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India Traveler View

Travel health notices, vaccines and medicines, non-vaccine-preventable diseases, stay healthy and safe.

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Map - India

Be aware of current health issues in India. Learn how to protect yourself.

Level 2 Practice Enhanced Precautions

  • New   Zika in the state of Maharashtra, India August 22, 2024 There is an outbreak of Zika in the state of Maharashtra, India. All travelers to Maharashtra should take steps to prevent mosquito bites and sexual transmission of Zika virus during and after travel.

Level 1 Practice Usual Precautions

  • Updated   Global Measles August 14, 2024 Many international destinations are reporting increased numbers of cases of measles. Destination List: Afghanistan, Angola, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Liberia, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Republic of South Sudan, Republic of the Congo, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Togo, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Zambia

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Check the vaccines and medicines list and visit your doctor at least a month before your trip to get vaccines or medicines you may need. If you or your doctor need help finding a location that provides certain vaccines or medicines, visit the Find a Clinic page.

Avoid contaminated water


How most people get sick (most common modes of transmission)

  • Touching urine or other body fluids from an animal infected with leptospirosis
  • Swimming or wading in urine-contaminated fresh water, or contact with urine-contaminated mud
  • Drinking water or eating food contaminated with animal urine
  • Avoid contaminated water and soil
  • Avoid floodwater

Clinical Guidance

Avoid bug bites.

Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic fever

  • Tick bite 
  • Touching the body fluids of a person or animal infected with CCHF
  • Avoid Bug Bites
  • Mosquito bite


  • Sand fly bite
  • An infected pregnant woman can spread it to her unborn baby

Airborne & droplet

Avian/bird flu.

  • Being around, touching, or working with infected poultry, such as visiting poultry farms or live-animal markets
  • Avoid domestic and wild poultry
  • Breathing in air or accidentally eating food contaminated with the urine, droppings, or saliva of infected rodents
  • Bite from an infected rodent
  • Less commonly, being around someone sick with hantavirus (only occurs with Andes virus)
  • Avoid rodents and areas where they live
  • Avoid sick people

Tuberculosis (TB)

  • Breathe in TB bacteria that is in the air from an infected and contagious person coughing, speaking, or singing.

Avoid skin contact

Antimicrobial-resistant (ar) ringworm.

  • Close contact with infected person
  • Shared objects (e.g., towels, bed sheets)
  • Shared surfaces (e.g., locker room and shower floors)
  • Keep skin clean and dry.
  • Do not share bedding, towels, or clothes.
  • Avoid touching the infected area so it does not spread to other parts of your body. 
  • Consult a healthcare provider for treatment and testing.
  • Avoid steroid creams, as they can make the ringworm worse.
  • Use prescribed or over-the-counter (OTC) antifungals exactly as directed and contact a healthcare provider if treatment is not working.
  • Topical antifungals and oral terbinafine are frequently ineffective against AR ringworm.

Emerging Severe and Antimicrobial-Resistant Ringworm | Ringworm | CDC

Counsel your patients on actions they can take on their trip to stay healthy and safe.

Eat and drink safely

Food and water standards around the world vary based on the destination. Standards may also differ within a country and risk may change depending on activity type (e.g., hiking versus business trip). You can learn more about safe food and drink choices when traveling by accessing the resources below.

  • Choose Safe Food and Drinks When Traveling
  • Water Treatment Options When Hiking, Camping or Traveling
  • Global Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Avoid Contaminated Water During Travel

You can also visit the Department of State Country Information Pages for additional information about food and water safety.

Prevent bug bites

Bugs (like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas) can spread a number of diseases in India. Many of these diseases cannot be prevented with a vaccine or medicine. You can reduce your risk by taking steps to prevent bug bites.

What can I do to prevent bug bites?

  • Cover exposed skin by wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and hats.
  • Use an appropriate insect repellent (see below).
  • Use permethrin-treated clothing and gear (such as boots, pants, socks, and tents). Do not use permethrin directly on skin.
  • Stay and sleep in air-conditioned or screened rooms.
  • Use a bed net if the area where you are sleeping is exposed to the outdoors.

What type of insect repellent should I use?

  • FOR PROTECTION AGAINST TICKS AND MOSQUITOES: Use a repellent that contains 20% or more DEET for protection that lasts up to several hours.
  • Picaridin (also known as KBR 3023, Bayrepel, and icaridin)
  • Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) or para-menthane-diol (PMD)
  • 2-undecanone
  • Always use insect repellent as directed.

What should I do if I am bitten by bugs?

  • Avoid scratching bug bites, and apply hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion to reduce the itching.
  • Check your entire body for ticks after outdoor activity. Be sure to remove ticks properly.

What can I do to avoid bed bugs?

Although bed bugs do not carry disease, they are an annoyance. See our information page about avoiding bug bites for some easy tips to avoid them. For more information on bed bugs, see Bed Bugs .

For more detailed information on avoiding bug bites, see Avoid Bug Bites .

Some diseases in India—such as dengue, Zika, filariasis, and leishmaniasis—are spread by bugs and cannot be prevented with a vaccine. Follow the insect avoidance measures described above to prevent these and other illnesses.

Stay safe outdoors

If your travel plans in India include outdoor activities, take these steps to stay safe and healthy during your trip.

  • Stay alert to changing weather conditions and adjust your plans if conditions become unsafe.
  • Prepare for activities by wearing the right clothes and packing protective items, such as bug spray, sunscreen, and a basic first aid kit.
  • Consider learning basic first aid and CPR before travel. Bring a travel health kit with items appropriate for your activities.
  • If you are outside for many hours in heat, eat salty snacks and drink water to stay hydrated and replace salt lost through sweating.
  • Protect yourself from UV radiation : use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, wear protective clothing, and seek shade during the hottest time of day (10 a.m.–4 p.m.).
  • Be especially careful during summer months and at high elevation. Because sunlight reflects off snow, sand, and water, sun exposure may be increased during activities like skiing, swimming, and sailing.
  • Very cold temperatures can be dangerous. Dress in layers and cover heads, hands, and feet properly if you are visiting a cold location.

Stay safe around water

  • Swim only in designated swimming areas. Obey lifeguards and warning flags on beaches.
  • Practice safe boating—follow all boating safety laws, do not drink alcohol if driving a boat, and always wear a life jacket.
  • Do not dive into shallow water.
  • Do not swim in freshwater in developing areas or where sanitation is poor.
  • Avoid swallowing water when swimming. Untreated water can carry germs that make you sick.
  • To prevent infections, wear shoes on beaches where there may be animal waste.

Schistosomiasis and leptospirosis, infections that can be spread in fresh water, are found in India. Avoid swimming in fresh, unchlorinated water, such as lakes, ponds, or rivers.

Keep away from animals

Most animals avoid people, but they may attack if they feel threatened, are protecting their young or territory, or if they are injured or ill. Animal bites and scratches can lead to serious diseases such as rabies.

Follow these tips to protect yourself:

  • Do not touch or feed any animals you do not know.
  • Do not allow animals to lick open wounds, and do not get animal saliva in your eyes or mouth.
  • Avoid rodents and their urine and feces.
  • Traveling pets should be supervised closely and not allowed to come in contact with local animals.
  • If you wake in a room with a bat, seek medical care immediately. Bat bites may be hard to see.

All animals can pose a threat, but be extra careful around dogs, bats, monkeys, sea animals such as jellyfish, and snakes. If you are bitten or scratched by an animal, immediately:

  • Wash the wound with soap and clean water.
  • Go to a doctor right away.
  • Tell your doctor about your injury when you get back to the United States.

Consider buying medical evacuation insurance. Rabies is a deadly disease that must be treated quickly, and treatment may not be available in some countries.

Reduce your exposure to germs

Follow these tips to avoid getting sick or spreading illness to others while traveling:

  • Wash your hands often, especially before eating.
  • If soap and water aren’t available, clean hands with hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol).
  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. If you need to touch your face, make sure your hands are clean.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
  • Try to avoid contact with people who are sick.
  • If you are sick, stay home or in your hotel room, unless you need medical care.

Avoid sharing body fluids

Diseases can be spread through body fluids, such as saliva, blood, vomit, and semen.

Protect yourself:

  • Use latex condoms correctly.
  • Do not inject drugs.
  • Limit alcohol consumption. People take more risks when intoxicated.
  • Do not share needles or any devices that can break the skin. That includes needles for tattoos, piercings, and acupuncture.
  • If you receive medical or dental care, make sure the equipment is disinfected or sanitized.

Know how to get medical care while traveling

Plan for how you will get health care during your trip, should the need arise:

  • Carry a list of local doctors and hospitals at your destination.
  • Review your health insurance plan to determine what medical services it would cover during your trip. Consider purchasing travel health and medical evacuation insurance.
  • Carry a card that identifies, in the local language, your blood type, chronic conditions or serious allergies, and the generic names of any medications you take.
  • Some prescription drugs may be illegal in other countries. Call India’s embassy to verify that all of your prescription(s) are legal to bring with you.
  • Bring all the medicines (including over-the-counter medicines) you think you might need during your trip, including extra in case of travel delays. Ask your doctor to help you get prescriptions filled early if you need to.

Many foreign hospitals and clinics are accredited by the Joint Commission International. A list of accredited facilities is available at their website ( ).

In some countries, medicine (prescription and over-the-counter) may be substandard or counterfeit. Bring the medicines you will need from the United States to avoid having to buy them at your destination.

Malaria is a risk in India. Fill your malaria prescription before you leave and take enough with you for the entire length of your trip. Follow your doctor’s instructions for taking the pills; some need to be started before you leave.

Select safe transportation

Motor vehicle crashes are the #1 killer of healthy US citizens in foreign countries.

In many places cars, buses, large trucks, rickshaws, bikes, people on foot, and even animals share the same lanes of traffic, increasing the risk for crashes.

Be smart when you are traveling on foot.

  • Use sidewalks and marked crosswalks.
  • Pay attention to the traffic around you, especially in crowded areas.
  • Remember, people on foot do not always have the right of way in other countries.


Choose a safe vehicle.

  • Choose official taxis or public transportation, such as trains and buses.
  • Ride only in cars that have seatbelts.
  • Avoid overcrowded, overloaded, top-heavy buses and minivans.
  • Avoid riding on motorcycles or motorbikes, especially motorbike taxis. (Many crashes are caused by inexperienced motorbike drivers.)
  • Choose newer vehicles—they may have more safety features, such as airbags, and be more reliable.
  • Choose larger vehicles, which may provide more protection in crashes.

Think about the driver.

  • Do not drive after drinking alcohol or ride with someone who has been drinking.
  • Consider hiring a licensed, trained driver familiar with the area.
  • Arrange payment before departing.

Follow basic safety tips.

  • Wear a seatbelt at all times.
  • Sit in the back seat of cars and taxis.
  • When on motorbikes or bicycles, always wear a helmet. (Bring a helmet from home, if needed.)
  • Avoid driving at night; street lighting in certain parts of India may be poor.
  • Do not use a cell phone or text while driving (illegal in many countries).
  • Travel during daylight hours only, especially in rural areas.
  • If you choose to drive a vehicle in India, learn the local traffic laws and have the proper paperwork.
  • Get any driving permits and insurance you may need. Get an International Driving Permit (IDP). Carry the IDP and a US-issued driver's license at all times.
  • Check with your auto insurance policy's international coverage, and get more coverage if needed. Make sure you have liability insurance.
  • Avoid using local, unscheduled aircraft.
  • If possible, fly on larger planes (more than 30 seats); larger airplanes are more likely to have regular safety inspections.
  • Try to schedule flights during daylight hours and in good weather.

Medical Evacuation Insurance

If you are seriously injured, emergency care may not be available or may not meet US standards. Trauma care centers are uncommon outside urban areas. Having medical evacuation insurance can be helpful for these reasons.

Helpful Resources

Road Safety Overseas (Information from the US Department of State): Includes tips on driving in other countries, International Driving Permits, auto insurance, and other resources.

The Association for International Road Travel has country-specific Road Travel Reports available for most countries for a minimal fee.

Traffic flows on the left side of the road in India.

  • Always pay close attention to the flow of traffic, especially when crossing the street.
  • LOOK RIGHT for approaching traffic.

For information traffic safety and road conditions in India, see Travel and Transportation on US Department of State's country-specific information for India .

Maintain personal security

Use the same common sense traveling overseas that you would at home, and always stay alert and aware of your surroundings.

Before you leave

  • Research your destination(s), including local laws, customs, and culture.
  • Monitor travel advisories and alerts and read travel tips from the US Department of State.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) .
  • Leave a copy of your itinerary, contact information, credit cards, and passport with someone at home.
  • Pack as light as possible, and leave at home any item you could not replace.

While at your destination(s)

  • Carry contact information for the nearest US embassy or consulate .
  • Carry a photocopy of your passport and entry stamp; leave the actual passport securely in your hotel.
  • Follow all local laws and social customs.
  • Do not wear expensive clothing or jewelry.
  • Always keep hotel doors locked, and store valuables in secure areas.
  • If possible, choose hotel rooms between the 2nd and 6th floors.

To call for emergency services while in India, dial 100 or, from a mobile phone, 112. Write these numbers down to carry with you during your trip.

Learn as much as you can about India before you travel there. A good place to start is the country-specific information on India from the US Department of State.

Healthy Travel Packing List

Remind your patients to pack health and safety items. Use the Healthy Travel Packing List for India for a list of health-related items they should consider packing.

If you are not feeling well after your trip, you may need to see a doctor. If you need help finding a travel medicine specialist, see Find a Clinic . Be sure to tell your doctor about your travel, including where you went and what you did on your trip. Also tell your doctor if you were bitten or scratched by an animal while traveling.

If your doctor prescribed antimalarial medicine for your trip, keep taking the rest of your pills after you return home. If you stop taking your medicine too soon, you could still get sick.

Malaria is always a serious disease and may be a deadly illness. If you become ill with a fever either while traveling in a malaria-risk area or after you return home (for up to 1 year), you should seek immediate medical attention and should tell the doctor about your travel history.

For more information on what to do if you are sick after your trip, see Getting Sick after Travel .

Map Disclaimer - The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on maps do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement are generally marked.

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All international arriving passengers have to mandatorily submit the fully-filled self-reporting form to APHO and duplicate stamped copy to Immigration.

india travel requirements hyderabad

Process to be followed by passengers arriving from high-risk countries to Hyderabad International Airport

india travel requirements hyderabad


Andaman Travel Guidelines

*Subject to changes by the State or Central governments.

Andhra Pradesh Travel Guidelines

Arunachal Pradesh Travel Guidelines

Assam Travel Guidelines

Bihar Travel Guidelines

Chandigarh Travel Guidelines

Chattisgarh Travel Guidelines

Daman and Diu Travel Guidelines

Delhi Travel Guidelines

Goa Travel Guidelines

Gujarat Travel Guidelines

Gurugram Travel Guidelines

Guwahati - Assam Travel Guidelines

Haryana Travel Guidelines

Himachal Pradesh Travel Guidelines

Jammu & Kashmir Travel Guidelines

Jharkand Travel Guidelines

Karnataka Travel Guidelines

Kerala Travel Guidelines

Ladakh Travel Guidelines

Lakshwadeep Travel Guidelines

Madhya Pradesh Travel Guidelines

Maharashtra Travel Guidelines

Meghalaya Travel Guidelines

Manipur Travel Guidelines

Mizoram Travel Guidelines

Nagaland Travel Guidelines

Odisha Travel Guidelines

Pondicherry Travel Guidelines

Punjab Travel Guidelines

Rajasthan Travel Guidelines

Sikkim Travel Guidelines

Tamil Nadu Travel Guidelines

Telangana Travel Guidelines

Tripura Travel Guidelines

Union Territories Travel Guidelines

Uttar Pradesh Travel Guidelines

Uttarkhand Travel Guidelines

West Bengal Travel Guidelines

Click here for information

There are 4 testing booths made available at Hyderabad International Airport for passengers. 2% passengers who will be randomly selected by the Airlines will be tested. The cost for the tests will be borne by the Ministry of Civil Aviation. For further information passengers can call 86883 10054.

Click here to know more.

Click here for Guidelines for International Arrivals.

Click here for List of Countries/Regions in respect of which primary vaccination schedule completion certificate is allowed to be uploaded.

Home quarantine is not required for international passengers as well as 8th day retest after arrival.

Click here for List of High-risk countries.

High Risk Countries : Countries in Europe including The United Kingdom, South Africa, Brazil, Botswana, China, Ghana, Mauritius, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Hong Kong, Israel, Congo, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Nigeria, Tunisia, Zambia.

The passengers who are not fully vaccinated or our partially vaccinated will have to submit RT-PCR negative report 72 hours prior to travel to India. Passengers who are traveling from other countries besides from listed 82 countries as stated by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare will have to submit RT-PCR negative report 72 hours prior to travel to India.

Yes. This facility is available in the International arrival hall pre-immigration.

Passport (Self- declaration form as uploaded in Air Suvidha Portal is also required to be carried in soft or hard copy)

For Rapid PCR (optional) - 2 hours – INR 2900

For RT-PCR - 6 hours – INR 500

Results of the RT-PCR test will be given in hard copy.

Modes of payment are cash, credit and debit cards and digital payment.

A dedicated waiting area is available for passengers who wait for the result after taking the RT-PCR test.

Food and Beverage is available in the waiting area on payment basis.

Dedicated area is available for travellers with reduced mobility. Baby care rooms and washrooms are in the nearby vicinity of the waiting area.

If tested negative passengers will follow, home quarantine for 7 days.

All travellers will self-monitor their health for next 14 days of arrival. If travellers under self-health monitoring, develop signs and symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, they will immediately self-isolate and report to their nearest health facility or call National helpline number (1075)/ State Helpline Number.

If travellers are tested positive, their samples should be further sent for genomic testing at INSACOG laboratory network. They shall be treated/isolated as per laid down standard protocol.

They shall be managed at separate isolation facility and treated as per laid down standard protocol.

The contacts of such positive case should be kept under institutional quarantine or at home quarantine monitored strictly by the concerned State Government as per laid down protocol.

Children of 5 years and below do not require rtpcr or vaccination. If symptomatic they shall be tested and dealt with according to the test results.

The Covid-19 RT-PCR testing can be availed at Hyderabad Airport by all departing and arriving passengers. GHIAL has collaborated with Mapmygenome and Apollo Medical Centre, NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories) and ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) certified agency to provide services for Covid-19 test. The sample collection facility is located at the International Arrivals and Departures.

As domestic flights have started, taxis/cabs (Ola, Uber, Meru, Sky, etc ) to and fro GMR Hyderabad International Airport are allowed round the clock. Public are allowed to travel to and fro Airport round the clock in their personal/hired vehicles along with boarding pass/flight ticket/booking details.

Hi, we're working with APHO to help facilitate their enhanced monitoring procedures across GMR Hyderabad International Airport. We've also put in place a number of additional cleaning and hygiene measures like enhanced washroom cleaning, placement of automated sanitizers, thorough cleaning at all passenger touch points, providing face masks and sanitizers to all airport staff. On top of these regular checks, awareness signage at strategic locations have also been placed and passenger records are shared regularly with regulatory bodies. Thank you.

Hand Sanitizers are placed at all strategic locations of the airport.

In case you show any symptoms, you'll be sent to a special quarantine facility. For any queries or concerns, you may reach out to National Helpline number +91-11-23978046 or State helpline number 104 or write to [email protected].

All International arriving passengers have to undergo medical screening conducted by Airport Health Organization (APHO)

Hyderabad International Airport is in close coordination with Airport Health Organization (APHO) has taken adequate precautionary measures. We have placed hand sanitizer dispensers, health advisory information displayed on screens across the airport and enhanced already existing cleaning process to keep our passengers and colleagues safe.

india travel requirements hyderabad

Updation of Guidelines - Domestic & International Air Travel

india travel requirements hyderabad

Security Alert May 17, 2024

Worldwide caution.

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Travel Advisory July 23, 2024

India - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Updated to reflect information on the northeastern states.

Exercise increased caution in India due to crime and terrorism.  Some areas have increased risk. 

Do not travel to:

  • The union territory of Jammu and Kashmir (except the eastern Ladakh region and its capital, Leh) due to terrorism and civil unrest .
  • Within 10 km of the India-Pakistan border due to the potential for armed conflict .
  • Portions of Central and East India due to terrorism.
  • Manipur due to violence and crime .

Reconsider travel to:

  • The northeastern states due to terrorism and violence .

Country Summary:  Indian authorities report that rape is one of the fastest growing crimes in India. Violent crime, such as sexual assault, has happened at tourist sites and other locations.

Terrorists may attack with little or no warning. They target tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, and government facilities.

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in rural areas. These areas stretch from eastern Maharashtra and northern Telangana through western West Bengal. U.S. government employees must get special authorization to travel to these areas.

Read the country information page for additional information on travel to India.

Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.

If you decide to travel to India:

  • Do not travel alone, particularly if you are a woman. Visit our website for Women Travelers .
  • Review your personal security plans and remain alert to your surroundings.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program ( STEP ) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report for India.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist .

Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Terrorist attacks and violent civil unrest are possible in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Do not travel to this state (with the exception of visits to the eastern Ladakh region and its capital, Leh). Violence happens sporadically in this area and is common along the Line of Control (LOC) between India and Pakistan. It also occurs in tourist spots in the Kashmir Valley: Srinagar, Gulmarg, and Pahalgam.  The Indian government does not allow foreign tourists to visit certain areas along the LOC.

Visit our website for Travel to High-Risk Areas .

India-Pakistan Border – Level 4: Do Not Travel

India and Pakistan have a strong military presence on both sides of the border. The only official border crossing for non-citizens of India or Pakistan is in Punjab. It is between Attari, India, and Wagah, Pakistan.  The border crossing is usually open, but check its current status before you travel. To enter Pakistan, you need a Pakistani visa. Only U.S. citizens residing in India may apply for a Pakistani visa in India. Otherwise , apply for a Pakistani visa in your home country before traveling to India

Portions of Central and East India – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Maoist extremist groups, or “Naxalites,” are active in a large area of India that spans from eastern Maharashtra and northern Telangana through western West Bengal. Attacks against officers of the Indian government continue to occur sporadically in the rural parts of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand that border with Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, and Odisha. Southwest areas of Odisha are also affected. The Naxalites have carried out many terrorist attacks, targeting local police, paramilitary forces, and government officials.

Due to the fluid nature of the threat, U.S. government employees are required to obtain permission prior to traveling to most areas in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Meghalaya, and Odisha. Permission is not required if employees are traveling only to the capital cities of these states.

U.S. government employees also need approval to travel to the eastern region of Maharashtra and the eastern region of Madhya Pradesh

Visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .

Manipur -  Level 4: Do Not Travel

Do not travel to Manipur due to the threat of violence and crime.  Ongoing ethnic-based civil conflict has resulted in reports of extensive violence and community displacement. Attacks against Indian government targets occur on a regular basis.  U.S. government employees traveling in India require prior approval before visiting Manipur. 

Visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .  

Northeastern States – Level 3: Reconsider Travel

Ethnic insurgent groups occasionally commit acts of violence in parts of the northeast. These incidents include bombings of buses, trains, rail lines, and markets. There have been no recent reports of violence in Assam, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Sikkim, or Tripura.

U.S. government employees traveling in India require prior approval before visiting the states of Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh, as well as when visiting any areas outside of the capital cities of Assam, Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya, and Tripura. 

Embassy Messages

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Quick Facts

Must be valid for six months beyond date of visa application to obtain a visa.

Two pages required.

Yes. Travelers must enter with a visa in their passport. The visa is valid for 10 years for U.S. citizens. Or they can use an e-tourist visa, which varies in validity. Note that the Indian authorities issue visas with dates in the DD/MM/YY format.

Travelers arriving from an infected area must have a yellow fever vaccination. Others are suggested.

You must declare currency over USD $5,000 at entry. Please check with the Indian Embassy in Washington, D.C. if you are planning to carry a large amount of currency or gold into India.

Check local law for rules on reporting large amounts of foreign currency and Indian rupees when leaving.

Embassies and Consulates

U.s. embassy new delhi.

Shantipath, Chanakyapuri New Delhi - 110021 India Telephone: +(91) (11) 2419-8000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(91) (11) 2419-8000 Fax: +(91) (11) 2419-0017 [email protected]

The U.S. Embassy, New Delhi serves U.S. citizens in the Indian states of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh, the union territories of Chandigarh, Delhi, Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh, and the country of Bhutan.

U.S. Consulate General Mumbai C-49, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra East, Mumbai 400051 India Telephone: +(91) (22) 2672-4000   Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(91) (22) 2672-4000   If you are calling from within India, but outside Mumbai, first dial 022.   Fax: 91-(0)22-2672-4786   [email protected]

The Consulate General in Mumbai provides consular services for the states of Goa, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra, and the union territory of Diu and Daman, and Dadra and Nagar Haveli.

U.S. Consulate General Kolkata 5/1 Ho Chi Minh Sarani Kolkata - 700 071, West Bengal, India Telephone: +(91) (33) 3984-2400 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(91) (33) 3984-2400 then dial "0" Fax: +(91) (33) 2282-2335 [email protected]

The United States Consulate General in Kolkata provides consular services for the states of Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Tripura, and Assam. .

U.S. Consulate General Chennai 220 Anna Salai at Gemini Circle Chennai, India 600006 Telephone: +(91) (44) 2857-4000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: (0) 44-2857-4000. Ask for American Citizen Services. (Within India, but outside Chennai, first dial 044. From the United States, first dial 011-(91) (44)) Fax: +(91) (044) 2811-2020 [email protected]

The Consulate General in Chennai provides consular services for the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, and the Union Territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Pondicherry, and the Lakshwadeep Islands. 

U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad Survey No. 115/1, Financial District, Nanakramguda Hyderabad, Telangana, 500032 Telephone:+(91) (40) 6932 8000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: 4033-8300 and ask for American Citizen Services. (If calling from within India, but outside Hyderabad, first dial 040. From the United States, first dial 011-(91) (40))   Fax: 4033-8306  [email protected]

The Consulate General in Hyderabad provides services to U.S. citizens in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Odisha. 

Destination Description

See the Department of State’s Fact Sheet on India for information on U.S.-India relations.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

All U.S. citizens need a valid passport as well as a valid Indian visa or an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card to enter and exit India for any purpose. India may deny entry to travelers without valid documents or the correct type of visa. Indian visa rules and instructions change often. They often do so with little warning. Travelers should check the  website of the Indian Embassy in Washington D.C. before any travel to India to review the most current information. The U.S. Embassy and Consulates General in India cannot assist you if you arrive without proper documentation.

U.S. citizens seeking to enter India solely for tourist purposes for stays of less than 60 days may apply for an eVisa at least four days before their arrival. Please visit the  Indian government's website for electronic travel authorization for more information and to submit an application visit the Bureau of Immigration’s website.

U.S. citizens seeking to enter India as a tourist for longer than 60 days or for any other purpose must apply for a visa from an Indian embassy or consulate. The Government of India has appointed VFS Global to assist with visa services for individuals in the United States. Applicants may apply for Indian visas through the application link . Please exercise caution and check the correct website and as there are many fake webpages that will gather your personal information.

You can submit Diplomatic and Official visa applications directly to the Indian Embassy and Consulates. All U.S. government employees traveling on official orders, including military personnel, must get country clearance for travel to India. Once you have received your visa, check it carefully to ensure that the type of visa, validity dates, and number of entries is appropriate for your travel plans.

Keep copies of your U.S. passport data page, as well as the pages containing the Indian visa and Indian immigration stamps, with you at all times. Consider saving these documents to your mobile phone in case of emergency. If your passport is lost or stolen, copies will help you apply for a replacement passport and an exit permit from the Indian government. Replacing a lost visa, which is required to exit the country, may take several business days.  

U.S. citizens of Pakistani origin or descent are subject to administrative processing and should expect additional delays when applying for Indian visas.

Foreign citizens who visit India to  study, do research, work, or act as missionaries, as well as all travelers and residents planning to stay more than 180 days, are required to register their visit or residency within 14 days of arrival with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO)  closest to where they will be staying, in addition  to having the appropriate visa  when they enter India. Similarly, if you are traveling to India to give birth, you must register your newborn’s birth within 14 days with the FRRO office. Failure to do so will result in fines, fees, and penalties. The FRRO has offices in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bengaluru (Bangalore), Lucknow, Calicut, Goa, Cochin, Trivandrum, and Amritsar. District Superintendents of Police serve as Foreigners Registration Officers (FROs) in all other places. We recommend all U.S. citizens review the entry requirements described on the  Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)  section on the Indian Bureau of Immigration website.

If you overstay your Indian visa or break Indian visa rules, you may need clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs to leave. In general, authorities will fine you and, in some cases, may even jail you for months. Visa violators seeking an exit permit must visit  the Foreigners Regional Registration Office portal  to submit the application and pay any levied fines. Processing an exit permit can take up to 90 days in these cases. Decisions will be made case by case.  

Possession of a satellite phone is strictly prohibited in India and may lead to detention or arrest.

For the most current information on entry and exit requirements, please contact the  Embassy of India’s Consular wing  at 2536 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20008, telephone (202) 939-9806 or the Indian Consulates in  Atlanta ,  Chicago ,  Houston ,  New York , or  San Francisco . Outside the United States, you should inquire at the nearest Indian embassy or consulate.

General information regarding Indian visa and immigration rules, including the addresses and telephone numbers for the FRRO offices, can be found at the  Indian Ministry of Home Affairs Bureau of Immigration website.

HIV/AIDS RESTRICTIONS:  There are no disclosure requirements or restrictions for HIV/AIDS patients who enter India on a tourist visa. Disclosure regarding HIV/AIDS is required of anyone seeking a resident permit in India. Foreign residents found to be suffering from HIV/AIDS will be deported. Please verify this information with the  Embassy of India  before you travel.

Find information on  dual nationality ,  prevention of international child abduction  and  customs regulations  on our websites.

Safety and Security

U.S. citizens should always practice good personal security and situational awareness. Be aware of your surroundings. This includes local customs and etiquette. Keep a low profile. Monitor local news reports, vary routes and times in carrying out daily activities, and consider the level of security present when visiting public places, including religious sites, and when choosing hotels, restaurants, and entertainment and recreation venues.

India intermittently experiences terrorist and insurgent activities which may affect U.S. citizens directly or indirectly. Some U.S.-designated terrorist groups are active in India, including Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e Tayyiba. The U.S. government occasionally receives information regarding possible terrorist attacks that could take place in India, monitors such information to determine credibility, and advises U.S. citizens accordingly. Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive messages from the Embassy automatically.  

Past attacks have targeted public places, including some frequented by Westerners, such as luxury and other hotels, trains, train stations, markets, cinemas, mosques, and restaurants in large urban areas. Attacks have taken place during the busy evening hours in markets and other crowded places but could occur at any time. Alerts are usually more frequent around major holidays. The Maoists (also known as “Naxalites”) are the most active insurgent group in India. The Naxalites typically attack Indian government officials, but have also derailed trains, targeted other government buildings such as police stations, and conducted other criminal activity. 

Demonstrations and general strikes, or “bandh,” often cause major inconvenience and unrest. These strikes can result in the stoppage of all transportation and tourist-related services, at times for 24 hours or more. U.S. citizens caught in such a strike may find they are unable to make flight and rail connections, as local transportation can be severely limited. Local media generally give an idea of the length and geographical location of the strike. You are urged to obey any imposed curfews and travel restrictions and avoid demonstrations and rallies as they have the potential for violence, especially immediately preceding and following political rallies, elections, and religious festivals (particularly when Hindu and Muslim festivals coincide). Tensions between castes and religious groups can also result in disruptions and violence. 

There are active "anti-conversion" laws in some Indian states, and acts of conversion sometimes elicit violent reactions from Hindu extremists. Foreigners suspected of proselytizing Hindus have been attacked and killed in conservative, rural areas in India in years past. In some cases, demonstrators specifically block roads near popular tourist sites and disrupt train operations in order to gain the attention of Indian authorities; occasionally vehicles transporting tourists are attacked in these incidents. You should monitor local television, print and social media, and Mission India’s American Citizens Services  Facebook page

Swimming:  You should exercise caution if you intend to swim in open waters along the Indian coastline, particularly during the monsoon season. Every year, people in Goa, Mumbai, Puri (Odisha), off the Eastern Coast in the Bay of Bengal, and other areas drown due to strong undertows. It is important to heed warnings posted at beaches and to avoid swimming in the ocean during the monsoon season. Several years ago, there were reports of fatal crocodile attacks in the Andaman Islands. Trained lifeguards are very rare along beaches.

Wildlife Safaris:  Many tour operators and lodges advertise structured, safe excursions into parks and other wildlife viewing areas for close observation of flora and fauna. However, safety standards and training vary, and it is advisable to ascertain whether operators are trained and licensed. Even animals marketed as “tame” should be respected as wild and extremely dangerous. Keep a safe distance from animals at all times, remaining in vehicles or other protected enclosures when venturing into game parks or safaris.

Trekking:  Trekking expeditions should be limited to routes identified for this purpose by local authorities. Use only registered trekking agencies, porters, and guides, suspend trekking after dark, camp at designated camping places, and travel in groups rather than individually. Altitudes in popular trekking spots can exceed 25,000 feet (7,620 m); please ensure you are fit to trek at these altitudes and carry sufficient medical insurance that includes medical evacuation coverage.

Train Travel:  India has the third largest rail network in the world, and train travel in India is generally safe. Nevertheless, accidents and on-board fires are sometimes caused by aging infrastructure, poorly maintained equipment, overcrowding, and operator errors. Train accidents and fires have resulted in death and serious injury of passengers.

Areas of Instability: Jammu & Kashmir:  The Department of State recommends that you do not travel to the union territory of Jammu & Kashmir because of the potential for terrorist incidents as well as violent public unrest. A number of terrorist groups operate in the territory targeting security forces, particularly along the Line of Control (LOC) separating Indian and Pakistani-controlled Kashmir, and those stationed in primary tourist destinations in the Kashmir Valley: Srinagar, Gulmarg, and Pahalgam. Foreigners are particularly visible, vulnerable, and at risk. In the past, serious communal violence left the territory mostly paralyzed due to massive strikes and business shutdowns, and U.S. citizens have had to be evacuated by local police. The Indian government prohibits foreign tourists from visiting certain areas along the LOC (see the section on Restricted Areas, below) and may require a travel permit to enter this area.

India-Pakistan Border:  The Department of State recommends that you do not travel to areas within ten kilometers of the border between India and Pakistan. Both India and Pakistan maintain a strong military presence on both sides of the border. The only official India-Pakistan border crossing point for persons who are not citizens of India or Pakistan is in the state of Punjab between Atari, India, and Wagah, Pakistan. The border crossing is usually open, but you are advised to confirm the current status of the border crossing prior to commencing travel. A Pakistani visa is required to enter Pakistan. Only U.S. citizens residing in India may apply for a Pakistani visa in India. Otherwise, you should apply for a Pakistani visa in your country of residence before traveling to India.

Both India and Pakistan claim an area of the Karakoram Mountain range that includes the Siachen glacier. Travel or mountain climbing in this area is highly dangerous. The disputed area includes the following peaks: Rimo Peak; Apsarasas I, II, and III; Tegam Kangri I, II and III; Suingri Kangri; Ghiant I and II; Indira Col; and Sia Kangri. Check with the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi for information on current conditions.

Northeastern States:  Incidents of violence by ethnic insurgent groups, including bombings of buses, trains, rail lines, and markets, occur sporadically in the northeast. While U.S. citizens have not been specifically targeted, it is possible that you could be affected as a bystander. If you travel to the northeast, you should avoid travel by train at night, travel outside major cities at night, and crowds. U.S. government employees at the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in India are prohibited from traveling to certain areas in the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Manipur without permission from the U.S. Consulate General in Kolkata. Restricted Area Permits are required for foreigners to visit certain Northeastern states (see the section on Restricted Areas, below.) Contact the U.S. Consulate General in Kolkata for information on current conditions.

East Central and Southern India:  Maoist extremist groups, or “Naxalites,” are active in East Central India, primarily in rural areas. The Naxalites have a long history of conflict with state and national authorities, including frequent terrorist attacks on local police, paramilitary forces, and government officials, and are responsible for more attacks in the country than any other organization through an ongoing campaign of violence and intimidation. Naxalites have not specifically targeted U.S. citizens but have attacked symbolic targets that have included Western companies and rail lines. While Naxalite violence does not normally occur in places frequented by foreigners, there is a risk that visitors could become victims of violence.

Naxalites are active in a large swath of India from eastern Maharashtra and northern Telangana through western West Bengal, particularly in rural parts of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand and on the borders of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, and Odisha. Due to the fluid nature of the threat, all U.S. government travelers to states with Naxalite activity must receive authorization from the U.S. Consulate responsible for the area to be visited, unless they are only visiting capital cities.

Restricted/Protected areas:  Certain states or portions of states require Restricted Area Permits. These include:

  • The state of Arunachal Pradesh
  • Portions of the state of Sikkim
  • Portions of the state of Himachal Pradesh near the Chinese border
  • Portions of the state of Uttarakhand (Uttaranchal) near the Chinese border
  • Portions of the state of Rajasthan near the Pakistani border
  • Portions of the union territory of Jammu & Kashmir near the Line of Control with Pakistan and certain portions of the union territory of Ladakh
  • The union territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands
  • The union territory of the Laccadives Islands (Lakshadweep)
  • Portions of the state of Manipur
  • Portions of the state of Mizoram
  • Portions of the state of Nagaland

More information about travel to/in restricted/protected areas can be found from India’s  Bureau of Immigration .

Restricted Area Permits are available outside India at Indian embassies and consulates abroad, or in India from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Foreigners Division) at Jaisalmer House, 26 Man Singh Road, New Delhi. The states of Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim maintain official guesthouses in New Delhi, which can also issue Restricted Area Permits for their respective states for certain travelers. While visiting Mamallapuram (Mahabalipuram) in Tamil Nadu, you should be aware that the Indira Gandhi Atomic Research Center in Kalpakkam is located just south of the site and is not clearly marked as a restricted and dangerous area.

For the latest security information, travelers should enroll in  STEP  to receive updated security information and regularly monitor travel information available from the  U.S. Embassy in New Delhi  as well as the U.S. Consulates General in  Mumbai  ,  Chennai ,  Hyderabad , and  Kolkata .

Crime:  Violent crime, especially directed against foreigners, has traditionally been uncommon. Petty crime, especially theft of personal property (including U.S. passports), is common, particularly on trains or buses, at airports, and in major tourist areas. Pickpockets can be very skilled and travelers have reported having their bags snatched, purse-straps cut, or the bottom of their purses slit without their knowledge. If traveling by train, lock your sleeping compartments and take your valuables with you when leaving your berth. If you travel by air, be careful with your bags in the arrival and departure areas outside airports. Be cautious about displaying cash or expensive items to reduce the chance of being a target for robbery or other crime, and be aware of your surroundings when you use ATMs. Scammers have used ATM card scams to clone credit card details and withdraw money.

Individuals have reported cases of sexual assault, including rape, against U.S. citizens traveling throughout India.

The U.S. government cautions citizens, especially women, not to travel alone in India. Please observe stringent security precautions. When traveling without known and trustworthy companions, use public transport specifically designated for “women-only” travelers, which is a free service offered by the Indian government in many metropolitan cities including Delhi and Hyderabad. Please restrict evening entertainment to well-known venues and avoid isolated areas when traveling alone at any time of the day. Keep your hotel room number confidential and make sure hotel room doors have chains, deadlocks, and peep holes. Travel with groups of friends rather than alone. In addition, only hire reliable cars and drivers and avoid traveling alone in hired taxis, especially at night. Use taxis from hotels and pre-paid taxis at airports rather than hailing them on the street. If you encounter threatening situations, call “100” for police assistance (“112” from mobile phones). If you use app-based services like “Uber” or “Ola” share your ride information with a friend.

Travelers in India are advised to respect local dress and customs. Indian women typically wear conservative everyday dress. This is the norm throughout the country, and even more so in rural areas. They wear clothing that covers their legs and shoulders. Exceptions are vacation resorts catering to foreign clientele and some neighborhoods of major cities like New Delhi and Mumbai. Western women, especially those of African descent, continue to report incidents of verbal and physical harassment by individuals and groups of men. Known locally as “Eve-teasing,” these incidents of sexual harassment can be quite frightening and quickly cross the line from verbal to physical. Sexual harassment can occur anytime or anywhere, but most frequently has happened in crowded areas such as in marketplaces, train stations, buses, and public streets. The harassment can range from sexually suggestive or lewd comments to catcalls to outright groping.

The Government of India has focused more on addressing gender-based violence. One outcome has been more reports of sexual assault nationwide. Indian authorities report rape is one of India's fastest growing crimes.

If you find yourself in a life-threatening situation, you should call the police immediately and follow up with a call to the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. We can sometimes connect you with an Indian non-governmental organization that may be able to provide assistance.  

Please review our travel tips for  Women Travelers .

If you are victimized overseas, you may be entitled to receive compensation for counseling and/or other services such as relocation back to the United States. For further information, visit the U.S. Department of Justice page for violence against women.

Scams are common at major airports, train stations, popular restaurants, and tourist sites. Scam artists prey on visitors by creating distractions. Be careful of taxi drivers and others. This includes train porters. They solicit travelers with "come-on" offers of cheap transportation and/or hotels. Travelers who accept such offers are often the victims of scams. These include offers to help with "necessary" transfers to the domestic airport, overpriced hotel rooms, unwanted "tours," unwelcome "purchases," long cab rides, and even threats when the tourists decline to pay. Tourists have reported being lured and extorted for money in the face of threats of violence against the traveler and his/her family members. Be careful when hiring transportation and guides. Use only well-known travel agents to book trips.

Some vendors sell carpets, jewelry, and gemstones. These items may be expensive and not of the promised quality. Deal only with reputable businesses and do not hand over your credit cards or money unless you are certain that goods being shipped are the goods you purchased. If a deal sounds too good to be true, it is best avoided. Most Indian states have official tourism bureaus set up to handle complaints. Do not agree to transport any goods on behalf of strangers in exchange for money.

India-based criminals use the internet to extort money from victims abroad. In a common scam, the victim develops a close romantic relationship with an alleged U.S. citizen they meet online. When the “friend” travels to India, a series of accidents occur and the victim begins to receive requests for financial assistance, sometimes through an intermediary. In fact, the U.S. citizen “friend” does not exist; they are only online personas used by criminal networks. Victims have been defrauded of thousands of dollars in these schemes. Do not send money to anyone you have not met in person and carefully read the Department of State’s advice on   international financial scams . 

In another common scam, family members in the United States, especially older people, are asked for money. The scammers claim to be grandchildren or relatives who have been arrested or are without money to return home. Do not send money without contacting the U.S. Embassy or Consulate General to confirm the other party’s situation. You can also call our Office of Overseas Citizens Services at 888-407-4747 (from overseas: 202-501-4444). Review our information on  emergency assistance to Americans abroad.

U.S. citizens have had problems with business partners, usually involving property investments. You may wish to seek professional legal advice in reviewing any contracts for business or services offered in India. The U.S. Embassy and consulates cannot give legal advice. They also cannot help U.S. citizens with Indian courts on civil or criminal matters. A list of local attorneys is available on the Embassy and Consulates General  websites .

See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for more information on scams.

Don’t buy counterfeit and pirated goods, even if they are widely available. Not only are the bootlegs illegal in the United States, if you purchase them you may also be breaking local law.

Victims of Crime:  U.S. citizen victims of sexual assault should first contact the local police, then inform the U.S. Embassy or local Consulate.

Report crimes to the local police by calling “100” or “112” from a mobile phone.  

Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting the crime.

See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

  • help you find appropriate medical care
  • assist you in reporting a crime to the police
  • contact relatives or friends with your written consent
  • explain the local criminal justice process in general terms
  • provide a list of local attorneys
  • provide information on victims’ compensation programs in the U.S.
  • provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution
  • help you find accommodation and arrange flights home
  • replace a stolen or lost passport

You should ask for a copy of the police report, known as a “First Information Report” (FIR), from local police when you report an incident. Local authorities generally can't act without a police report. 

If your passport is stolen, report the theft or loss right away. Report it to the police in the place where your passport was stolen. You need an FIR to get an exit visa to leave India. The Indian government requires it if the lost passport had your Indian visa. Although the Embassy or Consulate General is able to replace a stolen or lost passport, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) are responsible for approving an exit permit. This process usually takes three to four working days but can take longer.

In cases of sexual assault or rape, the Embassy or Consulates General can provide a list of local doctors and hospitals, if needed, to discuss treatment and prevention options for diseases and pregnancy. You should be aware that for evidence of an assault to be submitted in a court case, Indian authorities require that the medical exam be completed at a government hospital. Therefore, if a victim goes to a private hospital for treatment, the hospital will refer them to a government hospital for this aspect of the medical process. 

India has many resources for victims of rape and sexual assault. The specific toll-free Women’s Helpline Service number in Delhi is 1091; in Mumbai it is 103; in Kolkata, 1090; in Chennai, 1091 or 2345-2365; and in Hyderabad 1098.

The local equivalent to the “911” emergency line in India is “100.” An additional emergency number, “112,” can be accessed from mobile phones.

Please see our  information for victims of crime , including possible victim compensation programs in the United States. 

Domestic Violence: U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence may contact the Embassy or Consulates for assistance.

Tourism:  The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and facilities do not commonly occur. Hazardous areas/activities are not always identified with appropriate signage, and staff may not be trained or certified either by the host government or by recognized authorities in the field. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is typically available only in/near major cities. First responders are generally unable to access areas outside of major cities and to provide urgent medical treatment. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance. See our webpage for more  information on insurance providers for overseas coverage.

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties:  You are subject to local laws. You may face arrest, imprisonment, and/or deportation if you violate local laws, even unknowingly.  

Furthermore, some activities are crimes under U.S. law and can be prosecuted in the U.S. regardless of whether they are allowed under local law. For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the Department of Justice website.

If police or prison officials arrest or detain you, immediately ask them to notify the U.S. Embassy. See our  webpage  for further information.

Alcohol: Each of India’s states has its own rules for buying and drinking alcohol. Legal drinking ages range from 18 to 25 and can vary by beverage type. Some states permit alcohol use for medicinal purposes only while others require you to hold a permit to buy, transport, or consume alcohol. Penalties for violation can be harsh.

Several U.S. citizens at Indian airports have been arrested for attempting to smuggle illegal drugs from India. Many claim that they did not realize they were carrying narcotics. Never transport or mail packages that do not belong to you and maintain direct control of your luggage at all times.

Beef and Cow Hide:  Several states in India impose various types of prohibition on beef. In some rural areas, cow protection vigilantes have attacked people they suspected of selling or consuming beef, or possessing items made with cow hide.


Dual Nationality:  India does not permit its citizens to hold dual nationality. In 2006, India launched the "Overseas Citizens of India" (OCI) program, which does not grant Indian citizenship but is similar to a U.S. "green card" in that you can travel to and from India indefinitely, work in India, study in India, and own property in India (except for certain agricultural and plantation properties). If you are a U.S. citizen and obtain an OCI card you will not become a citizen of India; you will remain a citizen of the United States. An OCI card holder does not receive an Indian passport, cannot vote in Indian elections, and is not eligible for Indian government employment.

U.S. citizens of Indian descent can apply for OCI cards at the Indian Embassy in Washington or at the Indian Consulates in Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Atlanta, and Houston. Inside India, U.S. citizens can apply at the nearest FRRO office (please see “Entry/Exit Requirements” section above for more information on the FRRO). U.S. citizens must use a U.S. passport when traveling in and out of the United States.

Faith-based travelers and those participating in religious activities should refer to the Department of State's Report on International Religious Freedom. Indian law mandates that individuals engaging in religious proselytizing obtain a "missionary" visa. Immigration authorities have determined that engaging in certain activities, such as speaking at religious meetings open to the general public, could violate immigration law if the traveler does not possess a missionary visa. Foreigners with tourist visas who engage in missionary activity are subject to deportation and possible criminal prosecution. The states of Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Arunachal Pradesh have legislation that regulates or places restrictions on conversion from one religion to another. If you plan to engage in missionary activity, you may want to seek legal advice to find out if Indian law permits the activities you plan to pursue.

Tourists should also mind restrictions and observances when planning to visit any religious establishment. These include Hindu temples, mosques, churches, and other sacred places to the local population. Many individual temples and mosques do not permit non-members to enter all or parts of the facilities, and may require the removal of shoes, the covering of the head, or have other specific requirements for appropriate attire.  

Customs rules are strict. Before traveling to or from India, inspect all bags and clothes well. Make sure they do not contain banned items. Airport security officials have arrested or detained several U.S. citizens after discovering loose ammunition (including spent individual bullets and casings) or weapons in their luggage. If authorities find loose ammunition or bullets (including empty bullet shells used in souvenirs) on your person or in your bags, they will charge you with violating the Indian Arms Act, and may incarcerate or deport you from India.

Additionally, Indian authorities have arrested and prosecuted U.S. citizens for possessing satellite phones, which is strictly prohibited in India.

Indian customs authorities enforce strict regulations. They cover temporary importation into or export from India of items like antiquities, electronics, currency, ivory, gold objects, and other banned materials. You need permission from the Government of India to bring in restricted items, even if you are only transiting through India. If you do not comply with these regulations, you risk arrest or fine or both and confiscation of these items. If Indian law enforcement charges you with any legal violations, make sure to have an attorney review any document before signing it. The Government of India requires the registration of antique items with the local police along with a photograph of the item. It is advisable to contact the Embassy of India in Washington or one of India's consulates in the United States for specific information regarding customs requirements. More information is available from the Indian Central Board of Excise and Customs.  

Indian customs authorities encourage the use of an ATA (Admission Temporaire/Temporary Admission) Carnet for the temporary admission of professional equipment, commercial samples, and/or goods for exhibitions and fair purposes. ATA Carnet Headquarters, located at the  U.S. Council for International Business , 1212 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036, issues and guarantees the ATA Carnet in the United States. For additional information call (212) 354-4480, or  email USCIB  for details. Please see our section on  Customs Information  for more information.

Natural Disaster Threats:  Parts of northern India are highly susceptible to earthquakes. Regions of highest risk, ranked 5 on a scale of 1 to 5, include areas around Srinagar, Himachal Pradesh, Rishikesh and Dehradun, the northern parts of Punjab, northwest Gujarat, northern Bihar, and the entire northeast. Ranked 4 (high damage risk) is an area that sweeps along the north through Jammu and Kashmir, Eastern Punjab, Haryana, Northern Uttar Pradesh, central Bihar and the northern parts of West Bengal. New Delhi is located in zone 4. Severe flooding is common in hilly and mountainous areas throughout India. Flooding in 2013 in Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and other areas left thousands of people presumed dead and temporarily stranded dozens of U.S. citizens.

