galapagos tour de bahia

Tour de Bahia Galapagos explora la Isla Santa Cruz. 2024

Embarcarse en El Tour de Bahía Galapagos es embarcarse en un viaje de maravillas y aventura. Atraviese cinco sitios diferentes alrededor de Bahía Academia , ubicada en la pintoresca Isla Santa Cruz , y sienta la brisa mientras navega por las aguas durante apenas 15 minutos hasta la primera parada. La mayor parte del viaje se pasa a bordo de comodas embarcaciones , con dos oportunidades para caminatas naturales que duran aproximadamente entre 15 y 20 minutos cada una. Agregando emociones, hay dos actividades de snorkeling, una en las místicas grietas y otra en una bahía prístina. El tour dura entre 3.hoars  a 4 horas, lo que le brinda un tiempo amplio para absorber la belleza de este destino.  El Tour de Bahía les lleve en un viaje que nunca olvidarán

Tour de Bahia Galapagos explora Isla Santa Cruz 2024

Caminata y fotografia

Playa de los Perros

 El tour Bahía ofrece una oportunidad única en la vida para explorar uno de los lugares más hermosos e impresionantes del mundo. Tal vez te preguntes qué lo hace tan especial. Bueno, una de las paradas más impresionantes del tour es la magnífica Playa de Los Perros. El paisaje es hermoso y querrás capturar el momento con tu cámara. Imagina tomarte un refrescante baño y luego recostarte bajo el cálido sol mientras contemplas el único cactus Opuntia que se encuentra solo en las islas Galápagos. Es un placer visual. ¡No dudes más, prepara tus maletas y vamos! Ya seas un espíritu aventurero o simplemente alguien que ama un buen viaje por carretera, el tour Bahía tiene algo para todos. Entonces, ¿qué estás esperando? ¡Comienza a planificar tu aventura hoy!

Snorkeling y Fotografia

Las Grietas

Imagina nadar en  Las Grietas en la Isla Santa Cruz , una de las atracciones más impresionantes esperando ser descubiertas. Nuestro viaje comienza con un encantador paseo de 5 minutos desde el muelle de Franklin, donde deleitaremos nuestros ojos con una impresionante formación de roca volcánica, una verdadera maravilla de la naturaleza. Al final del sendero, una piscina natural de belleza incomparable nos dará la bienvenida, invitándonos a tomar un refrescante baño en sus cristalinas aguas. Prepárate para ser transportado a un mundo de maravillas mientras exploramos este lugar mágico y nos acercamos a los peces multicolores durante nuestra increíble aventura de snorkeling. Es una oportunidad para capturar impresionantes fotos que durarán toda la vida y crear memorias inolvidables juntos. ¡No pierdas la oportunidad de descubrir los tesoros ocultos de Isla Santa Cruz y hagamos de esta aventura una experiencia inolvidable!

paisajes y fotografias

Canal del Amor

Las Islas Galápagos albergan algunas de las maravillas naturales más impresionantes del mundo, y el Canal del Amor en la Isla Santa Cruz es un ejemplo perfecto. Con sus aguas turquesas cristalinas y un entorno impresionante, los visitantes no pueden evitar sentir que han sido transportados al paraíso. Sin embargo, no son solo las vistas espectaculares las que hacen que el Canal del Amor sea tan especial. Esta área también rebosa de una fauna magnífica, que incluye aves como piqueros y fragatas, que se elevan sin esfuerzo a través de los cielos azules y nítidos. Hay pocas cosas más pacíficas que dar un paseo tranquilo por el Canal del Amor, rodeado de la belleza y la serenidad de la naturaleza. Este es el lugar perfecto para reflexionar y relajarse, y cualquiera que lo visite seguramente se irá sintiéndose inspirado y rejuvenecido. Así que no pierdas la oportunidad de presenciar uno de los tesoros más sorprendentes de la naturaleza y deja que la visión del Canal del Amor te deje sin palabras.

mirador y fotografias 


¿Estás buscando una aventura emocionante? ¿Una donde puedas encontrarte cara a cara con algunas de las criaturas más majestuosas del océano? ¡Entonces necesitas visitar el Canal de Tiburones! Este impresionante lugar de observación es hogar de los impresionantes tiburones de arrecife de punta blanca, también conocidos como Tintoreras, quienes adoran venir aquí a descansar y relajarse. Es una oportunidad verdaderamente increíble para ver estas poderosas criaturas de cerca y personalmente, y para presenciar su belleza en su hábitat natural. Mientras observas a estos tiburones deslizarse por las cristalinas aguas, te llenarás de una sensación de maravilla y asombro ante las impresionantes criaturas que habitan en nuestro planeta. ¡Así que, si estás listo para una experiencia inolvidable, visita el Canal de Tiburones y permíteles a estas cautivadoras criaturas inspirarte a apreciar las maravillas del mundo que nos rodea!


¿Estás listo para una aventura inolvidable durante nuestra impresionante aventura de snorkeling en la Bahía de Punta Estrada tendrás la oportunidad de sumergirte en las tranquilas aguas turquesas y experimentar de primera mano la impresionante vida marina. Observa los magníficos peces tropicales nadando justo ante tus ojos, majestuosas tortugas marinas que se deslizan perezosamente por el agua e incluso tiburones arrecifales deslizándose . Maravíllate con la belleza de estas criaturas increíbles y deja que sus movimientos inspiren tu alma.

Prepárate para un viaje que despertará un profundo sentido de apreciación por la maravillosa diversidad de la naturaleza mientras experimentas de primera mano la maravilla del mundo submarino. Esta es una oportunidad para crear recuerdos inolvidables e sumergirte en las maravillas del mundo que nos rodea. ¡No esperes más para reservar tu aventura hoy y deja que la naturaleza capture tu corazón de maneras que nunca pensaste posible!

¡Echa un vistazo a nuestros precios 

Choose Your Suitable Plan

Barco basico.

lancha pequeña 3 barcos disponibles

  • Guia en ingles y español
  • capasidad 16 pasajeros
  • Mascara y tubo
  • por la mañana 9:00 AM
  • por la tarde 2:00 PM

Barco Regular

lancha con fondo de vidrio 1 barco pequeño disponible

  • capacidad 16 pasajeros
  • mascara y tubo

Barco Deluxe

lancha grande 2 barcos grande disponible

  • mascara, tubo y wetsuit
  • Duracion 4 Horas


palya de los perros tour de bahia isla santa cruz galapagos


Positive Reviews From Clients

galapagos tour de bahia

Es tour perfecto para conocer lo más cercano de Pto.Ayora sin tener que salir todo el día puesto que no dura más que una mañana, así que si te ordenas podrías en la tarde salir a otro lugar. Poder nadar con lobos marinos en Playa los perros o lanzarte clavados en las grietas son opciones que puedes hacer en este recorrido que tiene un valor apox. de u$30 por persona, además podrás tener buenos avistamientos de piqueros patas azules, iguanas marinas o lobos de Mar entre otras especies, recomendado totalmente.

galapagos tour de bahia

La pasamos genial en los tours y aprendimos mucho. El tour de bahia estuvo fantastico y conocimos el canal del amor, las grietas, la playa de los perros y otros lugares muy bellos.

galapagos tour de bahia

Gracias a Roberto Haro quien nos atendió de maravilla!! Su equipo muy capacitado y amable !! Nos fuimos hasta las grutas en el bote con fondo de vidrio... vimos animalitos nadar por ahí durante nuestro paseo. Definitivamente la mejor opción porque te da algo diferente al resto ♡ Sobretodo se nota que AMAN lo que hacen ♡ y eso se siente!! No tuvimos que preocuparnos por el equupo para hacer snorkle, pues lo proporcionaron...Y quedamos encantados!! No hay duda que cuando regresamos a Santa Cruz vamos a volver a contar con AquaTours! Excelente en Todo!! Gracias por brindarnos una de las mejores experiencias de nuestras vidas!!

"Planifica tus vacaciones".

Let's get in, tour de bahia galapagos, tripadvisor 2024.

galapagos tour de bahia

Address Google Map

  • AV:Charles Darwin y 12 de Febrero Junto a oficinas Royal Galapagos Expeditions
  • 07.00 AM - 19.00 PM

Formas de Pago

  • Tranferencia Bancaria
  • Pago con Targeta de Credito

galapagos tour de bahia

  • Politicas de Cancelacion  y Formas de Pago

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galapagos tour de bahia

Playa de los perros

Galapagos Low Cost | La guía completa para organizar tu viaje Logo

Tour de Bahía

Desde santa cruz, tour de bahía isla santa cruz.

