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Acid Trip: Galaxy, Dragon Fruit & Passion Fruit

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How to Take LSD So Your First Acid Trip Goes as Smooth as Possible

LSD can be an incredibly mind-blowing, life-changing experience. It can alter one’s perceptions, open your minds to new possibilities, and even alleviate maladies such as depression, PTSD, anxiety, and alcoholism . 

But by virtue of being such a powerful hallucinogen, LSD can also trigger a nightmarish experience, known as a “bad” or “challenging” trip, that can last for hours on end . This is sometimes why folks prefer a lower dosage, also known as a microdose .

So, how should you, dear psychonaut, go about your first LSD trip, seeing as you don’t have any experience with it? Below, you’ll find some tried-and-true methods for ensuring your first LSD trip is smoother than soft-serve ice cream. 


Mind Your Set and Setting

Being aware of your “set” and “setting” is good advice for any intoxicating or psychedelic excursion. Before taking your first hit of LSD, think about your mindset. Are you feeling good today, or have you been in the dumps lately?

If you’re dealing with some recent trauma or you’re tipping on the scales of rage, maybe dropping acid right now isn’t a good time. Psychedelics like LSD will amplify everything going on in your head — both good and bad — so be prepared for the most anxious, self-defeating thoughts to come to the forefront. 

But if you’re feeling pretty chill about life, your mindset is in an ideal place . And that’s the best time to trip.

For “setting,” you need to be aware of your trip environment, too. Assume you may be too paranoid to leave wherever you are, whether that’s your apartment, a friend’s place, or a rave. It’s cool — that happens sometimes. 

Do you feel comfortable in this setting? Is this setting relatively “trip-proof,” meaning there aren’t a bunch of random things nearby that could be hazardous or immediately placed in a hazardous situation? (e.g. a fireplace with a fire roaring, a newborn baby who requires attention and care, etc.) Will you be in the company of close friends you trust, or will strangers or annoying people be attending, too? 

If you’re in a residence, make sure you have everything that you could possibly want or need: a comfy place to sit or lay down, pillows, blankets, comfy clothes to wear or change into, lots of liquids — preferably water or low-sugar juice, fruit, snacks, your favorite tunes to groove to, and anything else that makes you feel comfortable. Perhaps some paper and pens, too, just incase you’re struck with brilliant ideas you don’t want to forget.

But if you’re in a public place, will you be somewhere that’s got cops patrolling or security constantly breathing down your neck? Do you think you can handle loud music and bright lights? Can you cross the road, even?

Again, for setting, maximize your comfort levels and minimize any annoyances, trauma triggers, or hazards. 


Start Low, Go Slow

The phrase “start low, go slow” usually applies to eating marijuana edibles, but it also applies to dropping acid. If it’s your first time, don’t feel the need to impress anyone by how many tabs you (think you) can eat at once. Trust us: One bad trip can fuck up your confidence in the art of LSD-tripping for the rest of your life. Don’t ruin it on the first time out.

Everyone reacts differently to acid, so there’s no magic first-timer dose. Typically, the beginning dose starts around 100 to 200 micrograms , but let’s be blunt here: You actually have no clue how much LSD is on your blotter tabs (or how much liquid was dropped on your candy, or how much liquid is being administered to you via dropper). 

The general rule of thumb is that one “hit” or dose of LSD is a single blotter tab or drop of liquid. The only way to guarantee how much LSD you’ve got in each dose is by sending it to a lab for testing, but that’s both unrealistic and incriminating for most LSD users.

Unless you already know that you’ve got a high tolerance for psychedelics, start with one hit at most. If you want to ease into it, start with a quarter or half a tab. If after an hour or hour-and-a-half you feel like you want more or you don’t feel enough, then by all means: up the ante. 


Don’t Swallow It

LSD is a fragile molecule, and your stomach acids will shred it to pieces before it can ever reach your brain and whisk you off to Wonderland . When ingesting LSD orally, either as a blotter tab, candy, or liquid, don’t swallow it right away. If you do that, you may not trip at all. 

If you have a blotter tab, place the tab under your tongue and let it sit there. Usually, just five to ten minutes under the tongue should be more than enough, but some trippers will leave the paper there until it practically dissolves. Feel free to swallow or spit out any remaining paper after it’s been in your mouth for the suggested time.

Again, if you’ve got dose candy, let the candy dissolve in your mouth. Try to minimize any swallowing as much as possible. With liquids, a drop under the tongue should suffice, since it’ll pretty much absorb instantly through your mucous lining. Avoid drinking anything for at least ten minutes if dosing with a liquid.


You Shouldn’t Taste Anything, Either

If you detect a bitter taste after being dosed, you likely didn’t take LSD — sorry! LSD is flavorless and odorless. However, depending on what your LSD was mixed in to, your method of ingestion may have some flavor (such as with a candy or some flavored liquid). But understand that this is one of the risks you take if you’re going to take acid: you might end up taking something else that’s not actually LSD. That’s why it’s important to know and trust your dealer, the same way it’s important to know your grower or farmer for weed. 

If you did taste something bitter after ingesting what you thought was LSD, you may have ingested any number of so-called “research chemicals” or “RCs.” “ Research chemicals ” is a generic term for drugs that may generate similar psychedelic effects as LSD, but aren’t actually LSD. Some RCs may lead to pleasant experiences, while others are nasty and can lead to nausea, paranoia, and generally feeling gross instead.


Give Yourself Something to Do

Anticipate activities to keep you engaged during your trip. Puzzles, Lego sets, glowsticks, bubble projectors, strobe lights, music playlists, movies, TV shows, video games, and coloring books are just a few options. But you may also find yourself spending the entire trip just laughing and talking with friends. Or, ya know, just staring at the wallpaper, which is perfectly fine, too. 

You’ll want to prepare these activities ahead of time. Going out to the store to gather these things in the middle of an acid trip could be incredibly fun, but you should take it easy during your first time. Although tripping on acid is not a crime, per se, in most places, being intoxicated in public is.

Also, consider your diet and what you’ll want to eat during the trip. Some people find eating incredibly grotesque and frightening while tripping, while others take delight in seeing their bowl of noodles pulsating or their lollipop laughing as it’s licked down. 


Do Not Trip Alone

Of all the suggestions here, this one’s probably the most important: Make sure you trip with at least one trusted friend, ideally someone who has already tripped on acid before. This friend can guide you through the experience if things get hairy. Besides, tripping alone will leave you entirely to the inner spaces of your own mind, which can be insightful, but it can also be incredibly scary if you’ve got no idea what you’re doing or what’s going on. Additionally, if things do go awry for some reason, having a friend with you can make it easier to navigate the issue. 

