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A Guide to Visiting Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park is famed for its population of rhinos

Lake Nakuru National Park, just a three-hour drive from Nairobi in the Great Rift Valley of southwestern Kenya , boasts an abundance of wildlife and spectacular landscapes. Think black and white rhinos, lions, leopards, cheetahs and hippos occupying euphorbia forests, acacia woodlands, savannah grasslands and rocky escarpments around a shallow, alkaline lake. Planning your visit to Lake Nakuru National Park? Discover our guide to one of the best and most easily accessible safari destinations in Kenya.

Tempted to experience it for yourself? Lake Nakuru National Park is one of several fantastic destinations featured on Culture Trip’s exclusive seven-day Kenya tour , led by our local insider.

A brief history of Lake Nakuru National Park

Lake Nakuru is a shallow, alkaline lake

Lake Nakuru has been recognised as a conservation area as far back as 1957. It was declared a bird sanctuary in 1961, before being officially announced as a national park in 1968, extending its boundaries to cover a total area of 188sqkm (73sqmi). In 1977, endangered Rothschild’s giraffes were introduced from western Kenya to protect their population, and in 1984, it was designated as Kenya’s first rhino sanctuary.

The lake itself, which lies at 1,754m (5,755ft) above sea level, became a wetland site of international importance under the Ramsar Convention in 1990, and, in 2011, was awarded Unesco World Heritage status, along with nearby Lake Bogoria and Lake Elementaita. It’s also internationally recognised as an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA), home to an estimated 450 bird species.

The healthiest flamingoes are thought to be the ones that are the brightest pink

Up until 2012, Lake Nakuru was renowned for its vast flamingo population (sometimes exceeding 1.5 million), which covered the lake in a blanket of pink. Since 2012, rising water levels from heavy flooding have drastically reduced this phenomenon, shrinking the flamingos’ breeding and feeding grounds. More recently there have been promising signs of flamingos returning, which bodes well for the health of the park’s biodiversity and its tourism industry.

Which animals to look out for

A group of rhinos is known as a crash

Flamingos might not be as abundant as they once were, but there’s so much other wildlife to see while you’re in Lake Nakuru National Park. It’s one of the best places in Kenya to see rhinos in the wild – there are roughly 100-150 individuals in total, of which 80 percent are white rhinos and 20 percent black. The park also has a strong reputation for leopard sightings, although these creatures are notoriously difficult to spot owing to nocturnal hunting habits and camouflaged fur.

Rothschild’s giraffes have distinctive markings

Lions, cheetahs, hippos, buffalos, hyenas, giraffes and zebras are among the 50 (or more) mammal species living in the park. You can expect to see several types of large python, which are especially prevalent in woodland areas. Also keep an eye out for ostriches, African fish eagles, woolly-necked storks and dusky nightjars, plus an array of other bird species.

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When to visit

Lake Nakuru National Park has a pleasant climate

Given that Kenya sits directly on the equator, temperatures don’t tend to fluctuate a great deal throughout the year. Due to Lake Nakuru National Park’s high altitude, it usually avoids the scorchingly hot weather you might expect elsewhere in the country, with temperatures typically hovering around 25-28C (77-82F) during the daytime and dropping overnight to around 10C (50F).

The best time to visit is during one of the dry seasons – either between July and early October, or January through until early March – as these months provide optimal conditions for wildlife viewing. April and May tend to be the wettest months, and are therefore best avoided, as many animals seek shelter during heavy rains, while dirt tracks used for game drives are rendered unfit for purpose.

How to get there

Lake Nakuru is a haven for pelicans

Getting from Nairobi to Nakuru by car is very straightforward – just follow the A104 road the whole way there. From Nakuru town, the entrance to the national park is 4km (2.5mi) to the south. If you’re coming from Maasai Mara National Reserve, it’s around a five-hour journey along a combination of tarmacked and gravel roads.

It’s also possible to fly from Nairobi to the Naishi airstrip at the southern end of Lake Nakuru National Park, which only takes half an hour – although this route doesn’t always operate, so it’s worth checking the schedules closer to the time of your visit if you intend to fly.

Entry to Lake Nakuru National Park costs £45.38 ($60) for non-Kenyan adult visitors per 24 hours and £26.47 ($35) for children.

Where to stay

Lake Nakuru has accommodation options to suit all budgets

There’s an excellent variety of places to stay both within Lake Nakuru National Park and just outside – it all depends on your budget and what kind of experience you’re after. Most lodges and camps offer safari experiences, including game drives, bush walks and bird watching excursions with experienced park rangers.

Within the park, Lake Nakuru Lodge is a delightful eco-friendly retreat, totally surrounded by wilderness, meaning you’ll have a chance to spot wildlife directly from your accommodation. Facilities include a large outdoor pool, a spa, and an on-site restaurant serving delicious Kenyan and Indian cuisine, plus traditional bush barbecues.

Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge, overlooking the eastern shore of Lake Nakuru, is another outstanding choice, featuring 67 luxurious villas, a panoramic terrace bar and an organic vegetable garden that provides fresh ingredients used in the on-site restaurant. Flamingo Hill Tented Camp and Mbweha Camp, both on the outer edges of the park, are also options worth considering.

If you don’t mind staying just outside the park, there are plenty of hotels in Nakuru town, such as Sarova Woodlands Hotel and Spa, which offers spacious, air-conditioned rooms, two restaurants serving an eclectic mix of cuisines and an outdoor pool. You can spend a night there, and enjoy a game drive in Lake Nakuru National Park, as part of Culture Trip’s specially curated seven-day Kenya adventure .

What else to do

Makalia Falls change size with the seasons

Although going on a wildlife safari is the biggest draw of visiting Lake Nakuru National Park, it’s by no means the only thing to do while you’re there. Take a trip to Baboon Cliff, on the northwestern side of the park, for spectacular views of the lake, and visit the Makalia Falls – a beautiful waterfall on the southern side of the park, with unusual rock formations and a hiking trail nearby. You’ll see plenty of birdlife here, and possibly other animals such as buffaloes, drinking from the rock pools.

Just outside the park, on the outskirts of Nakuru town, the Hyrax Hill Museum provides a fascinating insight into the ancient communities of the Great Rift Valley, through a series of archaeological excavations. Meanwhile, Menengai Crater, a short drive out of town, is one of the largest calderas in the world – another superb hiking spot with magnificent vistas of the surrounding area.

Looking for somewhere to stay in the capital? Discover our guide to the best hotels in Nairobi , bookable on Culture Trip.

A Guide to Visiting Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

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Lake Nakuru – Wildlife, Best Time to Visit and More

  • Lakes in Kenya

Shores of Lake Nakuru

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Lake Nakuru is an alkaline lake situated on the Rift Valley floor at an elevation of 1754 meters above sea level. The lake lies to the south of  Nakuru .  Lake Nakuru National Park  encompasses and protects the lake, a World Heritage famous for its thousands of pink flamingos. The flamingos join into a massive flock, fringe to the shores of the lake to form a dazzling spectacle of pulsing pink swathe of life that carpets the water.

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Buffalo lying in the water on the background of big flocks of flamingos

Top-rated Lake Nakuru Tours and Activities

History of lake nakuru.

Lake Nakuru National Park  was established in 1961. The park started small, only surrounding the famous lake and the encompassing mountainous vicinity, but has since been extended to include a large part of the savannahs.

American ornithologist Roger Tory Peterson, who initiated modern environmentalism, defined the lake as “ the greatest bird spectacle on earth ”. Unfortunately, things are no longer like Peterson saw them since the lake’s ecosystem feels the human pressure. The vast flocks of birds are slowly but surely diminishing or fleeing to other more unspoiled soda lakes.