Recorre los principales atractivos de la Isla Santa Cruz

Duración : 4 horas aprox

Tipo de tour : medio día

Dos horarios de salida: 8am y 2pm

Lugar de salida: Puerto Ayora (Santa Cruz)

15 minutos de navegación

Visita a Las Grietas, Canal del Amor, Canal de tiburones, Playa de los Perros, Tour en La Bahía

Capacidad bote: 16 pax

Recorrido Tour Bahía Santa Cruz

Te informamos acerca de los lugares en la Isla Santa Cruz que el Tour Bahía visita. Este tour es una excelente opción si cuentas con un tiempo limitado en la isla y deseas aprovechar al máximo tu estancia. En tan solo 3 horas, tendrás la oportunidad de explorar varios lugares en compañía de un guía, practicar snorkel y, además, el tour incluye la visita a Las Grietas (que, si la realizas por separado, tiene un costo de $10). En este vídeo hemos hecho un pequeño resumen de lo que puedes en este tour:

Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida de Galapagos Low Cost (@galapagoslowcost)

Punta Estrada: 

La Bahía o Punta Estrada en la Isla Santa Cruz es un lugar inolvidable. Se trata de un golfo con aguas muy tranquilas y turquesas donde podrás disfrutar de una sesión de snorkel donde además podrás ver especies como piqueros, fragatas y lobos marinos. En ocasiones también se puede ver tiburones tintoreras en esta zona. Dependiendo de las condiciones climáticas la visita al principio o final del tour.

Canal de tiburones y Playa de los Perros

El canal de tiburones es una pequeña grieta donde se pueden observar tiburones de barranco en su hábitat natural. Es una vista impresionante. En este punto además hay un mirador desde donde se puede observar el puerto y la parte alta de la Isla Santa Cruz. Luego haremos una caminata de 10 minutos hacia la Playa de los perros, por lo que recomendamos tener zapatos deportivos. Esta caminata es muy entretenida y pictórica. Al llegar veremos una gran colonia de iguanas marinas de Galápagos y otras especies endémicas, además de disfrutar de una vista paradisíaca.

Canal del amor y Las Grietas

El canal del amor es un acantilado de aguas dormidas de un turquesa intenso. Un lugar pintoresco entre piedras volcánicas, lleno de cangrejos, aves y en sus aguas hay una gran variedad de peces y tiburones endémicos.

Finalmente, el tour termina en Las Grietas . Este es uno de los sitios más visitados de la Isla Santa Cruz por sus aguas quitas y transparentes. Es un gran sitio para hacer snorkel por libre y donde los lugareños muestran sus habilidades para hacer clavados desde lo alto.

las grietas galapagos, las grietas santa cruz, tour bahia galapagos

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Ruta del Tour de Bahía

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Información adicional y recomendaciones

  • La navegación puede ser un poco movida por lo que si eres de las personas que se suele marear, te recomendamos tomar una pastilla para el mareo antes de embarcar.
  • La embarcación tiene capacidad de hasta 12 personas con las que compartirás esta experiencia
  • Disponibilidad del tour: todo el año, todos los días.
  • Este tour incluye caminatas por lo que recomendamos llevar zapatos deportivos cómodos


Equipo de Snorkel

Guía naturista bilingüe, transporte acuático, reservar tour de bahía.

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Galapagos: Santa Cruz + Tour de Bahia

  • Information
  • Travel Tips

The Enchanted Archipelago is renowned as an iconic tourist destination – and with good reason. It features some of the world’s most unique and endemic wildlife species, wonderful beaches that continually rank among the world’s best.

The Archipelago is a group of 19 islands, 13 large and 6 small, and dozens of islets and rocks that cover an area of over 17,000 square miles. Its closest point to the mainland is off 600 miles from the West coast of Ecuador in South America.

The government of Ecuador designated part of the Galapagos a wildlife sanctuary in 1935, and in 1959 the sanctuary became the Galapagos National Park. In 1978 the islands were designated a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE, and in 1986 the Galapagos Marine Resources Reserve was created to protect the surrounding waters. The Charles Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz Island promotes scientific studies and protects the indigenous vegetation and animal life of the Galapagos.

Not Included

From our gallery.

galapagos tour de bahia


The CHARLES DARWIN Research Station is an opportunity to learn about Galapagos conservation in action. Their work is vitally important in protecting the pristine habitat of the Galapagos National Park. where we can observe giant tortoises endemic to the island, land iguanas, finches, on the trails, and visit the VAN STRAELEN INTERPRETATION CENTER, a space to learn about Galapagos sharks, mangroves, sea currents and invasive marine species.

Meal Plan: - / BL / D


It consists of a coastal tour most of it is done by yacht, first we go to the LOBERIA where we can swim with sea lions, mantas, turtles and countless fish. Then we disembark to visit the CANAL DE LOS TIBURONES and the PLAYA DE LAS IGUANAS. We take the boat again in the CANAL DEL AMOR, so called because it is a very private and romantic place. We disembark again at PUNTA ESTRADA and visit the GRIETAS, an arm of the sea located between two cliffs of natural rock. Finally, we will enjoy the peaceful and warm PLAYA DE LOS ALEMANES.

Meal Plan: B / L / D


LA PLAYA TORTUGA BAY is among the 25 best beaches in the world. We will make a walk of approximately 45 minutes to the Beach. It is a beach of approximately 2 km in length, white sand formed by fish bones and white coral; considered a sanctuary for iguanas, sea turtles and other species where you can swim and perform activities such as swimming, beach games.

This tour covers the main attractions of the northern part of Santa Cruz Island where we will visit RANCHO PRIMICIA or CHATO II, in this spectacular place we can find the turtles in their natural state. We will continue to LOS TUNELES DE LAVA of volcanic formation, we will walk inland at a distance of approximately 100 m, and our guide will give an explanation about the types of volcanic eruptions that formed the islands.

LOS GEMELOS DE SANTA CRUZ are two craters that formed when the islands were active and had a lot of volcanic activity that generated several eruptions. Los Gemelos are two large sinkholes with very green areas. The view from this point is impressive and you can admire the large dimension of these craters where at some point millions of years ago there was lava.


EL GARRAPATERO is a 3 km stretch of beautiful golden sand beach on Santa Cruz Island in Galapagos. Even better, this site is so secluded that you'll often have it all to yourself


Breakfast, departure from the hotel and transport to Baltra airport.

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Many visitors will travel to Galapagos by air from mainland Ecuador. Flights depart daily from the principal cities of Guayaquil or Quito (direct or via Guayaquil). Airfares are similar between the companies, but you may get lucky and find a promotional offer. In general, you should expect to pay between $380 and $560 for a round-trip ticket. Non-residents cannot buy a one-way ticket to Galapagos.

There are two main airports in Galapagos, one on Baltra Island and the other on San Cristóbal. At the airport in mainland Ecuador before checking in, you will be required to have your bags inspected by the Galapagos Biosecurity Agency quarantine staff and obtain a mandatory $20 tourist transit card. Upon arrival in Galapagos, you will have to pay an entrance fee in cash to the Galapagos National Park (currently $100 for non-Ecuadorian adults and $50 for children). Returning to the US or other international destination from Galapagos generally requires an overnight stay in either Quito or Guayaquil.

Because of the Island’s location on the equator, the air and water temperatures remain relatively stable all year long.

From December through May, the water temperature (avg. 76°F/25°C) and air temperature (avg. low/high 72-86°F/22-30°C) are slightly warmer. Seas tend to be calmer. Rainfalls are common for a short period of time each day, but the remainder of the day tends to be very sunny resulting in high humidity. Flowers come into bloom and vegetation is more colorful. This is a good time to observe birds mating or sea turtles nesting on the beaches.

From June through November, the Humboldt Current brings colder water (avg. 72°F/22°C) and cooler land temperatures (avg. low/high 66-79°F/19-26°C) It also brings nutrient-rich water that attracts fish and sea birds: albatross arrive on Española and penguins are easier to encounter. This is the mating season for blue-footed boobies. During this time of year clouds fill the sky and a misty rain called Garua is common. Winds tend to be stronger and seas a bit rougher. The abundant marine life makes this the preferred time of year for experienced divers.

One can visit Galapagos on a live-aboard experience lasting from 4 days/3 nights to 12 days/11 nights. Boats range from 12–110 passengers and are divided into four categories of service: economy, tourist, first class, and luxury. Cruise itineraries take advantage of night hours to travel long distances between islands in order to arrive at the next visitor site refreshed and ready to explore. Groups of 12 or more might want to consider chartering an entire boat.

Another option, which is becoming more popular, is to stay ashore in a hotel on one of the larger populated islands (Santa Cruz, San Cristóbal, or Isabela) and take day trips to nearby uninhabited islands. While this option can be more economical and provides an interesting perspective for travelers, the range of islands that can be visited is limited by distance. Also, there are several animal species that likely will not be encountered on day trips.

Island-hopping tours, designed to experience Galapagos without having to be onboard for the entire trip, are becoming more popular. You can take a speed boat or public transportation between inhabited islands, staying overnight at hotels and exploring local sites and enjoying activities near the towns. Island-hopping is mainly based from San Cristóbal and Santa Cruz, with lodging also available on the less populated islands of Floreana and Isabela.