You may consider setting up a backup or Plan B-type plan, as well. In other words, if things go horribly wrong during the trip — an accident happens, or someone loses their shit — have some other, non-tripping friends available nearby by phone or social media to come assist. Make sure to let them know that you and your buddies are tripping ahead of time, that way they aren’t blindsided if something comes up. And ensure these are friends who’re cool with tripping, that way you won’t have to deal with any judgements, criticisms, or lectures while you’re in the throes of a high-intensity LSD trip. 

Now be safe and enjoy!

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Acid-Trip Dimension

Acid-Trip Dimension (trope)

"Breathe the Fire; Walk the Air; Drink the Earth; Warm your hands at the Water." — A greeting in Planescape 's Limbo

For the times when you enter a space-time rift and the next dimension reminds you of the last time you dropped LSD .

When characters go to Another Dimension , it'll never resemble anything from our reality, but instead it will be... weird. Some can look like the inside of a lava lamp, some have landscapes that look like a Salvador DalĂ­ painting, and others are not so pleasant. What's for sure is that the dimension won't resemble anything like our own, and the rules of physics are different or nonexistent. This can be Played for Laughs .

Contrast with Cloudcuckooland . What makes Cloudcuckooland weird is that the cultural norms there are very different from what we're used to. Acid Trip Dimensions may not even have inhabitants, and the dimension's physical laws themselves are wonky. And that's if the Acid Trip Dimension is even fleshed out; sometimes it's just a brief sequence to show that the character is doing some interdimensional traveling.

This may sometimes intersect with Elemental Plane , generally in situations where a dimension embodies a concept such as Chaos or Madness or where distinct planes become mixed or collide with one another .

For a more musical experience, see Disney Acid Sequence . See also Hyperspace Is a Scary Place , Eldritch Location , Ludicrous Speed and Reality Is Out to Lunch . Can be a Dangerously Garish Environment if dangerous. Black Holes and Cool Gates are common methods of visiting these places.

