Fairy Meadows trek & Nanga Parbat Base Camp – A complete guide

By Joan Torres 60 Comments Last updated on July 31, 2024

trek to nanga parbat base camp

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It was the holy month of Ramadan, so Fairy Meadows, one of the most popular destinations in Pakistan, was practically empty, except for a few foreigners and their respective armed escorts, who had been assigned to protect them the previous day at Raikot Bridge.

The day before had been a pretty long and exhausting journey, as I had to hitchhike several times, by then ascending a very dusty and exhausting trail.

But finally, there I was, in a campsite located at 3,300 meters above sea level, having a cup of coffee with fresh milk, while observing in astonishment, a striking peak 8,125 meters high called Nanga Parbat.

For more things to do, read my 1-month itinerary to Pakistan

Fairy Meadows trek

In this Fairy Meadows travel guide you will find:

Table of Contents

Introduction to Nanga Parbat

Fairy meadows trek.

  • Nanga Parbat Base Camp
  • More information

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Nanga Parbat , also called the Killer Mountain, is an 8,125-meter high mountain that figures as the second highest peak in Pakistan (after K2 ) and the eighth in the world. Its hair-raising name is due to the fact that, throughout the years, Nanga Parbat has taken the lives of many climbers who tried to climb it unsuccessfully. Nanga Parbat is also considered one of the hardest mountains to climb in the world.

However, despite having such a terrifying name, the Nanga Parbat Base Camp is surprisingly accessible for even inexperienced trekkers, as it is located only 4 hours away from Fairy Meadows, a campsite which is normally used as a base to organize treks to the base camp.

Fairy Meadows is in a green lush plain from where you get striking views of Nanga Parbat, starting from a vast glacier which, gradually, ascends to the foot of that huge ice block.

Raikot glacier and Nanga Parbat

Nevertheless, due to its high accessibility, Fairy Meadows is also the most commercial spot in Pakistan, with prices higher than the Pakistani average, and it is inhabited by a group of locals who prioritize money before hospitality, something unheard of in Pakistan.

But this shouldn’t keep you back, as the Fairy Meadows trek and Nanga Parbat Base Camp are some of the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen.

Fairy Meadows trek & Nanga Parbat Base Camp – Map

Located in Gilgit-Baltistan, north Pakistan, getting to Fairy Meadows doesn’t require any kind of mountain experience as, except for the last 6 or 7km, most of the way can be done by 4×4.

1 – Getting to Raikot bridge

Everyone who goes to FM will have to pass Raikot Bridge, the place on the Karakoram Highway from where you access the mountains towards FM.

Raikot Bridge is located 80km from Gilgit and 400km from Islamabad. The bus that goes from Islamabad to Gilgit can leave you there, no problem.

In Gilgit, buses to Raikot Bridge leave from the main bus station (Location:  35.898824, 74.369927). Personally, I hitchhiked from Gilgit, as it is significantly faster than going by public transport.

Once you are at the bridge, you’ll have to register with the police, who will also assign you a personal armed escort. 

Really, why?

In 2013, a group of terrorists killed 9 foreigners . It was the first and only attack that has ever happened in Gilgit-Baltistan.

To understand it better, you should read: is Pakistan safe?

Local Fairy Meadows road

2 – Fairy Meadows road

The only legal way to go along Fairy Meadows road is by local Jeep. In summer 2021, they are charging 8,500PKR for a round trip, a cost that can be divided by up to 5 passengers. The journey takes 2 hours.

What if you are only 2 or 3 people? You can wait for someone to show up but, from what I’ve heard, some travelers have waited for hours, but no one else showed up.

Wait, do you have to buy a round-trip ticket? Some of the locals from FM are the scum of Pakistan, who force you to buy a round trip ticket, so on the way back, you can’t share it with anyone you might meet at the camp.

Can I go walking? No, the police will not allow you for security reasons. However, this law doesn’t make sense, as the road is extremely narrow and it’s built on a cliff 1,000 meters high, which also makes it one of the most dangerous roads I’ve ever been on. Walking would be definitely safer. Welcome to Pakistan 🙂

Can I skip the police checkpoint? I managed to skip it, started to walk from there and, after three hours, a Jeep picked me up. I was very lucky. If you also want to skip it, you should come hitchhiking and tell the driver not to stop at the police checkpoint. If you come by bus, the driver will definitely inform the police.

By the way, Fairy Meadows road is one of the most scenic roads in Pakistan.

Keep reading: Backpacking in Pakistan: Ultimate itinerary

Road to Fairy Meadwos

3 – Getting to Fairy Meadows

The Jeep will drop you some kilometers before your final destination, from where you will need to start ascending (on foot) for 2 to 3 hours through an alpine forest until you get to the FM campsite.

Once you are at the top, leave your backpack, relax and enjoy the most wonderful and privileged views ever.

Fairy meadows trek

Trekking to Nanga Parbat base camp

Going to Nanga Parbat Base camp is an 8-hour trek (round-trip).

Behal campsite

A few kilometers after Fairy Meadows, there is a second campsite called Behal, where I recommend spending the second night, as it is much quieter and has even better views than the previous camp.

Behal camp site, Fairy Meadows

Getting to Nanga Parbat Base Camp

After Behal, the trail gets tougher, although more rewarding. From an alpine forest, the way becomes an arid but impressive landscape, surrounded by snow and ice blocks.

You are at the Nanga Parbat Base Camp, where the silence is only interrupted by the sound of the occasional avalanches, which can be heard from very far away.

Trekking Nanga Parbat

More information for visiting Fairy Meadows

📢 In my Travel Resources Page you can find the list of all the sites and services I use to book hotels, tours, travel insurance and more.

Trekking Fairy Meadows

Water and food

All campsites offer meals but normally, they just serve a very basic dal withrice at a ridiculously expensive price for Pakistan: 350PKR ($3.30).

On the other hand, bottled water is sold at 150PKR, so you had better bring your own purifying pills.


Fairy Meadows has a wide range of different types of accommodation, from tents to luxury bungalows. A tent plus a sleeping bag typically costs 500PKR ($4.70) per night, whereas a basic bungalow (sleeping bag on the floor) costs 1000PKR ($9.50), which can be split by several people. Bear in mind that prices can change depending on the season and, as in all Pakistan, they are highly negotiable.

Don’t forget to check our travel guide to Pakistan .

As well as all our Pakistan articles:

  • Astore Valley Travel Guide
  • Karokam Highway Travel Guide
  • Pakistan-China border crossing
  • Travel Guide to Rakaposhi Base Camp
  • Travel Insurance in Pakistan
  • Pakistan Itinerary
  • Photos of Pakistan
  • Travel Books about Pakistan
  • Solo Female Travel Guide in Pakistan
  • Is Pakistan Safe?

Nanga Parbat base camp


Thanks, Alex. I actually checked with them and they told me that they cover Pakistan as long as it is not related to terrorism, war or hostility. Where did you get this information?

Goodness Joan. What a fabulous collection of images. I am thinking of the 3 bucks for a meal. Here in NYC I have to just about pay someone 3 USD just to walk down the stairs LOL. I have become more used to NYC-NJ prices spending more time home recently but I do miss the cost of stuff in countries like India, Nepal and SE Asia, etc.

Actually, 3 bucks is extremely expensive for Pakistan 😀 ! Fairy Meadows is the priciest place in Pakistan!

Wow! Trekking there seems like an awesome idea! I loved your suggestion and I would love to cross this off my bucket list soon!

You totally should! Cheers!

Excellent article and really informative at the same time. It’s great to read something fresh. You take remarkable pictures. Sadly, I have never get the opportunity to tour these lovely places, but willing to. Hope my time will come soon.

Nice Post! I am planning to go to that area in early April. Do you think it is a good season or it might be too cold and campsites still not open?

I think you can definitely go but yes, it will be cold at night plus it may be cloudy. I went to Pakistan in April as well but didn’t head north until May or so. For how long are you in Pakistan? I would first explore Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar, etc and by the end of the trip, go to Gilgit-Baltistan

Nice post with good effort. Fairy Meadows is adventure place in Pakistan. You must visit to fairy meadows if you plan tour to northern areas of pakistan. You can plan your trip either yourself or by any tours providing company in pakistan.

Thanks Ali. However, I had to remove your link because self-promotion is not allowed 🙂

hi! wha do you think of fairy meadows in mid september? also, i’m terrified of that road to tatu, is it really that bad?

It should be OK, I was there in May and it was not so cold. As per the road, I don’t know what to say. It is really bad but they know how to drive!

Hi Joan, I’ll be traveling to Pakistan in September, so obviously all your articles are incredibly helpful in order to prepare for the trip. So first of all, thanks for that and all your effort to provide so much info for your like-minded adventurous travelers! Do you know if it is possible to stay at Behal without bringing a tent, do they have a guesthouse or any kind of accomodation there? Thanks and looking forward to your next trip – always an inspiration 🙂 Best Annika

Hi Annika, thanks for your comment! There were some bungalows but I went there in May and I can’t remember whether they were opened or not. However, Behal is less than 2 hours walk from Fairy Meadows and the locals from Fairy Meadows will certainly know whether it is open or not. Enjoy!

Hi Joan, I’m from karachi and am planning to go to FM, then beyal camp and then hopefully nanga parbat base camp. I’m a little confused, is there accomadation available in beyal camp and nanga parbat base camp? Or I would have to trek to nanga parbat base camp and come back within a day and then stay at beyal camp. And is the trek to FM and beyal camp tough for a 40 year old? My mother is also interested in going :).

Hi there There’s accommodation in Beyal, yes. There are people in their 40s who are able to climb K2 and there are people in their 40s who can’t even climb the stairs of their 2nd floor apartment. It really depends on how fit you are but generally speaking, it’s a trek for beginners.

Fam, if you’re gonna be so ungrateful about the locals of Fairy Meadows, don’t go to Pakistan. White people like you take every ounce of privilege you have and benefit from the colonial hangover that Pakistanis suffer and STILL you have a disgusting attitude. Locals in Fairy Meadows need to transport food, water, accommodation for YOU by jeep which is very expensive, hence the reason why FM might be more costly. Please stop being so gross and privileged, and do us all a favor and don’t come to Pakistan again. Nasty white people.

Hey, Troll. Fortunately, all the beautiful Pakistani people I met welcome me in Pakistan over and over and, luckily, I didn’t bump into any racist like you 😉

Hi Joan, I don’t think he is Pakistani. We don’t talk or behave to our guest like that.

Hello Joan. Your blog just became one of the websites I visited the most these days. My friends and i (four guys) will visit Gilgit Baltistan end of March (March 22nd until April 5th, by road from Lahore). I read for several times that it will be very cold and north Pakistan will be still covered by snow. My itinerary will go like this Lahore-Islamabad-Fairy Meadows-Gilgit-Hunza-Karimabad-Skardu-Passu-Sost & Khunjerab-Astore (if possible)-Back to Lahore, and we will do it in 15 days. Can we explore this area in our time there? Looking forward to your reply. Thanks. 🙂

Hi Akbar, it is hard to say, as the period you are going is really the transition between winter and spring, but I visited Astore in April and it was fine. It was cold indeed and there was some snow but nothing particularly bothering. If you aren’t going for trekking, you should be fine. The KKH is totally open and, in that season, you will be able to access some side valleys.

Hi Joan Thank you very much for the wonderful insights. These are amazing information, in fact, the best on the net. My travel concerns to FM and beyond all ironed out thanks to you. I am travelling end June, though the most busiest of times, but really looking forward to it. God bless you. Swaleh P.S. you take wonderful photos.

thanks for your kind comment, have loads of fun!

Hi Swaleh, I don’t believe in any God but I only do good karma, will it be good for the trip ? Will I still be blessed ?

Hi Stanley My apologies for this reply. Unfortunately for some reason I missed your comment until today 🙂 Good Karma is probably what is most needed in our societies nowadays. Of course it will be good for the trip and I am sure you will meet many locals who will replicate your sentiments many folds. It is customary for us here in Pakistan to give “Dua” to people you meet or speak to hence my statement. Didn’t mean to offend anyone. Apologies if it as well.

Amazing information I generally love the snowy areas so much I would visit this area soon Thank you

Thanks for such informative article. I am a 63 years old female who wish to visit Pakistan in October with a small group of young friends. I jog regularly and I am generally in good health. May I know is the high altitude at 3,300m safe for me to hike? Thanks.

Hey Ming, it’s hard to say, as it depends on the type of person, but 3.3k is not that high and the ascent is very gradual. Drink loads of water, and even if you feel some headache at the beginning, it may go away in a few hours when your body gets used to it!

Correction, ” (after K2) and the eighth in the world.” It’s the 9th highest mountain in the world and in addition to that, (who prioritize money before hospitality) I would say you became pretty much of judgmental as the fact is, I’m a mountaineer and I have attempted base camps including Everest as well, so, those folks would host you with no intention of earning bucks or making some dimes when you’re in need. I do remember when I was on my way back from camp 1 to FM, I was served extravagantly and I couldn’t pay them in return, tbh. I appreciate the lack of deceit, however, the irony. Do consider the primitive facts of their survival in those glacial regions.

Great info you provide here, thank you so much. I’m planning to go to Fairy Meadow from October 16 to 18th, 2020. Would it be good? (in term of weather).

It’s hard to say, as October is the actual transition from one season to another. I don’t think there will be any snow, but I guess you need to be lucky to get a sunny day, 50-50

I am hoping to visit Fairy Meadows hopefully in July 2019. I read a lot about the trek from Tatu to FM being about 3 hours, but realistically any idea of actual miles covered? Also same for miles between Fairy Meadows and the Beyal Camp and then FM Base Camp. I was trying to get a realistic idea of how much I can do in 1 day. Any idea if there are any accommodations available at Fairy Meadows Base Camp or Beyal? Even if it may be tents etc. Thanks. I really enjoyed reading your blog.

Hi Nosheen, for miles covered you can download maps.me and calculate the walking route very easily. As per accommodation, in FM there should be. In Beyal depends on the season. I went there in April and there wasn’t, but high season there will be. enjoy.

July and August are as summer as you get. I was there in 89 and there was no except the couple I travelled with and the locals. We walked up from Rakiot Bridge and I slept in the sleet under a log the first night. Pretty amazing place.

I am hoping to visit Fairy Meadows soon thanks to providing complete travelling information

Thanks for sharing the information & promoting Pakistan especially Fairy Meadows welcome again sir iam also belong to fairy meadows

Hi Joan, I will visit FM somewhere in April. Do I need to make reservations for accommodation in advance? Do you suggest a guide or agency, or just go ……….. John

Hi John, you don’t need to make reservations and in my opinion, a guide is not needed. Easy to go on your own

Hi Joan, I am planning to go to the surrounding of Nanga parbat like Ferry meadows in september 2020. I am a solo travellers, 67 years old and i love trekking. Fist after landing in islamabad i will directly go to Murre for a ouple of days, then up the Kagan valley to the babusar pass , and hope to find a shared transport accros this pass to Chillas (Indus valley). And then another shared transport to Fairy meadow (and try to skip the escorting guard…..what are your recommandations. ??? thanks

Hi Richard, not sure if you can skip the armed escort. I did because I can be Pakistani because of my skin color. Otherwise, the rest of your trip sounds very doable

Hi Joan, I’m interested in photographing Northern areas of Pakistan. I know the autumn colors are fantastic but do you know if you can find wildflowers in these areas? I imagine beautiful foreground of wildflowers with Nanga Parbat in the background 🙂 Do they grow that high? I would imagine June or July to be the season but I cannot find any information online. If you knew anything I’d appreciate any information.

Thanks for the interesting guide . I have visited fairy meadows in 2017 and love this place since that visit . it is a combo of natural landscape , mountain and adventurous trek.

Hi Joan, I and my wife are in our late 60’s, and are avid hikers. We will be in Islamabad from July 5th thru the 25th (2021). Our plans are to fly into Gilgit and then go to FM and Beyal camp. My questions are, how bad the roads are from Gilgit to Raikot Bridge, and then from Raikot Bridg to the trailhead to FM? Watching a few YouTube videos, most of the people who have visited FM, found jeep ride on Fairy Meadows to the FM trailhead to be grueling and dangerous; you practically sharing a road (with the width of a jeep) for both direction. Was this your experience as well? Will appreciate your feedback. Thanks

Hi Shujaul! The road to FM is definitely a crazy road, one of the craziest I have ever seen, but the locals are very experienced drivers who know it very well… That’s all I can tell you… I don’t want to scare you, and I don’t want to tell you it’s safe… It’s dangerous? Well, there’s definitely a risk… but that’s part of the experience and falling off the cliff is unlikely to happen. Have you been to Bolivia? There’s a road considered the most dangerous road in the world which is a tourist attraction by itself. Some travelers I shared the ride with told me it was pretty much the same…

Unfortunately, our onward flight from Istanbul to Islamabad got cancelled on 6th of July due to number of flights restrictions to Pakistan due to COVID. We ended up cancelling our whole trip. In hindsight, it was a good decision after all. The flights to Skardu from ISB, and from Gilgit to ISB were cancelled as well due to inclement weathers conditions, and traveling by road was also hampered by landslides. Now I understand, the provincial government of KPK have banned entrance to Gilgit area due to deteriorating COVID conditions. We will give it another try in 2022.

Slam Everyone, Anyone planning to visit Fairy meadows & Nanga parbat base camp in June-July. If some one is, do let me know. I am looking for a company to share the cost of traveling and accommodation. Thank you.

Yeah sure Now fairy meadows open 12 months.

Hello and thank you for all your informative posts! I just visited Fairy Meadows so here is some updated info from May 2021: -foreigners are allowed to stay overnight in Chilas -the Raikot bridge jeep cartel is charging PKR 8,500(!) roundtrip -all foreigners are required to have a military escort for the entire stay. He wouldn’t even let me walk around FM without him

Thanks Colin! 8500 rupees, that’s insane!

Hi I’m planning to go to fairy meadows this this week august what do you think of condition overall ?

I think August is a great time to visit!

Hi.. >How much the total cost u spent to do FM and Nanga Parbat basecamp trip? >Need to pro-booked accomodations in FM and Behal camp? or just walk-in?

TQ , (Fauzi – Malaysia)

Amazing story that reminded me of my early ages of trekking to Nanga Parbat Base Camp and Mazino Pass. I had great memories of the trekking from 1993.

Nice blog, me and my Japanese mate walked from Raikot Bridge to Tatto village in 1997 and back down a few days later after a few days of white out kilometres of the road had rocks, rocks slides, and parts of it crumpled apart and chasm in half and fallen off the mountain. We had skate shoes on- over prepared for those days 😅

At one stage I watched my Japanese mate hiding behind a rock wall as rocks showered down from high above and another stage I slipped off the crumbled road where it had chasm and had to stop myself sliding off the cliff before pulling myself back up with my chest scraping over the edge of the chasm road.

Unfortunately we never got to Fairy Meadow or to see Nanga Parbat due to the white out. We spent 2-3 days sleeping on the cold floor of the village school at Tattoo.

Thanks really appreciate your write up

I travelling to Pakistan at the end of June starting in Skurdu then hoping to go FM onto Hunza then the all being well onto Shandhur polo festival Which is something I wanted to attend for a long time. Then going on to see the kalash People this is an ambitious itinerary i Know between 29 June and 11th July from Skardu. Is it feasible

Question a) do you pay the Jeep driver at the start of journey or pay half then half on return

b) on your return how do you get to the next destination which will be Gilgit for us

Finally we can only apologise for rude person above called Disgruntled

Look forward to hearing from anyone I read many messages but not so sorry if your repeating

Hi Nasar, you have to pay the full amount and on your return, you can easily hitch a ride to Gilgit, plenty of transportation goes there.

No worries about Disgruntled, I deal with these comments all the time!

Hi Joan I will be going to Nanga Parbat Base Camp in June and am driving myself from Islamabad in a 4 Wheel Drive. If i pay the money for the round trip will they let me take my own vehicle to Fairy Meadows? and would it be safe there? If not is there somewhere i can park safely near Raikot bridge whilst i use their jeep transport. Thanks in advance Dennis

Hi Denjis, I don’t know if they will allow you, you’ll have to ask them but if not, you can park your park safely, for sure, there are a lot of national tourists coming from Islamabad with their cars as well

Hi Joan! is it really cold at night, while camping with a tent in FM or Nanga Parbat BC?

I traveled with 4 friends to Fairy Meadows in July, 2024.

It was very hot at Raikot bridge. Mid July at 2pm it was 41c or 106f. It took about 40 min to get a jeep, and we were charged 2.5K PKR per night to park at raikot in the monopolized parking.

We took a 1.75 hrs ride from raikot to the jeep stop at the base, before the FM trek. With two stops for the driver to refill the coolant tank with water. Narrow road, though improved over the last years.

Allegedly, you can take a horse up to FM. However, the local government tells the locals you must own a horse to go up, so only 11 horses at the base jeep stop vs 150 previously. Enterprising locals were renting horses and then brining up tourists prior to the change. It hard to get a horse at the jeep stop, and I was told horses are for women only. It took us 2.75 hrs to hike from jeep stop to FM with breaks. Although we confirmed a price of 18,000 PKR per jeep earlier in the month we paid 22,500 PKR per jeep to go from Raikot to the jeep stop. 2.5K surcharge was included in that price, as we were told there is an extra “fee” to come back early (we left 2 days later at 8:00). A local Pakistani friend did all of the negotiation. The jeeps can theoretically fit 6 people, but 4 people per jeep is more realistic, with large luggage and tall people in our group.

Due to heavy luggage mid trek, we hired a donkey to bring our bags up the rest of the way. It cost approximately 700 PKR per bag (7 KG) to have a donkey and guide bring them from the jeep stop to FM. We paid 250 PKR for a bottle of water at FM. We were shocked by the amount of trash and litter on the trek to FM, seeing several people simply throw their empty water bottles down the side of the mountain 🙁

Once we reached FM we stayed at the Monarch hotel, a new hotel at the top of FM, it is run by the nephew of owner of Raikot Serai. It was a good hotel with electricity, and WiFi during the day + hot water. Nice food and friendly staff. Allegedly, we were some of the first guests as the hotel opened in early July 2024. We paid 15,000 PKR for room with a king bed and private bathroom. There were also cheaper rooms with a shared bathroom, for less. For dinner we had Chicken karahi with chapati 7,000 PKR for 4 people, and 7,000 PKR for mutton biryani for 4 people. Breakfast options at Monarch were fried eggs, omelette, chapati and chai.

We were tired the next day but wanted to explore more. We paid 6000 PKR per person for a horse and guide to do a trek from FM to Nanga Parbat viewpoint, crossing through Beyal camp. It took us 8 hrs RT with stops and lunch. 2 hrs up 2 hrs down. Treked up with a horse and walked down due to soreness, from the saddle. 1 hour lunch, and 1 hour to hike RT past NP viewpoint to get a better look at the glacier.

At the Naga Parbat viewpoint, we spend 800 PKR for a plate of dal and rice. Normal city price in Islamabad might be 200 PKR, so very expensive. As you go higher the prices increase, for example, we paid 250 PKR per cup of chai in Beyal camp.

Overall this was a great trek, but at Joan mentioned, this is the most commercial spot in Pakistan. Next time, I would skip staying at FM, and just take lunch there, opting to stay the night in more basic, but rewarding accommodation at Beyal camp, which is far cleaner and has significantly fewer tourists.

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Trango Adventure

Around Nanga Parbat trek

"A Trekking Holiday To The Nanga Parbat Base Camp of Western Himalaya"

Around Nanga Parbat trek

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Around Nanga Parbat trek 2024-2025

Trek highlights.

  • Stunning wild and remote scenery during  Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek
  • Fantastic mountain vistas of the Himalayan Mountains, Pakistan
  • Spectacular View of the Indus River
  • One of the world’s top Trekking Adventure
  • Experience the picturesque Fairy Meadow of Pakistan.


Around Nanga Parbat is a circular trek for mountaineers and trekkers in the Western Himalayan region of Pakistan. Nanga Parbat means naked mountains and is generally known as Diamer, king of the mountains. Nanga Parbat is the 9th highest peak globally and the second highest mountain after K2 in Pakistan, which lies in Gilgit Baltistan. Its height is almost 8126m and flows more than 7km. The Indus and the Brahmaputra rivers bound it.

Nanga Parbat Peak has earned the nickname Killer Mountain because of the high number of climber deaths. Therefore, it is known as a tricky mountain to climb. Nanga Parbat has three faces: Diamir face in the west, Rakhiot face in the North, and Rupal face in the south. The ridge of the Nanga Parbat comprises a bulk of rock and ice. A member of the German-Austrian team first climbed Nanga Parbat in 1953.

Trango Adventure hase has been organising the  Nanga Parbat Base Camp trek for many years. We offer both essential and luxury  Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek . The duration of the trek may be longer or shorter depending on your experience, ability and available time.

Your guide will meet you at Islamabad International  Airport and transfer you to the group hotel for the rest. We will meet again in the evening for the briefing about the Nanga Parbat trek. After a night’s stay, we will drive towards Chillas via the Karakoram Highway. Then we will go to Astore. The next day, we will do trekking for some hours towards Tarashing. By crossing the Tarashing glacier, we will reach Herligkoffer base camp. The following day, we will walk to the Latobah under the Rupal face of Nanga Parbat.

After crossing Shaigiri we will reach Mazeno base camp and Mazeno high camp while experiencing the steep terrains, hillsides, waterfalls, and scenic views. We must ascend Mazeno Pass to arrive at Laibh meadows for a night’s stay. After breakfast, we will continue our Nanga Parbat circuit trek towards Zangot, where we will spend one more day as a leisurely rest. We will follow the trail from Kutagali, Shaichi, to Gutum Sagar. We will start trekking to Jilipur High Campp and Beyal Camp early morning. We spend a night near Nanga Parbat base camp and trek to fairy meadows. You will come across a mighty region with splendid views of the massive Nanga Parbat Peak. We have to spend one night in fairy meadows in tents under the stars to enjoy the cool breeze at the base camp before travelling to Islamabad. We will have a barbecue and bonfire tonight.

After seeing Nanga Parbat, we will drive back to Chillas from Raikot Bridge. In the morning, we will travel to Islamabad via Babusar Pass. After sightseeing in Islamabad, we will move you to the Islamabad International Airport for your flight back home. Please book your return flight on the last day of our itinerary.

The Nanga Parbat circuit trek is one of the most strenuous treks in the world, with spectacular mountain vistas as a reward.

The below Itinerary is for our 9-day-long Nanga Parbat BaseCampp T rek (Raikot side ) from Islamabad To Islamabad. Please check our Round Trek To  “ Nanga Parbat Base Camp  Trek”  if you are interested in a short  Trip.


Arrival day in islamabad, pakistan:, drive to chillas (461km) 8-9 hours drive:, drive & trek to fairy meadow (3300m) 6 hours:, trek to base camp (3500m) 6 hours walking:, trek back to fairy maidow (3300m) 6 hours walking:, drive back to besham, 9 hours drive:, drive back to islamabad, 8 hours drive:, sightseeing day in islamabad:, departure day-fly back home:, additional information, map and itinerary of nanga parbat base camp trek pakistan..


Trango Adventure has a long track record of organising Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek  in Pakistan. We have had groups complete the Nanga Parbat  Base Camp Trek on many previous occasions. We designed our itinerary based on over 40 Years of experience, which is the best in terms of acclimatization, safety and enjoyment. We intend to keep to the day-by-day itinerary detailed below, although there might be some flexibility due to local conditions or other factors beyond our control. If this is the case, the Trek Guide will do everything possible to work out the itinerary changes to minimise your inconvenience.

Adventure travel requires an open and flexible attitude. You may experience extreme conditions, unpredictable weather and last-minute changes to the itinerary beyond our control. The ability to work in a team is an important aspect of all of our trips.


Arrival day in islamabad-pakistan:.

  • Hill View Hotel or Similar




Trek back to fairy maidow (3,300m) 6 hours:, drive back to naran/besham, 9 hourss:, travel back to islamabad, 8 hours drive:, nanga parbat base camp trek cost and dates 2023-24., private groups – choose your dates., trek start and finish in islamabad-full board basis., introduction:.

Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek dates and prices are for the fixed departure trekking Holidays only. Private groups, please choose your dates. Group discounts are available so please contact us before booking. Your Guide will Meet and Greet you at the Islamabad International Airport, will stay with you through out the Journey and see you off at Islamabad Airport. Our Guides are experienced and licensed by the Government of Pakistan.

Please be aware that there are often only a limited number of seats available at the advertised price, particularly for fix departures. We recommend that you book as early as possible, especially during peak times. If we are unable to secure seats at the price shown, we will contact you with an alternative quote.


The price of our holidays can change depending on a variety of factors but unlike some other tour operators , Trango Adventure have undertaken to guarantee the price of your holiday will not change after you have booked. The price when you book is the price you will pay, whether you are booking for this year or the next. Book early to avoid any tour price increases, get the best flight prices and take advantage of our ‘ No Surcharge Guarantee ’. Trango Adventure is a Government licensed and bonded tour operator to follows the strict Regulations set by the Tourism Department of Pakistan . 

We accept cash on Arrival, Bank Transfers, PayPal and all major Credit & debit Cards.

trek to nanga parbat base camp

Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek information 2024-25.

What’s included.

  • Professional English-speaking Mountain Guide. (Government requirement)
  • Airport transfers for Domestic & international flights.
  • Internal flights and associated airport transfers
  • All land transport involved in the itinerary
  • Accommodation as described
  • All meals, all permit fees.
  • All staff and supporting crew
  • Sleeping tents, mattresses, mess, kitchen and toilet tent with tables/field stools and camping ground fees. Kitchen equipment, crockery, cutlery, fuel and related community gear
  • Wages and basic kit of guide, sirdar, Porter’s cook and assistant(s)
  • Insurance of our field staff and low-altitude porters (except helicopter rescue)
  • Porterage at airports, hotels, toll taxes parking fees etc.
  • Reconfirmation of domestic air tickets
  • The team arranges the wages and kit
  • Full trekking service including food and all equipment (excluding personal equipment).


  • International flights
  • Travel insurance
  • Pakistan Visa fee
  • Tips for local guides and support staff
  • Miscellaneous expenses
  • souvenirs etc.

Fully-inclusive of all meals throughout, from lunch on Day 1 to breakfast on the last Day.


During the Nanga Parbat base camp trek , the group will spend all nights in a good standard hotel and Tents. Accommodation at each of these hotels and tents is twin-sharing with en-suite facilities. If you are travelling by yourself you will be paired with another single client of the same sex. It is possible to hire a single room for an additional cost. Additional hotel nights in Islamabad are also available. For hotel prices and single supplement costs please contact us. Hotels are subject to availability and prices may vary.


You should contact your doctor or travel clinic to check whether you specifically require any vaccinations or other preventive measures. You should be up to date with routine courses and boosters as recommended in the UK e.g. diphtheria-tetanus-polio and measles-mumps-rubella), along with hepatitis A and typhoid. Malarial prophylaxis is discretionary for this trip. Malaria exists in the area around Islamabad. However, incidences of urban transmission of malaria are extremely low. In Chilas and the mountains, there is no malaria risk. A good online resource is Travel Health Pro. Dengue fever is a known risk in places visited. It is a tropical viral disease spread by daytime-biting mosquitoes. There is currently no vaccine or prophylaxis available and therefore the best form of prevention is to avoid being bitten. We recommend you take precautions to avoid mosquito bites

We highly recommend that you have adequate travel insurance for your trip with Trango Adventure Pakistan . We recognise the complexity and variety of choices in the insurance market and know that many of you either have your preferred insurer or have annual multi-trip cover in place already. If this is the case, please ensure that your insurer is aware of your Trango Adventure itinerary and can agree to cover the activities being undertaken.

Trango Adventure does not provide any advice on travel insurance, although it is highly recommended that you have travel insurance which covers the activities which you are likely to be undertaking on your holiday.

It is strongly recommended that suitable cancellation insurance is purchased at the time of booking as all deposits (Royalty Fees) for Expedition are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Suggested insurance companies include:

Expeditions or Treks

  • HCC Medical Insurance Services LLC    Tel: +1-800 605 2282
  • Travelex Insurance Services    Tel: +1-800 228 9792
  • True Traveller Insurance  Tel: 0333 999 3140 for treks including over 4500m
  • Austrian Alpine Club (UK) Tel: +44 (0)1929 556870
  • Snowcard    Tel: +44 (0)1295 660836
  • The B.M.C.    Tel: +44 (0)161 445 6111 (please note the BMC cannot cover Mt Damavand)
  • Dogtag   Tel: 0800 036 4824 (UK residents only)
  • World Nomads   (up to 6000m)
  • Insure for Less    (Australian nationals only).

Treks only:

  • Campbell Irvine    Tel: +44 (0)207 938 1737
  • Rothwell & Towler    Tel: +44 (0)845 908 0161
  • J S Insurance   Tel: +44 (0)844 848 1500


The group will be led by an experienced Mountain Guide. During the Nanga Parbat Base camp trek, the group will be accompanied by a full support crew.

The Nanga Parbat base camp trek involves going to high altitudes. During your trip, you will be above 3,500 metres for 1-2 days. This is not something that you should worry about; the human body is quite capable of adapting to a very wide range of altitudes, but we must follow some simple rules to acclimatise successfully. Before coming on this holiday you should get some basic advice on Tours at high altitudes.

From mid-June to August, we can expect to encounter temperatures as high as 40°C at Islamabad, and Chila, and 25°C in the Nanga Parbat region. Weather is generally good throughout the summer season, with clear skies and little rain or snow. However, weather in mountainous areas is difficult to predict, and short-lived storms can occur at any time.

  • Trekking in Pakistan . Isobel Shaw.
  • Karakoram Highway. King.
  • Top Treks of the World. Steve Razzetti.
  • In the Throne Room of the Mountain Gods. Galen Rowell.
  • K2 Triumph and Tragedy. Jim Curran.


A passport with 6 months remaining validity at the end of your stay is generally required for visits to countries outside the EU. The information that we provide is for United Kingdom passport holders. Please check the relevant embassy or consulate for other nationalities. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct travel documents and visas for your holiday. Visa requirements and charges are subject to change without notice.


All nationalities require a visa. The visa fee is approximately GBP 50 and you must apply before departure. To obtain a visa for Pakistan you will require a letter of introduction from an approved agency which will be provided by Trango Adventure. Visa applications can be made online at the official visa application website.

Note: if you are continuing your tour to china then you have to get a visa for china from your home country.