Ninety-five percent of the land area of Galapagos is designated as protected by the Galapagos National Park Directorate (GNPD), and tourists are permitted to explore specific visitor sites only with Park-certified naturalist guides. The GNPD coordinates group visits to these 60+ sites and carefully monitors ecological conditions. Different sites are known for their specific scenery, vegetation, and wildlife. However, many species, such as sea lions, marine iguanas, lava lizards, and a variety of coastal birds such as herons, tattlers, plovers, turnstones, and whimbrels, are commonly seen at most locations.

Each visitor site has a marked trail, most of which are less than a mile long — often passing over rough lava or uneven boulders. Some sites have “wet landings” (visitors wade to shore from rafts or dinghies) and others have “dry landings” (passengers step foot directly onto dry land).

Galapagos is a world-class destination for scuba divers because of the abundance of sharks, sea lions, fur seals, marine turtles, rays, mantas, marine iguanas, and reef fishes. The GNPD has granted permission to a select number of tour providers. If you plan to dive on your trip, we will be glad to help you discover this natural wonders.

Galápagos Native Tours

Tour de Bahía Santa Cruz

  • Comprar el tour
  • Tours Diarios
  • Desde la Isla Santa Cruz

– Si desean tour privados los valores cambian. – Los tours están sujetos a disponibilidad de fecha y horario. – Se necesita la información completa de cada persona para realizar la reserva de los tours. – Los tours son pagados 100% para ser reservados.

La visita empieza en el Islote La Loberia nombrado así por la colonia de lobos que allí habita, la actividad de snorkel permite observar una variedad de especies de peces, además se puede nadar con los lobos en el arrecife. El 2do lugar es el Canal del Amor, es un mirador maravilloso para fotografías, donde el agua turquesa y las formaciones geológicas que asemeja a un jacuzzi natural acompañado de la flora única hacen de este escenario un sitio romántico. El 3er lugar es la Playa de los Perros, llamada así por ser habitad del Cangrejo de Galápagos que puede crecer hasta 20 centímetros, además donde observaremos colonias de iguanas marinas y disfrutaremos de un gran paisaje. El 4to lugar es Canal de Tiburones, se accede caminando, bordeando el canal, lugar donde se encuentran Tiburones punta blanca (Tintoreras), acompañado de una vista espectacular de toda la isla Santa Cruz. Y por último Las Grietas, maravilloso paisaje está formado por interesantes figuras de lava que forman dos paredes gigantescas atravesadas por un brazo de agua salobre que se mezcla con el agua de mar recomendada para nadar y practicar snorkeling por la trasparencia de sus aguas.

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Tour Charles Darwin

galapagos tour de bahia

Isla Española


Santa Cruz island.

Bay Tour Santa Cruz Galapagos island

This bay tour happens In Santa Cruz island . It consists of visiting the most outstanding points in the bay such as: Canal de Tiburones, Canal del Amor, Playa de los Perros, and Las Grietas. Santa Cruz Island has an area of 986 km2, is the tourist center of Galapagos, and is inhabited by approximately 15,000 people.

TRIP DETAILS: • Departure time: 08:00 / 14:00 • From: Puerto Ayora - Santa Cruz island. • Duration: 4 hours. • Boat capacity: 16 people. • Activities: 50% Hiking and 50% Snorkeling.

Pay with credit card.

$60 per person.

Map with the route of the bay tour.

Bay Tour Itinerary

This tour has 2 departure times: 09:00 am or 14:00 pm. The tour boat departs from the Puerto Ayora dock to the first visitation point called the Canal de Tiburones , which is a viewpoint where you can see blue sharks from a birds-eye view, as long as conditions allow. Along the way you will perhaps see lava herons.

People watching the canal de las Tintoreras.

Continuing along the route, we will visit the beautiful Canal del Amor with its peculiar turquoise color. It is full of Sally Lightfoot crabs, marine iguanas, and blue-footed boobies. Snorkeling at Punta Estrada.

Viewpoint of the canal del amor

Another place we will visit is Playa de los Perros where the largest marine iguanas on the island are found and you can appreciate its beautiful landscape.

People on the beach Playa de los Perros Santa Cruz island Galapagos.

Finally, we will visit Las Grietas which is formed by lava fissures that form two giant walls and in the middle of them the water from the upper part of the island mixes with the sea water which causes brackish water. This water is crystal clear and you can snorkel and appreciate several colorful fish.

Las grietas Santa Cruz island.

The bay tour includes:

• Transfer to the meeting point from the Grupo Galápagos office. • Certified Guide (English - Spanish) • Snacks. • Wetsuit. • Snorkeling equipment.

The tour does not include:

• Sodas. • Towels. • Tips.

icono persona que guía

Tours from Santa Cruz island

Tour to Bartolome island

Tour to North Seymour island

Tour to Isabela island

Tour to Cormorant Point and Enderby Islet

Tour 180° Santa Cruz

Tour to Santa Fe island

Tour to Pinzón island

Tour to Floreana island

El Chato Reserve highland tour

Tour to South Plazas island

Copyright © 2024 Grupo Galápagos Travel Agency. Terms and Conditions.

galapagos tour de bahia

Tour de bahía


Tour navegable de 4 horas de duración. Lo pueden realizar desde niños hasta adultos mayores. Tiene una buena combinación de senderismo y snorkeling, si no lo has practicado no te preocupes el guía naturalista te ayudara.

Desde: $ 70.00

Términos y Condiciones

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La visita empieza en el Islote La Loberia nombrado asi por la colonia de lobos que allí habita, la actividad de snorkel permite observar una variedad de especies de peces, además se puede nadar con los lobos en el arrecife.

Canal del Amor

Es un mirador maravilloso para fotografías, donde el agua turquesa y las formaciones geológicas que asemeja a un jacuzzi natural acompañado de la flora unica hacen de este escenario un sito romántico.

Playa de los Perros

Llamada así por ser habitad del Cangrejo de Galápagos que puede crecer hasta 20 centímetros. Además observaremos colonias de iguanas marinas y disfrutaremos de un gran paisaje.

Canal de los Tiburones

Canal de Tintoreras, se accede caminando bordeando el canal, lugar donde se encuentran Tiburones punta blanca (Tintoreras), acompañado de una vista espectacular de toda la isla Santa Cruz.

Las Grietas

Maravilloso paisaje está formado por interesantes figuras de lava que forman dos paredes gigantescas atravesadas por un brazo de agua salobre que se mezcla con el agua de mar recomendada para nadar y practicar snorkeling por la trasparencia de sus aguas.


Senderismo 60%

Practica de Snorkeling 40%

Trasfer desde su hotel a Muelle de Puerto Ayora

Guía naturalista

Equipo de snorkel

No incluye:

  • Cancelación sin penalidad 60 días antes del Tour
  • Modificación sin cargo extra 15 días antes de fecha del Tour

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  • Isla Isabela
  • Isla San Cristóbal
  • Isla Santa Cruz
  • 3 días / 2 noches
  • 4 días / 3 noches
  • 5 días / 4 noches
  • Tour de buceo
  • Tour de medio día
  • Tour de snorkel
  • Tour Diario


galapagos tour de bahia

Isla Bartolomé

galapagos tour de bahia

Isla Floreana

galapagos tour de bahia

Tour de kayak en Tortuga Bay

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galapagos tour de bahia

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+593 99 373 1079

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Tour de Bahía

$ 55.00

En este tour podrás recorrer por la bahía de la isla Santa Cruz en donde harás snorkel con lobos marinos, tortugas marinas y tiburones, además visitarás las grietas que son uno de los sitios más transcurridos por los turistas por ser un lugar ideal para nadar y fotografiar su hermoso paisaje.

tour de Bahía en Santa Cruz Galápagos

Snorkeling y Caminata

8:00 y 14:00.

Lugar de salida y retorno

Muelle del tour diario frente a la tienda Proinsular

Hora de encuentro

15 minutos antes del tour en la agencia turística

Guía naturalista ingles/español

Equipo de snorkel (máscara y aletas)

Bebidas no alcohólicas

Transporte marítimo

Trajes de neopreno

Bebidas alcohólicas


Llegar 15 minutos antes de la salida del tour

Chaqueta para lluvia

Zapatos de caminata

Si deseas llevar traje de neopreno deberás alquilarlo un día antes del tour

Primer lugar de visita es la Lobería, llamada así por la colonia de lobos marinos que habitan en ese lugar, aquí se realizará el snorkeling en una bahía con aguas tranquilas, podrás observar animales como tortugas marinas, lobos marinos, rayas peces de colores además de especies como piqueros patas azules y fragatas.

Playa de los Perros

Luego nos dirigimos hacia la playa de los perros llamada así por unos cangrejos que llevan el mismo nombre aquí podrás observar colonias de iguanas marinas.

Canal de Tiburones

Otro punto de visita es el Canal de Tiburones el cual se accede caminando, aquí se encuentran los tiburones de punta blanca, además de una increíble vista de la isla Santa Cruz.

Canal del Amor

El Canal del amor es un mirador del cual podrás fotografiar sus aguas de color turquesa y sus formaciones geológicas.

