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  • Business Event Management: Navigating the World of Corporate and Social Gatherings Explore key strategies for successful corporate and social event planning and execution with our in-depth business event management course. Read more Start now Add to cart Business Event Management: Navigating the World of Corporate and Social Gatherings Explore key strategies for successful corporate and social event planning and execution with our in-depth business event management course. Read more
  • Innovation and Digital Transformation in the Tourism Industry Explore digital transformation in tourism as you learn to implement effective strategies, embrace innovation, and elevate customer engagement and operational excellence. Read more Start now Add to cart Innovation and Digital Transformation in the Tourism Industry Explore digital transformation in tourism as you learn to implement effective strategies, embrace innovation, and elevate customer engagement and operational excellence. Read more
  • Destination Marketing Develop robust marketing strategies for tourism destinations, focusing on market analysis, competitive positioning, and successful campaign implementation. Read more Start now Add to cart Destination Marketing Develop robust marketing strategies for tourism destinations, focusing on market analysis, competitive positioning, and successful campaign implementation. Read more
  • Restaurant Operations Elevate your restaurant management skills with this online course, exploring food safety, service types, menu development, and effective inventory management. Read more Start now Add to cart Restaurant Operations Elevate your restaurant management skills with this online course, exploring food safety, service types, menu development, and effective inventory management. Read more
  • Culinary Arts and Gastronomy Explore the link between tourism and gastronomy, the role of food in culture and sustainable alignment with the 2030 Agenda. Read more Start now Add to cart Culinary Arts and Gastronomy Explore the link between tourism and gastronomy, the role of food in culture and sustainable alignment with the 2030 Agenda. Read more
  • Culinary Basics for Operations, Catering Management and New Techniques Master culinary basics, innovative techniques, menu development, and catering management in this comprehensive course for aspiring chefs and culinary enthusiasts. Read more Start now Add to cart Culinary Basics for Operations, Catering Management and New Techniques Master culinary basics, innovative techniques, menu development, and catering management in this comprehensive course for aspiring chefs and culinary enthusiasts. Read more

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The Media’s Growing Role in Education

In today’s rapidly evolving world, both the media sector and education share a similar predicament in terms of how to adjust to new technology. As someone who has worked in the digital media space for over 13 years, I have witnessed massive changes in how people consume their daily news, I’ve seen century-old revenue models collapse, and attention spans shorten.

In this era of unprecedented change, there is reason to be both cautious and hopeful. Opportunities and threats that were previously unimaginable are now a reality. Both media and education are facing an uncertain future due to the rapid advance of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The challenges we face require creativity and a willingness to adapt. By working together, media and education stand a better chance of weathering the storm. Trust in both sectors is at an all-time low in many countries around the world, and continuing to operate in the same way is unlikely to change this.

Instead, we must seize this opportunity by reevaluating our core functions.

Over the past years, Morocco World News, the news outlet I founded with my brother in 2011, has built several effective partnerships with local universities, focusing on youth empowerment, employability, media literacy and skills development. Such partnerships, I believe, hold the key for a sustainable future for both sectors.

By working together, the media industry and educational institutions can teach science effectively, be more inclusive, boost awareness on issues that matter, empower young people, and encourage growth.

Embracing this technological revolution will allow us to tailor content to the needs of modern students and news consumers. We can offer content in a variety of local languages and promote both critical thinking and problem-solving through increasingly interactive content.

More importantly, sectors such as media and education have the opportunity to promote life-long learning as a vital skill in our ever-changing labour market.

As the director of an English language news outlet in an Arab and French speaking country, I have witnessed how quickly a society can adapt to change and learn new skills. Morocco is now rapidly shifting, and English has become the primary language of science, entertainment and business. Young people are on board and driving the much-needed change.

In the years ahead, AI is set to disrupt both our sectors in seismic ways, prompting us to consider new ways to stay relevant to future generations who themselves face severe uncertainty about their future careers. In my experience, media platforms and educational institutes have an important role to play in the coming upheaval, and we can only do it together.

Strengthening ties between educators and the media will result in more engaging educational content. Interactivity and customization feeds the curiosity of young minds. It also encourages creativity and critical thinking. The use of advanced technology can help boost media literacy by bringing top educational content to the forefront of the news.

How many universities have amazing communicators and public speakers whose inspiring words do not reach beyond their walls? How many news stories are short in detail due to time pressure or a lack of expertise among writing staff? Bringing the two sectors together can solve both issues by connecting journalists with the voices that matter, at a time when they are truly needed.

I believe the answer to the coming wave of transformative technology lies in human connections. We need to connect the curious to those willing to share their knowledge, we need to empower people to check facts and sources, and we need to ensure this happens in an accessible and inclusive way.

Close partnerships between media organizations and educational institutes can help democratize learning and create a new positive public function for both sectors. My experience has shown me that these partnerships are easy to build and grow and hold the key to a more sustainable future for both sectors.

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Adnane Bennis Co-Founder and CEO of Morocco World News


Crisis Management in Tourism

The tourism sector has faced unprecedented volatility and uncertainty over the past 5 years, both globally and locally. The pandemic and its related restrictions, the geopolitical situation and local conflicts, the acceleration of inflation and price increases, and the disruption of logistical chains led to the share of tourism in the global economy decreasing significantly. By the end of 2023 only a few destinations had managed to return to 2019 levels.

Now, however, the outlook is more encouraging. Consumer behavior in 2024, despite ongoing uncertainty, indicates a strong will to travel. Thanks to this, the sector is adapting to changing reality – new tourist routes are emerging and existing ones are being developed, new hotels, airports, restaurants, and other infrastructure are opening.

That said, the sector is still affected by seasonality, high fixed costs, a lack of qualified people and relatively low profitability. In rapidly changing and disruptive environment, with unforeseen changes, crisis management and change management become critical to ensure the industry is sustainable and safe for tourists and business.

Crisis management in the tourism sector generally involves a strategic and proactive approach taken by business to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from unexpected events that may influence the safety, travel plans, and the overall satisfaction of tourists. The primary goal is to minimize the effects of a crisis, restore confidence, and enable a relevant recovery for all parties involved.

As for any general management activities, crisis management in tourism logically includes several steps:

1)Assessing the nature of crisis

Tourism industry crises can take different forms, each demanding a specific response. Natural disasters can disrupt travel plans, infrastructure, and local communities. Human-made events, such as terrorist attacks, civil unrest, or geopolitical tensions, can impact the safety and security of tourists in affected regions. Additionally, health-related issues, exemplified by pandemics like COVID-19, present unique challenges with widespread implications for global travel.

2)Pre-Crisis Planning and Preparation

Effective crisis management starts long before a crisis itself appears. The tourism industry must engage in pre-crisis planning and preparedness to mitigate potential risks and enhance responsiveness during emergencies. This involves conducting risk assessments, identifying vulnerabilities, and establishing crisis response teams with clear roles and responsibilities. Relevant communication plans are essential to spread accurate and timely information to tourists, employees, and the public, assuring transparency and trust.

3)Crisis Response and Communication

While crisis starts, the effectiveness of the response and communication can make a significant difference in managing the situation. Tourism enterprises must activate their crisis response teams promptly and implement pre-established protocols and procedures. Swift communication with relevant authorities, local communities, and other stakeholders is essential to assess the situation accurately and make informed decisions. Transparent communication with tourists is crucial for managing expectations, providing safety guidelines, and offering alternative solutions.

4)Flexibility and Redemption Strategies

Flexibility is a crucial component of effective crisis management in tourism. Diversifying tourism offerings, both in terms of destinations and experiences, may reduce the impact of crisis that affect specific regions or sectors. Creating contingency funds and investing in comprehensive insurance can provide financial stability during challenging times. Collaborative efforts among public and private sectors can improve the managing capabilities, fostering a collective commitment to the industry’s survival and recovery.

5)Post-Crisis Assessment and Mastering

After managing a crisis, a thorough post-crisis analysis is vital to learn from the experience and improve future crisis management strategies. The tourism industry should embrace a culture of life-long learning and adaptation, updating plans based on emerging trends and challenges. Sharing lessons learned with the industry community promotes knowledge sharing and improves practices for the tourism sector.

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ARTEM KLYKOV , PhD, MBA professor of tourism, Silk Road University Samarkand visiting professor, SWISSAM International University hospitality expert media contributor coach, mentor


Integrating tourism and hospitality curricula in high schools with AHLEI

The American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute ( AHLEI ) established in 1953, is one of the foremost certifying bodies and publishers of quality resources to train, develop, and certify hospitality industry professionals globally. AHLEI is also committed to supporting the education of those just starting to pursue their careers, the next generation of hospitality and tourism leaders, innovators and champions!

AHLEI conducted extensive Gen Z research prior to creating our newest curricula. These results also influenced the new   Education Toolkit , created in partnership with UN Tourism for the incorporation of tourism as a subject in high schools.

Young people who are excited about creating great experiences, meeting new people, making a positive impact on their communities and growing in their careers are increasingly drawn to the hospitality industry.

Why Introduce Tourism and Hospitality to School-Age Students?

AHLEI’s research pointed to some intriguing findings. Students are making decisions increasingly early about the career they want to pursue but many don’t consider hospitality. Why? Because of preconceived notions about the opportunities available to them. Additional findings include:

  • Gen Z students are very practical. They are looking for a return on their educational investments. The more we can educate them about career growth and earning potential, the more they will start thinking seriously about tourism and hospitality as a career choice.
  • Gen Z students prioritize feeling proud of what they do and where they work. They are motivated by exciting and interesting careers, Instagram-worthy experiences, and the positive impact the hospitality industry has on communities and economies.
  • Gen Z is interested in inclusivity and in the freedom to be who they are. Hospitality is an amazing industry that encourages guests and employees alike to be their authentic selves.

AHLEI hears from our industry partners that while some young people may not be as skilled at test-taking or formal education, if they have great interpersonal skills, positive energy and good problem-solving instincts, there is a home for them in the hospitality industry. There are excellent opportunities for anyone with these qualities who is willing to work hard and learn.

Thus, in our new curriculum we emphasized relevance in the real world, encouraging exploration and practice through inquiry-based and problem-solving activities, and engaging students through our design choices, narrative voice, and multimedia resources. Let’s explore our newest resources.

Implementing the HTM Curriculum

The AHLEI high school curriculum, Hospitality and Tourism Management provides an engaging comprehensive exploration of different segments within the industry and the career paths in each.