The park was gazetted in 1968, but since 1961 there was a bird sanctuary at the lake’s south sector. With the support of the World Wildlife Fund, Kenya’s Government launched a scheme to purchase the adjacent grounds to widen the protected area. In 1964 the sanctuary included the whole lake, with an area that fluctuates from 5 sq. km to 40 sq. km, in addition to a shore strip. Since its gazetting as a national park, both authorities and conservation organizations have won the battle against private property and human settlings, further broadening the park limits in 1968 and 1974 to its current extension of 188 sq. km.

The lake’s level dropped intensely in the early 1990s but has since largely recovered. In 2013, the lake received an alarming increase in the water levels that led to the migration of flamingos to Lake Bogoria in search of food supply. Lake Nakuru is debatably the most renowned among Kenya’s Rift Valley lakes and one of the prime African parks on the planet, with its alkaline waters fringed at times by more thousands of flamingos.

About Lake Nakuru

Nakuru is a Maasai word that means “Dust or Dusty Place”. Lake Nakuru has become eminent for the flamingos, who visit the lake to feed on algae that form on the lake bed. The birds wander, feed, and occasionally take fabulous flights, filling the sky over the lake with colour. The lake is very variable in size ranging from 5 sq. km up to 45 sq. km in surface area.

Tree Climbing Lioness a Lake Nakuru

Lake Nakuru is a key national park and a vital sanctuary for both White and Black Rhino. It is best known for its thousands, sometimes millions of flamingos nesting along the shores. Also of interest is 188 sq. km around the lake fenced off as a sanctuary to protect giraffes and both black and white rhinos. The park has recently been enlarged partly to provide sanctuary for the black rhinos. This undertaking has necessitated a fence – to keep out poachers rather than restrict the movement of wildlife. The park marches for 12.1 km on the south-eastern boundary with the Soysambu Conservancy, representing a possible future expansion of habitat for the rhinos and the only remaining wildlife corridor to  Lake Naivasha .

Zebra and Cranes Affair in Lake Nakuru, Kenya

The nearby  Nakuru  town is a busy and thriving local centre with a bustling market. The town is a hub for local transport and travel. Lake Nakuru is protected under the Ramsar Convention on wetlands.

What to see at Lake Nakuru

Rothschild's Giraffe and pelicans at Lake Nakuru

The population of pink flamingos at Lake Nakuru lures guests from around the planet, but the masses at the lake differ based on the lake’s alkalinity. Higher levels of precipitation cut the alkalinity, hence, fewer algae for the birds. Consequently, the largest number of flamingos may migrate to other neighbouring soda lakes in Kenya, such as Lake Bogoria and Lake Natron, for a period of time.

Rhinos at Lake Nakuru National Park

Lake Nakuru National Park  offers many other types of wildlife that will ensure you have a thrilling wilderness holiday with African Mecca. As well as flamingos, there are more than 450 species of birds that inhabit the lake and the area surrounding it, such as African fish eagle, Goliath heron, hamerkop, pied kingfisher, and Verreaux’s eagle.

The lake has myriad wildlife, including the warthog, impala, waterbuck, eland, zebra, buffalo, the endangered Rothschild’s giraffe, baboons, ostrich, and more. Eastern black rhinos and southern white rhinos are often seen resting under acacias by the lakeshore. Lake Nakuru is one of the best places for spotting a leopard and several prides of lion in Kenya. The park is also prominent for big pythons.

Giraffes at Lake Nakuru

Animals are naturally more dispersed throughout the park during this time of year, but some of the animals may be giving birth during the rains, so you may see foals and calves that are only days or even hours old as they learn to survive and thrive in their new world.

Exploring beyond the lake is always rewarding, and there are forests, cliffs, waterfalls, and more to be found here.

The ultimate time to visit the lake is during the dry-hot season in January and February. It is easier to spot animals since they congregate at the limited sources of freshwater. Another benefit of the dry season is that fewer mosquitoes present makes it a more comfortable trip to Kenya.

Lake Nakuru Tours and Activities

How to get to lake nakuru.

The main road access to Lake Nakuru is from Nakuru town or Nairobi by bus/matatu or private transport. The Nakuru-Nairobi highway passes through Naivasha by  Lake Elmenteita  and Gilgil on the way. Nakuru is only a 2-hour drive from  Nairobi . There is an airstrip in Nakuru which offers charter flights. Several hotels can arrange transport to/from  Nairobi .

Getting Around Lake Nakuru

Getting around the park to the lake itself is difficult without private transport. The lodges and camps here both organize local excursions.

Where to stay at Lake Nakuru

The Lake Nakuru region has outstanding and well-facilitated accommodations. Some are within the park, and others are outside the park just a few kilometers away. Some of the lodges include KWS Self Catering, Naishi Guest House, Lake Nakuru Lodge, and Sarova Lion Hill Lodge. Campsites at Lake Nakuru include Back Packers, Makalia Campsite, Reedbuck Campsite, Naishi Campsite, Rhino Campsite, Chui Campsite, Soysambu Campsite, Kambi Nyuki Campsite, Kambi Nyati Campsite, Acacia Picnic Site, Baboon Cliff, Out of Africa, and Pelican Picnic Site.

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Lake Nakuru National Park

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Imagine driving over the hills of the Great Rift Valley, turning a corner and seeing a shimmering lake between the hills. Welcome to Lake Nakuru! Just a four hour drive from Nairobi, this lake of 45 square kilometres lies at the foot of Lake Nakuru National Park. At 88 square kilometres, this national park is relatively small, but still home to four of the Big Five. Lake Nakuru National Park is one of the soda lakes in the Great Rift Valley – an intracontinental rift whose East African part also runs through Kenya. The soda lakes in the Great Rift Valley are special because they are usually filled with algae, which attract many flamingos.

Great views

If you like viewpoints, you can take a trip to Baboon Cliff – a rock formation where baboons cavort. However, hold on to your camera and personal belongings tightly, as baboons are excellent thieves! Also close-by are the Makalia Falls. Either just marvel at them during a picnic or go on a hike on the beautiful trails around it. The Menengai Crater is another highlight waiting to be explored. It’s one of the largest volcanic craters in the world and the locals believe that evil spirits roam the area #spooky. And last but not least, Lake Nakuru is home to the largest euphorbia forest in Africa which you can of course explore as well.

Lake Nakuru National Park is a good stopover on the way from Nairobi to the Masai Mara . It is also possible to go there for just one day/night. Stay in one of the lodges on the edge of the hills surrounding the lake and enjoy the magnificent view!

Lake Nakuru used to have millions of flamingos, but ten years ago rising water levels caused these birds to move elsewhere. For a time, they all but disappeared. They slowly returned, but there are not the numbers as there used to be. Still, Lake Nakuru wows with its more than 50 species of mammals such as the rare Rothschild’s giraffe, buffalo, zebra, leopard, lion and more than 400 different species of birds.

We all know that leopards are amazing climbers. Their cousins, however, we don’t get to see in trees very often. In Lake Nakuru National Park you can meet these Alex Honnolds of the lion world. Tree-climbing lions are said to be larger and more muscular than “regular” lions, which is why they can take their naps on branches. So keep your eyes open and your camera close: the next lion might just be relaxing in a tree near you.

In collaboration with the Rhino Rescue Charitable Appeal Trust, the Kenyan government established the first rhino sanctuary here in 1987. When the sanctuary was officially opened, 17 rhinos from a private ranch in Solio joined the two rhinos already in the park, and later eleven more rhinos were added to the sanctuary. There are currently 150 rhinos living in Lake Nakuru National Park, 80% of which are white rhinos with a wide upper lip and 20% are black rhinos with a hooked lip. It’s especially easy to spot the white rhino at the edge of the lake – a unique sight.

Activities in Lake Nakuru National Park

  • Watch the flamingos on this beautiful soda lake
  • Pay a visit to Baboon Cliff
  • Pass by Makalia Falls
  • Cliff boat safaris with an option specifically tailored for photographers and ornithologists

How to get there

Lake Nakuru National Park is a four hour drive or a twenty minute flight from Kenya’s capital Nairobi .