As a general rule, you should always try to keep the weight of your equipment to a minimum. The packed weight of your should be no more than 25.5 kg. Anything not required on the trip can be left at the group hotel in Islamabad. Please note you do not need to bring a sleeping bag or sleeping mat etc for the trekking part of this holiday as we will be staying at huts.

We will send you a list of detail items closer to your Holiday departure.

Email [email protected] if you need more information regarding the “ Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek”.

Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

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  • Travel Guide

Fairy Meadows Trek & Nanga Parbat Base Camp – A Complete Guide

Published: September 16, 2023

Modified: December 27, 2023

by Linell Menard

  • Plan Your Trip
  • Travel Tips



Welcome to Fairy Meadows, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of the breathtaking Himalayas. This remote and untouched paradise offers an unparalleled adventure for nature enthusiasts and avid trekkers. A trek to Fairy Meadows will take you to the base camp of Nanga Parbat, the ninth highest mountain in the world.

Surrounded by lush green meadows, snow-capped peaks, and enchanting forests, Fairy Meadows exudes an otherworldly charm. The journey to this picturesque destination is an experience in itself, with stunning landscapes and a sense of tranquility that is unparalleled.

Located in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan, reaching Fairy Meadows requires some effort, but the rewards are well worth it. The region offers a diverse range of flora and fauna, unique cultural experiences, and the chance to witness some of Mother Nature’s most breathtaking creations.

Whether you’re an experienced adventurer or a novice explorer, Fairy Meadows has something for everyone. From serene hikes through alpine meadows to challenging treks up Nanga Parbat, there is no shortage of adventures waiting to be discovered. So, lace up your boots, pack your sense of adventure, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey.

Getting to Fairy Meadows

Reaching Fairy Meadows may seem like a challenging task, but the journey itself is an adventure worth undertaking. Here are the different options to get to this stunning destination:

  • By Flight: The nearest airport to Fairy Meadows is Gilgit Airport. Several domestic airlines operate flights to Gilgit from major cities in Pakistan. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or take a local bus to Raikot Bridge, which is the starting point for the trek to Fairy Meadows.
  • By Road: If you prefer a road trip, you can travel to Gilgit by road. Major cities like Islamabad and Rawalpindi have bus services that connect to Gilgit. The journey offers breathtaking views of the Karakoram Highway, known as the eighth wonder of the world.
  • Trekking from Raikot Bridge: Once you reach Raikot Bridge, the real adventure begins. From here, you have two options to reach Fairy Meadows. The first option is to hire a jeep to take you to Tatto village, which cuts down the trekking time. The second option is to trek the entire way from Raikot Bridge to Fairy Meadows, which takes around 4-6 hours. This trek is moderate in difficulty and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.
  • Cable Car: Another exciting way to get to Fairy Meadows is by taking the cable car from Raikot Bridge to the village of Tatu. This thrilling ride can save you the trekking time and provides a unique perspective of the area.

It’s important to note that the road from Raikot Bridge to Fairy Meadows is not accessible by vehicles. Once you arrive at Fairy Meadows, you can explore the area on foot and immerse yourself in the beauty of the surroundings.

Fairy Meadows: A Hidden Gem

Fairy Meadows, also known as the “Heaven on Earth,” is a true hidden gem in the Himalayas that offers a unique blend of natural beauty and tranquility. Nestled at an altitude of 3,300 meters, this enchanting destination is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts.

The meadows get their name from the local folklore that says fairies visit this place during the night. Whether or not you believe in fairy tales, one thing is for sure – Fairy Meadows will leave you spellbound with its breathtaking vistas and serene atmosphere.

With its lush green meadows stretching as far as the eye can see, surrounded by snow-capped peaks and verdant forests, Fairy Meadows truly feels like a slice of paradise. The meadows are dotted with colorful wildflowers, adding a vibrant touch to the landscape.

One of the main highlights of Fairy Meadows is its proximity to Nanga Parbat, also known as the “Killer Mountain.” Standing tall at an elevation of 8,126 meters, Nanga Parbat is the ninth highest mountain in the world. The base camp of Nanga Parbat is located in Fairy Meadows, making it a popular destination for mountaineers and adventure seekers.

Aside from the awe-inspiring natural beauty, Fairy Meadows offers a serene and peaceful environment that allows you to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life. You’ll find yourself surrounded by the sounds of nature – birds chirping, rivers flowing, and the cool breeze rustling through the trees.

Whether you choose to simply relax and soak in the peaceful ambiance or embark on thrilling adventures, Fairy Meadows has something to offer for everyone. You can go hiking through the meadows, breathing in the crisp mountain air and taking in the panoramic views. For the more experienced trekkers, conquering the challenging trek to Nanga Parbat base camp is an unforgettable achievement.

Moreover, Fairy Meadows is a paradise for photography enthusiasts, with every angle offering a picture-perfect opportunity. Capture the beauty of the meadows, the towering peaks, and the mesmerizing sunset and sunrise scenes that paint the sky with vibrant hues.

Fairy Meadows is a destination that not only captivates the senses but also nourishes the soul. Its untouched beauty and peaceful surroundings make it a hidden gem that must be experienced firsthand.

Nanga Parbat Base Camp: Overview

Situated in the stunning Fairy Meadows, the Nanga Parbat Base Camp is a dream destination for mountaineers and adventurers from around the world. Nanga Parbat, also known as the “Killer Mountain,” stands tall at 8,126 meters and is the ninth highest peak in the world. The base camp provides a starting point for expeditions to conquer this majestic mountain.

The Nanga Parbat Base Camp offers a unique experience for those seeking a thrilling and challenging adventure. The trek to the base camp is a demanding one, with steep ascents, rocky terrain, and ever-changing weather conditions. However, the rewards are immense, with breathtaking views and a sense of accomplishment that comes with being so close to such a formidable peak.

The base camp is a hub of activity, with mountaineers from all around the world gathering here to prepare for their ascent of Nanga Parbat. You’ll witness a vibrant atmosphere filled with anticipation and a shared love for adventure. The camp is also a melting pot of cultures, as climbers and trekkers from different countries come together, sharing stories and forming lifelong connections.

At the base camp, you’ll have the opportunity to witness the grandeur of Nanga Parbat up close. The sheer size of the mountain is awe-inspiring, with its snow-covered slopes and imposing presence. The base camp offers a unique perspective of the mountain, giving you a glimpse into the challenges that climbers face during their ascent.

While at the base camp, take the time to admire the surrounding scenery. The panoramic views of the surrounding valleys, meadows, and glaciers are nothing short of mesmerizing. As the sun sets over the towering peaks, the landscape is bathed in golden hues, creating a magical atmosphere that is truly unforgettable.

It’s important to note that climbing Nanga Parbat is a highly technical and physically demanding endeavor. Only experienced mountaineers should attempt the ascent, and it is advised to undertake thorough training and preparation before embarking on this challenging journey.

Even if you’re not planning to climb Nanga Parbat, visiting the base camp is an adventure in itself. The sheer beauty of the surroundings and the thrill of being in such a remote and pristine location will leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re an experienced climber or an admirer of nature’s wonders, a visit to the Nanga Parbat Base Camp is an experience you won’t want to miss.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp depends on your preferences and the type of experience you’re seeking. However, there are certain months that are generally considered more favorable in terms of weather and accessibility.

The summer months of June to August are the peak tourist season in Fairy Meadows. During this time, the weather is pleasant, and the meadows are in full bloom, adorned with colorful flowers. The temperatures range from mild to cool, providing comfortable conditions for trekking and exploring the area. The visibility is also generally better during the summer months, offering stunning views of the surrounding peaks and valleys.

However, due to the popularity of this season, the trails and accommodations can be more crowded, and prices may be higher. If you prefer a quieter and more tranquil experience, it’s advisable to visit during the shoulder seasons of spring (April and May) or fall (September and October). During these months, the weather is still pleasant, but the number of tourists decreases, allowing you to enjoy the serenity of the meadows without the crowds.

Keep in mind that the weather in the mountains can be unpredictable, and conditions can change rapidly. It’s essential to check the weather forecast and be prepared for sudden changes in temperature and precipitation, regardless of the time of year you visit. Additionally, the winter months (November to March) bring heavy snowfall and extreme cold, making it challenging to access Fairy Meadows. As such, it is not recommended to visit during this time.

Ultimately, the best time to visit Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp is subjective and depends on your personal preferences. Whether you choose to visit during the peak season or explore during the quieter months, the natural beauty of this area will leave you in awe and provide an unforgettable experience.

Trekking Permits and Regulations

When planning your trek to Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the necessary permits and regulations to ensure a smooth and responsible journey. Here’s what you need to know:

Trekking Permits: To enter Fairy Meadows and trek to the Nanga Parbat Base Camp, you will need to obtain a trekking permit. These permits can be obtained from the office of the Deputy Commissioner in Gilgit or through a registered tour operator. The permit is required to ensure the safety and well-being of trekkers and to preserve the natural beauty of the area.

Environmental Fee: In addition to the trekking permit, there is an environmental fee that must be paid to the local authorities. This fee goes towards the preservation and conservation of the natural environment in Fairy Meadows and the surrounding area.

Guides and Porters: While trekking to Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp, it is highly recommended to hire a local guide or porter. These experienced individuals can provide valuable assistance, navigation, and support throughout the trek. They are familiar with the terrain, weather conditions, and can ensure your safety during the journey.

Respect for the Environment: It is essential to maintain a responsible and sustainable approach while trekking in Fairy Meadows. Respect the fragile ecosystem and avoid leaving any trace behind. Carry all your waste with you and dispose of it properly. It is also advisable to follow designated trails and avoid venturing into restricted or sensitive areas to preserve the natural beauty of the region.

Respect Local Culture and Customs: The locals in Fairy Meadows have a rich cultural heritage and traditions. It is important to respect their customs and way of life while visiting. Dress modestly, seek permission before taking photographs of locals, and be mindful of their privacy and personal space.

Health and Safety: Prior to embarking on the trek, it is wise to consult a healthcare professional and ensure you are physically fit for the journey. It is also recommended to carry a first aid kit and any necessary medications. Additionally, be prepared for potential altitude sickness and acclimatize properly by taking regular breaks and drinking plenty of water along the way.

By adhering to these permits and regulations, you contribute to the preservation of the environment, respect the local culture, and ensure your safety and well-being throughout the trek. Enjoy the journey responsibly and make beautiful memories in this incredible corner of the Himalayas.

Trekking Routes and Difficulty Levels

Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp offer a range of trekking routes, each with its own unique challenges and rewards. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trekker, there is a route that suits your skill level and interests.

Side Treks from Fairy Meadows: In addition to the main trek to Nanga Parbat Base Camp, there are several side treks worth exploring from Fairy Meadows. These include the Fairy Meadows to Beyal Camp trek, which offers breathtaking views of Raikot Glacier, and the Fairy Meadows to Biwarchi Cor trek, which takes you through stunning meadows and panoramic viewpoints.

It’s important to note that all treks in this region require a reasonable level of fitness, as the terrain can be rugged and steep. It is advisable to acclimatize properly to the altitude and be well-prepared with appropriate gear, including sturdy hiking boots, warm clothing, and a backpack with essential supplies. Hiring a local guide or trekking with a group can enhance your safety and overall trekking experience.

Whatever route you choose, trekking in Fairy Meadows offers a truly immersive experience in the heart of the Himalayas. With its awe-inspiring landscapes and sense of adventure, these treks will leave you with lasting memories and a sense of accomplishment.

Accommodation Options

When embarking on a trek to Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp, there are various accommodation options available to suit different preferences and budgets. While the area is considered remote, you’ll find comfortable and cozy accommodations that allow you to recharge and relax after a day of trekking. Here are the primary accommodation options in Fairy Meadows:

Tented Camps: The most popular and authentic lodging option in Fairy Meadows is staying in tented camps. These camps offer a unique experience, allowing you to be close to nature while still enjoying the comfort of amenities. The camps provide visitors with spacious and well-equipped tents, complete with beds, blankets, and basic toiletries. Some camps even provide dining facilities, offering a range of delicious local and international cuisine.

Guest Houses and Huts: In addition to tented camps, there are a few guest houses and huts available in Fairy Meadows. These accommodations provide private rooms with basic facilities such as beds and shared bathrooms. While the amenities may be more modest compared to hotels, they offer a cozy and affordable option for trekkers looking for a comfortable stay.

Camping: For those who prefer a more minimalist and adventurous experience, camping is also an option. There are designated camping areas in Fairy Meadows where you can set up your own tent and enjoy the natural surroundings. However, keep in mind that you’ll need to bring your own camping gear and supplies for a camping experience.

It’s essential to book your accommodation well in advance, especially during the peak trekking season, to ensure availability. The accommodations in Fairy Meadows are limited, and the demand can be high. Consider reaching out to local tour operators or camping providers to make your arrangements.

When choosing your accommodation, keep in mind that the facilities may be basic compared to urban settings. Electricity may be limited, and hot water availability may be intermittent. However, the breathtaking views and serene environment make up for any lack of luxury.

Whichever accommodation option you choose, you’ll have the opportunity to revel in the beauty of the surroundings and enjoy the peaceful ambiance that Fairy Meadows offers. After a day of trekking, there’s no better feeling than unwinding and resting in the comfort of your chosen accommodation, ready to embark on more adventures the next day.

Food and Supplies Availability

When trekking to Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp, it’s important to plan for your food and supplies, as the area is relatively isolated. While facilities may be limited, there are options available to ensure you have nourishment and essential items during your trek.

Food: Tented camps and guest houses in Fairy Meadows usually offer meals as part of their accommodation packages. You can expect a variety of delicious and hearty dishes, including local Pakistani cuisine as well as international options. From freshly cooked meals to packed lunches for your treks, the camps provide meals that cater to different dietary preferences and requirements.

If you prefer to be more self-sufficient or have specific dietary needs, it is advisable to bring some food supplies with you. This can include energy bars, dried fruits, and snacks that are lightweight and easy to carry. It’s also important to stay hydrated, so carrying a water bottle and purifying tablets or a filtration system is recommended.

Supplies: It’s essential to pack and carry all necessary supplies before embarking on your trek. In Fairy Meadows, there are a few shops that sell basic items like toiletries, snacks, and water, but the selection may be limited and prices can be higher than usual. It’s best to buy essential supplies in larger towns or cities before heading to Fairy Meadows. This can include items like sunblock, insect repellent, medications, trekking gear, and other personal essentials.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to have a detailed checklist of all the necessary equipment and supplies you’ll need for your trek, such as sturdy hiking boots, warm clothing, a backpack, a sleeping bag, and a first aid kit.

When it comes to water, it is advisable to drink bottled water or use water purification tablets or systems to ensure safe drinking water. Avoid drinking directly from streams or rivers, as the water may not be safe for consumption.

Overall, while the availability of food and supplies in Fairy Meadows may be limited, proper planning and preparation can ensure you have enough sustenance and essential items for your trek. It’s always better to be well-prepared and self-sufficient when embarking on an adventure in remote areas like Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp.

Safety Tips and Precautions

Ensuring your safety during the trek to Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp is of utmost importance. The rugged terrain and remote location require careful planning and adherence to safety guidelines. Here are some essential safety tips and precautions to keep in mind:

Physical Fitness: Prior to undertaking the trek, assess your physical fitness level and consult with a healthcare professional if necessary. Engage in regular exercise and build stamina before embarking on the trek. It’s important to listen to your body and take breaks when needed.

Acclimatization: Adjusting to higher altitudes is crucial to avoid altitude sickness. Take your time to acclimatize properly by gradually ascending and spending a few days at intermediate altitudes before reaching Fairy Meadows. Stay hydrated, avoid excessive physical exertion, and be aware of the symptoms of altitude sickness.

Weather Conditions: The weather in the mountains can change rapidly, so it’s essential to be prepared for varying conditions. Check the weather forecast before starting your trek and pack suitable clothing layers to adjust to temperature changes. Be cautious of slippery surfaces and inclement weather, and make informed decisions based on prevailing conditions.

Stay on Designated Trails: Stick to the designated trails and avoid venturing into restricted or sensitive areas. Straying from the established paths can lead to dangerous situations or harm the fragile ecosystem. Respect the natural surroundings and the guidelines set by local authorities.

Campsite Safety: If camping, choose a safe and secure location away from potential hazards. Ensure your tents are properly set up and secured. Be cautious of the campfire and keep flammable items away from flames. Respect the natural environment and leave no trace of your presence when you depart.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated throughout the trek. It’s essential to carry enough water with you and use purification tablets or systems to ensure safe drinking water. Pack enough food and snacks to maintain energy levels, as there may be limited availability of food along the trek.

Inform Others: Share your plans with a reliable contact person, such as family or friends. Provide them with your itinerary and expected return dates. This will help ensure that someone knows where you are and can raise an alarm if needed.

Emergency Preparedness: Carry a basic first aid kit with essential supplies for minor injuries or ailments. Familiarize yourself with basic first aid procedures and know how to respond to emergencies. It’s also advisable to carry a means of communication, such as a mobile phone or a satellite phone, for emergencies.

By adhering to these safety tips and precautions, you can minimize risks and enjoy a safe and memorable trekking experience in Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp. Always prioritize safety, be aware of your surroundings, and make responsible decisions throughout the journey.

Equipment Checklist

When preparing for a trek to Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp, having the right equipment is essential to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. Here is a checklist of important equipment and gear to consider bringing:

Hiking Boots: Invest in a sturdy pair of hiking boots that provide ankle support and are comfortable for long walks on uneven terrain. Make sure to break them in before starting the trek.

Backpack: Choose a durable and spacious backpack that can comfortably carry all your essentials. Look for one with adjustable straps and a waist belt for better weight distribution.

Sleeping Bag: Bring a high-quality sleeping bag suitable for colder temperatures. Ensure it provides adequate insulation and is lightweight for easy carrying.

Trekking Poles: Trekking poles can provide stability and support, especially during steep ascents and descents. Opt for collapsible poles that are easy to pack and adjust.

Layered Clothing: Pack a variety of layered clothing options to cater to changing weather conditions. Include lightweight and breathable moisture-wicking shirts, warm insulating layers, windproof and waterproof jackets, and comfortable trekking pants.

Headlamp or Flashlight: A reliable headlamp or flashlight is vital for navigating in low-light conditions, especially if you plan to hike early mornings or evenings. Remember to bring extra batteries.

Sun Protection: Protect yourself from the harsh mountain sun by packing sunscreen, sunglasses with UV protection, a sunhat, and lip balm with SPF.

Navigation Tools: Carry a map, compass, or GPS device to help you stay on track and navigate through the trails. Familiarize yourself with the route beforehand or consider hiring a local guide.

First Aid Kit: Prepare a basic first aid kit that includes band-aids, antiseptic ointment, painkillers, blister pads, insect repellent, and any necessary personal medications.

Water Bottle and Hydration System: Stay hydrated during the trek by carrying a reusable water bottle. Consider using a hydration bladder or water purification tablets to ensure a safe drinking water supply.

Other Essentials: Don’t forget to pack items like a pocket knife, a lightweight towel, a camera or smartphone for capturing memories, extra socks, a hat or beanie for cold weather, and a lightweight camping stove if you plan to cook your meals.

Remember that the weight of your backpack should be manageable, so pack only what you truly need. Consider the duration of your trek and the facilities available at your chosen accommodation to determine how much food and supplies to carry.

Prioritize comfort, functionality, and quality when selecting your trekking equipment. With the right gear, you’ll be prepared to take on the challenges, enjoy the stunning landscapes, and have a memorable journey in Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp.

Packing Tips

Packing efficiently and strategically is key to a successful and enjoyable trek to Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp. Here are some helpful packing tips to ensure you have everything you need while keeping your backpack weight manageable:

Plan Ahead: Make a detailed list of all the necessary items you need to pack before your trek. This will help you stay organized and avoid forgetting important gear.

Weather Considerations: Be prepared for varying weather conditions by layering your clothing. Bring lightweight, moisture-wicking shirts for warmer days, and insulating layers and a waterproof jacket for colder or rainy days. Check the weather forecast before your trek and pack accordingly.

Minimize Clothing: Rather than bringing a fresh set of clothes for each day, pack a few versatile items that you can mix and match. Opt for quick-drying fabrics that are lightweight and take up less space in your backpack.

Rolling Technique: Roll your clothes instead of folding them to save space in your backpack. This packing technique also helps to minimize wrinkles and keeps your items compact.

Compression Bags: Consider using compression bags, which allow you to squeeze the air out of your clothing, reducing the overall volume and maximizing space in your backpack.

Multipurpose Items: Pack items that serve multiple purposes. For example, a bandana can be used as a headband, a face mask, or to wipe sweat. A sarong or lightweight towel can double as a blanket or a cover-up.

Weight Distribution: Distribute the weight of your belongings evenly in your backpack. Place heavier items closer to your back for better balance and lighter items towards the outside. This ensures better weight distribution and prevents strain on your back.

Essential Documents: Carry important documents such as your identification, permits, and any required medical or travel insurance information in a waterproof bag or pouch. Make sure they are easily accessible when needed.

Limit Electronics: While it’s tempting to bring various electronic devices, consider minimizing them to reduce weight and focus on immersing yourself in the natural surroundings. If you do bring electronics, be sure to pack spare batteries and keep them protected from moisture.

Leave No Trace: Pack all your trash and dispose of it responsibly. Keep the environment pristine by leaving no trace of your presence. Be respectful of the natural surroundings and cultural sites.

Remember, the key is to pack efficiently and prioritize the essentials while keeping your backpack weight manageable. Be mindful of the limited facilities and remote location of Fairy Meadows, and plan accordingly for a comfortable and enjoyable trekking experience.

Medical Considerations

When embarking on a trek to Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp, it’s important to consider medical factors to ensure your health and well-being throughout the journey. Here are some essential medical considerations to keep in mind:

Physical Fitness Assessment: Assess your physical fitness level before starting the trek. Consult with a healthcare professional if necessary, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or concerns. Ensure you are physically fit to undertake the challenging trek and be prepared for the physical demands it entails.

Altitude Sickness: Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp are located at high altitudes, and altitude sickness can be a concern. Take the time to acclimatize by gradually ascending and allowing your body to adjust to the altitude. Pay attention to symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, and shortness of breath. If you experience severe symptoms, descend immediately and seek medical assistance.

First Aid Kit: Carry a basic first aid kit with essential supplies for minor injuries or ailments. Include items such as band-aids, antiseptic ointment, painkillers, blister pads, and any personal medications you may require. Familiarize yourself with basic first aid procedures to address common trekking-related injuries or illnesses.

Hygiene Practices: Maintain good hygiene practices to prevent common illnesses. Carry hand sanitizer or antibacterial wipes to keep your hands clean, especially before eating. Use purified water for drinking and brushing your teeth to avoid waterborne illnesses.

Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS): In case of dehydration or gastrointestinal issues, carrying ORS packets can be valuable. Mix them with clean water to replenish electrolytes and maintain hydration levels.

Emergency Communication: Bring a means of communication such as a mobile phone or a satellite phone for emergencies. Keep emergency contact numbers saved and inform a reliable person of your trekking plans and expected return dates.

Medical Insurance: Ensure you have adequate travel and medical insurance coverage that includes emergency medical evacuation. Check with your insurance provider to understand the coverage details and requirements specific to trekking in remote areas.

Sun Protection: Protect yourself from the intense mountain sun by wearing sunscreen, sunglasses with UV protection, and a hat. Shielding yourself from the sun’s harmful rays can prevent sunburn, heatstroke, and eye damage.

COVID-19 Precautions: Be aware of and adhere to any COVID-19 guidelines and precautions set by local authorities. Stay updated on travel advisories and follow recommended safety measures, including wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and frequent hand washing.

It’s crucial to prioritize your health and safety while trekking in Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp. By being prepared and taking necessary precautions, you can minimize potential medical risks and enjoy a memorable and fulfilling trekking experience.

Cost and Budgeting

When planning a trek to Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp, it’s essential to consider the costs involved and budget accordingly. From transportation to accommodation and meals, here are some factors to consider when estimating your expenses:

Transportation: The cost of transportation will depend on your starting point. Consider the expenses of flights or bus tickets to reach Gilgit, the nearest city to Fairy Meadows. Factor in the cost of hiring a jeep or taking a local bus from Gilgit to Raikot Bridge, the starting point for the trek.

Trekking Permits: Obtain the necessary trekking permits, which may require a fee. This fee goes towards the conservation of the area and ensures your legal entry into Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp.

Accommodation: Accommodation options range from tented camps to guest houses. Prices will vary depending on the level of comfort and amenities provided. Pre-book your accommodation to secure availability, especially during the peak trekking season.

Meals: Tented camps and guest houses usually offer meals as part of their packages. Consider whether meals are included in your accommodation or if you need to budget for additional food supplies. If you have specific dietary requirements, bringing some food supplies with you may be necessary.

Guides and Porters: Hiring guides and porters is recommended, especially for inexperienced trekkers or those carrying heavy loads. Consider the cost of their services and factor it into your budget. It’s customary to negotiate the fee and establish clear expectations beforehand.

Equipment and Gear: If you don’t have necessary trekking equipment, such as hiking boots, a sleeping bag, or trekking poles, you may need to budget for renting or purchasing these items. Alternatively, you can rent equipment from local tour operators.

Additional Expenses: Consider any additional expenses you may have during your trek, such as purchasing water, snacks, or souvenirs. It’s also advisable to set aside some extra funds for unforeseen circumstances or emergencies.

Tipping: While not mandatory, it is customary to tip guides, porters, and staff at the camps or guesthouses as an appreciation for their services. Plan for tipping expenses in your budget.

When budgeting for your trek to Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp, take into account the duration of your stay, the level of comfort you desire, and the activities you plan to engage in. Remember to have some flexibility in your budget to accommodate unexpected costs or changes in plans.

By estimating your expenses and budgeting accordingly, you can ensure a well-planned trekking experience while keeping your finances in check and making the most of your adventure in this stunning Himalayan region.

Local Culture and Etiquette

When visiting Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp, it’s important to respect and appreciate the local culture and customs. The region is home to diverse ethnic groups, each with their own traditions, so understanding and adhering to local etiquette is crucial. Here are some tips to ensure you have a culturally sensitive experience:

Dress Code: Dress modestly and respectfully, especially when interacting with locals or visiting religious sites. Both men and women should avoid wearing revealing clothing, and women may consider carrying a scarf or shawl to cover their shoulders or head, if required.

Greetings: Greet locals with a friendly “salam” or “hello” when meeting them. Handshakes are usually the common form of greeting among people of the same sex. However, it’s best to observe the locals and follow their lead in terms of greetings and physical contact.

Photography Etiquette: Seek permission before taking photographs of local people, especially in close-ups. Some cultures may have cultural or religious beliefs that discourage photography. Respect their privacy and be considerate when capturing images.

Traditional Practices: Familiarize yourself with the local customs and traditions. Respect sacred sites, prayer flags, and other religious symbols. Avoid touching or removing anything that may be considered culturally significant or sacred.

Language and Communication: Learn a few basic words or phrases in the local language, such as greetings and thank you. Even a simple attempt to communicate in the local language is often appreciated and can help you connect with the locals.

Cultural Sensitivity: Show respect for the local customs and beliefs, even if they may differ from your own. Be open-minded and avoid making derogatory or offensive comments about the local culture, traditions, or religious practices.

Environmental Responsibility: Preserve the natural environment and cultural heritage by practicing responsible tourism. Follow designated trails, dispose of waste properly, and leave no trace of your presence. Respect the fragility of the ecosystem and avoid damaging flora or fauna.

Support Local Economy: Show support for the local community by purchasing locally made products or souvenirs. Consider dining at local restaurants or eateries and hiring local guides or porters who have a better understanding of the area and its traditions.

Be Mindful of Cultural Differences: Keep in mind that cultural norms can vary, and what may be acceptable in your culture may not be in the local culture. Be patient, understanding, and receptive to different ways of life.

By respecting the local culture and adhering to these etiquette guidelines, you not only create a positive impact on the local community but also enhance your own travel experience. Embrace the opportunity to engage with the local culture and gain a deeper appreciation for the rich traditions of Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp.

Must-See Attractions in Fairy Meadows

Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp are blessed with natural wonders that are a feast for the eyes and soul. Here are some of the must-see attractions that you shouldn’t miss during your visit:

Nanga Parbat: Standing majestically at 8,126 meters, Nanga Parbat is undoubtedly the star attraction in the area. Whether you trek to the base camp or simply admire it from the meadows, the sheer presence of this “Killer Mountain” is awe-inspiring. Watching the sun cast its warm glow on the snow-covered peaks during sunrise or sunset is a sight that will stay etched in your memory forever.

Fairy Meadows: The very name of Fairy Meadows evokes a sense of enchantment, and this place doesn’t disappoint. With its lush green meadows stretching as far as the eye can see, it’s a dream come true for nature lovers. Take a leisurely walk through the meadows, inhaling the fresh mountain air and reveling in its natural beauty. Marvel at the colorful wildflowers that dot the landscape and contribute to the magical ambiance.

Beyal Camp: A short trek from Fairy Meadows will take you to Beyal Camp, offering breathtaking views of the majestic Nanga Parbat. From this vantage point, you can witness the colossal glaciers and the rugged beauty of the surrounding mountains. The tranquility and pristine beauty of this campsite make it a must-visit destination.

Biwarchi Cor: Another attraction not to be missed is the Biwarchi Cor trek. This trail takes you to a spot with panoramic views of the surrounding peaks, providing a unique perspective on the grandeur of the Himalayas. The sweeping vistas, combined with the serenity of the surroundings, create an experience that will leave you in awe.

Raikot Bridge: As the starting point of the trek to Fairy Meadows, Raikot Bridge itself offers picturesque views of the Raikot Glacier and the verdant valleys below. Take a moment to appreciate the natural beauty of the lush greenery and the sound of the gushing river.

Rama Meadows: While not located in Fairy Meadows itself, Rama Meadows is a nearby attraction worth exploring. This hidden gem is nestled amidst the Shigar Valley and offers stunning views of the snow-capped mountains, crystal-clear streams, and vibrant floral displays. The lush green meadows and the peaceful ambiance make it a perfect spot to immerse yourself in the stunning beauty of nature.

These attractions in Fairy Meadows and the surrounding region offer a true escape into nature’s embrace. As you explore these magnificent sites, you’ll come to understand why this area is often referred to as a paradise on Earth.

Wildlife and Nature

Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp are not only a haven for adventure enthusiasts but also for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers. This region is blessed with rich biodiversity, offering a chance to witness unique flora and fauna in their natural habitats. Here’s a glimpse into the captivating wildlife and nature you can explore:

Flora: Fairy Meadows boasts a diverse range of flora, thanks to its fertile meadows and favorable climate. The meadows are adorned with a kaleidoscope of vibrant wildflowers, including geraniums, lilies, daisies, and forget-me-nots. In the warmer months, the meadows are a riot of colors, creating a captivating sight.

Fauna: The rugged landscapes of Fairy Meadows are home to various species of wildlife. Keep your eyes peeled for indigenous species such as the Himalayan ibex, snow leopards, musk deer, wild boars, and several varieties of birds, including the golden eagle and the Himalayan snowcock. If you’re lucky, you may even spot the rare and elusive Marco Polo sheep.

Avian Beauty: Fairy Meadows is a paradise for birdwatchers. The region is home to a wide range of avian species, including various species of warblers, finches, thrushes, and flycatchers. The melodious songs of these birds fill the air, creating a symphony of nature’s music. Binoculars are a must for birdwatching enthusiasts who are keen on spotting and identifying these feathered friends.

Glaciers and Waterfalls: The surrounding region is dotted with glaciers and breathtaking waterfalls that add to the charm of Fairy Meadows. The Diamer Bhasha Glacier and the Raikot Glacier are among the glaciers that adorn the landscape. The sight of these giant ice formations against the backdrop of towering peaks is truly awe-inspiring. Additionally, the glacial melt gives rise to numerous waterfalls, cascading down the mountainsides, lending a touch of serenity to the already mesmerizing landscapes.

Stargazing: Another natural wonder of Fairy Meadows is the night sky. Away from the pollution and city lights, the clear and dark night sky provides an ideal canvas for stargazing. On a clear night, you can witness a magnificent display of countless stars, including the Milky Way stretching across the sky. Stargazing in Fairy Meadows is a humbling experience, allowing you to contemplate the vastness and beauty of the universe.

As you explore Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp, immerse yourself in the beauty of the natural surroundings. From the vibrant flora and the intriguing wildlife to the serene glaciers and starlit skies, this region offers a perfect setting to connect with nature and witness the wonders of the world outside our bustling cities.

Photography Tips

When visiting Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp, you’ll be surrounded by awe-inspiring landscapes and breathtaking beauty. Capturing these stunning moments through photography is a great way to preserve memories and share the magic with others. Here are some photography tips to help you elevate your photography game:

Golden Hour Magic: Make the most of the golden hour, the period just after sunrise and before sunset, when the light is soft and warm. During this time, the mountains and meadows are bathed in a beautiful golden glow, creating a magical atmosphere. Wake up early or stay out late to capture the enchanting light and the stunning landscapes in the best possible way.

Wide-angle Perspectives: Utilize wide-angle lenses to capture the vastness of the landscapes and the grandeur of the mountains. Wide-angle lenses are ideal for showcasing the sweeping meadows, towering peaks, and glacial vistas. Experiment with different angles and compositions to create dynamic and striking images.

Foreground Interest: Add visual interest to your photos by including a foreground element. This could be a wildflower, a rock formation, or a person in the frame. The foreground element provides a sense of depth and draws the viewer’s attention into the image, making it more engaging and immersive.

Rule of Thirds: Apply the rule of thirds to create a balanced and visually pleasing composition. Imagine a grid of nine equal squares, and place key elements of interest along the gridlines or at their intersections. This helps to create a well-balanced image that is visually appealing to the viewer’s eye.

Leading Lines: Utilize natural lines in the landscape to lead the viewer’s eye through the image. These lines could be rivers, pathways, or the curving lines of the meadows. Leading lines create a sense of depth and guide the viewer’s gaze, creating a more engaging visual experience.

Capturing Motion: Experiment with capturing motion in your photographs. This could be the flowing water of a waterfall, the movement of clouds, or a person trekking through the meadows. Using a slow shutter speed can create a sense of movement and add dynamism to your images.

Portrait Photography: Don’t forget to capture the people and the local culture in your photographs. Portraits of the locals or fellow trekkers can tell a story and bring a human element to your images. Seek permission, show respect, and engage with your subjects to capture authentic and meaningful portraits.

