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Cruise Ship Salaries: How Much Do Workers Really Make?

As someone who loves to travel, I’ve always been curious about how much money cruise ship workers make. It’s easy to assume that they earn a lot, given the luxurious nature of the industry. But as I delved deeper into the topic, I realized that the answer is not as straightforward as I thought.

In this article, I’ll be breaking down the salaries of different cruise ship staff, including captains, waiters, chefs, bartenders, doctors, nurses, and entertainers, and discussing the employee benefits that come with the job.

While the median average salary for cruise ship workers may be less than that of the average American, it’s important to consider the unique nature of the job. Cruise ship contracts can last anywhere between 2 and 11 months, with most lasting 4 to 8 months, meaning that employees have the opportunity to earn a significant amount of money in a short amount of time.

Additionally, the employee benefits that come with the job, such as free room and board, can be a major perk. So, let’s take a closer look at the earning potential and benefits of working on a cruise ship.

  • The median average salary for a cruise ship worker is less than that of the average American, but more than the average salary of many other countries.
  • Cruise ship employees usually work on contracts that can last between 2 and 11 months, with most lasting 4 to 8 months, and they get to go home for a couple of months in between contracts.
  • Cruise ship staff do not get access to free wifi, but they may receive benefits such as accommodation, food, laundry, training, flights to and from the ship, medical care, health insurance, dental insurance, retirement plan, life insurance, and cruise discounts for family members.
  • Salaries of cruise ship staff vary greatly depending on their position and level of experience, with the average salary of a cruise ship captain being $98,000 and the average cruise director salary being $58,887. Cruise ship waiters can make anywhere from $1,200 to $5,000 per month, while cruise ship doctors can earn between $7,500 and $12,000 per month depending on their level of experience.

Earning Potential

As I read about the earning potential of different cruise ship staff, I noticed that salaries can vary greatly depending on the position and level of experience, with some employees earning as little as $1,200 per month and others making up to $177k per year.

It’s worth noting that cruise ship contracts can last anywhere between 2 and 11 months, with most lasting 4 to 8 months. During this time, living expenses such as accommodation and food are usually covered by the cruise line, but employees may not have access to free Wi-Fi.

It’s clear that there is a significant range in earning potential for cruise ship staff, with some positions offering much higher salaries than others. However, it’s important to consider the duration of contracts and the fact that living expenses are often taken care of by the cruise line.

Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to weigh the pros and cons of working on a cruise ship and decide if the earning potential is worth the time and effort required.

Salary Breakdown

Let me break down the different pay scales for various positions on a cruise ship. While the average salary of a cruise ship worker may be less than that of the average American, it’s important to note that the earning potential varies greatly depending on the position held.

For instance, a cruise ship captain can earn an average salary of $98,000, while a newly-appointed cruise director may make around $45,000. When negotiating pay, it’s important to consider the discrepancies that may exist between different positions.

For example, cruise ship chefs usually have several years of experience working in similar roles in luxury hotels, restaurants or other high-volume food service facilities. The executive chef on a cruise ship can make up to $6,500 per month, depending on the ship. However, cruise ship waiters may only make $1,200 per month for a junior position or $5,000 per month for the head waiter on an ultra-luxury cruise ship.

It’s important to do your research and negotiate based on your experience and the position you’re applying for in order to ensure fair compensation.

Employee Benefits

I’ve always heard that employee benefits can make a huge difference in job satisfaction, and working on a cruise ship is no exception.

When it comes to housing, most cruise ship employees are provided with accommodation while they work on board. The type of accommodation depends on the position and the ship, but it can range from shared cabins to private rooms with a balcony. Some cruise lines even offer housing for employees in between contracts, which is a great benefit for those who want to save money on rent.

Another important benefit for cruise ship workers is vacation time. While contracts can last between 2 and 11 months, most employees get to go home for a couple of months in between contracts. This gives workers a chance to rest, recharge, and spend time with family and friends.

In addition, cruise lines may offer discounts on cruises for family members of employees, which is a great way to enjoy the perks of working on a cruise ship while also spending quality time with loved ones.

Overall, the benefits offered to cruise ship employees can make a big difference in their quality of life and job satisfaction.

Captain Salaries

Honestly, being a captain on a cruise ship seems like a high-paying and prestigious job. According to the table below, the average salary for a cruise ship captain is $98,000. However, this varies depending on the size of the ship and the captain’s experience. A less experienced captain of a small cruise ship can expect to earn around $44,000, while a captain of a mega-ship with over 20 years of experience can earn up to $177,000. Captains can also receive bonuses of up to $40,000 per year, as well as profit sharing of up to $3,000.

To become a captain on a cruise ship, a candidate must have several years of experience as a deck officer and must possess a master’s license from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. The experience requirements vary depending on the size of the ship, but most captains have between 5 and 10 years of experience before being promoted to the role. It’s important to note that being a captain on a cruise ship is not just about sailing the ship. Captains are also responsible for the safety of the ship and its passengers, managing the crew, and ensuring that the ship runs smoothly.

Cruise Director Salaries

From my research, the cruise director position seems to offer a decent salary with the potential for growth. As the head of the entertainment department, the cruise director is responsible for organizing and overseeing all onboard activities and events.

This includes everything from live performances to trivia games and dance parties. They also play a key role in ensuring that guests have a memorable and enjoyable experience while on the ship.

To become a cruise director, one typically needs several years of experience in the entertainment industry, as well as strong leadership and organizational skills. They must have the ability to manage a large team of staff and work collaboratively with other departments on the ship.

Additionally, good communication and public speaking skills are a must, as the cruise director often serves as the public face of the ship and is expected to interact with guests on a regular basis. Overall, the cruise director role offers a challenging and rewarding career path for those with a passion for entertainment and hospitality.

Waiter and Chef Salaries

Based on my research, waiters and chefs working on luxury cruise ships can earn significantly higher salaries than their counterparts in traditional restaurants and hotels. A junior waiter on a cruise ship can earn up to $1,200 per month, while the head waiter on an ultra-luxury cruise ship can make up to $5,000 per month. These salaries are due to the job responsibilities that come with working on a cruise ship, such as working long hours and being away from home for months at a time.

Additionally, the industry trends show that cruise ship companies are willing to pay more to attract and retain talented staff. Cruise ship chefs usually have several years of experience working in similar roles in luxury hotels, restaurants, or other high-volume food service facilities. An executive chef on a cruise ship can make up to $6,500 per month, depending on the ship.

These salaries are also due to the job responsibilities that come with working on a cruise ship, such as preparing a variety of meals for thousands of guests each day. The industry trends show that cruise ship companies prioritize high-quality food and dining experiences for guests, which means that they are willing to pay more for skilled chefs.

Doctor and Nurse Salaries

I was surprised to learn how much medical professionals on luxury cruise lines can earn, given the importance of their roles in ensuring the well-being of guests. Cruise ship medical staff play a crucial role in providing necessary medical attention to guests who may fall ill or get injured on the ship. They often work long hours and may have to deal with a variety of medical emergencies, but the salaries they earn reflect their expertise and the importance of their work.

The table below shows the salaries of cruise ship medical staff, including doctors and nurses. In addition to competitive salaries, cruise ship medical staff may also receive benefits such as accommodation, food, and medical care. Working conditions on a cruise ship can be challenging, but for those who enjoy cultural diversity, career growth opportunities, and a unique work-life balance, a career as a cruise ship medical professional may be worth considering.

As with any job, there are pros and cons to working as a cruise ship medical professional. On the one hand, the opportunity to travel and work in a unique environment can be a major draw. On the other hand, the long hours and lack of access to certain amenities, such as free wifi, may not be for everyone. Overall, the salaries of cruise ship medical staff reflect the importance of their work and the value they bring to the cruise industry.

Other Cruise Ship Jobs and Services

Now that we’ve covered the salaries of cruise ship doctors and nurses, let’s move on to other jobs and services offered onboard.

One of the most popular amenities on a cruise ship is the spa. Most cruise ships have spas that offer a wide range of services, such as massages, facials, and body treatments. The cost of these services can vary depending on the cruise line and the type of service, but they’re typically more expensive than what you’d pay on land. However, many people are willing to pay the extra cost for the convenience and luxury of having spa services available to them while on vacation.

In addition to spa services, cruise ships also offer a variety of onboard activities. These can range from fitness classes to cooking demonstrations to art auctions. Some cruise lines even have onboard water parks and zip lines. The cost of these activities is usually included in the price of the cruise, but some may have an additional fee.

It’s important to check with the cruise line to see what activities are available and if there are any extra costs associated with them. With so many options for entertainment and relaxation, there’s never a dull moment on a cruise ship.

What are the working conditions like for cruise ship workers?

Living quarters vary depending on one’s job, but most crew members share small cabins with limited privacy. Work-life balance is a challenge due to long hours and being away from home for months. Many find the experience rewarding despite the hardships.

How do cruise ship companies recruit and hire their employees?

The recruitment process for cruise ship employees involves rigorous screening, background checks, and interviews. Qualifications depend on the job, but most require previous experience and certification. It’s a competitive industry, with thousands of applicants vying for each position.

What kind of training is required for cruise ship staff?

To work on a cruise ship, certification requirements vary depending on the position. Language proficiency is important for customer-facing roles. Training is provided on board and may include safety, hospitality, and job-specific skills.

What are some of the biggest challenges that cruise ship workers face?

Working on a cruise ship can be mentally challenging due to long working hours and isolation from friends and family. Mental health support is essential to combat these challenges and ensure a fulfilling work experience.

How do cruise ship workers spend their free time while on board?

During free time, cruise ship workers can participate in various activities such as visiting ports, watching shows, using the gym, or relaxing by the pool. Socializing opportunities include crew parties, bars, and organized events.

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How Much Do Cruise Ship Workers Really Earn? The Truth About Their Pay

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Have you ever found yourself mesmerised by the glamorous life on a cruise ship? I mean, who hasn’t? It’s like a floating city filled with endless entertainment, exotic destinations, and the crew that makes everything happen. 

But have you ever wondered about the folks working behind the scenes? You know, the cheerful waiter or the ever-smiling cruise director. How much do they really make for living the dream at sea? 

