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What should a business travel report include? self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>e.style.maxWidth=R+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R15ajm:",1)

Your business trip is over, and now it’s time to draft up a travel report. Why does your manager ask for a business trip report? And what should a good report include? Scroll down to learn everything you need to know about how to write a travel report.

trip report did

What is a business trip report? self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>e.style.maxWidth=R+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R2tajm:",1)

A business trip report, or business travel report , is a document about a business trip, usually written for a manager. It’s like a memo of the trip, its purpose, learnings, and outcomes.

The meaning of a business trip report is to give an overview of the trip and justify the expenses. 

With a travel report, you tell your manager (or other relevant people in the company) what your trip was about: purpose, goals, achievements, learnings, and recommendations. The purpose of a business trip can be, for example, to solidify business partnerships, prospect for new clients, or learn about the latest industry trends.

A business trip report also justifies the investment the company makes. If your employer sends you on a business trip and pays for the costs, how will it benefit from your travel? 

What should a travel report include? self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>e.style.maxWidth=R+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":Rctajm:",1)

There isn’t one set format for a travel report. You can check if your company has a template for reporting business trips or if there are some conventions or requirements the report should follow. If not, you can find a simple business trip report template in this article. 

Unless you work in a traditional industry, a travel report doesn’t have to be too formal. Your manager probably doesn't want to scan through a 20-page report. 

It’s okay to keep the report brief and concise. You can skip the table of contents and executive summary and focus on the goals, outcomes, and learnings of the trip – the part that matters the most. 

A simple outline for a business trip report  self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>e.style.maxWidth=R+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":Rktajm:",1)

If you want to keep your travel report short and sweet, you can follow this simple structure. 

Basics : Your name, participants (your colleagues), travel period, and destination.

Purpose of trip : Why did you go on this trip? What were the goals? 

Overview : What events did you attend? Who did you meet? What learnings did you gain? 

Summary and Conclusions : A brief summary of the trip and recommendations or action points.

Expenses : You can list your expenses here or deliver your expense claim separately. 

Attachments : If you claim expenses, attach receipts and invoices as proof of travel costs.

Claim travel expenses with an expense report self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>e.style.maxWidth=R+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":Rqtajm:",1)

If you’ve paid travel expenses from your own pocket, you can claim expense reimbursement from your employer. Depending on your company’s conventions, you can either attach the expense claim to the report or deliver it separately. 

More and more companies use digital tools to manage travel expenses, which means that you don’t need to claim back travel costs with a paper document (and not even with a PDF). For example, Pliant features an integration to Circula , a software designed to streamline and automate claiming and managing travel costs and allowances.

Use a business travel report template  self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>e.style.maxWidth=R+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R10tajm:",1)

If your company doesn’t have a fixed structure for a business travel report and you’re not sure how to go about it, here’s a template to help you get started. 

You can use this template to summarize your trip and its expenses in a simple and easy-to-skim format. 

Bear in mind that this isn’t an official travel report template – if there is such a thing. Feel free to edit and customize it for your needs. You can skip or add sections that you see useful. If you want to highlight something particular, add new sections, like Goals or Learnings. 

How to write a travel report?  self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>e.style.maxWidth=R+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R18tajm:",1)

Following the structure of the template above, here’s how you write a travel report. 

Start with the basics self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>e.style.maxWidth=R+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R1ctajm:",1)

First things first. In addition to your own name, mention any colleagues that were with you on the trip. Include the travel period and destination.

Focus on the benefits for the company  self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>e.style.maxWidth=R+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R1gtajm:",1)

The body is the most important part of your report. You can use a structure that works best for you, but if you’re not sure what to include, here are some ideas.

You can start with the purpose . Why did you go on this trip? What were the goals? This could be, for example, to keep up with the industry trends at a conference. 

Provide an overview of the trip. Who did you meet? What events did you attend? What did you learn? This is your chance to shine. Stress how the trip was beneficial for the company. Not only did you pick up new skills at a seminar, but now you can put them to use in your work for the company. You’ll want to show how sending you on this trip was a good investment. 

Close with a summary and conclusions . Write a summary and revisit the key points, like your learnings, how the goals were met (or why they weren’t), and recommendations and an action plan for the next steps.

Attach a cost summary and receipts (if necessary) self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>e.style.maxWidth=R+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R1qtajm:",1)

Depending on your company’s travel expense policy, you can attach a cost summary of your reimbursable expenses and relevant attachments to the travel report. Attachments include receipts and invoices as proof of incurred expenses during the trip.

If you deliver an expense claim with an app or in another way established in your workplace, you don’t have to include it in the travel report.  

What is an example of business travel? self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>e.style.maxWidth=R+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R20tajm:",1)

There are many types of business travel, ranging from conferences to trade shows to visiting international branches of the same company. 

What qualifies as business travel in the eyes of the tax office varies from country to country. But usually, there’s some kind of requirement for temporary travel for work purposes.

Examples of business travel include:

Conferences and seminars

Trade shows and fairs

Travel to meet business partners, like suppliers or clients

Internal visits and meetings at different locations  

Company retreats and events

Not every type of business travel requires a travel report. If you’re traveling to a company retreat or summer party to unwind and bond with your colleagues, you can skip the report. 

When does a business trip require a travel report? self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>e.style.maxWidth=R+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R2ctajm:",1)

Whether a business trip report is required depends on the organization and its travel policy. A travel report isn’t always necessary, so it’s best to ask your manager. 

But if you claim reimbursement for business-related travel expenses, you do need to submit an expense report and receipts. This is usually required by the tax office to provide a clear audit trail of why your employer is making a (tax-exempt) payment to you. But this doesn’t mean you have to write a report on the whole trip. 

Depending on the policy of your company, you might either submit an expense claim with an app or software or in another fashion that is established in your organization. 

In summary self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>e.style.maxWidth=R+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R2ktajm:",1)

Business travel report policies vary from company to company. While a travel expense claim may be required by the tax office, a business trip report is usually just used for internal purposes. 

