
Travel Blogs: How Much They Make, Income Potential, and Success Stories

Travel bloggers in the U.S. make an average of $29.94 per hour as of August 2024. Their income comes from sources like sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and trip reviews. Successful bloggers attract audiences with varied content that aligns with market trends and focuses on their interests.

Success stories abound in the travel blogging world. For instance, some bloggers transition from part-time work to full-time travel due to their blog’s growing popularity. They share their experiences, tips, and engaging stories, attracting a loyal audience. This engagement can translate into lucrative partnerships with brands and tourism boards, enhancing their income potential.

Travel blogs exemplify the power of storytelling combined with strategic marketing. They connect with readers seeking inspiration and practical advice for their journeys. By leveraging social media and building an active community, travel bloggers enhance their opportunities for success.

Understanding the financial aspects of travel blogging lays the groundwork for aspiring bloggers. Next, let’s explore the key strategies successful travel bloggers implement to maximize their income and grow their online presence effectively.

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How Much Do Travel Blogs Make on Average?

Travel blogs can earn an average income between $20,000 and $100,000 per year. The earnings largely depend on various factors, including audience size, revenue streams, and niche focus.

Many travel bloggers generate income through multiple channels:

  • Affiliate marketing: Bloggers earn commissions by promoting travel products or services. Successful bloggers can make $5,000 to $30,000 annually from this source.
  • Sponsored posts: Brands pay bloggers to publish content about their products. This can yield $100 to $1,000 or more per post, depending on the blogger’s reach.
  • Advertising: Display ads on blogs can generate between $1,000 to $10,000 yearly, influenced by website traffic and ad placement.
  • Selling products: Bloggers who create and sell e-books, courses, or merchandise can see additional earnings starting from $500 to $20,000 annually.

For example, a travel blogger with a substantial following might earn $3,000 monthly from affiliate marketing alone, while also receiving $500 for sponsored posts. This scenario results in a total of $36,000 per year from just these two sources.

Several factors can influence the income of travel blogs, such as:

  • Niche specificity: A blog focused on adventure travel may attract a different audience than one that centers on luxury travel. This differentiation can impact potential revenue.
  • Audience engagement: Higher engagement rates generally lead to better monetization opportunities.
  • Market trends: Seasonal travel trends can also affect income. For instance, travel blogs may see a surge in income during holiday seasons or summer vacations.

While these figures provide a general overview, the data also come with caveats. Income can vary widely among bloggers. Newer bloggers may take time to build traffic and engagement, while established bloggers might see consistent income.

In summary, travel blogs typically make between $20,000 and $100,000 annually. Income sources include affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, advertising, and product sales. Factors like niche focus, audience engagement, and market trends significantly affect these earnings. For those considering starting a travel blog, understanding these elements is crucial for potential success and income growth.

What Are the Common Income Sources for Travel Blogs?

Travel blogs generate income through various channels. The common income sources for travel blogs include sponsorships, affiliate marketing, ad revenue, product sales, and freelance writing.

  • Sponsorships
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Product Sales
  • Freelance Writing

Understanding these income sources provides insights into how travel bloggers monetize their content.

Sponsorships : Sponsorships involve partnerships between travel bloggers and brands. Brands pay bloggers to promote their products, services, or experiences. For instance, a travel blog may feature a hotel review in exchange for a complimentary stay. According to a 2019 Influencer Marketing Report, 63% of marketers planned to increase their influencer marketing budgets, reflecting the rising significance of sponsored content.

Affiliate Marketing : Affiliate marketing is when bloggers earn a commission for promoting third-party products. Bloggers include affiliate links in their content, which track sales generated by their referrals. For example, a blogger may link to travel gear on Amazon. If a reader purchases through that link, the blogger receives a percentage. Statista reported that affiliate marketing spending in the United States reached approximately $6.8 billion in 2022, highlighting its profitability.

Ad Revenue : Ad revenue comes from monetizing blog traffic through platforms like Google AdSense. Bloggers earn money based on clicks or impressions from advertisements displayed on their sites. This income source is effective for blogs with high traffic. According to WordStream, the average click-through rate for display ads in 2023 was around 0.35%, showing varying effectiveness in ad revenue generation.

Product Sales : Some travel bloggers create and sell their own products, such as eBooks, photography, or travel guides. This direct sales approach allows bloggers to capitalize on their expertise. For instance, a blogger specializing in European travel might write a detailed guide for budget travel in Europe. According to Statista, the eBook market is expected to reach $23.1 billion by 2025, illustrating the potential for product sales in this space.

Freelance Writing : Many travel bloggers engage in freelance writing for publications or websites. This involves writing travel articles, guides, or reviews outside their blogs. Freelance writing can supplement a blogger’s income and expand their professional portfolio. The Editorial Freelancers Association states that many freelance writers charge between $50 to $100 per hour, indicating a viable income source for skilled writers.

Travel bloggers often diversify their income streams to achieve financial stability. By tapping into multiple sources, they can maximize their earning potential and sustain their blogging endeavors.

How Do Niche Travel Blogs Compare in Earnings?

Niche travel blogs can earn varying amounts based on factors such as audience size, targeted niche, income streams, and blog management. Understanding these factors can help potential bloggers assess earnings more accurately.

Audience size plays a crucial role in determining earnings. Larger audiences typically attract more advertisers and sponsors. For example, blogs with over 10,000 unique monthly visitors can earn between $500 to $2,500 monthly through advertising, according to a study by ProBlogger (2021).

The targeted niche affects the potential income as well. Blogs focused on high-income sectors, such as luxury travel, may earn more than those in more crowded fields like budget travel. According to a report by BlogTyrant (2020), luxury travel bloggers can command sponsorship deals worth $5,000 to $20,000 per post, depending on their reach and influence.

Diverse income streams contribute to overall profitability. Bloggers often rely on multiple revenue sources, including affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and product sales. A study from Awin (2022) suggests that blogs utilizing affiliate marketing can earn anywhere from $50 to $7,500 monthly, depending on conversion rates and product types.

The quality of blog management influences earnings as well. Well-maintained blogs with quality content, SEO optimization, and effective social media strategies tend to attract more traffic and sponsorship opportunities. A survey by HubSpot (2023) revealed that 60% of successful travel bloggers invest in professional blogs to enhance user experience, which leads to increased revenue.

In summary, niche travel blogs can earn from a few hundred to several thousand dollars monthly, depending on audience size, targeted niche, income diversification, and blog management quality. Potential bloggers should consider these factors to better understand their income potential.

What Factors Influence the Income of Travel Blogs?

The income of travel blogs is influenced by various factors, including content quality, audience size, and monetization strategies.

  • Content Quality
  • Audience Engagement
  • Niche Selection
  • Monetization Strategies
  • Social Media Presence
  • SEO Optimization
  • Brand Partnerships
  • Consistency and Frequency of Posts
  • Travel Trends and Seasonality

Understanding these factors is crucial for aspiring travel bloggers as they navigate their potential for income generation.

Content Quality: Content quality significantly influences the income of travel blogs. High-quality, informative, and engaging posts attract readers. According to the Content Marketing Institute (2021), quality content leads to higher audience retention and shares. For instance, a travel blog that provides unique insights and planning tips can establish authority, resulting in increased traffic and, subsequently, higher ad revenue.

Audience Engagement: Audience engagement reflects how well bloggers connect with their readers. Engaged audiences are more likely to interact, share content, and return for future posts. A 2022 survey by HubSpot found that personalized engagement can lead to a 30% increase in reader loyalty. Blogs that foster a community feel—through comments, social media interactions, and email newsletters—can improve their income potential by maintaining a steady readership.

Niche Selection: Niche selection determines a travel blog’s target audience. Specializing in a unique niche, like eco-tourism or adventure travel, can attract dedicated followers. A study by Statista (2023) indicated that niche blogs can earn nearly 25% more than general travel blogs due to specific audience targeting. Niche blogs often benefit from higher affiliate marketing commissions and partnerships aligned with their focus.

Monetization Strategies: Monetization strategies involve different methods to generate income from a blog. Common strategies include affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, ad placements, and selling digital products. A 2020 report by Content Marketing Institute highlighted that bloggers who diversify income sources can increase earnings. For example, a travel blog could use affiliate marketing to link to booking sites while also hosting sponsored content from travel gear brands.

Social Media Presence: A strong social media presence amplifies a travel blog’s reach. Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest drive traffic back to the blog. Social media analytics from 2022 by Hootsuite revealed that blogs active on multiple social platforms have a 40% higher visitor count. Engaging followers through posts and stories can convert casual visitors into loyal readers and customers.

SEO Optimization: SEO optimization enhances a blog’s visibility on search engines. Effective SEO practices, such as keyword research and backlink building, help blogs rank higher in search results. According to Moz (2021), high-ranking blogs can see increased traffic, leading to more ad clicks and conversions. Bloggers focused on optimizing their content can significantly improve their income potential.

Brand Partnerships: Brand partnerships create opportunities for travel bloggers to collaborate with companies. Successful partnerships often lead to sponsored content and product endorsements. A 2023 study by Influencer Marketing Hub stated that bloggers with established trust can command higher fees for partnerships. For example, a travel blogger partnering with a tourism board for a sponsored trip gains exposure and income simultaneously.

Consistency and Frequency of Posts: Consistency and frequency of posts affect audience retention. Regular updates keep readers engaged and returning for new content. Blog management data from HubSpot (2022) indicates that sites posting at least once a week receive 60% more traffic than less frequent bloggers. An organized posting schedule can enhance a blog’s income potential through increased readership.

Travel Trends and Seasonality: Travel trends and seasonality can impact a blog’s income. Bloggers who adapt their content to current trends can capture timely interest. For example, during a pandemic, blogs focusing on local travel and staycations saw significant spikes in traffic. Research from Google Trends shows that timely content can lead to a 200% increase in views during peak seasons. Understanding these patterns helps bloggers maximize their income windows.

How Does Audience Size Affect Travel Blog Earnings?

Audience size significantly affects travel blog earnings. Larger audiences typically lead to higher income opportunities. Advertisers prefer blogs with more readers, as this increases their brand exposure. Blogs with substantial readership can attract sponsorships and partnerships. These collaborations often result in direct payments or free products in exchange for promotion.

Affiliate marketing also benefits from larger audiences. When a blog has many visitors, the chance of readers clicking on affiliate links increases. More clicks can lead to higher commissions for the blogger.

Additionally, audience engagement plays a crucial role. Engaged readers are more likely to share content or participate in discussions. This sharing can help grow the blog’s reach and, subsequently, its income.

In summary, a larger audience can lead to increased advertising value, more sponsorships, higher affiliate earnings, and greater engagement, all of which contribute to higher overall earnings for travel blogs.

What Role Does Content Quality Play in Monetization?

Content quality plays a crucial role in monetization by directly influencing audience engagement, trust, and overall revenue potential.

  • Trust and Credibility
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Influencer Partnerships
  • Revenue Diversity
  • Content Longevity

The importance of these factors connects by highlighting how quality content affects different monetization strategies.

Audience Engagement: Audience engagement directly correlates with content quality. Engaging content retains viewers, encouraging them to spend more time on the site. A well-written article or video can foster interaction through comments and shares. According to HubSpot (2021), high-quality blog posts can boost conversion rates by up to 80%. This increase in engagement can lead to higher advertising revenue and greater sponsorship opportunities.

Trust and Credibility: Trust and credibility stem from quality content. When users find articles that are informative, accurate, and well-researched, they are more likely to return and trust the source. A study by Edelman (2020) found that 81% of consumers must trust a brand to buy from them. Trust enables publishers to monetize through premium content or subscription models, as satisfied audiences are willing to pay for genuine insights.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Quality content enhances search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines prioritize high-quality, relevant content when ranking pages. Strong SEO leads to more traffic, and thus, increased ad revenue. According to a Moz study (2022), top-ranking web pages receive nearly 31.7% of all clicks. Improved visibility contributes to overall monetization efforts through greater traffic volumes.

Influencer Partnerships: Influencer partnerships thrive on quality content. Brands seek collaborations with content creators who produce high-quality material. A well-executed collaboration can draw new audiences and enhance brand credibility. Influencer Marketing Hub (2021) reported that businesses earn an average of $5.78 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing. Quality content becomes a critical asset for securing these partnerships.

Revenue Diversity: Quality content allows for revenue diversification. Creators can offer various monetization methods, such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and merchandise sales. A diverse revenue stream can stabilize income and empower growth. A survey by Creator Economy (2022) indicated that content creators utilizing multiple revenue channels reported a 45% increase in monthly income.

Content Longevity: Content longevity is a function of quality. High-quality content offers value over time. Evergreen content—articles and resources relevant regardless of trends—continues to attract traffic well after initial publication. Ahrefs (2021) highlighted that evergreen blog posts generate up to 90% of a blog’s traffic over its lifetime. This sustained interest translates into ongoing monetization opportunities.

In summary, content quality is a fundamental factor that significantly impacts various monetization strategies, influencing audience behavior, trust levels, and overall revenue potential.

Who Are Some Notable Travel Bloggers and What Are Their Earnings?

Notable travel bloggers include Nomadic Matt, The Blonde Abroad, and Expert Vagabond. Nomadic Matt earns approximately $1 million annually through blog traffic and affiliate marketing. The Blonde Abroad generates around $100,000 yearly from brand partnerships and sponsored content. Expert Vagabond has an income of about $90,000, primarily from photography sales and social media promotions. These earnings demonstrate the potential of travel blogging as a lucrative career.

What Strategies Did Successful Travel Bloggers Use to Increase Income?

Successful travel bloggers use various strategies to increase their income.

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Sponsored content
  • Selling digital products
  • Offering consulting services
  • Creating and selling merchandise
  • Utilizing social media for brand partnerships
  • Monetizing email newsletters
  • Joining travel-related affiliate programs
  • Building a strong SEO-focused blog
  • Networking within the travel industry

To provide further context, the following sections elaborate on each strategy in detail.

Affiliate Marketing : Successful travel bloggers utilize affiliate marketing to earn commissions by promoting products and services through personalized links. This strategy allows bloggers to earn money when their readers purchase these products. A study by Statista in 2021 reports that nearly 80% of brands have affiliate programs, highlighting a significant opportunity for bloggers.

Sponsored Content : Travel bloggers often partner with companies to create sponsored posts. This involves writing content that features a brand’s product or service in exchange for payment. According to a 2022 survey by Influencer Marketing Hub, 63% of marketers plan to increase their influencer marketing budgets, illustrating the growth of this revenue stream.

Selling Digital Products : Many successful travel bloggers offer digital products such as e-books, itineraries, and online courses. These products provide practical value to readers seeking travel advice. For instance, Nomadic Matt, a well-known travel blogger, sells comprehensive travel guides that have brought him significant income.

Offering Consulting Services : Travel bloggers may offer consulting services to help individuals or businesses improve their travel-related endeavors. This could involve personalized travel planning or social media strategy development. According to an industry report by Upwork, freelance consulting is projected to grow by 10% over the next five years.

Creating and Selling Merchandise : Some bloggers successfully design and sell branded merchandise, including travel gear and apparel. This approach enhances brand visibility while providing an additional income stream. For example, The Bucket List Family sells travel-themed products that resonate with their audience.

Utilizing Social Media for Brand Partnerships : Many travel bloggers leverage platforms like Instagram and TikTok to collaborate with brands. These partnerships often result in sponsored posts or giveaways, further increasing their visibility and income potential. A report by Hootsuite states that social media marketing budgets are expected to rise by 25% in 2023.

Monetizing Email Newsletters : Bloggers often create email newsletters to build a loyal audience. This platform can be monetized through sponsored content or affiliate links. According to Campaign Monitor, email marketing has an average return on investment of 42:1, showcasing its effectiveness.

Joining Travel-Related Affiliate Programs : Many bloggers join established travel affiliate programs like or TripAdvisor. They promote these brands on their blogs in exchange for a commission from sales generated through their referrals. A report by eMarketer found that affiliate marketing spending is projected to reach $8.2 billion in 2022.

Building a Strong SEO-Focused Blog : Successful travel bloggers often focus on search engine optimization (SEO) to attract organic traffic. This involves optimizing blog posts with relevant keywords, improving site speed, and ensuring mobile-friendliness. According to Ahrefs, 75% of all clicks go to the first page of search results, emphasizing the importance of good SEO practices.

Networking Within the Travel Industry : Successful bloggers often build relationships with other travel professionals. Collaborations can lead to cross-promotions, guest posts, and referrals, all of which can significantly increase income potential. A study by Harvard Business Review indicates that networking is a crucial factor in professional success.

These diverse strategies illustrate the various paths successful travel bloggers take to maximize their income potential in the competitive travel industry.

How Long Does It Take to Start Earning from a Travel Blog?

Starting to earn from a travel blog typically takes between six months to two years. Most bloggers report this timeframe due to the necessity of building an audience and generating engaging content. On average, successful travel blogs may begin to see some income within the first year.

Multiple factors influence this timeline, including niche focus, marketing efforts, and content quality. For example, a blogger focusing on budget travel may attract a different audience than one targeting luxury travel. Bloggers who dedicate more time to SEO (search engine optimization) strategies can see results more quickly, with some achieving earnings as early as six months after launching.

Real-world scenarios illustrate these differences. A travel blogger who shares detailed itineraries and travel tips may establish credibility and attract followers faster than one who only posts photos. For instance, a blogger documenting a series of unique travel experiences, alongside practical advice, can drive traffic and initiate monetization through affiliate marketing or sponsored posts.

Additional factors also affect earning potential. Seasonal travel trends can influence traffic, as can changes in social media algorithms. Furthermore, the ability to network with other bloggers and influencers can accelerate audience growth. Limitations include market saturation and the quality of the competition, which may delay income generation.

In summary, earnings from a travel blog generally start within six months to two years based on varying factors. Content quality, niche, and marketing efforts significantly impact growth and income potential. For those considering starting a travel blog, exploring aspects like SEO, effective networking, and niche selection can provide valuable insights for a successful journey.

What Milestones Indicate That a Travel Blog is Revenue-Generating?

Travel blogs become revenue-generating when specific milestones are reached. These milestones indicate that the blog successfully engages an audience and monetizes its content.

The main indicators of a revenue-generating travel blog include: 1. Consistent website traffic 2. Email subscriber growth 3. Social media engagement 4. Affiliate marketing income 5. Sponsored content opportunities 6. Merchandising sales 7. Travel bookings or services offered 8. Patreons or direct donations

These indicators illustrate the diverse ways travel blogs achieve monetization and success. Each point reflects different aspects of engagement and income potential in the blogging sphere.

Consistent Website Traffic: A travel blog achieves revenue generation when it maintains steady website traffic. High traffic indicates that the blog attracts visitors regularly. Blogs with over 10,000 monthly visits can start to monetize effectively through various strategies. For example, the blog “Nomadic Matt” began to grow its income significantly when traffic exceeded 50,000 monthly visits.

Email Subscriber Growth: Email lists are vital for generating revenue. A blog can sell products or services to its subscribers directly. A subscriber base of 1,000 or more allows for effective communication and targeted promotions. Research shows that email marketing yields about $42 for every dollar spent.

Social Media Engagement: High engagement levels on social media platforms signify a loyal audience. This includes likes, shares, and comments on posts. Blogs that actively engage on platforms like Instagram and Facebook can monetize through sponsored posts or brand deals. A travel blogger with 10,000 followers often attracts partnerships with brands seeking exposure.

Affiliate Marketing Income: This approach proves an effective revenue stream. By promoting products or services, bloggers earn commissions on successful referrals. For instance, bloggers may earn 5-20% commissions from travel gear sales through affiliate links. Successful travel blogs can earn thousands monthly through affiliate programs.

Sponsored Content Opportunities: When brands approach a travel blog for collaborations, it signals revenue potential. Sponsored posts are articles written for brands that pay for exposure. Blogs that secure multiple deals per month typically see significant income boosts. Some bloggers report earning $1,000 or more per sponsored post.

Merchandising Sales: Selling branded merchandise gives bloggers another income source. This can include T-shirts, travel gear, or digital products like eBooks. Many travel bloggers achieve steady secondary income through their merchandise lines, further monetizing their brand.

Travel Bookings or Services Offered: Some blogs monetize by offering direct travel services like itinerary planning or affiliate booking links to hotels and flights. When a blog becomes a resource for travelers planning their trips, revenue can grow substantially through these channels.

Patreons or Direct Donations: Some bloggers turn to platforms like Patreon for direct audience support. Fans can contribute monthly for exclusive content or perks. This model allows bloggers to cultivate a community while generating steady income. Travel bloggers leveraging this method have experienced monthly earnings ranging from a few hundred to thousands, depending on audience size and engagement.

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69 Travel Blog Statistics You Need to Know in 2024

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Get updated travel blog statistics for this year – and find out how to use them to grow your audience and your income.

As a travel blogger, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends.

And that means knowing what’s working well for other bloggers – and using that information to grow your own blog.

Here are the top travel blog statistics you need to know in 2023:

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SEO Roadmap for Travel Bloggers

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This one-stop-shop teaches bloggers in every niche how to scale their traffic and their passive income. I went from $0 a month to $30k/mo in 13 months with my techniques – and now I’m sharing them with you!

