Ilka Bessin

Ilka Bessin

Cindy aus marzahn, tourtermine, einmal prinzessin und zurück, samstag 28.09.2024, neuenhagen, bürgerhaus, sonntag 29.09.2024, neustrelitz, landestheater, montag 30.09.2024, neuruppin, kulturhaus, verlegt auf 02.10, dienstag 01.10.2024, berlin, quatsch comedy club, mittwoch 02.10.2024, samstag 05.10.2024, berlin, tempodrom, ausverkauft, sonntag 06.10.2024, leipzig, haus auensee, mittwoch 09.10.2024, jena, sparkassen-arena, donnerstag 10.10.2024, cottbus, stadthalle, freitag 11.10.2024, magdeburg, amo, samstag 12.10.2024, rostock, stadthalle, montag 14.10.2024, chemnitz, stadthalle, sonntag 27.10.2024, mannheim, rosengarten, montag 28.10.2024, münchen, circus krone, dienstag 29.10.2024, nürnberg, meistersingerhalle, sonntag 10.11.2024, bremen, pier 2, montag 11.11.2024, hannover, theater am aegi, dienstag 12.11.2024, essen, lichtburg, montag 25.11.2024, stuttgart, beethovensaal, dienstag 26.11.2024, wuppertal, stadthalle, mittwoch 27.11.2024, düseldorf, mitsubishi e h, freitag 29.11.2024, bochum, ruhrcongress, sonntag 01.12.2024, mainz, rheingoldhalle, montag 02.12.2024, frankfurt, jahrhunderthalle, dienstag 03.12.2024, dresden, schlachthof, donnerstag 05.12.2024, freitag 06.12.2024, montag 09.12.2024, berlin, theater des westens, häppi börsday, cindy.

cindy aus marzahn tour 2022

Se Prinzess of Plattenbau wird 20 und das muss natürlich gefeiert werden!

Wie? Na, mit einer großen Jubiläumstour, für die Cindy aus Marzahn extra ihre Frührente beendet und sich wieder in ihre pinke Plastikpelle schmeißt. Getreu dem Motto 20 Jahre – 20 Termine fegt die amtierende Miss Leberwurst ab Herbst 2024 quer durchs Land und bringt garantiert auch eine Halle in deiner Nähe zum Kochen.

Freut euch auf herzhafte Stories aus dem Leben eines Sexsymbols gefangen im Körper eines LKW-Fahrers und seid gespannt, ob die Buletten-Barbie endlich ihren Ken finden wird. Außerdem beantwortet die pinke Naturgewalt die wichtigsten Fragen unserer Zeit: Warum laufen Nasen, wenn Füße riechen?

Sollte man Limonade machen, wenn das Leben einem Zitronen schenkt oder doch besser zu Salz und Tequila greifen? UND: Warum gibt es eigentlich keine Politiker, die Gas-Wasser-Scheiße gelernt haben?

20 Jahre Cindy aus Marzahn – das Comedy-Live-Comeback des Jahres!

Seid bei der großen Jubiläumstournee dabei und erlebt eine Show voller Herz und großen Gefühlen. Aber vor allem mit jeder Menge Spaß!

Cindy aus Marzahn ist wieder da und das wollen wir feiern bis der Arzt:innen kommt!

P.S.: Ist das Leben auch noch so schwer, kommt irgendwo die Cindy her! Bis demnächst in deiner Stadt!

Out of Marzahn – Das wahre Leben von Ilka Bessin

Pinkfarbener Jogginganzug, eine Blume in der blonden Perücke, dicke Schminke, Berliner Schnauze – und langzeitarbeitslos. Das war „Cindy aus Marzahn“, die ab 2005 eine steile Karriere hinlegte. Im Laufe der Jahre wurde ihrer Erschafferin die Rolle jedoch zu eng; sie wollte viel mehr als „Cindy aus Marzahn“ konnte. 2016 war deshalb Schluss, die Kunstfigur ist weg und hat Platz für ihre Erfinderin gemacht: Ilka Bessin. Hier erzählt sie erstmals aus ihrem Leben: von ihrer ergreifenden Kindheit über die Arbeitslosigkeit bis hin zu ihrer Zeit als gefeierter Bühnenstar. Ihre bewegende Geschichte ist die einer Ausnahme-Künstlerin. Ein Buch, das einen berührt, immer wieder zum Lachen bringt und gerade deshalb Mut macht!