In some companies or industries, lengthy reports may be the norm. But just the same, there may not be a culture of writing travel reports at all. When in doubt, ask your manager.

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How to Write a Top Trip Report

Hailey Oppelt

Our eNewsletter Routefinder, sent on the first of each month to over 30,000 individuals (including our 15,000 members), is one of our most important communications. Considered a “mini magazine,” each month we sift through dozens of blogs, events, and updates to select eight to ten of the most important items for you to read. This includes heartfelt magazine stories, key organizational updates, conservation and advocacy alerts, new courses, and more. And do you know what is often the most popular item, month after month?

Trip reports.

That’s right – what some would consider to be dry, technical reading is actually top-tier content for our membership. Post holing on Mt. Si? Crowded trailheads by 9am at Colchuck Lake? Yet another batch of blowdowns in the Pasayten? The people want to know.

Trip reports are foundational to our members’ and leaders’ ability to get outside. Trail conditions, weather, new obstacles, route information, and more contribute to the feasibility and the success of any potential outing we plan. More than that, trip reports give us a taste of what’s to come. Whether you want to find the best spot to pick alpine blueberries and admire mountain goats, or you just need to know if you should bring your microspikes up McClellan Butte this week, trip reports answer the questions that we would otherwise have to ask our friends or hunt down on our own. And as a member of The Mountaineers, you now have the informational power of 15,000 friends.

For this reason we have decided to offer you top tips to create successful trip reports, and a stellar autumn backpacking trip report for you to read. Break out your waterproof notebooks, folks, because this is what The Mountaineers is all about.

The best trip reports include

Detailed trip information . The foundation of any good trip report is going to be high-quality information on the route and how your group completed it. This is what most readers come for, as it allows them to plan their own trip to maximize preparation and minimize time-drains or safety risks. Especially on highly technical trips like climbs, the more information, the better. If you’re creating a trip report, do your best to include the following:

  • Trail conditions, including snow conditions (when applicable)
  • Route obstacles (blowdowns, water crossings, loose rock, etc.)
  • Route-finding tips, and any route-finding issues your group ran into
  • Weather conditions throughout your trip
  • Start and end times (include break durations)
  • Water sources
  • Potential campsites/natural shelters
  • Any safety concerns

Group dynamics. In addition to learning about the trail itself, trip reports are an opportunity for people to learn more about what works and what doesn’t. The size of your group, their experience level, and any strategic or safety decisions you made could be valuable information for another leader or participant. For instance, if your group did not summit, why did you make that decision and what factors influenced your final outcome? These details can sometimes be just as important as the trail conditions. Other group information can also inform readers on how they want to approach their trip. For instance, including group experience and fitness levels, paired with total trip time, will help readers estimate how long their own trip may take.

High-quality photos. Although it’s helpful to have a written description of a route and any issues your party encountered, photos can quickly clarify route confusion, show trail conditions, and get folks excited about the trip. Always be sure to take photos that are clear, not backlit (facing the sun) or overexposed, and offer a full shot of the trail or obstacles you faced. Well-taken photos are much more useful to future route users, and make your trip report more appealing overall.

This image is washed out, only shows a small portion of the trail, and does not include any relevant information about the route.

This image is clear, shows the trail straight-on, and provides information on trail obstacles..

Bonus info. Half of the fun of reading a trip report is getting stoked for your upcoming excursion. If you’re putting together a trip report, always include the bonuses: wildlife sightings, top-notch views, beautifully-done stewardship work, berry picking, and stellar sunrises. At the end of the day, it’s the journey, not the summit, that we remember most. Revel in it, and others will be inspired to do the same.

Example trip report

This is a staff favorite example of a highly-detailed trip report, offering the perfect balance between technical information and outdoor stoke. Read on to learn about Golden Lakes Loop, and consider taking your own backpacking trip this season

Golden Lakes Loop, October 4-7, 2021

By Cheryl Talbert, 13-year member & backpacking leader

Photo by Cheryl Talbert.

Our group of four Mountaineers friends started at the Crater Creek trailhead (TH) with a plan to do four days around the Golden Lakes loop, including nights on the ridge near N Navarre Peak and at Sunrise Lake. The roads to the TH were very good, only a few bumpy sections, and the parking area at the TH is very large with a toilet. When we arrived at around 11AM on a Monday there were already a dozen vehicles in the lot.

The trail to Upper Eagle was dusty at the bottom but well graded (with lots of trail engineering for mountain bikes and motorbikes) and signage is good. Golden larch and aspen appeared part way up, and by the time we got to the lake the larch color was all around us and stunning! Needles are falling fast now though I project that the color will last another week, windstorms notwithstanding. We arrived first at Upper Eagle and took lovely camps by the lake; probably another 8-10 people arrived after us and there was room for everyone to disperse out of sight and hearing. There is a box toilet at this camp and the lake is gorgeous, highly recommended! We arrived there in about three hours.

On day two we set out up toward Horsehead Pass, a good trail with a few boulder-hopping sections. Great views on the way up, looking across Lower Eagle Lake to the eastern plains. From the pass the views to the west along the Chelan summit ridge are really beautiful, a mix of golden larch, dark evergreens, yellow aspen, red berry bushes, and broad golden meadows. We descended to Boiling Lake, then took the route signed 'Cub Lake,' which then requires keeping an eye on the map and taking the turn on the Summit Trail going east. Many people get confused and take the spur straight along the shore of Boiling Lake - don't do that, as that trail goes up to a ridge and stops. The Summit Trail is flat for a while through forest, then climbs and turns east through broad meadows with views. We passed by the turnoff to the Angel's Staircase (well signed) because we wanted to explore the ridges along the Summer Blossom Trail to North Navarre Peak and camp along there. It was well worth the walk along the summit trail - more lovely meadow and fall vegetation - but then there was a steep (but well graded) larch- lined climb to Horsethief Pass (much damaged by bikes). At the top of the pass we could see that the ridges above Horsethief Basin on both sides had burned out and weren't so pretty to look at, though there were still larch and spruce in the basin (you could probably find places to camp below but we didn't look). We saw a bear below as we followed the Summer Blossom Trail - narrow but pretty easy to follow with lots of ups and downs. Finally, there was a steep descent and then a climb to the ridge with N Navarre Peak ahead, where a friend had suggested a ridgetop camp. However the weather forecast was for cold wind and the ridge was burned out, plus the creek before the ridge was down to just a trickle. We decided to go back and camp under a patch of spruce in the gorgeous larch meadows on the other side of Horsethief Pass, and this was a good call – low clouds and mist/rain blew in later and we were glad for shelter under the trees.