Typhoons/cyclones and subsequent flooding are common along the Indian coasts, in particular the Eastern coastal states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal, and have at times resulted in massive loss of life. Tourists and residents in areas prone to these events should remain vigilant during severe weather, monitor local media for latest developments, and heed all municipal warnings. Residents in these areas should have contingency plans for loss of power and unavailability of goods and services, including supplies for multiple days after a severe weather event.

Accessibility:  Individuals with disabilities may find accessibility and accommodation in India very different than what you find in the United States. Despite legislation that all public buildings and transport be accessible for disabled people, accessibility remains limited. One notable exception is the Delhi metro system, designed to be accessible to those with physical disabilities.

Students:  See our  Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips.

LGBTQI+ Travelers: The Supreme Court of India decriminalized same-sex relationships in 2018. Since then, state and union governments have been directed to develop reforms that protect the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) persons, including efforts to provide gender neutral bathrooms at schools and colleges and separate housing for gender-nonconforming and transgender persons in prison.

Although Indian law prohibits discrimination by state and nonstate actors based on sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or sex characteristics, the government is inconsistent in implementing and enforcing these laws, and reports of widespread discrimination, harassment, threats, and violence against LGBTQI+ persons, particularly in rural areas or by local police, persist. See our LGBTQI+ Travel Information page and section 6 of our  Human Rights  report for further details.

For emergency services in India, dial 112 from a cell phone; from a land line, dial 100 for police, 102 for ambulance (108 in parts of South India), and 101 for fire.

Ambulances are not equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment, and traffic does not yield to emergency vehicles. Injured or seriously ill travelers may prefer to take a taxi or private vehicle to the nearest major hospital rather than wait for an ambulance. Most hospitals require advance payment or confirmation of insurance prior to treatment. Payment practices vary, and credit cards are not routinely accepted for medical care.

Zika, dengue, malaria, measles, and other diseases are present in India. See the Center for Disease Control’s website for more information.

The quality of medical care in India varies considerably. Medical care in the major population centers approaches and occasionally meets Western standards, but adequate medical care is usually very limited or unavailable in rural areas.

We do not pay medical bills.  Be aware that U.S. Medicare does not apply overseas. 

Make sure your health insurance covers care overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See our webpage for more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage. Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas.We strongly recommend  supplemental insurance  to cover medical evacuation.

If traveling with prescription medication, check with the government of India to ensure the medication is legal in India. Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging with your doctor’s prescription. 

Pharmaceuticals: Exercise caution when purchasing medication overseas. Pharmaceuticals, both over the counter and requiring prescription in the United States, are often readily available for purchase with limited controls. Counterfeit medication is common and may prove to be ineffective, the wrong strength, or contain dangerous ingredients. When buying medication, consult with a medical professional and purchase from reputable establishments. Please visit the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention website on counterfeit drugs for more information.

Water Quality: Water is a common vehicle for the transmission of disease. Impure drinking water can transmit serious diseases such as typhoid, cholera, hepatitis, and dysentery. You can make water safe for drinking by filtering/boiling, distilling, or using chemicals. Bottled water is generally safe for consumption. It is best to stick to the major brands. The water bottle seal or cap should be intact.

Vaccinations:  Be up-to-date on all vaccinations recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If you are arriving in India from Sub-Saharan Africa or other areas with yellow-fever risk, Indian health regulations require that you present evidence of vaccination against yellow fever. If you lack such proof, authorities may immediately deport you or detain you in the yellow-fever quarantine center for six days. If you travel through any part of sub-Saharan Africa, even for one day, health authorities advise you to carry proof of yellow fever immunization.

Dogs and bats create a high risk of rabies transmission in most of India. Health authorities recommend vaccination for all prolonged stays, especially for young children and travelers in rural areas. It is also recommended for shorter stays that involve occupational exposure, locations more than 24 hours from a reliable source of human rabies immune globulin and rabies vaccine for post-exposure treatment, adventure travelers, hikers, cave explorers, and backpackers. Monkeys also can transmit rabies and herpes B, among other diseases, to human victims. Avoid feeding monkeys. If bitten, you should immediately soak and scrub the bite for at least 15 minutes and seek urgent medical attention.

Influenza transmission occurs from November to April in areas north of the Tropic of Cancer (north India) and from June through November (the rainy season) in areas south of the Tropic of Cancer (south India), with a smaller peak from February through April; off-season transmission can also occur. All travelers are at risk. During the flu season, health authorities recommend that all travelers get the influenza vaccine.

Outbreaks of avian influenza (H5N1 virus) occur intermittently in eastern India, including West Bengal, Manipur, Sikkim, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Assam.

Malaria risk depends on time of year and area the traveler is visiting. Please consult the  CDC website for India for more information. Dengue fever presents significant risk in urban and rural areas. Health officials report the highest number of cases from July to December, with cases peaking from September to October. The CDC recommends taking daytime insect precautions, such as wearing long-sleeved shirts and mosquito repellent.

Tuberculosis is an increasingly serious health concern in India. Please visit the CDC website or more information.

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Air pollution is a significant problem in several major cities in India, and you should consult your doctor prior to travel and consider the impact seasonal smog and heavy particulate pollution may have on you. The air quality in India varies considerably and fluctuates with the seasons. It is typically at its worst in the winter. Anyone who travels where pollution levels are high is at risk. People at the greatest risk from particle pollution exposure include: 

  • Infants, children, and teens 
  • People over 65 years of age 
  • People with lung disease such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema 
  • People with heart disease or diabetes 
  • People who work or are active outdoors 

Current air quality data can be found on the  Department of State’s air quality page . The data on this site are updated hourly. 

Rh-negative blood may be difficult to obtain as it is not common in Asia. 

Medical Tourism:  Medical tourism is a rapidly growing industry. Companies offering vacation packages bundled with medical consultations and financing options provide direct-to-consumer advertising over the internet. Such medical packages often claim to provide high quality care, but the quality of health care in India is highly variable. People seeking health care in India should understand that medical systems operate differently from those in the United States and are not subject to the same rules and regulations.  

Anyone interested in traveling for medical purposes should consult with their local physician before traveling and  refer to the information from the CDC . Persons traveling to India for medical purposes require the proper “medical” visa. Please check with the nearest Indian embassy or consulate for more information. 

Despite reports of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in hospitals, in general travelers should not delay or avoid treatment for urgent or emergent medical situations. However, health tourists and other travelers who may be contemplating elective procedures in this country should carefully research individual hospital infection control practices. 

Surrogacy:  Commercial surrogacy is illegal for foreigners in India, subject to complex local regulation. For additional information,  visit the Government of India’s official information on foreigner surrogacy .  

The U.S. Embassy and Consulates General in India maintain lists of local doctors and hospitals, all of which are published on their respective websites under "U.S. Citizen Services." We cannot endorse or recommend any specific medical provider or clinic. 

Travel and Transportation

Road Conditions and Safety:  Travel by road in India is dangerous. India leads the world in traffic-related deaths and a number of U.S. citizens have suffered fatal traffic accidents in recent years. You should exercise extreme caution when crossing streets, even in marked pedestrian areas, and try to use only cars that have seatbelts. Seatbelts are not common in three-wheel taxis (autos) and in back seats of taxis and rideshare vehicles. Helmets should always be worn on motorcycles and bicycles. Travel at night is particularly hazardous. 

On Indian roads, the safest driving policy is always to assume that other drivers will not respond to a traffic situation in the same way you would in the United States, including the use of driving lanes. Buses and trucks often run red lights and merge directly into traffic at yield points and traffic circles. Cars, autos, bicycles, and pedestrians behave only slightly more cautiously. Use your horn or flash your headlights frequently to announce your presence. It is both customary and wise. 

Inside and outside major cities, roads are often poorly maintained and congested. Even main roads frequently have only two lanes, with poor visibility and inadequate warning markers. On the few divided highways one can expect to meet local transportation traveling in the wrong direction, often without lights. Heavy traffic is the norm and includes (but is not limited to) overloaded trucks and buses, scooters, pedestrians, bullock and camel carts, horse or elephant riders en route to weddings, bicycles, and free-roaming livestock. 

Public Transportation:  Buses, patronized by hundreds of millions of Indians, are convenient in that they serve almost every city of any size. However, in some areas, they are often driven fast, recklessly, and without consideration for the rules of the road. Accidents are common. 

Traffic Laws:  Traffic in India moves on the left. It is important to be alert while crossing streets and intersections, especially after dark as traffic is coming in the "wrong" direction. Travelers should remember to use seatbelts in both rear and front seats where available, and to ask their drivers to maintain a safe speed. 

In order to drive in India, you must have either a valid Indian driver’s license or a valid international driver’s license. Because of difficult road and traffic conditions, you may wish to consider hiring a local driver. Your U.S. driver’s license will not work. 

If a driver hits a pedestrian or a cow, the vehicle and its occupants are at risk of being attacked by passersby. Such attacks pose significant risk of injury or death to the vehicle's occupants or risk of incineration of the vehicle. It could be unsafe to remain at the scene of an accident of this nature, and drivers may instead wish to seek out the nearest police station.      Protestors often use road blockage as a means of publicizing their grievances, causing severe inconvenience to travelers. Visitors should monitor local news reports for any reports of road disturbances. 

Please refer to our  Road Safety  page for more information. 

Emergency Numbers:  The following emergency numbers work in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Kolkata: 

  • National Emergency 112 
  • Police 100 
  • Fire Brigade 101 
  • Ambulance 102 

AVIATION SAFETY OVERSIGHT:  The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the Government of India’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of India’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the FAA’s Safety Management page . Travelers are urged to use caution while booking private helicopters for travel, especially in the northeast.

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on X (formerly known as "Twitter") and Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

India was cited in the State Department’s 2023 Annual Report to Congress on International Child Abduction for demonstrating a pattern of non-compliance with respect to international parental child abduction. Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in  India . For additional IPCA-related information, please see the  International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA )  report.

Travel Advisory Levels

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Travel Vaccines and Advice for India

Passport Health offers a variety of options for travelers throughout the world.

The Taj Mahal, Hampi, the Himalayas and the Caves of Ajanta are just the beginning for amazing sights in India. For thousands of years, the subcontinent has been the cradle of one of the most amazing cultures to visit.

Every year, tourists from around the globe flock to India to see its amazing sights and sounds. Whether you are a spiritual pilgrim, a business executive or an adventure seeker, India is sure to have something for you.

On This Page: Do I Need Vaccines for India? Other Ways to Stay Healthy in India Do I Need a Visa or Passport for India? What Is the Climate Like in India? How Safe Is India? What Should I Pack for India? Where Is the U.S. Embassy in India?

Do I Need Vaccines for India?

Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for India. The CDC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for India: typhoid , cholera , hepatitis A , polio , yellow fever , Japanese encephalitis , chikungunya , rabies , hepatitis B , influenza , COVID-19 , pneumonia , meningitis , chickenpox , shingles , Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) and measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) .

See the bullets below to learn more about some of these key immunizations:

  • Typhoid – Food & Water – Shot lasts 2 years. Oral vaccine lasts 5 years, must be able to swallow pills. Oral doses must be kept in refrigerator.
  • Cholera – Food & Water – A risk for travelers throughout India. Avoid swimming in popular rivers or streams as cholera may be present. Vaccination is recommended for some travelers.
  • Hepatitis A – Food & Water – Recommended for most travelers.
  • Polio – Food & Water – May be required if arriving from countries with active transmission. Recommended for some travelers to the region. Single adult booster recommended.
  • Yellow Fever – Mosquito – Required if traveling from a country with risk of yellow fever transmission.
  • Japanese Encephalitis – Mosquito – Recommended for all regions except: Dadra, Daman, Diu, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Lakshadweep, Meghalaya, Nagar Haveli, Punjab, Rajasthan, and Sikkim.
  • Chikungunya – Mosquito – India has the second most chikungunya cases of any region globally. Vaccination is recommended.
  • Rabies – Saliva of Infected Animals – High risk country. Vaccine recommended for long-term travelers and those who may come in contact with animals.
  • Hepatitis B – Blood & Body Fluids – Recommended for travelers to most regions.
  • Influenza – Airborne – Vaccine components change annually.
  • COVID-19 – Airborne – Recommended for travel to all regions, both foreign and domestic.
  • Pneumonia – Airborne – Two vaccines given separately. All 65+ or immunocompromised should receive both.
  • Meningitis – Direct Contact & Airborne – Given to anyone unvaccinated or at an increased risk, especially students.
  • Chickenpox – Direct Contact & Airborne – Given to those unvaccinated that did not have chickenpox.
  • Shingles – Direct Contact – Vaccine can still be given if you have had shingles.
  • Polio – Food & Water – Considered a routine vaccination for most travel itineraries. Single adult booster recommended.
  • TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria & Pertussis) – Wounds & Airborne – Only one adult booster of pertussis required.
  • Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) – Various Vectors – Given to anyone unvaccinated and/or born after 1957. One time adult booster recommended.

See the table below for more information:

Specific Vaccine Information

  • Typhoid – Salmonella Typhi causes typhoid, a severe infection transmitted via contaminated food and water. Vaccination is recommended for travelers and those with elevated infection risks. Practicing proper hygiene and safe food handling can also reduce the likelihood of contracting typhoid.
  • Cholera – Cholera is a highly infectious disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, primarily spread through contaminated water. It and causes severe diarrhea and dehydration. The cholera vaccine provides long-term protection against infection.
  • Hepatitis A – Be sure to protect yourself from hepatitis A, a contagious liver infection caused by HAV, through vaccination. The virus spreads through contaminated food, water, and close contact. Along with vaccination, maintaining proper hygiene and avoiding undercooked shellfish are essential for prevention.
  • Japanese Encephalitis – Japanese encephalitis, a mosquito-borne virus causing neurological issues, can be prevented through mosquito control, protective clothing, and vaccination. Vaccination is highly recommended for individuals in endemic areas or travelers.
  • Chikungunya – Chikungunya, a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes, causes fever and severe joint pain. Prevention includes using mosquito repellent and eliminating breeding sites. Vaccination provides the best protection.
  • Rabies – Rabies is a life-threatening viral infection transmitted primarily through bites and scratches from infected animals. Vaccination is the key to prevention, offering pre-exposure protection to high-risk individuals and post-exposure treatment for those exposed to rabies.
  • Hepatitis B – The hepatitis B virus causes liver infection, spreading through contact with infected bodily fluids. Prevention measures include safe practices and, notably, hepatitis B vaccination. This vaccine effectively triggers the immune system to produce antibodies, offering reliable, long-term protection against the virus.
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) – Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) are viral infections with distinct symptoms. They spread through respiratory droplets and close contact. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent MMR infections, with the MMR vaccine offering protection against all three diseases.

Malaria in India

Malaria is present throughout India, except for regions over 6,500 feet elevation. Travelers are generally advised to take antimalarials no matter their destination or itinerary in the country.

If you are traveling to India, make sure you are protected. Visit your local Passport Health to receive a comprehensive consultation on what you will need to stay safe. Book your appointment online now or call us at and make sure your dream trip doesn’t become a nightmare.

Other Ways to Stay Healthy in India

Prevent bug bites in india.

In case of bug bites, cleanse the area, use anti-itch treatments, and resist scratching to prevent infection. Seek medical help for severe reactions or if symptoms of vector-borne diseases emerge post-bite.

Food and Water Safety in India

Abroad, practice food safety by avoiding street vendors, washing hands thoroughly, and choosing well-cooked meals. Opt for bottled or canned drinks with unbroken seals. Prevent travelers’ diarrhea by practicing hand hygiene, skipping raw foods, and dining at reputable establishments.

Altitude Sickness in India

Altitude sickness, or acute mountain sickness (AMS), manifests at high elevations due to insufficient oxygen intake. To prevent AMS, ascend slowly, hydrate adequately, and consider medication. If symptoms arise—headaches, nausea—descend to lower altitudes immediately for rest and recovery.

Infections To Be Aware of in India

  • Avian/Bird Flu – Avian flu, a contagious virus affecting birds and humans, can be prevented through poultry vaccination, enhanced biosecurity on farms, proper poultry handling and cooking, vigilant outbreak surveillance, and public education on the virus and its transmission.
  • Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever – Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, caused by tick bites and person-to-person contact, requires preventive actions like tick protection and strict healthcare precautions.
  • Dengue – Dengue fever is a significant global health concern. Symptoms can escalate from mild fever to life-threatening conditions. Preventing mosquito bites is key to avoidance, with recommendations including repellent and netting use.
  • Leishmaniasis – The transmission of leishmaniasis primarily occurs through infected sand fly bites, with other routes of transmission possible. Preventing the disease involves minimizing exposure to sand flies. Early detection and treatment can prevent serious symptoms.
  • Zika – Zika, a virus carried by Aedes mosquitoes, can pose risks, particularly for pregnant women. Preventing Zika requires using mosquito repellent, practicing safe sex, and getting rid of mosquito breeding sites.

Do I Need a Visa or Passport for India?

India requires all U.S. travelers have a visa prior to entering the country. Visa requirements vary based on the purpose of travel, length of stay and family background. A passport with at least six months validity is also required.

Sources: Embassy of India and U.S. State Department

What Is the Climate Like in India?

India is a big country, the weather can be different depending on where you go. Here’s some information about the weather in some of India’s most popular places:

  • Goa: Goa is a beach place in India. The best time to go is from November to February when the weather is dry and comfortable.
  • Delhi: Delhi is a city in India. The best time to go is from October to March when the weather is good.
  • Mumbai: Mumbai is a city in India. The best time to go is from November to February when it’s cooler.
  • Jaipur: Jaipur is a city in India. The best time to go is from October to March when the weather is good.
  • Agra: Agra is a city in India. The best time to go is from November to March when the weather is good.
  • Kerala: Kerala is a place in India with lots of rain. The best time to go is from September to March when it’s dry.

Remember that the weather can change every year, so it’s always a good idea to check before you go.

How Safe Is India?

Avoid an embarrassing stop, over 70% of travelers will have diarrhea., get protected with passport health’s travelers’ diarrhea kit .

India is generally safe, but is still a developing country in many ways. Try to avoid the Indian-Pakistani border, as growing tensions have led to a less safe situation.

Petty crime, especially theft is common. This happens mostly in trains and buses. pick-pocketing is known to occur in some tourist areas. Violent crime is traditionally uncommon, though there has been a slight increase in recent years.

Scamming has become more common in many popular areas. Be especially careful in airports and train stations. If an offer for cheap transportation or hotel rooms seems too good, it probably is. Only use well-known travel agencies when booking your trip and planning activities in-country.

LGBT individuals will want to be especially careful as laws on homosexuality are unclear. While prosecution is rare, LGBT visitors may wish to avoid drawing attention.

What Should I Pack for India?

Packing for India can be a bit tricky, as the country is different from many popular travel destinations:

  • Pack light – Moving from place to place in India can be a bit tricky. Many forms of transportation have a tight fit and having something you can easily haul around is key. Bringing an extra backpack isn’t a bad idea either as a purse or small bag may not be enough to carry water, an umbrella and similar items.
  • Prepare for weather – Be sure to pack according to what season you’ll be in the country. Where you are headed is also a key factor as the Himalayas are a much cooler region.
  • Wear the right footwear – You’ll likely be doing a lot of walking (or even standing) in India. Make sure your shoes are up for the trip, your feet will thank you.
  • Bring a complete first-aid kit – The CDC has a complete list of recommended health items which can be found here . Some notable items include: sunscreen, insect repellent, hand sanitizer and diarrhea medicine like DiaResQ or other remedies.

Where Is the U.S. Embassy in India?

The State Department recommends all travelers to India enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive automated notifications from the U.S. Embassy. This program provides important information to travelers about potential threats in countries you may be visiting.

The U.S. Embassy in India is located at:

U.S. Embassy New Delhi Shantipath, Chanakyapuri New Delhi – 110021 India Telephone: +(91) (11) 2419-8000 Fax: +(91) (11) 2419-8407

Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, India is an absolutely amazing destination. From the Himalayas to the coast of the Indian Ocean, the country’s unique culture and feel has something for every type of traveler.

To learn more about what you can do to prepare for an Indian trip, visit your local Passport Health clinic. Book your appointment today by calling or scheduling online now.

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Before you travel check that:

  • your destination can provide the healthcare you may need
  • you have appropriate travel insurance for local treatment or unexpected medical evacuation

This is particularly important if you have a health condition or are pregnant.

Emergency medical number

Dial 112 and ask for an ambulance.

Contact your insurance or medical assistance company promptly if you’re referred to a medical facility for treatment.

Air pollution

Severe air pollution is a major hazard to public health, especially during the winter months (October to February). North Indian cities are most affected by extremely high levels of pollution. Children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing medical conditions may be especially affected. If you’re pregnant or have a respiratory or heart condition you may wish to consult a medical practitioner before you travel. More information about outdoor air quality is available from TravelHealthPro (from the UK’s National Travel Health Network and Centre).

Mosquito-borne diseases like dengue fever and Chikungunya occur all year round but are more widespread during the monsoon season. More information about disease risk and suggested preparatory measures is available from  TravelHealthPro  (from the UK’s National Travel Health Network and Centre).

Vaccinations and health risks

At least 8 weeks before your trip check:

  • the latest information on health risks and what vaccinations you need for India on TravelHealthPro
  • where to get vaccines and whether you have to pay on the NHS travel vaccinations page

Altitude sickness

Altitude sickness is a risk in parts of north and northeast India, including mountainous regions in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Ladakh, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, and West Bengal. Certain southern India states, like Kerala and Tamil Nadu, also contain high altitude regions. More information about altitude sickness is available from TravelHealthPro (from the UK’s National Travel Health Network and Centre).

The legal status and regulation of some medicines prescribed or bought in the UK can be different in other countries.

TravelHealthPro explains best practice when travelling with medicines .

The NHS has information on whether you can take your medicine abroad.

For more information, contact the High Commission of India in London or view the  Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare website  and the  Indian customs website .

Healthcare facilities in India

Local medical facilities are not comparable to those in the UK, especially in more remote areas. For psychiatric illness, specialised treatment may not be available outside major cities. In major cities, private medical care is available but expensive.

FCDO has a list of English-speaking doctors in India .

COVID-19 Healthcare in India

If you have symptoms of COVID-19 and want more information, contact a registered medical practitioner.

Testing is available on demand from private laboratories. More details on testing labs are available on the  Indian Council of Medical Research website .

Travel and mental health

Read FCDO guidance on travel and mental health . There is also guidance on TravelHealthPro .

Transplant surgery

If you’re travelling to India for organ transplant surgery, check in advance with the hospital to find out what proof they need about your circumstances in the UK. You may need to submit evidence of your marriage and birth of your children before the operation can take place. You can get copies of marriage and birth certificates from the General Register Office in the UK. You may want to have them legalised by the FCDO Legalisation office before travelling. The British High Commission cannot provide guarantees and certificates on your behalf.

If you are considering travelling to India for medical treatment, you should:

  • read more advice on  going abroad for medical treatment and elective surgery
  • discuss plans with your UK doctor before going ahead with any medical procedures abroad 
  • do your own research - private companies have a financial interest in arranging your medical treatment abroad and the information they provide should not be your only source of information

Find further  advice on medical tourism from TravelHealthPro , and NHS guidance on  going abroad for medical treatment , and (if relevant to you) on  cosmetic surgery abroad .

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India’s Latest Guidelines on International Travel

This timeline summarizes the most recent developments in the rules and regulations governing international travel to and from India.

Webinar – Navigating Global Minimum Tax in Asia: Insights for Businesses 

Thursday, November 16, 2023 | 9:00 AM San Francisco / 12:00 PM New York / 6:00 PM Brussels / 1:00 AM (Nov. 17 th ) Beijing 

Partner Kyle Freeman will introduce how key Asian economies are implementing the new changes, how companies are going to be impacted by the OECD’s global minimum tax framework, and what businesses should be doing to be prepared. 

Join us in this free webinar.


February 2023

  • From February 13, 11 AM , passengers coming to India from or via China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, and Thailand will not require a negative RT-PCR report from a pre-departure test for COVID-19. Travelers from these five countries will no longer have to fill the self-health declaration form on the Air Suvidha portal either. The 2% random testing on arrival in India [from any country of origin] policy that was started December 24 last year, shall continue.

January 2023

  • Reported by Times of India , all Indians traveling to Sri Lanka will have to follow the country’s revised COVID-19 protocols. Sri Lanka has announced that all tourists to the country will be required to carry their vaccination cards, and unvaccinated travelers must carry a negative PCR report obtained 72 hours prior to their arrival.

December 2022

December 29, 2022.

  • On December 29, 2022, India’s Federal Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya announced that RT-PCR test would be mandatory from January 1, 2023 for international passengers travelling to India from China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Thailand . The test must be conducted within 72 hours of undertaking the journey to India. 
  • These negative RT-PCR reports must be uploaded on the Air Suvidha portal before travel.
  • This requirement is in addition to the random two percent tests of all international passengers in all incoming international flights on their arrival in India irrespective of their port of departure.

December 28, 2022

Air India Express, India’s first international budget carrier that offers flights to the Middle East and Southeast Asia, has issued guidelines for the maintenance of Covid-appropriate behaviour by travellers travelling from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to India. The guidelines include:

  • All passengers from UAE should preferably be completely immunised as per the approved primary schedule of Covid vaccination. 
  • All visitors should preferably use masks and follow physical distancing on flights/travel and at all points of entry.
  • Post-arrival random testing is not required for children under the age of 12. However, if they have Covid-related symptoms upon arrival, they have to undergo testing in accordance with protocol. 

December 26, 2022

  • On December 24, 2022, Indian Health Ministry announced that international arrivals from China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Thailand will have to mandatorily present RT-PCR test results . In case any passengers from these countries are symptomatic or test positive for Covid-19, they will be quarantined. 
  • Economic Times reporting that Air Suvidha form filling to declare current health status will also be made compulsory for international passengers arriving from China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Thailand.
  • Times of India reporting that Qatar has reinstated visa-on-arrival (VOA) facility for Indian travellers , which were temporarily halted due to FIFA World Cup 2022 in the country. Indian nationals can get a free VOA in Qatar for a maximum stay of 30 days or as per the hotel reservation and under the following conditions: valid passport for at least six months, confirmed return tickets, and confirmed hotel reservation through ‘Discover Qatar’ website only.
  • Times of India  reporting that effective from January 1, 2023 , Serbia has discontinued visa-free travel regulations for Indian citizens , keeping in line with the requirements of European Union (EU) visa policy and measures to control illegal migrants. 

December 23, 2022

New guidelines applicable for international arrivals from December 24, 2022: “All travelers should preferably be fully vaccinated as per the approved primary schedule of vaccination against COVID-19 in their Country.” See here for the official Ministry of Health and Family Welfare notification issued December 22.

India will randomly test 2 percent of international travelers arriving in the country’s airports for COVID, with effect from Saturday (December 24) 10 am IST , as announced by Mansukh Mandaviya, Health Minister on Thursday December 21. Travelers will be allowed to leave the airport after submitting their sample. After the random testing, if found COVID-positive, the person’s sample shall be sent for genomic testing at a designated INSACOG laboratory network; reports shall be hared with Integrated Disease Surveillance Program at [email protected] by the concerned testing laboratory (besides sharing with the airport health organization APHOS) to be in turn shared with concerned state or union territory for further follow-up action.

  • India is becoming increasingly cautious after a surge in cases recorded in neighboring China as well as in Brazil, US, Japan, and Korea, besides it being the ongoing holiday and festive season, which witnesses a jump in travel. In another move, visitors to the Taj Mahal (Agra, Uttar Pradesh state), will undergo a COVID-19 test before they enter, as per reporting from news agency ANI. While wearing masks are not currently mandatory in most parts of the country, it will likely be increasingly encouraged. For example, the southern state of Karnataka has made wearing masks mandatory indoors and in closed spaces in guidelines released December 22.

December 14, 2022

  • DNA  reporting a travel advisory issued due to the ongoing chaos at Delhi international airport: “To ensure a quick security check, Air India has urged all travelers to bring just one piece of carry-on luggage and arrive at least 3.5 hours early.”
  • Times of India  reporting that Hong Kong and Nigeria are among the latest to remove COVID-19 travel rules for international travelers. 
  • Business Today  reporting that IndiGo has announced 32 connecting flights between India and Europe – flying to Milan, Manchester, Birmingham, Rome, and Venice – starting December 7, 2022. These international flights will operate in partnership with Turkish Airlines.

November 2022

  • Times of India  reporting that Germany is relaxing visa appointment rules for Indian tourists. According to German Missions in the country, Indian travelers can book their visa appointment at any VFS global Visa Application Centre in major Indian cities and the Schengen visa can be applied for three months before the travel date. However, this relaxation does not apply to the D-visa category – students, employment, and family reunion visas, among others.
  • New Air India flights announced between India and US, Europe ( Business Traveller ): – Air India is launching new flights connecting Mumbai with New York, Paris, and Frankfurt, and resuming non-stop flights connecting Delhi with Copenhagen, Milan, and Vienna. The new daily Mumbai-New York service to John F Kennedy International Airport will commence February 14, 2023, which will take Air India’s India-US frequency to 47 non-stop flights per week. – The new Air India flights from Delhi to Europe announced are: four weekly Delhi-Milan from February 1, 2023 and three weekly flights each on the Delhi-Vienna and Delhi-Copenhagen routes starting February 18 and March 1, 2023, respectively. – From Mumbai, new Air India flights are currently being planned to Paris* (thrice-weekly) and Frankfurt* (four weekly) from the next quarter. 
  • India is discontinuing the Air Suvidha self-declaration form starting November 22, 2022. Passengers flying into India will no longer need to fill out the Air Suvidha form from November 21-22 midnight and will not need to take an RT-PCR COVID-19 test.

On November 14, the Canada  government concluded an expanded Canada-India Air Transport Agreement “to allow unlimited flights between both countries”. The announcement said: “The expanded agreement allows designated airlines to operate an unlimited number of flights between the two countries. The previous agreement limited each country to 35 flights per week. The new rights under the expanded agreement are available for use by airlines immediately. Money Control reports that this will give Canadian airlines access to the Indian cities of Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, and Mumbai while Indian airlines will receive access to Toronto, Edmonton, Montreal, and Vancouver as well as two additional points (Canadian cities) selected by India. India is Canada’s fourth largest international air transport market and there are an estimated 1.5 million Indians living in Canada. Presently the only non-stop direct flights in this market are from Air India and Air Canada.

October 2022

The Financial Express  reports plans of Air India to add 20 weekly, non-stop flights to the US and UK between October and December. “With five additional flights a week to Birmingham, nine additional flights to London, and six additional flights a week to San Francisco, Air India said it will be able to offer over 5,000 additional seats every week.” Soon there will be seven Indian cities offering direct Air India flights to London.

September 2022

  • No new updates were made to the “Risk Levels” and “Safety and Security” sections of the Canadian government’s travel advisory for India: The Hindu report .
  • Hong Kong is lifting compulsory quarantine requirement for arrivals starting from September 26. There will be three days of medical surveillance during which inbound persons are free to go out but are obliged to comply with Amber Code restrictions under the Vaccine Pass, followed by a four-day self-monitoring period, making it a 7-day observation period in total, as per the Hong Kong government’s notification .
  • Taiwan will end mandatory quarantine for travelers arriving in the country from October 13 as per reporting from Reuters . Speaking to the media, Taiwan’s Cabinet spokesperson Lo Ping-cheng stated that from September 29, visa-free entry will be resumed for overseas travelers that previously enjoyed that status. Under its ‘New Taiwan Model’, the government is set to increase weekly arrival limits for international travelers to 60,000 from 10,000 and will not require PCR tests for arrivals. If the pandemic situation is stable, the country will end quarantine from around October 13 and increase the weekly arrival limit to 150,000.
  • Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced travel relaxations in Japan while in New York for the UN General Assemebly session. “… from 11 October, Japan will relax border control measures to be on par with the US, as well as resume visa-free travel and individual travel.”  BBC  reports that the cap on daily arrivals will also be lifted.
  • Fiji removed its COVID-19 test requirements for international travelers from September 5, 2022.
  • Media is reporting that Indians traveling to Indonesia can fast track their visa applications on arriving in Jakarta as VFS Global has reached an exclusive agreement with the Indonesian Immigrant Department.
  • See India’s guidelines for international arrivals – dated September 2, 2022 – which came in effect the next day. The document provides protocols to be complied by international travelers as well as those to be followed by airlines and all points of entry (airports, seaports, and land border). 
  • International flights resumed operations starting September 3, in Guwahati’s (Assam state) Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport (LGBIA), after a gap of two years. In the next few months, officials speaking to the  Hindustan Times said that the LGBIA airport will start flights from Guwahati to Yangon (Myanmar), Kathmandu (Nepal), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Hanoi (Vietnam), and Bangkok (Thailand).

January – August, 2022

  • Airlines and travel agents in India have to share details of international travelers with the Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBIC) 24 hours before departure and arrival. The information will be provided to the National Customs Targeting Centre-Passenger (NCTC). While this rule had been proposed five years ago, to combat tax avoidance and tax evasion, the government has only now developed a regulatory framework to implement this. India is among 60 countries collecting such details of international passengers. The Ministry of Finance issued the notification on August 8, 2022, as per media reports .
  • China no longer requires COVID test information for international arrivals from August 31, 2022 : On Thursday, August 25, 2022, China’s General Administration of Customs released  a new health declaration form for international arrivals, which removes the requirement for visitors to report their nucleic acid test results, infection status, and vaccination dates. This ninth version of the health declaration form will be implemented starting from August 31, 2022, and international visitors can report their health status online by filling out a form on the related WeChat account or webpage. Some  media  interpret that with this update, the current entry requirement, that is, the requirement to have international passengers take two PCR tests for COVID-19 within 48 hours of their departure, the second of which must be within 24 hours of their departure — will be lifted.  However, considering that China is still sticking to its dynamic zero-COVID strategy, we recommend that international travelers double-check with their flight companies for further information.
  • The Chinese Embassy in India has updated its “ Application Procedures and Material Requirements of China Visa “, to be implemented from August 24, 2022. See here for the list of requirements and procedures for various types of Chinese visas, including the M-Visa (commercial and trade activities) and the X1-Visa (long-term study): 
  • The  Business Standard  noted in a report that China was working to facilitate the return of foreign students, including from India, who have been stuck due to the COVID-19 visa restriction. The paper quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin who told media that the Chinese side were working intensively for the return of foreign students to China. In updated comments on the foreign ministry website, Wenbin said: “We are confident in seeing the return of the first group of Indian students in the near future. Building on that, the Chinese side will further proceed with the return of other Indian students in a well thought-out and orderly manner.”
  • India’s domestic air fare caps will end from August 31, as the civil aviation regulator DGCA rolls back restrictions imposed in 2020. This minimum to maximum price band had been introduced to avoid sky high ticket prices due to pent up demand in the domestic travel market. 
  • India’s passport offers visa-free access to 60 countries , including Bhutan, Nepal, Macao, Oman, Qatar, and Fiji. According to the latest Henley Passport Index, published by immigration consultancy Henley & Partners, India’s passport ranked 87th. India had ranked 90th in Q3 and Q4 in 2021. The latest index is topped by Japan, whose passport offers visa-free access to 193 countries, followed by South Korea and Singapore (at 192 countries each), and Germany and Spain (190). As per reporting by the Hindustan Times: Indians have ‘visa-on-arrival’ access in Thailand, Indonesia, Maldives, and Sri Lanka as well as 21 countries in Africa.
  • Speaking at the World Economic Forum on Tuesday, the Chinese Premier, Li Keqiang, promised to relax restrictions on international travel in an “orderly” way , which would include facilitating the return of foreign students to rejoin Chinese colleges. Around 500,000 foreign students are enrolled at universities in China, including 23,000 Indians. Li said: “All international students may return to China to continue their studies should they so wish, and outbound commerce and trade activities and cross-border travel for labor services will be advanced in an orderly fashion.” The comments were made during a Special Virtual Dialogue with Global Business Leaders hosted by the forum. Foreign diplomatic missions in China are presently trying to speed up the process to facilitate the return of international students to China. While this is now in a small-scale trial mode, any large-scale opening can be expected only when the country’s epidemic outbreaks slow down.
  • Competent authorities in China and India are communicating on securing the resumption of flights and to bring back the first group of Indian students to China at the earliest as reported in  The Economic Times.
  • Bhutan is allowing travelers into the country from September 23, 2022 – after a two-year gap. Tourists from India should note the levy of a sustainable development fee (SDF), charged at 1,200 ngultrums (approx. INR 1200) per day; children between the age of six and 12 are charged INR 600 per day and no fee is charged from children below the age of five. The SDF fee is not applicable everywhere – there are exemptions to the levy in 11 districts in the less popular Eastern Bhutan region, until December 2024. 
  • India is working to roll out e-passports as per its external affairs minister S. Jaishankar. The minister also informed that the Passport Seva System had been integrated with the DigiLocker system to facilitate paperless documentation. Jaishankar added: “The Ministry in collaboration with the Department of Posts operationalized 428 Post Office Passport Seva Kendras (POPSKs) to reach out to our citizens at their doorsteps. The Ministry has successfully integrated the passport issuance systems in 178 of our Embassies and Consulates abroad.” 
  • Saudi Arabia has lifted COVID-related travel restrictions on citizens travelling to India, Ethiopia, Turkey, and Vietnam and is accepting pilgrims for the forthcoming annual Hajj season, The Hindu  reports June 20, 2022. The requirement to wear face masks in closed places has also been relaxed.
  • China has updated its visa policy for Indians , including Indian professionals and students. China will accept visa applications of foreign nationals and their accompanying family members seeking to return to China for resumption of work in all fields. Visas for tourism and private purposes remain suspended. The details of over 12,000 Indian students have reportedly been forwarded to the Chinese government for visa processing. (Over 23,000 Indian students – mostly enrolled in medical colleges in China – had to return to India and were stuck during the last few years due to the coronavirus pandemic, which first broke out December 2019.) However, China is yet to announce resumption of normal flight facilities between the two countries.
  • The US does not require arriving international travelers to take a COVID-19 test within a day before boarding their flights to the country from June 12, Sunday. “As of 12:01AM ET on June 12, 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will no longer require air passengers traveling from a foreign country to the United States to show a negative COVID-19 viral test or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 before they board their flight. For more information, see Rescission: Requirement for Negative Pre-Departure COVID-19 Test Result or Documentation of Recovery from COVID-19 for all Airline or Other Aircraft Passengers Arriving into the United States from Any Foreign Country .”
  • Media reports say the DGCA has made masks mandatory at Indian airports and during flights. India recorded 7,240 new cases in 24 hours [ June 9 MoHFW update], the highest since March.
  • On Wednesday, June 8, India’s aviation regulator DGCA announced fresh guidelines for COVID-appropriate behavior. The wearing of masks is now mandatory inside the flight / throughout the air travel , and mask removal is permitted only under exceptional circumstances. Violators could be treated as ‘unruly passengers’ and removed from the flight before departure. This is in line with a Delhi High Court order, which stipulates that violators can be put on ‘no fly list’. 
  • India’s  overall passenger traffic  (both domestic and international) at airports reached 93 percent of pre-COVID levels in May 2022. International passenger traffic reached 63 percent and 72 percent of pre-COVID levels in April and May, respectively. Recovery of domestic travel reached 98 percent of pre-COVID levels in May 2022.
  • Turkey has relaxed all the conditions for Indian travelers entering the country, Turkiye Tourism Board said on Monday, June 6.​​ Now, Indian travelers no longer have to show proof of vaccination or proof of recovery from COVID-29 or negative RT-PCR test report.
  • The United States Embassy in India has tweeted (8.23pm, May 29): “The US Mission to India is pleased to announce that we are resuming routine in-person tourist visa appointments in September 2022. Previously scheduled placeholders have now been cancelled. Applicants whose placeholder appointments were cancelled may now reenter the scheduling system to book regular appointments. Appointments have been opened through 2023.”
  • Media reports say that Israel has removed COVID-19-linked travel requirements for foreign visitors, such as presenting a negative RT-PCR test prior to departure, undergoing an RT-PCR test upon arrival, and quarantine observation.
  • Livemint reports: “Malaysia Airlines will add new routes, increase frequencies and upgrade aircraft to cater to the Indian market, which remains a key geography for the airline.”
  • Saudi Arabia has banned its citizens from travelling to sixteen countries, including India, Indonesia, and Vietnam, after the Gulf state has recorded a five-fold rise in COVID-19 cases. News18 reports : “Saudi Arabia’s General Department of Passports dropped several Covid-19 restrictions towards the end of last year but are now reimposing some of them as Covid-19 cases are being reported from various parts of the world and China and North Korea bearing the brunt of the Omicron variant which is leading to fresh cases.”
  • Indian announced on May 12 that citizens planning to travel abroad are now eligible to get a third (booster/precaution) dose of vaccine three months after their second dose. The rules otherwise stipulate a nine-month gap between the second dose and booster shot. 
  • Scoot, the budget airline from Singapore Airlines Group, has launched daily flight services between Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) and Singapore, up from three times a week. As per reporting by The Hindu  [April 27, 2022], Scoot has a network of 42 destinations in 16 countries and territories, including Australia and Southeast Asia.
  • VietJet has announced that it will resume operations of six flights – on the Delhi-Hanoi route and Delhi-Ho Chi Minh City route from April 29, 2022. New flights have also been added by VietJet on the Mumbai-Phu Quoc route and New Delhi-Phu Quoc route, which are scheduled to start from September 9, 2022.
  • Hong Kong has banned Air India flights till April 24 due to COVID-19 as three passengers on board one of its flights had reportedly tested positive on arrival.
  • On April 11,  Times of India  reported that fully vaccinated passengers from the UAE traveling to India will not necessarily require a pre-departure RT-PCR test at the airport. The move is on a reciprocity basis. However, UAE travelers will need to fill out the passenger locator form on the Air Suvidha portal – same as travelers from any other destination visiting India. Also, travelers need to upload their COVID-19 vaccination certificate onto the Air Suvidha portal.
  • Scheduled international flight services have resumed from Sunday, March 27, 2022 after being suspended for two years due to COVID-19. Starting March 27, six Indian airlines and 60 foreign airlines will connect India with 63 countries . Under the new summer schedule (March 27 to October 29), foreign airlines will operate 1,783 weekly flights and Indian carriers will operate 1,466 departures every week. Among domestic airlines, IndiGo will operate 505 departures per week, followed by Tata Group-owned Air India at 361 weekly flights and its subsidiary Air India Express will operate 340 flights per week.
  • From the  Indian Express : More international airlines add flights to India : “Emirates said… it will be operating the 35 weekly flights from Mumbai, 28 from Delhi, 24 from Bengaluru, 21 each from Chennai and Hyderabad, 14 from Kochi, 11 from Kolkata, nine from Ahmedabad and seven from Thiruvananthapuram.”
  • On March 21, 2022, Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced  that from April 1, the Government will lift the flight ban on nine countries (i.e., Australia, Canada, France, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, the UK, the USA, and Nepal)  and cut the hotel quarantine period for arrivals. Currently, passenger aircraft from these nine countries are not allowed to land in Hong Kong. The Chief Executive also announced the preconditions for boarding a flight to Hong Kong and the COVID-19 control and prevention measures to be implemented upon arrival. Given this, there are  comments  saying that traveling to Hong Kong will not get much easier even after the ban is lifted. Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. plans just one inbound flight every two weeks for fear to be subjected to the city’s 14-day ban on airlines that carry too many passengers found to be infected with COVID-19.
  • Singapore announced it is lifting restrictions for all vaccinated travelers from next week. According to officials, from April 1, fully vaccinated adults and unvaccinated children will be allowed to enter Singapore without quarantining, if they take a pre-departure test . Only travelers on a ‘restricted list’ will face curbs in entering Singapore; as of March 24, 2022 – there are no countries on this list.
  • On March 21, the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) announced relaxed COVID-19-related regulations. NDTV reports MoCA saying “cabin crew members need not wear PPE kit, airlines need not keep three seats vacant on international flights for medical emergencies and security personnel at airports can resume pat-down search of passengers.” However, the use of face mask and maintenance of hand hygiene/sanitizer continues to be mandatory . Airlines may carry additional PPE protective gear, sanitizers, and N-95 masks to handle any respiratory infections related to cases on air – for passengers as well as the crew.
  • Cochin International Airport announces summer schedule (March 27 to October 29) with 1,190 weekly operations (international and domestic flights). 20 airlines will operate flights to destinations abroad (including 16 international carriers). Indigo has the most weekly departures to international destinations (42) and Air India Express accounts for 38 weekly departure operations. Other prominent carriers are Air Asia Berhad, Ethihad, Emirates, Oman Air, Qatar Air, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Kuwait Airways, Thai Airways, Sri Lankan Airlines, Gulf Air, and Fly Dubai. 44 weekly departures are scheduled for Dubai, followed by Abu Dhabi with 42. Air India Express will continue its weekly operations to London and Thai Air Asia will resume Kochi operations in June, with 4 weekly direct flights to Bangkok. Source:  The Hindu Business Line
  • Useful Quick Links from the Air India portal: – Official Circular on Restoration of Indian Visa (E-Tourist Visa and Tourist Visa) for Foreign Tourists   – Circular For Generating and Accessing International Digital Covid 19 Vaccination Certificate – International Travel Advisories
  • Singapore Airlines Group press release: All Singapore Airlines flights from India to Singapore will operate as vaccinated travel lane (VTL) services from March 16, 2022. This will provide eligible customers with quarantine-free entry into Singapore from eight points across India. Scoot, SIA’s low-cost subsidiary, will also progressively convert its non-VTL services from Amritsar, Coimbatore, Thiruvananthapuram, Tiruchi, and Visakhapatnam to VTL services. Short-term visitors and Singapore work-permit holders who seek to avail VTL services must apply for a Vaccinated Travel Pass (VTP) prior to their visa application. VTP applications should be made between three and 60 calendar days before the person’s intended date of entry into Singapore. Travelers must ensure their eligibility to use the VTL services before their flight. 
  • Regular international flights to resume March 27, 2022 after two years suspension. This is the start of the summer schedule 2022.
  • Economic Times reporting “ Global travel shedding Covid baggage as several nations ease restrictions for Indians “. 
  • India has once again extended its ban on regular commercial international passenger flights – until further orders – as per a circular dated February 28, 2022 issued by the Director-General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Flights under air bubble arrangements and international cargo flights will continue.
  • On February 28, 2022 , the Indian government updated its “ List of Countries/Regions in respect of which primary vaccination schedule completion certificate is allowed to be uploaded ” on the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare website: see document here . There are 88 countries now on this list . (The Union health ministry has removed the at-risk categorization of countries.) 
  • India and Thailand have finalized an air bubble arrangement, bringing the total number of such bilateral flight agreements to 37. Airline carriers between India and Thailand will begin operating flights starting in March, which will be subject to approval from the government. Thai Airways will commence flights between India and Thailand starting March 1 under this air bubble. Travelers should note the health protocols and the respective schedules of approved flights between Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, and Bangkok. Meanwhile, on February 25, SpiceJet announced it will launch six new international flights to Bangkok, commencing from March 10 in a phased manner. SpiceJet plans to launch flights connecting Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata with Bangkok. India reportedly has plans to reopen its regular international travel from March 15, but this is still a tentative date.
  • Singapore, UAE, and Kuwait have updated their travel guidelines and COVID-prevention protocols for travelers from India. See here to know more.
  • The Airport Authority of India has updated its state-wise guidelines for arriving passengers – by region. The PDF links may be accessed here: COVID Guidelines India Northern Region 14-02-2022 COVID Guidelines India Western Region 21.02.2022 COVID Guidelines India Southern Region 22-02-20212 COVID Guidelines India Eastern Region 18-02-2022 COVID Guidelines India North East Region 17-02-2022
  • Dubai ends rapid RT-PCR rules for Indian travelers. Under the new rules , travelers from India have to produce a negative COVID-19 test certificate issued by an approved health service provider and generated 48 hours before scheduled departure of the flight. Passengers will undergo a PCR test upon arrival in Dubai. Transit passengers will be expected to follow rules governing entry at their final destination.
  • It is being reported in The Economic Times that the aviation ministry has requested approval from the health ministry to allow resumption of international flights from mid-March. Reason cited by unnamed government source is that domestic traffic has rebounded.
  • The government has removed restrictions on the number of flights that can be operated between India and Ukraine under their bilateral air bubble arrangement to facilitate travel of Indians from the eastern European country. India has advised its citizens to temporarily leave Ukraine amid its deteriorating relations with Russia.
  • Indian media are reporting that the government is soon to make a decision on whether regular international flights can resume in the summer (March/April). It is being reported by The Economic Times that the aviation ministry has set an internal target of resuming international flight services once domestic airlines capacity touches 80% of pre-COVID flights. (Domestic airlines operated over 2,800 flights before the pandemic struck in 2020; as of February 13, they operated 2,058 flights. To reach the 80% mark, this number has to exceed 2,200.)
  • No testing or mandatory quarantine required for international travelers from February 14, 2022: On February 10, India revised guidelines for international arrivals, which will come into effect February 14, 2022 (Monday, 00.01 Hrs IST). The new guidelines remove the category of ‘at risk’ countries and has scrapped the seven-day mandatory quarantine. Instead, India’s health authorities recommend self-monitoring of 14 days for symptoms . The Union Health Ministry stated that there is “need to monitor the continuously changing” COVID-19 virus but accepted that “economic activities need to be taken up in an unhindered manner”. As per the latest guidelines, all foreign arrivals have to fill a self-declaration form online (Air Suvidha web portal), including a travel history of the past 14 days. They must also upload a negative RT-PCR test conducted within 72 hours of the departure date. Alternatively, they can upload a certificate confirming that they are fully vaccinated. This alternative option is only available for passengers arriving from the 72 countries whose vaccination program are recognized by the Indian government. They include Canada, Hong Kong, USA, UK, Bahrain, Qatar, Australia, New Zealand, and some European countries. See here for the official notification on the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare portal.
  • Australia will reopen its borders for international tourists from February 21 , subject to conditions. The move comes after almost two years of pandemic-linked travel restrictions. Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison said while making the announcement: “The condition is you must be double vaccinated to come to Australia. That’s the rule. Everyone is expected to abide by it.” However, travelers to Australia should note the state-wise rules and restrictions.
  • Vietnam reported to reopen for tourism, welcome foreign travelers from March 15, 2022. See here for information pertaining to travel to Vietnam .
  • On February 5, Bali reopened its borders for international travelers and resumed direct international flights. See here for information on travel to Indonesia .
  • On February 4, the state of Kerala released revised guidelines for international travelers. ( See here for the official notification by the Kerala government.) Any international traveler coming to Kerala, irrespective of their duration of stay, must undergo symptom surveillance. If they are found symptomatic, they must undertake an RT-PCR test at cost at the airport and take further action as per the test results. The revised rules advise home quarantine for international travelers who do not show symptoms; they must self-monitor their health for 7 days from the date of arrival and undergo testing if they develop symptoms. Rapid Antigen Test is advised on the 8th day after arrival. There will be random testing of 2% of international travelers on the flight, irrespective of the country of departure, and the costs will be borne by the Kerala state government. 
  • Singapore Airlines has restarted the vaccinated travel lane (VTL) with India. VTL flights allow quarantine-free travel into Singapore. There are VTL flights from Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai into Singapore. (Singapore has also restarted its vaccinated travel lane with Malaysia.) Passengers should note that there are limited flights and reduced seat quota on these routes.
  • The West Bengal state government announced on January 31, that it is rolling back its ban on all international direct flights coming from the United Kingdom to Kolkata.
  • Indians who are fully vaccinated can reportedly travel to these seven countries: UK, Thailand, Singapore, Cyprus, Vietnam, Israel, and Saint Lucia in the Caribbean.
  • Canada has relaxed COVID-19 testing requirements for travelers from India, starting January 28, 2022. People traveling on direct flights or on a one-stop flight from India do not have to show a negative RT-PCR test done at the Delhi airport within 18 hours of their departure. However, Canada still requires travelers from India to show an RT-PCR test report from an ICMR-approved lab . Fully vaccinated travelers must upload their relevant details onto the ArriveCAN app or website. 
  • India’s Ministry of External Affairs – Guidelines for International Arrivals – Quick Access to Documents: 
  • India has extended the ban on scheduled international commercial flights to 23:59 February 28, 2022: Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). This ban does not apply to international all-cargo operations and the DGCA-approved flights. The notification was released by the DGCA on January 19, 2022.
  • Hong Kong bars flights from India, U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada, France, Pakistan, and Philippines over Omicron fears, reports The Hindu (Jan.5, 2022).
  • Countries reported to be requiring mandatory vaccine booster shots for travelers include Kuwait, Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Croatia, Austria, Greece, and Israel. 
  • Gulf News is reporting that India is currently making a “day to day” assessment on the resumption of normal international flights. “One has to balance the concerns of public safety and travel,” said Rakesh Kumar Verma, Additional Secretary, Tourism, Government of India. “We will take very expeditious action as and when things improve and the assessment is carried out. I’m hopeful that [full] international travel will resume soon.”
  • Starting January 1, 2022, India’s air bubble arrangement with Saudi Arabia will be in effect. 
  • India has reached an air bubble agreement with Australia. According to reporting from Livemint : “Australian airline Qantas has recently started flights between Sydney and New Delhi. The airline is also set to start flights between New Delhi and Melbourne before Christmas. Air India also operated direct commercial flights connecting New Delhi with Melbourne and Sydney before scheduled international flights were suspended by the Indian government. Air India flights between India and Australia will resume in coming days, said a senior official with the airline.”
  • As of December 7, 2021 , India’s Civil Aviation and Health Ministry has made contactless self-declaration at Air Suvidha Portal mandatory for purpose of contact tracing. Exemption forms from the Air Suvidha portal has been discontinued. All international passengers arriving in India must fill in all the details.
  • 108 countries recognize India’s COVID-19 vaccination certificate for travel purpose as per data available on December 6, 2021 .