A welcoming group of waitstaff aboard an MSC cruise ship, dressed in crisp white uniforms with bow ties and smiling as they prepare to provide guests with exceptional dining service.

Let’s unpack the paychecks and perks of cruise ship staff from the high seas with Carnival, Disney, and Royal Caribbean. And who knows? By the end of this article, you might even consider a career on a cruise ship.

What’s in the Wallet of Cruise Ship Crews?

Curious about the earnings of those who keep your cruise experience smooth sailing? Well, the financial tides may surprise you. 

While the median salary for a cruise ship worker might be less than your average Joe in the States. Back in 2018, Carnival Group, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings, and Royal Caribbean Group shared some figures:

  • Carnival Group dished out about $16,622
  • Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings was a bit more generous with $20,101
  • Royal Caribbean Group wasn’t far behind at $19,396

We haven’t seen new stats since 2018, so hopefully, those salaries have gone up since then. 

Global Earnings

We can also compare these with the median annual earnings of the populations of various countries:

  • The USA boasts a hefty $46,625
  • Down under in Australia, it’s $35,518
  • The UK’s at a cosy $25,383
  • Spain and Lithuania hover around $25,000 and $21,000, respectively
  • Russia grabs $16,163
  • Chile’s chilling at $10,058
  • And India, bless, is at $2,473

Seeing the big picture? The average cruise crew member’s salary might look slim in a US wallet, but it’s a fortune in many corners of the globe. It’s no wonder that dreamy three-bedroom sea-view houses are within reach for many crew members from developing nations.

The Reality of Cruise Ship Life

Before you jump ship and sign up, let’s talk hours and contracts. It’s not all sunshine and sea breezes; some crew members grind up to sixteen hours a day, every day of the week.

Meanwhile, the entertainers might just work a couple of hours daily. Contracts can range from a couple of months to nearly a year, but you get a break to touch base now and then.

A lively host engages with an enthusiastic audience aboard a Carnival cruise ship, captured in a moment of interactive entertainment in the ship's theater, with guests raising their hands and participating in the fun event.

Perks on Board: More Than Just a Salary

Life at sea comes with its own set of perks. We’re talking about basics like food, accommodation, laundry, and nice-to-haves like training, medical care, and even flights to and from the ship. 

And let’s not forget the discounts for family cruises. However, if you want to Instagram your adventures, you’ll have to pay for the WiFi or hunt down hotspots on port days.

Who Makes What

Ever wonder who’s bagging the most loot? From the captain’s deck to the service floors, here’s a sneak peek:

The captains command an impressive $8,200 monthly. With potential bonuses and perks, their leadership not only steers the ship but secures a prosperous voyage for themselves.

Related reading: Revealing What Cruise Ship Captains Really Earn

Captain Henrik Loy stands proudly in front of Royal Caribbean's Ovation of the Seas, with the massive cruise ship's hull towering in the background, moored with thick blue ropes, illustrating the grand scale of the vessel and the esteem of its captain.

Cruise Directors

At $4,900 monthly, cruise directors are the heart of onboard entertainment, orchestrating a symphony of activities that bring joy and laughter to passengers. Their earnings reflect the pivotal role they play in enhancing the cruise experience, making every moment on the high seas memorable.

Medical and Engineering Marvels

The unsung heroes of health and machinery, doctors and chief engineers pocket a handsome $9,750 and $9,000, respectively. Their expertise ensures the wellbeing of all onboard and the smooth sailing of the ship, marking them as invaluable assets to the crew.

Royal Caribbean's Chief Engineer, Staale Johan Ludviksen, stands confidently in the engine room, donning his white uniform with epaulettes indicating his rank, set against the complex machinery of the cruise ship's operational heart.

The Culinary and Service Maestros

Waiters and chefs, with their impeccable service and culinary delights, earn around $3,300 monthly. Their dedication to gastronomic excellence and guest satisfaction adds a rich flavour to the cruise experience.

A team of chefs in white uniforms and chef hats busily preparing meals in the bustling kitchen of a Carnival cruise ship, showcasing the focused and skilled culinary work that goes into creating exquisite dining experiences for guests.

The Entertainers and Beauty Specialists

From guest entertainers earning up to $6,000 to beauticians, massage therapists, and nail technicians, each making $3,300, these professionals add sparkle and relaxation to the voyage. Whether it’s through captivating performances or rejuvenating spa treatments, they ensure guests enjoy a holistic and entertaining journey.

A comedian performing at the Punchliner Comedy Club on a Carnival cruise ship, engaging with the audience, under the warm spotlight against the backdrop of a brick wall with the club's logo, creating a classic comedy club atmosphere.

Supporting Stars

The hardworking individuals behind the scenes, including gift shop assistants, photographers, musicians, and youth staff, with earnings ranging from $2,150 to $2,400, play crucial roles in enriching the cruise experience.

Shoppers and staff in a fashionable boutique aboard the MSC Divina, browsing through a colorful display of handbags and accessories, with the store's modern design and lighting creating an inviting shopping experience.

Is a Cruise Ship Job Worth the Plunge?

Chatting about cruise ship life and the money that comes with it has been a blast. The salary might not be a landlubber’s dream, but with all expenses covered and some unique perks, it’s an adventure worth considering. 

Whether you’re drawn to the sea for the travel, the job, or just the thrill, knowing the score helps you navigate your decisions. Who knows? Maybe the next time we talk, you’ll send postcards from exotic locations, courtesy of your new life on a cruise ship. 

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I'm Hannah and I've been cruising for as long as I can remember.

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Cruise ship worker salary: How much do they make?

Cruise ship worker salary: You may be wondering how much cruise ship employees make if you’re thinking about working on one or if you’re just a curious guest. There aren’t many living expenses while you’re on contract, despite the low pay. Many cruise ship employees can save a significant portion of their pay.

The cruise ship industry reports that the median yearly salary for employees is between $16,000 and $20,000. However, top jobs might pay more than $100,000 annually.

Even though it could seem like the dream foreign holiday, a lot of work goes into the planning. Every position matters, from captain to cabin attendant.

This article will explain how much cruise ship employees make and give you details on some of the jobs that are available on board.

Cruise Ship Employee Salaries: Exploring the Pay Rates for Cruise Ship Workers

According to Business Insider, cruise ship employees typically make between $16,000 and $20,000 a year. Salary ranges for leadership roles can be significantly higher, ranging from $30,000 to over $100,000 annually.

Cruise ship employees earn significantly less than the $31,561 median yearly wage in the United States (as of 2017). There are many advantages to working on a cruise ship, even though the typical annual salary of cruise ship employees is modest when compared to the US:

  • Free food and accommodations while working.
  • The chance to see the world.
  • Onboard discounts.
  • Minimal living expenses.
  • Flights to the vessel.
  • Discounts for you and your family.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that the majority of cruise ship employees make salaries that are on the lower end of the scale. Before gratuities, most cruise ship employees make between $10,000 and $15,000. At the top, depending on the size of the ship and years of experience, a cruise ship captain can make over $177,000 a year.

It’s critical to keep in mind that the yearly compensation figures do not account for the number of hours spent. Seven days a week, crew workers put in lengthy work—up to 14 hours a day.

Certain jobs, like those of the ship’s entertainment, might only need a few hours of work per day.

Employee contracts on cruise ships often span four to eight months, with two or three months off in between. Contract lengths range from two to eleven months.

Employees on cruise ships frequently spend extended periods away from their families.

Employee compensation on cruise ships is position-, experience-, and skill-specific, just like in any other business.

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Cruise ship captain

salary of a cruise ship captain, salary of a cruise ship captain in 2024, salary of a cruise captain, cruise captain salary

Average salary: $98,000

responsibilities: A captain’s responsibilities include the general operation and safety of the ship, necessitating a combination of leadership skills and maritime knowledge.

Captains of cruise ships are in charge of:

  • Navigating the ship
  • Overseeing the distribution and use of food, fuel, and water
  • Ensuring passenger safety and satisfaction
  • Maintaining efficient operations throughout the ship

The main duty of a cruise ship captain is to navigate the vessel, which includes charting courses, analyzing weather trends, and making critical choices regarding speeds and itineraries. Together with managing maintenance tasks and making sure that cargo is stowed properly under maritime regulations, the captain also makes sure that the ship is maintained and that safety requirements are followed.

To ensure smooth sailing and adherence to numerous rules, the skipper communicates with port officials. Captains have to be prepared to take command in an emergency since they are always on call.

Additionally, they are essential in improving the whole experience of passengers by interacting with them, greeting them, handling complaints from them, and providing excellent customer service. A captain’s varied responsibilities necessitate effective problem-solving, great communication, and the capacity to maintain composure under pressure, making it a demanding yet rewarding role.

Cruise Director

Average Salary : $93,000

responsibilities: The cruise director plays a key role in determining the quality of the passenger experience as a senior officer on a cruise ship. All aspects of onboard hospitality, entertainment, and social events fall under the purview of the cruise director.

A cruise director’s duties include supervising the entertainment staff, planning and arranging a variety of activities and events, and guaranteeing the security and happiness of the passengers. As the public face of the cruise line, the cruise director also has a big part to play in public relations, making announcements.

Strong organizational, communication, and leadership abilities are required for this position as they oversee a varied workforce in several areas and uphold high service standards.

Entertainment Staff

Average Salary:  $40,000

Entertainment workers on cruise ships are in charge of organizing and carrying out a variety of passenger-entertaining activities. This include interacting with others, directing activities, organizing gatherings such as game nights and karaoke, instructing workshops, providing live music, and participating in the ship’s entertainment programs as an entertainer (singer, dancer, comedian, etc.).

Security Officer

security on cruise ships

Average Salary:  $35,000

Security officers aboard cruise ships are in charge of ensuring the crew and passengers’ safety and security. They are responsible for managing baggage screening, collaborating with local port security, conducting safety inspections, supervising entry points, and enforcing ship laws and regulations. Security personnel must complete security training, typically have a police or military background, have outstanding communication skills, and be able to function in a multicultural workplace with linguistic and cultural variances.