The next morning dawned VERY cold - mid 20s. Our water filters froze sitting for a short time next to our cooking area! We bundled up in all of our clothes, treated water with aquamira drops, and set out to go up Angel's Staircase. The trail through here is just fantastic, a gentle climb to the ridgetop with dramatic views though everything was quite frosty (about an inch of heavy frost near the top covering all the rocks, though not slippery). From the top of Angel's Staircase we descended through Merchant's Basin and set out to climb up to Sunrise Lake to camp (note that most maps, including Gaia, show a turnoff well before the clump of evergreens where the Sunrise Lake trail sign is posted - but the trail is very faint and I've missed it twice! Not to worry, you can cut toward the creek and will find the trail). We got to Sunrise Lake to find a VERY cold wind blowing even at 11am, and insufficient shelter from the wind, so anticipating having to hide in our tents the whole day and night we decided instead to enjoy a chilly lunch at the lake and then go back down to Merchants Basin, where there are lots of really nice sheltered camps and protection from the wind (a very good decision, as we heard the wind roaring through the trees up in the direction of the lake through that night!). We explored along Foggy Dew creek and I read for a while in the sun before an early dinner and into our tents.

On day four we woke to another very cold morning, bundled up and headed back up the trail through the basin, over the crest and down the trail to Cooney Lake (this section is steep with poor traction in places). Cooney is beautiful with a lot of camps, but was deserted on this Thursday morning. Larch color on this side is well on the decline and the ground drifted with golden needles. We made quick work of the six miles from Cooney back out to Crater Creek TH.

Lead image of Garrett Arnold and Skye Stoury. Photo by Skye Stoury.

This article originally appeared in our fall 2022 issue of Mountaineer magazine. To view the original article in magazine form and read more stories from our publication, visit our   magazine archive . 

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Suspected Gunman Said He Was Willing to Fight and Die in Ukraine

Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, told The New York Times in 2023 that he had traveled to Ukraine and wanted to recruit Afghan soldiers to fight there.

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Police vehicles blocking off a road.

By Adam Goldman Thomas Gibbons-Neff Glenn Thrush and Najim Rahim

  • Published Sept. 15, 2024 Updated Sept. 17, 2024, 8:40 a.m. ET

Ryan Wesley Routh, the 58-year-old man who was arrested on Sunday in connection with what the F.B.I. described as an attempted assassination on former President Donald J. Trump , had expressed the desire to fight and die in Ukraine.

Mr. Routh’s posts on the social media site X revealed a penchant for violent rhetoric in the weeks after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. “I AM WILLING TO FLY TO KRAKOW AND GO TO THE BORDER OF UKRAINE TO VOLUNTEER AND FIGHT AND DIE,” he wrote.

On the messaging application Signal, Mr. Routh wrote that “Civilians must change this war and prevent future wars” as part of his profile bio. On WhatsApp, his bio read, “Each one of us must do our part daily in the smallest steps help support human rights, freedom and democracy; we each must help the chinese.”

Mr. Routh, a former roofing contractor from Greensboro, N.C., was interviewed by The New York Times in 2023 for an article about Americans volunteering to aid the war effort in Ukraine . Mr. Routh, who had no military experience, said he had traveled to the country after Russia’s invasion and wanted to recruit Afghan soldiers to fight there.

In a telephone interview with The New York Times in 2023, when Mr. Routh was in Washington, he spoke with the self-assuredness of a seasoned diplomat who thought his plans to support Ukraine’s war effort were sure to succeed. But he appeared to have little patience for anyone who got in his way. When an American foreign fighter seemed to talk down to him in a Facebook message he shared with The New York Times, Mr. Routh said, “he needs to be shot.”

In the interview, Mr. Routh said he was in Washington to meet with the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, known as the Helsinki Commission “for two hours” to help push for more support for Ukraine. The commission is led by members of Congress and staffed by congressional aides . It is influential on matters of democracy and security and has been vocal in supporting Ukraine.

Mr. Routh also said he was seeking recruits for Ukraine from among Afghan soldiers who had fled the Taliban. He said he planned to move them, in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. He said dozens had expressed interest.

“We can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan, since it’s such a corrupt country,” he said.

It is not clear whether Mr. Routh followed through, but one former Afghan soldier said he had been contacted and was interested in fighting if it meant leaving Iran, where he was living illegally.

A man with the same name and similar age as Mr. Routh was arrested in 2002 in Greensboro, N.C., after barricading himself inside a building with a fully automatic weapon, according to the Greensboro News & Record newspaper.

The newspaper said the man was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a fully automatic machine gun. It is not clear how the charges were resolved.

It is not clear if Mr. Routh, a lean man with reddish-brown hair who wore American flag clothing in one of his profile pictures, fired any shots before leaving the scene on Sunday, according to the Secret Service.

In a series of posts on X in 2020, Mr. Routh expressed admiration for former Representative Tulsi Gabbard, then a Democratic presidential candidate, saying “she will tirelessly negotiate peace deals in Syria, Afghanistan, and all turmoil zones.”

At some point over the past several years, Mr. Routh moved to Hawaii, where a man with his name ran a small business.

In a May 2020 post, he invited Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, to Hawaii for a vacation and offered to act as “ambassador and liaison” to resolve disputes between the two nations.