This article includes:

  • Implementation of the curriculum including organization, coverage and educator support
  • Key themes and learning objectives of the text
  • Endorsement by the U.S. hotel and lodging industry
  • Testimonials from international partners

The AHLEI authoring and instructional design teams place a high priority on creating relevant, accurate, up to date and industry-driven content. Passive memorization is not the goal. Our materials are designed to help students think and do! There are elements incorporated regularly throughout learning and teacher resource materials designed to prompt student output and higher levels of learning.


Hospitality & Tourism Management is a single-volume textbook that can be aligned with any length program, though it is most often used alongside one- or two-year programs. The text is broken into modular units covering each segment of the industry. Each unit is comprised of self-contained chapters that dive deeper into skills and concepts. Optional activities, case studies and projects offer more rigor and application if desired. This modular approach along with helpful pacing guides allow educators to easily align the curriculum with the preferred order and structure of their program.

Hospitality is a huge and varied industry and the HTM curriculum includes a comprehensive overview of lodging and hotels, food and beverage operations, event management, travel and tourism.  Coverage includes an overview of each segment, organizational structure and career paths, key roles and responsibilities. Opening chapters highlight the importance of the role of the industry and introduce students to core concepts and skills around providing excellent guest service. Closing chapters focus on business and leadership concepts like marketing, finance and entrepreneurship.

The coverage in HTM is based on input from dozens of industry professionals, teachers and subject matter experts for a relevant contemporary take on hospitality education with both practical and aspirational applications.

Teacher Support

The online teacher resource portal for Hospitality & Tourism Management includes a wealth of supplementary materials to help educators deliver the content to their students. The Teacher’s Companion includes notes, additional activities and discussion questions as well as organizational tools and engaging videos summarizing the main concepts in each chapter. Test Banks, Power Points, Instructor activity guide and lesson plan tools are also available to make class prep easy.

AHLEI also offers The Certified Hospitality Instructor (CHI) Program , a self-paced training course to help educators without an industry background effectively teach content in these areas. In addition to the course and exam, candidates for the CHI must also complete 120 hours of internship with a hospitality organization.

Hospitality and Tourism Specialist Credential

The HTM curriculum prepares students to earn their Hospitality Tourism Specialist credential from the American Hotel & Lodging Association, (AHLA), today the largest trade hotel association in the U.S. with 32,000 hotel members. Endorsed by some of the premier hospitality brands in the world, the HTS credential demonstrates student mastery of industry concepts. Students may earn the credential upon passing the AHLEI HTS exam and showing 100 hours of work experience in a hospitality role.

Assessment and credentialling is a large part of our program development. Credentials serve as a “passport” for students leaving the classroom, demonstrating the mastery that they achieved and using it as an entry into jobs within any segment of the industry.

Key Themes and Learning Objectives

Career readiness and technical skills.

One of the key themes throughout Hospitality and Tourism Management is that hospitality is a business, and a mastery of both technical and “soft” skills will open endless possibilities for career advancement. Operational and managerial topics as well as key math concepts are introduced in each unit. In addition, the text focuses on career readiness skills like written and verbal communication, problem-solving and teamwork, all in the context of a hospitality workplace.

Global Awareness

Hospitality is a global industry, supporting local economies and bringing together people from around the world. Global awareness and appreciation of and respect for different cultures is another core theme featured throughout. The text features international examples, discussions of cultural awareness, and coverage of cultural and operational differences in different countries.


Throughout the text are scenarios, case studies, projects, activities, discussion questions and more, all designed for learners to immediately apply what they are learning, even from within the classroom. This presentation maximizes student engagement, understanding and retention of key concepts.

Endorsements and Formal Recognition

Hospitality and Tourism Management Second Edition is recognized by leaders in the U.S. hotel and lodging industry, including:

  • Marriott International
  • BF Saul Company Hospitality Group
  • G6 Hospitality LLC
  • RRI West Management
  • Real Hospitality Group
  • Mid-Continent Hospitality
  • TradeWinds Island Resorts

These industry leaders appreciate that HTM Second Edition highlights the knowledge and skills that hospitality leaders look for in their employees today. HTM program completion, along with the HTS credential, fully prepares a learner to be a high-potential candidate for entry-level positions with the experience needed to bring value to the industry and grow in their careers.

Expand Your Horizons with HTM

The second edition of HTM offers learners a global perspective of the industry, its opportunities and its impact on the world.

Two of AHLEI’s valued governmental partners, and UNWTO member states, share the positive impact the HTM program can have on a national tourism industry below.

Jamaica’s Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, CD, MP., states:

“The Hospitality and Tourism Management Program has been a game-changer for Jamaica’s tourism industry and our nation. We have witnessed remarkable transformations through this innovative program in partnership with the esteemed American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI). Our students now have the opportunity to acquire certification from AHLEI and an Associate Degree in Customer Service, equipping them with the skills and expertise needed to excel in the hospitality sector. Since its introduction in select high schools in September 2018, the HTM Program has ushered in a new era of professionalism and excellence in our tourism sector. We have witnessed a significant upskilling among our youth, creating a more competent and dedicated workforce prepared to deliver exceptional service. I am incredibly proud of the hard work and dedication put forth by our students, schools, and industry partners who have embraced the HTM Program. Together, we are shaping a brighter future for Jamaica that empowers our youth and ensures our country remains a premier global destination for years to come.”

Ms. Janet Forbes-Dean, Subject Coordinator for Family and Consumer Science Education at Jack Hayward Senior High School in Grand Bahama, says:

“The high school students at the Jack Hayward Senior High School have attained numerous AHLEI International Certifications over the past thirteen (13) years. These certifications are our core examination. There is no Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (B.G.C.S.E.) national examination for hospitality students. AHLEI’s program is awesome. We have former and current students who received one or more certifications in Kitchen Cook, Breakfast Attendant, Front Desk Attendant, HTMP Year 1, Restaurant Server, START, Golden Opportunities, Guest Service Gold, and Golden Opportunities Tourism. These certifications along with the high school Hospitality and Tourism Curriculum are essential for students who are desirous of continuing a career in Hospitality.”

Get Started Today with AHLEI’s Hospitality & Tourism Program

We can’t wait to help you get started. Learn more here .

For further questions, contact Ed Kastli, Channel Vice President of International Sales, at [email protected] .

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Elizabeth O’Brien Senior Product Manager

What our students say about us


Enhanced Knowledge Base: It provided a comprehensive understanding of the tourism industry, which is essential for making informed decisions and strategies in my professional career. Confidence: The knowledge and skills gained boosted my confidence in discussing and engaging with tourism-related topics, both professionally and socially. Time Management: Balancing the course with other commitments improved my time management and organizational skills.

To understand the international regulatory considerations in an industry which is truly global, and cannot function (ideally) without complete alignment at a global scale. I am a professional in the travel and tourism industry who does not have any career studies or degrees in policy and law, yet I am very interested in this area. This course allowed me to foray in this direction.

The course helped me in my opinion, understanding and communicating with clarity. The course significantly broadened my understanding of the subject matter and sharpened my communication skills. As a result, I am now able to express my thoughts and opinions with greater clarity and precision. This newfound ability to articulate ideas effectively has been instrumental in improving my overall communication.

The course benefit me personally by broadening my knowledge about tourism the more and also professionally increase my conduct towards humans.

The absolute advantage of the course, in my opinion, is that it provided profound and structured knowledge of the tourism industry. Based on the industry research the course outlined the essential components and trends in tourism. Almost three years after I took this course these trends are progressing at a high speed: Internet of things, Cloud technology and AI-powered tools, digitisation of the customer journey, and the people-centric nature of the tourism business. An additional advantage for me was that this knowledge did not require financial investment, all I needed to do was to invest my time to gain it. I am very happy to have had this opportunity. I was going through a career change in a new country, so I needed a solid knowledge foundation and education. I took the course during the pandemic quarantine. It paved my way towards getting an MBA in Tourism, which I finished this year. I am also engaged in heritage volunteering and I noticed Tourism Online Academy offers a course called Marketing Museums and Visitor Attractions. This just proved to me that the TOA understands the needs of a wide variety of tourism stakeholders and structures their courses to address these needs.

Apart from travel. The course taught about marketing, entertainment, finances, cultural awareness and much more. These are all highly valuable skills that I can be transferred to other industries as well. And I gained it. As a Chief Concierge I have gained the high value of experience in customer service and marketing, which will come in handy when you’re helping others plan their dream vacations. With a business and tourism management course, I can work as a travel agent, a tour guide, a travel writer and many other great roles.

I am a bsuiness major, and going through all the topics helped strengthen my major’s core concepts and their impact on the practical world through various case studies and examples provided through-out the course.

The content of the course was innovative, updated and informative. The sequence of lectures was good. It was designed according to the new trends and opportunities in tourism industry. The course benefitted me both personally and professionally. It helped me in both aspects including personal growth, skills development, career advancement, networking opportunities, adaptability, and staying current with tourism industry developments. It helped me in expanding my knowledge, acquiring new skills, advancing my career, and investing in education through online learning will yield significant returns in the long run in my professional career.

It was so helpful to see big ideas and overarching goals boiled down to real-world examples and actionable examples. I really enjoyed all of the different interviews from professionals in the industry across the world.

UN Tourism | Bringing the world closer

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Tourism Online Academy

Education is a universally recognized human right, with which it aims to combat inequalities, social exclusion and global illiteracy.

The digital age has made formal academic studies no longer enough to keep you up-to-date. Organizations face volatile markets that require evolution in all skills. For this reason, constant training has become a requirement that the labor market brings, in search of professionals with greater skills, which are acquired in the shortest possible time.

Online Academy

One of the strongest priorities of UNWTO is to digitalize education, to become more accessible and useful for everyone. In this regard, UNWTO Tourism Online Academy, in partnership with IE University, one of the most prestigious educational entity in the world,  was created and officially presented at the framework of the UNWTO 23rd General Assembly 9 September 2019.

“Our vision is to provide global opportunities to people interested in the tourism sector and to break barriers between work, skills and training” -. Zurab Pololikashvili at Saint Petersburg's 23 General Assembly

The Tourism Online Academy is an online learning platform which provides self-paced online courses from the best universities in the world that mainly focus on concepts, areas of interest and fundamental principles related to the tourism, hospitality and destination management industries.

This high-quality learning experience is available for everyone at an affordable price and caters to those who are looking to improve or supplement their current skillset in order to adapt to this fast-growing and evolving sector. Through these first programs, participants will acquire managerial skills in digital marketing, finance, strategy, operations, innovation and digital transformation.