Las Grietas

Y finalmente terminamos en las grietas que se conforman por 2 paredes de rocas volcánicas las cuales tienen un brazo de agua que se mezcla con agua dulce y agua del mar, aquí podrás hacer snorkeling o simplemente nadar alrededor.

Reserva Aquí

Reserva ahora y vive una experiencia inolvidable 🐢❤️

galapagos tour de bahia

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Tour bahía en santa cruz: explora, snorkel y descubre las grietas en 3 horas.

galapagos tour de bahia

$ 50,00

Precio por persona

Inicio de tu viaje:

  • Guía Certificado
  • Equipo de snorkel

No Incluido

  • Bebidas alcohólicas
  • Cualquier actividad no mencionada


  • Niños menores a 5 años, no es recomendable.
  • No es recomendable para personas con discapacidades para caminar.
  • Protector solar.
  • Llevar zapatos adecuados para la caminata.
  • No olvidar traje de baño.
  • No olvidar la cámara fotográfica.
  • No molestar a las especies marinas y terrestres.

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galapagos tour de bahia

Tour diario | Tour de Bahía (Santa Cruz)

Este tour de medio día comienza en Puerto Ayora en Santa Cruz. Con un bote atraviesa primero la bahía frente a Puerto Ayora…

  • Trip Type Tours , Tours diarios
  • Activities Caminata , Observación de aves , Snorkeling
  • Group Size 1 Min - 16 Max
  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Locations Santa Cruz
  • Trip Duration 0.5 Day(s)
  • Descripción
  • Testimonios

Este tour lo lleva a algunos de los puntos de referencia de las Islas Galápagos. El viaje comienza en la bahía frente al puerto de Puerto Ayora en Santa Cruz. Muchos animales ya te están esperando aquí. Mientras el guía te acerca a la historia de las islas, el barco se dirige lentamente hacia el “Canal de Tiburones”. Desde una plataforma alta se pueden observar numerosos pequeños tiburones azules en una laguna formada a partir de magma. Con un poco de suerte, aparecerá una tortuga marina o una pequeña manta deambulará por el agua.

El “Canal del Amor” es un pequeño paraíso con agua azul turquesa. Aquí se crea la foto de recuerdo perfecta de su viaje a Galápagos. Los manglares y cactus crecen aquí uno al lado del otro, y el agua azul proporciona el contraste perfecto con las rocas negras del fondo.

Luego se realiza una pequeña caminata hasta la “Playa de los Perros”. El homónimo de esta playa son los cangrejos de color rojo brillante que se arrastran sobre las piedras de lava negra en la playa. Las iguanas marinas negras también se encuentran en casa aquí. Decenas de ellos yacen aquí al sol para calentarse. En el medio, hacen ruidos de olfateo para deshacerse de la sal.

Luego pasa a la “Bahía de Franklin”. Numerosas tortugas marinas flotan con las olas y rozan las rocas bajo el agua. Con el snorkel te adentras en el agua, donde podrás observar a estos geniales animales. Con un poco de suerte también verás rayas. Con un poco de suerte, podrá ver pelícanos y garzas cazando peces en los manglares de la zona.

La siguiente parada es “Las Grietas”. La caminata de aproximadamente 15 minutos hasta esta hermosa laguna lo lleva sobre piedras de lava a través de un paisaje que parece ser en la época de los dinosaurios. Los pinzones de Darwin y muchas otras aves viven aquí.

La Laguna “Las Grietas” es una extensión del “Canal del Amor” y el “Canal de tiburones”. La laguna es menos salada y es el hogar de algunos peces de colores que puedes observar mientras buceas.

Luego se regresa al barco y se llega al puerto de Puerto Ayora.

Equipo de snorkel (máscara, Aletas ) Aperitivos (snacks) Guia bilingue (Español-Ingles) Transporte (Lancha )

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galapagos tour de bahia

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Bartolome and Sullivan Bay Tour From Santa Cruz Island

galapagos tour de bahia

$340 per person

  • Santa Cruz Island
  • Bartolome Island


Bartolome is an island, located off the east coast of Santiago. It is named after Sir Bartholomew James Sullivan, a lifelong naturalist friend of Charles Darwin. Due to its gorgeous panoramic views, Bartolome is one of the most popular visitor sites in the Galapagos archipelago. This island offers one of the most amazing landscapes in Galapagos featuring an extinct volcano and a variety of orange, green, red and black volcanic formations.

Operation days

Departure time.

5:30 - 7:00

8 - 10 hours

Type of service

Tuesdays to Sundays


  • Bartolome is a volcanic tuff island, which has the most impressive natural viewpoint of the Galapagos.
  • The ascent to the viewpoint is easy and quick.
  • Pinnacle rock, which is the most photographed landscape in the Galapagos, is located in the east of Bartolome Island.


Pinnacle Rock

The Bartolome Island day tour begins early in the morning to take advantage of the best hours of light. We will travel from Puerto Ayora by van or bus to the Itabaca channel, where our boat will be waiting for us to sail to Bartolome Island.

Once in Bartolome Island, we will disembark for a short walk that will allow us to reach the island’s natural viewpoint, with a height of 115 meters above sea level. From here we can enjoy a 360-degree view, which includes views of the nearby islands and the famous Pinnacle Rock. Besides spectacular views, Bartolome Island has an intriguing geological past. The island’s exact age hasn’t been able to be determined, but based on its characteristics; it is considered one of the youngest islands in this area. From the viewpoint, it is also possible to appreciate other interesting formations, such as the parasitic cones, formed by prior lava eruptions.

This Bartolome Island day tour includes, besides the viewpoint, another visit to the nearby beaches: the north beach, where we will be able to enjoy the sea; the south beach, where we will be able to go on a walk to observe rays and blue sharks; however, swimming or snorkeling is not allowed in this beach because it is nesting site for sea turtles.

To finish the day, we will visit Sullivan bay, which is located next to Bartolome Island. This bay features an interesting recently formed lava field. We will snorkel in the bay’s calm waters. After this visit, we will return to Puerto Ayora.

Activities: Walking, swimming, snorkeling (superficial diving) and wildlife observation.

Wildlife: Blue sharks, lava heron, zayapas (Galapagos crab), Galapagos Gavilan, sea lions, marine iguanas, sea turtles, rays, tropical fish, among others.

Departure Location: Hotel pick up or Meeting Point (depends on provider at the moment of booking).

Return Location: Hotel pick up or Meeting Point (depends on provider at the moment of booking).


What to bring:.

  • Hiking & water shoes
  • Bathing suit
  • Water bottle

Please Note:

To participate in this tour, you must be at san Santa Cruz (Puerto Ayora) one day prior to departure.

The itinerary might change due to regulations of the Galapagos National park or weather conditions.

Please consider that in order to protect the environment of the Galapagos Islands, the Government of Ecuador has banned the use of shopping plastic bags, plastic straws and polyethylene containers in the Archipelago. Visitors to the islands are not allowed to bring these objects with them. This measure is effective as of May 2018.

We thank you for collaboration in protecting the Galapagos pristine ecosystem.


  • English/Spanish Naturalist Guide
  • Snorkeling equipment – (fins, mask and snorkel)


  • Gratuities (optional)
  • Alcoholic beverages

High season rates apply on the following dates:

  • February 22, 23, 24 and 25
  • April 10, 11, 12
  • June 25 until August 31
  • November 01 until November 04
  • From December 26 until January 6


Bartolome Galacruises

“A wonderful walk on a fully boarded walkway to the top of the island gives you the best views of the islands. The waters were crystal clear for snorkeling, take plenty of water and sturdy shoes “– Michelle. North Carolina, USA.


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Santa Cruz Highlands tour


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Tour de Bahía Santa Cruz Galapagos


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About this trip

 Esta excursión llevará a los turistas a cinco emblemáticos y diferentes lugares de interés de las Islas Galápagos.  

What’s included

  • Navegación, Guía del PA

Available Packages

Your organizer.

Bahía de Santa Cruz.

Tour de bahía Isla Santa Cruz 2024

En el tour de bahía se conoce los puntos más destacados que tiene Puerto Ayora en la isla Santa Cruz. Visita el Canal del Amor, canal de Los Tiburones, playa de Los Perros y uno de los sitios más conocidos denominado Las Grietas. Este tour puedes hacerlo por la mañana o por la tarde.

Detalles del Tour:

✔ Hora de Salida: 08:00 am / 14:00 pm ✔ Desde: Muelle de Puerto Ayora. ✔ Actividades: 50% caminata 50% snorkeling. ✔ Duración: 4 horas. ✔ Capacidad del bote: 16 personas.

Tour No incluye

• Sodas. • Propinas.

Tour Incluye:

✔ Guía Certificado (Inglés - español) ✔ Snacks. ✔ Traje de neopreno. ✔ Equipo de snorkel.

✔ Paga con tarjeta de crédito.

Precio: $57 Bote estándar

Garza de lava.

Itinerario del Tour de Bahía.