Experiment with Perspectives: Get creative and try different perspectives to make your photographs unique. This could be shooting from a low angle to emphasize the grandeur of the mountains or capturing a reflection in a nearby stream or lake. Don’t be afraid to explore unconventional angles and compositions to add a fresh perspective to your images.

Preserving Nature: While capturing the beauty of the environment, be mindful not to disturb or harm the natural surroundings. Follow ethical practices and leave no trace of your presence. Be respectful of the fragile ecosystem and do not disrupt or remove any natural elements.

Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp are truly nature’s masterpieces, offering a unique and unforgettable adventure for trekking enthusiasts and nature lovers. With their stunning landscapes, rich biodiversity, and captivating culture, these destinations have something to offer to every traveler. From the serenity of Fairy Meadows to the grandeur of Nanga Parbat, the experiences and memories made in this corner of the Himalayas will last a lifetime.

As you embark on your trek, remember to plan and prepare wisely. Take into account the necessary permits, consider the best time to visit, and ensure you have the right equipment and supplies. Adhere to safety guidelines, respect the local culture, and prioritize responsible tourism to preserve the pristine beauty of the region.

Whether you’re capturing the breathtaking vistas with your camera or immersing yourself in the natural wonders with all your senses, Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp will leave an indelible mark on your soul. Inhale the fresh mountain air, feel the crunch of the meadow under your feet, and let the awe-inspiring landscapes ignite your sense of adventure. The journey may be challenging at times, but the rewards are immeasurable.

So, lace up your boots, pack your sense of adventure, and get ready to embark on a trekking experience like no other. Fairy Meadows awaits, where the beauty of nature converges with the spirit of exploration, offering an experience that will nourish your soul and create memories to be cherished for a lifetime.


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Mt Everest Base Camp Trekking Nepal with Base Camp Excursion

Base camp trekking in Nepal travel agency Kathmandu

Nanga parbat base camp trek with Rupal Face & Fairy Meadows

Nanga parbat base camp trek in himalayas.

Nanga Parbat (8125m) is one of the most beautiful mountains, the western anchor of the Himalayas and is the westernmost eight-thousander. Nanga Parbat trek route lies just south of the Indus River, in the Diamar District of the Northern Areas of Pakistan. Nanga Parbat means “Naked Mountain” It has three famous faces for the climbing routes with prominent base camps are Rupal face (Eastern face), Raikot- Fairy Meadow face (North Western face) and Diamir face (Western face).

Which are totally different in appearance, shape and their routes start from different valleys, Rupal face offers trekkers breathtaking close up views. Nanga Parbat is not a single peak but consists of 20km long series of peaks and ridges culminating in an ice crest of (8125m). Nanga Parbat range has more peaks in addition to the main N anga parbat peak 8125M . There are a lot of trekking peaks around this region like South Jalipur peak, North Jalipur peak, Buldar peak, Rupal peak etc. Nanga Parbat is the ninth highest peak but the first in actual climbing in the world.

It is also known as Killer Mountain and it has so far taken the biggest toll of human lives. This trek enables one to see the contrasting facets of Nanga Parbat from the lush green alpine meadows of Rupal valley to the stark landscape of Diamer valley. Naga Parbat base camp trek takes to the South side, which is known as Rupal Face , it has several routes but the famous route is Rupal valley , Fairy Meadows and around Nanga Parbat circuit.

The approach to the mountain is through delightful Alpine country, with pine forests and grassy meadows filled with flowers. Great view of Nanga Parbat from the Indus River is one of the most awesome sights in the world. Nanga Parbat base camp trekking start from Islamabad, continue throw crossing Chilas, KKH, Astore, Tarashing, Nanga Parbat base camp Rupal Face , Shaigiri, Mazeno Pass 5377m, Loiba Meadows, Zangot, Kachal Pass, Juliper Pass 5206m, Nanga Parbat base camp Raikot Face , Beel, Fairy Meadows, Tato village and down to KKH  and ending at Islamabad.

Nanga Parbat base camp trek program includes a visit to all three faces crossing high passes in route; Suggested Nanga Parbat base camp trek itinerary is not suitable for you, we design another itinerary as per your desire and duration of holidays, if you need more information fell free to contact us.

Nanga parbat base camp trek Itinerary

Day 01: Arrival day in Nepal

Day 02: Kathmandu tours and preparation for Nanga Parbat trek.

Day 03: Flight to Islamabad, explore around Islamabad.

Day 04: Drive from Islamabad to Chilas (1000 m).

Day 05: Drive from Chilas to Tarishing.

Day 06: Trek from Tarishing to Latoba (4000 m).

Day 07: Trek from Latoba to Mazeno Base Camp (4200 m).

Day 08: Trek to Mazeno High Camp (4700 m).

Day 09: Trek from Mazeno High Camp to Upper Loiba (4300 m).

Day 10: Trek from Upper Loiba to Airal (2900 m).

Day 11: Trek from Airal to Saire (2500 m).

Day 12: Drive from Saire to Kachal (3000 m).

Day 13: Flight from Kachal to Nanga Parbat Base Camp (4200 m).

Day 14: Exploration around Nanga Parbat Base Camp.

Day 15: Trek from Nanga Parbat Base Camp to Saire.

Day 16: Trek from Saire to Diamoroi (1600 m).

Day 17: Trek from Diamoroi to Fairy Meadows (3200 m).

Day 18: Trek from Fairy Meadows to Beyal (3700 m).

Day 19: Trek from Beyal to Fairy Meadows.

Day 20: Trek from Fairy Meadows to Tato then drive to Besham.

Day 21: Drive from Besham to Islamabad.

Day 22: Flight to Kathmandu, evening farewell dinner.

Day 23: After this amazing trekking in Pakistan , if you are interested for other activities like Safari , Rafting, Biking, Tours, Peak climbing or more trekking in Nepal other region we organize trip according to your desire. If you decide to leave Nepal we will transfer to airport for your onward destination.

Service include

#Airports pick up and drop by private vehicle

#Hotel in Kathmandu for 3 Nights twin sharing with breakfast

#Full day guided sightseeing tour in Kathmandu

#Domestic flights and airport taxes

#All meals and accommodation during the trekking period

#An experienced English speaking guide trained by Gov. of Nepal

#Highly experienced trekking staffs

#All governmental procedure permits fees and local taxes

#Down jacket, sleeping bag, duffel bag, medical kit etc

#Travel and rescue arrangements

#Farewell dinner at typical Nepalese restaurant

Service exclude

*Visa fees/ international airfare to and from Kathmandu

*Lunch and dinner in Kathmandu

*Travel / medical insurance and emergency evacuation cost

*Hot shower, battery recharge during the trek

*Personal expenses phone calls, bar bills, extra porters etc

*Personal trekking equipment / gears

*Tips for guides, porters and driver

*All others expenses not mentioned on price include section

Base Camp Excursion , Kathmandu, Nepal always thinking about guest’s safety; it is our paramount concern whilst traveling with us. Trekking is an adventure tour we reach remote mountain region. Sometime health condition of member, natural disaster, and weather condition of mountain region changed unexpectedly we cannot guarantee it. Please note that trekking guide has the authority to cancel any part of Nanga parbat base camp trekking itinerary if it is necessary due to safety concerns, be prepared to be flexible if required, otherwise trekking group leader follow the above itinerary.

Additional information

Content of this site provide you the information as possible about this trekking package. If you need extra information and wish to discuss any aspect of Nanga parbat base camp trek trip or your suitability for it please contact us. If you would like to speak with a reservations consultant, feel free to make a call at 977 9843051359

Holiday Trip Fact

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Imagine Karakorum Tours

Your Gateway to Karakorum's Mystical Wonders

K2 & Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

First, our trek goes to the k2 basecamp, and after coming back to Skardu our trek goes to the Nanga Parbat basecamp.

  • Trip Type Trek
  • Activities Trek
  • Group Size 1 Min - 20 Max
  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Locations k2 , Nanga parbat
  • Trip Duration 26 Day(s) 25 Night(s)
  • Trip Outline
  • Trip Includes
  • Trip Excludes

K2 & Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

The K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek offer an exhilarating and challenging adventure. This stunning trek provides a once-in-a-lifetime experience, leading to the K2 base camp via the Baltoro Glacier and Concordia.

The K2 Base Camp and Nanga Parbat Base Camp treks promise an unforgettable adventure for our esteemed guests, featuring both excitement and challenges. This extraordinary journey allows you to access K2 Base Camp through the Baltoro Glacier and Concordia, offering breathtaking vistas of the surrounding majestic mountains, including K2, Broad Peak, Masherbrum , Gasherbrums, and more. Additionally, the trek encompasses a circular route through the picturesque Hushe Valley, where trekkers will traverse numerous glaciers, such as Biafo, Vigne, Liligo, Dunge, Muztagh, Biango, Yermanendu, Mandu , and others. Along the way, you'll encounter glacial lakes, waterfalls, and babbling streams.

Upon completing the K2 Base Camp trek , our participants will gear up for the equally thrilling Nanga Parbat Base Camp trek. Nanga Parbat, the world's 9th highest peak (8,126m/26,660ft) and the 2nd highest in the Himalayan range in Pakistan, beckons. To reach Nanga Parbat Base Camp , we'll first journey to Fairy Meadows, a captivating valley in Gilgit-Baltistan. Fairy Meadows offers unparalleled views of Nanga Parbat, and you'll get there by embarking on a 1.5-hour jeep ride to Tatu Village, followed by a 2-3 hour hike from Tatu Village to Fairy Meadows. The trek from Fairy Meadows to Nanga Parbat Base Camp, spanning around 8 hours and ascending to an altitude of nearly 3,900 meters, is an adventure of its own.

K2 & K2 Basecamp

K2 stands tall as the world's second-highest mountain, soaring to 8,611 meters (28,251 feet) . Also recognized as Mount Godwin-Austen or Chhogori, K2 is a part of the Karakoram range, situated in Pakistan. Its name, K2, originated from an early survey of the Karakoram where each mountain was labeled with a "K" followed by a number.

Famously nicknamed the Savage Mountain, K2 presents an immense challenge for climbers, known to be even more demanding than Mount Everest . Among the peaks over eight-thousand meters, K2 holds the second-highest fatality rate, claiming one life for every four climbers who conquer its summit. By 2011 , only around 300 individuals had successfully reached K2's peak, while approximately 80 climbers lost their lives attempting the climb. Notably, K2 has been ascended during winter—a remarkable feat.

In 1954 , Italian climbers Lino Lacedelli and Achille Compagnoni achieved the first documented summit of K2, marking a historic milestone in mountaineering.The name "K2" originated from the Great Trigonometrical Survey of British India. Thomas Montgomerie conducted the initial survey of the Karakoram range from Mount Haramukh, located around 210 kilometers (130 miles) to the south. During this survey, he drew sketches of the two most noticeable peaks and labeled them as K1 and K2.

Base Camp: 

K2 Base Camp is a special place high up in the tall mountains where adventurers go to see a really big mountain called K2. To get there, people walk for many days carrying tents and food because there are no buildings to stay in. The air is very, very cold, and the ground is covered with lots of snow.

When they arrive, visitors see amazing views of huge mountains and big fields of ice called glaciers that sparkle in the sun. These glaciers are very big and look beautiful. People who love adventures come here to explore and see one of the tallest and most amazing mountains in the whole world. K2 Base Camp is a place that fills people with wonder and excitement because of how incredibly awesome nature is.

k2 basecamp trek

Nanga Parbat & Nanga Parbat Base Camp

Nanga Parbat, also known as the 'Killer Mountain', is the ninth-tallest mountain globally, standing at 8,126 meters (26,660 feet) above sea level. It sits in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan, close to the northernmost curve of the Indus River. This mountain is situated in the Himalayas, and it marks the western end of this mountain range, as per traditional geographical views.

Among the 14 peaks on Earth that surpass eight thousand meters, Nanga Parbat stands out dramatically, towering significantly above the landscape around it. It boasts the second-highest prominence among the 100 tallest mountains, trailing only Mount Everest. Nanga Parbat is famously challenging to climb, earning the moniker ' Killer Mountain ' due to the substantial number of climber fatalities. Its treacherous slopes and extreme conditions push climbers to their limits.

The elevation of the Nanga Parbat Base Camp varies depending on the route and specific location within the base camp area. However, generally, the base camp of Nanga Parbat is situated at an altitude of approximately 3,900 meters (12,800 feet) above sea level.

Nanga Parbat Basecamp Trek

K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

The K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek is a remarkable trekking expedition tailored for international travelers exploring the scenic beauty of Pakistan. In addition to this iconic trek, we provide seven distinct K2 holiday options, each meticulously designed to offer a unique experience. These options are detailed in the table below:

Dates and Cost (K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek)

For the K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek, we have carefully selected the most favorable time, which is the summer season, to ensure you have an incredible experience. The table below outlines the arrival and departure dates in Pakistan, with the ideal trekking months specified for the Karakoram region.  Here are the details of the dates and pricing:

Standard Cost: USD 2,990

Special Offer: For departures in July and August, the cost is reduced to USD 2,890.

This trek is best enjoyed during the summer months, and we have multiple departures to accommodate your schedule. The reduced cost during July and August allows you to make the most of this exceptional journey without compromising on the experience.

Private Group

Apart from this fixed departure to k2 and nanga parbat base camp we have the option for private group. Private group choose their own date. You also can join our fixed departures at fixed prices 3,590 $.

For Booking: Private Groups Click Here BOOK NOW

1. Explore the Base Camps of two magnificent mountains, K2 (8,611m) and Broad Peak (8,051m). 2. Discover the Base Camp of the mighty Nanga Parbat (8,126m). 3. Experience a night's stay at both the K2 Base Camp and the Nanga Parbat Base Camp , immersing yourself in the heart of the mountains. 4. Reach the awe-inspiring Gondogoro La Pass (5,585m) , offering unparalleled panoramic views of four 8,000-meter peaks, including K2, Gasherbrum I & II, and Broad Peak, along with other notable summits like Gasherbrum 4, Laila peak , and Gondogoro Peak. 5. Embark on a circular trek through the picturesque Hushe Valley , a journey that connects you with the pristine beauty of the region. 6. Visit Concordia , often referred to as the " Throne Room of the Mountain Gods ," a spectacular convergence of glaciers and peaks. 7. Trek alongside the Vigne and Gondogoro glaciers , culminating in a trek to the Godwin Austin glacier via the world-renowned Baltoro Glacier , which is the fifth longest glacier on the planet and the largest outside the polar regions. 8. Pay your respects at the Gilkey Memorial , a significant landmark in the region. 9. Marvel at the breathtaking views of peaks ranging from 5,000m to 8,000m, including Gasherbrum 3 and 4 , Masherbrum, Mustagh Tower , Bakhordas Peak , Mitre Peak , Crystal Peak , Marbel Peak , Biale Peak , Lobsang Spire , Trango Towers, Uli Biaho , Cathedral Peak , and Urdukas Peak , among others. 10. Continue to enjoy stunning vistas of peaks between 5,000m and 8,000m , including the majestic Laila Peak and Chogolisa . 11. Witness the incredible beauty of numerous glaciers, such as Biafo , Vigne , Liligo , Dunge , Muztagh , Biango , Yermanendu , and Mandu , in addition to the presence of glacial lakes, cascading waterfalls, and meandering streams. 12. Visit the enchanting Fairy Meadows , a place of natural wonder and serene landscapes. 13. Explore the cultural and scenic attractions of Skardu and Islamabad, enriching your journey with local experiences and historical landmarks.

For more details please contact us.. Mail :  [email protected] WhatsApp : +92 0344 6253054 Social Media :  Facebook   Instagram   Twitter

Details Itinerary

Day 01: Arrival at Islamabad International Airport, Islamabad

Upon your arrival, our guides will be waiting for you at the airport with placards displaying our company's logo and your name. Please provide your flight details at least five days in advance. If you arrive in the morning (between 9 am and 12 pm), you'll have lunch and rest at the hotel. At 6 pm, there will be a briefing and payment collection at our office, followed by dinner. If you arrive later, we'll handle the briefing and payments in Skardu. If you don't need airport transfer, please let us know in advance. This day is for you to relax and recover from your journey.

Day 02: Flight to Skardu, Karakoram

In the morning, participants will board a thrilling flight from Islamabad to Skardu, weather permitting, with the chance to catch a glimpse of Nanga Parbat. Upon landing in Skardu, you'll have the day to yourself. Accommodation will be in a twin-sharing room at any Motel in Skardu, and meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner, along with tea, coffee, and snacks.

Day 03: Explore Skardu at Your Own Pace

After breakfast, enjoy a visit to Kharpocho Fort, perched on a mountain, offering magnificent views of the Indus River and Skardu town. You can also opt for a tour to Sadpara Lake and some free time for shopping in Skardu Bazaar. While you explore, our team will handle the necessary government paperwork in Skardu, which may take up to two days. We've set aside contingency days at the end of the trek in case of any delays. Accommodation is in a twin-sharing room at hotel in Skardu, with meals including breakfast, lunch, dinner, along with tea, coffee, and snacks.

Day 04: Journey to Askole Village

Today, participants will embark on a jeep safari heading to Daso, passing through the scenic Shigar Valley. The route follows the Braldu River and leads to Askole, the last village on our path. Once in Askole, the trek begins, although depending on road conditions, participants may start walking before reaching the village. The journey takes approximately six to eight hours. Accommodation involves camping in twin-sharing dome tents, and meals include breakfast, lunch, and dinner, along with trekking snacks, appetizers before dinner, and dessert or fruits after dinner.

Day 05: Trek from Askole to Jhola via Biafo Glacier 

Today, after organizing supplies and equipment, porters will prepare for the journey to Jhola. The route leads through the Biafo Glacier gateway, a massive glacier spanning over 50 kilometers from Hispar La to Braldu. Participants will traverse moraines and cross the glacier's snout, eventually descending to a lunch spot by the Korofon River.

The path takes you to the confluence of the Braldu and Domordo rivers. Instead of the old trail, you'll follow a newer route upstream, cross the river via a bridge, and then descend to the Braldu River's edge, following it to reach the Jhola campsite. Accommodation involves camping in twin-sharing dome tents, and meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner, along with trekking snacks, appetizers before dinner, and dessert or fruits after dinner.

Day 06: Trek from Jhola to Paiju

On this day of the K2 base camp trek, participants will follow the Braldu gorge, trekking alongside the Braldu River. Along the way, you'll be treated to impressive views of the Trango Tower and Cathedral Peak rock formations. Be prepared for potentially scorching conditions, and take precautions against sunburn.

You'll encounter several glacier-fed streams, and depending on water levels, you may need river crossing shoes. On clear days, you'll catch a glimpse of the Baltoro Glacier's snout. At the end of the day, the route ascends away from the river, leading to the Paiju campsite, which is the last point with trees for a while. Accommodation consists of camping in twin-sharing dome tents, and meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner, as well as trekking snacks, appetizers before dinner, and dessert or fruits after dinner.

Day 07: Acclimatization and Relaxation in Paiju

Today, participants will stay at Paiju Camp to acclimatize and rest. While you take it easy, the porters will prepare bread for the upcoming week on the glacier. You also have the option to take an acclimatization walk towards the Paiju Peak base camp. Accommodation remains in twin-sharing dome tents, and meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner, along with trekking snacks, appetizers before dinner, and dessert or fruits after dinner.

Day 08: Trek from Paiju to Khoburtse

Prepare for a challenging day as you venture onto the snout of the Baltoro Glacier. The trail features continuous ups and downs along the glacial moraine, so caution is essential. However, the breathtaking scenery of Trango Tower and Uli Biaho makes every step worth it.

You'll need to cross the glacier to reach Liligo, and from there, the path leads along a rocky trail, hugging the edge of the Baltoro Glacier, eventually reaching Khoburtse, where the camp will be set up. Accommodation consists of camping in twin-sharing dome tents, and meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner, as well as trekking snacks, appetizers before dinner, and dessert or fruits after dinner.

Day 09: Khoburtse to Urdukus

On this day, you'll get the opportunity to catch sight of the Trango Towers after crossing two small glaciers. You'll spend the night at Urdukus, near the army camp, with the campsite situated 100 meters above the glacier. Accommodation continues in twin-sharing dome tents, and meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner, along with trekking snacks, appetizers before dinner, and dessert or fruits after dinner.

Day 10: Trek to Goro II

This day of the K2 base camp trek takes participants through the heart of the glacier, following the medial moraine. To the south, you'll be treated to views of Masherbrum (7821m). The trail will lead you up and down the rocky moraine, with massive ice seracs as you progress.

Goro II, the camp for the night, marks the confluence of the Baltoro Glacier and Young Husband Glacier. Be prepared for a significant drop in temperature. The stunning Masherbrum and Muztagh Tower will come into full view. Accommodation continues in twin-sharing dome tents, and meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner, along with trekking snacks, appetizers before dinner, and dessert or fruits after dinner.

Day 11: Trek to Concordia

On this exciting day of the K2 base camp trek, participants will make their way to Concordia by steadily ascending the moraine. Along the route, more and more majestic, snow-capped peaks will come into view, and the highlight will be the sight of K2. You'll also be able to admire other notable peaks such as Broad Peak, Mitre Peak, Gasherbrum, Sia Kangri, and many more. Accommodation remains in twin-sharing dome tents, and meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner, as well as trekking snacks, appetizers before dinner, and dessert or fruits after dinner.

Day 12: Trek to Broad Peak Base Camp, Gilkey Memorial, and K2 Base Camp

Today is an extraordinary day with the opportunity to hike up the Godwin-Austen glacier to the Art Gilkey Memorial, dedicated to an American geologist and mountaineer, just before K2 Base Camp. The journey is truly spectacular. We set out early, traversing the glaciers and following a faint trail leading towards K2 (there's a faint rocky trail all the way).

As we advance along the glacier towards K2, the majestic mountain looms larger and larger, with Broad Peak rising to our right. After about 3 hours, we reach Broad Peak Base Camp for a lunch break. We then continue with K2 standing tall before us, getting closer with each step.

Just before reaching the base camp, amidst a landscape strewn with boulders and ice, you'll find the Art Gilkey Memorial. A short scramble brings you to the place where those who lost their lives on K2 are remembered. Plaques and engraved tin plates adorn a small rocky outcrop at the base of this magnificent mountain. Directly above, you'll have remarkable views of K2, and you might even see some climbing expeditions. We spend the night at the base camp of K2. Accommodation continues in twin-sharing dome tents, and meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner, as well as trekking snacks, appetizers before dinner, and dessert or fruits after dinner.

Day 13: Return to Concordia and Rest We'll trek back to Concordia, allowing for some well-deserved rest after the challenging journey to K2 Base Camp and the Gilkey Memorial.

Day 14: Trek to Ali Camp Our trek continues as we make our way to Ali Camp, where we'll experience more breathtaking mountain views and continue your adventure.

Day 15: Trek to Khuispang via Gondogoro La A demanding day as we tackle the Gondogoro La pass, which offers stunning panoramic vistas of the Karakoram Range. We'll then descend to Khuispang.

Day 16: Trek to Saicho The trek takes us to Saicho, with the landscape gradually changing as you descend further, offering a different perspective of the region.

Day 17: Trek to Hushe and Drive to Skardu Town Your trek leads you to Hushe, from where you'll drive to Skardu town, marking the end of our expedition in the wilderness.

Day 18: Contingency Day/Rest in Skardu This day serves as a contingency day or an opportunity to rest and reflect in Skardu, providing flexibility for any unexpected delays or the chance to explore the town.

Day 19: Drive to Raikot, Chilas

Early in the morning, embark on a journey to Raikot, Chilas. Your route will take you across Alam Bridge, traveling alongside the Indus River, passing through Jaglot and Bunji before reaching Raikot. Accommodation will be in twin-sharing rooms at Shangrila Raikot or a similar standard partner hotel in Chilas, and meals will include breakfast, lunch, dinner, along with tea, coffee, and snacks.

Day 20: Drive to Tatu and Hike to Fairy Meadows

After breakfast at the hotel, we'll set off for Fairy Meadows. Participants will transfer to Tatu village via 4x4 Jeeps, followed by a 2-3 hour hike to reach the enchanting Fairy Meadows. Once there, you can relax, explore, take short hikes, and engage with the locals. Accommodation will be in twin-sharing tents or cottages at Raikot Sarai or a similar standard partner hotel in Fairy Meadows, with meals including breakfast, lunch, dinner, as well as tea, coffee, and snacks.

Day 21: Trek to Beyal Camp

A few kilometers beyond Fairy Meadows lies the quieter and even more picturesque Beyal Camp. The trail becomes more challenging from here, but the rewards are greater. Transitioning from an alpine forest, the landscape turns arid and striking, surrounded by snow and ice formations. Accommodation involves camping in twin-sharing dome tents, and meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner, along with trekking snacks, appetizers before dinner, and dessert or fruits after dinner.

Day 22: Trek to Nanga Parbat Base Camp

A few hours of trekking will lead participants to Nanga Parbat Base Camp, where tranquility reigns, occasionally broken by the distant echoes of avalanches. Spend the night under the towering Himalayan Beast (8,126m). Accommodation involves camping in twin-sharing dome tents, and meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner, as well as trekking snacks, appetizers before dinner, and dessert or fruits after dinner.

Day 23: Return to Fairy Meadows Today, we'll make your way back to the serene Fairy Meadows, retracing your steps through the captivating landscapes of this enchanting region.

Day 24: Drive to Islamabad via Karakoram/Babusar Pass Embark on a memorable journey from Fairy Meadows, driving through the stunning Karakoram and Babusar Pass, where you'll be treated to breathtaking vistas of the mountainous terrain before reaching Islamabad.

Day 25: Sightseeing in Islamabad Spend the day exploring the capital city of Islamabad, taking in its cultural and historical attractions, offering a deeper insight into the rich heritage of Pakistan.

Day 26: Fly to Home Country Our remarkable adventure comes to a close as you depart Islamabad for your home country, filled with lasting memories of the beautiful landscapes and experiences you've encountered during your journey in Pakistan.


Flight to skardu, explore skardu, journey to askole village, trek from askole to jhola, trek from jhola to paiju, acclimatization and relaxation in paiju, trek from paiju to khoburtse, khoburtse to urdukus, trek to goro ii, trek to concordia, trek to broad peak base camp, gilkey memorial, and k2 base camp, return to concordia and rest, trek to ali camp, trek to khuispang via gondogoro la, trek to saicho, trek to hushe and drive to skardu town, contingency day/rest in skardu, drive to raikot, chilas, drive to tatu and hike to fairy meadows, trek to beyal camp, trek to nanga parbat base camp, return to fairy meadows, drive to islamabad via karakoram/babusar pass, sightseeing in islamabad, fly to home country.

☑ Adherence to Government SOPs/Guidelines for Managing New Pandemic Variants ☑ Inclusive of All Domestic Flights: Includes Checked Baggage Allowance of 20kg and Hand Carry of 7kg ☑ Comprehensive Road Transfers: Covers Airport Transfers and More ☑ Accommodation in Pakistan: All Hotels Offer Twin Sharing Rooms ☑ Trekking Accommodation in Pakistan: Twin Sharing Dome Tents Provided ☑ Covers Camping Site Fees and Bridge Fees ☑ Complete Trekking Logistics: Includes Tents, Non-Personal Equipment, and Tools ☑ All-Inclusive Meals: Enjoy Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner with Beverages/Water During Meals ☑ Snacks Included: Treats such as Dry Fruits and Tea/Coffee During the Trek ☑ Complimentary Boiled Drinking Water: Available Throughout the Trek ☑ Expert Guide: Licensed Professional Guide (As Required by the Government) ☑ Government Trekking Permit: Fees and Paperwork Managed ☑ Waste Management: Complies with Government Regulations ☑ City Tours: Explore Islamabad and Skardu, All Entry Fees Included ☑ Dedicated Support Staff: Includes Cook, Assistant(s), and More ☑ Porter Services: For Personal Luggage (14kgs) and Mountaineering Equipment (8kgs) ☑ Baggage Storage: Convenient Service in Skardu for Leaving Excess Bags Before the Trek ☑ Basic First Aid Kit: Ensuring Safety during the Journey ☑ Emergency Connectivity: Equipped with a Satellite Phone ☑ Navigation Aid: Receive a Trekking Map and a Trip Achievement Certificate

❌ Personal Travel Insurance (Recommended/Rescue Partners: Global Rescue) ❌ Visa to Pakistan (Supporting documents provided) ❌ International Flight Costs ❌ Personal Gear (e.g., trekking shoes, down jacket, walking sticks, etc) ❌ Personal Mountaineering Equipment (crampons, mountaineering boots, ice axe, harness, carabiners, helmet, etc) ❌ Additional Nights in Islamabad (USD 67 per night, hotel check-in/check-out at 12 pm) ❌ Extra Trek Weight/Baggage (USD 11 per kg) ❌ Baggage Storage in Islamabad (USD 28 per piece) ❌ Tips/Gratuities for Guides, Porters, Staff, etc ❌ Incidental Expenses (e.g., minibar, bottled water, phone calls, laundry, souvenirs, etc) ❌ Early Return Costs (e.g., from the trek for any reason) ❌ Force Majeure Expenses (e.g., earthquake, landslide, floods, etc)

K2 Base Camp Trek

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trek to nanga parbat base camp

Fairy Meadows Nanga Parbat base camp Trek | 2024 | BOOK NOW

  • 09 Nights & 10 Days

trek to nanga parbat base camp


Fairy Meadows is one of the most popular nature destinations in Pakistan and rightly so. This beautiful alpine meadow is set with an impressive backdrop the mighty Nanga Parbat 9th highest mountain in the world. And it is Nanga Parbat that most people come to Pakistan to see.

The lush green meadow and forests lie at the base camp of Nanga Parbat at the western edge of the Himalayas. Nanga Parbat base camp trek is one of the easiest treks in Pakistan and also easily accessible from the Karakorum Highway suits all levels of the trekkers.

Standing tall at 8,126 meters Nanga Parbat is located in the North of Pakistan at the westernmost end of the Himalayas. It is the second-highest mountain in Pakistan after K2. It is huge, majestic and an impressive sight to behold close up. Nanga Parbat Base Camp trek is between the Ganalo and Raikot glaciers just south of their confluence. The Nanga Parbat base camp trek can be done in one day but those wanting to savor its beauty or planning to go further need at least two days.

The approach to this magical place involves road travel a short jeep drive and finally a short soft trek. However, the first sight of the mighty Nanga Parbat will mesmerize you captivating you in its aura and magic. The next day you can see Nanga Parbat up close from the base camp of Nanga Parbat for some marvelous mountain scenery. The days spent in the shadow of Nanga Parbat at Fairy Meadows will surely be an experience of a lifetime! We organize the Nanga Parbat base camp trek starting from Islamabad and ending in Islamabad.

Departure & Return Location

Islamabad & Back to Islamabad

Services Included

  • Accommodation for 09 nights on twin sharing basis.
  • Transportation for the whole trip.
  • Well experienced guide.
  • Mountain Jeep to Fairy Meadows
  • Boating in Attabad Lake.
  • Site entrance and National park fees.
  • Airport Pick and Drop.
  • Portage at Hotels and Airport.
  • Toll Taxes and Parking Fees.
  • LOI Letter of Invitation for obtaining the Pakistan Tourist Visit Visa.

Services Excluded

  • Hotel early check in and late check out.
  • Hotel Meals.
  • Tips of guide, drivers, porters etc.
  • Charges incurred as a result of delays beyond the control of Hunza Adventure Tours
  • Extra days beyond the specified itinerary.
  • International flights, Airport and departure taxes and Visa fee and personal travel Insurance
  • Bottled water, aerated and alcoholic drinks. Items of a personal nature such as phone calls, laundry etc.

trek to nanga parbat base camp

Day 1 Islamabad:

You will be greeted by the team of Hunza Adventure Tours at Islamabad International airport then transfer along with your luggage to a centrally located hotel. Overnight stay in Islamabad. Distance: 30km / Driving Hours: 01 hr / Altitude: 540m / Activities: Sightseeing.

Day 2 Islamabad – Chilas:

Drive to Chilas on Karakorum highway en route we will stop at Shatial rock carving then further drive to Chilas arrival in Chilas check-in at the hotel. Overnight stay in Chilas. Distance: 460 km / Driving Hours: 11 – 12 hrs / Altitude: 1265m / Activities: Sightseeing.

Day 3 Chilas – Tato – Fairy Meadows:

Departure for Fairy Meadows, we will transfer to the mountain jeep at Raikot Bridge for further drive to Tatto village on the narrow Jeep track. Arrive in Tatto village and start trek to Fairy Meadows, Arrive at Fairy Meadows check-in at the hut and after a short rest we will do some short walking around; overnight stay in the local style wooden huts. Distance:95 km / Altitude: 3000m / Walk:3 hrs / Grade: Easy / Activities: Hiking.

Day 4 Trek to Nanga Parbat base camp:

Early morning after breakfast starts the trek toward the Nanga Parbat base camp arrives at Nanga Parbat base camp rest of the time free for photography then return back to Fairy Meadows in the evening. Overnight stay at Fairy Meadows in Huts. Altitude: 3300m / Hike:5-6 hrs / Grade: Easy / Activities: Hiking.

Day 5 Fairy Meadows – Karimabad Hunza Valley:

In the morning after breakfast, we will drive to Karimabad Hunza sightseeing en route we will stop at the junction point of the three greatest mountain ranges where they meet at the same then we will have a lunch break at Rakaposhi viewpoint then further drive to Karimabad Hunza arrival in Karimabad Hunza check in at hotel after a short rest then we will go for the sunset Safari at Eagles nest. Overnight stay in Karimabad Hunza Valley. Distance: 280 km / Driving Hours:08 hrs / Altitude: 2400m / Activities: Sightseeing.

Day 6 Baltit – Altit Forts – Hopper – Gulmit Upper Hunza Valley:

In the morning after breakfast then we will visit Baltit Fort Karimabad local bazaar, Altit Fort, Altit old village and in the afternoon after lunch doing the water channel walk then we will drive to Hopper Valley hike up to Hopper glacier then drive toward Attabad Lake boating at Attabad Lake then further drive to Gulmit arrival in Gulmit check-in at the hotel. Overnight stay in Gulmit Upper Hunza Valley. Distance:180 km / Driving Hours:4 hrs / Altitude:2500m / Activities: sightseeing.

Day 7 Passu Glacier – Borith – Suspension Bridges:

This day is very interesting, as in the first nearly half an hour we will drive to Hussaini Village and we will visit Hussaini suspension bridges, then we will drive up to Upper Borith walking up to the viewpoint of Passu white glacier then drive to Passu village after lunch we will have a village visit after completing the visit then we will drive back to Gulmit. Overnight Stay in Gulmit Upper Hunza Valley. Distance:85 km / Driving Hours:4 hrs / Altitude:2500m / Activities: sightseeing.