Most Important Travel Blog Statistics [Summary]

  • The majority of travel bloggers never see an income from their blog. In fact, many give up within the first year.
  • Digital travel has grown by double digits annually for the last three years. And travel search terms are up 70% on Google.
  • The median income for travel bloggers is $5,000 per month. This is composed of ad revenue, affiliate income, and sales of services/products primarily.
  • SEO-optimized blogs bring in the most traffic to blogs.
  • Travel blogs are an integral part of the inspiration to purchase process for consumers. They are vital in the inspiration phase, the informational phase, and the comparison phase.
  • Long-tail keywords in posts of over 2,500 words are most likely to rank well on Google.
  • Pinterest is the best platform for travelers to share inspirational location content. January to June are the best months for this platform.
  • Personalized email marketing campaigns that are segmented to your audience will outperform regular weekly emails that are very generic.

Black laptop with a coffee and pink notebook beside flowers ready to blog.

General Blog Statistics

  • In 2020, there were over 31.7 million users who visited blogs. (Statista)
  • 11 words is the ideal blog post title length . (CoSchedule)
  • However, using a title with 6-8 words increased click-through rates by 21%. (Optin Monster)
  • Only 21.9% of bloggers post at least 1x per week. (Tej9)
  • 71% of blogs are written in English. (Tej9)
  • 34% of consumers read blogs to learn something new or how to do something. Only 4% read them to find out about brands/products. (Hubspot)
  • 61% of consumers have purchased a product after reading about it on a blog. (Content Marketing Institute)
  • How-to articles are 77% more likely to perform well. This is followed by lists (57%) and guides (43%). (Orbit Media)
  • 70% of markets use automation. It is primarily used for tasks, but 42% of marketers also use it for content creation. (Hubspot)
  • Marketers are focusing on video content , followed by blogs and infographics. (Hubspot)
  • AI usage for online marketing has increased by over 190% from 2018 to 2020. It is most often used for conversion and optimization. (Hubspot)
  • Bloggers who make over $50,000 per year are 5.6x more likely to sell their own products or services. (Growth Badger)
  • Over 59% of bloggers have started and given up on a blog. (Blog Tyrant)
  • 90% of millennials feel that real and organic brands that are authentic are preferable to clean and packaged brands. (Social Media Today)
  • In 2020, bloggers spent an average of 6 hours per post. This is increasing every year with previous rates in 2018 being 3.5 hours. (Semrush)
  • 100% of bloggers say that quality content is the most important factor for success. (Semrush)
  • Almost 24% of readers saw that bad content or inaccurate content destroys a blog’s credibility in their eyes. (Semrush)
  • More than 80% of bloggers never make $100 from their blogs. (Life Hacker)
  • Blog posts with images get 94% more views. (B2B Marketing)

Key Takeaways:

  • Bloggers are spending more time writing blog posts, with the average time nearly doubling in the last two years.
  • The majority of bloggers give up on blogs or never see income. As a blogger myself, I can attest to seeing so many people give up on their blogs often due to a lack of strategy to make an income or not investing in their blog.
  • Quality content is key. SEO content writing will help with this.
  • There is a movement towards automation to create quality content and automate tasks. AI writers like are becoming more popular to keep up with the increased length of blog posts ranking on Google and to post at least 1x per week.
  • Bloggers who make a living from blogging alone are more likely to create their own products or services.

Black laptop and airpods on desk ready to blog. Pink flowers with candle on side.

Travel Blog Statistics

  • Google found that there are 5 stages to travel: dreaming, planning, booking, experiencing, and sharing. Social media is most prevalent in dreaming and sharing. However, travel blogs and other websites play a larger role in planning and booking travel. (Social Media Today)
  • “…travel blogs play an important role in crafting the attractiveness of the place, its people and the stories that shape its daily life, no matter what time of year.” (Social Media Today)
  • Digital travel content grows by double-digit percentages every year. (Expedia Group)
  • The average sponsored post rate for travel bloggers is $200. (Optin Monster)
  • 94% of travel blogs use ads for revenue . (Optin Monster)
  • On average, users only spend 1 minute and 45 seconds on a travel blog. (Similar Web)
  • 75% of travel blog readers leave a site after only reading one page. (Similar Web)
  • 59% of travel bloggers own more than one blog. (Optin Monster)
  • Travel is one of the top 5 blog niches, making a median income of $5,000 per month. (Semrush)
  • Travel blogs are vital to the decision-making and purchase of trips, and the consumption of this information is growing annually.
  • Travel bloggers can earn a lot of money per month, but many are undercharging for sponsored posts. It’s why ad income is so vital for them to make the median $5,000 monthly income. $200 is the base amount I charged for sponsored posts when I began my blog, with no SEO optimization and with under 5,000 monthly pageviews.
  • Users skim blog posts. And many users leave after reading one page. This can be fixed by guiding them to other helpful articles on your site and writing content silos to keep their interest.

Travel Statistics

  • Big cities are the most booked destinations in every region in 2021. (Expedia Group)
  • Searches for travel increased by over 70% from 2020 to 2021. (Expedia Group)
  • The most popular amenity in 2021 was bathtubs (up 25%). Bookings with spas also saw a 35% increase. (Expedia Group)
  • Searches for bookings with gyms have increased 65% as restrictions lift. (Expedia Group)
  • Work-cations are over! Searches for accommodations with free WIFI are down 50% in 2021. (Expedia Group)
  • 40% of travelers now plan their trips with smartphones and tablets rather than laptops or in-person. (Social Media Today)
  • Millennials are more motivated by rewards programs than travelers aged 46-65. 15% more millennials stated that loyalty programs were very important in their flight choices. 21% more millennials felt loyalty programs were vital in hotel bookings, as well. (Social Media Today)
  • Consumers visit, on average, 22 websites before booking their travel. (Atmosphere Research Group)
  • Travel searches are up on Google. With luxuries like gyms, spas, and bathtubs, you can gain higher affiliate income from luxury hotels.
  • Using affiliates with rewards programs and advertising these benefits can increase your conversions with millennials.
  • Focus on big cities in your niche destination before moving on to smaller locations.

Black laptop on desk with pink flowers and fairy lights ready to blog

Travel Blog SEO Statistics

  • The #1 traffic source for bloggers who make 6+ figures is organic traffic from search engines. (Semrush)
  • 69.8% of Americans use a search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo) to find travel inspiration. An additional 39.4% of Americans also used the image function (i.e. Google Images) to get travel inspiration to book trips in 2019. (Statista)
  • Almost 7 out of 10 respondents in a YouGov survey used their laptops to book a trip in 2019. 1 out of 10 used their smartphones. This shows that 80% of travelers are looking to online portals to book their travels. Offering them an easy way to book their trip through affiliate links, tips on how to save time/money, and providing personal experiences will make you invaluable in their online search. (YouGov)
  • In 2013, 59% of tourists used an advice-based website (like a blog or tourism board site) to research their trips . But only 3% of tourists specifically referred to individual blogs. (Visit England)
  • 69% of professional marketers invested in SEO in 2021. (Hubspot)
  • In 2021, the most popular methods of SEO optimization were focus keywords (71%), local SEO (50%), and mobile responsiveness (48%). (Hubspot)
  • 2021 saw a 28% increase in travel-related keywords. (Social Media Today)
  • Over 40% of travel-related searches come from mobile devices. (HeBS Digital)
  • Blog posts with 7,000+ words on average have better SEO rankings. (SEMRush)
  • However, blog posts with a word count of 2,250-2,500 were found to receive the most traffic organically. (HubSpot)
  • Bloggers who make 6+ figures are 4.3x more likely to do SEO keyword research than other bloggers. (Growth Badger)
  • Blog posts with shorter URLs tend to rank higher. (Backlinko)
  • Fast loading speed significantly increases your chances to rank highly on search engines. (Backlinko)
  • Bloggers saw a 77% increase in traffic after hitting 52 blog posts on their sites. (Traffic Generation Cafe)
  • Almost 55% of the top 10 million searches on Google are for long-tail keywords. (Tej9)
  • Only 38% of bloggers are updating old content. (Optin Monster)
  • Bloggers who updated old content saw an increase in traffic by up to 106%. (Semrush)
  • SEO is vital for bloggers to gain organic traffic, make ad revenue, and increase their reach.
  • Travel-related keywords are ranking better. With most travelers searching before a destination, you need to optimize your blog for SEO to show up on their searches. Fewer readers specifically navigate to blogs for travel advice, so you could be missing out on these clicks.
  • Blogs rank better if they are fast loading, mobile responsive (especially with so many mobile searches), updating old content, using shorter URLs , writing longer posts with quality information, and optimizing for long-tail keywords.

Social Media Travel Blog Statistics

  • Millennials often use Instagram for inspiration for travel. The top 10 landmark hashtags used on Instagram are Central Park (with over 5.8 million posts in 2018!), the Eiffel Tower, Times Square, Big Ben, Grand Canyon, London Eye, Burj Khalifa, Louvre, Brooklyn Bridge, and the Golden Gate Bridge. (Winfields)
  • Social media is the #1 way companies are marketing in 2022. The second most popular method is with blogs. (Hubspot)
  • Most marketers in 2022 have focussed on Instagram, a similar strategy to 2021. But in 2021, the highest ROI came from Facebook . (Hubspot)
  • Pinterest has 2x the reach for online travelers. (Social Media Today)
  • Solo travel is the most popular interest on Pinterest, followed by budget travel and family vacations. (Social Media Today)
  • Travel planning pins (featuring where to go, how to go, and what to do) rise in January and peak in June. (Social Media Today)
  • Image content is used 37% of the time when individuals are deciding where to travel. This is 2x as much as video. (Social Media Today)
  • 21% of travelers tweet prior to their trip. (Social Media Today)
  • Twitter is the most popular social media platform for users to learn about travel brands (44% more than other platforms). (Social Media Today)
  • The most popular travel tweets are exclusive discounts (46%), last-minute deals (41%), contests (30%), humor (30%), and travel ideas/stories (27%). (Social Media Today)
  • 50% of travelers use Instagram to discover local places or off-the-beaten-track destinations. (Social Media Today)
  • Headlines with question marks attract 23% more social shares. (Backlinko)
  • Social media is being used by large companies more than they are using blogs. This leaves a gap for bloggers to take advantage of SEO that these companies aren’t prioritizing.
  • Facebook and Pinterest are the best platforms for travel bloggers, followed by Twitter. However, each platform requires specific optimization.
  • Using questions as titles will increase social shares of your posts.

Pink flowers and candle in front of black laptop for blogging

Email Marketing Statistics for Travel Bloggers

  • Email marketing showed more engagement in 2021 than in previous years. (Hubspot)
  • Successful email marketing campaigns were hyper-personalized and authentic messages that showed the brand’s personality. (Hubspot)
  • Weekly emails proved to be less vital than segmenting audiences properly, personalizing campaigns, and automating funnels. (Hubspot)
  • The average open rate for travel emails is 28%. (Hubspot)
  • Writing personalized emails to your audience will engage them and increase your affiliate revenue, even if you don’t email every single week.
  • Travel sees high open rates.

Conclusion: Travel Blog Statistics [2023]

Travel blogging is not dead, as many tweets and blog posts sometimes question.

In fact, these stats show that it’s on the rise.

You will have success with your blog if you optimize for SEO, invest time and money into your strategies, and write quality content.

Supplement this traffic with email marketing and social media optimization to increase your reach.

To make money, join a profitable ad network, use affiliates intentionally , and sell products/services to join the bloggers making over $50,000 annually from their blog.

As a travel blogger myself, I saw the greatest increase in traffic by implementing an SEO strategy and investing in courses to develop my skills.

With my services, ad income, and affiliate income, I made over $30,000 in January 2023.

And you can, too!

Make the choice to be a six-figure blogger today and get the SEO skills you need in my SEO course for travel bloggers. Click here to find out more!

Read More About Travel Blogging!

  • What is a Travel Blog: Definition & Examples from a 6-Figure Blogger
  • 100+ Best Travel Blogs that Accept Guest Posts
  • 60 Best Travel Affiliate Programs for Bloggers
  • How to Make Money as a Travel Blogger: 15 Ways I Made $30k
  • Travelpayouts Review: 6 Figure Travel Blogger Weighs In
  • 19 Best Cameras for Travel Blogging & Vlogging
  • Travel Blogging Summit Denver 2022 Review & Key Takeaways
  • Basic SEO for Travel Bloggers: 19 SEO Tips to Scale to Full-Time Income
  • Best Travel Blogging Courses: Which is Worth Your Money?
  • 500+ Travel Blog Names: How to Choose a Unique & Memorable Name in Any Niche
  • 69 Travel Blog Statistics You Need to Know
  • 50+ Best Facebook Groups for Travel Bloggers to Engage and Grow
  • 140+ Engaging Travel Blog Post Ideas for Every Niche
  • How I Grew My Travel Blog by 45k Pageviews in 6 Weeks
  • Niche Site Deep Dive: A DA 13 Travel Blog on Adthrive?
  • Travel Blog Audit: Complete Tutorial To Improve Your Website
  • This Travel Blogger Got Into Mediavine in 1 Year
  • “How Is This Legal?” Travel Blogger Calls Out Google’s Knowledge Graph
  • How This Travel Blog is Winning at SEO Post Helpful Content Update

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Want to learn how to grow your blog to 6 figures with SEO? Check out my SEO Roadmap for Travel Bloggers course ! It includes all my SEO secrets and strategies that I used to grow my blog to 50k sessions in 6 months and scaled to $30k/mo 7 months later!

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Nina Clapperton is a multi-6 figure travel blogger and the founder of She Knows SEO. After sharing her stories of living in over 12 countries in 10 years on all platforms and making $0, she learned SEO and scaled her blog to 50k sessions in 6 months. Within 13 months, she was making $30k/mo passively. Now Nina runs a portfolio of niche sites and helps over 3,500 students grow their blogs. She's on a mission to help bloggers achieve financial freedom via passive income from their hobby blogs.

travel bloggers market size

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15 Travel Blog Statistics and Data (Detailed Breakdown)

Title Banner with Sidebar

by  Ron Stefanski

Updated: September 13, 2023

Disclosure: OneHourProfessor is reader-supported. When you buy through links on my site, I may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more

Preparing for travel has become more convenient with online websites and blogs. While tourist destinations, providers, and travel agencies are taking advantage of the functionality that the Internet has to offer, travelers are also adopting technologies that make it easier to look for inspiration, virtually explore different countries, book vacations, and read about other travelers’ experiences.

Travel blogs are a rich source of other travelers’ personal experiences, suggestions, and information about tourist and destination spots. Whether you want to start a blog of your own, or are just curious about how big the niche is, this post will dive into the travel blog niche and data on bloggers and their audiences.

Editor’s Picks

  • In 2021, the website traffic benchmarks in the travel industry on mobile devices was 56%
  • In 2020, 50% of travelers worldwide used the web as their main source of inspiration for vacations
  • In 2017, 79% of mobile travelers competed a booking after doing research on their smartphone compared to 70% in 2016
  • Travel blogs account for 10% of high income blogs or blogs with more than 50,000 sessions a month

Here’s a rundown of the stats we’re going to cover:

The Industry and Travelers

Travel blogs and bloggers at a glance.

The travel industry is going online and mobile with 50% of travelers, worldwide, using the web as a source of inspiration for vacations and 16% taking advantage of the information that celebrity and influencer social media channels have to offer. In 2017, Google explored how much change occurred from 2016 to 2017 and found that 79% of mobile travelers completed a booking after doing research on their smartphone compared to the previous year (70%).

  • Mobile: 56%
  • Desktop: 41%

travel bloggers market size

  • Talking to Friends and Family: 36%
  • Celebrity and Influencer Social Media Channels: 16%
  • In 2017, 79% of mobile travelers completed a booking after doing research on their smartphone compared to 70% in 2016

travel bloggers market size

Sources : Statista , Contentsquare , Google

Different types of travel bloggers invest different amounts of time related to their blog with bloggers who write for pleasure spending 2 hours to 7 hours a week and lifestyle bloggers spending 35 hours to 45 hours a week on activities. The time that travel bloggers invest pays off to an extent as the median monthly income for this niche is $5,000 and travel blogs are considered high-traffic. 

  • The median monthly income of travel bloggers is $5,000

travel bloggers market size

  • Pleasure Bloggers: 2 hours to 7 hours a week
  • Part-time Bloggers: 8 hours to 14 hours a week
  • Dedicated Bloggers: 16 hours to 30 hours a week
  • Lifestyle Bloggers: 35 hours to 45 hours a week
  • Travel blogs account for 10% of blogs with over 50,000 sessions a month 
  • Travel blogs account for 18% of all new blogs started in the past year

travel bloggers market size

Sources : University of Manitoba , Rank IQ

With the world normalized after the pandemic, now is a perfect time to start a travel blog ( this guide will help you name it), as the thirst for wanderlust and new experiences is higher than ever. As a travel blogger, you’ll have the opportunity to inspire and inform people about different cultures, destinations, and ways of traveling. You can share your personal experiences, tips, and recommendations and be a trusted guide for people who are planning their next adventure.

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Online Travel Market Thumbnail Image

Online Travel Market Size, Share, Competitive Landscape and Trend Analysis Report, by Service types, Platforms, Mode of Booking ,and Age Group : Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2022-2031

CG : Travel & Luxury Travel

✷  Report Code: A01415

Tables: 196

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The global online travel market size was valued at $354.2 billion in 2020, and is estimated to reach $1,835.6 billion by 2031, registering a CAGR of 14.8% from 2022 to 2031.

Online travel providers aim to ease travel planning and bookings for travelers. The online travel industry is being pushed by quick and easy flight and hotel bookings, an increase in customer trust in online payment, and the option to compare numerous available travel alternatives.. Market players are extensively offering travel services through mobile websites and apps, as it is one of the most preferred mediums of travel bookings, particularly among the young professionals.


The emergence of internet has led to intense exposure of people to social media sites. People first browse through websites, gather detailed information, and review the required product or service before making a purchase. In addition, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and travel blogs have become a common medium for people to discuss travel plans. Social media acts as a platform for online travel service providers to advertise their services and special offers for online bookings garnering the online travel market growth during the forecast period.

Transportation segment helds the major share of 41.2% in 2020

Social and political disturbances affect the travel & tourism industry in specific regions. Customers tend to avoid these conflict prone areas even if they get travel services at affordable prices. Government of several nations have also declared instructions for travelers to refrain from traveling to countries affected with epidemics or social/political unrest. This, limits the scope of online travel booking to those countries thereby affecting the sales of the online travel market.

The online travel market segmented into service type, platforms, mode of booking, age group, and region. On the basis of service type, the market is categorized into transportation, travel accommodation, and vacation packages. By platform, it is segmented into mobile and desktop. On the basis of mode of booking, it is segmented into online travel agencies (OTAs) and direct travel suppliers. On the basis of age group, market is segmented into ¬22-31 years¬ 32-43 years¬ 44-56 years¬ and >56 years. Region-wise, it is analyzed across North America (the U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, and rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, South Korea, and rest of Asia-Pacific), and LAMEA (Brazil, Argentina, UAE, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and rest of LAMEA).

Desktop segment helds the major share of 69.3% in 2020

According to the online travel market trends, on the basis of service types, the travel accommodation segment was the considerable contributor to the market, with $123.7 billion in 2020, and is estimated to reach $719.5 billion by 2031, at a CAGR of 16.0% during the forecast period. Travelers are increasingly being offered a diverse range of hotel options at reasonable costs by market players.. Customers compare accommodation options at several websites to get the best affordable deal. Travelers choose specialized online accommodation providers such as Airbnb, Inc. and OYO Rooms because they provide a wide range of lodging alternatives.. Thus, above mentioned factors are  attributable for the growth of the market through travel accommodation segment.

According to the platforms, the mobile segment was the significant contributor to the market, and is estimated to reach $617.9 billion by 2031, at a CAGR of 15.8% during the forecast period. Increase in usage of mobile and innovative mobile travel apps majorly attribute for the growth of the market through mobile segment. Technology has changed the way people communicate and travel across the globe. With evolving technology and increase in use of mobiles, easy and efficient methods are being developed to make traveling easy and comfortable, thus increasing the growth of travel industry. Mobile travel apps are gradually gaining pace in the market and are preferred by travelers to make their travel arrangements. Thus, increase in usage of the smart phones and growth in digital literacy is likely to proliferate the growth of the online travel market.

Direct Travel Suppliers segment helds the major share of 55.7% in 2020

On the basis of mode of booking, the direct travel suppliers segment was accounted for major share in global online travel market and is expected  to sustain its share throughout the forecast period. Direct travel suppliers are the major revenue contributors in the product market. However, this segment witnesses an increase in threat from the growing online travel agencies (OTAs) market share. To remain competitive, airlines such as Lufthansa AG choose to circumvent OTAs by charging additional fees for bookings made through the OTAs.. The online travel industry through direct travel suppliers is developing at a slower rate, because customers are constantly using OTA platforms..                                

According to the online travel market analysis, on the basis of age group, the 22-31 Years segment was the considerable contributor to the market, with $102.0  billion in 2020, and is estimated to reach $539.2  billion by 2031, at a CAGR of 15.0% during the forecast period. The age group of 22–31 years comprises the young population, which are the early starters in their professional career. When compared to travelers in the older age groups, these travelers are more likely to spend more money on travel and visit new places. These travelers have changed the travel business because of their extensive use of technology, . Smartphones and other mobile devices are largely preferred to make travel arrangements. Furthermore, social media platforms are utilized to evaluate various travel service providers, locations, modes of transportation, and lodging. As a result, the industry is experiencing strong growth in the 22–31 year age group sector..

