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A beautiful pearl in the Indian Ocean

IRT/ Serge Gelabert

Mobydick La-reunion

IRT/ Luc Perrot

Mobydick La-reunion

IRT/ Eric Lamblin

La reunion

General Information

Mobydick La reunion General Information


Mobydick La-reunion Accommodation

Other Activities

Mobydick La-reunion Other Activities

IRT/ Emmanuel Virin

Mobydick La-reunion Other Activities

La Rテゥunion is a french overseas department and belongs to the European Union. The island in the Indian Ocean offers a wide variety of landscapes and activities. Like many isolated islands, La Rテゥunion tells of a volcanic origin. The snow-free Piton des Neiges (snow peak) is considered one of the largest volcanoes in the world. In contrast to the still active volcano Piton de la Fournaise, the Piton des Neiges was extinct about 12,000 years ago. Those looking for a change from beach and sea will discover rugged valleys and grandiose waterfalls on their way up to the volcano. But there is also much to discover in the sea: On an underwater plateau off the west coast of the island, humpback whales with their calves and large schools of dolphins are among the animals we find during the south winter.

Climatically the island captivates with pleasant temperatures, which move between 24 and 28 degrees Celsius during the day in the whale season. The water temperature reaches about 23 degrees. Even for more temperature-sensitive guests this is quite pleasant with a thin wetsuit.

Our accommodation is located in the wind-protected west of the island directly at the sea. Set slightly in front of the surrounding buildings, there is a wonderful view of the beaches on both sides of the hotel. The marina, which we use as a starting point for our whale tours, is less than ten minutes away by car. With a bit of luck, you can catch a glimpse of the sea mammals already from the hotel. Always keep your eyes open.

Whales in La Rテゥunion

The highlight of our trip to La Rテゥunion is definitely the sighting of humpback whales. Every year during the Antarctic winter season (June to October), they swim from Antarctica to the warmer waters of the Indian Ocean to mate and give birth to their calves. During up to eight tours, we keep an eye out for the marine mammals. The encounter with mother and calf is particularly impressive. Curious and playful, the young approach the little strangers. But the eye of the huge mother is always on alert. You can find out how to swim with whales stress-free a stress-free encounter under “The Experience”.

In addition, we often discover large schools of dolphins (mostly spinner dolphins and bottlenose dolphins). More rarely we meet other whale species like pilot whales, southern right whales or false killer whales. Although the dolphins are not as massive as the humpback whales, this handicap is easily compensated by their playfulness and creates unforgettable experiences!

For the search of the sea creatures, we alternate between a luxurious catamaran or a faster, more agile motorboat.

During your time with Moby Dick Tours you will stay in the well-established Hotel Boucan Canot, directly on one of the most beautiful beaches of the island in the immediate vicinity of St. Gilles. The marina of St. Gilles also serves as a starting point for boat trips to the open sea. The hotel reminds of the style of the Florida Keys and impresses with excellent quality, friendly service and fantastic food. The stylishly furnished rooms are only a few meters away from the waves.

The hotel offers direct beach access. There is also a comfortable lawn with a pool and a small private beach. Within walking distance there is a car-free zone with some bars and restaurants where you can end the day with a cocktail and stories about the day on the ocean.

You can enjoy the rich breakfast buffet with a great view of the ocean. The menu of the hotel restaurant is rich and offers local Creole as well as international dishes. Of course, excellent fresh fish is offered, but meat and vegetarian dishes are also recommended. We also dine in some selected restaurants to complete the culinary experience.

In addition to whale watching and swimming with whales, La Rテゥunion offers an incredible amount of In addition to whale watching, La Rテゥunion offers an incredible range of activities. Most of the time we are busy interacting with the gigantic marine mammals, but there is enough time left for the beauties of the island. To explore the fascinating surroundings of the extinct volcano Piton des Neiges, you will take part in one of the world’s most spectacular helicopter flights. The helicopter pilots are true masters of the air. The flight takes you along steep rock faces and narrow gorges, providing a perfect view of inaccessible natural beauty such as the Trou de Fer waterfalls. Discover how intense erosion over thousands of years has created a unique landscape around the mountains.

