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Federation-Cardassian War

The Federation-Cardassian War was a conflict between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union .

The period from 2355 until 2359 was considered to be the height of the conflict. ( DS9 reference : Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual )

Although fighting ended in 2366 when a ceasefire was agreed between the two powers, the state of war wasn't formally ended until 2370 with the signing of the Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370 . ( Last Unicorn RPG module : Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 1: The Ships of Starfleet )

Early conflict [ ]

First contact between the Federation and the Cardassian Union occurred in the 2320s , during the presidency of Thelianaresth th'Vorothishria . ( TTN novel : Taking Wing )

Early relations of the two governments were tense due in large part to Cardassian secrecy, and the Federation's efforts to show trust were undermined by incidents such as the sabotage of Ambassador Sarek 's summit meeting with the Legarans at Vulcan in 2327 . ( ST comic : " Enter the Wolves ")

Also a factor in the distrust was the Cardassians' controversial presence on, and eventual formal occupation of the planet Bajor . ( DS9 - Terok Nor novel : Day of the Vipers )

One major engagement of the war was the Setlik III Massacre , in which the Cardassians launched a ground invasion of a Federation-controlled system (initially believing a weapons depot to be located there), with the Cardassians ultimately annexing the Setlik system and slaughtering many Federation civilians there. ( TNG episode : " The Wounded "; DS9 episode : " Emissary "; ST novella : The Slow Knife ; ST comic : " Soldier On ")

The Cardassian councilor Erud was a proponent of a peaceful resolution to the frontier wars. ( DS9 novel : A Stitch in Time )

Alternate realities [ ]

In an alternate universe accessed by an interdimensional Androssi device, the Federation-Cardassian War lasted longer than in the primary universe . Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard was executed by Gul Elim Garak at some point during the war. ( SCE eBook : Lost Time )

List of Conflicts [ ]

  • Setlik III Massacre ( 2362 )
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Published Aug 11, 2022

Everything You Need to Know About the Cardassians

We've got a 101 guide to the cunning humanoid race from the Alpha Quadrant!

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As the Star Trek Villain Showdown continues, this week sees two Cardassian operatives facing off against each other. In one corner, we have Gul Dukat , the cunning and charismatic military leader who became the embodiment of evil on Deep Space Nine . In the other, we have Seska and her nefarious, traitorous schemes to undermine Captain Janeway and defeat Voyager . While their journeys were quadrants apart, they were both united in their support for the Cardassian government.

Curious about the Cardassians? Want to know just what motivates both Dukat and Seska? Read on, and then let us know @StarTrek on social media what your favorite Cardassian centric episode is!

The Next Generation

The Cardassians, as a whole, are a complicated culture in Star Trek lore. We are first introduced to them in The Next Generation , but the species and their world gets fully fleshed out in Deep Space Nine , which features several recurring Cardassian characters. In Voyager , Seska is the only major Cardassian player, as the Cardassians hadn’t infiltrated the Delta Quadrant yet. There would be no reason to have one on a Starfleet vessel at the time, unless they were undercover.

In the era of TNG, DS9, and Voyager , the Cardassians were an enemy of the Federation . Prior to the events of TNG, Starfleet had been involved in multiple skirmishes with the Cardassian military, despite an existing peace treaty. In the first episode featuring the characters, “ The Wounded ,” a rogue Starfleet ship had begun attacking Cardassian ships. Interestingly, the actor playing the main Cardassian in the episode was Marc Alaimo, who would go on to play Gul Dukat in Deep Space Nine .

First appearance of the Cardassians in Next Generation, sitting in a conference room aboard the Enterprise

It was in the fifth season of TNG that Bajor , and the Cardassian occupation of the planet, was introduced. This would be explored more in Deep Space Nine . Similarly, the Maquis , a rebel group who fought back against Cardassian occupation, was introduced in the show’s seventh season; revealing that the Cardassians' treaty with the Federation left several Federation colonies stranded in Cardassian territory.

Perhaps the most famous appearance of the Cardassians in TNG was the two-parter “ Chain of Command ,” which revealed not only details of the Cardassian government but their government’s brutality as well. Captain Picard is captured and tortured by Gul Madred , a Cardassian officer, on a mission. Picard is ultimately saved, but not before he survives horrific treatment at the hands of his captor. This episode was undoubtably on the minds of fans when the Cardassians played a larger role in Deep Space Nine .

The Cardassian take Picard captive on The Next Generation two-parter 'Chain of Command'

Deep Space Nine and Voyager

Cardassians and Bajorans provided the beating heart of Deep Space Nine , as the series is set on a former Cardassian station turned over to the Federation. Gul Dukat, the former prefect of the station, resents turning it over to Starfleet, and resents the end of the Bajoran occupation even more. We’ve recapped his journey previously , but Dukat’s evil stretches across all seven seasons of the show.

However, despite the backdrop of atrocities, Deep Space Nine also served to deepen our understanding of Cardassians outside of the military. One key figure was Garak , an exiled former member of the Obsidian Order (the Cardassians' secret military spying organization), who became a tailor on Deep Space 9 with a passion for literature and getting into everyone’s business. Garak is an incredibly popular character in the Star Trek franchise, beloved for his moral ambiguity and for his intense relationship with Federation doctor Julian Bashir . What makes Garak interesting is his devotion to Cardassia above all else, though, he ultimately aids in the revolution that destroys the more imperialist and militant Cardassian government.

Deep Space Nine spent multiple episodes exploring what it meant to be a Cardassian and what the government’s evils had done to both Bajor and its own citizens. In one key Season One episode, “ Duet ,” Bajoran revolutionary Kira Nerys is faced with a Cardassian who claims to have run a prison camp on Bajor . However, it is revealed that he was a clerk who worked at the camp, who had hoped to return to Bajor to die as punishment for the atrocities he did not oppose. A key moment in Kira’s development, this episode is a powerful and painful look at what justice looks like.