  • Interior Design
  • Customer Service
  • Risk Management
  • Construction Management
  • Project Management
  • Fashion Design
  • Teaching Assistant
  • Life Coaching
  • Cyber Security
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Warehouse Management
  • Facilities Management
  • Environmental Management
  • Event Management
  • Public Relations
  • Forensic Accounting
  • Bookkeeping
  • Digital Marketing
  • Counselling Skills
  • Security Management
  • Food Hygiene
  • Supply Chain Management
  • HR Management
  • Diet and Nutrition
  • Leadership and Management
  • Accounting and Finance
  • Hotel Management
  • Remote Work Careers: Courses for Success
  • Business Studies
  • Beauty Therapy and Salon Management
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Beauty Therapy
  • Customer Services
  • Health and Safety
  • Trainer Courses
  • Leadership & Management
  • Wedding Planning
  • Admin, Secretarial & PA
  • Human Resource Management
  • Logistics Management
  • CPD Accounting
  • Artificial Intelligence

Free Tourism Courses

Pack your bags and set sail for a career as rewarding as a life-long holiday, with our all-new collection of free tourism courses .  Oxford Home Study Centre is proud to offer an exclusive range of free travel and tourism courses online - the perfect entry point to one of the world’s most desirable sectors.

Our free online travel and tourism courses provide newcomers and experienced learners alike with the essential insights needed for a successful career in the field. Build the knowledge, skills and confidence you need to pursue the job of your dreams, studying from home at a time and pace to suit your lifestyle.

Every free travel and tourism course comes complete with all study aids and learning materials, along with the full support of the team here at Oxford Home Study Centre.  Whether looking to become a travel agent, an overseas rep or a successful business owner, our free online travel and tourism courses could help you take that next big step.

Enrol online and get started today, or contact our admissions team anytime for more information on our free tourism courses .

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  • Free Online Courses with Certificates June 2024
  • Why Free Online Courses from UK Colleges are Worth Taking
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  • Study at your own pace
  • Upskill at no cost
  • Boost your CV
  • Free courses with no limits
  • Premium quality course materials
  • No cost, no commitment, no risk
  • Admin Secretarial & PA
The course was awesome and I enjoyed each and every aspect of the course. I would love to study here again.
someone told me about the quality of education and course material at Oxford Home Study College, and when i registered with OHSC this came true that these people are the best out there....

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Sustainable Tourism Destination Management Self-Paced Cornell Course

Course overview.

This course aims to train global hospitality and tourism professionals in using sustainable practices across all areas of the tourism industry. Throughout the course, you will be introduced to innovative, data-driven methods for destination management, delivered by over 20 world-renowned experts in the field. You will begin by identifying the different components that make up the global tourism industry and examine the effects each of these components has on a destination’s social, cultural, and environmental well-being. You will then acquire the tools needed to manage your destination sustainably by designing a climate action plan, documenting and accommodating natural capital needs, improving land-use planning, engaging with local communities, and managing public-private partnerships. Ultimately, you will be able to contribute to the economic development of a destination while also protecting its health.

Key Course Takeaways

  • Define the global tourism economy and measure the social and environmental impacts of tourism
  • Document water, waste, energy, and natural capital management needs
  • Design a climate action plan for your tourism destination
  • Track how tourism can support essential economic development goals
  • Facilitate an inclusive process where local communities review and protect their own cultural and natural assets
  • Transform destination governance by promoting public-private partnerships, data-driven decision making, and innovative financing
  • Synthesize sustainable destination management tools by applying them to real-life tourism case studies

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Download a Brochure

Strategic partners.

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How It Works

Course authors.

Mark Milstein

  • Certificates Authored

Mark Milstein is Clinical Professor of Management and Director of the Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University. He conducts applied research in and oversees the Center’s work on market and enterprise creation, business development, clean technology commercialization, and sustainable finance.

Dr. Milstein specializes in framing the world’s social and environmental challenges as unmet market needs which can be addressed effectively by the private sector through innovation and entrepreneurship, thereby allowing companies to achieve financial success by creatively addressing problems such as climate change, ecosystem degradation, and poverty. He has received funding from the National Science Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation the S.C. Johnson Foundation, SEvEN, the World Bank, the University of Queensland, and the Water Resources Institute. Over the past decade, Dr. Milstein has worked with more than 100 firms across a range of industries, including renewable energy and carbon markets, life sciences and sustainable agriculture, consumables, food and nutrition, healthcare, tourism and hospitality management, as well as finance and international development.

Dr. Milstein’s work and perspectives have been featured in The New York Times, MSNBC, CNBC, Forbes, The Guardian, and GreenBiz. He is a frequent speaker on the topics of strategy, organizational change, and innovation related to business and sustainability. He also consults with a number of multinational firms, small- and medium-sized enterprises, and NGOs. Dr. Milstein currently serves on the board of directors of Livelihood Basix International and as a board member for Johnson & Johnson’s Earthwards Program.

  • Omnichannel Leadership Program
  • Sustainable Business
  • Food Executive Program

Megan Epler Wood

Megan Epler Wood is a leader, educator, and consultant who has dedicated her professional career to the implementation of sustainability practices in the field of tourism. She has worked for over 30 years to inform leaders, students, and business professionals across the globe on the use of well-researched and sustainable business, environmental conservation, and inclusive economic development tools. As program director of the Sustainable Tourism Asset Management Program (STAMP), Ms. Epler Wood seeks to increase collective knowledge and understanding of how to more effectively manage tourism destination assets over time to improve maintenance; ensure proper valuation; and help offset the influences of poverty, ecosystem degradation, climate change, land tenure, and the lack of government investment in vital local infrastructure in underdeveloped economies worldwide.

Who Should Enroll

  • Hospitality and tourism professionals
  • Business leaders
  • Regional and urban planners
  • Local, municipal, and national government employees
  • Marketing and PR professionals
  • Land and marine management professionals
  • Economic development professionals
  • Civil and systems engineers

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What You'll Earn

  • Recognition of Achievement from Cornell’s SC Johnson College of Business
  • 40 Professional Development Hours (4 CEUs)

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Select one of the options below:

Tourism Management M.T.M.

CSU's online master's in tourism management helps you develop your business management acumen, enhance your knowledge of industry practices, and understand the social and environmental impacts of global tourism — so you can live the lifestyle you love while working to create positive experiences for others.

Gain the advanced skills to thrive in an evolving industry

Global events, an evolving market, and new technology have all changed the way people engage in tourism activities. As a result, more consumers now seek regional experiences with greater personalization and a focus on sustainable, meaningful, and authentic experiences.

Start building the industry-specific knowledge you need to become a well-rounded leader in a tourism management role.

Learn a whole-system approach

Gain foundational skills as you study a holistic, integrated approach to sustainable tourism management. Explore technological and strategic business solutions that can help you operate a more agile, streamlined operation. Investigate the social and environmental impacts of this evolving industry as you learn to balance the ethical treatment of people and resources while running a profitable venture.

Throughout this master’s program, you will learn:

  • Financial management processes and tools
  • Effective marketing and communication strategies
  • How to use data to gain insight and guide business decisions
  • How to strategically and ethically manage both people and resources

Inspired by exploring the outdoors or regional cultures? Looking to align who you are with what you do? Tourism offers many options for shifting into a new career or advancing into a management role within the industry.

Build the specialized skills to make a meaningful impact on the world while doing something you love.

Gain a competitive career advantage with employers specializing in:

  • Hospitality and resort management
  • Outdoor and adventure travel
  • Tourism management
  • Destination management or marketing
  • Event management
  • Cruise management
  • Agritourism

Start your own tourism venture

Our graduates have established roles in a variety of tourism settings all over the country and world. Some examples are numerous hotels, City Parks and Recreation Departments, and more specifically – Beaver Creek Resorts, The Cliff Lodge – Snowbird, Visit Fort Collins, Vail Resorts, U.S. Forest Service, Into the Vineyard - Wine-Inspired Travel, Adventure Sixty North, Natural Habitat Adventures, Colorado Forest Restoration Institute, Yellowstone Campgrounds, Cruise Norway, Steamboat Spring Chamber of Commerce, Universal Studios Beijing, and Taiwan Ministry of Tourism.

Graduates work in tourism positions relating to marketing, operations, event planning, and some have even founded their own companies. This program has helped students enter the tourism industry, as well as elevate their career if they were already in the tourism field.

"My online learning experience with CSU was amazing. All the professors were amazing and got back to me in a timely manner. They are so knowledgeable, helpful, and kind. They answered all my questions. I’m grateful to be part of this community."

David N

Current role : Founder, Adumu Safaris

"The Tourism Management program at CSU significantly elevated my expertise in sustainable tourism and adventure travel and expanded my network of social entrepreneurs. With this knowledge, I established Adumu Safaris, a socially responsible safari tour company aimed at empowering my Maasai tribe in Tanzania through community-accountable ecotourism. CSU's training equipped me with leadership, finance, and sustainable tourism skills, which I now use to create transformative journeys for travelers."

Caroline R

Caroline R.

"My graduate program at CSU has been instrumental in my current position, where I oversee multiple departments within a hotel/lodge. The ski area management certification and M.T.M. skills I gained are vital in running a successful resort. Learning about resort finances, creating memorable guest experiences, and fostering guest loyalty have been invaluable. Connecting with professors, like skiing with one at Snowbird, provided valuable insights. My advice to current and prospective students: Engage with professors to gain informative career guidance. CSU's program equipped me with the knowledge and tools necessary for success in my industry, particularly in hotel operations and finance."

As a student in CSU’s online tourism management master’s program, you receive the same education, learn from the same faculty, and earn the same regionally accredited degree as students on campus. Additionally, you can expect:

  • The Ability to Graduate in Less than a Year: In just nine months you can earn an industry-specific master’s degree that helps set you apart when seeking employment or advancement in the tourism industry.
  • A Focus on People and the Planet: Learn to provide meaningful travel experiences for clients while making business decisions grounded in sustainability and social responsibility. Explore the types and extent of tourism impacts on natural resources. Discover methods for reducing the ecological footprint of tourism activities and destinations. Learn how to increase tourism's contribution to natural resource conservation while improving human welfare in the process.
  • Preparation in Fact-Based Decision-Making: This program incorporates courses in global tourism policy (NRRT 662) and two courses in quantitative analysis (NRRT 601 and 602) to equip you with the knowledge needed to make smart, meaningful business decisions driven by data.

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Julia Branstrator, Ph.D.

Dr. Julia Branstrator brings a multidisciplinary approach to conservation social science spanning international sustainability studies in hospitality, tourism, and technology. Julia’s teaching philosophy is to creatively engage students in the classroom by incorporating students’ backgrounds, identities and knowledge to guide lessons while drawing from her own research and work experience. Her latest research (conducted within the Cavaliere Tourism and Conservation Lab) has focused on biocultural conservation through tourism, the relationships between technology, identity and emotion in gateway community tourism crisis and disaster management, and feminist methodologies for sustainable futures in tourism. Outside the classroom, you may find Julia biking, hiking with her dog (Aloy), or enjoying the communities of Fort Collins through volleyball, gaming, or concerts.