When deputies stopped him on Interstate 95 after the incident, Mr. Routh appeared calm, did not ask why he was being detained, and “was not armed when we took him out of the car,” Sheriff William D. Snyder of Martin County told a local station, WPTV .

Adam Goldman writes about the F.B.I. and national security. He has been a journalist for more than two decades. More about Adam Goldman

Thomas Gibbons-Neff is a Ukraine correspondent and a former Marine infantryman. More about Thomas Gibbons-Neff

Glenn Thrush covers the Department of Justice and has also written about gun violence, civil rights and conditions in the country’s jails and prisons. More about Glenn Thrush

Najim Rahim is a reporter in the Kabul, Afghanistan, bureau. More about Najim Rahim

Staffers took family Disney trip with money meant for homeless students, report says

Money to fund educational trips for students without permanent homes was instead used by New York City schools staffers on personal family trips, a report said.

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Money that was supposed to fund educational trips for children without homes instead paid for vacations that New York schools staffers took with their families around the country, including a visit to Disney World, according to a recently released investigative report.

Investigators recommended firing employees after finding that the head of the Queens Students in Temporary Housing (STH) program, meant to reward hardworking unhoused students with educational excursions, was telling her staff they could bring their families instead. (Temporary housing status is for students living in shelters, cars, parks or abandoned buildings, according to the New York City Public Schools website.)

Staff families weren’t joining the trips because they misunderstood the rules, independent investigators wrote.

“Wilson brought members of her family on some of these trips at the expense of STH by forging permission slips in the names of students,” according to an investigative report that the New York City School District released Sept. 9.

Wilson did not immediately respond to a request for comment Tuesday morning.

The investigation began in March 2019, when the special commissioner of investigation’s office received a complaint about the trips.

Wilson and staff members filled out permission slips using the information of unhoused students and signed the documents as the parents of those students, according to the report. A whistleblower told investigators that “few of the homeless students listed on the trip paperwork actually attended the trips.”

On Tuesday, Nathaniel Styer, a spokesman for the city’s Education Department, declined to answer The Washington Post’s questions about whether staffers were punished or had reimbursed the district. He referred The Post to the special commissioner of investigation’s office, which also declined to comment on those matters and said they were under the district’s purview.

Jenna Lyle, another spokeswoman for the district, told the New York Post in an article published Sunday that all staffers in the report were “no longer employed by New York City Public Schools.”

There are nearly 30,000 students without permanent homes in Queens, according to the latest data from the New York State Technical and Educational Assistance Center for Homeless Students.

Staff members, including Wilson, told investigators that their children sometimes drove separately and linked up with the trip. Some employees recanted their testimony after being shown pictures of their child on the trip.

The city’s Education Department requires that school trips “have an educational or appropriate celebratory focus.”

A person whose name was redacted told investigators that some of the trips Wilson planned were supposed to give the underprivileged students a chance to visit campuses, according to the report, but college representatives said Wilson had never contacted them.

The trips allegedly had little educational value. On one, to Syracuse University in June 2018, a group ate lunch on campus but never toured the school. Instead, investigators wrote, they visited Niagara Falls about 145 miles west.

One person overheard someone ask a program manager why they ate on campus. She “replied that they had to visit the school as a requirement to plan a trip for the students,” according to the report. Six children or grandchildren of staffers attended the trip.

The report said there were trips to a YMCA campground, a performance of “Stomp” in the East Village, an Upstate resort, Boston and New Orleans.

Then there was the Disney trip.

Some students did visit Disney, but so did six children or grandchildren of staffers. One person told investigators that they had to “beg Wilson to allow him to add two of his students to the trip.”

Wilson said during a December 2018 workshop that she had to cancel a trip to Philadelphia after someone told the department about it. According to the report, she offered the warning: “What happens here stays with us.” (When asked by investigators whether she had said the phrase, Wilson denied doing so.)

When a woman whose name was redacted recognized Wilson’s daughters in the photos of a 2016 trip to Washington, she told investigators that Wilson “shrugged” her off and indicated that there was nothing wrong with bringing family on the trips.

Wilson told employees that she “allowed staff members to bring family members on trips because homeless students often ‘drop[ped] in and out,’ and their spots on the trips were already paid,” according to the report.

When one person was asked why they didn’t report the trips, they told investigators they didn’t confront Wilson because “Wilson had already created a hostile work environment.”

Wilson told investigators that students with good attendance and who had attended Saturday programs were given priority for the trips. But she denied bringing her daughters on the school trips and said she didn’t know whether staff members had done so because she didn’t know their children. She added that her staff members are “staff, not friends,” according to the report.

One of the people suggested that the district fire staffer Mishawn Jack. This summer, she reached a settlement with the city’s Conflicts of Interest Board, an independent agency that enforces ethics laws. She did not respond to a request for comment Tuesday morning.

Jack, who worked as a school aide for a decade, said she “used slots intended for students in temporary housing to take” her children on two trips — a May 2016 performance of “Wicked” on Broadway and a trip that same year to Washington.

The board originally fined her $3,000 to reimburse the city for the expenses of the trip, but board members lowered the number to $1,200 because she had gone into debt after being fired. The board also considered that Jack was told by her supervisor that she was allowed to bring her family on the trips.

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Business Trip Report

Report generator.

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Making sure that your actions on behalf of the company has its own paper trail is beneficial for numerous reasons. Documentation is one such reason, as is the reaching of certain conclusions. After all, if you had to go on a trip, wouldn’t you want to inform your superiors about its details as much as you can? Well, this is where business trip reports come into play. If you want to learn more about this, or find the best business report sample for you, feel free to scroll on.

Business Trip Report Template

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What Is a Business Trip Report?

A business trip report is a written document prepared by business travellers as an account of their most recent trip. The purpose of a business trip report is to document contacts made and lessons learned by the attendee during the business trip. It provides the company with a summary of the overall observations and conclusions. Browsing through the business trip report examples from our list above should give you a better idea of what’s included, along with the business trip report format.

