruise on Heavenly Lake

Lanzhou / Zhangye / Jiayuguan / Dunhuang / Turpan / Urumqi / Kashgar

Stunning Heavenly Lake, Picture Taken by Our Customer Sandra in July 2021

Hailar (Hulunbuir) - Erguna - Shiwei- Manzhouli - Arxan - Hailar (Hulunbuir)

The multi-faced golden statue (48m) of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva at Golden Summit

Chengdu / Leshan / Emei / Chengdu / Jiuzhaigou

Magnificent sunrise Yuanyang Terraces photoed by our customer Olivia

Kunming / Stone Forest / Yuanyang / Jianshui / Kunming / Dali / Lijiang / Shangri-La

Bizarre Fanjingshan Mushroom Stone Taken by Jessica's Group from Malaysia in November 2019

Guilin / Longsheng / Yangshuo / Zhaoxing / Kaili / Fanjingshan

Perfect View of Mt. Everest from Rongbuk Monastery

Lhasa / Gyangtse / Shigatse / Mt.Everest / Namtso Lake

Luxury Yangtze River Cruise

Shanghai / Guilin / Chongqing / Yangtze Cruise / Yichang / Zhangjiajie / Beijing

Temple of Heaven Shot by Our Customer Harty

Shanghai / Xian / Beijing

Victoria from South Africa visited Terracotta Warriors in 2023

Chengdu / Leshan / Emeishan / Xian / Beijing

Abakh Khoja Tomb

Xian / Dunhuang / Turpan / Urumqi / Kashgar

Tibetan Pilgrim outside the Potala Palace

Beijing / Xian / Lhasa / Chengdu / Shanghai

Xiapu Xiaohao Village

Shanghai / Hangzhou / Putuoshan / Xiapu / Xiamen / HK

Shaolin Temple Kungfu Show, Picture Shared by Our Guest Elie from Belge

Beijing / Pingyao / Xian / Luoyang / Shanghai

Experience the Real Shaolin Kung Fu

Beijing / Datong / Pingyao / Xian / Luoyang / Dengfeng / Zhengzhou

Shaolin Temple Kungfu

Beijing / Xian / Luoyang / Dengfeng / Zhengzhou / Shanghai

Yangtze River Cruise

Beijing / Xian / Lhasa / Chengdu / Chongqing / Yangtze Cruise / Shanghai

Li River Cruise with Kids

Beijing / Xian / Guilin / Shanghai

Kungfu Show in Shaolin Wushu Hall

Beijing / Luoyang / Xian / Guilin / Shanghai

Family Yangtze River Cruise

Beijing / Xian / Guilin / Yangtze River / Shanghai

Tiananmen Square Family Tour with China Discovery

Beijing / Xian / Chengdu / Shanghai

Meet Most Famous Disney Characters - Mickey and His Friends

Beijing / Chengdu / Yangtze Cruise / Shanghai

Night View of the Ancient Bell Tower

Beijing / Luoyang / Xian / Chengdu / Guilin / Shanghai

Hiking to the Sacred Waterfall

Shangri-La / Meili Snow Mountain / Yubeng / Shangri-La

Changping Valley Muluozi in Autumn

Chengdu / Mount Siguniang / Danba / Tagong / Xinduqiao / Leshan / Emei / Chengdu

Taklimakan Desert Highway

Kashgar / Karakul Lake / Hotan / Ala'er / Kucha / Urumqi

A Lifetime Mt. Everest Hiking Experience

Lhasa / Gyantse / Shigatse / Everest

Taking a Great Wall Hiking Tour and be a Hero

Shanghai / Kunming / Lijiang / Shangri la / Xian / Beijing

Tsepa Tent (accommodate 2 people)

Lanzhou - Norden Camp - Lanzhou

Club Med Guilin Panomanic View

Guilin / Yangshuo / Guilin

Stunning Yalong Bay Lying under the Tropical Paradise Forest Park

Lijiang / Shangri-La

China Tours Starting From Gateway Cities

For your convenience, we have created many valuable China tours which start from the most popular China gateway cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Chengdu, Guangzhou, etc. Here are the most recommended tour packages:

China Expats Tours

Find China Tours By Month

There is always a tour for you no matter when you come to China. To help find your idea China trip, we have selected some recommended tours for each month.

Peaceful Beach of Haitang Bay

6 Days In-depth Luxury Sanya Tour with Two Free Days

Price from Request

Claire from UK - 20 RMB Note View, Li River, Guilin

10 Days Most Classic China Tour

Beijing / Xian / Guilin / Yangshuo / Shanghai

Price from $1,999

Yangtze River Cruise

17 Days China Paradise Tour with Yangtze River Cruise

Price from $3,499

Ashima Featured Limestone Rock

6 Days Kunming, Dali & Lijiang Essence Tour

Price from $972

Hiking Experience in China Snow Town

6 Days Harbin Tour with China Snow Town & Yabuli Skiing

Harbin / China Snow Town / Yabuli Ski Resort / Harbin

Lijiang Old Town Full View-2021-Louis from Singapore

14 Days Wild China Tours from Shanghai to Yunnan on Expresses

Shanghai / Zhangjiajie / Kaili / Kunming / Lijiang / Shangri-la / Kunming

Price from $2,758

Terracotta Warriors-202310-Victoria from South Africa-CD-HA-107570(2)

9 Days Pandas Terracotta Warriors Plus Great Wall Tour

Price from $1,529

Julie & Friend from France - Lhasa Potala Palace

10 Days Classic Beijing Xian Lhasa Tour

Beijing / Xian / Lhasa

Price from $1524

Magnificent sunrise at Yuanyang Terraces-2017-Olivia

11 Days Amazing Yunnan Tour

Price from $1859

Jean's group from France - Mutianyu Great Wall, Beijing

6 Days Classic Beijing Xian Tour

Price from $850

Changbai Mountain Heavenly Lake Summer View (West Slope)

6 Days Harbin, China Snow Town & Changbai Mountain Tour

Harbin / China Snow Town / Changbai Mountain

Sailing on Yangtze River in Autumn

13 Days Best China Vacation

Price from $2,478

Miriam's Group - Surreal Avatar Views in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

13 Days China Superb Landscape Tour including Zhangjiajie

Beijing / Xian / Zhangjiajie / Guilin / Shanghai

Price from $2,695

CD-BXGZST-12 12 Days Wonders of China Tour

12 Days Wonders of China Tour (Flights + Comfortable Hotels)

Beijing / Xian / Guilin / Zhangjiajie / Shanghai

Price from $2375

Stone Monkey Watching the Sea (on Lion Peak)

9 Days East China & Huangshan Mountain Tour

Price from $1,572

Three Pagodas, Dali, Yunna - TJ Maa's group from USA

8 Days Classic Yunnan Tour

Price from $1,318

Chona's Group  from Philippines - Longji Rice Terraces (Jinkeng), Guilin

9 Days Guilin Guizhou Minority Culture and Landscape Exploration by High Speed Train

Guangzhou / Guilin / Yangshuo / Longji / Zhaoxing / Rongjiang / Kaili

Price from $1531

Basumtso lake

7 Days Scenic Tibet Private Tour

Lhasa / Nyingchi

Old Streets of Pingyao Ancient City

9 Days Ancient Treasures of China Tour

Beijing / Datong / Pingyao / Xian

Price from $1,388

Abakh Khoja Tomb

10 Days Classic Silk Road Tour

Price from $2,566

Ewan's Family from UK - Kubuqi Desert, Inner Mongolia

6 Days Inner Mongolia Bests Discovery Tour

Hohhot / Ulanqab / Huitengxile Grassland / Hohhot / Baotou / Yemingsha of Kubuqi Desert / Ordos

Price from $975

Look up at Leshan Giant Buddha from its foot stage

10 Days Classic Sichuan & Yunnan Highlights Tour

Chengdu / Leshan / Mount Emei / Lijiang / Shangri-La / Kunming

Price from $1757

Gorgeous Three Gorges Scenery

12 Days Shanghai Yangtze Cruise Xian Beijing China Tour

Price from $2,132

Mysterious Lakes in Badain Jaran Desert -Wing

8 Days Zhangye Danxia and Badain Jaran Desert Tour

Price from $1657

Mordaoga National Forest Park

6 Days Hulunbuir & Greater Khingan Highlights Tour

Hailar / Hulunbuir Grassland / Erguna / Greater Khingan Range/ Shiwei / Heishantou / Hailar

Luxury Yangtze River Cruise

14 Days Best China Zhangjiajie Landscape Tour with Yangtze Cruise

Price from $2439

Mount Everest

8 Days Classic Mount Everest Tour from Lhasa

Lhasa / Gyantse / Shigatse/ Everest

Price from $1,589

Upper Langde Miao Village Performance

6 Days Diverse Guizhou Tour (Guiyang / Kaili / Fanjingshan)

Guiyang / Anshun / Kaili / Fanjingshan

Kaili Miao Minority People

10 Days Yunnan & Guizhou Amazing Minorities Tour

Kunming / Lijiang / Shangri-La / Kunming / Fanjingshan / Kaili / Zhaoxing / Congjiang

Price from $1667

Shaolin Temple Kungfu Show at Shaolin Wushu Hall

11 Days Essence of China Culture Tour by Bullet Trains

Price from $1,984

Morning mist in Hemu Village in Autumn

9 Days Kanas Lake Fairyland Tour from Urumqi

Black Dragon Pool Park-20210316-Carrie from China

6 Days Best of Yunnan Tour

Lijiang / Shangri-La / Kunming

Price from $1,035

Mrs. Garlen Chan’s group from Canada - Jiayuguan

6 Days Zhangye Jiayuguan Dunhuang Tour

Lanzhou - Zhangye - Jiayuguan - Dunhuang

Price from $946

Hiking to the Sacred Waterfall

7 Days Shangri-La Tour with Meili Snow Mountain & Yubeng Village Hiking

Price from $1033

Song and Dance at Zhaoxing Dong Village

7 Days Best of Guizhou Tour with Nature & Culture

Guiyang / Anshun / Libo / Kaili / Congjiang / Zhaoxing

Xinduqiao Town Countryside Scenery in Autumn

6 Days Western Sichuan Autumn Sightseeing Tour

Price from $1038

CD-BXS-08 8 Days Best of China Tour

8 Days Best of China Tour (Flight/Bullet Train Covered)

Price from $1,432

Jenn's group from Canada - Sun Island, Harbin

3 Days Classic Harbin Winter Tour

Frequent question asked by our clients.

Here we list out the most frequently asked questions that our former customers about tour planning, travel documents, itinerary, hotel, booking, dinning. You are also welcomed to submit your question to us, our travel experts are always ready to help. Read more tips »

All our tours are private tour packages except for some programs operated by our partners, such as Yangtze Cruise, Tibet Group Tour, etc. Private tour package means high standard of tour services and more flexibility. Travel with our tour package, you will have your own tour guide and vehicle who only serve for you. Besides, itinerary, hotels, meals and tour activities can all be customized according to your personal need. And for sure, all above services are covered in your tour price, which means you don’t have to worry about extra payment or hidden costs. While providing you the best tour service, we also ensure our tours are valuable and affordable for you.

Where to go? For the first-timer China tour, you can go to classic destinations, such as Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Guilin, Zhangjiajie, Yangtze River, Tibet, etc. To add some different experience, you can travel classic destinations with some other unique destinations. For Nature Enjoyment : Yunnan, Tibet, Sichuan, Gansu, Guizhou, Huangshan, Inner Mongolia, Yangtze River; For Culture Exploration : Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Tibet, Xinjiang, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Pingyao, Luoyang, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Xiamen, etc. For Family with Kids : Shanghai, Beijing, Xian, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc. For Adventure : Sichuan, Gansu, Xinjiang, Tibet, Yunnan, etc.

When to go? Since China is so large and diverse, you can always find suitable destinations to visit in each season, or each month. In the big metropolis, such as Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Chengdu, the season doesn't matter as much as visiting natural destinations, because their best highlights are all conveniently located in or near the city downtown, and it is always very easy to book flights, trains and hotels. But some destinations are only recommended to be visited in specific seasons. Generally speaking, autumn is the best season to travel China when the weather is pleasant and scenery is finest. To avoid the crowds, you can avoid traveling during the festivals, such as National Holiday, Middle Autumn Festival, etc.

Unless you are qualified for Visa-free policies, such as long-term residential visa, transit visa free, or you are from specific countries, you are required to have a Tourist Visa (L Visa) for your China tour. You can apply for Chinese visa in Chinese embassies or consulates in your country. To successfully obtain a Chinese Visa, applicants need to prepare some materials to prove his/her legal identity and purpose of visiting. The most important requirements are basic documents, including your passport and a completed visa application form. And supporting documents relate to your itinerary like flight ticket and hotel booking record and visiting schedule and Invitation Letter, etc. are also very helpful.

Making a booking with us is quite simple: 1) Send an Inquiry; 2) Get a tour package with quotation from us; 3) Amend the tour according to your requirement; 4) You confirm the tour and pay a deposit; 5) Pay the balance; 6) Enjoy your tour.

You can make payment either by Wechat Pay, Alipay, or Bank Transfer, PayPal, even cash. Your travel consultant will instruct you to complete the payment.

If you must cancel your trip, please submit your cancellation in written form by email or fax with your signature as early as possible. The final refund amount depends on when we receive your cancellation notice or letter, and actual expense, such as hotel booking, tickets reservation, etc. Your travel consultant will help you with the detailed process.

It depends on your group size and budget. We have sedan car, SUV, business van (MPV), different types of buses available. No matter where you are going to visit, your vehicle is licensed, air conditioned, clean, and expertly maintained. To maximize your comfort, we use vehicles with extra space for you and your luggage.

In each destination, you’ll stay in a comfortable hotel with great location! We only use hotel with good-ratings, great locations, well-equipped facilities, cozy bed, high quality service and guests’ feedbacks. Choices are a lot ranging from luxury 5 star, comfortable 4 star to budget 3 star. You could decide where to stay to best suit for your budget and likes. Generally, the hotels have both Western and Chinese breakfast with a wide choices. If you have already got an ideal hotel, please feel free to tell our travel consultants and they'll book the hotel for you.

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Start planning your tailor-made holiday to China by contacting one of our specialists. Once enquired, you’ll get a response within 0.5~23.5 hours.

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China Tours

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  • Family Tour with Kids
  • High-Speed Train Tour
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  • Yangtze River Cruise
  • Hiking & Trekking Tours
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  • China Minority Travel
  • Beijing Shanghai Tours
  • Shanghai Yangtze Tours
  • Chengdu Jiuzhaigou Tours
  • Chengdu Lhasa Tours
  • Suzhou Hangzhou Tours
  • Guilin & Yangshuo

“Very good experience”


“Awesome China tour from northeast to southwest”

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Best China Trip Choice: Chinese or Foreign Tour Company

Best China Trip Choice: Chinese or Foreign Tour Company

If you planning a China trip and would like the help of a tour company, should you choose a Chinese or a foreign operator? This page should help in making the right choice for you.

Here we ask, "Is a Chinese or foreign company best for a China trip" from several aspects: communication, China knowledge, product design, authentic China experiences, flexibility/customizing, value for money, and problem solving (during the trip).

1. Communication

A tour operator in your country will have the same language and culture as you, so communication will be easier, and they'll know you better. They'll have a website designed specifically for your perusal. Their service will on your wavelength, and in terms you can easily understand.

Chinese or China-based tour companies often struggle to bridge the gap into the English-speaking market, they may lose to their foreign competitors in communication.

The more-experienced and larger China companies like China Highlights are more proficient in English (some have foreign staff for English consultancy like the author of this article), so communication is passable, or as close to native English as possible.

A benefit of communicating with a Chinese travel agent is that you are getting a China experience even before you leave your country!

2. China Knowledge

Foreign tour companies know you well; China not so well. It's a lot like going to foreign China with (knowledgeable) foreign companions.

Foreign tour companies are on the outside looking in : introducing similar people to a foreign country.

A China-based tour company will be introducing you to their home country from your first contact with them, and the best ones take a particular pride in doing it well. A China-based tour operator knows China and its tourism better.

Chinese tour companies are working from the inside out : introducing their country to foreign people.

However, not all Chinese companies exploit their specialist local knowledge in their tours, preferring to offer low-input, low-cost itineraries. If you really want to get to know China , go with a Chinese agency who use their wealth of knowledge to create a tour that satisfies your China interests.

3. Tour Design

Foreign tour companies have the same cultural background as you, and their tour designs will reflect that (if they have invested time in designing their own China tours). Expect products that will give you a familiar tour experience to what you are used to, and winning formulas that have been used to introduce other countries.

There are basically three types of foreign tour companies, who design three types of tours:

a) The "Safari-Operator"

These companies design their own brand of foreign-experience or adventure small group tours (for several countries) through actually going there, e.g. Intrepid, Peregrine, Contiki: the "safari-operators".

b) The "Middle-Men"

Then there are those who just sell on traditional Chinese group tours through a foreign platform: the middle-men.

These foreign companies are re-packaging tours designed and even owned by Chinese operators, with an added cost for their selling it to you. If there is little China knowledge demonstrated by the staff or website, then "middle-men" is probably what they are.

c) The "Explorer-Guides"

Lastly, there are the (usually small) foreign companies who arrange private tailor-made tours through their own limited China knowledge and contacts: the explorer-guides. These are particularly useful if you are after a specialism like photography or mountaineering.

Chinese Tour Operators — Two Types

For a tour design that's uniquely Chinese, go with a Chinese company… In China, there are basically two sorts of tour operator offering two travel styles: the traditional large group tour and the private small group tour.

Most of China's large group tour outfits show little originality in tour design and have been herding tourists round the same places for decades. This is lowest-possible-cost tourism for the masses. Foreign "middle-men" sell on these mundane products at a markup.

China's private travel enterprises are far more innovative and competitive. Chinese private tour companies typically invest far more in tour design, every year refining and developing their itineraries and options to give customers an ever-better China experience. See what we have New This Year .

4. Authentic China Experiences

Generally with a local tour company you can get more in touch with China.

Although foreign tour companies, especially those that are adventure-trip-orientated, do arrange many local experiences through exploration visits and local outfits, the range is usually limited compared to what a local company with more local contacts can do.

Foreign companies who design their own small group tours often espouse greater concern for responsible travel , tourism ethics, and eco-tourism. This is also catching on with some Chinese operators, but more slowly. It is something that China Highlights are actively investing in. See more on How to Travel Ethically in China .

5. Flexibility/Customizing

Most foreign companies don't offer any option to change the tour schedule or content, providing fixed-itinerary, fixed-start-date group tours. You join the tour like a railcar joining a train!

Many Chinese agents also just offer traditional large group tours with no flexibility, however they will at least be able to offer more of them. Where a foreign company may only have a tour departing once a week, a Chinese company may have several fixed tours starting every day to choose from. Middle-men foreign companies sell on these inflexible China-agent group tours.

Foreign companies who tailor private tours for their customers have more limited knowledge and resources than a comparable Chinese travel agency. While they could book a different hotel for you, or even something different on the itinerary, it would have to be somewhere they're familiar with, and could arrange with their local agent.

The most flexibility and customizing ability is found with Chinese companies who have at their disposal a vast range of tourist industry contacts and experience in tailor-making tours.

Large or locally-based Chinese companies are familiar with a greater range of hotels, restaurants, sights, activities, etc., and can advise and book according to your needs/interests.

6. Value for Money (overheads + what you want)

A China-based tour operator has lower overhead costs than a company based in the West, meaning you will usually have the same essential service for less with a Chinese company.

Foreign tour companies necessarily use Chinese agents, and some just resell Chinese tour company tours, with less control over them than a Chinese company. In this case, the foreign "middle-man" markup option is definitely less value for money.

While a small group tour designed by a foreign company will probably be more your style than a traditional Chinese large group tour, it will cost more for doing many of the same things. Probably it will be better value for money, maybe not.

However, the recommended way to find value for money in China is to have your tour tailor-made by a local expert. Then you will only do what you want, how you want , without paying for all the standardized group tour inclusions. See Why Your China Trip Should Be a Private Tour… Not a Group Tour .

Apart from a few small, often specialist, foreign outfits, Chinese companies like ourselves are the place to come for customized private tours.

7. Problem Solving (during your trip)

What if all does not go according to plan on your trip? What if you become ill or injured? What if you lose something important, or are the victim of crime? What if your transport is delayed, or the weather disrupts plans? What if a hotel isn't to your liking or the tour isn't up to expectations?

What if you'd just like to do something different on the spur of the moment?

Foreign companies aren't as much help.

If you experience problems during your trip and contact a foreign company, they will be comparatively slow to no help at all.

The typical response will be: "We're sorry you are experiencing this issue. However, there isn't anything we can do about it. Have you tried contacting your local tour leader? We will contact the local agent as soon as possible (when an English speaker is available in China, i.e. you're on your own now)."

China-based companies can often fix problems on the spot.

Usually a China-based company will be able to solve on-tour problems quicker.

Some China tour companies (like ourselves) offer a 24/7 helpline for while you are traveling. You can speak to a Chinese travel expert, who can immediately address a situation. A China tour operator has the advantage of language and familiarity with China and Chinese establishments.

If we can't solve your on-tour problems on the spot, we will stand with you through any adjustments to make your tour the best it can be.

China Highlights - A local Chinese Tour Company

We are in China. We only do China, and do it well. We specialize in authentic Chinese experiences and tailor-made trips.

Unlike those foreign travel companies, who only resell tours, we create unique China experiences. Visit our China tour pages to see samples of how we do.

Or let us know your interests and requirements for a unique tailor-made China tour .

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Address: Building 6, Chuangyi Business Park, 70 Qilidian Road, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China

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Tibet Tours

Tibet Tours

Best private tibet tour packages, china & tibet private tours, independent tibet hiking, tibet tour planning.

  • Top 10 Things to Do in Tibet
  • 15 Best Places to Visit in Tibet for First-time Visitors
  • Best Time to Visit Tibet
  • How to Travel from Nepal to Tibet?

Do I really need a travel permit if I want to visit Tibet? How can I get one?

Is altitude sickness a big problem how can i avoid it.

  • Get a thorough physical examination and seek advice from your doctor if you plan to visit Tibet. If you suffer from anemia, hypertension, or heart problems perhaps you should not visit the area.
  • Be careful not to catch a cold and also ensure you are in good health before heading there. Bring medicines for colds, diarrhea and fever with you. Some nasal ointment and throat-moistening lozenges will be of great help for those who are sensitive to chilly or freezing weather conditions.
  • On the first day of your arrival, avoid vigorous activities such as walking fast, running and swimming. Bathing and smoking are also not recommended.
  • Drink enough water and eat lightly. Snacks with high caloric content, like chocolate, will come in handy.
  • Please notify your private guide immediately to get instant help if you feel any discomfort.

What is the appropriate behavior when visiting religious sites in Tibet?

  • Visitors need to walk clockwise around the religious sites and facilities, like temples, monasteries, pagodas, Mani stones and prayer wheels.
  • Visitors are not allowed to touch Buddhist statues and sutras. Also taking pictures and smoking inside temples or monasteries is prohibited.
  • Avoid wearing shorts at the religious site.
  • Do not touch anyone on the head.
  • Do not step on the threshold of any house, temple or monastery.

Is it convenient to use credit card and ATM cards when traveling in the region?

I found all tibet tour packages 2024 cost more than those of other major tourist cities in china. may i know why, can i do independent travel in tibet.

  • Tailor My Trip

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The Helpful Panda

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  • Provinces and regions
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  • China packing list
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Best time to visit the Great Wall of China (2024)

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What are the main differences between China and Taiwan?

10 reasons why China sucks

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  • Travel agencies
  • Learn Chinese in China
  • Learn Chinese online
  • Study programs
  • Internships
  • Recruitment agencies
  • Teacher recruitment agencies
  • TEFL courses
  • Volunteer programs
  • Dating sites
  • Travel insurance

Select Page

China travel agencies and tour operators

Booking a tour through a China travel agency is a great idea, especially if you can’t speak Mandarin.

Travel agencies take the hassle out of things like transport, accommodation, ticketing for tourist attractions, and even finding the best food.

Whether you’re a budget traveler or you prefer a little luxury, we’ve listed all the major China travel agents and tour operators below.

Can’t decide? We recommend Trip for choice and great value. And don’t forget your travel insurance for China !


Stay ahead of the pack for only $10 a month!

Access China Travel

Access China Travel is a reliable local China travel company and tour operator. With over 20 years’ operation, we specialize in private China tours and tailor-made trips for individuals, families and small groups around China. Destinations include Guilin, Harbin, Yunnan, Beijing, and the Silk Road.


+86 773 382 1157

[email protected]

Beijing By Foot

Beijing by Foot leads historical walking tours and educational programs exploring the famous sites and less-traveled byways of Beijing. We are seekers, travelers, and historical enthusiasts on a search for Old Peking.


+86 138 1122 8460

[email protected]

Beijing Hikers

Beijing Hikers is a family-run business that has been organising hikes and expeditions around Beijing and greater China since 2001. Our trips are enjoyable, friendly, well-organised, and we’ll take you to many places that would be difficult to reach by yourself.


+86 10 6432 2786

[email protected]

Beijing Sideways

Beijing Sideways helps you explore Beijing and its surroundings from a sideways view, seated in the sidecar of a motorbike. You can enjoy the company of an expat insider who has been living in Beijing for years, guiding you in your exploration.


+86 139 1133 4947

CBT Holidays

Welcome to CBT Holidays. As one of Australia’s leading specialist tour operators to China, we offer an extensive array of high quality itineraries and packages that are exceptional value and introduce you to unique experiences of rich culture, grand historic sights and friendly people.


+61 2 9262 1555

[email protected]

Chengdu Food Tours

We’re a small team of young locals and foreigners driven by a passion for food and sharing the best parts of the city we love. We live in Chengdu and use our on-the-ground knowledge to design custom food experiences that range from urban explorations to foraging trips in the mountains.


China Connection Tours

China Connection Tours offers outstanding service and quality as one of the leading China tour operators and travel agencies in China. Our diverse service portfolios provide great value for individuals and groups who want to experience the best China has to offer.


+86 29 8765 0440

[email protected]

China Culture Tour

We’re one of the best China tour companies, excelling at providing luxury cultural tours for families, seniors, couples and private small groups based on the needs of our clients. We’ll accommodate your personal requests at the most reasonable price and ensure your tour experience in China is valuable and top-notch.


+1 800 298 1328

[email protected]

China Cycle Tours

We’re a Shanghai and Suzhou based bicycle tourism company specializing in guided city and countryside biking tours. We operate carefully chosen cycling routes both in Shanghai and Suzhou, and in the surrounding mountains and countryside. We also do customized tours if you are interested in travelling off the beaten path.


+86 1376 111 5050

[email protected]

China Discovery

China Discovery provides a selection of carefully designed private tours, special theme tours, city tours, private group tours, and tailor-made trips for families, couples, friends and business travelers from all over the world.


+86 28 85227275

[email protected]

China Dragon Tours

China Dragon Tours is an online tour operator specialized in private China tours. We offer high-quality and economical China tour services to tourists worldwide. To help you discover the beauty and diversity of our country, we tour packages which cover the most popular Chinese highlights and adventures.


+86 871 6351 1469

[email protected]

China Highlights

China Highlights is one of the best China tour companies that specializes in customized and creative China tours. Our reputation is second to none as the China tour agency with the most positive reviews on TripAdvisor. We exist to help you discover China your way.


+86 773 283 1999

[email protected]

China Odyssey Tours

As a reliable China tour operator, China Odyssey Tours provides private guides and transfers, 100% tailor-made itineraries, and good prices for families, couples, friends, and business travelers to all China’s major tourist destinations including Beijing, Xi’an, Shanghai, Guilin, Chengdu and Tibet.


+86 156 9773 0073

[email protected]

China Roads

Based in Yunnan, China Roads offers you the opportunity to create your next tailored trip to China, from cultural stays to hiking or cycling tours. We are French travel advisers and have lived in China for several years.


+33 09 83 07 44 60

China Xian Tour

China Xian Tour is a reputable travel agency based in Xian. We have been online since 2000, offering first class China travel experiences at unbeatable prices. We do tours in all the popular destinations including Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Guilin, Zhangjiajie, Chengdu, Luoyang, Tibet, Harbin, and cities along the Silk Road.


+86 151 2900 5119

[email protected]


Combining many years of experience in the China travel industry and a deep understanding of Chinese culture, we create fantastic, memorable, and affordable China tours for our customers so they can experience the rich history, exotic lifestyle, and breathtaking landscapes of China.


+1 888 878 1777

[email protected]


We do everything we can to make your China tour easy and enjoyable for you. From the initial enquiry through to follow up after your China vacation, we pay attention to every detail. Why? Because we’re committed to helping you create beautiful travel memories.


+86 29 8833 6611


We are a China-based company and have been serving online customers for over 20 years. We provide private one-stop China trips that are fun and flexible, with the freedom to choose local activities and experiences to make your own trip. We are more than happy to customize your unique trip.


+86 773 286 5632

[email protected]

China International Travel Service Limited (CITS) was founded in 1954. CITS owns a network of over 120 branches and offices across the country to provide service wherever people travel within China. The highly educated staff speak 14 languages including English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Russian and Japanese.

+86 10 65222991

[email protected]

Cycle Canton

Go off-the-beaten path and experience the real Guangzhou. Join our leisurely paced cycle and walking tours to dive deep into the hidden alleyways of the Old Canton, where you can find the culture and lifestyle of the locals, and soak up the soul of this historic city.


+86 156 2640 6926

[email protected]

Ad banned China apps

Easy Tour China

Since 1999, we’ve delivered affordable, high quality tailor-made China tour packages to our clients. We’re now becoming a leading travel company for private escorted tours in China. So far, our team has served over 20,000 satisfied customers.


+1 888 666 0951

[email protected]

Elevated Trips

We offer eco tours and unique experiences that are off the beaten track on the Tibetan Plateau and beyond that benefit the local communities. Our tours and treks are culturally immersive and full of wonder and life and focus on small group sizes and authentic experiences.


+86 199 1732 4924

[email protected]

Expats Holidays

We are a team of young and diverse travel experts dedicated to providing travel consultations and customer service. Our mission is to deliver the ultimate travel planning service for expats living in China.


+86 021 6054 7788

[email protected]

Explore Beyond

Most visitors to China only scratch the surface in terms of geography and cultural understanding. Explore Beyond was born out of a desire to encourage a more comprehensive and meaningful discovery of China compared to the classic sightseeing tours.


+86 137 0189 9694

[email protected]

Go To Tibet

Go To Tibet provides various private tours and well-chosen small group tours at affordable prices. As a professional Tibet tour operator, our mission is to guarantee you a high-quality and worry-free trip. You’ll learn the rich history, feel the authentic culture, and experience the breathtaking landscapes of Tibet.


+86 28 8678 2391

[email protected]

Great Tibet Tour

We have provided quality, affordable and reliable tours in and around Tibet for over 17 years. As a recommended Tibet travel agency by Lonely Planet, we look forward to showing you the best of Tibet on your next vacation.


+86 891 667 9450

[email protected]

Great Wall Hiking

Great Wall Hiking offers a variety of hiking, trekking, walking and camping tours on the Great Wall in Beijing, Hebei, and Shanxi in northern China. Great Wall Hiking is committed to Western-style service and responsible travel, helping travelers minimize their impact and maximize their connection with people and the environment.


+86 158 1144 4863

[email protected]

Jenny’s Shanghai Tours

We specialize in private tours of Shanghai, Beijing, Suzhou, Hangzhou and southern China. Our hand-crafted and custom tours ensure you have a wonderful experience based on your needs and interests. Since we’re not a big agency, you get great service, low prices and amazing guides.


+1 980 395 3733

[email protected]

Lily Sun China Tours

You’re promised an exceptional experience be it in Xian, Beijing or one of the other great sites China has to offer. If you’re a lover of history, nature or a traveler with time or budget constraints, a family with children or a senior, we can tailor a tour for you.


+86 186 2929 5068

[email protected]

Local Chengdu Tours

Unveil the fascinating heritage of Chengdu with its longest-running guided sightseeing tours. Local Chengdu Tours shows you the best that Chengdu city has to offer, from mysterious archaeological sites to the panda bases and to the beautiful mountains and ancient towns, all from the comfort of our air-conditioned private vehicles.


+86 773 267 5596

[email protected]

Introducing China’s only food focused multi-day trips in Yunnan, Chengdu and Xian. We’ve spent years searching for the best things to eat and do in China, everywhere from our favorite cities to the far corners of China’s wild west, and now we’re sharing our secrets with you.


+86 156 9210 9030

[email protected]


Muslim2China is an online China travel agency and tour operator specifically designed for Muslim travelers. As a halal tourism specialist, we appreciate your specific requirements and expectations, thus we carefully tailor every package so that you can make the most of your halal holiday in China.


+86 755 2219 5667

[email protected]

Old Road Tours

We’re a family-run Uyghur tour company based in Kashgar, China who want to create amazing experiences for you in Xinjiang.

[email protected]

Our Beijing

We focus on genuine local experiences that allow you to discover an authentic, exciting and truly wholesome side to Beijing.


[email protected]

Shanghai Insiders

Cruise around Shanghai by Jeep. Pick your ride and let your Insider, a long-term expat who fell in love with China, customize your adventure according to your expectations. Other Insiders destinations include Xi’an and Guilin.


+86 138 176 169 75

[email protected]

Shanghai Private Tours

As a senior Shanghai travel agency, we have designed a wide range of outstanding Shanghai tours for you, including Shanghai City Tour, Hop-on Hop-off City Sightseeing Bus Tour, and Shanghai Water Town Tours. Other city tours include Beijing, Xian, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Chengdu.


+86 137 3541 1378

[email protected]

Sublime China

Find your dream tour with China’s #1 travel agency. We have 28 years’ experience in the travel industry and the best team of experts who have deep insights into corporate and leisure travel. Committed to the highest customer satisfaction, we provide top-quality customized tours at competitive and favorable prices.


+1 888 373 6882

[email protected]

The Dragon Trip

Budget-friendly, backpacking adventures trips for the young and the young at heart, our tours range from 8 to 24 days and take in all of China’s highlights. China is where we started and what we do best.


+44 (0) 207 157 9964

[email protected]

Top China Travel

Top China Travel is one of the largest online travel agencies based in China. Over 60 years of professional service has earned them a strong reputation for knowledge, experience, efficiency and integrity. They offer hundreds of itineraries in places all over China for a reasonable price.


+1 800 9182657

[email protected]

Travel China Guide

We’re the largest online tour operator in China. 70,000+ guests have traveled with us every year! We offer many choices of holiday plans assisting you to explore the unique Chinese beauty of the foremost oriental civilization.


+1 800 315 3949

Travel China With Ning

As a Chinese travel expert based in the UK, I am fluent in both Chinese and English and well-versed in China’s travel and entry rules. I have an in-depth knowledge of China’s hidden gems and can design unforgettable journeys that delve deep into the country’s culture and wonders.


+44 0787 384 2190

[email protected]

Travel Stone

Founded in 2008, Travel Stone is a local travel agency based in Beijing managed by Emilie and Serge. Our team is a mix of Chinese and foreigners who put its knowledge at your service. Together we will organize your amazing tailor made holiday in Asia.


+86 10 56707458

[email protected]

Trip is a Chinese multinational online travel company that provides accommodation bookings, transportation ticketing, packaged tours and corporate travel management. Formerly known as Ctrip, it has an easy-to-use website and app along with 24-hour customer service in over a dozen languages.


+1 646 362 8606

Tulou Travel

We are a team of people who were born and grew up in the Hakka Earth Buildings (Tulou) areas, as well as Xiamen, Wuyi Mountains, and many other places in Fujian province. It’s our honour and obligation to show all travelers the authentic Hakka Earth Buildings.


+86 134 0065 0232

[email protected]

Wendy Wei Tours

We’re the #1 rated tour agency in Guilin on TripAdvisor for over 8 years! Wendy Wei Tours specializes in providing high-quality, authentic private tour experiences in southern China. And we proudly never force or even encourage you to have shopping stops.


+86 1348 1379 321

[email protected]

Wendy Wu Tours

Find your perfect China tour with Wendy Wu Tours. Our China tours vary from short and sweet city adventures to epic all-encompassing overland journeys. You are sure to find the right China tour for you among our selection of fully inclusive group tours, Deluxe tours and Immerse Yourself tours.


+44 (0) 808 2582 096

Wheely Bike Tours

We are a Shanghai-based bicycle tourism company specialized in guided city tours by bike. We offer authentic local tours through different parts of Shanghai. Each of our tours has a specific theme, as well as customized tours according to your requirements. Join us in exploring this amazing city by bicycle!


+86 188 1800 5001

[email protected]

We are the travel company that punches through the tourist bubble to get to the real stories. We empower you to discover the real China that lives in the hearts of the people you will meet along the way. Come with us and enjoy exclusive luxury travel experiences in China.


+86 10 6465 6602

[email protected]


WindhorseTour is a local China travel agency which has specialized in tailor-made China private tours to people from all over the world for over 10 years. We offer flexibly customized tours and socially responsible tourism, and we’re available to help our clients 24 hours a day.


+86 28 8559 3923

[email protected]

Yunnan Roads

We’re a team of French and Chinese, based in Kunming and Yunnan, since 2006. We’re experts in tailor-made trips in Yunnan, with a real desire to make you discover Yunnan, the most beautiful province of China, in the best possible way.


Zhangjiajie Travel Club

We provide local private tour packages to Zhangjiajie. We specialize in customized tours for individuals, families and groups which are great value for money. You can benefit from a Zhangjiajie travel information center, a consulting center, and an online reservation center specializing in personalized travel service.


Top travel resources for China

Planning a vacation in China?

  • Check out some of the  best places to visit in China
  • Make sure you know how the  Chinese internet  works
  • Get great rates on travel insurance

Or, simply  read our latest travel articles  for the freshest information about this intriguing country.

And before you go…

Please take a look at our packing list for China . It covers all the items you’ll ever need, from your toothbrush to your travel adapter.

Information for China travel agencies and tour operators

Add your business to our China travel agents list!

Your free listing can include a brief description (under 50 words) of your business, as well as your logo, website, email address and phone number. Your travel agency must specialize in China tours.

A  paid listing means your business appears right at the top. It includes a valuable link to your website, and you can even use your own design. And, you can enhance your free listing with an image so it stands out.

If you would like to add, update or remove your travel agency, please contact us .


All your favorite websites and apps are banned in China. So, you’ll need to download a virtual private network (VPN) app before you go. We’ve reviewed the best VPNs to help you access the internet freely in China.

Popular apps in China

The 11 best Chinese history books

Do you want to learn more about China? Then grab one of these Chinese history books and find yourself a cozy armchair!

China packing list

Do you want to build your career in China?


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Mappe di Viaggio

Cina (parte 9×9) – Conclusioni e commenti su Chinasia

Ottobre 17th, 2008 Reportages 0 comments

Ultima parte del nostro reportage del viaggio in Cina: una nostra opinione sul tour operator per la Cina che abbiamo scelto, ovvero Chinasia,

Conclusioni sul nostro viaggio in Cina

chinasia tour operator

Se dobbiamo fare delle critiche: sicuramente il troppo tempo sprecato per visitare le fabbriche con l’intento di farci spendere soldi, cosa che ha sottratto tempo alle visite (soprattutto a Pechino), e molto poco tempo libero per girare da soli. Siamo stati un pò più liberi a Shanghai, ma molto meno nella capitale: peccato.

In definitiva, ne è valsa certamente la pena: non abbiamo avuto molta possibilità di stare a contatto con la gente e la vita quotidiana, di cui abbiamo solo avuto brevi e vaghi assaggi nei mercati popolari e nelle poche ore libere. Pero’ la scelta di viaggiare con un tour organizzato non si è rivelata sbagliata, dal momento che informazioni per turisti occidentali non ne abbiamo trovate molte, se non a Pechino e Shanghai e – quando siamo stati in Cina nel 2006 – avremmo avuto certamente molti problemi a raggiungere alcune zone da soli.

Recensione e commenti sul Viaggio in China organizzato dal Tour Operator Chinasia

chinasia tour operator

In Cina tutto è controllato dallo Stato, anche e soprattutto il turismo, quindi ogni gruppo viene guidato da una guida locale – cinese parlante italiano nel nostro caso. Questo avviene sempre, qualunque sia il numero di persone che formano il gruppo, siano esse 2 o 40. Abbiamo constatato questo ad Hangzhou e nei treni, in cui c’erano gruppetti di persone che venivano accompagnati da guide locali, spesso giovanissime (sui venti anni) ma dall’aria molto esperta.

Chinasia di suo aggiunge, per i gruppi di una certa entità (se non ricordo male nel 2006 erano dovevano essere oltre le 20 persone), anche una accompagnatrice (non una guida!) italiana parlante cinese, che viaggia con il gruppo dall’Italia e per tutta la durata del tour. Ripeto, questo pero’ solo nel caso di gruppi numerosi: qualora doveste essere di meno, partirete dall’Italia da soli: il check nell’aeroporto italiano lo farete con un responsabile Chinasia che andrà via nel momento in cui dovrete entrare nei gates.

Arrivati in Cina, troverete sempre (sia con gruppi piccoli che con gruppi numerosi) una guida diversa (cinese e parlante italiano) in ogni città e che vi accompagnerà nei tour: da quello che abbiamo capito (non sono notizie ufficiali Chinasia, ovviamente) questi tours sono organizzati e predisposti dall’Ente del Turismo Cinese. Spesso nei luoghi turistici (ma soprattutto nelle fabbriche!) trovavamo altri gruppi italiani… fino all’eccesso: per quasi una settimana, a Nanchino, Suzhou e Hangzhou, abbiamo soggiornato negli stessi hotels e visitato gli stessi luoghi di un gruppo che aveva acquistato il tour con Mistral… nonostante avessimo guide e autobus diversi, gli orari coincidevano in tutto e per tutto!

Il vantaggio di Chinasia, a mio parere, risiede nel fatto che tutti i pasti erano inclusi, sia a pranzo che a cena, quindi non dovevamo organizzarci per cercare un ristorante: era tutto predisposto. Molto comodo soprattutto perche’ i tempi molto stretti spesso ci avrebbero obbligato a mangiare di corsa. Non tutti i tour operators offrono tutti i pasti durante il tour, anche se il costo del viaggio è praticamente identico a quello di Chinasia.

Qualità e varietà del cibo nel tour in Cina con Chinasia

Sul cibo e la qualità dei pasti mi voglio soffermare un attimo di più. Ogni volta che si arriva in una nuova città, a cena si mangia in hotel con cucina internazionale, ma qualche volta anche non in questi casi (ad esempio a Shanghai abbiamo sempre mangiato con cucina itnernazionale). In questi casi abbiamo mangiato sempre molto bene. Quando invece abbiamo mangiato cucina cinese, abbiamo incontrato degli alti e dei bassi. Quasi tutti i pranzi (tranne poche eccezioni) non sono stati molto soddisfacenti e molti del nostro gruppo arrivavano quasi a digiunare data la qualità delle pietanze offerte (vassoi di pelle di pollo spacciati per pollo, ecc), anche io che mi adatto spesso ho dovuto ripiegare sul riso in bianco. Infatti, spesso ci si accontentava di quest’ultimo, dal moment che lo si poteva chiedere sempre quando terminava ed era incluso nel prezzo. Anche le bevande erano incluse: in ogni pasto si può avere un bicchiere di qualunque bevanda (acqua, coca cola, birra). Il secondo bicchiere si paga 1euro, la bottiglia 2 euro.

Tour in Cina con Chinasia: gli Hotel

Gli hotel sono sempre stati molto buoni, ma un appunto sull’hotel a Nanchino lo devo fare: molto bello all’interno, belle le camere, ottima la posizione (a 50 metri dalla zona dello shopping), purtroppo erano in corso dei lavori al piano superiore a quello dove ci trovavamo. Gli operai iniziavano con i martelli pneumatici la mattina prestissimo e finivano il pomeriggio inoltrato. Il rumore era insopportabile: la direzione non ci è venuta incontro nonostante le numerose richieste da parte di tutto il gruppo. Per il resto nulla da dire; tutti gli hotel erano di buona qualità, inoltre erano sempre presenti due bottiglie d’acqua liscia in camera al giorno e una confezione di spazzolini da denti e dentifricio usa e getta: questo perche’, vi ricordo, in Cina non esce acqua potabile dai rubinetti, noi usavamo quell’acqua per lavarci i denti…

Tour in Cina con Chinasia: Spostamenti (voli, treno, bus)

I voli interni non erano operati da Air China, ma da altre compagnie di cui non ricordo il nome. Nonostante questo, i voli sono stati ottimi.

Anche la qualità dei treni è stata molto buona (sempre prima classe): sicuramente anni luce rispetto a quelle italiane.

Infine, gli autobus erano di buona qualità, con qualche differenza perchè cambiavano da città a città, ma comunque sempre confortevoli e sempre dotati di aria condizionata.

Siete stati anche voi in Cina? Con Chinasia o con altri tour operators? Come vi siente trovati?

Hai avuto anche tu delle esperienze di viaggio da condividere? Il tuo weekend nella capitale europea, la tua esperienza di lavoro in un’altra città, il viaggio di nozze o l’escursione con gli amici, o altro… Perchè non condividerlo con altre persone appassionate di viaggi come te? Inviaci il tuo reportage: i tuoi video su youtube, le foto e il tuo diario sono ben accetti! Avanti, che aspetti?

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Russian tour operators start offering first tours to China — ATOR

MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. Since China decided to ease covid restrictions, Russian travel agencies have begun to offer tours to that country, but so far only citizens with valid Chinese visas can buy them, the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) reported on Tuesday.

"As China is gradually opening its borders for foreigners, tour operators are beginning to focus on this country again. [Travel] companies are now at different stages of sales planning, and there are even the first tour packages. But everyone is waiting for the main thing: when the issue of tourist visas and visa-free lists is resolved. Only then will real tourism be possible," ATOR explained in a statement.

Tour operator China Travel has already begun to offer the first tours to China. It is possible to book hotels in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.

However, only Russians with a valid Chinese visa can purchase these tours, Evgeny Glotov, head of the marketing department at China Travel, said. Basically, these are those who previously received business visas to that country, he added. For the moment, Chinese tourist visas are not issued in Russia.

Chinese partners of the Russian Express tour operator informed the company that they expect the country to open to tourists in the first quarter of 2023. Tour operators Russian Express and Intourist are ready to resume the sale of tours to China as soon as the country is open to Russian tourists, ATOR added.

Earlier, the State Administration of Migration Control of the People's Republic of China informed that starting January 8, the authorities will significantly ease quarantine restrictions at the border. Consul General of the Russian Federation in Shenyang Sergey Chernenko told TASS on Sunday that passenger traffic had been resumed through the Kraskino-Hunchun automobile checkpoint. The lifting of restrictions, he said, applies to any category of citizens with valid visas, including tourists.

chinasia tour operator

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  • #Jewish Heritage
  • #Russian traditions

Choose your route to discover Russia

There are many itinearies to see what Russia has to offer. Its culture, its art, its history, its nature, its gastronomy, its people. Each stop on the route is a new experience.

Classic tours, city breaks, themed trips or multi-destination journeys across the country - we offer you ideas for spending as many days as you want. Contact us if you want to optimize an itinerary for your request.


Most popular routes

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  • 5 excursions

The Northern Capital of Russia, Saint Petersburg is the second biggest city in the country. It would take forever to explore everything that is worth seeing here, but if you have only a weekend for a vacation in Saint Petersburg, there are still opportunities for you! Our experienced guide will not let you miss the most important things.

  • 9 excursions

The classical tour of Moscow and Saint Petersburg is designed for tourists, who just start their acquaintance with Russia and its two treasures — the biggest cities, Moscow, the capital, and Saint Petersburg, the cultural center and the cradle of architectural and gems of tsar époque. The classical program usually takes from 5 to 8 days and can be adapted in intensity depending on how much free time you would like to have in addition to excurs

chinasia tour operator

  • 4 excursions

This tour is available only for week-end dates (from Friday till Sunday)! We offer you a great opportunity to visit the majestic capital of Russia and its out of town attractions. Get filled with unique Russian culture and traditions, vivid impressions of the Kremlin, Red Square and other numerous highlights. Our optimal package tour includes a panoramic tour of major sights. If you want to get acquainted with other splendid highlights of Mosc

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  • #Suburbs of St. Petersburg
  • #Saint Petersburg

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  • #Golden Ring

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  • #Velikiy Novgorod

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The epicenter of modern Russia, Moscow booms with shiny new skyscrapers, the bulbous onion domes of the tsars and politically-rich Red Square. Explore the metropolis with a tourHQ guide.

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Moscow Tour Guides

Jorge De Reval

Jorge De Reval

I am a happy, enthusiastic, amusing Spanish guy. Lively and hyperactive. Recently became qualified ...

Stephen Florian

Stephen Florian

Holds a Masters Degree in Theatre Arts.

Julia Koval

Julia Koval

Hello!My name is Julia and I work as a guide last 4 years, but before together with my friends we ...

Ekaterina Smirnova

Ekaterina Smirnova

Please note: I'm away from Moscow June 11-26, 2021. I am a native Muscovite but traveled ...

Tanya Neyman

Vasil Valiev

Occupation: Senior guide-translator. Guiding since 2012 in Altai mountains, North of Russia ...

Marina Spasskaya

Marina Spasskaya

Hi there! My name is Marina and I'm a licensed Moscow city guide.Moscow is like ...

Ali Haider

Greetings from Saint Petersburg. This is your private tour guide Ali in Saint Petersburg. I was ...

Maria Deulina

Maria Deulina

Dear friends,My name is Maria, I am a licensed guide about Moscow. Being a native Muscovite I have ...

Ashraf Rabei

Ashraf Rabei

My name is Ashraf ...I'm graduated from faculty of tourism and hotel guidance department, in Egypt ...

Hengameh Ghanavati

Hengameh Ghanavati

My name is Hengameh Ghanavati. Im a licenced international tour guide since 2014 and I have ...

Todd Passey

Todd Passey

We are a cooperative of highly experienced, certified, professional guides. Each guide takes ...

Tim Brinley

Tim Brinley

Young at heart, adventurous, organized, good people skills, a good speaker, entertaining, ...

Nikolay Borkovoy

Nikolay Borkovoy

Hace 32 años nací en la ciudad de Moscú. Tengo experiencia trabajando como guía turístico en ...

Anika Socotra-International

Anika Socotra-International

Our mission is to provide you with the kind of holiday you want: where you can relax in wonderful ...

The sprawling, mind-boggling metropolis of Russian Moscow has long been one of the theatrical stages on which the great dramas of Europe and Asia have been played out in grand style. Burned by Napoleon in 1812, immortalised by Tolstoy, utilised by the Bolsheviks and championed as a bastion of heroic defiance by the post-war communists, it’s almost hard to believe just how defining the historical events that found their home on Moscow’s streets have been. Moscow tour guides will easily be able to mark the major must-see landmarks on the map, from the onion-domed orthodox Saint Basil's Cathedral, to the political powerhouse of Red Square just next door, while others will be quick to recommend a ride on Moscow’s famous subterranean metro system, or a visit to the UNESCO-attested Novodevichy Convent on the city’s southern side. But Moscow is a city also in the throes of a cultural wrangling between the old and the new. Creative energies abound here: Boho bars and pumping super clubs now occupy the iconic mega structures of the old USSR; high-fashion outlets, trendy shopping malls and luxurious residential districts stand as testimony to a city that’s now the undisputed playground of the world’s super-rich, while sprawling modern art museums dominate the cultural offering of the downtown districts north of the Moskva River.  

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10 Best Russia Tour Operators 2024 [Unbiased & With Reviews]

10 best russia tour operators 2024.

Are you planning to visit Russia, but unsure which tour provider to select? Now, you no longer have to waste time searching the internet and filling out dozens of contact forms. Simply fill out ONE form, we’ll send it off to multiple tour providers and they’ll contact YOU! You’ll be able to compare rates and find the lowest cost tour for the most affordable trip abroad.

Have you been thinking about an exciting trip to amazing Russia? Are you interested in enjoying a memorable tour in Russia ? Does the idea of visiting Russia with the top tour company sound great to you?

Russia, the world’s largest country, boasts a diverse landscape with castles, mountains, and frozen lands, complemented by exceptional cuisine. Whether in St Petersburg, Moscow, or Siberia, Russia offers opportunities to explore the Tundra and witness the Northern Lights. Enjoy skiing, visit volcanoes, palaces, and castles, and indulge in a vodka production tour.

Choosing the right tour company is crucial for a memorable trip to Russia. With numerous options available, investing in a top-rated company can save you time and money, ensuring a fun, safe, and regret-free adventure.

We strongly believe that without comprehensive and analytical research, you may end up spending a lot of money and time on a company that does not have your best interest. With our help, you will find well-researched and analyzed information about the top 10 tour companies in Russia to help make a solid and informed decision.

Continue reading to explore the top 10 highly rated tour companies in Russia and their best travel packages.

Table update Jan 19, 2024

Volgograd Sputnik Travel Company

Volgograd Sputnik Travel Company

As one of the Russia’s oldest tour operators, Volgograd Sputnik Travel Company has been providing travel-related services since 1991. The key focus of their tour is the city of Volgograd itself. This leading tour operator offers day-tours, excursions and even virtual tours of Volgograd and its surrounding areas. The company is led by a team of dedicated and friendly tour guides that will help you make the most of your visit throughout your stay. They believe in receiving their foreign guests with a positive attitude and thus, invite you on a tour of Volgograd.

Volgograd Sputnik Travel Company Best Russia Tour Packages

This company organizes many different activities for you to be a part of in their tour packages. Honor Soviet war heroes in their historic 3 Day Stalingrad Battlefield Tour . You will visit different sights along the Volga and Don rivers and see places of historical importance in this tour.

Don’t miss out on their sightseeing tour of Hero-City Volgograd . See major sights from the WW II era like the Alley of Heroes, Peace Street, Eternal Flame and many more.

The company also offers a unique tour of Rossoshka where you can observe German and Soviet cemeteries. The central attraction of this tour is a famous sculpture named the “Mourning Mother”.

Volgograd Sputnik Travel Company Reviews

Volgograd Sputnik’s long-standing history is marked by praises and appreciation from the many tourists they have served. This Russian travel company has 326 reviews on TripAdvisor and is ranked as #1 of 17 Tours & Activities in Volgograd. A past customer of theirs wrote:

Went on the big tour of Stalingrad this morning was out for about 5 hours with my man Mikhail. A bit pricey but a good engaging overview chauffeured and one on one… Alexander

Read all reviews of Volgograd Sputnik Travel Company on TripAdvisor .

Explore the diverse landscapes of Hungary by joining one of the 10 Best Hungary Tour Operators , guaranteeing an immersive and enjoyable trip.

Flotilla Radisson Royal

If you are looking for a luxurious cruise experience in Moscow then look no further than Flotilla Radisson Royal ! This top-reviewed Russian travel operator provides excellent tours on the Moscow River where you can enjoy the best views of Moscow. They have a fleet of 10 ice-class yachts that are fully serviced for sightseeing tours as well as large private gatherings. The team at Flotilla Radisson Royal is highly specialized in bringing you the comfort you seek on your trip to Russia.

Flotilla Radisson Royal Best Russia Tour Packages

Flotilla Radisson Royal provides a large array of tour packages on their first-class luxury yachts.

The company offers one of the most unique yacht cruises through the display of theatre! Book their Dinner with a Classic boat tour where you will watch an Italian drama performance. Enjoy the bewitching sights of Moscow city while fine-dining on special Italian dishes.

Their services also extend to themed cruises on their yachts. You can call ahead and book a customizable cruise. They offer sightseeing, romantic, theatrical, literary, family and gastronomic tours in this package.

You can also go on regular yacht cruises according to their yacht schedule. They will take you on a round-trip of Russia’s popular attractions.

Flotilla Radisson Royal Reviews

This tour company in Russia provides an interesting mix of exciting and luxurious boat trips that all customers seem to like. They have 1,127 reviews on TripAdvisor, out of which most are 5-star ratings. They are ranked as #2 of 96 Boat Tours & Water Sports in Moscow. A satisfied customer wrote:

This was a surprise for me by my partner and daughter. Getting onto the boat was very orderly, and our table was gratefully in a good position so Moscow at night could be appreciated… Pete17 Read all reviews of Flotilla Radisson Royal on TripAdvisor



ExploRussia is a leading Russian tour operator that specializes in creating exceptional tours for global travelers seeking an authentic and local perspective in Russia. The agency is one of the best when it comes to showcasing Russia’s historical landmarks, beautiful landscapes, and contemporary culture. The company was first established in 2012 with the aim of responsible tourism in mind. Comprising a team of passionate and young entrepreneurs, the company is dedicated to bring you a fantastic vacation in Russia with personalized attention and off-the-beaten-track exploration.

ExploRussia Best Russia Tour Packages

The team at ExploRussia goes the extra mile with their tour packages to ensure that you have an unforgettable experience in their country.

You can choose to go on their Moscow Off the Beaten Path Tour where you will experience the local culture of Moscow without being in crowded streets. Explore the Orthodox Church, taste different Russian food and discover the major sights like Kremlin, Red Square and Bolshoi Theatre.

 You can also explore traditional markets with your own local tour guide on their Moscow Food Tour . You will discover enchanting Russian cuisine and taste different kinds of food items that are remnants of the USSR.

For an adventurous journey, travel to the mountains of Altai near Moscow. In this 6 day tour of the Altai Mountains, you will be in close contact with nature while camping and horse-riding around local villages.

ExploRussia Reviews

As the pioneers of responsible tourism in Russia, ExploRussia has set a great example to other local and international tour companies. This Russian tour operator has 595 reviews on TripAdvisor and is ranked at the top as #1 of 1,116 Shopping in Central Russia. A recent customer of theirs wrote:

When I reached out to Olga from ExploRussia , she was already invested in my request , asking the right questions and pointing out the possibilities… Hassan M

Read all reviews of ExploRussia on TripAdvisor .

 Explore the cultural treasures of Turkey by choosing one of the 10 Best Turkey Tour Operators , providing expert guidance.

St. Petersburg Guided Tours

St. Petersburg Guided Tours

St. Petersburg Guided Tours , founded in 2005, is a locally owned travel company in Russia. The company is founded by Valeria Grigoryeva, a licensed and qualified tour guide. They operate private and customized free tours. Their services include walking adventures, cultural, and historical tours. The guides are highly qualified professionals passionate about Russia’s history with extensive experience in the local and international travel industry. With this company, you will certainly have a memorable time traveling through the Russian countryside.

St. Petersburg Guided Tours Best Russia Tour Packages

For more than 15 years, St. Petersburg Guided Tours has improved and perfected fun, authentic, and luxury Russian tours to select from .

If you are looking to spend quality time with your partner, you can choose their  Romantic Getaway Tour . On this excursion, you will visit the Empress Alexandra residence built in 1829.

You can also join the  2-Day comfort Tour  carefully planned for you to see many city sights of St. Petersburg without waiting or standing in line.

They also have a popular  1-Day Private Tour  that will give you value for your money by taking you for a day tour in St. Petersburg. After visiting famous museums, you will be introduced to traditional foods and vodka tasting.

St. Petersburg Guided Tours Reviews

This local tour operator in Russia has no shortage of great reviews and satisfied clients. They are ranked as #2 of 670 Tours & Activities in St. Petersburg and have 156 reviews on TripAdvisor. A customer that toured with them recently wrote:

Everything was very well organised by Valeria, from helping us with choosing the right accommodation, preparation of visas and including the right places to visit… Dmitri L

Read all reviews of St. Petersburg Guided Tours on TripAdvisor .

Archer Tour

Archer Tour

Archer Tour is a local Russian travel agency that provides group and individual tours of major sights in Russia. Their aim is not to give you a lot of tours but to make each tour worthy and memorable. They also offer tailor-made and custom tours that you can plan according to your requirements. As a company, Archer Tour is continuously improving their services and trying to be one of the best tour companies in Russia. Your vacation to Russia will be worthwhile and entertaining with Archer Tour at your side!

Archer Tour Best Russia Tour Packages

From private and corporate escorts to boat trips, paragliding and flights, the range of tour packages that Archer Tour provides is absolutely immense.

Take their Sightseeing Tour of Kaliningrad and discover a unique blend of German and Soviet architecture. You can see museums, churches and military fortifications in this diverse tour package.

Also, their Baltiysk and Yantarny Tour provide historical background into Russia’s important monuments. In this trip, you can take a ferry to Vistula Spit as well as visit an amber factory and see amber production up close!

Archer Tour also provides VIP tours upon customers’ request. You will get the best luxury services, the highest level on comfort and a visit to the top locations and restaurants in their tailor-made VIP tours.

Ahtilahti Best Russia Tour Packages

Ahtilahti’s quality of service regarding their tours and tour packages are unmatched and they’ll ensure that you have the best vacation of your life in Russia.

Plan ahead and go on a Kayaking Tour of the Oredezh River . This trip is perfect for beginner rafters since there are no challenging rapids. You will get to enjoy the tranquil nature while having an exciting experience.

For a winter tour, you can opt for their phenomenal Skating Tour on Lake Baikal . As the oldest lake on Earth, Lake Baikal has a special wonder to it. Your guide will accompany you as you skate, have fun and enjoy the Siberian landscape in this amazing journey.

Explore their hometown of Kaliningrad on a road-trip . In this 7 day tour, Ahtilahti will take you a thrilling journey that covers all of Kaliningrad’s major as well as non-trivial attractions for a truly immersive experience.

Ahtilahti Reviews

Considered one of the most unique travel agencies in Russia, few companies can accomplish what Ahtilahti has accomplished through their tours. They have 171 reviews on TripAdvisor and are ranked as #2 of 157 Boat Tours & Water Sports in St. Petersburg. This is what a satisfied customer said about them:

Excellent experience with SUPsurfing starting from narrow channel in SpB center and going to Neva river. Surfing is safe, supervised by both guiedes Asja and Dmitry… Dr D

Read all reviews of Ahtilahti on TripAdvisor .

Alla Tours

As a fully licensed tour company in Russia, Alla Tours proudly offers the best tour and travel services in Russia. Established in 2005, the company is renowned for its top-notch tour guides and detailed itineraries. Their top priority is offering fulfilling, safe, and authentic tours for travelers worldwide. Based in St. Petersburg, Alla Tours has also developed tour excursions across Europe and the Baltic region. With personalized service in mind, Alla Tours will take you on a trip across Russia that will be imprinted in your memory for a lifetime!

Alla Tours Best Russia Tour Packages

With years of service in the tourism industry, Alla Tours offers an extensive array of tour packages in Russia to choose from. You can join their  1-day St. Petersburg Intro Tour  and visit many spectacular venues, including the Peterhof Fountains and Garden and the Hermitage Museum. On this guided private walking tour of St. Petersburg, Russia, you will be able to see the city through the eyes of the locals.

If you have more time, you can take the  2-day St. Petersburg Royal Tour  and combine top-ranked sights with a shore excursion. The tour is perfect for discovering Russia’s modern art, architecture, canals, and rivers.

Comfort is an essential factor during a vacation trip so the  2-Day St. Petersburg Comfort Tour  combines top attractions, including the Church of the Spilled Blood, Hermitage Museum, and Peterhof Fountain Park.

Alla Tours Reviews

Alla Tours is a Russian tour operator that is well-respected by international as well as local tour companies. Their 4,798 reviews on TripAdvisor are a evidence to their top-notch service. They are ranked as #8 of 670 Tours & Activities in St. Petersburg. A past client of theirs wrote:

A full 2 day tour picked up from our cruise ship. Gives a great taste of all the major attractions. Not cheap but fully worth the cost. Cannot recommend highly enough… Mark_Dornoch

Read all reviews of Alla Tours on TripAdvisor .

Embark on a Scandinavian getaway in Finland. Join one of the 10 Best Finland Tour Operators , guaranteeing a memorable and relaxing vacation.

Moscow Private Tours

Moscow Private Tours , founded in 2011, is one of the highest-reviewed tour companies in Russia. They cater exclusively to private and small groups ensuring the best quality service. They are the #1 Rated Private Tours in Moscow. They have their tourists’ best interests in mind and their tours are personalized, child-friendly and have flexible timings. Their tour guides are highly trained locals that will look after you on your trip. Your trip to Russia will be made easier and hassle-free through this company’s continuous efforts.

Moscow Private Tours Best Russia Tour Packages

Catering to small and private groups, Moscow Private Tours’ various tour packages are enjoyable and all-inclusive.

Enjoy the complete Kremlin experience on their Kremlin and Armoury Tour . Visit the State Kremlin Palace, see the Tsar Cannon and Tsar Bell and immerse yourself into medieval history and architecture, Soviet heritage and imperial treasures in this popular tour package.

Moscow looks the prettiest during the night. Go on their Night Moscow Tour with a private guide and see its major attractions like the Bolshoi Theatre and St Basil’s Cathedral.

Embrace the cultural swirl of Russian cuisine through their Russian Food Tour . From borscht to pancakes, eat your way through 3 different eateries and learn about traditional Russian food and their origins.

Moscow Private Tours Reviews

As one of the best-rated tour operators in Russia, Moscow Private Tours has a spectacular track record of many satisfactory clients. They are ranked as #9 of 540 Tours & Activities in all of Moscow and have over 1300 reviews on TripAdvisor. A customer who visited them recently wrote:

Very nice boat tour around Moscow with good dinner and excellent tour guide (Maria). Thanks for your service. I recommend it… Seradi155

Read all reviews of Moscow Private Tours on TripAdvisor .

Discover the natural wonders of the Czech Republic by joining one of the 10 Best Czech Republic Tour Operators , promising an unforgettable and eco-friendly adventure.

Bridge to Moscow

Bridge to Moscow

With more than 10 years of experience in the tourism industry, Bridge to Moscow is a highly-rated tour operator in Russia. They offer original and professional private tours in Moscow. They apply a personal approach to their customers, viewing them as friends rather than tourists. The company values commitment, safety and reliability above all else. Bridge to Moscow stands out from the rest through their team of licensed multi-lingual tour guides that dedicate all their efforts to bring you an excellent vacation in Russia.

Bridge to Moscow Best Russia Tour Packages

With over 97 detailed travel itineraries, you will have a large selection of tour packages to choose from.

If you are planning a trip to visit Russian churches, you can start with their Sergiev Posad Tour . This early 14 th century monastery holds intricate architecture and soulful history. See their iconic cathedrals, watch the church choir and visit local bakeries in this tour.

For a sightseeing tour of Moscow, you can book their Moscow in 1 Day tour package. You will be able to visit Moscow’s historic center, the Red Square and the presidential and state palaces. Don’t forget to check out their Moscow Metro as well.

Also, you can choose Glimpses of Baikal tour for a nature-infused experience. This 3 day tour will have you travelling through local villages to reach Lake Baikal. Once there, you can admire the breathtaking views of the oldest lake on the planet and its surrounding areas.

Bridge to Moscow Reviews

Bridge to Moscow’s tours has gathered a lot of positive reviews from many tourists that deemed them to be satisfactory. This Russian travel agency has 454 reviews on TripAdvisor and stands as #10 of 540 Tours & Activities in Moscow. A client that recently toured with them wrote:

The metro tour was very very interesting. My son loved it. And our guide Ivan was so friendly and knowledgeable… chandrasekar r

Read all reviews of Bridge to Moscow on TripAdvisor .

White Nights Travel

White Nights Travel

White Nights Travel is a unique company that offers a wide range of professionally customized private tours in St. Petersburg. The company’s bespoke services make them a popular tour company in Russia that provides programs suitable for seniors, families, and groups with the chance to explore beautiful locations in St. Petersburg. The company caters to tourists from all walks of life and is happy to work within your budget. White Night Travel’s major goal is to give you a different yet authentic Russian experience of a lifetime.

White Nights Travel Best Russia Tour Packages

There are plenty of options you can choose from with White Nights Travel’s tour packages.

The  Walking Tour with Hermitage  is one of the most popular programs the company offers in St. Petersburg. During the trip, you will discover various art galleries, museums, and parks, and in the evening, you will walk to the city center for vodka tasting and street food.

Do not miss out on the world-class five-hour Russia  Golden Tour  that will provide an opportunity to walk to Catherine Palace, Amber Room, and Church of the Spilled Blood.

The  Jewish Heritage Tour  combines a boat ride tour and the Grans Choral Synagogue tour, which offers you a fantastic opportunity to learn Jewish history in Russia with an English-speaking guide.

White Nights Travel Reviews

Their personalized service and attention to detail has led White Nights Travel to become one of the best tour operators in Russia. With over 650 reviews on TripAdvisor, the company is ranked #10 of 670 Tours & Activities in St. Petersburg. A past customer wrote:

Maria was absolutely fabulous showing our group of 8 the beautiful sights of St. Petersburg. She was so good at moving us thru crowds, her English is spectacular… Debra D

Read all reviews of White Nights Travel on TripAdvisor .

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The best time to visit Russia is during the months of May to September. Although Russia is the largest country and weather can vary vastly, the popular cities and locations in Russia will be experiencing a warm weather and long, sunny days during this time.

You can expect to spend around $60 – $80 for a solo traveler staying at a decently rated hotel. This price will cover food, transportation and other fees. For a more luxurious vacation, you will be spending anywhere from $150 – $250.

Russia has a lot of specialties attached to it. From ballet and theatre to vodka and Russian culture, there is a lot to expect. Famous landmarks include Lake Baikal, The Red Square, The Hermitage and Moscow Metro System.

Being the largest country on the planet, there is definitely a lot of area to cover in Russia. However, most of Russia is barren and uninhabitable. For popular tourist destinations, 2 weeks should be enough for a majestic experience of Russian culture, nature and food.

The most iconic Russian dishes include the Blini (Russian pancakes), Pelmeni, Beef Stroganoff, Syrniki, Kasha (porridge), Borscht and Okroshka. Russia is also famous for their world-renowned vodka.


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