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Alan Bright, Ph.D.

Alan's teaching responsibilities include on-campus and distance coursework for the M.T.M. program and courses in the natural resource tourism program. Alan's primary research interests center around theoretical applications of social psychological constructs toward the management of natural resources, including values, attitudes, behavior, and the complexity with which people think about issues. These constructs are also considered in the context of attitude and behavior change. Alan's teaching interests focus on development and administration of coursework in the tourism undergraduate and graduate programs.

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Christina T. Cavaliere, Ph.D.

Cavaliere is an environmental social scientist with a focus on linking tourism and biocultural conservation. Her areas of research involve the human dimensions of socio-ecological systems including tourism impacts. She serves as an Assistant Professor of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources in the Warner College of Natural Resources at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. Dr. Cavaliere investigates aspects of sustainability and climate change impacts related to gender, conservation, aviation, wildlife, and governance. View Dr. Cavaliere’s full bio .

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Stuart Cottrell, Ph.D.

Stuart teaches courses in ecotourism, sustainable tourism development, protected area management, and research in human dimensions of natural resources. His research focus includes sustainable tourism, travel and tourism behavior, visitor impact management, and public perceptions of landscape disturbance issues. Present projects involve a National Science Foundation grant to examine land management agency and water provider perception of pine beetle impacts on water quality. As a former resident fellow with the School for Global and Environmental Sustainability, Stuart conducted a preliminary study of the impacts of mountain pine beetle infestation on recreation and tourism, which led to the present NSF project. One of the highlights of Stuart's teaching involves the monitoring of diseased corals and volunteer based conservation projects for an NGO in the Bahamas.

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Sunshine Swetnam, Ph.D.

Dr. Sunshine Swetnam is a Colorado Native, long-time skier, wilderness lover, and educator who believes in the empowerment of others. She is learner-centered, with the philosophy of stewardship at her core. She hopes to educate more people about the environment, the earth, and sustainability with the intent that they fall in love enough to want to take care of our home. She welcomes others and would love to connect if you see her on campus!

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Sarah Walker, Ph.D

Dr. Sarah Walker’s research uses an environmental justice lens to investigate the role well-being can play in helping us better understand people’s relationships with their environments. Specifically , she studies human well-being in the context of climate resilience and adaptation in vulnerable communities around the world. Her work also investigates the well-being benefits of spending time in nature. Sarah received her PhD from Colorado State University and is currently completing her post-doctoral training at University of Colorado Boulder. She’s an avid hiker and cyclist, and loves being in the classroom with students.

Lina Xiong

Lina Xiong, Ph.D.

Lina Xiong is an assistant professor in the Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources. She is also called "Dr. Bear," because her last name in Chinese means bear. Dr. Bear came to the U.S. in 2006 from mainland China. Lina completed her Ph.D. in Business Administration from Temple University in Philadelphia. Before coming to CSU, Dr. Bear had taught many business courses in the College of Business at Marshall University. Her teaching assignment at CSU includes tourism strategic management, tourism marketing, and advanced lodging in the Master of Tourism Management program. She is also responsible for developing several M.T.M. courses in mandarin. Dr. Bear's research interests include service management, internal branding, employee brand motivation, and customer loyalty. She has published several articles in hospitality management journals. Recently, Dr. Bear's dissertation, titled, "Employee Brand Internalization: The Central Route to a Brand Aligned Workforce," has received a Highly Commended Award of the 2014 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards in the Hospitality Management category. This is a prestigious international annual award presented by Emerald and the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). She has worked in hospitality and tourism businesses in both China and the U.S.

What is tourism management?

Tourism management is a field of study that explores the theory and practice of creating, overseeing, and marketing tourism ventures. Management professionals in the tourism industry typically require skills in leadership, finance, and business operations. The online tourism management program offered by CSU has a unique focus on natural resource management and tourism policy.

What can I do with a degree in tourism management?

As the industry continues to evolve, there are many new and unique opportunities for professionals with an advanced tourism management degree. Graduates of the online Master of Tourism Management program will be qualified to work in fields that include: hospitality and resort management, outdoor and adventure travel, event management, agri-tourism, ecotourism, and more. Anyone intending to create their own tourism enterprise will also benefit from completing this program.

Why study tourism management?

There are numerous rewarding career opportunities in the tourism industry for people with the right skills. In the U.S. alone, tourism supports more than 15 million jobs and generates nearly $2 trillion in economic output, according to the U.S. Travel Association. Working in this industry is often appealing to individuals with a passion for travel, exploration, adventure, and the outdoor lifestyle. The primary goal of tourism ventures is to provide customers and clients with positive experiences.

What jobs can I get with a tourism management degree?

Graduates of the tourism management master’s program gain the managerial skills to create entrepreneurial ventures, or take leadership roles in the industry. Career opportunities in tourism management range from agri-tourism to hospitality and resort management. Students gain the skills to build careers as tourism program directors, event coordinators, sales managers, account executives, marketing managers, customer experience managers, and many others.

What is the average salary for hospitality and tourism?

Salaries vary widely in the hospitality and tourism industry depending on the specific job, region, and other factors. According to Glassdoor, the average annual salary (U.S.) for a tourism marketing manager is $80,673, and the average salary for a hotel manager is $59,461. The median annual salary for a resort manager is $46,342, according to PayScale.com.

What is sustainable tourism management? What is ecotourism management?

Sustainable tourism management is an approach to the business of tourism that values the environment and social responsibility as much as profit. Ecotourism is a subset of sustainable tourism that primarily focuses on exotic, remote, and/or threatened natural areas such as rainforests, coral reefs, and other fragile ecosystems. The typical goal of ecotourism is to promote the conservation of these areas by helping tourists experience them while creating minimal or no environmental impact. A portion of profits from some ecotourism ventures may also be used to help fund various conservation efforts.

Can I get a graduate certificates along with this master’s degree?

Yes. You can apply up to 12 credits of the Communication for Conservation certificate toward the Master of Tourism Management degree.

What is the average timeframe to complete the program?

The online Master of Tourism Management can be completed in two semesters. However, for students who are working full-time, this is likely an unrealistic timeframe. The average student completes the program in two years, but some students may take longer. The flexible, online program allows you to earn your degree at a pace that suits your lifestyle and goals.

Are summer classes an option?

No. All coursework in the program is during the fall and spring semesters.

What fees should I expect to pay in addition to tuition?

In addition to the tuition, students will pay a $32/semester technology fee. There will also be an added cost for books and texts.

The Master of Tourism Management requires completion of 30 credits, with a minimum of four elective credits.

All courses are eight weeks with some courses offered the first part of a semester and others in the second part of a semester. Please work with a Program Coordinator to determine your approved course plan:

Kathryn Metzger Program Coordinator, Tourism Enterprise Program (970) 491-7617 [email protected]

Linda Sawyers Program Coordinator, Tourism Enterprise Program (970) 491-7592 [email protected]

M.T.M. Curriculum

Fall semester: first 8-week session.

  • NRRT 600 – Tourism Industry Concepts and Practices (2 cr.)
  • NRRT 620 – Organizational Management in Tourism (2 cr.)
  • NRRT 655 – Tourism Marketing Concepts and Applications (2 cr.)
  • NRRT 679A – Current Topics in Nature-Based Tourism (1 cr.)

Fall Semester: Second 8-week Session

  • NRRT 608 – Nature, Outdoor Recreation - Human Well-Being (2 cr.)
  • NRRT 615 – Sustainable Tourism Development Foundations (2 cr.)
  • NRRT 650 – Financial Management in Tourism (2 cr.)
  • NRRT 679B – Current Topics in Nature-Based Tourism (1 cr.)

Spring Semester: First 8-week Session

  • NRRT 601 – Quantitative Analysis in Tourism I (2 cr.)
  • NRRT 677 – Project Management and Event Planning (2 cr.)
  • NRRT 671 – Strategic Management for Travel and Tourism (2 cr.)
  • NRRT 567 – Tourism Entrepreneurship (2 cr.)

Spring Semester: Second 8-week Session

  • NRRT 609 – Tourism and Conservation (2 cr.)
  • NRRT 625 – Communication/Conflict Management in Tourism (2 cr.)
  • NRRT 678 – Tourism Leadership (2 cr.)
  • NRRT 667 – Applied Experiential Learning in Tourism (2 cr.)

Elective Options:

Students can take the electives listed below or other electives may be approved by an advisor.

You may substitute some of the M.T.M. courses with electives from the Communication for Conservation graduate certificate program.

The are some additional options, such as RRM 520 – Lodging Management , available as well. Please contact your Program Coordinator to determine your approved course plan.

Application Deadlines

Start your application online and upload materials directly into the online system. You can save your progress and return any time.

Applications are reviewed once they are completed. You can expect to be notified of your application status within two weeks of submitting all application materials.

1 Review Admission Requirements

The tourism management master's degree requires that students have the following:

  • Bachelor's degree from a regionally-accredited institution.
  • A 3.0 GPA on all undergraduate coursework. For applicants who do not meet the 3.000 cumulative GPA requirement, this is an alternative admission pathway. Applicants can gain formal admission if they have a cumulative GPA between 2.800 and 3.000 or have a cumulative GPA below 2.800 and have taken six credits of regular, graduate‐level coursework (500 level or higher) at CSU and obtain a B or better in all courses.
  • GRE scores are not required.

2 Prepare Application Materials

  • A Statement of Purpose essay describing how this program aligns with your goals and why you’re applying for this degree.
  • Your Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV).
  • Two letters of recommendation (generally from professional or academic references).
  • One transcript from EACH university attended (if previous course work has been completed at Colorado State University-Fort Collins, transcripts are not required).

Please Note: Students may be unconditionally admitted and registered in their first semester of courses with an unofficial transcript. Official transcripts must be submitted, prior to or during your first semester, before you can register for your second semester of graduate work. Failure to meet this condition will result in your dismissal from the Graduate School.

  • Digital Transcripts must be submitted by the originating institution using a secure service such as parchment, eScrip-Safe, the National Student Clearinghouse, or e-Quals. Transcripts received via e-mail are considered unofficial. Use institution code 4075 for Colorado State University or [email protected] if the secure service requires an email address.
  • Graduate Admissions
  • Colorado State University - Office of Admissions
  • 1062 Campus Delivery
  • Fort Collins, CO 80523-1062

3 Complete Online Application

Complete the online graduate application and pay the nonrefundable application processing fee (payable online). As soon as you have completed the required information, please submit your application. Your application will not be reviewed until it is complete and all required materials have been received.