Chief Engineer (Engine Crew)

Salary:  $85,000

Chief engineers are responsible for supervising the engineering, electrical, and mechanical departments as well as all other technical operations aboard a cruise ship. Their primary duties include upkeep and repairs of the ship’s equipment.

From air conditioning and life-saving equipment to propulsion systems and fresh water, the head engineer makes sure everything works as it should and complies with safety regulations. In addition, overseeing a group of engineers, making sure work is done quickly, and keeping the ship operationally ready for inspections are also part of this duty.

Apart from their technical responsibilities, Chief Engineers need to have excellent communication skills to interact with other ship departments and outside vendors. They offer technical assistance and organize alterations and enhancements to the ship’s equipment.

Safety is the top priority, and the chief engineer needs to be knowledgeable with maritime safety rules and regulations, particularly fire safety procedures. Strong leadership, technical proficiency, and the capacity to lead a diverse team in a variety of settings—including emergencies—are requirements for this position.

Average Salary:  $37,000

Deckhands aboard cruise ships have a vital role in the upkeep and security of the ship. They are in charge of maintaining the common areas, decks, and exterior of the ship.

Jobs for a deckhand consist of:

  • Patrolling the decks
  • Ensuring passenger safety
  • Assisting with ship loading and securing
  • Performing maintenance tasks such as cleaning, painting, and repairing damage

Physical stamina, rope and rigging skills, and endurance are requirements for the role. Working in various weather conditions and handling heavy equipment are part of the job description. Deckhands are required to follow safety procedures and put in lengthy hours of work.

Hotel Manager

crew members on cruise ships

Salary: $50,000

The Hotel manager is in charge of the Hotel Division on a cruise ship, which includes Housekeeping, Entertainment, Food and Beverage, and the Purser’s Office.

The main duties of a hotel manager include

  • Ensuring that these departments operate at high levels
  • Overseeing hotel employees,
  • Overseeing customer service
  • Collaborating with different ship departments
  • Overseeing the ship’s financial operations

They are in charge of onboard sales, maintenance, and administrative duties in addition to responding to inquiries and grievances from visitors. The hotel manager is a key player in determining how guests are treated and in preserving the caliber and popularity of the cruise services.

Cabin Steward

Salary:  $18,000

responsibilities: Passenger cabin maintenance and cleaning are the duties of cabin stewards. The main duty of a stateroom attendant is to make sure that visitors have a comfortable stay. In addition to cleaning, they also store supplies, arrange bedding, and serve room service.


Salary:  $40,000

Duties: The front desk person in charge of guaranteeing a satisfactory visitor experience is the guest services receptionist. In addition to handling requests and questions, receptionists help with the embarkation and disembarkation procedures and offer details on ship facilities.

Executive Chef

Pay: $62,000

An executive chef’s duties include supervising the entire galley team, guaranteeing the safety and quality of the food, and managing the preparation of meals for both visitors and crew. In addition, the executive chef is in charge of budget management, ordering and inventory control, and making sure that health codes are followed.

The primary duty of servers is to ensure that patrons have a first-rate dining experience. Among the roles of a server are:

  • Taking and delivering orders
  • Maintaining a clean and organized dining area
  • Adhering to safety and hygiene standards

Serving thousands of passengers each night is not an easy task. Cruise ship servers are in charge of many tables and guarantee prompt, top-notch customer service.

Bar on a cruise

Salary for bartenders: $17,000

Bartenders are in charge of creating and serving cocktails, giving customers outstanding service, keeping the bar area tidy, and controlling the pricing and inventory of beverages.

Cruise Ship Doctor

Salary : $80,000

Cruise ship doctors are in charge of overseeing the ship’s medical facilities, addressing medical crises, and providing medical care to both passengers and staff. They normally require at least three years of post-graduate clinical experience in addition to a concentration in family medicine or emergency medicine.

Salary : $70,000

Cruise ship nurses are responsible for responding to emergencies, treating passengers and crew members, and providing medical care. They require an ACLS certification, a minimum of three years of pertinent clinical experience, and a nursing license.

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Benefits for Cruise Ship Employees

Compared to regular land-based occupations, working aboard a cruise ship offers certain benefits that suit a distinct lifestyle. Not everyone can handle the long hours and time away from home.

It is difficult to resist the sea’s charm, despite its drawbacks. Thousands of people seek out exciting careers in the cruise industry.

The following are some advantages of working on a cruise ship:

  • Financial Aspects: Although cruise ship workers make less money than the typical American, their living expenses are drastically lower. Nearly all of the everyday costs that crew members incur while at sea are paid for the cruise lines. Members of the crew can therefore save the majority of their wages.
  • Extensive Benefits for Employees : Cruise ship employees are entitled to a range of benefits, such as lodging, meals, instruction, laundry facilities, health insurance, drink coupons, and transportation to and from the ship. In addition, a lot of employers who work for cruise lines provide their family members with access to cruise discounts, retirement plan contributions, and health and dental insurance.
  • Details of Accommodations: Onboard the ship, lodging is provided at no cost to crew members. Deck 0’s majority of crew quarters are below sea level and are designed to be more utilitarian than opulent. Facilities like portholes are absent from crew cabins. Staff employees with higher positions have larger staterooms and private cabins.
  • Dining & Refreshments: Free food and soft drinks are served to staff members by cruise lines. Additionally, crew lines provide discounted alcohol packages and drink coupons.
  • Deals & Discounts: Employees on cruise ships are entitled to some benefits, including family member cruise fares at a discounted rate.
  • Opportunities for Travel and Cultural Immersion: Working aboard a cruise ship still provides the chance to see new places and get a taste of other cultures. On their days off, crew members are free to explore the ports of call on foot.

Working aboard a cruise ship is an appealing alternative for individuals looking for an unusual career path because of the combination of cost savings, special advantages, and the chance to explore the world. Prospective workers should consider these advantages in light of the particular difficulties presented by this workplace, which include long hours, stringent rules, and little personal space.

Is there a cost associated with working on a cruise ship?

cruise wages

Even though there are many financial benefits to working on a cruise ship, such as free meals and lodging, crew members may still incur additional costs while on duty. Here’s a closer look at the potential costs for these:

  • Laundry Services: For worker uniforms, cruise liners offer free laundry services. Personal apparel items, however, might cost a little more to clean. Staff employees can also get discounts on necessities like laundry soap and ironing services.
  • Internet access and communication: Keeping in touch with others is one of the major expenses for crew members. Although crew members have access to “internet cafes” on cruise ships, the cost of use is not free. Compared to visitors, crew members receive a discount on internet packages.
  • Personal Grooming and Relaxation Services: Staff members receive a discounted fee for using the ship’s salon and spa services, which include massages, manicures, pedicures, and haircuts. Some cruise ships encourage their employees to make use of these amenities, particularly while the vessel is docked and the majority of guests have disembarked.

Additional Possible Costs: While on leave or in between contracts, crew members may have to pay for personal travel, alcoholic beverages, and shore excursions.

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Cruise Ship Salaries: A Comprehensive Guide

20 April 2023


The cruise industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, attracting millions of passengers annually and becoming a popular choice for holidays. With this expansion comes an increasing demand for skilled and dedicated professionals to work on these vessels, making cruise ship jobs an attractive option for many.

Take a look at our piece on wages in commercial shipping to learn more about salaries on a merchant ship .

Factors Affecting Cruise Ship Salaries

Several factors can influence the salaries of cruise ship employees. To gain a better understanding of the earning potential in the industry, it's essential to consider these factors:

  • Job position and responsibilities: Salaries vary depending on the role and the level of responsibility. Entry-level positions tend to have lower salaries, while management and specialised roles command higher pay.
  • Experience and qualifications: Those with more experience, relevant qualifications, and certifications can expect to earn more than their less experienced counterparts.
  • Cruise line and its reputation: High-end luxury cruise lines often offer higher salaries to attract top talent. However, competition for these positions can be fierce.
  • Geographical location and itinerary: Cruise ship salaries may vary depending on the region in which the ship operates. Itineraries in more remote or exotic locations may offer higher salaries due to the unique challenges and requirements associated with these routes.
  • Tips and gratuities: Many cruise ship roles, particularly in the service industry, rely on tips and gratuities to supplement their income. The tipping culture and expectations can vary depending on the cruise line and its clientele.

By understanding these factors, potential cruise ship employees can set realistic expectations for their earning potential and make informed decisions about their career paths.

Before diving into the world of cruise ship salaries, we recommend creating a profile on Liveseas to discover exciting career opportunities and stay ahead in the ever-growing cruise industry.

Salaries for Various Cruise Ship Positions

Entry-level positions.

Entry-level positions are often the starting point for many professionals in the cruise industry. These roles typically require less experience and qualifications, but they provide valuable opportunities to gain hands-on experience and learn the ropes. Below is an overview of some common entry-level positions and their respective salaries.

  • Housekeeping: Housekeeping staff are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of cabins and public areas on the ship. They ensure that passengers have a comfortable and pleasant experience during their stay. Salaries for housekeeping staff usually start around $1100 to $1,800 per month, depending on the cruise line and the specific role. Supervisory positions within housekeeping, such as cabin stewards or head housekeepers, can earn higher salaries.
  • Food and Beverage Staff: Food and beverage staff work in various roles, including waiters, bartenders, and buffet attendants. They serve meals and drinks to passengers, ensuring their dining experience is enjoyable. Salaries for these roles typically range from $1,200 to $2,000 per month, with the potential for higher earnings through tips and gratuities.
  • Retail and Customer Service: Retail staff work in the ship's shops and boutiques, selling merchandise, assisting passengers with their purchases, and managing inventory. Customer service staff work at the ship's reception or guest services desk, addressing passengers' needs and inquiries. Salaries for retail and customer service roles can range from $1,300 to $1,900 per month, depending on the cruise line and the level of responsibility.

It's essential to remember that these salary ranges are not definitive and may vary depending on the factors discussed earlier. However, they provide a general idea of the earning potential for entry-level positions in the cruise industry.

Skilled Positions

Skilled positions on cruise ships require more specific expertise and qualifications, making them ideal for professionals with relevant experience in their respective fields. These roles offer higher salaries compared to entry-level positions and often include additional benefits, such as increased opportunities for career growth. Let's take a closer look at some skilled positions and their corresponding salaries.