The Bajoran Kira Nerys walks alongside the Cardassian Marritza

The Cardassian government, during Deep Space Nine ’s run, allies itself with the Dominion and tries to help them seize control of the Alpha Quadrant . However, through the actions of both Starfleet and the Cardassians — including Garak —  as well as Bajorans who will not stand for more oppression, Cardassia’s independence was restored. However, the Dominion heavily bombed the planet, leaving it in a state of disarray and panic. Garak ultimately returned to Cardassia to help his people heal, leaving us with hope for a better, more egalitarian future.

The U.S.S. Voyager disappeared prior to the Dominion War. Seska was embedded in the Maquis to feed information back to the government, showing loyalty to her leaders’ more militaristic goals. Her motivations were either selfish or to help Cardassians wipe out their opponents; read up on her deep dive .

Besides a reference noting plans to sign a treaty on Cardassia in Lower Decks , we don’t know much about what happened to Cardassia following the events of Deep Space Nine and the Dominion War. However, we do know that in the 32nd Century, the Federation is led by half-Cardassian, half-Bajoran President Rillak. This would imply that not only did Cardassia join the Federation at some point, but that Bajoran and Cardassian relations had improved following the end of the Dominion War. Rillak doesn’t share much about her family history, but we’re sure it is fascinating.

The Cardassians are a key part of the TNG/DS9/VOY era of Trek . While ostensibly the antagonists of many episodes, they are also afforded a great deal of depth as well, leading to some of Trek ’s finest hours.

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Federation-Cardassian War

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The Federation-Cardassian War was a conflicts between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union that started in the middle of the 24th century . A cease-fire was reached by 2363 , though skirmishes continued until 2366 and a more permanent treaty was signed in 2367 . ( Star Trek: Pendragon , VOY : " Dreadnaught ")

Despite their and the Bajorans ' mutual enmity with the Cardassians, the Federation refused to involve itself in the Occupation of Bajor , which continued throughout the Federation-Cardassian War. ( TNG : " Ensign Ro ")

In 2370 , a final treaty was signed by the two sides, establishing a demilitarized zone between the two parties, creating a new border and clarifying ownership of planets such as Dorvan V . ( TNG : " Journey's End ") The Miltoans were involved in this process. ( Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions )

Though unfailingly supportive of the peace process, Ambassador Savin th'Vayhr strenuously opposed certain terms of the Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370. In a formal address to the Federation Council , he disavowed the abandonment of Federation colonists and called the treaty "a shameful display of political convenience and self-interest." ( Star Trek: Pendragon " The Distant Fire ")

Aftermath [ ]

The Maquis were created by disgruntled Starfleet officers, crewmen and Federation civilians who felt "sold out" by the Federation with the treaty and the creation of the DMZ. ( TNG : " Journey's End "; DS9 : " The Maquis ")

Despite the truce, tensions still remained high between the two powers after the signing of the treaty. Three years later the Federation and Cardassians would be at war again, taking different sides in the Dominion War after Gul Skrain Dukat sold out his government to the Dominion . ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine seasons 5-7)

External links [ ]

  • Federation-Cardassian War article at Memory Alpha , the canon Star Trek wiki.
  • Federation-Cardassian War article at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek wiki.

The fan made USS Cheyenne blueprints, by Don Shanks, available on website, speculate a new round of the border wars began on September 13th 2356 or 2358 (depending on the page) with the destruction of the USS Crazy Horse at Que IV; and followed later by the loss of the USS Choctaw on September 23rd, 2358.

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Federation-Cardassian War

The Federation-Cardassian War was a series of conflicts between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union with several active phases throughout the middle- to late- 24th century .

Hostilities flared up in 2362 with the Battle of Ubessi . Cardassian forces intentionally led Starfleet forces, including the USS Artemis , into the Beloti sector towards the populated planet of Ubessi . In this battle, the Cardassians forced a Starfleet starship into Ubessi, destroying the planet's ecology , and ultimately won the battle. Despite this, the Artemis 's commanding officer , James Ashenfelder , broke enemy lines to attempt to assist the Ubessians , but was unsuccessful. ( Star Trek: The Prospect Chronicles : " What a Difference a Day Makes ")

By 2366 , fighting had ended, and the two sides signed a truce in 2367 . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation ; Star Trek: Voyager )

In 2370 , the war was resolved with a permanent treaty , with both sides ceding territory to the other. Some Federation colonies were unhappy with the result and formed a resistance group known as the Maquis . ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ; Star Trek: Voyager )

External links [ ]

  • Federation-Cardassian War article at Memory Alpha , the canon Star Trek wiki.
  • Federation-Cardassian War article at Star Trek Expanded Universe , the fanon Star Trek wiki.

Screen Rant

Star trek confirms dark link between federation & the cardassians.


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Star Trek Names The One Society More Brutal Than Cardassians

I can't believe star trek just brought back this one animated series species, i'm doubtful star trek: legacy will actually happen (while 1 other show is still airing).

  • The Federation and the Cardassians share a dark link, challenging Star Trek's portrayal of peace and freedom.
  • Ro Laren indicts the Federation, equating them with the Cardassians, showing a darker side of Star Trek.
  • The federation's high moral stance is questioned by Section 31, the Maquis storyline, portraying a more complex picture.

Warning: contains spoilers for Star Trek: Defiant #14!

Although the Federation and the Cardassians are bitter enemies in the Star Trek universe, a dark link between the two exists. Star Trek: Defiant has not shied away from exploring the darker corners of the franchise. The Federation, the “good guys” of Star Trek , portray themselves as peaceful and freedom-loving. However, in Star Trek: Defiant #14, Ro Laren makes a less than kind connection between the Federation and the Cardassians.

Star Trek: Defiant #14 is written by Christopher Cantwell and drawn by Angel Unzueta. B’Elanna Torres, a former Maquis and a member of Worf’s crew, has been infected with a parasite. The infected Torres fights Ro Laren, another former Maquis. Under the influence, Torres tells Ro “you will submit or perish.”

The Bajoran, Ro Laren, tells her the Cardassians said the same thing when they came to colonize their world.

Finally, Ro indicts the Federation as well, equating them with the Cardassians, saying they hate having their supremacy questioned.