El viaje empieza desde el muelle de Puerto Ayora en la isla Santa Cruz. Una embarcación te llevará hasta el primer punto de visita llamado Canal del Amor para admirar su hermoso paisaje y luego al Canal de las Tintoreras, en este sitio se puede ver a los tiburones descansar uno sobre otro. También te encontrarás con varios piqueros patas azules, iguanas marinas, zayapas y garzas de lava.

Canal del amor.

Siguiendo con la ruta, se visita el lugar llamado playa de Los Perros, en este sitio se encuentran las iguanas más grandes que tiene la Isla Santa Cruz, el guía te explicará todo sobre la flora y fauna que tiene este hermoso lugar. Se realizará el primer snorkeling en Punta Estrada, aquí podrás ver una gran cantidad de peces multicolores, lobos marinos y tortugas marinas.

Iguana marina.

Snorkeling en Las Grietas.

Para finalizar el recorrido, visitarás el lugar conocido como Las Grietas, este sitio es uno de los más reconocidos de la isla por tener dos grandes rocas divididas por agua salubre que es la mezcla de agua salada del mar con agua dulce que baja de la parte alta de la Isla Santa Cruz. Aquí podrás ver varios peces multicolores en sus cristalinas aguas. Finalizado el snorkeling, el bote te trasladará hasta Puerto Ayora. El tour de Bahía se caracteriza por ver una gran cantidad de flora y fauna.

Lobo marino

Otros tours desde la isla Santa Cruz.

Tour isla Bartolomé

Tour isla Seymour Norte

Tour isla Isabela

Tour isla Daphne

Tour isla Pinzón

Tour isla Santa Fé

Tour isla Floreana

Tour Reserva El Chato


Copyright © 2024 Day Trips Galapagos. Políticas y Términos.


  • From 09h00 to 13h00 / From 14h00 to 18h00 Boarding time: 08h50 / 13h50
  • Departure from your hotel in Santa Cruz
  • Love Channel Shark Channel Dogs beach Las Grietas
  • Sea lions Sea turtles Tropical fish Blue-footed boobies Pelicans White finned sharks
  • Snack and water Snorkelling equipment Transportation Professional bilingual guide
  • Booking +593 96 918 1797
  • Emergency +593 96 970 5895
  • [email protected]


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Home > Galapagos > 22 Best Galapagos Islands Tours

The 22 Best Galapagos Islands Tours

Land-based guide.

Volcan Chico in Sierra Negra Volcano Tour, one of the best Galápagos Islands tours.

  • Last Updated: September 11, 2024

Here is a complete list of 22 Galapagos Islands tours , a selection of the best land-based tours from San Cristobal, Santa Cruz, and Isabela islands .  I’ve tried almost all of the tours myself and written detailed articles about them, which I will link together. While based in any of the three main islands, there are 7 land-based tours starting from San Cristobal, 10 from Santa Cruz, and 5 from Isabela.

Snorkeling and scuba diving tours are not part of this list, if you are interested in those specific tours check my full dedicated articles on snorkeling here and on scuba diving here .

The viewpoint at Bartolome Island, one of the best Galápagos Islands tours and one of the best beaches.

Table of Contents

Travel guide, itineraries, map, local tips.

Get access to my curated list of all the best viewpoints,  hiking trails, secret waterfalls, diving spots, wildlife  tours, accommodations, and more, that will make your trip to Ecuador and The Galapagos unforgettable.

All of this, in an interactive guide featuring a mobile-friendly map, pre-designed itineraries, all my favorite photos, and helpful travel tips to guide your journey in this amazing unexplored country.

If you want personalized advice write me in-app and we can plan it together.

Rexby Guide Review

The Best Galapagos Islands Tours

General info.

All the Galapagos islands are part of the Galapagos National Park, and therefore there are a number of things you should know:

  • Most of the activities have to be done on a tour with a Naturalist guide.
  • All the agencies have the same prices (although you can barter if you book more than one tour).
  • Most beaches have opening and closing times (turtle nesting reasons).
  • You should book your tour at least one day in advance (or you might risk not having a place on the best ones).
  • Bring Seasickness Medication for the tours on the water.
  • Always use a strong sunscreen (Sun in the Equator line burns more).
  • Have mosquito repellant with you, especially at sunset. There are horseflies in the Galápagos.
  • You can’t fly a drone here unless you have a special permit from the National Park.
  • You can’t rent a motorcycle or a car, everything has to be done by taxi, bus, boat, bicycle, or on foot.
  • You can’t and shouldn’t touch the animals on the island.

In a Hurry? Save it for Later.


The Best Land-Based Tours in the Galapagos Islands

San Cristobal Island

1. highlands tour - half day.

The Highlands Tour (or Tour Parte Alta in Spanish) is the best tour in San Cristobal if you want to explore its interior. You will literally cross the entire island and visit the Laguna El Junco, which is a volcanic crater lake, the Tortoise Reserve “La Galapaguera” and to conclude swim on the beautiful Puerto Chino beach.

View the full blog post here: HIGHLANDS TOUR IN SAN CRISTOBAL

Laguna El Junco Crater, part of the Highlands Tour in San Cristobal, Galápagos Islands, one of the best Galápagos Islands tours and a must in any Galapagos Itinerary

2. 360 Tour - Full Day

This is without a doubt the most famous tour on the island. If you are an adventurous soul and you like the water this is the tour for you. Here you will go on a boat ride around the entire island – hence the 360 name.

The highlights are Bahia Rosa Blanca beach (on the photo underneath), a huge and gorgeous white sandy beach with turquoise water, snorkeling in Kicker Rock, birdwatching at Punta Pitt, inland exploration, and many other stops. For a land-based experience, this is definitely on my top 5 Galapagos Islands tours list.

View the full blog post here: 360 TOUR IN SAN CRISTOBAL

Also, if you’re interested in beaches:   BEST 5 BEACHES IN SAN CRISTOBAL 

Book your tour:   Full Day Tour 360 San Cristobal – Best of the Island  (great reviews)

Bahia Rosa Blanca beach on the 360 tour San Cristobal, one of the best Galápagos Islands tours.

3. Opuntias Garden Tour - Half Day

This is a garden of giant cacti, deep in the highlands of San Cristobal island. On this tour, you can see many other types of fauna and flora endemic to the Galapagos and on the last stop you end up swimming at the beach.

I found this tour operator “Agencia Turística Huellas de Darwin” that comes here on a mountain bike tour, with a naturalist guide and it even includes a lunch box. This is one of the few tours I, unfortunately, didn’t have time to do but noted on my map.  If you do the tour with them I’d love to hear some feedback from you down in the comments, thanks!

To book this tour contact them at:

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4. Kayak Tour - Half Day

If you like water sports and adventure you might like this tour. It’s a 5-6 hours tour on the water. This tour is provided by the same company that does the Opuntias Garden tour “Agencia Turística Huellas de Darwin”. If you do the tour with them I’d love to hear some feedback from you down in the comments, thanks!

5. Coffee Tour - Half Day

This is probably one of the coolest and tastier tours in San Cristobal. The name of the coffee farm is Hacienda El Cafetal. It’s not advertised anywhere and it’s a big surprise for many people.

Yes, there is coffee produced solely in San Cristobal, and it’s an amazing Arábica coffee. Once I drank my first coffee on this island, I was mind blown, and I usually love specialty and strong arabica coffee.

6. Española Day - Full Day

Española Island is home to many endemic species in the Galapagos. They only exist on this island. It’s a day tour and it’s the only big island (not counting Santa Cruz island) you can visit on a day trip from San Cristobal. This tour is on the list of tours in San Cristobal only because it is the easiest and most common way to visit the island when you are land-based in the Galapagos.

Here you can find a special marine iguana with green and red coloration, a waved albatross colony (it’s their only breeding site in the world), the Española mockingbird, the Española lava lizard, sea lions, blue-footed boobies, and many other unique species. There is also a part of the tour where you snorkel or dive in Gardner Islet and find many underwater wonders.

To book this tour: Check the local company Wreck Bay’s website , or book it online on Viator with any of the tours underneath:

7. Lobos Island - Half Day

Isla Lobos island tour is a mixed tour, both on water and on land. You have a 1-hour stroll on the island where you can spot sea lions, frigate birds, and blue-footed boobies and also do some snorkeling and find rays and turtles. In the end, you will go to Playa Ochoa for some beach time.

I visited Isla Lobos island on the way to Kicker Rock for my first dive in San Cristóbal. Here is where you do the test dive to check your skills.

To book this tour: Check the local company Planet Ocean Galápagos website , or book it online on Viator here:   Tour Lobos Island from San Cristobal

A swimming turtle while snorkeling in Isabela

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San cristobal, galapagos.

Darwin's statue in Puerto Baquerizo Moreno

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Sea lion at La Loberia beach in San Cristobal, Galápagos

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The view from Cerro Tijeretas

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Santa cruz island, 8. highlands tour - half day.