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  • Hell Girl : The first hell banishment scene in season three takes place in a trippy dimension full of numbers.
  • The Witchs' Realms look like the animators were drugged for these things because of the Art Shift and horrifyingly bizarre things there.
  • Implied by Homura's room which has floating objects and mirrors which respond to her mood.
  • Shimeji Simulation : Shijima and Majime seemingly travel from various parts of West Yomogi through the "rocks" and various other but often ridiculous means, where most of them becomes an increasingly bizarre dimension that defies all form of logic. However this does not cause problems to the people who still inhabit the town.
  • Yuki Yuna is a Hero : The Jukai has a jungle of rainbow colored vines, an ocean and a desert all leading up to the Shinju-sama.
  • Doctor Strange : Most other dimensions (especially the Dark Dimension) visited by the good doctor are usually depicted as bizarre landscapes filled with weird shapes. Steve Ditko was famous for his depictions of these, and every other artist on the book has tried his hand at it.
  • During Steve Gerber's run on The Sensational She-Hulk , she teams up with Howard the Duck for an adventure visiting several dimensions, including one that consists of nothing but giant slices of baloney floating through an endless void, which are fed on by little flying gargoyle creatures who gleefully shout "Blo-neeeee!"
  • Jim Starlin loves this trope. Trippy, reality-warping dreamscapes tend to pop up frequently in his Thanos and Warlock (1967) stories.
  • Scare Tactics (DC Comics) : Arnold gets to come along on one of Fate's spatial tangent rides on their way to Dulce Base. Fate thinks Arnold can't handle the interdimensional journey, but Arnold considers it his best trip since college.
  • Sonic the Comic : The Special Zone is portrayed this way. Referenced when a character claimed the part where most of the action took place was the weird part. There are, however, parts of the Special Zone which are "normal". It's a Cloud Cuckoo Land to Sonic, but it's pretty average in comparison to the swirling mass of colours that make up the rest of the dimension.
  • On a bad day, the Phantom Zone can get like this, most notably in the 1980s The Phantom Zone miniseries, which revealed that the whole place is actually the physical manifestation of the mind of an Eldritch Abomination . As long as you don't probe about too deep in the Zone, it's a perfectly safe place, albeit very barren; but Heaven help you if you deliberately attract the thing's attention .
  • Some depictions of the Bizarro World are like this, typically when emphasizing how everything works in the opposite way from how it does in real life — sanity is insane, Good Is Bad And Bad Is Good , people always say the opposite of what they mean, and so on.
  • Mr. Mxyzptlk's fifth dimensional realm is always like this, although how cartoony it is varies from one version to another . It's telling that in a crossover story with Bugs Bunny , the Dodo Bird of Wackyland (see Western Animation below) was basically Mxy's counterpart in the Loony Tunes universe.
  • A.A. Pessimal : Witches who work for the Pegasus Service are "crawstepped" around the Disc by Feegle navigators, enabling them to get anywhere within minutes. Transit works by the Feegle navigating them through a strange dimension described as "Feegle Space", where the usual rules of time, space and proportion do not apply. A witch in this dimension has interesting conversations with a four-sided triangle, for instance. Apparently, Feegle Space is also the dimension which Discworld shamans enter, after smoking or ingesting the relevant herbal preparations.
  • Calvin & Hobbes: The Series : The Hypercube's interior: lots of red, blue, and yellow, a bunch of stuff floating around...
  • Big Hero 6 : The world between the portals is a nebulous space filled with beautiful, technicolor cloud-like structures based on fractal geometry.
  • Halloween Is Grinch Night : The inside of the Grinch's "paraphernalia wagon" is perceived as a series of disjointed flashes featuring bizarre landscapes, impossible architecture and empty voids filled with a panoply of strange creatures — ghosts, monsters, featureless lumps — that menace and harry Eucariah.
  • Yellow Submarine : The various seas The Beatles travel through — Time, Monsters, Holes, etc. Hell, the entire universe of the film can be considered this trope. Want to go to a 1968 Liverpool where you live in a giant mansion filled with Scooby-Dooby Doors that constantly spew out the oddest assortment of imagery ever put to film?
  • In Doctor Strange (2016) , the Dark Dimension, among other parts of the Multiverse, is incredibly psychedelic. Some places have fractal grasping hands, some pulse or move weirdly, physics seems to have been abandoned... Understandably, the first thing Strange asks is what was in the tea he just drank.
  • What Dreams May Come is this in spades, considering that their entire vision of heaven and hell is based upon paintings from over the centuries.
  • Spectral Stalkers , which is set in the Macrocosmos, have your player travelling from one trippy dimension to another thanks to the unpredictable powers of the Aleph, from a world of insectoid people to a land divided into half by day and night to a haunted castle and a mysterious spaceship...
  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy : When the Heart of Gold is travelling, the side effects of its improbability drive cause increasingly unlikely events to spontaneously happen, turning its interior into this. When Arthur and Ford first experience it, Arthur's arms and legs start falling off, Ford turns into a penguin, and they're accosted by various bizarre entities including a talking elderberry bush.
  • " The Dreams in the Witch House ": The dimension outside "angled space" (the 3-dimensional universe) is a black space filled with portals, and living beings passing through it appear as strange shapes.
  • The "reality" seen under the effects of the machine in " From Beyond ".
  • Illuminatus! : We have Fission Chips being sent on a rollercoaster through space and time at the behest of a Lovecraftian Dark God; on his trip, among other things he encounters a disgruntled novelist (who in our world disappeared mysteriously) who complains to him that he only walked around the bleeding horses, and look where he ended up.
  • The Lord of the Rings : The "Unseen world" (or "wraith-world"), which the NazgĂ»l inhabit and which exists along with the Seen world; in it, things in the "Seen" world are typically perceived as dim and shadowy, but other things can seem plain which are hidden to the "Seen" world. For example, on Weathertop Frodo puts on the Ring, he vanishes from the Seen world, but can see into the Wraith world (being "half in the wraith-world" himself), and he sees the NazgĂ»l as they appear in the Wraith-world, i.e. as their normal human forms (which is also how the NazgĂ»l appear to each other, despite being invisible in the Seen world). Likewise, Frodo is drawn gradually further into the wraith-world after being stabbed by the morgul-knife. Glorfindel, meanwhile, lives in both the Seen and Unseen worlds at the same time, since he has dwelt in the Blessed Realm; but he appears as a "shining figure" in the Wraith-world. (In the movie, however, Frodo is apparently entirely in the wraith-world whenever he puts on the Ring, while the NazgĂ»l seem as glowing distorted figures rather than plain men; meanwhile Gildor Inglorion (or Arwen, who takes his place in the film) becomes the "shining figure" despite having never dwelled in the Blessed Realm).
  • The Universe Between : For those capable of staying there long enough without panicking, the Other Side can offer a wide variety of sensory distortions and crossovers, such as tasting the brightness of light, seeing music, feeling colors, and hearing touch sensations.
  • There's "a dimension of all shrimp". We never see it, but Anya mentions it. So does Illyria . It's reportedly very boring.
  • Anya also mentions a "Crazy Melty Land", which probably fits this trope better.
  • The time vortex has an element of this, being a video-feedback, kaleidoscopic tunnel.
  • In the first episode of " The Mind Robber ", the Doctor pulls the emergency escape switch and gets the TARDIS stuck in a dimension that doesn't really exist. There is a black void and a white void, a black TARDIS and a white TARDIS, evil white-dressed versions of Jamie and Zoe, weird random screaming sounds and the TARDIS exploding. This is apparently what happens when you try to make a Bottle Episode in the middle of the psychedelic era.
  • The Good Place features the Interdimensional Hole of Pancakes. Swirling colors, flying pancake-shaped portals, and neon green, inexplicably deadly slugs abound. Plus, there's something called the Time Knife that momentarily breaks poor Chidi's mortal brain.
  • In the Star Trek: The Original Series episode " The Alternative Factor ", the universe is composed of a matter universe and an anti-matter universe, separated by a "neutral universe"; the anti-matter universe is identical to the matter-universe in every way, but the neutral universe is quite bizarre.
  • The wormhole in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine appears to be actually a different dimension that touches normal space in two separate points. The inside looks like nothing even roughly similar, but thankfully, spaceships can travel through it without any trouble if equipped with the necessary technology.
  • Silverball Mania has a relatively mild version of this, with the playfield depicting mercurial fountains spewing pinballs and glowing gradients of blue, yellow, and orange everywhere.
  • City of 7 Seraphs : In the Broken Realms, cosmic laws break down, and the singular commonality between them is the consistent differences of their realities from the cosmology of the multiverse.
  • Eberron has several alien planes. Xoriat, the realm of madness, has red clouds everywhere, and space seems to be rippling. Dal Quor has buildings floating in the air.
  • The plane of Limbo is a roiling mass of chaos matter, which changes randomly or based on the will of people traveling on the plane.
  • The Far Realm exists "outside the bounds of the multiverse". Nothing there even resembles the real world, and the text which actually describes the appearance of the plane (Of which there is very little) carries the note that nothing on the Far Realm can possibly be comprehended by a human being, therefore you can't even imagine what it's like. Oh, and to top it all off: The Far Realm contains more than one dimension, and you can see all the other dimensions by looking down and, in some areas, can be in several dimensions at once.