  • Chefs and Cooks: Cruise ship kitchens are bustling environments that require skilled chefs and cooks to create delicious dishes for passengers. These professionals work in various culinary positions, from line cooks to sous chefs and executive chefs, depending on their experience and expertise. Salaries for chefs and cooks can range from $2,000 to $5,000 per month, with executive chefs earning even higher salaries.
  • Entertainment and Activities Staff: Entertainment and activities staff are responsible for creating an enjoyable atmosphere for passengers by organising and leading various events and activities, such as live shows, dance classes, and game nights. Roles in this category include dancers, singers, musicians, and activity coordinators. Salaries for entertainment and activities staff can vary greatly, starting from around $1,500 per month for junior roles and going up to $3,500 or more per month for more experienced performers or coordinators.
  • Spa and Fitness Professionals: Cruise ships often feature luxurious spas and fitness centres, providing passengers with various wellness and relaxation services. Professionals working in this field include massage therapists, fitness instructors, and beauty specialists. Salaries for spa and fitness professionals range from $1,700 to $3,500 per month, depending on the role and the level of experience.

It's important to note that these salary figures are approximate and can vary based on the factors mentioned earlier, such as cruise line reputation and geographical location. However, they can provide a general understanding of the earning potential for skilled positions in the cruise industry.

Management and Supervisory Roles

Management and supervisory roles on cruise ships are vital for ensuring smooth operations and maintaining high-quality services for passengers. These positions typically demand substantial experience in the industry, excellent leadership skills, and a deep understanding of their respective departments. As a result, salaries for management and supervisory roles are generally higher than those of entry-level or skilled positions. Here's a breakdown of some key management roles and their salary ranges.

  • Hotel Operations: Hotel operations managers oversee the entire hotel department on a cruise ship, which includes housekeeping, food and beverage, guest services, and more. These professionals are responsible for ensuring that all services are delivered efficiently and to the highest standards. Hotel operations managers can earn between $3,500 and $5,500 per month, depending on the size of the ship and their experience.
  • Food and Beverage Management: Food and beverage managers supervise all aspects of dining and bar services on board. They are responsible for managing budgets, ensuring food safety standards, and coordinating with chefs and other kitchen staff to create memorable dining experiences for passengers. Salaries for food and beverage managers typically range from $3,000 to $4,500 per month, with variations based on the size of the operation and the individual's experience.
  • Cruise Director and Other Leadership Roles: Cruise directors play a significant role in shaping the overall guest experience on a cruise ship. They are responsible for managing the entertainment and activities departments, liaising with other departments, and maintaining high levels of guest satisfaction. Cruise directors can expect to earn between $3,500 and $5,000 per month. Other leadership roles, such as pursers or guest relations managers, can have salaries that range from $2,500 to $4,500 per month, depending on their specific responsibilities and experience.

As with other positions, the salaries mentioned above can vary based on several factors, including the cruise line's reputation, the ship's location and itinerary, and individual qualifications. However, they provide a general understanding of the earning potential for management and supervisory roles within the cruise industry.

Deck and Engine Department Positions

The deck and engine departments are essential components of a cruise ship's operations, ensuring the safety and technical functionality of the vessel. These roles often require specialised training and qualifications, and the salaries reflect this expertise. Here's an overview of some key deck and engine department positions and their salary ranges.

  • Deck Officers and Crew: Deck officers, including captains, chief officers, and other officers, are responsible for navigation, safety, and overall management of the ship. Salaries for deck officers can vary significantly depending on their rank and experience. Captains may earn between $8,000 and $18,000 per month, while chief officers typically earn between $6,000 and $14,000 per month. Other deck officers can expect to earn between $3,000 and $7,000 per month. Deck crew members, such as able seamen and ordinary seamen, have salaries ranging from $1,800 to $3,500 per month.
  • Engineering Officers and Crew: Engineering officers oversee the maintenance and repair of the ship's machinery and systems, ensuring smooth operations and compliance with safety regulations. Chief engineers can earn between $7,500 and $15,000 per month, while second, third and fourth engineers can expect to earn between $5,000 and $10,000 per month. Engineering crew members, such as motormen or fitters, may earn between $1,800 and $3,500 per month.
  • Electro-technical Officers and Crew: Electro-technical officers (ETOs) and crew members are responsible for the maintenance and repair of the ship's electrical and electronic systems. This includes power generation and distribution, communication systems, and navigation equipment. ETOs typically earn between $4,000 and $7,500 per month, while electro-technical crew members can expect salaries between $2,000 and $4,000 per month.

As with other positions, the salaries mentioned above can vary based on factors such as the cruise line's reputation, the ship's location and itinerary, and individual qualifications. However, they provide a general understanding of the earning potential for deck and engine department roles within the cruise industry.

Disclaimer: Please note that the salary figures mentioned in this article represent industry averages and are subject to change. Actual salaries may vary depending on factors such as the specific cruise line, job position, experience, and other individual circumstances. This article is meant to serve as a general guide and should not be considered a guarantee of earnings.

Tips for Maximising Your Cruise Ship Salary

While the cruise industry offers competitive salaries and the opportunity to travel the world, it's essential to know how to make the most of your earnings. Here are some useful tips to help you maximise your cruise ship salary.

Gaining Relevant Experience and Qualifications

Investing in your professional development by acquiring relevant qualifications, certifications, and experience is key to earning a higher salary. Many positions on cruise ships require specific skills and training, so obtaining these credentials will make you a more attractive candidate and increase your earning potential. For example, pursuing certifications in hospitality management, food safety, or maritime safety can be valuable assets in various cruise ship roles.

Networking and Choosing the Right Cruise Line

Networking within the industry can open doors to new opportunities and help you land a job with a reputable cruise line, which often translates into better pay and working conditions. Attend industry events, engage with professionals on social media, and join relevant online forums to expand your network. Additionally, do your research on different cruise lines and their reputations, as working for a prestigious company can make a difference in your salary.

Providing Exceptional Customer Service to Increase Tips

Many cruise ship positions, particularly in the hospitality and service sectors, receive a significant portion of their income from tips and gratuities. To maximise your earnings, focus on providing outstanding customer service to create memorable experiences for guests. This will not only lead to increased tips but also improve your chances of receiving positive feedback and recommendations, which can help you advance in your career.

Pursuing Promotions and Career Growth Opportunities

Once you've established yourself in a cruise ship role, seek out opportunities for career growth and advancement. This may involve taking on additional responsibilities, participating in professional development courses, or actively seeking promotions within the company. Demonstrating a strong work ethic and commitment to your role can make you a prime candidate for more senior positions, which typically come with higher salaries and better benefits.

In summary, maximising your cruise ship salary requires a combination of acquiring relevant qualifications and experience, networking within the industry, providing exceptional customer service, and pursuing career growth opportunities. By focusing on these areas, you'll be well-prepared to make the most of your earnings and enjoy a rewarding career in the cruise industry.

If you're a first-time applicant seeking to work on a cruise ship, we suggest reading our article on joining a cruise ship for valuable insights and advice.

Embarking on a career in the cruise industry can be both exciting and rewarding. To truly make the most of this opportunity, it's essential to understand the factors affecting cruise ship salaries and how to maximise your earning potential.

As we've discussed, factors such as job position and responsibilities, experience and qualifications, cruise line reputation, geographical location and itinerary, and tips and gratuities all play a significant role in determining your salary. By keeping these factors in mind and actively working to improve your skills and qualifications, you can increase your income and enjoy a more fulfilling career.

In addition, focusing on networking, choosing the right cruise line, providing exceptional customer service, and pursuing promotions and career growth opportunities can further enhance your earnings and job satisfaction. The cruise industry offers a unique blend of travel, adventure, and professional development, making it a fantastic choice for those who are well-prepared and dedicated to their craft .

So, as you chart your course in the cruise industry, remember to weigh anchor with a strong understanding of the salary landscape and a commitment to making the most of your seafaring career. Fair winds and following seas, future cruise ship professionals! For those looking to find opportunities in the cruise industry, make your profile on Liveseas and take control of your career at sea today.

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How Much Do Cruise Ship Workers Make?

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If you’re considering getting a job on a cruise ship or a curious passenger, you’re probably wondering how much do cruise ship workers make? Although the salary is low, there are minimal living expenses while you’re on contract. Many cruise ship workers can save a high percentage of their income.

According to Business Insider ,  the median annual earnings of cruise ship workers is between $16,000 to $20,000. But top positions can make over $100,000 per year.

While it may sound like the exotic vacation of a lifetime, there is much work behind the scenes. From the cabin attendant to the captain, every role is important.

This article will help you understand how much cruise ship workers make and provide information on some of the positions on a ship.

Table of Contents

Cruise ship captain navigating Panama Canal from bridge

Business Insider says cruise ship workers earn an average annual salary of $16,000 to $20,000 . Leadership positions can make substantially more with a yearly salary from $30,000 to over $100,000.

Cruise ship workers make far less than the median annual income in the US of $31,561 (in 2017). While the median yearly earnings of cruise ship workers are low relative to the US, there are plenty of benefits from working on a cruise ship, including:

  • Free food and accommodations while working.
  • The chance to see the world.
  • Onboard discounts.
  • Minimal living expenses.
  • Flights to the vessel.
  • Discounts for you and your family.

It’s important to remember that most cruise ship workers earn towards the lower end of the salary range. Most cruise ship workers make $10,000-$15,000 before gratuities. At the top, the cruise ship captain can earn over $177,000 annually, depending on the ship’s size and years of experience.

It’s important to remember that the annual salary figures don’t consider the number of hours worked. Crew members work long hours of up to 14 hours per day, seven days a week.

Some positions, such as the ship’s entertainers, may only work a few hours daily.

Cruise ship employee contracts are between two and eleven months long , with the average lasting four to eight months with a two- or three-month break between contracts.

Working on a cruise ship means the workers are often away from family for long periods.

Like every organization, the salary of cruise ship employees varies by position, experience, and skills.

While compiling this post, we checked several sources, including Indeed , Payscale , ZipRecruiter , and Business Insider . We also spoke with 17 current and former cruise ship workers to get an idea of their salaries and what life is like working on a cruise ship.