The Highlands Tour (or Tour Parte Alta in Spanish) is one of the best tours in Santa Cruz for inland exploration. You will venture to the middle of the island and visit “Los Gemelos”, which are ancient lava-made crater pits, followed by a visit deep inside some impressive lava tunnels and end up at the tortoise reserve “Las Primícias”.

View the full blog post here: HIGHLANDS TOUR IN SANTA CRUZ

To book this tour:  Check the local company  Galapagos Dreams’s website , or book it online on Viator here: The Giant Tortoise Experience | Lava Tubes + Los Gemelos

Los Gemelos Craters in the Highlands Tour of Santa Cruz, Galápagos, one of the best Galápagos Islands tours.

9. Bay Tour - Half Day

The Bay Tour or Tour de Bahía is another of the best land-based tours in Santa Cruz. It lets you see all the incredible water and lava-rock formations that exist on this island and a lot of its flora and fauna. All of this in just a half-day tour. You will snorkel with lots of tropical fish and hopefully, turtles and baby sharks, visit and swim at Las Grietas canyon, and watch the beautiful Love Channel, between other places.

View the full blog post here: BAY TOUR IN SANTA CRUZ

To book this tour:  Check the local company  Galapagos Dream’s website , or book it online on Viator here: Half Day Bay Tour in Santa Cruz Island

Inside Las Grietas on the Bay Tour, one of the best Galápagos Islands tours.

10. Dragon Hill Tour - Half Day

The Cerro Dragon or Dragon Hill tour is usually booked with a cruise for its remoteness on the northwestern point of Santa Cruz island. Its main attraction is the multitude of beautiful orange land iguanas and marine iguanas, from where the name Dragon comes from. You will also see many Opuntia giant cacti and probably a lot of flamingos and other birds. On some of the tours you can snorkel and you might see baby reef sharks and sea lions.

Here I’ll leave you some companies whose yachts pass there: Letty by Ecoventura, Celebrity Xpedition by Celebrity Cruises, Explorer II by EQ Touring, La Pinta and Isabela II by Metropolitan Touring. 

To book this tour please check with the tour agencies on the island, I couldn’t find any online that I could honestly suggest to you apart from the cruises.

11. Coffee Tour - Half Day

The coffee farm is called El Trapiche Ecológico Galapagos and its coffee tour is probably one of the tastier tours in Santa Cruz. Yes, there is coffee produced solely in Santa Cruz. I’ll be honest, the coffee I tasted in San Cristobal was tastier than the one from Santa Cruz, but I’m not sure it was from this farm, so maybe their coffee is as amazing as San Cristobal’s one. Give it a try! 

12. Bartolomé Island - Full Day

The Bartolomé Island Tour is the most iconic tour you can do on the Galapagos islands. You will go on a gorgeous sailing ship starting at Santa Cruz island, passing through the Daphne islands, and arrive at the beautiful Bartolomé island, almost an islet from Santiago island. With luck, you might spot some penguins as we did and then you go snorkeling on one of the paradisiac beaches in the near.

The name of the island comes from Charles Darwin’s friend Bartholomew James Sullivan who was the principal surveyor and second lieutenant aboard the HMS Beagle. Bartolomé is a volcanic tuff islet on the east side of Santiago island. It is the most photographed place in the Galapagos archipelago. For a land-based experience, this is definitely on my top 5 Galapagos Islands tours list.

View the full blog post here: BARTOLOMÉ ISLAND TOUR

To book this tour: Check the local company Galapagos Dreams’s website , or book it online on Viator with any of the tours underneath:

Isla Bartolomé Galápagos, one of the best Galápagos Islands tours.

14. Isabela Island - Full Day

Isabela island is the third main island of the archipelago and it happens to be the biggest one of the three. If you have time I do recommend you to actually go and sleep there and start your tours from there, Isabela island’s landscape is wonderful. Two-thirds of the island is unoccupied and you can’t visit it unless you go on a National Geographic expedition or some scientific research trip of a sort.

Most of the Isabela day tours include the Tintoreras islets activity, there you will snorkel next to Puerto Villamil town (Isabela’s “capital”) and you will probably see some penguins and reef sharks. Personally, I would suggest you speak to the Galapagos Dreams travel agency and tell them you’d prefer to go to Los Túneles instead of Tintoreras Islets, for there you can see amazing underwater lava structures and wildlife.

They can probably organize it and you pay a little more (the Los Tuneles tour is more expensive and far away than Tintoreras, but is so worth it). If you don’t have the time or don’t want to bother here are a couple of Isabela days tours you can book from Santa Cruz.

To book this tour:  Check the local company  Galapagos Dreams’s website , or book it online on Viator with any of the tours underneath:

The view from the balcony of the Cormorant Beach House.

15. Floreana Island - Full Day

The Floreana Island Tour is the most mysterious and at the same time beautiful tour, you can do on the Galapagos Islands. From tales of piracy, an Austrian baroness and her love trio, a peculiar German toothless doctor, and murder this island has it all.

This tour has to be done with an agency or you can alternatively take a boat to Floreana island and spend multiple days there, as there is some infrastructure on the island (not like in Bartolomé Island where you can only visit it on a tour).

The name of the island comes from Ecuador’s first president Juan José Flores, whose administration officially recognized the Galapagos islands as part of Ecuador’s territory. Previously the island was called Charles island (after King Charles II of England) and Santa Maria island (one of Columbus’s caravels). Floreana is the 4th and last island with human settlements in the Galapagos archipelago.

View the full blog post here: FLOREANA ISLAND TOUR

Floreana island viewpoint

16. Plazas Islets - Full Day

These are two of the many uninhabited islets in the Galapagos. They were formed by an uplift of the seabed giving it its flat but very unique shape. They are located on the northeastern side of Santa Cruz island. 

The visit is in the cha nnel between the North and South Plaza islets, in the part where the islet slopes a little towards the water. There are many opuntia cacti and very beautiful red low-ground vegetation. On this tour, you will see many iguanas, s wallow-tailed gulls, and blue-footed boobies. You end up on the tour snorkeling at Punta Carrion where you will see a plenitude of marine life.

To book this tour:  Check the local company  Galapagos Dreams’s website , or book it online on Viator here: Day Trip to South Plaza Island from Puerto Ayora

17. Santa Fé Island - Full Day

Santa Fé is one of the biggest islands in the Galapagos and it’s located just 20 km away from Santa Cruz. For that reason, it’s usually part of the daily tours in Santa Cruz. The island is known for its large colony of sea lions that live on the two beaches and its giant opuntia cacti.

You will probably find the endemic Santa Fé island land iguanas (yellow colored), blue-footed boobies, frigatebirds, and other seabirds. After the walk, you can snorkel from the boat and spot amazing marine life. If you’re interested there are also pure snorkeling and scuba diving tours to Santa Fé.

To book this tour: Check the local company Macarron Scuba Diver’s website, or book it online on Viator with any of the tours underneath:

Santa Cruz, Galapagos

The Love Channel from a higher viewpoint

15 Free Things To Do in Santa Cruz, Galapagos

The pirate caves in Floreana Island, on the Tours in Santa Cruz list

10 Awesome Tours in Santa Cruz, Galapagos

Best snorkeling in Santa Cruz, Galápagos

14 Best Snorkeling Spots in Santa Cruz, Galapagos

Diving in Gordon Rocks

9 Best Dive Sites in Santa Cruz, Galapagos

Isabela island, 18. sierra negra volcano tour - full day.

The Sierra Negra Volcano Tour is the best volcano hike you can do in the Galápagos and one of the best tours in Isabela island. For a land-based experience, this is definitely on my top 5 Galapagos Islands tours list.

You will walk on the rim of the massive Sierra Negra volcano’s caldera, whose last eruption happened just in 2018, and visit the Chico Volcano, a little offspring of Sierra Negra with a view to the Northwestern part of Isabela Island.

This tour has to be done with a Naturalist guide from the Galápagos National Park. You can book a tour with an agency and they hire the guide. You can’t simply hike your way up, unfortunately.

Along the hike, the landscape changes at least three times. From foggy and green, to dry and orange, and then to red and black. At the last stage, everything around you looks like an apocalypse. It’s an impressive and desolate place created by the destructive force of nature.

View the full blog post here: SIERRA NEGRA VOLCANO TOUR

To book this tour:  Check the local company Coral Blanco Tour Operator (click on the icons), or book it online on Viator with any of the tours underneath:

Sierra Negra and Chico Volcano, in Isabela island, Galápagos, a must in any Galapagos Itinerary

19. Los Tuneles Tour - Full Day

The Los Tuneles or Cabo Rosa tour is the coolest snorkeling tour you can do in the archipelago and one of the best tours in Isabela island. You will see so much wildlife you won’t believe it.

We saw on the surface blue-footed boobies, penguins, sea lions, marine iguanas and orange crabs and underwater reef sharks, turtles, a sea horse, a sea lion, an eagle ray, a stingray, an octopus, a lobster, and beautiful schools of fish.

Apart from the wildlife, the lava structures underwater are mind-blowing, you can dive through infinite tunnels and caves, and to top it we saw like in Angelita’s cenote in Mexico, an hydrogen sulfide cloud. What an experience! For a land-based experience, this is definitely on my top 5 Galápagos Islands tours list.