Star Trek's Federation Only Glitters on the Surface

Agencies like section 31 shows how low the federation can go.

Such a statement may seem to fly in the face of accepted Star Trek wisdom. The United Federation of Planets and Starfleet are often portrayed as noble and morally upright. In an early episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation , Wesley Crusher declared, in a moment of naïveté, that Starfleet did not lie. Beginning with Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , however, the veneer started to come off the Federation. The Maquis storyline was one of the first to call the Federation’s high moral stance into question. Later developments in the show, such as Section 31, continued this trend.

Ro Laren’s viewpoints in relation to the Federation are jaded, informed by growing up on colonized Bajor and later by bad experiences in Starfleet. This may seem to take credibility from what she said about a connection between the Cardassians and the Federation. However, numerous episodes of Deep Space Nine, as well as subsequent “nu-Trek” shows have demonstrated the Federation is not above playing dirty to get what it wants. This puts them in league with the brutal and colonizing Cardassians. However, according to critics, the Federation puts on a much more positive and happy spin on what they do.

Star Trek has revealed there is one society more brutal than the infamous Cardassians--but human beings aren't going to like the answer.

The Federation Does Not Seem to Learn From Its Mistakes

The federation is more benign in their imperialism.

In Defiant’s sister title: Star Trek, the Cardassians are poised for a new beginning, one that could take them down a better path. The Federation, on the other hand, is destined to continue its trend of morally questionable decisions. In season one of Star Trek : Picard , the Federation was in danger of losing its values thanks to an unfair ban on synthetic life. Although they seemingly learned from this mistake, the fact it nearly got to that point is alarming. The Cardassians and the Federation have both made horrible decisions, but somehow the Federation comes out looking respectable every time.

Star Trek: Defiant #14 is on sale now from IDW Publishing!

Star Trek

Cardassian-Federation War

The Cardassian-Federation War was a conflict which raged from 2394 through 2397. The conflict remained between the Cardassian Union and the United Federation of Planets and was precipitated by a number of factors, not the least of which was the Occupation of Bajor .

In addition to the aggressive expansionism of the Cardassians , there were numerous skirmishes between the two powers prior to the open engagement of hostilities.

The Ikev Sector was one of the regions where very little strategic operations took place, but the efforts of the Irregular Federation Forces caused a great many issues with the Cardassian supply lines. Among the areas contended in that sector were Hexikor Prime , The Mill and Bardon Alpha .

Rear Admiral Errol Heatherby was assigned to that sector of space during the war.

The War ended after the Battle of Cardassia in which the Federation task force managed to decimate the last significant forces of the Cardassian fleet. During the battle, several vessels were lost on both sides, including the USS Tripoli and the USS Bastion .

The terms of the treaty dictated the newly established borders between the two powers, as well as guaranteeing the freedom of Bajor from Cardassian rule.

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Federation/Cardassian war

  • Thread starter Lance
  • Start date May 22, 2014


Rear Admiral

  • May 22, 2014


Additional Pylon

According to the rough chronology on Memory Alpha, the main points of the war were between the late 2340s and the mid 2350s. The war had largely become a stalemate by then, but some isolated incidents were still occurring in the early 3060s when the D entered service. Setlik III is given the date of 2347, making it a very early attack.  


Through TNG, I saw The conflict between Cardassia and the Feds as analogous to that between the Feds and the Ferengi. Aggressive cultures that didn't understand each other at first.  

Fleet Admiral

It's kind of hard to credit that this 'war' is going on in the background through TNG's first three seasons. One would imagine that the 'war' would be much more front-and-center for the Enterprise and her crew. Click to expand...
Certainly the war was so bad that the Federation is willing to capitulate quite significantly when it comes to the moving of borders and the establishment of an demilitarized zone, conceding a lot to the Cardassians in the process. Click to expand...
Setlik III is given the date of 2347, making it a very early attack. Click to expand...


The old, aggressive Cardassians were unpleasant. But, once they overthrew their dictators and embraced democracy, I really began to like them. Although they have some bad history, they have many redeeming qualities.  


  • May 23, 2014

I don't see what the problem is. I mean, TOS had the Klingons apparently be this huge Galactic Threat to the Federation but we never hear about them until "Errand of Mercy".  


Timo said: There is a different battle at Setlik III later on, in 2362 according to "Tribunal", and involving entire regiments of regular Cardassian military according to "Empok Nor". So the war is ongoing as of 2362, but not yet in 2347, and no longer in 2368; beyond that, it's pretty much guesswork. Click to expand...

I'm with Okuda here, because the two distinct battles are described as being completely dissimilar. In one Setlik III incident, O'Brien was part of a squad from the Rutledge that responded to a minor raid by militia ("The Wounded"); was appalled that he accidentally ended up killing a single person, his very first ("The Wounded"); and had to retreat in face of a superior enemy, saving the day by repairing a transporter, another first for him ("Paradise"). Cardassians said they had mistaken the settlement for a staging ground for an attack against the Union ("The Wounded"). In 2362 ("Tribunal"), O'Brien led a larger contingent of infantry in a battle that succeeded in driving an entire regiment of Cardassian regulars from their encampment. He said he was a soldier back then ("Empok Nor"). Apparently, he was still associated with the Rutledge ("Tribunal"), possibly even as her Tactical Officer, in yellow ("Paradise"). Since "Realm of Fear" tells us when O'Brien first operated a transporter, we get the 2347 date. It all holds together, and wouldn't if we tried to think of Setlik III as the location of a single incident only. In any case, an interconnected web of half a dozen episodes surely trumps a single episode if it ever comes to that? It doesn't come to that here, though. Timo Saloniemi  

^Premises in Star Trek change all the time, and conflicting information can always be rationalized for or against a thing. The fact is, there was never any mention of two distinct Setlik III incidents, only one. Ergo, the 2347 date (which was obtained by means that had nothing to do with Setlik III) is superceded by the 2362 date which was actually mentioned in dialogue. And I don't think Okuda believed there were two separate battles either. In the Chronology he sticks to the 2347 date using O'Brien's history of transporter use, and completely blows off the "Tribunal" info.  