32 - 43 Years segment helds the major share of 33.6% in 2020

According to the online travel market opportunities, region wise, Asia-pacific gained significant online travel market share and is expected to sustain its share throughout online travel market forecast period. It possesses the highest growth potential in the online travel market, India and China being the most lucrative markets. The growth is attributed to the increase in disposable income, rise in middle-class segment, and greater penetration of internet facilities. Ctrip is the leading player in online travel market in China, whereas MakeMytrip, Yatra, and Cleartrip are the major online travel agencies (OTA) in India. 

The players operating in the global online travel industry have adopted various developmental strategies to expand their market share, increase profitability, and remain competitive in the market. The key players profiled in this report include Expedia Group, Inc., Ebury Partners UK Ltd, Fareportal Inc. , Limited, Hurb Co S/A, HRS, MakeMyTrip Ltd., Oracle Corporation, Priceline (Booking Holdings Inc.), SABS Travel Technologies, Tavisca Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Thomas Cook India Ltd.,, Group, Tripadvisor, Inc., and WEX Inc.

North America region helds the major share of 33.3% in 2020

Key Benefits For Stakeholders

  • The report provides a quantitative analysis of the current trends, estimations, and dynamics of the market size from 2020-2031 to identify the prevailing opportunities.
  • Porter’s five forces analysis highlights the potency of buyers and suppliers to enable stakeholders to make profit-oriented business decisions and strengthen their supplier–buyer network.
  • In-depth analysis and the market size and segmentation assist to determine the prevailing market opportunities.
  • The major countries in each region are mapped according to their revenue contribution to the market. 
  • The market player positioning segment facilitates benchmarking and provides a clear understanding of the present position of the market players in the online travel market.

  Online Travel Market Report Highlights

Analyst Review

The global online travel market is anticipated to witness robust growth in the emerging market of Asia-Pacific. The growth is attributed to increase in disposable income, rise in middle-class segment, and greater penetration of internet facilities. Business travel has also fueled market growth in Asia-Pacific. Approximately, 90% of corporate travelers in the region own either a smart phone or tablet. More than 50% of these travelers manage their travel through these devices. Companies cater to the needs of travelers through innovative mobile travel apps to gain market share. Apps with various features are being developed to stay connected to travelers throughout their journey and to assist them whenever required. Travel apps offer flexibility to travelers, thus becoming an important differentiating factor for the consumers while choosing a travel company. In addition, customers download hotel and airline apps for quick view and booking status. Thus, proliferation of mobile usage and innovative mobile travel apps are expected to foster the growth of the online travel market in the future.

  • Travel Destinations
  • Luxury Accommodations
  • Travel Packages
  • Adventure Travel
  • Luxury Travel Experiences
  • Travel Planning
  • Outdoor Activities

Total Market value of Online Travel report was valued at $354.2 billion in 2020.

14.8% is the CAGR of Online Travel Market

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2022 to 2031 would be forecast period in the market report Market

Expedia Group, Inc., Ebury Partners UK Ltd, Fareportal Inc. , Limited, Hurb Co S/A, HRS, MakeMyTrip Ltd., Oracle Corporation, Priceline (Booking Holdings Inc.) and SABS Travel

The online travel market segmented into service type, platforms, mode of booking, age group, and region

India online travel market was valued at $12.4 billion and is expected grow at 21.1% during the forecast period.

By the end of the 2031, Asia-Pacific is expected to dominate the online travel market.

Online travel market was negatively impacted the growth of the market and is expected grow at highest CAGR growth rate after COVID-19 scenario.

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Online Travel Market

Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2022-2031

Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

13 Clever Ways To Boost Your Travel Blogging Income [Podcast Episode 23]

This post contains affiliate links to trusted partners. If you purchase through these links, I earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

Want to boost your travel blogging income ? Have you ever wondered how to actually travel and make money, or asked yourself how to become a paid travel blogger?

Then you’re in the right place, as that is exactly what we’ll be covering in this episode of The Profitable Travel Blogger Podcast.

Specifically, you’ll learn:

  • How to earn money blogging — including the five main ways I monetize my website
  • 13 additional smart strategies for making money from a blog
  • 13 platforms that make it way easier to make money from a travel blog — or simply to make money online while traveling

Basically, if you’re interested in learning how to become a blogger and make money this podcast episode has the answers you’re looking for.

Table of Contents

13 Clever Ways To Boost Your Travel Blogging Income – Podcast Episode Audio

…or click the links below to tune in on your preferred audio platform:

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Grow + Monetize Your Travel Blog With These Free Resources


To help you really jumpstart your blogging success, I’ve added 55+ blogging resources like printables, video tutorials, and workbooks into a FREE resource library for travel bloggers.

These resources are meant to help you grow your traffic, community, and income faster and with less overwhelm.

I’m all about implementation and I really want to make sure you don’t just listen to the episode and forget about it, but that you actually use what I share to make your blogging life easier. Inside the library, there are a number of printables and tutorials that will help you take what I share in this episode, and efficiently implement it.

travel blogging income

How To Get Paid For Blogging – Episode Transcript

Starting a travel blog, growing a blog , building traffic, growing an email list by creating opt-in freebies , being active on social media, creating your blog business plan . Ultimately, all of these different actions have one common goal:

To boost your travel blogging income.

That’s why I think you’ll love this episode because I’m going to be sharing how to become a travel blogger that makes money — including specific platforms that can help you increase your blogging revenue quicker and easier.

How much do travel bloggers make?

To kick things off, let’s talk about what a travel blogger income looks like.

Honestly, it can vary anywhere from $0 to millions. It really depends on how many revenue streams you have, how well you promote these streams, and if you’re able to scale.

I think a realistic goal when starting out is to aim for $2,000-$4,000 per month and then work to scale to $10,000+ per month. In my opinion, this is very doable, especially if you have your own products or a lot of traffic you can drive to blog posts optimized for affiliates. Here are some creative ways to promote affiliate links .

Once you reach $10,000 you’ll likely have a good sense of what strategies work to scale beyond that.

Automated income streams — like running display ads or having evergreen funnels runnings — is a great way to go beyond the $10,000/month mark.

How do bloggers get paid?

Wondering how to become a travel blogger and make money ?

To answer this, I’ll share the main revenue streams that allow me to make money from my travel blog. These include:

  • In terms of how to make money blogging, the above is one of my favorite strategies that is also one of the most underrated
  • Want to increase sales? Try showcasing certain products in a tripwire marketing funnel !
  • Working with brands and tourism boards on paid blog, email, and social media campaigns as well as paid press trips for travel bloggers
  • blog content (like writing a gift guide )
  • product lists that promote Amazon affiliate links
  • a free challenge that promotes an affiliate partner
  • a resources page that promotes your top recommendations with affiliate links
  • Running display ads on my website with Mediavine
  • Selling a blog for profit
  • Crafting content for brand platforms — for instance, I might write for a hotel’s online magazine or help an app fill up their content library with original lists and photos

So hopefully that gives you a quick and general idea of how to monetize a travel blog , and answers the question, “Do bloggers get paid?”

Now what I want to do is dive deeper to give you some very specific ideas for how to start a travel blog and get paid.

Just note that at the time of recording all of the platforms I’m about to mention — which are all also linked below, many with affiliate links — were live.

Of course, that could change, but the tactics still work in terms of helping you become a paid blogger.

This means if you listen to this episode in the future and one of the platforms I mention no longer exists, simply keep the strategy in mind but try to find an alternative platform.

On that note, here are 13 ideas for how to monetize your travel blog.

1. Earn money blogging by creating an email course with Highbrow.

Highbrow is an email course membership site that covers a wide range of topics from travel to writing to health & fitness to entrepreneurship and beyond.

If you have an interesting idea that they haven’t covered, you can create a 10-lesson email course for them, and earn commissions every time one of their paying members takes it.

It’s a really simple way to make some money, as you create the course once, it gets uploaded, and then you’re done and you can start earning an income.

In terms of how to be a blogger and earn money , I recommend making the course relevant to your blog’s topic so that you can promote it right on your website.

2. Get paid to blog by creating an online course with Teachable.

In my opinion, this is one of the most profitable digital products you can sell as a blogger, especially if you follow a product launch marketing plan template to increase sales or pre-sell your online course to validate your idea.

Teachable is what I use to create and host my online courses and membership. That link gets you a two-week free trial, no credit card required!

I’m a huge fan of their platform, as it really has everything you need to run a professional and secure online school.

They have tons of features, so I won’t list them all, but a few I love include:

  • built-in discussion forums
  • secure payments
  • the option to add quizzes or award certificates
  • student and school progress reports
  • coupon functionality
  • affiliate tracking and payouts
  • conversion pixel tracking so you can see, for example, if your Facebook Ads are working
  • the ability to add and create custom school pages beyond the sales page, curriculum, and checkout page and just a really user-friendly interface

They even have an app so your students can do your course modules right on their phone.

Keep in mind, as a blogger you’re already educating your audience on a topic. Therefore it makes a lot of sense to package your knowledge into a course that further helps them.

3. Become a paid blogger by creating an online Udemy course.

As you’re probably starting to see, when it comes to blogging for money creating courses can be a smart option.

Now personally I prefer Teachable to Udemy because with Teachable I have 100% full control over my content, pricing, and sales.

I also am able to get the email addresses of my students and pitch them to opt in to my email list when they checkout.

In my opinion, with Udemy you do give up quite a bit of control. You have to follow their course creation guidelines and they often run sales that I think devalue the work of the course creator.

That being said, their platform works like a search engine. So if you are at a point where you just want to test out course creation or you don’t want to put 100% of the promotion in your own hands, Udemy can be a good option that also allows you to get started quickly.

I just personally think if you really want to maximize your earning potential, Teachable can be the better option, or even Thinkific , which is also really good. I just prefer the user experience and aesthetic of Teachable.

4. Become a paid travel blogger by joining Perlu and applying for brand campaigns.

There are so many influencer networks out there, but they certainly aren’t all created equal. I’m an advisor for Perlu , and it is one of my favorite influencer networks for a few reasons.

For one, you can collaborate with other bloggers and content creators in groups, or what Perlu calls Packs, to help each other grow.

Moreover, you can simply click into their Collabs section to find paying blogger opportunities to apply for. No waiting around necessary.

By the way, I created a free list of influencer networks here . The list offers 31 networks that make it easier to make money traveling by working with brands as a blogger. They make it easier to land your first brand collaboration !

Additionally, you can join my Perlu Collaborative Posts Pack here .

5. Optimize your website for affiliate links with Skimlinks.

If you’re wondering how to become a blogger and earn money the easiest way possible, you’ll love this idea.

Skimlinks is a set-it-and-forget-it affiliate marketing option for bloggers.

Instead of manually creating affiliate links and adding them to your content, you place Skimlinks’ code into your website. From there, Skimlinks will automatically turn your non-affiliate links into affiliate links — helping you to increase your passive blogging income.

If you’re wondering how to monetize a WordPress blog , installing Skimlinks is a wise idea.

Just note that for this service Skimlinks does keep a portion of the earnings, though I personally still find this platform extremely beneficial and love the true additional passive income each month.

Besides Skimlinks, another option is joining white label affiliate programs , which can also help you automate your affiliate efforts!

6. Become an Ultimate Bundles affiliate and contributor.

Want to know how to be a travel blogger and get paid?

Strategic travel affiliate marketing !

You should absolutely be making sure that a portion of your travel blog post ideas include affiliate-optimized posts promoting partners you love.

Like Ultimate Bundles.

Ultimate Bundles is a company that sells limited-time themed bundles, typically with bonuses, at incredible price points. You may have heard of the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit, for example, which typically sells for 95%-98% off.

No matter what your blogging niche is, it’s likely you’ll find a bundle that you can promote. They have bundles on everything from blogging to travel to self-care to creativity to meal-planning and beyond.

As an affiliate, you earn 40% per sale, and because their bundles are sold at wildly discounted prices the bundles can be quite easy to sell.

Additionally, you can create a product to put into a bundle to increase your affiliate income to 70% — plus you get a contributor bonus.

The other benefit is their bundles are extremely popular. This means even if you don’t make a ton of sales you’ll be bringing loads of new people into the community as they gain access to your bundle product.

You can click here to join their affiliate program .

7. Sell a tour using PeekPro.

Wondering how to be a travel blogger that earns a sustainable income ?

As a travel blogger, selling tours — either local or abroad — is a natural fit. Consider the travel style, interests, and budget of your audience, and go from there.

I recommend adding in some VIP options; as in, experiences that make the tour more valuable. This doesn’t need to be going behind some velvet rope at a club. It can be as simple as getting to go behind the bar at a coffee shop to see how they make the perfect cappuccino.

By the way, if you’re wondering how to start a tour company I’ve linked a free cheat sheet that can help.

In terms of set up, I use PeekPro to sell my tours, which you can connect to your blog.

Their software has a ton of embedded features for upselling and bundling tours, and they even have an abandoned cart feature that automatically emails potential customers who didn’t complete the checkout process.

While PeekPro is free, they do charge a setup fee; however, they have a referral program where current PeekPro users — like myself — can refer others to help them get their software set up for free or at a steep discount.

If interested, please send me an email to jessie (at) jessieonajourney (dot) com.

By the way, I also recently interviewed Kelly Lewis, the founder of Damesly, about how to start a multi-day tour company . This is another great strategy for increasing your income as a travel blogger!

8. Become a travel blogger and get through doing an apparel campaign with Bonfire.

Bonfire shirts are super high-quality. No joke, I had to hide mine because my fiance kept stealing it.

Anyway, what I love about Bonfire is you can design your own shirt for free and then they’ll ship your products directly to your buyers.

You keep the profits — basically the price of your shirt minus the base costs.

You can run the sale as a limited-time campaign, or even open your own store and promote it on your blog.

9. Sell your creations on Creative Market.

If you’re curious how to make money traveling , here is an idea for the creatives:

Creative Market is an online marketplace for design assets like fonts, graphics, themes, social media templates, mock-ups, and more.

I’ve made loads of purchases from this site over the years — honestly, their resources have helped me feel creative and remember how to enjoy social media — though along with using it as a buyer you can also use it as a seller if you’ve got some design skills.

This can be a great way to earn extra money, and you can promote your Creative Market shop on your own website.

10. Create and sell a subscription box through CrateJoy.

Like Creative Market, CrateJoy is a marketplace where you can choose to buy or sell, though their focus is subscription boxes.

They have subscription boxes related to everything from travel to beauty to art to gaming and beyond.

As a seller, you’ll benefit from using their platform from a tech perspective as well as from their traffic — they get 4 million page views per month — and their popularity, as they see about 30,000+ monthly sales.

11. Get paid to travel blog by creating an online shop for relevant products using Sellfy.

The secret to how to blog and make money doing it:

Selling products that help your audience.

Sellfy is an alternative to the well-known platform Shopify, though it’s more budget-friendly, allowing you to create an online store and connect it to your blog without spending a fortune. They even offer a 14-day trial.

If you’re not sure what to sell, consider your blog’s mission. Who do you help and how? What product could further help your audience beyond your free content?

Keep a spreadsheet of all the questions people ask you via email, DM, and in blog comments. This offers good insight into what people want from you.

Also, remember that products don’t need to be complicated. It can be as simple as a well-thought-out printable that helps your audience solve a problem.

12. Host a workshop on WebinarJam.

WebinarJam is a webinar hosting software that can also help you grow your income.

Let me share two ways to go about this:

First of all, if you want to make money with free webinars you can create a free workshop that’s relevant to your paid product, and then pitch your paid product at the end. This works well, as the free workshop allows you to attract the people who would benefit from your paid offer.

It also allows you to show off your teaching style and empower your audience who may have previously thought they weren’t skilled enough to benefit from your paid offer.

For instance, if you have a course on making professional travel videos, you might use the first module as your webinar to get people started and get them excited to learn even more.

Keep in mind, you can also charge for webinars. Just note if you go this route it’s recommended to make it extra special since many people are used to free webinars. Really make sure the content is premium and potentially limited in terms of how many people can attend and how many sessions there will be.

Click here for a free trial of WebinarJam .

By the way, if you need help with your webinar strategy check out this video:

13. Find remote work on FlexJobs.

If you’re a blogger looking for remote work opportunities that pay well while you build up your business, FlexJobs is your answer.

Their subscription service is reasonably-priced and lists loads of interesting work-from-anywhere job opportunities and gigs that pay.

Many of them also include travel as an additional perk. I’ve also seen loads of writing and content creation jobs on their site.

Now I hope you enjoyed this episode on how to make money blogging.

I hope you feel inspired and empowered to start monetizing your blog.

Don’t forget to grab access to the free travel blogging resource library . There are a ton of resources in there on increasing your blogging income.

And of course, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss future episodes sharing these bite-sized strategies for bloggers who want to turn their blogs into profitable full-time blogging businesses.

Happy blogging!

Increase Your Travel Blogging Income With These Helpful Past Episodes:

How To Grow Your Travel Blogging Income With A Tripwire Funnel

Create A Challenge That Grows Your Email List & Business Income

How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing As A Blogger

Monetize Your Email List With 4 Smart Strategies

Create A Profitable Automated Email Sequence (With Template!)

Press Trips 101: How To Get Paid To Travel As A Blogger

How To Create & Monetize A Blog Series

How To Grow Your Blog Fast With 12 Clever Strategies

How To Create A Gift Guide For Your Blog

How To Host & Promote Your Blog Giveaway

How To Write Better Emails With Email Storytelling

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I’d also be extremely grateful if you’d leave a review right here and let me know your favorite part of the episode or a takeaway you walked away with. By leaving a review, you help the show be seen by more people, helping the episodes to have a greater impact.

Each month, I’ll be choosing one reviewer at random to win a FREE seat inside one of my masterclasses.

Winners can choose from:

  • How To Grow Your Blogging Income Through Facebook Ads
  • How To Land Paid Press Trips As A Travel Blogger
  • How To Make Money (Fast) With Affiliate Marketing
  • How To Start A Tour Company In Your Own Backyard
  • How To Start A Blog, Grow An Audience & Make Money
  • Build Your Blogging Profit Plan Masterclass

Winners will be chosen at random from the reviews and will be notified via email, so make sure to send me — jessie (at) jessieonajourney dot) com — your email address so I have it. 

Do you have any other tips on how to create a blog and make money?

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How Travel Bloggers Make Money: 17 Proven Strategies in 2024

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As a profitable travel blogger — I made $272,569 from blogging in 2022 🤯 — this article shines a light on how to make money as a travel blogger.

The most well-known ways of making money online include affiliate marketing, advertisements, and press trips.

👩‍💻  If you’re serious about making money from a travel blog, I highly recommend taking a course . Head here for info on the  best travel blogging courses . If you want to read a full review about the best one I’ve done,  head here .

Still, in an increasingly content-driven society, there are more ways to make money through travel blogging popping up every day. So, if you are wondering how to make money from a travel blog , you are in the right place.

Here are 17 of the most common ways to make money travel blogging, but don’t be afraid to think outside the box and get creative within the business of travel blogging.

17 Ways Travel Bloggers Make Money

1. creating quality content  — a lot of it.

wordpress dashboard showing posts and media

Quality content is essential for a successful travel blog.

As the saying goes, “content is king 👑,” and travel bloggers understand the importance of this like no other. 

If you are wondering how to start travel blog and make money, this is where you should start. 

🤔 how to generate page traffic

Travel bloggers who make a lot of money understand search intent, keyword research, and SEO optimization pe to ensure their content reaches the right audience and generates traffic.

Without traffic, there is no monetization. So when it comes to how much money can you make from a travel blog, the more quality content you have, the more potential money you can earn. 

To create quality content that will bring in the most revenue, travel bloggers should learn the ins and outs of keyword research, SEO optimization, and email marketing to connect with their niche audience.

How Travel Bloggers Make Money

2. ad networks.

mediavine ads | how travel bloggers make money

After creating lots of content, how do travel bloggers get paid?

One of the most common ways to make money through travel blogging is by joining an ad network.

Ad networks act as a middleman between the advertiser and the publisher (the travel blogger).

By signing up with an ad network, travel bloggers can easily place ads on their travel blogging websites. How much do travel bloggers get paid depends partially on each pageview.

🏆 popular ad networks

Three of the most well-known Ad Networks are Mediavine, Adthrive, and SheMedia, but these higher-paying ad networks have a minimum traffic requirement to be accepted into the program. For example;

  • Adthrive – 100,000 monthly pageviews
  • Mediavine – 50,000 monthly sessions
  • SheMedia – 20,000 monthly pageviews

If you are a smaller travel blogger, there are other ad networks, Google Adsense and Ezoic , that don’t require a minimum amount of traffic, but you will find the ePMV (pay per 1000 pageviews) is much lower. 

Now, it was a lot of hard work, and I invested in travel blogging courses so I could get on these ad networks. (The best course I took was Scale Your Travel Blog to Six Figures — and yes, I have scaled to multiple six figures.)

3. Affiliate Marketing  

affiliate marketing manager at their computer

Affiliate marketing is when a travel blogger promotes another company’s products or services and receives a commission every time someone purchases the product/service through their link.

It’s one of the most lucrative strategies for how to get paid as a travel blogger, and the highest-paid travel bloggers usually credit this as their most profitable income stream. 

Many travel companies like DiscoverCars, , SafetyWing , Expedia , Get Your Guide , and Viator have excellent affiliate programs.

👩🏻‍💻 I teach bloggers how to find keywords with big potential to earn affiliate income in my  How to Find Affiliate Marketing Keywords Class . You can read more about my class in this  Best Courses for Travel Bloggers  article.