Commercial international flights were suspended in India since March 25, 2020 due to the coronavirus outbreak. Travel restrictions have begun to be gradually relaxed from October 2021.

Below we highlight the latest guidelines for international travel to and from India.

Latest updates

Status of india’s international air operations.

  • On March 8, an order from the government confirmed resumption of regular international flights from March 27, 2022 . “After being recognized the increase of vaccination coverage across the globe and in consultation with the stakeholders, the government of India has decided to resume scheduled commercial international passenger services to/from India from March 27, 2022, ie [that is] start of the summer schedule 2022,” said the order. India had suspended international flights for the first time in March 2020 and began operating air bubble arrangements since July 2020. 
  • As of February 28, 2022, India has extended its suspension of scheduled international flights “till further orders”. 
  • India rolled back its intention to resume normal international flight schedules from December due to the emergence of the Omicron COVID variant. On December 9, 2021, the civil aviation regulator announced announced the postponement of international scheduled commercial flights till February 28, 2022. Air bubble and evacuation flights schedules, approved flights, and air cargo will function.

India releases periodic guidelines for international passengers coming into India based on the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic and emergence of regional variants and their threat assessment. The latest travel guidelines for international arrivals to India were released on February 10, 2022 (and supersede previous notifications):

  • The Air Suvidha portal for submission of Self Declaration Form, which is mandatory: 

For evacuation flight schedule Phase 14 (October 1, 2021 to March 26, 2022), see Air India Vande Bharat Mission here (download PDF): . The evacuation mission has been in place since May 7, 2020. For destinations operated under air bubble arrangement Phase 13 ( September 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021), click here for PDF download .

  • As of April 15, 2021, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has restored electronic visa (e-visa) facility for foreigners from 156 countries. The e-visa facility is applicable for international tourists who wish to visit India for conferences, medical purposes, or business. The e-visa also extends to medical attendants.

Air Transport Bubbles

India has also established “Transport Bubbles” or “Air Travel Arrangements”, which are temporary arrangements between two countries aimed at restarting commercial passenger services when regular international flights are suspended as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. They are reciprocal in nature, meaning airlines from both countries enjoy similar benefits.

The details of such arrangements were last updated in February 2022.

India now has 37 air bubble arrangements in place: Afghanistan, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Canada, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Iraq, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Maldives, Mauritius, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Ukraine, UAE, UK, USA, and Uzbekistan.

More details can be seen on the government website here: 

  • Full service carrier Vistara has started non-stop flight services to Paris from Delhi under the air bubble agreement between India and Europe, according to reporting from The Economic Times . Under the air bubble pact, Vistara’s Boeing 787-9 (Dreamliner) aircraft will fly twice a week between Delhi and Paris – on Wednesday and Sunday. London, Frankfurt, Dubai, Doha, Sharjah, and Male are the other international destinations covered by Vistara, which is a joint venture between Tata Sons and Singapore Airlines.
  • The US will be lifting travel restrictions on foreign countries from November 8, Monday. Travelers must show proof of vaccination (WHO-approved vaccines); unvaccinated minors will be subject to testing requirements; and all travelers will need to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test 72 hours before departure to the US. See here for Reuters coverage of the changing rules.
  • Air India will offer non-stop flights between Delhi and Sydney starting November 15, 2021. Air India will operate the thrice-a-week service on the Delhi-Sydney-Delhi route under the Vande Bharat Mission. Australia has also formally recognized Covaxin, India’s COVID-19 vaccine.
  • India’s new visa norms stipulate that visas will be granted to foreigners only if they use water and air routes, not land routes. The Ministry of Home Affairs has allowed the gradual resumption of international travel to start from October 15, 2021 and tourist and e-visas will be issued for only a single entry per month. From November 15, all individual foreign nationals (on fresh tourist visas) will be allowed to enter India after observing prevailing COVID-19 protocols as notified by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. 
  • The Union Home Ministry announced on Thursday that India will allow foreign tourists traveling by chartered flights (Vande Bharat and air bubble flights) from October 15, rest from November 15, 2021. Foreigner tourists will be allowed to come in on non-charter flights from November 15 unless the extended restrictions on scheduled flights is substantially lifted. See the Home Ministry’s press briefing here  and reporting by the Economic Times here .
  • The Hindustan Times reporting on October 2 : “Australia’s visiting trade and tourism minister Dan Tehan said foreign students will be able to start “returning towards the end of this year and the beginning of next year”, ahead of the start of the first semester in February-March 2022. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia listed Covishield and China’s Coronavac (Sinovac) as “recognised vaccines” after an initial assessment of data on protection offered by the two jabs.”
  • CoWin, India’s digital platform for COVID-19 vaccination, is allowing travelers to download an international version of their COVID-19 vaccine certificate, which is compliant with WHO’s international travel guidelines. This feature went live on September 30, 2021, and allows fully vaccinated individuals to update their existing photo identity to passport number and date of birth to get their International Travel Certificate. See website:
  • The Indian Bureau of Immigration noted the specific categories of foreign nationals who are permitted to enter India by water routes or by flights, including those under the Vande Bharat Mission, or ‘Air Bubble’ (Bilateral Air Travel Arrangements) Scheme, or by any non-scheduled commercial flights as allowed by the Ministry of Civil Aviation in its notice MHA O.M. No.25022/24/2020-F.V/F.I dated October 21, 2020. See here for reference.
  • Air India has said it will run direct services between Muscat and Vijayawada “once a week or thrice from the first week of July”. The Vijayawada International Airport resumed international flights to Gulf destinations, such as Dubai, Kuwait, Muscat in June, to Singapore in April.
  • Budget carrier Air India Express will operate a total of 64 flights between Malaysia and India in July under Vande Bharat Mission. More below.
  • Foreign nationals who wish to travel to India for medical treatment can apply for a fresh visa under this category and choose one attendant to accompany them as per the visa category provisions (that is, if the original applicant has their medical visa approved).
  • On October 8, 2020, India’s civil aviation authority said the future of international flights will depend on the availability of a vaccine, hinting at the extension of air travel bubble arrangements into March-April next year.
  • Low-cost carrier SpiceJet announces its new flight operations connecting Delhi and Mumbai with London, starting December 4, which will come under the India-UK air bubble agreement.
  • New standard operating protocol announced August 22, 2020 for non-scheduled commercial flights under the repatriation scheme, Vande Bharat Mission, and Air Transport Bubble Agreements.

(Note: This article was originally published on August 4, 2020 and last updated on February 10, 2023.)

India Briefing  is produced by  Dezan Shira & Associates . The firm assists foreign investors throughout Asia from offices across the world, including in  Delhi  and  Mumbai . Readers may write to   [email protected]  for business support in India.

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COVID-19: travel health notice for all travellers

India travel advice

Latest updates: The Health section was updated - travel health information (Public Health Agency of Canada)

Last updated: August 15, 2024 09:58 ET

On this page

Safety and security, entry and exit requirements, laws and culture, natural disasters and climate, india - exercise a high degree of caution.

Exercise a high degree of caution in India due to the threat of terrorist attacks throughout the country.

In and around Bengaluru, Chandigarh and Mumbai - Exercise a high degree of caution

Exercise a high degree of caution in and around Bengaluru, Chandigarh and Mumbai. Consular services in-person are temporarily unavailable in those cities or surrounding areas. If you need consular services, contact the High Commission of Canada in India, located in New Delhi. At any time, you may also contact the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa.

Parts of Northeastern India - Avoid non-essential travel

Union territory of jammu and kashmir - avoid all travel.

This advisory excludes travelling to or within the Union Territory of Ladakh.

Border areas with Pakistan - Avoid all travel

This advisory excludes the Wagah border crossing.

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General elections are scheduled to take place between April 19 and June 1, 2024. Demonstrations could occur before, during and after the elections.

Disruptions to traffic and public transportation may also occur. Curfews may be imposed without notice.

  • Avoid areas where demonstrations and large gatherings are taking place
  • Follow the instructions of local authorities
  • Monitor local media for information on ongoing demonstrations

Mass gatherings (large-scale events)

Security situation

In the context of recent developments in Canada and in India, there are calls for protests and some negative sentiment towards Canada in traditional media and on social media. Demonstrations, including anti-Canada protests, could occur and Canadians may be subjected to intimidation or harassment. In Delhi and the National Capital Region, you should keep a low profile with strangers, and not share your personal information with them. Avoid crowded areas, including public transportation. You should always travel with someone and inform a friend or a family member of your travel plans.

Consular services in person are temporarily unavailable in and around Bengaluru, Chandigarh and Mumbai. Consular services in person at the High Commission of Canada in New Delhi will remain available.

Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir

The security situation in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir is tense. There are high risks of violent protests, civil unrest and acts of terrorism and militancy.

Violent clashes between militants and security forces occur regularly. Terrorist attacks against security forces have led to civilian casualties. Further attacks could take place at any time. You could find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The Indian army has enhanced powers in this territory. Authorities may impose curfews and security restrictions on short notice.

  • Avoid gatherings and demonstrations
  • Always carry ID
  • Expect a heightened security presence and security checks

Border areas with Pakistan

The level of tension between India and Pakistan may change suddenly. You could experience difficulties when travelling between the two countries. You may be subject to scrutiny if officials from either country become aware that you have recently travelled to the other.

The security situation along the border with Pakistan, especially along the Line of Control (LoC), which separates the Union territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh from Pakistan-administered Kashmir, remains volatile. Cross-border gunfire and shelling are occurring sporadically along the LoC. The presence of landmines and unexploded ordnance also constitute a risk.

Although international travellers regularly use the Wagah border crossing linking Amritsar, India, to Lahore, Pakistan, it remains vulnerable to attack. Security measures are in place. You may experience long delays.

Parts of Northeastern India

Several extremist and insurgent groups are active in the northeastern states of Assam and Manipur. They regularly target local government and security forces and may use various criminal activities to finance their activities.

Ethnic tensions in the State can also lead to conflict and civil unrest.

There is a threat of terrorism in India, particularly in:

  • the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir
  • the State of Manipur
  • the State of Assam
  • areas of East India where Naxalites groups are active

Maoist extremist insurgents, known as Naxalites, are responsible for the majority of terrorist attacks in India. These groups are usually based in rural and forested areas within zones of concerns, as defined by the Government of India, which include:

  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Chhattisgarh
  • Madhya Pradesh
  • Maharashtra
  • Uttar Pradesh
  • West Bengal

Extremist and insurgent groups usually target government and security forces, and sometimes, trains and railway tracks. While tourists are not usually specifically targeted, bystanders could be affected. Be particularly vigilant during election periods and in the lead-up to, and during, religious holidays and times of national significance, such as:

  • Republic Day (January 26)
  • Independence Day (August 15)

Targets of terrorist attacks could include:

  • government buildings, including schools
  • places of worship
  • airports and other transportation hubs and networks
  • public areas such as tourist attractions, restaurants, bars, coffee shops, shopping centres, markets, hotels and other sites frequented by foreigners

While in India:

  • always be aware of your surroundings when in public places
  • if you see a suspicious package, immediately leave the area and report it to authorities

Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and purse snatching, is common. Criminals may target foreigners, especially in major cities and tourist areas.

  • Be vigilant in all crowded locations
  • Don’t carry large sums of money
  • Ensure that your personal belongings, including your passport and other travel documents, are secure at all times

Petty crime frequently occurs on public transportation and overnight trains.

  • Ensure that the train compartment contains packages belonging only to you and other occupants
  • Store personal belongings in a safe place, and don’t leave the compartment unattended
  • Securely lock the doors

Serious crime against foreigners is less frequent, but incidents do occur.

Credit card and ATM fraud occurs. Be cautious when using debit or credit cards:

  • pay careful attention when your cards are being handled by others
  • use ATMs located in well-lit public areas or inside a bank or business
  • avoid using card readers with an irregular or unusual feature
  • cover the keypad with one hand when entering your PIN
  • check for any unauthorized transactions on your account statements

Exercise caution in tourist areas and airports where scammers particularly target foreigners.

Scams involving the exportation of jewels, gemstones, carpets, and other items have occurred. Taxi drivers may approach you, offering money to export such items.

  • Don’t accept any offer, no matter how convincing
  • Beware of offers for cheap transportation or accommodation, extended taxi rides and unsolicited guided tours

Romance scams

If you’re travelling to India to meet someone you’ve otherwise only met online, you may be the victim of a scam.

Be alert to attempts at fraud by persons who profess friendship or romantic interest over the internet.

Investment scams

Unsolicited emails offering attractive business or financial opportunities are most likely fraudulent.

Don’t travel to India to obtain restitution after losing money to a scam.

Overseas fraud

Spiked food and drinks

Never leave food or drinks unattended or in the care of strangers. Be wary of accepting snacks, beverages, gum or cigarettes from new acquaintances. These items may contain drugs that could put you at risk of sexual assault and robbery.

Women’s safety

Crimes committed against women frequently occur in India. Foreign women are often the target of unwanted attention.

Staring, verbal abuse, groping, and other forms of sexual harassment can occur anywhere, including in tourist sites and areas. Attackers sometimes act as a group.

Reports of rape and assault against foreign women have increased. You should be particularly vigilant:

  • on all forms of public transportation
  • at Yoga centres, ashrams and other places of spiritual retreats

Local authorities may not always respond adequately to reports of sexual violence and harassment.

  • Avoid travelling alone, particularly at night
  • Be extremely vigilant on public transportation, taxis and auto-rickshaws
  • Be careful when dealing with strangers or new acquaintances
  • Be wary of accepting snacks or beverages from new acquaintances
  • Avoid less populous and unlit areas
  • Respect local customs and dress codes
  • Reach police immediately if you feel threatened

If you are the victim of a sexual assault, you should report it immediately to local authorities and the nearest office of the Government of Canada.

Advice for women travellers

Forced marriages

Forced marriage affecting foreigners occurs, sometimes without the affected person’s prior knowledge or consent.

Some Canadians have been forced into marital arrangements and have been detained against their will. They have been subjected to threats, intimidation and violence by family members.

If you’re in Canada

If you’re in Canada and you believe that you’re being forced to travel overseas to marry, you should call your local police for assistance.

If you’re in India

If you’re in India and you believe that you’re being forced to marry, contact the nearest office of the Government of Canada. You may also contact the Emergency Watch and Response Centre .

Family members may retain passports to prevent victims from returning to Canada. Keep digital or physical copies of your travel documents in a safe place.

General information and advice about forced marriage

Demonstrations and mass gatherings

Protests in manipur.

Violent demonstrations have been taking place in Manipur State since May 3, 2023, resulting in casualties. Protests have led to disruptions to traffic and public transportation. Curfews have been imposed in several districts and mobile and internet services may be limited.

If you are in Manipur:

  • monitor local media for the most recent information
  • follow the instructions of local authorities
  • be prepared to modify your plans in case of disturbances
  • expect enhanced security measures and an increased police presence

Demonstrations, mass gatherings, general strikes, “bandh” or “hartal,” take place frequently. Even peaceful demonstrations can turn violent at any time. They can also lead to disruptions to traffic and public transportation.

Stampedes have occurred during mass gatherings, including religious ceremonies, and resulted in deaths and injuries.

Local authorities may impose curfews and other restrictions on short notice.

  • Follow the instructions of local authorities, including curfews

Road safety

Road conditions and road safety are poor throughout the country. Most roads, including major highways, are poorly maintained. There is severe traffic congestion. Driving conditions may be hazardous during the rainy season, and some roads can become impassable.

Drivers don’t respect traffic laws. They are often aggressive or reckless. Driving can be hazardous due to the presence of livestock or wandering cows, including in urban areas.

Fatal road accidents are frequent. They can lead to mob anger and assault.

  • Avoid travelling outside urban centres after dark
  • Avoid driving or riding motorcycles in India, even if you are an experienced motorcyclist
  • Be very careful when crossing the street, even at pedestrian crossings
  • If involved in an accident, contact local authorities immediately

Public transportation

India has an extensive passenger train system. Rail accidents are common, mostly due to poor maintenance. Thefts are frequent on certain train lines.

If you use a taxi, get it from a reputable hotel, an official taxi stand, or a trusted ride-sharing app. At the airport, use officially marked taxis or pre-paid transport services.

  • Negotiate fares in advance, or insist that the driver use the meter, as you may be overcharged
  • Avoid travelling alone, especially at night
  • Don’t share taxis with strangers

Maritime transportation

Maritime accidents occur regularly due to the overloading and poor maintenance of some vessels.

  • Don’t board vessels that appear overloaded or unseaworthy
  • Always wear a life jacket

Pirate attacks and armed robbery against ships occur in coastal waters. Mariners should take appropriate precautions.

Live piracy report - International Maritime Bureau

Water activities

Coastal waters can be dangerous. Riptides are common. Several drownings occur each year.

Beaches are not usually supervised by lifeguards. Many beaches don’t display warnings of dangerous conditions.

  • Seek local advice before swimming
  • Avoid swimming if red flags are flown
  • Avoid swimming during Monsoon season
  • Always wear a life jacket if you use a boat or a small embarkation

Water safety abroad

No commercial mountain rescue services are operating above 3,000 metres.

If you intend on trekking:

  • never do so alone and always hire an experienced guide from a reputable company
  • buy travel insurance that includes helicopter rescue and medical evacuation
  • ensure that your physical condition is good enough to meet the challenges of your activity
  • ensure that you’re adequately equipped and well informed about weather and other conditions that may pose a hazard
  • inform a family member or friend of your itinerary, including when you expect to be back to camp
  • know the symptoms of acute altitude sickness, which can be fatal
  • obtain detailed information on trekking routes or ski slopes before setting out and do not venture off marked trails or slopes

Wildlife viewing

Wildlife viewing may pose risks, particularly on foot or at close range. If you plan on visiting a wildlife area such as a tiger reserve:

  • always maintain a safe distance when observing wildlife
  • only exit a vehicle when a professional guide or warden says it’s safe to do so
  • only use reputable and professional guides or tour operators
  • closely follow park regulations and wardens’ advice

Large groups of monkeys are present in several parts of India, including some urban regions. Monkeys can get aggressive and rapidly overwhelm travellers in their search for food. They can also steal your belongings.

Be vigilant when in the presence of monkeys.

We do not make assessments on the compliance of foreign domestic airlines with international safety standards.

Information about foreign domestic airlines

Every country or territory decides who can enter or exit through its borders. The Government of Canada cannot intervene on your behalf if you do not meet your destination’s entry or exit requirements.

We have obtained the information on this page from the Indian authorities. It can, however, change at any time.

Verify this information with the  Foreign Representatives in Canada .

Entry requirements vary depending on the type of passport you use for travel.

Before you travel, check with your transportation company about passport requirements. Its rules on passport validity may be more stringent than the country’s entry rules.

Regular Canadian passport

Your passport must be valid for 6 months from your date of entry into India and must contain at least two blank pages for use by immigration officials.

Passport for official travel

Different entry rules may apply.

Official travel

Passport with “X” gender identifier

While the Government of Canada issues passports with an “X” gender identifier, it cannot guarantee your entry or transit through other countries. You might face entry restrictions in countries that do not recognize the “X” gender identifier. Before you leave, check with the closest foreign representative for your destination.

Other travel documents

Different entry rules may apply when travelling with a temporary passport or an emergency travel document. Before you leave, check with the closest foreign representative for your destination.

Useful links

  • Foreign Representatives in Canada
  • Canadian passports

Certain types of Indian visa services for Canadians have resumed. For additional information, please contact the visa service provider directly.

Latest information – Indian Visa Application Center in Canada

Ensure you apply for the proper type of visa for the specific purpose of your trip. If you are denied entry by immigration officials, you will be returned to your point of departure.

Canadian-Pakistani citizens are subject to different visa application and registration procedures.

You can only stay in India for up to 180 consecutive days on a tourist visa, even when its validity exceeds 180 days.

Residency registration

If you stay in India for more than 180 days, you must register within 14 days of arrival with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO).

  • e-FRRO online portal (for Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Bengaluru) – India's Bureau of Immigration
  • FRRO Contact List – India's Bureau of Immigration

Penalties for overstaying

Strict penalties are enforced for overstaying. If you overstay, you could be subject to fines, detention and a future travel ban.

If you have overstayed your visa, you must request an exit visa from the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO). This process can be lengthy.

Other entry requirements

Customs officials may ask you to show them a return or onward ticket and proof of sufficient funds to cover your stay.

Dual citizenship

If you hold an Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) card, you must present it upon entry and exit.

You must present a boarding pass and a photo identification to access airport departure terminals and public areas.

Lost or stolen passport

If your passport is lost or stolen, an exit visa is required to leave India.

To obtain an exit visa, you must present the FRRO with:

  • a police report
  • two current passport-size photographs
  • a letter providing details of the loss or theft from the High Commission of Canada to India in New Delhi or Consulate General of Canada in either Chandigarh or Mumbai

The FRRO will verify the entry details before issuing an exit visa. This process can take several days.

Restricted and Protected Areas

Special permits are required to visit certain parts of India designated as restricted or protected areas.

Restricted or protected areas – India's Bureau of Immigration

  • Poliomyelitis

You may need to produce proof of polio vaccination if you are arriving in India from:

  • Afghanistan
  • the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Confirm this requirement with the nearest Indian diplomatic office before travelling.

  • Foreign Representatives in Canada
  • Children and travel

Learn more about travelling with children .

Yellow fever

Learn about potential entry requirements related to yellow fever (vaccines section).

Relevant Travel Health Notices

  • Global Measles Notice - 13 March, 2024
  • Zika virus: Advice for travellers - 31 August, 2023
  • COVID-19 and International Travel - 13 March, 2024

This section contains information on possible health risks and restrictions regularly found or ongoing in the destination. Follow this advice to lower your risk of becoming ill while travelling. Not all risks are listed below.

Consult a health care professional or visit a travel health clinic preferably 6 weeks before you travel to get personalized health advice and recommendations.

Outbreak Monitoring

Chandipura virus in india.

Cases of acute encephalitis syndrome have been reported in India, primarily in Gujarat state.

The cause of the outbreak remains under investigation, but some cases have been linked to Chandipura virus, which can cause severe illness and death, particularly in children.

Bites from infected sandflies are thought to be the most likely way Chandipura virus is spread to humans. The best way to protect yourself when travelling is to prevent insect bites at all times.

Learn more: Insect bite and pest prevention Personal insect repellents Tips for healthy travel

Routine vaccines

Be sure that your  routine vaccinations , as per your province or territory , are up-to-date before travelling, regardless of your destination.

Some of these vaccinations include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, varicella (chickenpox), influenza and others.

Pre-travel vaccines and medications

You may be at risk for preventable diseases while travelling in this destination. Talk to a travel health professional about which medications or vaccines may be right for you, based on your destination and itinerary. 

Yellow fever   is a disease caused by a flavivirus from the bite of an infected mosquito.

Travellers get vaccinated either because it is required to enter a country or because it is recommended for their protection.

  • There is no risk of yellow fever in this country.

Country Entry Requirement*

  • Proof of vaccination is required if you are coming from or have transited through an airport of a country   where yellow fever occurs.


  • Vaccination is not recommended.
  • Discuss travel plans, activities, and destinations with a health care professional.
  • Contact a designated  Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre  well in advance of your trip to arrange for vaccination.

About Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres in Canada * It is important to note that  country entry requirements  may not reflect your risk of yellow fever at your destination. It is recommended that you contact the nearest  diplomatic or consular office  of the destination(s) you will be visiting to verify any additional entry requirements.

There is a risk of hepatitis A in this destination. It is a disease of the liver. People can get hepatitis A if they ingest contaminated food or water, eat foods prepared by an infectious person, or if they have close physical contact (such as oral-anal sex) with an infectious person, although casual contact among people does not spread the virus.

Practise  safe food and water precautions and wash your hands often. Vaccination is recommended for all travellers to areas where hepatitis A is present.

Measles is a highly contagious viral disease. It can spread quickly from person to person by direct contact and through droplets in the air.

Anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk of being infected with it when travelling internationally.

Regardless of where you are going, talk to a health care professional before travelling to make sure you are fully protected against measles.

Japanese encephalitis is a viral infection that can cause swelling of the brain.  It is spread to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. Risk is very low for most travellers. Travellers at relatively higher risk may want to consider vaccination for JE prior to travelling.

Travellers are at higher risk if they will be:

  • travelling long term (e.g. more than 30 days)
  • making multiple trips to endemic areas
  • staying for extended periods in rural areas
  • visiting an area suffering a JE outbreak
  • engaging in activities involving high contact with mosquitos (e.g., entomologists)

  Hepatitis B is a risk in every destination. It is a viral liver disease that is easily transmitted from one person to another through exposure to blood and body fluids containing the hepatitis B virus.  Travellers who may be exposed to blood or other bodily fluids (e.g., through sexual contact, medical treatment, sharing needles, tattooing, acupuncture or occupational exposure) are at higher risk of getting hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for all travellers. Prevent hepatitis B infection by practicing safe sex, only using new and sterile drug equipment, and only getting tattoos and piercings in settings that follow public health regulations and standards.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious viral disease. It can spread from person to person by direct contact and through droplets in the air.

It is recommended that all eligible travellers complete a COVID-19 vaccine series along with any additional recommended doses in Canada before travelling. Evidence shows that vaccines are very effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19. While vaccination provides better protection against serious illness, you may still be at risk of infection from the virus that causes COVID-19. Anyone who has not completed a vaccine series is at increased risk of being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 and is at greater risk for severe disease when travelling internationally.

Before travelling, verify your destination’s COVID-19 vaccination entry/exit requirements. Regardless of where you are going, talk to a health care professional before travelling to make sure you are adequately protected against COVID-19.

 The best way to protect yourself from seasonal influenza (flu) is to get vaccinated every year. Get the flu shot at least 2 weeks before travelling.  

 The flu occurs worldwide. 

  •  In the Northern Hemisphere, the flu season usually runs from November to   April.
  •  In the Southern Hemisphere, the flu season usually runs between April and   October.
  •  In the tropics, there is flu activity year round. 

The flu vaccine available in one hemisphere may only offer partial protection against the flu in the other hemisphere.

The flu virus spreads from person to person when they cough or sneeze or by touching objects and surfaces that have been contaminated with the virus. Clean your hands often and wear a mask if you have a fever or respiratory symptoms.

Typhoid is a bacterial infection spread by contaminated food or water. Travellers going to countries in South Asia should speak to a health care professional about getting vaccinated.

Malaria  is a serious and sometimes fatal disease that is caused by parasites spread through the bites of mosquitoes.   There is a risk of malaria in certain areas and/or during a certain time of year in this destination. 

Antimalarial medication may be recommended depending on your itinerary and the time of year you are travelling. Consult a health care professional or visit a travel health clinic before travelling to discuss your options. It is recommended to do this 6 weeks before travel, however, it is still a good idea any time before leaving.    Protect yourself from mosquito bites at all times:  • Cover your skin and use an approved insect repellent on uncovered skin.  • Exclude mosquitoes from your living area with screening and/or closed, well-sealed doors and windows. • Use insecticide-treated bed nets if mosquitoes cannot be excluded from your living area.  • Wear permethrin-treated clothing.    If you develop symptoms similar to malaria when you are travelling or up to a year after you return home, see a health care professional immediately. Tell them where you have been travelling or living. 

In this destination, rabies is carried by dogs and some wildlife, including bats. Rabies is a deadly disease that spreads to humans primarily through bites or scratches from an infected animal. While travelling, take precautions , including keeping your distance from animals (including free-roaming dogs), and closely supervising children.

If you are bitten or scratched by an animal while travelling, immediately wash the wound with soap and clean water and see a health care professional. Rabies treatment is often available in this destination. 

Before travel, discuss rabies vaccination with a health care professional. It may be recommended for travellers who are at high risk of exposure (e.g., occupational risk such as veterinarians and wildlife workers, children, adventure travellers and spelunkers, and others in close contact with animals). 

Safe food and water precautions

Many illnesses can be caused by eating food or drinking beverages contaminated by bacteria, parasites, toxins, or viruses, or by swimming or bathing in contaminated water.

  • Learn more about food and water precautions to take to avoid getting sick by visiting our eat and drink safely abroad page. Remember: Boil it, cook it, peel it, or leave it!
  • Avoid getting water into your eyes, mouth or nose when swimming or participating in activities in freshwater (streams, canals, lakes), particularly after flooding or heavy rain. Water may look clean but could still be polluted or contaminated.
  • Avoid inhaling or swallowing water while bathing, showering, or swimming in pools or hot tubs. 

Cholera is a risk in parts of this country. Most travellers are at very low risk.

To protect against cholera, all travellers should practise safe food and water precautions .

Travellers at higher risk of getting cholera include those:

  • visiting, working or living in areas with limited access to safe food, water and proper sanitation
  • visiting areas where outbreaks are occurring

Vaccination may be recommended for high-risk travellers, and should be discussed with a health care professional.

Travellers' diarrhea is the most common illness affecting travellers. It is spread from eating or drinking contaminated food or water.

Risk of developing travellers' diarrhea increases when travelling in regions with poor standards of hygiene and sanitation. Practise safe food and water precautions.

The most important treatment for travellers' diarrhea is rehydration (drinking lots of fluids). Carry oral rehydration salts when travelling.

Typhoid   is a bacterial infection spread by contaminated food or water. Risk is higher among children, travellers going to rural areas, travellers visiting friends and relatives or those travelling for a long period of time.

Travellers visiting regions with a risk of typhoid, especially those exposed to places with poor sanitation, should speak to a health care professional about vaccination.  

Insect bite prevention

Many diseases are spread by the bites of infected insects such as mosquitoes, ticks, fleas or flies. When travelling to areas where infected insects may be present:

  • Use insect repellent (bug spray) on exposed skin
  • Cover up with light-coloured, loose clothes made of tightly woven materials such as nylon or polyester
  • Minimize exposure to insects
  • Use mosquito netting when sleeping outdoors or in buildings that are not fully enclosed

To learn more about how you can reduce your risk of infection and disease caused by bites, both at home and abroad, visit our insect bite prevention page.

Find out what types of insects are present where you’re travelling, when they’re most active, and the symptoms of the diseases they spread.

There is a risk of chikungunya in this country. The level of risk may vary by:

The virus that causes chikungunya is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. It can cause fever and pain in the joints. In some cases, the joint pain can be severe and last for months or years.

Protect yourself from mosquito bites at all times.

Learn more:

Insect bite and pest prevention Chikungunya

Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever is a viral disease that can cause fever, pain and bleeding under the skin.  In some cases, it can be fatal.  It spreads to humans through contact with infected animal blood or tissues, or from the bite of an infected tick.  Risk is generally low for most travellers. Celebrations which include the slaughtering of animals and contact with their blood and/ or tissues may increase the risk of exposure to the virus.  

Protect yourself from tick bites and wear gloves or other protective clothing if you are in contact with the blood and tissues of  animals, particularly livestock. There is no vaccine available for Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever.

Visceral  leishmaniasis   (or kala azar) affects the bone marrow and internal organs. It is caused by a parasite spread through the bite of a female sandfly. It can also be transmitted by blood transfusion or sharing contaminated needles. If left untreated it can cause death. Risk is generally low for most travellers. Protect yourself from sandfly bites, which typically occur after sunset in rural and forested areas and in some urban centres. There is no vaccine or medication to protect against leishmaniasis.

Lymphatic filariasis , also known as elephantiasis, is caused by filariae (tiny worms) spread to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. It can cause a range of illnesses. Risk is generally low for most travellers. Protect yourself from mosquito bites. There is no vaccine available for lymphatic filariasis although drug treatments exist.

  • In this country,   dengue  is a risk to travellers. It is a viral disease spread to humans by mosquito bites.
  • Dengue can cause flu-like symptoms. In some cases, it can lead to severe dengue, which can be fatal.
  • The level of risk of dengue changes seasonally, and varies from year to year. The level of risk also varies between regions in a country and can depend on the elevation in the region.
  • Mosquitoes carrying dengue typically bite during the daytime, particularly around sunrise and sunset.
  • Protect yourself from mosquito bites . There is no vaccine or medication that protects against dengue.

Zika virus is a risk in this country. 

Zika virus is primarily spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. It can also be sexually transmitted. Zika virus can cause serious birth defects.

During your trip:

  • Prevent mosquito bites at all times.
  • Use condoms correctly or avoid sexual contact, particularly if you are pregnant.

If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, you should discuss the potential risks of travelling to this destination with your health care provider. You may choose to avoid or postpone travel. 

For more information, see Zika virus: Pregnant or planning a pregnancy.

Animal precautions

Some infections, such as rabies and influenza, can be shared between humans and animals. Certain types of activities may increase your chance of contact with animals, such as travelling in rural or forested areas, camping, hiking, and visiting wet markets (places where live animals are slaughtered and sold) or caves.

Travellers are cautioned to avoid contact with animals, including dogs, livestock (pigs, cows), monkeys, snakes, rodents, birds, and bats, and to avoid eating undercooked wild game.

Closely supervise children, as they are more likely to come in contact with animals.

There is a risk of Nipah virus infection in this country. Nipah virus infections can range from asymptomatic (no symptoms) to severe illness and death.

Nipah virus is spread to people from animals (such as fruit bats) but it can also be spread through contaminated food or close contact with someone who is ill.

Travellers to areas where Nipah virus is found should:

  • avoid consuming date palm sap products, including raw date palm juice
  • thoroughly wash and peel fruit before consumption
  • wash hands regularly with soap and water
  • discard fruit with signs of bites or fruit that has been found on the ground
  • avoid contact with fruit bats and areas where they are known to roost

For more information on preventing Nipah virus infection, visit Nipah virus: Prevention and risks .

There is no vaccine or medication that protects against Nipah virus infection.

Human cases of avian influenza have been reported in this destination. Avian influenza   is a viral infection that can spread quickly and easily among birds and in rare cases it can infect mammals, including people. The risk is low for most travellers.

Avoid contact with birds, including wild, farm, and backyard birds (alive or dead) and surfaces that may have bird droppings on them. Ensure all poultry dishes, including eggs and wild game, are properly cooked.

Travellers with a higher risk of exposure include those: 

  • visiting live bird/animal markets or poultry farms
  • working with poultry (such as chickens, turkeys, domestic ducks)
  • hunting, de-feathering, field dressing and butchering wild birds and wild mammals
  • working with wild birds for activities such as research, conservation, or rehabilitation
  • working with wild mammals, especially those that eat wild birds (e.g., foxes)

All eligible people are encouraged to get the seasonal influenza shot, which will protect them against human influenza viruses. While the seasonal influenza shot does not prevent infection with avian influenza, it can reduce the chance of getting sick with human and avian influenza viruses at the same time.

Person-to-person infections

Stay home if you’re sick and practise proper cough and sneeze etiquette , which includes coughing or sneezing into a tissue or the bend of your arm, not your hand. Reduce your risk of colds, the flu and other illnesses by:

  •   washing your hands often
  • avoiding or limiting the amount of time spent in closed spaces, crowded places, or at large-scale events (concerts, sporting events, rallies)
  • avoiding close physical contact with people who may be showing symptoms of illness 

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) , HIV , and mpox are spread through blood and bodily fluids; use condoms, practise safe sex, and limit your number of sexual partners. Check with your local public health authority pre-travel to determine your eligibility for mpox vaccine.  

Tuberculosis is an infection caused by bacteria and usually affects the lungs.

For most travellers the risk of tuberculosis is low.

Travellers who may be at high risk while travelling in regions with risk of tuberculosis should discuss pre- and post-travel options with a health care professional.

High-risk travellers include those visiting or working in prisons, refugee camps, homeless shelters, or hospitals, or travellers visiting friends and relatives.

Medical services and facilities

The quality of health care varies significantly throughout the country.

Medical care in major cities may be good, but it’s usually very limited or unavailable in rural areas.

Government hospitals provide free services or at a minimal cost. Private facilities often offer a higher level of care but can be expensive. Most hospitals require up-front payment or confirmation of insurance coverage before commencing treatment.

Specialised treatment for psychiatric illness may not be available outside major cities.

Make sure you get travel insurance that includes coverage for medical evacuation and hospital stays.

Health and safety outside Canada

Ambulances are often equipped with basic and old medical equipment.

Response times can be very slow. Traffic doesn’t yield to emergency vehicles.

In case of serious illness or injury, you may consider taking a taxi or private vehicle to go to the hospital rather than wait for an ambulance.

Medical tourism

Some Canadian citizens have had severe health complications following cosmetic or other elective surgeries abroad.

Before leaving for medical travel:

  • make sure you have done your research
  • use competent health-care providers only

Receiving Medical Care in Other Countries

Keep in Mind...

The decision to travel is the sole responsibility of the traveller. The traveller is also responsible for his or her own personal safety.

Be prepared. Do not expect medical services to be the same as in Canada. Pack a   travel health kit , especially if you will be travelling away from major city centres.

You must abide by local laws.

Learn about what you should do and how we can help if you are arrested or detained abroad .

Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs are severe. Convicted offenders can expect heavy fines and jail sentences. Detention during the investigation is common and can be lengthy.

Laws regarding the purchase and consumption of alcohol, including the legal drinking age, differ from state to state. Authorities often call for dry periods during:

  • religious festivals
  • national holidays

Drugs, alcohol and travel

It is prohibited to import, possess or use e-cigarettes, vaporisers and their refills.

Beef consumption

Cows are protected and venerated by several groups of faith in India.

Several states impose prohibitions on beef slaughter and consumption. In some rural areas, cow protection vigilantes have attacked people suspected of selling, consuming, or possessing beef or items made with cowhide.

Avoid consuming beef or its derived products while in India.

Religious proselytism

In certain states, it’s illegal to engage in religious proselytism, such as preaching, possessing, or distributing religious literature or material with the intent of converting. Indian authorities require foreign missionaries to obtain a missionary visa.

If you plan to conduct religious activities in India, ensure that:

  • the activities are legal
  • you possess the proper visa for the activities you plan to perform

Satellite devices

It’s illegal to carry or use a satellite device in India.


It is prohibited to take pictures of military installations, airports and dams.

Ask permission before photographing places of worship such as temples or mosques.

Imports and exports

There are strict regulations on the importation or exportation of items such as:

  • antiquities
  • electronic equipment
  • local currency
  • ivory and gold objects
  • protected animals
  • pornographic material

Among others, you must register antique items for export with local police, with a photograph of each item.

Customs Guide for Travellers - India’s Central Board of Excise and Customs

Dress and behaviour

India is a traditional, conservative and multi-faith society. To avoid offending local sensitivities:

  • Dress conservatively
  • Behave discreetly
  • Respect religious and social traditions
  • Avoid displays of affection in public
  • Avoid using footwear in places of worship

Indian family law is very different from Canadian law.

In case of dispute, consult a local lawyer to be fully aware of local laws regarding marital fraud, dowry abuse or extortion, custody, guardianship and visitation rights. Individuals facing charges may be forced to remain in India until their cases have been settled or charges dismissed.

Commercial surrogacy

If you’re planning to visit India to commission surrogacy arrangements, you should consider the potential challenges involved in pursuing international surrogacy. Seek specialist legal advice on Indian and Canadian laws before making any arrangements.

A proposed Indian government ban on foreign commercial surrogacy could affect Canadians travelling to India to enter into a surrogacy agreement.

You should also consult with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) on current policies regarding citizenship through descent and the issuance of Canadian travel documents.

Land and property disputes

If you plan on buying property or are involved in a land dispute in India, you should seek legal advice. Do so before making commitments. Related disputes could take time and be costly to resolve.

The offices of the Government of Canada in India can’t provide assistance or legal advice related to private legal matters.

2SLGBTQI+ persons

Indian law doesn't criminalize sexual acts or relationships between persons of the same sex.

However, 2SLGBTQI+ persons could be discriminated against based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or sex characteristics.

Travel and your sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics

Dual citizenship is not legally recognized in India.

If local authorities consider you a citizen of India, they may refuse to grant you access to Canadian consular services. This will prevent us from providing you with those services.

Dual citizens

International Child Abduction

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is an international treaty. It can help parents with the return of children who have been removed to or retained in certain countries in violation of custody rights. It does not apply between Canada and India.

If your child was wrongfully taken to, or is being held in India by an abducting parent:

  • act as quickly as you can
  • consult a lawyer in Canada and in India to explore all the legal options for the return of your child
  • report the situation to the nearest Canadian government office abroad or to the Vulnerable Children's Consular Unit at Global Affairs Canada by calling the Emergency Watch and Response Centre

If your child was removed from a country other than Canada, consult a lawyer to determine if The Hague Convention applies.

Be aware that Canadian consular officials cannot interfere in private legal matters or in another country's judicial affairs.

  • International Child Abductions: A guide for affected parents
  • Canadian embassies and consulates by destination
  • Request emergency assistance


You must carry your passport and Indian visa at all times.

Traffic drives on the left.

You must carry an International Driving Permit.

International Driving Permit

The currency in India is the Indian Rupee (INR).

Non-residents are prohibited from importing or exporting the Indian rupee. A limit of 25,000 rupees is imposed on residents.

Upon entering or leaving India, you must make a declaration to customs if you have USD 5,000 or more, or the equivalent in other currencies.

India is prone to extreme weather events such as:

  • dust storms
  • earthquakes

Extreme temperatures can occur in both spring and summer.

The rainy (or monsoon) season extends from June to September.

Heavy rain can cause flooding throughout the country, resulting in significant loss of life and extensive damage to infrastructure. Seasonal flooding and landslides can hamper overland travel and reduce the provision of essential services. Roads may become impassable and bridges damaged.

India’s coastline is subject to cyclones, particularly between April and December. These severe storms can put you at risk and hamper the provision of essential services.

If you decide to travel to a coastal area:

  • know that you may expose yourself to serious safety risks
  • be prepared to change your travel plans on short notice, including cutting short or cancelling your trip
  • stay informed of the latest regional weather forecasts
  • carry emergency contact information for your airline or tour operator
  • follow the advice and instructions of local authorities
  • Tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons and monsoons
  • Large-scale emergencies abroad
  • Weather forecasts and warnings - Indian Meteorological Department
  • Current cyclone activity - Tropical storm risk

Seismic activity

Parts of India are located in active seismic zones. Earthquakes occur.

In the event of an earthquake, follow the instructions of local authorities.

What to do during an earthquake

Air pollution

Smoke haze and other types of air pollution can be extremely hazardous in urban areas and cities such as Delhi. It’s typically at its worst in winter. In rural areas, air quality can be affected by agricultural burning.

Dust storms also occur across northern India.

Monitor air pollution levels, which change quickly, especially if you suffer from respiratory ailments or have pre-existing medical conditions.

During periods of high pollution:

  • limit your activities outdoors
  • monitor local media
  • System of Air Quality Weather Forecasting and Research - Ministry of Earth Science of India
  • Real time ambient air quality data - Delhi Pollution Control Committee
  • Air pollution in India - World Air Quality Index

In mountainous regions, avalanches present a risk and have resulted in fatalities.

  • Monitor local media and weather forecasts
  • Follow the advice of local authorities

Local services

In case of emergency, dial:

  • police: 100/112 from cellular telephones
  • firefighters: 101
  • medical assistance: 102
  • victims of sexual harassment: 1091

General services

The Indian Ministry of Tourism offers 24-hour general advice for tourists.

Dial: 1-800 111-363.

Consular assistance

The Consulates General of Canada in Bengaluru, Chandigarh and Mumbai are temporarily suspending in-person operations. You can obtain consular assistance and further consular information from the High Commission of Canada in New Delhi.

Consular services in person remain available at the High Commission of Canada in New Delhi.

Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Ladakh, Lakshadweep, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Pondicherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, and Uttarakhand.

For emergency consular assistance, call the High Commission of Canada in India, in New Delhi and follow the instructions. At any time, you may also contact the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa.

The decision to travel is your choice and you are responsible for your personal safety abroad. We take the safety and security of Canadians abroad very seriously and provide credible and timely information in our Travel Advice to enable you to make well-informed decisions regarding your travel abroad.

The content on this page is provided for information only. While we make every effort to give you correct information, it is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. The Government of Canada does not assume responsibility and will not be liable for any damages in connection to the information provided.

If you need consular assistance while abroad, we will make every effort to help you. However, there may be constraints that will limit the ability of the Government of Canada to provide services.

Learn more about consular services .

Risk Levels

  take normal security precautions.

Take similar precautions to those you would take in Canada.

  Exercise a high degree of caution

There are certain safety and security concerns or the situation could change quickly. Be very cautious at all times, monitor local media and follow the instructions of local authorities.

IMPORTANT: The two levels below are official Government of Canada Travel Advisories and are issued when the safety and security of Canadians travelling or living in the country or region may be at risk.

  Avoid non-essential travel

Your safety and security could be at risk. You should think about your need to travel to this country, territory or region based on family or business requirements, knowledge of or familiarity with the region, and other factors. If you are already there, think about whether you really need to be there. If you do not need to be there, you should think about leaving.

  Avoid all travel

You should not travel to this country, territory or region. Your personal safety and security are at great risk. If you are already there, you should think about leaving if it is safe to do so.

Traveling to India? Whether Air Suvidha is Mandatory or Not, It Depends on Your Travel Origin and Transit

In November 2022, Air Suvidha was removed for travelers flying into India from non-risk countries . As of today, India-bound travelers from the United States, the UK, Australia, Canada, Mexico, the UAE, Qatar and other non-risk countries are not obligated to take a pre-arrival RT-PCR test or submit a self-declaration form on the Air Suvidha portal.

Until 12 February 2023, pre-departure RT-PCR testing and Air Suvidha registration were mandatory for travelers arriving from or transiting in Singapore, Japan, or any other high-risk country, irrespective of their vaccination status. These requirements have been eliminated with effect from February 13.

Air Suvidha portal, Delhi IGI Airport news, special flights to India,

Picture Credit: The Economics Times Travel

In August 2020, the government of India launched AIR SUVIDHA, a first-of-its-kind facility easing travel to India for international travelers during the pandemic. Integrated to the website of New Delhi International Airport, Air Suvidha can make or break your travel plans for India. Compulsory for those traveling on international flights to India from/through high-risk countries, the Air Suvidha self-declaration form has been simplified over time. Filling out the Air Suvidha form online is the very first step to take for hassle-free travel to India from/through high-risk countries. Without this form or with incorrect details in the form, you will be denied boarding at the origin airport.  

On Air Suvidha, you must fill out a self-declaration form, disclose your travel details of the past 14 days (if any), and provide details of your completed full-vaccination schedule or upload a negative RT-PCR test report within 72 hours of undertaking the journey to India if your flight originates in or transits through a high-risk country. You don’t need to upload your vaccination proof, or negative RT-PCR report, or proof of recovery from COVID-19 on Air Suvidha, if there is no high-risk country in your itinerary. However, you should carry the original vaccination card/certificate if you are fully-vaccinated.

The website of New Delhi IGI Airport integrates Air Suvidha in the top right corner . A single click on Air Suvidha opens up a dropdown menu wherein you can access a new self-declaration form, or edit an already filled and submitted self-declaration form, or track the application status. You must fill out the Air Suvidha Self Declaration form with your (if you’re a primary traveler) contact number, passport number, PNR, flight/tail number, and other details. Kindly note that you can edit the form only once.

On successful submission of the self-declaration form, you will receive an email confirmation carrying a PDF attachment . Make sure to take 2-3 color printouts of the PDF because the hard copy may be asked for during boarding and on arrival. It will help not only you, but also the officials in expediting the boarding process and reducing inbound traffic congestion in the arrival area of entry airports. If an email confirmation does not hit the inbox or if there is no PDF attached to the email, you can track your application status on Air Suvidha portal before traveling on last-minute flights to India in emergency.  

Many travelers wonder whether they should use the same Air Suvidha form hosted on Delhi IGI Airport website if they are flying to Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, or Kolkata. Air Suvidha is the one-stop solution. It is mandatory for you irrespective of your entry airport and final destination in India, if you are traveling from or through a high-risk country.

Travel Beats is an overseas Indian community portal by, a leading international travel-booking portal trusted for best deals on cheap flights to India . Sign up to our free newsletter and follow us on Facebook or Twitter for the latest travel news and updates.

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968 thoughts on “ traveling to india whether air suvidha is mandatory or not, it depends on your travel origin and transit ”.

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We are traveling on delta airlines flight. From Atlanta to Paris on the13th August andParis to to Bangaloreonthe 14th by Air France reachingBangalore. In theearlyhoursof 15th August,we need exemption from the institutional quarantine, can we register in AirSuvidha.

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Hi, which pages of the passport need to be uploaded?

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I will travel in February 2022

2 questions.

Is the tail no. mandatory if I have the flight no (BA) ?

I land at Mumbai and will spend 3 days there before flying on to Chennai. Does this count as a connecting flight to Air Suvidha?

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Hi Michael! If your flight to Chennai is separately booked, it will not be counted as a connecting flight.

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What is port of origin and port of entry. And I have a connecting flight from Jeddah to Kuwait then to Mumbai. From there via train to Pune. Now please help to fill up the form my flight is on 4 January

Hi Syed! Jeddah is your country or port of origin and Mumbai is the port of entry.

Thanks for this. One other question. The air suvidha form asks for mobile telephone number and the sample form shows the Indian (91) prefix. But I have not been in India these last 2 years and hold no valid Indian number. Will the air suvidha form accept my Portuguese prefix (00351) number? Or should I fill in the number of my hotel in Mumbai?

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Hi I have flight with flydubai on 27th April wanted to fill my self deceleration form but it ask my seat number which I only take when I’m in airport and they give me ticket m, I want to know how much it take time after sending u self declaration I will recive confirm message ? My other question is that I have transit flight to Delhi I start from tehran and then I take my second flight in dubai to self declaration ask the flight number and I only could put one flight number so which flight number I should use ? Pls reply me as soon as possible Bcaz my flight is tomorrow. Thank you

Hi Solmaz! Some of our customers have written “00”, “NA”, or “Not Assigned”, in place of seat number. You can also try that. You should enter the number of your international flight to Delhi.

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My mother is travelling from Canada with a domestic connecting flight to India while filling the form which airline number should i select .The entry or the one connecting to India

Hi Pankush! You should provide the airline number of your flight from an international airport in the US.

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Hello, i have a flight from my home country jordan transit to sharjah then to my main destination coimbatore The self declaration form request the country of departure(origin), what is my country of deperature? Is it jordan or UAE? And what is the flight number required, is it jordan-sharjah flight number or sharjah-coimbatore flight number? Hope u answer me ASAP! Thanx in advance

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Hey my flight is from Toronto to Montreal and Montreal to doha then doha to Delhi I am confused which flight number I had to put on the air suvidha form.

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hi, we are traveling on January 11th to Amdavad Gujarat from Chicago USA do we need to have pcr covid test before boarding and Suvidha form to furnish?

Hi Raj! There is no Air Suvidha form now. It was removed a year ago. Also, you are not required to take any COVID-19 test before departure or after arrival these days.

We are traveling on delta airlines flight. From Atlanta to Paris on the13th August andParis to to Bangaloreonthe 14th by Air France reachingBangalore. In theearlyhoursof 15th August,we need exemption from the institutional quarantine, can we register in AirSuvidha. Pl confirm.

Hi Viswanatha! You must have a compelling reason like medical emergency, an accompanying child below 10 years of age, an accompanying pregnant woman, death in the family in India to apply for exemption from the mandatory 7-day institutional quarantine. Or, you can be exempted from institutional quarantine upon submitting a negative RT-PCR test on arrival in India, and the test should be conducted within 96 hours of the scheduled onward travel to India and uploaded to the website of the primary destination airport. Giving a declaration with respect to the authenticity of the RT-PCR test report is compulsory. You will find the Air Suvidha option on the website of Delhi Airport.

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My brother is travelling to India on 15th and planning to get the covid test done at the airport done on the same day. Can he show the -ve report at the arrival because he will getting the report on the same day without registering on air suvidha portal? How can he ask for exemption by registering on airsuvidha portal as it says you need to ask for exemption 72hrs prior to your journey?

Hi Krishan! A person traveling to India needs to undergo the COVID-19 test within 96 hours of the scheduled flight to India. He/she can submit the report on arrival in India. Before that, the traveler needs to fill out a self-health declaration form which can be found on the ‘Air Suvidha’ section of the New Delhi airport website. Filling out the form and submitting it online along with copies of passport and flight tickets must be done at least 72 hours before the scheduled flight to India. Hope your query is addressed satisfactorily.

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I submitted the application for exemption from institutional quarantine but did not get any response from state government. I had uploaded copy of my negative PCR covid test result done within 96 hours of boarding. What can I do ?

Hope you uploaded the test result copy along with copies of your passport and flight tickets.

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Hallo ,iam coming from oman to Kerala.But my home quarantine is in my another house not in the same district.So while filling the form what address is to be given for permanent location,house details? My quarantine house details or the house Iam living after my quarantine.

Hi Joel! We have a little idea about this. Please call the helpline number of Delhi airport.

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hi, it says I have to submit SDF atleast 72 hours before my flight, but at the same time it asks for a PCR test within 72 hours, how is that possible? I am unable to submit the SDF without the PCR test result. Please help.

Hi Arnab! Once you receive the negative RT-PCR report, you can submit both SDF and the report within 72 hours prior to undertaking the journey to India.

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Can u please share airsuvidha link where to upload info.

Hi Tina! Here is the link to Air Suvidha

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Salutations and Tashi Delek. Based on this answer it seems as though once you get a Negative RT-PCR it comes with a SDF number that you can post to Air Suvidha and schedule your test for arrival.

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Haai i need to know where to upload negative rtpcr result in air suvida

Hi Sibin! Air Suvidha is hosted on the website of Delhi IGI Airport. You are required to fill this form and upload the negative RT-PCR report here

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Hi , i have symptoms of covid and i will be doing pcr test at airport and if it’s positive so still can i fly?

Hi Jack! May we know your itinerary – where you are traveling from and to?

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Hi Indian Eagle,

We have heard that even after the PCR -ve test was submitted, people were still quarantined in Delhi and were restricted to travel further to final destinations. Please advise on the authenticity. Secondly, facilities here in NYC and Downtown Chicago may or may not provide the PCR test result within 96 hours. Please advise if you know any specific facilities can confirm to provide test results within 90 hours.

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Hi, I’m traveling form United States to Delhi on August 14. I tried getting the RT-PCR COVID test but they don’t allow getting a test if you don’t have any symptoms and are not referred by a doctor and currently, it takes 6-10 days to get the results. Would I be able to get an exemption if I take the rapid test instead of RT-CPR? Also, I live in Jaipur but my flight is only until Delhi. Can I travel from Delhi to Jaipur by road upon arrival or am I able to get on a domestic flight to Jaipur if I don’t have a negative RT-PCR test?

Hi Sonal! If your international PNR does not include the domestic leg and if you don’t submit the RT-PCR COVID test, chances are high that you will be quarantined for 7 days at an institutional facility upon arrival in Delhi.

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My daughter is travelling back to India today; she has ssubmitted all required forms on the air suvida portal with a negative test Report of RT-PCR But she keeps getting a rejection back email. What is the reason…

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Is the Air Suvidha facility with all formalities completed available only if a person lands in New Delhi?

I am planning to fly to Mumbai as it is my hometown. Please inform if I can fly to Mumbai directly from Toronto.

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Hello, my wife will travel from New York to Ahmedabad under AirIndia-VBM. We have received the ” approved status ” for the exemption from the Delhi Airport. Her final destination is Ahmedabad, so want to know the approved status mean to exemption only for Delhi or also it includes Ahmedabad-Gujarat.

Hi Rajesh! If the international leg and the domestic leg are in the same PNR, the approval for exemption from institutional quarantine will possibly apply to the entire itinerary. Exemption from 7-day institutional quarantine in Delhi or Ahmadabad means 14 days of home quarantine.

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Rajesh, If I fly from Chicago to New Delhi and from there to kerala If both flights are VBM, do I need to apply for exemption and do I need a self declaration form.

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Hi, i am facing deportaion from australia. There is no option for registering. What should i do to enter india

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Hi, I am travelling to India – Mumbai next week with Air France airlines. I will be testing for non-Covid certificate on Monday and my flight is on Wednesday. I live in joint family and there has been a death in the family because of which I need the exemption. I have following questions: i) Do I need to fill both Self Reporting form and Exemption form? ii) My uncle passed away, but it does not have option on the exemption form, can I select Parent on the form as we live in the same house. iii) If I have the non-covid certificate with negative, will I be exempted from the quarantine irrespective of the exemption form? iv) Is there an official helpline number that I can call for such queries?

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Hi, My mother needs to travel from Washington DC to Bhubaneswar. We have Vande Bharat flight till Delhi but none available till Bhubaneswar. So if we get an RT-PCR report, can she get exemption to board a normal domestic connection to Bhubaneswar

Hi Abhijeet! A negative RT-PCR report is supposed to get her through to the final destination without institutional quarantine in New Delhi.

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I travelling to India on 15.8.2020 I am applying for exemption for for home quarantine but it not responding it shows error what should i do?

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Do we still need to fill the Self reporting form if we have submitted the exemption form before 72 hours?

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Hi Indian eagle my parents has been requested for quarantine exemption on air suvidha on Aug 12 and still the status of application shows Pending. I had already uploaded the medical certificate of my mother (suffering from illness) but due the Pending status my parents are hotel quarantine. Is there any way to expedite the air suvidha approval process. Thanks in advance.

Hi Rahul! There might be a glitch. Some other people have also complained about the issues they faced on the Air Suvidha portal. You can also email your parents’ latest medical reports along copies of their passports and tickets to [email protected] . Hope it helps.

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what was your experience? did parents had to go for institutional quarantine. What comes under serious illness…i want to apply for my parents, pl reply

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Hi my wife and child travelling to kochi.Is it required to fill both exemption form and self declaration form.they are planning to home quarantine.while filling self declaration form, error is showing

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Hello, I plan to travel to Delhi on August 30 by United, arriving August 31 9,35 pm. I can either get a flight to Lucknow ( my ultimate destination) on Sep 1, or take a taxi to Lucknow on Sep 1 and go by road. Is road travel permissible? Will the exemption form work if I stay in a hotel overnight in Delhi? Alka

Hi Alka! The same certificate which will probably help you avoid being quarantined on arrival at Delhi Airport will help you get accommodated overnight in a hotel. You can go through a hotel-booking portal, select hotels and call them to know if they have any regulations. Road travel from Delhi is permissible. Maybe you need an e-pass to enter a different state by road.

I am flying from Chicago to New Delhi and from there to kochi (Kerala). Both flights are VBM and on a single ticket with only 3 hours layover. Do I need to register and submit the exemption form and self declaration form.

Hi Manesh! Filling out a self-declaration form is must. You can fill it out and upload online. Or you can fill out a hard copy during the flight. You may not need to apply for exemption from institutional quarantine in Delhi, as your entire itinerary is under VBM. Yes, you are required to fill out an exemption form if you are looking to avoid institutional quarantine in the final destination.

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Hi I will be traveling to Bagdogra from New York via United Airlines. The first port of entry is New Delhi, and there is a connecting flight to Bagdogra operated by Vistara on the same day. My question is if institutional quarantine is indeed a requirement at Delhi before any onward domestic connections are permitted, why is the airlines selling such itineraries ? I am confused whether the institutional quarantine will be at New Delhi or at Bagdogra ? Also, in the USA RT-PCR tests are only being carried out on persons displays COVID19 symptoms. So I will probably not be able to furnish a negative RC-PCR test certificate, and seek exemption from institutional quarantine.

Hi Debayan! If you have a single PNR for the international leg and the domestic leg of the itinerary, then you will be allowed to board the domestic flight without institutional quarantine in Delhi.

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I have 2 queries: I plan to travel USA-Delhi-Chennai in September on non-VBM flights.. Where will I do institutional quarantine, Chennai or Delhi? (2)Is there non-VBM flights to Chennai via Dubai or some such? Thanks.

Hi Muthiah! If you hold a single PNR for the itinerary from USA to Chennai, you will be put to institutional quarantine in Chennai, not in Delhi. Emirates is flying to India from USA via Dubai, but not serving Chennai currently. Please check USA to Chennai flights available on

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I hope to fly from St. Louis, USA to Bangalore, India on United/Lufthansa. The route is St. Louis – Chicago – Frankfurt – Bangalore. Would I need to complete the Air Suvidha form if I don’t touch Delhi?

Looking forward to hearing from you

Hi Savitha! You need to fill out a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha no matter what route and what airline you will be traveling on. You need to upload a negative COVID (RT-PCR) test report or a receipt of the test taken onto Air Suvidha only if you don’t want to be quarantined at a institutional facility on arrival in Benglauru.

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I have a flight with United number 867 but it is given error when filling

“Flight number / tail number should be minimum 4 to maximum 6 alphanumeric value, space and special characters not allowed”

Hi Manish! You can try entering UA867 without giving any space.

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It doesnt work with SPACE as well ..looks programming bug

I finally figured out and posting here for all..If we select connecting Domestic flight option as yes then we have to enter domestic flight of india as flight number. if you have connecting flight within other country then enter that option as NO

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thanks a lot paresh. chossing that connecting flight in india off worked

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thanks for this important info. I also faced same error. Now fixed.

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How do you print a copy of the information uploaded to Air Suvidha?

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Hi, I am travelling in Ethihad airways from Newyork to Aubudhabi on 2nd sept. From Aubhudhabi to Bangaluru on 3rd sept. I applied online for airsuvidha one day a head as I am unaware of these forms. How long does it take to approval our application. Since my father is in serious health issue and my mother is uneducated to talk with any doctor. I need to be there for taking care of my father and mother. Please let me know any contact numbers to talk with airport authority or the airsuvidha persons. Thank you

Hi Vijaya! We’re very sorry to know about your father. Hope he will recover soon. Karnataka government has scrapped 7-day institutional quarantine for people from abroad. Only those who will be found symptomatic during thermal screening and pulse oximeter reading on arrival at Bengaluru Airport will be sent to institutional quarantine. You need to fill out a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha. In case, you face any issue while filling out the form online, you can fill it up on board during the flight and submit it on arrival at the airport. And, you can also carry the latest medical reports of your father. make sure that you are found asymptomatic during thermal screening at Bengaluru Airport.

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Hi, I have applied for a quarantine exemption for my mother-in-law through the Air Suvidha Portal, but have not received the approval yet. Portal still shows pending. Can we please know how long it takes for Approval?

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Hello Sir My inlaws are travelling on Sep 8th and reaching bangalore on Sep 10th. They have filled in the AirSuvidha Form and i hope that is enough. If anything else is required kindly let me know. I hope there is no test required for them as Karnataka Govt is not demanding the same. They are travelling by Lufthansa

Thanks a lot.

Regards, Ram

Hi Ramprasad! Your parents don’t need to carry a negative RT-PCR test report while traveling to Bengaluru. On arrival, they will have to undergo thermal screening. If they are found symptomatic (fever, cold, cough, sore throat) in thermal screening, they will be shifted to a COVID Care Center for testing. Karnataka government has scrapped institutional quarantine only for asymptomatic international travelers.

Hello Sir…Thanks for the details… We have filled the AirSuvidha Form. Can you please let me know whether do we need to fill the repartition form mentioned in

As mentioned they are travelling from Houston to Bangalore in Sep 8th

Hi Ramprasad! As per the information available with us, Indian government’s most recent travel advisory has scrapped registration for those traveling to India from abroad. For more details, please check

Hi Kumar! Some people have faced the same issue. Be advised to upload the RT-PCR report over and again until you receive a response. FYI, most states of India have scrapped institutional quarantine for arriving international travelers. Only those who will be found symptomatic in thermal screening will be shifted to a medical facility for COVID testing.

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Hi there, I am travelling from Canada to India I have an Indian passport but my question once I land in Delhi do I have to be quarantined in Delhi Cuz I live in Rajasthan or if I have an exemption form does that work.

Hi Sawai! You won’t be quarantined if you hold a single PNR for the entire itinerary from USA to Rajasthan. On arrival at Delhi airport, you will get a passage to board your pre-booked domestic flight after thermal screening. If you are found symptomatic (feverish temperature, cough, cold or sore throat) in thermal screening at Delhi airport or the final destination in Rajasthan, you will be shifted to a medical facility for COVID testing. FYI, Delhi airport has launched a dedicated COVID testing facility for international travelers flying in. You can get yourself tested and receive the report in 7 hours if your domestic flight is scheduled after 8 hours of your arrival at Delhi airport.

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I am travelling to Hyderabad from new Jersey on Thursday, 10-09-2020. What is the earliest I have to apply for an exemption. I am scheduled for a covid test today. will get the results by wednesday(09-09-2020).

Hi Jishnu! Getting tested for COVID19 and carrying a negative report is not mandatory for exemption from institutional quarantine as Telangana government has scrapped institutional quarantine for asymptomatic travelers from abroad.

I have a layover in Delhi.

Is your entire itinerary from New Jersey to Hyderabad ticketed in a single PNR? If yes, you won’t be quarantined in Delhi. Upon arrival at Delhi airport, you will get a passage to board the pre-booked domestic flight to Hyderabad. Please note you will undergo thermal screening at Delhi airport.

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I am reaching nee delhi on 14th september from New york JFK airport.

I am finding it difficult to get the covid test PCR done before travel, Is the on arrival facility of testing for covid available at delhi airport.

Hi Eashwar! Yes, Delhi Airport has got a COVID-19 testing facility for people flying from abroad without a negative test report. Please go through for more information.

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Hello, good morning I am traveling from uae to mumbai. And ill be submitting my exemption letter on same day i travel. Cause apparently i dont have flight for next two days and hence my PCR test wont be valid when i will arrive. So if i am carrying negative test result but the exemption is still pending, will i still be able be allowed ?? Please I really need to know ths urgent Thank you

Hi Kasturi! As Mumbai is your destination/entry airport, be advised to check Mumbai’s new quarantine rule for people from abroad.

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I am traveling from USA to Hyderabad via London, Heathrow on the same PNR. I will have completed my covid test and the necessary forms required by Air Suvidha prior to my upcoming travel. I heard rumors that Hyderabad airport officials are making mandatory quarantine without symptoms for all passengers for 7 days and not honoring the protocols set by Air Suvidha, which is a contactless solution by Ministry of Civil Aviation and Delhi Airport for all international passengers coming to India. Is this true? Please respond ASAP as my travel is less than a week away. Thanking you very much

Hi Robert! Those carrying a negative RT-PCR test report not older than 96 hours of their flight from the port of origin are eligible for exemption from institutional quarantine upon arrival at Hyderabad Airport.

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My mom has been tested positive with COVID 19. I wish to travel to India from USA to take care of her . Can I apply exemption for this reason ?

Thanks, Anu

Hi Anu! We’re very sorry to learn about your mother. May she get well soon! We’re not sure whether this will be considered as an emergency situation for you. FYI, many Indian states have eased their quarantine norms. May we know your destination in India?

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Hi I think I just submitted my question, but I don’t see it here?

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Hi.. I will be travelling to kolkata from chicago in October. I am aware of the Negative RT-PCR report to avoid institutional quarantine?my 1st question is.. is the institutional quarantine is in Delhi or Kolkata? and since they asked to take the test within 92 hrs and submit the report within 72 hrs, which is quite difficult since results take a minimum of 3 days.. can i upload it in air subidha after 72 hrs ? In that case what do i do other than carrying the report with me in the flight? thank you

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My wife and me are travelling to Bengaluru airport by Air France from JFK airport, New York to Paris and from there to Bengaluru. , Reaching on 11 th October around 11-45 pm. , On Indian Passports and on return journey. We learnt that at Bengaluru airport, the COVID test is not required. We need to apply on line Air Suvidha for self declaration form only and also for exemption form also. We are boarding on 10 th October. Kindly inform whether we should take COVID test. Dudekula Imamkhasim

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My mother is flying from ORD – NEW DELHI this weekend is RAPID ANTIGEN TEST accepted for COVID by AIR INDIA ?

Hi Namrata! We are not sure whether antigen test is acceptable or not. What is being considered valid for exemption from institutional quarantine is a RT-PCR test from the port of origin.

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We are traveling from London to Bangalore on 4th October. We have filled the self declaration form. But just realized have entered the Date of birth incorrect. How can I correct it?

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I am having same issue. It is not allowing to correct the birth date. How did you manage?

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Hi Sabaab! The self-declaration form on Air Suvidha can be edited once.

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I am unable to edit the birthday though on edit mode. Can you help please

Hi Pravo! Please be advised to call the helpline of Delhi International Airport.

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Hi my inlaws are planning to travel from sydney to thiruvanathapuram in australiaindia repatriation flight(private chartered flight scoot -singapore airlines).nov 17 is their flight date. Their travel schedule is as follows: sydney to singapore and singapore to banglore by scoot no transit at singapore only for fuel filling.banglore to thiruvananthapuram by indigo.what are the procedures they have to do to reach safely at thiruvanathapuram? Should they register in air suvidha and apply for excemption?

Hi Krishna! There are three steps to be taken by your in-laws. First, they need to fill out a self-health declaration form in the Air Suvidha section of New Delhi IGI Airport website (you can fill it out on behalf of them and give them a printout). Second, they need to register their details on . Third, they need to obtain an e-pass from this Kerala portal. Upon arrival, they will be asked to show the e-pass to the health official at the Thiruvananthapuram airport. 14-day home quarantine is mandatory for everyone traveling to Kerala from abroad. Institutional quarantine is only for symptomatic travelers from abroad.

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Hi, I am planning to travel in December in Chennai. Apart from the above will same rules apply and do I need to first book flight?

Hi. I am travelling from chicago to Kolkata on 9th October in Air India with layover in delhi. Do, I need a RT PCR negative test to avoid institutional quarantine in Delhi. My ticket is under the same PNR Thanks

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I am travelling to Mumbai soon from Dublin and I will have my RT PCR done from dublin within mentioned time 96hours. This is an medical emergency travel as I have to do minor surgery. My question is do I have to still take RT pCR test upon my arrival in Mumbai? If it is negative will i be allowed to go for home quarantine? Your response will be appreciated.

Thanks a mill

Hi Rohit! In case of a medical emergency, you are eligible for exemption from institutional quarantine in India. Second, you carry a negative RT-PCR test report, institutional quarantine won’t enforced upon you.

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My Dad will be undergoing a bypass surgery. I wanted to be there to support my parents during this time. I will be flying in from USA and I wanted to know if this is within one of the categories for exemption from quarantine.

Hi Rahul! We’re very sorry to learn about your father. May he get well soon! Yes, a medical emergency back home in India makes you eligible for exemption from institutional quarantine. Please note, you need to carry valid medical documents recently issued by an authorized physician. For any other assistance and for booking the most suitable itinerary, you can contact our travel advisors at 1-800-615-3969.

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My father will be travelling from Houston, US to San Francisco, US and then staying in SF for 2 days. He will then travel to Delhi from San Francisco. He will be getting tested in Houston as the test result takes 3-5 days to come out and also needs to be uploaded atleast 72 hours prior to the flight. Is that okay?

Hi Chaitanya! It should work as per the reports.

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Hi my husband wants to travel for a short trip of 4 days to Delhi from Dubai and bak. We are citizens of India and residents of Dubai. Can i get an exexmption from home quarantine if i have negative rt pcr . also i have got the gdfra approval for coming back to dubai since i am a resident of dubai.

Hi Ashok! You may need to carry and show confirmed tickets for your return travel in order to get exempted from home quarantine during a short visit to India.

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Hello, I’m due to travel from Dublin, Ireland to Kochi, India via Dubai. I have filled the self declaration form in air suvidha. This form has to be shown upon arrival to India? Also do I need a COVID test certificate?

What other documents are mandatory?

The connecting flights have different flight numbers, which number should I use to fill the form? There is space for only one.

Many thanks, Sulthana

Hello! Since you have two PNRs for your itinerary, you may need to fill out the self-declaration form twice: one for the Dublin to Dubai flight, and the other for the Dubai to Kochi flight. Yes, the filled-out forms have to be shown upon arrival in India. Kerala has scrapped mandatory institutional quarantine for asymptomatic travelers from abroad. Hence, it is compulsory to have a negative COVID-19 test certificate. You need to register your details on Kerala’s COVID-19 Jagratha portal and obtain an e-pass from . Please note, without the e-pass, you will not be allowed to exit the port of entry in Kerala. Hope this information addresses your query.

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I am traveling in November 2020 from SanFrancisco -> New York -> Delhi -> Chennai, in three different flights with same PNR. I have submitted the self declaration form with origin city as SFO and flight number with New York to Delhi. Do I need to fill a different self declaration form?

Hi Uma! Basically, you need to fill out only one form – the self-reporting form on Air Suvidha. You are supposed to receive two forms from the airline: one for entry to India and the other for entry to your home state. If you are applying for exemption from institutional quarantine, you need to fill out an exemption form with your declaration ascertaining the authenticity of the Rt-PCR test/any other reason for exemption.

Hi Thank you for your swift response. I booked through United airlines and did not receive any forms to fill. I did my own research and saw one self declaring form and exemption. I filled in the flight details and Chennai address in it in the air suvidha portal. I have set up an appointment for rt pcr test (I need to take the test 96 hours before arrival in Delhi right?) and once i have the results (if at all before boarding) i will apply the exemption form. I have installed the arokya settu app. I do not have an Indian number so I filled in my US number for suvidha portal forms and my dad number in India for arokya setu app.

Have I missed anything at all? The guidelines are not really provided very clearly in any government site. and I appreciate all your efforts and time you are taking in answering these questions.

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What do you meant by country of origin in air suvidha form, Because it doesnt show country in in it..where iam supposed to travel to india fron uae…please revert

Hi Masood! The country of origin here means the country where you reside or where the first leg of your itinerary will begin. If you are looking to get exempted from institutional quarantine at the port of entry or your final destination in India, you need to take a RT-PCR test in your country of origin.

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Hi indian eagle,

I am flying from Kazakhstan to Dubai then to India. Where can I mention that the 1st aiport I enter is DXB airport and not Delhi Airport? Also what will be my country of origin?

Hi Gokula! Your country of origin will be Kazakhstan. In your itinerary, DXB is the connecting airport and Delhi is the port of entry/destination airport

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Hi Indian Eagle I am flying to Delhi India from Atlanta , Georgia, USA . I submitted the document which says that results of RT PCR are pending before 72 hours of the flight. I got the RT PCR report after 24 hours but within 96 hours before the flight. Should I wait for the response on the Air Suvidha portal or should I upload the RT PCR report before getting the response.

Hi I submitted the RT PCR Results Awaiting document on Air Suvidha portal before 72 hours of boarding the flight.I got the results of RT PCR after 24 hours have passed . Should I wait for a response on Air Suvidha Portal or submit another application with RT PCR report.

Hi Varun! Instead of waiting for a response, you can upload the test report.

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Hi indianeagle, I am travelling to India (final destination Chennai and stopover at Delhi) and I have a couple of questions – 1) Should my first port-of-entry on the application be DELHI or CHENNAI? 2) Where do I upload my RT-PCR test result? I do not see any link?

Hi Arjun! Your port of entry is Delhi and the destination is Chennai. You need to upload the test result to the Air Suvidha section of Delhi IGI Airport. Or you can download the Air Suvidha app and upload the test result using the app.

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Hi Indianeagle, I am travelling to India from USA and my final destination is Hyderabad and have a layover in Delhi. 1) I did take my RT-PCR test and uploaded the result on the portal for exemption form. My application was rejected and the reason for rejection was “Please Upload the RT-PCR test report with authorized stamp and signature”

what does this mean and what should I do to avoid any quarantine period in Delhi, Please advice

Hi Vijay! We are not sure what the message means. Please contact and check with the place where you took the test. FYI, you won’t be quarantined in Delhi, the port of entry, because Hyderabad is your final destination. If you are found symptomatic in thermal screening upon arrival at Delhi airport, you will be taken for testing. May we know how long the layover at Delhi is, and whether your entire itinerary is ticketed in a single PNR?

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Hey!! I am traveling from USA to India and in the self reporting form I have to provide country of origin. Can you please let me know whether I’ve to write The country of departure or the country of arrival.

Hi Diksha! In the self-reporting form, the country of origin means the country of flight departure.

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Hi, I am planning to travel to Mumbai from Los Angeles on Nov 7th and from Mumbai to Hyderabad on 15th nov . I am planning to return to Los angeles by Nov 23rd. Travelling to Mumbai as my dad has passed away and need to travel to hyderabad as my mother in law is not doing well. I am planning to get a covid test done in los angeles and apply for exemption. I have following questions: 1. My US phone will not work in India . How would this Arogya app work for me? 2. How can i do a home quarantine for 14 days in mumbai as i need to leave to hyderabad in a week’s time.

Hi Nandini! We’re sorry to learn about your loss. May your mother-in-law get well soon! You need an Indian phone number to install the Arogya Setu app. In general, Mumbai has 14-day home quarantine policy for all international arrivals. To get it cut short to 7 days, you can travel with valid medical documents of your mother-in-law in Hyderabad and confirmed tickets of your travel to Hyderabad to Mumbai, and show those upon arrival at Mumbai airport. Hope it will work for you.

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Hi , My inlaws are traveling to India starting from New Jersey USA on Nov 5th . I filled the exemption form and self declaration form with covid result doc attached on Nov 4th early morning. I am able to access the self declaration form and print it out. But exemption form shows pending status. How long does it take for them to update the status. how can I take copy of print out for exemption form?

Hi Navdeep! Don’t worry! They can carry a hard/soft copy of their negative RT-PCR test result and a printout of the exemption form, and show those upon arrival at the port of entry in India.

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I am trying to fill the Air Suvidha form. But it keeps giving me an error. Is there anyone here who has received an error?

Hi Aditi! Please make sure to fill the form during the working hours in India. May we know whether there is any message on the error screen?

Hi Aditi! Please give it a try during the working hours in India.

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Hi, my wife is travelling from Chicago to Delhi over next few hours. We tried submitting -ve RT-PCR report 3 times as following –

1. Upload pending results with RT-PCR test appointment – This was rejected right away mentioning -ve RT-PCR report is missing ( although portal says its fine to upload pending ).

2. Once I got the report, then uploaded report again. – Again rejected mentioning report must be within 96 hours of departure. The report is within 96 hours clearly.

3. Uploaded again mentioning & pointing out report is within 96 hours – again rejected with reason “please upload RT-PCR test report certificate with authorized stamp and signature“ now on same report.

I am running short on option & flight is coming up – any pointers that can be helpful here pls? Thank you for your help.

Hi Deepak! Some of our customers have faced the same issue. Don’t worry! You can travel with the hard/soft copy of the report and show it upon arrival at Delhi airport. In case, the report is not accepted at Delhi airport, you can take a test at the airport. Please go through for more information

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Hi, we are traveling from SFO to Delhi by Air India (Departure on 7th Nov and Arrival on 8th Nov) and then taking local transportation to go to Rajasthan.

We applied for exemption request with our RTPCR test -ve report merged in one pdf for all my family members. The reports are from well known pharmacy but the report do not contain any stamp or signature as no reports here have the same. Based on other users experience it seems the request could be rejected, may we know who we should get signature from (if its mandatory)?

Hi Amit! According to Air Suvidha, a valid stamp and signature on the RT-PCR test report is mandatory.

Thank you for your prompt response, may I know whose stamp and signature is required?

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Hi Amit, could you share your experience regarding this Valid Stamp and signature on the RT PCR report. is it mandatory? i have received a negative report, it does not have either stamp or signature. does Air Suvida reject this?

thanks for your time Sathish

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How about 2023 requirements? Still need a signature? Also, is it neccessary to include to certificate the time when the test was taken, passport number etc?

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We are travelling to Milwaukee to Delhi and then to Raipur. My RT-PCR test report is still pending and yet to come. Because of that my exemption form declined. I am going for a short trip to India. What are my options without quarantining? I believe before i reach the report will be available and might get through email. Can i show that and submit the for again or is there any other things i need to do. Please help

Hi Sasi! You can upload the report any time before your journey begins and carry a hard copy of the same to show at Delhi airport. The soft copy of the report in your email may work.

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Did you get the solution for this? I am also getting same issue

Hi Syed! May we know your query or concern?

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Hi, is it possible to EDIT PNR in the air suvida self-declaration forum bcoz I changed my travel date?

Hi Lucky! You can fill out another self-declaration form furnishing the new PNR.

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Hi, I am planning to travel on 28th Nov from Dubai arriving Mangalore on 29th Nov. I have applied for approval via Air Suvidha. If my flight is rescheduled at the last moment and departing and arriving date is changed and all other details like passenger details and place of arrival etc… remain unchanged, can i use the same approval from Air Suvidha?

Hi Vijay! We don’t have a definite answer to this. Please be advised to contact the helpline of Delhi Airport.

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I am planning to travel from Washington->Delhi->Kochi on Nov 25th and based on the new rule it says RT-PCR test should be taken within 72hrs of boarding the flight for quarantine exemption but when I checked the exemption form site, it says the form with the proof of test should be submitted BEFORE 72hrs of boarding the flight. How can this be possible ? could you please guide what to do in this situation ?

Also, just to clarify, in this case the port of entry will be Delhi, correct ?

I am planning to travel from Washington->Delhi (transit)->Kochi via AirIndia on Nov 25th. As per the new rules, the RT-PCR should be taken within 72hrs of boarding the flight but the exemption form site says, the form with proof of RT-PCR should be submitted BEFORE 72hrs of boarding? This looks bit confusing. how is this possible? Could you please guide on what to do here ?

Also, in this case the first port of entry would be Delhi, correct ?

Thanks, GInu

Hi Ginu! You can fill out the exemption form and upload the test report within 72 hours of your undertaking the journey to India.

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Thanks for this clarification. I also had the same question. So, if I take the test within 72 hours and I get my result back, one day before my departure, then I can submit application for exemption on that day (i.e. one day before departure), correct? (Please also note that I am not sure the testing lab will give me any document that the test was taken, so I will need to wait till I get my results)

Hi Ronald! Yes, you can.

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Is it possible for my application for exemption from institutional quarantine be rejected, even if I took it before 96 hours before departing?

Hi Hema! You need to take a test within 72 hours of your journey to India, as per the Government of India’s new guidelines issued on November 5, 2020.

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I applied for exemption by uploading RT-PCR negative test result. I am travelling with my 7 yr old kid from UAE to India. Exemption request is in Pending state since past 2 days. What should I do? I am travelling from Abu Dhabi to Mumbai

Hi Akshay! Is Mumbai your final destination in India?

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Hi, I have applied for quarantine exemption under “Parents with child below 10 years category” and the status is showing Pending. travelling from Dubai to Madurai(IXM) airport in next 3 days. Please may i know madurai airport rules. Will they accept quarantine exemption at madurai airport

Hi Diya! Please do apply for quarantine exemption under the same category once again.

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My daughter is coming from Dubai on 24-11-2020 at Mumbai for 4 days, thereafter she has to go to Jaipur. She has a negative RT-PCR test report dated 23.11.2020. Is it possible, She can come at Mumbai for 4 days

Hello Mr/Mrs Agarwal! She needs to travel with a confirmed travel ticket for Jaipur and show it upon arrival at Mumbai Airport.

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Hi, I am traveling from New York to Del. I have done my covid test and it came negative. When I uploaded on Air suvidha they rejected after 24 hours with this message ” please upload authorized stamp and signature”.

Can you please let me know what stamp and signature required?

Hi Prateek! The test report must have a stamp and signature from the lab where you took the test.

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First of all thanks for all the answers which you have provided to the audiences here.

I am flying from Chicago to New delhi via Air india on Nov 29th at 12:30 pm cst. My final dest is also New Delhi. Today was thanks giving holiday and hence the clinic where I am planning to take the RT-PCR test was closed. so I will be taking my RT-PCR test on Nov 27th morning and uploading the -ve test result (hoping it is -ve) along with exemption form. Although as per my plan, I do have good 55 hours before my flight takes off from Chicago but in case the approval doesn’t come by then what should I do? Should I book an appointment for RT-PCR at New Delhi airport or travel with my ERO number and provide that to airport authorities so that they can check online? Please advise. thanks

Hi Mohit! If you receive the report before you land at Delhi, you can show the soft copy to the health officials at IGI airport. In case, it is too late, you can book a test on spot after arrival.

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Hi , “Upload your Passport Copy. Upload file type JPEG & PDF. The maximum upload size is 1MB.” (Air Suvidha Self Reporting Form) – Should we upload all pages of passport OR only 1st (Photo_ID) & last page (Address) ?? – Please advice.. Thanks

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I am planning to travel from Chicago to Hyderabad ( via Delhi ) in the VBM Airindia flight . I will be accompanied by my wife and 3 year old kid . Question- Will I and my wife both get exception approval or is it just for 1 parent ? Also, how early can i fill the exemption form if my travel date is Dec 18th ?

Hi Venkata! You need to apply for exemption on Air Suvidha within 72 hours of undertaking the journey from Chicago to India. Yes you are eligible for exemption from institutional quarantine at both Delhi and Hyderabad for traveling with a minor. But you (others as well) may need a negative Rt-PCR test certificate to be allowed on domestic flight from Delhi airport.

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Hi, I will be travelling to bengaluru from Phoenix soon but i have a separate domestic flight to SFO but will not be exiting the airport before boarding the international flight. Which PNR number should I fill for the exemptions ?

Hi Prathyush! To the best of our knowledge, you need to provide the PNR of the international itinerary.

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Are there any current restrictions on travel to India for OCI travelers?

I should have clarified. I am an OCI. I have a -ve PCR. I filled out all forms but was turned back at the airport today where they said that OCI have to travel direct to India and not transit through certain other countries. Is this true? If so, when did this go into effect and which countries are on the do-not-travel-through list?

Hi Radhika! OCI cardholders’ travel to India is not restricted. If you are an OCI cardholder in the USA, your transit through other countries is restricted. It took effect in the last week of September. Air India and United Airlines are the only options for you.

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I am traveling on 3rd december and i have applied for exemption showing my appointment letter but they rejected saying please upload RT-PCR with stamp and signature. I am going to have test done tomorrow which is 1st december in morning which is within 72 hours. Can i still upload after taking test? As my clinic is saying they will give me the receipt once i have done the test can i upload that? If i can, do i have to redo self reporting form again?

Hi Montu! You need to apply for exemption along with either the test receipt or the test report.

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I am travelling with my wife and a 3 year old and planning to apply for exemption with “Parents accompanied by children below 10 years”. Do I have to fill 3 forms, one for each attaching passport copies of all three in separate forms?

Thanks, Jagan

Hi Jagan! You need to fill out only one form if all of you are have the same PNR.

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My in-laws are travelling to Delhi (non-stop flight) from Canada.

1) We’ve the Covid-19 test requisition but not the results yet, 2) The copy of passport requirement on the Air Suvidha form, do we just scan and upload the biographical pages or all the pages?

Please advise on any other forms that we need to fill before they board the plane.

Thank you very much guys!!!

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My city of origin from the US is St. Louis, connecting through chicago to Delhi. The air suvidha form asks for flight number/tail number. Should the flight number be the first flight which is the domestic flight or the international flight. All with same PNR. What is the Tail number?

Hi Sanjay! You need to provide the flight number of your first flight, that is from St Louis.

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In a similar situation my flight is from SYR-EWR-BOM. but SYR to EWR is on different PNR and flight from EWR to BOM is on different PNR. What flight number and PNR should i provide?

Hi Rasesh! You need to provide the flight number and PNR of your international itinerary.

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Two similar but slightly different questions. I fly from LAX (US) to Dubai on Emirates and Dubai to Ahmedabad on Spice Jet. Two different PNR.

1.) Which leg I use for Air Suvidha. 2.) My RT-PCR 72 hour window is within US to Dubai led (1st) or it needs to be within 72 hours of Dubai to Ahmedabad leg (2nd). In the later case I won’t have time at Dubai airport to get PCR test.

Please let me know. Thank you for all you do to help the travelers, it has been invaluable source of info.

Hi HRS! You should provide the details of the LAX-Dubai flight. You should take an RT-PCR test within 72 hours prior to your scheduled departure from LAX.

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Hey On a smiliar note. I have a flight from Berlin – Paris and Paris – Delhi all under same PNR. which flight number should I give? Berlin to paris one?

Hi Shubhi! You need to give the flight number of your international leg from Paris to Delhi.

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I have my flight from Den->BOS->Dubai->Hyd, Den->BOS is my first flight. what should i have to use as flight number

Hi Shaim! You need to provide the flight number of your international flight, to say Boston to India/HYD in the self-declaration form.

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Hi Kuala Lumpur to Delhi and then delhi to Howrah via train. So what’s the first airport of entry , final destination and street, state or district ?

Hi Shuvendu! Delhi is your first port of entry and Howrah/West Bengal is your final destination.

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I’m traveling from dubai to kerala, So my country of origin will be UAE right? And what about city of origin? Is it dubai or where i was born?

Hi Noor! Here the country of origin means the country of your flight departure.

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Hi I am Travelling to Hyderabad from London on 10/12/2020 and I have applied for Quarantine Exemption under Parents accompanied by Child below 10 years category but it is still showing up as Pending. Any contact that i can reach out to please

Hi Aqlaq! You can call Delhi Airport’s helpline number.

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I am flying from Dallas-Mumbai on 15th December at 3.20 PM. I have scheduled my COVID test on 13th December in the morning.

As per Air Suvidha website, I need to submit exemption form 72 hours before my flight, which is Saturday 3.20 PM.

I am confused as my Covid test is on Sunday and I don’t have any supporting document to upload on exemption form.

1. Can I upload appointment confirmation letter? 2. Can I submit exemption form without uploading any documents and show negative PCR test report at Mumbai?

Please help. Thank you!

Hi Rohit! You can submit the exemption form within 72 hours of your departure flight once you have a test receipt. The exemption form without any supporting document won’t be accepted.

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Hii am Travelling from pudong to india via hongkong and Dubai ! Air suvidha exemption which airport should I enter Dubai or Hongkong pls advise ! And I got my luggage checkin in pudong and directly collect in Mumbai and boarding passes will issue at pudong , pls advise still I need transit visa in hongkong and Dubai or no need! And my flight at pudong is at 18 th dec 12.00 pm and it’s reaches india Mumbai on 20th early hrs 2.30 am ! Pls advise at which date should I do pcr test and upload in airsuvedha portal to get exemption of quarantine ! Pls advise for me this queries thank you very much

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I am planning to travel to India from USA on the 19th. I was tested positive for COVID on 5th. I have recovered completely and my doctor has cleared me for traveling on 19th. Because I had COVID before, there is a chance that the test will come out as positive because of the dead virus in my body. I am totally fine and I cannot spread the virus to anyone as I have completed the isolation and recovered. In this case, is there some additional documentation that I can give so that I will be allowed to travel to Bangalore on landing in Delhi? Like a note from the doctor? Please advise! Thank you so much for your time!

Hi Shrujay! We have little knowledge about your scenario. Please be advised to check wit the airline you will travel on and contact the helpline number of Delhi Airport for a definite answer to your query.

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@Shrujay, Were you able to find a solution. I am in the same boat and am trying to find an answer.

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Hi Liz – I am in the US for a short trip with my family. My unvaccinated 7 year old kid got positive when we got her tested. She is asymptomatic but we are told that the PCR test will turn out to be positive in the next 90 days. I have to travel back to India. Can you please advice how to handle this situation? Any help from anyone is much appreciated.

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Hi, If I reached Delhi from Bangalore at 2.30 AM , can I stay in Airport till early morning 5.00 AM , being a girl and alone it is difficult to travel the destination alone so early, and this is my first visit and I don’t know anybody there,Please suggest?

Hi Meghana! You can accommodate yourself in some lounge at Delhi airport for the night.

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Hi good Day am a seafarer signing off from Japan and travelling back to India. is there any mandatory quarantine rule if i am connected via middle east to land in india ???

Hi Abhishek! Quarantine rules vary from state to state in India. May we know your fist port of entry and final destination in India?

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Hi i have submitted my self declaration form but did not upload the passport copy as all the files were too large. Is it mandatory to upload it?

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My kid just turned 10 year old in Dec 2020, will the exception for kids under 10 years applicable? Please advise,

Hi Antony! Neither you nor your child may be eligible for exemption. However, please be advised to call the helpline of Delhi IGI Airport and check with them.

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hi urgency myself syed mazharuddin an indian citizen i am travelling to india from dubai tomorrow to india 29/12/2020 morning while filling up self declaration form in field country of origin i cant find india in that dropdown list i checked many a times as a i am unable to submit self declaration form.kindly reply ASAP.

Hi Syed! In the self-declaration form, the country of origin means the country of your flight departure/journey to India.

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i am travelling with my child from washington DC to Bangalore. for exemption what is the supporting document to upload ? Portal just says passport copy .. but my question is whose passport copy ? mine ? or my child ?

Hi Mahesh! If you are planning to seek exemption on grounds of traveling with a kid below 10 years, you need to upload a copy of your kid’s passport as a supporting document.

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1) How many days before departure self declaration can be submitted ? 2) If I apply Exemption with RT-PCR , and test result does not come within 72 hours, then i will not have any result to upload. not sure if test center will provide receipt while doing drive thru test. In that case, how to get exemption ? 3) Do i need to carry any hard copy of test result, delf declaration form , passport etc ? 4) Will VBM flight air india allow to board flight at departure airport in US without RT-PCR document ? 5 ) If i am unable to do RT-PCR in US, then can i do it in Delhi airport ? Are they 24X7 as my landing time in delhi would be around 11:30 PM 6) Can I travel without filling exemption form and go for PCR test in delhi airport ? How long does it take for test result ?

Hi Mamp! You can travel on Air India and arrive at Delhi Airport without a pre-departure RT-PCR negative result. Yes, you can take a test and fill out a self-declaration form after arrival at Delhi Airport. If you receive the RT-PCR test result in your email by the time you land at Delhi airport, you can show it to the health officials at Delhi Airport. In case you choose to get tested after arrival, you can travel without filling the exemption form.

is excess baggage allowed in VBM flights with extra fees payment ?

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I am travelling from USA to Mumbai on 22nd January,2021. As per the rules I plan to get my RT-PCR testing 72 hours prior to my boarding date. My question is regarding the self reporting and exemption request forms. Both the forms require a application request numbers. How can I WRITE THAT NUMBER WHEN i have not filled the second form and vice versa. I will appreciate to get this query solved.

Hi Jayant! This is the first time we came across such a query/issue. It is not within our knowledge. Please be advised to call the helpline of Delhi International Airport.

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You can fill in Exemption Form without the ERO Number. After submission of this Form you will get an E mail with SRO Number, which you can fill in the Self Reporting Form, which you can fill in and submit. After submitting this you will get exemption E mail from Institutional Quarentine. This is what I gathered from many Videos on Youtube. Govt should have clarified this aspect. Logically self reporting form comes first and then seek an exemption. I am also traveling from SFO to BOM on 29th Jan 2021.

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Hi Jayanti,

I plan on traveling to Mumbai from USA, direct flight on Feb 12th, would you kindly share your experience whether you were actually exempted from institutional quarantine?

Hi Neha! Mumbai has mandatory institutional quarantine for travelers from Europe, South Africa and the Middle East. If travelers from the US are asymptomatic and have a negative RT-PCR test result, they are exempted from institutional quarantine.

Hi, Planning to back India from US (Seattle) via Lufthansa (Seattle – Frankfurt – Mumbai) on Tuesday January 12, 2021. B1/B2 Visa (Visa expired and extension applied) Plz review & help on my plan for travel documentation : 0) Saturday, January 09, 2021 : To go for RT-PCR test @ Walgreens OR Overlake Clinics – Urgent Care I) Saturday, January 09, 2021: after COVID-19 test is taken, To fill in & submit forms: i) Registration for Repatriation ii) Registration Form for Indian Nationals along with Undertaking cum Indemnity Bond iii) Self Reporting form & d) Exemption request form. Also, I am having old (US Visa) & new passport : Should i upload pdf of both the passport? Should I skip Blank passport pages ? Only 1st & Last Page of current passport? Also, My eldest brother passed away on Dec 14, 2020. Should i select Exemption Category of “Suffered a death in family” OR “RT PCR test certification? If i attach the death certificate, can i skip RT PCR test ? Am i missing anything?? Please advice..

Hi Ramesh! We’re very sorry about your loss and the mishap in the family. We recommend you apply for exemption in the special category. If approved, no RT-PCR test is required if there is no further domestic air travel from Mumbai. In case a negative RT-PCR test is mandatory, you can take an Express COVID test after arrival at Mumbai Airport.

My flight is Seattle->Frankfurt->Mumbai. All with same PNR. What should be the Fiight/Tail number of? Seattle->Frankfurt OR Frankfurt->Mumbai??

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Hi, I have applied for an exemption under child below 10 years category. It’s been almost 3 days and I haven’t received the confirmation email yet. What is the turn around time? I’m traveling from US to Hyderabad on 10th Jan 2020. Please suggest. Thanks

Hi Vijay! You are supposed to apply for exemption on Air Suvidha not more than 72 hours before your flight for India.

HI, Two queries:-:( My ticket is (Seattle -> Frankfurt -> Mumbai (with one PNR number)) using connecting flights. In exemption Form & Self Reporting Form: 1) What Flight/Tail Number should i write? (Seattle to Frankfurt OR Frankfurt -> Mumbai ? 2) Seat Number : what if i do NOT get seat number in advance.

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Hello Ramesh, I am in same situation now, what seat number did you give if you didn’t have seat number in advance ?

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i am trying to upload my RT-PCT test to the suvidha exemption portal. My first airport of entry is Bengaluru. And even though Bengaluru is listed in the drop-down, I can’t seem to select it. Most cities listed there are selectable, but not Bengaluru. Is it possibly because Bengaluru Airport does not require a rt-pcr negative test?

Hello! No idea what the problem is on Air Suvidha. Currently, all international arrivals traveling to Bangalore need a negative RT-PCR certificate. No worries. if you are not able to apply on Air Suvidha, you can carry the hard copy of the report and show it on arrival at the airport.

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Hi.. I have filled the exemption form but was rejected as there was no sign or stamp from the authority. Its a govt. test report and they will not provide any signature or stamp. How can I provide declaration for authenticity of the report?

Hi Chandreyee! It won’t be approved online without a valid stamp or signature. Many people have faced the same problem. You can carry the report and show it on arrival at Delhi Airport. You may be asked to submit a declaration with regard to the authenticity of the report.

Hi Indian eagle,

I have received -ve RT PCR Test report but it does not have either Stamp or Signature. Is it mandatory ? I am going from SFO to HYDERABAD ( NO DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS).


Hi Sunny! Yes, it is mandatory. Please be advised to check with the airline.

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My Husband will do the RT-PCR Test at the day of departure in Germany (17.01.21). So on this day if he gets the result he will upload on exemption form on air Shuvida. But ho long exactly does ist take to get any response /the email of my exemption application? I need to know this because we need to plan to get the Approval before my husband is leaving Germany. Because at new delhi airport he has no internet /wlan connection to get the Email and the free Wifi at the airport in Delhi can only be used by having a international mobile number, and he has not.

Thanks so much for your help.

Hi Pauline! Sometimes, it takes time to get approval on Air Suvidha. In case you don’t receive a response to the exemption application on time, you can carry the negative RT-PCR test report and show it after arrival at Delhi International Airport.

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G3 Hello, My mom is returning back to India form Washington DC on Feb 3rd and will stay with my uncle for 7-10 days before heading to her final destination Chennai. She is travelling Qatar Airways through Doha to Mumbai. If she doe snot have a negative PCR test when she lands, can she just take the test at Mumbai airport. How long is the typical wait to get the results. She is 67 years old. Can she apply for an exemption form institutional quarantine? If we take a PCR test in US and she does not get her results by the time she leaves, can we upload her results before her arrival at the airport and send her the emails of approval to show on her phone? Does she have to have the physical copy? Appreciate all your help.

Hi Gayu! If she does not have a serious medical problem, she won’t get exemption from institutional quarantine without a negative RT-PCR report. If the test report is valid (it has a stamp/signature from the testing lab), she can show the hard/soft copy to the health officials at Mumbai Airport. Make sure to upload the report to Air Suvidha and send to your mother’s email inbox the moment the result is available.

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I would be travelling from Amsterdam to Bangalore with a flight change at Dubai n both the flight bookings are under the same PNR. In the Air Suvidha form, do I need to put Amsterdam or Dubai as city of origin? What about the flight number, will it be one for Amsterdam to Dubai or Dubai to Bangalore? Thanks!

Hi Anuj! Amsterdam is your city of origin; hence the flight number to be mentioned is that of the flight from Amsterdam to Dubai.

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Hi I am traveling from Dubai to Delhi and bagdogra which form I hv to filled and what are the criteria’s for my travelling

Hi Arpan! You need to fill out a self-reporting form and apply for exemption based on an RT-PCR test on Air Suvidha (a section of Delhi IGI Airport website) within 72 hours prior to your journey from Dubai. You need to take an RT-PCR test not before 72 hours of undertaking the journey and upload the report on to Air Suvidha before you board the departure flight in Dubai.

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I filled the exemption form and the self declaration form. I got an email with the attachment for self declaration form but never received the exemption form. How do I print out the exemption form (I uploaded the covid negative test result)?

Hi Nirmala! You don’t need to print out the exemption form.

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Hello, I am traveling from Charlotte, USA to Vijayawada, IND in a couple of weeks. itinerary includes 3 flights including Charlotte to Newark, Newark to Delhi, Delhi to Vijayawada. 1) while trying to submit the self reporting form, which flight’s details do I need to present? CLT to EWR? or EWR to DEL? Question is specifically for these following fields – flight number, seat, city of origin 2) the last of the three acknowledgement remarks while submitting the form, “I would undergo mandatory quarantine for 14 days i.e. 7 days paid institutional quarantine at my own cost, followed by 7 days isolation at home with self-monitoring of health.”, would it be okay to not acknowledge this?

Hi Srinivas! You need to enter the flight number, seat number and the city of origin with regard to your international leg of the itinerary. No problem, even though you acknowledge, “I would undergo mandatory……” If you travel with a negative RT-PCR report, you will be exempted from institutional quarantine.

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Hello , I submitted Exemption form for my parents ( USA to India) with negative RT PCR report but there was no supporting document field in co-passenger section ( Tried multiple times but it does not show any field to attach co-passenger’s RT PCR report). So I ended up consolidating my dad and mom’s RT PCR report into 1 PDF and uploaded it under supporting document section of Primary Passenger section. They still rejected saying that report is not attached for co-passenger. Any ideas or tips please. This is urgent as they are scheduled to travel this evening. Thank you very much !

Hi Sapna! You can upload the two documents one by one. Not to worry if you are running out of time. If the results are valid and feature a stamp/signature from the testing lab, they can carry the hard copies and show upon arrival at the port of entry in India.

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I am also facing same issue and also it does not allow you to upload 2 documents. Please advice if anyone faced

Hi Shivam! Our reply to the similar query above does apply to you as well. If your negative RT-PCR test report has a valid signature/stamp from the testing lab, you can carry the hard copy/a printout/soft copy and show it upon arrival.

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Hello, I am planning to travel from Los Angeles to Kolkata via Delhi in February. I have a 4 year old kid who would be travelling along with me and my wife. Please suggest whether we all three require a RT PCR Covid test done in USA or if I fill up the exemption form in Air Suvidha that will help in Delhi Airport. Thanks in advance.

Hi Indrajit! In our knowledge, Kolkata requires incoming international traveler including kids above 3 years to have a negative RT-PCR test result. Besides, you and your wife need a negative RT-PCR result to travel on the domestic connection from Delhi.

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Hi I am planning to travel with my wife and kid below 3 year old, from Sydney to Lucknow via Delhi(VBM flight) on single PNR for all the passengers whole itinerary. Please help with :

If I seek exception from institutional quarantine under “travelling with child below 10 years” and receive an approval.

1) Do I still need a -ve RT-PCR for all three of us to be allowed to board the Delhi to Lucknow flight ? 2) Needed any additional process(registration etc) to follow as per U.P Govt other than 14 day home quarentine and following official guidelines to report in case of any developed symptoms.

Hi Anish! The 3-year-old may not need a negative COVID test. However, you and your wife may not be allowed to travel to Lucknow from Delhi by air without a negative RT-PCR test result despite approval of the exemption request. You need to register on .

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I am trying to fill the self declaration form but it keeps giving me the error message that file size is invalid. File size of my passport image that I am trying to upload is less than 1 MB (which is shown as limit), but still it keeps giving me the same error message even though I tried from different internet browsers

Can you please check and help, Thanks Gaurav Mishra

Hi Gaurav! We can do very little about this. Air Suvidha is maintained by the officials of Delhi International Airport. Please call the helpline of Delhi Airport.

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Facing the same issue. How did you upload the RT-PCR test report?

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I’m facing the same! Could anyone solve this?

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Did y’all figure out how to solve this issue? I keep getting the invalid size error and haven’t been able to resolve it either

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Hi, I found the solution. I was getting the file size error too. I was trying from my phone and that was the issue. I did it from computer and it went smooth with out any issue. Hope that helps. Best, Akhil

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It was 2am the night before our flight back from Maldives to India when I was getting the “invalid file size” error uploading the PCR PDF file and I ran a desperate Google search and came across this incredibly helpful thread.

The site has some problem accepting the upload from iPhone. Based on Mr. Malik’s resourcefulness below I filled out the entire form for 3 passengers again (painstakingly on a mobile phone) using Android Chrome’s “Desktop Site” mode and successfully registered.

Then I had the hotel desk print FOUR COPIES as instructed on the site, and boy am I glad I did — at Hyderabad Airport they werent accepting arrivals without hard copy, even though the confirmation message shows “soft copy” is acceptable.

Thank you to IndianEagle forum and Mr. Malik for helping get us home! Without these suggestions we would have been in queue for over 4 hours with a 3 year old, fighting with the APHO authorities to allow us to enter and come home.

Did you figure out a solution?

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Hi, I am traveling from Stockholm to Mumbai via Amsterdam (All under the same PNR) For the Flight number / Tail number- Am I supposed to put in the Flight No. for the Stockholm to Amsterdam flight or the Amsterdam to Mumbai flight? Thanks

HI Pooja! You should put in the Amsterdam to Mumbai flight number.

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Seat number is mandatory field while applying. But seat number is not available. I am flying in air india express and their web check in is down.

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What did you end up doing ?

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I am travelling from Dulles Airport, Washington D.C. to Kozhikode, Kerala via Doha by Qatar airways (all under the same PNR). What should be the flight number I provide in Air Suvidha self declaration and Air Suvidha Exemption Request Form. Should it be the flight number for travel from Dulles Airport to Doha? Or, should it be the flight number for travel from Doha to Kozhikkode, Kerala?

Hi Jaya! You need to provide the flight number of the flight that will land in India.

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If we get a covid negative RT-PCR test from USA before boarding the flight – then we know we will not need to do 7 day institutional quarantine at delhi airport. But in that case – will we need to just do 7 day home quarantine, or still we need to do 14 day quarantine? Also can you attend a function during the 8 -14 day quarantine period? Also we only plan to travel for 14 days.

Hi Jay! 7-day home quarantine is mandatory in Delhi. On completion of the home quarantine period, you can go anywhere and attend an event.

Sorry I should have mentioned – My flight would be NEW YORK – DELHI – AMRITSAR and then by road to Jalandhar. I plan to travel with a RT-PCR test from USA. So with negative covid test i will be able to board flight to Amritsar without instituational quarantine. But what are the rules for amritsar airport and in general quarantine for for punjab in that case ? Thanks for your reply.

HI Jay! If you are asymptomatic and have a negative RT-PCR test result, you will be allowed to continue your travel to Amritsar. It is 7 to 14-day home quarantine for international arrivals in Punjab. No institutional quarantine for international arrivals having a negative RT-PCR test result.

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How to apply for Exemption from Institutional Quarantine while arriving at Mumbai airport, India from Doha, Qatar during emergency ?

Hi Faisal! Air Suvidha (a section of Delhi Airport website) is the only place where you need to apply for exemption. FYI, Mumbai has mandatory institutional quarantine and COVID testing for travelers from the Middle East, Europe and South Africa.

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Hi, I am traveling from USA to Mumbai with my wife and 3 years 3 month old son. Do we all need to take RT-PCR test?

Hi Shourya! Are you traveling to Mumbai via any other airport in India? Are you traveling to Mumbai directly from the USA? Is Mumbai your first port of entry and the final destination? We can give you exact information based on your itinerary.

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Hi: My parents will be travelling on a direct flight from Newark, NJ to Mumbai on Friday. Mumbai is not their final destination. After few hours of hold in Mumbai, they will board their flight to Vadodara. I have two questions:

They recently did their RT-PCR test within 72 hours before journey begins. We have not yet received the results yet but we should before they leave on Friday. If they are negative (which we expect them to be), would providing a hard copy of the results be acceptable to make sure they are not put in institutionalized quarantine? Would having the results electronically be acceptable?

Second question is, we forgot to put PNR number in the self-declaration form. Is there a way to edit the form? I don’t believe it was a required field in the application. Would not having the PNR number in the self-declaration form be an issue?

Thank you for your help!

Hi Kushal! Both hard copy and soft copy are acceptable. We are not sure if the self-declaration form is editable. It should not be an issue.

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Hi , i applied for exemption and it has been rejected. Reason given : reports not showing clearly . What am I supposed to do now ? Should i re-apply? Please help

Hi Smita! You should reapply. If it is rejected for the second time, don’t worry. You can the hard copy or soft copy and show it upon arrival. Make sure the negative RT-PCR report has a valid signature/stamp from the testing lab.

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I am leaving san Francisco on Mar 4 (Thursday); arriving into Dubai on Mar 5. Then leaving for Delhi on Mar 7 (Sunday). I’d think that since I’ll need a PCR test to enter Dubai, I’ll need to take the test on Mar 2.

Will the Mar 2 PCR test work to get exemption at Delhi airport? Or should I get a PCR test at Dubai (I’m there for 1 day and 2 nights).

Please advise.

HI Amit! Taking another test before leaving for Delhi may not be necessary, because those transiting via the Middle East have to take a COVID test upon arrival in India according to the new guidelines which will take effect on midnight of February 22.

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Dear Sir, My flight is from AMSTERDAM-PARIS-MUMBAI on 25th Feb. I have registered at Embassy of India The Hague, do I also need to register in French Embassy , if yes, can you please give me the URL to do the registration.

Hi Amit! You don’t need to register with the French Embassy.

HI, is there a separate form that I need to fill for Self reporting form and Exemption Form ? I don’t need to apply for Exemption form, can you please give me the link for Self reporting form

Hi Amit! The self-reporting form and the Exemption form are two separate forms available on Air Suvidha.

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I am travelling from Los Angeles to Hyderabad with Emirates flight, there is one travel requirement which I am not able to find the form for, could some one point me to the right direction to that form. Below is the travel requirement:

All passengers must submit an undertaking form on the online portal agreeing to follow advice by the appropriate government authority to undergo home quarantine or self‑monitoring of their health for 14 days or as mandated.

Where can i get the Undertaking form on Air Suvidha portal,

Thank you in advance

Hi Sravan! The self-declaration form is the undertaking form on Air Suvidha.

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I’m travelling from Jeddah to ChennaI transit with dubai airport in Airsuvida self declaration form I need to enter which flight number dubai to Chennai or jeddah to dubai.???

Hi Rupesh! You need to enter the flight number of Dubai to Chennai.

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I am traveling from USA to India-New Delhi and staying in Delhi for 2 days and traveling to Hyderabad which is the final destination.I am staying in Delhi in hotel for 2 days.

1) What should i fill in for the destination address in self declaration form in Air Suvidha? 2) DO i need to take covid test for traveling from New Delhi to Hyderabad?

Hi Avinash! Another COVID test is not mandatory for inter-state travel from Delhi to Hyderabad. In the self-declaration form, you need to provide the address of your final destination. Make sure to share your plan for stay in Delhi when you arrive at Delhi Airport.

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I am also facing the issue the stamp and signature. In Germany , this is done through an APP and there is no Stamp and Signature. The guys who take the swab tests are not authorised to do such jobs. the APP gives the Result on digital format and in most cases such papers doesn’t need any signatures and Stamps. Unfortunately the Suvidha system is rejecting it. what will happen to me at Delhi? I will be traveling onward to Bangalore.

Your suggestions are appreciated. Thanks Kind Regards Jass

Hi Jass! Without a signature or stamp on the report, you may be denied boarding. Please be advised to check with the airline you will travel on.

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Hello, I’m travelling from mauritius- dubai- mumbai will be carrying negative RT-PCR test within 72 hours will arrive in Mumbai within 24 hours and i’m leaving in mumbai itself within 5 km from the airport do i still need to be in mandatory quarantine for 7days?

Hi Akash! You may be subject to 7-day institutional quarantine in Mumbai upon arrival because of your transit in Middle East and your final destination is Mumbai.

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What does the city of origin in the self-declaration form mean?

Hi Smirthi! In the self-declaration from, the city of origin means the city where your itinerary/travel begins from.

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Hello, I would be travelling from Canada to Hyderabad with a flight change at London, united kingdom n both the flight bookings are under the same PNR. In the Air Suvidha form, do I need to put Canada or London as city of origin? What about the flight number, will it be one for Canada to London or London to Hyderabad? Thanks!

Hi Rajesh! Canada is your city of origin, and the flight number you need to provide is that of the Canada to London. Be requested to share your travel experience along with some details of the transit and the arrival. Wish you safe travel!

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Hi Eagle eye,

I have flight from Warsaw – Dubai – New Delhi. So what should be my country of origin, city of origin and flight number. Should I enter country of origin as UAE and city of origin as Dubai? Please advise.

Hi Jugal! Your country of origin should be Poland and city of origin should be Warsaw. If your entire journey is on the same flight, then you will enter that flight’s number. But, if you are flying on separate flights, then you should enter the number of international flight to India.

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I hope you can answer my questions or, perhaps, guide me to any FAQ page. I wish to travel to India (from US, direct) in a couple of weeks but am confused about how to properly use the “self declaration form”. -Do I need to submit the form at least 72 hours prior to travel? -That creates a problem because one is also expected to provide a negative test result from less than 72 hours prior to tarve. How does one reconcile these two requirements? [Maybe, one files the form early and then uploads the test results when they become available?] -If I have a negative test result, are there any quarantine/isolation requirements OR I may walk out of the airport and proceed to my destination right away? And, last: -Does it matter what is the reason for my travel? [I am a US citizen and just wish to visit my family in Rajasthan.] Thank you very much for your help with answering these, and for the yeoman service that you have provided to all travelers over the past nearly a year.

Hi Umesh ji! You can submit the self-declaration form and upload the negative report together within 72 hours prior to your scheduled departure. If you have a valid visa, you don’t need to specify any reason for travel. Please note e-visa and tourist visa are currently suspended. There is no institutional quarantine in Rajasthan. If you travel via Europe or Middle East, you will have to give your swab sample for a test at the arrival/entry airport and take a connecting domestic flight to Rajasthan.

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Thank you very much, Kind Sir! I think I understand the procedure much better now.

Hi Umesh ji! Wish you happy and safe travel!

From what I have read in this thread so far, am I correct in understanding that one needs to fill both forms: the exemption form as well the self declaration form? And, that one cannot travel to India unless one receives some sort of approval on the exemption request? OR, is it that if one has a negative PCR test result, one doesn’t need the exemption form?

Hello Umesh ji! If death in the family is not your reason for travel, you don’t need to apply for exemption on Air Suvidha.

So, if I am traveling direct from the US, on a nonstop flight, and have a negative RT-PCR test result from within 72 hours of my departure from the US, there would be no issues on my arrival at Delhi airport? I would like to take a train to Rajasthan which departs within about 4 hours from arrival of my flight and I would like to leave about an hour to get from the airport to the train station. Thanks again for your kind assistance.

Hello Umesh ji! No problem on arrival at Delhi Airport if you are asymptomatic and carry 2-3 printouts of the negative RT-PCR report uploaded on Air Suvidha within 72 hours of your departure from the US. FYI, Rajasthan requires all travelers arriving by air, trains, buses and cars to carry a negative RT-PCR report that must not be older than 72 hours prior to arrival in the state. Please check whether your RT-PCR report issued in the USA remains valid till your arrival in Rajasthan. Otherwise, you will have to take a test and get the result before traveling to Rajasthan or undergo quarantine for 15 days.

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Hi, iam traviling from dubai to hyderabad. on 31st . when i filling the air suvida form CITY OF ORGIN ? i need to write dubai or hyderabad? please replay…

Hi Prashanth! You need to fill Dubai as your city of origin.

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Hello team, Thank you for your support. I am travelling from Phoenix-Seattle-Doha-Chennai with Alaska Airlines till Seattle and then Qatar airways. In air suvidha portal, what would be the flight number to be updated, i have the same PNR for my entire journey. Also in case it is Alaska Airlines flight number i do not have the seat number before getting the boarding pass. Can you please help understand what needs to be done

Hi SV! You should fill the number of your international flight (Qatar Airways) in the Air Suvidha portal.

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Hello, I would like to know that if my itinerary is Toronto- Dubai- Delhi under same PNR, then what should be 1. Country of departure- Canada or UAE 2. City of Origin– Toronto or Dubai 3. Flight number– Toronto to Dubai or Dubai to Delhi 4. Details of the Cities / Countries visited in last 14 days– Should I mention Dubai, UAE or not (there is no other travel within Canada) 5. Since I am originating from Canada but transiting in Dubai, will I have to undergo Molecular Covid test or not.

Thank you so much for your answers.

Hi Ankur! Your country of departure should be Canada, city of origin should be Toronto, flight number should be the one from Canada, and there is no need to mention Dubai, UAE under list of countries visited in the last 14 days. Yes, you will be required to submit your swab sample for a molecular test upon arrival at Delhi Airport.

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Sir can the city of origin and country of origin could be same? Like I am flying from country Malta from Malta International airport.

Hi Sushant! If the name of the city is the same as the name of the country, then it might be okay. Please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

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hello, my route is Lansing-Chicago -Delhi-Pune. In self declaration form I have written flight number of Lansing to Chicago and not of Chicago to Delhi and have submitted the form is it okay? have uploaded covid result too .I have received registration request application I need their approval email too to get exemption from institutional quarantine before flying?

Hi Priti! If your entire journey is on single PNR, then you have to give the number of your flight from Lansing. If not, you have to give the flight number of your international flight to India. You do not have to wait for approval. You must take printouts of the COVID report and the PDF you might have received after submitting the self-declaration form on Air Suvidha.

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I am to travel to COK from JFK on Sunday 11:00 PM by Emirates flight via Dubai (lay over 1hr 45 minutes). I can go for COVID test only on Friday April 9. I have received Pfizer vaccine 2nd dose on March 17. Tell me what I have to do? Thank You!

Hi Jose! You will need a negative RT-PCR test report not older than 72 hours before departure and upload it onto Air Suvidha portal. Also, you need to fill out a self-declaration form on the same portal. You have to register yourself on Kerala state government’s Jagratha portal and apply for an e-pass. Upon arrival at Cochin Airport, you will be required to submit your swab sample for a molecular test.

Thank you sir. I did not know it was so complicated. Thanks for the info.

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Respected Sir, I am travelling from Madrid to Kochi via Doha. In Air Suvidha which flight number i should upload. I am travelling in two flghts.

Hi Savio! You must enter the number of your international flight to India.

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Hello!! I would be traveling from New York to Delhi, stay in Delhi for 2-3 days and then travel to Mumbai. In the air suvidha form, what should I enter as my final destination? If it should be Delhi, can I give the address of the hote where I would be staying? Appreciate your response.

Hi Sanjay! Yes, you can select Delhi as your final destination and the address of the hotel you will be staying at might be fine. Please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

Thank you for your response!!

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Hello, Any guidance on change of address for initial home quarantine pls? So lets say my Address in Air Suvidha was X however on landing in India due to change in circumstances i have to home quarantine at address Y instead of X ( in the same city/town ) . Whom to notify and how and if allowed to do so?

Hi Janki! We are not sure about this. Please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

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Hello!! I will be travelling from Austin-Newark-Delhi on the same confirmation number. In self declaration form, What flight number Shall I mention? Austin to Newark OR Newark to Delhi ? After uploading the negative RT-pcr test report. Once I receive registration request application number.Do I need their approval email too to get exemption from institutional quarantine before flying?

Hope I am clear with my questions.

Hi Ajeet! You need to enter the number of your flight from Newark-Delhi. You need to carry the print out of the PDF you might have received in your mail after registration on Air Suvidha portal. Please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

But if i enter newark to delhi my pcr test would go beyond 72 hours. And itinerary is on a single PNR.

What should i do?

Hi Ajeet! Please be advised to check with the airline.

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Hello, I entered Ticket number (1st 6 digits) in the PNR Field, instead of the booking reference. Will that be a problem? Do I have to submit another Self Declaration Form? Thank you, Diana

Hi Diana! Please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

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Unable upload RTPCR Test report and passport copy. Both files are very small. Please advise

Hi Nishtar! Please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

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Hi, Can I submit the Self Declaration form and upload the RT PCR test report later? Will it allow to upload the document later or should i do them both at the same time? Thanks

Hi Phani! You are required to fill out the self-declaration form and upload the negative report together.

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We are travelling via Qatar Airways from Dallas Fort Worth to Bangalore, transiting at Doha on 12 April 2021. We hold US PASSPORT and OCI Cards. Our final destination is Bangalore.

1. We will get our RT- PCR test done 72 hrs before boarding the flight and 2. Registering in the Airsuvidha portal.

My question is regarding the Curfew from 10 pm to 7am which will be imposed in Bangalore from April 10. Since we are reaching early morning on April 14, is there anything we can do so that we can hire a car and go home without waiting for the curfew to release at 7am. Also,I would like to know if I need to do anything/ or register any other forms like SevaSindhu. Kindly let me know what is this portal( SevaSindhu ) for. Waiting for you Advice

I would also like to thank you and your team for the excellent work you are doing in guiding us to make our travel safe and hassle free.

Hi Samir! There is no restriction for travelers commuting to and from airports in any part of India during the curfew hours. Cabs will be available for international arrivals.

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Hello! I’m from Belarus and going to Mumbai. How can I submit the self-declaration form before 72 hours if I will get my RT-PCR result before 48 years? And according to the guide the test should be done at least 72 hours. I’m confused. Does anyone know what is going after submitting the form. Is it confirmation or whatever? Flight Belarus – Dubai – Mumbai.

HI Hanna! You don’t need to submit the self-declaration before 72 hours. Once you have the negative RT-PCR report, you can submit the self-declaration and upload the negative report together.

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thanks for your response, I was also confused about filling self declaration form 72 hour prior to travel.

Thank you for your response!!! Can you help me with another question? As a Belarus citizen , should I fill in any registration form at the emabassy of India? If yes, where can I find it? As I understand I need only to fill in self-declaration form! Am I right?

Hi Hanna! You only need to fill out self-declaration form.

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Hello! We have our flight from Newark to Delhi next week and are going for COVID test on Wednesday. The actual report that we have from previous tests doesn’t mention RT-PCR explicitly but only COVID-19 PCR test while on the page with link to download the report mentions RT-PCR with a link to get more information.

Is it required to have RT-PCR mentioned in the report or COVID-19 PCR would be fine? If RT-PCR is required then we would need to find a different test source to get our results.

Hi Vivek! You can download the report which mentions RT-PCR. Please note it is mandatory to have RT-PCR mentioned on the report.

Hello! Thanks a lot for clarifying the requirement. Looks like we would need to visit another testing lab as the report only mentions COVID-19 PCR and not RT-PCR. You guys saved us from major headache.

Hi Vivek! We are glad to have helped you. Stay safe and take care.

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Hello…. actually I am travelling from Sharjah to Jaipur and booked my tickets already but I don’t have my seat number and I have to fill my air suvidha form and it is compulsory to provide seat numbe. Now what to do

Hi Ritika! You can do Web/Tele check in for the flight and get the seat number within 72 hours of your departure from Sharjah. You can fill out the self-declaration form on Air Suvidha in the same time frame. Please note it is mandatory to provide the seat number.

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Can you refill the air suvidha form if you made an error previously? Does the new form create any complications after landing in India?

Hi Taj! Please give it a try. We don’t think any complications will arise if you fill out a self-declaration form again.

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Hi Taj, did you face any issues when you re-filled the form?

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I am travelling from JFK to Abu Dhabi and to HYD. I am planning to take the PCR test 2 days before the departure in US and uploading.

Question is, Do I also need to take a PCR test again once I land in HYD as I read somewhere that people travelling from Middle east will need to take the PCR after landing. Is that already covered in the initial upload of PCR test that I will be doing or will I need another test after landing in HYD ?

Hi Kiran! You will be required to submit your swab sample for a molecular test upon arrival at Hyderabad Airport despite having a pre-arrival negative RT-PCR report not older than 72 hours before departure.

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1. I filled out the self declaration form and got an SR number and an email. Do I need to check the status online or fill out an exemption or do anything else besides carrying a couple of hard copies? 2. I am going from US to DOHA to HYD. I have a negative PCR test with me. Do I need another on-arrival PCR test or since my origin is US and not UK, Middle East or Europe, I don’t need one?

Hi Vik! You don’t need to fill any exemption form on Air Suvidha portal apart from self-declaration form and carrying the hard copies of the PDF or file you received in mail. You will be required to submit your swab sample for a molecular test upon arrival at Hyderabad Airport, since you are transiting through the Middle East.

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I am travelling from Dublin to New Delhi. I have filled the exemption request under the category “Suffered death at family” under Air Suvidha, but the status shows pending. I am carrying the death certificate & negative RTPCR (within 72hrs) report. Please suggest if I need to worry for the pending status of the exemption form.

Hi Joe! Since you already have a negative RT-PCR report not older than 72 hours before departure, you are good to go.

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Hi! Indian eagle I have a from United States bagdogra and I’m trying to fill self-declaration form but I could not submit. Whenever I tried to submit one notification popped up and it says ‘flight number and tail number should be minimum 4 and maximum 6 alphanumeric value, space and special characters not allowed’. But I haven’t used any space while I put flight number. My flight number from EWR to Delhi is UA801. Please help what should I do, my flight is on 21st April and I’m traveling through United Airlines

Hi Meena! Please be advised to check with the airline or call helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

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Hi Indian eagle, MY TRIP ID : OJAZNMWI0C

I booked a flight with you from IAD TO MAA ON 23 APR 2021 in Qatar airways. My question is While uploading my RT-PCR Test and details in Air suvidha it is asking My seat Number. But i dont have seat number. Cant i upload air suvidha self declaration form with out Seat number. Thank you

Hi Balakrishna! Some of our customers also faced the same issue and when we contacted them, they said they entered “00”, “Nil”, “NA”, or “Not Assigned”. You can also try this.

Thank you very much. Appreciate your response

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I need to fly from Moscow to Kathmandu, transit via New Delhi. I fill the Suvidha Self-declaration Form, but I am asked to answer the Final Destination House, Street, State. I go transit throu, I don’t have an Indian Address. But without this information I cannot submit the Form. What to do?

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What if I keep testing Covid positive even after my 14 day Isolation period is over in the USA.

How do I get back home?

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Hello .. when we are fill the form of air suvidha with all details ,,, they send print in email id ,, but they write T on print , we dont know what is the meaning of T.

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I am trying to upload self declaration form. I have a flight with AI 102 from New York to Delhi and AI 1126 from Delhi to Hyderabad. When I put flight number (AI102) it is giving below

“Flight number / tail number should be minimum 4 to maximum 6 alphanumeric value, space and special characters not allowed”

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I’m also facing this issue.

How did you resolve this issue? i am facing same issue and not able to submit form.

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I am traveling from Zurich(Switzerland) to India via Frankfurt(Germany). In the Air Suvidha self-declaration from what should be my Country of origin?

And in the Vande Bharat Mission form, Should I apply for both Embassy of India in Germany and Embassy of India in Switzerland?

I have covid negative test report, should I fill the quarantine exception form?

Thanks in advance! Satish.

Hi Satish! You should enter Zurich/Switzerland as your country of origin on self-declaration form. You should register with Indian Embassy, Germany. If your purpose of travel is not death in the family, you need not fill out any exemption form.

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Country of origin should be zurich. But give the flight number and seat number of germany to india flight.

My itinary is (Emirates PNR) Hong kong to dubai, Dubai to Chennai. (Indigo PNR) Chennai to coimbatore. May i confirm, the flight number, seat number, departing time should be from dubai to chennai. The arrival time is time at chennai. Should i put transit as “Yes” while filling the SDF? I m using only domestic transfer and not travelling to other country from chennai (at my port)

Hi Nideesh! Yes, the flight number, seat number and departing time should be from Dubai to Chennai. Passengers must mention in SDF whether they are getting down at the arrival airport or will be taking a transit flight. Transit passengers must present the “T” (Transit) receipt on their SDF to state authority/ government of India.

Where can i submit the undertaking form online. Is SDF in air suvidha sufficient ?

Hi Nideesh! Yes, self-declaration form on Air Suvidha portal is sufficient for air travel to India. Along with SDF, you must also upload negative RT-PCR report not older than 72 hours before departure onto the same portal.

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Hello, My flight is from USA-Abu Dhabi-AMD. I have RT-PCR report not older then 72 hours before departure from Abu Dhabi. Do I still need to complete PCR test at AMD airport? Thanks for all your support!!

Hi Vipul! Yes, you need to submit your swab sample for a molecular test upon arrival at AMD Airport despite having a pre-arrival negative RT-PCR report. However, you can exit the airport or take a connecting flight without having to wait for the result.

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I don’t know if somebody already asked this question but I have this question, If someone was tested positive for covid then that person is likely to test positive for next 3 months in some cases, In this case if he wants to travel to India then how can he travel because he will get positive test result. For entry to USA and Canada they have provision for such cases that they can show the recent positive test and get a letter from doctor or public health that he/she is fit to fly. But there is no such provision there in AIR suvidha portal.

Hi Ayush! As per the guidelines, negative RT-PCR report not older than 72 hours before departure is mandatory for India-bound international arrivals. Please be advised to check with the airline.

Were you bale to find an answer for this?

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My journey is from LHR-delhi-Cok . I forgot to add my pnr number(booking reference) in the air suvidha form, submitted all the details and received the copy of the self declaration from. Is there any chance I can edit these details and is it important to have my pnr number in the document.

Hi Anish! Please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

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My husband will be traveling from SFO to HYD and will be self-quarantining in another place instead of his house (we are unsure of the quarantining place yet). Can the address be different from the final destination address we provided in the exemption form or should we stay at the destination that we provided?

Hi SY! It might be okay to stay at another place in the same city. However, please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport regarding the same.

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Hi, I’m travelling from Toronto – Abu Dabi – Mumbai. My home and final destination is Pune (by road). My home is empty and I live by myself. I have a negative RT-PCR.

Will I require to do the 7 days institutional quarantine in Mumbai? Or can I continue to Pune after giving the swab sample?

Hi Delna! If you are not vaccinated with both the doses of COVID-19 vaccine or belong to any of the exempted categories , then you may be subject to 7-day institutional quarantine upon arrival at Mumbai Airport.

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I am travelling to India tomorrow. I submitted a self declaration form with negative PCT test , and got a confirmation number and a pdf in a confirmation email. Do I get another email from Air Suvidha after my application is reviewed ?

Hi Sri! No, you won’t get any other e-mail. You need to print out the pdf that you already received.

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I plan to travel from SFO to Delhi and then Delhi to Hyderabad. I got the Covid-19 test done but I have not received the report yet and I wont have it by the time I travel or put my leg in the plane. Will I still be able to fly from SFO to Delhi then Delhi to Hyderabad? I got both the vaccines and I have the proof of it.

Hi Uma! International arrivals into India must fill out a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha portal and also upload their pre-arrival negative RT-PCR report not older than 72 hours before departure onto the same portal. If the details are not filled on Air Suvidha portal, then passengers might be denied boarding. Please be advised to check with the airline.

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Hi, I am flying from Boston to Chennai via Dubai tomorrow (Emirates). I submitted a Self-Declaration Form (SDF) on Air Suvidha portal with a negative PCR test. I got an email with a Registration request application number (starting with SR) and a pdf. Emirates requires me to have an ‘approval code’ from Air Suvidha after submitting SDF. But I have not yet received any approval/rejection email from Air Suvidha. What should I do? Could the approval process be taking longer because of confusion in dates/time-zones in verifying the 72 hr rule? I fly out Fri night EST, land Sunday morning IST. My PCR test report shows the time in UTC. Should I mark-up my test report with the departure and test times all in EST? Thank you!

Hi VBR! As far as we know, there is no separate approval e-mail and you just need to print out the PDF you received in your e-mail already. However, please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

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Have the same question. Any update?

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Hi all, I am going to travel to India from the US on Sunday noon. I had a few questions regarding COVID test that is required before boarding the flight. 1. Which type of COVID tests are acceptable for travel to India? Which RT-PCR test nasal/throat swab, saliva, or rapid are acceptable? 2. Is a QR code on the test report necessary? Not all testing agencies report with a QR code. 3. If the flight is delayed by a few hours due to weather or issues from the airline-side, what happens to the validity of the test and the 72-hr window? 4. Does anyone know of fast RT-PCR testing sites in Denver and Denver suburbs? Any leads will be helpful.

Hi AG! As far as we know, RT-PCR test with nasal/throat swab would be fine. A QR code is mandatory for passengers flying out of India and not the other way, so please check with the airline.

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I will be travelling with my 1 year old kid from USA to India. Self Declaration form shows number of passengers travelling. Do I need to mention as 2 and fill self declaration form for my kid as well?

Hi SV! As far as we know, you need to mention number of travelers as 2 since the Self-declaration form is must for all international arrivals.

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Hi, I am traveling with my family from SFO (US) –> Dubai –> Delhi (India) on June 26th by Emirates and PNR/booking number is same for entire trip. What should be entered in Air Suvidha Self declaration form. ** I read almost all comments in this blog about Flight number, some comments says Flight number should be of Origin country which is the first flight but some comments says International flight landing in India (Delhi), I am confused which one is correct.

1. Flight number – Should it be of SFO(US) –> Dubai or Dubai to Delhi(India) 2. Will there be any Covid19 test again after landing in Delhi?. 3. I dont have any domestic connecting flight but I will be staying in Delhi for 3 days for US Visa interview, after that I would be flying to Andhra Pradesh by domestic flight – I feel I no need to say “yes” for “are you taking a domestic connecting flight” but need confirmation whether I am correct or not. Also as I would be staying in Delhi Hotel for 3 days until I finish my Visa processing, will this cause any concerns

Thanks in advance for your suggestion and comments

Hi Naga! As far as we know, you need to enter the flight number from SFO since the entire journey is on same PNR number. Yes, you will be required to submit your swab sample for a molecular test upon arrival at Delhi Airport. You need not select taking a connecting domestic flight. Please be advised to check with the airline as well. You might be allowed to stay at hotel without any issues.

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Hello, I am traveling from Newark to Frankfurt and then connecting to a Frankfurt-Delhi flight. All Lufthansa, but different flight numbers and different PNR for each leg as I purchased them separately. What should I fill in for country of origin, PNR number and Flight number on the Air Suvidha form? Thanks so much for your help. Best wishes, Srirupa

Hello, I am traveling from Newark to Frankfurt and then taking an immediate connection Frankfurt to Delhi. Same airline (Lufthansa) but 2 separate PNR and 2 separate flight numbers. Could you please help me with the following: – what origin city/country should I fill out? – which PNR number? -which flight number? Thank you so much! Best wishes, Srirupa

Hello, I am traveling from Newark to Frankfurt then connecting Frankfurt to Delhi, 2 separate flights with 2 separate PNR. Which flight number and PNR should I fill in on the form? Thanks so much.

Hi Srirupa! Probably, you need to provide the flight number and PNR of your Newark to Frankfurt flight.

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Hi, I am flying Emirates from Los Angeles (LAX) to Mumbai (BOM) with halt in Dubai (DXB). I know I have to fill out the self-declaration form. I do not have a seat number yet, should I wait until the day when I get the seat number at LAX? Do I need to fill out a form to avoid institutional quarantine because I am fully vaccinated? Also, just to make sure, I use the flight number for the flight from LAX to DXB correct? Thank you.

Hi Dhairya! Yes, you might have to wait till you get a seat number and yes, your flight number from LAX to DXB is what you need to enter. However, please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport to see if there’s any other way to deal with the seat number. You need not fill out any other form for exemption, you just need to present your vaccine certificate indicating both doses of COVID-19 vaccine to the satisfaction of the in-charge officer on arrival at Mumbai Airport for exemption.

Thank you so much. I called Delhi Airport and they said it is fine if I get the seat number at LAX because it only takes 15-20 minutes for them to approve the self-declaration form which should not interfere with my arrival in BOM.

Hi Dhairya! Thank you for sharing the information.

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My wife and my 2 daughters (2 yrs and 8yrs old) are travelling from London to UK. Could you advise on what are the formalities for them to reach home without any problems please? I have listed some of the things here. Please let me know if I have missed out anything.

1. Complete self declaration form for all three – Do they need to fill it online or print and carry along? 2. Negative RT-PCR test 72 hrs prior to the flight departure – Since my daughters are under 11, do they both need to go through this test as well? 3. Do they need to apply for exemption online since she is along with under aged kids?

Besides above, let me know if I need to do anything for them to have uninterrupted journey.

Hi Pat! There seems to be a typing mistake, can you please tell us to which place in India are they traveling to? After filling out the self-declaration form online, they will get a pdf or such file in e-mail which needs to be printed out as well. Yes, both your daughters are also required to present pre-arrival negative RT-PCR report. No, there is no need to fill any form online for exemption.

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My wife and kids are flying from JFK-AUH-AMD on Thursday 7/22. I had a few questions regarding SDF. I wish they would have proper instructions, although i’ve read through all the comments I just want to make sure.

1. Can I fill out the SDF for them now? and then go back and add their test results. They are taking their RT-PCR test at Walgreens tomorrow morning, and as soon as we get results I can come back and upload. Or is it better to just wait til we get results and then upload?

2. Has anyone used a Walgreens test?

3. Which flight number should be entered? JFK-AUH or AUH-AMD? Also pertaining to this question further down on form it asks for city of departure. If i were to put AUH-AMD flight number on the form would I put New York or Abu Dhabi as departure?

4. What does it mean by Final Destination Tehsil?

Hi Amrish! You need to fill out the SDF along with uploading the negative RT-PCR report. As far as we know, you need to enter the flight number of your JFk-AUH flight if the entire journey is booked on the same PNR. Your city of departure might be New York. Final destination Tehsil means the place where your journey will end in India.

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Walgreens PCR test was accepted to travel to India for your family?

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Hello My family will be travelling from Seoul to Delhi (with same PNR number). Qatar Airline at Seoul recommends showing Covid negative repart and test being taken 48 hours before departure time. However it takes 1 day to get the covid report. Hence at the time of filling Air Suvidha form we will have just 1 day to reach Delhi. My question is Exemption from quarantine could take more than 1 day so what could be done to be on safer side ?

Hi Sultan! As per the guidelines, the self-declaration form on Air Suvidha portal needs to be filled along with uploading your negative RT-PCR report.

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My wife and son (3yrs) will be flying out from Toronto & reaching Delhi via Dubai. Questions- 1. Do I need to fill out self declaration forms for both? In other words, do I need to start the entire process on this page – “” twice? 2. The form needs flight/tail# – should this be the flight originating in Toronto or the connecting flight from Dubai? 3. If we upload a negative RT-PCR report within 72 hours, do they still need to get another test done after arriving in Delhi? 4. Once submitted, can any of the information be edited/corrected if required? 5. If travel date is Aug-7th, when should I start the process of filling out the SDF on the Air Suvidha portal?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Shouvik! You need fill out the details in one form only. If the entire journey is on the same PNR, then the flight tail number should be of the one that departs from Toronto. Yes, they will be required to undergo a molecular test on arrival despite having pre-arrival negative RT-PCR report. Yes, the self-declaration form can be edited and also, it should be submitted along with uploading your negative RT-PCR report.

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Hi Shouvik,

I hope everything going well for the flight tomorrow. We will also be going from Toronto to Bengaluru on August 14.

Curious to know, when did your wife and son took RT-PCR test? and how much time they promised to give report?

Many thanks!

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Hello! I will be flying to Delhi from Montreal via Doha (YUL-DOH-DEL) with Qatar Airways. The ticket is on the same PNR. I just wanted to confirm a few things regarding the Air Suvidha portal, and would appreciate your feedback. 1. The tail number, as I understand from the various comments, would be for the flight YUL-DOH? And the Country of Departure would be Canada, and the City of Origin Montreal? 2. The PCR test has to be taken at most 72 hours from the first flight (YUL-DOH)? 3. Is there any registration required with the Indian High Commission in Canada? From what I have read so far, it seems the registration applies to travellers on the VBM flights, but I just want to be sure. Thank you!

Hi JD! Yes, the tail number should be of the YUL-DOH flight, the Country of Departure Canada, and the City of Origin Montreal. The negative RT-PCR report should not be older than 72 hours prior to departure of your YUL-DOH flight. No, there is no need for any such registration.

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During filling up the air suvidha form can I still upload the proof of PCR test taken and carry the test result with me while boarding, Regarding the PCR test as per my understanding it should be taken within 72 hrs of the start of your journey. Is it right? Asking this as we have a long way of 45hrs journey including transit layovers. Pls reply.

Hi Jos! As per the guidelines, you have to upload the negative RT-PCR report along with filling the self-declaration form on Air Suvidha portal. The negative RT-PCR report should not be older than 72 hours prior to your departure.

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Dear Sir, Once the SDF is submitted along with Negative PCR report , how long will it take to get the confirmation/pdf by email . I mean , if I submit the details by evening am I allowed to depart next day early morning .?

Hi Manu! It May take few hours but we can’t assure. Please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

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I will be travelling from Taiwan to Kerala ..As i don’t have a direct flight, I have booked Emirates from Taiwan to Dubai and after a layover of around 14 hours, I will be taking Air India Express flight from Dubai to Kerala…While filling the Air suvidha self declaration form, which flight number should I provide (Taiwan to Dubai or Dubai to Kerala) ? Also, should I provide UAE or Taiwan as the country of departure ?

Hi Neethu! If your entire journey is on the same PNR, you need to use flight number of Taiwan-Dubai flight. Please be advised to check with the airline. Your country of departure should be Taiwan.

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I have a flight with United Arab Emirates EK510 but it is given error when submitting

Kindly give some inputs

Hi Mohd! Please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

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Hi! Indian eagle I have a from United States bagdogra and I’m trying to fill self-declaration form but I could not submit. Whenever I tried to submit one notification popped up and it says ‘flight number and tail number should be minimum 4 and maximum 6 alphanumeric value, space and special characters not allowed’. But I haven’t used any space while I put flight number. My flight number from Amsterdam to Mumbai is KL877 but this value is not accepted in application

Hi Bijay! Some other travelers have faced this issue as well. Please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

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Please use KL0877 for the flight number which the system should accept. It might be that the ticketing software emits the first digit of the numeric in case it is a zero. When I had booked the same sector in the past directly from KLM, the flight number was KL0877

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Just to help others: I was getting the below error while uploading the documents (Passport copy or PCR Test Result).

“File name with any special characters and space are not permitted. Only hyphen and underscore permitted”.

To solve this issue, please change the file name from “Passport Copy” to “Passportcopy” (without space).

Hope this helps someone :).

Hi Sabeer! Thank you very much for sharing your experience.

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Hi Indian eagle, After submitting SDF at Air Suvidha, whether SDF details for international arriving passengers received in pdf form from Air Suvidha i.e application accepted by ministry of civil aviation on behalf of ministry of health and FW, is final approval from GOvt of India for international passengers intend to travel to India.

Hi Vinod! Yes, it is. Make sure to take printouts of the PDF you receive via email.

Hi! Jordan is your country of departure. For any other information, you can call the helpline of Delhi International Airport that manages the Air Suvidha portal.

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Hello! I am taking a flight from Toronto to Hyderabad via Emirates through Dubai. In the SDF, it is asking for departure city and departure country, would that be Dubai or Canada? Also, will I need to do a molecular test in Hyderabad if i have a negative test from Canada within 72 hours? Will I need to do any test in Dubai too? Also, will I be allowed to travel domestically in India within 14 days? Thanks

Hi Ramya! Your departure country is Canada. There is no test for transit travelers in Dubai. Because of your transit in the Middle East, you will have to give your swab sample on arrival at Hyderabad Airport. However, you will be allowed to exit the airport without waiting for the test result. You can travel within India right from the day of arrival in India.

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We are flying next week from London on a direct flight to Mumbai. 2 Adults and 2 children (2 years and 6 years old). Adults fully vaccinated and therefore as per the Maharashtra government guidelines we should not need a RT PCR test as part of our self declaration form. However, do i need to RT PCR test my 2yr and 6 yr old children?

Hi Rashid! Your kids must take an RT-PCR test before traveling to Mumbai.

Great! Thanks! also, I downloaded the Aaroghya Setu App on my phone but because mine is an international number, I am unable to register, is that OK?

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Hello. Are they accepting or rejecting the self declaration. The form has a question about immunosupressive therapy. I am taking 1-2 immunosuppresant medication. However my purpose of going is to get married and i have an oci. Please let me know if the do end up rejecting travelers based on this. I am completely health though now. Blood work and everything is perfect.

Hi Tammy! If everything is okay about your health, you can choose to ignore this in the self-declaration form.

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Hi I am travelling from London to Hyderabad by emirates. other than the self declaration the airline website says I also need to fill an undertaking form. I have tried to click on the link provide it takes me back to the self declaration form. Is the undertaking form same as self reporting form that I found on air suvidha website.

Also on the self declaration form there is a question of countries visited in last 14 days. I am transiting via Dubai do I need to mention on the form. Also if there is no seat number available until I reach if i enter N/a will the form be rejected. I am travelling with kids so want to ensure there is no hiccups.

Hi AB! As you are required to fill out and submit a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha within 72 hours prior to undertaking the journey from London (even before transiting in Dubai), you can choose to avoid providing any detail here. You can enter NA in the blank for seat number.

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Hi, On the air suvidha form, there is a question on diabetes, hypertension etc diseases. Could you please let me know the implications of declaring the conditions? Are there any additional restrictions for people with these diseases? Secondly, whether hard copies are mandatory? Please let me know. Thanks

Hi Kaushik! We have little idea whether there are restrictive implications of declaring the conditions. On submission of the self-declaration form, you will received a PDF to the registered email ID. Please take 2-3 printouts of the same.

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I have filled the self declaration form and have recess PDF in email. Apart from this do we get any approval code as well? For sdf

Hi Manish! The PDF in the email may have the approval code.

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I am residing in Dubai. Currently, my wife and daughter are in Kerala, India. I want to go to India and bring them to UAE. But, i wont get more than 5 days leave from company. Is the to and fro travel possible in a span of 5 days? Will Air suvidha regulations permit such requests?

Hi Rony! You can travel back within 5 days of your arrival in India. Make sure that your wife and daughter are eligible for entry into the UAE.

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One mistake happened while selecting diseases for my kid , by default it was taken as YES for all diseases and after that also it is not allowing to edit and my kid is absolutely fine and having negative report as well. Can it be a problem while travelling,

Diabetes Yes HypertensionYes Respiratory Distress Bronchial Asthma Yes Cancer Yes Unde Immunosuppresive Therapy Yes Post Transplant Patients Yes

Hi Satyabrata! You can fill out a new self-declaration form on Air Suvidha or call the helpline number of New Delhi Airport.

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Quick question on contact number on self declaration form. If I use UK number which might not work as there is no international roaming and normally I buy local Sim card after landing in India. I don’t have any Indian Number to put it on the form. . so how I proceed with Contact Number. If Authorities try to contact me during my home isolation , how they contact me if I put UK number on the self declaration form.

Hi Anil! You can provide an Indian number of a close family member in India.

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Hi IndianEagle,

I am travelling to India from Indonesia via Dubai, i have only 48 hours window for getting the RT-PCR test done (emirates requirement for indonesia travellers) and i will get my report only 8 hours before the travel. My concern is on getting the Approval email from AIR Suvidha portal for self-declaration ( NOT exemption) within this short time. Emirates needs the approval code before boarding. So the question is on the time ( max) required for getting the approval code after submitting self-decleration form. Kindly reply

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Hi Mahesh, did you got any replay? I am also in this same situation…

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I just spoke with a customer care representative at Delhi Airport. No approval code comes through, it is just the pdf that comes in the email after you fill the self-declaration form.

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I am travelling to India on 08/18/21 On self-declaration form. What is your request number ( ERO) And what is PNR number ? Where do you find these to fill the self-declaration form?

PNR Number Enter PNR number

Hi Kaur! You will find the PNR number on your flight tickets.

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I am traveling from Orlando,FL =====> Dubai ======> Hyderabad. I have different tail numbers for both flights. Should i submit two self declaration forms? Please help.

Hi Vishnu! You can provide the tail number of the flight from Orlando to Dubai.

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Can you please advise i am travelling to Delhi from Oman next week, and Air suvidha self declaration form is asking to upload vaccination certificate as my kid is 5 years old and not vaccinated yet, how do i fill the form is it mandatory.

Hi Dhawal! Vaccinated certificate is not mandatory for kids.

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Hi I am filling self declaration form through Air Suvidha portal today, but did not have RT-PCR result. I am going to travel on 8.21.21, whether can I upload RT-PCR test result on 19th or 20th to my form. System will allow to do so……. or I need to wait until I get the test result and then fill up the form. Travel is from USA to Chennai.

Hi Balaji! As per the norms, you need to submit the self-declaration form and upload the negative RT-PCR test result on Air Suvidha within 72 hours prior to boarding your flight in the USA.

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Hello, I am traveling from San Francisco to India via Dubai (Emirates) soon and am fully vaccinated. I wanted to know if the CDC vaccination card is enough as proof of vaccination at the Mumbai airport or if I need anything else as well. Also, what other letters/documents do I need to procure?

Hi Prachi! The CDC vaccination certificate is a valid proof of vaccination. On arrival, you will need to submit an undertaking form that you may find on the website of Mumbai Airport or you will be given at the airport if Maharashtra is your final destination.

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I am travelling to banglore through dubai (will not leave the airport). Do I fill the air suvidha form using details of my flight form the uk to dubai or dubai to banglore ?

Hi Am! If your entire journey is on the same PNR, then you need to enter the flight number of the flight from UK to Dubai.

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Hi, When I try to fill out the self declaration form it asks me to fill the exmption category, but it has only 2 items (Select and death in the family). If you click on Select that gets applied but the form doesn’t accept. Why is that. My travel is on 27th August 21.

Hi Anantha! You don’t need to fill the exemption form if there is no exigency of death in the family.

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Hi, Can i take Rapid test and upload it in Air Suvidha ? I gave PCR Test but still i haven’t got the result. Not sure if i can get it before i board the flight Travelling from Chicago -> Doha -> Hyderabad

Hi Sri! As per India’s entry guidelines for international arrivals, you need to take an RT-PCR test, not a rapid test.

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I am traveling Usa to bombay ( Mumbai) Qatar air line what documents I need to lend bombay Rt PCr test and other any documents need

Hi Pravin! You need to fill out a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha portal and also upload your pre-arrival negative RT-PCR report not older than 72 hours before departure onto the same portal. Further, Mumbai subjects travelers coming from or transiting in the Middle East to 7-day institutional quarantine unless they are fully-vaccinated or if their final destination is outside of the state of Maharashtra. Please be advised to go through to see who else is exempted from quarantine on arrival.

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I am travelling to Delhi on 29 August from hong Kong but transiting via Dubai. What should be my Country of Departure on the Air Suvidha?

Hi Rukhshana! Hong Kong is your country of departure.

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Dear Sir My husband and I plan to travel in November 2021 from South Africa to Trivandrum via Qatar airlines with a valid OCI card, we have a home in Trivandrum and are relocating, Which website do we use to to fill and upload our Corvid test results and will we have to quarantine in our home in Trivandrum for 7 or 14 days. Please advise Thank you Saras Reddy

Hi Sarasvathy! You need to fill out a self-declaration form and upload a negative RT-PCR test report here .

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Hi. My foreigner boss is travelling from Japan to Mumbai on 15th September 2021 and returning on 30th September 2021. He has taken both doses of vaccine as well. Does he need to submit the self declaration and undergo PCR test. Also, is he required to self- quarantine for 14 days? He has work in Mumbai and will be travelling to the office and banks. Please advise. Thank you. Regards

Hi Varsha! There is no self/home quarantine for asymptomatic international arrivals. He needs to submit a self-declaration form and upload a negative RT-PCR report on Air Suvidha within 72 hours prior to traveling from Japan.

HI , Lot of information here who ever wants to fill the Air Suvidha forms. Just would like to share yesterday I filled the form from UK and I received confirmation/form with in 5 minutes. I started wondering will I get another form as that is too quick. As lot of people started asking question hope that helps, At least I can confirm process is very quick and smooth. Anil

Hi Anil! Thank you very much for sharing your experience of Air Suvidha.

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i will be travelling from LA to Bangalore through Dubai. How should I fill up the flight details ? Because I will be taking two flights: One from LA to Dubai and then from Dubai to Bangalore. Which flight’s number should I use and what should I fill in for starting destination ?

Hi Sudhanshu! If you hold a single PNR for the entire itinerary, you can provide details of the flight from LA. If you have different PNRs for the flights, you can provide details of the flight from Dubai to India.

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hi i am trying to fill the air suvidha self declaration form and at the place where its saying FINAL DESTINATION AIRPORT, i am trying to write down but i cant write its refusing so if i escape and send the form is it ok or not?

Hi Sahardid! May we know what your final destination is?

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We are flying Lufthansa EWR (New Jersey, usa) — FRA (frankfurt, Germ) — BOM under same PNR. Do I use USA, Newark for country/city of departure? Flight Number & seat info, do I use the EWR – FRA flight or the FRA – BOM info?

Hi Jill! USA is your country of departure.

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Hello, we changed missed our flight from Dubai to Mumbai. And booked another flight on the same day. Do we need to fill another Air Suvidha form? We are waiting to board soon. Thank you

Hi Sachi! Please be advised to call the helpline of Delhi International Airport.

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Hi, I filled SDF (Atlanta-Boston-Dubai-Bangalore) form with country of origin as UAE based on information from another post on you tube. Can I submit another SDF with country of origin as USA , baaes on the Q&A here?

Hi Pchitnis! The US is your country of travel origin. You can try to submit another SD form on Air Suvidha.

I keep coming back with different questions regarding a trip later this month. 🙁 Please bear with me.

I will travel Newark-Mumbai and after a 4-day stay Mumbai, will to Rajasthan, eventually returning to the US from Delhi. Q: In the Air Suvidha form, it asks for full address etc. of my “final destination”. Is that final destination for me Mumbai, my hometown in Rajasthan, or Delhi (where I will be only for a few hours–the time between arrival from Rajasthan and departing for the US)?

Thanks much and best regards.

Hello Umesh ji! Rajasthan is your final destination. May we know you will travel to Mumbai on a direct flight from Newark or via the Middle East or Europe?

Thank you. I am taking a direct flight from Newark, USA, and will be in Mumbai for 4 days (staying at a hotel) before taking a flight to Delhi and an onward flight to Ajmer.

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I am travelling from Geneva to Chennai via London along with my 1 year old son. I am fully vaccinted and getting PCR test done with 72 hours.

Should I add my son as co-passenger details? Is a PCR test required (1 year old) ?

Hi Thulasi! As per India’s entry guidelines, your son is also required to take an RT-PCR test within 72 hours prior to traveling to India.

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Hi. I am filling air suvidha form, everything filled but it is showing error in uploading rt pcrtest pdf file. Its just 400kb file. What should i do? I am travelling from Abudhabi to Mumbai

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I am just wondering, what are the requirements from coming back from New Delhi to San Franscisco. Can someone help me on this ? Thanks in advance

Hi Surinder! The requirements are very simple. If you are not subject to the Presidential Proclamation 10199, you need to take an RT-PCR test within 72 hours prior to undertaking the journey from India.

Thanks, appreciate your support

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Hello, I am travelling with My 16 month baby from Canada to India. Can you tell me all the requirements? Is it necessary to pPCR test for my baby? My PCR test is on 27sept and my flight is on 28sept. Is it ok if I fill E my form after getting my results?

Hi Sandeep! Everyone traveling to India from abroad, even an infant on lap, has to take an RT-PCR test prior to traveling. Within 72 hours prior to boarding the flight from Canada, you should submit a self-declaration form and upload the negative COVID report on Air Suvidha.

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No you don’t less than 5 year no need to take RT_PCR test

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I am flying from Detroit-Chicago-Doha-Chennai on a single PNR and then from Chennai to Trichy on a separate PNR. Is the 72hr requirement for RT-PCR test is counted towards the first flight segment of the international travel (this will be domestic flight as part of the journey to India) ?

Do I need to apply for TN e-pass ? I heard that TN govt removed e-pass req. early July for inter-district travel

Also, I may not have my mobile active in India. How can I support the requirement for arogya setu app ?

Hi Meyapan! You need to take an RT-PCR test within 72 hours prior to traveling from Detroit. Applying for TN e-pass is mandatory for international arrivals in Tamil Nadu. What the government of Tamil Nadu removed is e-registration for inter-district travel. Please note e-registration and TN e-pass are not same.

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My husband had added my details on Airsuvidha portal for exemption but i did not receive the registration mail but he got it. Is this fine or something wrong? If the Application we filled has mistake can we do the application again?

Hi Nabila! If your husband added your details in a single self-declaration form, you won’t get a separate registration email.

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When do we have to fill the Air Suvidha form? I am travelling on Friday, October, 1st and I will hve my RT_PCR test done today.

The RT_PCE test reports takes 24-48 hours to come back, so I can only fill Air Suvidha for then when I have the test results. That will be within 24-12 hours of my boarding. IS that time enough or should I fill the form without RT_PCR report now?

Hi Andy! You need to fill out the self-declaration form and upload the negative COVID-19 report on Air Suvidha within 72 hours prior to undertaking travel to India.

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Hello, While filling Air suvidha form it is asking for seat number. But right now i Don’t know my seat number. So what do I ill in that place? Thank you

Hi Mothilal! Please do web check-in and get the seat number. You can fill out the self-declaration form within 72 hours prior to boarding your departure flight.

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Hello, today I have flight at noon from JFK to Hyderabad but rt-Pcr test result yet to come still waiting for the covid test result, I was vaccinated,how should I proceed ?

Hi Mohan! Having a negative COVID report prior to boarding the flight at JFK is mandatory.

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Hello, We submit the “PNR” number as the reservation number on our ticket. is that correct or is it the confirmation number? if it’s wrong, do we have to re-do the declaration form ?

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Hi – thanks for this forum. Its really helpful. I’m traveling on Air India (San Francisco – Mumbai) which transits through New Delhi but requires changing terminals/planes. Would this require following the international covid protocols of New Delhi and/or Mumbai? It seems like the 72-hr negative PCR test & self declaration through air suvidha portal needs to happen. Is there more?

Hi Kevin! As you will travel on Air India’s nonstop flight to Delhi, you don’t need to take a COVID test on arrival at Delhi Airport.

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Hello My Name is Hemant Thaker. I am travelling from Portland Oregon USA to Mumbai Via Doha on Qatar Airways. is it mandatory to have PCR Report with QR Code ? we do not get RT-PCR report with QR code. What we get is PCR report without QR code. is it ok to travel with PCR report without QR code ?

Hi Hemant! Having a QR code on the RT-PCR report is not mandatory for travel to India. It is mandatory for travel to USA from India.

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Hello! We are 5 passengers from Riyadh (KSA) to Hyderabad via Emirates through Dubai. In the SDF, it is asking for departure city and departure country, would that be Dubai or Riyadh (KSA) ? Also, will I need to do a molecular test in Hyderabad if i have a negative test from Riyadh within 72 hours? Moreover we have another domestic flight from Hyderabad to Nagpur should we do molecular test in Hyderabad or leave without test & board in domestic flight ?

Hi Rahil! Your departure city is Riyadh. It is mandatory to take a self-paid RT-PCR test on arrival at Hyderabad Airport.

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I keep getting an error with “Flight/Tail number must be between 4 to 6 alphanumeric characters, no special char or spaces” but all I’m entering is “EK500” or “UA500”. It won’t accept anything. Is this a new bug? I even tried other airline flight numbers but no luck.

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I am getting the exact error :Flight/Tail number must be between 4 to 6 alphanumeric characters, no special char or spaces.” For this error, I am having to cancel my flight to India tomorrow because I cannot travel without submitting an Air Suvidha Self Declaration. So much for easy travel.

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I am booked on Etihad from BNA-ORD-AUH-DEL, with BNA-ORD leg on American Airline. Though Etihad issued an e-ticket with a single reference number and ticket number, but American Airlines flight from BNA-ORD shows a different American Airline reservation code on the ticket. Is my ticket considered a single PNR or two PNR? And which PNR & flight details should I enter on SDF?

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Hi I’ll be travelling from uk to Raipur next month via kolkata.Will take a train from kolkata to Raipur.I will take RT PCR before boarding and undergo Testing on arrival in Kolkata.Will I be allowed to travel by train to Raipur on same day?

Hi Chandan! You can travel to Raipur by train on the same day.

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Hi – i am traveling to Chennai from SFO via Doha on the 14th… i am planning to take an RT PCR test on the 11th. are there any recommended testing sites or can I go to one of my choice?

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Good Morning Indian Eagle Support Team,

My name is Bhadresh & I am planning to travel to Ahmedabad (IAD to AMD via Doha – Qatar Airways) – I am fully vaccinated as well. I am also planning to get the RT-PCR test done within 72 hrs – My questions are,

1. Am I eligible for home quarantine? I am planning to travel by car from AMD to Surat.

2. Which form should I fill up first (Self Declaration or Exemption ?)

3. The Test results takes up to 48 hrs so – how am I going to fill up the form without test results (I guess I have to wait for the results before I fill out those forms) but not sure if that’s enough time for them to review my documentation & approve my exemption request.

Thank you for your great support in this covid situation,

Best Regards, Bhadresh

Hi Bhadresh! Good morning to you too! Being asymptomatic and having a negative COVID-19 report from the US, you are not subject to home-quarantine at your destination. If you are traveling not in the exigency of death in family, you don’t need to fill out the exemption form. The only form you need to fill and submit on Air Suvidha is the self-declaration one, and that too after you receive the negative RT-PCR test report.

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Me and my Friend we are traveling to Delhi from Riga and trying alot to upload the RT-PCR test but it shows error and not going forward I am the airport connection waiting to board my flight to Delhi from Doha please help me they won’t let me board the flight if I don’t get this done it’s urgebt

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Hello: I am flying from Dallas to Bangalore transitioning via London (BritishAirways). Not travelling in London. Several questions. 1. What is country of departure? USA or UK? There is a big debate between my friends. 2. What is the Flight number I should enter? Dallas-London (BA0192) or the one from London to BLR (BA0119) 3. What is city of origin-Dallas or London? 4. Details of countries visited in last 14 days. 0 or 1? Does transitioning through UK count as country visited? 5. What is the date of journey? The date I started in Dallas or London? 6. My phone contact? Can I give my United States phone number? 7. What is PNR? Is it Booking Ref Number? 8. How much does the PCR Test cost? Do they accept credit card in BLR? Thanks

Hi Ram! The US is your country of departure and Dallas of the city of origin. You can enter the Dallas-London flight number. The date of journey is the date you will board the flight from Dallas. You can give your US phone number. You will find the PNR on the ticket. It is not the booking reference number. A regular RT-PCR test costs nearly 800 rupees per person at BLR Airport.

Hi: I thought the Flight Number to enter is the one from UK to BLR since that is what reaches India. Am I incorrect? Can I pay for the PCR Test using a US Credit Card?

Can I start filling in form but not finish it till later? Or, if I leave am I screwed? Or, if I submit, I am in for rough times because it was incomplete?

I want to fill in everything except the RC-PCR Test stuff.

I do not wan t to experiment.

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I am flying from NY JFK to NEW Delhi on Nov 24 in Air India. Once i reach delhi, i am flying to Chennai on indigo later in the evening same day.

So, NY to DEL and DEL to Chennai are different PNR number. Will i be allowed to travel from Delhi to chennai without any issues if i have taken RTC PCR test within 72 hrs before boarding flight from NY

Hi Kumar! If you are asymptomatic, you will be able to travel from Delhi to Chennai with the negative RT-PCR report from the US.

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What is PNR number in Air Suvidhya form. Is it United 6 digit confirmation number ?

Hi Arun! Please check the e-ticket for the PNR number.

For British Airways, it is the booking reference number. I confirmed. So, maybe, something similar. Yes 6 digit number. PNR is not term used in other places.

On the Air Suvidha form, what is the flight number to enter when I am travelling from USA to Bangaluru and transiting via UK? (British Airways)? Flight from US to London or the one from London to India. PNR is same for both.

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Hello, I have the same question.

I am flying from Toronto to Mumbai via Frankfurt.

An Air Canada flight from Toronto to Frankfurt and then a Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to Mumbai.

Which flight tail number are we supposed to enter, I am a bit confused after reading the previous comments.

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I would ignore it. Flight Number is good. How would one know the type of aircraft? Tail number? They could change at the last moment.

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I’m traveling from Austin(US) o Mumbai,. My journey is Austin (US) -> Dallas (US) -> Doha -> Mumbai Which flight should I put in the tail number detail?

Hi Abhay! You can put the number of the Dallas-Doha or Doha-Mumbai flight.

Hi Ramakrishnan! Thank you very much for sharing this.

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We are travelling in Air Canada AC042 flight from Thunder Bay to Toronto & then Toronto to Delhi. Trying to upload RTPCR in airsuvidha though we have entered correct flight number we are getting this error. please HELP

Flight number / tail number should be minimum 4 to maximum 6 alphanumeric value, space and special characters not allowed

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This is Sukhjit Kumar and I will be travelling to India.I will be flying from Toronto and I have a connecting Flight in New York. I just have a question regarding the Air Suvidha Form, Since I will have to change my flight in New York. So, which Flight number and Seat number should I need to put.

The one from Toronto to New York or New York to Delhi ?

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Hi Sukhjit! You can provide the flight and seat numbers from the New York to Delhi itinerary.

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I have to travel from Finland to India via Franfurt by Lufthansa Airlines. I had Covid 2 months back and recovered now. In case the Covid report is positive, what I should do in order to travel. There is a recovery certificate provided by Finland authority which states that I am not contagious anymore and its valid for 6 months.

Please confirm whether I can travel using this certificate for travel along with +ve Covid report.

Hi Ashish! You can carry the recovery certificate. Other than that, you must take an RT-PCR test within 72 hours prior to undertaking the journey from Finland.

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I propose to travel by Newark Ahmedabad Air India flight after taking booster dose of moderna vaccine . Earlier,I have already taken two doses of vaccine in Feb 2021. Is their any condition that I cannot undertake journey for up to.14 days after booster dose? Or this rule is applicable only to first or second dose?

Hi Harendra! Vaccination or a booster dose is not a requirement for travel to India. No matter when you took the vaccine doses or the booster dose, you can travel to India.

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My wife is travelling tomorrow from London (Heathrow) to Mumbai via Virgin Atlantic. We have done the check-in and received a boarding pass that says ‘Seat to be assigned at gate’. Wanted to check, if we can still fill her Air Suvidha form if she does not have a seat number. Since the section is mandatory to fill, can we put ‘TBA’ instead. We have proof of the boarding pass that does not have a seat no. Also, rest requirements of documents and RT-PCR test results are in place.

Can you please provide some guidance.

Hi Francis! In our knowledge, your can put a random number. It won’t be an issue.

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I’m facing the same error. How did you fix it ?

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I am travelling from Russia to Delhi tomorrow. I am trying to submit the self declaration form but I keep getting an error message that my negative RT PCR test report couldn’t be uploaded due to invalid file size. I am uploading a PDF of 45KB whereas the limit is 1MB. I have also removed all hyphens and spaces from the name. Please advice at the earliest on how to proceed.

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Did this work? I am facing the same issue!

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Hi The Air Suvidha website keeps giving errors with file uplaod saying invalid file size even though files are within 1MB limit. Can one fill the form in physical before boarding the flight since Air Suvidha website always had problems and it continues still even India is considered to be IT heaven?

Hi Avnish! It is mandatory to submit a self-declaration form and upload a negative RT-PCR report on Air Suvidha prior to your scheduled travel.

Hi Ankit, I have the same problem. If you were able to find a way out? Thanks.

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My brother is going to be traveling to Delhi from Newark on United airline. He does not know how to use a computer and I am 800 miles away so I can not fill it as his RT-PCR report will not be available until few hours before the departure. Can Self Declaration Form be filled in paper and handed over at the Delhi airport? Will United airline allow him to board without AirSuvidha on-line SDF form?

Hi Pradeep! It is mandatory to fill out a self-declaration form and upload a negative RT-PCR report on Air Suvidha before scheduled departure.

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Hello, I am not sure about this: Give an undertaking on the portal through the concerned airlines before they are allowed to undertake the journey that they would abide by the decision of the appropriate govt to undergo quarantine. Do I have to get this from the airlines? Please advise.

Hi James! It is a generic requirement. If you are found symptomatic during temperature check on arrival or if your destination needs you to quarantine, you should quarantine yourself. You need to submit this undertaking on Air Suvidha, an extension of Delhi Airport website.

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I am feeling the Air Suvidha travel form, after completing all the sections and when submitting I get the message “Flight number / tail number should be minimum 4 to maximum 6 alphanumeric value, space and special characters not allowed” However I checked the the flight number and there in no space or special characters its BA0119, please guide me what I am doing wrong as I am flying in 7 hours from Caribbean.

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Hi I have flight to Mumbai from Muscat via Dubai. Which flight number should I mention in Airsuvidha form..? Muscat- Dubai flight or Dubai-Mumbai flight..? Also seat number of which flight shall I mention… that of Muscat-Dubai or Dubai-Mumbai…?

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Hi, does Indian person also need to fill the Air Suvidha form who has traveled out of India for 5 -7 days and also have double Covishield Vaccination certificate before leaving India?

Hi Charanjit! Your query is not clear to us. Could you be a little more specific?

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Hi. I am trying to fill the air suvidha self declaration form and I’m confused about the PNR that I should be entering. I am travelling from Boston to Nagpur, and have connecting flights (Boston-Doha, Doha-Mumbai, Mumbai-Nagpur). Which PNR should I enter in the form as all flights have a different PNRs? Also, I have a negative RT-PCR test and a vaccination certificate. Will I have to quarantine at all?

Hi Saloni! You can enter the PNR of either Boston to Doha flight or Doha to Mumbai flight. If you are asymptomatic, then no quarantine.

Hi Indianeagle,

Earlier you had mentioned to “may be fill two Air Suvidha, one for each PNR, just want to confirm your above response. Just use one of the PNR? And 72 hour clock starts while boarding in US / first leg / first PNR

Hi Hardik! If your itinerary has two PNRs, it is not possible to fill a self-declaration form for each of the two PNRs. If there is more than one traveler and they have different PNRs, then each of the travelers should fill a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha.

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Hi, I am traveling from New York to Chennai via Delhi through Air India and all in a single PNR. What city would I enter for the ‘First Port of Entry’ question? Would it be Delhi or Chennai?

Since my immigration would be processed in Chennai, asking this question.

Greatly appreciate all your answers in this site. They are very helpful.

Hi Raj! Your first port of entry is Delhi. Wish you safe and hassle-free travel.

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Hi !! My passport doesn’t have a last name. What name should I fill in the self declaration form ?

Hi Anjali! In our knowledge, your name on the passport should match your name on the vaccination certificate or negative RT-PCR report.

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Hi, we are traveling from USA to Chennai (India) with a stop-over at Doha (Qatar airways) this November (OCI and PIO card holders).

Question: Air Suvidha form requires to upload a negative covid-PCR test and that Air Suvidha needs to filled up 72 hours “before” departure. But the covid-PCR Test needs to be done “within” 72 hours of departure. How can I satisfy both these timelines, in that Air Suvidha should be completed 72 hours “before” departure, while PCR test should be done “within” 72 hours of departure?

Can someone help me suggest, what would be the ideal timeline for PCR test and filling up Air Suvidha form? Will this be valid, take the PCR test 2.5 days prior to travel, and fill up Air-Suvidha 1.5 days prior to travel?

Hi Kishore! Please don’t be confused. You can take an RT-PCR test and upload a negative report on Air Suvidha within 72 hours prior to your scheduled departure from the US.

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Hi, I’m leaving from UK to Kochi via Emirates on 20th. I was due to get my connecting flight on 21st and to land in India on 21st. With this schedule, I have planned for RT PCR on 18th. But Emirates are now delaying my connecting flight by 24 hrs. So will be able to take the connecting flight on 22 nd only. Will that affect the validity of my RTPCR as it would have been taken more than 72 hrs before the connecting flight from Dubai to Kochi

Hi Shalini! 72 hours is calculated prior to your first international flight from the UK, not the connecting flight from Dubai. If the connecting flight is delayed, the airline should be responsible for this, not you. Given the delay of the connecting flight, the health officers deployed at Kochi International Airport might need you to take an RT-PCR test on arrival.

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I received my first dose of Vaccine in India and 2 more doses in the USA. The 3rd dose was taken 5 days before my departure from USA. The Air Suvedha portal says I have to take the mandatory PCR test in Delhi since my last vaccine dose was within 15 days from the date of departure. Should I mention the fist dose as the “latest” dose in this case to get exemption from the PCR test?

Hi Rahul! The government of India considers when you took the last or latest dose. You will be considered partially-vaccinated. Partially-vaccinated travelers are subject to a self-paid RT-PCR test and 7-day home-quarantine in India.

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Hi I am travelling from Dubai to Cochin. they are asking for seat no while filling Air Suvidha Self declaration form. If I write not assigned, will they accept it? kindly advice me on this.

Hi Lakshmi! You can try with ‘NA’.

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I am travelling with my family from Dallas-USA to Chennai. Should I submit self-declaration form for each passenger or one per family (as the form asks for additional passenger details in the same form when I am filling mine).

Hi Vijay! You can submit a single self-declaration form with details of all the travelers.

Thanks! Should the RT-PCR certificate include the Passport number and Date of birth ? (Travelling USA to India)?

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Error while uploading your RT-PCR negative certificate I am getting problem , when i submit AIR SUVIDHA FORM please give me any solution, tomorrow 19/11/2021 17:00 my flight. +971547273234

Hi Rohit! Please be advised to contact the helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

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Hi Indian Eagle

Two questions

I am travelling to Mumbai via London on Virgin and will have our 1 year old with us

1) I have read RT PCR test is not required for children less than 2 – so wanted to confirm with you that and also will that pose any problems on air suvidha

2) Regarding air suvidha – how does that since it says to fill the form within 72 hours of departure. Can i fill the form and take the negative rt pcr tests results for me along with me or does it have to be uploaded.

Hi Varun! Asymptomatic kids below 5 years of age are exempted from COVID-19 testing before and after arrival in India. Make sure to upload your kid’s passport copy (as his/her age proof) while filling out his/her details as a co-traveler in the self-declaration form on Air Suvidha. It is mandatory to upload the negative RT-PCR test reports alongside filling out a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha any time within 72 hours prior to your scheduled departure.

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Please ensure that the file name of RT PCR test certificate does not contain any special character and space

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Hi, we are travelling with 7 year and 1 year old kids. I found out that since last week Indian Govt waived RTPCR testing requirement for kids under 5…is it verified? how do i submit air suvidha form for my 1 year old who don’t have vaccination or rtpcr test report? also generally how long it takes to update the status after we submit the air suvidha form?

Hi Joshi! It is right. Starting on NOV 12, 2021, asymptomatic kids under 5 years of age are exempted from taking an RT-PCR test before and after arrival in India. While filling out the self-declaration form with co-passenger details under – How many passengers are traveling? – you will be asked to upload your kids’ passport copies. The passport copy of the one-year-old will be his/her age proof, on the basis of which the kid will be exempted from taking an RT-PCR test.

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I am travelling from Perth Australia to Ahmedabad India via Dubai. I am using 2 different airlines and 2 different tickets. From Perth to dubai emirates and from dubai to delhi,ahmedabad air india. On AIR SUVIDHA portal which flight number should I enter?

Hi Hiral! You can enter the details of your first international flight.

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Hi What is the procedure to amend information on Air Suvidha if a mistake has been made while filling in the information

Hi Charan! There is a drop-down menu under ‘Air Suvidha’ in the right hand corner of this page . The drop-down menu includes ‘Edit Self-declaration form.’

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What is the Final Destination Pincode that is required on the entry form?

Hi Yasmin! Every neighborhood in India has a unique Pincode (postal index number code). The pincode for Delhi starts with 110001.

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Can one upload documentation of recovery from covid-19 to air suvidha portal? I know of someone who just recovered from COVID but they have to travel after 2 weeks. Their isolation has ended but I understand their RT-PCR test still might show a positive result. How does one deal with this? CDC in the US allows one to travel if one shows documentation of recovery from COVID from a licensed health officer along with other documents.

Hi Nitai! There is no provision on Air Suvidha to upload a document of recovery from COVID-19.

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Hi, I am travelling to India after 8 days. I’ve two questions:

1. I had COVID 3 weeks ago. Do I still need a PCR test? As per CDC guidelines, having COVID in last 90 days won’t need PCR test so confirming.

2. My father had COVID 3 weeks ago and is symptom free but for some reason he still getting +ve result. As per CDC he is not contagious. Is he allowed to travel to India if gets +ve one more time before travel with any proof?

Hi Yogesh! It is mandatory to take an RT-PCR test for traveling to India. Please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport and check with them (no matter which Indian airport you are traveling to).

Hi Yogesh! It is mandatory to take an RT-PCR test prior to traveling to India. Please be advised to call the helpline of Delhi International Airport and check with them (no matter which Indian airport you are flying to).

Hi Yogesh, Were you able to identify a solution?

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Hello Indian Eagle,

To add to my previous question. If I have two legs:

SEA-DXB on Emirates EK 230 (20 December, arriving in Dubai 21 December) DXB-CCU on IndiGo 6E 28 (22 December morning)

Would I need to test prior to the first leg or the second leg? Also which leg would I enter into Air Suvidha? In addition, I saw something on a site that says you need testing in your country of origin. Is that true?

Thanks! Neelanjan

Hi Neelanjan! You should take an RT-PCR test and upload a negative report on Air Suvidha within 72 hours prior to the first leg of the itinerary. You can enter details of the first leg. Your country of origin means the place you will start traveling. It means that you will take an RT-PCR test in Seattle.

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HI Can I get a regular PCR test or is it specifically an RT-PCR test that is required? It is not an antigen test. Thank you

Hi Penny! May we know whether you are traveling to or from India?

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Hi, I am traveling with my family (wife and son). Had 2 questions?

1. The Air Suvidha form allows you to add additional passengers which I did. However, when I got the PDF in email it only had 1 SR number for all three of us on the same form. Do I need to fill separate forms for each to get individual SR numbers?

2. My son is 4 years so I am assuming I can leave the covid test upload field and vaccination card field blank as based on what I hear he is exempt.

Hi Swarup! No need to fill a separate self-declaration form for each of you if all of you have the same PNR. Yes, he is exempted from taking an RT-PCR test and vaccination is not mandatory for minors.

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We have booster shot on 11th June and arriving at Delhi from US on on 26th which is 15th day. Now its asking to book the PCR test as last shot was taken less then 15 days. should we put original date of 2nd shot or booster shot date in the vaccination record date? if PCR test shows for 8-10 hours do we need to stay at Delhi airport for 10 hours or we can go to next flight

HI Anurag! You will be able to proceed for the connecting domestic flight after giving your swab sample for a test at Delhi Airport. Please note you will also be subject to 14-day home quarantine.

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I cannot get a seat number until i check-in. Travelling from London to Delhi

Can I put “not assigned” on the declaration form?

HI Sarah! You can fill out the self-declaration form after web check-in.

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As per latest guidelines from MoFW ( ), asymptotic children under 5 years are exempted from taking pre and post RT-PCR test enroute to India.

But while filling Air Suvidha form, even after entering child’s date of birth, Date of RT-PCR test field remains mandatory with asterisk (*) mark. Not sure if we can submit the form without filling out RT-PCR test date for the child below 5 years.

Hi Arvind! No problem. There is provision to upload your child’s passport copy.

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If I fly from the US and stay several days in France before going to India, do I list the US as the country of origin or do I list France?

Hi EM! Here the country of origin means the country of travel origin. If you have a separate ticket for for the flight from France to India, you should count France as the country of your travel origin.

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I have filled one form for my wife and I as we are travelling together. Is that correct? Or does she need to fill in separate form?

Hi Praful! If both of you have the same PNR, don’t need to fill out two separate forms on Air Suvidha.

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I am traveling from Boston -> Mumbai (Via Doha connecting flight) and from Mumbai I am traveling to Surat by train on the same day.

I have couple of question regarding some of the fields in air suvidha

1) what should be the country of departure (origin ) field?

It should be Boston(USA) or Doha(Qatar)?

2) I am traveling from Mumbai to Surat by train, so I don’t need to fill domestic flight field, right?

3) I will go from Mumbai to Surat by Train, I have booked my Train ticket, I am allowed to travel by train right?

Hi Chirag! Boston, USA is your country of departure or travel origin. No need to provide details of your domestic travel. If you are fully-vaccinated and if you are found asymptomatic in thermal screening at Mumbai Airport, you will be allowed to exit the airport and proceed for domestic travel. Wish you safe and happy travel!

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Can you please clarify the following for me:

I am travelling USA – Frankfurt(Germany) – Cairo (Egypt) – Muscat (Oman – Vijayawada (India).

(1) I am OCI card holder. Since I am travelling not direct from USA to India, will I be denied entry to india upon arrival at Vijayawada airport? (2) I am transiting via Europe (Frankfurt), am I required to take RT-PCR test at Vijayawada and if so does Vijayawada have RT-PCR test facility?

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We are supposed to download Air Suvidha App on mobile as well. However, I cannot register on my phone using an international contact number. How am I supposed to register on my phone then? Please help.

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I’m travelling from Detroit to New Jersey and New Jersey to Mumbai United Airlines What should be the city of Departure?

Hi Sachin! If the entire itinerary has a single PNR, Detroit is your city of departure.

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Hi I am travelling from toronto to abu dhabhi to mumbai. Question is about travel history in last 14 days. I am a truck driver and travelled to USA from CANADA for work purpose. I do not have to give any test or anything while crossing the border. Do I still have to mention my crossing border in the travel history ?

Hi Setu! The government of India requires you to disclose your travel history to check whether you have been to any high-risk country, such South Africa, Botswana, or Zimbabwe in the past 15 days. Fortunately, Canada is not among the countries at risk.

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Should i put the date of final dose of vaccination as the second dose of vaccination or the date when i got the booster ?

Hi Debadutta! You should the date of the final dose of vaccination, not the booster dose.

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Hi I am traveling to India this Sunday (6th Dec). I am traveling Orlando – Newark – Delhi – Bagdogra. In the air suvidha form I found that the house number is mandatory (shown with a * sign). However, my home in Bagdogra doesn’t have a house number.

Is it possible that I can write ‘NA’ in that field?. Or if there is any alternative way known to deal with such situation.

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We are travelling from USA to India. Our Flight is Air India (Chicago to Delhi) and then we have connecting flight Air India (Delhi to Chennai). In AirSuvidha, should we mention the destination as Delhi or Chennai.

Hi Senthilnathan! Chennai is your destination and Delhi is your port of entry.

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Hi my mum is traveling to india from sydney via Air India. I couldn’t find a PRN number and seat number where can i find a PRN number on air ticket

Hi Ranjit! If you are not able to find those details, you can contact the airline.

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I’ll be travelling from Franfurt to Colombo, then to Kochi. Should I keep the departure city as Frankfurt or Colombo?

Hi Joshin! Frankfurt is your departure city.

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Hello Indian Eagle, I will be flying from Roanoke, Virginia at 8:00 AM to Newark, New Jersey for India . I will depart from Newark at 6:25 P.M. direct flight to Bombay. 1.When does my 72 hours count for RT-PCR test 8:00 AM or 6:25 P.M. ? Very difficult to find test center in small town. 2. Also I have to do test within 72 hour but Air suvidha requires before 72 hours. So I have to upload everything but negative test report? Will that be acceptable? 3. Should I put my flight number of Roanoke to Newark or Newark to Bombay? Thanks in advance

Hi Kersi! You can provide the flight number of the Newark to Mumbai leg. You need to take an RT-PCR test, upload the negative report, vaccination proof and submit a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha within 72 hours/not more than 72 hours prior to your international flight from Newark.

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My wife and I traveling from Dallas to Delhi on the 8th. We arrive in Delhi on the 9th and then travel to Chennai on 14th. What address should I be giving.

Hi Sriraman! You should provide the address of your final destination on Air Suvidha.

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I am travelling from Berlin to Hyderabad via Helsinki and Delhi. I’ll board my flight in Berlin in the morning on 15.12 and land in Delhi in the morning on 16th. I’ll get my PCR test result on 14.12 in the evening. Is it okay to upload my test result and submit Air Suvidha form on 14 th evening when I need to take my flight on 15th morning? Also is it necessary to have my passport number and/or my date of birth on my PCR test result?

Hi Vishnu! You can take an RT-PCR test and upload the report on Air Suvidha any time within 72 hours prior to traveling from Berlin. Not sure about the passport number, but the DOB is a must on the negative report.

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Hello, I am flying from US to India. 2 questions- I’ll not receive the seat number until I check-in at the airport.

Q1. Can I proceed to upload the Air Suvidha form with seat number as ‘Not Assigned yet’ and after airport checkin upload again with the correct seat numbers? Does Air Suvidha allow for re-upload or edit?

Q2. Where is the Air Suvidha form checked or collected? at the origin(USA) or destination( India)?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Sumit! You can edit the self-declaration form once. You can put NA instead of a definite seat number unless it is assigned. On submission of the self-declaration form, you will get a PDF to the registered email ID. Make sure to take a few printouts of the PDF, which will be checked during boarding and on arrival.

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Hi my mom is traveling delhi to new york. i world like to fill self declaration form. india is not shown in drop down list of country of origin. what can i fill.

Hi Sandeep! If your mom is traveling from India to USA, Air Suvidha is not for travel to USA.

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Hello, My parents are travelling from srilanka to India. Do they have to submit self declaration form through air suvidha portal or can they fill out self declaration paper form? And bring it with them.

Hi Meena! It is mandatory to fill out a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha within 72 hours prior to traveling to India. On submission of the form, you will receive a PDF to the registered email ID. Make sure to take a few color printouts of the PDF.

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Hi. i am travelling from Melbourne to Goa on 24th, i will be doing PCR test 72 hrs prior to my flight which is via Singapore. My flight is Melbourne- Singapore- Mumbai-Goa. i do have long haul for transit. should i fill 2 seperate forms of air suvidha for Mumbai and Goa. and can i upload my PCR test taken in Melbourne or do i have to take another test as it will be beyond 72 hrs by the time i reach my destination? Please help me with this, quite confused.

Hi Shagufta! No need to fill out a form on Air Suvidha for Mumbai to goa travel. You are required to take an RT-PCR test within 72 hours prior to traveling from Melbourne and upload the negative report on Air Suvidha.

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Hi, I am travelling from Chicago-Frankfurt-Delhi. Does transiting through Germany puts me in the at-risk category and have to go through the mandatory PCR testing at Delhi airport?

Hi Ankit! If you don’t leave the immigration area during transit at Frankfurt Airport and if you are found asymptomatic in thermal screening on arrival, you won’t be considered in the at-risk category. Please note only 2% of the total passengers of every flight carrying people from a country not at risk will be randomly tested on arrival. If you are identified among the 2% for random testing, your swab sample will be collected before you leave the airport.

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Traveling from chicago-Dubai-Ahemdabad on emirates. I am oci holder. Some people are not vaccinated, so what do we do for uploading vaccination certification. I will have covid test done before 72 hours of my flight. But i am confused about vaccination.

Hi Nayan! Travel to India does not require vaccination for children and teens below 18 years of age. Even for adults above 18 years of age, vaccination is not mandatory for traveling to India. As per the rules, unvaccinated travelers will have to take a paid RT-PCR test on arrival in India. If detected negative, they will undergo home quarantine for 7 days.

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We are traveling through British Air from Boston to Bangalore. We will only be transiting at the London airport. Are we considered at-risk country or since we are originating from USA, considered not at risk country in Bangalore airport for the new protocols of mandatory testing.

Hi Matt! As of now, you won’t be considered a high-risk arrival if you don’t leave the immigration area of London airport during transit and if you arrive asymptomatic in at an entry airport in India. Please note only 2% of the total passengers arriving from a country not at risk will be randomly tested on arrival. If you are counted among the 2%, your swab sample will be collected before you leave BLR Airport.

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Please let us know your experience for the London Transit. We are traveling JFK-Heathrow-Delhi as well end of this month. Your experience will be very helpful.

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My wife and I are traveling NY to DEL with our 2-month old infant. Do I need to submit Air Suvidhaa for the infant? The form says RT PCR upload is mandatory despite kids under 5 not requiring a test. How do I submit Air suvidhaa for him without uploading the test result? thanks

Hi AK! The infant is a traveler too. You must provide the infant’s details in the self-declaration form and upload a copy of his/her passport that will help verify the age.

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Should I submit separate air suvidha forms for my wife, my kid and me or can I enter all details in one form, including my family in the co-passenger section of the form?

Hi CJ! If all of you have the same PNR, you can furnish the details of all the travelers in one form.

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I am planning to travel from Washington to Hyderabad in January. I will be flying on Emirates from Washington to Duabi on Januray 7th. I plan to stopover in Dubai for 10 days before continuing on to Hyderabad. So, my question is – When should I fill the Air Suvidha form? IT says that I should fill it 72 hours before my journey.

Do I fill the Air Suvidha form on January 6th (day before I levae the USA)? Can I update the Air Suvidha form on January 17th after I take another PCR test in Dubai – prior to boarding the flight to Hyderabad on January 17th? Thanks.

Hi Krishna! You need to upload a negative RT-PCR report and fill out a self-declaration form twice on Air Suvidha within 72 hours prior to traveling from the USA and traveling from Doha.

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hi I am flying from Toronto – Dubai and then Dubai to Mumbai. on the air suvidha I should fill which flight number first or second

Hi Trushanti! You can provide the details of the Toronto to Doha flight.

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Hi, My RTPCR test results are delayed and they wont be coming until tomorrow noon. I have a domestic flight tomorrow morning at 11 am and connecting international (Newyork-Doha-Chennai )starting at 9 pm in the night. Is it ok if I upload RTPCR results just before the international flight boarding or will it be asked in Domestic airline boarding as well? Thanks.

Hi Lalita! The negative RT-PCR report may be asked or not at the time of boarding a domestic flight in the US

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What is the PNR Number? I assume the ticket number is the PNR number. Can you please confirm?

Hi Miku! In our knowledge, the PNR number and the ticket number are not the same.

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I posted a question 5days back . ITS NOT BEEN ANSWERED TILL YET.

Wanted to enquire- How can someone upload negative PCR if they tested positive for covid 2 weeks ago. They are fully recovered now, and are fit to travel after their official isolation period is ended now. But our doctor said, their RT PCR test might be positive for next 3 months, so in their case , negative PCR shd not be the criteria to travel.


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Do we need to mention the address as in Passport or the hotel address as we plan to stay during vacation for 15 days after our reach of destination.

Regards Ashu

Hi Ashu! You should provide details of the place where you will be staying on arrival in India.

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I am planning a travel tomorrow on 1st Jan from Boston > EWR > New Delhi. After I filled my Air Suvidha form and hot submit, I received a confirmation email with some other passengers details. Same thing happened when I filled the form again using another email address (this time a new passengers air suvidha confirmation form). I still don’t have my own firm. I need it to board the flight. Anybody else faced this issue? Not sure who should I contact.

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Hi I am flying DETROIT-PARIS-CHENNAI. what is the latest Covid Test requirement transiting thru Paris, in high risk country?

Our friends flew US (Orlando) – FRANKFURT – BANGALORE were asked to take Covid testing since they flew trhtu FRANKFURT, in high risk country

Your website says NOT NEEDED as long as stayed within immigration area in the airport.. The rules are confusing. Please clarify

Hi Kasi! There are various scenarios wherein an international traveler is likely to be tested on arrival – if he/she is found symptomatic in thermal screening; if she/he is identified among the 2% of total passengers of every incoming flight for random testing; if he/she is among the close contacts or a co-traveler of someone who tests positive on arrival.

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Please let us know your experience when you travel. I am in the same situation as yours. How do the airport authorities identify that you just transited and not visited the at risk countries

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Hi, I am going to travel with my daughter who is 8 years old from Adelaide to Delhi. My daughter is unvaccinated as Australia is only starting vaccination for under 12 year old’s after our flight date. I have couple of questions in relation to this.

1) Air Suvidha requires vaccination certificate to be uploaded. What should I upload as my daughter is unvaccinated and it is mandatory requirement? 2) My daughter will get RT-PCR test done within 72 hours of boarding the flight. However does she need to take another test after landing at Delhi Airport?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi Rahul! Vaccination proof is not a mandatory requirement for children flying in from abroad. Make sure to upload a copy of her passport in the self-declaration form for age verification. She is not required to take a post-arrival test unless she is found symptomatic in thermal screening or among the 2% of international arrivals from a country not at risk. FYI, 2% of the total passenger of every flight arriving from a country not at risk will be randomly tested.

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Hi, I am travelling from Chicago-Delhi-Vadodara on 13th of Jan via Air India. Has any traveling requirements changed recently from USA to India? i.e. Negative COVID-19 test within 72 h, quarantine requirement, COVID test at Delhi airport on arrival I would appreciate if you can shine any information on that front.

Thanks, Mayur

Hi Mayurbhai! You are required to upload a negative RT-PCR report, vaccine proof and fill out a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha. As you are traveling on a nonstop flight to Delhi from USA (the country that India has not yet put on the at-risk list), you are exempt to post-arrival testing at Delhi Airport and home-quarantine. If you are found symptomatic in thermal screening at Delhi Airport, your swab will be collected for a COVID-19 test. Make sure to carry the original negative COVID report, the vaccine proof, and a few color printouts of the PDF that you will receive to the registered email ID on submission of the self-declaration form.

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Hello I am traveling from ORD to BOM on Jan 18th I have to renew my passport as it will expire in less than 6 months of my travel date, to be exact it will expire in 5 months and 28 days. The US Passport agency has given me an appointment for 18th morning only. It will take 4 hours to get the passport from the agency, they said. I can upload all needed information to Air Suvidha only after I get my new passport. Will I have enough time to print the confirmation from Air Suvidha?

Hi Shreyasi! It is recommended that you fill out the self-declaration form and upload a negative RT-PCR report as well as vaccine proof at least a few hours prior to traveling from ORD.

Can someone post their experience of just transiting via an AT RISK country ? What flight number, country of origin etc. was entered in the air suvidha form? How do the airport authorities distinguish b/w transit from an AT RISK country vs ‘visiting/originating’ from an AT RISK country. I am traveling from Boston to Delhi via London in Feb

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Hello, I am flying from LAX to DUBAI to AMD. What should be the flight number on air suvidha? on the Air suvidha page it shows the flight number of the flight arriving in india should be input, but here on Indian Eagle I saw comments to include flight number of first leg. Please advise which is correct? Shall if enter flight number of LAX to DUBAI or DUBAI to AMD? Please advise.

Hi Bhavik! You can enter the flight number of LAX to Dubai or Dubai to AMD.

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I am travelling from qatar to punjab via delhi on 27 january 2022, but i want to stay 1 day in delhi , then i have to travell to amritsar and complete my home quarantine, can i stay one day hotel in delhi .

Hi Ranjit! We have little idea about this. You might be subject to 7-day home quarantine in Delhi if you take one-day stopover there.

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Hi Can someone help me to understand if there is an option to save all details in air suvidha portal well before the journey and upload rt-pcr certificate later?

Hi Minu! You are required to fill out the self-declaration form and upload the negative report at the same time.

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Hi How to apply for exemption from institutional quarantine ? We r travelling from uk to mumbai with baby Thanks

Hi Bint! There is no institutional quarantine for fully-vaccinated, COVID negative and asymptomatic travelers from the UK. There is only 7-day home quarantine.

Thank you for your reply. I am asking in the worst case scenario if on arrival PCR tests positive even if pre boarding PCR was negative? What happens in such a case ? Do they exempt from institutional quarantine if travelling with a baby/child under 10yrs?

Hi Bint! No exemption even if you are traveling with a kid under 10 years.

Thank you for the reply

You’re welcome! Wish you a safe and happy trip.

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Hello, I plan to home quarantine in my home village when I arrive in India from the UK. However, when filling out Air Suvidha, it does not accept my pincode, even though I know it is correct and I have double checked with google. What should I do in this case? It does not let me proceed with the pincode left empty. Thanks

Hi Onais! Please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

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Good morning everybody, I’m in the 7 day’s quarantine process in hotel (that ok for me), next Saturday it’s my last quarantine day, I will book PCR TEST in my room Sunday and will got the result monday morning. They write you have to upload your negative PCR TEST on the Air Suvidha portal, ok but I can not found the link for upload the PDF. If somebody can help me it will be nice.

Thanks in advance Fred

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That’s my question too.

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Hi, Me and my husband recently recovered from COVID. We are vaccinated fully with the booster as well We have a positive rtpcr and a recovery certificate from doctor saying we are asymptomatic and have recovered completely and good to travel . My father in law passed away last week and we are trying our best to fly but go no help in our case . Please let us know if we are exempted to travel

Hi Monisha! Unfortunately, there is no exemption from having a mandatory negative RT-PCR test report. Please be advised to contact the Indian Mission or the consular officer in your jurisdiction. Only that can help you out.

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Same condition here. Rt pcr test positive even after 1 month of covid. There should be provision to travel with travel documents from a doctor saying we are fit to travel. RTpcr will test positive for 3 months. Even US accepts travel documents. Not sure why India cant do it.

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When filling out air shuvidha form for children under 5, what do I need to upload under rt-pcr test results as children under 5 are exempt form pre arrival rt-pcr test.

Hi Jay! Please upload a copy of your child’s passport in the self-declaration form for age verification. Instead of filling out a new self-declaration form, provide details of your child as a co-traveler in your self-declaration form.