Day 8 Excursion – Khunjerab Pass:

Full-day excursions to Khunjerab pass (The border between Pakistan and China). In the olden days, there were few highs passes leading from China that were suitable for travel. Today the Khunjerab Pass, which at an altitude of 4733 m the highest point in the world on the Karakorum highway, provides an easy all-weather entry from Pakistan to the famous Sinkiang province of the people‟s Republic of China. This route is a beautiful drive, with views of the high mountains of the Karakoram & the distant Pamir mountain ranges. At Khunjerab, now declared a national park, one can see Marcopolo Sheep, Snow leopard, Himalayan Ibexes. In the evening return back to the hotel. Distance:272 km / Driving Hours:7 hrs / Altitude:4733m / Activities: sightseeing.

Day 9 Gulmit – Gilgit – Besham:

After breakfast drive to Gilgit en-route short stop at Rakaposhi viewpoint for photography then further drive to Gilgit, we will visit the bazaar in order to familiarize ourselves with the customs of the Gilgit’s, a stop at the cooperative store, where Chinese goods are bought on the barter system will allow us to glance at Chinese treasure, we will then take a hair raising drive across Asia’s longest suspension bridge – 600 feet long and wide enough only for one car at a time arrival in Gilgit after lunch then drive to Besham arrival in Besham check-in at the hotel. Overnight stay in Besham. Distance:450 km / Driving Hours:12 hrs / Altitude:1500m / Activities: sightseeing.

Day 10 Besham – Islamabad:

In the morning after breakfast, we will drive to Islamabad en route we will visit the Taxila Museum then further drive to Islamabad arrival in Islamabad after lunch then we will visit Faisal Mosque, Lok Versa, Saidpur Village, and Daman Koh and Raja Bazar after farewell dinner party then we will drop you at the airport to catch the flight back home. Distance:376 km / Driving Hours:4-5 hrs / Altitude:540m / Activities: sightseeing.


Hunza Adventure Tours promulgates its terms and conditions for any kind of trip, trekking, mountaineering, hiking, rafting, wild safaris and other services being operated so far by the company. The terms and conditions set forth will bring forward its limitations before any interested visitor advances for the programs alluded.

What should our clients do for reservation of any kind of services provided by the company?

  • 40% of payment in advance should be made up 1 month earlier or as soon as the trip is confirmed, since it is a proof that you are sure to attempt the trip. It should be done as alluded so that the company can manage all the necessary documents, permissions and required field staffs.
  • The full settlement of the payment should be cleared before the client proceeds for the trip or any kind of service at the arrival in Pakistan.
  • The advance payment is not refundable in case of overturning the trip in any condition on behalf of the client.
  • The advance payment is only refundable if the holding company shows any technical impediments regarding the trip.
  • No refund is made for 40% deposit amount in case of delay arrival, no show or cancellation of trip for any other else reason.
  • For any consideration regarding the terms alluded, a bilateral negotiation can be attempted between the hosting company and the client
  • The advance payment can be directly deposited to our bank account through any bank in the world.



Account Title: HUNZA ADVENTURE TOURS.  Account # 1006067881. Branch Code : 0407.  Swift Code. ALFHPKKA. IBAN: PK09ALFH0407001001006067881.  Branch: Alfalah Bank Pakistan, stock exchange   ISE Tower, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area  Islamabad  Pakistan.

No refund will be made for 50% deposit amount in case of cancellation of trip for any other else reason. Having paid full amount of any trip, you’re entitled to incur refund in case if you want to cancel your trip. Still, cancellation charge is invoiced to you. Written notification of your cancellation should be made to cancel any trip. Nevertheless, you’re imposed cancellation charge as advised below: –


On our holidays tour / trek packages, rooms or tents are provided in twin sharing basis. Thus, single room supplement charge will be imposed to client who does not have another tour participant to share room / tent with.


No refund will be made to clients who drop out from the journey regardless of whatever portions remain unused in the itinerary.


A tour / trek guide who represents Hunza Adventure Tours deserves all authority during your tours. If you commit any unlawful act, you are compelled to leave the tour. No refund will be made in such case.


We put our every effort to ensure comfortable traveling of yours,but it is must to understand that what you might be accustomed to in the western affluent countries, the Asian countries can’t afford such facilities. Weather is another factor that directly impact on your journey. Hence, patience in mind, enthusiasm and proper preparation before head is must to venture into journey.


You must purchase comprehensive travel insurance package against medical, natural calamity, helicopter evacuation, personal accident, trip cancellation etc. This is  suggested to all our esteemed clients.

7: TOUR AMENDMENT: To make alterations of any trek / tour itinerary, prior notice is requested. You’re advised to stay in touch with us thus. But occasionally, you may be obliged to do so en route under certain circumstance for instance bad weather etc.


All necessary documents should be presented in sequence for example to issue visa, necessary permits etc. We’re not accountable in case of any trip formality not completed in time before the trip departs on the absent of essential papers and documents.


Your safety and enjoyment is our prime concern. We therefore carry out our responsibility honestly & sincerely to ensure your holiday trouble–free as well as you have desired. Nevertheless, unless stated otherwise, trip may be change under uncertain and inherent circumstances such as land-slides, road blockage, flood, snow political unrest, cancellation of flight, delay arrival, sickness or accidents etc. Any extra cost incurring there is your personal responsibility and should be borne on the spot.


There is virtually possibility of flight delay or postponement for notorious weather in Karakoram & Himalayan Mountain regions of Pakistan which could be happened,  especially during off season, you’re highly advised to reserve extra days to prepare with some delays and avoid frustrating consequence. In case of flight cancellation pre-tour/post-tour, you need to meet your accommodation and food costs yourself.

Hunza Adventure Tours  puts every effort to ensure your comfortable traveling, but it is must to understand that what you might be accustomed to in the other affluent countries, the Asian countries can’t afford such facilities. Weather is another factor that directly impacts your journey. Hence, patience in mind, enthusiasm and proper preparation before beginning is must to venture into journey.

Can We Customize Trips?

We loves to customize personal trips for you, your friends, or organization. Our published land costs are typically based on number of individuals, so the number in your party may affect your land costs. Just give us a call/contact us and let us know what you’re interested in, and we’ll do our best to Make It Happen.

What if i want to arrive earlier or depart later than the trip dates?

We are happy to help you arrange accommodations before and after your trip. We can recommend side excursions and restaurants for the extra time.

Who will be picking me up and where?

Our guide or representative will pick you up at the airport on the scheduled arrival date. We can help you arrange accommodations if you arrive earlier, and we are happy to make suggestions for transportation, restaurants and sightseeing.

Who will my guide be?

All of our guides are highly skilled experienced professionals who have been selected based on their careful judgment, local knowledge, understanding of our client’s needs, patience and supportive guiding styles, and great personalities. In addition to their impressive personal achievements in the field, our guides bring a wealth of natural history, cultural anthropology and linguistic knowledge for their group’s enlightenment. Our international guides and staff surpass the needs of our clientele and make the trip enjoyable beyond expectations.

Who will i meet on my arrival in Pakistan?

You will be greeted by our representative at airport on your arrival. He shall be holding a placard of your name for identification. We shall also provide you list of emergency 24 hours contact numbers for any emergency.

Reserving a trip: how quickly do the trips fill up?

There is no way to know how quickly our trips are going to fill up. Many of our trips fill up months in advance. So send in your application and a deposit as soon as you have decided which trip date you want.

Do I need a visa to travel to Pakistan?

This must be obtained before arrival and we recommend that you contact your local Pakistani embassy or consulate when planning your trip.

How is Gilgit Baltistan as a destination? Which places can we see in winter?

Gilgit Baltistan is a beautiful destination. So much so, that one should definitely plan a visit. With beautiful lakes and treks to offer, Gilgit Baltistan is a must-visit place to go to. In winter, the temperature in Gilgit Baltistan drops down severely and becomes even more picturesque. One can visit the frozen lakes , if not the Baltoro trek, one can do the trek in Hunza Valley, visit Gilgit Baltistan festivals that help you interact with the locals as well.

What do i need to bring?

A complete clothing and equipment list specific to your trip will be sent to you in a dossier. Every year, after assessing feedback from our clients and guides, we review and update our lists so they are as complete and up-to-date as possible. Every list has a description of each item, however feel free to call us if you have questions or need help locating any of the items on the list. It is extremely important that you adhere strictly to the equipment list.

Can i request single accommodations?

All accommodations are based on double or triple occupancy. If you are traveling solo and wish to share accommodations, we will pair you with another traveler of same gender. If you request single accommodations or a roommate cannot be assigned, you will be responsible for paying the single supplement fee.

Are there any restrictions for the Photography in Pakistan?

Pakistani people love to take pictures and photograph themselves ! Do not forget your camera ! Photography is a great fun in Pakistan as you will have enough sunlight most of the time. In some of the monuments one has to pay fee for the photography. Our guide will suggest you where it is worth to photograph and where not. At some of the locations photography is not allowed. It is prohibited to photograph military installations, which can include some the train stations, bridges and airports also.Do not photograph these objects otherwise your film can be confiscated.

Should I tip my guide?

Tipping is always a personal choice, but is greatly appreciated by your guides. Check your departure packet for details.

How do i sign up for a trip?

You can sign up for the trip directly on our website. To secure your place on this trip, please click on the BOOK NOW button at the side of the page, or the dates tab to the right. You will also need to have the below information to hand: • Name as per Passport • Home Address • Email Address • Telephone Number • Date of Birth

Before you embark on your trip, it is essential that we receive your passport, travel insurance, next of kin, medical details and dietary requirements (if applicable). If you have any medical conditions to declare or are over the age of 65, you will be required to complete a medical declaration form, signed and stamped by your GP. If you don’t have all this information to hand, you can still register your place today, and then re-log into the form before you depart by using your email address and the password you create upon registration.

What is the deposit amount to hold my space?

For the trip confirmation you need to pay us the 40% payment in advance and the remaining 60% payment on arrival in Pakistan and for an application alone won’t reserve a space

What happens if Hunza Adventure Tours has to cancel my trip?

If we cancels a trip due to any reason, you will receive a full refund.

Is it safe to travel in the Karakorum region?

The incidence of personal violent crime is certainly almost none despite sensational headlines and occasional saber rattling. The Karakorum region is known for centuries of peaceful coexistence.

The incidence of personal violent crime is certainly almost none than in anywhere in the world despite sensational headlines and occasional saber rattling. The Karakorum region is known for centuries of peaceful coexistence.

we have continued to operate trips in the region each year and we are confident that these regions remains one of the most beautiful, compelling and welcoming places on earth. The major concentrations of troubles are in the western parts of Pakistan and 100s of miles to the Islamabad. Their major concentrations are in areas which have had little or no tourism (investment, hard currency, etc) which is one of the reasons that their message has played well in these very poor districts. By comparison, the K2 Region is a very well and worldly part of Pakistan. That said, whenever you travel in Pakistan (or anywhere in the world for that matter), you should definitely use personal caution. We avoid any known dangerous situations. We monitor political situations posted by the government Office and ground reports from our staff and network of contacts. As when traveling in any region, make sure to keep an eye on your possessions and take certain common-sense measures to prevent theft or dangerous situations. The first rule of trekking K2 Base Camp is to step to the wall side when you meet a mule, since otherwise you can be knocked off the edge. The main danger for most people doing the straight-in, straight-out route is altitude sickness(AKA Acute Mountain Sickness or AMS). For most people, this can be avoided by sleeping no more than 300 metres higher than you did the night before and taking an acclimatisation day every 1000 metres. Serious AMS is more common in folk doing group tours than in independent trekkers. Other common injuries are twisted ankles and sprains. Rock falls, moraine and glacier crossings add significant risk to longer treks involving crossing high passes such as the Gondogoro-La. As always, it’s unwise to trek solo in case you fall and can’t extricate yourself: Do note, that it is illegal to trek solo.

What is the recommended age and denomination of USD bills?

There is no specific age of USD bills, however, we recommend the guests to carry new crisp bills when traveling. All denominations are acceptable, however, it is easier if you have smaller denominations of 5’s, 10’s and 20’s.

Can i drink the tap water ?

Pakistani tap water is not safe to drink. Bring water purifying tablets or a water purifying stickto save money and the environment. Note that at higher elevations during the coldest times of year the water will freeze, so you’ll need to use boiled water.Buy a decent thermos flask or plastic water container, so that you can top up with hot, boiled water at the beginning of the day – starting with hot water will stop it freezing

Can I extend my trip ?

Yes – why not stay on and explore more of what Pakistan has to offer! We can request with to change your return date with the airline. Places are limited and all arrangements are subject to availability.

How is Hunza Adventure Tours able to offer such competitive prices?

Our unique style of off the beaten track, face-to-face travel is the only way to really experience a destination, but it also serves to keep the costs down. We spend your money providing an authentic experience, instead of on lavish hotels and expensive western-style meals. We pass these savings on to you with our low prices. Another thing you’ll notice are the inclusions. While we don’t include everything, we do throw in the major highlights of a destination, the things that everyone goes to see. On every trip page we show you the ‘Included Highlights’ of your trip, things that many other companies charge locally for. We leave many other activities as options, to provide you the freedom and flexibility to choose what you want to do on a daily basis.

What is a customized itinerary?

In brief a customized itinerary is an itinerary prepared according to your personal needs. After all, you would have requested this to us as part of the process of customization. Your specific interest, preferences and needs are weighted with our knowledge of logistics and highlights of the area

What currency is used in Pakistan and where can I exchange money?

The Pakistani currency is the rupee, which is made of 100 paisa. Major currencies such as US dollars, British pounds and Euros are easily exchanged throughout Pakistan. Most international airports of the country have the money exchange counters, and also some selected larger hotels and resorts have this facility to their customer.

Can I use my credit card in Pakistan?

Of course the most regularly used cards are Visa and MasterCard, but neither American Express nor Dinner’s Club are broadly accepted in Pakistan. While you are going out of the main cities to the small places, it is recommended that you carry enough Pakistani currency for purchasing and tipping purpose.

Is Pakistan a good destination for family traveler?

With its many diverse landscapes and attractions, Pakistan is an admirable destination for the family traveler. Some of the good options are beach holidays and wildlife adventures in the national parks, while many monuments have sight and light shows that will capture children’s imagination. For teenagers, the many outdoor activities, such as camel safari and trekking, are an illustrative card. Without the second thinking, the big challenge for families travelling in this country might be the distances that need to be covered between cities. Air travel and railway journeys are usually the most comfortable forms of traveling, and are strongly recommended to those with the young children.

What kind of food will I be able to eat in Pakistan?

Pakistani cuisine has several variations, with each region famous for its own techniques, ingredients and spices. In northern regions, meat dishes are very popular, which are usually made with chicken, mutton or lamb whereas in southern part vegetarian cuisine is most favored. In addition, seafood is also readily available, particularly at the coast. While Pakistani cuisine tends to be spicy, most restaurants will gladly prepare a milder variation of the meals on the request of their customer.

Do you have experienced guides in different cities of Pakistan ?

We have English speaking guides all over Pakistan. At many places , we also have french , German , Spanish ,Italian and Japanese and other language speaking guides. We can also provide accompanying foreign language speaking tourist guides for individuals and groups. The availability of foreign language speaking guides can be confirmed at the time of reservation.

Can women travel alone?

Every year hundreds of women travel alone into the remote valleys of Pakistan. Many of them can be seen in the streets of Hunza, Gilgit and Baltistan. To take a safer holidays in Pakistan we advice you to wear modest dress which cover whole of their body. Secondly before starting a trek or tour with local guide in the wilderness, please report about your program to the nearest police station or to your embassy with the identity/contact of your local guide/company.

How do I communicate?

English is Pakistan’s official language and widely spoken throughout Pakistan. Most of the signboards are in English. All our drivers, guides and even peoples in the remote valley can understand and speak English.

How to get information about the Weather?

The weather report can be obtained online from internet you can seach the destinations where you will be going.

What is the distance of hotel from the Airport?

Normally it takes 15-30 minutes from the Islamabad International Airport to the city hotels. However it depends upon the condition of the traffic at the time of the day. The distance varies from 15 to 30 kilometers.

What to bring?

Hunza Adventure Tours will provide all necessary accommodation, meal and transportation requirements outlined in the specific tour itineraries (exceptions will be notified). For our trekking and climbing programs, trekkers will be requested to provide personal equipment, appropriate mountain attire and medical supplies.

Who will brief the guests about their further program at the destination?

Our local agent or their representative or the guides will inform the guest’s of their further program at the destinations on daily basis mostly in the evening about the next day’s program.

How much tips to be given to the porters, drivers and the guests?

Tips are dependent of the services provided. A small amount of money can be given at each service to insure prompt and reliable service. For guides it depends on how informative, knowledgeable, helpful they are.

Whether it is good and cheap to eat outside the hotel (restaurants)?

Some of the restaurants are cheaper and frequently visited by the local people. So sometimes yes, it is a good experience to eat outside the hotels and get to meet the local population.

If the domestic air tickets for all sectors are confirmed and in case any sector is waitlisted, what alternate option we will give them?

We offer alternative arrangements in case the flight tickets are not confirmed nor have no chances of getting confirmed. Railway Journey or by surface. We always look at various factors such as the condition of the roads, time of travel and the time taken to cover the distance, comfort and offer the best possible option with consultation, acceptance and agreement with the guest.

About the bank processing charges?

Bank Processing charges are levied on the payment collected on or through the credit cards. It is usually 3.5% of the total amount to be collected or of the invoice raised by us.

How to go about the procedures to get the lost baggage?

In case a bag is lost in transit by the airlines. We file a lost baggage report with the airlines. If the guest continues with the journey, we collect the baggage from the airlines for the guest. For the collection of a lost baggage we need the following: We need an authorization from the guest authorizing Hunza Adventure Tours, and their representative to collect the baggage on their behalf. A photocopy of the passport of the guest, a letter addressed to the Superintendent customs. The keys of the lost bag for custom clearance. The original copy of the lost baggage report lodged with the airlines. We will deliver the bag at the doorstep and bill the guest for the services provided. The amount of the invoice can be collected from the airlines at home.

Will the airline pay for the damage and temporary compensation?

Yes, the airlines pay an inconvenience allowance to buy personal effects. They even offer the baggage delivery charges or sometimes offer to deliver the baggage by themselves at the doorstep.

How to take the claim for the damages?

We take the guest to the office of the airlines and the amount is given to the guest upon presenting the original lost baggage report.

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trek to nanga parbat base camp

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Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek – 3,850 m (12,631 ft.)

nanga Parbat

Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

Tour Type :

Best Season :

Experience the thrill of trekking to the base camp of one of the world’s most challenging peaks, Nanga Parbat, on a guided trek that takes you through Pakistan’s western Himalayas. The Nanga Parbat trek, starting from Gilgit (depending by air or by road), offers breathtaking views of the mountain and other peaks in the range as you trek through the beautiful Rupal and Rakhiot valleys. Led by experienced local guides, the trek provides an authentic and unique experience of Pakistan’s natural beauty, culture, and history. With a duration of 10-13 days, the trek can be adjusted based on weather conditions and the fitness level of the participants. A challenging trek, it is recommended that trekkers are in good physical shape and well-equipped with proper gear before embarking on this adventure. Book your Nanga Parbat trek now and discover the hidden gems of Pakistan’s western Himalayas.

Drive through the Karakoram Highway

Night stays at Fairy Meadows

Beautiful views of Passu Cones, Hussaini Suspension Bridge and many more

Jeep Safari

Explore traditional villages and learn about local culture and way of life

See glaciers, lakes and rivers along the way

Led by experienced local guides for an authentic experience.

Day - 1: Arrival in Islamabad and transfer to hotel

Arrive in Islamabad and meet our team. Relax and explore Islamabad

Day - 2: Drive to Chilas and overnight stay/ Fly to Gilgit and overnight stay

Begin the scenic drive to Chilas, a gateway to the Himalayas, passing through picturesque valleys and charming villages. Overnight stay in Chilas.

Day - 3: Chilas to Fairy Meadows (Nanga Parbat Base Camp) (120 km), 5 hours drive

Continue your journey to Fairy Meadows, the starting point for the trek to Nanga Parbat Base Camp. Experience breathtaking views of Nanga Parbat en route. Reach Fairy Meadows, surrounded by lush meadows with an unobstructed view of the majestic peak.

Day - 4: Day 4 : Fairy Meadows to Beyal Camp (6 km), 3-4 hours trek

Embark on a trek to Beyal Camp, a picturesque location offering stunning vistas of Nanga Parbat. Enjoy the serene atmosphere and get acclimatized for the further ascent.

Day - 5: Beyal Camp to Nanga Parbat Base Camp (4 km), 3 hours trek

Hike to Nanga Parbat Base Camp, an awe-inspiring location at the foot of the mighty mountain. Immerse yourself in the grandeur of the surroundings and witness the sheer scale of Nanga Parbat.

Day - 6: Day 6 : Nanga Parbat Base Camp (Exploration Day)

Take a day to explore the base camp, surrounded by glaciers and towering peaks. Capture the beauty of Nanga Parbat and its glaciers in your memories.

Day - 7: Day 7 : Beyal Camp to Fairy Meadows (6 km), 2-3 hours trek

Descend back to Fairy Meadows, enjoying the stunning landscapes. Relax and reflect on the accomplishment of reaching Nanga Parbat Base Camp.

Day - 8: Fairy Meadows to Chilas (120 km), 5 hours drive

Begin the return journey to Chilas, relishing the memories of your Nanga Parbat adventure. Overnight stay in Chilas.

Day - 9: Chilas to Islamabad (450 km), 11 hours drive

Drive back to Islamabad, marking the end of your Nanga Parbat Base Camp expedition. Reflect on the unforgettable experiences and share stories with your fellow trekkers.

Day - 10: Day 10 : Islamabad (Rest and Leisure Day)

Take a day to rest and explore Islamabad. Visit local markets, historical sites, or simply unwind before your next adventure.

Day - 11: Islamabad Departure

Bid farewell to Pakistan's capital as you depart for your onward journey, carrying the memories of an epic Nanga Parbat expedition. (Note: The itinerary is subject to change based on weather conditions and the group's acclimatization, and all the times are approximate and subject to change.)

Pick-up or Drop-off service from and to Airport(in our own vehicle)

Transportation to and from!!

Food all along the trip(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and a cup of coffee or tea) and accommodations during the trip in hotels with family environment

Transportation, food, accommodation and insurance of Guide during the trip

First Aid Medical Kit(Your guide will carry the Medical Kit but we also advise you to bring yourself for your own use, as far as possible)

All the required permits and paperwork

(The services included in this trip are peak royalty fees, hotels for stays in Islamabad, Chilas, and Skardu with meals provided, air-conditioned van transportation, flight tickets, jeep transport, trekking and base camp food, porters for carrying personal gear, staffs including a guide, cook, and assistance cook, camping equipment, kitchen utensils, and general services such as tips and fees.)

International Airfare

Visa Charges

Personal Expenses such as shopping, bar bills, hot shower, telephone, laundry, titbits etc

Services not mentioned or not promised by the agent/agency

Emergency expenses such as expenses on chartered helicopter.

Down jacket, all-season sleeping bag, duffel bag and trekking map(in case if you don’t have your own. Down jacket, sleeping bag and duffel bag must be returned after completion of the trip)

Why Broad Peak Adventure?


An experienced trekking tour operator, with a team of an experienced adventure enthusiast ensure to give our clients well-designed trekking tour packages.

We are certified by major tour and travel associations in Pakistan (Ministry of Tourism, Govt of Pakistan and England).

Happy Customers

BroadPeak Adventure has received numerous accolades from its happy customers for its excellent services and best adventure holidays..

Local Offices

We have local office in Skardu, Islamabad and England for our customers to find assistance anytime and anywhere.

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Happiness Promise

There are hundreds of thousands of guides and tour operators around the world. Figuring out who to trust is stressful and hard.

That’s why we started 10Adventures Tours, we’re here to make it easy to find a great guide or tour operator. We handpick the best local guides and tour operators for 10Adventures, working to ensure you have great guides and a great trip.

We know it sucks to show up in a different country and find out the tents are junk, the guide incompetent or the route different from what we thought we were getting.

We want to give our users peace of mind that you’ll have a great trip and offer a guarantee that we will work with you to make it right.

How does this work? Well, if you feel that something about your trip didn’t’ meet your expectations, let us know. We will then work to gather the details and figure out where things went wrong. If something indeed wasn’t as described, or went wrong with your trip, and the problem was within the control of either oursleves, the guide or the tour company, we will then work out a refund with you that’s proportional to the scale of the problem.

Obviously the best way to make a great trip is to tell your local guide or tour operator and give them the chance to fix the solution while you are on your trip. Most things can be solved by telling your guide when the issue develops. If that doesn’t solve it, then email us right away. Please don’t wait to voice your concerns until the trip is over, as it’s much harder to solve issues after the fact.

We work hard to make sure you have a great trip. If something isn’t right, please email  [email protected]  and we will get to work right away.

Lifetime Deposit

Is there anything better than booking a trip, and being able to have peace of mind when doing so? At 10Adventures, you're covered with Lifetime Deposits! As world travellers ourselves, we understand how important this is and that's why we've introduced our Lifetime Deposits program for most tours on 10Adventures.

It's simple! You pay your deposit to confirm your trip, and if you have to cancel, we'll keep your full deposit amount on file for you to use towards any future booking with 10Adventures. You can use this deposit within the same year, or even 10 years later...it's your call!

  • A voucher in the amount of your deposit paid will be issued to you by email on cancellation of your tour booking.
  • Lifetime Deposits are transferable, so if you'd like to give your deposit to someone else to book a tour on 10Adventures, just let us know.
  • You can only use one lifetime deposit towards a future booking (not multiple).
  • If your Lifetime Deposit amount is more than the total tour value you're re-booking, no cash value or credit will be issued.
  • Not all tours on 10Adventures are eligible for Lifetime Deposits.
  • Lifetime Deposits cannot be redeemed for cash value.
  • Bookings with missed payments are not eligible for Lifetime Deposits.

Check out complete details in the Booking Terms and Conditions.

Group Trips

Group travel can be chaotic and messy, which is why going on a trip with family or friends is the fun part and planning the trip, well… isn’t. But what if the group travel experience of your dreams could be organized without the hassle of you needing to plan every detail?

With 10Adventures group tours, you’ll be the mastermind behind an unforgettable trip without the need to worry about logistics, payments, or who can get time off for a holiday.

The VIP-level service of our Travel Advisors allows you to organize the adventure of your dreams, customize it exactly how you want to, and watch the savings roll in as more of your friends and family sign up for the once in a lifetime experience you created. It’s that simple!

Take the first step on your next group adventure by contacting one of our Travel Advisors today.

The window to travel as a family only narrows with time. Make the most of it by exploring the world together and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Why share a travel experience with people you don’t know? Spend your hard-earned vacation surrounded by close friends on the adventure of a lifetime.

Shared travel experiences strengthen bonds and are the perfect way to come together as colleagues to solve challenges in a way that just can’t be done in an office environment.

Connect with members of your club or social circle over shared interests like food, culture, and the outdoors.

  • VIP Service: Have a dedicated Travel Advisor who is always a call or a click away.
  • Cost Savings: More people mean a lower cost per person. And there are additional discounts for children and shared rooms.
  • Customizable: You are in charge and choose the start date, length, itinerary, accommodations, and other services.
  • Easy Payment: Flexible payment schedule, and most importantly separate invoices so you aren’t left paying for other people.
  • Private: Just you and your group making memories that will last your lifetime.
  • Quality Time: There’s no better way to travel than alongside family and or friends. Enjoy quality time exploring the world with those you love most.

Nanga Parbat Base Camp & Rakaposhi Trek

Chat with us on our contact page or fill out the form below!

Climb to the base camp of the world’s 9th-tallest mountain

Nanga Parbat Base Camp & Rakaposhi Trek

Take the first step towards a private travel experience, customized just for you.

About this tour:

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Patagonia O Circuit

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Portuguese Camino in Deluxe Hotels

"This trip had been on both of our bucketlists for a long time; however, we had no idea how to start it and what to do, until we found 10Adventures."

Mei Ling H.

Camino Frances (Sep 23)

"I would like to express my appreciation to 10Adventures for the incredible experience on my first Camino Frances"

Ecuador Volcano Trek

"Wonderful guides, the trip was well-organized, the food was delicious"

Tenerife South to North Walking Tour

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Trekking Ecuador's Volcanoes

"Our trip was great, we had an amazing time, and I highly recommend 10Adventures."

Canal Du Midi Bike Tour

"10Adventures did a fabulous job of planning!"

Why travellers choose this tour

At 10Adventures, we take care of the details so that our guests can focus on making memories. Enjoy these key features on this tour.

We're Canadian

Book with a Canadian company whose mission is to help you travel the world.


Accommodations for 13 nights are included.

Don't worry about meals. 13 breakfasts, 13 lunches, and 13 dinners are included.

Check out the 'What's Included' tab for more info on personal transfers during your tour.

Local Support

Travel stress-free knowing in-country local support is available by regular phone or WhatsApp to support you during your tour.

Payments Made Easy

Enjoy the flexibility and ease of staggered payments in your own currency using your choice of credit card.

Route Resources

Route notes, maps, and/or a trail app make navigation on this tour a breeze.

Park Entrance Fees

Included where possible! Check the 'What's Included' tab for more info on park entrance fees during your tour.

Luggage transfers

Take a load off, with optional or included luggage transfers. Check inclusions for further details.

Accommodation for Nanga Parbat Base Camp & Rakaposhi Trek

This tour is based in hotels and camps. Hotels on this trip are 2 star and offer modern conveniences that can make this trip more pleasant. Camps may be tented or huts and your basic equipment will be provided.

In some cases, the accommodation listed below may need to be substituted for other comparable accommodations.

Single Rooms and Solo Travelers Rooms are double occupancy. You can pay a supplement of $340 USD to have a private room in a hotel where possible. Solo travellers may be required to pay a supplement.

Hill View Hotel

Hill View Hotel

Enjoy modern comforts for your first night in Islamabad at the Hill View Hotel, a simple hotel that offers a hot tub to relax in.

Shangri-La Midway

Shangri-La Midway

This rustic hotel enjoys a great location with mountain views. Traditional Pakistani design can be enjoyed throughout the property.

Raikot Sari Camp

Raikot Sari Camp

This campsite in Fairy Meadows is probably one of the most scenic places you’ll stay while travelling. Enjoy a lake and sweeping mountain views.

Osho Tang Guesthouse

Osho Tang Guesthouse

This simple guesthouse is nestled into a mountain valley. It offers simple rooms, good food, and a welcoming atmosphere.

Camping in the Nanga Parbat Base Camp & Rakaposhi Trek

Camping in the Nanga Parbat Base Camp & Rakaposhi Trek

Enjoy camping out underneath the sleeping giants of the Himalayas. You’ll be in tents with basic equipment provided for you.

Darbar Hotel

Darbar Hotel

Spacious rooms, updated bathrooms, and a good restaurant await at the Darbar Hotel. You’ll have internet access as well.

Eagle Nest Hotel

Eagles Nest Hotel in Duiker

The location doesn’t get much better than this! Enjoy being nestled into the mountains at this rustic, simple hotel.

Millennium Hotel in Naran

Millennium Hotel in Naran

This hotel has had updates done, so you’ll enjoy stylish rooms and lots of space. You’re also close to a nearby bazaar.

Hotels on Standard Tour

Planning a group trip?

Learn how we help group of friends, outdoor clubs and families get the tour they’ve been dreaming about.

Nanga Parbat Base Camp & Rakaposhi Trek Tour Details

Nanga parbat base camp & rakaposhi trek overview.

The Nanga Parbat Base Camp & Rakaposhi Trek is an epic adventure for the strong hiker, taking you to the base camps of some of the tallest mountains in Pakistan. Nanga Parbat, an 8,126m behemoth, is the 9th-tallest mountain in the world, and Rakaposhi reaches 7,788m tall. En route to the base camps, you’ll explore the lush, gorgeous Fairy Meadows, where your campsites feel like they’re in heaven, surrounded by green and framed by the mighty Himalayas and Karakorams.

You’ll hike to Hapakun Camp and then to Rakaposhi base camp, climbing through wooded pastures and past glaciers. Excellent views of Diran Peak and the north face of Rakaposhi dominate here. Through valleys, past glacial moraines, and to the base of these incredible mountains, the Nanga Parbat Base Camp and Rakaposhi Trek is a high-altitude experience you will remember for the rest of your life.

Nanga Parbat Base Camp & Rakaposhi Trek Itinerary

Islamabad and rawalpindi tour.

Welcome to Islamabad! Today you will visit some of the famous sights of Islamabad, including the Faisal Mosque, the 5th largest mosque in the world. We will also take time to visit the Lok Virsa Museum and the Pakistan Monument.

Islamabad replaced Karachi back in 1967 and is now the political and commercial heart of the country. Situated against the lush backdrop of the Margalla Hills, it is a city where old and new collide. Leafy green boulevards are home to modern buildings, but also dotted with traditional homes and mosques.

After lunch proceed to visit Rawalpindi. Rawalpindi is a lively, bustling city with the crowded streets and colorful bazaars, which should appeal to anyone with the desire to see the real Pakistan.

Drive to Chilas

Drive to Chilas via Babusar Pass, a high mountain pass at an elevation of 4,173m. The pass is the highest point in the Kaghan Valley and it connects the Kaghan Valley via the Thak Nala with Chilas on the Karakoram Highway. It’s one of the most famous hair pinned roads in the world.

Trek to Fairy Meadows

Drive from Chilas to Raikot Bridge, then Jeep transfer to Tato village and trek to Fairy Meadows. Fairy Meadow is a lush green plateau, offering a breathtaking view of majestic Nanga Parbat. Many people have called it the "Heaven on Earth" (a contrast to Nagna Parbat’s nickname, “Killer Mountain”). These lush green meadows and forests lie at the base of Nanga Parbat at the western edge of the Himalayan range in Pakistan. Fairy Meadows is a very peaceful and relaxing place to enjoy the mountain atmosphere and hospitality of the local people.

Excursion to Nanga Parbat Viewpoint

Today is a full day excursion to Nanga Parbat and back to Fairy Meadows. Here you have a close-up view of Ganalo Peak and panoramic views of other peaks, including Naga Parbat. An immense, dramatic peak rising far above its surrounding terrain, Nanga Parbat is also a notoriously difficult climb. Numerous mountaineering deaths in the mid and early 20th century lent it the nickname “Killer Mountain”. Along with K2, it has never been climbed in winter.