Der neue Podcast von llka Bessin „Uns fragt ja keiner!“

cindy aus marzahn tour 2022

Jetzt ist es raus: Lutz van der Horst und Ilka Bessin haben was miteinander. Und? Haben wir euer Interesse? Dann hört mal rein in den neuen Podcast der beiden Comedy-Größen: „Uns fragt ja keiner!“ Jede Woche tauschen sich Ilka und Lutz nicht nur über ihre Erlebnisse der vergangenen Tage aus, sie beantworten auch Fragen. Aber nicht irgendwelche. Sie beantworten interessante, spannende oder legendäre Interview-Fragen, die anderen Promis – von A wie Agnes-Marie Strack-Zimmermann über K wie Klaus Kinski bis Z wie Zac Efron – bereits gestellt worden sind.

Ilka und Lutz beantworten die Fragen ehrlich, humorvoll und mit Anekdoten aus ihrem Leben. Zusätzlich diskutieren sie die ursprünglichen Antworten der Promis. Die Themen der Fragen sind vielfältig, reichen von Privatleben über Philosophie bis zur mentalen Gesundheit. Übrigens – auch ihr, liebe Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörer, seid gefragt und könnt Ilka und Lutz mit allen Fragen bombardieren, die ihr immer schon mal loswerden wolltet.

Die beiden reden ab jetzt jede Woche miteinander, bis alle Fragen beantwortet sind.

Hier geht es zum Podcast

Ilka Bessin, 1971 in Luckenwalde in Brandenburg geboren, machte eine Ausbildung zur Köchin, arbeitete als Kellnerin, Hotelfachfrau und Animateurin. Anfang der 2000er entwickelte sie die Bühnenfigur „Cindy aus Marzahn“, eine übergewichtige Langzeitarbeitslose mit einer Vorliebe für pinkfarbene Kleidung, und wurde damit zu einer der erfolgreichsten Komikerinnen Deutschlands.

2016 gab sie die Kunstfigur auf und startete als sie selbst durch. Ilka engagierte sich für sozial benachteiligte Familien und konnte erstmals ihre ernsthafte Seite, in Formaten wie Stern TV „Soziale Ungerechtigkeit in Deutschland“ oder Zahltag! Ein Koffer voller Chancen, RTL zeigen. 2019 veröffentlichte sie ihre Biographie „Abgeschminkt“ und tourte mit ihrem Solo Programm „Abgeschminkt und trotzdem lustig“ erstmals als Ilka Bessin durch Deutschland und zeigte allen, dass sie auch ohne pinken Jogginganzug die Menschen zum Lachen bringen kann.

2022 folgte dann ihr 2. Bühnenprogramm „Blöde Fragen – blöde Antworten“, denn Menschen zum Lachen zu bringen ist Ilkas Leidenschaft. Außerdem war die beliebte Komikerin in zahlreichen TV-Formaten zusehen, wie Let’s Dance, Ran an den Rasen, Echt jetzt?! … um nur einige zu nennen.

Anlässlich ihres 20-jährigen Cindy aus Marzahn Bühnenjubiläums wird es eine große Revival-Tour geben „Einmal Prinzessin und zurück!“. Der Hype um Cindy ist ungebrochen, die 2024 Termine sind so gut wie ausverkauft. Darüber hinaus ist Ilka als Gast in diversen TV-Formaten, und, gemeinsam mit Ingmar Stadelmann, fester Bestandteil der „Quatsch Comedy Show“ (ProSieben). Ab dem 30.08. wird es einen neuen Podcast mit Ilka Bessin geben, außerdem wird sie in einer neuen Showreihe die Rolle des Team-Captain übernehmen, am darf gespannt sein.

Ilka Bessin

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Ilka Bessin c/o SR Management GmbH Stichwort Autogramm Beethovenstraße 5-13 50674 Köln

Copyright 2024 Ilka Bessin |  IMPRESSUM  |  DATENSCHUTZ

cindy aus marzahn tour 2022

Emotionaler Auftakt bei der "Cindy aus Marzahn Show"

Ilka bessin alias cindy aus marzahn ist zu tränen gerührt.