Cruise Ship Captain

Average Salary: $98,000

Responsibilities: A captain’s role encompasses the overall operation and safety of the vessel, requiring a blend of maritime expertise and leadership abilities.

Cruise ship captains are responsible for:

  • Navigating the ship
  • Overseeing the distribution and use of food, fuel, and water
  • Ensuring passenger safety and satisfaction
  • Maintaining efficient operations throughout the ship

A cruise ship captain’s primary responsibility is navigating the ship, which involves plotting courses, interpreting weather patterns, and making crucial decisions about routes and speeds. The captain also ensures the ship’s maintenance and adherence to safety standards, including overseeing maintenance works and ensuring proper cargo stowage per maritime regulations​ ​​ ​.

The captain liaises with port authorities for smooth transit and compliance with various regulations. Captains are on call 24 hours a day and must be ready to take charge in emergencies.

They also play a crucial role in enhancing the guest experience by socializing and greeting passengers, attending to guest complaints, and ensuring high customer service. A captain’s multifaceted role demands strong communication, problem-solving skills, and the ability to remain calm in emergencies, making it a challenging yet rewarding position​ ​​ ​.

Cruise Director

Average Salary: $93,000

Responsibilities: As a senior officer on a cruise ship, the cruise director is pivotal in shaping the passenger experience. A cruise director is responsible for all onboard hospitality, entertainment, and social events.

The responsibilities of a cruise director include organizing and scheduling various activities and events, leading the entertainment team, and ensuring passengers’ safety and satisfaction. The cruise director also plays a significant role in public relations, making announcements and acting as the cruise company’s public face.

This role demands strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills, as they manage a diverse staff across multiple departments and maintain high service standards.

Entertainment Staff

Average Salary: $40,000

Responsibilities: Cruise ship entertainment staff are responsible for various activities to entertain passengers. This includes socializing, leading activities, hosting events like game shows and karaoke nights, teaching classes, live music, and performing in the ship’s shows—entertainers, including singers, dancers, and comedians.

Security Officer

A security guard standing next to the Virgin Voyages logo on the cruise ship Scarlet Lady

Average Salary: $35,000

Responsibilities: Cruise ship Security Officers are responsible for maintaining the safety and security of passengers and crew. Their duties include supervising entry points, enforcing ship rules and regulations, conducting safety inspections, coordinating with local port security, and overseeing luggage screenings. Security officers require security training and usually come from a military or police background, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work in a multicultural environment with language and cultural differences.

Engine Crew

Chief engineer.

Salary: $85,000

Responsibilities: The chief engineer on a cruise ship has a vital role that involves overseeing all the technical operations of the vessel, including engineering, electrical, and mechanical divisions. Their key responsibilities encompass maintaining and repairing the ship’s machinery.

The chief engineer ensures everything from propulsion systems and fresh water to air conditioning and life-saving equipment functions properly and meets safety standards. This role also requires managing a team of engineers, ensuring tasks are completed efficiently, and maintaining the ship’s operational readiness for inspections.

In addition to technical duties, the Chief Engineer must possess strong communication skills for liaising with other ship departments and external suppliers. They coordinate modifications and improvements to the vessel’s machinery and provide technical support.

Safety is a paramount concern, and the Chief Engineer must know maritime safety laws and regulations, including fire prevention protocols. This role demands technical expertise, strong leadership, and the ability to manage a diverse team effectively in various situations, including emergencies.

Operations crew members on a cruise ship

Salary: $37,000

Responsibilities: Deckhands on cruise ships are integral to the vessel’s maintenance and safety. They are responsible for upkeep of the ship’s exterior, decks, and common areas.

A deckhand’s duties include:

  • Patrolling the decks
  • Ensuring passenger safety
  • Assisting with ship loading and securing
  • Performing maintenance tasks such as cleaning, painting, and repairing damage

The role requires physical strength, endurance, and knowledge of ropes and rigging. The job involves handling heavy equipment and working in all weather conditions. Deckhands typically work long hours and must adhere to safety protocols.


Hotel manager.

Salary: $50,000

Responsibilities: The Hotel Manager on a cruise ship oversees the Hotel Division, including Entertainment, Food and Beverage, Housekeeping, and the Purser’s Office.

A hotel manager’s primary responsibilities involve

  • Ensuring high standards of operation across these departments
  • Managing hotel staff,
  • Supervising customer service
  • Coordinating with other ship departments
  • Overseeing financial aspects of the ship

They also handle guest queries and complaints and are responsible for onboard sales, maintenance, and administrative tasks. The Hotel Manager plays a crucial role in shaping the passengers’ experience and maintaining the quality and success of the cruise services.

Cabin Steward

cruise wages

Salary: $18,000

Responsibilities: Cabin stewards are responsible for the upkeep and cleanliness of passenger cabins. A stateroom attendant’s primary responsibility is to ensure a comfortable stay for guests. Their duties include cleaning, arranging bedding, stocking supplies, and providing room service.


Salary: $40,000

Responsibilities: The receptionist at guest services is a crucial frontline employee responsible for ensuring a positive guest experience. Receptionists manage inquiries and requests, provide information on ship amenities, and assist with embarkation and debarkation processes.

Executive Chef

cruise wages

Salary: $62,000

Responsibilities: An Executive Chef manages the entire galley staff, ensures food quality and safety, and oversees food preparation for guests and crew. The executive chef also handles administrative tasks like ordering and inventory control, budget management, and ensuring compliance with health regulations.

Responsibilities: Servers are responsible for providing an excellent dining experience for guests. A server role includes:

  • Taking and delivering orders
  • Maintaining a clean and organized dining area
  • Adhering to safety and hygiene standards

It’s not easy serving thousands of passengers every night. Cruise ship servers manage dozens of tables, ensuring fast and top-tier customer service.

Salary: $17,000

Responsibilities: Bartenders are responsible for mixing and serving drinks, providing excellent service to guests, maintaining clean bar areas, and managing beverage stock and costs.

Medical Team

Cruise ship doctor.

Salary : $80,000

Responsibilities : Cruise ship doctors are responsible for providing medical care to passengers and crew, handling various medical emergencies, and managing the ship’s medical facility. They typically need a specialization in emergency medicine or family medicine and a minimum of three years post-graduate clinical experience.

Salary : $70,000

Responsibilities : Cruise ship nurses provide medical care to passengers and crew, respond to emergencies, and administer treatments. They need a nursing license, at least three years of relevant clinical experience, and certifications like ACLS.

Cruise Ship Worker Benefits

cruise wages

Working on a cruise ship offers unique benefits catering to a different lifestyle than traditional land-based jobs. The long hours and time away from home aren’t for everyone.

Despite the disadvantages, the allure of the sea is hard to resist. Thousands of people flock to the cruise industry for an adventurous career.

Here are the benefits of working on a cruise ship:

  • Financial Aspects : Cruise ship employees may have a lower salary than the average American, but their living costs are significantly reduced. Cruise lines cover almost all the daily expenses crew members face at sea. As a result, crew members can save most of their earnings.
  • Comprehensive Employee Benefits : Cruise ship workers receive various benefits, including accommodation, food, training, laundry services, medical care, drink vouchers, and flights to and from the ship. Additionally, many cruise line employers offer access to cruise discounts for family members, contributions to retirement plans, and health and dental insurance.
  • Accommodation Details : Crew members receive free accommodation on the ship. Most crew cabins are below sea level on deck 0 and are more functional than luxurious. Crew cabins lack amenities like portholes. Higher-ranking staff members have private cabins and more spacious stateroom accommodations.
  • Dining and Refreshments : Cruise lines provide employees with complimentary food and basic drinks. Crew lines also provide drink vouchers and alcohol packages at reduced rates.
  • Deals and Discounts : Cruise staff receive various perks and discounts, including reduced cruise fares for family members.
  • Cultural and Travel Opportunities : Working on a cruise ship still offers the benefit of traveling to various destinations and experiencing different cultures. Crew members can get off the ship on their days off and explore the ports of call.

This blend of financial savings, unique benefits, and the opportunity to travel the world makes working on a cruise ship an attractive option for those seeking an unconventional career path. However, potential employees should weigh these benefits against the unique challenges of this work environment, such as long hours, strict regulations, and limited personal space.

Are there Expenses Incurred for Working on a Cruise Ship?

Royal Caribbean hotel staff pushing an empty cart

While working on a cruise ship offers several financial benefits, such as free meals and accommodation, crew members may still encounter additional expenses during their tenure. Here’s a closer look at what these expenses might entail:

Laundry Services : Cruise lines provide complimentary laundry services for staff uniforms. However, personal clothing items may incur a small charge for cleaning. Additionally, essentials like laundry soap and ironing services are available at discounted rates for staff members.

Communication and Internet Access : One of the significant costs for crew members is staying connected. While cruise ships offer “internet cafes” for crew usage, the access is not free. Crew members can purchase internet packages at a discounted rate compared to guests. It’s important to note that the internet connections for guests and crew are usually separate, and staff are generally not allowed to use the internet in guest areas.

Personal Grooming and Relaxation Services : Crew members can use the ship’s salon and spa services, such as haircuts, manicures, pedicures, and massages, at discounted rates. Some cruise ships encourage staff to utilize these facilities, especially when the boat is docked and most passengers are off-board.

Other Potential Expenses : Crew members may incur expenses for alcoholic beverages, shore excursions, and personal travel during time off or between contracts.

Despite incurring some additional expenses, cruise ship staff find that they can save more money than in many land-based jobs due to providing lodging and meals.

FAQs About Working on a Cruise Ship

How many hours a day do cruise ship workers work.

Cruise ship workers typically work long hours, often ranging from 10 to 14 hours per day . Some positions, such as entertainers, work fewer hours.

Do Cruise Ship Workers Get Days Off?

Cruise ship workers usually do not have traditional days off. Instead, they have specific hours or parts of the day when they are not scheduled to work. Their schedules are structured in shifts, allowing for some time to rest, but full days off are rare during their contract , which can last several months.

Do Crusie Ship Workers Share a Room?

Yes, most cruise ship workers share a room with one or more colleagues. Accommodations for staff are typically more compact and less luxurious than guest cabins. The number of people sharing a room varies by cruise ship and the worker’s position.