The climate at Lake Nakuru is rather mild and temperatures are more or less constant throughout the year. Daytime temperatures are comfortably in the mid to upper twenties, although it is much cooler at night. Warm clothing for early morning game drives is a must! The w ettest months are April and May . The rest of the year is relatively dry with scattered rains.

Best time to visit Lake Nakuru National Park

The best time to spot flamingos is between November and May , when there are enough algae in the lake. Besides, the dryer months (January, February) are good to also spot other animals due to lower grasses.

Information and facts

The landscape of Lake Nakuru National Park is painted by a crater, a waterfall, a lush forest and of course the main star: Lake Nakuru itself, glowing in pink due to the countless of flamingos relaxing here. However, there’s even more to discover (yes, really!): keep your eyes open for various antelopes, the endangered African wild dog, black and white rhinos and climbing lions.

Most common animals

  • Antelope species
  • African wild dog

Facts about Lake Nakuru National Park

  • 45 square kilometres (17.5 square miles)
  • 1.754 metres above sea level
  • The flamingos were gone for some time, but now almost back to their old levels
  • The national park has a successful breeding program for rhinos
  • Great views on the lake from the surrounding hills
  • Menengai crater, one of the largest volcanic craters in the world
  • Largest euphorbia forest in Africa

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Giraffe and pelicans in Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya.

© Pierre-Yves Babelon/Shutterstock

Lake Nakuru National Park

Southern Rift Valley

Just two hours' drive from Nairobi, Lake Nakuru is among Kenya's finest national parks. Flanked by rocky escarpments, pockets of forest and at least one waterfall, the park is gorgeous year-round and is home to black and white rhinos, lions, leopards, hippos and giraffes. Rising water levels in 2014 forced the park's famous flamingos to flee, as well as the park authorities to move the entrance gate – the old one now stands submerged along with hundreds of now-dead trees, a haunting first impression.

The southern end of the lake is the best place to see wildlife, away from the busy city of Nakuru, which borders the park's northern extent. The forested area below Flamingo Hill is a favourite lion-spotting point – lionesses love to sleep in the trees – while leopards frequent the same area, and are also seen around Makolia camp.

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Lake Nakuru National Park safari | Travel guide

Lake Nakuru is one of the Rift Valley lakes at an elevation of 1,754 m above sea level. It lies to the south of Nakuru, in the rift valley of Kenya and is protected by Lake Nakuru National Park, one of the best national parks in Kenya.  

The lake’s abundance of algae used to attract a vast quantity of flamingos that famously lined the shore. The park’s main feature is a large, shallow lake supporting great birdlife, including big flocks of pelicans and variable flocks of flamingos. 

The lake was once famous for its flamingos, however, since 2012, conditions have become unfavourable for these birds and most have moved to other Rift Valley lakes.

Lake Nakuru is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the most famous lake in Kenya. With large bushy green sections, not commonly seen in other Kenyan parks such as Masai Mara national reserve. 

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Why visit Lake Nakuru National Park? 

Lake nakuru safari.

There are plenty of great things to do in Kenya and one of the Great Rift Valley’s most famous soda lakes, Lake Nakuru offers visitors the chance to witness one of the world’s most spectacular wildlife sights: brilliant pink flamingos as far as the eye can see.

When conditions are right, between one and two million lesser and greater flamingos feed around the shores of the shallow lake, which together with tens of thousands of other water birds. 

Those who have been to Lake Nakuru will attest to the park’s beauty with its rich topography of hills, grasslands and forests. There are several easily attained vantage points from which to enjoy wonderful views of the landscape and especially the lake with its undulating pink population of birdlife.

Though the park is not large in size, a visit to Lake Nakuru will be a very full and colorful safari experience.

lake nakuru visit

Lake Nakuru safaris are excellent. Declared a national park in 1961, Lake Nakuru covers an area of some 180 km² and its diverse habitats are home to warthog, baboon, waterbuck and large numbers of impala. 

Slightly shyer residents include buffalo, Rothschild’s giraffe, eland, the occasional leopard and both black and white rhino. A herd of hippo have their territory in the northern part of the lake.

But that’s only the beginning of what this special park has to offer because the wildlife viewing here is easy and accessible. Lake Nakuru is known for hosting some endangered but beautiful species. 

You’re sure to see rare Rothschild’s Giraffe along with white rhino, especially along the lakeshore.Another aspect to the active wildlife viewing here is observing the park’s zebra, hippo, olive baboon, vervet and colobus monkeys, waterbuck and hyena. 

Other big safari wildlife to be on the lookout for includes lion, cheetah, leopard and buffalo.The park is fenced to protect the rhino and giraffe, so it can’t support elephants – the only large mammal you won’t find here.

lake nakuru visit

Within a species list of around 400 bird species, Lake Nakuru is an ornithologist’s paradise.

The flamingos are also accompanied by other birdlife – pelicans, cormorants, kingfishers, ostriches, storks as well as herons and eagles. The scene here is bountiful, busy and full of colour. 

Moving through the park’s dense acacia forest you’ll likely come upon herds of impala and waterbuck. Also, in the woodlands you may see large pythons hanging from the trees. This is the infamous African rock python that’s capable of swallowing animals whole.

Other activities at Lake Nakuru National Park 

Here are some other activities which visitors can consider during their African safari in Lake Nakuru:

  • Walking safaris: Explore wildlife and private concessions on foot, an authentic and economical means of exploring wildlife in Lake Nakuru.
  • Horseback safari: Like the explorers of old, this is a truly unique way to experience Lake Nakuru without the hum of the safari vehicle by the Flamingo Stables
  • Photography safaris: Visitors on a photo safari will be in dreamland at Lake Nakuru where small groups can share a luxury photography tour with like-minded individuals and capture their favourite moments.
  • Sightseeing tours: This is best to see the Baboon Cliffs, a lookout in the park as well as the lookout from the movie-set from Out of Africa, Makalia Falls or take a trip to Lake Nakuru Rhino Sanctuary. 

Visitors often enjoy combining their safari adventure with some quiet downtime on Kenya’s best beaches , a perfect end to their African adventure. 

How to get to Lake Nakuru National Park?

By plane .

International flights arrive in Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NBO), 15km/9mi southeast of Nairobi for visitors wondering how to get to Kenya . 

Lake Nakuru is located 155km/96mi northwest of Nairobi and 5km/3mi from Nakuru town and a Kenya visa will most likely be required to enter the country.

Nakuru is an easy destination by car via a tar road from Nairobi. The most commonly used route into the park is via the main gate. It is also possible to enter the park from the main Nairobi Nakuru road at Lanet Gate. The Nderit Gate is used by people accessing the park from Masai Mara or Elementaita .

Tariffs & Regulations 

Entrance fee.

Many factors impact Kenya safari prices including the cost of the park entrance fee. Prices per person per day of USD $60 per adult non resident.

The gates into Lake Nakuru National Park open at 6am and close at 7pm. 


If you keep to park rules, you can stay with the animals as long as they are not disturbed by your presence. 

Accommodation at Lake Nakuru 

Accommodation in Lake Nakuru ranges from tented safari camps to eco game reserve lodges.Rates mainly depend on the season and type of accommodation.

Typical accommodation rates range from $200 to $1,000 per person a night and carrying a small amount of Kenyan currency , the Kenya Shilling (KES) is recommended to pay for groceries and smaller items where credit cards aren’t accepted. 

Luxury lodges

Lodges are exclusive and luxurious with views amongst the most spectacular in the world along with world-class service, incredible food, all luxury amenities, simply ideal for the perfect honeymoon location. 

A luxury option is the Cliff Tented Camp Nakuru and Lake Nakuru Lodge, situated within the National park and offering spectacular views.

lake nakuru visit

Tented camps 

These sophisticated structures are large luxury tents on raised wooden floors with excellent guest services and meals provided, often found overlooking incredible views. 

The Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge is one of the most sought after Rift Valley Lodges in Kenya , best known for offering finest quality services


There are a number of affordable camping sites offering cheaper camping options for travellers on a budget including Enjoro campsite in Lake Nakuru National Park.  


Guests on a self-drive safari with a campervan can make significant savings by sleeping in their vehicle. 


Lodges will typically have all meals and drinks included in the lodge package. 

Useful information  

Located in the southwest of Kenya , a Kenya safari in Lake Nakuru National Park is often combined with a trip to other Great Rift Valley lakes – Lake Naivasha for example – and other conservation areas such as the nearby Aberdare National Park. 


Lake Nakuru’s climate is mild and temperatures are consistent year-round. Daytime temperatures are pleasant in the mid to upper twenties, although it is much cooler at night. Warm clothing for early morning game viewing is a necessity. 

The wettest months are April and May. The rest of the year is relatively dry with some rain throughout.

Best time to go

Understanding the best time to visit Kenya is important as this will impact accommodation, flight prices, availability and the weather that visitors can expect on their safari vacation. 

The months most popular for tourist visits to Lake Nakuru National Park are January, February, March, June, July, August, September and October. This is because these are the driest months of the year, so touring the park is more lucrative and enjoyable.


Lake Nakuru is a shallow soda lake in the Rift valley and malaria is present. Apart from bringing antimalarials, the use of DEET-based mosquito repellent and covering up exposed skin in the evening is highly recommended.

Visitors can find further information on Kenya vaccine details here .

Where is Lake Nakuru National Park located?

Lake Nakuru is located 155km northwest of Nairobi and 5km/3mi from Nakuru town. Nakuru is an easy destination by car via a tar road taking a little over 3 hours from Nairobi. 

How much is the entrance fee to Lake Nakuru National Park?

USD $60 is the entrance fee per adult 

What animals will visitors see?

Visitors to Amboseli will see the flamingo as well as the warthog, baboon, waterbuck and large numbers of impala, buffalo, Rothschild’s giraffe, hippo eland, leopard and both black and white rhino. 

Featured image for Lake Nakuru National Park

Lake Nakuru National Park

Quick navigation.

Lake Nakuru National Park is located in the southwestern part of Kenya , northwest of Nairobi.    The national park encompasses an area of 73 square miles (188 sq km).  It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site celebrating the flamingos and abundant wildlife.

Lake Nakuru is the foundation of the park serving as a wildlife haven.  The maximum depth is only 6 feet (1.8 m) with an average depth of 1 foot (.30 m) making it easy for animals to access.  It is one of the Rift Valley lakes sitting at an elevation of 5,755 feet (1,754 m) above sea level.

Nakuru is an alkaline lake, which is what further draws birds and wildlife to its shores. The national park and lake are most renowned for the tens of thousands of flamingos which can reach over a million at their peak.  The best place to view the view flamingos is from Baboon Cliff.

The serene landscapes of the area include grasslands, marsh, outcrops, rocky cliffs, and sedge.  Yellow-barked acacia trees add to the traditional African wilderness experience.

An area around 116 miles (188 km) has been fenced to create a protected area for both black and white rhinoceroses as well as giraffes.  The park features about 70 white rhinos and another 25 eastern black rhinos.  It is one of the largest collections of rhinos throughout Kenya.

Wildlife is bountiful with a populous predator presence to reflect the abundance of prey.  Predator species include lion, cheetah, leopard, and hyenas.  Large pythons might be found as well.  Giraffe and the two species of rhino are mammalian highlights however there are several other species.  The waterbuck is more common than in other parks.

There is a small number of hippo that can be found along the reeds of the lake.  Along with the waterbuck, visitors might also see Reedbuck and Bushbuck.

Birdwatchers can hope to see African fish eagle, Verreaux’s eagle, Goliath heron, kingfisher, and of course an abundance of flamingos.  It is a spectacular place for birdwatching with over 400 species.   There are over a dozen different predator bird species. The flamingo population has earned the lake and national park the slogan, “the greatest bird spectacle on earth.”

The shallow lake is rich in algae and according attracts the flamingos who eat around 551,155 pounds (250,000 kg) of algae per acre a year.

Lake Nakuru National Park is only 102 miles (164 km) away from Nairobi making it easy to make a day trip out of the city to experience this amazing encounter with wildlife.

Lake Nakuru National Park

The pure volume of flamingos is a highlight.  Making your way to the lookout from Baboon Cliff is a must with views out over the sea of pink flamingoes.  When they take to the skies, it is an amazing scene.

Almost every visitor traveling to Africa for game viewing hopes to see a rhino.  The good news is, this is one of the most rhino populous places in Kenya, and rhino sightings are expected.

Lake Nakuru National Park Trails

Lake Nakuru National Park is rich with wildlife including several species.  The reason people explore the national park is because of the animal encounters.  Accordingly, hiking or trekking is not permitted.

Lake Nakuru Highlights

  • Endless Flamingos
  • Black and White Rhinos

  • Africa Geographic, A birdwatcher’s paradise at Lake Nakuru National Park,   https://africageographic.com/blog/lake-nakuru-national-park-kenya/  , retrieved December 2019.
  • Britannica, Lake Nakuru National Park,  https://www.britannica.com/place/Lake-Nakuru-National-Park , retrieved December 2019.
  • Kenya Wildlife Service, Lake Nakuru National Park,   http://www.kws.go.ke/lake-nakuru-national-park ,  retrieved December 2019.
  • Lonely Planet, Lake Nakuru National Park,  https://www.lonelyplanet.com/kenya/the-rift-valley/lake-nakuru-national-park , retrieved December 2019.
  • Magical Kenya, Lake Nakuru National Park,  https://magicalkenya.com/places-to-visit/wilderness-areas/lake-nakuru-national-park/ , retrieved December 2019.
  • UNESCO, Lake Nakuru National Park,  https://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/1344/ , retrieved June 2020.




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Where to stay in lake nakuru.

Accommodation choice in Lake Nakuru is an important part of your holiday in Kenya. Flamingo Hill Camp and Mbweha Camp offer you a deluxe experience while Lion Hill Lodge focusses on a value guests.



Game drive is the main activity. Foragers, grazers, hunters and scavengers all play their roles in the natural existence of Lake Nakuru. The park also has over 450 birds species including the flamingos.



Lake Nakuru in central Kenya is part of the Great Rift Valley Lake System that is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The prominent wildlife in the park includes 56 mammals and 450 bird species.


five star africanmecca safaris reviews

Jambo Raza, The Lake Nakuru outing was great! We saw lots of pelicans, some flamingos, both black and white rhino... We've already recommended a Kenya safari to friends and relatives. Thanks again

Scott Aaronson - Associate Professor, M.I.T - Boston, United States

Raza, it was the vacation of a lifetime, again, thanks so much. From the flamingo of Lake Nakuru and the foot hills of Masai Mara, we saw the best of what Kenya safari has to offer.

Jamie Davis & Liudmila Kondakova - San Francisco, California, United States

Dear Altaf, We would like to thank your team for such a well planned and wonderful holiday. Kenya is such an amazing country, and we felt that the itinerary you helped us set up was perfect...

Wee Siang Neo & John Lau - Singapore

Jambo Altaf, As usual the program went like clockwork and it was a wonderful holiday in Rift Valley & Masai Mara. Lake Nakuru is absolutely stunning and exceeded my expectations..

Simon Woodlock, Chief Financial Officer, Synovate - Surbiton, United Kingdom

Thank you so, so much for all of your help in planning our amazing safari to Lake Nakuru, Masai Mara, and Nairobi. Everything went so smoothly. Our tour guides were the best!!

Joanne Wright - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - United States

Jambo Altaf and Raza! We are back on earth now after our fabulous honeymoon. This is to say THANK YOU so much for organising a week in Kenya that we will never forget.....!

Dr Krina Zondervan, Oxford University - United Kingdom

We were extremely pleased with our itinerary. All those elephants and giraffes just posing and asking to have their pictures taken. Thank you for planning one of the best trips I have ever taken.