Once accepted into an affiliate program, bloggers place links in their blog posts leading back to products/services.

These links have cookies 🍪 that follow the user to the company’s website, and the blogger receives a commission if the user purchases something on the website. 

These cookies can last anywhere from one session to one year. 

For those wondering how to become a successful travel blogger, how to monetize a travel blog, or how to become a travel blogger with no money, affiliate marketing is often the quickest and most lucrative method for how to get paid to travel blog.

🤔 How much do I make with affiliate marketing?

A lot — Using a combination of the companies listed above, my affiliate income in 2022 was $163,706 .

💡 Note: Affiliate marketing is based on trust, so it’s essential only to promote products and services you have personally used or would recommend anyway. Your audience is WAY more likely to purchase the product or service if they trust you.

4. Paid Press Trips 

a woman watching air balloons from the heights

Paid Press trips are another typical result when googling how to earn money from travel blog.

A paid press trip is when a travel company or destination pays a blogger to visit a location and create content around it.

This arrangement usually involves posting on social media multiple times throughout the trip and writing a blog post about the experience upon returning.

🤔 How do TO get press trips for travel bloggers?

Typically, when you go on a press trip, you’ll receive free accommodation, meals, activities, and transportation costs in return for your services. You can also receive monetary compensation on top of that.

These opportunities can be hard to find if you’re a new blogger. They are generally reserved for more famous travel bloggers, as companies prefer to work with bloggers with a large social media following and lots of website page views.

To get started with press trips, connect with tourism boards or local businesses in the area you wish to visit. You should also create a media kit that details your blog’s statistics and potential reach when making a pitch.

So, if you are wondering: how to get free trips as a travel blogger , then press trips are definitely the way to go. But remember, it’s work too, so make sure the exchange is fair

5. Ambassadorship 

Ambassadorship programs are when companies give travel bloggers free products or services in exchange for promoting them. This benefit could be anything from a free hotel stay to free travel gear or clothes.

In exchange, bloggers usually need to post about the brand or product on their social media channels and their blog – every agreement is different. 

To become a brand ambassador, research companies that fit your niche and contact them directly.

📝 Pro Tip : Create content around a specific brand before contacting the company. This content will show the brand that you are serious and will give them an example of the quality content they would get by working with you.

6. Sponsored Posts 

Sponsored posts are articles a travel blogger (or another person/company) writes about a particular product, experience, or service in exchange for payment.

These deals involve either the blogger or a third-party person writing an honest and unbiased review of the item/experience while providing their opinion, usually in favor, and a personal recommendation to readers. 

How much do travel blogs make from sponsorships? It depends. 

Companies typically pay bloggers per post or negotiate a monthly rate based on website traffic.

To get started with sponsored posts, you’ll want to create a media kit and outreach to brands in your niche. You can also join influencer networks such as TapInfluence (IZEA) to promote your services.

📝 Note: If you do a sponsored blog post, it’s essential for SEO to mark it as a sponsored post on the back end of your website and check that all links are no-follow.

7. Sponsored Links 

woman working on her laptop during a vacation

Sponsored links are a type of affiliate marketing , but instead of getting paid for clicks or purchases, you get paid for each link you place on your website.

Initially, this is hard to do, but if you have any popular blogs that make money, these deals are relatively easy to score.

Bloggers can use banner ads and hyperlinks or include the links in their email marketing campaigns.

🤔 how bloggers make money from sponsored links 

Generally, brands will reach out to bloggers ranking for keywords for which their company meets the demand. 

So, if you are ranking for the keyword “Renting a Car in Miami,” car rental agencies may reach out and ask if they could pay to place a link to their company within your post.

You can also contact those companies directly and ask if they would be interested in promoting their business on your blog post. 

Note: Again, for any sponsored links, it is very important that this like is marked No-follow and Sponsored. Make this clear when agreeing to sponsored links.

8. Organizing & Hosting Trips 

travel bloggers market size

Organizing and hosting trips for your readers is an excellent way to nail down how to be a travel blogger and make money on your travel blog.

This monetization method involves researching destinations, choosing accommodations, planning activities, and setting up travel itineraries to places you have been and are familiar with. 

Some bloggers simply set up itineraries and help people plan their trips, but others will host the holiday themselves.

People love this because they get to travel with an expert who knows all the best tips and tricks for enjoying a destination to its fullest.

✈️ how to organize trips

The best way to find people interested in traveling with you is through your email list. These people already like you, trust you, and have taken action on your blog in the past.

You can charge a fee that covers the cost of their trip, a portion of your trip, and compensation for your time. You can also use your affiliate links to make bookings for the group and receive extra commission.

⚠️ Remember to always make sure all your attendees have travel insurance!

9. Selling Travel Photos or Videos 

woman traveling with her camera

If you’re a talented photographer or videographer, another strategy for how to make money travel blogging is by selling your travel photos or videos.

It’s possible to work directly with companies for their marketing campaigns, but an easier way to break into selling travel photos is with stock images.

📷 where travel bloggers Can contribute images

You can become a contributor on stock image websites like Shutterstock , iStock , and Foap . Other people can purchase and use your image royalty-free, and then you earn a commission for each image sold/downloaded. 

Or, you can also start your own online store to sell digital downloads of pictures, video clips, and even physical prints that people can buy directly from your website.

10. Monetize Your Social Media 

social media analytics

A website is usually the most significant income stream, but how do travel bloggers make money on social media? If you have a large social media following, you can absolutely use it to make money.

It usually involves ambassadorships and sponsored content . We have already touched on this, but creating content specifically for brands or companies and getting paid to post it on your social media channels is a great way to make money.

Whenever you post sponsored content, it’s essential to be transparent. Mark the post as sponsored and if you can use hashtags like sponsored or ad, so everyone knows the brand paid for the content.

11. Monetizing a YouTube Channel

instagram influencer with a camera on a selfie stick

Another way to make money as a professional travel blogger is by starting a YouTube channel and vlogging (video blogging) about your experiences.

I don’t personally have a YouTube channel, but I know a ton of travel vloggers who make a living from their travel videos. It’s a great way to earn income if you’re wondering how to make a travel blog and make money.

📷 how bloggers can make money on YouTube

Travel blogs that make money on YouTube do so through sponsorships and allowing ads to play in their videos.

The catch is you must be a part of the Youtube Partner Program to begin monetizing your channel, which requires at least 500 subscribers and either 3,000 watch hours in the previous 365 days or 3 million shorts views over the previous 90 days.

At least three public uploads in the last 90 days are also required.

12. Monetizing a Travel Podcast 

travel podcast cover art

Podcasting is hard work. I know firsthand from when I started travel blogging podcasting with my podcast, Dream To Destination , in 2020.

But I also learned one of the best travel blogger tips: podcasts help your reach and domain authority. Plus you can make money with a travel podcast.

Podcasts have become extremely popular over the last few years for many reasons. People love to listen to their favorite hosts talk about their experiences and discuss the world of travel with experts from various fields.

woman recording at a mic discussing how to start a travel podcast

I wrote a detailed guide, How to Start a Travel Podcast for Free (Like I Did) , so if you want a deep dive into this topic, you can check it out.

You can monetize your podcast similarly to how you monetize travel blogs, including advertisements and leaving affiliate links & promo codes in the description.

Then, if your podcast is successful enough, you may find sponsorships from travel companies who want to feature their products or services on your show.

If you don’t mind public speaking, this is an excellent option, but it also has one of the highest upfront costs since most people need to buy recording equipment before they can begin.

13. Selling Digital Projects 

Travel Mexico Safely e-book

Selling digital products is an excellent way for travel bloggers to monetize their content.

By creating digital products such as eBooks, printable travel planners, travel guides with travel tips, courses, and calendars, bloggers can earn a steady passive income stream from the sales of these items.

You can feature these products on your site, but highlighting them in your email list can be much more profitable. That’s because you already have a grasp on what your audience enjoys.

Digital products are great because you create them once, and then you can set up systems to sell them passively with hardly any additional work or product creation (although updating/optimizing these products regularly will increase sales)

Many bloggers use platforms like Canva to create their digital products quickly and easily; although the free version may be sufficient for some, the paid version is well worth the $13 USD per month. ▶︎ Sign up for Canva here .

Then for processing the sale of the product, I love using Gumroad and ThriveCart .

14. Selling Merch 

Selling merchandise is another strategy to get income from and have travel blog success.

You could sell anything from t-shirts and hats with your logo to reusable water bottles and notebooks. You can also create custom artwork with your logo or quotes from your blog to put on stickers or patches.

Bloggers also use their merchandise in giveaways to help build their email list or social media following.

While dipping your toes into selling physical products is a big step, there are ways to do it these days that require very little overhead with services like Printful , which will handle the printing and shipping for you.

15. Developing Travel-Related Products

affiliate marketing masterclass

If you’ve been blogging for a while and have become a successful travel blogger, you can consider creating your own product or service.

You could create an online course teaching people how to start their own travel blog or how to be a travel blogger on Instagram. You could even design custom itineraries for clients with specific interests. Be creative with it!

It’s important to understand that creating your own product or service requires more effort than other ways of making money as a travel blogger, but it can be very rewarding to provide personal coaching or travel planning for your audience. 

16. Offer VA Services

virtual assistant wearing headphones working on his laptop

If you’re comfortable working with clients, becoming a virtual assistant (VA) is another great option for monetizing your travel blog.

It’s also a great way to continue growing your blogging skills since you will be working in close quarters with bloggers who are already successful.

VAs are in high demand and provide services like social media management, website maintenance, content writing/editing, email marketing, and more.

The great thing about this approach is that it allows you to be flexible with your schedule and work from anywhere. You can also choose which clients to take on, your working hours, and your location.

Rates vary depending on your experience and the client’s needs, but if you have been running your own blog for a couple of years, you probably have all the necessary skills to be a great VA.

You can then start to look for clients through job boards like Upwork , Freelancer , and Fiverr, but the best way to find gigs is to join Facebook blogging groups and offer your services.

17. Freelance Writing 

man typing on his laptop

Freelance writing is one of the most popular travel blogger jobs for anyone who is at the beginning of their blogging journey.

It involves ghostwriting for other bloggers and businesses who are trying to publish a lot of content on their websites (typically more than they have time to write themselves). 

You will need to write from the perspective and in the voice of your client, as well as know how to write an SEO-optimized blog post to be a great freelance writer. 

👩🏻‍💻 freelance writing enhances your skills

The best part is that if you’re a current blogger, you already write a travel blog and therefore have a resume for freelance writing.

A travel blogger who sees and loves your blog is likely to hire you over another candidate because they want you to do the same for them.

Writing is one of the most popular ways travel bloggers make money before their own blog has an income high enough to sustain themselves. 

You can find freelance writing jobs on job boards such as ProBlogger , Fiver , and Contently , or you can also contact bloggers directly and ask if they have any writing projects available.

How much can you earn from a travel blog?

The sky’s the limit when it comes to making money through travel blogging. There is no set travel blogger salary. It’s similar to asking how much artists make – while some may become millionaires, others are content with a small Etsy shop. 

blogger working on her blog

Successful travel bloggers achieve a high income by taking the proper steps toward monetizing their blogs. This travel blogger success often comes through coaching and courses that specialize in becoming a successful travel blogger. 

Making money from a travel blog is a lot of work, so successful bloggers regularly invest in learning to optimize their blog for SEO, learn affiliate marketing, and use their skills as leverage to score partnerships & freelancing opportunities.

What’s the average travel blogging salary?

Some bloggers have provided yearly income reports of over 1 million dollars, while others only make a couple hundred dollars each year.

 Since most bloggers do not disclose their travel blog salary, it’s hard to know the average travel blogging salary.

🏆 Here are My Blogging Stats

  • I made $ 272,175 USD in 2022.
  • I made $40,106 USD from blogging in December 2022 — $24,151 from affiliate marketing, $9,382 from ads on my site, and $6,572 selling my own products, like this Affiliate Marketing course .
  • My main website (not this one) received 205,000+ page views in December 2022, and more than 2.6 million page views in 2022.
  • Want to know how I did it? Join my email list , where I share tips on how I make such a crazy amount of money after just 2.5 years of blogging.

How to Become a Travel Blogger

woman in hierve el agua oaxaca

Like most things, I believe there’s a right and wrong strategy for how to start a travel blog and make money.

If you want to learn how to become a travel blogger and make money, I highly suggest investing in a travel blogging course with step-by-step instructions so you start it off right.

The best blogging course I’ve done is Scale Your Travel Blog to Six Figures — and I’ve done quite a few courses .

There is a system to travel blogging success, and you either know the system or you don’t. 

You’re either writing SEO-optimized content with high volume, low competition keywords that will rank on Page 1 of Google, or no one will see your content. In fact, stats say only 25% of users even go to Page 2 of Google.

Through travel blogging courses, I learned that how to become a travel blogger and get paid means I need to write the articles that people want to read, not just the articles I want to write.

I learned how to get my content on Page 1 of Google with search engine optimization (SEO) — in fact, that’s likely how you found this article!

The way I see it, you can spend time, or you can spend money.

You can either spend your time trying to find good free content, which could take years and still not pan out, or you can pay a professional to learn what they’re doing, so you can simply replicate their success.

Ready to invest in a travel blogging course? 👉 Head here to see the best ones!

How Travel Bloggers Make Money: FAQs

person at laptop taking notes

Ready to make money blogging? Here are some frequently asked questions about how much does a travel blogger make and how to earn money from travel blog. Ready?

How much money can you make as a travel blogger?

There is no ceiling to how much money you can earn. Travel bloggers can make anywhere between zero and seven figures, depending on their monthly traffic, the products/services they recommend, and how well their affiliate links convert to customers.

Do travel blogs really make money?

Yes — travel blogs really do make money through various sources like affiliate marketing, joining ad travel blogger networks, selling digital products, and paid sponsorships. 

It takes dedication and hard work to build up an audience and monetize your blog, but it can make you a lot of money over time.

Who is the highest-paid travel blogger?

It’s hard to know who the highest paid travel bloggers are, but some of the top travel bloggers like Matt Kepnes (Nomadic Matt) , Dave & Deb (The Planet D) , Kiersten (The Blonde Abroad) likely make upwards of $100 000 per month from their travel blog and services.

Is it hard to make money as a travel blogger?

Making money as a travel blogger is hard work. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and it often takes a couple of years before you have an established travel blog making a lot of money. 

However, with the right strategy, it is absolutely possible. The best way to speed up the process is by hiring an experienced blogging coach like me — I offer 1 on 1 coaching services.

Is it too late to start a travel blog?

No — It’s never too late to start a travel blog. The travel space is constantly evolving, and there are always new opportunities for aspiring bloggers. 

Established blogs are better positioned for gaining traffic and making money from their blog, but there are millions of keyword opportunities, and new bloggers rank #1 on Google every day!

Final Thoughts: How Travel Bloggers Make Money

And there you go. Those are the most common strategies travel bloggers use to make money! Now you know how travel bloggers earn money and that there is no limit on the question, how much money do travel bloggers make?

Whether you are in travel blogging for beginners or an expert looking for more travel blogging tips, there are many different ways to monetize a travel blog.

In the end, don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Ready to make money from travel blog? Good luck!

Ready to invest in a travel blogging course? 👉 Sign up for the FREE live webinar to meet my coach Laura, who has helped me grow my blog fast!


North America Online Travel Market Size - Industry Report on Share, Growth Trends & Forecasts Analysis (2024 - 2029)

The Report Covers North America Online Travel Agency Industry Analysis and It is Segmented by Service Type (accommodation Booking, Travel Tickets Booking, Holiday Package Booking, and Other Services), Mode of Booking (direct Booking and Travel Agents), Booking Platform (desktop and Mobile/Tablet), and Geography (the United States, and Canada). The Market Size and Forecasts for the Online Travel Market in North America in Value (USD) for all the Above Segments.

  • North America Online Travel Market Size

Single User License

Team License

Corporate License

Online Travel Market Summary

Need a report that reflects how COVID-19 has impacted this market and its growth?

North America Online Travel Market Analysis

The Online Travel Market size is estimated at USD 235 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 375.04 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 9.80% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

The North American online travel market has showcased its strength by generating significant revenue this year and is poised to maintain a robust trajectory in the forecast period. A key driver behind the market's impressive performance is the flourishing hospitality industry, which has led to an increase in transactions. In the United States, the market benefits from a growing influx of international leisure travellers and a simultaneous rise in domestic business travel, resulting in a thriving online travel landscape. Similarly, Canada also experiences a dynamic online travel market driven by millennial preferences and an increasing number of international travellers, reflecting the region's diversity. The Canadian market distinguishes itself with a mix of globally recognized brands and their collaborative operating partners.

Recent market drivers and opportunities further underscore the growth potential of the North American online travel market. Technological advancements, offering personalized travel experiences, and the evolving trend towards sustainable and experiential tourism are key factors propelling the market forward. These drivers create avenues for expansion, ensuring the market stays attuned to changing consumer demands and preferences, contributing to its sustained growth and competitiveness.

  • North America Online Travel Market Trends

The Expanding Tourism Industry in the United States is Helping the Market in Recording More Transactions

The tourism sector is on a growth path in the United States, owing to the country's rising number of tourist arrivals. Chinese tourists account for the highest spenders among the other tourists and are growing in recent years, and for luxury hotel companies, the Chinese are the second-largest source. For instance, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts stated that China is its second-largest source market. Revenue from Chinese travelers increased steadily for Four Seasons, with double-digit growth in revenue in recent years, and thus the total number of transactions. People traveling to the United States for business purposes, health, and wellness purposes are also on the rise, and leisure travel to the country is helping the online travel market record a growing number of transactions.

Online Travel Market: Visitors to the United States, In Million, 2019-2022

High Internet Penetration in the Region is Helping the Market in High Revenue Generation

North America is one of the regions with the highest internet penetration rates globally. This high penetration rate is one of the major driving factors for users to participate in online travel booking. The recent trends revealed that the desktop is a dominant mode of accessing and booking online travel agencies. As per recent publications in North America, more than 75% of travelers are booking tickets online through their desktops. The mobile penetration rates show the shift towards this platform. It is still significantly lesser compared to desktop usage. However, the use of mobile phones, especially with the launches of mobile applications by travel booking agencies, is expected to drive the market with more mobile bookings during the forecast period in the region.

Online Travel Market: Revenue Generated by the Type of Booking Platform, in Percentage (%), in 2022

North America Online Travel Industry Overview

The Online Travel Market in North America is expected to be competitive with major players like Airbnb, Expedia, and, among others. The market is expected to be moderately consolidated. Yet, due to the strong market activity, like the entrance of new players from the global market and the rise of startups within the region, the market is foreseen to be volatile.

North America Online Travel Market Leaders

Booking Holdings


*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order

Online Travel Market Concentration

North America Online Travel Market News

  • In November 2023, Airbnb has acquired a startup called Gameplanner.AI in a deal valued at USD 200 million. Some of Airbnb's AI initiatives will be accelerated by Gameplanner.AI.
  • In July 2023, Tripadvisor has partnered with OpenAI on travel itinerary generator. The AI-powered planning tool will create personalized day-by-day trip itineraries using traveller reviews.

North America Online Travel Market Report - Table of Contents


1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition

1.2 Scope of the Market




4.1 Market Overview

4.2 Market Drivers

4.3 Market Restraints

4.4 Market Opportunities

4.5 Porter's Five Forces Analysis

4.5.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers

4.5.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers

4.5.3 Threat of New Entrants

4.5.4 Threat of Substitutes

4.5.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

4.6 Technological Trends Influencing the Market

4.7 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


5.1 By Service Type

5.1.1 Accommodation Booking

5.1.2 Travel Tickets Booking

5.1.3 Holiday Package Booking

5.1.4 Other Services

5.2 By Mode of Booking

5.2.1 Direct Booking

5.2.2 Travel Agents

5.3 By Booking Platform

5.3.1 Desktop

5.3.2 Mobile/Tablet

5.4 By Geography

5.4.1 United States

5.4.2 Canada


6.1 Market Concentration Overview

6.2 Company Profiles

6.2.1 Airbnb

6.2.2 Expedia

6.2.3 Travelzoo

6.2.4 TripAdvisor

6.2.5 Booking Holdings

6.2.6 eDreams

6.2.7 American Express Global Business Travel

6.2.8 Travel Leaders Group

6.2.9 JTB Americas Group

6.2.10 Travel and Transport Inc*

  • *List Not Exhaustive



North America Online Travel Industry Segmentation

"The online travel agent market consists of sales of travel services through online channels. Online travel agents or agencies are individuals or companies with websites allowing consumers to book travel-related services via the Internet. The report covers a complete background analysis of the Online Travel Market in North America. It includes an assessment of the emerging trends by segment, significant changes in market dynamics, and a market overview.

 The Online Travel Market in North America is segmented by service type, mode of booking, booking platform, and geography. By service type, the market is sub-segmented into accommodation booking, travel ticket booking, holiday package booking, and other services. By mode of booking, the market is sub-segmented into direct booking and travel agents. By booking platform, the market is sub-segmented into desktop and mobile/tablet. By geography, the market is sub-segmented into the United States and Canada. The report offers market size and forecasts for the online travel market in North America in value (USD) for all the above segments."

North America Online Travel Market Research FAQs

How big is the online travel market.

The Online Travel Market size is expected to reach USD 235 billion in 2024 and grow at a CAGR of 9.80% to reach USD 375.04 billion by 2029.

What is the current Online Travel Market size?