Nach sechs Jahren TV-Ruhestand können wir bei RTL Cindy aus Marzahn endlich wieder in ihrer eigenen RTL-Show sehen. Ihr großes Comeback feiert die pinke Proll-Prinzessin in Halle an der Saale - Cindys Wurzeln liegen schließlich in der ehemaligen DDR. Doch die sonst so toughe Cindy wird direkt zu Beginn ganz schön emotional: „Ich muss weinen.“ Warum bei ihr die Tränen kullern und wie es Backstage bei der „Cindy aus Marzahn Show“ so aussieht, das zeigen wir im Video.

Freund & Comedian Bülent Ceylan ist auch mit dabei!

Bülent Ceylan ist zu Gast bei der \Cindy aus Marzahn Show\

20 Jahre sind Bülent Ceylan und Ilka Bessin befreundet. Er darf also bei ihrer ersten richtigen Comeback-Show nach so vielen Jahren natürlich nicht fehlen. Uns hat er Backstage erzählt, dass er glaubt, dass Cindys TV-Pause wichtig für sie war. Wieso und warum er zusammen mit Mario Barth mit ihr im Bett landet, zeigen wir ebenfalls oben im Video.

"Die Cindy aus Marzahn Show" parallel auf RTL + sehen

Parallel zur TV-Ausstrahlung am Freitag, den 26 August 2022,gibt´s die Show auch im Livestream auf RTL+ zu sehen – oder im Anschluss jederzeit auf RTL+ .

Cindy aus Marzahn

Ilka bessin, mehr zum thema.

Wie man(n) Ilka Bessin um den Finger wickeln kann

Sex wird überbewertet! Wie man(n) Ilka Bessin um den Finger wickeln kann

In meiner Kindheit gab es häufig Prügel!

Ilka Bessin privat wie selten In meiner Kindheit gab es häufig Prügel!

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Er durfte nicht auftreten Darum durfte Luke Mockridge nicht bei "Stars in der Man...

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Venue map view [Tickets for Cindy aus Marzahn | 20 Jahre, 20 Shows] - mytic myticket AG


myticket Jahrhunderthalle Frankfurt

20 Jahre, 20 Shows - CINDY AUS MARZAHN


Monday, 2 December 2024 - 20:00

Promoter: MAWI Concert GmbH

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Die Cindy aus Marzahn Show

Ilka Bessin returns after almost six years in her role as Cindy from Marzahn and presents a new show on RTL. There she appears alternately with the greats of the comedy industry in order to spread nonsense above and below the waistline with them. In addition, "wonderfully crazy studio actions and hilariously funny clips" have been announced, in which Cindy makes fun of famous film classics or learns how to actually use social media.

Ilka Bessin kehrt nach fast sechs Jahren zurück in ihrer Rolle als Cindy aus Marzahn und präsentiert eine neue Show bei RTL. Dort tritt sie abwechselnd mit den Größen der Comedybranche auf, um mit ihnen zusammen Quatsch über und unter der Gürtellinie zu verbreiten. Zudem sind „herrlich bekloppte Studioaktionen und zum Brüllen komische Einspieler“ angekündigt, in denen Cindy berühmte Filmklassiker auf die Schippe nimmt oder lernt, wie man eigentlich Social Media benutzt.

  • Series ID 424358
  • Status Continuing
  • First Aired August 26, 2022
  • Recent September 16, 2022
  • Network RTL+
  • Average Runtime 20 minutes
  • Genres Comedy Reality
  • Original Country Germany
  • Original Language English
  • On Other Sites IMDB
  • Episode Screenshot Format 16:9 Screencap
  • Favorited This series has been favorited by 0 people.
  • Created September 5, 2022 by PlexMonster
  • Modified January 17, 2024 by Asterix1969
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cindy aus marzahn tour 2022

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cindy aus marzahn tour 2022




Cindy aus Marzahn has been an integral part of the German comedy and TV landscape for two decades now. The cult figure with the more than direct Berlin mouth worked with all the big TV stars, had countless live shows and TV programs. Cindy said goodbye to the big stage in 2016 and is returning in 2024 with a big anniversary tour to mark her 20th anniversary on stage. Häppi Börsday, Cindy! Se Prinzess of Plattenbau turns 20 and that has to be celebrated, of course! How? Well, with a big anniversary tour, for which Cindy from Marzahn is ending her early retirement and throwing herself back into her pink plastic skins. True to the motto 20 years - 20 dates, the reigning Miss Leberwurst will be sweeping across the country from fall 2024 and is guaranteed to bring a hall near you to a boil. Look forward to hearty stories from the life of a sex symbol trapped in the body of a truck driver and be curious to see whether the meatball Barbie will finally find her Ken. The pink force of nature also answers the most important questions of our time: Why do noses run when feet smell? Should you make lemonade when life gives you lemons or is it better to go for salt and tequila? AND: Why are there actually no politicians who have learned gas-water-shit? 20 Years of Cindy aus Marzahn - the live comedy comeback of the year! Be part of the big anniversary tour and experience a show full of heart and great emotions. But above all with lots of fun! Cindy from Marzahn is back and we want to celebrate until the doctor comes in! Tickets are available now from all known ticket providers. P.S.: No matter how hard life is, Cindy is coming from somewhere! See you soon in your city!