Professor Donald S. Kisiel - Biology Department Suffolk County Community College - New York, United States

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Lake Nakuru National Park

Welcome to lake nakuru national park kenya.

Lake Nakuru National Park is one of the best national parks in Kenya given that it has one of the Rift Valley soda Lakes i.e. Lake Nakuru. The park has 3 main gates and once you get into the park you will enjoy a wide variety of wildlife species and especially the Flamingoes which make the lake lool pink.

History of Lake Nakuru National Park

Nakuru National Park, the park most famous for the colonies of flamingos that live on the shores of the park’s Lake Nakuru. Lake Nakuru park Kenya  is a premium game park, one of only three in the country and one of the most visited game parks in Kenya . 

Lake Nakuru Park is known as bird lover’s hub because of the numerous birds that make home in this park. Lake Nakuru kenya Park is home to over 400 bird species including the flamingos that live on the lake and in the park’s savannah grasslands. The bird species include but not limited to African Fish Eagle, Slender-billed greenbul, Long-tailed widowbird, Rufous-throated wryneck, Montane white-eye,Red-capped lark, Northern puffback, Rüppell’s robin-chat, Shining sunbird and many more 

 Nakuru National Park though famous for the numerous birds, it’s also a wild game destination for animal lovers and wildlife explorers.  Lake Nakuru park  is a habitat  to over 100 endangered  Rhinos distributed between the black and white rhinos; the park is also home to the endangered Rothschild’s giraffe and other 50 or more animal species that include buffalos, waterbucks, lions, impalas and many more. 

Lake Nakuru National Park over the years has grown to become one of the most visited parks in Kenya by travelers annually because of the birds and other great features in the park. Travelers that visit Lake Nakuru  Park get to indulge in activities such as bird watching, game viewing, camping and picnicking on the beautiful rocky view points in the park and many more activities. 

Nakuru  Kenya National Park was first declared a conservation area for the birds that were Lake Nakuru including the flamingos in 1957 and the conserved area only included Lake Nakuru and small parts of the surrounding areas. This was done to preserve the lake, reduce on the pollution of the lake and conserve the bird life that was blooming on Lake Nakuru.  

In 1961 the already declared conversed area which is the current southern section of Nakuru National Park was declared a bird sanctuary and different protocols introduced to ensure bird protection in the that area were put in place. 

In 1968 Lake Nakuru National Park, was gazetted as one of Kenya’s National parks . This was after the park area was expanded to include the northern savannah lands of the park which saw the park’s total area grow to 188km2. Also several mammals were introduced to the park, to diversify the park from just a bird sanctuary to also an animal park. 

Lake Nakuru National Park was given the honours of being home to the very rare and endangered Rothschild giraffes in 1977 when the giraffes were brought to Lake Nakuru National park from western Kenya for conservation and protection. This initiative by the Kenyan government was a boast to its efforts of preserving wildlife in the East African country. 

After the rothschild’s giraffes, rhinos were also introduced in Lake Nakuru Kenya Park in the 1980s; in a Kenyan government initiative to conserve the endangered rhinos that were drastically declining in number.  This was the first of its kind in Kenya and in 1984, Lake Nakuru park was designated the first government protected rhino sanctuary in Kenya.   

To further protect the rhinos from poachers, the Kenyan government erected a 188km2 electric fence around Nakuru National Park in 1986. This fence was and still serves the purpose of keeping poachers away from the Lake Nakuru park as well as keeping the rhinos within the bounds of the park. After the successful construction of the 188km2 electric fence and the Kenyan government officially declared Lake Nakuru Park a rhino sanctuary in 1987. 

Lake Nakuru National Park is a UNESCO World heritage site and it’s internationally recognised as an IBA since 2009 for the over 400 bird species living in the park; in 1990 Lake Nakuru was declared a RAMSAR site. 

From the history of the park, Lake Nakuru   Park evolved, grown and developed greatly over the years in so many ways which makes it a perfect destination for a safari not to just experience the developed of the park but most all to experience the bird life, wildlife and the extraordinary beauty of the this unique park is central Kenya Nakuru town. 

Discover Lake Nakuru National Park

Lake Nakuru National Park Safaris

Lake Nakuru Safaris

Where to stay in National Park

Where to stay

Best Time To Go to National Park

Best Time to Go

entrance fees for National Park

Entrance Fees


Tour Operators

ational Park


Lake Nakuru national park is located in the central part of Kenya on the floor of the great rift valley in the northwestern direction from Nairobi.  This national park is characterized by woodlands as well as grasslands which act as habitat for the different wildlife species which can be seen during game viewing experiences in Lake Nakuru national park.  Kenya Wildlife Services manages Lake Nakuru park as well as other national parks and national reserves in Kenya and is also in charge of the conservation of wildlife.

Lake Nakuru national park has beautiful scenery with attractions such as Lake Nakuru which the national park is known for, the rift valley escarpment. The landscape of this national park also consists of steep rocky escarpments, dense forests as well as hills which act as viewpoints during game watching experiences at this destination.  This national park is also strategically located at a short distance from Nairobi which is the capital city of Kenya. Lake Nakuru park is also found close to Hells gate national park and Naivasha national park which makes it worth visiting. Soysambu Conservancy is also found on the south-eastern boundary of the national park.

Entry gates at this national park include the Nderit gate which is less used for entry, Lanet gate or the main entrance gate which is located not far from Nakuru town. Park entry fees for tourists visiting Lake Nakuru park can be paid according to citizens, residents, and non-residents. 

Forms of payment for park entry fees at Lake Nakuru park include Mpesa, visa card as well as direct deposits to the Kenya Wildlife Services bank account at any of the gates used to access the national park.

Activities in Lake Nakuru National Park

Activities which tourists can engage in during their safaris to this destination include the following;

Game drives are among the ways of experiencing Lake Nakuru national park. These drives provide wildlife viewing experiences close to the wildlife species such as the white rhinos, leopards, lions, giraffes, hippos, impalas, waterbucks among others. These game drives take place at different times of day which provides unique experiences during safaris at this destination.

Bird watching is another interesting activity that is carried out in Lake Nakuru national park. This is because of the various bird species which can be seen in the different birding spots around the national park.

Hiking is another activity that takes place in Lake Nakuru national park and it takes place as tourists visit the viewpoints around the national park.

Attractions in Lake Nakuru National Park

Lake Nakuru national park also has a number of attractions which include the following;

Lake Nakuru is one of the attractions which this national park is famous for. This is because of the large numbers of flamingos which can be seen along the shores of this lake. The lake is a shallow soda lake that attracts the flamingos to its alkaline shores as they feed on algae.

Many other bird species can also be seen at this lake which makes it a good birding spot and a birders haven to experience both the native and migratory birds.

The types of flamingos which can be seen at this lake are lesser and greater flamingos which flock the lake with their pink color. These flamingos can be seen from viewpoints around the national park such as baboon cliff and Lion hill.

Wildlife species of a variety can also be seen in Lake Nakuru national park despite its smaller size compared to other national parks and reserves around Kenya . The wildlife species which can be seen include waterbucks, white rhinos, black rhinos which can be seen in the woodlands, Rothschild giraffes, leopards, lions, cheetahs among others.

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Not far from Lake Nakuru is the fenced off sanctuary where some of the wildlife species such as giraffes and rhinos can be seen. The fence around the sanctuary keeps poachers away as well as restricting the movement of the wildlife species.

Bird species which can be seen in Lake Nakuru national park include both the migrant and native bird species such as the greater and lesser flamingos, African fish eagle, goliath heron, hammer kops, pied kingfishers, eagles, white pelicans, Hottentot teals, starlings, black winged lapwings, crab plovers, grey crowned cranes and many others.

Waterfalls in Lake Nakuru national park include Makalia waterfalls which is located in the southern part of the national park is a good spot for hikes as well as picnics for tourists as they explore the beautiful scenery and surroundings at this destination.

Viewpoints within the national park provide good vantage spots to see the different wildlife species as well as other attractions within Lake Nakuru national park. some of the viewpoints include the baboon cliff, Makalia cliff among others.

Rivers that provide water to Lake Nakuru include the Njoro River, Makalia river, and Enderit river.

How to get to there

Lake Nakuru national park can be accessed by different means which include the following;

By road, Lake Nakuru national park can be accessed by driving from Nairobi to the entry gates of the national park such as the main gate which is located near Nakuru town or using the Lanet gate from the Nairobi-Nakuru highway.

By air/ flight, tourists can use Naishi airstrip which is found in the southern part of the national park. 

Accommodations around Lake Nakuru national park are categorized into luxury accommodations, midrange accommodations, and budget accommodations as well as camping. The accommodation facilities around this national park include  Sarova lion hill lodge, Lake Nakuru Lodge, Lake Nakuru flamingo lodge, Merica hotel, Mbweha camp, Miali saba camp, Mirius guesthouse, Hotel waterbuck Nakuru among others.

Tourists can also opt for camping as an option of accommodation during their safaris and some of the campsites in Lake Nakuru national park include the following; Naishi campsite, Rhino campsite, Soysambu campsite, Kambi nyuki campsite, Makalia campsite among others.  Experience the beautiful flamingos as well as a variety of wildlife during a safari to Lake Nakuru national park as you explore its different attractions.

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Kenya wildlife odyssey with lake nakuru tour package – 3 nights 4 days, kenya's 8-day safari extravaganza: masai mara, amboseli , hell's gate, and lake nakuru tour package, 10 days kenya sun and sand safari package, 9 days migration special - masai mara, serengeti, and lake nakuru safari package, 14 days safari expedition: kenya's wildlife and cultural treasures, lake nakuru national park travel essentials.

Ideal duration: 2-3 days

Best Time: June - October Read More

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"The Flamingos Paradise"

Lake nakuru national park tourism.

Lake Nakuru National Park, located in in Kenya's Great Rift Valley, approximately 160 kilometers northwest of Nairobi, is named after Lake Nakuru, a shallow soda lake. It's renowned for its pink colour, created by thousands of flamingos drawn to the algae in the lake. Besides being a flamingo haven, the park protects both black and white rhinoceros species, crucial for their conservation efforts.

Entrance Fees to Lake Nakuru:

Entrance gates to lake nakuru:.

  • Main Gate:  The main gate to Lake Nakuru National Park is approximately 4 kilometres south of Nakuru town and is commonly used by visitors from Nakuru or Nairobi.
  • Lanet Gate:  The Lanet Gate, located on the eastern side of Lake Nakuru National Park, is about 10 kilometres northeast of Nakuru town. It is convenient for visitors coming from the eastern part of Nakuru or Nairobi.
  • Naishi Gate: The Naishi Gate is near the Naishi airstrip on the southern side of Lake Nakuru National Park. It offers access for visitors from the southern part of Nakuru or Nairobi.
  • Nderit Gate: The Nderit Gate is a lesser-known entrance to Lake Nakuru National Park. It is mainly used by visitors coming from the Masai Mara or Elementaita areas.

Things to do in Lake Nakuru National Park

1. game drives safari.

Game Drives Safari

2. Birdwatching Safaris

Birdwatching Safaris

3. Walking Safaris

Walking Safaris

4. Makalia Falls

Makalia Falls

5. Lion Hill

Lion Hill

6. Rhino Sanctuary

Rhino Sanctuary

7. Waterfalls


8. Viewpoint Visits

Viewpoint Visits

Must Know Before You Travel to Lake Nakuru National Park

  • Park Timings: All entrance gates are open throughout the year from 07:00 AM to 06:00 PM.
  • Pre-booking: Booking for accommodations, safaris, and activities in Lake Nakuru National Park is highly recommended, ideally six months ahead.
  • Transfer from Airstrip: Most lodges and other accommodations offer transportation (pick-up and drop-off) service from the nearest airstrip (Naishi). You can check the same while booking your stay and get it arranged.
  • Cycle with Rhino: Each year in September, the park hosts the "Cycle with Rhino" event, where visitors participate in a cycling event while promoting rhino conservation awareness.
  • Best Time to See Flamingos in Lake Nakuru: The best time to spot flamingos in Lake Nakuru in Kenya is during the dry-hot season in January and February. You can also see them in July, August, September, and December.
  • Fluctuating Flamingo Numbers: Flamingo numbers can vary due to specific lake conditions. Before your visit, check with your tour operator to ensure flamingos are present.
  • Personal Vehicle Access: Visitors can use their own vehicles within the park.
  • Lake Nakuru Safari Arrangements: Lake Nakuru National Park does not directly offer safaris or organized tours. Instead, visitors can explore the park with the help of reputable safari operators, lodges, or tour companies.
  • Park Closure: Check for any regulations or closures, especially during bird nesting season or maintenance periods, by contacting park authorities or local tour operators before your visit.
  • Vehicle Fees: A separate fee is applicable for private vehicles as well as public vehicles entering the park depending on the type of vehicle.
  • Vaccinations: It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional or travel clinic for specific vaccination requirements. Still, common recommendations for Lake Nakuru National Park include routine vaccinations, hepatitis A, typhoid, and consideration of yellow fever if travelling from a high-risk area.

Top Hotels In Lake Nakuru National Park

9.1 (30 reviews)

₽ 5,988 onwards

8.5 (52 reviews)

₽ 4,974 onwards

9.4 (143 reviews)

₽ 2,947 onwards

8.4 (190 reviews)

₽ 1,566 onwards

9.3 (84 reviews)

₽ 7,738 onwards

8.3 (256 reviews)

₽ 12,160 onwards

More on Lake Nakuru National Park Travel

Wildlife in the lake nakuru national park.

Lake Nakuru National Park is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including over 400 bird species and more than 50 mammal species.

Flamingo Flocks & Birds of Lake Nakuru The park is famous for its large flocks of greater and lesser flamingos, which can number up to 2 million during the nesting season, creating a stunning sight along the lake's shores. Lake Nakuru National Park is particularly famous for its vibrant pink flamingo populations on the shores of Lake Nakuru, along with African fish eagles, pied kingfishers, marabou storks, sacred ibises, and other fascinating bird species.

Rothschild Giraffes Introduced to the park in 1977 for conservation, the endangered Rothschild Giraffe now thrives here. Lake Nakuru is a vital habitat for these giraffes, with a healthy population living within the park.

Rhinos in Lake Nakuru The park, declared a rhino sanctuary in 1987, hosts thriving populations of both white and black rhinoceroses. In 2009, there were over 25 eastern black rhinos and about 70 southern white rhinos in the park.

Travel Tips for Lake Nakuru

  • Payment Methods: It is advisable to carry enough cash as credit or debit cards may not be accepted everywhere.
  • ATM: The nearest ATM is in Nakuru town. It is best to withdraw cash before entering the park.
  • Shopping: Souvenirs can be purchased in lodge gift shops inside the park, but they tend to be expensive. You can consider exploring and shopping in Nakuru town for similar items at lower prices if you have the time for it. 
  • Best Spot for Birdwatching: For prime birdwatching, visit Baboon Cliff in the park. From there, you can see Lake Nakuru and the striking pink hue created by flocks of flamingoes.
  • Mobile Network: The major Kenyan mobile network providers, such as Safaricom, Airtel, and Telkom, generally have coverage in and around Lake Nakuru National Park.
  • How Deep is Lake Nakuru:  Lake Nakuru has an average depth of 1 foot (0.30 meters) and a maximum depth of 6 feet (1.8 meters).

Lake Nakuru vs Lake Naivasha

Best time to visit lake nakuru national park, top stories about lake nakuru national park tourism.



Flamingos in Lake Nakuru: A Complete Guide to Kenya's Iconic Pink Phenomenon

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Is Lake Nakuru Worth Visiting? NO & Here’s Why

When planning to come to a Kenyan Safari, one of the destinations on your list might include Lake Nakuru National Park. Being a small park and a bit of a distance from the capital, Nairobi, you may have wondered if Lake Nakuru National park is worth visiting.

Lake Nakuru is only worth visiting if you have not yet gone to the Masai Mara or one of the other larger parks. This is because Lake Nakuru National park is a small park which you can view in about 3 hours. It will feel anticlimactic if you visit it after spending several days in one of the other larger national parks like the Masai Mara and the long drive to get there may not be with it for you. In this article, I will talk about when I think Lake Nakuru is not worth visiting. I will also give the pros and cons of the park to help you figure out if this park is for you. It’s been a while since I visited this park so to improve the quality of this article, I looked through a number of forums and also made a call to the Kenya Wildlife Service to get their take as well.

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Visit Lake Nakuru Before Going to the other parks

Lake Nakuru National Park, being a smaller park is most worth visiting before going to bigger parks like the Masai Mara . It will give you a good taste of the wildlife you expect to see at the Mara and will create a sense of expectation for the days ahead.

Conversely, if you visit this park after being in the Mara for 3 or 4 days, the few hours you will spend there will feel like a waste compared to how long it would take you to drive up to Lake Nakuru from the Mara.

Should I spend more time at the Mara or share it with lake Nakuru?

If you are torn in between more time at the Mara vs going to Lake Nakuru, always go for the Mara. You will get more bang for your buck and time spending an extra night at the Mara. Part of my reason for saying this is because the long drive from the Mara to lake Nakuru will mainly comprise of just roads and nothing interesting to see along the way. In the end you just spend about 3 hours in lake Nakuru National Park after having spent about five hours on the road to get there.

Pros of Lake Nakuru National Park

Black and white rhino.

Lake Nakuru national park is home to both the black and white rhino. This makes it an attractive tourist destination because of these rare and endangered species

Although the population of flamingos has been dwindling there over the years, lake Nakuru national park is one of the few places in Kenya where you can find them. This makes it popular for tourists who want to see flamingos

Near Hell’s Gate National Park

Lake Nakuru national park is around two hours away from the Hell’s Gate National Park. Compare this with the 5 hours that it would take you to get to lake Nakuru from Masai Mara and Hell’s Gate feels quite near.  With beautiful gorges that provides an interesting and challenging hike, Hell’s Gate national park is worth visiting if you will be visiting lake Nakuru as well.

Views of Rift Valley on your way there

If you will be driving from Nairobi to lake Nakuru National Park you will enjoy a lot of beautiful views of the Great Rift Valley and you will get to stop at one of the many viewpoints on the escarpment. For me, a view of the Rift Valley from this vantage point is always the highlight of any of my trips to the Rift Valley.

Cons of Lake Nakuru National Park

Lake Nakuru national park is much smaller than many of the bigger parks like the Maasai Mara. You can easily view most of the park in one day and this makes the park less attractive for tourists who want to spend several days in one National Park

Won’t get to see the big five

While lake Nakuru National Park hosts rare and endangered species like the rhino, it has much fewer numbers of some of the other big 5 like the leopard and the lion

Not on your way to the Mara

To get to lake Nakuru National Park you would need to detour from the way that takes you to the Maasai Mara. The detour would take you about 2 hours away from the normal route to the Maasai Mara . This means that you will have an extra four hours on top of the 5-hour drive from Nairobi to the Mara .

Complaints on some of the accommodations

When doing research for this article I found a number of people who complained about the quality of accommodations in and around the National Park. While the particular complaints were posted a few years ago, it would be a good idea to check if the conditions are the same before booking your rooms there.

Alternatives to Lake Nakuru National Park

Well the lake Nakuru national park is unique here are a few alternatives that would give you a relatively similar experience and may have either greater diversity of wildlife or better proximity to Nairobi.

Nairobi National Park

this park is best for anyone who is near Nairobi (Kenya’s Capital City and where you will land when arriving in Kenya) and does not have the time to travel to some of the bigger national parks. It is located just a few minutes from Nairobi’s Central Business district and is perfect for a game drive that lasts a few hours.

Amboseli National park

The amboseli is about 5 hours away from Nairobi but it provides a great diversity of animals and it’s bigger than lake Nakuru National Park so you can spend a day or two compared to the few hours that you would spend in lake Nakuru. It gives you the opportunity to view more of the Big five than Nakuru and if you’re lucky you might catch a glimpse of mount Kilimanjaro.

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Flamingos, Lake Nakuru

Visit Lake Nakuru, Kenya

  • Accommodation

The first thing you will see approaching Lake Nakuru is a roseate cloud along the shoreline.

Lake Nakuru's famous pink flamingos

As you approach the pink mass it turns into the shapes of birds, millions of flamingos. It is one of the sights you associate with East Africa and a spectacle of immense beauty.

The waters of Lake Nakuru are rich in blue-green algae and diatoms that lesser flamingos feed on. Together with them, it is possible to see up to 400 species of birds: hundreds of pelicans, spoonbills, yellow-billed storks and more.

Wildlife of Lake Nakuru

Rothschild's giraffes, Lake Nakuru National Park

The lake and surrounds make an ideal overnight stop en route to the Mara or the Aberdares or a perfect spot for a picnic lunch.

Audley Travel Specialist Mike

Start planning your tailor-made trip to Lake Nakuru by contacting one of our Kenya specialists

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Lesser flamingos on Lake Nakuru

Start planning your trip to Lake Nakuru

Map of lake nakuru, places & hotels on the map, places near lake nakuru.

  • Lakes of the Great Rift Valley less than 5 miles away
  • Lake Naivasha 34 miles away
  • Sosian Lodge 62 miles away
  • Ol Pejeta Conservancy 62 miles away
  • The Laikipia Plateau 69 miles away
  • Nairobi 81 miles away
  • Loisaba Wilderness Conservancy 89 miles away
  • Mara Naboisho Conservancy 90 miles away
  • Mara North Conservancy 91 miles away
  • Loita Hills 91 miles away
  • Ol Lentille Conservancy 94 miles away
  • Il Ngwesi Group Ranch 98 miles away
  • Lewa Wilderness Conservancy 103 miles away
  • Masai Mara National Reserve 108 miles away
  • Borana Ranch 109 miles away
  • Karisia Hills 112 miles away
  • Shompole Magadi 118 miles away
  • Samburu National Reserve 121 miles away
  • Matthews Mountain Range 137 miles away
  • Lake Victoria 137 miles away
  • Shaba National Reserve 142 miles away
  • Meru National Park 148 miles away
  • The Parks & Reserves of Northern Kenya 152 miles away
  • Amboseli National Park 173 miles away
  • The Chyulu Hills 195 miles away
  • Tsavo West National Park 247 miles away
  • The Parks & Reserves of Southern Kenya 247 miles away
  • Tsavo East National Park 252 miles away
  • Kenya's Northern Frontier 296 miles away

Photos of Lake Nakuru

Flamingos in Lake Nakuru

Our expert guides to exploring Lake Nakuru

Written by our specialists from their own experiences of visiting Lake Nakuru, these guides will help you make the most of your time there. We share both our practical recommendations and the best ways to appreciate Lake Nakuru at its best.

Rhino mother and calf, Laikipia

The Big Five in Kenya

Home of the Masai Mara and Lewa Wilderness Conservancy, you'll have countless opportunities to spot the Big Five in Kenya. With a range of first-class lodges, you can embark on traditional game drives and walking safaris in search of these magnificent animals.

Accommodation choices for Lake Nakuru

We've selected a range of accommodation options for when you visit Lake Nakuru. Our choices usually come recommended for their character, facilities and service or location. Our specialists always aim to suggest properties that match your preferences.