  • 4th Edition takes the Elemental Planes and mixes them, alongside the Chaotic Evil Abyss and the Chaotic Neutral Limbo, into one plane, the Elemental Chaos . The 5th Edition reinstates the separate Elemental Planes, with the Elemental Chaos occurring where they break down and mix together as one heads "away" from the mortal world and towards the Outer Planes. In either case, the Chaos is a raw, primal mass of elements constantly mixing and separating in any possible combination, where the ground, the air and the storm are all potentially alive. Here, flame speaks and lightning dreams, iron hates and seas hunger. Islands of earth, ash, mud, salt, or semisolid smoke and flame, some as vast as continents, float amid an endless sky. Rivers of water, lava, or liquid air flow from oceans bounded by nothing solid, cross landscapes of broken crystal, and spill over cliff faces made of tangible lightning. Winds of heavy vapor are guided by currents of chaos, whipping into enormous storms of burning hail and sharp-edged thunder.
  • Exalted : The Wyld isn't a separate dimension, it's just the writhing Primal Chaos that exists past the borders of Creation, where The Fair Folk live and reality, causality and physics break down; while the shifting landscapes and bizarre creatures are peculiar enough, the fact that cause and effect are loose suggestions and little to no Ontological Inertia exists are what makes this place truly bizarre.
  • JAGS Wonderland , based on Alice in Wonderland . The lower a Chessboard is, the more different it is from the real world. The lowest level ones are very odd indeed.
  • Pathfinder : The Maelstrom, the Outer Plane representing Chaos untainted by any other philosophy, concept or morality, takes the form of an eternally roiling sea of possibility constantly shaping, eroding and reforming itself. In its borderlands, forests of crystalline trees can grow in minutes before melting into shallow seas that then dry into luminous deserts, while in its heart even the illusion of solid ground is left behind and scattered drifts of Floating Continents , rubble and ruins drawn in from other planes and divine realms drift like rafts in an eternal storm.
  • Astral Space can be... less than intuitive. It comprises the individual Mental Worlds of every individual, the shared dreams of humanity, and the collective unconscious of the entire planet. Sometimes this produces sane, recognizable landscapes — but then you notice that time is relative and space is negotiable.
  • The natural laws of Arcadia are determined by Contracts forged with the land, not anything so pedestrian as physics, biology, or common sense. Need to reach out, take hold of the moon, and hoist yourself up onto it? Make it an offer. Some featured settings are a manor set apart from time (so the first thing you see as you leave is your past self passing you on the way in) and a small house containing an infinite number of rooms that start out tame and get steadily more alien .
  • True Fae within Arcadia sometimes take the form of Realms: self-contained, sentient settings that operate according to their own narrative laws. This provides locations like an infinite lake of lava (safe to swim in, but filled with icebergs that inflict lethal frostbite) and an unending house that rearranges itself whenever it gets bored. To add to the fun, more powerful Fae can manifest in more than one form simultaneously: the sprawling castle, the King, the Crown Jewels, and his entire army could be different aspects of the same entity.
  • The Supernal Realms are "not locations ... but a near-infinite collection of platonic truths". Concepts like linear time, spatial dimensions, cause and effect, and whatnot don't apply, because the Realms are where reality as mortals understand it is generated. Consequently, only the most powerful beings can visit even temporarily: it's necessary to filter the Realms through a personalized set of metaphors and symbols , and even then, prolonged exposure will break the mind , overwhelm the soul , and delete the poor bastard from reality . It's mentioned that a sufficiently talented archmaster can make a gateway to the Supernal Realms for anyone to pass through , but they have easier ways to kill people.
  • The Abyss is a gangrenous non-reality filled with everything that could have been but is not. Intruders from the Abyss pervert or outright ignore natural laws, because the Abyss has none . The rule book notes that a thrown rock might accelerate endlessly, hover in place and suck the heat away from the area, or ignite in a cloud of venomous worms. The only places in the Abyss where there are consistent (if unrecognizable) rules are, themselves, immeasurably powerful and completely incomprehensible entities . One example given is the Blasphemous Scribe, a dark alternate history of Earth that becomes more real the more extensively its phenomena are documented in the real world. Too much, and Earth and the Scribe will switch places...
  • The Lower Depths are just as weird. For all that the above realms are weird, they at least carry a reflection of all ten Arcana, the principles that make up existing and define Awakened spellcasting. The Lower Depths? Each one lacks at least one . Which could be such things as Matter, or Life, or Space, or Time, or Mind...
  • The Shadow — present in both Werewolf: The Forsaken and Mage: The Awakening — is comparatively sane, being the animistic reflection of the physical world. Any particular natural feature might be alive, though. Is that particular lake the spirit of a benevolent oasis that provides life and sustenance to a region, or the incarnation of dark water and the terror of drowning? Better find out before you fill your canteen.
  • For an Old World example, the Labyrinth in Wraith: The Oblivion is like the worst trip on the brown acid you can possibly imagine. Close to the source of all Oblivion, it's a psychoactive horror show that may involve walking from a blood-stained children's hospital until you enter a World War I battlefield through the operating theater, only to find a way into a bunker where a Grand Guignol play is being performed and you're the lead actor. The only things that are really stable in the Labyrinth are the amphiskiopoli, "the cities of doubled shadows," where the Spectres establish something close to civilization... that is, unless even more zealous Spectres come along and destroy said cities for blemishing the raw, beautiful chaos of Oblivion.
  • Alwaysland. It's a series of isolated crystal paths floating in a swirling, pastel rainbow void, and it's filled to the brim with surreal encounters said to be inspired by various inside jokes and memes from Catie Wayne's fan forum.
  • There's also the Astral Error secret area, which is like an Acid Trip Dimension mixed with a Minus World .
  • In Celeste , the Chapter 9: Farewell DLC takes place in an increasingly trippy astral plane. Justified in that it's All Just a Dream .
  • In Club Penguin there's another world called the Box Dimension. This dimension can only be accessed through cardboard box portals, and unless you put one in your igloo, it's only accessible during certain parties. The dimension is full of floating boxes, the laws of physics are different (such as causing a thrown snowball to spiral before landing), and it's all inside of a swirly purple void. Occasionally, an orange puffle will fly by in a box.
  • CP3D has the Box Dimension return from Club Penguin . During the Rift event, it becomes unstable and causes different Dimensions to collide with each other.
  • Dungeons & Dragons Online : The plane of Xoriat, the realm of madness, that you can visit during the quests Delirium and Acute Delirium. Highlights include that for chasing a beholder, you need... An Airship! Made of 12 beds and 6 bookshelves.
  • EarthBound (1994) : Moonside, where you fight some of the more absurd enemies like Dali's Clock, gas pumps, fire hydrants, and paintings. The denizens aren't much saner; one of them seems to believe that you're walking parking meters.
  • Eastern Mind: The Lost Souls of Tong-Nou was made by the same guy who made LSD: Dream Emulator . Nothing more needs to be said about this one. The sequel, Chu-Teng , is even stranger and was only released in Japan!
  • The quest "A Brush With Death" features you entering a painting to fight painted trolls who killed their painter.
  • The Daedra quest for Vaermina features you entering a dream dimension where up becomes down over time.
  • In Everything , ascending above the galaxy level or below the microscopic level leads to a quantum hyperspace of abstract shapes and kaleidoscopic camera effects. There's also the Golden Gate, a psychedelic hellscape of anxious thoughts, misplaced technology, glitches and paradoxes. Its two planes contain each other all the way down, so the only way to leave is to literally clear your mind by erasing every Thought you've collected.
  • Far Cry 6 's DLCs (except for The Vanishing ) take place in alternate, twisted versions of Rook Islands , Kyrat or Hope County depending on which DLC you are playing. Things like clouds forming various shapes, floating animals and structures and various dreamlike imagery are all common throughout.
  • In Grim Fandango the world of the living is represented by a weird collage. Manny mentions that the living creep him out.
  • Gobliins 2 : There are two single-screen " dream " levels like this. Not that the rest of the game makes much sense, mind you, but these two locations are deliberately bright and bizarre. Oh, and the way to get to them? Eating mushrooms. Both times. You can't get a more literal example of this. FAKK2 '': The elemental planes, especially fire.-->
  • Jet Set Radio : The final boss level of Jet Set Radio Future is a nightmarish vortex of swirling colors with out-of-place platforms that seem to defy the laws of physics. Oh, and the final boss himself is the Big Bad corrupt mayor of Tokyo who gives a glitched-out villain speech before transforming into an enormous cyborg monster.
  • Kingdom of Loathing has several areas that are only accessible while your character is under the influence of hallucinogens, where you fight things like Interesting Wallpaper, or The Feeling You're Being Watched. Drinking too much virtual booze has predictable effects.
  • LSD: Dream Emulator is exactly what you would expect .
  • McPixel : One of the bonus levels, reached by finishing three puzzles in a row without failing, is deliberately designed to look as if your game suddenly glitched out.
  • Milya[broken] 's setting is a bizarre world with body parts everywhere and no rhyme or reason. Apparently this is what the once normal reality of the game world became thanks to Milya distorting it.
  • Nexus War : An early version of Nexus Clash has Kaleidoscopia, a world whose every piece of terrain and architecture constantly changes between hundreds of completely random location types every few minutes. It's filled with useful equipment that only works while its shattered version of the laws of physics are applied, and become inert anywhere else.
  • Psychonauts , every single Mental World . The graphic style is already pretty stylistic, even in the more 'realistic' settings, but the psychic journeys dive right into trippy. "The Milkman Conspiracy " is especially notable for its irregular physics and being a scarily accurate rendering of how a Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist sees the world.
  • RuneScape has a fairy ring transportation network which can send you to a few different versions of this trope.
  • The most prominent examples are the recurring Special Stages , abstract landscapes where the Chaos Emeralds are usually found. The special stages change per game: sometimes they can be a maze of multicolored blocks with a scrolling background of fish which morph into birds and vice-versa and where you're stuck in a spinning position, other times they can be half-pipes floating in a colorful void or small spheres with a squared ground on which you can only run on lines with different colored starry skies .
  • Sonic CD noticeably has different environments for its special stages and all of them feel surreal, despite being more "grounded" conceptually than most others, as you run on a Mode 7 track where you have to jump to destroy UFO s without falling in (what appears to be) water. Collision Chaos also has shades of this not only for its level-design, but also for its various skyboxes (a purple sky in the Present, a sunset in the Past, a blue sky in the Good Future, and a khaki sky in the Bad Future ) where you can see Mobius' ground and be confused about the right sense of gravity.
  • In addition to the Special Stages which combine all of the aforementioned backgrounds on a giant track where you must catch a UFO on a certain amount of time, Sonic Mania has Egg Reverie Zone , a pocket dimension created when the Phantom Ruby malfunctions upon defeating Dr. Eggman's Phantom Egg armor. It has a purple hazy sky, crystals jutting from the floor and the timer is glitched out .
  • South of Real : Every time the protagonist finds one of the tomes in his family's old house, he's plunged into a twisted world of broken tilesets and shadows. It gets worse as the game goes on, till the twisted otherworld and the "real" world meet in the middle.
  • Spyro: Attack of the Rhynocs : The level Rhynocs 'n' Clocks, a mountainous rift in space containing many variations of Dali's Clock.
  • Star Fox have found themselves within a most trippy Unrealistic Black Hole leading Out of This Dimension in Star Fox and the related comics as well as in warp-gatey ...things in Star Fox 64 .
  • Super Charisma Bros seems to take place in one of these.
  • Downplayed in Super Mario Bros. Wonder , because even though the Flower Kingdom is usually a pretty normal Mario world, once Mario gets the Wonder Flower, things can get weird . The ground can rapidly move up and down, pipes can come to life and slither like snakes, Mario and friends' torsos can grow really long, they can turn into Spiked Balls, they can hop on a flock of Bulrush, and more.
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate : The Dark Realm in the story mode. When Dracula's castle is the most normal point of interest in said location, then you know you've walked into a freaking weird and terrifying place . Special mention goes to the Mysterious Dimension, which can only be described as a psychedelic tornado of what appears to be bits and pieces of the fighters' respective worlds all converging on a black hole.
  • Total Distortion takes place in a Grunge Rock dimension, with robotic Guitar Warriors and death traps, but this trope comes into play when you have to enter a Television Portal into a maze of cable channels to reach the other side, where each channel resembles black branching pathways floating in trippy, animated backgrounds, and the player hears snippets of shows and commercials when moving around. You can even record footage of the place for your music videos later. And to top it all off, simply entering or exiting the TV Portal results in a painfully strobing vortex of colors before the player gets through.
  • Touhou Project : The inside of Yukari's gaps is presumably this, considering that, looking at them from the outside, they're full of eyes and arms trying to claw their way out.
  • Yume Nikki , since it's essentially about exploring a Nightmare Sequence disguised as a Wide-Open Sandbox , and the dreamer clearly has... issues.
  • Cyriak Harris' works give off this aesthetic — if the man's inspiration does not come from there, then it's at least a regular holidaymaker.
  • Homestar Runner has the world of Strong Bad's "crazy cartoon" Sweet Cuppin' Cakes . It's a flat checkered plain with distant teal mountains and a black sky, whose inhabitants include a talking wheelchair, a trapezoid-shaped fellow called Eh! Steve , and a pig-like hovering creature described by Strong Bad as "a cross between a cow and a helicopter."
  • Many YouTube Poops , usually in the form of "acid trips/sequences" which are scenes depicting random characters, objects, and/or shapes moving, contorting, transforming, etc. in psychedelic environments.
  • The parallel world in Immaterial is a Super-Sargasso Sea with downright Alien Geometries (Grimnir says that's how the world looks "from this angle", suggesting it's literally somewhere away from "here" in an unusual geometrical dimension). The architecture is a bizzarre jumble of bits and pieces, there's a number of things floating in the air and the inhabitants are Mix-and-Match Creatures and Animate Inanimate Objects (sentient, in some cases talking).
  • In Vexxarr , the titular protagonist's ship eventually obtains the capacity to shift between alternate universes at a whim. Hyperspace is scary enough, but all bets are off when it comes to the dreaded twee space .
  • Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog : "Trail of the Missing Tails" has the aptly-named Warp of Confusion, a Wackyland-esque alternate dimension inhabited by Dr. Robotnik's "crazy cousin" Dr. Warpnik.
  • Ed, Edd n Eddy : " One + One = Ed " sees the cul-de-sac turning into one of these as the Eds start taking apart space-time itself, thus breaking the entire universe.
  • In " The Inconveniencing ", Mabel, while under the effect of too much Smile Dip , hallucinates a bizarre dimension filled with edible talking dogs, where she rides a flying dolphin with arms... which suddenly sprouts two more arms, each of which has a dolphin's face on it, and each of those faces shoot rainbow lasers out of their mouth while a car alarm sounds. Mabel: The future... is in the past! Onwards, Aoshima!
  • The Nightmare Realm, home of Bill Cipher and a lot of other nasties, is implied to be this but we haven't gotten a clear look yet. Bill says that it's "decaying", and he's been trapped in there for about one trillion years.
  • He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983) : In one episode, Skeletor erases He-Man's memory and sends him to another dimension by way of a Narmy Disney Acid Sequence , to a world that looks like something out of a Dr. Seuss book.
  • Looney Tunes : Wackyland in "Porky in Wackyland" and its remake "Dough for the Do-Do" is a land of strange landscapes and even stranger creatures found somewhere in Darkest Africa.
  • Discord's dimension, shown in " Make New Friends but Keep Discord " and " Discordant Harmony ", is a black and purple void filled with floating islands topped by colorful trees and ground patterned with stars and dots, washed by pools and waterfalls of a liquid in a red-yellow-green gradient, and home to bizarre monsters. A bottomless pit is also mentioned. In Discord's home are stairs that go nowhere and an upside-down volcano on the ceiling, he unwashes dishes in his kitchen sink... and if he loses his identity there, he fades away to nothing.
  • The dimension Discord threatens to send Tree Hugger to in "Make New Friends but Keep Discord" consists of a background of crudely drawn refrigerator art and is inhabited by living sock puppets.
  • Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension : The "Brand New Reality" number is a chase sequence across a number of strange alternate dimensions, including one inhabited by Giant Floating Baby Heads.
  • In " Black Hole ", Captain Höek and Cadet Stimpy travel to one of these through the titular black hole.
  • In " Jerry the Bellybutton Elf ", Stimpy crawls into his own belly button and falls into a hellish dimension, accompanied by a sixties-sounding rock song.
  • Robot Chicken : One episode has an entire skit with the Yellow Submarine, complete with an Art Shift as it is noticeably different from the standard dolls they typically use. Ringo: I'm on acid!
  • The Simpsons : Homer is sent to one of these in a hallucination after consuming a nasty chili pepper in the episode " El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Homer) ".
  • SpongeBob SquarePants : Squidward seems to have a lot of experience with these, such as "the Fly of Despair" from " Shanghaied ". The Season 12 episode " SpongeBob in RandomLand " revolves around an acid trip dimension: the titular RandomLand , where SpongeBob and Squidward are sent to deliver an order.
  • Star vs. the Forces of Evil : The Magic Dimension is basically this. If someone stays in there for too long, then they enter a drug-like trance , and stay like that until they leave the dimension.
  • Swing, You Sinners! is perhaps one of the earliest appearances of a Disney Acid Sequence . The short is a Mind Screw all the way through, but it completely stops making sense and loses control of itself for the last minute or so, when the protagonist becomes trapped in the spirits' barn and then falls into their cave, where any pretense of sense is given up as freakish entities race across a black void filled with flashing colors.
  • In a later season, Raven meets the hero Herald in one of these.
  • Any episode involving Mad Mod involves him trapping the heroes in a bizarre Monty Python-esque alternate reality.
  • Tangled: The Series has the Lost Realm, a bizarre dimension where strange and impossible creatures reside, and any human who spends too long there begins to develop absurd features as well, such as becoming entirely made of eyes or turning into a balloon with a face.
  • Trolls : In Trolls Holiday , the trolls go through a wormhole when their bus gets swallowed by a giant worm . In it, they see themselves turn into vintage troll dolls .
  • Zig & Sharko : In "Disco in the Dark", Zig finds a little box in the jungle with a button on it, he presses it and finds himself in a parallel world with bizarre physical laws.