Tips on How to Write a Report

After reading the previous post, you may now be asking yourself, ‘how do I write a business trip report?’ The easy way would be to get yourself a free business trip report template . Any one of our samples, including the business trip report Excel template and the business trip report PDF template would do. However, if you really want to start from scratch, then the following tips will be just as helpful:

1. Define Your Purpose

Knowing the purpose of business trip report making will help you out tremendously. Take note that there are five basic questions of investigative writing: who, what, where, when, and how. Keep your purpose in mind as you explore these basic questions; doing so will keep you on the right track.

2. Be Professional With Your Language

For business reports, getting right to the point is imperative. But never lose your professional tone either. Be clear, concise, and formal. Don’t stray from your report’s main point and don’t use unnecessary language or jargon. Use simple but engaging  general statements  by using active sentences.

3. Organize Your Ideas

You must be able to efficiently express your thoughts in a logical progression to make it more comprehensible. Remember that the devil is in the details and the easier they are to grasp, the more effective your readers will find your report. You can start by creating a  report outline for yourself, and then use this as a guide for the actual content.

4. Do Not Neglect Proofreading

Once you have successfully written the things you want to say, edit and proofread your work. Chances are, a small part of your writing may be composed of details that are unnecessary to the simple report . Cut out those parts, reread your content, and then do it all over again until you are satisfied with the finished product.

What are the details to include in a business trip report?

Among the details that one must always include in a business trip report are the following: the name of the business trip, its participants, the trip’s duration, its overall purpose, its highlights, your follow-up actions, and any additional comments.

What are the advantages of business trips?

First of all, business trips help improve the relationship with existing customers. It can also attract new ones and help evaluate competitors. Lastly, they provide opportunities to learn about new market trends and opportunities.

What are the different types of business reports?

First, you have informational reports, which business trip reports can fall into. Then there are the analytical reports , research reports, explanatory reports, and progress reports .

With the importance of business trip reports and all other vital information out of the way, you’re now in a better position to do right by your company . You can either download any one of our business trip report templates or you can create your own from scratch. It’s up to you, so make sure you take what you’ve gained from this article and put it all to good use today!


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62+ SAMPLE Trip Report Templates in PDF | MS Word | Google Docs | Apple Pages

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Trip reports: why are they beneficial, to whom do you send trip reports, step 1: always carry a small notebook, step 2: decide the report mode, step 3: slowly insert the crucial elements, step 4: clean your report, step 5: end by validating the report.

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Hezbollah blames Israel after pager explosions kill nine in Lebanon

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Nine people, including a child, have been killed after handheld pagers used by members of the armed group Hezbollah to communicate exploded across Lebanon, the country’s health minister says.

Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon was among 2,800 other people who were wounded by the simultaneous blasts in Beirut and several other regions.

Hezbollah, which is backed by Iran, said the pagers belonged “to employees of various Hezbollah units and institutions” and that at least two members were among the dead.

The group blamed Israel for what it called “this criminal aggression” and vowed that it would get “just retribution”. The Israeli military declined to comment.

Israel has been exchanging fire with Hezbollah since last October in parallel with the Gaza war, raising fears of a wider regional conflict.

The UN's spokesman said the developments were "extremely concerning, especially given that this is taking place within a context that is extremely volatile".

Israel sets new war goal of returning residents to the north

Lebanese relief as hezbollah and israel seem to step back from brink.

Hezbollah relies heavily on pagers for communications. The group has warned its members to stop using mobile phones because they could be hacked or tracked by Israeli security forces.

According to Hezbollah, an unspecified number of pagers exploded in multiple areas of Lebanon at around 15:30 local time (12:30 GMT).

One CCTV video showed an explosion in a man’s bag or pocket at a supermarket. He is then seen falling backwards to the ground and crying out in pain as other shoppers run for cover.

"In all my life I've never seen someone walking on the street... and then explode," Musa, a resident of a southern Beirut suburb, told AFP news agency.

"My wife and I were going to the doctor. I found people lying on the ground in front of me," he said. "People didn't know what was happening."

Lebanese Health Minister Firass Abiad told a news conference that casualties were brought to hospitals across the country, including those in southern Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh, the southern port city of Tyre, and in the Bekaa Valley.

He said most had wounds to the face, hands and stomach, and that about 200 were in a critical condition that required surgery or admission to intensive care.

Iranian state TV reported that Iran’s ambassador in Beirut, Mojtaba Amani, suffered "superficial" injuries in one of the explosions.

A source close to Hezbollah told AFP that two of those killed by the pager explosions were the sons of two Hezbollah MPs, Ali Ammar and Hassan Fadlallah. They also identified the dead child as the 10-year-old daughter of a Hezbollah member in the Bekaa Valley.

Fourteen people were also wounded by exploding pagers in neighbouring Syria, where Hezbollah is fighting alongside government forces in the country's civil war, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

“We hold the Israeli enemy fully responsible for this criminal aggression,” Hezbollah said in a statement on Tuesday evening.

“This treacherous and criminal enemy will certainly get his just retribution on this sinful aggression from where it counts and from where it does not count,” it added.

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati also blamed Israel for the explosions, saying that they represented a “serious violation of Lebanese sovereignty and a crime by all standards”.

Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said he told his Lebanese counterpart that he "strongly condemned Israeli terrorism".

The US has denied any involvement in the incident and urged Iran not to heighten tensions.

EPA Friends and relatives of injured people arrive at the American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC) in Beirut, Lebanon (17 September 2024)

Hezbollah did not say what it believed had caused the pagers to explode.

The Wall Street Journal cited a source as saying the affected devices were from a new shipment that Hezbollah had received in recent days. A Hezbollah official also told the newspaper some people had felt the pagers heat up before the blasts.

Overheated lithium-ion batteries can catch fire, but experts said hacking into the pagers and making them overheat would not usually cause such explosions.

A former British Army munitions expert, who asked not to be named, told the BBC the pagers would have likely been packed with between 10g and 20g of military-grade high explosive, hidden inside a fake electronic component.

Once armed by a signal, called an alphanumeric text message, the next person to use the device would have triggered the explosive, the expert said.