Mbweha Camp, Lake Nakuru

Mbweha Cottages


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  2. Lake Nakuru National Park

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  6. Lake Nakuru Sopa Lodge Review


  1. Lake Nakuru

    Feb 2020. From Lonely Planet guide: "Lake Nakuru is among Kenya's finest na¬tional parks. Flanked by rocky escarpments, pockets of acacia forest and at least one wa¬terfall, the park is gorgeous year-round and is home to both black and white rhinos, li-ons, leopards, hippos and endangered Roth¬schild's giraffes.

  2. A Guide to Visiting Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

    Due to Lake Nakuru National Park's high altitude, it usually avoids the scorchingly hot weather you might expect elsewhere in the country, with temperatures typically hovering around 25-28C (77-82F) during the daytime and dropping overnight to around 10C (50F). The best time to visit is during one of the dry seasons - either between July ...

  3. Lake Nakuru National Park

    This can affect everything from flamingo populations to trail access. View Photos (21) Open Map. Best Time To Go June to February (Best for wildlife viewing; little rain) High Season July to February (The park gets very busy) Size 188km² / 73mi². Altitude 1,755-2,053m / 5,758-6,736ft.

  4. Lake Nakuru National Park

    Lake Nakuru national park is a birder's paradise hosting about 450 bird species making it one of the best birding destinations to visit in Kenya for birding tours, bird watching in Lake Nakuru national park offers an opportunity to spot several bird species such as pink lesser and greater flamingoes, Madagascar Pond-Heron, Lesser Flamingo ...

  5. THE 5 BEST Things to Do in Lake Nakuru National Park (2024)

    Things to Do in Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya: See Tripadvisor's 4,317 traveler reviews and photos of Lake Nakuru National Park tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in September. We have reviews of the best places to see in Lake Nakuru National Park. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  6. Lake Nakuru National Park travel

    Lake Nakuru National Park travel - Kenya - Lonely Planet

  7. Lake Nakuru National Park Travel Guide

    Lake Nakuru National Park Statistics. The park is on the smaller side - 188 sq. km (73 sq. mi) - but this makes it easier to cover its hills, grasslands, and forests. And, to spot the wildlife as you safari through its verdant topography. Location: Near to Nairobi - 170 km (105 mi) - it's easily reached in just a few hours.

  8. Lake Nakuru

    About Lake Nakuru. Nakuru is a Maasai word that means "Dust or Dusty Place". Lake Nakuru has become eminent for the flamingos, who visit the lake to feed on algae that form on the lake bed. The birds wander, feed, and occasionally take fabulous flights, filling the sky over the lake with colour.

  9. Lake Nakuru National Park

    Best time to visit Lake Nakuru National Park. The best time to spot flamingos is between November and May, when there are enough algae in the lake. Besides, the dryer months (January, February) are good to also spot other animals due to lower grasses. Lake Nakuru National Park is famous for its lake filled with flamingos.

  10. Lake Nakuru

    Lake Nakuru National Park (188 km 2, 73 mi 2), was created in 1961 around Lake Nakuru, near Nakuru Town. It is best known for its thousands, sometimes millions of flamingos [7] nesting along the shores. The surface of the shallow lake is often hardly recognizable due to the continually shifting mass of pink.

  11. Guide on Lake Nakuru National Park in Kenya

    Established in 1961, the park has gained global recognition as an ecologically significant region having been named a RAMSAR Site and Important Bird Area. Lake Nakuru is also part of the Great Rift Valley Lake System that is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The park covers 73 square miles (188 square kilometers) that not only includes ...

  12. Lake Nakuru National Park

    Kenya, Africa. Southern Rift Valley. Just two hours' drive from Nairobi, Lake Nakuru is among Kenya's finest national parks. Flanked by rocky escarpments, pockets of forest and at least one waterfall, the park is gorgeous year-round and is home to black and white rhinos, lions, leopards, hippos and giraffes. Rising water levels in 2014 forced ...

  13. Lake Nakuru National Park safari

    Why visit Lake Nakuru National Park? Lake Nakuru safari. There are plenty of great things to do in Kenya and one of the Great Rift Valley's most famous soda lakes, Lake Nakuru offers visitors the chance to witness one of the world's most spectacular wildlife sights: brilliant pink flamingos as far as the eye can see.. When conditions are right, between one and two million lesser and ...

  14. Lake Nakuru National Park

    Nevertheless, Lake Nakuru is still gorgeous year-round, a very rewarding birding spot, and an easy park to visit. Lake Nakuru National Park is home to more than 400 bird species and incredible wild game, including leopard (often seen in daylight hours), lions, a relatively high number of black and white rhino, big herds of buffalo, endangered ...

  15. Lake Nakuru National Park

    Kenya Africa. Lake Nakuru National Park is located in the southwestern part of Kenya, northwest of Nairobi. The national park encompasses an area of 73 square miles (188 sq km). It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site celebrating the flamingos and abundant wildlife. Lake Nakuru is the foundation of the park serving as a wildlife haven.

  16. Best Time to Visit Lake Nakuru for A Central Kenya Safari

    Expert opinion on the weather & best time to visit Lake Nakuru in central Kenya - East Africa. View Lake Nakuru safari trip prices and honeymoon tour, booking family holidays, solo travel packages, accommodation reviews, videos, photos & maps.

  17. Lake Nakuru National Park

    Lake Nakuru National Park over the years has grown to become one of the most visited parks in Kenya by travelers annually because of the birds and other great features in the park. Travelers that visit Lake Nakuru Park get to indulge in activities such as bird watching, game viewing, camping and picnicking on the beautiful rocky view points in the park and many more activities.

  18. 10 Best Things To Do in Nakuru, Kenya

    Day 1: Explore Lake Nakuru National Park and Hyrax Hill Museum on the first day. Spend the evening wandering around the city's streets and end the day with a bar visit. Day 2: On the second day, go hiking in the Menengai Forest and pass by the sacred caves. Day 3: Start with a day trip to Lake Bogoria.

  19. Lake Nakuru National Park Tourism (2024)

    The best time to visit Lake Nakuru National Park is during the dry seasons from January to March and June to September when wildlife viewing is at its peak, and the roads within the park are easily navigable. Entrance Fees to Lake Nakuru: Park Entry Fee Per Person: Citizen: Adult - KSH 860, Child - KSH 215 ...

  20. Best Time To Visit Lake Nakuru (Month by Month)

    Lake Nakuru National Park offers good wildlife viewing throughout the year, but the best months are from June to February. The rains might interfere with game drives and road conditions can be poor in the wettest months (April and May). However, the reorientation of some tracks to avoid the lake's rising water levels has made trail conditions ...

  21. Visit Lake Nakuru, Kenya

    Lake Nakuru. First Class. Speak to a certified Kenya specialist to start planning your tailor-made vacation... Call one of our experts or arrange a video appointment for ideas and advice. 617-223-4534. Make an inquiry. Elizabeth.

  22. Is Lake Nakuru Worth Visiting? NO & Here's Why

    Lake Nakuru is only worth visiting if you have not yet gone to the Masai Mara or one of the other larger parks. This is because Lake Nakuru National park is a small park which you can view in about 3 hours. It will feel anticlimactic if you visit it after spending several days in one of the other larger national parks like the Masai Mara and ...

  23. Visit Lake Nakuru, Kenya

    Lake Nakuru. First Class. Speak to a Kenya specialist to start planning your tailor-made holiday... Call one of our experts or arrange a video appointment for ideas and advice. 01993 838 510. Make an enquiry. Mike.

  24. 5-Day Lake Naivasha/ Nakuru /Masai Mara Midrange Tour

    The journey will take you from the stunning Lake Naivasha and Lake Nakuru, where flamingos and hippos thrive, to the Masai Mara Plains, renowned for its lions and wildebeest. Welcome to Kenya, Karibu Kenya. ... Our 26 award-winning experts contribute to our detailed travel guides and have written more than 1,000 expert reviews. Expert. Lizzie ...