Other excursion destinations are the Piton de Maテッdo with its spectacular view of one of the three Cirques (valley basins created by erosion), the Creole village Hell-Bourg – one of the “most beautiful villages in France” – the capital Saint Denis and the still active volcano Piton de la Fournaise. Moby Dick Tours is happy to advise you on individual excursions such as paragliding flights or exploring the lava caves and we help you organizing.

Mobydick La Reunion general Information

Eric Lamblin

Mobydick La-Reunion Whales

The highlight of our trip to La Rテゥunion is definitely the sighting of humpback whales. Every year during the Antarctic winter season (June to October), they swim from Antarctica to the warmer waters of the Indian Ocean to mate and give birth to their calves. During up to eight tours, we keep an eye out for the marine mammals. The encounter with mother and calf is particularly impressive. Curious and playful, the young approach the little strangers. But the eye of the huge mother is always on alert.You can find out how to swim with whales stress-free under “The Experience”.

Mobydick La reunion Accommodation

In addition to whale watching and swimming with whales, La Rテゥunion offers an incredible range of activities. Most of the time we are busy interacting with the gigantic marine mammals, but there is enough time left for the beauties of the island. To explore the fascinating surroundings of the extinct volcano Piton des Neiges, you will take part in one of the world’s most spectacular helicopter flights. The helicopter pilots are true masters of the air. The flight takes you along steep rock faces and narrow gorges, providing a perfect view of inaccessible natural beauty such as the Trou de Fer waterfalls. Discover how intense erosion over thousands of years has created a unique landscape around the mountains.

Other excursion destinations are the Piton de Maテッdo with its spectacular view of one of the three Cirques (valley basins created by erosion), the Creole village Hell-Bourg – one of the “most beautiful villages in France” – the capital Saint Denis and the still active volcano Piton de la Fournaise. Moby Dick Tours are happy to advise you on individual excursions such as paragliding flights or exploring the lava caves and help you organizing.

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Whales boat trip in Reunion

Whales boat trip, amazing moment with a dolphins and whales boat trip.

You’re dreaming of seeing whales in Reunion? The Dolphins and Whales boat trip organised by the Western Tourist Office offers several packs to enjoy 100% of a boat trip form Saint-Gilles to admire dolphins all year round or whales during the season.

What is a Zarlor ?

Zarlor is a creol word that means «  treasure  » ! But here, ” Zarlor ” are activities, recommendations (guided tours, sport or cutltural activities…) highlighted by the Tourist Office to discover or re discover the West part of the island.

Let’s go to Saint-Gilles’harbour!

It’s whale season in Reunion, so we opted for the trip on a small boat, the Splash , since we recently went on a catamaran trip with dolphin watching . It is also possible to go a little longer on larger boats. For today, meet at the Saint-Gilles’s harbour at the Sealife’s reception, just opposite the Réunion’s aquarium. We arrive 1/4h in advance and we are ready for this cetacean observation’s activity in Reunion.

whale tour reunion

A vest and we’re on board

We put on a life jacket, then that’s it, we board the little Splash, a 12-seater boat. It’s covered to protect you from the sun , although today we shouldn’t need it much. The weather is cloudy and the sea is not very calm. But our skipper confirms that there are whales at sea out there, relief!

Dolphins and whales boat trip in reunion island.

Whales’ Season!

From June to September, it is the whales’ season in Reunion. This year, they arrived a little late, but for the past few weeks, it’s been a festival . Hardly a day goes by without seeing one (if you take the time to go to the seafront of course). They have already counted nearly 300 in a few weeks compared to fewer over an entire season in recent years.

All this to tell you, that as soon as we left the port, we came across our first whales’ group . 3 rather calm whales swimming nearby. Besides, you will learn it, but there is a dolphin and whale approach charter , which is important to respect if we want to disturb at least these cetaceans, especially given the number of boat trips that there are per day at the moment.

whale tour reunion

Mum and Baby Whale

We also see a whale and her calf. Our captain explains us that whales come to Reunion for 3 main reasons:

  • because the water is shallow and warm,
  • to give birth and of course,

Indeed, males would be more efficient when the water temperature is pleasant. And as for the calves (500kg and already 3 or 4 meters), they don’t know still swimming well. Not yet having a lot of strength, the pleasant temperature allows them not to spend too many calories (yes, you burn calories in cold water).