In 2024, the Online Travel Market size is expected to reach USD 235 billion.

Who are the key players in Online Travel Market?

Airbnb, Expedia, Booking Holdings, TripAdvisor and eDreams are the major companies operating in the Online Travel Market.

What years does this Online Travel Market cover, and what was the market size in 2023?

In 2023, the Online Travel Market size was estimated at USD 211.97 billion. The report covers the Online Travel Market historical market size for years: 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. The report also forecasts the Online Travel Market size for years: 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029.

What are the emerging trends shaping the North America Online Travel Market?

The emerging trends shaping the North America Online Travel Market are a) The rise of personalized itinerary planning and frictionless booking interfaces b) Real-time destination insights, the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms c) The increasing demand for unique, locally-driven travel accommodation experiences

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North America Online Travel Industry Report

The North America online travel market is experiencing significant growth, driven by tech-savvy consumers, high internet penetration, and the seamless integration of digital platforms with travel services. Key market segments include transportation, travel accommodation, vacation packages, and other services such as travel insurance and currency exchange. The market is characterized by a dynamic ecosystem where economic trends, technological innovations, and consumer preferences collectively propel its evolution. The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms has ushered in a new era of personalized travel recommendations, ensuring that travelers can discover hidden gems tailored to their interests. The online travel market presents significant opportunities for investors, making it an attractive destination for capital deployment and strategic investments. Online travel industry statistics reveal that the North America online travel market by mode of booking is segmented into direct bookings and online travel agencies (OTAs). OTA market share continues to grow, driven by the convenience and comprehensive options they offer. Online travel companies are leveraging these trends to enhance user experiences and capture a larger market share. Detailed Statistics for the North America online travel market share, size, and revenue growth rate are provided by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Get a sample of this industry analysis as a free report PDF download.

North America Online Travel Market Report Snapshots

  • North America Online Travel Market Share
  • North America Online Travel Companies

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7 key takeaways from the latest U.S. travel market research

Remarkably, in 2022, U.S. travelers continued to assign greater value to travel when compared to other discretionary expenditures like home improvements, dining/nightlife and electronics.

According to Phocuswright’s latest travel research report U.S. Travel Market Report 2022-2026 , the U.S. travel market grew by 51% to $422 billion in 2022, becoming the first major travel market globally to surpass its 2019 size.

Good news continues with research showing that all segments registered double-digit revenue increases in 2022.

Here are 7 takeaways from Phocuswright’s latest research:

The U.S. travel market has seen 51% growth YoY - 7 key takeaways from each segment of U.S. travel

Phocuswright Chart: Total Travel Market by Segment

U.S. Travel Market Report 2022-2026 and the entire report series features an overview of the U.S. travel market, along with detailed data and analysis of five key segments: airline, hotel & lodging, car rental, cruise and packaged travel. A standalone report dedicated to online travel agencies rounds out the coverage. Collectively, the series provides comprehensive market sizing and projections for the U.S. travel industry from 2019-2026, including analysis of key segments, share and trends, distribution and recovery dynamics by segment, and more.

Also available in the U.S. Travel Market Report 2022-2026 series:

  • U.S. Airline Market Report 2022-2026
  • U.S. Hotel & Lodging Market Report 2022-2026
  • U.S. Online Travel Agency Market Report 2022-2026
  • U.S. Cruise Market Report 2022-2026
  • U.S. Car Rental Market Report 2022-2026
  • U.S. Packaged Travel Market Report 2022-2026
  • U.S. Travel Market Data Sheet 2022-2026

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travel bloggers market size

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Table of content, competitive landscape, methodology.

  • Consumer Goods
  • Travel & Luxury Travel
  • Tourism Market Size, Share, Growth & Industry Trends [2032]

Tourism Market

Tourism Market

Segments - by Travel Days (Within 7 Days, More Than 15 Days, and 7-15 Days), Travel Type (Business Spending and Leisure Spending), and Region (Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, Europe, and Middle East & Africa) - Global Industry Analysis, Growth, Share, Size, Trends, and Forecast 2024–2032


Debadatta Patel


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Partha Paul


Tourism Market Outlook 2032

The global tourism market size was USD 12.4 Trillion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 23.1 Trillion by 2032 , expanding at a CAGR of 5.4% during 2024–2032 . The market growth is attributed to the increasing standard of living and mobility. Increasing global mobility and disposable income are expected to boost the market. Tourism offers immense opportunities for economic growth and job creation as one of the world's largest economic sectors. It generates revenue, fosters cultural exchange, promotes peace, and helps preserve natural and cultural heritage.

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Rising popularity of experiential tourism is projected to signify a shift in consumer preferences from traditional sightseeing to immersive experiences. Today's tourists seek authentic, personalized experiences that allow them to connect with local cultures, learn new skills, and gain a deeper understanding of their destinations. This trend is driving innovation in the tourism industry, with businesses developing unique offerings to cater to these evolving demands.

Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Tourism Market

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a significant impact on tourism market. AI's role in enhancing customer service is particularly noteworthy, with chatbots and virtual assistants providing round-the-clock assistance, thereby improving response times and customer satisfaction. AI's ability to analyze vast amounts of data allows for the creation of highly personalized travel recommendations, enhancing customer engagement and fostering loyalty. AI-powered predictive analytics enable businesses to forecast demand accurately, optimize pricing strategies, and manage resources effectively on the operational side. Additionally, AI's role in automating routine tasks reduces operational costs and allows staff to focus on complex, value-adding activities.

Tourism Market Dynamics

Major drivers.

Surging globalization is expected to drive the market. Travel becomes easier and accessible as the world becomes interconnected. This trend is projected to boost the market, as it facilitates international travel and promotes cultural exchange. Rising government initiatives promoting tourism is projected to propel the market. Governments worldwide are estimated to invest in tourism infrastructure and marketing to attract international visitors. These initiatives are expected to boost the tourism market, as they enhance the accessibility and attractiveness of travel destinations.

Existing Restraints

Increasing environmental concerns are expected to pose a significant challenge to the market. The industry's impact on natural resources, pollution, and climate change is leading to growing scrutiny. This trend is projected to intensify, leading to stricter regulations and a decrease in tourist activities in certain regions. Growing security concerns are projected to act as a restraint on the market. Instances of terrorism, political instability, and natural disasters significantly deter tourists. This factor is likely to continue to influence the decisions of travelers, limiting the market.

Emerging Opportunities

­Increasing adoption of digital technology is projected to present a significant opportunity for the market. An increasing number of travelers are expected to use digital platforms for booking and planning their trips as technology advances. This trend is projected to open new avenues for market players, as they offer innovative and convenient digital solutions for travelers. High demand for wellness and medical tourism is expected to present potential for the market. Consumers are projected to seek travel experiences that promote wellness as health and wellness become important to them. This demand is likely to create opportunities for market players, as they develop and offer wellness-focused travel products and services.

Scope of the Tourism Market Report

The market report includes an assessment of the market trends, segments, and regional markets. Overview and dynamics are included in the report.

Regional Outlook

In terms of region , the global tourism market is classified as Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, Europe, and Middle East & Africa. Europe, specifically France held a major market share in 2023 due to its rich cultural heritage, world-renowned landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, and its reputation as a global culinary capital. Additionally, France's well-developed infrastructure and strategic location in Europe, which allows for easy travel from neighboring countries, further bolstered its market share. The market in Asia Pacific, particularly China is projected to grow at a significant pace in the years to come owing to China's rich cultural history, diverse landscapes, and rapid urban development making it an increasingly attractive destination for international travelers. China's growing middle class is driving domestic tourism , contributing to its overall market share. The government of China’s initiatives to boost tourism, such as improving infrastructure and easing visa restrictions, are expected to enhance its appeal as a travel destination, thereby driving its market.

Tourism Market Segment Insights

Travel days segment analysis.

Based on travel days , the tourism market is divided into within 7 days, more than 15 days, and 7-15 days. The 7-15 days segment held the major share of the market in 2023 due to this duration offering an optimal balance between exploration and relaxation, enabling travelers to immerse themselves in the destination without feeling rushed. The rise of this segment is attributed to the increasing preference for comprehensive travel experiences that allow for a deeper understanding of the local culture and environment. The 7 days segment is expected to expand at a significant growth rate in the coming years owing to the growing demand for short, frequent getaways that provide a quick respite from daily routines. The convenience and affordability of these shorter trips and the increasing availability of weekend packages and city breaks, is expected to fuel the segment.

Travel Type Segment Analysis

On the basis of travel type , the global market is segregated into business spending and leisure spending. The business spending segment held largest market share in 2023 due to the necessity of face-to-face meetings and networking events in many industries. Despite the rise of digital communication tools, in-person interactions remain crucial in the business world, leading to a steady demand for business travel. The leisure spending segment is anticipated to grow at a substantial CAGR during the forecast period owing to the growing emphasis on work-life balance and the recognition of travel as a means of relaxation and rejuvenation. The increasing disposable income and the rising trend of experiential travel is projected to drive the segment in the coming years.

The tourism market has been segmented on the basis of

Travel Days

  • Within 7 Days
  • More Than 15 Days

Travel Type

  • Business Spending
  • Leisure Spending
  • Asia Pacific
  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Middle East & Africa

Key Players

  • Austin Adventures, Inc.
  • Butterfield & Robinson Inc.
  • Cox & Kings Ltd.
  • Discovery Nomads
  • G Adventures
  • Geographic Expeditions Inc.
  • Intrepid Group, ltd.
  • Mountain Travel Sobek
  • Row Adventures

Key players competing in the global tourism market are Austin Adventures, Inc.; Butterfield & Robinson Inc.; Cox & Kings Ltd.; Discovery Nomads; G Adventures; Geographic Expeditions Inc.; Intrepid Group, ltd.; Mountain Travel Sobek; Row Adventures; and Tui Group. These companies use development strategies including mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, collaboration, and product launches to expand their consumer base worldwide.

In January 2021 , Geographic Expeditions Inc. , a key market player, initiated a three-country expedition across the Horn of Africa, encompassing less explored destinations such as Eritrea, Djibouti, and the self-proclaimed nation of Somaliland.

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Travel and Tourism Market

Travel and Tourism Market (Type: Leisure, Educational, Business, Sports, Medical Tourism, and Others; and Application: Domestic and International) - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2023-2031

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Global Travel and Tourism Market Outlook 2031

  • The global industry was valued at US$ 615.2 Bn in 2022
  • It is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 5.3% from 2023 to 2031 and reach US$ 972.5 Bn by the end of 2031
Analysts’ Viewpoint on Market Scenario Growth in disposable income, affordable commutes, easy accessibility of remote locations, and emerging travel trends are major factors boosting the travel and tourism market growth during the forecast period. Rise in government investment in the tourism sector is also projected to drive demand for travel and tourism in the next few years. Surge in adoption of IoT is likely to offer lucrative opportunities to players in the global travel and tourism industry. However, political instability, natural disasters, and implementation of stringent immigration policies are estimated to limit the travel and tourism market progress in the near future.

Travel And Tourism Market

Market Introduction

Travel and tourism refers to the movement of people from one place to another due to various reasons such as leisure, education, business, and sports. It can be domestic, overseas, short distance, or long distance. The tourism sector is witnessing immense growth opportunities around the globe owing to rise in discretionary income, governmental support, infrastructural development, and technical integration to facilitate easy commutes.

Online booking platforms, mobile apps , and travel websites are gaining traction among travelers. Rapid globalization has led to a more interconnected world through trade, social media networks, business, and culture. Thus, people are traveling within and out of their borders with ease. These scenarios and travel trends are expected to augment the travel and tourism market value in the next few years.

Social media platforms and online websites are being used widely to promote various tourist destinations and hospitality and leisure facilities. They are attracting travelers through influencer marketing , travel blogs, articles, and user-generated content. This, in turn, is projected to spur growth of the travel and tourism industry. Moreover, increase in investment in infrastructural development and emergence of new travel trends among millennials are boosting the travel and tourism market size.

Tourism is becoming one of the major sectors driving a country’s revenue. Thus, governments across the globe are promoting and investing heavily in the sector, which is leading to improvements in public transportation, tourist destinations, and accommodation facilities. According to the latest travel and tourism market trends, travel and tourism is gaining traction among the middle-class population due to surge in disposable income.

In 2019, an average household in the U.S. spent around US$ 2,100 on travel. Security and health concerns play a major role in the tourism sector. This average dropped to US$ 926 post the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Thus, travelers prefer safe and secure destinations.

Rise in Government Investment in Travel and Tourism Sector

The tourism sector across the globe is growing at a rapid pace, especially after COVID-19 lockdowns were lifted. Major governments are focusing on promoting and enhancing tourist traffic. In India, the Ministry of Tourism, under the CSSS Scheme of ‘Incentive to Tour Operators for Enhancing Tourist Arrivals to India’ is extending financial incentives to foreign tour operators, approved by the government. These promotional activities are contributing to the market size of travel and tourism.

Accessibility to remote yet beautiful tourist places and increase in popularity of travel destinations through online platforms has resulted in the tourist industry emerging as one of the key sectors in many countries. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, International arrivals to the U.S. grew from 19.2 million in 2020 to 22.1 million in 2021. Moreover, the U.S. government is focusing on attracting around 90 million international visitors who are expected to spend approximately US$ 279 Bn annually by 2027. Hence, rise in number of international visitors is estimated to fuel the travel and tourism market.

Surge in Disposable Income

Rise in digital transformation and growth in penetration of the internet are offering emerging opportunities in the travel and tourism market. Online resources provide convenience in booking flight tickets and hotels and searching for places to plan trips.

Increase in disposable income provides a sense of economic stability, in which people tend to spend on leisure activities such as travel. Families are more likely to plan vacations, leading to surge in demand for trips and tourism. The gross national disposable income in India reached US$ 3,182.4 Bn in the financial year 2021-2022, recording a growth of 17.4% compared to the previous year. In the U.S., personal income increased US$ 45.0 billion (0.2% at a monthly rate) in July 2023, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Hence, rise in disposable income is projected to boost the travel and tourism market revenue during the forecast period.

Regional Outlook

According to the latest travel and tourism market forecast, Asia Pacific is anticipated to hold largest share from 2023 to 2031. Rise in disposable income and growth in government investment are fueling the market dynamics of the region. Geographical advantages, increase in number of international travelers, and presence of a well-established tourism sector are driving the travel and tourism market statistics in North America.

Analysis of Key Players

Most travel and tourism service providers are offering lucrative tour packages to attract more travelers. They are also investing heavily in promotional activities to increase their travel and tourism market share.

Accor, Adris Grupa d.d., Airbnb, Inc., Balkan Holidays Ltd., Carnival Corporation & plc, Crown Resorts Ltd., G Adventures, Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc., TUI Group, Travel Leaders Group, LLC, Insight Vacations, and Frosch International Travel, Inc. are key players in the travel and tourism market.

Key Developments

  • In August 2023 , G Adventures added two new National Geographic Family Journeys in Italy and Tanzania. The eight-day Tanzania Family Journey is expected to take families on game drives in the Serengeti throughout the tour and include a visit to a community tourism project.
  • In July 2023 , TUI Group released a ChatGPT-powered chatbot on its U.K. app, the first of what is expected to be a wave of rollouts that incorporates generative AI into the company’s tech, to help consumers search through its own portfolio of products
  • In February 2023 , Adris announced plans to invest US$ 511 Mn in its tourism arm Maistra until 2025 with an aim to boost its luxury segment

Travel and Tourism Market Snapshot

Frequently asked questions, how big was the travel and tourism market in 2022.

It was valued at US$ 615.2 Bn in 2022

What would be the CAGR of the travel and tourism industry during the forecast period?

It is estimated to be 5.3% from 2023 to 2031

How big will the travel and tourism business be in 2031?

It is projected to reach US$ 972.5 Bn by the end of 2031

What are the prominent factors driving demand for travel and tourism?

Rise in government investment in travel and tourism sector and surge in disposable income

Which region is likely to record the highest demand for travel and tourism?

Asia Pacific is anticipated to record the highest demand from 2023 to 2031

Who are the prominent travel and tourism service providers?

Accor, Adris Grupa d.d., Airbnb, Inc., Balkan Holidays Ltd., Carnival Corporation & plc, Crown Resorts Ltd., G Adventures, Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc., TUI Group, Travel Leaders Group, LLC, Insight Vacations, and Frosch International Travel, Inc.

    1.1. Market Definition and Scope

    1.2. Market Segmentation

    1.3. Key Research Objectives

    1.4. Research Highlights

2. Assumptions

3. Research Methodology

4. Executive Summary

5. Market Overview

    5.1. Market Dynamics

        5.1.1. Drivers

        5.1.2. Restraints

        5.1.3. Opportunities

    5.2. Key Trends Analysis

        5.2.1. Demand Side Analysis

        5.2.2. Supply Side Analysis

    5.3. Key Market Indicators

        5.3.1. Overall Entertainment Market Overview

    5.4. Industry SWOT Analysis

    5.5. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

    5.6. Value Chain Analysis

    5.7. Service Provider Analysis

    5.8. Global Travel and Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast, 2017 - 2031

        5.8.1. Market Value Projection (US$ Bn)

6. Global Travel and Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast, By Type

    6.1. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Type, 2017 - 2031

        6.1.1. Leisure

        6.1.2. Educational

        6.1.3. Business

        6.1.4. Sports

        6.1.5. Medical Tourism

        6.1.6. Others (Event Travel, Volunteer Travel, etc.)

    6.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Type

7. Global Travel and Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast, By Application

    7.1. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Application, 2017 - 2031

        7.1.1. Domestic

        7.1.2. International

    7.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Application

8. Global Travel and Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast, By Traveler Type

    8.1. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Traveler Type, 2017 - 2031

        8.1.1. Solo Traveler

        8.1.2. Couple Traveler

        8.1.3. Group Traveler

    8.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Traveler Type

9. Global Travel and Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast, By Travel Days

    9.1. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Travel Days, 2017 - 2031

        9.1.1. Less than 7 Days

        9.1.2. 8-15 Days

        9.1.3. 16-30 Days

        9.1.4. More than 30 Days

    9.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Travel Days

10. Global Travel and Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast, By Travel Mode

    10.1. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Travel Mode, 2017 - 2031

        10.1.1. Travel Packages

        10.1.2. Self-catered

    10.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Travel Mode

11. Global Travel and Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast, By Booking

    11.1. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Booking, 2017 - 2031

        11.1.1. Online

        11.1.2. Offline

    11.2. Incremental Opportunity, By Booking

12. Global Travel and Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast, by Region

    12.1. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), by Region, 2017 - 2031

        12.1.1. North America

        12.1.2. Europe

        12.1.3. Asia Pacific

        12.1.4. Middle East & Africa

        12.1.5. South America

    12.2. Incremental Opportunity, by Region

13. North America Travel and Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast

    13.1. Regional Snapshot

    13.2. Price Trend Analysis

        13.2.1. Weighted Average Selling Price (US$)

    13.3. Demographic Overview

    13.4. Key Brand Analysis

    13.5. Key Trends Analysis

        13.5.1. Demand Side Analysis

        13.5.2. Supply Side Analysis

    13.6. Consumer Buying Behavior Analysis

    13.7. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Type, 2017 - 2031

        13.7.1. Leisure

        13.7.2. Educational

        13.7.3. Business

        13.7.4. Sports

        13.7.5. Medical Tourism

        13.7.6. Others (Event Travel, Volunteer Travel, etc.)

    13.8. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Application, 2017 - 2031

        13.8.1. Domestic

        13.8.2. International

    13.9. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Traveler Type, 2017 - 2031

        13.9.1. Solo Traveler

        13.9.2. Couple Traveler

        13.9.3. Group Traveler

    13.10. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Travel Days, 2017 - 2031

        13.10.1. Less than 7 Days

        13.10.2. 8-15 Days

        13.10.3. 16-30 Days

        13.10.4. More than 30 Days

    13.11. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Travel Mode, 2017 - 2031

        13.11.1. Travel Packages

        13.11.2. Self-catered

    13.12. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Booking, 2017 - 2031

        13.12.1. Online

        13.12.2. Offline

    13.13. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn) Forecast, By Country, 2017 - 2031

        13.13.1. U.S.

        13.13.2. Canada

        13.13.3. Rest of North America

    13.14. Incremental Opportunity Analysis

14. Europe Travel and Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast

    14.1. Regional Snapshot

    14.2. Price Trend Analysis

        14.2.1. Weighted Average Selling Price (US$)

    14.3. Demographic Overview

    14.4. Key Brand Analysis

    14.5. Key Trends Analysis

        14.5.1. Demand Side Analysis

        14.5.2. Supply Side Analysis

    14.6. Consumer Buying Behavior Analysis

    14.7. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Type, 2017 - 2031

        14.7.1. Leisure

        14.7.2. Educational

        14.7.3. Business

        14.7.4. Sports

        14.7.5. Medical Tourism

        14.7.6. Others (Event Travel, Volunteer Travel, etc.)

    14.8. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Application, 2017 - 2031

        14.8.1. Domestic

        14.8.2. International

    14.9. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Traveler Type, 2017 - 2031

        14.9.1. Solo Traveler

        14.9.2. Couple Traveler

        14.9.3. Group Traveler

    14.10. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Travel Days, 2017 - 2031

        14.10.1. Less than 7 Days

        14.10.2. 8-15 Days

        14.10.3. 16-30 Days

        14.10.4. More than 30 Days

    14.11. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Travel Mode, 2017 - 2031