Lina Khatib, a Middle East analyst at the UK-based Chatham House think tank, told the BBC: "Israel has been engaging in cyber operations against Hezbollah for several months, but this security breach is the largest in scale.”

Nicholas Blanford, a Beirut-based senior fellow of the American think tank the Atlantic Council, said: “Israel in one fell swoop has rendered combat ineffective hundreds if not thousands of Hezbollah fighters, in some cases permanently.”

“More senior field officers may not have been affected because they simply do not carry electronic communications devices, relying on messengers. But this is a big blow.”

He warned that Hezbollah's leaders would now “face extreme pressure from the ranks and supporters to retaliate heavily”, describing it as "the most dangerous moment" in the Hezbollah-Israel conflict since October.

A statement put out by the Israeli military on Tuesday evening did not comment on the pager explosions, but said the chief of staff Lt Gen Herzi Halevi had held a situational assessment with commanders "focusing on readiness in both offence and defence in all arenas".

It also said there was no change in defensive guidelines to the Israeli public but asked them to remain alert and vigilant.

On Tuesday morning, Israel's security cabinet made the safe return of 60,000 residents displaced in the north by Hezbollah attacks an official goal of the Gaza war.

Israel Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said during a meeting with US envoy Amos Hochstein on Monday that the only way to return northern residents was through "military action".

“The possibility for an agreement is running out as Hezbollah continues to ‘tie itself’ to Hamas, and refuses to end the conflict,” a statement from his office said.

There have been almost daily exchanges of fire across the Israel-Lebanon border since the day after the start of the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza on 7 October.

Hezbollah has said it is acting in support of the Palestinian group. Both are backed by Iran and proscribed as terrorist organisations by Israel, the UK and other countries.

Since October, at least 589 people have been killed in Lebanon, the vast majority of them Hezbollah fighters, according to the Lebanese health ministry.

On the Israeli side, 25 civilians and 21 members of security forces have been killed, the Israeli government says.


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eBird Trip Reports bring together your eBird checklists, creating a fun summary of where you went, what you found, and your photos and audio recordings in one easy-to-share place. 

Visit https://ebird.org/mytripreports to create, manage, and share your eBird Trip Reports. You can find a link to this page in My eBird, in the left “Manage My…” column between Locations and Alerts.

Each eBird Trip Report consists of a:

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The person who creates an eBird Trip Report is automatically the Owner; this role cannot be changed. In addition to everything below, Owners can:

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Trip Report roles

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Owners and Editors can manage roles by selecting 'Manage People' from the Edit menu of an eBird Trip Report.

Narratives  tell the story of your birding adventures! This is the place for report Owners and Editors to describe the trip—anything from where you stayed or what you ate, to helpful route and accessibility information. Narratives also support links, embeds, and HTML formatting—the sky's the limit!

Comments let people on the trip share memories and stories. Anyone added to an eBird Trip Report can add a comment below the Narrative. Comments on Public and Link-Only reports will be visible to anyone viewing the eBird Trip Report. Comments on Limited reports will only be visible to other members of the report. 

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Deleting or removing an eBird Trip Report will not delete or affect individual eBird checklists ( learn how to delete individual checklists instead ).

If you are the eBird Trip Report Owner/creator: Select any Trip Report that you created from https://ebird.org/mytripreports . Tap Edit > select "Delete Trip Report". NOTE: If you added other people to the report, this will delete the report from their accounts as well!

If you are NOT the eBird Trip Report Owner: Select a Trip Report from https://ebird.org/mytripreports . Tap Edit > select "Remove me from Trip Report". If you are a Commenter or Editor on a report, removing an eBird Trip Report will delete it from your account only; other members of the report will be unaffected. Only the person who created the report can delete it completely.

Menu options for Trip Report owners vs. menu options for Editors/Commenters

Bulk checklist sharing with eBird Trip Reports

One exciting feature of eBird Trip Reports is the ability to share multiple checklists at once. You must first invite other people to the report by tapping Edit > Manage People. After trip members have accepted your invitation to join, return to 'Manage People', scroll down, and tap 'Share all checklists to…'.

Which checklists are shared?  The people you select will receive share invitations for ALL checklists currently included in your personal view of the eBird Trip Report. Go to Edit > Manage Checklists to see which checklists will be shared. To share checklists individually, visit “ Sharing Checklists on the eBird Website ”. 

Checklists can only be bulk-shared with other members of the report by Owners and Editors.

Additional Trip Report features

Personalized trip view.

For trips with more than one person, you can filter data for the entire group or individual people. 

Filtering data for an individual person shows only the observations, checklists, and media by that person within their personal dates of the Trip Report—excluding any data from checklists they manually removed from the Trip Report.

Every bird counts!

Trip Reports show the total number of individuals of every species reported on every checklist during the trip. These totals do not include X’s (species observed but not counted), so do your best to report counts for every species you find—your totals may surprise you! Try these counting tips .  

Trip Report FAQs

What are 'personal dates' and how are they different from the report dates.

If you were only present for part of a trip, you can limit which of your own checklists are included in the report to only the period that you were on the trip. Personal dates must fall within the date range of the overall eBird Trip Report. You can set personal dates when accepting an invitation to join an eBird Trip Report, or under 'Edit' > 'Manage Checklists' on any report you have already joined.

Is there a limit to the duration of an eBird Trip Report?

eBird Trip Reports are currently limited to 31 consecutive days but may be expanded in the future. Become an eBird Monthly Supporter to get early access to future tools and functionality developments.

How do I add photos or audio to a Trip Report?

Any media that you add to your checklists that are a part of your Trip Report will automatically appear in the Trip Report. See here for more information on uploading media to eBird checklists.

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Trump Arlington cemetery incident still under investigation: Sources

The Army has said it considers the matter closed.