cindy aus marzahn tour 2022

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Cindy Aus Marzahn Tour Dates

Cindy Aus Marzahn tour dates

As of right now there haven't been any notable Cindy Aus Marzahn concerts or tours revealed for America. Sign up for our Concert Tracker to get told when Cindy Aus Marzahn shows have been added to the schedule. For up-to-date announcements pertaining to Cindy Aus Marzahn shows, take a look at our Tour announcements page . In the meantime, view other Comedy performances coming up by Tommy Davidson , Christopher Titus , and Momo Rodriguez .

Cindy Aus Marzahn Concert Schedule

No events =(, cindy aus marzahn concert tour questions & comments, cindy aus marzahn tour and concert ticket information.

  • Tickets for the approaching Cindy Aus Marzahn concert are on sale.
  • Sold Out concerts will not be any concern, we always have terrific seats.
  • Tour schedules for all Cindy Aus Marzahn concerts are revised on a regular basis.
  • Cindy Aus Marzahn tour dates has just been announced.
  • Concert dates for Cindy Aus Marzahn is available for viewing above.

Cindy Aus Marzahn could be coming to a city near you. Browse the Cindy Aus Marzahn schedule just above and push the ticket button to checkout our big selection of tickets. Look through our selection of Cindy Aus Marzahn front row tickets, luxury boxes and VIP tickets. Once you track down the Cindy Aus Marzahn tickets you need, you can buy your tickets from our safe and secure checkout. Orders taken before 5pm are generally shipped within the same business day. To buy last minute Cindy Aus Marzahn tickets, look for the eTickets that can be downloaded instantly.

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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

  • St. Petersburg Travel and City Excursions

Our 25 Best St. Petersburg Day Tours of 2022

Join our expert, informative and, most importantly, fun guides on a wide selection of day tours in Russia’s cultural capital - St. Petersburg! Visit the Winter Palace - the Hermitage , Doestoevky’s apartment, take a military tour or a romantic boat excursion along St. Petersburg’s many canals. See Peterhof with its magical fountains and the nearby town of Pushkin . Surround yourself in Russian culture Please click on the day tour details to learn more or contact us for more information about our St. Petersburg tours using the form at the side of the page.  You can also schedule a call with one of our Russian travel specialists to learn more.

City Tour of St. Petersburg

Our St. Petersburg walking tour is a great introduction to this marvelous city for visitors who enjoy walking. Our expert guide will take you down the famous Nevsky Prospect, to Palace Square (the Winter Palace) home of the...

  • Schedule Daily 09:00 - 20:00
  • Languages English-speaking guide is guaranteed. Other languages are on request.
  • Walking tours Transportation is not included
  • PRIVATE TOUR This is a private tour, there won't be other people in your group

City Tour of St. Petersburg with visit to St. Isaacs Cathedral

A great introduction to St. Petersburg for visitors who enjoy walking. Our expert guide will take you down the famous Nevsky Prospect, to Palace Square (the Winter Palace) home of the Tsars andon through some of the islands...

  • Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 09:00 - 18:00 Wednesday not available

City Tour of St. Petersburg with visit to Peter and Paul Fortress

A great introduction to St. Petersburg for visitors who enjoy walking. Our expert guide will take you down the famous Nevsky Prospect, to Palace Square (the Winter Palace) home of the Tsars and on through some of the islands...

  • Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 09:00 - 20:00 Wednesday not available

Peter and Paul Fortress walking tour

The Peter and Paul Fortress was founded by Peter the Great in 1703. Besides the ancient fortifications, the fortress includes the Peter and Paul Cathedral, built in the early XVIII century. The cathedral includes the burial...

  • Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10:00 - 18:00 Wednesday not available

St. Isaacs Cathedral walking tour

One of the finest architectural monuments of the XIX century, the former principal cathedral of the Russian capital has the capacity to accommodate 10,000 people. The cathedral is graced with 112 solid granite columns weighing...

  • Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10:00 - 17:00 Wednesday not available

City Tour of St. Petersburg with visit to Peter & Paul Fortress and St. Isaac's Cathedral

The tour will take the visitor throughout the historical center of St. Petersburg and includes spectacular views of the Neva River, Canal Griboyedova, Moika Canal, the many bridges connecting the city’s islands, the...

  • Tours by car Transportation by private car/minivan is included

City Tour of St. Petersburg with visit to the Hermitage Museum with transport

The tour will take the visitor throughout the historical center of St. Petersburg and includes spectacular views of the Neva river, Canal Griboyedova, Moika canal, the many bridges connecting the city’s islands and...

  • Schedule Monday not available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 09:00 - 19:00

Hermitage Museum Tour

The Hermitage is one of the greatest museums in the world. The museum consists of five historical buildings including the Winter Palace – the residence of the Russian Tsars. The museum contains over 3 million pieces...

  • Schedule Monday not available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10:00 - 17:00

Russian Museum Tour

The Michailovsky Palace where the Russian Museum is situated was built by the architect K. Rossi at the beginning of the XIX century for Alexander I´s brother Michail. It became a museum of Russian art at the end of...

  • Schedule Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10:00 - 17:00 Tuesday not available Thursday 13:00 - 20:00

Yusupov Palace Tour

This is an extremely interesting palace excursion and St. Petersburg tour. The building is notable both for its beauty and for the historical events that have taken place within its walls. During our visit you will admire...

  • Schedule Daily 11:00 - 16:00

Cathedral of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood walking tour

St. Petersburg´s most Russian looking building. The cathedral would seem at home on Moscow´s Red Square with its onion shaped domes and multi colored facade. The cathedral is built on the site where Tsar Alexander...

  • Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 11:00 - 17:00 Wednesday not available

Alexander Nevsky Monastery walking tour

The largest monastery in Russia, Alexander Nevsky Lavra was built near the location where Grand Prince Alexander won his victory over the Swedes and the Teutonic Knights in 1240. Alexander is also buried inside the Lavra....

  • Schedule Monday, Thursday not available Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 11:00 - 16:00

Tour to Pavlovsk, Tsar Pauls stronghold

Built in the late XVIII and early XIX centuries, Pavlovsk’s palace and park was used as a summer residence for emperor Paul I and his family. The landscape park, one of the largest in Europe, covers an area of 600 hectares....

  • Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday 09:00 - 18:00 Friday not available

Tour of Pushkin: Catherine Palace and Park, Amber Room

The Palace and Park of Tsarskoye Selo is a former country residence of the Russian Tsars. It is a fascinating monument of the world’s architectural and gardening arts of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Its 3 parks occupy an...

  • Schedule Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 09:00 - 18:00 Tuesday not available

Tour to Pushkin & Pavlovsk

Pavlosk was built in the late XVIII and early XIX centuries, the palace and park were used as a summer residence for emperor Paul I and his family. The landscape park, one of the largest in Europe, covers an area of 600 hectares....

  • Schedule Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday 09:00 - 18:00 Tuesday, Friday not available

Tour to Peterhof (Petrodvorets)

Peterhof is a jewel of Russian art – a town of parks, palaces and fountains. In the past, it was used as an exquisite summer residence by the Russian Tsars. Verkhniy Garden and Nizhniy Park, are genuine masterpieces...

  • Schedule Monday not available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 09:30 - 18:30

Day trip to Novgorod - the ancient capital of Russia

At 8.00 AM, our driver will pick you up to depart for Novgorod. Veliky Novgorod is one of Russia’s most ancient cities and was Russia’s first capital. No other Russian city can compete with Novgorod in the variety...

  • Schedule Daily 08:00 - 20:00

Boat Excursion Along the Canals of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is a city of canals and viewing it from the water is an unforgettable experience. During your one hour trip, you will sail from Pevchesky bridge along the Moika river, into the Fontanka and Griboedova canal....

  • Schedule Daily 10:00 - 20:00

Military Tour: the Artillery Museum and the Central Naval Museum with transport

This excursion will be exciting for those who are interested in the military history of Russia. The tour includes a visit to the Artillery Museum and the Central Naval Museum. There are large displays of weaponry and ammunition,...