        14.11.1. Travel Packages

        14.11.2. Self-catered

    14.12. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Booking, 2017 - 2031

        14.12.1. Online

        14.12.2. Offline

    14.13. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn) Forecast, By Country, 2017 - 2031

        14.13.1. U.K.

        14.13.2. Germany

        14.13.3. France

        14.13.4. Rest of Europe

    14.14. Incremental Opportunity Analysis

15. Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast

    15.1. Regional Snapshot

    15.2. Price Trend Analysis

        15.2.1. Weighted Average Selling Price (US$)

    15.3. Demographic Overview

    15.4. Key Brand Analysis

    15.5. Key Trends Analysis

        15.5.1. Demand Side Analysis

        15.5.2. Supply Side Analysis

    15.6. Consumer Buying Behavior Analysis

    15.7. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Type, 2017 - 2031

        15.7.1. Leisure

        15.7.2. Educational

        15.7.3. Business

        15.7.4. Sports

        15.7.5. Medical Tourism

        15.7.6. Others (Event Travel, Volunteer Travel, etc.)

    15.8. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Application, 2017 - 2031

        15.8.1. Domestic

        15.8.2. International

    15.9. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Traveler Type, 2017 - 2031

        15.9.1. Solo Traveler

        15.9.2. Couple Traveler

        15.9.3. Group Traveler

    15.10. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Travel Days, 2017 - 2031

        15.10.1. Less than 7 Days

        15.10.2. 8-15 Days

        15.10.3. 16-30 Days

        15.10.4. More than 30 Days

    15.11. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Travel Mode, 2017 - 2031

        15.11.1. Travel Packages

        15.11.2. Self-catered

    15.12. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Booking, 2017 - 2031

        15.12.1. Online

        15.12.2. Offline

    15.13. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn) Forecast, By Country, 2017 - 2031

        15.13.1. China

        15.13.2. India

        15.13.3. Japan

        15.13.4. Rest of Asia Pacific

    15.14. Incremental Opportunity Analysis

16. Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast

    16.1. Regional Snapshot

    16.2. Price Trend Analysis

        16.2.1. Weighted Average Selling Price (US$)

    16.3. Demographic Overview

    16.4. Key Brand Analysis

    16.5. Key Trends Analysis

        16.5.1. Demand Side Analysis

        16.5.2. Supply Side Analysis

    16.6. Consumer Buying Behavior Analysis

    16.7. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Type, 2017 - 2031

        16.7.1. Leisure

        16.7.2. Educational

        16.7.3. Business

        16.7.4. Sports

        16.7.5. Medical Tourism

        16.7.6. Others (Event Travel, Volunteer Travel, etc.)

    16.8. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Application, 2017 - 2031

        16.8.1. Domestic

        16.8.2. International

    16.9. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Traveler Type, 2017 - 2031

        16.9.1. Solo Traveler

        16.9.2. Couple Traveler

        16.9.3. Group Traveler

    16.10. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Travel Days, 2017 - 2031

        16.10.1. Less than 7 Days

        16.10.2. 8-15 Days

        16.10.3. 16-30 Days

        16.10.4. More than 30 Days

    16.11. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Travel Mode, 2017 - 2031

        16.11.1. Travel Packages

        16.11.2. Self-catered

    16.12. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Booking, 2017 - 2031

        16.12.1. Online

        16.12.2. Offline

    16.13. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn) Forecast, By Country, 2017 - 2031

        16.13.1. GCC

        16.13.2. South Africa

        16.13.3. Rest of Middle East & Africa

    16.14. Incremental Opportunity Analysis

17. South America Travel and Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast

    17.1. Regional Snapshot

    17.2. Price Trend Analysis

        17.2.1. Weighted Average Selling Price (US$)

    17.3. Demographic Overview

    17.4. Key Brand Analysis

    17.5. Key Trends Analysis

        17.5.1. Demand Side Analysis

        17.5.2. Supply Side Analysis

    17.6. Consumer Buying Behavior Analysis

    17.7. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Type, 2017 - 2031

        17.7.1. Leisure

        17.7.2. Educational

        17.7.3. Business

        17.7.4. Sports

        17.7.5. Medical Tourism

        17.7.6. Others (Event Travel, Volunteer Travel, etc.)

    17.8. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Application, 2017 - 2031

        17.8.1. Domestic

        17.8.2. International

    17.9. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Traveler Type, 2017 - 2031

        17.9.1. Solo Traveler

        17.9.2. Couple Traveler

        17.9.3. Group Traveler

    17.10. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Travel Days, 2017 - 2031

        17.10.1. Less than 7 Days

        17.10.2. 8-15 Days

        17.10.3. 16-30 Days

        17.10.4. More than 30 Days

    17.11. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Travel Mode, 2017 - 2031

        17.11.1. Travel Packages

        17.11.2. Self-catered

    17.12. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn), By Booking, 2017 - 2031

        17.12.1. Online

        17.12.2. Offline

    17.13. Travel and Tourism Market (US$ Bn) Forecast, By Country, 2017 - 2031

        17.13.1. Brazil

        17.13.2. Rest of South America

    17.14. Incremental Opportunity Analysis

18. Competition Landscape

    18.1. Market Player - Competition Dashboard

    18.2. Market Revenue Share Analysis (%), (2022)

    18.3. Company Profiles (Details - Company Overview, Sales Area/Geographical Presence, Revenue, Strategy & Business Overview)

        18.3.1. Accor

   Company Overview

   Sales Area/Geographical Presence


   Strategy & Business Overview

        18.3.2. Adris Grupa d.d.

   Company Overview

   Sales Area/Geographical Presence


   Strategy & Business Overview

        18.3.3. Airbnb, Inc.

   Company Overview

   Sales Area/Geographical Presence


   Strategy & Business Overview

        18.3.4. Balkan Holidays Ltd.

   Company Overview

   Sales Area/Geographical Presence


   Strategy & Business Overview

        18.3.5. Carnival Corporation & plc

   Company Overview

   Sales Area/Geographical Presence


   Strategy & Business Overview

        18.3.6. Crown Resorts Ltd.

   Company Overview

   Sales Area/Geographical Presence


   Strategy & Business Overview

        18.3.7. G Adventures

   Company Overview

   Sales Area/Geographical Presence


   Strategy & Business Overview

        18.3.8. Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc.

   Company Overview

   Sales Area/Geographical Presence


   Strategy & Business Overview

        18.3.9. TUI Group

   Company Overview

   Sales Area/Geographical Presence


   Strategy & Business Overview

        18.3.10. Travel Leaders Group, LLC

   Company Overview

   Sales Area/Geographical Presence


   Strategy & Business Overview

        18.3.11. Insight Vacations

   Company Overview

   Sales Area/Geographical Presence


   Strategy & Business Overview

        18.3.12. Frosch International Travel, Inc.

   Company Overview

   Sales Area/Geographical Presence


   Strategy & Business Overview

        18.3.13. Other Key Players

   Company Overview

   Sales Area/Geographical Presence


   Strategy & Business Overview

19. Go To Market Strategy

    19.1. Identification of Potential Market Spaces

    19.2. Understanding Procurement Process of Customers

    19.3. Preferred Sales & Marketing Strategy

    19.4. Prevailing Market Risks

List of Tables

Table 1: Global Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Type 2017-2031

Table 2: Global Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Application 2017-2031

Table 3: Global Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Traveler Type 2017-2031

Table 4: Global Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Travel Days 2017-2031

Table 5: Global Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Travel Mode 2017-2031

Table 6: Global Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Booking 2017-2031

Table 7: Global Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Region 2017-2031

Table 8: North America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Type 2017-2031

Table 9: North America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Application 2017-2031

Table 10: North America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Traveler Type 2017-2031

Table 11: North America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Travel Days 2017-2031

Table 12: North America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Travel Mode 2017-2031

Table 13: North America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Booking 2017-2031

Table 14: North America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Country 2017-2031

Table 15: Europe Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Type 2017-2031

Table 16: Europe Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Application 2017-2031

Table 17: Europe Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Traveler Type 2017-2031

Table 18: Europe Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Travel Days 2017-2031

Table 19: Europe Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Travel Mode 2017-2031

Table 20: Europe Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Booking 2017-2031

Table 21: Europe Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Country 2017-2031

Table 22: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Type 2017-2031

Table 23: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Application 2017-2031

Table 24: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Traveler Type 2017-2031

Table 25: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Travel Days 2017-2031

Table 26: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Travel Mode 2017-2031

Table 27: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Booking 2017-2031

Table 28: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Country 2017-2031

Table 29: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Type 2017-2031

Table 30: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Application 2017-2031

Table 31: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Traveler Type 2017-2031

Table 32: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Travel Days 2017-2031

Table 33: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Travel Mode 2017-2031

Table 34: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Booking 2017-2031

Table 35: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Country 2017-2031

Table 36: South America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Type 2017-2031

Table 37: South America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Application 2017-2031

Table 38: South America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Traveler Type 2017-2031

Table 39: South America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Travel Days 2017-2031

Table 40: South America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Travel Mode 2017-2031

Table 41: South America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Booking 2017-2031

Table 42: South America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection By Country 2017-2031

List of Figures

Figure 1: Global Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Type 2017-2031

Figure 2: Global Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Type 2023-2031

Figure 3: Global Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Application 2017-2031

Figure 4: Global Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Application 2023-2031

Figure 5: Global Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Traveler Type 2017-2031

Figure 6: Global Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Traveler Type 2023-2031

Figure 7: Global Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Travel Days 2017-2031

Figure 8: Global Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Travel Days 2023-2031

Figure 9: Global Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Travel Mode 2017-2031

Figure 10: Global Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Travel Mode 2023-2031

Figure 11: Global Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Booking 2017-2031

Figure 12: Global Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Booking 2023-2031

Figure 13: Global Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Region 2017-2031

Figure 14: Global Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Region 2023-2031

Figure 15: North America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Type 2017-2031

Figure 16: North America Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Type 2023-2031

Figure 17: North America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Application 2017-2031

Figure 18: North America Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Application 2023-2031

Figure 19: North America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Traveler Type 2017-2031

Figure 20: North America Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Traveler Type 2023-2031

Figure 21: North America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Travel Days 2017-2031

Figure 22: North America Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Travel Days 2023-2031

Figure 23: North America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Travel Mode 2017-2031

Figure 24: North America Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Travel Mode 2023-2031

Figure 25: North America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Booking 2017-2031

Figure 26: North America Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Booking 2023-2031

Figure 27: North America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Country 2017-2031

Figure 28: North America Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Country 2023-2031

Figure 29: Europe Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Type 2017-2031

Figure 30: Europe Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Type 2023-2031

Figure 31: Europe Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Application 2017-2031

Figure 32: Europe Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Application 2023-2031

Figure 33: Europe Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Traveler Type 2017-2031

Figure 34: Europe Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Traveler Type 2023-2031

Figure 35: Europe Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Travel Days 2017-2031

Figure 36: Europe Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Travel Days 2023-2031

Figure 37: Europe Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Travel Mode 2017-2031

Figure 38: Europe Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Travel Mode 2023-2031

Figure 39: Europe Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Booking 2017-2031

Figure 40: Europe Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Booking 2023-2031

Figure 41: Europe Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Country 2017-2031

Figure 42: Europe Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Country 2023-2031

Figure 43: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Type 2017-2031

Figure 44: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Type 2023-2031

Figure 45: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Application 2017-2031

Figure 46: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Application 2023-2031

Figure 47: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Traveler Type 2017-2031

Figure 48: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Traveler Type 2023-2031

Figure 49: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Travel Days 2017-2031

Figure 50: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Travel Days 2023-2031

Figure 51: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Travel Mode 2017-2031

Figure 52: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Travel Mode 2023-2031

Figure 53: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Booking 2017-2031

Figure 54: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Booking 2023-2031

Figure 55: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Country 2017-2031

Figure 56: Asia Pacific Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Country 2023-2031

Figure 57: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Type 2017-2031

Figure 58: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Type 2023-2031

Figure 59: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Application 2017-2031

Figure 60: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Application 2023-2031

Figure 61: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Traveler Type 2017-2031

Figure 62: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Traveler Type 2023-2031

Figure 63: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Travel Days 2017-2031

Figure 64: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Travel Days 2023-2031

Figure 65: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Travel Mode 2017-2031

Figure 66: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Travel Mode 2023-2031

Figure 67: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Booking 2017-2031

Figure 68: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Booking 2023-2031

Figure 69: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Country 2017-2031

Figure 70: Middle East & Africa Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Country 2023-2031

Figure 71: South America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Type 2017-2031

Figure 72: South America Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Type 2023-2031

Figure 73: South America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Application 2017-2031

Figure 74: South America Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Application 2023-2031

Figure 75: South America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Traveler Type 2017-2031

Figure 76: South America Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Traveler Type 2023-2031

Figure 77: South America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Travel Days 2017-2031

Figure 78: South America Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Travel Days 2023-2031

Figure 79: South America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Travel Mode 2017-2031

Figure 80: South America Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Travel Mode 2023-2031

Figure 81: South America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Booking 2017-2031

Figure 82: South America Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Booking 2023-2031

Figure 83: South America Travel and Tourism Market Value (US$ Bn) Projection, By Country 2017-2031

Figure 84: South America Travel and Tourism Market, Incremental Opportunities (US$ Bn), Forecast, By Country 2023-2031

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Tourism Market

travel bloggers market size

Tourism Market Size By Travel Days (Within 7 Days, More Than 15 Days, and 7-15 Days), By Travel Type (Business Spending and Leisure Spending), Regions, Global Industry Analysis, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2022 to 2030

  • Report ID: TBI-13245
  • Published Date: Jan, 2023
  • Category: Consumer Goods
  • Format: PDF

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  • Table of Content
  • Market Segmentation


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The global tourism market is expected to reach USD 16.9 Trillion by 2030, at a CAGR of 5.4% during the forecast period 2022 to 2030. Asia Pacific is expected to grow the fastest during the forecast period. 

Market Overview:

Travel may be short-distance, long-distance, domestic, or international. The travel demand is expected to increase significantly over the next few years due to various factors, particularly after the relaxation of travel limitations connected to COVID-19. The different aspects of the broader service sector that meet the wants and needs of people who travel from one part of the world to another are included in the travel business. Sustainable travel, which is predicted to be the future of travel, is projected to have a growing impact on the expansion of the travel and tourist industry. The improvement in accessibility to several isolated but stunning sites as well as the development in disposable income, are the main factors driving the travel and tourism business. The travel and tourist industry has benefited from the robust growth of the general infrastructure and transportation systems. Unique once-in-a-lifetime experiences are becoming more and more popular among millennial tourists. Ecological trips are growing in popularity in this setting. As a result, the global travel and tourism market is expanding faster than before. To diversify their revenue streams, businesses in the travel and tourism industry must provide cutting-edge and distinctive travel experiences, such as immersive tours.

Tourism Market Size

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Recent Development

  • Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. made intentions to increase its presence in the Caribbean and Latin America public in August 2022. By the end of 2022, the business anticipates opening its 200th hotel in the area. The company also inked 15 new development partnerships. It announced intentions to open 15 further hotels in the second half of 2022, increasing the total number of projects in its pipeline to 105, totalling almost 15,750 rooms.
  • On Unguja, the largest island in Zanzibar, RIU debuted the Riu Jambo, its second hotel, in June 2022. With a total of 461 rooms, it is a 4-star, 24-hour all-inclusive hotel.

Market Dynamics:

Increasing Government Initiatives - Emerging countries benefit greatly from health tourism's financial output, which enables them to improve their healthcare infrastructure. Public authorities have responded by increasing their participation in travel and tourist websites in favour of healthcare services. For instance, the Thai government released the criteria for issuing smart visas to professionals or business owners seeking to start new ventures in February 2018. This announcement may help international health tourism service providers expand their operations in Thailand.


Rise in Cost- However, one of the main reasons that would impede market growth and further complicate the expansion of the tourism market over the forecast period is the rise in the cost of research and development activities. The development of the cultural tourist business will be further hampered by the strict rules put in place by the authorities in response to the impact of COVID-19.


Promotions by the government - To draw in a variety of travellers from all over the world, governments and organisations like the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) are promoting tourism. The global tourism market is expanding as a result of these measures. The emerging notion of adventure tourism is driving the whole tourism market. Furthermore, a recent development in the global tourism industry is medical tourism . The notable price differences between medical procedures in various nations drive the global trend of medical tourism. International sporting events also drive the global tourism business. Sports events like the FIFA World Cup 2014, the London Olympics 2012, and the ICC World Cup 2011 attract travellers.


Several Risks Associated - When a person is travelling to another country, there are several risks associated with it, such as; contracting disease, robbery, legal issues etc. Furthermore, there are several language barriers which also challenge the market’s growth over the forecast period.

Regional segmentation analysis:

The regions analyzed for the market include North America, Europe, South America, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa. Asia Pacific emerged as the largest market for the global tourism market, with a 40% share of the market revenue in 2022.

Asia Pacific currently dominates tourism with a 40% market revenue share in 2022. China and India are the two most powerful nations in the region. The developing BRICS nations are a focus for international tourism and travel companies. In China, the travel and tourism sector is expanding. Tourism industry participants worldwide should benefit financially from inbound and outbound tourism to growing Asia-Pacific nations. Thailand, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and South Korea are the most popular travel destinations. After the pandemic's peak, there has been a persistent trend toward ecotourism, emphasising conservation, adventure travel, and health and wellness tours.

Europe is expected to witness the fastest growth during the forecast period. To increase tourism, important government agencies in the area are working with specialised tourism businesses and other government agencies. This is a significant factor influencing the European travel and tourism industry globally.

Europe Region Tourism Market Share in 2022 - 33%

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Travel Days Analysis:

The travel days segment is divided into within 7 days, more than 15 days, and 7-15 days. The within 7 days segment dominated the market, with a market share of around 40% in 2022. The travel days are usually 7 days. As people have their professional responsibilities so they cant expand their travelling days to more than 7, which adds impetus to the segment’s growth.

Travel Type Analysis:

The travel type segment is divided into business spending and leisure spending. Over the forecast period, the business spending segment is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR of 5.9%. Most of the businesses offer travelling facilities to their employees, adding impetus to the segment’s growth.

List of Key Market Players:

  • Austin Adventures, Inc.
  • Butterfield & Robinson Inc.
  • G Adventures
  • Geographic Expeditions Inc.
  • Intrepid Group, ltd.
  • Mountain Travel Sobek
  • Discovery Nomads
  • Row Adventures
  • Cox & Kings Ltd.

Report Description: 

Frequesntly Asked Questions

What is the market size of the global tourism market.

As per The Brainy Insights, the size of the tourism market was valued at USD 11.1 Trillion in 2022 to USD 16.9 Trillion by 2030.

What is the market growth rate of the global tourism market?

The global tourism market is growing at a CAGR of 5.4% during the forecast period 2022-2030.

Which region dominates the global tourism market?

Asia Pacific currently emerged as the largest market for Tourism.

Who are the key players in the global tourism market?

Key players in the Tourism market are Austin Adventures, Inc., Butterfield & Robinson Inc., G Adventures, Geographic Expeditions Inc., Intrepid Group, ltd., Mountain Travel Sobek, Discovery Nomads, Row Adventures, Tui Group, and Cox & Kings Ltd.