I wonder why they never mentioned that Picard had any involvement in the war. Surely he was in Starfleet during the war. Perhaps he was just lucky and was stationed elsewhere during the war.  

Fleet Captain

It won't be the last time Star Trek retcons a war late into the continuity even though it makes no sense. In DS9, there was an alien race called the Tzenkethi which was at war with the Federation more than once . An alien race we never see, and never hear about again. Yeah. Whatever. Seems silly that any single species can sustain a war against the Federation which is made up of dozens of alien races and hundreds of star systems. It only ever made sense with the Dominion since they were comparable to the Federation in size and resources. With the Cardassians, the events from The Wounded seem to indicate that the Federation is far superior to the Cardassians with weapons. The Enterprise easily disabled the attacking ship, and the Phoenix (a science vessel) easily wiped out a warship, even with its shields compromised. Why did the Federation need to capitulate? In real life, the Cardassians would have been forced to surrender.  

^Same deal with the Talarians. They were also at war with the Federation at some unspecified date (although when actually seen, they appear to be quite inferior to Starfleet in terms of tech and weapons...) The Tholians were also mentioned as former adversaries in TNG. Now if, say, the Talarians, and the Tzenkethi, and the Cardassians, and the Tholians, and the (fill in the blank) banded together to war against the Federation, it would make more sense. But that's never been implied.  


Vice Admiral

  • May 24, 2014

I think they were all just border skirmishes rather than full on all out war. I really don't think the Cardassians, the Talarians or the Tzenkethi were going "right let's invade UFP space and take over Earth" in the way the Dominion were. They weren't those kinds of 'wars'  

Ro_Laren said: I wonder why they never mentioned that Picard had any involvement in the war. Surely he was in Starfleet during the war. Perhaps he was just lucky and was stationed elsewhere during the war. Click to expand...
DATA: Captain, we are nearing the periphery of Sector twenty one five oh three. PICARD: Be on the lookout for a Cardassian patrol ship, Mister Worf. They should be hailing us soon. RIKER: Even with a treaty, they're still skittish about protecting their border. PICARD: Last time I was in this sector, I was on the Stargazer, running at warp speed ahead of a Cardassian warship. TROI: Running, Captain? You? That's hard to believe. PICARD: Believe it. I'd been sent to make preliminary overtures to a truce. I'd lowered my shields as a gesture of good will. But the Cardassians were not impressed. They had taken out most of my weapons and damaged the impulse engines before I could regroup and run. WORF: The Cardassians have no honour. I do not trust them. TROI: They're our allies now, Mister Worf. We have to trust them. WORF: Trust is earned, not given away. Click to expand...

Another naive and useless line from Troi, ugh.  


jimbotron said: Another naive and useless line from Troi, ugh. Click to expand...


^ How did the Federation kick the Cardassians to the curb and into the Dominion's arms? As far as I recall the Federation seemed to do quite a bit to maintain and even improve their relationship with the Cardassians.  

I think it was Gul Dukat, who overthrew the Cardassian government and allied them with the Dominion, hoping to enhance his power.  



Timo said: Cardassians are nearly harmless - their ships can do no damage when on the offensive, while a Starfleet rogue can walk over them with impunity Click to expand...

And later on, we see in DS9 that Cardassian Weapon Batteries (not Dominion ones) can shred top of the line Fed ships. Anyways, it's not much of a problem to have the Cardies just appear like this. TOS did the same thing with the Klingons, there was no mention of them before "Errand of Mercy".  

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Breadnaught said: Now every Bajoran has the mental image of a Klingon boot stamping on Cardassian necks at any opportunity. Klingon industry helping rebuild and militarize Bajor, klingon military surplus going to the Marquis, to kill Cardassians. Which will probably do more for Bajoran Hearts and Minds than the Federation's endless tolerance for Cardassian bullshit did. Click to expand... Click to shrink...



Pethrai Darkos said: Enterprise era Earth does have colonies in other systems. One of the plots involves a lost colony from the early days where a one way trip took years. Now they've got Warp 3 ships so a one way trip only takes a few months (Enterprise having their first prototype Warp 5 engine). Click to expand... Click to shrink...


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I for one look forward to Tanya's repeated use of her lawyer's service every time the Cardassians or the Federation try to call her out. After all, everything she does is strictly legal. It isn't her fault that both governments wrote all these laws and don't bother to read nor actually enforce the things. In fact, she is even being more legal that required as the Kligon empires wasn't even a signer of the treaty and yet she is obeying it more exactly than either of the two signing factions are.  



  • Tuesday at 12:18 PM
Autocharth said: Not that I don't agree with pretty much everything else, but isn't that part less "the civilian government Starfleet wanted to prop up backstabbed them" and more "Dukat backstabs them, coups the civilian government with Dominion backing and most of the population goes along with it because the conflict with the Klingons destroyed the credibility of the civilian government"? Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Soberan 123 said: Actually betraying people is a cardassian thing, a romulan betrays you all the while saying if for the glory of Romulus or something like that while a cardassian betrays you while saying is nothing personal and his reason was because you back need a good backstabbing. There's also the political side, it's very certain the klingons would put in place a puppet regime if the war is won so is understandably why the Federation Council don't want it to happen. I imagine if the romulans have allied themselves with the Union Starfleet would be way more compelled to do something about the cardassians from the beginning. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
DeusVult said: ...who wrote this shit? Wildbow? Will Starfleet be just as obstante here? Because quite frankly this is just such spineless and idiotic behaviour I'm not sure it'd be all that enjoyable to read. It wouldn't even be a bash-fic, it'd follow canon, but the feeling would be the same, and while such stories might be initially cathartic, the spell breaks pretty quickly and it just gets tiring. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
ddy73 said: The federation did the same with the romulans, they are so warshy that they will essentially accept any treaty violations short of attacking earth as long as you say you're sorry afterward. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Breadnaught said: Of course, if she keeps blatantly supplying the Marquis, I'd be shocked if the Cardassians didn't try something stupid. Hell, they tried fuck-fuck games with the Federation repeatedly , despite knowing they were out of their weight class. The Union just convinced themselves they could get away with it. It only takes one idiot in the right place to think they can get away with their fuck-fuck games with the Klingons. Founder 1: "Well, I WAS going to infiltrate the Empire and turn them against their neighbours." Founder 2: "Job failed successfully I guess. Didn't even need to get involved." Founder 1: "Guess so. Since we're in Klingon form, wanna go get some bloodwine?" Founder 2: "Sure, let's go." Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Asael said: Of course they think they can get away with it. They *actively* get away with it repeatedly. Most of their appearances in TNG are them playing stupid games and getting away with it. Including abducting and torturing starfleet personel. It's not like DS9 did much to change that either. Even when their plans fall through, they suffer no real consequences for their games, so why would they stop? Click to expand... Click to shrink...
theguyfromtheplace1 said: Off to go take a look at the cardassian/Klingon war wiki entry. But before I go, has anyone discussed what happens if instead of going to war with the Cardassians, the Klingons notice that they're being manipulated, and launch a preemptive attack through the wormhole on the Dominion? In some ways it's a very sensible approach to things, getting more samples of dominion technology and disrupting their own invasion plans might be very helpful. In other ways it may cause political problems during the dominion war Click to expand... Click to shrink...