High-ranking employees like the captain and officers have solo accommodation and larger cabins.

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Marcello De Lio

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Answered: How Much Money Do Crew Members on a Cruise Earn?

If you’re like many passengers, no matter what the crew members aboard a cruise ship earn, you still might not think it’s enough. One constant in cruising is an overall appreciation for the hard work that crew do to provide passengers with a great vacation. 

Docked ships in Grand Turk

The crew that you encounter on the cruise — such as the cabin stewards, dining staff and more — have jobs that are unlike what many of us have ever experienced.

For one, crew members work lengthy shifts. It’s not unusual, for instance, to see your cabin steward making his or her first rounds early in the morning and then doing another round to tidy up rooms late in the evening. And this pace happens day in and day out across all sorts of positions.

Not only is the work hard, but the crew is also doing it far from home. You’ll notice that large portions of the crew are from places like the Philippines, India, and China, among many other countries. Often, they are literally from places halfway around the world while families and friends are still back home.

And that distance isn’t just a factor for a few weeks. Crew operate under contracts that last for months. That means they can often stay and work on the ships for six months at a time before returning home.

To be sure, working on a cruise ship isn’t for everyone. Yet many do it for the opportunity to earn a living making more than what they would back home while also seeing parts of the world that many others never get the chance to visit.

So exactly how much do workers on a cruise ship earn?

“Median Employee” Earning Disclosure Required

First, there is no set rate that every person working on a cruise ship earns. Different positions on the ship will make different amounts. And on a modern cruise ship there are dozens if not hundreds of different roles, from the captain of the ship to kitchen staff.

That means there is no set compensation list for every cruise line that shows what different positions make (at least publicly).

But we do have the next best thing…

Major cruise lines like Carnival, Princess, Royal Caribbean, Celebrity, and Norwegian are actually part of larger public companies that trade on major stock exchanges. As a result, the parent companies are subject to certain SEC filing requirements.

Along with quarterly and annual reports, part of that requirement is a “Pay Ratio Disclosure” as part of the Dodd-Frank reform. Here, a company must detail the ratio of pay for a company CEO compared to the “median employee.”

That gives us not only a glimpse into how much the top brass at the company makes in total, but also what those who work on the ship earn as well.

How Much the Crew Makes on a Cruise

There are three major cruise companies that trade on public exchanges: Carnival Corporation, Royal Caribbean Group, and Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings. Each shares the “median employee” wages via the CEO Pay Ratio disclosure in its filings.

Carnival Corporation includes lines like Carnival, Princess, Costa, and others. In 2022, the cruise company reported that its median employee earned $14,496 in total compensation. With a CEO total compensation of over $8 million, that comes to a pay ratio of 553:1.

cruise wages

Royal Caribbean Group includes names like Royal Caribbean, Celebrity, and more. In 2022, the company stated that its median employee earned $15,264 . Given total compensation to the CEO of $10.7 million, the pay ratio comes in at 705:1.

Finally, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings , which includes NCL, Oceania and Regent Seven Seas filed that its total compensation for 2022 was $24,484 . Meanwhile, that company’s CEO took home compensation of more than $21 million. That is a pay ratio of 866:1.

For comparison, hotel company Hilton Worldwide Holdings reports a median employee compensation of $43,702 compared to over $23.5 million in compensation for the CEO. That’s a ratio of 539:1.

And according to the Economic Policy Institute, the average CEO-to-worker ratio reached 399:1 in 2021 , a new high.

Some More Things to Know About The Crew’s Compensation

cruise wages

There is little argument that if you want to get rich, then working on a cruise ship likely isn’t the path. That said, there is some context with these figures that bears mentioning.

First, as mentioned, the crew are internationally sourced, often from places where the cost of living is significantly lower than what we see in the United States. That can make the earnings — though low by American standards — more attractive. 

Second, this compensation figure is based on what the “median employee” was paid over the course of the year. However, many employees do not work the entire year . According to Carnival Corporation’s disclosure, “our workforce includes a large number of ship-based employees who typically work six to eleven months of the year and we did not annualize the pay for our employees when identifying our median.”

Finally, when working on the ship, cruise crew are also provided with some benefits like room and board that aren’t usually included in regular jobs. As Norwegian stated, “our shipboard employees receive certain accommodations that are not typically provided to shoreside employees including housing and meals while on the ship and medical care for any injuries or illnesses that occur while in the service of the ship. These accommodations are free of cost to each shipboard employee.”

Even with that, however, there’s no doubt that by American standards, shipboard crew work extremely hard and for wages that many of us would not be willing to take.

And while the cruise lines make clear that this compensation figure includes wages and gratuities billed to passengers, they do not include any extra money paid to crew directly by guests . So the next time you’re feeling generous on a cruise, the crew would likely be happy to accept any extra gratuity.

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This is a typical crap article from cruise ship apologists. So really most people don’t get a good wage and saying maybe Americans won’t work for this, but they do. Relying on tips is a cop out. These hardworking people should be paid for every hour they work. I wouldn’t trust a metric 400-600:1! ; it’s a nonsense number. They pick overseas workers as they know they will just do the work.

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Cruise-ship workers reveal how much money they make

There's a big gap between the highest-paid and lowest-paid cruise-ship workers.

  • Business Insider spoke with 35 current and former cruise-ship employees, who reported monthly earnings between $500 and $10,000.
  • Some 40% of the workers Business Insider spoke with said their monthly earnings were equal to or less than $2,000.
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Business Insider spoke with 35 current and former cruise-ship employees, who reported monthly earnings between $500 and $10,000. Some 40% said their monthly earnings were equal to or less than $2,000.

A former Carnival Cruise Line galley worker had the lowest monthly earnings, while a former Royal Caribbean International first officer had the highest. The workers' tenures range from 2004 to this year.

Read more: A former Royal Caribbean employee reveals the one question you should always ask cruise ship workers

Many cruise-ship workers, particularly those in lower-paid positions, come from regions with lower median incomes than the United States, like the Caribbean, South America, Eastern Europe, and parts of Asia. A former bartender for Royal Caribbean who made between $1,600 and $1,800 a month said the pay was better than what he had made in Chile, his home country.

A cruise-ship employee's living costs can be much lower than those of a land-based worker, since they don't have to pay rent or buy food. But cruise-ship employees also have demanding and unconventional schedules that can lead them to work more hours than those with more traditional five-day, 40-hour-a-week schedules.

"It was a lot of work, and by American standards it's not a good venture, because when you break it down you're looking at only getting $5 to $10 an hour sometimes," said a former Norwegian Cruise Line and Holland America Line employee who worked as a casino dealer and manager. "Financially, it's not a good business prospect, which is why I stopped doing it."

The 35 current and former cruise-ship employees who spoke with Business Insider had average monthly earnings of about $3,233 and median monthly earnings of about $2,600. The three largest cruise companies — Carnival Corporation, Royal Caribbean Cruises, and Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings — reported in regulatory filings the following median annual earnings for 2018:

  • Carnival Corporation: $16,622
  • Royal Caribbean Cruises: $19,396
  • Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings: $20,101

Each company said its median employee worked on one of its ships. Carnival said many of its ship-based employees worked between six and 11 months each year, while Norwegian said six to 10 months was common for its ship-based employees.

The annual median income in the United States was $31,099 in 2016 (the latest year for which data is available), according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . That would translate to median monthly earnings of about $2,592.

"In addition to their salary, crew members typically receive free medical care, room and board, meals, and many other benefits that are often unavailable in their home countries," said a representative for the Cruise Lines International Association, a trade association for the cruise industry. "Crew members are very satisfied with their jobs and the opportunities for career advancement, which explains why employee retention rates in the cruise industry are upwards of 80%."

Carnival, Norwegian, and Holland America did not respond to Business Insider's requests for comment.

Have you worked on a cruise ship? Do you have a story to share? Email this reporter at [email protected] .

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Cruise Ship Traveller

How Much do Cruise Ship Captains Make? (Salary 2024)

Have you ever wondered how much does a cruise ship captain make a year? The exact amount can vary depending on several factors, including experience, the size and prestige of the ship, and more.

It’s estimated that cruise captains make an average of $96,000 a year. Some may even earn upwards of $200,000 per year while at the other end of the spectrum for small vessels and those newly promoted to the position make approximately $50,000 annually.

Read on to see how we arose at these figures and the various factors that influence the amount.

Cruise Ship Captain

What is the Average Cruise Ship Captain Salary?

According to Comparably , a US Cruise captain on average earns a US$93,328 annual salary.

Another source of cruise captain salary data is from Payscale which indicates a ship captain’s average salary at US$ 96,347 a year.

From their stats, we can see they estimate the bottom 10% earn $48,000 a year and the top 10% $190,000 a year.

Interestingly they also break down estimated earnings by “Pay by Experience Level for Ship Captains”.

On average the ship captains with under 10 years of experience earn on average of US$70,000 to $77,000 a year, compared to those with over 10 years expecting to earn US$98,000.

Bear in mind the Payscale stats are based on “ship captains” and not specifically cruise ship captains, but we can expect the earnings to be in the right ballpark as they are on par with the Comparably stats.

However, this is just an average, and as you most likely know there is a wide range of cruise ship sizes, from those that carry 100 to 200 passengers to mega-ships that carry and are responsible for over 5000 passengers as well as 1500+ crew members.

So in this post, we look at the factors that influence a cruise captain’s annual salary and how much they make a year plus a look at some of the added perks of the job to be added on top.

Average Cruise Ship Captain Salary Per Month

Taking the average salary of cruise ship captain at US$93,328, this equates to a monthly average salary of US$ 7777.33.

We have also worked out the monthly salaries for those cruise ship captains earning higher annual salaries as follows:

  • $125,000 a year equates to US$ 10,416 a month
  • $150,000 a year equates to US$ 12,500 a month
  • $175,000 a year equates to US$ 14,583 a month
  • $200,000 a year equates to US$ 16,666 a month

cruise captain cap on deck

Factors That influence Cruise Captain Pay

There are a number of factors that have an impact on how much a cruise captain can expect to get paid a year.

Years of Experience

One of the most important factors determining a cruise ship captain’s pay is their experience.

A newly qualified captain with little experience can expect to earn much less than a captain who has been sailing the seas for many years.

It’s not unusual for a cruise line to require that a captain has at least 10 years of experience before they can be considered for the role, including a number of those as Staff Captain, which is the second in command.

Quite simply, the more years of experience they have as an actual captain, the more they can expect to be paid.

Size and Prestige of Vessel

The next big factor is the size and type of vessel they are the captain of.

Generally, the larger the vessel, the more responsibility the captain has and the higher their salary will be.

Of course, there are other types of vessels such as smaller luxury cruises or cruise ships that have to navigate particularly difficult waters. These types of cruises will often pay their captains a little more to account for the extra skills and experience required.

Company Size

The size of the company can also affect a cruise ship captain’s salary.

For example, a small company that only operates one or two vessels will not be able to pay its captain as much as a large corporate company with dozens of ships.

However, it is worth noting that some of the smaller companies may be more willing to negotiate on salary and offer other perks, such as a share of the profits, which can make up for the lower salary.

The final factor we want to mention is location.

Captains who are based in Europe or North America will generally be paid more than those based in other parts of the world, such as Asia or South America.

This is because the cost of living is higher in these regions and companies need to pay their captains enough to cover their basic expenses.

Extra Benefits/Perks of Being a Cruise Captain

As well as a well-paid salary, a cruise captain may also be entitled to the following perks:

  • Luxury suite accommodation which includes rooms for guests
  • Room and Laundry service
  • Use of the ship’s facilities, such as the gym and spa
  • Free flights
  • Paid Holidays
  • Health and Dental plans

What is a Cruise Ship Captain?

A cruise ship captain is a hugely responsible role overseeing all crew departments involved in the overall operation of the vessel.

The captain is in charge of many aspects including navigation, safety, security, maintenance, crew, and passengers.

They need to have an in-depth knowledge of maritime law and be able to navigate using both modern technology and traditional methods.

The captain is responsible for maintaining the ship to a high standard and ensuring that all aspects of safety and equipment are in good working order.

It’s a role that can take years of maritime experience and training to achieve.

Responsibilities of a Cruise Captain

The captain of a cruise ship is responsible for the lives of everyone on board as well as the safe operation of the vessel.

The captain of a cruise ship is also responsible for the crew and will need to ensure that they are properly trained and aware of their roles and responsibilities and carry them out to the best of their ability.

Let’s look in more detail at each of the main roles of the captain of a cruise ship.

Navigation of the Cruise  Ship

The most obvious role of the cruise ship captain is to navigate the vessel to required destinations.

The captain will also be responsible for charting the course of the ship, taking into account weather conditions and other factors that could affect the safe passage of the vessel.

In addition to this, the captain will also need to determine the speed of the ship and make sure that it is within the safe limit to reach destinations at the correct time.

The captain will also be responsible for making sure that the ship stays within the safe waters and does not stray into dangerous areas, avoiding any hazards that could potentially damage the ship or put the lives of those on board at risk.

This will also include making the decisions of when to leave ports in the event of passengers not onboarding on time, and possibly leaving them behind.

Cruise Captain navigating ship from th e bridge

Safety of Passengers and Crew

It is also the responsibility of the captain to make sure that the ship is compliant with all maritime regulations.

The safety of the passengers and crew is the responsibility of the captain and in the event of an accident should be the last person to leave the ship, putting the safety of all passengers and crew before themselves.

Oversea Ship Maintenance and Operations

The cruise ship captain is in charge of overseeing the seaworthiness of the ship, ensuring correct maintenance and engineering operations of the vessel are upheld to the highest standards while at sea.

This includes making sure that all safety equipment is in good working order and that the crew is properly trained in its use.

The captain will also be responsible for inspecting or reviewing reports from heads of relevant departments of the ship on a regular basis to ensure that it is seaworthy and fit for purpose.

In addition to this, the captain will also be responsible for managing the ship’s paperwork and certificates.

Local and International Customs and Immigration Laws

The captain of a cruise ship is responsible for making sure that the ship complies with all local and international customs and immigration laws.

This includes making sure that all passengers have the correct documentation to travel to their destination and that they are adhering to the customs regulations of each country that the ship visits.

The captain will also need to make sure that the ship has the correct documents and certificates to dock at each port.

The captain may not deal with these issues first-hand, but it’s their responsibility to ensure the crew in the relevant departments are adhering to the rules and regulations as required.

Cruise Ship Security

The captain is responsible for making sure that the ship is secure at all times and that there are adequate security measures in place to protect the passengers and crew from any potential threats.

This includes ensuring that there are security personnel on board as well as CCTV systems and other security measures.

In addition to this, the captain will also need to make sure that the ship is compliant with the International Ship and Port Security Code (ISPS) an international maritime security measure that was introduced in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

There are many possible security issues a ship could encounter including piracy, stowaways, and terrorist threats.

It is the responsibility of the captain to make sure that the ship is prepared for any eventuality.

The captain of a cruise ship may also be responsible for dealing with unruly or even criminal activities and felons which may have to result in a passenger being imprisoned in the cruise ship jail or brig as they are otherwise known.

As well as possibly making decisions as to whether a passenger should be kicked off the ship.

Dealing with Emergencies

The captain of a cruise ship is responsible for dealing with any emergency situations that may arise during the voyage.

This includes anything from medical emergencies to fires on board the ship.

The captain would also oversee any incidents such as death on the cruise and the use of the onboard morgue .

In the event of an emergency, the captain will need to make sure that the correct procedures are followed and that the safety of all passengers and crew is paramount.

The captain may not deal with the emergency directly, but they will be responsible for coordinating the response and giving orders as necessary.

Managing the Crew

The captain of a cruise ship is responsible for managing the crew and making sure that they are adhering to the rules and regulations of the ship.

The cruise ship captain is the head of ship with a number of heads of departments and officers having to report or communicate issues to the ship captain.

These include but are not limited to:

  • Staff Captain
  • Safety Officer
  • Environmental Compliance Officer
  • 1st Navigation Officer
  • Chief Security Officer

The captain will also need to deal with any disciplinary issues that may arise amongst the crew.

Attend Onboard Social Events

The captain of a cruise ship is usually required to attend various social events that are held on board the ship.

This includes things like cocktail parties, dinners, and balls.

The captain may also be required to give speeches at these events.

While attending these social events is not strictly part of the job, it is considered to be good practice as it helps to foster good relations with the passengers.

Cruise Captain meeting guests at dinner

Marrying Couples

One of the more unusual duties of a cruise ship captain is to officiate at weddings that are held on board the ship.

This is often seen as a romantic gesture and many couples choose to get married on a cruise ship because of this.

However, it is important to note that not all captains are legally able to perform marriages.

Work Schedule On Call 24/7

Another factor to bear in mind is that the captain of a cruise ship is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

This means they may be called upon at any time to deal with an emergency or problem.

While there are usually other officers who can take over in the event of an emergency, the captain is still responsible for the ship and its passengers.

Cruise captains tend to work in rotation, working 8 to 10 weeks on the ship followed by 8 to 10 weeks off-ship all covered by the salary.

How  to Become a Cruise Ship Captain

To become a cruise captain, you will need a master’s degree in maritime studies and 10 to 15 years of experience working in various positions on ocean vessels.

Captains will need to have passed the Federal Maritime Authority captain’s license exam once they have 10 years of experience.

Some of the skills that are required for this job include:

  • Top-level people skills
  • Strong leadership
  • Good communication

Captains also need to be able to maintain their composure and act decisively in an emergency.

Does a Cruise Captain Have to Go Down With the Ship?

In the event of a  disaster, it is the captain’s obligation and legal duty to be the last man off the ship.   The captain should stay on board for as long as possible ensuring that all passengers and crew are evacuated safely in the event of such an emergency.

One recent well-known case was that of the  Costa Concordia in 2013. In this instance, captain Francesco Schettino left the ship while passengers and crew members were still on board and ended up being one of the first to reach dry land.

He was sentenced to 16 years imprisonment, of which one year was attributed to his actions of abandoning passengers.

Thankfully these kinds of disasters are extremely rare events and the vast majority of cruise captains are worthy of their important and well-paid role on the ship.

How Many Captains are on a Cruise Ship?

There is only ever one captain at a time on a cruise ship. The captain usually takes the position for a set period of time, anywhere from 8 weeks to 12 weeks. Although it varies depending on the cruise line.

Often there will be two captains rotating work contracts on the ship. While one is on vacation, the other captain takes over.

Often a captain is on the ship for a few years at a time, usually with an eye to moving up to a bigger ship in the fleet should the opportunity arise.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the highest paid cruise captain.

According to Payscale the highest pay for a ship captain is US$190,000 annual salary. In reality, this could be over $200,000 in some cases.

What is a Mega Cruise Ship Captain Salary?

We would expect captains of some of the world’s largest mega-cruise ships  to be paid the highest annual salaries in the range of $170,000 to $200,000. A Captain of a mega cruise ship will have many of years experience.

Cruise lines with mega cruise ships:

  • Royal Caribbean
  • Costa Cruises
  • P&O (their largest ship Iona)
  • Carnival cruises
  • MSC Cruises
  • Norwegian Cruises
  • Princess Cruises

Many of which have cruise ships with the capacity to carry over 5000 passengers.

How Much Does a Disney Cruise Captain Make a Year?

Disney cruise ships are captained by some of the most experienced and veteran captains in the business. It is not known exactly how much they earn, but we would expect them to be amongst the highest paid with an annual salary in excess of $150,000.

What is a Royal Caribbean Captain Salary?

A Royal Caribbean Cruise ship captain salary is not publicly known or shared, but we would expect the captain of one the world’s largest cruise ships to be one of the highest-paid with an annual salary possibly excess of $190,000 to $200,000 a year.

These would be captains of Royal Caribbean largest ships:

  • Wonder of the Seas
  • Symphony of the Seas
  • Harmony of the Seas
  • Oasis of the Seas
  • Allure of the Seas
  • Icon of the Seas

Captains of smaller ships in the fleet would be expected to earn less, but most probably above the average at a higher rate of 120,000 to $150,000+ annual salary

What is a Carnival Cruise Captain Salary?