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  • Further segmentation of the market on the basis of type, application, end use, product, technology, method, process and any other segment depending on the market
  • Segmentation on the basis of any specific country or region
  • Any segment can be classified on the basis of application
  • Application segment can be further divided on the basis of companies
  • The companies profiled are not limited, we can incorporate additional companies of your choice
  • We can split the company market share on the basis of product, application and region
  • Report can be prepared for any specific country/region/segment
  • Customers can be added on the basis of regions and countries

1. Introduction     1.1. Objectives of the Study     1.2. Market Definition     1.3. Research Scope     1.4. Currency     1.5. Key Target Audience 2. Research Methodology and Assumptions 3. Executive Summary 4. Premium Insights     4.1. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis     4.2. Value Chain Analysis     4.3. Top Investment Pockets           4.3.1. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Travel Days           4.3.2. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Travel Type           4.3.3. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Region     4.4. Industry Trends 5. Market Dynamics     5.1. Market Evaluation     5.2. Drivers           5.2.1. Increasing Government Initiatives     5.3. Restraints           5.3.1. Rise in Cost     5.4. Opportunities           5.4.1. Promotions by government     5.5. Challenges           5.5.1. Several Risks Associated 6. Global Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast, By Travel Days     6.1. Segment Overview     6.2. Within 7 Days     6.3. More Than 15 Days     6.4. 7-15 Days 7. Global Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast, By Travel Type     7.1. Segment Overview     7.2. Business Spending     7.3. Leisure Spending 8. Global Tourism Market Analysis and Forecast, By Regional Analysis     8.1. Segment Overview     8.2. North America           8.2.1. U.S.           8.2.2. Canada           8.2.3. Mexico     8.3. Europe           8.3.1. Germany           8.3.2. France           8.3.3. U.K.           8.3.4. Italy           8.3.5. Spain     8.4. Asia-Pacific           8.4.1. Japan           8.4.2. China           8.4.3. India     8.5. South America           8.5.1. Brazil     8.6. Middle East and Africa           8.6.1. UAE           8.6.2. South Africa 9. Global Tourism Market-Competitive Landscape     9.1. Overview     9.2. Market Share of Key Players in Global Tourism Market           9.2.1. Global Company Market Share           9.2.2. North America Company Market Share           9.2.3. Europe Company Market Share           9.2.4. APAC Company Market Share     9.3. Competitive Situations and Trends           9.3.1. Travel Days Launches and Developments           9.3.2. Partnerships, Collaborations, and Agreements           9.3.3. Mergers & Acquisitions           9.3.4. Expansions 10. Company Profiles     10.1. Austin Adventures, Inc.           10.1.1. Business Overview           10.1.2. Company Snapshot           10.1.3. Company Market Share Analysis           10.1.4. Company Travel Days Portfolio           10.1.5. Recent Developments           10.1.6. SWOT Analysis     10.2. Butterfield & Robinson Inc           10.2.1. Business Overview           10.2.2. Company Snapshot           10.2.3. Company Market Share Analysis           10.2.4. Company Travel Days Portfolio           10.2.5. Recent Developments           10.2.6. SWOT Analysis     10.3. G Adventures           10.3.1. Business Overview           10.3.2. Company Snapshot           10.3.3. Company Market Share Analysis           10.3.4. Company Travel Days Portfolio           10.3.5. Recent Developments           10.3.6. SWOT Analysis     10.4. Geographic Expeditions Inc.           10.4.1. Business Overview           10.4.2. Company Snapshot           10.4.3. Company Market Share Analysis           10.4.4. Company Travel Days Portfolio           10.4.5. Recent Developments           10.4.6. SWOT Analysis     10.5. Intrepid Group, ltd.           10.5.1. Business Overview           10.5.2. Company Snapshot           10.5.3. Company Market Share Analysis           10.5.4. Company Travel Days Portfolio           10.5.5. Recent Developments           10.5.6. SWOT Analysis     10.6. Mountain Travel Sobek           10.6.1. Business Overview           10.6.2. Company Snapshot           10.6.3. Company Market Share Analysis           10.6.4. Company Travel Days Portfolio           10.6.5. Recent Developments           10.6.6. SWOT Analysis     10.7. Discovery Nomads           10.7.1. Business Overview           10.7.2. Company Snapshot           10.7.3. Company Market Share Analysis           10.7.4. Company Travel Days Portfolio           10.7.5. Recent Developments           10.7.6. SWOT Analysis     10.8. Row Adventures           10.8.1. Business Overview           10.8.2. Company Snapshot           10.8.3. Company Market Share Analysis           10.8.4. Company Travel Days Portfolio           10.8.5. Recent Developments           10.8.6. SWOT Analysis     10.9. Tui Group           10.9.1. Business Overview           10.9.2. Company Snapshot           10.9.3. Company Market Share Analysis           10.9.4. Company Travel Days Portfolio           10.9.5. Recent Developments           10.9.6. SWOT Analysis     10.10. Cox & Kings Ltd.           10.10.1. Business Overview           10.10.2. Company Snapshot           10.10.3. Company Market Share Analysis           10.10.4. Company Travel Days Portfolio           10.10.5. Recent Developments           10.10.6. SWOT Analysis

List of Table

1. Global Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

2. Global Within 7 Days, Tourism Market, By Region, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion) 

3. Global More Than 15 Days, Tourism Market, By Region, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

4. Global 7-15 Days, Tourism Market, By Region, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

5. Global Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

6. Global Business Spending, Tourism Market, By Region, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

7. Global Leisure Spending, Tourism Market, By Region, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

8. North America Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

9. North America Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

10. U.S. Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

11. U.S. Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

12. Canada Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

13. Canada Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

14. Mexico Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

15. Mexico Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

16. Europe Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

17. Europe Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

18. Germany Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

19. Germany Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

20. France Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

21. France Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

22. U.K. Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

23. U.K. Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

24. Italy Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

25. Italy Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

26. Spain Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

27. Spain Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

28. Asia Pacific Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

29. Asia Pacific Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

30. Japan Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

31. Japan Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

32. China Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

33. China Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

34. India Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

35. India Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

36. South America Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

37. South America Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

38. Brazil Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

39. Brazil Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

40. Middle East and Africa Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

41. Middle East and Africa Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

42. UAE Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

43. UAE Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

44. South Africa Tourism Market, By Travel Days, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

45. South Africa Tourism Market, By Travel Type, 2019-2030 (USD Trillion)

List of Figures  

1. Global Tourism Market Segmentation

2. Global Tourism Market: Research Methodology

3. Market Size Estimation Methodology: Bottom-Up Approach

4. Market Size Estimation Methodology: Top-Down Approach

5. Data Triangulation

6. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 

7. Value Chain Analysis 

8. Global Tourism Market Attractiveness Analysis By Travel Days

9. Global Tourism Market Attractiveness Analysis By Travel Type

10. Global Tourism Market Attractiveness Analysis By Region

11. Global Tourism Market: Dynamics

12. Global Tourism Market Share By Travel Days (2022 & 2030)

13. Global Tourism Market Share By Travel Type (2022 & 2030)

14. Global Tourism Market Share By Regions (2022 & 2030)

15. Global Tourism Market Share By Company (2021)

This study forecasts global, regional, and country revenue from 2019 to 2030. Brainy Insights has segmented the global tourism market based on the below-mentioned segments:

Global Tourism Market by Travel Days: 

  • Within 7 Days
  • More Than 15 Days

Global Tourism Market by Travel Type:

  • Business Spending
  • Leisure Spending

Global Tourism Market by Region:

  • South Africa

Research has its special purpose to undertake marketing efficiently. In this competitive scenario, businesses need information across all industry verticals; the information about customer wants, market demand, competition, industry trends, distribution channels etc. This information needs to be updated regularly because businesses operate in a dynamic environment. Our organization, The Brainy Insights incorporates scientific and systematic research procedures in order to get proper market insights and industry analysis for overall business success. The analysis consists of studying the market from a miniscule level wherein we implement statistical tools which helps us in examining the data with accuracy and precision. 

Our research reports feature both; quantitative and qualitative aspects for any market. Qualitative information for any market research process are fundamental because they reveal the customer needs and wants, usage and consumption for any product/service related to a specific industry. This in turn aids the marketers/investors in knowing certain perceptions of the customers. Qualitative research can enlighten about the different product concepts and designs along with unique service offering that in turn, helps define marketing problems and generate opportunities. On the other hand, quantitative research engages with the data collection process through interviews, e-mail interactions, surveys and pilot studies. Quantitative aspects for the market research are useful to validate the hypotheses generated during qualitative research method, explore empirical patterns in the data with the help of statistical tools, and finally make the market estimations.

The Brainy Insights offers comprehensive research and analysis, based on a wide assortment of factual insights gained through interviews with CXOs and global experts and secondary data from reliable sources. Our analysts and industry specialist assume vital roles in building up statistical tools and analysis models, which are used to analyse the data and arrive at accurate insights with exceedingly informative research discoveries. The data provided by our organization have proven precious to a diverse range of companies, facilitating them to address issues such as determining which products/services are the most appealing, whether or not customers use the product in the manner anticipated, the purchasing intentions of the market and many others.

Our research methodology encompasses an idyllic combination of primary and secondary initiatives. Key phases involved in this process are listed below:


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Data Procurement:

The phase involves the gathering and collecting of market data and its related information with the help of different sources & research procedures.

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The data procurement stage involves in data gathering and collecting through various data sources.

This stage involves in extensive research. These data sources includes:

Purchased Database: Purchased databases play a crucial role in estimating the market sizes irrespective of the domain. Our purchased database includes:

  • The organizational databases such as D&B Hoovers, and Bloomberg that helps us to identify the competitive scenario of the key market players/organizations along with the financial information.
  • Industry/Market databases such as Statista, and Factiva provides market/industry insights and deduce certain formulations. 
  • We also have contractual agreements with various reputed data providers and third party vendors who provide information which are not limited to:
  • Import & Export Data
  • Business Trade Information
  • Usage rates of a particular product/service on certain demographics mainly focusing on the unmet prerequisites

Primary Research: The Brainy Insights interacts with leading companies and experts of the concerned domain to develop the analyst team’s market understanding and expertise. It improves and substantiates every single data presented in the market reports. Primary research mainly involves in telephonic interviews, E-mail interactions and face-to-face interviews with the raw material providers, manufacturers/producers, distributors, & independent consultants. The interviews that we conduct provides valuable data on market size and industry growth trends prevailing in the market. Our organization also conducts surveys with the various industry experts in order to gain overall insights of the industry/market. For instance, in healthcare industry we conduct surveys with the pharmacists, doctors, surgeons and nurses in order to gain insights and key information of a medical product/device/equipment which the customers are going to usage. Surveys are conducted in the form of questionnaire designed by our own analyst team. Surveys plays an important role in primary research because surveys helps us to identify the key target audiences of the market. Additionally, surveys helps to identify the key target audience engaged with the market. Our survey team conducts the survey by targeting the key audience, thus gaining insights from them. Based on the perspectives of the customers, this information is utilized to formulate market strategies. Moreover, market surveys helps us to understand the current competitive situation of the industry. To be precise, our survey process typically involve with the 360 analysis of the market. This analytical process begins by identifying the prospective customers for a product or service related to the market/industry to obtain data on how a product/service could fit into customers’ lives.

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Secondary Research: The secondary data sources includes information published by the on-profit organizations such as World bank, WHO, company fillings, investor presentations, annual reports, national government documents, statistical databases, blogs, articles, white papers and others. From the annual report, we analyse a company’s revenue to understand the key segment and market share of that organization in a particular region. We analyse the company websites and adopt the product mapping technique which is important for deriving the segment revenue. In the product mapping method, we select and categorize the products offered by the companies catering to domain specific market, deduce the product revenue for each of the companies so as to get overall estimation of the market size. We also source data and analyses trends based on information received from supply side and demand side intermediaries in the value chain. The supply side denotes the data gathered from supplier, distributor, wholesaler and the demand side illustrates the data gathered from the end customers for respective market domain.

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The supply side for a domain specific market is analysed by:

  • Estimating and projecting penetration rates through analysing product attributes, availability of internal and external substitutes, followed by pricing analysis of the product.
  • Experiential assessment of year-on-year sales of the product by conducting interviews.

The demand side for the market is estimated through:

  • Evaluating the penetration level and usage rates of the product.
  • Referring to the historical data to determine the growth rate and evaluate the industry trends

In-house Library: Apart from these third-party sources, we have our in-house library of qualitative and quantitative information. Our in-house database includes market data for various industry and domains. These data are updated on regular basis as per the changing market scenario. Our library includes, historic databases, internal audit reports and archives.

Sometimes there are instances where there is no metadata or raw data available for any domain specific market. For those cases, we use our expertise to forecast and estimate the market size in order to generate comprehensive data sets. Our analyst team adopt a robust research technique in order to produce the estimates:

  • Applying demographic along with psychographic segmentation for market evaluation
  • Determining the Micro and Macro-economic indicators for each region 
  • Examining the industry indicators prevailing in the market. 

Data Synthesis: This stage involves the analysis & mapping of all the information obtained from the previous step. It also involves in scrutinizing the data for any discrepancy observed while data gathering related to the market. The data is collected with consideration to the heterogeneity of sources. Robust scientific techniques are in place for synthesizing disparate data sets and provide the essential contextual information that can orient market strategies. The Brainy Insights has extensive experience in data synthesis where the data passes through various stages:

  • Data Screening: Data screening is the process of scrutinising data/information collected from primary research for errors and amending those collected data before data integration method. The screening involves in examining raw data, identifying errors and dealing with missing data. The purpose of the data screening is to ensure data is correctly entered or not. The Brainy Insights employs objective and systematic data screening grades involving repeated cycles of quality checks, screening and suspect analysis.
  • Data Integration: Integrating multiple data streams is necessary to produce research studies that provide in-depth picture to the clients. These data streams come from multiple research studies and our in house database. After screening of the data, our analysts conduct creative integration of data sets, optimizing connections between integrated surveys and syndicated data sources. There are mainly 2 research approaches that we follow in order to integrate our data; top down approach and bottom up approach.

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Market Deduction & Formulation: The final stage comprises of assigning data points at appropriate market spaces so as to deduce feasible conclusions. Analyst perspective & subject matter expert based holistic form of market sizing coupled with industry analysis also plays a crucial role in this stage.

This stage involves in finalization of the market size and numbers that we have collected from data integration step. With data interpolation, it is made sure that there is no gap in the market data. Successful trend analysis is done by our analysts using extrapolation techniques, which provide the best possible forecasts for the market.

Data Validation & Market Feedback: Validation is the most important step in the process. Validation & re-validation via an intricately designed process helps us finalize data-points to be used for final calculations.

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The Brainy Insights interacts with leading companies and experts of the concerned domain to develop the analyst team’s market understanding and expertise. It improves and substantiates every single data presented in the market reports. The data validation interview and discussion panels are typically composed of the most experienced industry members. The participants include, however, are not limited to:

  • CXOs and VPs of leading companies’ specific to sector
  • Purchasing managers, technical personnel, end-users
  • Key opinion leaders such as investment bankers, and industry consultants

Moreover, we always validate our data and findings through primary respondents from all the major regions we are working on.

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  • Market size of the tourism sector worldwide 2011-2024

The market size of the global tourism sector rose significantly in 2023 compared to the previous year, totaling around 1.9 trillion U.S. dollars. Despite the sharp annual increase, global tourism revenue remained below the figures reported before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. As forecast, the market size of the tourism sector worldwide was expected to reach an estimated two trillion U.S. dollars in 2024.

What is the economic impact of travel and tourism?

In 2023, the total contribution of travel and tourism to the global GDP , including the direct, indirect, and induced impact of these markets, was estimated at nearly 10 trillion U.S. dollars, almost recovering from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Similarly, the number of travel and tourism jobs worldwide was just around one percent below pre-pandemic levels in 2023, with these industries generating, directly and indirectly, 330 million jobs.

What are the most popular travel destinations worldwide?

Both before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, France topped the ranking of the  most visited countries by inbound tourists worldwide . In 2023, the number of inbound tourist arrivals in France peaked at 100 million, the highest figure reported to date. That year, Spain, the United States, and Italy followed in the list. Meanwhile, the United States was the country with the highest international tourism receipts worldwide in 2023, ahead of Spain and the United Kingdom.

Market size of the tourism sector worldwide from 2011 to 2023, with a forecast for 2024 (in trillion U.S. dollars)

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February 2024

2011 to 2023

The source specifies that the market size is measured by revenue. 

Other statistics on the topic Online travel market

Leisure Travel

  • Market cap of leading online travel companies worldwide 2023
  • Revenue of Booking Holdings worldwide 2007-2023
  • Revenue of Expedia Group, Inc. worldwide 2007-2023
  • Revenue of Tripadvisor worldwide 2008-2023

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Statistics on " Travel companies "

  • Online travel market size worldwide 2017-2028
  • Key information on the global travel agency industry January 2024
  • Leading travel companies worldwide 2023, by sales
  • Number of employees at leading travel companies worldwide 2023
  • Revenue of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023
  • Marketing expenses of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023
  • Marketing/revenue ratio of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023
  • Airbnb revenue worldwide 2017-2023
  • Total revenue of Group 2013-2023
  • Most popular travel and tourism websites worldwide 2024
  • Total visits to travel and tourism website worldwide 2021-2024
  • Total visits to travel and tourism website worldwide 2020-2024
  • ACSI - U.S. customer satisfaction with online travel websites as of 2024
  • Number of aggregated downloads of leading online travel agency apps worldwide 2023
  • Number of aggregated downloads of leading online travel agency apps in the U.S. 2023
  • Leading travel apps in the U.S. 2022, by market share
  • Leading travel apps in Europe 2022, by market share
  • U.S. travel agency industry market size 2012-2022
  • U.S. tour operator industry market size 2022-2023
  • Revenue of TUI AG worldwide 2004-2023
  • Leading travel agents ranked by number of outlets in the UK 2024
  • Leading ATOL-licensed tour operators in the UK 2024, by passengers licensed
  • Turnover of Hays Travel Limited in the UK 2008-2023
  • Worldwide cruise company market share 2022
  • Revenue of Carnival Corporation & plc worldwide 2008-2023
  • Revenue of Royal Caribbean Cruises worldwide 1988-2023
  • Revenue of Norwegian Cruise Line worldwide 2011-2023
  • TUI cruise brand revenue worldwide 2015-2023, by brand
  • Percentage change in revenue of leading cruise companies worldwide 2020-2023

Other statistics that may interest you Travel companies

Industry overview

  • Premium Statistic Market size of the tourism sector worldwide 2011-2024
  • Premium Statistic Online travel market size worldwide 2017-2028
  • Premium Statistic Key information on the global travel agency industry January 2024
  • Basic Statistic Market cap of leading online travel companies worldwide 2023
  • Premium Statistic Leading travel companies worldwide 2023, by sales
  • Premium Statistic Number of employees at leading travel companies worldwide 2023

Online travel agencies (OTAs)

  • Premium Statistic Revenue of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Marketing expenses of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Marketing/revenue ratio of leading OTAs worldwide 2019-2023
  • Basic Statistic Revenue of Booking Holdings worldwide 2007-2023
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of Expedia Group, Inc. worldwide 2007-2023
  • Premium Statistic Airbnb revenue worldwide 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Total revenue of Group 2013-2023
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of Tripadvisor worldwide 2008-2023

Travel websites and apps

  • Premium Statistic Most popular travel and tourism websites worldwide 2024
  • Premium Statistic Total visits to travel and tourism website worldwide 2021-2024
  • Premium Statistic Total visits to travel and tourism website worldwide 2020-2024
  • Premium Statistic ACSI - U.S. customer satisfaction with online travel websites as of 2024
  • Premium Statistic Number of aggregated downloads of leading online travel agency apps worldwide 2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of aggregated downloads of leading online travel agency apps in the U.S. 2023
  • Premium Statistic Leading travel apps in the U.S. 2022, by market share
  • Premium Statistic Leading travel apps in Europe 2022, by market share

Travel agencies and tour operators

  • Premium Statistic U.S. travel agency industry market size 2012-2022
  • Premium Statistic U.S. tour operator industry market size 2022-2023
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of TUI AG worldwide 2004-2023
  • Premium Statistic Leading travel agents ranked by number of outlets in the UK 2024
  • Premium Statistic Leading ATOL-licensed tour operators in the UK 2024, by passengers licensed
  • Premium Statistic Turnover of Hays Travel Limited in the UK 2008-2023

Cruise companies

  • Premium Statistic Worldwide cruise company market share 2022
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of Carnival Corporation & plc worldwide 2008-2023
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of Royal Caribbean Cruises worldwide 1988-2023
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of Norwegian Cruise Line worldwide 2011-2023
  • Premium Statistic TUI cruise brand revenue worldwide 2015-2023, by brand
  • Premium Statistic Percentage change in revenue of leading cruise companies worldwide 2020-2023

Further related statistics

  • Premium Statistic Leading European countries in the Travel & Tourism Development Index 2023
  • Premium Statistic Italy: number of non-EU tourists in Florence YoY growth, by country 2016
  • Premium Statistic Leading countries in the MEA in the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index 2018
  • Premium Statistic Italy: overnights of foreign tourists in Florence municipal area, Tuscany 2015-2016
  • Premium Statistic Italy: hotels occupation rate in Florence 2016, by hotel rating
  • Premium Statistic Italy: average tourists' length of stay Florence municipal area 2015-2016
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  • Premium Statistic Overnight travelers in Caraga region Philippines 2021-2023, by type
  • Premium Statistic Overnight travelers in NCR Philippines 2022, by type
  • Premium Statistic Overnight travelers in Western Visayas Philippines 2021-2023, by type
  • Premium Statistic Overnight travelers in CAR Philippines 2022, by type
  • Premium Statistic Overnight travelers in Central Visayas Philippines 2021-2023, by type
  • Premium Statistic Sub-Saharan African countries in the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index 2019

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  • Italy: number of non-EU tourists in Florence YoY growth, by country 2016
  • Leading countries in the MEA in the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index 2018
  • Italy: overnights of foreign tourists in Florence municipal area, Tuscany 2015-2016
  • Italy: hotels occupation rate in Florence 2016, by hotel rating
  • Italy: average tourists' length of stay Florence municipal area 2015-2016
  • Overnight travelers in MIMAROPA Philippines 2022, by type
  • Overnight travelers in SOCCSKSARGEN Philippines 2021-2023, by type
  • Overnight travelers in Bicol region Philippines 2022, by type
  • Overnight travelers in Caraga region Philippines 2021-2023, by type
  • Overnight travelers in NCR Philippines 2022, by type
  • Overnight travelers in Western Visayas Philippines 2021-2023, by type
  • Overnight travelers in CAR Philippines 2022, by type
  • Overnight travelers in Central Visayas Philippines 2021-2023, by type
  • Sub-Saharan African countries in the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index 2019

FCM Consulting Releases Global Quarterly Trend Report for Q2-2024

Strong passenger demand leads to continued growth for the business  travel industry, despite the rising costs of airfare throughout the year.

New York, NY ( September 5, 2024)  – FCM Consulting, a division of leading travel management company FCM Travel, today released its latest Global Quarterly Trend Report for Q2-2024, which provides an insightful look at forecasts for the year ahead and the key trends shaping the business travel industry. The report is sourced using FCM’s corporate booking from April to June 2024.

According to the report, there continued to be incremental growth for business travel during the second quarter of this year. Global passenger demand in the airline industry remained strong, up 9.1% in June 2024, compared to June 2023. International demand saw the largest growth at +12.3%, while domestic demand was up 4.3%.

With the passenger demand expected to rise steadily through the next quarter, airlines are increasing their seat capacities as well. The total seats offered globally is up 6.15% so far in 2024, compared to 2023. Furthermore, 11 of the top corporate airlines are also forecasted to exceed their 2019 seat capacity levels by the end of this year.