View the full blog post here: LOS TUNELES TOUR IN ISABELA

Los Tuneles seen from the surface, a must in any Galapagos Itinerary

20. Trillizos Volcano Tour - Half Day

The Trillizos Volcano Tour is the most adventurous and probably one of the most secret tours of Isabela island. You will literally enter inside an artery of the main Sierra Negra volcano. Once inside you will encounter the hole from where the lava was expelled many years ago and a room full of Quartz stone, among other surprising things.

If you want to have the feeling you’re in a Pirates of the Caribbean, Indiana Jones, or Tomb Raider movie, this is definitely the tour for you.

According to Jhan the son of Ulise, our guide, previously they didn’t know the hole was there, so their cows used to fall inside once the vegetation was too thick and then they would go down and collect the meat leaving the bones behind (you can still find them there).

The entire cave is not completely explored. Only a couple of rooms are. If you look in Google Maps and follow the lines of the Trillizos volcano until the Sierra Negra one you can actually see there might be other caves all the way through, completely unexplored. For a land-based experience, this is definitely on my top 5 Galápagos Islands tours list.

View the full blog post here: TRILLIZOS VOLCANO TOUR

To book this tour: Contact the owners, Ulise and Jhan directly (click on the icons).

The entrance to the volcano

21. Las Tintoreras Tour - Half Day

Las Tintoreras islet is one of the most famous tours in Isabela island and it’s usually the only one you get if you come from Santa Cruz on a daily trip. 

It is an area on the water, 10 minutes by boat from Puerto Villamil’s town that was formed when the lava of Sierra Negra’s volcano got in contact with the oxygen forming a solid outer shell, like a lava tunnel’s carcass, and because it is on the water it formed some canals where daily hundreds of baby reef sharks (tintoreras) tend to go to. Here you will also see blue-footed boobies, marine iguanas, and with luck some penguins. 

After the land tour, there is some time for snorkeling where you might find turtles, rays, and sea lions.

22. Sierra Negra Sulfur Mines Tour - Full Day

This one is among the most epic tours in Isabela I, unfortunately, didn’t have time to do but it looks absolutely stunning. Instead of seeing the volcano from a viewpoint with its red and black surfaces of lava, you get to see and smell a vivid yellow sulfur mine with constant smoke coming out of it.

It is an amazing alternative to do if you’ve already seen the volcano from the top. When I go back to Isabela this is for sure the first tour I will do. It must be incredible. And very smelly Ahah. 

If you want to do the Sierra Negra Volcano tour I’ll leave you the link down below.

To book this tour:  Check the local company Coral Blanco Tour Operator (click on the icons)

Isabela, Galapagos

Looking at Puerto Villamil

11 Free Things To Do in Isabela, Galapagos

The group on their way to Chico volcano

5 Amazing Tours in Isabela, Galapagos

Los Tuneles seen from the surface, a must in any Galapagos Itinerary

7 Best Snorkeling Spots in Isabela, Galapagos

One of the dive sites in Isabela, Galápagos

5 Best Dive Sites in Isabela, Galapagos

All the articles about the galapagos.

San Cristobal Island  – The easternmost island of the Galapagos, the “Isla Bonita”

Santa Cruz Island  – The island with the best tourism infrastructure.

Isabela Island  – The most adventurous and less explored island of the main three.

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Things To Do in The Galapagos

Isla Bartolomé Galápagos

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Puerto Ayora's dock in Santa Cruz, Galápagos

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Pikaia Lodge in Santa Cruz, Galapagos

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Loberia beach in Floreana Island,a must in any Galapagos Itinerary

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Our guide in the immensity of Sierra Negra volcano

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Volcan Chico in Sierra Negra Volcano Tour, one of the best Galápagos Islands tours.

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Leon Dormido Kicker Rock on the 360 Tour in San Cristobal

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La Loberia beach in Floreana island, a must in any Galapagos Itinerary

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Aletsch Glacier at sunset

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Valais Blacknose Sheeps on the Edelweissweg Trail in Zermatt

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Saxer Lücke Panorama at Sunset with flowers

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galapagos tour de bahia


San Cristobal - Galapagos Islands 1 día

⌚ 7:30am – 4:30pm     🤿 Adventure    📍San Cristobal

Young tuirta next to the infant sea lion on the 360 ​​tour, San Cristobal in the Galapagos Islands

Welcome to our Star Tour! Enjoy an unforgettable day on Isla Bonita aboard our comfortable boat.

Explore the spectacular KICKER ROCK with our incredible #Snorkel and admire the marine fauna that lives in the area, turtles and sharks await you!

Continue the trip on our yacht through the majestic CERRO BRUJO , where you can take spectacular photographs. Then, enjoy a moment of relaxation in the beautiful SARDINE BAY before heading to PUNTA PITT, where you will have the opportunity to live a unique Live Fishing experience.

We will visit one of the most incredible organic beaches, BAHIA ROSA BLANCA, where you can enjoy another exciting #Snorkel full of fun and adventure.

We are sure that this experience will remain engraved in your memory for a long time! In case the weather conditions do not allow you to visit Bahía Rosa Blanca, we will visit the beautiful and virgin Playa del Muerto, where you can relax and enjoy snorkeling in a natural environment.

✅ Full normal, vegetarian or vegan Lunch. ✅ Snacks and Non-alcoholic drinks. ✅ Naturalist tour guide Spanish/English. ✅ Shorty  wetsuit. ✅ Towel, snorkel equipement (mask snorkel, fins and life jacket). ✅ Maritime transportation

❌ Additional Services ❌ Tips .

Blue footed booby on the Los Tuneles tour, Galapagos Islands.


Kicker Rock, also known as León Dormido, is a striking volcanic formation located off the coast of San Cristóbal Island in the Galapagos Islands. It consists of two vertical rocks rising 500 feet above the ocean, creating a channel between them. This site is renowned for its excellent snorkeling and diving opportunities, where visitors can encounter a diverse array of marine life including sharks, rays, and sea turtles. The dramatic cliffs and clear waters make Kicker Rock a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers.

Two tourists in Bahia Rosa Blanca on the trip to the 360  tour, San Cristobal - Galapagos Islands


Known for its natural beauty and biodiversity, this bay offers white sand beaches and crystal clear waters ideal for snorkeling and swimming. Visitors can observe a rich variety of marine life, including sea turtles, rays, sharks and colorful tropical fish. Additionally, the area has mangroves and a diverse coastal environment that provides habitat for numerous species of birds and other animals. Bahía Rosa Blanca is a hidden paradise perfect for lovers of nature and tranquility..

Two tourists in Bahia Rosa Blanca on the trip to the 360  tour, San Cristobal - Galapagos Islands


Cerro Brujo is a stunning place known for its white sand beach and crystal clear waters. During our boat excursions, we pass through this area so that passengers can appreciate its fascinating rock formation, which gives the silhouette of a human face. This peculiar shape makes Cerro Brujo a prominent and very photogenic point on our journeys, providing a unique visual experience without the need to disembark.

Two tourists in Bahia Sardina enjoying the trip on the 360  tour, San Cristobal - Galapagos Islands


Bahia Sardina is a beautiful place where we disembark and spend time on the beach. Here you can relax on the white sand, swim in crystal clear waters and observe sea lions and other species of local fauna.

galapagos tour de bahia

We really enjoyed our trip to Espanola. Seeing the albatross nesting area was a highlight. Despite a slow ride there, our ride back was topped off by a very large pod of dolphins chasing the boat and a humpback whale and little one!

Muy interesante y nuestro guia lo súper ameno. Snorkel con martillo y puntas blancas. Recomendable Saludos desde Madrid España

Most recommended Daily Tours in the Galapagos Islands

Tour Isla Lobos in Galapagos Islands

Isla Lobos Tour

San Cristobal - Galapagos Islands 1 día English / Spanish

Book from 130.00 usd

Tour Bartolome in Galapagos Islands

Bartolome Tour

Santa Cruz - Galapagos Islands 1 día English / Spanish

Book from 350.00 usd

Tour Tintoreras in Galapagos Islands

Tintoreras Tour

Isabela - Galapagos Islands 1 día English / Spanish

Book from 80.00 usd

Tour Chatham in Galapagos Islands

Chatham Tour

galapagos tour de bahia

José de Villamil, Puerto Baquerizo Moreno

[email protected]

+593 96 067 1697


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  1. Tour de Bahía Santa Cruz

    galapagos tour de bahia

  2. Tour de Bahia Galapagos

    galapagos tour de bahia

  3. Tour de Bahía

    galapagos tour de bahia

  4. Tour de Bahía

    galapagos tour de bahia

  5. Tour de Bahía

    galapagos tour de bahia


    galapagos tour de bahia


  1. Ecuador Galapagos Legend Luxury Cruise by


  1. Tour de Bahia Galapagos

    Embarcarse en El Tour de Bahía Galapagos es embarcarse en un viaje de maravillas y aventura.Atraviese cinco sitios diferentes alrededor de Bahía Academia, ubicada en la pintoresca Isla Santa Cruz, y sienta la brisa mientras navega por las aguas durante apenas 15 minutos hasta la primera parada.La mayor parte del viaje se pasa a bordo de comodas embarcaciones , con dos oportunidades para ...

  2. Tour de Bahía

    60 posts · 1K followers. View more on Instagram. 118 likes. galapagoslowcost. Un poco de lo que verás en el Tour Bahía - #santacruzgalapagos. A quick shot of the Bay tour (Santa Cruz #galapagos) 📍Las grietas - canal del amor - Cano de tiburones - Punta Estrada - Playa de los perros. #travel #ecuador🇪🇨 #ecuador #galapagosislands.

  3. Tour de Bahía, isla Santa Cruz Galápagos

    Tour de Bahía, isla Santa Cruz Galápagos. En Santa Cruz se realiza este tour de bahía que consiste en visitar los puntos más sobresalientes como son: Canal de Tiburones, Canal del Amor, playa de los perros, las Grietas, La isla Santa Cruz tiene una superficie de 986 km2 y es el centro turístico de Galápagos siendo habitada por aproximadamente 15.000 habitantes.

  4. Bahia Tour

    The Santa Cruz Bahia Tour, Galapagos, is a half-day experience that combines hiking and snorkeling to explore some of the highlights of Santa Cruz Island.. The tour starts from the Puerto Ayora dock and lasts approximately 4 hours, with departures available at 08:00 and 14:00. We will visit Las Grietas, the Love Channel, Dog Beach and the Shark Channel.. We will see a great variety of marine ...

  5. Galapagos: Santa Cruz + Tour de Bahia

    In 1978 the islands were designated a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE, and in 1986 the Galapagos Marine Resources Reserve was created to protect the surrounding waters. The Charles Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz Island promotes scientific studies and protects the indigenous vegetation and animal life of the Galapagos. 5 days. 12+ Age. Galapagos.

  6. Tour de Bahía Santa Cruz

    - Se necesita la información completa de cada persona para realizar la reserva de los tours. - Los tours son pagados 100% para ser reservados. La visita empieza en el Islote La Loberia nombrado así por la colonia de lobos que allí habita, la actividad de snorkel permite observar una variedad de especies de peces, además se puede nadar ...

  7. Bay Tour Santa Cruz Galapagos island

    This bay tour happens In Santa Cruz island. It consists of visiting the most outstanding points in the bay such as: Canal de Tiburones, Canal del Amor, Playa de los Perros, and Las Grietas. Santa Cruz Island has an area of 986 km2, is the tourist center of Galapagos, and is inhabited by approximately 15,000 people. TRIP DETAILS:

  8. Tour de bahía

    4 días / 3 noches. 5 días / 4 noches. Tour navegable de 4 horas de duración. Lo pueden realizar desde niños hasta adultos mayores. Tiene una buena combinación de senderismo y snorkeling, si no lo has practicado no te preocupes el guía naturalista te ayudara.

  9. Santa Cruz-Bahia Islands Half-Day Tour with Local Guide 2024

    Discover Santa Cruz Island and its surrounding bays on this half-day tour. Visit six key areas in this region including the Loberia, home to a sea lion colony and the 'Bay of Franklin,' where you can find sea turtles, golden rays, eagle rays, and mangroves. Take in the exquisite beauty of the island as you learn about the Galapagos Islands ...

  10. Tour de Bahía

    Santa Cruz / Tour de Bahía. Tour de Bahía $ 55.00. En este tour podrás recorrer por la bahía de la isla Santa Cruz en donde harás snorkel con lobos marinos, tortugas marinas y tiburones, además visitarás las grietas que son uno de los sitios más transcurridos por los turistas por ser un lugar ideal para nadar y fotografiar su hermoso ...

  11. Tours de Bahía

    Embárcate en una emocionante aventura por la bahía de la Isla Santa Cruz con nuestro tour destacado. Descubre puntos imperdibles como el Canal de Tiburones, el Canal del Amor, la playa de los perros y las Grietas. Con una extensión de 986 km², la Isla Santa Cruz es el corazón de las Galápagos. Sumérgete en las aguas de la bahía para realizar snorkel con lobos marinos, tortugas y tiburones.

  12. Tour Bahía de Santa Cruz: Tours, Precios y Horarios

    Reprogramación gratuita. Toma el Tour de Bahía de Santa Cruz y recorre los principales atractivos naturales de la isla. Incluye transporte y navegación. Precio por persona: US$ 65.00 por persona. Horarios: 08:00 a 11:00. Duración: 3 horas.

  13. Tour diario

    Duración: aproximadamente 3 1/2 horas Punto de partida: Oficina de Galápagosliving, Puerto Ayora Horarios de inicio: 8:45 a.m. a 12:30 pm Horarios de inicio: 13:45 p.m. a 17:00 pm. Este tour lo lleva a algunos de los puntos de referencia de las Islas Galápagos. El viaje comienza en la bahía frente al puerto de Puerto Ayora en Santa Cruz.

  14. Bartolome Island and Sullivan Bay Tour

    Bartolome and Sullivan Bay Tour From Santa Cruz Island. Bartolome is an island, located off the east coast of Santiago. It is named after Sir Bartholomew James Sullivan, a lifelong naturalist friend of Charles Darwin. Due to its gorgeous panoramic views, Bartolome is one of the most popular visitor sites in the Galapagos archipelago.

  15. The BEST Galápagos Islands Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    Galapagos: 4 Days Santa Cruz & Bahia Tour with Full Board. Day 1 Arrive at the airport of Baltra Island and meet the National Park guides, followed by a transfer to Santa Cruz. Check in at your hotel and in the afternoon visit the Charles Darwin Scientific Station and the Interpretation Center of the Galapagos National Park.

  16. Tour de Bahía Santa Cruz Galapagos

    Tour de Bahía Santa Cruz Galapagos. TOUR DE BAHIA. Select. Download Brochure. My Galápagos Tour. Email address verified; 5 reviews. Duration: 7 days. Group size: 1 - 999. About this trip Esta excursión llevará a los turistas a cinco emblemáticos y diferentes lugares de interés de las Islas Galápagos. ...

  17. Tour de bahía Isla Santa Cruz 2024

    Tour de bahía Isla Santa Cruz 2024. En el tour de bahía se conoce los puntos más destacados que tiene Puerto Ayora en la isla Santa Cruz. Visita el Canal del Amor, canal de Los Tiburones, playa de Los Perros y uno de los sitios más conocidos denominado Las Grietas. Este tour puedes hacerlo por la mañana o por la tarde.

  18. Tour Bahía

    Tour Bahía. Previous. Next. Bay Tour. HALF DAY TOUR. Itinerary. From 09h00 to 13h00 / From 14h00 to 18h00 Boarding time: 08h50 / 13h50; Departure from your hotel in Santa Cruz ; ... SANTA CRUZ ISLAND TOURS. HIGHLAND TOUR. CONTACT US. Booking +593 96 918 1797; Emergency +593 96 970 5895; [email protected]; FIND US. Map-marked-alt.

  19. The 22 Best Galapagos Islands Tours

    The 22 Best Galapagos Islands Tours Land-Based Guide Here is a complete list of 22 Galapagos Islands tours, a selection of the best land-based tours from San Cristobal, Santa Cruz, and Isabela islands. I've tried almost all of the tours myself and written detailed articles about them, which I will link together. While based in any of the three main islands, there are 7 land-based tours ...

  20. ¿Qué hacer en GALÁPAGOS?

    Uno de los lugares más bonitos de Ecuador es Galápagos, la segunda reserva marina más grande del planeta, que fue declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 197...

  21. Tour 360

    We will visit one of the most incredible organic beaches, BAHIA ROSA BLANCA, ... Si hubieran mas de 5 en puntaje se los daría! Fue lo máximo el tour 360, ellos se encargan de llevarlo a otro nivel, la experiencia fue completa! ... Most recommended Daily Tours in the Galapagos Islands. Departure every day. Tour Isla Lobos. San Cristobal ...

  22. Tour de Bahía

    HORARIO 2. 13h45 a 18h00. El tour de bahía en la isla Santa Cruz, es considerado una actividad de medio día, el mismo que puede desarrollarse tanto por la mañana como por la tarde, y comprende varios sitios, partiendo desde la Bahía Academia, pasando por el Canal del Amor, el Canal de los Tiburones, la Playa de los Perros, Bahía Franklin y ...


    TOUR DE BAHÍA. Previous. Next. DESCRIPCIÓN; Lobos marinos, Tortugas marinas, Peces tropicales, Piqueros patas azules, Pelicanos, Tiburones aletas blancas. ... Guía Naturalista del Parque Nacional Galápagos; ... [email protected]; locaCIÓN. Galápagos - Ecuador. Go Galápagos Av. Baltra y Charles Binford; Julyjo Tours Av. Charles ...