  • Schedule Monday, Tuesday not available Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 11:00 - 17:00

Dostoevsky Museum walking tour

Learn more about the life and times of Dostoevsky on this most engaging excursion. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky's literary works explore human psychology in the troubled political, social and spiritual context of 19th-century...

  • Schedule Monday not available Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 11:00 - 18:00 Wednesday 13:00 - 20:00

Dostoyevsky's St. Petersburg Tour with transport

Fyodor Dostoevsky, the famous Russian novelist, journalist and short-story writer spent much of his life in Russia’s Northern Capital, even though he was born in Moscow. In his novels, Saint Petersburg is depicted not...

  • Schedule Monday, Thursday not available Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 11:00 - 18:00 Wednesday 13:00 - 20:00

WWII and the Siege of Leningrad Tour with transport

The city suffered on an almost unimaginable scale during the time of WWII. The bravery and courage of the citizens of Leningrad, as the city was called during that period, is well-known throughout Russia and the world. If...

  • Schedule Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10:00 - 18:00 Tuesday, Wednesday not available

Soviet Leningrad Tour with transport

This tour will take you to different Soviet era sites in the city. During the period from 1924 until 1991 the city was known as Leningrad, named after the revolutionary leader, Vladimir Lenin. The first museum you are going...

  • Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10:00 - 18:00 Wednesday, Thursday not available

Cathedrals of St. Petersburg  Tour with transport

St Petersburg is a city of magnificent cathedrals and beautiful churches. During this tour you will get the chance to visit the St. Petersburg´s Orthodox Cathedrals that played an important role not only in the history...

Revolutionary St. Petersburg Tour with transport

St. Petersburg is often called the cradle of the Russian Revolution. If you want to know more about the political history of Russia, or just walk the paths of the revolutionary soldiers during the October 1917 Revolution...

  • Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10:00 - 18:00 Wednesday 10:00 - 20:00

Jewish Heritage of St. Petersburg Tour with transport

This tour offers a detailed look into the history and present-day life of the Jewish community in St. Petersburg. You will be taken to the Kolomna district, one of the oldest areas of St. Petersburg and the center of St....

  • Schedule Monday, Saturday not available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday 10:00 - 18:00

The National Museum of Alexander Pushkin Tour

Learn more about the father of Russian literature, Alexander Pushkin with a visit to his house located on the Moika River Embankment. During your visit you will learn about Pushkin's life and see many of his personal belongings. Alexander...

  • Schedule Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 11:00 - 17:00 Tuesday not available

Express to Russia is the leader in travel to St. Petersburg Russia. The above individual St. Petersburg Russia city excursions can be arranged with a private translator/guide and driver. St. Petersburg is an amazingly beautiful city and there is so much to see. The best way to get to know Russia’s Northern Capital is by first taking a city tour and then choosing a number of other excursions that suit your taste. Whether you are interested in Russian history, art, music, literature or St. Petersburg’s magnificent monuments, we have just the right excursion to fit your needs.

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  • Episode aired Sep 16, 2022

Mario Barth, Bülent Ceylan, and Ilka Bessin in Die Cindy aus Marzahn Show (2022)

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2 days in St Petersburg: the perfect itinerary

Feb 24, 2020 • 4 min read

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The names that people in Russia call St Petersburg often give visitors the wrong impression. "Venice of the North" makes it sound dainty, when around its elegant streets and mesmerising art is a chaotic city of five million people. "Window to Europe" doesn’t fit either, as its days of looking at Europe from the outside are long gone. Russians have another name for their city of beauty and commotion, history and innovation: simply "Piter". Here's how to best experience Piter in a couple of days.

A view across a vast, immaculate courtyard that culminates in elegant baroque archways, as seen from the Hermitage Museums in St Petersburg, Russia

Saturday morning

Wake up to a Russian breakfast of blinchiki (pancakes) with sour cream or caviar at Yat restaurant, on the embankment beside the River Moyka. From there it’s a short walk to St Petersburg’s heart – the  State Hermitage Museum . You could spend a lifetime exploring the Hermitage's five buildings and still not see all of its art and treasures. If you only have a couple of hours but want to see something unforgettable, find the rooms with paintings by Da Vinci, Rembrandt and Rubens.

From the Hermitage, take a walk through the sumptuous Palace Square, then stop by Yusupov Palace – where Grigory Rasputin was murdered in 1916 – and Peter and Paul Fortress , where Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov family are buried.