  • Select "Tourism Management (M.T.M.) – Distance" when choosing the program of study.

4 Request Official Transcripts

Request one official transcript of all collegiate work completed from all institutions attended. Transcripts from Colorado State University are not required. Transcripts must be received directly from the originating institution to be considered official.

Electronic (preferred): Digital Transcripts must be submitted by the originating institution using a secure service such as parchment, eScrip-Safe, the National Student Clearinghouse, or e-Quals. Transcripts received via emails are considered unofficial. Use institution code 4075 for Colorado State University or [email protected] if the secure service requires an email address.

Mail (if necessary) Graduate Admissions Colorado State University – Office of Admissions 1062 Campus Delivery Fort Collins, CO 80523-1062

Check Your Application Status

View your application status at any time to ensure your application checklist is complete or to check on updates.

For International Applicants

Proof of English language proficiency is required for applicants from countries or United States territories where there are official languages other than (or in addition to) English. This includes the U.S. territories of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Puerto Rico.

Learn more about English language proficiency requirements .

We love learning about your goals and answering any questions you have.

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Program Details

  • 3.0 GPA on all undergraduate coursework
  • Math Entrance Exam scores recommended for applicants who have not taken the required prerequisites within the past 10 years

Application Dates

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Leading the Advancement of the Hospitality, Tourism and Travel Sectors

  • Name * First Last
  • Degree * Destination Marketing and Management Event Leadership, MS Event Management Event Management, BS Financial Management for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry Hospitality and Tourism Management, MS Hospitality and Tourism Technologies Hospitality Management, BS Leadership and Strategy in Hospitality and Tourism Lifestyle Community Management, BS Lodging and Restaurant Management, BS Travel Technology and Analytics, MS
  • Name This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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Online Hospitality Degrees

U.S. News and World Report Best Colleges badge - Most Innovative 2021

Think of the best trip you’ve ever been on. From the transportation used to the hotel stay to dining out at restaurants, many factors contributed to the memories you made. Learn how to create those same unforgettable experiences for others with a hospitality degree from UCF Online. Positioned to understand Florida tourism, American tourism, and international tourism, UCF offers a unique perspective to earning a hospitality degree. Whether you are studying event management, entertainment management, tourism or travel, there is no better place to advance your hospitality skills and knowledge than by studying at the university located in the No. 1 tourist destination in America. And with courses taught by our diverse and experienced faculty, you’ll gain the exposure you need to excel your hospitality career by learning directly from leaders within the industry.

Rosen Campus

The Future of Hospitality

With a number of different areas to break into, there’s a world of opportunity in hospitality. This $20 billion industry offers exceptional growth potential with some of the top positions in event planning, destination marketing and food service management — each projected to grow faster than many other industries over the next decade. As the industry evolves over time, the curriculum students learn in the classroom must keep up to stay relevant. Currently, UCF Online hospitality programs focus on the latest trends and techniques, from demographics to technological advancements to providing exceptional guest service.

Annual Growth

Total Hospitality Businesses

Median Salary Hospitality Management Position

Explore UCF Online Hospitality Degrees

Online bachelor’s degrees.

  • Hospitality Management, BS Online Bachelor’s from the Rosen College of Hospitality Management
  • Lodging & Restaurant Management, BS Online Bachelor’s from the Rosen College of Hospitality Management
  • Senior Living Management, BS Online Bachelor’s from the Rosen College of Hospitality Management

Online Master’s Degrees

  • Event Leadership, MS Online Master’s from the Rosen College of Hospitality Management
  • Hospitality and Tourism Management, MS Online Master’s from the Rosen College of Hospitality Management
  • Travel Technology and Analytics, MS Online Master’s from the College of Engineering and Computer Science

Online Graduate Certificates

  • Destination Marketing and Management Online Certificatesfrom the Rosen College of Hospitality Management
  • Event Management Online Certificatesfrom the Rosen College of Hospitality Management
  • Hospitality and Tourism Technologies Online Certificatesfrom the Rosen College of Hospitality Management
The Rosen College online programs have been choreographed to provide students round-the-clock access, convenience and quality education in a comfortable and innovative learning environment.” Manuel Rivera Associate Dean

hospitality instructor discusses wine.

Hospitality and Tourism Management Education through UCF Online

UCF’s Rosen College of Hospitality Management provides online degrees that help students take their career aspirations to the next level. In fact, the online master’s in hospitality management ranked No. 1 in the nation by bestcolleges.com. Whether you are just getting started, or have been working in the industry for years, advance your skills by learning from our world-renowned faculty. From food and beverages to travel, lodging and recreation, gain the skills to help you level up in your professional development. Earning your hospitality degree through UCF Online prepares you to lead the way in this exciting industry. So, what do you need to know before you get started?

Hospitality and Tourism Options

UCF offers online bachelor’s, master’s and graduate certificates that cover varying aspects of the hospitality and tourism industry. If you are earning your bachelor’s degree and ready to transfer into an undergraduate program, the Hospitality Management, BS is a great way to begin your journey. If you would like to gain additional career traction but aren’t ready to commit to a two-year graduate-level program, you can focus on the skill set of Event Management with our online graduate certificate. Take time to explore the degree options and choose the program that works best for you.

Convenience and Affordability

Depending on the degree level and the program you choose, completing your degree through UCF Online can take as little as one to two years. For example, the Destination Marketing and Management Graduate Certificate can be completed in one year. Professionals who are working in the field and interested in becoming a leader for their organization can stand out with the Hospitality and Tourism Management, MS , which can be completed in two years. UCF Online offers the access and convenience that allows you to earn your degree on your schedule.

Earning an online degree in hospitality doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice quality for affordability. UCF Online offers significant cost savings to students by waiving some campus-based fees. For example, out-of-state undergraduate students can save $365.03 per credit hour — a substantial 48 percent discount. Visit the tuition, fees and scholarships pages for more information.

Hospitality Faculty

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Latest Hospitality News

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Get Connected.

Contact the UCF Online Connect Center to learn more about the available online programs or for help finding an online degree that works for you.

Hours of Operation: Mon – Fri: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. (ET) Sat: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (ET) Closed Sundays & Holidays

Why earn a degree from UCF Online?

Access. innovation. impact..

UCF Online is a community of thinkers, helpers and makers who use bold ideas to challenge the ordinary and devise solutions to solve the world’s most pressing problems. A great university can unleash the potential to change the world. Listed as one of the most innovative universities in the nation by the U.S. News & World Report ’s Best Colleges 2024 Guide, UCF specializes in providing high-quality online degree programs for those talented students and working professionals who are unable to physically attend our Orlando main campus or one of our 14 Central Florida locations .

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TBO academy is a great space to learn new and unique things that are important but are missed from regular tour itineraries. I personally gained lot of new knowledge. Learning here is so easy and enjoyable. Keep up the good work.

TBO academy courses are easy to understand, informative and of appropriate duration such that we can finish the courses in one sitting. Happy with the collection of courses covering various destinations and hotels which helps us sell them better. Webinars arranged from time to time are also knowledgeable. Thanks TBO Academy for delivering amazing travel content to agents.

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  • Agents Trained Virtually 50k+
  • Monthly Users 65K+
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Online Courses to Brush Up Your Wine and Dance Skills Before Traveling

Argentina Tango

All products featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Since the coronavirus pandemic began derailing travel plans, we’ve been spending more time finding ways to satisfy our curiosity from home . Every day, it seems like there are more livestreams and videos available that let you experience new places without leaving your couch, from museum exhibits to wildlife webcams . For those looking for something a little more interactive, we’ve compiled a list of classes to help you hone your language and dance skills, brush up on historical facts, or enjoy the food and beverages waiting for you on your next adventure, whether you’re mentally planning a trip to Madrid, Tokyo, or Buenos Aires. Below, the best online courses to try out during quarantine, divvied up by category.

All products featured in this story are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Learn the language

Driving through any country is a lot more fun when you can actually read the signs. (You'd be pretty irked to miss the turn for a hot spring in Iceland because you didn’t know what hverir meant.) While you’re dreaming of your next vacation, take some time to learn a bit of the language . DuoLingo is a free app and great for beginners trying to learn basic vocabulary, though it doesn’t give the freedom for personalization to learn about specific topics. If you’re looking for more, Rosetta Stone ($200 for unlimited lifetime access) provides personalized plans and live coaching. And if you want something tailored to vacations, Living Language has language courses specifically for travel. Their passport courses ($50) give you three months to learn language basics, as well as history, culture, and traditions of a specific country.

Temple of Poseidon Sounion Greece

Study Greek Architecture on Udemy so you can point out the Temple of Poseidon on your next vacation.

Brush up on your historical and cultural knowledge

For history or art buffs planning a trip to a new city, chances are at least a few museums and famous landmarks will be part of your itinerary. In order to fully appreciate what you'll see, refresh your memory on the country’s history first. There are basic history courses, like Coursera’s free Russian History: From Lenin to Putin class, hosted by U.C. Santa Cruz. Then there are more specific classes tailored to niche interests. Harvard hosts free culture courses, like Japanese Books: From Manuscript to Print , which details historical writing formats and storytelling properties. Udemy runs introductory classes, like Egyptian Art ($165), which goes through different time periods and styles of art in Ancient Egypt. Architecture, an often overlooked topic, is influential to a country’s cultural history; Udemy offers multiple courses on architectural history with varying depth, including Essentials of Byzantine Architecture ($25) and Greek Architecture ($195).

Deepen your appreciation for food

If you’re craving cuisine from a specific city or region, now is the time to try and recreate it at home. While some of our favorite chefs have been sharing tutorials on social media , there are more structured options, too. Learn the Art of Sushi Making ($200) from Udemy gives lifetime access to resources, on-demand videos, and completion certificates with step-by-step virtual instruction. If you’re looking for instruction from the best of the best, look no further than MasterClass’s culinary section. Dominique Ansel , celebrated pastry chef and creator of the cronut, teaches French Pastry Fundamentals ($180). There are 17 pre-recorded lessons, each building on the last. Massimo Bottura offers a 14-part modern Italian cooking class ($180) on MasterClass, too. Other courses provide even more engagement: The Chef and the Dish hosts private Skype sessions with global chefs to learn specialized recipes like seafood paella ($300). The class goes through making paella and a side salad in two hours, and the one-on-one time with a professional chef allows you to ask questions while you learn.

Napa Valley Winery

Earn a wine certificate through the Napa Valley Wine Academy.