Video Example(s):

Hustle Dimension

When John Dory tells Tiny to press the button, it takes them to the hustle dimension.

Climb Inside My...

What Is Real?

The Mighty B!

The Fly of Despair

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Psychedelic Spotlight

So…How Long Does an LSD Trip Last Exactly?

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LSD is a potent hallucinogenic substance that has been used for decades to induce psychedelic experiences. Commonly referred to as “acid,” LSD alters perception, thoughts, and emotions, leading to a unique and often intense psychological journey. One thing that sets LSD apart from other psychedelics, such as psilocybin, is the extended nature of its trip. In this article, we will answer the question, “how long does an acid trip last?”, along with the factors that can influence its length.

Understanding LSD Trips and Effects

depiction of an acid trip

Before delving into the duration of an LSD trip, it’s essential to grasp the nature of the experience itself. LSD is known for its profound effects on sensory perception and cognitive processes. Users may experience vivid visual hallucinations, emotional insights, altered sense of time, and enhanced creativity during the trip. The effects can be highly subjective, varying from person to person, making each experience unique.

During an LSD trip, users can expect a myriad of short-term effects that color their reality in unique and often mind-bending ways. Visual distortions are a hallmark of the experience, with colors becoming more vibrant and shapes morphing and flowing. Everyday objects may take on new life as they dance and ripple with energy. Users might also experience sensory enhancements, with sounds becoming richer and more resonant, and tactile sensations taking on an otherworldly quality. Time may appear to stretch or contract, with minutes feeling like hours or hours passing in what seems like seconds. Emotional responses can become heightened, leading to intense feelings of euphoria, empathy, or introspection. On the flip side, some users may encounter challenging emotions, such as anxiety or paranoia, which can be particularly distressing during the peak of the trip.

How Long Does an Acid Trip Last?

how long does an acid trip last?

An LSD trip is categorized into four different stages: onset, comeup, peak, and comedown. The afterglow stage is not included in this, as it is one categorized once the effects of acid have subsided.

So how long does an acid trip last? Well, each part lasts different amounts of time. The onset of an LSD trip typically begins around 30 minutes to an hour after ingestion and can last around 15-30 minutes before moving on to the next phase, depending on various factors, such as the individual’s metabolism and the presence of other substances in their system. Sometimes, it can take as long as two hours for effects to kick in. Once the effects begin to manifest, users may feel a sense of euphoria and increased sensory awareness. The onset of an LSD trip can make the body feel looser, a sense of clarity wash upon the individual, visual cues such as tracers can begin, among other symptoms. From here, the come up leg of the trip begins and can last anywhere between 45-90 minutes. Users may feel disorientated or confused during this part, as the effects of the drug continue to increase.

The peak of an LSD trip, characterized by the most intense effects, usually occurs between 2 to 5 hours after ingestion. During this phase, users may experience profound visual and auditory hallucinations, profound introspection, and altered thought patterns. The come down leg of the trip then lasts around 3-5 hours after the peak. Sometimes, the effects of LSD can come and go in waves for several hours, as explained by Bill Richards, a psychologist at the John Hopkins University of Medicine with 50 years of experience with psychedelics.