Literal Enthusiast

  • Tuesday at 12:30 PM
metaldragon868 said: It's not that I'm surprised the Cardassians did it. Or, well, Dukat did it. It's more that I'm surprised The Federation was surprised by it. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
  • Tuesday at 12:35 PM
Pinklestia101 said: So Tanya would start pre Enterprise with Warp 1 cargo ships and upgrade to Warp 3 by the time of the Enterprise launch. Originally the ships where made to take cargo from asteroid mining. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
  • Tuesday at 12:37 PM

If Tan'Yagh is selling Klingon ships to "deniable Federation assets", how does this impact the Treaty of Algeron? It might not be illegal for a Klingon to sell a cloaking device (so long as it isn't the current versions that are classified), but it is illegal for Starfleet to buy them. But the Maquis are retired and/or disavowed Starfleet, not serving officers. Until some hypothetical future point when Starfleet or Section 31 retroactively takes credit for their actions after the war.  

Pethrai Darkos said: You seem to be underestimating the timescales here. The Enterprise' chief engineer (or helmsmen, can't quite remember) was born on a Warp 3 cargo ship. If Tanya was personally responsible for the Warp 3 design upgrade then she'd be well past middle age by the time Enterprise launches Click to expand... Click to shrink...
  • Tuesday at 12:40 PM
Pinklestia101 said: Not personally responsible and it could be her family company, so if she got it from her parents or grandparents she could be jn he early twenties by the time she took charge. Also they are Warp 3 to make the ships cheaper, people can upgrade but it costs extra. Click to expand... Click to shrink...



Verified wish granter.

  • Tuesday at 12:50 PM

In all seriousness, humanity in Star Trek is hilariously traumatized by World War 3 and the post apocalypse, to the point it's clear between the Augment bias and the fear of war it's become a cornerstone of human culture. Which is fair, there are definitely things from 300 years ago that drive humans today. It certainly doesn't help that the more ambitious and warlike humans took off and set to colonizing while the pacifists set up on Earth. I do get the feeling though, that the Federation was still getting their feet under them from the massacre at Wolf 359 back in late 2366, and DS9 starts in 2369, so there was probably a lot of 'buy time before we start any war' strategy going around and the Federation might have stopped playing nice with Cardassia if the Dominion never got involved.  

  • Tuesday at 12:53 PM
Pethrai Darkos said: What are you talking about? Outside of experimental military craft Warp 3 is the best Enterprise Earth has got. There is no upgrading from a Warp 3 engine at that time, it's not a matter of money. Click to expand... Click to shrink...



  • Tuesday at 1:11 PM
metaldragon868 said: Consistently and canonically it's shown that the Federation won't really do much in response to the Cardassians, or anyone else, playing fuck fuck games with them beyond just undoing the direct damage of them as much as possible. But, as mentioned, it does beg the question of how much I should actually adhere to that, because at a certain point it does strain credibility. It's something I've been working on myself since, in large part, I want to use this fic as a way to point out a lot of Federation's major shortcomings without outright villanizing or bashing them. Click to expand... Click to shrink...


  • Tuesday at 1:12 PM


  • Tuesday at 1:22 PM

warp 5 could run and 5 yes but normally ran somewhere around 4 warp 5 was a leap forward there was no warp 4 engine. maybe there was an upgrade at some point to warp 4 for none starfleet ships in or around ent timeline but we do not see that. what we see if starfleet getting mostly the top of the line gear (with some exceptions because compatibility) and any civilian ships being ether lower teck or last gen fleet schips.  

  • Tuesday at 2:26 PM

To be honest im starting to question wether some people here even pay attention to startrek lore around DS9 of the cardassian war. Most dont seem to realise that the Federation wasnt actually even fighting a real war and they refered to it as a policing action and incident at the highest levels. It was only the people on the ground that believed it was a war. And in during the period of TNG-DS9 and even the enterprise B era the federation was being run nearly entirely by the extreme Dove faction. Basically comparing their goverment to a real life one would be the equivlant to Neville Chamberlain prior to WW2 and his entire plan of appeasement to the Nazis. The Federation Honestly couldnt wrap their heads around anyone actually picking a fight with them over some small border colonies. The didnt really grow out of that mindset until the Breen did a driveby on earth itself. Then they pretty much sacked all the peacenik admirals and politicans and you ended up with events like the retaking of DS9 and battle of angels. The federation was down right nasty when they actually put effort into fiting a war. They also built some really terrifying ships when you realise the capabilities of them and thats before they decided to build actual real warship`ish ships. When you work out the power those ships had even the miranda which was near ancient at the time fo DS9 was still capable of rendering a planet empty of life rather quickly. Realisitcally when you compare the two sides and their capabilities there is really no way the cardassians should or could have won, its even mentioned their ships were usually decades behind the Feds tech wise. Its only when they introduced thier spiral disruptors and Keldons that there tech started to catch up. You got to keep in mind in the cardassian war the federation wasnt using defiants, akiras, or even galaxies. they were fighting with excelsiors, nebulas, mirands and constellations, with maybe a ambassador class(ironic). This is pointed out in the TNG episode "wounded" were its mentioned the Federation had just fought a war but nearly no-one actually really seemed to upset or bothered about it. Even then the Federation didnt seem to see anypoint in sending its newest ships to fight in said war. The hilarious thing is in that episode Picard literally doesnt feel threaten at all by the cardassians, but yet when a romulan warnbird shows up and a klingon ship does they start to worry. Basically it was the first gulfwar in space. Even then the likly real reason the peace was gained as it was, was down to purely political expdiancy. Afterally it looks good for the Dove faction if they managed to end a war with minimal consuqence. Then again the entire plan of handing colonies over looks like a bad idea until you realise that they were major thorn in the cardassians side for years, and that was only ended due to the dominion. I mean really, the federation deploys to find the "terrorists" with some of their science ships that were literally capable of finding gods mole on his buttocks, but they couldnt pinpoint were exact the naughty ones were in a ion storm or nebula? Souonds unplausible when starfleet regulary seems to use wizard magic to save the day.  

  • Tuesday at 2:40 PM
Tomirian said: To be honest im starting to question wether some people here even pay attention to startrek lore around DS9 of the cardassian war. Most dont seem to realise that the Federation wasnt actually even fighting a real war and they refered to it as a policing action and incident at the highest levels. It was only the people on the ground that believed it was a war. And in during the period of TNG-DS9 and even the enterprise B era the federation was being run nearly entirely by the extreme Dove faction. Basically comparing their goverment to a real life one would be the equivlant to Neville Chamberlain prior to WW2 and his entire plan of appeasement to the Nazis. The Federation Honestly couldnt wrap their heads around anyone actually picking a fight with them over some small border colonies. The didnt really grow out of that mindset until the Breen did a driveby on earth itself. Then they pretty much sacked all the peacenik admirals and politicans and you ended up with events like the retaking of DS9 and battle of angels. Click to expand... Click to shrink...


  • Tuesday at 2:44 PM
Tomirian said: Basically comparing their goverment to a real life one would be the equivlant to Neville Chamberlain prior to WW2 and his entire plan of appeasement to the Nazis. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
  • Tuesday at 2:48 PM
Pinklestia101 said: For the Enterprise itself to have Warp 5 even if it is an experimental engine, Warp 4 must be a thing they have. Click to expand... Click to shrink...

Urist Maxwell

Urist Maxwell

Custodian of the toobs.

  • Tuesday at 2:58 PM
Pethrai Darkos said: It's a speed not a step on the tech tree. If your best engine is Warp 3 and you make a new engine that's Warp 5 then you've made an engine that's Warp 5, nobody is going to come down from their higher plane of existence and punish you for having made a revolution rather than incremental improvement. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
  • Tuesday at 3:08 PM
DeusVult said: Which is why so many people are complaining here about how the Federation lets them get away with so many direct provokations and assaults, because something like that is AFIAK unprecedented in IRL history and makes them look unbelievably bad, which is an issue, Click to expand... Click to shrink...


  • Tuesday at 3:12 PM
  • Tuesday at 3:13 PM
steakem said: Afghanistan post-american pull out is pretty much exactly this. Which technically would be unprecedented when DS9 was made, but does fit, especially Cardassia effectively being a 3rd world shithole. Click to expand... Click to shrink...

Memory Alpha

Federation-Cardassian Treaty

The Federation-Cardassian Treaty was a treaty signed between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union in 2370 . Three years earlier, in 2367 , the Federation-Cardassian Armistice of 2367 had been signed between the Federation and Cardassia to end major engagements; this treaty was supposed to be the final end to the hostilities of the Federation-Cardassian War . ( TNG : " Chain Of Command, Part I ", " Journey's End ", " Preemptive Strike ")

The Treaty was primarily negotiated by Admiral Alynna Nechayev , and mainly dealt with the status of the Federation-Cardassian border , leading to the establishment of the Demilitarized Zone . Within the Zone, neither side was permitted to deploy armaments, or establish military bases. However twice the Cardassians violated the pre-treaty Armistice:

  • In 2367 Benjamin Maxwell tried to expose the fact that the Cardassians were undermining the Peace accord with secret military bases and troop movements. ( TNG : " The Wounded ")
  • In 2368 the Cardassians destroyed a Federation Colony on Solarion IV and tried to frame a Bajor Resistance Group for the attack. ( TNG : " Ensign Ro ")

The official border, which ran through the zone, was redrawn requiring the exchange of several worlds. Although the colonists on these worlds were given the option of resettlement, many refused as they felt that their rights had been ignored; Federation colonies which ended up in the Cardassian DMZ included Volan II , Volan III , Soltok IV , and Umoth VIII . ( DS9 : " The Maquis, Part I ") One Federation colony, Dorvan V , survived only because it switched from the Federation to the Cardassian Union. At least two Colonies where the Federation settlers were forced to leave their homes were Juhraya and Salva II . The resulting dissatisfaction eventually led to the establishment of the underground insurgency group called Maquis . ( DS9 : " The Maquis, Part I ", " The Maquis, Part II "; VOY : " Caretaker ", " Prime Factors ", " Tattoo ", " Investigations ") The Maquis fought against both the Federation and the Cardassians in order to live as an independent non-aligned confederation and even had one military base Athos IV ( DS9 : " Blaze of Glory ") and four entire planets of their own in the DMZ: Marva IV , Quatal Prime , Tracken II , and Veloz Prime . ( DS9 : " For the Uniform ")

In mid- 2370 , Admiral Gupta traveled to Deep Space 9 to investigate Cardassian movements near the Demilitarized Zone. ( DS9 : " Whispers ").