Become an alcohol aficionado

Like food, beverages are an important part of any country’s culture. Rather than rely on bartenders’ recommendations (though that is a good way to use your new language skills), use this time to get to know your own tastes. Skill Share ($100 a year, or $20 per month) has a wide range of online courses, including one on Belgian Beer . Not only does the class go through Belgium’s beer culture, it helps you learn to differentiate styles and understand the production process. Napa Valley Wine Academy’s course, Discovering Italian Wine ($125), provides maps to discover the regions where certain grapes grow, and exercises and exams, which, if completed, earn you a wine certificate. If you’re eager to head south to Mexico City or Jalisco , consider expanding your tequila knowledge first. Tequila: Origins, Standards, Styles, Flavors ($10) from Beverage Edu is extensive for its price and covers tequila’s history, drink and food pairings, and production methods and locations.

Dance like a pro

If you’ve always wanted to tango in Argentina or salsa dance through Colombia , consider learning a few steps before you visit. Coursera offers a free class from Emory University, called “ So You Think You Know Tango? ” There are two modules: the first focuses on the Argentinian dance’s history and development, and the second teaches basic movements. Other courses focus more on dancing, less on history. Learn How To Dance Bachata ($50) from Udemy has 25 short tutorials, so you can follow the instructor over and over until you get it right. This class focuses on the basics, and won’t get too advanced by the end. For people looking for mastery, try the Salsa Bootcamp ($67) from My Salsa Online. It starts with the fundamentals, but progresses into more complicated steps and patterns quickly, so you’ll be dancing like a pro in no time.

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Free online classes and resources that give you a deeper look at travel destinations

Apr 10, 2020 • 4 min read

Modern family life with mature man making dinner, wife and mixed race girl using device, sitting around kitchen island, freshly home cooked meal on work surface

Modern family life with mature man making dinner, wife and mixed race girl using device, sitting around kitchen island, freshly home cooked meal on work surface

Just because you can’t travel right now doesn’t mean you have to stop exploring the world.  There are hundreds of free online resources where you can digitally dive into all aspects of travel, from art, architecture, and adventure to food, flora, and fauna. 

In addition to the many museums , libraries, aquariums  and zoos around the world that are offering free online access to their facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic , take advantage of these no-cost opportunities to explore the world from the comfort of your couch — and learn something along the way.

Young woman using laptop and drinking coffee at home

Coursera is a big online learning platform founded by Stanford professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller in 2012 that has since expanded to include content from major universities like Yale and the University of Pennsylvania, as well as blue-chip companies like Google and IBM. In addition to its incredibly popular course on the science of well-being , Coursera offers a variety of classes that are well suited for travelers – including free content. 

Go old school with a class on ancient Egypt and its civilizations taught by the University of Pennsylvania, fast forward a few centuries for a course on global history from 1760 to 1910 offered by the University of Virginia , or look to the present with a class on diplomacy in the modern world presented by the University of London . Want to jump right into the future? Enroll in a Coursera course on climate change and the earth’s future from the American Museum of Natural History in New York City . 

You can also spend your downtime learning a new language. Coursera offers classes in Korean from Seoul’s Yonsei University , Chinese from Beijing’s Peking University , and Spanish from the University of California.  

Wanting to study something a bit more solid? Yale University offers a class on Roman architecture through Coursera, and you can take Mountains 101 from Canada’s University of Alberta . 

You may also like:  25 surprising travel facts that’ll make you see the world in a whole new light

German Illustration of Edible Fungi

You can now access up to 100 free articles each month on JSTOR , a longtime favorite website of academics around the world. This digital database has more than 12 million academic journal articles as well as scholarly books and primary source material in 75 different categories. 

Unesco buffs can tour the World Heritage Sites of Africa collection , where you can view over 57,000 objects including photographs, 3D models, excavation reports, antiquarian maps, and scholarly research for treasures such as the manuscripts of Timbuktu , photographic records of Swahili life and culture from Lamu Island , and the earthen architecture of Mali, Morocco and Egypt.

While they may not be able to tour blooming botanical gardens at the moment, flower fans can learn about flora around the planet using the 3 million items in JSTOR’s Global Plants collection . You can join Spain ’s royal botanical expedition to Peru in 1777-1778 to identify new species or take a modern-day trip to Mexico to look inside the contents of the herbarium at the Universidad de Guadalajara . And find your zen in the peaceful watercolors of 1,907 different mushrooms and other fungi painted by Dr. Fritz Wohlfarth from his travels through Germany .  

Nikon Photography School

Photography plays a huge role in travel, allowing us to document our experiences for our own memories and to share our adventures with others. Step up your photo game before you leave for your next trip with online photography lessons. 

During the month of April, camera powerhouse Nikon has made all of its online learning content free through Nikon School . You can find out more about what's included, and the Nikon Live streaming events here.

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Mother and daughter looking at tablet while father prepares home made meal

Free Online Cooking Classes

If you'd love to learn about sauces from chef Thomas Keller of San Francisco’s The French Laundry or salsas from chef Gabriela Cámara of Mexico City’s Contramar , but a Masterclass subscription is out of our budget right now, never fear. 

Check out some of the free cooking courses currently available online if you’re hungry for global cuisine and want to make it at home. (Just keep some of this content isn't available in all locations depending on licensing.)

The Kitchn offers a free 20-day cooking school on its website, complete with a printable “diploma” you can use to spice up your home office. It focuses on the basics, including boiling, broiling, braising and baking, which you can use to prepare yourself for more advanced international cooking. 

BBC Food’s comprehensive library of cooking techniques will take you to the next level with French julienne chopping, tips for grilling halloumi cheese from Cyprus and shaping Chinese dumplings in your own kitchen. 

And when you’re ready to conquer cultural cuisine, visit the world recipes section of allrecipes.com for free recipes sorted by region and country. There you’ll find everything from Korean barbecue beef and Greek lemon chicken to Moroccan date bread and Argentinian alfajores cookies.

You may also like:  The Travel Kitchen series #4: Goan vindaloo

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7 Best Online Travel Agent Programs (Complete Guide)

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Travel Agent

Many people’s dream job is to travel and get paid!

While travel agents are only sometimes traveling, as they need to help plan and use their resources to set itineraries while getting the best deals, they must be knowledgeable about various places.

If you’re interested in becoming a travel agent, several educational paths exist to help you reach your goals.

The most common approach is an online travel and tourism diploma program, which is readily available.

If you want to dive deeper into the field, associate and bachelor’s degree programs are available but still require the fundamental core classes and can take up to four years to earn.

On the other hand, a certificate degree can be achieved in under one year.

If you’re interested in becoming a travel agent and are searching for a reputable online program, keep reading to learn more!

Best Online Travel Agent Programs

Despite being necessary for tens of thousands of travelers worldwide, travel agency positions are relatively niche.

Therefore, only a few online travel agent programs exist, including the following:

American Society of Travel Advisors

The ASTA offers a Verified Travel Advisor certification program, which helps students hone travel and tourism skills while providing a broad industry perspective.

This online, self-paced course is highly flexible, as students can complete the required coursework on their own terms.

Lessons for the primary certification include the following:

  • Advanced Public Speaking – improves public speaking capabilities through actionable information.
  • Agency Relationships and the Law – learn about your legal obligations to your clients, liabilities, and legal rights.
  • Ethics for Travel Advisors – students must review and agree to the 12-point Code of Ethics, which builds client trust.
  • Legal Overview for the Travel Agency Industry – taught by an attorney about legal issues surrounding taxes, liability, insurance, fees, and more.
  • Marketing YOU! – maximize your value by promoting your business using effective marketing tactics.
  • Project Management and Planning for the Travel Advisor – learn how project management and planning are critical to the industry and how to apply these techniques within your business.
  • Real-World Sales Tactics – learn tactical solutions for improving your consulting and selling skills.
  • The Art and Science of Negotiation – negotiating is a critical aspect of a successful travel business that allows you to get the best prices for your clients.
  • U.S. Travel Agency Regulatory Compliance – helps travel advisors avoid costly regulatory mishaps.

The ASTA member program price is $399, the non-member independent travel advisor cost is $627, and the non-member travel advisor price is $789.

For those seeking re-certification, the tuition cost is $179.

Ashworth College

As one of the leading online vocational schools, Ashworth College helps students explore travel and tourism careers.

Their diploma in travel and tourism comprises coursework like The Global Distribution System, Types of Travel, and Travel Geography.

The program begins by teaching students the business fundamentals and ends with how to establish an exciting career as a travel agent or in other travel-related fields.

Program graduates have moved into numerous careers, from corporate travel at significant companies to starting a travel agency business.

Cayuga Community College

The entirely online Tourism Management certificate from Cayuga Community College is a 30-credit-hour program that prepares students for entry-level careers as travel agents, destination marketing organizations, tourism bureaus, tour companies, or working for tourism promotion agencies, hotels, inns, cruise lines, and visitor centers.

This self-paced certificate program allows students to work and attend school on their own schedule.

The faculty teaching these courses is the same online as on-campus, and students can transfer credits from other schools instead of retaking the class.

Colorado State University

CSU offers an online master’s degree in tourism management for those looking to make a career change or advance further in the industry.

This program focuses on developing students’ business management insight, helping them understand global tourism’s environmental and social impacts, and enhancing their knowledge of standard industry practices.

Furthermore, the faculty focuses on new technology, an evolving marketplace, and international events impacting tourism activities.

Throughout the nine-month program, students will learn more about financial management tools and processes, effective communication and marketing strategies, how to use data to guide business strategies, and how to manage resources and people ethically and strategically.

The program has 30 total credits and costs $794 per credit hour, regardless of if you live in-state or out-of-state.

Cruise Lines International Association

CLIA offers numerous online certification programs, including Accredited Cruise Counselor, Certified Cruise Counselor, Master Cruise Counselor, Elite Cruise Counselor, and Travel Agency Executive (TAE), a broader certification beyond cruises.

TAE was developed for management travel agency professionals currently employed by a CLIA Affiliate Agency and may be selling travel products.

To be eligible, candidates must work in a leadership capacity within the travel industry.

Those accepted into the program have two years from enrollment to complete the program and submit the required documentation.

The curriculum includes the following mandatory courses:

  • Better Listening Skills for Better Business
  • Building Client Loyalty
  • Cruise Industry Leadership 501
  • Cruise Industry Leadership 601
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Effective Cruise Presentations 101
  • Marketing 101
  • Public Relations 101

Attendees must also select one elective training requirement: three CLIA online courses and live seminars, earning the CTA, CTC, or CTIE designation, or holding an undergraduate or graduate business degree.

Additionally, students must have two personal travel experiences: two cruises of at least two nights or be a CLIA Global Cruise Line Member.

Penn Foster Career School

Penn Foster and Ashworth College typically frequent the same list as best online vocational schools.

Like Ashworth, Penn Foster boasts an excellent travel agent diploma.

If you are passionate about travel, the program prepares you to work for tour companies, cruise ships, airlines, and travel agencies.

Many graduates also opt to open a travel agency business or in a corporate travel position.

The travel agent course prepares students for the Travel Agent Proficiency certification exam.

The curriculum includes Computerized Reservation Systems, Tours and Vacation Packages, Exploring the World, International Travel, World Geography, North American Air Travel, and The Travel Professional.

The school also offers a Destination Specialist course to expand student skills in the field further.

Tuition for the entire program, including materials, is $799, but the school offers flexible monthly payments for those who cannot immediately pay in full.

Stratford Career Institute

The Stratford Career Institute Travel Agent Program was developed for those who love to travel and want to transition that passion into a career.

The course covers basic and advanced topics that benefit aspiring travel agents and novices.

The curriculum includes Destination Geography, Travel and Booking Trends, and Corporate and Leisure Travel.

Students can expect to also learn about sales and marketing techniques, ticket prices and fees, and common fares within the industry.

The Travel Institute

Founded in 1964, The Travel Institute has granted just under 30,000 certifications since its founding.

The school has over 145 approved programs and has been awarded 3,600 scholarships since 2014.

The school offers a Certified Travel Associate (CTA) program, which covers 15 critical study areas developed to focus on the required skills for becoming a North American travel consultant.

To enroll in the program, candidates must have at least one year of industry experience selling travel products and services or pass the Travel Agent Proficiency exam with an 80 percent score.

To earn the certification, candidates must pass the CTA examination with at least a 70% score.

To maintain the certification, candidates must earn 10 continuing education units or more annually and be registered in the Certified Travel Agent Directory, which is a public document.

The skill modules range from travel insurance and planning itineraries to business ethics and business writing.

Best of all, the program can be taken entirely online in digital or digital plus print formats for those who prefer learning using physical materials.

The program offers peer support, one—on—one counseling, practice scenarios, and expert tips via videos from industry executives.

The digital version costs $550, while the digital plus print option costs $650.

What Courses Are in an Online Travel Agent Program?

Travel agent programs vary greatly based on the type and level of the coursework and the industry type.

The most common travel agent courses cover the following topics:

  • Advising clients on local activities.
  • Booking trends.
  • Customer relationship management.
  • Determining travel costs.
  • Developing alternative travel plans when schedules change.
  • Discuss essential information with clients.
  • Informing clients about required travel documents.
  • Legal aspects of the travel industry.
  • Marketing techniques
  • Negotiating hotel rates.
  • Planning itineraries.
  • Project management and planning.

Can You Earn a Travel Agent Certification Completely Online?

Since there is no in-person requirement to become a certified travel agent, all certifications can be completed online.

Depending on the educational level in the tourism industry that you wish to achieve, the school may require an internship to gain firsthand experience in the industry, dealing with clients.

Experts advise students at all levels to enroll in an internship, which can help make you marketable for future potential employers, develop professional contacts, have a higher probability for direct job offers, and expand your transferrable skills.

How Long Does It Take to Earn a Travel Agent Certification Online?

The online travel agent certification time commitment ranges based on the educational level you wish to achieve.

More basic certificates can be earned in a few months, whereas bachelor’s degrees in travel and tourism can take four years or more if you plan to enroll in an internship.

The primary difference between the certificate and diploma programs and the associate and bachelor’s degree programs is the latter requires foundational core classes, and the former focuses solely on travel agent topics.

However, the associate and bachelor’s degree programs tend to go more in-depth on many travel and tourism topics and offer additional opportunities to take specialized electives, which could also make you a more marketable candidate.

Also, the more education received, the higher salary you could earn after graduation compared to those with a lower level certification.

How Much Does an Online Travel Agent Certification Cost?

Like the time commitment required for travel agent certification, the cost varies based on several factors, including the training length, the school’s reputation, specialization, and financial aid availability.

The most basic certification programs cost between $330 and several thousand for a program lasting several months to one year.

Specialization programs for those with related training can cost around $550.

For those seeking higher education, an associate degree can range from several thousand dollars per year to over $10,000.

A bachelor’s degree can cost thousands of dollars for the entire program.

Suppose you’re considering a private school for associate or bachelor’s degrees.

In that case, it’s advisable to complete the core classes at a local community college with significantly less expensive credit hours, then transfer in the credits and take the travel and tourism classes at the private school.

This could save tens of thousands of dollars in the long term. Another option is to look for scholarships, grants, and financial aid opportunities.

As the world reopens, travel and tourism are at an all-time high for adventurers wanting to get outside and explore new cultures.

Although technology continues to improve and create itineraries and plans for travelers at the click of a button, travel agents are still needed due to their professional connections and relationships with hotels, travel and transportation companies, restaurants, airlines, and other travel-related businesses.

Therefore, they continue to be in high demand to get their clients the best possible prices.

For those looking to enter this dynamic and exciting field, there are plenty of online educational opportunities from which to choose.

Schools like The American Society of Travel Advisors and The Travel Institute focus on preparing students for industry certifications.

Ashford College, Penn Foster, and the Stratford Career Institute are some of the best online colleges available, so they use technology so students can succeed.

Cayuga Community College and CSU are more traditional schools with multiple educational levels beyond certificates, and the Cruise Lines International Association emphasizes coursework related to cruise travel.

Many options depend on your academic and career goals, so determine where you want to go next!

Additional Resources

  • 7 Best Online HVAC Technician Programs (Complete Guide)
  • 7 Best Online Interior Designer Programs (Complete Guide)
  • 7 Best Online Medical Assistant Programs (Complete Guide)
  • 8 Best Online Patient Care Technician Programs (Complete Guide)
  • 14 Best Online Phlebotomy Technician Programs (Complete Guide)
  • 7 Best Online Physical Therapy Aide Programs (Complete Guide)

Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

15 Fascinating & Free Online Classes For Smarter Traveling

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Fun fact: There are a ton of free travel classes online!

Maybe you want to travel smarter using clever tactics.

Or possibly you dream of exploring the world luxuriously on a budget using miles and points,

Want to start a travel blog that allows you to make money by creating content while you’re on the road?

I’ve SO got you covered.

Below, check out some of the best free travel classes available online, no matter what your travel style or trip goals are.

Once you’re done reading, make sure to also check out these 27 Netflix and Chill alternatives for travelers . The list mentions a number of travel courses and fun livestreams to fuel your wanderlust!

Table of Contents

Top Free Travel Classes Online

1) the *new* strategy for profitable blogging email course.

Many intrepid travelers have toyed with the idea of documenting their trips on a travel blog.

And for those wanting to take their blogs to the next level — as in, turn them into profitable businesses —this free five-day course by Jessie on a Journey shows you how.

In fact, it takes you from branding your blog for success all the way through list-building and community building to monetization. By the end, you’ll truly know how to map out your blogging goals — and crush them!

After taking this course, you’ll spend less time wondering how to make money while traveling, and more time actually doing it!

2)  10 Powerful Ways To Make Money Travel Blogging

While we’re on the topic of blog monetization, I’d love to invite you to my free workshop: 10 Powerful Ways To Make Money Travel Blogging.

During the 60-minute on-demand workshop, you’ll learn:

  • Myths related to monetizing a blog (that may be holding you back!)
  • Strategies for creating profitable content (so those blog posts, emails & social shares lead to income!)
  • Tips for earning recurring passive revenue as a blogger (so your income grows even when you’re away from your laptop!)
  • How to create products that you know your audience will buy (so you don’t waste your time!)
  • Advice for growing your affiliate income (with a strategy that truly works!)

Plus, your free ticket to this actionable workshop also includes a Q&A, limited-time replay, and special bonuses.

how to make money as a travel blogger

3) The Profitable Travel Blog Makeover

Looking for a crash course on running a blogging business?

If the previous option isn’t enough and you’d prefer something with video lessons, then this four-day online travel blogging course is for you.

Each video is less than 10 minutes, but teaches a vital travel blogging strategy.

A few topics that are covered include how to:

  • Set up a profitable blogging foundation (including the vital step many bloggers skip!)
  • Increase your website traffic (no tech required!)
  • Grow your email list (with  targeted subscribers!)
  • Nurture your subscribers into raving fans (who can’t wait to hear from you!)
  • Monetize your blog (without being spammy!)

If you dream of making travel a full-time lifestyle or just want to start your own online business centered around something you’re passionate about, then you don’t want to miss this free blogging course.

4) Instagram Authority

The world is full of beauty to photograph.

One great place to share those photos is on Instagram.

For those that want their pretty trip pictures to go beyond views from family and friends, this free seven-day course by Alex Tooby demystifies the challenging arena of growing an Instagram following.

A few tactics you’ll learn include how to craft a follow-worthy bio, create a cohesive profile, and boost engagement through high-quality content and hashtags.

By the way, one you get savvy at Instagram you can use this skill to find easy ways to volunteer from home , as many nonprofits and projects are often looking for people who can help them spread their mission online.

5) Savvy Solo Traveler Email Course

If you’ve been thinking about taking your first solo trip but feel a bit apprehensive about this new venture, then this course by Jessie on a Journey is for you.

Learn how to stay safe and other essential information about traveling alone — including how to take the perfect selfie!

Additionally, you’ll learn how to overcome common solo travel fears, choose the perfect solo destination, tell loved ones you’re hitting the road alone, stay safe, and mentally prepare.


6) Travel Photography Demystified

Want to learn how to take better travel photos?

Check out Karthika Gupta’s online class — a free five-day video series with plenty of tips to help you improve your photography skills and take envy-inducing photos on your next trip.

Don’t worry if you don’t own a DSLR, as the course breaks down tips even iPhoneographers can appreciate.

7) Amplify Your Email List Challenge

Back to those travelers who are also interested in travel blogging, one strategy that will be essential to master is growing your email list.

Luckily, the Amplify Your Email List Challenge can help!

In this free challenge, you’ll learn how to increase your subscribers, nurture your community, and monetize an email list in just five days.

Throughout the challenge there will be a number of bonuses that will help you implement your list-building strategy easier and faster. Make sure to grab those before the challenge ends!

Best of all, each email is concise and clear, teaching a step-by-step tactic in the shortest way possible.

This means, you can spend less time reading emails and more putting learning into practice.

email list-building challenge

8) Travel Miles 101

The opening sentence of this free Travel Miles 101 course description is “learn how you can travel the world for pennies.”