Trek to Tato Village and Drive to Minapin

Trek down to Tato village and drive by Jeeps to Raikot bridge and then to Minapin. En-route, stop at various viewpoints for photography, including the junction point of three great mountain ranges, the Karakorum, Hindukush, and Himalayas.

The village of Minapin is above the true left bank of the Hunza River at the base of the Minapin glacier. Rakaposhi and Diran peak towers are above the head of the Minapin glacier. Minapin village is also the birthplace of Syed Yahya Shah, a veteran conservationist who is the first elected representative from Nagar valley in the Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly.

Trek to Hapakun

Trek to Hapakun today. The trail begins behind the Minapin village and crosses a bridge to the Minapin River’s true left bank. The steep path gives wide views of the Minapin Glacier and eventually of the entire Rakaposhi-Diran crestline. After five hours’ ascent, you reach the Hapakun huts.

Trek to Rakaposhi BC

Today is the trek to Rakaposhi base camp, then after lunch you can walk around Rakaposhi BC or walk towards Diran Peak base camp. Ascend a trail through forest with excellent views of Diran as you rise above the Minapin Glacier. There is lush green Tagaphari meadow and also summer huts with shepherds just overlooking the glacier’s ice fields; from Tagaphari you will walk up the ridge for great views of the Batura peaks, Shispar peak, and Ultar Peaks.

Excursion to Diran Peak Base Camp

Take an excursion towards Diran peak base camp, then after lunch trek back to Hapakun. Overnight in tents.

Trek to Minapin and Drive to Karimabad

Trek down to Minapin and drive to Karimabad, arrive and transfer to a hotel. Today you will have the opportunity to see, meet and interact with local people, while they are working in the fields. The people are cheerful and friendly.

Visit Baltit - Altit Fort and Drive to Duiker

This morning you will visit the famous Baltit Fort, recently restored by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture to a fantastic standard. It is now a UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Baltit Fort is a fort in the Hunza valley, near the town of Karimabad. Founded in the 8th century CE, it has been on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative list since 2004.

In the past, the survival of the feudal regime of Hunza was ensured by the impressive fort. The foundations of the fort date back to 700 years ago, with rebuilds and alterations over the centuries. In the 16th century the local prince married a princess from Baltistan who brought master Balti craftsmen to renovate the building as part of her dowry.

Later you will visit the Royal Garden and Altit Fort and go for a walk along the water channels around town to absorb the local atmosphere and have a glimpse of the lifestyles of the local people.

Lakes and Villages to Passu

Drive to Passu. En route visit Attabad Lake for a boat ride. Drive towards Pussu, visit Borith Lake, Gulkin village, Gulmit village, Passu Glacier, Passu village, Hussani village and the Hussani suspension bridge.

Gulmit was the second capital of Hunza kingdom in 960. It is one of the most important places of the Wakhi inhabitants, which is called Gojal or Upper Hunza. Borith Lake is a large brackish lake that attracts a number of migratory birds in February, June, September and November.

Drive to Naran or Besham

Drive to Naran via Babusar pass. On the way, stop at various viewpoints for photography and refreshment.

Taxila Museum on the Way to Islamabad

Drive from Naran to Islamabad, stopping at the Taxila museum and historical sites. Most of the archaeological sites of Taxila (600 BC to 500 AD) are located around the Taxila museum. For over one thousand years, Taxila remained famous as a center of learning Gandhara art of sculpture, architecture, education and Buddhism in the days of Buddhist glory. There are over 50 archaeological sites scattered in a radius of 30km around Taxila.

Taxila is one of the most important archeological sites in the world. It is a city that is very well known for having strong ties and being the center of Buddhism in the country. Many statues of Buddha depicting the various stages of his life have been excavated and are currently present both at the Taxila museum as well as various stupas in the city.

The tour ends with a transfer to the airport. Safe travels home!

Tour Highlights

Highlights for nanga parbat base camp & rakaposhi trek.

Reach base camp of the world’s 9th-tallest peak, 8,126m Nanga Parbat, the most imposing mountain in Pakistan.

Trek through the Fairy Meadows at the foot of the Karakorums and Himalayas, a divine setting.

Trek to the base of Rakaposhi, another one of the country’s tallest mountains.

Completely immerse yourself in some of the most incredible mountain ranges in the world.

What's Included

13 breakfasts, 13 lunches, and 13 dinners are included.

Transportation during the Tour

Transport for you and your luggage is included in the tour. Air-conditioned transport for airport pick-up and drop off are also included.

Also Included

  • Professional English-speaking guide
  • All fort entrance fees
  • Bridge crossing fees

Not included

  • Tips for guide and driver
  • Optional excursions or deviations from the scheduled tour
  • Room service, gratuities for personal services
  • Any extra cost due to unforeseen circumstances
  • Travel insurance
  • Anything not mentioned as included

Optional Extras

  • Additional nights before or after the tour
  • Single occupancy upgrades where available

Dates & Prices

This guided tour in Pakistan is always run as a private tour for your group only and the price per person depends on the size of your group.

Prices below are per person:

  • Guided Groups of 4: $2,095 USD per person

Please note that the pricing might change depending on the size of your group


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Frequently asked questions for Nanga Parbat Base Camp & Rakaposhi Trek

How hard is the Nanga Parbat Base Camp & Rakaposhi Trek?

We rate this tour as a 4/5. You should be comfortable hiking for most of the day in steep, mountainous environments. You will spend time at elevations 3000-4000 metres and higher on this trip, so an initial acclimatization period before the tour is recommended. We can help you arrange this.

Can I customize this tour?

Yes! Please contact us with your preferred tour specifications and we’ll adapt this itinerary to your needs.

Do I need a visa to travel to Pakistan?

Check with your local country about visa requirements. You could also try this website , though you should verify with your government.

Are meals included on the Nanga Parbat Base Camp & Rakaposhi Trek?

Do I need insurance?

Yes, it is mandatory to have health and medical insurance to join this trip, and your insurance should cover high-altitude hiking. Get your travel insurance .

How do I get to Islamabad to start this tour?

Fly into Islamabad International Airport (ISB) where you will be welcomed and picked up.

Is the Nanga Parbat Base Camp & Rakaposhi Trek in English?

Yes, the tour guide is English-speaking.

Where does the Nanga Parbat Base Camp & Rakaposhi Trek end?

The tour ends in Islamabad with a ride to the airport.

Do I need special vaccines to travel to Pakistan?

Check with your family doctor.

Are there any travel restrictions for Pakistan?

Please check with your local government about travel restrictions before you book your tour. This map from the US Department of State provides an overview of the current status in countries around the globe. The UK‘s Foreign Office and Government of Canada also provide advice on foreign travel. Note that the travel advice may change depending on your nationality.

Tour Difficulty

Read about our scale for Tour Difficulty Ratings.

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The Spicy Travel Girl

The Spicy Travel Girl

Adventure & solo female travel blog

Fairy Meadows and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek blog post banner by The Spicy Travel Girl

Fairy Meadows And Nanga Parbat Basecamp Trek – Everything You Need To Know

Fairy Meadows is without a doubt one of the most beautiful places to visit in Pakistan and the gateway to the mighty Nanga Parbat peak. The remote region is the perfect destination for travelers seeking serene nature and thrilling adventures at the same time.

However, the breathtaking views of the Nanga Parbat from the peaceful green meadows are the reward for a difficult journey. Getting to Fairy Meadows is physically demanding as the roads are not made for cars and buses and the high altitude of Fairy Meadows can expose you to low temperatures and a lack of oxygen. This makes the trek to Fairy Meadows and later the Nanga Parbat basecamp even more difficult, especially for newbie trekkers like me. (Fun fact: Fairy Meadows was my first ever trek ! Find out how it went in my upcoming vlog!)

Fairy Meadows is a wonderful destination for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure but you must prepare accordingly. Here’s everything you need to know about Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat basecamp trek!

Traveling to Pakistan anytime soon? Here’s everything you need to know about traveling to Pakistan in 2022!

*DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links. This means that from every purchase made through this website, I’ll earn a small commission with no additional cost to you.*

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Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek 1 Adventure & solo female travel blog

Fairy Meadows History

Two local men and one boy, a friendly encounter with Fairy Meadows locals.

In 1868, Ghorabad local Khus Malik Raees stumbled across the lush green mountain meadows at around 3,300 meters altitude while hunting for ibexes. Imagining the land would be excellent for his animals, he bought the entire area from two local shepherds for only 14 rupees and a 12 gauge gun. He soon invited more and more relatives to build a community up there, who all acquired partial ownership of the region.

In the early 1900s, the region gained popularity among German mountain climbers who were on the mission to summit the Nanga Parbat. Enchanted by the incredible beauty of the meadows, they named the place Märchenwiesen , which translates to ‘Fairytale Meadows’. Later on, this name was changed to ‘Fairy Meadows’, which sounds a lot more melodic in English.

Despite Fairy Meadows’ relative popularity among mountaineers, it wasn’t until 1991 that Mr. Ghulam Nabi established the first hotel in the area, named Raikot Sarai. Back then, there was quite some local sentiment against the sudden establishment of tourism. However, almost three decades later, the efforts appear to have paid off and Fairy Meadows is now one of the most popular tourist destinations in Pakistan.

Nanga Parbat

Nanga Parbat at night with star trails.

The Nanga Parbat, which translates to ‘naked mountain’, is the 9th-tallest mountain in the world at 8,126 m height. Its nickname is the ‘Killer Mountain’ because its ascent is infamously difficult and cost the lives of many mountaineers, including the Italian mountaineer Guenther Messner in 1970. The first expedition to the Nanga Parbat was launched in 1895, followed by a record expedition in 1934 but neither of them was able to summit. It wasn’t until 1953 when the Austrian mountaineer Hermann Buhl was able to reach the top of the mountain solo and without supplemental oxygen .

Until today, climbing the Nanga Parbat is an incredibly difficult feat that is reserved only for the most experienced mountain climbers. You will have to seek permission to do so by applying for a mountaineering visa.

When To Visit Fairy Meadows

Fairy Meadows in October.

The best time to visit Fairy Meadows and the Nanga Parbat basecamp is June and July when the grass is the greenest and the temperatures hover around a comfortable 20°C. However, it’s also the time of the year you’re most likely to encounter rain.

If you prefer some beautiful autumn hues over saturated green landscapes, it’s best to visit in the beginning of October. Keep in mind that it can already get quite cold during this time of the year with minus degrees at night, so pack accordingly.

It’s still possible to visit Fairy Meadows in winter and the destination is a relatively popular place to spend New Year’s Eve. However, there are two things to keep in mind: Babusar Pass (the road coming from Ithe south) is usually closed during the winter months, so the only way to reach Fairy Meadows would be to fly into Gilgit. The other problem is the weather in Fairy Meadows in winter. Temperatures can get as low as -20°C in winter so you must make sure to prepare accordingly.

How To Get To Fairy Meadows

Girl staring down the mountains on the trek to Fairy Meadows.

It should be to nobody’s surprise that a place as pure and untouched as Fairy Meadows is anything but easy to reach. In my case, it took about five to six hours to reach Fairy Meadows from Raikot Bridge, however, the duration depends on many factors such as your physical fitness.

Here’s how to get to Fairy Meadows:

Road To Raikot Bridge

Chai wala preparing tea in a village in Gilgit-Baltistan, northern Pakistan.

Raikot Bridge is the starting point of the road to Fairy Meadows, meaning where you’ll have to leave your beloved car or bus behind and transfer to a jeep.

Getting to Raikot Bridge from other parts of Pakistan is pretty much straight-forward. You can either take the traditional road from Islamabad via Naran and Babusar Pass or fly into Gilgit and reach Raikot Bridge from the north. Either way, Raikot Bridge is conveniently connected by the Karakoram Highway, meaning that the driving conditions will be pretty good for Gilgit-Baltistan standards .

Keep in mind that Raikot Bridge is just the beginning of a long journey. You should either arrive in the morning or spend the night at the hotel in Raikot Bridge to make sure you’ll reach Fairy Meadows before it gets dark.

Jeep To Tattu Village

Local men with their jeep in Tattu Village, Fairy Meadows, Pakistan.

For the next two hours, you’ll have to continue your road to Fairy Meadows by jeep. There are many drivers at Raikot Bridge who will be more than happy to take you up the first portion of the road to Fairy Meadows in their jeeps for a fee of 8100 rs (~ $50 USD) per round trip. While this fee may sound quite large, keep in mind that up to eight people can usually squeeze into a jeep with whom you can split the cost. If you aren’t traveling in a large group, it’s always possible to team up with other travelers. (Just keep in mind that you’re expected to take the same jeep when coming back down.)

However, the cost will be the least of your concerns when you’re sitting inside the bumpy jeep driving close to the abyss, not knowing whether you’ll ever be able to see your next paycheck. Don’t worry, although the Fairy Meadows road is extremely scary, things rarely ever happen there. Your main concerns should be protecting your head and limbs from injuries during this extremely bumpy ride and reducing dust inhalation by wearing an N95 mask .

At the end of the ride, you’ll arrive in Tattu, a small village where the trek to Fairy Meadows begins. Get yourself some snacks, enjoy a cup of chai, and tap yourself on your shoulder because you just survived two hours in one of the most uncomfortable vehicles ever. However, the hardest part is yet to come…

Trek To Fairy Meadows

Trek to Fairy Meadows from Tattu Village.

The final part of the road to Fairy Meadows has to be covered on foot because not even a jeep will fit on this narrow path. From a beginner’s perspective, the trek to Fairy Meadows wasn’ too bad. The terrain is fairly easy and it took me about three hours to reach the meadows. However, as always, there are many factors to keep in mind such as your overall physical fitness, your condition on the day of the trek, and the weight of your luggage, which is hopefully just a backpack. And while reaching Fairy Meadows on foot is certainly a great achievement, there are plenty of horses and donkeys on the way that can help with your luggage or carry you all the way to the top for a small fee.

Hotels In Fairy Meadows

Nanga Parbat at sunrise captured from Raikot Sarai hotel in Fairy Meadows.

Thanks to being a popular tourist destination, there are plenty of hotels in Fairy Meadows to choose from. I personally had a great experience staying at Raikot Sarai , the oldest hotel in Fairy Meadows. The hotel consists of a row of cabins located right at the end of the trek that offer an incredible view of the Nanga Parbat at any time of the day. The hotel has its own restaurant and there are small shops nearby, offering everything you’ll need during your stay in Fairy Meadows.

Do keep in mind that since most hotels consist of cabins, the heat insulation won’t be great and you’ll most likely have to sleep in thick clothes and blanket. You also shouldn’t expect hot water in the mountains.

Connectivity In Fairy Meadows

Bonfire in Fairy Meadows, Pakistan.

The one thing I’ve heard by far the most complaints about is the connectivity in Fairy Meadows. In short, forget about WiFi, mobile data, and internet altogether during your stay. You won’t be having any of that.

The lack of internet connection can be a true blessing in places of serene nature. However, you should let your loved ones know in advance that you won’t be reachable for a couple of days so that they don’t worry too much.

It’s also important to always stay together if you go out in a group since there will be no phone signal to contact each other in case someone gets lost.

Nonetheless, you should make sure to charge your phone, camera, and powerbank every night. There are plenty of incredible photography opportunities in Fairy Meadows that you certainly don’t want to miss out on!

Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

View of Nanga Parbat from the Nanga Parbat Viewpoint.

Now we’re getting to the really interesting part. Relaxing and staring out into serene landscapes all day is nice if that’s your thing. But, the adventurers among you will probably be more interested in taking your Fairy Meadows game a step further and attempting the most epic trek in all of Pakistan – the Nanga Parbat base camp trek!

The Nanga Parbat base camp trek can be quite challenging, especially for beginners. Here’s what you need to know before giving it a try:

About The Nanga Parbat Basecamp Trek

Small cottages on the trek to Nanga Parbat.

The Nanga Parbat base camp trek starts at wherever you’re staying in Fairy Meadows at around 3,300 m altitude and ends at, well, the Nanga Parbat base camp, located at an altitude of 3,900 m. The average time it takes to complete each way of the trek is around six hours, although it can of course take longer depending on how exhausted you are.

The first half of the trek covers fairly easy terrain and passes through pine forests, green meadows, and bubbly springs. The second half is significantly rockier and more difficult and you should expect to make your way through by climbing over steep rocks. About halfway in, there is a popular Nanga Parbat viewpoint that separates these two parts of the trail.

Who Should Attempt The Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek?

Girl resting on a rock during the trek to Fairy Meadows, Pakistan.

While the Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek is certainly feasible for beginners, I, as a first-time trekker, struggled a lot. My main problems were altitude sickness and the difficult terrain during the second part.

So, here are my suggestions on who should attempt the Nanga Parbat base camp trek:

  • You should be at least somewhat active: You don’t have to be an athlete but if you’re not used to physical exercise, this trek might be very tough for you.
  • You should be feeling well on the day of the trek: Don’t go if you feel sick and exhausted before you even start the trek unless you want to collapse in the middle of nowhere.
  • You should discuss your plans with a medical professional if you have any preconditions, especially ones that affect your heart or lungs.
  • You should have a little bit of experience under your belt, although it’s definitely feasible to master the Nanga Parbat base camp trek as a complete newbie.
  • You should be respectful to your environment: Please don’t leave your trash around, disturb nature, or click photos of locals without asking in this ecologically and culturally sensitive region.

How To Prepare For The Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

Local guide in Fairy Meadows, Pakistan.

Checked all those boxes and ready to go? Not so fast! It’s important to prepare well in order to have a pleasant experience on the Nanga Parbat base camp trek. Here are some tips:

  • Take some time to acclimate to the altitude: Don’t go for the trek as soon as you get to the mountains. It’s best to spend a few days at increasing altitudes to prepare your body for the lack of oxygen up there.
  • Go with a local guide: The trek may seem quite straight-forward but actually, it isn’t. Hire a local guide in the area to accompany you so you won’t get lost in the wilderness.
  • Bring: A refillable (filter) water bottle, functional clothing, lots of snacks (especially chocolate), sunscreen, and more.

-> Check out my full Pakistan Packing List to find out what exactly you’ll need for trekking in the mountains + product recommendations!

  • Eat: I can’t reiterate this enough! Have a good breakfast in the morning, eat at the restaurant when you reach the Nanga Parbat base camp, and most importantly, bring lots of snacks for in between. Eating chocolate literally saved me every time I felt like blacking out, you simply can’t pack enough of it!
  • Rest well: Before and after the trek. You’ll most likely be super sore the next day.

Is Fairy Meadows Safe?

Girl with a pony in Fairy Meadows, Pakistan.

After hearing so much about adventurous treks and scary jeep rides, you might be wondering: “Is Fairy Meadows safe to visit?”

Luckily, the answer is a very clear YES! Fairy Meadows is a great destination for families, groups and solo travelers alike. Many locals have experience in hospitality and know how to take care well of their guests and cater to their needs.

However, it’s always good to be on the safe side. Here are some of my personal safety suggestions:

Dog resting in front of the mighty Nanga Parbat.

In a remote place like Fairy Meadows, health is a major concern. As always, you should make sure to eat well, rest well, and be easy on your body, especially if you’re not used to high-altitude environments. In addition, it’s best to start your journey to the mountains slowly so your body has enough time to acclimate.

Like everywhere in Pakistan, food and water safety is an important topic to keep in the back of your head. While it’s generally safe to drink the water from the mountain springs, you should always avoid drinking tap water and use bottled water or a filter bottle instead. Also make sure to always disinfect your hands before eating.

If anything ever happens to go wrong, you can seek help at one of the rescue centers in Fairy Meadows for basic medical care. However, if you’re feeling ill before coming to Fairy Meadows, it’s best to delay your trip.

Cow standing on a rock on the trek to Fairy Meadows.

As always when hiking, try your best not to get lost in their wilderness. Hire a guide who knows the area well or at least download some offline maps. Don’t go hiking alone because due to the lack of connectivity, it might take very long to get help if something happens.

Make sure to leave for hikes early in the morning because getting lost in the darkness is one of the worst things ever. Bring a waterproof headlamp just in case.

While you most likely won’t be coming into contact with any dangerous wildlife in Fairy Meadows, it’s always a good idea to carry a small pocket knife with you.

Female Safety

Girl hugging baby goat in Fairy Meadows, Pakistan.

Overall, Fairy Meadows is a safe destination for every type of traveler and the locals are very friendly and hospitable. As a popular tourist destination, however, it’s important to keep in mind that you’ll encounter people from all parts of the country, including many good ones but also some not so good ones,

Most hotel owners in Fairy Meadows do a great job watching out for their guests but in areas as wide and sometimes dark it can be easy to lose track if something shady happens.

The general rule of thumb for female travelers is not to venture out alone and it’s best to always stay with a trusted male company. Keep your distance from any new people you meet, no matter how friendly they may seem, and avoid being alone with unknown men in places where there are no people, especially when trekking.

Act modestly and make sure to decline if anyone ever tries to offer you a funny substance.

Read more:  Is Pakistan Safe For Women Travelers? Here’s What It’s REALLY Like

Where To Go Next

Loved Fairy Meadows? Check out these beautiful destinations in Pakistan as well:

  • Balochistan

With endless natural beauty and breathtaking adventures, Fairy Meadows is an excellent destination to visit in northern Pakistan. Getting to the meadows is not easy and requires a bit of physical strenghts but the efforts certainly pay off in exchange for breathtaking views of the Nanga Parbat and more. Fairy Meadows is a trekker’s paradise and the starting point to get to the Nanga Parbat base camp, a hike that is feasible even for complete newbies.

However, there’s a variety of health and safety measures one must always keep in mind, with the most important rule being listening to your body. Only ever do what you feel comfortable with and never compromise your safety. If you respect all these rules, there’s nothing stopping you from a perfect trip to Fairy Meadows.

Have you been to Fairy Meadows yet? How was your experience? Let me know in the comments below!

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Fairy Meadows looks like a perfect and beautiful trek to undertake. That bonfire looks cosy and a perfect pass time.

Fairy Meadows looks amazing. Thank you for this detailed guide!

This is such a beautiful post! The Fairy Meadows look like such an amazing place to visit. And I love the fact that there’s no connectivity LOL. Great pictures!

Thank you for including tips for solo female travelers! I’ve pinned this for later once COVID is under control and we can safely travel again.

This looks like such an amazing experience. I would love to go and experience Pamistena and all the natural beauty it has to offer.

Thanks for sharing your experiences. I will be a forever virtual traveller when it comes to high altitudes, but maybe that is also why these kind of stories are so captivating to me.

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Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek - 10 Days 0.0 / 5

  • Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek


Nanga parbat base camp trekking 2023-24.

If you’re looking for an adventure that combines breathtaking views, challenging treks, and unforgettable experiences, then the Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trekking is for you. This trek takes you on a journey through some of Pakistan’s most stunning landscapes, including Nanga Parbat, Fairy Meadows, and the Karakorum Highway.

The Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trekking is a challenging yet rewarding journey that takes you deep into the heart of the Himalayas. You’ll trek through lush forests, cross gushing rivers, and traverse steep mountain trails as you make your way towards the base camp of Nanga Parbat, the ninth highest peak in the world. Along the way, you’ll be surrounded by some of the most stunning scenery imaginable, with snow-capped peaks, deep valleys, and crystal-clear lakes.

One of the highlights of the Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trekking is a visit to Fairy Meadows, a lush meadow surrounded by towering mountains. This idyllic spot is the perfect place to relax and take in the stunning views, and it’s also a great base for exploring the surrounding area. From here, you can take a day trip to the base camp of Nanga Parbat, which offers spectacular views of the peak.

Another highlight of the Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trekking is a drive on the Karakorum Highway, one of the world’s most scenic roads. This highway winds its way through the mountains, offering stunning views of snow-capped peaks, deep gorges, and rushing rivers. The drive is an adventure in itself, and it’s a great way to experience the natural beauty of the area.

In sum, the Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trekking is an adventure that you’ll never forget. It’s a challenging trek that takes you through some of the world’s most stunning landscapes, and it’s an experience that you’ll cherish for a lifetime. So why wait? Book your Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trekking today and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!

Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek Cost For Private Trips

Private treks are our foremost priority where you can decide your own itinerary and we offer special discount for private treks and  foreign trekking companies . Trekkers can join one of our Nanga Parbat  fixed departures with a fixed price of $950 per person . Our fixed departures are mostly confirmed and everything mentioned in the services included will be provided at a fixed cost that is USD 950. To join a Nanga Parbat base camp Fixed Departures Please scroll down to fixed departures and cost .

We also provide customized private and group packages for trekkers. If you are looking for a private trek to Nanga Parbat base camp with family and friends , our cost schedule to Nanga Parbat base camp trip for groups are  given below in the table:

You may like to know, Other than Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek,  K2 Base Camp Trek is our bestselling trek in Pakistan. 

K2 Trekking Holiday Cost and Packages

Including the classic  K2 Base Camp Trek – 20 Days ,  we offer the following k2 base camp trekking holiday options for individuals and groups all around the world.


 days itinerary, nanga parbat base camp trek itinerary, day 01: arrive at gandhara international airport, islamabad, day 02: drive to chilas via karakoram highway, day 03: drive to tatu and hike to fairy meadows, day 04: trek to beyal camp, day 05: trek to nanga parbat base camp, day 06: return to fairy meadows, day 07: drive to naran via babusar pass, day 08: drive to islamabad, day 09: sightseeing in islamabad, day 10: fly to home country,  highlight, nanga parbat base camp trek highlights.

  • Base camp of world’s 9th highest mountain, Nanga Parbat
  • Experience Karakoram Highway
  • Night stays at Fairy Meadows
  • Bonfires and music at base camp
  • Tatu Jeep Safari – ultimate adrenaline rush on one of the most scenic roads in Pakistan
  • Alpine forest
  • Valleys of Himalayas
  • View of Indus river and Raikot glacier
  • Amazing sunsets and sunrises.
  • Meet mountaineers at base camps
  • Sightseeing in Rawalpindi & Islamabad


Services included for nanga parbat base camp trek.

  • Licensed professional guide (government requirement)
  • Airport transfer on first and last day in Islamabad
  • All domestic road transfers
  • All hotel accommodation (twin sharing rooms)
  • All trekking accommodation (twin sharing dome tents)
  • All hotel meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
  • All trekking meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
  • All camping site fees
  • Trekking logistics (tents, non-personal equipment, and tools)
  • Support staff (cook, assistant(s), etc)
  • Porters for trekking equipment
  • kitchen (supplies, tools, equipment, crockery, gas), and personal luggage (14kg)

Services Not Included For Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

  • Travel insurance
  • Pakistan Visa (will facilitate with LOI)
  • Tips for local guides and support staff
  • Miscellaneous expenses
  • souvenirs etc.

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trek to nanga parbat base camp

Active Tours Pakistan

  • Fairy Meadows & Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek


Book now / inquiry, explore the mysteries of the killer mountain from the north and polish your skill climbing either of the spectacular jilliper peak north (5245m), south (5206m) and have a close view of the challenging nanga parbat (8126m)..

Visit memorial of German climbers killed in 1937 and explore around the base camp full of marmots, flowers, and rare mountain views. The approach trek of two days passes through the lush green alpine Fairy Meadows with superb views of the north face of Nanga Parbat. Drive to Gilgit and Hunza valley on famous Karakorum Highway, providing close views of the Karakorum giants, like Rakaposhi (7788m), Diran (7237m) Ultar (7388m), Golden Peak (7027m and many more above 7000m.

  • Day 01 ✈  RAWALPINDI – ISLAMABAD:  You will be greeted at airport and transferred to comfortable centrally located hotel. Reminder of the day is free for you to relax and recovered from long flight to Pakistan. In the after noon, for those who desire there will be a tour of Pakistan’s capital Islamabad and bustling bazaar of Rawalpindi. In the evening we have a welcome dinner where you will have the opportunity to meet your guide and other member of group. Overnight stay at hotel.
  • Day 02 RAWALPINDI – CHLIAS:  (Drive & Hotel). Morning after break fast drive 11-12 hrs on famous Karakorum Highway. En route we will stop for photography, toilet break and lunch at Chatar or Besham. O/N stay in hotel.
  • Day 03: CHLIAS – FAIRY MEADOWS: (Drive, trek & Hotel). After Break fast drive by van/coaster to Raikot Bridge about 45 miles south of Gilgit. At Raikot, you will be transferred to jeep for drive till Tato. From Tato we will start our first day trek 3-4 hrs uphill till fairy meadows.  O/N Stay in camp/hotel.
  • Day 04 FAIRY MEADOWS: Rest day/relax day. Now the surrounding affords a great deal of pleasure. True to its name, fairy meadows hold lush green meadows, gushing crystal clear spring water and towering pine trees which generously provide cool shade. About all, the majestic Nanga Parbat – the naked killer mountain stands tall and proud for you to behold. Snore panorama of the pasture, can sit and watch the sky scarping peak Nanga Parbat with having sip of tea/coffee. O/N stay in camp.
  • Day 05: FAIRY MEADOWS – BEYAL – Nanga Parbat BC – BEYAL CAMP: Full day excursion to the base camp of ninth highest peak in the world Nanga Parbat Base Camp. This is an easy and pleasant three miles walk. At base camp, we will explore nature and as well as memorials of climber who died during climbing. Around latenoon, we will get down to Beyal campsite for accommodation.
  • Day 06: Morning we will get down to Fairy Meadows and remaining time free to enjoy nature or walk around in the fairy tale land of beautiful Fairy Meadows.
  • Day 07- 09: ✈  Commence return journey via same route to Islamabad. In The evening transfer to airport for onward journey to their sweet home. End of services.
  • Extensions: For junior climbers, who want to furnish their climbing skills, we have an option of 3 days climbing at Jilliper Peak (5245m). b) For those who want to explore nature, local culture, experience local life, history, short walks, boating, glacier crossing and mountain bazaar walk, we have 5 days extension trip of famous Gilgit & Hunza Valley upto Khunjerab Pass (border between China & Pakistan).

Fairy-Meadows-&-Nanga-Parbat-Base-Camp-with-Julliper-Peak-Climbing (1)

“ From the start and right through the planning stage, the company owner, Mr. Karim Uddin was incredibly helpful, promptly replying to my many emails and addressing all of my concerns. Mr. Karim assisted with the visa process and invitation letter and everything ran very smoothly... Chris Bentley & Lisa United Kingdom
“ Dear Friends Karim & Shahzad, our drivers, boatmen, horsemen and lots of others, whom we met in Pakistan! Thank you for your heartiest welcoming, friendly and helpful attitude to us for your unselfish job for guarding us. We felt at home in your country and brought back to Latvia the warmest memories about Pakistan... Alda, Konstantins, Dzintra, Nadina & all other members. GROUPUP Members
“ I have been on many tours in different parts of the world. I have to say that Active Tours Pakistan has the best customer service of all companies I have traveled with. They make sure every detail of your trip is taken care of and they are open and honest about what is going on in the country to make sure you are fully aware of what is going on. Northern Pakistan is incredibly beautiful. The people are so friendly. I loved my experience in Pakistan!! Mary Walker Nurse
“ My trip to Pakistan could only have been possible with the help of Active Tours Pakistan. The company gave me very professional and personal treatment - and made sure I was safe for the entire duration of my stay. Throughout your journey with Active Tours, you are likely to become great friends with their guides, just as I have through our shared experiences of this incredible country. James Free Australia
“ I want to thank you with all my heart for showing me the beauty of , The country, the people and its culture. I have had a wonderful 2 week in your company and I am sad for this trip to end. But, Inshallah, I will come back to enjoy more of what has to offer. Maarten Peeters Belgium
“ We got so many impressions about this lovely country – you can’t put them in few words. Very friendly people, heartily hospitality, breath taking landscape. Besides all the good wishes, we wish you special the pleasure of the Lord, He wants to live with you, He loves you!!! Heidi Benjimin Austria
“ Thank you so, so much for your very good services! We enjoyed the time with you and with your company team members. We like the way you showed us your lovely country and its amazing part of the world. We take a lot of good & nice impression with us. Patrick & Rahel Switzerland
“ Words can’t fully describe how pleased we were with Active Tours. Thanks to management & especially to Mr. Kareem who made our trip so fantastic & happy. You provided pleasant, personal and professional service and quickly accommodated our travel and media related task. We appreciated your personal approach in making our travel arrangements.... Ms. Sarah Share Ierland
“ 7 Agosto 27 Agosto 2014 Baltoro trek con ATP : Bellissima e Straordinaria Vacanza! Grande professionalità e cordialità! Un ringraziamento particolare alla nostra guida Ghafoor, al cuoco Alam e al suo aiutante Ali. Tutti voi avete contribuito a rendere indimenticabili quei giorni... grazie di cuore mary e sebastiano Mary Nassini Brescia, Italy
“ The Germans, always for something special to see or to buy ….. You did a great job to handle all our families. For you and Pakistan wish all the best. We will see you again in next few years. You were not only a very good tour organizer, but you were a good guide and very good friend, fellow to us. You and Raza (Mountain Guide), we thank you very much both for you're caring. Dela & Siegmor Germany

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The Nanga Parbat Fairy Meadows Trek, nestled in the heart of the Himalayas in Pakistan, presents an enchanting journey through awe-inspiring landscapes and unspoiled wilderness. Embarking from the village of Tato, the trek meanders through verdant forests, alpine meadows, and majestic peaks, culminating at the renowned Fairy Meadows. Along the trail, trekkers are rewarded with panoramic vistas of legendary peaks like Nanga Parbat.

The Rakaposhi Trek, nestled in the awe-inspiring Karakorum Range of Pakistan, promises an unforgettable journey through breathtaking landscapes and rugged terrain. Commencing from the picturesque village of Minapin, the trek winds its way through verdant valleys, meandering rivers, and cascading waterfalls, culminating at the majestic Rakaposhi peak.

Welcome at Islamabad airport and transfer to hotel. Afternoon proceed for city tour of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, which includes famous Faisal Mosque, Shakar Parian, Pakistan monument, Damen Koh, Lok Versa, Museum, Rawalpindi old bazaar, Raja Bazaar.

Accommodation: Hotel Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Drive to Naran 6-7 hours 279 km via Mansehra- Naran-Jalkhad. After lunch continue drive to Chilas 3-4 hours 113.3 km via Babusar Pass 4173m. Accommodation: Hotel Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Drive to Raikot Bridge one hour, Jeep transfer to Tato village 15km, one hour. We start our trek from Tato village to Fairy Meadows for 2-3 hours 3306m, 5.5km. Have a Spectacular view of Nanga Parbat 8,125m, Raikot Peak 7,070m and Ganalo Peak 6,608m. 