Law enforcement officials at a Virginia military base are still actively investigating an August incident at Arlington National Cemetery involving what has been described as a confrontation between former President Donald Trump's campaign and a cemetery worker, even as the Army says it considers the matter closed, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

As part of the probe led by the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Police Department, an investigator with the base's police department has sought in recent days to contact Trump campaign officials about the incident, the sources said.

Investigators are seeking to interview the officials involved in the incident, according to the sources.

MORE: 'Unfairly attacked': Army defends Arlington National Cemetery employee involved in Trump incident

Stanley Woodward, a lawyer representing the Trump campaign officials, declined to comment when reached by ABC News.

Although the Army oversees Arlington National Cemetery, law enforcement is handled by Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Virginia, as a neighboring base. The base's police department falls under the Army in an administrative capacity, but operates as a law enforcement agency and is staffed by federal law enforcement officers, not military police.

"The investigation is ongoing at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall by base authorities," a defense official told ABC News in a statement that indicates the Army is not directing the probe.

Last month, the Trump campaign was accused of engaging in a physical and verbal altercation with a staffer at Arlington National Cemetery while the former president was there to mark the third anniversary of the deaths of 13 service members in Afghanistan. Trump's aides filmed a campaign video in a section of the cemetery where recently fallen service members are buried.

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Federal law prohibits campaigns from using the military cemetery for political campaigning or election-related activities.

Trump's campaign insisted its aides acted appropriately and promised to release video they said would exonerate its staff. That video has not been released.

In the days following the incident, the Army defended the cemetery staffer, saying the person had been "unfairly attacked" -- but also said that it considered the matter closed.

"The incident was reported to the JBM-HH police department, but the employee subsequently decided not to press charges. Therefore, the Army considers this matter closed," an Army spokesperson said on Aug. 29, three days after the incident. "This incident was unfortunate, and it is also unfortunate that the [Arlington National Cemetery] employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked."

When asked for comment on Monday, an Army spokesperson referred ABC News to its Aug. 29 statement. Base authorities at the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Separately, however, the Army on Monday acknowledged the case is still being investigated when it explained why it is blocking the release of documents related to the incident.

In a letter responding to a request filed by ABC News under the Freedom of Information Act, the Army said documents couldn't be released yet because "those documents are part of an open investigation."

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Tito Jackson Suffered Medical Emergency Near New Mexico Mall Before Death, Police Say

The original member of The Jackson 5 was pronounced dead after being transported to a local hospital on Sunday, Sept. 15

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Gareth Cattermole/Getty

Tito Jackson , who died at 70 years old on Sunday, Sept. 15 , suffered a medical emergency at a New Mexico shopping center earlier that evening, according to a  Gallup Police Department press release obtained by PEOPLE.

Around 6:15 p.m. on Sunday in Gallup, N.M., a Gallup Police Department officer was notified that was "an individual requiring medical attention and promptly requested an ambulance" near the American Heritage Plaza, per the GPD press release.

The individual was then transported to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Afterward, he was identified as Toriano "Tito" Jackson from Tulsa, Okla.

A cause of death was not listed in the police report. The preliminary investigation into Jackson's death is still ongoing. Witnesses are still being interviewed and investigators are still examining both physical and electronic evidence.

Dave J Hogan/Getty

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Siggy Jackson, Tito’s nephew and Jackie Jackson ’s son previously confirmed Tito’s death to PEOPLE. Entertainment Tonight was the first to report the news . Before his death, Tito had been performing with brothers Jackie Jackson and Marlon Jackson as  The Jacksons , and had shows in Scotland, Calif., and England over the summer. They performed as recently as Sept. 8 in Surrey, England, and had appearances set for Oct. 25 in Atlantic City, N.J., and Nov. 1 in Cincinnati.

While Tito was in Munich, Germany, with The Jacksons earlier this week, the brothers "visited the beautiful memorial dedicated to our beloved brother, Michael Jackson ," Tito  wrote on Facebook . "We're deeply grateful for this special place that honors not only his memory but also our shared legacy. Thank you for keeping his spirit alive."

The late musician was an original member of The Jackson 5, which also featured Michael, Jackie, Jermaine Jackson and Marlon (and, later, Randy Jackson). The band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997 and was also honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Tito went on to have a solo career, releasing two studio albums: Tito Time in 2016 and Under Your Spell in 2021.

His three sons, Taj, TJ and Taryll, posted a tribute remembering their father on Sept. 15. Tito also managed the trio's band, 3T.

In a joint post with their band's Instagram account, Taj, TJ and Taryll wrote, “It’s with heavy hearts that we announce that our beloved father, Rock & Roll Hall of Famer Tito Jackson is no longer with us. We are shocked, saddened and heartbroken.”

“Our father was an incredible man who cared about everyone and their well-being," they continued. "Some of you may know him as Tito Jackson from the legendary Jackson 5, some may know him as 'Coach Tito' or some know him as 'Poppa T.' Nevertheless, he will be missed tremendously. It will forever be 'Tito Time' for us. Please remember to do what our father always preached and that is 'Love One Another.' We love you Pops.”

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Trump plans to visit Springfield, Ohio, the site of his baseless claims about Haitian immigrants

Former President Donald Trump plans to visit Springfield, Ohio, "soon," a source familiar with the planning said.

The town has become the center of a national political fight on immigration, with Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, spreading baseless conspiracy theories that Haitian immigrants in Springfield are eating dogs and other pets.

Though the unfounded claims have circulated online in right-wing circles for weeks, they went mainstream last week when Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris met for a debate in Philadelphia.

“In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs. The people that came in. They’re eating the cats. They’re eating — they’re eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what’s happening in our country. And it’s a shame,” Trump said on the debate stage.

Trump ally Vivek Ramaswamy also  announced on X  that he will visit the town Thursday.

Officials in Springfield and elsewhere in Ohio have resoundingly condemned all allegations that immigrants in the city have been eating pets.

In a statement to NBC News on Monday ahead of the debate, the Springfield Police Division said that "there have been no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community."

GOP Gov. Mike DeWine told ABC News on Sunday that there is no evidence that immigrants in Springfield have been eating pets and that the conspiracy theories were "garbage."