As it can be deduced, the total duration of an LSD trip can vary significantly. How long does an acid trip last? On average, the effects of LSD can last anywhere from 8 to 12 hours . However, some trips may extend beyond the 12-hour mark. The length of the trip is influenced by several factors, which we will explore in the next section.

Factors Influencing LSD Trip Duration

clock in space

The amount of LSD consumed plays a crucial role in determining how long an acid trip lasts. Higher doses tend to produce longer-lasting, more intense effects. Beginners should begin with a low dose, perhaps half of a tab, to gauge their body’s reaction to the drug.

Individual Differences :

Each person’s body chemistry is unique, affecting how they metabolize and respond to LSD. Consequently, the trip duration can differ from one individual to another. As mentioned, starting low can help gauge one’s response to the drug. Some individuals are more sensitive to LSD, so lower doses can have effects that are just as potent as a normal dose, so it is important to take some time to get acquainted with how our individual metabolism affects our drug experiences.

Tolerance :

LSD exhibits a pharmacological phenomenon called tachyphylaxis , which is the rapidly diminishing response to successive doses of a drug, thus rendering it less effective with each new dose. Regular use of LSD can lead to tachyphylaxis, wherein the body becomes less responsive to the substance. This can result in shorter trips as higher doses may be required to achieve the desired effects. LSD’s tolerance often takes around two weeks to fully reset.

An individual’s mind set before taking LSD can significantly influence the trip’s length and intensity. Those experiencing stress, anxiety, or undergoing difficult life experiences before their trip may have a more challenging experience that can be exacerbated by the longevity of the trip. To avoid negative mental effects, it is recommended for a person to take LSD while in a good mindset to prevent any negative experience from occurring.

The setting in which LSD is consumed can impact the overall experience. A comfortable and safe environment can contribute to a more positive trip. Taking LSD in public, party, or concert without a proper support group can lead to a negative experience, especially if the person is inexperienced. Being in a place where the person is comfortable, not overwhelmed, and have control over the environment is the best way to experience LSD.

Drug Purity :

The purity and quality of the LSD consumed can affect the potency and duration of the trip. Sometimes, LSD may be adulterated with other substances, such as 25I-NBOMe , that can make the length of a trip unpredictable. Always test your LSD and other psychedelics.

Why Does LSD Last 12+ Hours?

The pharmacology of LSD is the main cause for its duration. How long an acid trip lasts depends on the relationship between LSD and the 5-HT 2A receptor. LSD strongly binds to it at a specific angle and stays bound to it for hours. But couldn’t LSD just unbind from the receptor? Not really. A study on the pharmacodynamics of LSD noticed that certain amino acid residues in the structure of the 5-HT­ 2B­ receptor form a form of “lid” over LSD, which likely hinders its escape from the binding site; a similar phenomenon was observed in the 5-HT 2A receptor, too, except it took LSD longer to disassociate from the 2A-subtype than the 2B one.

So in simpler words, the structure of the receptor that LSD binds to prevents it from leaving the receptor because it puts a lid over it. This is why an LSD trip can last 12 or more hours, much more than the duration of other psychedelics like psilocybin, which only lasts up to 6 hours.

Safety Considerations

trippy living room

The factors that affect how long an acid trip lasts is one part of the picture — taking proper safety precautions is the other. When considering embarking on an LSD trip, safety should be a top priority. One of the most critical safety measures is to test the substance to ensure its authenticity and purity. Adulterated or misrepresented LSD can pose significant risks to users. Employing a reliable testing kit can help identify the presence of any harmful substances that may have been mixed with the LSD. Another crucial step is to be mindful of the dosage. Beginners are strongly advised to start with a low dose to gauge their sensitivity and response to the drug. Creating a comfortable and safe environment is essential, as the setting can significantly impact the experience. Having a trusted and experienced trip sitter present can offer reassurance and support throughout the journey. It’s essential to avoid potentially dangerous situations, such as driving or operating machinery, during the trip. Additionally, if a user has a history of mental health issues or is taking medication, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before trying LSD.

If an LSD trip poses to be too challenging for someone, or the length of the trip feels like it is never ending, it is recommended that they reach out to a psychedelic helpline like Fireside Project. This helpline is manned by trained volunteers that can help deescalate a situation of distress that someone may be going through. If an experience begins to feel too long, many people may want it to end and can become distressed. It is important to remember that the experience will end, and to keep in mind where in the trip someone may be. If they are in the peak, then can expect effects to begin subsiding in a few hours. The assurance that effects will subside and knowing where in the experience a person may be can help assuage the discomfort and distress.

Is LSD Legal?

In most jurisdictions, including all of the United States, LSD is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance. Possession, distribution, and use of LSD are illegal and can lead to severe legal consequences, including imprisonment and fines. It’s important to note that the laws surrounding psychedelic substances can vary from country to country and even between states within a country. Before contemplating the use of LSD, individuals should familiarize themselves with the specific laws and regulations in their jurisdiction. Always prioritize safety and legality when making decisions about drug use.

The duration of the trip can vary from 6 to 12 hours, with some lasting even longer. Understanding the factors that influence the trip’s length can help users approach the experience with greater awareness and preparedness.

It’s crucial to approach LSD with caution and respect due to its potent effects. If someone is considering using LSD or any other psychedelic substance, seeking guidance from experienced users or professional therapists in a controlled and safe environment is highly recommended. Always remember that individual reactions to LSD can differ, and responsible use is essential to ensure a positive and enriching experience.

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Rodri Bermejo is a versatile professional and creative. With a diverse skill set encompassing molecular biology, pharmacology, science journalism, and a colorful background in multidisciplinary art practices including sculpture, collage work, painting and electronic music production, Rodri brings a unique fusion of scientific knowledge and artistic expression to his work.

Holding a Master of Science in Medicinal Chemistry specializing in psychedelic pharmacology, Rodri’s graduate thesis titled "A study of the antidepressant properties of psychedelics by way of 5-HT2A receptor agonism: insights into their therapeutic mechanisms of action and pharmacology" was awarded the highest honors by his university.

You can keep in touch with him over at Instagram .

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  • An Acid Trip: What is an acid/LSD trip like?

It can be scary.

A lot of people talk about the good side of it. DO NOT underestimate it. It can be the most amazing experience in the world or it could go very different. You will drive yourself nuts if you try to comprehend everything that’s happening. With the drop of the hat, it can go from the most spectacular feeling to feeling totally and completely helpless. It’s sobering to realize how incredibly small and weak the human mind is. It can render you completely helpless. 1

It can be amazing.