Altitude: 3,306m Accommodation: Hut  Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Excursion to Nanga Parbat base camp  3967m  , evening trek back to Fairy Meadows. Nanga Parbat is one of the eight-thousanders. An immense, dramatic peak rising far above its surrounding terrain, Nanga Parbat is also a notoriously difficult climb. Nanga Parbat was first climbed, via the Rakhiot Flank (East Ridge), on July 3, 1953 by Austrian climber Hermann Buhl, a member of a German-Austrian team

Altitude: 3,306 Accommodation: Hut Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Trek down to Tato village 2-3 hours and drive to Minapin 5-6 hours. En-route stop at junction point of three great mountain ranges meet, the Karakorum, Himalaya and Hindukush, at Thalichi for photography from Nanga Parbat 8,126m and at Rakaposhi view point for photography and refreshment.

Altitude: 2,012 M Accommodation: Hotel Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Trek to Hapakun 4-5 hours 5.8 km, 792m ascent, Altitude 2804m. Overnight in tents The trail begins behind the Minapin village, cross a bridge to the Minapin River’s true left bank. The step path gives wide views of the Minapin Glacier, and eventually of the entire Rakaposhi-Diran crest line. 

Altitude: 2,804 M Accommodation: Camping  Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Trek to Rakaposhi base camp 3-4 hours , 457m, ascent, Altitude 3261m, after lunch walk around Rakaposhi base camp. Overnights in tents

Altitude: 3,261 M  Accommodation: Camping Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Excursion to towards Diran peak base camp, after lunch trek back to Hapakun. Overnight in tents 2804m.

Altitude: 2,804 M  Accommodation: Camping Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Trek down to Minapin 4 hours and drive to Karimabad 1hour, arrive and transfer to hotel.

Altitude: 2500 M  Accommodation: Hotel Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Morning visit Baltit Fort (700 Years old & Altit Fort (900-Years-old) afternoon drive to Duiker valley 30 minutes. After refreshment walk through the village to Holy shrines, today you will have opportunely to visit many local women and men working in the fields.

Altitude: 2,400m  Accommodation: Hotel  Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Drive to Passu 1 hour, en-route visit Attaabad Lake, after refreshment visit Borith Lake, Gulkin village, Gulmit village, Passu Glacier, Passu village, Hussani village and Hussani suspension bridge.

Accommodation: Hotel  Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Morning excursion to Pashsugar 6.6 km, 3-4 hours 810m ascent, 3210m, Enjoy photography from Passughar and Passu peaks. After lunch descend down to Passu 6.6 km 3-4 hours, and drive to Karimabad for overnight 1 hour.  

Drive to Naran 355 km via Babusar Pass 4173 m. En-route stop at various viewpoints for photography and refreshment.

Drive to Islamabad 6-7 hours 279 km, en-route visit Taxila museum and historical sites.

Transfer to Islamabad airport for return flight.

  • All domestic flights and road transfers
  • All hotel accommodation (twin sharing room)
  • All trekking accommodation
  • All camping site and bridge fees
  • All trekking logistics (all tents, non-personal equipment and tools etc)
  • All meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  • Licensed professional guide (government requirement)
  • Support staff (cook, assistant(s) etc)
  • Porter for personal luggage 15 KGs
  • First aid medicine kit (basic)
  • D3V sleeping tent, Toilet Tent, Shower Tent.
  • International airfare and airport taxes.
  • Visa fee for Pakistan and personal insurance of the clients.
  • Tips for drivers, porters and staff
  • Single Supplement
  • Transfers to and from airports for participants making individual air arrangements
  • Optional excursions or deviations from the scheduled tour
  • Sleeping bag and all personal expenses such as telephone charges, liquor or soft drinks,
  • Room service, gratuities for personal services, items of a purely
  • Any other service that is not mentioned in the list above.

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nanga parbat base camp trek

World’s Most Adventurous Journey – Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

The Nanga Parbat base camp trek is an really adventurous tour of the Himalaya region of Pakistan . More recently, it has become a popular destination for Pakistani hikers and hikers from all over the world. Summer is considered to be the best hiking season in the Himalayan and Karakoram Regions in Pakistan.

Most Amazing Journey – Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

The Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek is undoubtedly one of the most amazing journeys in the world. Nanga Parbat is the ninth highest mountain in the world and the second largest in Pakistan after K2 . It is located in the Diamir region of  Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan.

Nanga Parbat is situated in the western part of the Himalayas , demarcated from the Karakoram range by the formidable Indus River, which flows directly from the Indus valley . The awe-inspiring and magnificent Fairy Meadows , coupled with a drive along the renowned Karakoram Highway, renders the Nanga Parbat camping expedition a truly exceptional trekking experience.

This trek leads you through lush, verdant, and steep slopes adorned with cascading waterfalls in the western Himalayas. Fairy Meadows , an iconic natural wonder in Pakistan, stands out for good reason. This picturesque alpine terrain is nestled in a breathtaking backdrop, dominated by the imposing Nanga Parbat, the 9th highest peak globally, which draws visitors from far and wide.

History of Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

Nanga Parbat is not a solitary Peak but rather comprises an extensive series of peaks and hills spanning approximately 20 kilometers, ultimately culminating in a snowy summit that reaches 8,125 meters in elevation. The southern side of this mountain is famously known as the Rupal Face, which descends to an altitude of about 5,000 meters. On the other hand, the northern side, the Raikot Face, plunges over 7,000 meters from the summit down to the Indus River, forming one of the deepest ravines on the planet.

This formidable peak first captured the attention of mountaineers in 1953 when an Austrian-German joint expedition tackled its ascent. Hermann Buhl made a remarkable solo climb that lasted for an exhausting 41 hours. In 1970, the Italian mountaineer Reinhold Messner ascended the southern face, the Rupal Face, while his brother Gunther descended via the Diamir route.

The southern face of Nanga Parbat is the most extensive of its kind globally, extending for over four miles (approximately 4 kilometers) above the base camp. To date, only five successful ascents have been made from the southern side.

Islamabad to Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

Tourists embarking on this adventure will drive along the Karakoram Highway to reach Chilas. Along the way, they’ll pass through various towns and regions, including Abbotabad, Mansehra, Besham, Dasu, and Sazini, before finally arriving in Chilas City.

To venture from Chilas to Fairy Meadows , a 2-3 hour journey is required in a 4×4 Jeep. Once at Fairy Meadows, visitors have the opportunity to unwind, meander through the beautiful surroundings, partake in short walks, or engage with the local residents.

The jeep ride to Fairy Meadows is an experience in itself. This thrilling excursion includes a daring two-hour drive along what is widely regarded as one of the world’s most treacherous roads. The road is predominantly narrow, winding, and marked by steep drops alongside a stunning canyon. What adds to the challenge is that the road is only wide enough for a single jeep, yet it accommodates traffic moving in both directions, making passing other jeeps quite a demanding task.

It’s important to note that, despite the enchantment of Fairy Meadows , this journey might not be suitable for individuals uncomfortable with perilous routes, fearful of heights, or averse to danger. Many travelers choose to stay at Fairy Meadows and forgo the onward journey.

Nevertheless, for those who are up for the adventure, a day trip from Fairy Meadows to Nanga Parbat Base Camp is a worthwhile pursuit. The views are nothing short of spectacular, with the northern face of Nanga Parbat appearing impressively close and captivating.

Route from Fairy Meadows to Nanga Parbat Base Camp

A short distance beyond Fairy Meadows, you’ll encounter a second campsite known as Beyal, offering tranquility and even more impressive vistas than the previous camp. As you continue beyond Beyal, the trail becomes more challenging but equally rewarding. Transitioning from the mountain’s lush forested areas, the trail evolves into an almost desert-like terrain, with awe-inspiring snow and ice surroundings.

Leaving Fairy Meadows, the path leads through a forest perched high on the hillside along the western bank of the Raikot Glacier, providing several glimpses of the mighty Nanga Parbat in the distance. After approximately 60 minutes of walking, you’ll arrive at the outset of Beyal Camp. Beyal Camp is a small village where locals have established a restaurant, a few cabins, and a campsite. While Beyal Camp lacks electricity, it compensates with solitude and serenity, making it an appealing alternative to Fairy Meadows for some.

The Beyal Camp sprawls along the valley, requiring about 15 minutes to explore on foot. Continuing beyond Beyal Camp, the trail meanders through sparse trees with an easily discernible path and only a slight uphill gradient. After roughly 45 to 60 minutes, you’ll reach a viewpoint overlooking the Raikot Glacier. This viewpoint affords breathtaking vistas along the glacier and towards prominent peaks, including Nanga Parbat (8,126m), Chongra Peak (6830m), Raikot Peak (7070m), and Ganalo Peak (6606m). The viewpoint often sees visitors taking a break, enjoying snacks, and, in some cases, many opt to turn back towards Fairy Meadows from this point.

Participants will continue walking for a few hours, eventually reaching the Nanga Parbat Base Camp, where silence is occasionally interrupted by distant sounds of avalanches. Here, you’ll spend the night beneath the shadow of the Himalayan giant (8,126m).

Upon leaving the Raikot Glacier Viewpoint, the trail conditions transform significantly. Instead of winding through thick vegetation, you’ll traverse the edge of a snowy valley. This section involves a narrow path situated on a steep incline compared to the previous part of the trail, yet it isn’t particularly dangerous or technically advanced (assuming you’re traveling when there’s no snow). This part of the trail is also more exposed without tree cover, making it quite evident.

Throughout this section, you’ll encounter several stream crossings, which, even during late summer, can be challenging. Fortunately, locals have constructed makeshift bridges to help navigate these streams, even though they may not appear entirely sturdy.

After approximately 60 minutes of hiking, you’ll come upon a rocky outcrop, followed by an up-and-down ascent along a steep slope in a grassy area, which takes another 15-30 minutes. In total, the hike from the Raikot Glacier Viewpoint to the base camp or tuck shop should take around 90-120 minutes. Many trekkers opt to stop at the tuck shop, which offers a fantastic view and serves chai and dahl, making it a convenient place to rest and turn back.

It’s worth noting that some maps may depict the Nanga Parbat Base Camp at a slightly different location from the tuck shop, and there are two basic camps – one for winter and another for summer.

Numerous private lodging options are available, primarily in Fairy Meadows, including cabin-style accommodations and camping spots. Beyal Camp, located about a 45-minute walk past Fairy Meadows, also provides cabin and camping options.

The return journey takes you back to Fairy Meadows, where you’ll have a full day to savor the enchanting surroundings. You can use this time for journaling, drawing, painting, relaxation, or capturing photographs of the majestic mountain at various times of the day, such as sunrise, sunset, and the full moon, each casting its unique charm upon the meadows of myth.

Subsequently, visitors will return to Besham or Naran, depending on weather conditions and the specific itinerary. If the route leads to Besham, it entails passing through Chilas and Dassu alongside the Indus River on the Karakoram Highway.

Summary of Nanga Parbat Base Trek Journey

  • Raikot Bridge to the road near Tattu Village: 90-120 mins jeep ride.
  • Trailhead to Fairy Meadows: 90-120 minutes steep climb (carriers and horseback riding available).
  • Fairy Meadows to Beyal Camp: 60-90 minutes for easy navigation.
  • Beyal Camp to Raikot Glacier Viewpoint: 60 minutes of easy navigation.
  • Raikot Glacier Viewpoint to Nanga Parbat Base Camp: 90-120 minutes of moderate walking (some narrow sections on the road, and the last 30 minutes are steep).

Height of Nanga Parbat Base Camp

Height of Nanga Parbat Base camp is 3,850 meters or 12.631 feet.

Time required to Reach Nanga Parbat Base Camp

Its an 8 hour trek (round trip) to reach Nanga Parbat Base Camp from Fairy Meadows.

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Apricot Tours Pakistan | K2 and Nanga Parbat BC Trek | USD 2890 - Book Now | 2024-25

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K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek (2024-25) – 25 days

K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek is a trekking holiday for international trekkers that visit Pakistan. Apart from  K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek , we offer the following seven K2 holiday options given in the table below.

Dates & Cost – K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek ( USD 2,990 )

Summers are ideal for K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek. The start and end dates in the table below are your dates of arrival and departure from Pakistan. These months mentioned below are the ideal months for trekking in Karakoram region of Pakistan. We have at least 12 guaranteed departures every year that operate until October. Our dates and costs are given below. K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek costs USD 2,890 during July and August departures.

MAXIMUM GROUP SIZE:  12 Participants

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Pay Minimum Deposit: The deposits for the holiday are  early-bird discounts  and automatically change according to the schedule below:

Holiday Information

  • What's included
  • What's not included

Inclusions for both International & local trekkers 

  • Implementation of government  SOPs/Guidelines  in case of new pandemic variants.
  • All domestic flights (Checked Baggage Allowance: 20kg, Hand Carry: 7kg)
  • All road transfers including airport transfers
  • All hotel accommodation in Pakistan (twin sharing room)
  • All trekking accommodation in Pakistan (twin sharing dome tent)
  • All camping site fees and bridge fees
  • All trekking logistics (all tents, non-personal equipment and tools etc)
  • All meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner) and beverages/water during meals
  • Snacks including dry fruits and tea/coffee during the trek
  • Free refills of boiled drinking water on the trek
  • Licensed professional guide (government requirement)
  • Government trekking permit fees and paperwork
  • Waste management fees (government requirement)
  • Islamabad and Skardu city tours including all entry fees
  • Support staff (cook, assistant(s) etc)
  • Porters - personal luggage (14kgs) and mountaineering equipment (8kgs)
  • Storage service for baggage in Skardu (for leaving a bag behind in Skardu before going on the trek)
  • First aid medicine kit (basic)
  • Satellite phone for emergencies
  • Trekking map and trip achievement certificate

Exclusions for both International & local trekkers 

  • Personal travel insurance (Recommendation/Rescue Partners: Global Rescue )
  • Visa to Pakistan (five supporting documents will be offered)
  • International airfare
  • Personal equipment (e.g. trekking shoes, down jacket, walking sticks etc)
  • Personal mountain equipment (crampon, mountaineering boot, ice axe, harness, two carabiners, helmet etc)
  • Extra nights in Islamabad (hotel check in/out is 12pm) - additional USD 67 per night
  • Additional trek weight/baggage: USD 11 per kg
  • Storage service for baggage in Islamabad: USD 28 per bag/piece
  • Tips/gratuities for guides, porters, staff etc
  • Miscellaneous (minibar, bottled water, phone calls, laundry, souvenir etc)
  • Early Windup/Return Costs (e.g. early return from trek due to any reason)
  • Costs due to Force Majure (e.g. earthquake, landslide, floods, etc)
  • Important Notes

Why Register Now?

1. Early Bird Discount: The given prices for the holiday are limited-time discount offers and are subject to change. Service providers including (but not limited) to airlines and hotels increase prices in peak-season. Early reservations cost us less than peak-season. 

2: Limited Space in Peak Months:  The peak months in the peak season attract the highest number of international guests and are therefore sold out earlier. We have restricted one group size to a maximum of 12 travelers. We are taking registrations on a "first-come, first-served" basis.

3. Limited Flight Seats:  Domestic flight seats to the Karakorams and Himalayas are sold out way ahead of time because there are only two daily flights during peak season. Among other things, the deposit is used to book domestic flights for you in advance.

4. Pay Balance after arrival in Pakistan:  We appreciate that paying the final balance for your trip may cause concern. Our policy is to only receive your final balance once you arrive in Pakistan. The only payment before arrival is the deposit.

5. Pay Minimum Deposit: The deposits for the holiday are also  early-bird discounts  and automatically change according to the late deposit schedule above. The same dates above apply to next season's deposits.

Deposit (Advance) for Pakistani nationals

The deposit for Pakistani nationals is PKR 100,000 or 30% of the total price, whichever is greater. The deposit is non-refundable.

Refund Policy for All

Deposit: Once paid, the deposit is non-refundable as it will be spent on making in-country arrangements. For Pakistan nationals, the deposit is non-refundable in all cases too.

Balance: Pay the balance only after arrival in Pakistan on the first day. Payment guidelines will be shared timely.

All international travelers can pay in US Dollars (USD) or equivalent in Euros (EUR) or Pound Sterling (GBP) . Pakistani travelers are charged the equivalent in Pakistani Rupees (PKR) .

Single Supplement

Separate hotel rooms (single supplement) will cost an  additional USD 290. This includes all hotel nights. This payment should be made with the balance upon arrival. Separate tents (single tent) will cost an additional USD 180. This includes the cost of additional porterage. This payment should also be made with the balance in Pakistan.

Highlights – K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek has a lot to offer. Given below are main highlights of K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek:

  • Base Camps of K2 (8,611) & Broad Peak (8,051m)
  • Base Camp of Nanga Parbat (8,126m)
  • Night stay at K2 Base Camp
  • Night stay at Nanga Parbat Base Camp
  • Gondogoro La Pass (5,585m). View four 8,000m peaks (K2, Gasherbrum I & II, Broad Peak) and other peaks (Gasherbrum 4, Laila, Gondogoro Peak etc) from one point.
  • Circular/ Circuit trek to scenic Hushe Valley
  • Concordia – Throne Room of the Mountain Gods
  • Trek along Vigne and Gondogoro glaciers from Concordia after trek to Godwin Austin glacier via Baltoro Glacier (5th longest and world’s largest outside polar region).
  • Visit Gilkey Memorial
  • Views of peaks between 5,000m to 8,000m including Gasherbrum 3 and 4, Masherbrum, Mustagh Tower, Bakhordas Peak, Mitre Peak, Crystal Peak, Marbel Peak, Biale Peak, Lobsang Spire, Trango Towers, Uli Biaho, Cathedral Peak, Urdukas Peak etc.
  • More views of peaks between 5,000m to 8,000m including Laila Peak, Chogolisa etc.
  • Views of Glaciers (e.g. Biafo, Vigne, Liligo, Dunge, Muztagh, Biango, Yermanendu, Mandu and more) , glacial lakes, waterfalls and streams
  • Visit Fairy Meadows
  • Sightseeing in Skardu and Islamabad

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Itinerary – K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

The itinerary for K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek is given below.

On this Day

GPS Data Altitude: 540 m

Our guide(s) will receive you from the airport. Soon you will be transferred to hotels. On this day, our participants can relax and recover from their long journey.

Pickup information It is very easy to spot our guide, holding orange placards with our company’s logo and your name on it. You must arrive at Islamabad International Airport, Islamabad. International flights normally arrive at midnight or in the afternoon. You must give us the details of your flights, both inbound and outbound at least five days prior to your arrival in Pakistan. Our staff/guide will receive you at the gates of international arrivals unless you are taking a connecting flight from another city of Pakistan. The guide/staff will transfer you to our partner hotel. In case you do not require airport transfer, please inform us in advance.

After lunch and some rest at the hotel (ideally if you are arriving in the morning between 9am to 12pm), our guide/representative will pickup all our guests around 6pm for briefing and remaining payments at our office followed by a dinner. If you are coming late, we will manage remaining payments and briefing in Skardu.

GPS Data Altitude: 2,498 m

Participants on this morning will take the spectacular flight from Islamabad airport to Skardu airport. You will be able to see Nanga Parbat if clouds allow. After arrival in Skardu, the day is free.

After breakfast, the participants will walk to Kharpocho fort in Skardu, which is located up on a mountain. The Kharpocho fort gives a splendid view of the Indus and Skardu town. The participants will also have an option to take a tour to Sadpara Lake followed by free shopping time in Skardu Bazaar.

During sightseeing, our staff will take care of further government documentation required in Skardu. This can sometimes take two days. We have contingency days towards the end of the trek incase of any delays.

GPS Data Altitude: 3,015 m

The participants will begin the jeep safari towards Daso, the passage will go through the Shigar valley. The journey will be followed on the sides of Braldu river which extends to Askole. Askole will be the last village on our route; the participants will start walking after leaving jeeps behind. However at times the participants may begin their walk before arrival in Askole but it depends on the road conditions. Overall it will take you between six hours to eight hours in covering the distance.

GPS Data Altitude: 3,103 m Distance: 20 km Time: 5-8 hours

After completion of necessary supplies list and equipment the porters will load up for the trek ahead to Jhola. The valley is gateway to Biafo glacier that flow over fifty kms from Hispar La to Braldu. The participants will experience the moraine walking as the snout of the glacier is crossed and they will descend to lunch spot beside the Korofon river.

The route will take us the confluence of rivers of Braldu and Domordo. The former trail is not taken for the trek and instead a newer trail will lead us to go upstream where the participants will cross the river by bridge. On the other side of the bridge the participants will descend to the edge of Braldu river and will follow the river bank to reach the camp at Jhola.

GPS Data Altitude: 3,418 m Distance: 19.8 km Time: 6-7 hours

On this day of our K2 base camp trek the participants will follow the Braldu gorge, along the bank of Braldu river. The participants will be able to view astonishing rocks of Trango Tower and Cathedral Peak. The participants should prevent themselves from possible sun burns and during this day as the walking conditions can be very dry and hot.

Several streams from glacier flow down into the valley and on the way the participants will have to use river crossing shoes depending on the water levels. The participants will be able to spot the snout of Baltoro Glacier on a clear day. On this day the participants will end their day by climbing away from the river to camp at Paiju, the last camp where you will see trees until for a while.

GPS Data Altitude: 3,418 m

The participants will spend the day at Paiju Camp for acclimatization and rest. However the porters will take their time to bake themselves bread for next week on the glacier. Acclimatization walk can also be taken towards Paiju Peak base camp on this day.

GPS Data Altitude: 3,788 m Distance: 14.7 km Time: 5-7 hours

On this day the walking will get tough however the scenery will become amazing with each step taken onto the snout of Baltoro Glacier. The trail has continuous up and down climbs on the glacial moraine, although the trail is quite safe but it is highly recommended to be careful at all times. The participants will experience the stunning views as they move ahead; the views of Trango Tower and Uli Biaho. The participants are required to go across the glacier to Liligo. From this point the participants will follow a rocky trail which is along the edge of the Baltoro or sometimes to Khoburtse, the side of the glacier where camp will be made.

GPS Data Altitude: 3,905 m Distance: 6.4 km Time: 4-6 hours

Trango Towers can be eventually seen after coming across two small glaciers. For the following night the participants will make their stop at Urdukas near the army camp. The camp is 100m above the glacier.

GPS Data Altitude: 4,285 m Distance: 11.9 km Time: 6-8 hours

On this day of our K2 base camp trek, the participants will be walking in the middle of the glacier. The medial moraine will be followed, to the south we will get the views of Masherbrum (7821m). The participants will be climbing up and down on the rocky moraine and as the participants move ahead they will walk pass massive ice seracs.

This will be the first night stay camp on Baltoro Glacier at Goro II, it is the confluence of Baltoro Glacier and Younghusband. The temperature may drop dramatically. Masherbrum and Muztagh Tower will be uncovered for the sight.

GPS Data Altitude: 4,512 m Distance: 11.7 km Time: 5-7 hours

On this day of the K2 base camp trek, the participants will reach Concordia after continuously walking up the moraine, on the way more and more high snowcapped peaks will appear, the culmination for the sighting of K2 will be experienced on this day. Other peaks that can be seen include Broad Peak, Mitre Peak, Gasherbrum, Sia Kangri and many more.

GPS Data Time: K2 BC (5,155m) + Gilkey (5,230m)+ Broad Peak (4,844m): 6-7 hours

Today there is the opportunity to walk up the Godwin-Austen glacier to the Art Gilkey Memorial (an American geologist and mountaineer) just before K2 Base camp. This is a spectacular day. We will leave early morning, crossing the glaciers onto the faint trail heading towards K2 (there is a faint rocky trail all the way). As we follow the glacier towards K2 the mountain seems to grow bigger and bigger. Broad Peak rears up to our right and after about 3 hours we pass Broad Peak base camp. We usually have our lunch break here and then carry on with K2 towering above us as we get closer and closer.

Just before base camp, amongst the boulder and ice strewn landscape is the Art Gilkey Memorial. A short scramble brings us to the place where those whose life K2 claimed are remembered. Plaques and engraved tin plates are attached to a small rocky outcrop at the foot of this great mountain. There are great views directly above us of K2 and we may see some climbing expeditions. We spend the night at the base camp of K2.

On this day

Time: 4-5hours

On this day, we retrace our steps back to Concordia and rest for next day's walk.

On Day 13, the participants will set out on slightly different and less explored route. Short de tours will be made to avoid crevasses and the participants should walk on rugged ice rather than slippery ice. In case of snow, the participants and the porters will walk together wearing crampons for safety hooked with rope to each other.

The base will be set in Ali camp, where the participants will reach after hiking for 5-6 hours. “Ali Camp” is name after a local porter, who was the first person to cross Gondogoro La Pass. Upon reaching the base some basic skills will be taught to the participants for the next day, which would be the crossing of Gondogoro La Pass.

On this day the participants will wake up as early as 2 am. After gearing up and having breakfast the participants roped as one uni will depart for the Gondogoro La base. Depending upon the situation our support crew will be there to fix ropes or helping the members out with the gears. It takes about 3 hours to get to the top of Gondogoro La Pass. You get to see and experience a breathtaking of all four 8000ers in the baltoro region. (K2, G1, Broad Peak, G2).

While, descending to the other side, fixed ropes will be utilized to the full extent, and use of crampons is vital for the safety of the members. The members will get the views of the beautiful and sword head shaped Laila Peak (6,096m) and one can also has the views of other trinity peaks.

The members will have to be extra careful while descending and watch out for every step they take to avoid jolting stones on their teams members. Upon descending for the slope, the trails becomes easy and the participants will move on the moraine. The camp will be set up in the junction point of Gondogoro and Trinity Glacier called Khuispang (4,600m)

The participants will continue hiking down, Since the hike downwards would be a comparatively easy hike so the climbing equipment i.e. ropes, crampons will be packed while descending. The mountainous and rocky terrain will be taken over the lush green landscapes of Hushe Valley.

After lunch, the participants will continue hiking to the edge of the Gondogoro Glacier, upon reaching the edge they will find a trail which will lead them to the beautiful valley of rhubarb and grass.

At the end of the valley there are 02 different routes to the destination. Our guide with the consent of local porters will decide the trails they are being frequently used.

The trek gets easy when the two trails meet. The members will see the huts made of stones by herders and local settlers. On this day the participants will experience the sign of the settlements in the area and will be able to breathe easily due to big trees and lower altitude. Camp will be setup at Saicho (3,350m), a part of sand with little grass along the flowing glacier water steams.

GPS Data Altitude: 2,498 m Distance: 20 km trek + 127 km drive Time: 5-7 hours trek + 6 hours drive

On this day the participants have to trek down for only 3-4 hours, the river stream of glacier melted water of Charakusa, Ailling, Masherbrum and Gondogoro Glaciers. The participants will start see the signs of residences, shelter, fiels and signs of people living.

The participants will experience the 02 storey shelters of the Hushe village, where the ground floor is for cattles and the first floor is for the family to live. After setting up the camp the participants can explore the beautiful hushe valley and interact with the locals. This would be the last camping day of the Gondogoro La Trek.

Upon reaching Hushe, the participants will depart for Skardu town from Hushe and the journey offers a lot of beautiful scenes of the different small village of the Hushe Valley. The participants will cross a suspension bridge above Shyok River (which flows from Ladakh, India) to get to the other side.

In the past traditional rafts which were made of goat skin fill with air were use to cross the river. The suspension bridge which is use now to cross was built in 1990’s. Upon crossing the bridge, the participants will the reach Khaplu.

The drive from Khaplu to Skardu becomes smooth and the route to be followe is the paved road along the shayok river which leads to the confluence with Indus River. Upon driving along Indus River the Participants will reach Skardu in 4 hours. The participants can have the facilities which they did not have for 02 weeks. The first on that list would be taking a hot shower and secondly having a good meal.

Our guests will rest on this day and regain their energy for the next trek towards Nanga Parbat Base Camp.

Early morning drive to Raikot, Chilas. The participants will cross Alam Bridge and will be traveling along the Indus river and will pass through Jaglot and Bunji to reach Raikot.

GPS Data Altitude: 3,300m

After having breakfast at the hotel, we will start our journey towards Fairy meadows. The participants will have to transfer to Tatu village on 4×4 Jeeps and from there the participants will have to hike for 2-3 hours to reach Fairy Meadows. Upon reaching Fairy Meadows the participants can rest, roam around, take short hikes or interact with the locals.

GPS Data Altitude: 3,500m

A few kilometers after Fairy Meadows, there is a second campsite called Beyal, where it is much quieter and has even better views than the previous camp. After Beyal, the trail gets tougher, although more rewarding. From an alpine forest, the way becomes an arid but impressive landscape, surrounded by snow and ice blocks.

GPS Data Altitude: 3,850m

Participants will start hiking for a few hours and reach Nanga Parbat Base Camp where the silence is only interrupted by the sound of the occasional avalanches, which can also be heard from very far away. The night will be spent under the Himalayan Beast (8,126m).

Participants will trek back to Fairy Meadows on this day and have the whole day to themselves upon reaching fairy meadows. You can fill in your journals, sketch, paint, rest or take photographs of the killer mountain during different times of the day. Sunrises, sunsets and full moons are amazing at fairy meadows.

The guests will depart back to Besham or Naran (depending on weather and other variables) from Fairy Meadows. If we take the road to Besham, we drive through Chilas and Dassu travelling along Indus river on Karakoram Highway. However, we will try to return to Islamabad via Naran road. This will give our guests the opportunity to explore additional locations.

On this day the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad will be explored, both of which are distinct. Islamabad is a modern capital city, great for sightseeing while Rawalpindi is a historic city built in British era with intricate bazaars and bustling streets.

Meals included: Breakfast

Our staff will transfer all our guests to the airport on their respective departure timings. The checkout time of all our partner hotels is 12pm.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To start your registration process, please fill out the registration form (click the green “register now and pay later” button) on this page. We will get in touch with you once you submit your form.

We can organize solo treks if your dates do not match our dates of departures or if you enjoy hiking solo (with the guide – government requirement).

Solo treks cost more than trekking in a group. However, it is important to understand that a trip to K2 is not possible without a guide and most importantly porters (even when a guest does not ask for them). Reason: According to law, guides do not carry anything. They require porters to carry tents, food supplies, equipments, gas, personal luggage etc for everyone including the porters themselves. Unlike Nepal, there are no tea-houses or any other arrangements. The supplies for 12-14 days has to be taken there.

On our fixed departures, people travel in groups but on the trail almost everyone walks alone and the guide walks behind the last person of the group. One of the assistants/porters walks in front of the group. The difference between the first and last person can go up to 1-2 hours. No one is rushed since all treks on Baltoro are very long and everyone sets his or her own pace.

We also organize treks for private groups. If you are interested to trek in a separate group with your own friends or family, please get in touch and inform us about your dates that are suitable to your group.

The cost of treks for private groups decreases as the number of people increase in a group.

It would be very reasonable to spend some time to prepare yourself before your departure. You can seek professional advice from a professional trainers or on the other hand you should follow the fundamental rules (hike, long walks and other cardio exercises that will help you build stamina) knowing the fact that your body should be healthy enough to walk for long hours, ascend for hours on rugged terrain from boulders to dirt, from snow to glacial ice.

During the trekking holiday, you will experience a variation in temperature. In Islamabad up to 45 °C in Islamabad, 30 °C in Skardu and 26 °C in Askoli. A normal day will be warms unless the clouds cover the sky, until we reach at camp at Concordia where the temperature can be as less as 10 °C or more. Towards the Gondogoro La Pass the slopes leading towards it will be snow covered until early July.

In June we might walk on the snow on higher parts of Baltoro Glacier. The snow normally melts by mid-July. Depending on the weather conditions you might experience snow fall in August and September. Karakoram Range is unpredictable when it comes to temperatures. During anytime of the trekking period temperature might fall down to -10 °C in areas between Paiju and Concordia.

Fixed Departures in the month of Septemeber can go even lower than -10 °C.  Monsoon rains do not have any effect on the Karakoram Range which makes the summers the best time providing bright skies for the trek. However based on our past experiences since the weather is unpredictable, the participants must be prepared to face any unfavorable weather conditions.

It is very common that the participants at least tip the hardworking porters for their jobs that include carrying loads of supplies and luggage. If the participants are satisfied with the services of the guide kitchen crew, assistant(s)a contribution can be made consisting 95-120 Euros (or equivalent in your currency) would cover total cost of this element. Tour guide/leader will be key in helping with the tip amount for all crew and staff members of our trek. At the conclusion a “thank you’’ ceremony will be organized for participants to handover the tips. Those porters who leave early will be tipped earlier

During this trek, all three meals including breakfast, lunch and dinner) will be served to the participants. A combination of Foreign and Pakistani meals will be included in our food plan. The ingredients for the food will be procured in Pakistan. Breakfasts will have coffee, cereal, tea, eggs, muesli/porridge, bread/chapatti included. Lunches will be consumed during lunch breaks on the trek with options include canned/tinned meals (meat, fish), pickles, crackers, chapatti, pate, cheese etc. Weather has a very important role in deciding our lunch menu for the day; the participants will begin the lunch with consuming or end it with tea or coffee, juice, soup etc.

The dinner will always be served in the mess tent and the participants will gather to eat the food freshly prepared by the cooks travelling with our group. The first few days of the trekking, fresh vegetables will be served in food as long as they are fresh and healthy. All the participants who are vegetarian, they must communicate with our office and inform us on advance basis if they need a vegetarian food plan during the trek.

During the trek, Iodized water will be available for the participants throughout the mornings, while taking breaks and camping. Everyone will be consuming spring water every time its available otherwise if we run out of options the participants may drink glacier water that possibly have silt. The kitchen containers which are very large in size are used to keep the water storage and it is also helpful in settling down the silt particles at the bottom. If any participants have any issue with odor of iodine, they may bring their own supplies of bi-carbonated soda. Traditional methods are effective and work very well for everyone there is no harm in the experimentation of new methods.

The participants on the day 1 must arrive at Islamabad International Airport, Islamabad. Our staff/guide will receive our guest at the gates of International arrivals in the airport premises. The guide/staff will escort the guest to their hotel. In case any of our guest does not require pick up from the airport he/she must inform us in advance

They must also give us the details of their flights both inbound and outbound two days prior to their arrival in Pakistan. Upon confirmation of your registration and payments, our office will send you the names and contact numbers of our office personnel.