"The Haitians who are in Springfield are legal. They came to Springfield to work. Ohio is on the move, and Springfield has really made a great resurgence," DeWine said.

Since the debate, municipal buildings in the city have been the target s of bomb threats and immigrants in Springfield have reported feeling unsafe .

"We're in pain right now," Mayor Rob Rue said Friday on NBC News' "Meet the Press NOW," adding that if Trump decided to visit, "that could be difficult, a very difficult visit."

Asked what he'd say to Trump if he had the opportunity, Rue said: "We need help and not hate. And we need calm voices." 

On Sunday, Vance d isputed that his claims about the Haitian immigrants were unfounded, telling NBC News' "Meet the Press," “I hear you saying that they’re baseless, but I’m not repeating them because I invented them out of thin air.

“I’m repeating them because my constituents are saying these things are happening," he said. "Clearly, these rumors are out there because constituents are seeing it with their own eyes.”

Later, in an interview with CNN, Vance echoed his remarks and blasted the "American media" for not paying attention to what he alleged was happening in Springfield.

"If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do,” Vance said.

Questioned about what he meant by "creat[ing] stories," Vance said, “I say that we’re creating a story, meaning we’re creating the American media focusing on it.”

Asked whether she accepts that Trump and Vance's claims are untrue, Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump, who is Trump's daughter-in-law, told Fox News: "It is not up to me to decide that. This information came directly from the people of Springfield. No one at our campaign — Donald Trump did not make this up himself."

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Jake Traylor is a 2024 NBC News campaign embed.

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Alexandra Marquez is a politics reporter for NBC News.

Ohio school report cards are out. Here's how Licking County schools did

Portrait of Josué Perez

This story was updated because an earlier version included an inaccuracy. The Heath City School District did not experience a decrease in any category.

did not change, didn't experience a decrease in the gap closing or any other category in the 2023-24 report card.

The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce released its annual school district report cards Friday, and most Licking County districts met statewide standards . 

Granville Exempted Village, Northridge Local and Licking Heights Local school districts received the highest rankings among all Licking County districts, with five and four-and-a-half star ratings, respectively. A district received four or five stars if it exceeded standards or did so significantly. 

Three stars meant the school met statewide standards, and all but one Licking County district — Newark City Schools — met that threshold. 

The state collects data from more than 600 public school districts statewide and annually releases ratings based on their performance during the school year; this year’s rankings accounted for the 2023-24 cycle. 

The state uses five categories to aggregate a school district’s overall ranking : achievement, progress, early literacy, gap closing and graduation. The ratings aim to help parents, educators and taxpayers understand which areas students are doing well in while highlighting others needing improvement. 

The achievement category assesses students’ performance on state tests meeting established thresholds and how well they did on tests overall. Progress compares year-to-year test scores.

With early literacy, the state measures how well districts support struggling readers and their performance on third-grade reading tests. 

The graduation category shows the percentage of students graduating within four or five years of starting high school, while the gap closing column determines whether students of different races are meeting state standards.

Here’s what else to know about the rankings. 

Licking Heights, Northridge experience year-to-year boost

Two districts increased their overall ratings from the 2022-23 school year: Licking Heights and Northridge.

Licking Heights, after posting a four-star rating that cycle, improved to four-and-a-half this past year. It experienced increases in all five categories, particularly the gap closing and early literacy ones. 

"Early literacy is one of the things we're most proud of because we've had a really keen focus on early literacy skills with our kids in primary grades," Licking Heights Superintendent Kevin Miller said. "We strongly feel that reading is the foundation of everything else.

"When you think about the fact that 20% of our kids come from non-English speaking homes, kids who are economically disadvantaged — we just have a lot of challenges to get through each day with our kids, so that kind of outcome is outstanding to be honest."

Northridge Local went from four to four-and-a-half stars because of notable increases in its early literacy and graduation ratings, the data show. It maintained similar scores in the other categories. 

Newark City, Lakewood Local drop in ranking 

Just two districts dropped in ranking: Newark City Schools and Lakewood Local. 

Newark City Schools posted a three-star rating during the 2022-23 school year but dropped to two-and-a-half stars this past year. It experienced decreases in four of five categories, including a more than 15-point drop in gap closing and near three-point decrease in graduation percentage. It scored the lowest graduation percentage — 80.2% — among all districts, according to the data.

In an email, Newark City Schools Superintendent David Lewis said the district is "still in the early stages" of assessing the data and likes to look at the "trend data over the last three to five years to determine growth."

"On the surface as a district, we're disappointed that we were rated just 2.5 stars. Our graduation rate sticks out as an area of immediate need for improvement. We've started programs — such as workforce development — to help more students reach graduation on-time.

"We had successes across all of our buildings, and will look for ways to celebrate those successes."

The district improved by nearly five points in the early literacy category, however. 

Like Newark City Schools, Lakewood Local had a massive drop in its gap closing score, decreasing from 56.8% to 38.6%. But its achievement, early literacy and graduation scores all stayed the same or increased. 

Other districts maintain same grade but some improvement, drop off

School districts such Heath City and Southwest Licking Local had the same ratings compared to the year prior, but they progressed in some areas, including in their gap closing and progress categories. 

Southwest Licking Local Superintendent Kasey Perkins told The Advocate in an email that the district was "extremely pleased" with its overall ratings.

"We continue to see improvements in different areas while maintaining our place in others," Perkins said. "Our permanent improvement data continues to grow while the district increased from four stars to five stars in our gap closing.

"Our growing English language learner population continues to exceed state expectations and we continue to reduce our chronic absenteeism indictor. Our educators have worked hard with our students to achieve high marks and we will continue to utilize state testing data as one point of reference in the decision making process."

Licking Valley Local, Johnstown-Montrose Local and North Fork Local also didn’t change in rating but did experience some drop offs, particularly in the gap closing category. Heath City and Johnstown-Monroe maintained four-star ratings.

Advocate reporter Josué Perez can be reached at  [email protected] .


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