Thank you for your reply. If I am traveling with my wife and my child. Do we need to fill out separate self declaration form for all adults or we can fill one and list all passengers as co travellers

If all of you have the same PNR, you can list them as co-travelers in the self-declaration form on Air Suvidha.

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I am travelling from Chicago-Delhi on 29th Jan. I have visa appointment on 1st Feb. and then onward journey to Indore. When does my home quarantine start. Does it start when I land in Delhi and can I go for visa stamp appointment or does it start once I reach my destination-Indore.

Hi Rohit! Please be advised to call the helpline of Delhi Airport and check whether you can take 2-day stopover in Delhi before you travel to the final destination.

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The new requirement for home quarantine for all travelers arriving in India started January 11, 2022. Does this mean if you do not have a home in India and are asymptomatic that you can quarantine at any you choose? Are there specific hotels you need to quarantine if vaccinated , COVID negative upon departure from home country. My family is fully vaccinated and boosted.

Hi Mike! If there is no residence in India, you can choose to self-quarantine at a hotel. Hotels are open to provide accommodation to international arrivals.

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Hi, I have flight from Brussels to Dubai and connecting flight from Dubai to New Delhi. Since Both flights are having different flight number, which flight no i need to mention in Air Suvidha Form.

Hi Abhishek! In the Air Suvidha form, you can provide the number of the Brussels-Dubai flight.

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Hi, Air Suvidha form requires to upload a negative RT-PCR test. Does it matter which kind of PCR test is performed? Can I take a regular PCR test instead of RT-PCR test? Is rapid PCR test okay as well? Will this be okay for submission? Please let me know. Thanks.

Hi Rahul! In our knowledge, a regular PCR test and an RT-PCR test are the same. However, a rapid PCR test is not allowed for travel to India.

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Hi, I am traveling from jackson – dallas – Doha – Mumbai with one PNR. 72 hours reporting PCR Test result to AirSuvidha should count from Jackson or Dallas.

Hi Rajesh! You’re required to take an RT-PCR test within 72 hours before your international flight from Dallas.

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Hi, I.ll b travelling to Delhi from Singapore….. Singapore to Amsterdam(connecting flight) .. in Amsterdam I got my RT PCR test conducted nd next day flight… What is the country of origin to be put . Kindly let m know

Hi Pulkit! Singapore is your country of travel origin.

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Good afternoon, about repeat RT-PCR Covid test on 8th day after entry to India: if this test gives POSITIVE result, I have to upload this in Air Suvidha, or I can/have to wait to get a NEGATIVE test result after further PCR test, sone days later? Thanks in advance for your reply

Hi Giovanni! You need to upload the result of the test to be taken on day 8 on Air Suvidha.

Thank you so much for the reply

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Today is my 8th day of quarantine after arriving in Mumbai. BMC contacted me saying they will send someone to collect a sample. Is this a part of the quarantine process in Mumbai? Or can I get tested at a private clinic and upload the test on the air suvidha portal?

Hi Ashutosh! As per the post-arrival guidelines, you are required to take an RT-PCR test on day 8 after completion of the home-quarantine period.

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Hi, I am from Ireland, I recovered from COVID and fully vaccinated. Can I travel with COVID recovery certificate to India? Can I upload recovery certificate instead of negative test report?

Hi Kiran! A negative RT-PCR test report is mandatory for traveling to India.

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Hello good afternoon my flight is 2 Feb but my flight miss she says your self declaration not completed what happened this site i will filling all information but that say Error your PCR test not download pls fill agar

Hi Mohammad! Please be advised to call the helpline of Delhi International Airport. You will get guidance from them.

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Hi I will be landing in Mumbai on 11th of Feb and would like to travel back to USA on 17th of Feb. Is 7days home quarantine required in my case? Can I travel back to USA within 7 days of my arrival in India? Please advise. Thanks MD

Hi MD! 7 days in home quarantine and an RT-PCR test on day 8 are mandatory for all international arrivals in India.

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Hello i dont’t find the way to manage an error on self declaration form air suvidha i get it appoved but i make an error on the full name

Hi Yan! If you notice carefully, there is provision to edit the self-declaration form. Please note one-time change is allowed.

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Hi from wales..i recovered from covid..and fully vaccinated,but in uk RT PCR will be positive ever after recovering from covid till 90 days as per NHS ..what do i upload in air suvidha to fly within 90 days…

Hi Vinaya! Are you fully-vaccinated? If yes, you can travel to India by uploading your vaccine certificate on Air Suvidha and without taking an RT-PCR test. Please go through the new guidelines applicable from February 14

Hello. Yes i am vaccinated in India itself with two doses and my child date of birth is 19th august 2016,,she dont have any vaccination she allowed without RtPCR test? And what page from passport need to upload in airsuvidha?

Hi Vinaya! Kids under 5 years of age are exempted from vaccination and RT-PCR testing.

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Hello, I uploaded my daughter details on air suvidha portal, she is 3 and half years old and after submitting i recieved an E mail with a pdf which when i diwnloaded did not show any of her details. It only showed the declaration but no name or any other personal detail .please is this normal

Hi Khaleeq! There might be some error. Please be advised to call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

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I am a Canadian Citizen.

I am traveling from Toronto to Delhi on Air India and catching indigo flight on the next morning within 24 hrs. I will enter city of departure as Toronto, First Airport of Entry as Delhi, and Final destination address of my home in Giwahati, Assam .

Both flights booked separately in two different PNR as Air India and Indigo have no code share or alliance.

Question I have is:- 1) For the question Are you taking a domestic connection flight. Should I Say Yes and enter Indigo flight details? 2) Also do I need to fill another Air Suvidha form for Iindigo Airlines, or Air Suvidha form is for only internation passengers coming into India. And not for taking Domestic flights. 3) while my return journey back to Canada, will I have to again fill air Suvidha

Hi Parag! You can say ‘Yes’ and enter the details of your IndiGo itinerary. You are required to fill out a self-declaration form for your international itinerary only. Air Suvidha is only for those traveling to India, not for those flying out of India.

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Can someone please tell me what the blue banner and the letter “R” on a completed Air Suvidha form means? Thank you

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Hi, We can only submit airsuvidha form when we have a RT-PCR result ready, as it is a mandatory field ? And How long it will take to get the confirmation once airsuvidha submission is done ?

Hi Mithun! May we know where you are traveling from? If you are fully-vaccinated, you don’t need to upload the negative RT-PCR test result on Air Suvidha. If you wish, you can upload the negative report on Air Suvidha within 72 hours before traveling to India. On successful submission of a self-declaration form and your vaccine card/negative RT-PCR result, you will receive a PDF to the registered email ID. Make sure to take a few color printouts of the PDF.

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I am travelling from USA to MUM on Etihad via Abu Dhabi ( 3hrs stop over at airport). I am full vaccinated. Please let me know if I need negative RT-PCR report to be uploaded to Air Suvidha or can I just upload vaccine record? Thanks for your help.

Hi Adi! In our knowledge, Etihad Airways still requires a negative RT-CPR test report even from fully-vaccinated travelers for transit via Abu Dhabi. Hence, be advised to get it confirmed by the airline too.

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Hi I will be traveling with my daughter from Dubai to India on March 10. We are fully vaccinated and trying to upload the documents online but its asking for my daughter’s RTPCr test. She is not vaccinated. Alghough travel rules have changed, is it true that the kids rules are same ? Is that true that kids only below 5 years are exempted? She is 6 and since we don’t need RTPCR do we need to get her test done?

Hi Neelima! Unvaccinated children above 5 years of age need to take an RT-PCR test before traveling to India. If you were vaccinated India and issued the vaccination certificate by Indian government, you are not required to take any COVID-19 test. you can upload the vaccine certificate on Air Suvidha. If you were vaccinated in the UAE, you are required to take a pre-departure RT-PCR test because Indian government does not recognize the vaccine certificate issued by the UAE government.

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Hi, I’m travelling to Trichy on 13/03/22. I’m fully vaccinated and not required to do a PCR pre-departure test as per government requirement. However, I have tried to submit the self-declaration form but failed because I did not submit a PCR test result. Have you all faced this problem?

Hi PSH! May we know where you are traveling to India from?

From Singapore to Trichy

Hi! Singapore being your travel origin, you are not required to take a pre-departure RT-PCR test. Make sure to carry and upload your vaccine certificate/card on Air Suvidha within 72 hours before traveling to India.

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I have filled air suvidha form for myself and added my wife and kid as co-passenger. 1. Do I need to fill air suvidha form for my wife and kid again individually ? 2. My Kid is under 5 so I have not uploaded RT-PCR or vaccine record. is that fine? 3. I filled form 2 weeks before my flight departure. Is that ok or I need to fill it couple of days before flight departure time?

Hi Anil! You can fill out a single self-declaration form and add your family as co-passengers. It is fine not to upload a COVID-19 test report for your kid as kids under 5 years of age are exempted. You need to fill the form within 72 hours before traveling to India.

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I’m travelling from London to Abu Dhabi and connecting another flight from Abu Dhabi to Ahmedabad.

I want to know what do I put down on the Air Suvida form for the following 2 points below:

Country of Departure (Origin) City of Departure

Hi John! Your country of departure is the UK/England and the city of departure is London.

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Hi I am travelling to Kochi (COK) from Brisbane on Sri Lankan Airlines via Colombo on 5th April. I am fully vaccinated here in Australia and have an offical International Covid 19 Vaccination certificate with dates of vaccinations and QR code. I understand an RT-PCR test is not necessary for fully vaccinated travellers. Is this correct? If I am not required to provide an RT-PCR how early before travel can I upload the Air Suvidha form? Can I fill it now or does it have to be just before departure? Also I do not have an Indian mobile number since I reside in Australia. Can I give my parent’s mobile number?

Hi Mathew! No pre-departure RT-CPR test is not required. You can upload your vaccine certificate and fill out a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha within 72 hours before your international flight departure from Brisbane.

Thank you for your response. I understood that to be the case but when I tried that Air Suvidha kept asking for the RTPCR report even though I had already uploaded the vaccination certificate. It would not permit me to submit the form without uploading the RTPCR.

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Hi Mathew, were you able to resolve the issue, I am having same issue, I am traveling from US to New Delhi is two days time….Thanks for your response

Hello, I am unable to submit a form on Air Suvidha portal, I am a fully vaccinated passenger coming on United Airlines in 3 days (my last booster vaccine was done in Dec 2021), It keeps asking me for RT PCR report, should I load the vaccine card info for RTPCR? I am afraid I may not be allowed to board the flight without this submission We have made three attempts, myself and both my children tried from their computers, I am a US Citizen, and we are unable to submit and comes back with please load RTPCR document… Please advise Thanks

Hi Padma! We understand how important it is to upload the vaccine card and fill out a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha (within 72 hours before your international flight from the US). Please be advised to call the helpline of Delhi International Airport. You will surely get guidance.

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Hello – I am travelling from USA to Delhi and it seems we can fill out the AIR Suvidha form anytime before boarding. Does the 72 hour limit still apply? I am fully vaccinated. Appreciate your response. Thanks

Hi DS! You can fill out the self-declaration form and upload your vaccine certificate on Air Suvidha any time within 72 hours before boarding.

Thank you for your prompt response! Perhaps a silly question but does it really matter if I just upload the Bio page of the passport? Am I supposed to upload a complete copy of the passport? I do not think but the instructions on passport upload are not detailed enough. Thanks

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hi , I am bishal from Bangladesh. i booked my international flight from Dhaka to Kolkata. From Kolkata have also booked domestic flight from Kolkata to Bengaluru. In that case should i select yes for connecting domestic flight? Also please suggest what should i fill in final destination on air subidha, Either it will be Kolkata or Bengaluru, if Bengaluru then how can i fill the “final destination pin Code”. Please advise.

Hi Bishal! Bengaluru is your final destination. You need to mention Bengaluru on Air Suvidha.

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I am planning to travel to India from Taiwan during March End. I was tested positive for COVID on Month of January. I have recovered completely and my doctor and Taiwan Govt has cleared me for traveling. Because I had COVID before, there is a chance that the test will come out as positive because of the dead virus in my body. I do not have any symptoms and not contagious. I have completed the isolation in January and recovered. I am fully vaccinated with AstraZeneca in 2021. In this case, is there some additional documentation that I can give so that I will be allowed to travel to Bengaluru, India. Please advise! Thank you so much for your time!

Hi Hencilla! People from Taiwan must have a negative RT-PCR test report for entry to India though they are fully-vaccinated.

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Hello! I am travelling to Bangalore and I will be staying in a hotel for a week and then moving to a different house. So how do I go about this in the airsuvidha form?

Hi John! You can provide the address of your house in the Air Suvidha form, regardless of where you will be staying after arrival.

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Hi, I am staying in Singapore and going to travel from Singapore to Mumbai and in the Air Suvidha form, they have this information to be submitted “Details of the Countries visited in last 14 days?” Kindly let me know what should I mention here – Should I keep it None or Select Singapore here?

Regards, Anand

Hi Anand! If you have been to any country other than Singapore, the country of your residence, in the past 14 days, you can mention there. Otherwise, you can write ‘None’.

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Hi indianeagle How much time does it take to be application successful after decalration submission.

Hi Shalini! It takes a few hours if there is no technical glitch in an unfortunate case.

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Hi, We are travelling from SFO on 31st March, reaching Dubai on 1st April. We are staying in Dubai for 1 day. We are travelling from Dubai on 3rd April to Hyderabad.

When should we upload negative RT-PCR test: Before starting at SFO or before starting at Dubai or do we need to fill 2 Air Suvidha forms for each leg?

Regards, Rakesh

Hi Rakesh! Do you have two separate tickets or PNRs? One for the flight from USA to Dubai and one for the flight from Dubai to India? If yes, you can fill out only one self-declaration form on Air Suvidha providing details of your travel from Dubai to Hyderabad before your flight from Dubai.

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I will be traveling to Mumbai on the 3rd of April with my 10-month-old Son from Germany. Does he need to do a PCR test 72 hours before the departure and fill up the Air Suvidha as well? He doesn’t have a vaccination certificate as he is too small for it.

Hi Mitesh! Kids under 5 years of age are exempted from taking an RT-PCR test before travel to and after arrival in India. Do make sure to upload a copy of your son’s passport on Air Suvidha and provide his details as a co-traveler in the same self-declaration form.

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I am travelling to Delhi from Sydney on 10th April on a direct flight.

As negative RT-PCR is not required now, and I am fully vaccinated. Can i fill the form on Air Suvidha portal, for example on 5th April or need to do 72 hours prior to boarding only?

Kindly Suggest.

Hi Varun! You are required to fill out the self-declaration form on Air Suvidha within 72 hours before your international flight from Sydney.

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I am traveling with my wife and 4 year old son from Washington DC to Delhi on April 11. We both are vaccinated and he is under 5. So I believe I can just upload our CDC US vaccination cards. These CDC vaccine cards given in US have hand written info on type, and date of vaccination. Are these cards valid for uploading or we need some special documentation.

Hi Prithusundd! The handwritten vaccine cards issued by CDC are accepted on Air Suvidha and on arrival in India. You can also get a proper certificate by entering your vaccine details on

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I am traveling from San francisco USA to Dubai and then to Mumbai on 3rd April 2022. I have 3 questions :-

1. Myself and my wife took vaccination till booster shot recently so do we required any negative RT-PCR test currently

2. Did air suvidha form is individual basis for each one. As I have 2 daughters as well. One of them is less than 5 years of age. Did I need to have airsuvidha form for her as well. 3. Also the last question in air suvidha form is how many passengers are travelling so i need to include saying other members as 4 count or just my individual

Hi Salil! If your departure from SFO is after minimum 15 days of your complete vaccine schedule, you need not take an RT-PCR test. You can simply upload a copy of your vaccine card on Air Suvidha. If all of you are traveling with the same PNR, you can add them as co-travelers in your self-declaration form on Air Suvidha.

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Hello there I cannot select last visited country on air suvidha none of the selection can can be selected from the list of countries

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What does a full vaccination completion certificate means? Is it the first two shots of covid? Or including the booster?

Hi Ansley! Only the two shots of a double-dose vaccine or one shot of a single-dose vaccine like Jansen counts for a full/complete vaccination program/schedule.

Also, we received our vaccinations sometime in May of 2021, does that still hold valid to upload in Air suvidha form?

Hi Ansley! It is still valid.

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Hi, i’m leaving india for turkey, do i need (for indian airport authorities, a air suvidha form or any other ?

Hi Alexia! Air Suvidha is only for those traveling to India, not for those traveling out of India.

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Are digital vaccine card from US accepted by Airsuvidha and upon arrival at Delhi?

Hi Saurabh! It is accepted; we do still recommend travelers to carry a hardcopy since it is very convenient to show the vaccine card whenever demanded during the journey.

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Dear Indian Eagle

I am travelling from US to India direct flight with no layover outside USA or India. My parents are vaccinated in India in April 2021 and they are with me in USA and now travelling to India. Also me and my wife are vaccinates in USA and have vaccination certificates. I was vaccinated back in April 2021 and my wife in October 2021 and we have the vaccination certificates.

When I am trying to fill the Air Suvida form – I see the RT-PCR test field is mandatory. According to new rule if you are vaccinated then we can just upload the vaccination certificate Then how will I be able to fill the form if I dont take the RT-PCR test?

All your help is much appreciated.

Hi Sharad! You can upload only your vaccine card/certificate on Air Suvidha.

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Hi I will be travelling by vistara this month end.Me and my husband has vaccination certificate so I think we don’t need rt pcr right…???? but my baby is only 2 year old .do I need rt pcr for her …?

Hi Mohini! Kids under 5 years of age are exempted from taking an RT-PCR test.

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Hi, We are travelling to India and have completed Air suvidha form about 5 days before travel.We are vaccinated and therefore do not need RTPCR test. Does the form need to be submitted within 72 hours prior to the travel or can it be done earlier (in our case 5 days before travel).

Hi Digant! As per the norms, you are required to fill out the self-declaration form on Air Suvidha and upload a copy of your vaccine card/certificate on Air Suvidha within 72 hours prior to your travel to India.

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WE are leaving from Toronto to Abu Dhabhi doing a stopover for 5 days before taking Etihad flight to Bangalore. While filling Air Suvidha, what would be our country of origin. Also does the air suvidha needs to be filled 72 hours before arrival in India or can be done anytime earlier too?

Hi Archana! Canada is your country of travel origin. You are required to fill out the self-declaration form on Air Suvidha within 72 hours before you undertake the journey to India.

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Hello- we are traveling from US- first to Dubai for 5 days and then to Cochin- what are the requirements for this travel which I guess technically is from Dubai to India? It is 1 adult and 2 children under 5. Appreciate it!

Hi Sanju! You, except both the children (as they are under 5), can upload your vaccination card/certificate on Air Suvidha and fill out a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha within 72 hours before traveling to India from Dubai. If not vaccinated, you need to take an RT-PCR test.

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Hello, as a fully vaccinated adult Im trying to submit my Air Suvhida form without the PCR upload BUT the form refuse to submit and request a PCR form to be uploaded – can you advise please ?

Hi JF! You must upload a copy of your vaccine card/certificate on Air Suvidha while filling out a self-declaration form.

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I’m fully vaccinated as well. When filling the air suvidha form, I have uploaded the vaccine certificate. When I click submit, it asked for RT-PCR certificate as mandatory. So I uploaded the vaccine certificate again in this section. When I click on submit again, its asking for RT-PCR date which allows only dates within 72 hours. What to enter for date as without this its not allowing to submit the form? Thanks in advance.

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Hi I’m travelling to india from the UK I will be staying in a hotel so should I put the number of the hotel im saying on Air Suvidha Self Declaration Form as mobile number? Or should I buy an Indian sim phone when I arrive in india? also

Hi Abdi! You are supposed to provide your contact number in the self-declaration form.

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Hi, I am travelling to Sri Lanka from Canada and I have two layovers to get there, one of them at Mumbai airport. My layover is four hours so I will stay in the airport the whole time. I wasn’t sure I needed to fill the self declaration form but wanted to do it anyway just to be sure. I just don’t know what to write in the sections asking information about my final destination details because it’s asking about a place in India ans I won’t be travelling in India. What should I do?

Hi Daphne! In our knowledge, all India-bound international travelers need to fill out the self-declaration form on Air Suvidha. You can try to fill out the form with a mention of Sri Lanka as your final destination. If it does not work out, you can call the helpline number of Delhi International Airport.

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Hi am travel to india from Saudi arabia, am fully vaccinated and also RT PCR need ?

Hi Mohamed! If you are fully vaccinated and asymptomatic, you don’t need to take an RT-PCR test before departure and after arrival. Make sure to upload a copy of your vaccine card/certificate on Air Suvidha and carry the original document.

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Hi, I am travelling to India. I filled up the Air Suvidha form and uploaded. The next day I took a print out of the acknowledgement and found out that my date of birth is wrong instead of 4th June it is showing 25th June. How can I correcct this error? Please help urgently.

Hi Sami! You can edit the self-declaration form on Air Suvidha and make the correction only once.

I tried that but only few feilds in the form are editable others like Name, DOB, Address, etc are not editable. What to do?

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Hi, I’m traveling to Kochi from Toronto and received both doses of vaccine in 2021. I read that we only need one of either negative rtpcr test result or vaccine certificate. As I have vaccine certificate, I wasn’t planning to take the test . However, when filling air suvidha, there’s asterisk on both vaccine certificate and negative rtpcr test and I can’t submit without both info. Can you help me with this please. Thank you

Hi Ria! Being fully vaccinated, you need to upload only your vaccination card/certificate. Taking a pre-departure RT-PCR test is not required. For any inconvenience, you can call the helpline of Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport.

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Thank you in advance for your help. I am travelling from DFW to Chennai via Paris.

1. What are the requirements before and after arrive to Chennai? 2. Do we need to take the RT PCR testing before 72 hrs.? even fully vaccinated?

I tried the access the TN portal for e-pass but it looks like not in operation, do we need to take e-pass? Also, do we need to do Air Suvidha for self-declaration?

The TN e-Pass/e-Registration portal is not operational now

TN இ-பாஸ் / இ-பதிவு வலைத்தளம் செயலில் இல்லை

Hi Suresh! Being fully-vaccinated, you don’t need to take an RT-PCR test before departure or after arrival. Make sure to upload a copy of your vaccine card and fill out a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha. Do also carry the original vaccine card.

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Hi, I am departing for USA in May 2022 and returning back to India in Nov 2022. My Airline, tickets and seat numbers everything for both ongoing as well as return journey are already fixed. So my question is this :- Can I fill AirSuvidha form for my arrival back in India in Nov 2022, even before I have departed from India in May 2022?

Hi Snehal! You are required to fill out a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha not more than 72 hours before your scheduled international travel to India.

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Hi! I’m flying from Boston to Mumbai on the 15th of May with a layover in Paris ( BOS – CDG – BOM) – which flight should I be considering when filling in the following sections on the form: flight number, seat number, and country of departure. Additionally – what about the ‘Details of the Countries visited in last 14 days?*’ field – I haven’t been outside the US in the last 14 days but would I still be filling France as one of the countries visited? Last – I’m not sure what France’s agreement with India is, but I am fully vaccinated and plan on uploading proof of vaccination and skipping the pre-departure RT-PCR test, would that work?

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Hi, Thank you for helping with this. I have two questions: Do we need to scan both sides of the passport for the air suvidha form? and Do we need to fill the form for a 6 month old baby who has no seats assigned? If so, should I simply write 00 in seat number?

Thank you Ritwiza

Hi Ritwiza! You can provide details of your 6-month old baby as a co-traveler in your self-declaration form. Be advised to call the helpline of Delhi International Airport for other two queries.

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Hello My son second dose of vaccine will be 5 days before it accepted

Hi Saima! No. A two/double-dose vaccine schedule must be completed at least 14 days before scheduled international travel to India.

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Hi, I am traveling from Chicago to India [w/ layover in Frankfurt, Germany] by Lufthansa. How many pages of passport should be uploaded on AirSuvidha? We don’t know which seat number will be assign to us in Germany so how do i enter those info on website prior to departure? Any advice will be greatly appreciated !

Hi Anil! Kindly be advised to call the helpline of Delhi IGI Airport regarding the queries related to Air Suvidha.

Hi.. Came to US for a short trip from India with Family. My 7 year old (not vaccinated) turned out to be positive in RT PCR test right when we tested her for travel about a week back. She seems to be asymptomatic and we have finished our isolation period. But we are adviced that the RTPCR test might be positive for 90 days even though she might not carry it. We have to return to India. Can you advice how to handle the situation? Its urgent. Also has anyone got their RT PCR test negative after tested positive within 2 weeks? Please advice.

Hi Maha! Unvaccinated travelers to India above 5 years of age must have a negative RT-PCR test report, according to the government of India. Kindly be advised to call the helpline of Delhi International Airport who controls the Air Suvidha portal.

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Hi, I have filled air suvidha form. But have a doubt. I have come to US from India and returning back to India from Boston USA to Mumbai. I have filled country of origin US. Is it correct? City of origin Mumbai. Correct?If not then what to do now. Form already submitted. Please guide.

Hi Mahesh! Your country of travel origin is USA and your city of travel origin is Boston. You can edit the form once.

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Hi there, I’m travelling from Australia to Singapore and then to Delhi. I’ve been fully vaccinated and I’ve completed my Air Suvidha form. There appears to be some conflicting information on various Indian travel websites so I just wanted to confirm that I don’t require a pre-departure PCR test and I don’t need to isolate / quarantine? Thanks Jason

Hi Jason! Being fully-vaccinated and having uploaded a copy of your vaccination card/certificate, you don’t need a pre-departure RT-PCR test. The government of India has done away with the quarantine policy for international arrivals. If you are found symptomatic of COVID19 during thermal screening or if you test positive in random testing at the airport (which is rare), you may be directed to stay in isolation.

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Might seem a silly question – I don’t have a connecting flight, but I have spending a couple of days in Bangalore, then a couple in Madurai, before exiting from Bangalore.

For “Final Destination” on the Air Suvidha form, should I just use my first lot of accommodation in Bangalore?

Hi AK! In this case, you can mention Bangalore as your final destination.

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I have travel coming up in 2 days. Trying to fill up the air suvidha self registration form, but am unable to enter Pin code for Bengaluru. Its says pin code not found. Whats the work around.

My travel is SFO/Delhi/BLR

Hi Murali! Be advised to call the helpline of Delhi IGI Airport who controls the Air Suvidha portal.

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hi, myself and my wife are Indian nationals and returning from US after 25 days of vacation. We both are fully vaccinated. Do we still need to pay fees of $65/person. Please revert

Hi Deepak! What fee are you referring to?

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I am travelling on 7th June. I just submitted the self-declaration form. After submitting it, I got a message telling me to download or print it but not providing any link. I have not received an email either. Should I just wait for the email? Or is there a way to download or print it now?

Hi Ruth! On successful submission of the form, you are supposed to receive a mail carrying a PDF as attachment to the registered email ID. You are required to take a few color printouts of the PDF. If you have not received this, you can call the helpline of Delhi IGI Airport.

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Hello, We are traveling from RDU (Raleigh, USA) to Bombay via Frankfurt (Germany).

We are residents of the US and fully vaccinated in the US. We are assuming our Country of Departure (Origin) is the US and therefore we don’t need to take the RT PCR testing before 72 hrs.? Am I correct?

My question is coming because Germany is not on the list of ‘countries/Regions in respect of which primary vaccination schedule completion certificate is allowed to be uploaded’. Our last Flight arriving in India is from Germany. We will be spending 5 hours at Frankfurt airport during this trip.

Any input is appreciated!

Hi Aruna! Being fully-vaccinated, you are exempt to taking a pre-departure or a post-arrival RT-PCR test. You will be traveling via Germany, not starting your travel from Germany itself. Hope you won’t step out of the airside at Frankfurt Airport.

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Hello, We have a first flight from Poland (Krakow) to UAE (Abu Dhabi) – one reservation number and second flight UAE (Abu Dhabi to India (Delhi) – second reservation number, different airlines. 1. Is our Country of Departure ( Origin ) UAE or Poland? 2. Is our City of Departure Abu Dhabi or Krakow? 3. Is our connecting Domestic flight a flight from Poland to UAE or none? We will not be staying in Abu Dhabi, only at the airport (transit). Please help!

Hi Ana! Your country of departure/origin is Poland and the city of departure is Krakow. If Delhi is your final destination in India, it means that you don’t have a connecting domestic flight within India.

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Hello, we are 3 of us traveling to India – myself, my wife and minor child. Should I fill the Air Suvidha Self Declaration Form just once and add my wife’s and child’s details as Co-Passengers (by selecting ‘2’ for the question ‘How many passengers are travelling?’) Or, should I fill a separate form for each of us? If we fill just one form for the entire family, will each one of us receive a separate acknowledgment?

Hi Siva! If three of you are on the same PNR/ticket, you can add them as co-passengers. It will relieve you of the hassles of filling out a separate form of each of you.

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Hello. First of all I want to say thank you to you because the answers provided here cover almost everything. My question : My ticket is booked from Washington DC – Frankfurt – New Delhi. I myself separately booked for New Delhi – Ranchi. This will be a separate boarding pass. What should I answer to “Are you takiang a connecting Domestic flight?*” The doubt is because it will be a different PNR and Boarding Pass.

Hi Rohit! Yes, you can write in the Air Suvidha form that you will take a connecting domestic flight after your arrival at Delhi Airport.

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Thanks for all the answers. They are helpful. I have a few questions. Please address. 1. I am flying with a separate ticket from NYC to DEL and then connecting flight to Chennai – all with a single PNR, single ticket. I believe I need to fill out Air-Suvidha once only. Please confirm. 2. HOw confidential the details are maintained, such as the date of birth, etc in Air-suvidha?. They are very sensitive information and I hope they are secured well with air-suvidha. Thanks.

Hi Akshay! You are required to fill the self-declaration form on Air Suvidha and upload your vaccine card/certificate on Air Suvidha within 72 hours before your international flight from NYC. We have little knowledge of how travelers’ sensitive information is protected on Air Suvidha. Be advised to call the helpline of Delhi International Airport.

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after submitted the self declaration form with a wrong flight number. After opening the submitted form again for editing. I get following error “Flight number / tail number should be of minimum 4 to maximum 6 characters, without space or special characters and a combination of Alphabets and Numbers. Example : AZ123 or AZ1234.”

My flight number is VTI026. Can someone help? Even re-submitting the form with the initial flight number VXF58A is not working. Seems there is a bug when someone wants to edit a form and re-submit it.

Hi Lihas! Kindly be advised to call the helpline of New Delhi IGI Airport regarding any issue with Air Suvidha.

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Stupid website. I am getting the same error.

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What if I am not staying with my relatives but in different hotels? They are meeting me in Delhi. They are asking for final destination but I am travelling through and not staying in one place.

Hi Mayank! You can provide the details of your first accommodation/stay in Delhi.

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Hi, I am arriving to Bombay on Thursday and then taking a flight a couple of hours later to Bangkok. Do I have to fill in this form? If yes, what should I put when they ask for my address in India? Thanks

Hi Pedro! You can mention Bangkok as your final destination. However, be advised to check this page for any query related to Air Suvidha.

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Hi Pedro, i might have same problem, transit in Delhi to BKK, how did you solve this address?

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HI, we are travelling from Germany to Dubai and then to Chennai. We will stay for 2 days in Dubai, do we need to mention as country visited last 14 days ? Germany and UAE (Dubai) is part of the list of “List of Countries/Regions in respect of which primary vaccination schedule completion certificate is allowed to be uploaded”, do we need to take a PCR test from Dubai ? France is not part of that list, people coming from France, do they need to take the PCR test from Dubai? We are fully vaccinated except our kid (8 years). Do he need to take PCR test, and if yes, he can just upload before departure. Can we upload once arrived to Chennai ?

Hi Tharany! As per the regulations, you need to fill out the self-declaration form with your travel history and other details on Air Suvidha within 72 hours before your first international flight. It means that you will fill out the Air Suvidha form and upload your vaccine card/certificate before traveling from Germany to Dubai. Hence, you may not mention Dubai in your travel history. Even fully-vaccinated travelers from Dubai are not required to take a pre-arrival RT-PCR test. If you are traveling from France (country of travel origin), you need to take an RT-PCR test.

The 8-year-old should take an RT-PCR test before the first international departure from Germany.

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i just saw the following statement in the international travel requirement. In addition to submitting self declaration form and uploading vaccine card proof do I need to to do anything else. I believe Qatar has its own acknowledgement form too. Thanks

Each passenger shall also submit a declaration with respect to authenticity of the report and will be liable for criminal prosecution, if found otherwise.

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Hi, I am struggling to find where I need to attach copies of the passport on the Air Suvida form. I have successfully added the vaccination certificates. Also, can I complete the form 6 days in advance?

Hi Babulal! You are required to fill out the self-declaration form and upload your vaccine certificate on Air Suvidha within 72 hours before you undertake the journey to India. In case of any issue, you can call the helpline of Delhi International Airport.

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Hi, I am flying out of india using domestic flight from Pune to Delhi and from Delhi to Amsterdam. Do I need to sumit the self declaration form for the domestic sector of my journey? Thanks.

Hi Mini! Air Suvidha is only for international travelers flying into India.

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Hi, My family is flying from UK to Mumbai. All are fully vaccinated but my son 10 years old don’t have yet COVID vaccine pass as it takes some time to get issued for kids from UK NHS. He does have COVID vaccine card which has mentioned his two does administered details. Can I upload his UK COVID vaccine card in Air Suvidha self declaration form? or should he needs to get a PCR test even though he is fully vaccinated?

Hi Sanjay! Be advised to upload your son’s COVID vaccine card on Air Suvidha (within 72 hours before your international departure from the UK). If it gets through, there is no need to take an RT-PCR test. If it is not accepted, you can call the helpline of Delhi International Airport (they manage the Air Suvidha portal) and check with them.

Thank you indianeagle. Another issue I have for my son, last dose of vaccine was administered on 09/07/22 and his flight is on 22/07/22. This makes 13 days completed after second dose. I read somewhere it should be at least 14 days before some one can fly. Is that 14 days requirement mentioned on Delhi International Airport site?

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Did you managed to get this sorted , I am also in the same boat , can you advise your if you were able to make it with less than 14 days between vaccination and travel dates.

Hi, We will be traveling from London – Mumbai with Emirates, so it includes a flight change in Dubai. Would I need to provide the flight details and seat number for London – Dubai, or Dubai to Mumbai?

Hi Tharm! In our knowledge, you can provide details of the London-Dubai flight. Be advised to contact the helpline of Delhi International Airline for more accurate information. Thank you!

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Hi, we are travelling from US accompanying with 23months old kid. We need to vaccination or RT-PCR test?If yes currently they are not providing any vaccination by his physician and also RT-PCR test are allowing from 3 years old onwards

Hi Santhosh! Among travelers flying into India, children under 5 years of age are exempt from pre-departure RT-PCR testing and vaccination.

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My daughter, aged 12 got her second dose on 8 Aug but travelling to India 19th. Is she allowed to go with RT-PCR test? I am asking because there are less than 14days from her last dose before her travel.

Many thanks Rav

Hi Ravi! Since her final dose is not before at least 14 days from the date of travel, her vaccination certificate may not be accepted at the time of boarding or on arrival in India. She can take an RT-PCR test within 72 hours before her travel and carry the negative report.

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Hi there, I am travelling from London to Bangalore this mid week. I have filled and submitted the Air Suvidha self declaration form and also received the pdf acknowledgment that advises to carry the same pdf to show at arrivals. However, not sure if its just on my side or if something has changed but I haven’t seen a link to upload the fully vaccinated certificate/report. Please could you advise? – thanks.

Hi Anthony! Uploading a vaccination certificate or negative RT-PCR test report is no longer a requirement. But you must carry either a full-vaccination certificate or the negative report of an RT-PCR test taken within 72 hours prior to your departure from London.

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Flying Singapore to Delhi, then changing to get a connecting flight to London.

Do I have to complete a self declaration form please?

I do not have a final destination address and PIN code in India – can I just put the address and PIN for Delhi airport?

Hi Emma! Be advised to call the helpline of Delhi IGI Airport that manages Air Suvidha portal.

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Hi, I am travelling to Hyd, India on Sept., 5, 2022, shall I submit Air Suvidha Form today?, please.

Hi Bama! You can submit the form within 72 hours before your international flight to HYD.

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I am travelling from US to Mumbai and have a connecting flight in Paris. Do I put my first Airport as US or Paris.

Also, I will be leaving Mumbai 5 days later and traveling to Delhi then flying back to US. Is Delhi my Final Destination? Or Mumbai.

Trying to understand if I need to fill out 2 Separate Declaration Forms

Hi Cheronda! Your first airport is in the US. Since you won’t travel to Delhi immediately after your arrival in Mumbai, Mumbai is your final destination. You need to fill out the Air Suvidha form only once.

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Hi, I am flying from Frankfurt to Sydney on Air India on 27.09.2022 and my first flight is from Frankfurt to Delhi and then from Delhi to Sydney. Do I have to fill out the self-declaration form? If your answer is yes, can you guide me what to write instead of destination address in India or destination city and destination pin. Because I have a total of 5 hours of stopover there, thank you

Hi Javad! Be advised to contact the helpline number of Delhi IGI Airport that manages the Air Suvidha portal and addresses such queries related to Air Suvidha.

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Hello i travelling from Lisbon via Munich to Delhi and go to kathmandu nepal. How can i fill my air suvidha form. Because i am not staying in Delhi I will play the next morning from Delhi.

Hi Nitesh! Kindly call the helpline of New Delhi International Airport that manages the Air Suvidha portal and addresses queries related to this.

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I am traveling to Bangalore, India from the US on the 31st of October 2022. If I have all the information and proof of covid vaccines and flight information, can I submit the self-declaration form now which is almost a month before travel?

Hi Maryanne! You can only fill out the self-declaration form on Air Suvidha within 72 hours before your international flight from the US. FYI, India-bound passengers are not required to upload their vaccination proof or negative RT-PCR test report on Air Suvidha. But you must carry the either one.

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I am arriving to India on January 06, 2022, however, I have already filled up the self declaration form now (about 2 months in advance). Will I have to refill it again 72 hours prior to boarding?

Hi Raj! You are supposed to fill in the self-declaration form only once and that too within 72 hours prior to your international flight to India. By the way, have you received an email carrying a PDF attachment after submission of the form?

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Do I put the date of my booster shot (3rd shot) or date of my 2nd shot (I took the Pfizer vaccine where you need 2 shots to be fully vaccinated) in Date of Final dose of vaccination field?

Hi Amit! Details of booster shots are not required. You will be considered fully-vaccinated, if you provide details of your second/final dose of an approved vaccination.

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Hi, I have a transfer through Mumbai Airport without leaving the airport. I travel from Abu Dhabi to Bangkok with connection in Mumbai (connection will last 3 hours 40 minutes, I will not exit transfer zone) Date 21 November 22 Covid19 question: I am a Russian citizen but I have a Janssen vaccine certificate issued in the USA on 09/24/2021, is it valid for transfer to India on 21 Nov 22? Or do I need to do a PCR test? Air Suvidha question: Do I need to complete an Air Suvidha form if I have connecting flight in India for 3.5 hours?

Hi Irina! India requires either full vaccination proof or a negative RT-PCR test report. However, you are bound to comply with the entry requirements of Thailand. Be advised to call the helpline of Delhi International Airport that manages the Air Suvidha portal and addresses queries related to this.

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Hi, I am travelling from Atlanta to Kochi via Doha, so do I need to carry a negative RT-PCR test result. I am fully vaccinated. My layover in Doha is only for 2 hours and I don’t plan to leave the airport. Also on the way back from Kochi, do I have to do the tests again and complete the form on Air Suvidha.

Hi Deepa! Air Suvidha form is only for inbound travel to India, not for outbound travel from India. Since you’re fully vaccinated, you don’t need to take an RT-PCR test either before your travel to Kochi or before your return travel from Kochi.

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Hi, I am travelling on 28 October. I was full vaccinated in June 2021 but have had two booster vaccinations since the last on 15 October which is less than 15 days before flying to India. Do I put the date of full vaccination or the booster date.

Hi Emma! You need to provide details of your primary vaccination, not boosters, in the air suvidha form.

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Hi, We are flying from France (Paris) to Nepal (Katmandhu) with a layover in Delhi airport of 4 hours. Do we have to fill the Air Suvidha form ? In such a case, what do we have to enter as Final Destination Address, State, City, Pincode and mobile number. Thank you

Hi Gilbert! All international passengers transiting through Indian airports, regardless of their final destination, must also fill out the self-declaration form via the air suvidha portal. You can provide the details of your final destination, Nepal, in the form.

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Travelling from Toronto to Mumbai via connection in London . Indian citizen with 6 year old kid . There is no vaccination for 6 year old in India . Both accompanying parents are vaccinated . Does child need RT pcr test or is exempted ?

Hi Kartik! Only kids up to 5 years of age are exempted from taking a pre-departure or post-arrival RT-PCR test. Obviously, your 6-year-old kid is not exempted.

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As foreign tourists without Indian mobile phone number, how can we proceed with filing out the Air Suvidha Online Self Declaration form since Indian mobile phone number is mandatory? Thank you

Hi Louise! Be advised to call the international helpline of Delhi International Airport that manages the Air Suvidha portal and addresses critical queries related to this.

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Enter your own phone number. You do not need Indian phone number. Change the country code from the drop-down list while filling the number.

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My Childrens last names are hyphenated. The form is not taking it. If I remove the hyphen then it will not be exactly as the passport. Please advise

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Hi, is it still compuslary that children above 5 years ago have Todo RTPCR test as air subidha portal is no longer available

Hi Devanshi! Pre-departure RT-PCR testing has been eliminated for India-bound travelers. Therefore, no one needs to take an RT-PCR test before traveling to India.

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I have the same problem, when I called Air India they were still asking the RTPCR for my unvaccinated Kid which is a mystery to me. Didn’t know what to do. My travel is on next 13th Dec. Please advise is any body travelled recently?

Hi Seshu! Be advised to take a printout of or send this link to Air India.

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Hello! I was wondering if they are still doing thermal screening and/or random testing upon arrival?

Hi Laura! International travelers entering India will go through thermal screening at entry/arrival airports. There is no more random testing. If thermal screening detects symptoms similar to those of COVID-19, you will be isolated and tested.

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I am arriving in India on 8 Feb from Los Angeles via SQ ( Singapore Airlines) . I am only in transit in Singapore, do I need to have an RT- PCR test done 72 hours before departure. I am fully vaccinated and boosted. Thank you for your help. Sunita

Hi Sunita! The GOVN of India has made RT-PCR testing and Air Suvidha form mandatory for those transiting through the six high-risk countries including Singapore. If this remains unchanged by the time you will travel, you will have to take an RT-PCR test within 72 hours before you travel from LAX and fill out a self-declaration form on Air Suvidha.

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In regards to the latest Covid changes for inbound travellers to India, kindly help with my below query. I will soon be taking a flight from Sydney to Thailand, then Thailand to India. Both these tickets are with separate airlines, such that I will need to exit from Thailand airport, after collecting my luggage, and then immediately re-enter into the airport. The “transit” time will be 6 hours totally in Thailand.

It is not possible for me to get RTPCR done within 6 hours in Thailand. So will it be ok if I get the RTPCR done in Australia itself, ensuring it is done within 72 hours of departure of the tail flight from Thailand? Will there be a problem at any of the airports?

Hi Sunit! According to the guidelines, you should take an RT-PCR test within 72 hours before your departure from the country of travel origin. Australia is the country of your travel origin.

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I am connecting through Delhi flying Thai Airlines into Delhi and connecting to Air India to JFK. If I am just connecting through I don’t need to fill out the form or take the RFP r test correct?

Hi Philip! India requires all travelers from Thailand to take a pre-departure RT-PCR test. In our knowledge, this regulation applies to your transit at Delhi Airport. It is recommended that you contact New Delhi IGI Airport and Thai Airlines to check for confirmation.

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Hello , i am flying from canada to india direct flight with 8 year old kids. I am fully vaccinated but my son is not. Do we need to fill airsuvidha? does my son require negative PCR test?

Hi Sukhpreet! Only those traveling from or transiting through the high-risk countries are required to fill an Air Suvidha form and submit a negative RT-PCR test. Neither vaccination nor RT-PCR testing is mandatory for travelers from non-risk countries including Canada. But the government of India recommends full-vaccination. In our opinion, you son can travel to India.

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Hi, I have a query regarding RTPCR test, could you please hlep me? I am flying from New Zealand on 11th February 8 p.m to Singapore, then Singapore to India. It’s mentioned the Test should have been conducted within 72 hours of undertaking the journey to India. Does that mean before 72 hours of travelling from the origin country or within 72 hours? I should get tested on 9th February or 8th February? Sorry it’s just confusing that whether it should be 3 days before travelling?

Thanks in advance

Hi Neha! As per the guidelines, you are required to take an RT-PCR test within 72 hours before your journey from New Zealand.

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Hi, Need clarity on the RTPCR mandatory test requirement for Traveling to India.

We are traveling to India via Singapore next month. Does the ask for RTPCR negative test requirement (within 72 hours) apply from the start date of travel from the US; or from Singapore to India? Since we are staying 4 nights in Singapore.

Just wanted to be sure about when the “countdown of 72 hours will start”?

Appreciate your response. Thank you

Hi Sujata! Given your 4-night stay in Singapore, you need to take an RT-PCR test within 72 hours before your flight to India from Singapore and upload the negative report on Air Suvidha.

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Need some clarity on the Air Suvidha declaration form. What is the final destination pin code? Is that the postal code of where you will be staying? Also, if I’m flying into Bangalore and flying out from Chennai, is my final destination going to be my hotel in Bangalore or hotel in Chennai?

Hi Daren! Chennai is your final destination if you take a connecting domestic flight to Chennai after arrival at BLR Airport. Chennai is not the final destination in your itinerary, if you travel to Chennai after a short/long stay in Bangalore.

Thanks v much for your response. Can I know what is final destination PIN code then? What does it refer to?

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Hello, Namaste/Vanakkam ! I am travelling from USA to India(BLR) via Paris this week (First week of February 2023). (1) Do I need to submit ‘Air Suvidha Form’? (2) Do I need to carry Vaccination Information Sheet with me? (3) Do I need to take COVID test before starting my journey from USA to India? appreciate your response! thank you! Deva

Hi Deva! Since France is not a high-risk country, neither Air Suvidha nor RT-PCR test is required. Carrying your full-vaccination certificate is advisable.

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Hi Indian Eagle, Travelling from Bengaluru to San Francisco by Japan Airlines. Do I need RT PCR test to board the flight?

Thanks Hema

Hi Hema! You must be fully vaccinated to travel to the US. RT-PCR testing is not required for entry to the US. However, it is recommended you check with Japan Airlines whether the airline requires you to take an RT-PCR test before undertaking the journey.

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Hello! I’m traveling from Canada to India via a transit in Japan. For country of origin, should I be putting Canada or Japan? The layover is overnight (12 hours) in Japan.

Hi AJ! Canada is your country of travel origin.

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Hi I am traveling to india from NY in 3 days; do I need to submit air suvedha declaration form?

Hi Tenzin! Air Suvidha registration is not required any more. Do make sure to carry your Covid-19 vaccination card or certificate.

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The Air Suvidha guidelines in India are essential for travelers, but their mandatory status depends on the traveler’s origin and transit route.

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Hello Indian Eagle, I’m traveling from San Francisco to Bangalore via Singapore on Singapore Airlines. Is Air Suvidha still required since Singapore is one of the high-risk countries? The Air Suvidha is not accessible on website anymore.

Hi Naveen! Air Suvidha registration is not required. You can travel to India via Europe, Singapore, and the Middle East without the Air Suvidha form and the pre-departure testing.

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India COVID-19 travel rules, requirements, and restrictions

Looking to visit India for tourism, business, or medical treatment? We're here to help you navigate the rules and restrictions of India for a stress-free trip.

Keep reading to find out all you need to know.

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Visa information for travelers entering India

Currently, travelers do not require a self-declaration form. However, all travelers must still adhere to visa requirements. This means nationals requiring an Indian visa must apply for one before they travel to the country.

Choose the right visa for your trip! Click on one of the links to find out more and apply instantly online:

  • India e-Tourist Visa : For travelers who wish to explore India for tourism purposes.
  • India e-Business Visa : For those entering the country to attend business meetings and business events.
  • India e-Medical Visa : For those traveling to India to undergo medical treatment.

You can also use our handy Visa Checker Tool to check if your nationality is eligible and which visa you may need. Apply now

COVID-19 regulations and requirements in India

Since November 22, 2022, foreign nationals and citizens of India no longer need a self-declaration form, proof of vaccination, or a negative RT-PCR test to enter India.

Who can I talk to if I have more questions?

If you have questions about applying for an Indian visa or travel restrictions, contact our expert customer service team via online chat or email us at help@iVisa . Apply now

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Exploring The Travel Restrictions To Hyderabad: What You Need To Know

  • Last updated Aug 06, 2023
  • Difficulty Beginner

Arjun Yadav

  • Category United States

any restrictions to travel to hyderabad

Hyderabad, a bustling metropolis in southern India, is a city that beckons travelers with its rich history, vibrant culture, and mouth-watering cuisine. However, before embarking on your journey to this captivating city, it is important to be aware of any restrictions that may be in place. Whether it's visa requirements, travel advisories, or COVID-19 protocols, understanding these restrictions will not only ensure your safety but also help you make the most of your time exploring the enchanting streets of Hyderabad. So, let's dive in and uncover what restrictions may be waiting for you on your travel to this mesmerizing city.

What You'll Learn

Are there currently any restrictions on travel to hyderabad due to the covid-19 pandemic, are there any specific entry requirements or documentation needed to travel to hyderabad, are there any restrictions on international travel or only restrictions on domestic travel to hyderabad, are there any restrictions on certain types of travelers, such as tourists or business travelers, when traveling to hyderabad, are there any specific travel advisories or warnings issued for hyderabad that travelers should be aware of.


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect various regions around the world, travel restrictions and guidelines are constantly changing to ensure the safety of all individuals. If you are planning to travel to Hyderabad, India, it is important to stay updated on the current restrictions in place.

As of [current date], there are certain restrictions on travel to Hyderabad due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These restrictions are implemented by the government of India and are subject to change based on the prevailing situation.

International Travel Restrictions:

  • Overseas travelers are required to register on the Indian government's Air Suvidha portal and upload a negative RT-PCR test report conducted within 72 hours of departure.
  • Passengers must also undergo a self-paid COVID-19 test upon arrival at the airport. Those testing positive will be required to follow the appropriate quarantine protocols.
  • Different categories of travelers, such as those with compelling reasons or vaccinated individuals, may be subject to varying quarantine requirements.