Given the positive travel momentum of late, the data suggests that pricing will also continue to go up across the globe. Economy airfares rose $65 (+15%) and business class fares increased by $209 (+11%) from January to May 2004, versus that same time period in 2019. However, the cost of international economy flights from the U.S. have started to drop, decreasing by an average of 8.8% during Q2-2024, compared to Q2-2023, which is a welcome sign for corporate travelers that often do business overseas. The biggest price drops from the U.S. were seen with flights to France (-20%), the UK (-18%), and Australia (-14%).

It’s encouraging to see the steady upward trajectory for business travel and the way the industry continues to demonstrate consistent and positive growth throughout the year,” said Ashley Gutermuth, Head of FCM Consulting, Americas. “This trend signifies the increased demand we are seeing for in-person meetings and events and the ongoing commitment to foster and build strong, meaningful relationships through business travel.

On the accommodation side, global hotel occupancy rates were expected to be at peak levels during the first half of the year, with rates reaching nearly 70% in July. The hotel occupancy rate for North America stayed constant at 63%, with only a few U.S. cities experiencing a small year-over-year increase, including New York (+4%), Miami (+4%), Chicago (+2%), and Washington D.C. (+2%).

The report also analyzed hotel pricing and the average room rate in North America dropped $31 in Q2-2024, compared to Q2-2023, with only a few major cities seeing an increase in hotel rates. The largest average room rate increases were seen in New York (+31%), Los Angeles (+10%), and Chicago (+5%). In the car rental market, the global average daily rate during H1-2024 was $54, a 26% decrease, when compared to 2023. In the U.S., the average daily rate was $52.

For more information on the FCM Consulting Global Quarterly Trend Report , please visit here .

About FCM Travel

FCM is one of the world’s largest travel management companies and a trusted partner for thousands of national and multi-national organizations, including many household brands, Fortune, and FTSE 100 companies. With a 24/7 reach in 95 countries, FCM’s agile and flexible technology anticipates and solves client needs supported by expert teams who provide in-depth local knowledge and duty of care as part of the ultimate personalized business travel experience.

As the flagship corporate travel arm of Flight Centre Travel Group, FCM is able to deliver some of the most competitive rates, unique added-value benefits, and exclusive solutions for its clients to support their business travel requirements. A recognized leader in the travel tech space, the company has debuted several proprietary client solutions over the last 12 months including a new omnichannel platform featuring a "first of its kind" customized end-to-end user experience and FCM Booking, an innovative option to traditional OBTs.

Alongside its travel management services, the company provides specialist services through FCM Consulting and FCM Meetings & Events to service broader needs of clients. Discover the alternative at

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Scott Weiss – FCM Consulting

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45+ california travel & tourism statistics [fresh for 2024].

Bradley Williams

With 268.1 million domestic visits and 17.9 million overseas arrivals, California is no doubt one of the most popular travel destinations in the US.

But with so many amazing things to do in California , from cool beaches and hiking trails to incredible eats and glamorous landmarks, it's not really surprising!

Do you want to understand more about travel and tourism in California?

Including how many people visit each year, how much they spend, and where they stay?

Let’s take a look at its most interesting and recent travel statistics.

Here they are…

Sources: Attached with each stat is the source article or data. For a full list of all the sources used, head to the bottom of the post.


Does California rely on tourism?

In a way, yes, it does. The tourism industry supported 927 thousand jobs in 2021, which represents roughly 2.38% of the local population.

Is tourism big in California?

  • Tourism spending in California contributes 11.2% of all travel spending in the U.S.

What are some reasons people would travel to CA?

Some of the biggest reasons why people travel to California include the excellent weather, sceneries, beaches, long roads, and its many hiking destinations.

California Travel & Tourism Main Statistics

  • There were 17.9 million international visitations to California in 2019.
  • Most visitors to California are travelling domestically, with 268.1 million domestic visits in 2019.
  • Visitors to California spend the most in the food services industry, amounting to $25.9 billion in 2021.
  • The total international arrivals in California in January 2023 was 325,557, 116.4% more than January of the previous year, but still 44% lower than in January 2019.
  • The top three international markets for tourism in California are Mexico (7.6 million annual visitors), Canada (1.6 million), and China (1.6 million).
  • In terms of travel spending, the top county in California is Los Angeles County, which recorded $32.7 billion in 2019.
  • The average daily rate (ADR) for hotels in California is $187 in 2022, an all-time high.
  • Visits to California should continue to grow to 279.1 million in 2023, or 8% more from 2022. 
  • The annual total visits to California is estimated to increase by 5% to 292.3 million in 2024, or 321 million by 2027.

California inbound & outbound tourism statistics

1. there were 17.9 million international visitations to california in 2019..

[Visit California]

2. Most visitors to California are travelling domestically, with 268.1 million domestic visits in 2019.

3. during the peak of the pandemic in 2020, the number of domestic visits to california dropped by roughly half, to 136.9 million., 4. international travel was even more impacted. in 2020, only 3.7 million overseas visits were recorded, or 21% of the 2019 figure., 5. in 2021, domestic air travel to destinations in california rose by 57%, from 14.1 million to a total of 22.1 million arrivals., 6. in december 2022, the top 10 airports in california recorded 15,919,321 passengers, 15% more than 2021., 7. in total in 2022, the air traffic in these 10 airports were at 191.4 million., 8. 82.2% of all airport passengers in california are domestic travellers, while 17.8% fly in from international destinations., california tourism economic impact.

What percent of California's economy is tourism?

9. The annual international travel spending in California rose by 213% in 2022, to $17 billion. This is still well below the pre-pandemic level of $28.1 billion.

10. meanwhile, domestic visitors to california spent a total of $116.8 billion in 2019..

domestic vs international travel spending in California

11. Domestic travel spending fell to just $59.8 billion in 2020, before recovering to $117.9 billion in 2022.

12. tourism spending in california contributes 11.2% of all travel spending in the u.s..

11.2% of travel spending in the US is made by visitors to California.

13. Visitors to California spend the most in the food services industry, amounting to $25.9 billion in 2021.

14. the next largest industry segment for tourism spending in california is accommodation ($23.3 billion in 2021)..

California travel spending by industry

15. Tax revenue from the Californian travel industry has risen to $15.0 billion in 2021. This is 23.1% higher than the prior year. 

Travel-generated tax revenue in California still hasn’t recovered to the pre-pandemic level ( still down 25.4 percent ).

16. Travel agencies in California are predicted to hit $5.196,1 million in revenue by 2024.

Travel industry employment in california, 17. in california in 2021, the tourism industry provided 927 thousand jobs in 2021, a 6.4% increase from 2020., 18. as of july 2022, the u.s. census bureau recorded california's population at 39,029,342, which means that 2.38% of the population is employed in the tourism industry..

[U.S. Census Bureau]

19. However, tourism employment is still down by 21.2% compared to 2019.

20. the accommodation and food services sectors supported a total of more than 534 thousand jobs in california., 21. this amounts to $23.8 billion in job earnings from the accommodation and food services sectors alone., california travel and tourism market profile, 22. the total international arrivals in california in january 2023 was 325,557, 116.4% more than january of the previous year, but still 44% lower than in january 2019., 23. in january 2023, there were 21,254 port of entry arrivals from mexico to california, which is 4.3% higher than january 2022., 24. the top three international markets for tourism in california are mexico (7.6 million annual visitors), canada (1.6 million), and china (1.6 million)..

After Mexico, Canada provides the second largest number of international visitors to California ( 1.6 million annual visitors ).

top California international tourism source markets

25. Before the pandemic, in 2019, there were 754,000 visitor trips from the UK to California, amounting to $1.4 billion of visitor spending.

In 2019, a total of 754 thousand visits were made from the UK to California.

26. Relative to 2019, the California visitation forecast from France is predicted to reach 90% in 2023 and 106% in 2025.

In 2019, there were a total of 510 thousand trips made from France to California , as well as $1.3 billion in visitor spending.

27. In terms of domestic travel, the biggest source of visitors to California outside of its own state is Arizona, with 7.4 million annual visitors.

top California domestic tourism source markets

28. Meanwhile, California itself contributes 166 million visitors per year.

Top tourist destinations in california.

What is the most visited site in California?

29. In terms of travel spending, the top county in California is Los Angeles County, which recorded $32.7 billion in 2019.

[Travel Matters]

Los Angeles records the highest travel spending by visitors, which makes sense because there are a lot of things to do there .

30. LA is followed by Orange County, with $14.5 billion in travel spending.

In Orange County, Anaheim is the top city powered by tourism.

California travel spending by county

31. 62.41% of all arrivals in California were at the Los Angeles port of entry.

32. 34.7% were in san francisco, while the other 2.9% were through san diego..

34.7% of all arrivals to California were made through San Francisco. It’s definitely a popular city among tourists are lots of great things to do in San Francisco .

California arrivals by port of entry

Meanwhile, if you’re planning to visit San Diego, campervan rentals can make your trip more memorable!

California travel trends and activities

33. the famous pacific crest trail across california, washington, and oregon measures 2,650 miles long and is popular among backpackers and solo travellers in california., 34. in 2021, a total of 7200 long-distance permits were issued for people traveling 500 miles of the pct or more in one single trip..

Only a small percentage of backpackers and hikers attempt to do long-distance hiking. The number of long-distance permits for the Pacific Crest Trail is once more nearing the pre-pandemic figure of 7888 .

35. California is a massive business travel destination. Santa Barbara has been named the second most expensive city in the US for business travellers, with a daily cost of $518.

After New York, Santa Barbara is the most expensive destination for business travellers in the US ($518 daily cost in Q4 2021).

There are also many interesting things in Santa Barbara for tourists.

California travel accommodations

36. visitors in california who stayed in a hotel, motel, or short-term vacation rental spent a total of $52.4 billion in 2021..

This is a 44% increase from the previous year.

In addition to hotels and traditional accommodations, renting an RV in California is also a great option.

37. Those who stayed with friends and relatives spent less during their trip, or $17 billion in 2021. Still, this is an increase of 136.1%.

38. the average daily rate (adr) for hotels in california is $187 in 2022, an all-time high..

In 2022, hotels in California reached an all-time high ADR of $187 .

39. Room demand in California in 2022 is 3% above the 2019 pre-pandemic levels.

40. in relation to total share of us room demand, california makes up 11.6% of all room demands in the country., 41. in may 2020, 8.3% of all airbnb guests in california were international, compared to 19.2% in may of 2019..

International tourism had declined significantly during the pandemic, as shown by the share of overseas Airbnb guests of only 8.3% in May 2020 (in comparison to domestic guests).

Airbnb itself is one of the most popular vacation rental sites among travellers today.

The future of tourism in California

42. california tourist spending is expected to reach $154.4 billion in 2023, exceeding the previous record of $144.9 billion in 2019., 43. moreover, the annual travel spending is forecasted to grow to $190.8 billion by 2027., 44. visits to california should continue to grow to 279.1 million in 2023, or 8% more from 2022. , 45. the annual total visits to california is estimated to increase by 5% to 292.3 million in 2024, or 321 million by 2027..


46. Overall, leisure travel is expected to fully return to 100% of the 2019 level in 2023, while business travel will recover to 88%.

A lot of business conferences and meetings have moved online, but business travel is still expected to recover to 88% of the 2019 level by 2023.

California, like most other travel destinations worldwide, was inevitably affected by the recent pandemic.

But as you can see from the stats above, it’s quickly recovering!

It may not be the most affordable place for a vacation, but it certainly has its appeal. You may want to check out these cheap places to travel to instead.

Whether you’re planning a trip to California or wanting to learn more about it, we hope this post has been useful.

Here are more stats you might be interested in…

  • Rome Travel & Tourism Statistics
  • Las Vegas Travel & Tourism Statistics
  • Millennials Travel Statistics
  • Visit California 1
  • Visit California 2
  • U.S. Census Bureau
  • Travel Matters

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Home » Travel Guides » United States » California (CA) » 15 Things to Do in Santa Clara (CA)

15 Things to Do in Santa Clara (CA)

Santa Clara is a city of nearly 125,000 residents that’s located in Santa Clara County, about 75 kilometers south of San Francisco .

The city was founded more than 200 years ago as a Spanish Mission. Now, it’s most well-known for its booming tech industry that’s commonly referred to around the world as Silicon Valley.

Though it’s common knowledge to most football fans, it’s a surprise to many to discover that the relatively small city is also the home of the National Football League’s San Francisco 49ers.

Visitors to Santa Clara have abundant activity options at their fingertips without venturing outside city limits, so staying engaged and entertained shouldn’t be an issue.

1. Levi’s Stadium

Levi's Stadium

With a capacity of nearly 70,000, Levi’s Stadium on Marie P. DeBartolo Way in Santa Clara is one of the country’s premier professional football stadiums.

The 49ers play their home games here, and during the off-season, the stadium hosts a variety of annual events, including concerts featuring big names in the music industry.

Taking a family to a football game isn’t the least expensive activity option in the area, but for those who’ve never taken in a pro game, it’s an exhilarating experience that may be worth the cost.

Guided tours are also regularly available, and the bars and restaurants around the stadium are fun to visit year-round.

2. Ulistac Natural Area

Ulistac Natural Area

Despite its large population and the overall hustle and bustle, the Bay Area features plenty of urban parks and natural areas that are convenient options for those interested in enjoying the great outdoors.

The Ulistac Natural Area is located on Lick Mill Road in Santa Clara. It is comprised of more than 40 acres that include a variety of distinct environments.

The natural area straddles the Guadalupe River and is home to an array of plants and animals that are well-suited to its riparian habitat.

A particularly popular attraction for bird watchers, it features a number of well-marked nature trails dotted with interpretive signs.

3. Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival

Californians take their art and wine seriously, and there’s no better way to combine the two than by visiting the Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival.

The event is held in the city’s Central Park and features nearly 200 vendors from across the country selling fine art and crafts, gourmet food, and a vast selection of California’s best wines.

Proceeds are donated to worthwhile causes that benefit residents in need. It all takes place in the early fall when the central California weather is perfect for outdoor activities.

Other highlights include live entertainment and lots of art-related activities for kids.

4. The de Saisset Museum

de Saisset Museum

Though he’s not exactly a household name for those who don’t typically travel in West Coast art circles, Ernest de Saisset was one of the Bay Area’s most prominent artists in the 19th century.

Saisset was a French immigrant who enrolled in Santa Clara University and studied painting as a young man.

The museum that now bears his name is located on the university’s campus. It includes a collection of more than 100 of his most impressive works.

It’s as much a historical attraction as it is an art one, and it also has other works from European and American artists dating back hundreds of years.

5. Intel Museum

Intel Museum

Intel is one of the titans of the tech world. Over the years, it has been responsible for some of the most significant technological leaps forward in computer hardware.

The Intel Museum is located on the campus of the company’s world headquarters in Santa Clara, and it’s regularly open to the public.

Even for those who don’t fall into the tech-savvy category, it’s a fascinating place that’s definitely worth an hour or two of time.

Though it may sound dry to technophobes, it’s packed with interactive exhibits for visitors of all ages, so it’s great for kids with short attention spans too.

6. Santa Clara Farmers’ Market

Farmers Market

There’s really no better way to rub elbows with locals, enjoy pleasant weather, and have access to tons of great products you won’t find elsewhere than by visiting a farmers’ market.

The Santa Clara Farmers’ Market is open year-round and features a little bit of everything – from seasonal produce and fresh baked goods to health and body products and prepared food items.

Held on Jackson Street near the downtown area, it’s common to find different items each time you go.

Spending a few bucks is a great way to support local farmers and entrepreneurs, and don’t be shy about asking them for suggestions for things to see and do while in town.

7. California’s Great America

California's Great America

There’s no shortage of theme parks in the Golden State, but there’s one clear choice for those visiting Santa Clara.

California’s Great America is located on Great America Parkway just outside of town. It features tons of rides, dining options, kid’s activities, and a water park that’s a huge draw during the hot summer months.

Though Great America can really draw a crowd during peak times when kids are enjoying their summer vacations, previous guests have noted that wait times for rides weren’t overly long.

Many families choose to spend an entire day on-site to avoid wasting valuable recreational time in the car.

8. Mission Santa Clara

Mission Santa Clara

Mission Santa Clara is one of the city’s premier historic sites, and it’s now conveniently located on the campus of Santa Clara University.

The mission was established by Franciscans in the 1770s to spread Christianity to the area’s Native American population.

Sadly, things didn’t go according to plan; due to several natural disasters, the mission was forced to move from its original site to where it is now.

Over the years, it was also run by the Jesuits. Though it’s no longer functioning in its original role, it now doubles as a museum and chapel that are open to visitors.

9. The Triton Museum of Art

Triton Museum of Art

Though guests tend to visit the Triton Museum of Art for the works in its collection, its stunning contemporary architecture usually makes a big impression as well.

The museum’s collection includes works from all over the country, but its emphasis is on pieces created by Bay Area artists using local people and scenery as inspiration.

The grounds also include a sprawling outdoor sculpture garden spread over nearly seven acres, and a home from the mid-1860s that’s among the most well-preserved examples of historic American architecture in the area.

The museum is located on Warburton Avenue, and most visitors spend a few hours on-site.

10. Santa Clara Players

The Santa Clara Players traces its roots all the way back to the early ‘60s, when a group of local performers began putting on small shows for the community.

Now nearly seven decades later, they’re still going strong. Their annual performances run the gamut from dramatic theater and mystery to satire and humor.

The players are part of a community theater group staffed by talented volunteers dedicated to providing high-quality, family-friendly entertainment at a reasonable cost.

They’re located on Don Avenue in Santa Clara and offer lots of volunteer opportunities for budding actors and stagehands.

11. Central Park

Santa Clara Central Park

Featuring lots of wide-open spaces and massive swimming and community rec centers, Santa Clara’s Central Park is a go-to destination for activity minded visitors looking to make the most of their limited vacation time without traveling to more distant attractions.

The park is centrally located on Keily Boulevard, has ample parking, and features lots of outdoor amenities and recreational activity options.

From tennis and basketball to softball, lawn bowling, and a big playground, there’s really no excuse for getting bored while on-site. For those looking to spend a relaxing afternoon, there are a lake, built-in BBQs, and public restrooms.

12. The 49ers Museum

49ers Museum Located In The Levi’s Stadium

Even for those who won’t be in Santa Clara during the regular season, the 49ers stadium and museum are fun attractions worth visiting for sports-minded visitors.

The museum is located inside Levi’s Stadium and features nearly a dozen distinct galleries that are open to the public year-round.

It’s a fun and educational experience for visitors of all ages. In addition to football, its exhibits touch on science, technology, and art in a way that engages and entertains young and old minds alike.

Most guests check out the introductory video in the visitor’s center before showing themselves through the impressive collection of trophies, balls, and Super Bowl memorabilia on display.

13. The Santa Clara Fire Museum

Santa Clara Fire Museum

The Santa Clara Fire Department’s roots run all the way back to the 1850s when it was founded.

The museum is now located on Walsh Avenue in an unused training center behind the city’s new fire station.

It sports an impressive collection of equipment and historical memorabilia that give visitors unique insights into the lives of fire and rescue personnel in years past.

The museum’s highlights include a fully restored Model-T fire truck that served for two decades, beginning in the 1920s.

The knowledgeable local volunteer staff also offer regular programs geared at educating the public about fire safety and prevention issues.

14. Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History

Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History

The Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History is run by a local historical society. It is housed in the depot of a now-defunct railroad on Railroad Avenue in Santa Clara.

Like many local historical attractions, the museum is staffed by local volunteers who love answering questions and showing first-time visitors around.

The museum’s exhibits include a variety of railroad equipment and memorabilia, including signals, safety equipment, and historical photographs dating back over 100 years.

The museum is regularly open to the public. It maintains an extensive library of books relating to railroad development and local history as well.

15. Voyager Coffee

Voyager Coffee, Santa Clara

Though it has only been around since 2016, Voyager Coffee’s owner and staff are dedicated to the noble pursuit of making their customers happy.

They do this largely by providing world-class coffee, but also by offering a comfortable space in which guests have opportunities to build relationships with like-minded customers.

Many of their coffees sport internationally influenced flavors, and they’re often infused with things like orange essence and cherry blossom water.

Don’t worry if you prefer your coffee straight-up, because they’ve got more traditional brews as well.

They offer fresh pastry and baked goods, tea, and other non-coffee drinks too.

15 Things to Do in Santa Clara (CA):

  • Levi's Stadium
  • Ulistac Natural Area
  • Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival
  • The de Saisset Museum
  • Intel Museum
  • Santa Clara Farmers’ Market
  • California's Great America
  • Mission Santa Clara
  • The Triton Museum of Art
  • Santa Clara Players
  • Central Park
  • The 49ers Museum
  • The Santa Clara Fire Museum
  • Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History
  • Voyager Coffee


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    Tomwsulcer, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Central Park is the main activity center for locals in Santa Clara. It's always packed with locals and visitors who join various activities every weekend and during the weekdays. Aside from its lake, picnic areas, and gardens, the park is also home to various sports facilities.

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    By leesaburz. I no longer live in the Bay Area but remain a 49er Faithful and our recent visit to California HAD to include a stop at... 8. Central Park. 50. Parks. This comfortable park is home to the International Swim Center, the training ground for several area Olympians. 9. Santa Clara Convention Center.

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    A particularly popular attraction for bird watchers, it features a number of well-marked nature trails dotted with interpretive signs. 3. Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival. Californians take their art and wine seriously, and there's no better way to combine the two than by visiting the Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival.