tour denecourt parking

Tour Denecourt Fontainebleau – Site de promenade

28 octobre 2016 Promenades en forêt de Fontainebleau - Idées et suggestions 4 commentaires 12,424 Vues

Rendez-vous à la Tour Denecourt ! C’est l’invitation que vous auriez pu entendre pour la promenade du dimanche en forêt de Fontainebleau. En effet, ce site attire régulièrement les touristes venant admirer toute la région du haut de ses 130 mètres. Situé entre les communes de Samois sur Seine et Avon, ce monument historique conserve la mémoire et l’œuvre de Denecourt. Ce décor de plein air offre aux photographes patients de nombreuses possibilités de prises de vues. Au fait, c’est l’heure du départ, allons-y !

Situation géographique

Pour réaliser ce reportage photo, j’ai préparé mon itinéraire pour éviter de me perdre. Le plan que j’ai consulté ci-dessous montrait que le chemin le plus court pour se rendre sur à la Tour Denecourt était de me garer sur la D138 sur la Route de Bourgogne à mi-chemin entre les 2 ronds-points ayant pour extrémité le pont de Valvin et le carrefour de la route de Fontainebleau à Fontaine le port.

Une fois stationné, je prends le chemin qui a pour nom la route de la Coimelle du côté droit, face à Avon. Je parcours une centaine de mètres lorsque la pente commence à se raidir. Je croise ensuite la route du Rocher Cassepot. Là, il faut grimper un peu dans les fougères. Il vous reste à partir de ce croisement environ 200 mètres avant d’arriver à la Tour Denecourt.

Si vous avez peur de vous perdre , je peux vous donner 2 astuces pour vous repérer. Le première concerne ceux qui ont un smartphone avec GPS intégré. Ils peuvent télécharger la carte de la forêt de Fontainebleau à partir de l’application Maps (Android). Sans connexion internet, il est possible de se situer comme sur une carte papier. La seconde astuce consiste à utiliser une application de localisation de type Geo Tracker qui enregistre votre parcours (avec ou sans internet) et qui peut vous permettre de retrouver le chemin retour.

Tour Denecourt - Photo - Forêt de Fontainebleau

Un peu d’histoire

Si cette tour existe, c’est grâce à Claude-François ! Pas Cloclo le chanteur, mais Denecourt que l’on prénommait le Sylvain en référence au fait qu’il passait beaucoup de temps en forêt de Fontainebleau durant sa découverte du massif, mais aussi lorsque qu’il lança certains projets.

Lors de son arrivée dans la région en 1832, il découvrit la beauté du massif bellifontain. Il comprit très vite que ce lieu exceptionnel attirait les citadins à la recherche du dépaysement. L’essor du chemin de fer alimentant un flot de touristes sur Fontainebleau. Sentant la demande augmentée, Claude-François Denecourt décide de tracer des chemins carrossables et édite un guide de promenades en 1839. Dans l’élan, il s’attelle à trouver le moyen de rendre son guide utile en créant de toute pièce des « attractions » justifiant la promenade. Tout d’abord, il crée des repères visuels avec des codes de couleurs, des lettres ou des chiffres. Il identifie par ce moyen les curiosités de la forêt (arbres et rochers remarquables) et en fabrique d’autres pour rendre attrayant son circuit. Il l’étoffe ainsi avec des fontaines et des grottes.

Sylvain de la forêt de Fontainebleau - Médaillon de la tour Denecourt

Douze ans plus tard, il édifia une tour d’observation qui culmine à 130 m. Du haut de cette structure en pierres sèches, le panorama offert est somptueux. La Tour Denecourt a fait et fera encore les beaux jours des randonneurs et des touristes séjournant à Fontainebleau. En 1853, Napoléon III inaugura cet édifice qui fut désigné par la suite comme le «  Fort de l’Empereur  ».

Toujours est-il que Denecourt se voit conforter dans son entreprise par le succès qu’il rencontre auprès des touristes. Né en 1788 et décédé en 1875, il aura eu pour passion de faire connaître par tous les moyens la forêt de Fontainebleau au plus grand nombre. Il n’hésitera pas à payer de sa personne en emmenant des touristes avec lui en forêt. Son but était de partager sa fascination pour cette vaste étendue verte. Son œuvre a résisté à l’histoire, car aujourd’hui encore, son nom est inscrit un peu partout dans notre patrimoine local (nom d’école comme à Bois le Roi), régional (avec la tour et ses nombreux sentiers).  Ainsi, nous profitons de son travail lorsque nous empruntons un sentier bleu.

Intérêt de la Tour Denecourt

Comme je l’ai écrit précédemment, la hauteur de la plateforme permet d’avoir une vue lointaine sur les environs. On aperçoit les villages environnants bordant le massif forestier. Une table d’orientation en deux parties vous aidera à les localiser. Munissez-vous d’une paire de jumelles pour apprécier le panorama.

La tour Denecourt est accessible par plusieurs chemins en fonction du point de départ de la promenade. Je ne saurais que trop vous renvoyer vers une carte pour choisir l’itinéraire le plus adapté à votre situation. Il n’y a pas de difficulté particulière pour s’y rendre. N’oubliez pas d’avoir avec vous de quoi prendre quelques photos du site. D’ailleurs, si vous souhaitez prendre en photo la Tour Denecourt, il y aura 2 moments propices dans la journée. Le lever et le coucher du soleil vous offriront de magnifiques lumières par temps clair. De plus, l’axe des escaliers est orienté ouest, ce qui vous permet en fonction de l’heure choisie, d’avoir le bâtiment de pierre correctement éclairé.

Et puis, venir sur le site du « Fort de l’Empereur », c’est aussi à comprendre l’ histoire de la forêt de Fontainebleau . Personnellement, j’ai découvert son histoire en décidant de publier un billet sur ce monument historique. Et je dois avouer que je me suis trouvé des points communs avec la passion de Claude-François Denecourt pour cette forêt exceptionnelle. Je vous laisse deviner lesquels…

Si vous souhaitez découvrir d’autres propositions de randonnées en forêt , je vous invite à lire ce dossier.