Domestic Travel Restrictions:

  • Domestic travelers do not require a negative RT-PCR test report for travel to Hyderabad.
  • However, it is advisable to check with the airline for any specific regulations they may have in place.
  • Additionally, travelers are encouraged to follow all safety protocols, such as wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and practicing hand hygiene.

Quarantine and Testing Requirements:

  • Depending on the COVID-19 situation, travelers arriving in Hyderabad may be required to undergo home quarantine or institutional quarantine.
  • The duration of quarantine may vary based on the individual's vaccination status and other factors.
  • It is essential to check the latest guidelines and updates from the government or local authorities to ensure compliance with the quarantine requirements.

It is important to note that the information provided above is based on the current situation and may change. It is highly recommended to check the official websites of the Indian government, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and the local authorities in Hyderabad for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding travel restrictions and guidelines.

Traveling during the COVID-19 pandemic requires careful planning and adherence to safety protocols. Make sure to have travel insurance, follow all guidelines, and stay informed about the latest developments to ensure a safe and smooth journey to Hyderabad.

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If you are planning to travel to Hyderabad, there are a few specific entry requirements and documentation that you need to be aware of. Hyderabad is a vibrant city with a rich history and culture, and it attracts tourists from all around the world. To ensure a smooth entry into the city, make sure to have the following documents and meet the necessary requirements.

  • Passport: A valid passport is essential for all international travelers. Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay in Hyderabad. It is also a good idea to make copies of your passport and keep them separate from the original document in case it gets lost or stolen.
  • Visa: Depending on your nationality, you may need a visa to enter India. Check with the Indian Embassy or Consulate in your country to determine the visa requirements and apply well in advance. It is important to note that the visa process can sometimes be time-consuming, so it is advisable to apply as early as possible.
  • E-Visa: India also offers an e-Visa system for citizens of certain countries. You can apply for an e-Visa online, which allows for a faster and more convenient entry process. Make sure to check if your country is eligible for an e-Visa and follow the application guidelines.
  • COVID-19 Guidelines: In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there may be additional entry requirements and documentation needed to travel to Hyderabad. Make sure to stay updated on the latest travel restrictions and guidelines issued by the Indian government and Hyderabad local authorities. This may include providing a negative COVID-19 test result, vaccination certificates, or filling out health declaration forms.
  • Travel Insurance: While not mandatory, it is highly recommended to have travel insurance when visiting Hyderabad or any other travel destination. Travel insurance can provide coverage for medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost luggage, and other unforeseen events. Make sure to carefully read and understand the terms and conditions of your insurance policy.
  • Proof of Accommodation and Itinerary: It is a good idea to have proof of your accommodation bookings in Hyderabad, whether it is a hotel reservation or a letter of invitation from a friend or family member. Additionally, having an itinerary of your planned activities can help facilitate your entry into the city.
  • Currency: It is advisable to have some Indian rupees with you when you arrive in Hyderabad. While credit cards are widely accepted in many establishments, having cash on hand can be helpful for smaller transactions or in case of emergencies.

Remember to check for any updated entry requirements and travel advisories before your trip to Hyderabad. It is always better to be well-prepared and have all the necessary documentation to ensure a hassle-free journey. With the right documents, you can enjoy exploring the rich history, delicious cuisine, and cultural treasures of Hyderabad.

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As the world continues to grapple with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, countries around the globe have implemented various travel restrictions to curb the spread of the virus. India, including the city of Hyderabad, has also adopted certain measures to regulate both international and domestic travel.

In terms of international travel, the Indian government has imposed restrictions to limit the entry of foreign nationals into the country. Only certain categories of travelers, such as Indian citizens, Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) cardholders, and essential visa holders, are currently allowed to enter India. However, even these categories of travelers may be subject to specific requirements and protocols, including negative COVID-19 test results and mandatory quarantine upon arrival. It is important to note that these restrictions are subject to change and it is advisable to check with the Indian embassy or consulate before planning any international travel to Hyderabad.

On the other hand, domestic travel within India, including to Hyderabad, has been more lenient. There are currently no general restrictions on domestic travel, and individuals are allowed to travel freely within the country, subject to any local guidelines or restrictions that may be in place. However, it is recommended to follow all precautionary measures, such as wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, and practicing good hygiene, while traveling domestically to Hyderabad or any other city in India.

In addition to the aforementioned restrictions, it is also important to keep in mind that airlines and other transportation providers may have their own regulations and requirements for travel. It is advisable to check with the respective airlines or travel agencies for any specific guidelines or restrictions that may apply to your travel plans.

Furthermore, it is crucial to stay updated with the latest information and guidelines from reputable and official sources, such as the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in India or the World Health Organization (WHO). These organizations regularly update their websites with the latest information on COVID-19 and travel restrictions.

In conclusion, while there are restrictions in place for both international and domestic travel, the restrictions on international travel to Hyderabad are more stringent compared to domestic travel. It is important to stay informed about the latest guidelines and regulations from the relevant authorities when planning any travel, whether it is international or domestic, to ensure a smooth and safe journey.

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When traveling to Hyderabad, there are no specific restrictions on certain types of travelers such as tourists or business travelers. Hyderabad is a welcoming city that caters to a diverse range of visitors from all around the world.

Tourists traveling to Hyderabad are free to explore the various attractions and landmarks that the city has to offer. From the impressive Charminar, a historical monument and popular tourist spot, to the magnificent Golconda Fort, Hyderabad has a rich history and culture that is sure to captivate visitors. Tourists can also visit the beautiful Hussain Sagar Lake, where they can enjoy boating and take memorable photographs with the iconic Buddha statue.

Business travelers will find Hyderabad to be a bustling hub of commerce and industry. With numerous business parks and IT companies, the city offers opportunities for networking and collaboration. The Hyderabad International Convention Center (HICC) is a state-of-the-art venue that hosts conferences and exhibitions, making it an ideal destination for business events. Business travelers can also take advantage of the city's luxury hotels and fine dining options for corporate meetings and entertaining clients.

While there are no specific restrictions on travelers to Hyderabad, it is important to note that all visitors must adhere to general travel guidelines and regulations. This includes having a valid passport with at least six months of validity and obtaining an appropriate visa. It is also recommended to check the travel advisories and entry requirements of your home country as well as the guidelines issued by the Indian government.

In addition, travelers should be aware of the local customs and traditions in Hyderabad. Respect for cultural norms, such as dressing modestly when visiting religious sites, is expected. It is also advisable to be cautious of your personal belongings and be aware of your surroundings, as with any travel destination.

Overall, Hyderabad warmly welcomes tourists and business travelers alike. The city offers a blend of historical sites, modern amenities, and a vibrant culture that appeals to a wide range of visitors. With no specific restrictions on certain types of travelers, you can enjoy your trip to Hyderabad and make the most of your time in this charming city.

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Travelers planning a trip to Hyderabad, India should be aware of any specific travel advisories or warnings that may have been issued for the city. It is always wise to stay informed about the current situation and take necessary precautions for a safe and enjoyable trip.

As of the most recent updates, there are no major travel advisories or warnings issued specifically for Hyderabad. However, it is important to note that general travel advisories for India may still apply to Hyderabad. These advisories usually include information about potential security risks, political unrest, demonstrations, and health concerns.

It is recommended that travelers consult their respective government's travel advisory website for the most up-to-date information on the overall travel situation in India and specifically for Hyderabad. These websites provide valuable information and guidance for travelers, including any travel alerts or warnings that may be in effect.

In addition to checking travel advisories, it is also important to stay informed about local laws, customs, and cultural practices. This will help ensure a respectful and smooth experience while visiting Hyderabad. It is advisable to dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites, and to be aware of any local customs or traditions that may differ from one's own culture.

When it comes to personal safety, travelers are encouraged to take common-sense precautions, such as avoiding walking alone at night in unfamiliar areas, keeping valuable belongings secured, and using reliable transportation services. Hyderabad, like any other major city, may have areas that are more prone to crime, so it is important to be cautious and vigilant.

As with any destination, it is always a good idea to have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and trip cancellations. Hyderabad has good healthcare facilities, but visitors should ensure they have suitable coverage in case of any unexpected incidents or medical emergencies.

In conclusion, while there are no specific travel advisories or warnings issued for Hyderabad at the moment, travelers should stay informed about the overall travel situation in India and take necessary precautions. It is advisable to consult official travel advisory websites, familiarize oneself with local laws and customs, and use common-sense precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Hyderabad.

Understanding AETC Mexico Travel Restrictions for a Smooth Vacation Experience

Frequently asked questions.

Yes, there are currently travel restrictions in place for Hyderabad due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The government has implemented several guidelines and protocols to control the spread of the virus and protect public health.

Yes, international flights are now allowed to operate to and from Hyderabad. However, travelers must comply with the guidelines and restrictions set by the government, such as providing a negative COVID-19 test result before departure and undergoing quarantine or self-isolation upon arrival.

Domestic travelers can freely enter Hyderabad. However, they may need to provide a negative COVID-19 test result or undergo thermal screening at the airport. It is advisable to check with the local authorities or airlines for the most up-to-date information before traveling.

Travelers coming from high-risk countries may be subject to additional entry requirements, such as mandatory quarantine or self-isolation. It is important to check the latest guidelines and protocols issued by the Indian government and Hyderabad authorities for specific details and updates on entry requirements.

Currently, public transportation, including buses, trains, and metros, operate with limited capacity and follow strict hygiene measures. It is mandatory to wear face masks and maintain social distancing while using public transportation in Hyderabad. Travelers should be prepared for longer waiting times and plan their journeys accordingly.

Arjun Yadav

  • Arjun Yadav Author Editor Reviewer

Michaela Krajanova

  • Michaela Krajanova Author Reviewer Traveller

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Hyderabad rains: IndiGo warns of flight delays, issues travel advisory

The airline urges passengers to monitor their flight status and allow extra time to reach the airport due to waterlogged roads.

Hyderabad rains: IndiGo warns of flight delays, issues travel advisory

Hyderabad:  IndiGo has issued a travel advisory for passengers flying to and from Hyderabad as heavy rains continue to disrupt normal life in the city.

The airline warned of potential flight delays and urged passengers to monitor their flight status and allow extra time to reach the airport due to waterlogged roads.

Heavy rains lash Hyderabad overnight, IMD predicts more showers

Since Saturday, relentless rains have inundated Hyderabad, causing widespread waterlogging and bringing traffic to a standstill in several areas.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued an orange alert for the city, predicting continued heavy rainfall. Most districts in Telangana are also under red and orange alerts, indicating severe weather conditions.

In its advisory, IndiGo stated, “With heavy rains ahead for Hyderabad this morning, flight schedules may be impacted, and roads could be waterlogged. Please keep a tab on your flight status and allow extra time for your journey to the airport. Happy and safe travels!”

#6ETravelAdvisory : With heavy rains ahead for #Hyderabad this morning, flight schedules may be impacted, and roads could be waterlogged. Please keep a tab on your flight status and allow extra time for your journey to the airport. Happy and safe travels! — IndiGo (@IndiGo6E) August 31, 2024

The IMD also warned of potential hazards such as electrocution and further traffic delays due to the ongoing rains. Municipal authorities have been advised to issue necessary warnings and clear waterlogged areas. Hyderabad residents are urged to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel as emergency response teams remain on high alert.

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Ruins and history make India a top travel destination. See them without worries with Passport Health's travel vaccines and advice.

Travel Vaccines and Advice for India

Passport Health offers a variety of options for travellers throughout the world.

The Taj Mahal, Hampi, the Himalayans and the Caves of Ajanta are just the beginning for amazing sights in India. For thousands of years, the subcontinent has been the cradle of one of the most amazing cultures to visit.

Every year, tourists from around the globe flock to India to see its amazing sights and sounds. Whether you are a spiritual pilgrim, a business executive or an adventure seeker, India is sure to have something for you.

On This Page: Do I Need Vaccines for India? How To Prevent Delhi Belly (traveller’s diarrhoea) What Are the Entry and Exit Requirements for India? What Is the Climate Like In India? How Safe Is India? What Should I Pack For India? Where Is the Embassy of the United Kingdom in India?

Do I Need Vaccines for India?

Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for India. The National Travel Health Network and Centre and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for India: hepatitis A , hepatitis B , typhoid , cholera , yellow fever , Japanese encephalitis , rabies , polio and tetanus .

See the bullets below to learn more about some of these key immunisations:

  • Hepatitis A – Food & Water – Recommended for most travellers to the region, especially if unvaccinated.
  • Hepatitis B – Blood & Body Fluids – Recommended for travellers to most regions.
  • Tetanus – Wounds or Breaks in Skin – Recommended for travellers to most regions, especially if not previously vaccinated.
  • Typhoid – Food & Water – Jab lasts 3 years. Oral vaccine lasts 5 years, must be able to swallow pills. Oral doses must be kept in refrigerator.
  • Cholera – Food & Water – A risk for travellers throughout India. Avoid swimming in popular rivers or streams as cholera may be present.
  • Yellow Fever – Mosquito – Required if travelling from a country with risk of yellow fever transmission.
  • Japanese Encephalitis – Mosquito – Recommended for all regions except: Dadra, Daman, Diu, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Lakshadweep, Meghalaya, Nagar Haveli, Punjab, Rajasthan, and Sikkim.
  • Rabies – Saliva of Infected Animals – High risk country. Vaccine recommended for long-stay travellers and those who may come in contact with animals.
  • Polio – Food & Water – May be required if arriving from countries with active transmission. Recommended for some travellers to the region. Single adult booster recommended.

See the tables below for more information:

Some mosquito-borne diseases are also prevalent in India including:

  • Malaria – Antimalarial medication is recommened for many regions in India. Speak with a travel health specialist to learn if these are right for your itinerary.
  • Dengue Fever – Another mosquito-borne disease, dengue affects millions each year. Unfortunately, there is no vaccination against dengue approved in the United States. Ensure you take precautions against mosquitoes like using repellents and mosquito netting.

Fortunately, the Zika virus has yet to arrive in India.

To learn more about these infections, see their respective vaccination or infection pages.

If you are travelling to India, ensure you are protected. Visit your local Passport Health to receive a comprehensive consultation on what you will need to stay safe. Book your appointment online now or ring us up at and ensure your dream trip doesn’t become a nightmare.

How To Prevent Delhi Belly (Traveller’s diarrhoea)

Delhi Belly (or traveller’s diarrhoea ) is very common amongst travellers. Up to 70 percent of international travellers will come down with traveller’s diarrhoea during their trips. This is especially true for visitors to India.

Causes can range from viral or bacteria infections to just a difference in cuisine. But, no matter how it happens, traveller’s diarrhoea can ruin a trip.

There are a few precautions you can take to avoid traveller’s diarrhoea:

  • Avoid risky eating – Be smart about where and what you eat. Street carts may not be the best place to grab a snack, but you also don’t need to only eat pre-packaged foods. Use good judgement to decide where would be best to chow down.
  • Consider preventative care – Some products, like Travelan, will provide you with some protection against traveller’s diarrhoea.

Be sure to bring a traveller’s diarrhoea kit that includes antibiotics or similar products that can help stop diarrhoea if it occurs.

To learn more about what you can do to avoid Delhi Belly, see our traveller’s diarrhoea page . Or, book an appointment with your local Passport Health by calling or scheduling online now .

Do I Need a Visa or Passport for India?

Visas are required for all travellers to India. Passport requirements are a bit more intensive than other regions. Passports must have 180 days validity from the date of visa application and another 180 days from the time of entry. Ensure you have this amount of remaining time before expiration at minimum. Proof of yellow fever vaccination may be required if you are travelling from a region where yellow fever is present.

Sources: Embassy of India and GOV.UK

What Is the Climate Like In India?

India is generally classified as a hot tropical country, except for the Himalayan north. The country has three distinct seasons:

  • Summer (March to June) – Indian summers are very hot. Temperatures often climb to over 43 degrees.
  • Monsoon (July to August) – The rainy season brings thunderstorms and heavy rains. These sometimes cause flooding or other damage. Bring an umbrella and be sure to take other precautions.
  • Winter (October to February) – Winter temperatures are generally mild. Except in the northern regions where they will dip to near or below freezing. Remember, the higher into the mountains you go, the chillier it will get.

How Safe Is India?

India is generally safe, but is still a developing country in many ways. Try to avoid the Indian-Pakistani border, as growing tensions have led to a less safe situation.

Petty crime, especially theft is common. This happens mostly in trains and buses. Pickpocketing is known to occur in some tourist areas. Violent crime is traditionally uncommon, though there has been a slight increase in recent years.

Scamming has become more common in many popular areas. Be especially careful in airports and train stations. If an offer for transportation or hotel rooms on the cheap seems too good, it probably is. Only use well-known travel agencies when booking your trip and planning activities in-country.

LGBT individuals will want to be especially careful as laws on homosexuality are unclear. While prosecution is rare, LGBT visitors may wish to avoid drawing attention.

What Should I Pack For India?

Packing for India can be a bit tricky, as the country is different from many popular travel destinations:

  • Pack light – Moving from place to place in India can be a bit tricky. Many forms of transportation have a tight fit and having something you can easily haul around is key. Brining an extra rucksack isn’t a bad idea either as a purse or small bag may not be enough to carry water, an umbrella and similar items.
  • Prepare for weather – Be sure to pack according to what season you’ll be in the country. Where you are headed is also a key factor as the Himalayas are a much cooler region.
  • Wear the right footwear – You’ll likely be doing a lot of walking (or even standing) in India. Ensure your shoes are up for the trip, your feet will thank you.

Where Is the Embassy of the United Kingdom in India?

If you are in India and have an emergency (for example, been attacked, arrested or someone has died) contact the nearest consular services. Contact the embassy before arrival if you have additional questions on entry requirements, safety concerns or are in need of assistance.

British High Commission New Delhi Shantipath, Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021 India Telephone: +91 (11) 2419 2100 Emergency Phone: +91 (11) 2419 2100 Fax: +91 (11) 2419 2492 Contact Form: Click Here

Whether you are travelling for business or pleasure, India is an amazing destination. From the Himalyas to the coast of the Indian Ocean, the country’s peculiar culture and feel has something for every type of traveller.

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  • Hyderabad Rains: IndiGo Issues Travel Advisory, Schools-Colleges Closed; City on High Alert

Published 08:22 IST, September 1st 2024

IndiGo Airline has issued a travel advisory amid heavy rains in Hyderabad; schools and colleges will remain closed on Monday and IMD has issued an alert.

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Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Pet travel from the United States to India

Welcome! This page will guide you through the rules and requirements for traveling internationally with your pet.

Jump to Info for Accredited Veterinarians

Before You Start the Process

Find a usda-accredited veterinarian.

With help from a USDA-accredited veterinarian , you can learn more about your destination country's entry requirements for pets, including any needed vaccinations, tests, or treatments. We recommend creating a schedule to make sure you meet all requirements within the specified timeframe.

Gather This Information for Your USDA-Accredited Veterinarian

  • The type of pet traveling
  • The destination country
  • If applicable, countries where your pet will stop (for customs clearance or upon leaving the airport or seaport) on the way to the destination country
  • The date of departure from the United States
  • Whether the pet will be traveling alone, as cargo, or with a person in the cabin of the plane
  • Note: If you're traveling with a pet bird or exotic animal, you may need to work with additional agencies, such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1.41 MB) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

Read These Resources

  • In Spanish (En Español): Guía de viaje para mascotas que viajan a otro país desde Estados Unidos
  • In Chinese (用中文(表達): 宠物出国旅行指南
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Traveling With Your Pet

Travel Requirements Based on Pet Type

India's website for pet import regulations  

Procedure for import of pet dogs into India (615.28 KB)

Procedure for import of pet cats into India (619.56 KB)  

Note : Effective immediately, India has banned the import of the following ferocious breeds of dogs, including mixed and cross breeds:

  • Pitbull Terrier
  • American Staffordshire Terrier
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Dogo Argentino
  • American Bulldog
  • Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Ovcharka)
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog (Ovcharka)
  • South Russian Shepherd Dog (Ovcharka)
  • Sarplaninac
  • Japanese Tosa
  • Mastiffs (Boerbulls)
  • Terriers (specific types not specified)
  • Rhodesian Ridgeback
  • Presa Canario
  • Moscow Guard Dog
  • Any dog commonly known as a Bandog (or Ban Dog)

The requirements for traveling with your pet are described in the health certificate.

A health certificate for dogs or cats can also be generated by the pet's veterinarian through the Veterinary Export Health Certification System ( VEHCS ). Once the veterinarian logs on to VEHCS and enters the destination country and commodity, VEHCS will walk them through each step to generate the certificate and submit it to APHIS for endorsement.

NOTE: A printed paper copy of the completed health certificate must accompany each shipment.  

Quick Reference Guides for the pet's veterinarian 

Veterinary Health Certificate for Dogs (79.16 KB)

Veterinary Health Certificate for Cats (71.43 KB)

India’s Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) requires all pets temporarily traveling to India to obtain a DGFT license before obtaining a No Objection Certificate (NOC) and traveling. The form used to apply for the DGFT License is called the ANF-2M. Columns 2(i) & (ii), 3(ii), 4, 5, 7, 8 & 9 must be completed prior to submission of the form to India’s Regional Authorities.

The application form and details regarding how to submit it  

Please note: The DGFT license may take about one month for processing.

Pets (dogs & cats) need an NOC document in addition to a valid health certificate. The exporter (pet owner) is responsible for obtaining the NOC from India.   USDA APHIS is not involved and does not endorse the NOC. All pets entering into India must be issued an NOC from the Animal Quarantine and Certification Station (AQCS) in India whether accompanied or manifest, prior to landing into India. People intending on arriving with their pets as accompanied luggage can have an agent apply for this certificate before they enter the country.  The NOC can be applied for by mail, fax, or in-person. The NOC document takes about 5 working days to obtain. Documents required prior to obtaining this document, are:

  • All vaccination records of the pet.
  • Government issued veterinary certificate from the exporting country USDA document.
  • Flight details /confirmation of the passenger's travel into India/ Copy of the airway bill 

Procedural Formalities:

  • No Objection Certificate (NOC) issued by the Quarantine Officer at the Animal Quarantine Station in India.
  • A duplicate copy of the NOC has to be fixed on the crate of the pet during the air travel.
  • Original copy of the NOC has to be produced in India to get the pet released from the customs at the Airport in India.
  • On arrival in India, an appointment with the Quarantine Officer for issue of a temporary Health Certificate on examination of the pet.
  • 30 days thereafter a certificate of health to be obtained from a local veterinarian to be produced at the Animal Quarantine Station. Then, the pet will be issued a permanent certificate of health for his/her stay in India.

Having an in-country representative is preferred to get an NOC from the Quarantine officer before arrival and per the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries (DADF) most of the applicants appoint some in-country representative who works for them.  However, if the passenger does not have any contact in India then they can send the original documents via email.  In such cases it is recommended to send a copy to DADF & a follow-up phone call is suggested to the specific quarantine station.  The DADF stressed that such cases are dealt with on an exceptional basis.

Contact information for AQCS at the different ports can be found by clicking the following links:

AQCS Mumbai

AQCS Kolkatta

AQCS Chennai

AQCS Bangalore

AQCS Hyderabad

On arrival, the Regional Officer/ Quarantine Officer will examine the health of dog/cat, verify the veterinary certificate and vaccination records of imported dog/cat. If the pet(s) is/are free from any clinical illness as well as the documents including veterinary certificate/vaccination records are found in order, the animals imported as pets under accompanied baggage or un-accompanied baggage shall be quarantined for 15 days. If the pet is detected with any signs of clinical illness during quarantine, the period of quarantine may be extended depending on the disease and its severity.

Dogs/cats brought for temporary visits, such as shows, visitors, travelers, therapy, assistance and security purposes, along with masters, shall be exempted from 15 days quarantine period provided the owner of the pet presents required documents:

  • passport/pet book/health card of dog,
  • passport of owner,
  • return journey ticket,
  • health certificate issued by the veterinary authority in the name of owner carrying the dog; and
  • proof of purpose of visit.

In such case(s) owner shall furnish the health certificate fulfilling sanitary conditions as above. Also, during the stay in India, the owner shall furnish details of his/her temporary location, phone number etc. so that the quarantine officer may visit the place for verification, if required. The owner of the pet(s) shall be present at the time of entry into India and during his/her return from India at the respective AQCS. This provision is applicable for import up to two pets only. The quarantine officer will prepare a declaration form for this category of animal.

No import of feed or bedding etc. will be allowed along with the dog(s).

For pet travel requirements not listed, APHIS has not been officially informed by the foreign country about the requirements for your pet’s travel. We recommend that you contact a government official of the country you are traveling to for more information.

Country of Destination Contact Information

World Organisation for Animal Health: Members

U.S. Department of State: Foreign Embassies and Consulates

Countries Participating in the European Union

Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia

Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Republic of Ireland Italy Latvia

Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Northern Ireland * Norway ** Poland Portugal

Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland **

* Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom (UK), but will continue to follow European Union (EU) requirements even though the UK is no longer part of the EU. ** Norway and Switzerland are not part of the EU but have adopted EU legislation for import of most species of live animals.

Important Travel Considerations

If you are transiting (passing through) the european union:.

india travel requirements hyderabad

If your pet is traveling through (transiting) a country in the European Union (EU) on the way to a third, non-EU country, you will also need a transit health certificate for your pet for the EU. The transit health certificate will be the same as if your pet’s final destination was the EU country. Use the information and steps above under “Travel Requirements Based on Pet Type” to determine which health certificate should be used. View a list of EU countries .

Considerations for airline travel:

india travel requirements hyderabad

Airlines and shipping lines have their own policies and requirements for transporting pets. Check with your airline or shipping representative to determine what requirements they may have.

View additional information for pet owners, airlines, and others about APHIS endorsement of international health certificates (239.52 KB) .

Will you be returning to the United States with your pet?

india travel requirements hyderabad

View the Requirements ALERT: Read the CDC Notice of Temporary Suspension of Dogs Entering the United States From Countries Classified as High Risk for Dog Rabies .

Information for Accredited Veterinarians

Green banner country.

For Accredited Veterinarians: Electronic signature ACCEPTED

For APHIS VMO: Digital endorsement ACCEPTED

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Save Time and Money With VEHCS!

Accredited veterinarians can submit health certificates for USDA endorsement electronically through VEHCS (Veterinary Export Health Certification System). This country accepts USDA digital endorsement . This means the final, endorsed health certificate that travels with the animal(s) can be printed out directly from VEHCS and does NOT have to be mailed back to you.

VEHCS Help   |  VEHCS Guide (7.58 MB)   |  VEHCS Login

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NMDC slapped with 1,620cr fine

NMDC slapped with 1,620cr fine

Visual Stories

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Bulbul Dhawan , Skift

August 26th, 2024 at 11:00 PM EDT

Travel is growing between India and the U.S. but there is a lot of room for growth. The key will be knocking down barriers and making travel easier.

Bulbul Dhawan

The Skift India Newsletter is your go-to platform for all news related to travel, tourism, airlines, and hospitality in India.

What can India and U.S. do to boost tourism? According to the first Indo-U.S. Tourism and Hospitality Summit held by the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce in Delhi on Friday, the answer is speedier visas and more direct flights.

Suman Billa, Additional Secretary with India’s Tourism Ministry, said that the bulk of India-U.S. air travel is through third countries like those in the Middle East or Europe. “If we get more direct flights, not only will the market become more cost competitive for people to travel both ways, but it will also add to the convenience of traveling to the U.S. But for some reason, this is not happening,” he said.

Currently, for the most part, Air India, American Airlines, and United Airlines are the carriers operating non-stop flights between the two countries.

Billa further noted that even though the visa for the U.S. is valid for 10 years, the process is cumbersome. 

Still, there’s been a lot of progress. In January, the U.S. Embassy said that it had reduced visa appointment wait times in India by 75% last year, even as there was a 60% increase in applications from 2022. It said that process improvements and staffing decisions brought down the appointment wait time for visitor visas from an average of 1,000 days to 250 days. 

At the Skift India Summit in March, Eric Garcetti, U.S. Ambassador to India, said that he was asked by U.S. President Joe Biden to work on reducing the backlog of visa applications. “I don’t know this for sure, but I bet it’s the only time the United States president has told the ambassador, ‘Please work on visa issues,’” Garcetti said.  

At the Chamber of Commerce event, Jonathan M Heimer, minister counselor for commercial affairs, U.S. Commercial Service, said that over the past year, visa processing has gained momentum. “We have been able to process 60% more visas with more or less the same resources. We have also issued more than 1.1 million visas in the last year, which is a record for us,” he said. 

Short-Term Visas? MakeMyTrip co-founder and group CEO Rajesh Magow suggested the introduction of short-term visas for tourists. “There are many other countries which have done it, so maybe a short-term tourist visa can be quick and could be one potential innovation that can happen,” he said. 

Between January and May 2024, India emerged as the second-largest international source market – not including Canada and Mexico – for tourism in the U.S., data from the U.S. National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) showed . In 2023, 1.7 million Indian tourists visited the U.S., and NTTO is expecting this number to increase to 2 million by 2027. 

India’s Potential for Growth: Billa said that even though India and the U.S. share a strong bilateral relationship and travel between the nations is growing, there is significant room for progress. “Even though the numbers are good, from the tourism perspective, India has not really capitalized on the potential we have. There is probably much more headroom for us to capture,” he added. 

At the Skift India Summit, Garcetti had said that there is a big demand from Indian tourists to visit the U.S., but the reverse is not true. “Americans don’t know India and Indians like India and Indians know America and Americans. I think there’s an awakening happening now, so this is going to be more of a two-way street,” he had said.

“I think there’s a lot of work to be done to promote India as a tourism destination,” he added.

Indian Gen-Z Travelers Embracing Technology to Enhance Experience

Indian Gen-Z travelers (born between 1995 and 2010) are embracing technology to enhance their travel experiences, said on Thursday. It said that about 70% of the surveyed Gen-Z travelers in India are comfortable with including more technology in their travel planning. 

They are also comfortable taking suggestions from AI on places that are less explored and using it to make an itinerary. 

Indian Gen-Z travelers also seek value for money and use off-peak season to travel to save costs. They also consider including unique once-in-a-lifetime experiences during their trip, such as skydiving or hot air ballooning. Over 70% of them also look for travel discounts through loyalty programs to increase their savings. 

The platform added that about 70% of Gen-Z travelers admitted to repeating an accommodation that they had enjoyed. 

“With 65% of India’s population under the age of 35 years, it is crucial to understand the travel sentiment of the Gen Z travelers as they redefine the way we experience the world. Their eagerness for unique and immersive experiences and tech prowess while prioritizing value for money is driving the demand for innovative technology-based travel solutions and experiential travel,” said Santosh Kumar, country manager for India, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Indonesia at 

Hong Kong Targeting Indian Travelers to Drive Tourism

Indian travelers are among the biggest spenders in Hong Kong, on average spending INR 100,000 ($1,200) per person, Hong Kong Tourism Board director Puneet Kumar told Indian media . In the first six months of 2024, 181,000 Indians visited the region. The city is aiming to attract 560,000 tourists from India by the end of this year: double that of 2023. 

For this, Hong Kong is positioning itself as a year-round destination with major events and festivals. Kumar said that the focus is on Gen-Z and Millennials as the city is looking to encourage repeat and frequent visits by catering to a group that is interested in concerts and festivals.

Apart from this, the board is also looking at leisure and MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions) segments to attract Indian audiences. 

Japan Airlines Enhances Tokyo-Bangalore Connectivity 

Japan Airlines is set to increase the frequency of flights between Tokyo and Bangalore to five weekly flights from October, the Bengaluru International Airport has said. The airline currently operates three flights a week on the sector. 

Currently, Bangalore is the only airport in South India to offer direct connectivity to Tokyo, and Japan Airlines is the only airline operating on this route. The increase in frequency comes in response to a rise in demand. 

The airport said that in 2023, Japan Airlines flew nearly 63,000 passengers between Bangalore and Japan, an increase of 168% as compared to 2022. 

Thomas Cook Launches Customer Self-Service App

Thomas Cook India and its group company SOTC Travel have launched a customer self-service (CSS) holiday app. Through this app, the travel services company aims to allow customers an end-to-end post-booking experience. 

The app provides features such as sightseeing schedules of customers, their hotel reservations and flight tickets, insurance details, visa status tracker, and weather updates. CSS was piloted in April, and witnessed a customer adoption rate of 50%. 

Thomas Cook’s move comes days after it launched an AI-powered platform to help customers plan holidays, check availability, and make bookings quickly by eliminating the need for them to reach out to holiday experts. 

Air India Adds Flights to Kolkata for Festival Season

Full service airline Air India has announced temporary additional flights from four cities to Kolkata to meet the travel demand during the upcoming Durga Puja festivities. 

While daily additional flights from Delhi have already commenced this month, daily additional flights from Bangalore, Mumbai, and Hyderabad will start next month. 

All the additional services will continue till October, according to the schedule shared by the airline.

Skift India Report

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Tags: air india , artificial intelligence , customer experience , gen z , hong kong , india , india outbound , indian airlines , japan airlines , passenger experience , planning , skift india report , thomas cook , travel technology , travel trends , trip planning , u.s. , united states , visa , visas

Photo credit: India has not really capitalized on its potential, said Suman Billa, Additional Secretary with India's Tourism Ministry. Ankit Gupta / Pexels

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ITC Kohenur Hyderabad

ITC Kohenur Hyderabad recently joined The Hotel Collection. While we are finalizing this profile page, ITC Kohenur Hyderabad is already available for bookings through American Express Travel — and offers elevated benefits to eligible Card Members with every stay of two nights or more. Check back soon for detailed descriptions and photos.

Location of ITC Kohenur Hyderabad

Madhapur (HITEC City). Hyderabad, 500081 India

Rajiv Gandhi International Airport.

  • A one-category room upgrade at check-in, when available †
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† Certain room categories are not eligible for upgrade.

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Fine Hotels + Resorts Terms and Conditions:

Fine Hotels + Resorts (FHR) program benefits are available for new bookings made through Platinum Travel & Dining Concierge, Business Platinum Travel & Dining Concierge, the Dedicated Centurion® Team or American Express Travel ( with participating properties and are valid only for eligible Platinum Cardmembers or Centurion® Members and excludes Platinum Credit Companion Cards. Bookings must be made using an eligible Card and must be paid using that Card, or another American Express® Card, in the eligible Card Member's name, and that Card Member must be traveling on the itinerary booked. The average total value of the program benefits is based on prior-year bookings for stays of two nights; the actual value varies. Noon check-in and room upgrade are subject to availability and are provided at check-in; certain room categories are not eligible for upgrade. The type of US$100 Credit and additional amenity (if applicable) varies by property; the credit will be applied to eligible charges up to the amount of the credit. To receive the credit, the eligible spend must be charged to your hotel room. The credit will be applied at check-out. Advance reservations are recommended for certain credits. The type and value of the daily breakfast (for two) varies by property; breakfast will be valued at a minimum of US$60 per room per day. To receive the breakfast credit, the breakfast bill must be charged to your hotel room. The breakfast credit will be applied at check-out. If the cost of Wi-Fi is included in a mandatory property fee, a daily credit of that amount will be applied at check-out. Benefits are applied per room, per stay (with a three-room limit per stay). Back-to-back stays booked by a single Card Member, Card Members staying in the same room or Card Members traveling in the same party within a 24-hour period at the same property are considered one stay and are ineligible for additional FHR benefits (“Prohibited Action”). American Express and the property reserve the right to modify or revoke FHR benefits at any time without notice if we or they determine, in our or their sole discretion, that you may have engaged in a Prohibited Action, or have engaged in abuse, misuse, or gaming in connection with your FHR benefits. Benefit restrictions vary by property. Benefits cannot be redeemed for cash and are not combinable with other offers unless indicated. Benefits must be used during the stay booked. Any credits applicable are applied at check-out in USD or the local currency equivalent. Benefits, participating properties, and availability and amenities at those properties are subject to change. To be eligible for FHR program benefits, your eligible Card Account must not be cancelled. For additional information, call the number on the back of your Card.

The Hotel Collection Terms and Conditions:

The Hotel Collection (THC) benefits are available for new bookings of two consecutive nights or more made through American Express Travel (, Platinum Travel & Dining Concierge, Business Platinum Travel & Dining Concierge or the Dedicated Centurion® Team, with participating properties and are valid only for eligible Preferred Rewards Gold Cardmembers, Preferred Rewards Gold Credit Cardmembers, Platinum Cardmembers or Centurion® Members and excludes Platinum Credit Companion Cardmembers. Bookings must be made using an eligible Card and must be paid using that Card, or another American Express Card, in the eligible Card Member's name, and that Card Member must be traveling on the itinerary booked. Noon check-in, late check-out and the room upgrade are subject to availability; certain room categories are not eligible for upgrade. The type of US$100 credit and additional amenity (if applicable) varies by property; the US$100 credit will be applied to eligible charges up to US$100. To receive the US$100 credit, the eligible spend must be charged to your hotel room. The US$100 credit will be applied at check-out. Advance reservations are recommended for certain credits. Benefit restrictions vary by property. Benefits are applied per room, per stay (with a three-room limit per stay). Back-to-back stays booked by a single Card Member, Card Members staying in the same room or Card Members traveling in the same party within a 24-hour period at the same property are considered one stay and are ineligible for additional THC benefits (“Prohibited Action”). American Express and the Property reserve the right to modify or revoke the THC benefits at any time without notice if we or they determine, in our or their sole discretion, that you have engaged in a Prohibited Action, or have engaged in abuse, misuse, or gaming in connection with your THC benefits. Benefits cannot be redeemed for cash and are not combinable with other offers unless indicated. Benefits must be used during the stay booked. Any credits applicable are applied at check-out in US Dollars or the local currency equivalent. Benefits, participating properties, and availability and amenities at those properties are subject to change. To be eligible for THC program benefits, your eligible Card Account must not be cancelled. For additional information, call the number on the back of your Card.

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UK Visa Requirements & Eligibility

From scenic landscapes and to the rich history and heritage, the United Kingdom paints a vibrant portrait of its allure. Iconic landmarks and charming countryside make this a preferred destination among travellers.

Indians need a valid UK visa to visit the country. The type of visa required depends on the purpose and duration of the visit. For tourism, business, or visiting family and friends, Indians usually apply for a UK Visitor Visa. A UK Work Visa is needed if you will be employed in the UK, and a UK Student Visa is needed if you will be studying in the UK. It's always best to check the latest visa requirements and application processes through official UK government channels or consult with a visa advisor.

Indians will be allowed to stay and work in the UK for a maximum of 24 months. If your visa is valid, you are free to enter the UK whenever you choose and to depart and return whenever you please. As a Standard Visitor, you can travel to the UK for up to six months of approved business or tourism activities.


Types of UK Visa

There are different categories of UK visas that allow for multiple entries for periods of six months each; short-term visas, valid for six months and long-term visas, valid for two, five, and ten years.

  • UK Visitor Visa 
  • UK Business Visa

Additional Information -

Priority /Super priority options as per availability at the time of taking appointment with the additional charges by embassy.

The UK embassy will create the updated checklist when payment confirmation is received in order to schedule the submission appointment.

Visa-on-arrival in the UK

Visa-on-arrival is not permitted for Indian citizens travelling to the UK. Indian citizens typically need to obtain a visa before travelling to the UK, whether for tourism, business, study, or other purposes. This involves applying for a visa through the UK Visa Application Centre in India or online, depending on the type of visa needed. It's essential to check the most up-to-date visa requirements and application procedures through official UK government sources or consult with a visa advisor. Regulations may change, so it's always wise to verify the current requirements before planning any travel.

How to Apply for UK Visa online through Air India?

  • Click here to visit the AirIndia OneVasco website.
  • Add and review the applicants’ details before proceeding to checkout.
  • Once the payment is successful, you will receive a confirmation of your visa application. The OneVasco visa concierge team will get in touch to assist you further and ensure a smooth process.
  • Once the required documents are submitted and verified by our visa experts’ team, your UK Visa application will be submitted for approval.
  • Once your visa application is approved, a sticker visa will be affixed to one of the pages of your passport.

UK Visa Processing time:

The UK visa processing time will be calculated once all documents have been submitted in accordance with the embassy requirements.

How to track the UK Visa application?

You can track the status of your application on the  link

What are the UK Visa fees and charges?

Please refer to the below table for UK visa fees:

Frequently asked Questions

Hide  view  do i need a visa to enter the uk.

Yes, a valid UK visa for Indians is needed to enter the country. You can apply for a UK Tourist Visa, UK Work Visa, UK Student Visa, etc, based on the purpose of your visit. Before applying for visa, it is recommended to check the latest requirements and guidelines through official UK government channels or consult with a visa advisor.

Hide  View  How do I apply for a UK visa?

  • Click here to visit the AirIndia OneVasco website. 
  • Add and review the applicants’ details before proceeding to checkout. 
  • Once the payment of the UK Visa fees is successful, you will receive a confirmation of your visa application. The OneVasco visa concierge team will remain in constant touch to ensure a convenient experience.
  • Once the required documents are submitted and verified by the visa experts’ team, your UK Visa application will be submitted for approval. 
  • Once approved, the UK Visa will be a sticker visa will be affixed to one of the pages of your passport. 

Hide  View  Can I get a visa-on-arrival in the UK, or do I need to apply in advance?

No, you must apply well in advance, considering the UK visa processing time may vary depending on the type of visa applied. There is no visa-on-arrival facility for Indian citizens travelling to the UK. This means that Indian citizens need to obtain a visa before travelling to the UK, regardless of the purpose of their visit.

This involves applying for a visa through the UK Visa Application Centre in India or online, depending on the type of visa needed. 

Hide  View  How long can I stay in the UK?

UK Business Visa : If you are visiting the UK for business purposes, you can apply for a UK Visitor Business Visa. With this visa, you can usually stay in the UK for up to 6 months for business-related activities such as attending meetings, conferences, or negotiating contracts.

UK Tourist Visa : If you're travelling to the UK for tourism, visiting family and friends, or for business purposes, you can typically stay for up to 6 months on a Standard Tourist Visitor Visa. This visa can be used for multiple visits within its validity period, but each visit must not exceed 6 months.

Hide  View  What is the validity period of my UK visa?

Since there are multiple categories of UK visa, the validity period will be considered as per the travel period and type of category you have applied for at the time of application.

Hide  View  Do Schengen visa holders require a visa for the United Kingdom?

Yes. Schengen visa holders require separate visas for the United Kingdom. Indian nationals need to apply a visa to enter the UK, regardless of whether they hold a Schengen visa or not. The type of visa required depends on the purpose of the visit, such as tourism, business, study, or work. Indian citizens typically need to apply for a visa in advance through the UK Visa Application Centre in India or online.

Hide  View  I haven’t booked my flight tickets. Can I apply for a UK visa?

Yes, you can apply for a UK Business visa even if you haven't booked your flight tickets. However, for a UK Tourist visa, flight tickets are mandatory to present at the time of submission.

When you apply for a UK visa, you need to provide details about your intended travel dates, including your planned arrival and departure dates.

However, you should have a clear travel itinerary and plans in place before applying for your visa. This includes knowing the dates you intend to travel, where you plan to stay, and the purpose of your visit. Providing this information accurately in your visa application will help the authorities assess your application effectively.

Remember to check the specific requirements and guidelines for the type of visa you're applying for, as different visas may have different documentation requirements and criteria for approval.

Hide  View  Do I need to upload photographs in a specific format?

Yes, when applying for a UK visa, there are specific criteria for the type of photo you must upload. It's essential to adhere to these guidelines to ensure that your visa application is processed smoothly.

Hide  View  Is there any specific format in which documents need to be uploaded?

Yes, documents can be uploaded in either PDF or JPG format. Ensure that your documents are saved in one of these formats when submitting them for your UK visa application.

Hide  View  How long does it take to get a UK visa?

The processing time for UK visa can range from a few weeks to several months, so it's essential to apply well in advance of your planned travel date. Additionally, factors such as the completeness of your application, the accuracy of your information, and any additional processing requirements can affect the processing time.

Hide  View  How will I get my UK Visa?

Your UK Application form needs to be filled online and given for submission at the visa application centre with the required documents. Once your visa application is approved, a sticker visa will be affixed to one of the pages of your passport.

If you have any queries regarding your UK visa application, you may reach out to the OneVasco team. 

Hide  View  Does every Indian National travelling to the UK need a visa?

Yes, Indians need a visa to visit the UK. The type of visa required depends on the purpose and duration of the visit. For tourism, business trips, or visiting family and friends, Indians usually apply for a UK Visitor Visa. For other purposes like work or study, different visa categories apply. It's always best to check the latest visa requirements and application processes through official UK government channels or consult with a visa advisor.

Hide  View  Can I cancel my UK Visa?

No. Once a UK visa application has been submitted, it cannot be cancelled. However, if you no longer wish to proceed with your travel plans or if there has been a change in circumstances, you can inform the UK Visa Application Centre (VAC) or the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) about your decision.

If you have submitted your visa application through a Visa Application Centre (VAC), you can contact them directly to inform them of your decision to withdraw your application. They will advise you on the next steps and may provide you with a form or process to formally withdraw your application.

If you have applied for your visa online or through another channel directly with UKVI, you can contact them to inform them of your decision. You may need to provide details such as your application reference number and personal information to identify your application.

Hide  View  Will I get a refund if I cancel my UK visa?

No. UK visa fees are non-refundable, so even if you choose not to use the visa, you may not be eligible for a refund. 

Hide  View  Will I get a refund in case my UK Visa application is rejected?

Refunds are not available for visa rejections. UK Visa fees are non-refundable, regardless of the outcome of the application. When applying for a UK Visa, it is necessary to ensure all guidelines are followed to minimise the risk of rejection.

Hide  View  How soon can I reapply if my UK visa is rejected?

There is no timeframe that you must wait to reapply in case your UK Visa application is denied. However, one must understand the reason for rejection and address the issues before submitting a fresh application.


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  1. India

    Be aware of current health issues in India. Learn how to protect yourself. Level 2 Practice Enhanced Precautions. New Zika in the state of Maharashtra, India August 22, 2024 There is an outbreak of Zika in the state of Maharashtra, India. All travelers to Maharashtra should take steps to prevent mosquito bites and sexual transmission of Zika virus during and after travel.

  2. Travel advisory for International passengers

    There are 4 testing booths made available at Hyderabad International Airport for passengers. 2% passengers who will be randomly selected by the Airlines will be tested. The cost for the tests will be borne by the Ministry of Civil Aviation. For further information passengers can call 86883 10054.

  3. India International Travel Information

    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.

  4. Travel Vaccines and Advice for India

    Oral doses must be kept in refrigerator. A risk for travelers throughout India. Avoid swimming in popular rivers or streams as cholera may be present. Vaccination is recommended for some travelers. May be required if arriving from countries with active transmission. Recommended for some travelers to the region.

  5. India Visa

    The processing time for an India e-Visa is 3-4 working days post submission. For most travellers eligible for an India e-Visa, the processing time often takes a few days. However, it's advisable to apply well in advance of your planned travel date to account for any unforeseen delays.

  6. Health

    Latest FCDO travel advice for India including on entry requirements, safety and security and local laws and customs.

  7. Visas, Documents and Travel Tips

    All You Need to Know About Visa, Documents, and Travel Tips. We are excited about your upcoming trip with us, and we promise to make it memorable and seamless. Before leaving for the airport, please check if you have your documents in place. Also, read Air India's travel advisory for various airports and cities across India and the world.

  8. Transit through Hyderabad

    India ; India Travel Forum; Search. Browse all 315,758 India topics » Transit through Hyderabad - visa requirements Watch this Topic. Browse forums; All. ... Reply to: Transit through Hyderabad - visa requirements. Your message. Read our community guidelines. Get notified by e-mail when a reply is posted. Preview. India forums . India forums .

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    108 countries recognize India's COVID-19 vaccination certificate for travel purpose as per data available on December 6, 2021. Commercial international flights were suspended in India since March 25, 2020 due to the coronavirus outbreak. Travel restrictions have begun to be gradually relaxed from October 2021.

  10. Travel advice and advisories for India

    Don't travel to India to obtain restitution after losing money to a scam. Overseas fraud. Spiked food and drinks. ... Entry requirements vary depending on the type of passport you use for travel. Before you travel, check with your transportation company about passport requirements. Its rules on passport validity may be more stringent than the ...

  11. Vaccines Needed for Travel to India

    Vaccines for India. Here are vaccines you may need for travel to India: Hepatitis A. This disease can be transmitted through food and water. The risk for Hepatitis A in India is high. So ...

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  13. India COVID-19 travel rules, requirements, and restrictions

    COVID-19 regulations and requirements in India. Since November 22, 2022, foreign nationals and citizens of India no longer need a self-declaration form, proof of vaccination, or a negative RT-PCR test to enter India.

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  16. Travel Vaccines and Advice for India

    Jab lasts 3 years. Oral vaccine lasts 5 years, must be able to swallow pills. Oral doses must be kept in refrigerator. A risk for travellers throughout India. Avoid swimming in popular rivers or streams as cholera may be present. Required if travelling from a country with risk of yellow fever transmission.

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  18. Travel Guidelines: International Arrivals & Departures

    For customers from India to Abu Dhabi. Note: All customers are required to carry printout of e-visa along with other mandatory travel documents. The following categories of customers will be allowed to travel from India to Abu Dhabi: Holders of all type of visa and/or entry permission granted by the appropriate authority in the United Arab Emirates (i.e., valid resident visa, employment visa ...

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    Get your visa with Air India. Discover the e-visa requirements, eligibility, types, & simple application process for a smooth journey. ... When applying for a UAE visa, you will need to provide information about your intended travel dates, tickets, and accommodation arrangements. Ensure to check the specific requirements for the type of visa ...

  20. Pet travel from the United States to India

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  21. USTravelDocs

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    Thomas Cook India and its group company SOTC Travel have launched a customer self-service (CSS) holiday app. Through this app, the travel services company aims to allow customers an end-to-end ...

  24. E-Visa Requirements, Eligibility & How to Apply

    Invitation letter from invitee company on letterhead signed and stamped with purpose of travel, passport details, designation, invitee name and date of travel. NOC from company. Financial documents: Last 3 months' salary slips. Income Tax Acknowledgement for last three years. Last six-month bank statements with stamp and signature on it.

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  27. UK Visa

    When you apply for a UK visa, you need to provide details about your intended travel dates, including your planned arrival and departure dates. However, you should have a clear travel itinerary and plans in place before applying for your visa. This includes knowing the dates you intend to travel, where you plan to stay, and the purpose of your ...

  28. Explore Hyderabad

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