Observe a whale and her claf during an amazing whales boat trip in Reunion.

The whales therefore stay in Reunion the time to teach their babies to breathe, swim, jump, socialize and above all to breastfeed them in peace to gain strength before leaving for colder waters. Once adult, the most beautiful specimens can reach 15 meters and just… 30 tons.

Males, not so nice

We then leave this small group alone to head further north. Arriving towards Boucan, we see several breaths offshore. 3, 4, 5, 6… a real locomotive of whales … males. They are speedy but give us a real show. Between the “locomotive” effect when they take turns blowing, the jumps, the fin strokes… it’s impressive.

whale tour reunion

The sea is very rough, it’s very complicated to take photos that are not blurry, but we enjoy a real magical moment. Even if we learn that the males have no family activity, that they just come to sow the little seed and leave among themselves. They are even capable of hitting or even killing a calf to grab the mother’s attention. Nice nice family life among the bigest cetaceans of the animal kingdom.

Fast fast the Splash

And yes, what’s nice aboard the Splash is that we’re in a small boat, fast, easy to maneuver, so responsive if we have to move to go whale watching behind us…

Enjoy a whales boat trip in the small and speedy Splash boat in Reunion island.

After this American-style show, we change our destination again because there should not be too many (boats) around a group of whales. We go back towards the South where we will still observe 1 or 2 groups of whales, but not very active. But hopefully, we already had a really great show earlier.

It’s time to get back on earth… it always goes by too fast. If you have never done it before, we advise you to take advantage of the whale season to go on a boat trip . You will see them often from the coast, but it’s really another way to admire them up close.

Practical Info Whales in Reunion Island:

This “Dolphins and Whales boat trip in Reunion Island” activity starts in Saint-Gilles’ harbour, close to the Reunion Island aquarium.

The wahles boat trip start in Saint-Gilles, close to the Reunion island aquarium.

  • The trip on the Splash boat lasts 1 hour followed by lunch .
  • The packs on larger boats like the catamaran last 2 hours and are also followed by lunch in Saint-Gilles.
  • The price is €42 per adult and €27 for children (4 to 10 years old) for the whales boat trip on board the Splash + lunch.

To reserve your activity and see the other packs, head to the West Tourist Office website (in french)!

Remember to take water, swimsuit, towel, sunscreen and sunglasses.

And to find all our activities in Réunion, it’s here !

Categories Activities La Reunion Zarlor

Nina & Romain, Ze Caillou

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Wildlife Photo Tours


Réunion is a small volcanic island and a French region located in the Indian Ocean. Every year, during the austral winter, humpback whales migrate through the Indian Ocean, towards the eastern coast of Africa. After having lingered around Antarctic cold water for feeding and fatten, they move to warmer and calmer water to breed and give birth to their calves. Therefore, it is possible to spot many of them from July until October. Most of them are only on transfer, heading to the eastern coast of Madagascar but about one hundred whales have chosen to roam around the western coast of Réunion and Mauritius islands.

Megaptera novaeangliae is among the most social of the great whales – and certainly the most musical.  Humpbacks are the least shy (or least afraid) of humans.  Careful and respectful approach can lead to memorable time of interaction : coming across these majestic mammals in their natural environment is always a unique and privileged moment and a must-see.

Right now, Reunion island is probably one of the best places in the world to observe and to swim with Humpback whales.  Conservationists and professionals are taking a long-term approach to whales to ensure that these unique spectacles can be preserved in the future. The authorities have set up regulations, as to how to approach the whales, and launched the O²CR label (Observation Certified Manager of Cetaceans in Reunion). It is possible to snorkel and to take underwater pictures, but it is forbidden to free-dive, to scuba-dive and to enter the water when there are whales’ watchers around.

Every day is different.  One day, the whales could be flirty and interested in interacting with us. Other days they may be mating or courting and have no interest in us. This is why we have organized this tour over several days. Climate conditions are usually excellent, with the temperature of the ocean going from 23 to 25°C during that season, and visibility from 10 to 40 metres. In addition to the water’s activities, we have organized easy trekking to the iconic volcanic area of Piton de la Fournaise, the large basaltic shield volcano, and a visit to a distillery of rum.

Classic tour 2024

31 August – 07 Sept four spaces

ins  and  outs

Your journey.

Expect snorkelling in oceanic relatively calm waters, allowing to live unbelievable encounters and to take images of mother and nearly new-born calves. They are curious like all puppies and mothers will work hard to teach the fundamentals of living. Nothing more touching than to observe mother humpback holds up its baby (which weighs already one ton!) to the surface for breathing. We operate with one of the more experienced captains, scrupulous in approaching the whales. The islands’ traditional food is delicious and the local people friendly and helpful.

You don’t have to be a professional or semi-professional, but you must love nature and you will enjoy not only to see the bears but also the visit in the Krizna jama cave and the search for wild orchid

Classic tour.  8 days, 7 nights : 5 days of sea activities 7 nights’ accommodation in hotel, sharing double room, board basis : group meals half board (except drinks), one day excursion to volcanic area of Piton de la Fournaise, visit rum factory and distillery, half-day excursion to waterfalls and canyons, return airport group transfers, private use of the boat, skilled skipper. The group size is limited to max 5 participants plus tourleader.

Is this trip right for you ?

This tour is perfect for whales and nature’s enthusiasts, for patient people, for beginners and advanced photographers. If you are comfortable in waking up early and then enjoy good apero in the late afternoon, relax and have nice time before tasty tempting dinners. The group may consist of international travellers.  The small group size means that Franco can attend to the various needs of every-body. It is possible to personalize this trip, adding extra activities in addition to our proposal.

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When to see whales in Réunion and where to go?

You plan to visit Reunion and want to know when is the best time to see whales and where to go? Indeed, Reunion is the ideal destination for observing or swimming with whales.

Here are my tips for choosing the right time to go and the best place to meet the whales in Reunion.

Which whales can we see off this island?

La humpback whale is a migratory species that lives in the cold waters of the oceans at high latitudes and which goes to mate and reproduce in the tropics or subtropics. Humpback whales can travel up to 25 km per year!

Those seen in Reunion migrated from Antarctica to come to the warm waters off Reunion Island.

For 3 months, these whales stay on these coasts of the Indian Ocean to mate and give birth to calves.

Best time to see whales in Réunion

Reunion Island enjoys a tropical climate with:

  • A season the hot but rainy season from November to April;
  • A cooler (but still hot) season from May to November. It is this cooler season that we call the southern winter .

During the southern winter, it does not rain much and the temperatures are very pleasant on the coasts (from 22 to 25 ° C), just like the temperature of the Indian Ocean which is around 22 ° C!

It is during this southern winter period and more precisely in July, August and September that the whales come off the coast of Réunion .

swim with whales in Réunion

Where to go to see whales in Reunion?

There are several spots where you can see whales on the Reunion coast, whether from certain beaches with good binoculars or directly at sea by taking a boat trip.

The beaches of Reunion where you can see whales

The best whale watching spots can be found on the west coast of Reunion :

  • Boucan Canoe
  • Cap Lobster
  • Cape La Houssaye
  • Saint-Gilles-les-Bains
  • The Hermitage les Bains
  • Grande-Anse Beach

Map of the best places to see whales

See whales by boat

Many professional agencies in the marina of Saint Gilles offer sea trips to observe whales. Usually, we ship port of Saint Gilles les Bains . The spectacle that awaits you is unforgettable: whale ballet a few meters from the boat with jumps, jets, dives ...

When to go to Reunion to see whales

Where to swim with whales in Reunion?

For swim with whales in Réunion , it will be necessary to choose among the many diving clubs who make outings from the port of Saint-Gilles-Bains or from Saint-Leu. I recommend you choose a club O²CR labeled  (Certified Observation Responsible for Cetaceans in Reunion Island).

Indeed, with this label, you are sure to choose a professional who respects and protects marine species and their environment.

If you are looking from the port of Saint-Gilles, you can choose between

  • Fifth element 
  • Coral Diving
  • Diving meeting  

And from Saint Leu:

  • Air bubble  
  • Ocean Blue  

Here is another recommended club to go swimming with whales: duocean . He is a specialist in boat trips to approach whales in palm, mask and snorkel.

Find out now where to go for swim with dolphins in Reunion ?

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Boat trips whale watching dolphin Reunion island

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  • Scuba Diving
  • Big Game Fishing
  • Jetski/water Scooter
  • Kite Surf Paddle Sea Kayak
  • Paragliding
  • Microlighting
  • Parachute Jumping
  • Family Mountain Activities
  • Discover The Flora And Fauna
  • Seaside Activities
  • Escape Games, Action Games
  • In the West
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  • Cirque of Cilaos
  • Cirque of Salazie
  • Cirque of Mafate
  • Plaines Cafres, Palmistes
  • Cultural heritage
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  • Fitness, Aqua-activities
  • Thermal baths, Thalasso
  • Beauty cares

whale tour reunion

Boat trips in Reunion Island

Sailboat and motorboat in St Gilles les Bains

Although Reunion is an island in the Indian Ocean, its people is somewhat not naturally turned towards the sea. That has not stopped some enthusiasts to offer peaceful sea excursions on cruising catamarans, glass bottom boat, comfortable motorboats... Another way of contemplating Reunion from afar.

Grand Bleu

Choose your formula !

Dolphins watching with Bato Pei

- If you choose to go out on a sailing trip, let yourself be gently rocked by the waves on those big cruising catamarans which also offer lunch or an evening drink at sea, but also swimming, sea kayaking , trolling or introduction to sailing, it's up to you to decide what to do during your few hours at sea ... Through a cruise around the island, others may discover Reunion from the sea while learning how to sail at the helm of a cruising sailboat with the advice of a skipper.

cours ecole voile lagon reunion

Sailing schools in Reunion Island

The athletic of you will not be outdone since several sailing clubs exist mainly in the west and offer courses and initiations: Optimist or windsurfing for children, small single-hulled dinghies or catamarans to bring you even more sensations. To get started or grow an autonomous on the water, a sailing school offers trips ranging from half day to several days.

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Southern Resident Reunion

whale tour reunion

The Southern Resident Killer Whales came and went today.  We hussled away from the dock with reports that orcas were veering offshore of San Juan Island heading westbound.  Concerned that we might not be able to catch up with them before running out of fuel (just kidding!), Captain Craig set a straight and swift course to intercept our aquatic brethren.  We joined the fleet half way between San Juan and Discovery Island.  What a sight!  There were whales stretched out across the entire horizon, multiple pods of Southern Resident Killer Whales.  They traveled tight together in their family groupings.  Most of the animals seemed focused on their westward progress, but some took the time to breach and tail lobb.

On the way back we took a more relaxed pace and looked for wildlife near Salmon Bank.  Our patience paid off when a few Minke Whales popped up among the rafts of feeding birds.  We observed a few sharp looking loons in addition to the Common Murres and gulls.  We also surveyed the hottest real estate for Steller’s Sea Lions in the San Juans, Whale Rocks.

Naturalist Andrew, San Juan Safaris

  • Captain jeff
  • Battle a bluefin!
  • Feed giant tuna!
  • Deep-sea fishing
  • Whales and seals
  • Lobster fishing
  • Shark fishing
  • Accommodations
  • Get in touch!

whales and seals tour

Keep your camera ready, and let’s go on the exciting adventure.

whale tour reunion

Keep your eyes peeled and your camera ready for the variety of whales that you may catch sight of on your tour

Pilot whales, finback whales, humpback whales, minke whales, right whales, sperm whales, beaked whales and dolphins & porpoises., let’s go fishing, what to bring.

  • Warm Clothes
  • a light lunch
  • Don’t forget your camera and smile! :-)

Sail Times by reservation only

25 persons maximum for this excursion. whale and seal watching tours available from july to september..

whale tour reunion

Exclusive Extended Range Tours

Join us for a full-day whale watching adventure like no other.

Experience a full day at sea for our 10-12 hour extended-range tours! These specialty tours will travel deep into the western Strait of Juan de Fuca in search of massive groups of humpback whales. With the additional time on the water, we’ll have the opportunity to venture further than any of our other tours. If you’re used to watching whales in the San Juan Islands, this tour will leave you speechless!

Extended range 3

March 2024 Extended Range Tour

March 31st, 2024.

8:00 AM Departure — 7:30 AM Boarding

10-12 Hours

Limited Passengers — Extra Crew

$199 plus tax and fees per person

Please note that because this is a specialty tour, any gift certificates purchased for the 4-5 hour Anacortes tour do not apply.

Extended range 2

August Deluxe Extended Range Tour

August 28th, 2024.

6:00 AM Departure — 5:30 AM Boarding

$249 plus tax and fees per person

All extended range tours include an exclusive shirt!

Island explorer 5.

Seattle Whale Watching Island Explorer 5

The Island Explorer 5 is simply the best whale watching vessel anywhere.

She is 98' long, 30' wide with a cruise speed of over 25 knots. She is also incredibly quiet which will enhance your whale watching experience. 20+ years of whale watching experience has gone into the design of the Island Explorer 5. She has three full walk-around outside viewing decks with cathedral bow seating that provides more outside viewing area than any tour boat in the region. There are also two large heated cabins with seating for all guests, state of the art A/V system, and large comfortable bathrooms. Onboard guests will enjoy our South of the Border Cafe with hot food, snacks, beer, and wine for sale.

Meet the Island Explorer 5

Vessel features:

  • Front Row Viewing: Outside rail viewing space on one side of the boat for all guests
  • Indoor heated seating for all passengers
  • Three viewing decks for the best possible vantage point over the water
  • Best galley menu of any tour vessel in the area – fresh and changing with the seasons
  • High-speed catamaran with speeds capable of 25+ knots, giving us one of the largest ranges in the industry
  • AED onboard with highly trained/qualified staff and crew


Check out our other tours!

Our guaranteed whale watching tours have made us the #1 whale watching company in the Pacific Northwest. Join a signature 4-5 hour whale watch or explore a private charter for a custom adventure on the water!

Anacortes Whale Watching Guaranteed Whales

One of the best opportunities to see wild orcas is right here in the San Juan Islands, February through November. The Salish Sea is home to one of the richest varieties of marine life on the planet. There's no better place to view the booming population of Bigg's, or mammal-eating killer whales. In addition to orcas, humpback whales, minke whales, and gray whales are also frequently seen throughout the year.

Seattle Whale Watching Island Explorer 5

Private Charters

We'll craft a custom adventure for your next family, company, or crew outing.

Island Adventures is known as the area's premier whale watching company, but we also offer private charters throughout the year. The Island Explorer 5 features a full walk around lower deck, two upper viewing decks, great sound systems, heated cabins, galley service, two restrooms, and the best crew in the area. Whether it is a whale watching tour, wedding, corporate team building event, or a family reunion, give us a call and we will help you set up an event your guests will never forget.

360.378.7996 | [email protected]

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Orca Family Reunion

In the fall of 2017 one of the families of Bigg’s killer whales frequently seen in the San Juan Islands split up. Although we do not see this behavior with Southern Resident killer whales, it is not uncommon in the culture of Bigg’s orcas for an individual whale to leave their family.

For example, adult females will break off from their mother when she begins to have her own offspring. Sometimes adult male Bigg’s orcas leave their family to travel alone, with other independent males, or other families. And in rare instances, a young whale will break from their family for reasons unknown — at least to us humans. This is quite an interesting cultural difference between the two populations of killer whales that inhabit the Salish Sea.

On our fall whale watching tours we noticed that seventeen-year-old male T49A1 was no longer traveling with his family, the T49A's. Although we were a little surprised, it wasn’t unusual or concerning since we know Bigg’s orcas will sometimes venture off from their family.

T49A1 was seen alone on September 15th and then again a few days later. When he was spotted on September 19th in Admiralty Inlet he had joined up with his twenty-five-year-old aunt, T49B, and her offspring. A month later they were seen again, still together. We were very intrigued to see if he would remain with his aunt and cousins, hook up with a different family or venture off independently.

In November we encountered the T49A’s and T49A had a brand new calf swimming at her side. The infant, dubbed T49A5, was young — no older than a month or so. T49A1 was not with the family. On a few of our winter whale watching tours we again encountered the T49A’s and T49A1 was still absent. Apparently his split from his family continued.

On April 8th, 2018, our whale watching tour had just departed from Friday Harbor. We received a call that killer whales had been spotted north of the San Juan Islands, in Swanson Channel . When we arrived on scene we immediately saw several familiar fins rising together. We were fascinated and elated to see T49A1 was back with his mom and siblings!

T49A1 had been seen with an unrelated male orca just three days before, so the reunion was likely very recent, perhaps just that morning. If we were excited to see T49A1 back with his family it was nothing compared to how his family reacted. Of all of our tours watching Bigg’s killer whales this was the most extended social encounter we have had with a single family. They were socializing all day long!

Seven-year-old T49A3 seemed especially excited to have his older brother back with the family. We watched the two brothers side by side throughout the entire afternoon, rolling and engaging in percussive social behaviors. Our passengers and crew shared the incredible experience of witnessing the family reunion as we watched the two brothers cartwheel, tail slap, roll and breach. Although we try not to anthropomorphize, T49A1’s younger brother certainly seemed happy to have his big brother back.

While we may never know why male Bigg’s orcas disperse from their mothers, permanently or temporarily, it provokes many theories as to why it happens. Maybe T49A1 left because his mother was in the later stages of pregnancy. She would soon have a young, dependent calf at her side. A male of his size requires a lot of food every day—calories that would be especially important for a lactating mother. If so, the benefit he provides as an experienced hunter and babysitter could be outweighed by those re-directed calories. Or perhaps he just wanted to get away for a while and hang out with different whales, see the world. Perhaps he simply had a bit of wanderlust. They’re such intelligent animals it could be any of those reasons, or something completely different. That mystery keeps us human observers coming back for more. It continues to provoke a desire for a deeper understanding. And that never gets old.

We are eager to see the T49As again to learn if T49A1 remains with his family or if this was just a short visit.

Orca T49A1 and T49A5

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Alan White Hints at Joining Oasis for 2025 Reunion Tour

White originally joined Oasis in April 1995, replacing original drummer Tony McCarroll.

By Jessica Lynch

Jessica Lynch

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Former Oasis drummer Alan White has fueled excitement among fans by hinting that he may be part of the band’s highly anticipated 2025 reunion tour.

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View this post on Instagram A post shared by Alan White (@alanwhiteofficial)

White originally joined Oasis in April 1995, replacing original drummer Tony McCarroll. During his nine years with the band, White contributed to four studio albums, including the seminal sophomore effort (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? and Be Here Now , the fastest-selling LP in U.K. recorded music history. His drumming became an integral part of Oasis’s sound, and he played a significant role in the recording process, often shaping the rhythm and feel of the band’s tracks.

Meanwhile, McCarroll has indicated that he will not be part of the reunion, telling MailOnline : “They haven’t reached out yet and to be honest I’m not holding my breath.”

“Would I consider being involved? I don’t know. At the end of the day I’m not the only ex-member left behind, so I’ll just crack on.” He added, “I haven’t made up my mind if I’m going to watch them play next year either. I was at their last ever gig in the U.K. at the V Festival. It’s weird and ironic that I was there at the first and last gig.”

He added later, “Whether it’s been a blag for 15-years I haven’t got a clue. They’re brothers at the end of the day- maybe their mum Peggy clashed their heads together and said ‘sort it out’.”