The Dominion was aware of the treaty being signed and Talak'talan mentioned it to Benjamin Sisko in late 2370 . The Jem'Hadar considered it to be "a tactical error" on the Federation's part. ( DS9 : " The Jem'Hadar ")

In his message to the Cardassian government in 2371 , Enabran Tain mentioned this treaty and the Bajoran-Cardassian Treaty as the factors which blinded it to the danger of the Dominion . ( DS9 : " The Die is Cast ")

In 2373 , the Dominion-Cardassian alliance wiped out all Maquis colonies in the DMZ. ( DS9 : " By Inferno's Light "; VOY : " Hunters ", " Extreme Risk ")

External link [ ]

  • Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370 at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)

Federation-Cardassian War

  • Edit source

The  Federation-Cardassian Wars , known in the Federation as the  Cardassian wars ,  Cardassian border conflict , or simply the  border wars , were prolonged conflicts between the Federation and the Cardassian Union. These conflicts started in 2347 and lasted until 2364, with smaller skirmishes, not officially considered part of the wars, which continued into the 2360s. The ensuing stalemate by the mid-2360s advantaged neither side in firepower or territory. A 2366 truce and a 2367 armistice enforced an end to hostilities but left key questions unresolved; the finalized treaty, unsigned until 2370, formed a demilitarized zone between the powers, creating a new border and clarifying claims to planets such as Dorvan V

The wars raged in a series of conflicts of various sizes as the two powers struggled to protect their individual interests. A major incident was the Setlik III massacre. The Federation starship USS  Rutledge , under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell, was the first vessel to respond to the colony's distress calls. The  Rutledge  went on to become involved in other conflicts during these wars. Miles O'Brien and many members of the ship's crew exhibited signs of racism towards Cardassians thereafter. The USS  Tecumseh , commanded by Captain Raymond, also saw extensive combat.

In 2351, the USS  Stargazer  was involved in a truce offering by the Federation in sector 21503. After making contact with a Cardassian warship, Captain Picard lowered the ship's shields as a gesture of good will, but the Cardassian commander ignored the gesture and disabled the  Stargazer 's weapons and impulse engines. The  Stargazer  managed to regroup and flee

While Kathryn Janeway held the rank of lieutenant, she was a member of an away team defending a Federation outpost from Cardassians during the border conflict. The Cardassians fought for the outpost for weeks, and at one point, ended up in a three-day long firefight. In the end, Starfleet secured the outpost and all members of the away team were decorated by Starfleet Command. 

Much of the fighting went on in the area of space that later became the DMZ. During the war, gravitic mines were deployed near the region later known as the DMZ. The Cardassian Union pushed into Federation space, and Federation systems such as Minos Korva were disputed territory during the wars. In 2369, two years after the established truce, the Cardassians unsuccessfully attempted to take the system. Members of Starfleet further feared that the Cardassians would try to annex the Igo sector in that year.

Losses during the wars left deep scars on both sides. For instance, Gul Evek lost two of his three sons during the Cardassian Wars, and Captain Benjamin Maxwell lost his entire family. Starfleet officers such as Will Kayden and Raymond Boone died during the war. Popular Federation ambassadors Spock and Sarek (Spock's father) disagreed publicly over the Cardassian Wars, which led to a serious divide in their relationship and family. Tensions remained between the two expanding powers. Many seasoned veterans from both sides were called upon by their respective governments to face each other again during the Dominion War that began in late 2373.

Years after the war, Miles O'Brien noted that field rations was the only thing he missed about the Cardassian front during the war. 

Chronology  [ ]

  • 1 Xenomorph XX121 (Alien)
  • 2 Seven of Nine(Annika Hansen)
  • 3 Nyota Uhura


  1. Cardassian Wars by Sgrum on deviantART

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  2. Star Trek: Federation-Cardassian War

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  3. Cardassian war era starfleet : r/StarTrekStarships

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  4. Klingon-Cardassian War

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  5. WAR FOR THE FREEHOLDS! Stellaris Star Trek New Horizons

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  6. Pin on Star Trek

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  1. Fortifications In The Dominion War

  2. Star trek: Infinite- Klingon Empire- Episode 3- Klingon-Cardassian War!

  3. A Dark Federation?

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  5. Star Conflict: Seeress

  6. The Zerg capture Tassadar and his warriors


  1. Federation-Cardassian War

    The Federation-Cardassian Wars, known in the Federation as the Cardassian Wars, Cardassian border conflict, or simply the border wars, were prolonged border disputes between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union. These conflicts started as far back as 2347 and lasted well into the 2350s, with smaller skirmishes, not officially considered part of the wars, which continued ...

  2. Federation-Cardassian War

    The Federation-Cardassian War was a conflict between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union. The period from 2355 until 2359 was considered to be the height of the conflict. (DS9 reference: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual) Although fighting ended in 2366 when a ceasefire was agreed between the two powers, the state of war wasn't formally ended until 2370 with the ...

  3. Star Trek: Federation-Cardassian War

    A brief history of the Federation-Cardassian War of the 24th century. Based on the Universe of Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry.Support Civilization Ex...

  4. Battle of Cardassia

    The Battle of Cardassia (also known as the Invasion of Cardassia) was the final battle of the Dominion War, fought in late 2375. The Federation Alliance, the forces of the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire, as well as the Cardassian Union launched an invasion with the goal of capturing the Dominion's Alpha Quadrant headquarters on occupied Cardassia ...

  5. star trek

    A new treaty between the Union and the Federation is signed: While the Cardassians agree neither to field a military nor to wage war, Starfleet is assigned to protect Cardassian space if an invasion should happen. In response to the agreement, the requests for prosecution of Cardassians for war crimes is dropped by Bajor. (2386)

  6. Cardassian history

    The Reklar and Enterprise-D meet over the dispute about Minos Korva in 2369. Indeed, in 2369 the Federation was alerted when Cardassian forces relocated from the Bajoran sector towards the Federation-Cardassian border and feared for an incursion. Cardassians lured and captured Picard and then attempted to take Minos Korva by negotiating his release. The layout of the DMZ also contributed to ...