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4 commentaires

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Bonjour, Je souhaiterais connaître les dimensions de cette tour (Hauteur et largeur de ce cube) car je n’arrive pas à la situer . Merci d’avance pour votre réponse. Cordialement – Geneviève

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Bonsoir Geneviève, je n’ai pas les dimensions exactes de la tour Denecourt. Cependant, je dirais à vue de nez qu’elle doit mesurer 5 à 6 mètres de coté sur une hauteur de 8 à 12 mètres à partir de la base en pierre. Cdlt

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Je découvre aujourd’hui ce haut lieu de la forêt de Fontainebleau qui, en effet, du haut de la Tour Denecourt, doit être un point de vue superbe sur l’environnement.

Merci Djamal pour cet article fort intéressant ainsi que pour la partie historique où n’a pas démérité Mr Claude-François Denecourt, dont on parle toujours ; son travail et le vôtre font le bonheur des promeneurs. J’espère un jour me rendre sur ce site.

Bien cordialement.

Dominique Foultier

Bonjour Dominique,

Vous m’honorez de vos commentaires bienveillants et constructifs.

Merci de votre assiduité Cordialement

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tour denecourt parking

Tour Denecourt    

tour denecourt parking

Onlu a few boulders have been brushed in this small sector around the Denecourt tower, to the North of the town of Fontainebleau. The access is long (1km500) and the most convenient is to park the car at the parking lot of 'la forêt de Fontainebleau' and to follow La Route de la Tour Denecourt to its end.

Croix du Calvaire and Tour Denecourt

Croix du Calvaire and Tour Denecourt

France > Île-de-France > Seine-et-Marne

Great trail

Departing from Fontainebleau station, this trail leads to the Croix du Calvaire and the Denecourt tower, both of which offer lovely views of the forest. The route is varied, and offers a glimpse of the famous rocks of Fontainebleau.

This walk corresponds to the Denecourt trail n° 2, named after the person who traced it.

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Getting there

Gare de Fontainebleau-Avon (Transilien R, TER).

About this trail

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Walking from station to station between Bois-le-Roi and Fontainebleau-Avon

Logo Outdooractive Editors

It is here that you can climb to the top (you are 136m above sea level) and enjoy a 360° view of the forest. Magnificent ! The édifice was built by Claude-François Denecourt (who landscaped the forêt of Fontainebleau) in 1851, and then restored à several times.

While no river crosses the Fontainebleau forest, you will pass respectively:

  • La Fontaine du Touring Club de France, created in 1901;
  • La Fontaine Désirée, discovered in 1837 then improved by Denecute;nagacute;e in 1852;
  • La Fontaine Dorly, also created in 1852 by Denecourt;
  • The Isabelle Fountain, created by Denecourt in 1866 and restored by Colinet in 1893.
  • The details of these 4 fountains are however very variable.

Finally, take a break at the Roche Eponge, a curiosity in the Fontainebleau forest, which owes its name to an aspect resulting from the erosion.

Author’s recommendation

This route and the Fontainebleau forest are very popular places for walking. They can therefore be relatively frequented. <Please respect other walkers and the environment.

Track types

Safety information.

In case of emergency, call 112.


Public transport, coordinates, author’s map recommendations.


Book recommendations for this region:


Similar routes nearby

  • Apremont Gorge and Caverne des Brigands from Barbizon
  • Loop to the Denecourt Tower from Fontainebleau-Avon station
  • Walk to Fontainebleau via Mont Aigu and the Franchard Gorges
  • 25 moguls circuit in the Fontainebleau forest

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Weather at the route's trailhead.

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  • 3 Waypoints

Excursions and leisure tips for the region


Tour Dénécourt walks

 fontainebleau forest: croix du calvaire, denecourt tower and sponge rock.

tour denecourt parking

It is a short, relatively easy circuit exploring some curiosities of the forest of Fontainebleau around the Avon SNCF train station, namely the views over the Croix du Calvaire, the Sponge Rock, Denecourt Tower and fountains. One could also call it the fountain circuit.

Walks near Tour Dénécourt

 station to station in the forest of fontainebleau: ponds and boulders.

Long but very nice hike station to station in the Forest of Fontainebleau. It goes through several viewpoints, ponds, little known corners, stunning scenery.

For more walks, use our search engine .

  • Fontainebleau Tourism
  • Fontainebleau Itineraries
  • Fontainebleau Hotels

Tour Denecourt, Fontainebleau Ticket Price, Hours, Address and Reviews

  • Ile-de-France
  • Fontainebleau
  • Things To Do In Fontainebleau

Tour Denecourt, Fontainebleau

  • Address: Route de Bourgogne, 77300 Fontainebleau, France

85.37% of people who visit Fontainebleau include Tour Denecourt, Fontainebleau in their plan

  • 2 PM - 3 PM

50% of people start their Tour Denecourt, Fontainebleau visit around 2 PM - 3 PM

People usually take around 30 Minutes to see Tour Denecourt, Fontainebleau

95% of people prefer to travel by car while visiting Tour Denecourt, Fontainebleau

People normally club together Foret Fontainebleau Parking and Compagnie Les Arlequins while planning their visit to Tour Denecourt, Fontainebleau.

Tour Denecourt, Fontainebleau Reviews & Ratings

tour denecourt parking

Attractions Nearby

  • Chateau De Vaux-le-vicomte (maincy)
  • Chateau De Fontainebleau
  • Mosquee De Vulaines-sur-seine
  • Golf De Chevannes Mennecy
  • Eglise De Brie - Paroisse Saint Etienne
  • Eiffel Tower
  • Louvre Museum
  • Musee D Orsay
  • Luxembourg Gardens
  • Arc De Triomphe
  • River Seine
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Tour Overview

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Château de la Rivière

Hiking Highlight

Le long de la Seine

Les longs sillons, château de by, tour profile, weather forecast.

Chloé Perceval planned a hike.

September 25, 2023

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An 1,800-year-old Roman statue was found in a UK parking lot. How it got there is a mystery.

  • Construction on the parking lot of an English estate unearthed a Roman statue.
  • Experts believe the statue dates back to the first or second century.
  • It's unknown how the statue ended up in the parking lot, but theories include a burglary gone awry.