The Britpop band’s most iconic single, “Wonderwall,” peaked at No. 8 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1996. The band also achieved a top 10 album on the Billboard 200 with (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? , which reached No. 4 in 1996, while their debut album, Definitely Maybe , and their third album, Be Here Now , both charted on the Billboard 200.

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Oasis Reunion Pushes ‘Definitely, Maybe’ Back To The Top Of The Charts

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The 30-year-old album "Definitely Maybe" from the band Oasis is back at No. 1 on the U.K. charts—the first time the band has topped the chart in almost 15 years—as excitement for the band's recently announced reunion tour grows.

Liam Gallagher of Oasis performs on stage in Scotland, on Aug. 4, 1996.

"Definitely Maybe" topped the Official Albums Chart this week, the Official Charts Company said Friday, after a "408% week-on-week uplift" following the reunion announcement and the release of a 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition.

The album was also on the top of the Official Vinyl Albums Chart and the Official Record Store Chart, meaning it was the most popular album in U.K. independent record shops in the last week.

The chart-topping resurgence comes one week after tickets to the band’s first tour in 15 years went on sale on Ticketmaster and instantly sold out as millions of fans in Europe and North America joined virtual queues and waited for hours for the chance to buy tickets—many appeared to inflate in value at the last minute, which some fans blamed on the website’s “dynamic” pricing structure.

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Key Background

Liam Gallagher and his older brother Noel Gallagher were co-frontmen of the British rock band Oasis from 1991 to 2009. The band was one of the most successful and acclaimed of the 1990s and was nominated for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame earlier this year. Oasis was nominated for three Grammy Awards and won three World Music Awards. "Wonderwall," one of the group’s most recognizable songs, charted in the top 10 songs in 15 countries and is the band’s only song to have charted in the top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 . The career of the band came to a famously abrupt end in 2009, days before the end of the year-long Dig Out Your Soul Tour that took the group to North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. After pulling out of a planned show set for Aug. 23, 2009 and canceling a concert at the Rock en Seine festival near Paris set for Aug. 28, Noel Gallagher released a statement on the band's website reading "It's with some sadness and a great relief to tell you that I quit Oasis tonight. People would write and say what they liked, but I could not continue working with Liam for a day longer." On Aug. 27, Oasis confirmed it would reunite for the Oasis Live '25 reunion tour.

Sales of tickets for the Oasis reunion tour was seen as the biggest test for Ticketmaster since Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour rollout went famously wrong two years ago. The website didn't crash this time around and fans seemed to have fewer issues buying tickets until they sold out, but many were upset about what appeared to be last-minute hikes in prices. Tickets that were advertised as costing $195 were actually listed for $468 by the time tickets went on sale, The New York Times reported, and Oasis fans were quick to blame Ticketmaster's "dynamic pricing" structure that can change prices based on demand. Britain's Competition and Markets Authority said it has opened an investigation into Ticketmaster’s handling of the sale. Oasis said pricing was left up to the band’s managers and the concert promoter.

Surprising Fact

Oasis was not inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this year after Liam Gallagher took to social media to slam the institution following the band's nomination. Gallagher called the nomination "a load of bollox" and suggested his band wasn't as worthy of the nod as fellow nominee Mariah Carey.

Further Reading

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    PacWhale Eco-Adventures is a social enterprise wholly owned by nonprofit Pacific Whale Foundation, founded in 1980 to save Hawaiʻi's humpback whales from extinction. Our ecotours are based on over four. decades of marine research and ecotourism experience.

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  24. Alan White Hints at Joining Oasis for 2025 Reunion Tour

    Former Oasis drummer Alan White has fueled excitement among fans by hinting that he may be part of the band's highly anticipated 2025 reunion tour.. On Sept. 1, White, who played with Oasis from ...

  25. Oasis Reunion Pushes 'Definitely, Maybe' Back To The Top ...

    Tangent. Sales of tickets for the Oasis reunion tour was seen as the biggest test for Ticketmaster since Taylor Swift's Eras Tour rollout went famously wrong two years ago. The website didn't ...