A Carnival Cruise captain salary has not been publicly shared, as most individuals prefer to keep their salaries private.

With a fleet of at least 24 ships, the salaries would vary, depending on various factors, one of which being the size of the ship. Some of the larger Carnival Cruises ships are twice the size and have double the capacity of smaller ships in the fleet.

Can Women Be Cruise Captains?

Females can become cruise ship captains, although the numbers are very low. In fact, there are only a handful of female captains working for the major cruise companies.

The most notable is Captain Kate McCue of Celebrity Edge. She is the first American woman to be appointed captain of a mega cruise ship. 

What is Captain Kate McCue Salary?

Captain Kate McCue salary would be in the region of $150,000 to $190,000 a year. Celebrity Cruises are a premium cruise line with luxury modern cruise ships. As a captain of Celebrity Beyond, a luxury Edge class cruise ship it would be expected that Kate McCue would be one of the highest paid cruise ship captain.

As the most public well-known cruise ship captain, she no doubt earns extra from her large social media following.

The role of the cruise ship captain is a highly responsible and demanding one, with many different duties and responsibilities including the safety of the ship, its crew, and passengers.

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How Much Do Cruise Ship Workers Make? Cabin Stewards, Chefs, Waiters, etc.

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June 30, 2024

cruise ship workers

Have you ever wondered how much cruise ship workers make ? You have probably noticed that many of them are from developing countries .

Most of them are Indians, Filipinos, Indonesians, and Malaysians and there’s an obvious reason for that that is related to salaries.

They can earn much more on a cruise than they would in their own countries, and many of them support their families this way .

To get an idea of how much these people earn, I decided to make a list with all the average salaries of the most common jobs on a cruise ship . Let’s go find them out!

Table of Contents

The benefits that workers on cruise ships have

Cruise ship workers

As you can imagine, sometimes the salaries are quite low, but what convinces these people to work on the ships ?

Certainly, their country of origin, but other benefits should not be underestimated.

For example, these workers have all the food included : breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And of course, also the accommodation, although very small and sometimes to be shared with others.

The other big benefit is what is known as the “ buddy pass .” As I’ve already explained in this article , workers can have friends and family members travel almost free on some ships.

In addition, workers on cruises usually have:

  • Health insurance
  • Retirement plan
  • Dedicated gym
  • Laundry service
  • Professional training
  • Flights to and from the ship
  • Dedicated shop on board

Crew gym on Costa Fortuna

The average salary

cruise engine room

According to Business Insider , the average salary on cruise ships among Carnival, Royal Caribbean, and NCL is about $18,700 .

It’s a salary that would certainly be considered low in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Western European countries.

There is also to be said that the figure changes a lot depending on the job position and according to one’s experience.

Since cruises are very complex organizations there are many different levels and it is easy to be promoted by starting from the bottom.

Let’s then take a look at the amount that can be earned in the different positions .

How much do cabin stewards make?

Unfortunately, cabin stewards , those who clean and tidy the cabins, are among those who earn the least on ships .

This is a job that can be done without any special skills or qualifications, which is why it is paid quite little .

According to our data, they earn between $2,000 and $3,000 per month . As with all jobs, the figure can change greatly depending on the cruise line, itinerary, and years of experience.

How much do waiters on a cruise make?

cruise waiter

In contrast, waiters earn a much higher amount .

Their salary can range from $2,500 up to $4,000 . (Tips must then be added to this amount.)

In general, mandatory gratuities are divided equally among all personnel on the ship.

But it is also easy for waiters to receive additional cash tips , which they can keep for themselves and add to their monthly total.

How much do chefs make on a cruise ship?

cruise chef

The chef’s role is a more specialized one and requires prior study and experience .

For this reason, the salary starts to go up. A chef on a cruise ship can make something between $3,000 to $7,000 .

Consider that the kitchen is a very hierarchical world. An apprentice could make $1,000 a month while an executive chef could easily cross even $7,000 a month.

How much do bartenders make on a cruise ship?

The bartender position is usually a mid-level one . They earn between $2,500 and $3,500 per month , not much when you consider that these workers generally have very long working hours and may also work night shifts.

Again, just as with waiters, these workers rely heavily on the extra tips they receive from passengers.

A bartender once confessed to me how there was fierce competition to get to work in the exclusive parts of the ships, such as those dedicated to passengers in suites because those passengers tend to be much more generous with their tips.

How much do musicians make on a cruise ship?

I must confess that I expected more for the musicians’ salary but I had to change my mind.

Musicians on a cruise do not earn much money. The salary for a band member is about $2,000 per month , while it can go up to $4,000 for an experienced musician or soloist .

Of course, as I will explain later, there are also some benefits to consider, and that for many make it worthwhile to work on a cruise ship.

How much does a cruise captain make?

Cruise officer

The matter is totally different for captains . Obviously, the captain is the most authoritative figure on the ship , a very important, well-paid job but with big responsibilities as well .

If you want to know exactly how much they earn, check out the specific article on cruise captains’ real salaries .

As an alternative, I also recommend the article on the salary of Captain Kate McCue , she was the  first woman to command a large ship .

To conclude

Wages for workers on cruise ships are much lower than the national averages where the companies operate .

Let me know in the comments below what you think about this. Do you think the benefits of working on a cruise can compensate for the low wages? Perhaps wages are low because employees have no expenses to deal with .

Or do you think companies should raise salaries and pay their staff more ?

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Cruise Salaries

Cruise's salary ranges from $50,250 in total compensation per year for a Solution Architect at the low-end to $1,421,250 for a Software Engineer at the high-end. collects anonymous and verified salaries from current and former employees of Cruise . Last updated: 8/23/2024

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Undersold myself during negotiations and joining is in 3 days

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25 % vests in the 4th -year ( 6.25 % quarterly )

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    Captains may earn between $8,000 and $18,000 per month, while chief officers typically earn between $6,000 and $14,000 per month. Other deck officers can expect to earn between $3,000 and $7,000 per month. Deck crew members, such as able seamen and ordinary seamen, have salaries ranging from $1,800 to $3,500 per month.

  11. How Much Do Cruise Ship Captains Make As A Salary In 2024

    The Salary of the Cruise Ship Captain. According to recruitment specialists, Indeed, a Cruise captain can expect to earn an annual salary ranging from $92,000 to $190,000. However, this figure fluctuates based on factors such as experience, qualifications, the employer, and more. Some captains might pocket as low as $48,000 a year, while others ...

  12. How Much Do Cruise Ship Workers Make?

    Many cruise ship workers can save a high percentage of their income. According to Business Insider , the median annual earnings of cruise ship workers is between $16,000 to $20,000. But top positions can make over $100,000 per year. While it may sound like the exotic vacation of a lifetime, there is much work behind the scenes.

  13. Princess Cruise Lines Salaries

    The average Princess Cruise Lines salary ranges from approximately $37,807 per year (estimate) for a Buffet Steward to $329,338 per year (estimate) for a Vice President, Marketing. The average Princess Cruise Lines hourly pay ranges from approximately $16 per hour (estimate) for a Hostess to $74 per hour (estimate) for a Product Management ...

  14. Answered: How Much Money Do Crew Members on a Cruise Earn?

    In 2022, the cruise company reported that its median employee earned $14,496 in total compensation. With a CEO total compensation of over $8 million, that comes to a pay ratio of 553:1. The CEO Pay Ratio disclosure from Carnival Corporation shows the median employee for that company earns around $14,500.

  15. Cruise-ship workers reveal how much money they make

    The 35 current and former cruise-ship employees who spoke with Business Insider had average monthly earnings of about $3,233 and median monthly earnings of about $2,600. The three largest cruise ...

  16. How Much do Cruise Ship Captains Make? (Salary 2024)

    Taking the average salary of cruise ship captain at US$93,328, this equates to a monthly average salary of US$ 7777.33. We have also worked out the monthly salaries for those cruise ship captains earning higher annual salaries as follows: $125,000 a year equates to US$ 10,416 a month. $150,000 a year equates to US$ 12,500 a month.

  17. How Much Do Cruise Ship Workers Make? Cabin Stewards, Chefs, Waiters

    According to Business Insider, the average salary on cruise ships among Carnival, Royal Caribbean, and NCL is about $18,700.. It's a salary that would certainly be considered low in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Western European countries.. There is also to be said that the figure changes a lot depending on the job position and according to one's experience.

  18. Carnival Cruise Line salaries: How much does Carnival Cruise ...

    The average Carnival Cruise Line monthly salary ranges from approximately $1,497 per month for Seaman to $10,270 per month for Data Entry Clerk. Salary information comes from 456 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 36 months. Please note that all salary figures are ...

  19. How Much Does a Cruise Director Make?

    According to ZipRecruiter, the average pay for a cruise director in 2022 is $63,185 USD annually. In terms of hourly salary, this equates to $30.38 an hour. Salaries can range from $20,000 to ...

  20. Top Cruise Ship Careers: 15 Options to Consider (2024)

    12. Salesperson. Average salary: $30,750/year What they do: From casinos to fitness centers, cruise ships can really have it all.Some even have Go-Kart tracks, planetariums and rock-climbing walls on them — so, of course they'll also have shopping areas. Shop attendants are there to greet customers, answer questions about the products, and handle transactions.

  21. Salary: Cruise Ship Worker (August, 2024) United States

    As of Aug 10, 2024, the average annual pay for a Cruise Ship Worker in the United States is $49,005 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $23.56 an hour. This is the equivalent of $942/week or $4,083/month.

  22. How Much Does Cruise Pay in 2024? (2,197 Salaries)

    Cruise pay FAQs. How much does Cruise pay? The average Cruise salary ranges from approximately $55,445 per year (estimate) for . The average Cruise hourly pay ranges from approximately $24 per hour (estimate) for . Cruise employees rate the overall compensation and benefits package 4/5 stars.

  23. Cruise Salaries

    Cruise's salary ranges from $50,250 in total compensation per year for a Solution Architect at the low-end to $1,421,250 for a Software Engineer at the high-end. collects anonymous and verified salaries from current and former employees of Cruise. Last updated: 8/19/2024.