While few nights will be spent in the capital city of Islamabad and the town of Skardu, the rest of the nights will consist of camping in tents between the magnificent mountains. The accommodation arrangement is Islamabad is of standard hotels while our hotels selected in Skardu town are among the best. Rooms at our provided hotels will be on twin sharing basis with en-suite amenities.

At the time of camping, the participants will be sharing a tent fit for two persons. If any participant is coming alone on this trek he/she will be accommodated with one of the other member for tent and room sharing. For strangers and solo trekkers, first preference will be given to same gender stays. Nevertheless, a participant can opt for separate tent of hotel rooms as he/she likes, however additional cost will be incurred for making separate arrangement. Any participants seeking separate accommodation must inform our office in advance.

During the trekking days, Our guide will wake up the participants for coffee or a warm cup of tea which we be followed by a decent breakfast inside the mess tent. There will be plenty time before the breakfast to pack the bags. After the breakfast the camps will be closed and the porters will get back to their work handling supplies and luggage ahead of the participants to reach at the lunch site and make preparation for meals. Porters will repeat the process as they will follow ‘trek earlier’ approach in order to prepare dinner for the participants. Standard trek duration before the lunch will be between 3-4 hours.

Generally one hour is required for the lunch which makes it a very good time to gain your strength back, relax, write and read etc.

Trekking after the lunch will be shorter as compared to trek before the lunch. Once you arrive at the next camp site, the camps will already be setup or in progress. Upon arrival to the camp the participants will be served a hot beverage and dinner will be served when it’s prepared. Participants can rest, read, write, socialize, film and photograph upon reaching a camp. Temperature decreases at night normally, participants can get comfortable in their sleeping bags and get a good sleep before next day.

To reach Skardu, the participants will take a flight which is subject to weather conditions as the region is surrounded by high altitude mountains and it requires a clear visibility in order to operate. Most of the times the flights operate as per schedule but there are always a chance of flight cancellation due to bad weather conditions. In that case the participants will continue their journey by road (Karakoram Highway), this will be the backup plan to reach Skardu on time as we cannot take a risk to take the flight the other day, complex airline booking for following route and high traffic flow is also a reason to continue the journey by road.

Participants must be very aware of other companieswhich offer this trek that might result in increased waiting time in hope of taking the flight; this will end up in causing you non-completion of the long-awaited trek on time.

We recommend the participants to read the necessary foreign travel information advices on their respective foreign office’s website. The travellers on EU residents can find the required information on the ‘Travel Advice’ section on the website of European Commission. Participants other than EU Nations can look up to their respective foreign office websites. Some of these websites does not allow their citizens to drive on Karakoram Highway, but most of these websites are not updated. In case of flight cancellation, kindly take note that the participants will be travelling on the Karakoram Highway then from Jaglot (Gilgit) they will be travelling on Gilgit-Skardu Road.

Travelling on Karakoram Highway is one of best experiences in Pakistan for both domestic and foreign tourist. These great highway offers one the best views and the participants will travel on this road they will find indigenous communities throughout the trip. Many of the foreign tourists have found this thrilling road trip a plus and never regretted travelling on this road. We recommend the participants must seek more information on traveling coverage from your insurance company. If your insurance company does not provide full coverage for your trekking holiday, You might want to look for other companies. For example in UK, you can consult British Mountaineering Council for good solutions.

Our professional guide will manage all the participants for the complete trekking holiday. These guides have government granted licenses which is recognized from Pakistan’s Tourism Department. During this trek our guide will be the focal person for any kind of assistance, communication, help or any kind of complaints and feedback. These guides have a background of working with foreign tourist in the past and have facilitated many of them from around the world. English is widely spoken our guides.

They are trained to have a very professional interaction with the participants, we recommend the participants to keep a very friendly relation yet professional with their respective guide. In case you are a private group with several members and a speaker of a different language like Spanish, we will try to reschedule our Spanish speaking guide (If available). Other than guide kitchen crew, assistance depending on the size of the group and porters will accompany the participants on this trekking holiday.

The porters are the locals and belong to villages around these areas and most of them are small subsistence farmers. During the trekking season they engage themselves for porter jobs while their kids take care of the farms. They are very welcoming and tourist friendly people who keep the environment healthy in these remote regions by having laughs, singing and dancing whenever they get a chance. These indigenous communities of porters and their elders have been affiliated with this industry from decades and watching the porters with such unbelievable energy is another important experience this holiday offers.

Other than your trekking holiday cost you may carry amount of 250 USD/ 240 EUR/ 1700 CNY/ 200 GBP (or equivalent amount in your local currency). This amount can be used for other expenses and tipping the supporting staff and porters. Upon arrival at the airport you can exchange your currency to Pakistani Rupee, for a good conversion you may seek help from our office.

Any tip to porters will be in Pakistani Rupees or any other shopping you want to do in Pakistan.US Dollars can be easily exchanged in most of the areas but we advise one-time exchange. For shopping in Islamabad credit cards come handy for any shopping of gifts/souvenirs or items like rugs. In Islamabad and Skardu Town Automated Teller Machines will be available to withdraw cash from credit/debit cards but you will be only able to with draw Pakistani Rupees.

All the luggage/baggage will be carried by the porters which includes equipment, supplies etc. 12.5(20 pounds) kilograms is the limit maximum for packed trekking bag. The maximum limit of load will include sleeping bag and sleep mattress. It is very important to bring only required items on the trek. Parts of your luggage can be left at the Skardu Hotel.

The maximum limit of 12.5 kilograms which is strictly followed is assigned by the organization of local porters. On this trek, the mountaineering equipment will not be included in personal baggage allowance (12.5kg). The mountaineering equipment will be collected from you in Skardu that porters will carry separately.

All our potential guests must read and know the different elevations mentioned for each trekking day above. This is a hard trek at a very high altitude. But do not worry yourself humans are gifted to become familiar to high elevations, the participants must acclimatize to our well-planned itinerary. The maximum elevations depending on your choice of trek are given below.

Gondogoro La Height/Elevation: 5,585 meters K2 base camp height/Elevation: 5,130 meters

We provide three lists for all our k2 holidays. List 1 includes must-bring items for all our K2 adventures. List 2 is only for treks that include the Gondogoro La pass. The 3rd list contains items that you may need during your trekking holiday. Based on your past experience and judgment you may select equipment or things required from 3rd list.

List 1 - Must Bring Items:

  • First Aid Pack (Diamox (Altitude), Dioralite (re-hydration salts), antiseptic cream, blister treatment, throat lozenges, plasters, Imodium (diarrhea treatment), painkillers)
  • Hiking Backpack (Day Pack) 32-42 Litres
  • Fleece jacket with hood or a warm jumper
  • Mittens or gloves
  • Gloves (Thermal)
  • Headtorch with spare batteries
  • Hiking boots (over the ankle boots. low cut boots not recommended)
  • Sleeping bag (-16°C comfort rated)
  • Sandals (sports) or old shoes (to cross rivers)
  • Sun protection cream (including total block for nose, lips etc.)
  • Thermarest or any similar mat/pad for sleeping
  • Warm jacket (down)
  • Water bottles 1litre (x2)
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Waterproof over-trousers
  • Antibacterial hand wash
  • Shirts/T-shirts
  • Small towel
  • Spare laces
  • Underwear (normal and thermal)
  • Trekking poles (highly recommended)
  • Wash-bag and toiletries
  • Walking socks (2/3 pairs)
  • Baselayer - leggings (Thermal)
  • Trekking Trousers
  • Baselayer thermal shirts (2 long sleeves, 2 short sleeves)

List 2 - Mountaineering Equipments (for Gondogoro Pass treks only):

  • Mountaineering boots (compatible with your crampons. Minimum Grade B2. Many trekkers including the guide/porters use their hiking shoes with crampons as mountaineering boots are required on one day only. However we are not suggesting you do the same.
  • Ice axe (Few people including the guide/porters don’t bring ice axe and do fine. We are not suggesting you to do the same)
  • Climbing harness
  • Karabiner/Carabiner (screwgate type x 2)
  • Climbing helmet
  • Prusik loops X two (2) - (4 meters of 6 mm cord makes up 2)
  • Sling (120 cm)

List 3 - Optional:

  • Buff or scarf
  • Small padlock (for locking your bag)
  • Insect repellant
  • Pen-knife (important: pack sharp tools in hold luggage)
  • Repair kit (e.g. thread, needle, duct tape)
  • Liner (for sleeping bag)
  • Travel clothes

Below are a few options where you can shop online for this trek.

  • Gear Express
  • Mountain Gear

Yes, a few equipments (e.g. crampons, mountaineering boots, harness, climbing helmet etc) can be rented and purchased in Skardu town but it is not guaranteed that you will find the right size or the right price. The few mountain equipment stores in Skardu wait all year long to sell/rent these equipments at the best price possible. These equipments are used/second-hand equipments available in the market and not always reliable. The rents for these equipments are not fixed. If we are informed in advance, we can make arrangements.

To conduct the “Fixed departures” a registration number of six (6) participants is required. We receive several guest numbers for each of our fixed departures. We believe it is important to communicate it with our potential guest.

However you can make sure of the holiday status on our website and page. Status “available” means that we are accepting further registration from our guests while “guaranteed” means we have achieved the required number of guests and the trip will start as per the given dates. We will be in touch with our registered guests constantly. The guidance will be given step by step regarding flights reservations to Pakistan and visa applications etc.

To apply for visa to Pakistan, a passport is required with at least later than 6 months. For more updated and reliable information we advise you to contact the nearest Pakistan’s Consulate in your city or country. We believe you will responsibly carry the task of ensuring right documents required for travel. If an individual is visit non-EU nations, the individual must ensure 2 vacant pages in his/her passport (travel documents) for each country you are planning to travel.

Tourist (Visit) Visa is normally required for individuals who are visiting Pakistan for trekking, foreigners already living in Pakistan on work visas require a No-Objection-Certificate (NOC) which normally takes up to 6 week time. It taken around 200 USD for visa fee but our recommendation still stays with consulting Pakistan’s High Commission or Consulate nearby. An invitation letter from us (Apricot Tours) and at times a copy of “government trekking permit” for the group is required to apply for Pakistani Visa. We will assist you in obtaining the visa by providing you the necessary documents once you register with us. The trekking permit is not compulsory to apply for visa.

A relevant doctor of health consultant should be consulted before travelling to Pakistan. You should consult the doctors for any necessary vaccination, communicate your plan and list down every prevention measures. Our guest must be secured with the approved vaccines and boosters in your country and also consider discretionary vaccine shots for example Malaria prophylaxis. Although Malaria does not exist in parts of Islamabad. Your accommodation will be in safe and clean areas. However there are reports of Malaria and Dengue cases during rainy season in hospitals in Islamabad.

Even though there a little but chances of Malaria in Skardu and other towns of Gilgit-Baltistan. Long pants, Long sleeves and mosquito repellents eliminate the chances of getting infected by Malaria but as a best practice it is better to get the relevant vaccine to avoid any of it during the trekking holiday. Consulting a dentist is also recommended before commencing the holiday in the remote mountainous region.

After the trek, all the guests who wish to extend their stay up to 4 (four) weeks or further must know that on exit from the country, a proof of vaccinations will be required if you are coming from countries (more than 12 hours transit country also included) with serious threats of transmission of yellow fever. For more information kindly visit this website , this will be very helpful in getting the relevant information.

Portable chargers, storage cards and extra batteries may be required during the trekking holiday. We advise you to make a relevant list of adapters, sockets and any other kind of electrical items you might require to keep your devices function as long as possible.

To find out the best portable battery chargers please visit this link .

We recommend and support all travel and safety of health campaigns by different countries around the world and there for strongly advice our guest to take out some time to read official travel advisory on their countries Foreign office’s website. The safety of our guest is our top most priority. We will only start the trips once we are satisfied with safety and security. We will be always in touch with the guest booked for Pakistan and have a bilateral communication.

Overview – K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

K2 and Nanga Parbat Base camp Trek has plenty to offer to our valuable guests. This trek is extremely exciting and challenging. The beautiful trek presents an experience of a lifetime to reach K2 base camp via Baltoro Glacier and Concordia. It also offers mesmerizing views of the beautiful mountains in the region like K2, Broad Peak, Masherbrum, Gasherbrums, Trango Towers, Muztagh, Chogolisa and many others en route Gongodoro La Pass down to Hushe Valley. The trek includes circular trek to scenic Hushe Valley during which the trekkers will pass through different Glaciers such as Biafo, Vigne, Liligo, Dunge, Muztagh, Biango, Yermanendu, Mandu etc. They will also come across glacial lakes, waterfalls and streams.

After successfully completing K2 base camp trek, our participants will prepare themselves for another thrilling trek that would towards Nanga Parbat Base Camp.

Nanga Parbat is the 9th highest peak in the World (8,126m/26,660ft) and 2nd highest Himalayan peak in Pakistan. To reach Nanga Parbat Base Camp we need to go to Fairy Meadows (Valley in Diamer district of Gilgit-Baltistan). Fairy Meadows offer stunning views of Nanga Parbat and hike up to one of its base camps. Our participants will reach Fairy Meadows through 1.5 hours jeep ride to Tatu Village (along a road considered to be one of the most dangerous in the world) and 2-3 hours hike from Tatu Village to Fairy Meadows. The trek to Nanga Parbat Base Camp from Fairy Meadows is around 8 hours, reaching almost 3,900 meters altitude.

You might also want to check out our  K2 Gondogoro La Circuit  which is a circular trek.


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Google Map - K2 Base Camp, Concordia, Gasherbrums, Gondogoro La

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Nanga Parbat Circuit & Mazeno La Pakistan

9 Trees Planted for each Booking

Nanga Parbat from Rupal

  • TRIP TYPE: Mountaineering
  • TRIP GRADE: Challenging
  • TRIP STYLE: Camping
  • TRIP LEADER: International Leader
  • GROUP SIZE: 5 - 14 people
  • NEXT DEPARTURE: 18 Jun 2025
  • Overview & Itinerary

Dates & Prices

Accommodation, practical information.

In June 2022, we did a reconnaissance trek of Nanga Parbat Circuit led by Ade Summers. Our itinerary is based on our first hand experience of organising this trek in Pakistan. This is a challenging trail that is rarely trekked by other groups, unlike the busier K2 Base Camp trek.

Nanga Parbat Circuit trek in Pakistan Karakoram is a remote trail around the 9th highest mountain in the world. We cross the Mazeno La at 5,400m, this is a technical high pass where you need mountaineering skills to safely cross. The difficulty grade of crossing Mazeno La is like crossing Gondogoro La on K2 Base Camp trek . The ascent to this pass is on a glacier with snow and ice. The more challenging part of crossing Mazeno La is on the descent. As it is quite steep we abeil/rappel down fixed rope to secure our passage.

We visit the three Base Camps used for climbing the three faces of Nanga Parbat. These are Herligkoffer Base Camp for Rupal Face, Diamir Base Camp, and Raikhot Base Camp near Fairy Meadows

Translated from Urdu, the words Nanga Parbat means "Naked Mountain". The summit of this mountain is at an altitude of 8,126m. It is the second most prominent peak of the Himalayas after Mount Everest. This mountain is an isolated massif and its location is south of the great peaks of the Karakoram. A distance of 190km to the North-East lies K2, Broad Peak, and Gasherbrum 1 and 2. We can see the bulk of Nanga Parbat from the Karakoram Highway (“KKH”) beyond the town of Chilas.

Nanga Parbat has a long, colourful, and deadly mountaineering history. Before the Second World War, there were several German expeditions resulting in 31 deaths. As a result, this peak was called the “Killer Mountain”. These early expeditions approached from the north. This route is prone to avalanche and bad weather.

The first ascent was by Herman Buhl in 1953 on the Rakhiot Flank to the East of the mountain. Herman climbed solo and without supplemental oxygen. This was the third summit of an 8,000m mountain after Annapurna 1 in 1950 and Mount Everest in 1953. These days most expeditions climb on the Diamir face following Kinshofer Route.

A prominent feature of this mountain is the Mazeno Ridge. This is the longest ridge on any of the 8,000m peaks and there are seven subsidiary peaks over 7,000m. This ridge starts from the Mazeno La which we cross over on the Nanga Parbat Circuit trek. Climbing to the summit of Nanga Parbat following the Mazeno ridge is very difficult. There have many attempts including three times by Doug Scott. The ridge was first climbed to the summit in 2012 by Sandy Allan and Rick Allen.

  • We are Karakoram trekking specialists having operated trips in Pakistan since 2004.  Roland Hunter  has designed the itinerary based on Ade Summer 's reconnaissance trek to Nanga Parbat in June 2022.
  • We work with some of the best mountain leaders with deep knowledge of trekking in the Karakoram. Unlike many other operators, we use trained international leaders for this trip.
  • We have included a gradual ascent profile in our itinerary for this trekking holiday. This will help you acclimatise to the high altitude.
  • Based on client feedback we won the 2018 Gold Award as AITO Tour Operator of the Year. Read more about our  Testimonials and Awards .
  • We review weather forecasts in the Nanga Parbat region throughout the duration of this trek.
  • We send a Thuraya satellite phone on our group treks in Pakistan. Your leader will have reliable communications for logistics, planning, and group safety. We use GPS to upload your location daily onto Google Maps to track your progress during the trek.
  • We provide a range of tasty meals for breakfast, lunch, and supper. For breakfast, we provide fresh coffee from our Bialetti Moka coffee machine.
  • We bring a comprehensive medical aid kit. There will also be a portable altitude chamber (PAC or Gamow bag).
  • Our team with first-hand knowledge of this trek provides pre-trip support.

Arrive in Islamabad

Hotel Hillview in Islamabad

We meet you on arrival at Islamabad airport and drive to the hotel.  At some point during the day, your leader will give the trek briefing and check your gear. The rest of the day is free to explore Islamabad and pack your bags. 

1) Fly to Gilgit

2) Bus to Naran (5 hours) or Chilas (8 hours)

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

1) Hotel in Gilgit

2) PTDC in Naran or Shangri La in Chilas

This morning we take the PIA flight to Gilgit. If there is a cancellation of this flight then today we will drive Karakoram Highway (“KKH”) to Naran. If we have time then we will continue over the Babusar pass (4,173m) to Chilas.

1) Sightseeing around Gilgit

2) Drive to Gilgit

Hotel in Gilgit

Drive for 7 hours

We drive to the town of Astore and then onto Tarashing. Tonight we stay at a hotel which is more comfortable than rather than camping in their garden. In the afternoon we walk around the village and onto a grassy moraine on the edge of town.

Walking 11.5km (5 to 6 hours)

Walking ascent 795m

Walking descent 200m

Today we start the trek around Nanga Parbat. Leaving Tarashing we follow a good trail and easy climb up to the moraine. We descend to the glacier and cross on a marked trail. Once across we head to the green fields and tree-lined water channels. After following the valley for about 2 hours we get to lower Rupal. A further ½ hour brings us to the Upper Rupal campsite with amazing views of the Rupal face of Nanga Parbat and Riakot peak. After lunch we continue along the valley on a good trail and then follow the lateral moraine to Herligkoffer Base Camp. This takes about  2 1/2 hours of walking.

Morning walk

Staying two nights at Herligkoffer Base Camp (3,600m) helps with our acclimatisation to the high altitude. We will explore the area around Herligkoffer Base Camp as it is a spectacular place. For our morning’s walk, we head up the valley to the end of the moraine at an altitude of 3,750m. We get a great view of the glacier coming off Nanga Parbat. In the afternoon, we relax at the camp while soaking up the impressive location.

Walking 6.5km (5 to 6 hours)

Walking ascent 370m

Walking descent 290m

From Camp, we have an easy climb up the moraine and then follow a trail down to the glacier. It takes an hour to cross to the other side and then there is a short climb over the far moraine. This takes about 1 ½ hours. After ½ hour we reach a large open valley. Following this valley, for ½ hour we take a detour up to the terminal moraine of a side glacier and up to a lake. This is a spectacular place and worth resting to enjoy the amazing views.

We continue around the edge of the lake and then cross the outflow river by hopping over rocks. We descend down off the moraine and to the open grasslands which lead to the Base Camp called Latobah. We stop for lunch at a few buildings belonging to the local shepherds.

After a good rest, we continue by following the valley for about 2 hours. If a sunny day, it will be hot in the afternoon with not many places to get shade. After about 1 ½ hours we see a square house-size rock (Shaigiri or White Stone). Our Camp is about 20 minutes past this rock in a river gully with shade and clean water.

Walking 4km (4 hours)

Walking ascent 475m

Walking descent 80m

We leave the camp by ascending the moraine and following the valley to gradually gain altitude. We pass a shepherd's hut made like a tipi which is a nice shady place to rest.  We continue along the valley and onto the moraine of the Bizin glacier. There are two river crossings on the way, but usually, these can by easily crossed by hopping over the rocks. As the moraine ends and the Mazeno La Base Camp comes into sight. After the end of the moraine and we have a descent on sand to about halfway to the glacier. Then we have a tricky rocky traverse to the campsite. Mazeno La Base Camp (4,060m) is located on a beautiful grassy meadow in a hanging valley that leads to the Mazeno La.

Staying two nights at Mazeno Base Camp (4,060m) helps with our acclimatisation to the high altitude. After breakfast, we head off for an acclimisation walk where we reach 4,360m which takes about 2 ½ hours. We walk up the moraine ridge behind Camp before gaining the shoulder. From there we follow a good trail heading up and to the right. There are amazing views of the Bizin glacier and Laila peak in the shadow of the Mazeno Ridge.

We get back to camp for lunch. In the afternoon we have a training session for the skills required to cross the Mazeno La. We will rig up a fixed line to practice abseiling (rappelling) and prussiking skills.

Walking 3km (5 to 6 hours)

Walking ascent 915m

Walking descent 125m

We leave camp by retracing our morning walk from yesterday. The trail follows around to the right heading towards where the grey glacial moraine meets the upper valley wall.. As we gain height the trail becomes rockier and less defined. After about 2 ½ hours we reach a rough camp known as Mazeno La lower High Camp. After here the trail gets harder to follow but there are stone cairn markers. Next, we need to cross three pressure ridges and head for a car size rock on the third ridge. After the large rock, you are about 30-45 minutes from Mazeno High Camp. Often there are some snowfields to cross. After a few scrambly and tricky sections we arrive at Mazeno High Camp at an altitude of 4,865m.

Cross Mazeno La 13.50km (10+ hours)

Walking ascent 665m

Walking descent 845m

We will get up for an early breakfast and plan to leave High Camp at 3.30am. The trail out of camp starts off quite easy going and we can almost see the pass. We ascend the ridge behind High Camp and then come around to the left to pick up the obvious ridge that leads to the pass.

There are a few scrambly snow field sections to negoiate and then drop down to cross a small crevase. We go slightly to the left to pick up the main ridge that leads to the pass. Once we gain this ridge we have a steady walk up to the pass apart from a few loose sections with a zig zag path. There will be snow for the last section however the porters put in a trail for the group to follow in their footsteps. It takes about 4 hours of walking from High Camp to the pass. 

At the summit of the Mazeno La, there are amazing views down both sides of the pass. It is narrow on the top, so care is needed. We will gear up putting on crampons, harness, and helmet ready for the descent. While we are doing this, the porters start to lower their loads. The porters will start carrying their loads about half way on a rocky outcrop when the route turn hard left and down a gully to reach the valley floor. We will follow the porters on the fix line using a safety and prussic technique practiced on our training day at Mazeno La Base Camp. We descend fixed rope past the rocky outcrop and to the valley floor. From there we walk down the glacier and after ½ hour stop on a rock section to have a rest.

We continue down the glacier for 1 hour then cross a loose rubbly area. It is a further 1 ½ hours to reach Upper Loiba a grassy meadow next to a river. This is a long and hard day at a high altitude but Mazeno La is a really amazing pass to cross. We have dinner and then early to bed.

Walking 7km (6 to 7 hours)

Walking ascent 220m

Walking descent 1,290m

We cross over a few rocky sections to get off the moraine and then follow a beautiful trail to the valley below. We pass through Lower Loiba. After 3 hours we walk over a bridge on the main river to cross from the right to the left bank. We head down the valley on a hot and dusty trail in and out of a beautiful pine forest. After 2 hours of walking, we arrive at the small village called Jut (no photos allowed). We set up camp nearby.

Walking 6.5km (6 to 7 hours)

Walking ascent 530m

Walking descent 1,070m

We follow the trail through the forest contouring around a few gullies. We gain 200m of altitude around a ridge and then start the descent. From here is down down down about 1,200m on a loose and dusty trail. After about 3 hours we arrive at the oasis settlement of Jhal. It is a good place to rest in the shade and f you are lucky you might be invited into a local house for tea. After a good rest, we descend to the river through fields of wheat and potatoes, before crossing a short bridge over the river. The trail gets much better after joining the main one to Nanga Parbat Diamer Base Camp.  After 1 ½ hours, we arrive at the beautiful terrace fields of Ser and walk through the village. We set up camp in the school’s playing field. This school was funded by Reinhold Messner in memory of his brother, Gunther, who died while climbing on Nanga Parbat.

Walking 5.5km (6 to 7 hours)

Walking ascent 1,065m

Walking descent 25m

Shortly on leaving the village we walk through a steep rocky section of a gorge gaining about 200m in altitude. After this, the trail is easier along the valley shoulder. After a further 2 hours, we arrive at Kachal where we stop for tea. After a few more hours walking through shaded trees, we gain the moraine of the main valley. We are heading for the big rock ridge.  Amazing views of Nanga Parbat start to appear. Once around the rock ridge, there is a rocky and sandy moraine section that leads you to the summer pastures of Kutgali with a number of stone houses. It is only 15 minutes further until the stone house is constructed by donations from Reinhold Messner. Kutgali is a wonderful campsite with full views of Nanga Parbat.

Walking 6.3km (4 to 5 hours)

Walking ascent 347m

Walking descent 347m

It is an easy 2-hour walk to Diamer Base Camp. It is beautifully located in a grassy meadow just before the glacier that leads up to the mountain. We spend some time meeting the expedition teams and visiting the memorial plaques. It takes just over an hour to walk back to Kutgali.

Walking 12.4km

Walking ascent 165m

Walking descent 2,160m

Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Today we have an early start as it is a long walk to Diamaroi village. We retrace our steps down the valley and after 2 hours get to Kachal. After another 2 hours, we reach Ser and the school where we stayed on the way up. After Ser, we walk on a bridge over the raging water in the river below. The trail to the settlement of Jhal is tricky in places where sections have slipped away. After about an hour we have a steep descent to the river and a short climb up to the village of Jhal where we stop for lunch. After a rest, we continue down the valley on a good trail following a water channel. After 3 ½ hours of walking, we arrive at Diamaroi village.

Walking 1km (1 hour) & 6km (3 hours)

Driving 7 hours

We head off down an easy trail for 45 minutes to the junction of the rivers. As there is no bridge the only way to cross the river is using a “jhola”. This is the classic Pakistan wire and box crossing. Once over the river, we load up the jeeps for the drive on the jeep track down to the Karakoram Highway (“KKH”). After joining the KKH we drive to Raikot Bridge where we stop for lunch. From here we change jeeps and follow the mountain road to Tato. This drive takes about 1 ½ hours. After arriving at Tato we walk for 3 hours to Fairy Meadows. This is an easy walk on a good trail with spectacular views of Nanga Parbat and Rakaposhi down the valley. We stay in a guest house at Fairy Meadows. 

Walking 8.5km (6 hours)

Walking ascent 800m

Walking descent 560m

We leave Fairy Meadows doe an easy 1.5 hours walk through pine forest to the campsite at Beyal. After an early lunch and we head off for the walk to Riakot Base Camp. After walking back to Beyal we relax in camp.

Walking 4km (6 hours)

Walking ascent 615m

Walking descent 615m

We have an early start as it is a long walk up to Julipur High Camp. The trail heads up a side valley that leads to the Julipur pass. We cross a rocky section and then follow onto a green grassy ridge on the edge of the moraine. After about 4 hours we reach Julipur High Camp where we stop for lunch. It is a rocky route to the pass with no defined trail and is likely to take a further 2 to 3 hours of walking. For most groups getting to Julipur High Camp

Is a good objective for the day’s walk.

Walking 4.2km (1 hour)

Walking ascent 25m

Walking descent 255m

After a relaxed start to the day, we walk back to Fairy Meadows which is an easy 1-hour walk. Along the way, we have great views up and down the valley. For the rest of the day, we can explore the area and enjoy being in this lovely place.

Walking 4km (2 hours)

Drive for 5 hours

Overnight Shangri La in Chilas

It is an easy 2-hour walk down to Tato. From there we take jeeps down to Raikot bridge. We say goodbye to the cook and kitchen helpers who travel back to Skardu. We drive for 2 hours down to Chilas and check into the Shangri La hotel.

Drive for 8 hours

Breakfast and Lunch

We have an early start and follow the road up to the Babusar Pass (4,173m). We descend to Naran and then drive onto Islamabad. 

Sightseeing in Islamabad

Today we will spend the day in Islamabad. In the evening we have a group meal to celebrate our journey in the Karakoram mountains of Pakistan.

Transfer to airport for flight home. End of trip.

We provide an early bird discount for the first people paying their deposits to make up our minimum group size

For private and bespoke trip, please contact us

What's Included

  • Internal flights from Islamabad to Gilgit. If cancelled then we will drive on Karakoram Highway.
  • All internal transport and transfers including airport collections for group flights only.
  • Twin-share rooms at hotels.
  • Breakfast only in Islamabad, all meals included in Gilgit and while on the trek.
  • Twin share tents while on the trek. These are domed tents with plenty of space for two people sharing plus gear.
  • Trekking arrangements. Including permits and fees, tents, International and Pakistan guides, porters, and cooks.
  • Porters to carry your main bag. The porterage allowance is 18kg.
  • Weather forecasts for the Nanga Parbat region during your trek.
  • Thuraya satellite phone for organising logistics and medical evacuations. It can also be also used for personal calls at extra cost.
  • GPS tracking on Google Maps. Your friends and family can track your progress during the trek.
  • UK-registered charity, Pipal Tree, will plant 9 trees for you in the Gurkha Memorial Forest in southern Nepal.
  • Full financial protection for bookings from the UK (ATOL) and internationally (ABTOT). Our Air Travel Organiser’s Licence (ATOL) number is 10921. Our Association of Bonded Travel Operators Trust (ABTOT) membership number is 5365).
  • Pre-departure support and advice from The Mountain Company. We are available by email, phone, or face-to-face meetings

What's Not Included

  • International flight to/from Islamabad.
  • Travel & trekking insurance.
  • Pakistan visa for 30 days.
  • Lunch and evening meals in Islamabad.
  • Personal clothing & equipment, please see Practical Information for kit list.
  • Tips to the trek crew. Each trekker should budget for giving tips into the group fund. This should be in the region of £140 or US$175.
  • Other items not listed in “What is included”.

Hill View Hotel in Islamabad

Hotel Hill View is a modern hotel and is a comfortable base for our groups while in Islamabad. It is a short walk to Jinnah market where there are good restaurants and shops.

Hotel Hill View has a store room where you can leave luggage not required while on trek. You can also leave any gear not needed on trek at K2 Motel in Skardu. There is wifi at the hotel.

A Typical Day On Camping Trek in Pakistan

We provide a comfortable experience on our camping style treks in Pakistan. Our team works hard to support you so that you can relax and enjoy the trek. We provide personal tents, mess tent, kitchen tent and toilet tent(s). The camp will be set up and dismantled by the trek crew. We bring along a cook and kitchen helpers to provide the meals.

The day starts with an early morning mug of tea in the mess tent. Before breakfast you pack your overnight gear into your duffel bag. During breakfast the trek crew pack away the tents. The porters arrange their loads and set off on the trail in the cool of the morning. After breakfast, between 7am and 8am, we start walking.

The pace of the trek is moderate as there is plenty of time in the itinerary to reach the camp for tonight. There will be plenty of time to enjoy the scenery, take photos and explore the local villages. Lunch will be around midday at a spot by the side of the trail. Our cooks prepare lunch for us and the food is usually ready by the time the group arrives.

After lunch we continue the walk and on most days we arrive to camp by mid afternoon. Some of the trek crew would have gone ahead of the group to set up camp and to put up the tents. On arrival to camp you will get a hot drink and biscuits. In the evening our cook will provide a three course meal in the mess tent around 6pm.

After supper the leaders will discuss the plan for the next day. Afterwards people might stay in the mess tent chatting about the day’s events or playing cards. After a tiring day most people head to their tent quite early for the night. Tomorrow is likely to be very similar as today! The only difference is that if we are crossing a high pass or climbing to a summit we leave camp earlier in the morning.

Food provided on Camping Trek in Pakistan

While on a camping style trek in Pakistan we provide tasty and nutritional food. We make sure there is more than enough quantity to go around as trekkers will be hungry after a long day on the trail. Over the years we have worked on increasing the variety of the menus. We have expanded the list of ingredients provided to the cooks so they have more to work with.

For breakfast we provide porridge or cereal, toast or chapatis and eggs. There will be hot drinks including tea, hot chocolate and coffee. We provide fresh coffee from our Bialetti Moka coffee machine.

For lunch we stop at a convenient spot with water at the side of the trail. The cook and kitchen walk ahead of the group in the morning and lunch should be ready shortly after our arrival. After lunch we have time to relax before starting to walk again in the afternoon.

On arrival at camp in the afternoon you have biscuits and a hot drink such as tea or coffee. Around 6pm we serve a three course meal in the mess tent. The starter is often soup with popcorn or poppadoms. We have a range of main dishes and carbohydrates including rice, potatoes or pasta. Most meals are also served with delicious flat breads made fresh by the cooks.

We cater for a variety of dietary requirements. Our meals are suitable for vegetarians. If there is a meat dish then we also provide vegetarian options as standard. During booking we find out if you have any dietary needs and agree upon meal plans before departure. If you have any questions about the food provided please get in touch with us to discuss further.


We bring a Thuraya satellite phone for logistical, safety and personal use. Personal calls charged at £4 (US$5 or €4.50) per minute and £2 (US$3 €4.50) to send and receive SMS text.

Kit list for Nanga Parbat Circuit

This is the mandatory kit list for the safety of everyone in the group and to ensure a successful trek. You must have the following items tailored for the Nanga Parbat Circuit trek. The group leader will check your gear in Islamabad before departure for the trek.

As a reminder, the weather on this trek will vary from season to season and day to day as you ascend to higher elevations. At the start of the trek, you will experience very hot conditions with temperatures up to 40 Celsius. You experience the coldest temperatures in Mazeno La High Camp at an altitude of 4,865m. Overnight lows here will be down to around -12 Celsius.