An aerial view of St Petersburg's landmark architecture, with golden spires and ornate facades visible beneath a blue sky

Saturday afternoon

After a morning breathing in Piter's classicism, spend the afternoon in some of its more eccentric places. Start with a European lunch served with a modern Russian twist at Schengen restaurant. Then brave a visit to Кunstkamera , also known as the Museum of Oddities, where exhibits include centuries-old two-headed embryos in jars. Kunstkamera is opposite the Hermitage and Winter Palace , on the other side of the River Neva.

Later on, take it a bit easier in the entertainment park on New Holland island. New Holland is a favourite spot for young couples and families with children: here you can stumble upon concerts and modern art installations, and find some more experimental places to eat.

Saturday evening

After dinner, a performance at the Mariinsky Theatre is a decadent but affordable night out. Or for something more lowbrow – but just as quintessentially St Petersburg – go to the streets around Sennaya Ploshchad for a bar crawl. Piter, after all, is the home of the mega-popular Baltika lager and Tsarskaya vodka , and is also the centre of Russia's evolving craft beer and cocktail scenes.

The colourful spires and golden domes of St Petersburg's Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood, against a clear blue sky

Sunday morning

Start your day with breakfast on the city's central boulevard, Nevsky Prospekt. Ring the buzzer on the unmarked door at number 81, and Ziferblat will introduce you to the Russian concept of an anticafe. Here the tea, coffee and cake are all free; what you pay for is the time you spend in this cosy room, playing chess or board games (and, just as often, meeting new people).

Close to Nevsky Prospekt is the Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood . Its heart-stoppingly beautiful domes are one of the most iconic sights in the whole of Russia – as well they might be, as they mark the place where Tsar Alexander II was assassinated in 1881. Finish your morning by stepping inside the Russian Museum , to see paintings by the Russian masters Repin and Shishkin, or by climbing to the top of St Isaac’s Cathedral , for a panoramic view that shows the scale of Europe's fourth-largest city.

A checked black-and-white tiled terrace with gold statues and fountains beyond. A canal leads to a river, and crowds of people can be seen milling around the water features

Sunday afternoon

For lunch, sample some food from St Petersburg's many international communities, with sushi or Georgian khachapuri (cheese bread)   somewhere on Nevsky. Then stock up on Russian treats at Kupetz Eliseevs , St Petersburg's fanciest department store, housed in just one exquisite room.

If you are in the city during the White Nights festival between May and July, spend a long summer afternoon in Peterhof, the former palace and gardens of Peter the Great. Peterhof is about 30km from the centre of the city, and is reachable by train, metro and marshrutka bus (or in summer, on a boat along the Neva from outside the Hermitage). One of the highlights is the Lower Park , a beautiful green space that includes the Grand Cascade , a collection of fountains that Peter himself designed. If you are in Russia during the winter and the night is drawing in, take a shorter journey instead to Udelnaya Fair , an enormous flea market in the north of the city, and wander past the stalls full of Tsarist and Soviet-era nostalgia.

Sunday evening

For a last dinner in St Petersburg, step back in time with an old-fashioned Russian supper at Severyanin restaurant.

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Saint Petersburg Travel Packages

Sightseeing in Saint Petersburg is one of the ultimate travel experiences for Russia. Something incredible is around every corner of this magnificent cultural capital of the country. Only on our tours to Saint Petersburg, you can feel like true royalty. Imagine traveling with a private driver everywhere, staying at the premium 5-star and 4-star hotels right in the heart of the city, eating caviar with traditional blini (Russian crepes) for breakfast, while listening to a live piano performance from 7 a.m. And that's just the morning! After an unforgettable guided program in the center, you can relax at your hotel's spa center or make your way to an inspiring ballet at the charming authentic Mariinksy Theater. That's a sneak peek for one day in Russia. Let's have a whole tour together.

St. Petersburg Tour Highlights

Discover the beautiful Venice of North - St. Petersburg and its trending sights.

Learn which sights are the most significant in St. Petersburg and which activities are the best. Create your dream itinerary to St. Petersburg together with our destination specialist.

St. Petersburg Tour Highlights

  • The Catherine's Palace
  • Ballet performance at Mariinsky
  • Faberge Museum
  • State Hermitage Museum
  • Isaac Cathedral
  • Saviour on Spilled Blood Church
  • Kazan Cathedral
  • Cathedral of Christ the Savior
  • Peterhof exploration
  • Peter and Paul Fortress

Tips for St. Petersburg Travel

Get ready for your journey to St. Petersburg with expert tips and have the best experience.