Insider Today

A Roman statue was unearthed during construction on a British parking lot at one of the most expansive and impressive houses of the 16th century.

Digger driver Greg Crawley made the discovery in April 2023 while working in an overflow parking area at Burghley House in Peterborough, England, and now the restored sculpture can be viewed by the public.

The Roman statue was found during construction on a parking lot at Burghley House, a 16th-century English estate

Crawley said he discovered the marble head of a Roman lady in the spring of 2023.

"I had a real shock as the digger bucket rolled over what I thought was a big stone to reveal a face. When I picked it up, I realized it was a head of a statue," Crawley said in a press release by Burghley House. "I couldn't believe it when they told me it was a Roman marble statue."

The rest of the statue was found two weeks later, a short distance from where the head was unearthed .

Crawley said it was "an amazing feeling" to have discovered the statue, calling it his "best-ever discovery."

Experts believe an English aristocrat bought the sculpture during a tour of Italy in the 1700s

After the statue was cleaned of debris, experts were able to date the sculpture back to the first or second century.

Experts noted an iron dowel had been added later on so the statue could be attached to a bust or pedestal. Burghley House said this was a common practice in the 18th century to make artifacts more attractive to aristocrats buying wares abroad.

Burghley House believes the sculpture was brought back to England by Brownlow Cecil, the ninth Earl of Exeter and one of the house's two main curators who inherited the estate in 1754.

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"It is believed that it was during one of the ninth Earl's two tours to Italy in the 1760s, when he purchased many antiquities, that he brought the sculpture back to Burghley," the house said in a statement.

However, Burghley House said it was 'a complete mystery' how the bust and head ended up buried on the grounds

The house said in a press release that experts theorized it could be the result of a burglary gone awry or simply the removal of the statue at some point in history.

It's also unclear exactly how long the statue remained underground before its discovery in 2023.

After their discovery, the head and bust were brought to Burghley House's curator, who then forwarded them on to a skilled conservator.

A professional conservator cleaned and reassembled the sculpture to its original form, unveiling the striking features of a Roman woman.

Burghley House is open to the public seasonally beginning March 16, and the sculpture can now be viewed in the Hell Hall of Burghley House, along with other artifacts purchased by the ninth Earl of Exeter.

The discovery of ancient artifacts can be life-changing for their finders, depending on the age and origin of the treasure

In 2018, a woman in Texas purchased a 52-pound marble sculpture for $35 that turned out to be a 2,000-year-old Roman bust .

According to Amineddoleh & Associates , the art law firm that advised the woman on the bust, the sculpture was most likely stolen from a courtyard in Pompejanum, Germany, after the Allied forces shelled the area in 1944 and 1945.

The firm said the bust could have fetched "hundreds of thousands of dollars" on the open market had it not been stolen property of the Bavarian State. Instead, in exchange for returning the bust to its rightful home in Germany, the woman received a confidential, small finders' fee.

However, other discoveries can have serious payoffs.

In 2022, a British couple renovating their kitchen found a collection of 17th and 18th-century gold coins underneath their existing kitchen floor. The collection later sold for £754,000, or $842,330, including fees, at auction.

The coins were hidden in a pot the same size as a soda can, the BBC reported.

Watch: Restoring chipped snow white lawn statues

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Aerial View of Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport

Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport SVO

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Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport (SVO) Guide

Discover Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport (SVO), Russia's busiest hub, known for its striking Terminal D, inspired by the shapes of seagulls. This guide simplifies your travel through SVO, offering essential information for both newcomers and seasoned travelers. From flight details, terminal maps, to dining and shopping options, we ensure a seamless journey. Navigate SVO with confidence and make the most of your visit. For more insights into major airports, explore our Comprehensive Airport Guide .

Helpful Tips & Resources

Is Chashnikovo - Moskow Airport (SVO) airport a bit unfamiliar to you? Look no further than iFly.com for insightful tips and advice. Read on!

  • Upon passing through security, go to the map of SVO's airport to navigate through the terminals, and view the restaurant, bars and shopping options as you head to your gate.
  • Check here for info on lounges or clubs where you might be able to access via a day pass if you're not a member or flying in first class.
  • At times, Chashnikovo - Moskow airport has changes to its airlines. Review the airlines that have scheduled flights from Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport SVO here.
  • Waiting to pick up an arriving passenger? To see where the plane is, when its slated to land, and which terminal it will deplane, use the live flight tracker .
  • Want to find the cheapest flight fare from SVO airport ? Compare multiple providers, check directly with airlines, and look into alternative airports.

Navigating SVO's Terminals

Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport has four main terminals: Terminal C, Terminal D, Terminal E, and Terminal F. Terminal D is the largest terminal with 22 gates, followed by Terminal E with 17 gates, Terminal F with 15 gates, and Terminal C with 9 gates. Major airlines such as Aeroflot, Delta, Air France, and KLM operate out of Terminal D, while Terminal E is mainly used by international airlines such as Emirates, Qatar Airways, and Turkish Airlines. Terminal C is used by low-cost carriers such as Pobeda and Terminal F is used for domestic flights.

When navigating the airport, it is important to pay attention to the signs and announcements as they will guide you to the correct terminal and gate. There are also shuttle buses that connect the terminals, which can be useful if you have a connecting flight in a different terminal.

Use our interactive airport map to locate food, services, and airline departure gates.

Connecting Between Terminals

Moscow Airport has four main terminals: Terminal C, Terminal D, Terminal E, and Terminal F. The terminals are connected by a free shuttle bus service that runs every 20 minutes, 24 hours a day. The shuttle bus stops are located outside each terminal and are clearly marked. The bus ride between terminals takes approximately 10-15 minutes, depending on traffic.

If you prefer to walk, there are pedestrian walkways connecting all terminals. The walkways are well-lit and clearly marked, and it takes approximately 10-15 minutes to walk between the terminals. However, if you have a lot of luggage or are in a hurry, taking the shuttle bus is recommended.

Picking Up and Dropping Off Passengers

At the airport, passengers can be picked up and dropped off at designated curbside areas outside of each terminal. However, there are strict restrictions on curbside parking, and vehicles cannot be left unattended. Drivers are advised to use the airport's short-term parking facilities if they need to leave their vehicle for an extended period of time.