You should bring a rucsac or backpack for gear required during the day. Your pack should contain items such as warm clothes, jacket, camera, water bottles, personal first aid kit and snacks.  The weight limit is 5kg . A porter will carry the rest of your personal equipment packed in a duffel or kit bag.  The weight limit for your duffel bag is 18kg . Please mark your bag on the outside for easy identification.

Print the kit list and tick items off as you pack them then weigh your kit bag before you come on trek.

  • B2-rated mountaineering boots. For the day crossing Mazeno La high pass.
  • Walking Boots. A pair of water-repellent boots with ankle support. Boots must be in good condition, the best approach is to get new boots and break in before the trek. Over the years we have had several boots fall apart so you should also bring trail shoes as a backup.
  • Trail shoes. Used around camp and as a replacement if your walking boots fall apart!
  • Sandals. Enclosed sandals are best to protect your feet during river crossings. Required for river crossings as well as two trekking poles.
  • Walking socks.
  • Waterproof and Windproof jacket (with hood) and trousers (goretex or similar). For use, if it rains or snows during the trek and in windy conditions.
  • Trekking trousers.
  • Soft Shell Trousers.
  • Long sleeve tops or shirts (not cotton).
  • Micro fleece.
  • Mid to heavyweight fleece or synthetic/ primaloft top.
  • Sleeveless/ gilet or body warmer type fleece / synthetic top. This will help keep your core warm while not bulking when layering up. Gilet is used in combination with base layers, other fleeces and a down jacket. This provides the most warmth and insulation.
  • Thermals or base layer for top & bottom (merino wool or synthetic).
  • Medium-weight down jacket.

Head and Gloves

  • Fleece gloves.
  • Mountaineering gloves
  • Wool or fleece hat.
  • Bandana or scarf (eg.  Buff Headwear).
  • Head torch. Bring extra batteries.
  • Sunglasses. The lenses should be Category 4 rated. They should have side protection or wraparound design.

For walking on the glacier

  • Trekking poles (Black Diamond with “Flick Lock” are best). Two poles are mandatory for your safety. These will be helpful on steep sections of the trail and river crossings. Also for walking on snow or ice higher up.
  • Gaiters. A pair of shin high gaiters used to keep boots dry if walking through snow or on wet ground.

Climbing equipment for Mazeno La

  • Climbing harness. Plus two 60cm slings, four screw gate carabiners, Figure 8 belay device and 3m of 5mm static cord for prusiks.
  • Jumar ascender (eg.  Petzl handled ascender ).
  • Crampons. The best are universal crampons that you can use with trekking boots. Such as Stubai Universals or Kahtoola KTS crampons.
  • Mountaineering ice axe with leash.
  • Climbing helmet (mandatory as there is a risk of rockfall on the Mazeno La).

Personal equipment

  • Sleeping bag. Overnight lows down to -12 Celsius.
  • Fleece or silk liner for your sleeping bag. A liner protects your sleeping bag from getting dirty. Also helps by adding extra insulation to keep you warm at night.
  • Sleeping mat (eg.Thermarest). On trek, we provide everyone with a foam mat. We recommend two layers for insulation and comfort. We also provide everyone with a pillow.
  • Day pack. Recommended size is around 40 litres. You need to have enough space to carry water bottles, camera, snacks and extra clothing and climbing gear. The pack should have a good waist belt. It is also a good idea to bring a rain cover to keep the contents dry.
  • Stuff sacks for keeping your gear dry and organised. Or even better are fold dry bags such as from Exped.
  • Two water bottles. Nalgene wide-mouth bottles are the best. You may use a hydration pack lower down but the tube will freeze in the cold so ensure you still have two water bottles.
  • Pee bottle. Recommended as means you do not have to get up to find the toilet tent at night! For men, you can use an old water bottle. For women take a look at  SheWee .
  • Sunscreen and lip salve with a high SPF.
  • Water purification tablets (Pristine, Biox Aqua or Aqua Mira).
  • Favourite snack food.
  • Books and cards etc.
  • Camera with spare batteries and memory cards.
  • Insurance certificate.
  • Earplugs (optional).
  • Baby wipes (optional).
  • Hand sanitizer. Keep this in your day pack for use after a toilet break during the trek or before eating any snacks. We provide sanitizer for use before meals.
  • Duffel bag for your personal gear on the trek. A porter will carry your bag. Rugged and waterproof made of a plastic material. Size 100-120 litres. Eg. Mountain Equipment 100l or Rab 120l. Bring a small combination padlock to secure the bag.
  • Travel clothes. You will need casual clothing for air travel days and time spent in Islamabad and Skardu.
  • Toiletry bag with soap, travel towel, toothbrush etc. We provide toilet paper while on trek.

Personal first aid kit

We provide a  comprehensive group first aid kit.   Please bring personal medications and other items you might use such as:

  • Any personal medications.
  • Blister treatment (Compeed patches are the best)
  • Rehydration powder (eg Dioralyte).
  • Analgesics (paracetamol, ibuprofen and aspirin).
  • Plasters and zinc oxide tape.
  • Throat lozenges.
  • Diamox (helps with acclimatisation).

Risk assessment for Nanga Parbat Circuit

You should be aware trekking in a developing country like Pakistan involves a risk of personal injury or death. You must accept these risks and be responsible for your own actions and involvement. Adventure travel requires an open and flexible attitude. You may experience extreme conditions and unpredictable weather. There could be last-minute changes to the itinerary beyond our control. The ability to work in a team is an important aspect of our trips.

We have performed a threat and risk assessment for our Nanga Parbat Circuit trek. Our trips have a degree of risk. This is part of the attraction of adventure travel and why so many people choose to join this type of holiday. By identifying the hazards we assess the level of risk. We have control measures in place to reduce this happening or to reduce the impact.

Our risk assessment is available to clients on request. We have listed below a summary of the significant risks and hazards identified by us:

  • Personal security such as terrorism or kidnapping.
  • Falls and trips resulting in physical injury e.g. slipping on ice or falling off the path.
  • Altitude illness including but is not limited to AMS, HACE and HAPE.
  • Getting lost or becoming separated from the group.
  • Severe bad weather and conditions when camping e.g. at Mazeno La High Camp.
  • Climatic injuries (dehydration, sunburn, heat exhaustion, hypothermia or heat stroke). It will be very hot for the first few days of the trek with temperatures of up to 40 Celsius.
  • Crossing a river with no bridge resulting in drowning and/ or a fall.  There are several river crossings on the trail. On Day 18 we cross the river in a traditional bucket bridge pulled on a rope called a "jhola"
  • Rockfall and landslides e.g. on the jeep track from Raikhot Bridge to Tato and sections of the trek.
  • Snow and ice avalanches.
  • Lightning strike.
  • Wildlife, pack animals (e.g. donkeys or horses) or stray dogs. Pack animals can knock people off the path. Dogs can attack and bite. Discuss rabies vaccination with your doctor.
  • Earthquake.
  • Risk of fire in the hotel.
  • Endemic local diseases. Discuss vaccinations with your doctor before departure.
  • Physiological injury. Such as heart attack, appendicitis, hernia, toothache, etc. in a remote area.
  • Road traffic accident. We drive along jeep tracks with a high degree of exposure.
  • Flight accident on Islamabad – Gilgit route.
  • Contaminated food and/ or water.

This trip visits a remote area. You are away from the usual emergency services and medical facilities. Evacuation for a serious injury requiring hospitalisation could take up to several days. This delay could impede your ensuing recovery. Helicopters are the usual means of evacuation. They are not always available or hindered by poor weather and flying conditions.

Weather and conditions for Nanga Parbat Circuit

The Nanga Parbat Circuit trek has a wide range of temperatures. This depends on the altitude, weather, and time of day. In the mountains between 1,000m and 3,500m, the nights will be cool at around 5 Celsius. During the day temperatures can rise on a sunny day to 40 Celsius. Bring lots of water, a sunhat and sunscreen.  At higher altitudes temperatures range from about 20 Celsius to -12 Celsius.

The trekking season is earlier around Nanga Parbat compared to K2 Base Camp trek in the Karakoram mountains further north. It is likely you will get some rain while on the trek when pulses of monsoon clouds push to the north. You should expect to get one-third of the trek with sun, one-third with cloudy conditions and one-third with rain. When the sun comes out it will be very hot, especially at lower altitudes.

Islamabad is hot and humid in June and July as this is the monsoon season. Temperatures range from 30 to 46 Celsius with high humidity.

Nanga Parbat from Rupal

26 DAYS FROM US$4995.00 US$4895.00

Call us on +44 (0)1647 433880.


If you are a single person booking on our Walking and Trekking holidays using Teahouse Lodge or Camping styles you do not have to pay the single room supplement, this is only payable if you specifically request to have a room to yourself. You will not have to pay this for this option if you happen to end up with a single room due to odd numbers on the trip. However we charge a compulsory single room surcharge for trips using Luxury Lodges and Luxury Hotels due to the high cost of the accommodation.

Grade g

Suitability: a good choice for regular, long distance hill walkers. A very high level of fitness would be required for our toughest treks and expeditions. Previous trekking experience at high altitude is preferable although not mandatory given sufficient experience, preparation and training. These trips may involve mountaineering and glacial travel.

1) Walking times: average 7 to 9 hours walking per day (with several longer days up to 15 hours) for up to 28 days with some rest days included.

2) Altitude: up to 7,000m.

3) Terrain: you will experience a wide variety of mountain terrain from reasonable trails to crossing technical mountaineering passes and climbing to summits sometimes including use of fixed ropes.

4) Remoteness:  usually in more remote areas and likely to be a long distance from the nearest road and facilities available in a city.

International Leaders are allocated for our more technical or remote trips, working as a team with our Local leaders. All of our guides both International and Local have received training and/ or detailed briefings on how to follow our standard operating procedures (SOPs).

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Visit In Pakistan


  • Gilgit Baltistan
  • Our Signature Tours


Nanga Parbat (8125m) means the ‘naked mountain’ is the world’s 9 th highest and 2 nd highest after K2 in Pakistan located in the western Himalayas.  The answer to the question about Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek and its difficulties lies in the fact that it’s very short and at a very low altitude as compared to other trekking in the Karakorum. The base camp of K2 lies at a height of 5135m ASL and Nanga Parbat lies at 3850m ASL.

The first summit of Nanga Parbat goes to a 1953 joint Austrian-German Expedition. The fatality rate on Nanga Parbat is reasonably high, due to the primary motive it’s called the killer mountain. We, Visit in Pakistan Treks and Tours based on our competency of years shape the itinerary for Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek and alongside that we provide professional high-altitude porters (in case of any emergency) and licensed guide with the group.


. Stunning view of Nanga Parbat world’s 9 th highest Peak

. Picturesque Fairy Meadow

.View of Himalayas

. Eye-catching sceneries of the valleys throughout your trek

. Meet up with other tourists at the Base camp

. Will enjoy the jeep ride on one of adventures road.

Nanga Parbat fairy meadows

Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek is located in the Himalayas of Pakistan in Diamir district of Gilgit-Baltistan (Northern Areas). So, the northern flank of the Nanga Parbat can be seen and few kilometers south of Karakorum Highway and Indus River at Chilas. Nanga Parbat (8125m) is one of the most beautiful mountains globally, situated in Pakistan.

Nanga Parbat is the western anchor of the Himalayas and is also the westernmost eight-thousander. It means “Naked Mountain”. It has also three famous faces for the climbing routes with major base camps are Rupal face (Eastern face), Raikot- Fairy Meadow face (North-Western face), and Diamir face (Western front). Which are different in appearance and shape, and their routes start from other valleys. The Rupal face offers trekkers breathtaking close-up views. NANGA PARBAT BASE CAMP TREK is usually scheduled from Raikot bridge towards Fairy Meadows on one of the world adventurous roads. However you can customize as per your desire.


Nanga Parbat is not a single peak but consists of a 20km long series of peaks and ridges culminating in an ice crest (8125m). Because Nanga Parbat Range has more flowers in addition to the main Nanga Parbat peak 8125M.  But, there are many trekking peaks around this region, South Jalipur Peak (5206M), North Jalipur peak (5215M), Buldar peak, Rupal Peak, and many more in the trekking routes. So, Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek allows you to know Nanga Parbat (naked mountain) is the ninth highest peak but the first in actual climbing in the world. It is also known as Killer Mountain, and it has so far taken the most significant toll on human lives.

This Trek enables one to see the contrasting facets of Nanga Parbat from the lush green alpine meadows of Rupal valley to the stark landscape of Diamer valley. Pakistan is also a destination for culture and adventure tours. There are many exciting options for adventure tours and thrill-seekers.  Nanga Parbat base camp trekking has several routes, but the famous trekking route is Rupal Valley, Fairy Meadows, and the around Nanga Parbat. Nanga Parbat can provide us with some excellent trekking.

Mountain Approach

The mountain approach is through delightful Alpine country, with pine forests and also grassy meadows filled with flowers. The mountains views, even from a relatively low altitude, are magnificent. But, the great idea of Nanga Parbat from the Indus River is one of the most incredible sights in the world. Because, challenging Naga Parbat base camp trekking trail starts from Islamabad, continue throw crossing Chilas, KKH, Astore Village, Tarashing, Nanga Parbat Base Camp Rupal Face, Shaigiri, Mazeno Pass 5377m, Loiba Meadows, Zangot, Kachal Pass, Juliper Pass 5206m, Nanga Parbat Base Camp Raikot Face, Beel, Fairy Meadows, Tato Village and also down to KKH and ending at Islamabad. Nanga Parbat base camp trekking program includes also a visit to all three faces crossing high passes.

It can be shortened according to available time, as we have given different options to finish trekking at several points. Fairy Meadows is a lush green plateau at 3300M, offering a breathtaking view of the Nanga Parbat Mountain 8126M, also called “KILLER MOUNTAIN” because of its reputation that many climbers have lost their lives while conquering it. Because, Nanga Parbat is in the western part of the Himalayan Mountain Range, is the anchor of the west, and then starts the Karakorum Mountain Range. It is the 2nd highest peak in Pakistan, and the 9th position in the world has been climbed the first time by Mr. Herman Buhl, the Austrian climber in 1953.  Fairy meadow is a very peaceful and relaxing place to enjoy the local people’s mountain atmosphere and hospitality.

Nanga Parbat and Fairy Meadows

Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek allows us to explore and stay the magnificent view site from Fairy Meadows. Fairy Meadow offers easy access to the above 8000M peak base camp and also one of the world’s finest mountain panoramas with several wonderful day short side trips. It also let us climb a bit in the way towards Base Camp. But, this is one of the easiest treks in Pakistan and easily accessible from the Karakorum Highway, suits all level of the trekkers. Because, it is about 550km from Rawalpindi or Islamabad on Karakorum Highway to Raikot Bridge (1400M), from where you will have the local jeeps to Jhal 2700M one and half hour drive on the fantastic jeep road. But, the road ends at Jhal, where is a tea shop to have tea or lunch. From here, the Trek starts. It can have porters or horses too.

Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek is 2-3 hours easy walk on a simple route to the Fairy Meadows 3300M. But, there are various camping sites and traditionally built wood huts, where your night could be comfortable. So, you may take your sleeping tents, but sleeping tents with mattresses and sleeping bags are available at the camping sites. Because, you do not need to bring from down, and meals are available in the restaurants. Here it is an excellent place to be relaxed just in the fort of Nanga Parbat.

Experience the Easier Trek

From here, it is easy to walk 2-3 hrs through the forest till the edge of the plateau called BEYAL 3500M. Also the camping sites, huts, and restaurants are must experience places. Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek gives you more as A little ahead, there is a viewpoint of Nanga Parbat that offers a magnificent view of the North Face of Nanga Parbat and surrounding mountains.

You may have side one-day trips around Beyal. So, you may have a full day excursion trip to the Base Camp of Nanga Parbat (3-4 hrs go and back to Beyal), which is about 3900M. Because, Fairy Meadow is accessed from the Raikot Bridge on the Karakorum Highway, between Gilgit and Chilas. You may fly to Gilgit 1 hrs from Islamabad then by road to Raikot Bridge 50 Km. There is also an option from Naran via Babu Sar Pass to Chilas and on KKH to Raikot Bridge.


Altitude                                          3,300 -m

Range                                              Himalayas

Location                                          Diamer Gilgit baltistan

Ideal Time                                      June-November

Duration                                         9-10 Days

Grade                                              Easy/Ideal

Why Choose Us? Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

We offer best trekking experience in pakistan.

Travelers and trekkers from around the globe looking for one of the luxurious tourist place. Because, Pakistan is one of the best destinations to see places like Gilgit Baltistan. Booking any  trekking in Pakistan  is super easy and memorable. Because, our schedules are flexible options to you for any kind of trekking anywhere in Pakistan.

Guided Group |Trekking in Pakistan

We organize tours and Trekking for friends & family groups, individuals, organization, universities, and also for companies. Our multiple departures are waiting your entries. Because, it is recommended by April to November to experience beautiful Blossom, summer, Autumn and also in winter. But, Visit in Pakistan have masterly described  best trekking  routes, times and destinations in  Pakistan  for you.

Tailor Made Trekking and Tours in Pakistan

  This is right place to contact to save your resources. Leave a FREE message on  WhatsApp  or also  Email .  Visit in Pakistan Treks & Tours  design the best plan for you. But we give you best places with perfect timing of Spring Blossom, Summer, Winter and Autumn. Our team will organize good transportation, luxurious, and economical accommodation. Our trekking services and experience are up to the mark. We facilitate your entire tour and trekking.  Trekking and tours in Pakistan   will be your perfect destination choice to experience incredible mountains, culture and landscapes.

24/7 Back up:

Our Team will back up your entire tour. We ensure your privacy and respect. Because, our services gives value for money, guide, transportation, flight booking and rescue. You are in safe hands to travel and enjoy. Also, complete itinerary and route map with informative booklet will be facilitate on request.

Budget Friendly Tour and Trekking: 

All of our tours and trekking are budget friendly. We never compromise on your comfort with low quality service. Because,  Visit in Pakistan  gives good service to our clients. It is honor to share with you that every client who travel with us are turning to us. Also, our luxurious service to high profile clients, businessman, corporate sectors and regular clients are appreciative. We offer budget friendly tours and trekking to travelers. VIP appreciate also those travelers who love to travel and share their experience to others. Trekking  to All Five 8000m peaks basecamp in Pakistan   is a good example of tours and trekking from us to you.

We Value   

VIP Tours respect your way of traveling.  Our team understand your point of view. We offer economical tours and trekking to the general travellers.  Visit in Pakistan Treks and Tours  encourages dedicated explorers. Because, we want to celebrate happiness of traveling with everyone who travel to Pakistan. Our services also has more options, flexibility and acceptance to you all. Welcome to Pakistan. Your traveling is blessing to the vulnerable communities.

Booking is One Click Away: 

Book your  Tours and Trekking in Pakistan  with us confidently. Also, you can reach us here, we will be happy to help you.

a. Leave a WhatsApp Message.  Clicket here

b. Send an E-mail.  Click here

c. Talk to your Tour & Trekking Guide:  Click here

d. Easy booking and secure Payment method: You have to pay only 50% of total cost in advance for confirmation of reservations.

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Day 1. Reach Islamabad International Airport Our guide will pick you up and transfer you to hotel in Islamabad where you will get fresh. You will have a spare day in Islamabad to adjust yourselves to the environment and visit some local attractions. Day. 2 Drive to Chilas via Babusar Pass (4173m) Early in the morning, we will leave for Chilas via Babusar pass. We will have our lunch at Naran or Kaghan where you feel comfortable. Then we will reach to Babusar top later in the day where we can enjoy the scenic beauty of lush green fields with snowcapped mountains around. From here we will descent to Chilas where we will stay for the night.

Day. 3. Drive for a few hours and Trek to Fairy Meadows (3300m).

Early in the morning, we will drive to Raikot Bridge for a few hours through one of the most scenic adventurous roads in Pakistan. After then we will make our way to fairy meadows by trekking. Later this day our members will rest and engage with the local community and enjoy the lush green fields of the fairy meadow.

Day 4: Rest Day at Fairy meadows:

we will enjoy the whole day at the Mesmerising Fairy meadows with the view of magnificent Nanga Parbat and its surroundings.

Day 5. fairy meadows to Nanga Parbat base camp (3850m) Today we will enjoy a more beautiful but tougher trek as we are ascending to the base camp. But the views will be unforgettable and adventurous too. After reaching the Nanga Parbat Base Camp within 4-6 hours of trek you will rest for a while and have lunch and then enjoy around the basecamp with photography and interacts with other groups at the base camp. Our team of Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek will enjoy a bonfire and BBQ on this night.

Day 6: Trek Back to Fairy Meadows:

Today will be our easy day because our Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek group will be descending and the journey feels shorter therefore, we will trek down to Fairy meadows.

Day 7. Descend back till Jeep Accessible Road. Today will be our easy day because our Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek group will be descending and the journey feels shorter therefore, we will trek down to our jeep. Which will carry us to Chilas where we will stay.

Day 8. Drive to Islamabad

Today our goal is to reach Islamabad which will be covered within a few hours. in Islamabad, we will rest for the evening and will have our dinner at La Montana in the Margalla Hills with a picturesque view of the Islamabad Infront.  In the evening we will be in Islamabad. We will go through some other socially rich and recorded Towns, Abbot Abad, Hassan Abdal, Haripur, And Taxila. Taxila is a significant archeological site of antiquated India, arranged around 32 km northwest of Islamabad. The root of Taxila as a city returns to c.1000 BCE. A few vestiges at Taxila date to the hour of the Achaemenid Domain in the sixth century BC.

Day 9: Sightseeing In Islamabad:

A Faisal Mosque, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Area Today, we will investigate Islamabad. Islamabad is a reason constructed City, which was underlying in 1961 as the new capital of Pakistan. It is a rich green city encompassed by Faisal Mosque and Margala Slopes, and the neighborhood Bazars are the primary fascination. This fascination stays open seven days every week, 24 hours. Parliament House and other noticeable structures must be seen from the outside. In the first part of the day, we will visit the Faisal mosque and neighborhood Markets and afterward head toward the Margala slope in the early evening.

Day 10: Fly Your Next Destination:

Islamabad airport  After breakfast, w back home. No dinners are remembered for this day.

Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

Tour Reviews

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This is insane. Thrilling road to fairy meadows and scariness went over when we saw the big, white, shining, and sticky standing Nanga Parbat. Oh, that is so beautiful. We had an amazing experience over there. I must recommend a visit in Pakistan Treks and Tours for such kinds of experiences. They are masters in this field.

' src=

Pakistan has so many tourist opportunities and capabilities to express themselves. We urge you to develop smoother techniques and mechanisms for travelers. The amazing road to fairy meadows is beautiful. We were scared and it went over when we saw the big, white, shining, and sticky standing Nanga Parbat. Oh, that is so beautiful. We had an amazing experience over there. I must recommend a visit to Pakistan Treks and Tours for such kinds of experiences. They are masters in this field. Best of luck to future guys. Keep the good spirit up. Loves from USA

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I am happy to the services they proivde and especially they stays on what we decided. Recommended operator.

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Highly recommended and appreciated. Thank you for organizing our trek.

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Great beat ! I would like to apprentice while you amend your site,and detiled information. I maanged to book this trek with Visit in Pakistan tours and was fantastic experience.

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Thank you for organizing this magnificent tour. We really enjoyed your suggested spots and entire region.

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Thanks very interesting tour we had.

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  • Embark on an unforgettable journey to Fairy Meadows, starting with a scenic drive from Raikot Bridge to Tattu Village, followed by a hike or horse ride.
  • Once there, immerse yourself in the beauty of the meadows, capture stunning landscapes, or hike towards Nanga Parbat Base Camp.
  • Remember, respect for nature is key - take your trash with you and maintain a safe distance from wildlife.

Trekking to Fairy Meadows: A journey to Nanga Parbat

Trekking to Fairy Meadows: A journey to Nanga Parbat

Fairy Meadows, nestled at the base of Nanga Parbat, is renowned for its picturesque landscapes and tranquil atmosphere. Serving as a starting point for trekkers aiming to scale the ninth-highest mountain in the world, it offers unparalleled natural beauty. With lush green meadows and panoramic views of surrounding mountains, it's an essential destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

Planning your trek

Before embarking on your trek to Fairy Meadows, it's crucial to prepare adequately. This involves getting physically fit as the trek can be demanding. Ensure you have all necessary gear such as good hiking boots, warm clothing, and camping equipment if you plan to stay overnight. Also, consider hiring a local guide for better navigation and insights into the area's history and culture.

The journey begins

The adventure to Fairy Meadows starts with a drive from Raikot Bridge to Tattu Village, followed by a hike or horse ride on steep trails. This path offers stunning views of valleys and towering mountains. It's advisable to start early in the morning to reach your destination before dusk, allowing time to set up camp or check into one of the available cabins.

Exploring Fairy Meadows

Once at Fairy Meadows, there are numerous activities to engage in. You can explore the meadows themselves, which are home to diverse flora and fauna. Photography enthusiasts will find countless opportunities for capturing breathtaking landscapes. For those seeking more adventure, day hikes toward Nanga Parbat Base Camp provide an exhilarating experience with even more spectacular views.

Respecting nature

Enjoying Fairy Meadows and its surroundings responsibly is crucial. Minimize your environmental impact by carrying back all trash and respecting wildlife habitats. Keep a safe distance from animals. This preservation ensures future generations can also experience its natural beauty. Trekking to Fairy Meadows is unforgettable, offering stunning landscapes. With adequate preparation and respect for nature, your journey can be enjoyable and sustainable.


  1. Fairy Meadows trek & Nanga Parbat Base Camp

    Fairy Meadows is in a green lush plain from where you get striking views of Nanga Parbat, starting from a vast glacier which, gradually, ascends to the foot of that huge ice block. Raikot glacier and Nanga Parbat. Nevertheless, due to its high accessibility, Fairy Meadows is also the most commercial spot in Pakistan, with prices higher than the ...


    This Trek will take you to the leafy, green, steep hillside and waterfall of the western Himalayas. Nanga Parbat is not a single peak but consists of a 20 km-long series of peaks and ridges culminating in an ice crest of (8,125 m). Its South Face is known as Rupal Face (5,000 m) high, while the North or Raikot Face plunging over (7,000 m) from ...

  3. Around Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek 2024

    The Nanga Parbat circuit trek is one of the most strenuous treks in the world, with spectacular mountain vistas as a reward. The below Itinerary is for our 9-day-long Nanga Parbat BaseCampp T rek (Raikot side ) from Islamabad To Islamabad. Please check our Round Trek To " Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek" if you are interested in a short Trip.

  4. Fairy Meadows Trek & Nanga Parbat Base Camp

    Fairy Meadows to Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek: This is the most popular and iconic trek in the region. The trek starts from Fairy Meadows and takes you through lush green meadows, dense forests, and rocky terrains. The trek to the base camp is moderately difficult, with some steep ascents and descents. It takes around 4-6 hours to reach the base ...

  5. Nanga parbat base camp trek with Rupal Face & Fairy Meadows

    Nanga parbat base camp trek in Himalayas. Nanga Parbat (8125m) is one of the most beautiful mountains, the western anchor of the Himalayas and is the westernmost eight-thousander. Nanga Parbat trek route lies just south of the Indus River, in the Diamar District of the Northern Areas of Pakistan.

  6. K2 & Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek |2024 -25

    The trek from Fairy Meadows to Nanga Parbat Base Camp, spanning around 8 hours and ascending to an altitude of nearly. K2 stands tall as the world's second-highest mountain, soaring to . Also recognized as Mount Godwin-Austen or Chhogori, K2 is a part of the Karakoram range, situated in Pakistan. Its name, K2, originated from an early survey of ...

  7. Fairy Meadows Nanga Parbat base camp Trek

    Nanga Parbat base camp trek is one of the easiest treks in Pakistan and also easily accessible from the Karakorum Highway suits all levels of the trekkers. Standing tall at 8,126 meters Nanga Parbat is located in the North of Pakistan at the westernmost end of the Himalayas. It is the second-highest mountain in Pakistan after K2.

  8. Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

    Day - 3: Chilas to Fairy Meadows (Nanga Parbat Base Camp) (120 km), 5 hours drive. Continue your journey to Fairy Meadows, the starting point for the trek to Nanga Parbat Base Camp. Experience breathtaking views of Nanga Parbat en route. Reach Fairy Meadows, surrounded by lush meadows with an unobstructed view of the majestic peak.

  9. Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

    Embark on the Nanga Parbat Base Camp trek for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure filled with stunning views, comfortable accommodations, and expert guides. With a well-organized itinerary, delicious meals, and top-notch support staff, this 9-day trek promises an unforgettable experience.

  10. Nanga Parbat Base Camp and Rakaposhi Trek

    The Nanga Parbat Base Camp & Rakaposhi Trek is an epic adventure for the strong hiker, taking you to the base camps of some of the tallest mountains in Pakistan. Nanga Parbat, an 8,126m behemoth, is the 9th-tallest mountain in the world, and Rakaposhi reaches 7,788m tall. En route to the base camps, you'll explore the lush, gorgeous Fairy ...

  11. Fairy Meadows And Nanga Parbat Basecamp Trek

    The Nanga Parbat base camp trek starts at wherever you're staying in Fairy Meadows at around 3,300 m altitude and ends at, well, the Nanga Parbat base camp, located at an altitude of 3,900 m. The average time it takes to complete each way of the trek is around six hours, although it can of course take longer depending on how exhausted you are

  12. How to Hike the Fairy Meadows, Pakistan

    However, if you want to hike further, you can continue on the trail to Nanga Parbat Base Camp. Beyal Camp to Nanga Parbat Base Camp (3 hrs one way) Length: 3 hours one way Difficulty: Hard Elevation: 3,967m. From the viewpoint 30 minutes past Beyal camp, you will have to climb up a ridge for another 30 minutes and walk across the rocky glacier ...

  13. Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

    Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek Cost For Private Trips . Private treks are our foremost priority where you can decide your own itinerary and we offer special discount for private treks and foreign trekking companies. Trekkers can join one of our Nanga Parbat fixed departures with a fixed price of $950 per person. Our fixed departures are mostly ...

  14. Fairy Meadows & Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

    The approach trek of two days passes through the lush green alpine Fairy Meadows with superb views of the north face of Nanga Parbat. Drive to Gilgit and Hunza valley on famous Karakorum Highway, providing close views of the Karakorum giants, like Rakaposhi (7788m), Diran (7237m) Ultar (7388m), Golden Peak (7027m and many more above 7000m.

  15. Fairy Meadows & Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek: Hikers Junction

    Overview of Hike to Nanga Parbat Base Camp. Hike Difficulty: Moderate. Typical Hike Duration (One-way): 4 Hours. Trail Head: Fairy Meadows. Hike Season: June to September. Campsite: Beyal Camp. Nanga Parbat Base Camp Weather: Cold. Nanga Parbat Base Camp Height: above 4,000m. Note: Preserving nature is the responsibility of every tourist / hiker.

  16. Nanga Parbat Fairy Meadows Trek

    Dates & Cost- Nanga Parbat And Fairy Meadows Trek. Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek. Cost (USD) Cost (EUR) Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek (07 Days) - ALL INCLUSIVE. US$ 990. € 875. Nanaga Parbat Base Camp Trek (08 Days) - ALL INCLUSIVE. US$ 1,060.

  17. Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

    General Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek (2024-25) - 09 Days. Nanga Parbat base camp trek is a grand adventure in the himalayan region of Pakistan. More recently, it has become a very popular destination for mountaineering enthusiasts and trekkers from all over the world.

  18. Nanga Parbat and Rakaposhi Base Camp Trek

    Excursion to Nanga Parbat base camp 3967m , evening trek back to Fairy Meadows. Nanga Parbat is one of the eight-thousanders. An immense, dramatic peak rising far above its surrounding terrain, Nanga Parbat is also a notoriously difficult climb. Nanga Parbat was first climbed, via the Rakhiot Flank (East Ridge), on July 3, 1953 by Austrian ...

  19. Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek

    Watch on. 0:00 / 5:14. Base camp of world's 9th highest mountain, Nanga Parbat Experience Karakoram Highway Night stays at Fairy Meadows Bonfires and music at base camp Tatu Jeep Safari - ultimate adrenaline rush on one of the most scenic roads in Pakistan Alpine forest Valleys of Himalayas View of Indus river and Raikot glacier Amazing sunsets ...

  20. World's Most Adventurous Journey

    The Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek is undoubtedly one of the most amazing journeys in the world. Nanga Parbat is the ninth highest mountain in the world and the second largest in Pakistan after K2. It is located in the Diamir region of Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. Nanga Parbat is situated in the western part of the Himalayas, demarcated from the ...

  21. K2 and Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek (2024-25)

    The trek to Nanga Parbat Base Camp from Fairy Meadows is around 8 hours, reaching almost 3,900 meters altitude. You might also want to check out our K2 Gondogoro La Circuit which is a circular trek. BOOK NOW (pay later) Share. Tweet +1. Pin. Share. Share. Summary. Rating. User Rating. 5 based on 4 votes.

  22. Nanga Parbat Circuit & Mazeno La trek 2024/25

    Nanga Parbat Circuit trek in Pakistan Karakoram is a remote trail around the 9th highest mountain in the world. We cross the Mazeno La at 5,400m, this is a technical high pass where you need mountaineering skills to safely cross. The difficulty grade of crossing Mazeno La is like crossing Gondogoro La on K2 Base Camp trek. The ascent to this ...


    Nanga Parbat (8125m) means the 'naked mountain' is the world's 9 th highest and 2 nd highest after K2 in Pakistan located in the western Himalayas. The answer to the question about Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek and its difficulties lies in the fact that it's very short and at a very low altitude as compared to other trekking in the Karakorum.

  24. Trekking to Fairy Meadows: A journey to Nanga Parbat

    Fairy Meadows, nestled at the base of Nanga Parbat, is renowned for its picturesque landscapes and tranquil atmosphere. Serving as a starting point for trekkers aiming to scale the ninth-highest ...

  25. 1953 German-Austrian Nanga Parbat expedition

    Trekking up the Rakhiot valley they left the last habitation at Tato [note 12] and set up their interim base camp at 3,700 metres (12,000 ft) somewhat beyond Fairy Meadows. [note 13] [40] The permanent base camp was further up the valley beyond the snout of the Rakhiot Glacier and on a moraine mound at about 4,000 metres (13,000 ft). [41]