What to pack

If your tour is during the colder months of the year, pack sweaters, hats, winter boots, and a few gloves.

Most Saint Petersburg citizens do not speak English, learning a few phrases is advisable.

We suggest to always have some cash with you. You will need Rubles (RUB) for Russia.

How much to tip

Tipping is not required in Russia, but it's considered good etiquette, tip 10%-15% of your bill.

The average summer temperature is approx 18°C (64°F), and winter is around -6°C (22°F).

Some of the most popular souvenirs from St. Petersburg are Krupskaya chocolate, faberge eggs.

Best St. Petersburg Sights

The Peter and Paul Fortress and its bell-tower symbolize the might and power of Russia.

The world-famous Hermitage Museum is the home to the largest collection of paintings in the world.

The most iconic golden dome of Russia and a landmark of over 150 years of St. Petersburg history.

Often called "the Russian Versailles", Peterhof Palace and park complex is a luxurious beauty of Imperial Russia.

The mysterious and stunning Yusupov Palace stands on River Moyka's bank in the heart of St. Petersburg.

Catherine's Palace aka Tsarskoye Selo is the luxury summer residence of tsars built by Catherine I. 

The Savior on Spilled Blood stands out in the St. Petersburg skyline with its 5 unique colorful onion-domes.

I am very satisfied.

I have been using the Firebirds (Travel All Russia) services for a while. I am very satisfied.

WOW. From the choice of hotels to...

WOW. From the choice of hotels, an itinerary that ran to plan, the amazing Guides and drivers, and of course the stunning cities of Moscow and St Petersburg. No long queues for entry to museums, churches, and palaces.  I would gladly recommend using Firebird Tours (Travel All Russia) to anyone.

THANK YOU for making this happen for me !!!

I must say from the day I started to book my tip till the day I got home I had one GREAT trip and experience I always felt safe and cared for help was seconds away not that I needed any I will defiantly highly recommend your company to any traveler to Russia WELL DONE to the Whole team THANK YOU for making this happen for me !!!

We enjoyed the whole trip a lot

Overall we enjoyed the whole trip a lot. Moscow is beautiful and clean. Thank you very much for your patience and excellent organization of this tour. Everything ran very smoothly and according to schedule. The guides met us on time at hotels or at our train carriage on arrival. They all spoke good English, had a good local knowledge and were very kind and helpful.

The tour lived up to all expectations

I’m most pleased with Travel All Russia in arranging our ‘Volga Dream’ Russia tour, I would recommend using your services again as every aspect of our tour went off without a hitch. The communication between our tour representative was excellent as we required additional days on both ends of our tour. The visa process and the logistics were flawlessly implemented.

Best and worry-free travel to Russia! - Treasures of Two Capitals Tour

When my husband and I decided we wanted to travel Russia, I did my research and came across Travel All Russia which had very good reviews. It certainly did not disappoint. We chose the Treasures of Two Capitals tour. Booking and coordinating with them were seamless from start to finish. Questions were promptly answered, either through email or a phone call and changes if any, were quickly updated.

We are so happy to have gone on this trip! - June 2017

Thank you for all you did to make our trip spectacular! Both ballets were excellent and totally enjoyed by my son and I.

There is so much to see and do and I feel we did, with our wonderful guides a great job beginning to see all.

The St. Regis Hotel was so warm and friendly! Food was excellent and so convenient to the Kremlin, Bolshoi Theater, St. Basil's, etc. Thank you!

The Petro Palace was okay. Food was not the greatest but the staff were friendly. Location was great, however.

Everything went really smoothly - Private St. Petersburg Shore Excursion

A big thank you for our tour. We were looked after very well by our guide and the driver. They were both outstanding. The itinerary was the best. Everything went really smoothly

It was a great experience - Treasures of Two Capitals (5 star), June 2017

It was a great experience. The guides were knowledgeable and spot on time. Especially the guide in St. Petersburg seemed to get us to places with great timing. We beat the majority of crowds. Maybe that’s partly a result of being a small group, being that we didn’t have to wait for stragglers. The weather cooperated and we didn’t get caught in any rain storms.

Everybody in our group got along perfectly. We were all experienced travelers and shared information on places we’d been to. The ladies are now sharing pictures of our trip to Russia via email.

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  13. Cindy aus Marzahn

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