For those waiting to pick up passengers, the airport provides cell-phone waiting areas near each terminal. These areas allow drivers to wait in their vehicles until their passengers are ready to be picked up, without having to circle the airport or park in a curbside area. It is important to note that vehicles cannot be left unattended in these areas, and drivers must remain in their vehicles at all times.

Overall, Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport provides convenient options for picking up and dropping off passengers, while ensuring the safety and efficiency of airport operations.

Parking Facilities & Options

If you're flying out of Moscow Airport, you'll find a variety of parking options available to you. The airport offers both short-term and long-term parking in garages and lots located near each of the airport's four terminals: Terminal C, Terminal D, Terminal E, and Terminal F.

If you're waiting to pick up arriving passengers, there are cell phone waiting areas available at the airport. These areas are free to use and allow you to wait in your car until your party has arrived and is ready to be picked up.

Handicapped parking is available at all of the airport's parking facilities, with designated spaces located near the entrances of each garage and lot. If you require assistance getting to or from your car, you can contact the airport's assistance service for help.

If you're looking for a more economical parking option, off-airport parking lots are available near the airport. These lots offer shuttle service to and from the airport, and can be a great way to save money on parking fees.

Get details about SVO parking options and rates, along with more economical off-airport parking here .

Transportation Options

SVO Airport offers a variety of ground transportation options for travelers. If you prefer to drive yourself, car rental facilities are available at the airport. Major providers include Avis, Europcar, Hertz, and Sixt. You can find rental car counters in Terminal D.

If you prefer to take a taxi, there are several options available. Taxis are located outside the arrivals area of each terminal. Fares are calculated based on distance and time, and can vary depending on traffic conditions. It is recommended to negotiate the fare with the driver before starting the trip.

Shared ride services such as Uber and Yandex.Taxi are also available at the airport. Pickup areas are located outside the arrivals area of each terminal. However, it is important to note that ride sharing services are not allowed to pick up passengers from the airport without a special permit.

Airport shuttles are available for passengers who need to travel between terminals or to nearby hotels. The shuttle service is free of charge and runs 24/7. Pickup areas are located outside the arrivals area of each terminal.

If you prefer to use public transportation , Aeroexpress trains provide direct service between the airport and Moscow city center. Trains run every 30 minutes and the journey takes approximately 35 minutes. Tickets can be purchased at the airport or online.

Airport Hotels

Traveling can be exhausting, but finding the perfect place to rest shouldn't be. Whether you're catching a flight early in the morning or arriving late at night, our selection of airport hotels ensures you're never far from the terminal. From budget-friendly options to luxury suites, there's something for every traveler. Check out our Sheremetyevo Airport Hotels for a comfortable and convenient stay.

Dining, Shopping & Enjoying the Airport

SVO offers a wide variety of dining and shopping options for travelers to enjoy. Terminal D is the main hub for food and beverage options, with popular choices such as Starbucks, Burger King, and Subway. For a taste of traditional Russian cuisine, travelers can head to the Russian Standard Restaurant located in Terminal D, which offers a range of dishes including borscht and beef stroganoff. Terminal E also offers a range of dining options, including a sushi bar and a pub-style restaurant.

When it comes to shopping, Terminal D and Terminal E offer the most options. Terminal D features a variety of duty-free shops selling everything from luxury clothing brands to traditional Russian souvenirs. Terminal E offers a range of shops selling electronics, books, and accessories. For those looking for a last-minute gift, the Sheremetyevo Airport Gift Shop in Terminal D is a great option.

The locations of all food, shops, and services at SVO Airport can be found using iFly's interactive map. For a complete list of restaurants, bars, shops, and news stands, see your options here .

Passenger Services

Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport is a modern airport that offers a wide range of passenger services to make your travel experience as comfortable as possible. The airport has four terminals: Terminal C, Terminal D, Terminal E, and Terminal F. Here is some helpful information about the passenger services at Moscow Airport:

For passengers who need to stay connected, the airport offers free Wi-Fi throughout all terminals. Lost and found services are available in each terminal, so if you misplace something during your travels, you can easily find it again.

If you are traveling with children, there are designated children's areas in each terminal where kids can play and burn off some energy before their flight. Additionally, special-needs services are available to assist passengers with disabilities or mobility issues. These services include wheelchair assistance, accessible restrooms, and designated parking spaces.

For your banking needs, there are ATMs and currency exchange offices located throughout the airport. If you require medical assistance, there is a medical center located in Terminal D that is staffed by trained medical professionals. The medical center is equipped to handle a variety of medical issues, from minor injuries to more serious medical emergencies.

Flight Status Info

As an air traveler, it's important to stay informed about the status of your flight at all times. At SVO, there are several ways to check your flight status and stay up-to-date on any changes.

One of the easiest ways to check your flight status is by using the in-airport flight displays (FIDS). These displays are located throughout the airport and provide real-time information on flight departures, delays, and gate information. Simply find the display that corresponds to your flight and check the status.

Another convenient way to stay informed is by using your airline's mobile phone app. Many airlines offer apps that allow you to receive alerts about departure delays, cancelations, or gate changes directly to your phone. You can also check your flight status and make changes to your reservation through the app.

In addition to mobile apps, airlines may also send updates via text, email, or push notifications. Make sure to check with your airline to see what options are available to you.

Passengers can check the status of their flight departure at SVO Airport by visiting the flight departures page on ifly.com, which provides real-time updates on flight departures, delays, and gate information.

Helpful Tips

When to arrive.

When traveling through Moscow Airport, it is recommended to arrive at least 2-3 hours before your scheduled departure time. This allows enough time for check-in, security screening, and navigating the airport. The busiest times to avoid are typically during peak travel seasons and holidays, as well as early morning and late evening flights.

Getting to the Airport

SVO is located approximately 29 kilometers northwest of Moscow city center. The best ways to get to the airport include taking a taxi, using public transportation such as the Aeroexpress train or bus, or driving and parking in one of the airport's parking lots. It is important to allow enough time for traffic and potential delays when choosing your mode of transportation.

Getting Oriented

When arriving at SVO Airport, it is recommended to use iFly.com's interactive airport maps to get oriented and navigate the airport. The maps provide detailed information on the airport's terminals, gates, restaurants, shops, and other amenities. Additionally, there are information desks located throughout the airport where you can ask for assistance and directions.

Avoiding Delays

To avoid delays at the airport, it is important to arrive early, have all necessary documents and identification ready, and follow all security protocols. Additionally, it is recommended to check the status of your flight before arriving at the airport and to stay updated on any potential delays or cancellations. You can also download the airport's mobile app for real-time flight information and updates.

Airport Facts & Stats

The airport is one of the busiest airports in Russia, serving millions of passengers annually. The airport has four terminals: Terminal C, Terminal D, Terminal E, and Terminal F.

On average, Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport handles around 40,000 passengers daily and operates approximately 500 daily flights. The airport serves more than 200 destinations worldwide, making it a popular hub for both domestic and international flights.

Some of the top airlines with the most daily flights at Moscow Airport include Aeroflot, Rossiya Airlines, and Nordwind Airlines. These airlines offer flights to various destinations across the globe.

The top five destinations served by SVO are Saint Petersburg, Simferopol, Sochi, Novosibirsk, and Yekaterinburg. These destinations are popular among both business and leisure travelers.

Several air carriers use SVO Airport as a hub, including Aeroflot, Rossiya Airlines, and Nordwind Airlines. These airlines offer connecting flights to various destinations across Russia and beyond.

Airport History

The airport, also known as Sheremetyevo International Airport, is one of the largest airports in Russia and serves as a hub for several major airlines. Here is a brief history of the airport:

  • 1957 - Sheremetyevo Airport opens for civilian use
  • 1960s - The airport undergoes major expansion and modernization
  • 1970s - Sheremetyevo becomes the main international airport for Moscow
  • 1980s - A new terminal is built to handle increased passenger traffic
  • 1990s - The airport experiences a decline in passenger traffic due to economic instability in Russia
  • 2000s - Sheremetyevo undergoes a major renovation and expansion, including the construction of a new terminal and runway
  • 2010s - The airport continues to expand and modernize, with plans for a new terminal and additional runways in the works

Today, Sheremetyevo Airport is a modern and efficient airport that serves millions of passengers each year.

Airport Contact Information

For more information about Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport, please refer to the following contact details:

  • IATA Code: SVO
  • Airport Website
  • Phone: +7 495 578-65-65
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Mailing Address: Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport, Khimki, Moscow Oblast, 141400, Russian Federation

Note that the contact information provided here is subject to change by the airport operator(s).

Last updated: March 8, 2024

Find more help here for your journey through the airport

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OPENING DAY 2024: Plenty to watch for as the Rays return to the field

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — It's Opening Day baseball fans!

And the Rays are celebrating the start of their 27 th season with plenty of fanfare, including an upgraded stadium experience at Tropicana Field, new stadium food, a sleek new look in the outfield with shaded grass and a Rays team competing for a sixth-straight playoff appearance.

What You Need To Know

Opening day 2024: tampa bay rays vs. toronto blue jays, thursday, 4:10 p.m., tropicana field  more information: tickets and parking   more rays headlines   rays opening day faq   the game will be broadcast on bally sun sports, the rays' tv broadcast partner and on wdae 95.3 fm/620 am and the rays radio network.

Tampa Bay’s 4:10 p.m. matchup with Toronto on Thursday marks the club’s 18th straight sell out for Opening Day, not including the 2020 COVID season.

On the field, the Rays will be led by a revamped pitching staff.

Zach Eflin will take to the hill on Opening Day, back from a 2023 where he pitched 177 innings and led the team with 16 wins.

Aaron Civale, Zack Littell, Ryan Pepiot and Tyler Alexander will follow.

Yandy Diaz (1B), Brandon Lowe (2B), Jose Caballero (SS) and Isaac Paredes (3B) will fill an infield lineup Thursday that is sure to twist, turn and change during the season.

Fan favorite Randy Arozarena, Jose Siri and Harold Ramirez will be in the outfield.

Rene Pinto is set to do most of the everyday catching.

Spring Training saw its share of injuries for the Rays with pitcher Taj Bradley, outfielders Josh Lowe and Jonny DeLuca and INF Jonathan Aranda all starting the year slowed by injuries.

Pitcher Tyler Glasnow is now an LA Dodger and the Wander Franco saga continues , with the Rays regular shortstop remaining in limbo regarding legal concerns.


There’s plenty to keep fans busy in the stands as well.

The Tampa Bay Rays have unveiled some of the unique edibles that will be available at Tropicana Field for the 2024 season.

Citing feedback from fans, more allergy-friendly options will be available this season. Menu boards will have clear labels for gluten-free, vegetarian and vegan.

There will be an entirely gluten-free stand this year in right field called "Gluten Free Favorites."

The team said there will also be self-checkout food options at some stadium locations.

Single game tickets, as well as season memberships and special packages are all currently available.

The team will also offer the  "Ballpark Pass"  for $49 a month or $249 for the season. Fans with Ballpark Pass can attend every home game that particular month, with no blackout dates.

Tickets are standing room only with an option to purchase up to two guest passes per game. GIVEAWAYS GALORE As fans arrive for Opening Day, the first 20,000 fans will receive a season schedule magnet.

Upon entry to the game on Sunday, March 31 against the Blue Jays, the first 12,000 fans will receive a Jose Siri replica necklace. 

In addition to those freebies, the Rays will gift a Flappy Boi zip-up hoodie on Aug. 9 and a plush bucket hat (Aug. 16). More giveaways include a button-down tropical shirt in memory of Rays radio announcer  Dave Wills , who passed away last year, a Randy Arozarena luchador wrestler mask (May 5), and bobbleheads for Fred McGriff (Sept. 1) and Yandy Díaz (June 30).

BASEBALL AND A PARTY The Rays announced musical performances taking place in conjunction with Rays game dates.

They include Jimmy Eat World (July 26), Rylee Green (Aug. 10) and T-Pain (Aug. 16).  View all games that have an attached promotion .

College night ticket packages will return for the 2024 season, as well as discounted ticket pricing for students. For a full list of college nights and for more information, visit RaysBaseball.com/TicketPackages.

For every Friday home game, fans can purchase tickets for Randy Land in sections 141 or 143 starting at $56. Tickets include a Randy T-shirt. And if Randy hits a home run during the game, fans in Randy Land receive a free beverage. Purchase tickets in Randy Land .

LOOK AT THE FIELD Tropicana Field’s outfield will sport a new look this year with a striped set up.

The turf has been cut to resemble grass with different shades across the outfield.  

The team donated 75,000 square feet of turf to Bay area youth parks and rec programs for fields and training facilities. 

Everything to know before attending a Reds game at Great American Ball Park in 2024

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Baseball season is back!

The Cincinnati Reds ' 2024 season starts March 28 with a home game against the Washington Nationals. The Opening Day game begins at 4:10 p.m.

If you're heading to Great American Ball Park this year, here's everything you need to know.

How to show tickets for a Reds game

Tickets for games are available through the  MLB Ballpark app . They can be forwarded to other visitors in your party and scanned separately.

Digital tickets can also be saved in your mobile wallet (either Apple Wallet for iPhones or Google Wallet for Androids) ahead of the game.

The box office at the main Crosley Terrace entrance on the corner of Second Street and Joe Nuxhall Way will also be open for ticket purchases and will call, per the stadium's website .

What kind of bag can I bring inside Reds games at Great American Ball Park?

The following bags are allowed inside the ballpark:

  • Small purses.
  • Soft-sided coolers that contain food and non-alcoholic drinks in sealed plastic bottles.
  • Bags explicitly used for medical purposes.
  • Bags specifically used for infant care purposes.
  • Reds Heads Bags provided beginning in 2020.
  • Unopened, non-alcoholic drinks in sealed plastic bottles.

All bags must not exceed the size of 16 inches by 16 inches by 8 inches.

Backpacks that do not fit within the criteria mentioned above are not permitted.

Is Great American Ball Park cashless?

Yes. The ballpark accepts credit cards and  Reds Pay , a contactless method of payment within the MLB Ballpark app.

There are cash-to-card machines available on the Terrace Level near Section 119 and on the View Level near Section 427. The machines will accept cash and load it onto a MasterCard gift card that can be used in the ballpark.

How to park for a Reds game

Parking for Great American Ball Park  is located on the east and west sides of the ballpark.

Here are some parking options. The lots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis:

  • Central Riverfront Garage, 171 100 Joe Nuxhall Way: $25.
  • The western side of Central Riverfront Garage: $21.
  • East Garage, 443 East Pete Rose Way: $15.
  • Broadway Lot, 203 Broadway: $25.
  • Lot E, near Paycor Stadium: $15.

Parking is sold on a first-come, first-served basis, with the exception of the Central Riverfront Garage, which can be purchased in advance by calling 513-765-7400 and selecting option 3, or online at  www.reds.com/parking .

Great American Ball Park parking lots open five hours before game time.

Betting inside Great American Ball Park

Sports betting is available at the  BetMGM Sportsbook at The Banks . The area features three betting windows, 14 self-service kiosks, a 350-square-foot video wall and an exclusive VIP lounge. The sportsbook also features a full menu and beverage service from Nation Kitchen & Bar. 

Can I bring banners and signs inside Great American Ball Park?

Banners and signs are allowed inside Great American Ball Park, except the Lexus Diamond Club seating section, but there are a few rules.

  • Banners and signs cannot be displayed in the eyesight of the batter or hang over the outfield fences.
  • They should not interfere with the sight lines of other Great American Ball Park guests.
  • They cannot be placed anywhere inside the playing field.
  • They cannot be commercial, political, derogatory or obscene as determined by the Reds.
  • Signs must not utilize any material or objects that could cause injury.

According to the Reds' website, "It is recommended that banners and signs be foldable or collapsible in order to comply with the 16" x 16" x 8" Major League Baseball size requirement."

Can I bring a camera inside Great American Ball Park?

Cameras and video recorders not exceeding 16 inches by 16 inches by 8 inches are welcome inside Great American Ball Park but for personal use only, and game action must not be recorded. According to MLB policy and federal law, drones are not permitted within the ballpark. Tripods, monopods and other camera support pods are also not allowed.

Can I bring outside beverages inside Great American Ball Park?

Guests cannot bring glass bottles, cans and alcoholic beverages into Great American Ball Park. However, soft drinks and water in clear plastic bottles are permitted, provided the safety seal has not been broken. Insulated foam or metal cups, restaurant containers and Yeti mugs and cups are not allowed in Great American Ball Park.

Can I bring a cooler inside Great American Ball Park?

Soft-sided coolers that do not exceed 16 inches by 16 inches by 8 inches are permitted inside Great American Ball Park, but hard-sided coolers are prohibited.

Full list of items not allowed inside Great American Ball Park

Below is the full list of items that are prohibited inside Great American Ball Park. The Reds reserve the right to change this at any time.

  • Aerosols (spray sunscreen and bug spray permitted).
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • Animals (with the exception of service animals).
  • Backpacks or bags with multiple pockets.
  • Bags larger than 16 inches by 16 inches by 8 inches.
  • Beach balls or other inflatable devices.
  • Explosive materials or devices.
  • Glass bottles, cans and opened plastic bottles.
  • Hard-sided coolers.
  • Hoverboards.
  • Illegal substances or paraphernalia,
  • Items not able to be inspected.
  • Laser pens or pointers.
  • Noisemakers.
  • Obscene or indecent clothing.
  • Pocket knives.
  • Selfie sticks.
  • Signs or banners that are derogatory, vulgar or political in nature.
  • Sticks, bats, poles or clubs.
  • Tripods or monopods.
  • Weapons of any kind.

Introducing Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport

  • About Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport

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About Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport (SVO)

One of three major airports in Moscow, Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport is located to the northwest of the Russian capital. Our Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport guide includes information on terminal facilities, public transport routes and nearby hotels, as well as contact details for the airport.


Information desks and touch screen terminals are located in the main halls; these provide up-to-date flight information (tel: +7 495 578 6565) and details about the airport and transport to the city.

Driving directions:

The main road leading to Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport is Leningradskoe Highway, which flows into the M10 motorway from Moscow.

Transfer between terminals:

Public buses, express buses and free airline shuttles are available for transfer between Sheremetyevo's terminals, which are split between two separate sites. Terminal A is used solely for business and private flights.

Airport Info

Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport is located 29km (18 miles) northwest of Moscow.

+7 495 578 6565.

Public Transport

Public transport road:.

Bus: Regular express buses run 24 hours a day to central Moscow from bus stops outside Terminal B and the bus station on the arrivals level of Terminal F. Bus 851 links to Rechnoi Vokzal metro station, while bus 817 runs to Planernaya metro station. Fares vary between services.

Coach: Coach services operate between Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport and Moscow Central Air Terminal, which is located between the Dinamo and Aeroport metro stations.

Taxi: Taxis to Moscow are available 24 hours a day from the arrivals level of Terminal F and from outside Terminal D and E; passengers should join the taxi queue for fixed-rate taxis, rather than accepting offers from drivers.

Public transport rail:

Rail: Aeroexpress (tel: +7 800 700 3377; https://aeroexpress.ru/ ) trains connect directly from Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport to Belorussky Railway Station in central Moscow (journey time: 35 minutes). Free bus links connect the rest of the airport complex to the Aeroexpress station.

Terminal facilities

Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport offers banking and bureaux de change facilities. Currency exchange services are available in departures in Terminal D,E and Terminal F, while ATMs are located in Terminals D,F and the arrival area of Terminal E.

There is a wide choice of restaurants, cafés and bars in each passenger terminal. These encompass a range of international and locally branded establishments, from a Teremok cafe in Terminal D to a sushi bar in Terminal F.

A good selection of shops is available in each of the main terminals. These include duty-free outlets, gift shops, pharmacies and newsagents.

Luggage trolleys can be hired in the arrivals hall of Terminal F, and luggage packing facilities are also available. A porter service is available to assist passengers on request. Luggage rooms can be found in Terminals D, E and F. A lost property office (tel: +7 495 578 4782) can be found in Terminal C. A lost property office (tel: +7 495 578 7464) is also on hand to assist passengers who have misplaced (or recovered) items in the airport complex.

Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport has a medical office, shower rooms and baby care facilities. There are travel agencies in Terminal F to assist with tour information and bookings.

Airport facilities

Conference and business:.

The VIP and business lounges in Terminals D, E and F offer a selection of facilities, such as showers, refreshments and communication services. Additionally, the on-site Novotel Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport (tel: +7 495 626 5900; www.accorhotels.com ) has nine meeting rooms and offers fax and copying services. Terminal A is used exclusively for business travellers and includes a large conference room.

Communication Facilities:

Free Wi-Fi internet access is available in all terminals. Additionally, there are postal, fax, photocopying and international dialling services in Terminals F.

Disabled facilities:

Wheelchair transfer and special assistance is available between the aircraft and the terminal building on request – passengers requiring such services should make a request by submitting an application online and inform their airline prior to travel. The Sirius Lounge, in the departures area of Terminal E, is accessible to departing passengers from Terminals D, E and F, while The Saturn Lounge is located in the public area of Terminal D. Both lounges are equipped with individual service rooms, internet facilities for the visually impaired, and disabled toilets. There are designated parking spaces, which can be booked in advance, free of charge (+7 495 988 0448). The Aeroexpress train is accessible to the physically disabled, with assistants on hand to help where required.

Car parking:

Short-term parking facilities are available close to the terminals.

Car rental:

Car hire companies Sixt, TIScar, AVIS and IDrive have offices in Terminal D.

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Park Inn by Radisson, Sheremetyevo Airport Moscow

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" Pick Radisson Blue or Holiday Inn Express that's the next building right after Park Inn and you will get a better room "
" ask for a new room ... and check it first "
" Get the shuttle from the airport and the higher the floor, the less noisy. "
" Upper rooms offer the best views, although the views from the hotel are not that spectacular....you need to be downtown for that. "
" This is not a luxury room "

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PARK INN BY RADISSON, SHEREMETYEVO AIRPORT MOSCOW - Hotel Reviews (Khimki, Russia) - Tripadvisor


  1. Tour Denecourt Fontainebleau

    Rendez-vous à la Tour Denecourt ! C'est l'invitation que vous auriez pu entendre pour la promenade du dimanche en forêt de Fontainebleau. En effet, ce site attire régulièrement les touristes venant admirer toute la région du haut de ses 130 mètres. Situé entre les communes de Samois sur Seine et Avon, ce monument historique conserve ...

  2. Loop to the Denecourt Tower from Fontainebleau-Avon station

    The outward journey is simply along the road to the Tour Denecourt, following the yellow markings. ... Parking The station car park is not free. You can park for free without too much difficulty in the vicinity. Coordinates. DD. 48.416740, 2.726210. DMS. 48°25'00.3"N 2°43'34.4"E. UTM.

  3. Foret Fontainebleau Parking, Fontainebleau

    People normally club together Fraternite Saint-pierre Fontainebleau and Tour Denecourt, Fontainebleau while planning their visit to Foret Fontainebleau Parking. * The facts given above are based on traveler data on TripHobo and might vary from the actual figures

  4. Unique walks in the forest of Fontainebleau

    Located on a trail containing many lookout points, at a height of 130 m, the Tour Denecourt offers a panoramic view of the Fontainebleau forest. Built by Claude-François Denecourt, a great lover of the forest, it served as an observation tower. Napoléon III inaugurated it in 1853. From the top, you can see the surrounding villages and a ...

  5. Tour Denecourt

    Onlu a few boulders have been brushed in this small sector around the Denecourt tower, to the North of the town of Fontainebleau. The access is long (1km500) and the most convenient is to park the car at the parking lot of 'la forêt de Fontainebleau' and to follow La Route de la Tour Denecourt to its end. 7b

  6. Croix du Calvaire and Tour Denecourt

    Departing from Fontainebleau station, this trail leads to the Croix du Calvaire and the Denecourt tower, both of which offer lovely views of the forest. The route is varied, and offers a glimpse of the famous rocks of Fontainebleau. This walk corresponds to the Denecourt trail n° 2, named after the person who traced it.

  7. Walking from station to station between Bois-le-Roi and Fontainebleau

    <From Bois-le-Roi station, you head towards the Fontainebleau forest along Chemin des Coureurs (GR1). For 6 km, will discover made of oak and pine trees as well characteristic rocks this place before arriving at Tour Denecourt. It is here that you can climb to the top (you are 136m above sea level) and enjoy a 360° view of the forest ...

  8. 2 best Tour Dénécourt walks

    Tour Dénécourt selected free walks ideas with precise map for walkers, complete description with waypoints and some pictures. Discover also some more walks in other places. ... Croix du Calvaire, Denecourt Tower and Sponge Rock • Download: PDF. Walker. 7.29 km +111 m-113 m 2h 25 Easy Departure from Avon ...

  9. Between the rocks and the ages

    The Denecourt-Colinet trails don't present any particular technical difficulty and are suitable for people of all ages. In addition to the detailed descriptions in this Collection, you can use the blue markings typical of these trails to find your way in the forest. ... You will find plenty of free parking spaces at the start of the tour. A ...

  10. Tour Denecourt (Forêt de Fontainebleau) 4K Ultra HD

    La tour Denecourt, dans la forêt de Fontainebleau, offre une vue à 360 degrés sur la forêt.Plus de drone spots en Ile de France (Videos 4K Ultra HD) :Etangs ...

  11. Tour 2: Denecourt Tower and Calvary Cross

    Tour 2: Denecourt Tower and Calvary Cross - Denecourt-Colinet trails is an easy hike: 7.22 km and takes 01:58 h. View this route or plan your own! Chloé Perceval planned an outdoor adventure with komoot! Distance: 7.22 km | Duration: 01:58 h. komoot. Discover; Route planner;

  12. Tour Denecourt, Fontainebleau

    Do you want to know the entry ticket price for Tour Denecourt, Fontainebleau? Opening & closing timings, parking options, restaurants nearby or what to see on your visit to Tour Denecourt, Fontainebleau? Click Now to check the details!

  13. Tour 18: Denecourt-Colinet trails

    The tour starts at Thomery station, where it is possible to arrive from Paris via the R line of the Transilien and where you can find a parking area. You will also find several car parks where you can park in the city center. Between alleys, castles and wooded paths, trail n ° 18 will take you to discover….

  14. Lakewood police won't enforce parking restrictions on Good Friday

    LAKEWOOD, Ohio (WOIO) - Lakewood police will not be enforcing rush hour parking restrictions on Friday, March 29. Police said this is due to the Good Friday holiday.

  15. Parking: Jhene Aiko Tickets Jul 06, 2024 Orlando, FL

    Buy Parking: Jhene Aiko tickets at the Kia Center in Orlando, FL for Jul 06, 2024 at Ticketmaster. Buy Parking: Jhene Aiko tickets at the Kia Center in Orlando, FL for Jul 06, 2024 at Ticketmaster. ... Parking valid only for the date on ticket. more. Close Menu. Search Artist, Team or Venue. Clear search term. Submit Search. We're Here to Help.

  16. An 1,800-year-old Roman statue was found in a UK parking lot. How it

    An 1,800-year-old Roman statue was found in a UK parking lot. How it got there is a mystery. ... Experts believe an English aristocrat bought the sculpture during a tour of Italy in the 1700s.

  17. Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport SVO: Help & Info Guide

    Discover Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport (SVO), Russia's busiest hub, known for its striking Terminal D, inspired by the shapes of seagulls. This guide simplifies your travel through SVO, offering essential information for both newcomers and seasoned travelers. From flight details, terminal maps, to dining and shopping options, we ensure a seamless ...

  18. Toledo meter revenue, tickets climb following end of free lunchtime parking

    Doing away with free lunchtime parking in downtown Toledo has generated more tickets and revenue, but the money raised for beautification efforts sits ...

  19. OPENING DAY: Plenty to watch as the Rays return to the field

    Tickets are standing room only with an option to purchase up to two guest passes per game. GIVEAWAYS GALORE As fans arrive for Opening Day, the first 20,000 fans will receive a season schedule magnet.

  20. Panfilova Street, 19с4, Himki

    Show parking info. Add an item. Edit information. Service organizations. Otdeleniye pochtovoy svyazi Khimki № 141407. 25. Otdeleniye pochtovoy svyazi Khimki № 141407. Closed until 9:00 AM. Post Office. Khimki, Yubileynyy Avenue, 41А ...

  21. Great American Ball Park: Parking, bag policy and more for Reds games

    Parking is sold on a first-come, first-served basis, with the exception of the Central Riverfront Garage, which can be purchased in advance by calling 513-765-7400 and selecting option 3, or ...

  22. Press release: Arizona Diamondbacks 2024 Opening Day tomorrow ...

    The Arizona Diamondbacks kick off their 2024 season tomorrow with Opening Day at home vs. the Colorado Rockies at 7:10 p.m. Fans are encouraged to arrive early to Chase Field to avoid traffic delays and road closures and to make sure they receive the full Opening Day experience including a flyover from the Luke Air Force Base, ceremonial first pitch from Arizona Cardinals legend Kurt Warner ...

  23. About Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport (SVO)

    Public Transport Public transport road: Bus: Regular express buses run 24 hours a day to central Moscow from bus stops outside Terminal B and the bus station on the arrivals level of Terminal F. Bus 851 links to Rechnoi Vokzal metro station, while bus 817 runs to Planernaya metro station. Fares vary between services. Coach: Coach services operate between Moscow Sheremetyevo International ...

  24. Park Inn by Radisson, Sheremetyevo Airport Moscow

    The contemporary Park Inn by Radisson Sheremetyevo Airport Moscow Hotel located in proximity to the main Air hub in the region. We offer relaxed and friendly atmosphere and high quality service. • Walking distance to Sheremetyevo International Airport (terminals D,E,F)• Free regular shuttle bus from and to Terminals D,E,F (every 30 minutes ...