Psychedelic experiences can be one of the most beautiful experiences a human can ever have. Sam Harris: “But if [my daughters] don’t try a psychedelic like psilocybin or LSD at least once in their adult lives, I will wonder whether they had missed one of the most important rites of passage a human being can experience”

It can be hard to remember or describe.

The first thing to note about LSD is that it puts you in a state of mind that can be difficult to comprehend to someone who is not currently under the influence of LSD. Recalling an LSD experience is similar to recalling events from your childhood- even if you can remember the actual events, it may be difficult to truly recall what you were thinking and feeling during that event. 2

When you have your eyes open, you won’t see things that don’t exist.

A common misconception about LSD is that it causes you to see things that aren’t there. Everything you see on LSD actually exists, you just see it differently than you normally would. LSD makes you much more attentive to detail (this applies to all your senses). It will also cause you to see patterns and objects in things that otherwise aren’t very interesting. Acid feels like “seeing the world for the first time,” with stimulated and profound seeming thoughts, and sort of a dreamlike feeling. 3 Hallucinations also exist, though it would be more accurate to think of them as visual distortions - i.e. seeing extra patterns in the grass, a photo of a waterfall might look like the water is moving when it’s actually not - but don’t think of it as you’ll be seeing green leprechauns that will talk to you. See the first few images on this page for an accurate depiction of low to moderate acid dosage visual effects.

LSD thought processes are weird:

Example of LSD Thought Processes[1]: “Let’s go back.” “We can’t. We have to go forward.” “Why can’t we go back?” “Because that’s the way we came.” 2

  • [return]
  • [return]
  • [return]
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Have more questions, or want more resources and info? Visit /r/PsychedelicTherapy or /r/Psychedelics .

Trip on Acid

Ryan Pharrell

2 SONGS ‱ 6 MINUTES ‱ FEB 07 2020


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  3. Acid Trip: Galaxy, Dragon Fruit & Passion Fruit

    Acid Trip: Galaxy, Dragon Fruit & Passion Fruit by Funky Fluid is a IPA - Sour which has a rating of 3.9 out of 5, with 1,541 ratings and reviews on Untappd.

  4. Acid Trip Stages / Phases and LSD Dosage Guide

    Acid Trip Stages / Phases and LSD Dosage Guide - Trippingly

  5. Acid Trip Phone Case

    Check out our acid trip phone case selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our phone cases shops.

  6. Lsd Galaxy Acid Trip GIF

    Download Lsd Galaxy Acid Trip GIF for free. 10000+ high-quality GIFs and other animated GIFs for Free on GifDB.

  7. Acid Trip Phone Cases for Samsung Galaxy for Sale

    Unique Acid Trip designs on hard and soft cases and covers for Samsung Galaxy S22, S21, S20, S10, S...

  8. Galaxy S8 Super Acid Trip Psychedelic 60's 70's Style Galaxy S8 Super Acid Trip Psychedelic 60's 70's Style Halloween Design Case : Cell Phones & Accessories

  9. Acid Trip Phone Cases for Sale

    Shop Acid Trip iPhone and Samsung Galaxy cases by independent artists and designers from around the world. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours.

  10. Trippy Acid Trip Phone Cases for Samsung Galaxy for Sale by Artists

    Unique Trippy Acid Trip designs on hard and soft cases and covers for Samsung Galaxy S22, S21, S20, S10, S9, and more. Snap, tough, & flex cases created by independent artists.

  11. How to Take LSD So Your First Acid Trip Goes as Smooth as Possible

    When ingesting LSD orally, either as a blotter tab, candy, or liquid, don't swallow it right away. If you do that, you may not trip at all. If you have a blotter tab, place the tab under your ...

  12. Acid-Trip Dimension

    For a more musical experience, see Disney Acid Sequence. See also Hyperspace Is a Scary Place, Eldritch Location, Ludicrous Speed and Reality Is Out to Lunch. Can be a Dangerously Garish Environment if dangerous. Black Holes and Cool Gates are common methods of visiting these places. Not to be confused with a literal acid trip; for that see ...

  13. Acid Trip

    Acid Trip is a 2d top-down shooter you can play it with raw brutality, hard-boiled gunplay, and Back-Breaking, Challenging Gameplay defeat bosses, zombies, and don't die from shredders, traps to make it more hellish and brutal. it's like if doom was 2d.

  14. How Long Does an Acid Trip Last?

    Conclusion. The duration of the trip can vary from 6 to 12 hours, with some lasting even longer. Understanding the factors that influence the trip's length can help users approach the experience with greater awareness and preparedness. It's crucial to approach LSD with caution and respect due to its potent effects.

  15. Top Free Acid Space Backgrounds

    A collection of the top 45 Acid Space wallpapers and backgrounds available for download for free. We hope you enjoy our growing collection of HD images to use as a background or home screen for your smartphone or computer. Please contact us if you want to publish an Acid Space wallpaper on our site. 750x1334 Nebula iPhone 6 Wallpaper HD 8410 ...

  16. Acid Pov

    this took about 36hours of editing & animation so please subscribe if you enjoyed!😁 tripping in a house full of wonders, acid visuals and deep, wonderful mu...

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  18. what are the stages of an acid trip : r/LSD

    Drop acid -. Focus and philosophical thinking intensifies. Ponder deeply on your own individual life and existence in general. See some wavy patterns and breathing walls. Eat fruit. Drop acid again -. Realize the layers of meaning inherent in existence, but can never quite grasp the source of meaning.

  19. An Acid Trip: What is an acid/LSD trip like?

    LSD makes you much more attentive to detail (this applies to all your senses). It will also cause you to see patterns and objects in things that otherwise aren't very interesting. Acid feels like "seeing the world for the first time," with stimulated and profound seeming thoughts, and sort of a dreamlike feeling. 3 Hallucinations also ...

  20. Play Trip on Acid by Ryan Pharrell on Amazon Music

    Trip on Acid. Ryan Pharrell. 2 SONGS ‱ 6 MINUTES ‱ FEB 07 2020. Play. 1. Trip on Acid (Original Mix) 03:15. 2. Deep in Cocaine (Original Mix) 03:34 ℗© 2019 IAMT Music Group ...

  21. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (film)

    Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (film)

  22. New Publication Converted On LSD Trip

    Book Available from Amazon

  23. Why do I see eyes everywhere when tripping? : r/LSD

    Reply. selfactualizedturtle ‱ 7 mo. ago. I think it's because the vesica pisces is the 1st creative thing God creates using consciousness. Since the vesica pisces is the beginning of creation then It makes sence you'd see eyes. Because the eye is a manifestion of this fundamental geometry.