  7. Everything You Need to Know About the Cardassians

    It was in the fifth season of TNG that Bajor, and the Cardassian occupation of the planet, was introduced.This would be explored more in Deep Space Nine.Similarly, the Maquis, a rebel group who fought back against Cardassian occupation, was introduced in the show's seventh season; revealing that the Cardassians' treaty with the Federation left several Federation colonies stranded in ...

  8. Federation-Cardassian War

    The Federation-Cardassian War was a conflicts between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union that started in the middle of the 24th century. A cease-fire was reached by 2363, though skirmishes continued until 2366 and a more permanent treaty was signed in 2367. (Star Trek: Pendragon, VOY: "Dreadnaught") Despite their and the Bajorans' mutual enmity with the Cardassians, the ...

  9. Star Trek: Every War In The Franchise, Chronology Explained

    The war started in the 2340s, and the conflicts were largely explored over the course of Star Trek: TNG. During the war, both Cardassian and Federation forces battled for control over locations along the Federation-Cardassian border, but by the mid-2360s, the fighting had come to a stalemate, which led to the peace treaty and armistice being ...

  10. star trek

    There's no main canon description of the Federation's first formal contact with the Cardassian Union. They do encounter Cardassian individuals in Star Trek: Enterprise — a Cardassian Borg, and what appears to be a Cardassian body at the automated repair station in "Dead Stop" — but these obviously don't answer the question of first official contact.

  11. Federation-Cardassian War(s)

    Has anyone explored the Federation-Cardassian War(s)? We know that the Setlik III massacre occurred in 2347. The period from 2355 until 2359 was considered to be the height of the conflict according to the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual. A cease fire was agreed to in 2366 and a...

  12. Timeline: Enterprise B/C era & Cardassian War

    2339: # Cardassian forces annex another planet on the edge of Federation space; Star Fleet is again ordered to stand down. 2343/2344: # Klingon-Romulan War begins. 2344: Enterprise-C destroyed by four Romulan warships at the Battle of Narendra-III. 2344: # Klingon-Romulan War ends with the threat of the Federation entering on the side of the ...

  13. Federation-Cardassian War

    The Federation-Cardassian War was a series of conflicts between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union with several active phases throughout the middle- to late-24th century. Hostilities flared up in 2362 with the Battle of Ubessi. Cardassian forces intentionally led Starfleet forces, including the USS Artemis, into the Beloti sector towards the populated planet of Ubessi ...

  14. star trek

    Obviously the did have the war, but the crux of my question is how they managed to do so without having the support of The Federation. Most maps I've seen of the Star Trek universe, such as this one (Federation and Vicinity) , show at least a good portion of Federation space separating the Klingons and the Cardassians.

  15. Star Trek Confirms Dark Link Between Federation & the Cardassians

    The Federation and the Cardassians share a dark link, challenging Star Trek's portrayal of peace and freedom.; Ro Laren indicts the Federation, equating them with the Cardassians, showing a darker side of Star Trek.; The federation's high moral stance is questioned by Section 31, the Maquis storyline, portraying a more complex picture.

  16. Cardassian-Federation War

    The Cardassian-Federation War was a conflict which raged from 2394 through 2397. The conflict remained between the Cardassian Union and the United Federation of Planets and was precipitated by a number of factors, not the least of which was the Occupation of Bajor . In addition to the aggressive expansionism of the Cardassians, there were ...

  17. Federation/Cardassian war

    Rear Admiral. May 22, 2014. #1. According to "The Wounded", the Federation and the Cardies have been at war for decades. We never saw any of this on-screen, the first we hear of it is in that episode, which deals with the fall-out and of both sides making a hard readjustment to peace-time. It's kind of hard to credit that this 'war' is going on ...

  18. Life-Forms

    Cardassian relations with the Federation had been hostile ever since 2350. The Military firmly believed Cardassia needed to expand in order to thrive, and they tried to extend their reach into Federation territory. War broke out when the Federation would not yield, lasting for 20 years. An uneasy truce was reached when a peace treaty was signed ...

  19. Federation Cardassian War : r/startrek

    We know from Ethics that someone in the war was using gravitic mines, it could have been the Federation, but let's assume it was the Cardassians. If they were the aggressor, which seems likely, they may have blitzed into Federation territory, seized multiple systems, then laid a series of mines to secure their position long before the ...

  20. Cardassian

    The Cardassians were a humanoid species from the Alpha Quadrant. They were native to the planet Cardassia Prime, capital world of the Cardassian Union. Known throughout the Alpha Quadrant for being extremely ruthless, the Cardassians became one of the greatest enemies of the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire, when the Cardassian Union joined the Dominion in 2373. Cardassians ...

  21. The Federation-Cardassian War : r/startrek

    Yep, the Cardassian War took place over about 20 years, ending during the third season of TNG. It was probably winding down significantly by that point and the Enterprise was never near the front line, I guess. Considering the Borg attack, it's no wonder the Federation agreed to the peace and the DMZ.

  22. A Young Warrior's Imperial Ascension (Youjo Senki/Star Trek)

    In all seriousness, humanity in Star Trek is hilariously traumatized by World War 3 and the post apocalypse, to the point it's clear between the Augment bias and the fear of war it's become a cornerstone of human culture. ... You got to keep in mind in the cardassian war the federation wasnt using defiants, akiras, or even galaxies. they were ...

  23. Federation-Cardassian Treaty

    The Federation-Cardassian Treaty was a treaty signed between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union in 2370. Three years earlier, in 2367, the Federation-Cardassian Armistice of 2367 had been signed between the Federation and Cardassia to end major engagements; this treaty was supposed to be the final end to the hostilities of the Federation-Cardassian War. (TNG: "Chain Of ...

  24. Federation-Cardassian War

    The Federation-Cardassian Wars, known in the Federation as the Cardassian wars, Cardassian border conflict, or simply the border wars, were prolonged conflicts between the Federation and the Cardassian Union. These conflicts started in 2347 and lasted until 2364, with smaller skirmishes, not officially considered part of the wars, which continued into the 2360s. The ensuing stalemate by the ...