I don’t know about you, but that sounds perfect  to me.

Inside, you’ll learn the art of miles and points hacking, so you can save your cash for memorable on-the-ground experiences instead of hotels and flights.

9) How To Travel Long Term / Full Time

Traveling for months at a time takes more savvy than knowing how to book a plane ticket; which this HighBrow course delivers.

It’s designed for people who want to travel long term or full time, but do not know where to begin.

It teaches you how to sort out your finances, find free accommodation and earn money while traveling, among other things.

Note: This course is free with a 30-day free trial on HighBrow. You can also create your own email course for HighBrow by clicking here . 

travel classes

10) Travel Hacking Basics: How To Travel Longer and Better

UDEMY is one of my favorite platforms for online learning, whether travel classes or professional development education.

As the title suggests, this course covers the basics of cheap and safe travel.

Topics include planning your trip, finding cheap flights and accommodation, and avoiding common travel scams.

Oh, and one of my favorite lessons: how and where to find “error” fares.

11) Learn How To Fly Free To Hawaii

Have you always wanted to visit Hawaii, but haven’t yet been able to save up enough to afford the trip?

This free travel class by Go To Travel Gal shows you step-by-step how to fly to Hawaii with your friends and family using only miles and points.

[socialpug_tweet tweet=”Free flights to #Hawaii?! Yes, it’s possible. Just check out resource #11 on the list! #TravelHacking” display_tweet=”Free flights to #Hawaii?! Yes, it’s possible. Just check out resource #11 on the list! #TravelHacking”]


12) How To Take Amazing Videos Of Your Adventure

Want to learn the secrets to capturing your special moments in amazing videos?

This course by Evergreen Lane Productions walks you through the main elements of shooting beautiful videos during your trips.

The course is perfect for adventurers who want to capture their trip of a lifetime without having to spend a lot of time playing around with their camera.

13) How To Plan A Vacation: Save Time And Money

Consisting of three units, this course by To The Nations Worldwide shows you how to plan an amazing vacation while saving time and money.

Lessons include choosing the right destination, creating an itinerary, and general travel tips and tricks.

Hint : I also offer a free Ultimate Travel Planning Kit  on Jessie on a Journey full of handy worksheets and resources for savvier trip planning beyond the guidebook.

travel classes

14) What To Expect On Your First Disney Cruise 

This nine-day email course by Picture The Magic covers everything about going on a Disney cruise, including dealing with seasickness, avoiding unnecessary costs, tipping, amazing things to do during the day and more.

If you’re feeling a bit anxious about your first Disney cruise, this course will help you dispel any uncertainties and worries you may have.

15) How To Travel Full-Time In A Financially Sustainable Way

If you’ve often wondered how some people manage to travel full-time, this course by the Professional Hobo will show you how they do it — and how you can, too.

Packed with information, the course will teach you how to reduce costs on accommodation and transportation, earn money on the road and how to manage your finances, among other things.

What free travel classes would you add to this list?

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About Jessie Festa

Jessie Festa is a New York-based travel content creator who is passionate about empowering her audience to experience new places and live a life of adventure. She is the founder of the solo female travel blog, Jessie on a Journey, and is editor-in-chief of Epicure & Culture , an online conscious tourism magazine. Along with writing, Jessie is a professional photographer and is the owner of NYC Photo Journeys , which offers New York photo tours, photo shoots, and wedding photography. Her work has appeared in publications like USA Today, CNN, Business Insider, Thrillist, and WestJet Magazine.

Jessie Festa standing in front of grafitti wall

Hi, I’m Jessie on a journey!

I'm a conscious solo traveler on a mission to take you beyond the guidebook to inspire you to live your best life through travel. Come join me!

Want to live your best life through travel?

Subscribe for FREE access to my library of fun blogging worksheets and learn how to get paid to travel more!

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Turn Your Travel Blog Into A Profitable Business

Subscribe to my email list to snag instant access to my library of workbooks, checklists, tutorials and other resources to help you earn more money -- and have more fun -- blogging. Oh, and it's totally FREE! :) //  Privacy Policy . 

Check your inbox for your welcome email + resource library password!


Excellent list! I’ve been looking on Udemy recently too for some inspiration, but with so many courses available there, it’s difficult to find the really useful ones. Now I have them – time to study! 🙂

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This is some great stuff. I had always been wondering about how you guys get such mouthwatering photos on Instagram. Now I know the trick. Also, since I am going to start a new travel blog “The Vagabond Report” I think some of these will make very good help to me. Starting with that gram course of course. Thanks, ya!

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A train heads up a track as mountains and trees stand in the background.

Students ride the rails in this course to learn about sustainability and tourism

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Assistant Professor of Geography, Michigan Technological University

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Mark Alan Rhodes II does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

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Title of course

Amtrak Tourism: Trains, Cities and Sustainability

What prompted the idea for the course?

As a geographer , I wanted to offer a summer study abroad program on sustainability. However, it wouldn’t make sense to design a sustainability program that includes flying abroad due to planes’ excessive carbon footprint. Alternatively, Amtrak’s diesel-powered trains reduce per person carbon dioxide emissions by 40% compared with flying.

Aside from an environmental lens, I also wanted students to learn about sustainability from economic and social perspectives. During the program, students use only public transit, stay in locally owned lodgings and eat at locally sourced restaurants.

Combine my love of Amtrak with a desire to get students out of the classroom, and we found ourselves riding across the country to learn about sustainable tourism, landscapes and urban and regional planning.

What does the course explore?

Over the course of three weeks, students visit six locations, with overnight train rides between each ranging from 16-24 hours. The days are broken up into lessons on observing landscape and land use, sustainable tourism and urban deindustrialization, with at least an hour of class time on each train ride.

Destinations serve as living laboratories for our students. Classes in some cities, such as Galesburg, Illinois, or Sacramento, California, lean more heavily on exploring the cities’ industrial histories, also known as industrial heritage . In cities such as Portland, Oregon, or Glenwood Springs, Colorado, which experience large influxes of visitors every year, we focus more on tourism and planning.

Why is this course relevant now?

The federal government is investing billions of dollars to create a “ new era of rail ” in the United States.

The course appeals to millennial and Gen Z students who are increasingly concerned about the climate crisis and continued carbon emissions . The experience gives students real-world examples of how they can make a difference, such as through engaging with public officials and changing small habits in how they travel.

What’s a critical lesson from the course?

Tourism will not save a community.

While staying in Glenwood Springs in Colorado, students complete an assignment about “destination tourism” – when tourism becomes the primary driver or economic base of a region. Students ride the country’s only rapid rural bus transit systems “up valley” to Aspen. On the bus, they come to understand what they’ve read in the “ The Slums of Aspen ,” a book about how the elite ski town passed a resolution that pushed out their immigrant workers, who live farther and farther “down valley” due to gentrification but still work in Aspen.

Once students arrive in Aspen – during the offseason, in May – they find a polished ghost town full of Prada, Dior and other high-end fashion stores and highly manicured city parks. After returning to Glenwood Springs, they reflect on the differences between the cities in terms of housing costs, sustainability and tourism labor. They also walk away with a more critical eye toward water access, the seasonality of labor, public transportation availability and Indigenous rights in our college’s own area – the Keweenaw Peninsula.

What materials does the course feature?

Students read journalist James McCommons’ “ Waiting on a Train: The Embattled Future of Passenger Rail Service ,” which provides both historical and engaging context organized by route and destination.

With about 100 hours aboard Amtrak trains, I also assign students podcasts such as “ 99% Invisible ” and “ Working Class History .” I often see students on the train listening to podcasts with their headphones and writing journal entries that are due every time we arrive at a new hotel.

What will the course prepare students to do?

After finishing this course, the students – who are predominantly from rural areas in Michigan – have a better understanding of how and why they can use public transportation in their daily lives and travels. They also have a greater understanding of the positive and negative impacts of tourism on a place, particularly in postindustrial communities, and how they can be more intentional tourists themselves. Ultimately, they learn how they, as travelers and community members, can contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future.

  • Higher education
  • Sustainability
  • Migrant workers
  • US higher education
  • Study abroad
  • Seasonal work
  • Higher ed attainment
  • Economic disparities
  • Uncommon Courses

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University Relations Manager

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2024 Vice-Chancellor's Research Fellowships

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Head of Research Computing & Data Solutions

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Community member RANZCO Education Committee (Volunteer)

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Director of STEM

Online Russian Course

  • Introduction lesson: define your level, get tips for studying from our teacher
  • Study materials are included
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Conducting online lessons on different platforms: Zoom, Skype, Wereby, etc.

Why learn Russian language online with us?

  • choose a course that meets YOUR expectations and goals
  • calculate the required frequency and intensity of classes (in particular, the number of training hours per week)
  • find the training materials that are right for you
  • gain the required level in the shortest possible time
  • prepare for the exam
  • achieve your goals, whether it's spoken Russian for everyday communication, for upcoming trip to Russia or Russian as the language of the specialty, business Russian etc.

Prices & Schedule

It is also important to inform that we issue a certificate of attendance (with a minimum package of 8 lessons!)

  • Days: Monday till Thursday
  • Time: 10 am - 2 pm Moscow time
  • Intencity: 20 academic hours per week
  • Price: 140 Euro per week
  • Price for 2 weeks: 135 Euro per week
  • Price for 3 weeks and more: 125 Euro per week
  • Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Time: 7 pm - 9:15 pm Moscow time
  • Intencity: 9 academic hours per week
  • Price: 75 Euro per week
  • Price for 2 weeks: 70 Euro per week
  • Price for 3 weeks and more: 65 Euro per week
  • Days: Any day
  • Time: Any time
  • Price for 3 weeks and more: 128 Euro per 8 ac. hours

How long do I study Russian?

Programs available.

  • Russian language "from scratch"
  • The course of practice
  • Express course "Tourist Russian"
  • Advanced Russian
  • Russian grammar is easy
  • Russian: we love books
  • Russian language in the songs
  • Watch movies in Russian

Do you want to understand what your Russian friends are talking about, watch Russian movies, understand Russian humor, or communicate with your mother-in-law in her native language? Try to understand the mysterious Russian soul, get acquainted with the rich culture of Russia? Perhaps you have some requests of your own? Let us know and we will be able to create a course specifically for your request.

- We have various payment methods. We accept all international bank cards, so you can pay online.

- We will send you all the materials electronically. They are included in the course price

- We will send it to you by email. In case if you need the original, we will send it by post.

- Yes, we offer tiral lesson for both group and individual classes

- Usually we have 3-5 students in our online group.

- We use English for some explanations and mostly use Russian


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