The Demiurge is a Demon in the Megami Tensei franchise .

  • 2.1 Shin Megami Tensei IV
  • 2.2 Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
  • 2.3 Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
  • 3 Compendium
  • 4.1 Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
  • 4.2 Shin Megami Tensei IV
  • 4.3 Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
  • 4.4 Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
  • 5 Nomenclature

The Demiurge, [a] literally meaning "craftsman" or "artisan," is a concept in Platonic philosophy. The Demiurge is the benevolent creator of the universe who seeks to create a world as good as possible. Plato first described this concept in his dialogue Timaeus .

The term was later applied to the creator of the material world in Gnosticism. Unlike Plato's Demiurge, the Gnostic Demiurge is typically seen in a negative light. Marcion of Sinope, while not a Gnostic himself, held a dualistic belief in two gods: the harsh God of the Old Testament, whom he called the Demiurge, and the higher, loving Good God of the New Testament, of whom Jesus preached. Valentinus, an early Gnostic theologian, would use this term as well, from whom other Gnostic sects adopted the term.

To Valentinus, the Demiurge was the God of the Old Testament, but he diverges from Marcion in that he believed the Demiurge was part of a complex cosmology consisting of Aeons, a series of emanations from the Father, who is known as the Bythos (the depth), and together they form the Pleroma (the fullness). The Aeon Sophia (wisdom) tried to emulate the unknowable Bythos and create an offspring, resulting in the Demiurge, for which Sophia was cast from the Pleroma. The Demiurge, ignorant of the Aeons and the Pleroma, proceeded to create the material world, and believes himself to be the supreme deity.

To other Gnostic sects, such as the Ophites and Sethians, the Demiurge was malevolent rather than simply ignorant as in Valentinus's system, and the Ophites gave him the name Ialdabaoth .

Shin Megami Tensei IV

Shin megami tensei iv: apocalypse, shin megami tensei: devil summoner, game appearances, shin megami tensei: strange journey.

The Demiurge is the boss of the New City Hall dungeon. He is the true identity of city council member Yamashiro .


  • ↑ Greek: δημιουργός dēmiourgós
  • Demon Stubs
  • Pages with section stubs
  • Demons in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
  • Demons in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux
  • Demons in Shin Megami Tensei IV
  • Demons in Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
  • Demons in Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2
  • Demons in Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
  • Demons in Shin Megami Tensei Trading Card: Card Summoner

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(Shin Megami Tensei) Strange Journey Protagonist enters the Digimonverse

  • Thread starter Fang
  • Start date Mar 8, 2017

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  • Mar 8, 2017

Whose the strongest entity he can kill?  

Adamant soul

Adamant soul

Well-known member.

Okay what kind of feats does the protagonist have?  

Adamant soul said: Okay what kind of feats does the protagonist have? Click to expand...
Fang said: Slaying Mem Aleph and fighting the Demiurge. Click to expand...


Guardian Beast

Adamant soul said: I'm going to assume, not having played the SMT games that those two are multiversal to some degree. So Digimon's going to need top tiers at the very least. Click to expand...



I haven't exactly played Strange Journey, but where was it that mentions Mem Aleph creating the Schwarzwelt? I remember explicitly that it was created from human' corruption of the environment from a Let's Play I watched, but I'm probably wrong.  

Blakk Jakk said: Mem Aleph created a multiverse with several dimensions (although I've heard that they may be infinite or countless or something to that effect) while in her weaker form and asleep. Demiurge is one of YHVH's stronger avatars and casually backhanded Metatron who's also well into the multiversal range himself, probably even multiversal+. Been awhile since I last played SJ so I'm probably fudging some details. Hopefully Fang will correct any errors I made here. Click to expand...
HouseScarlet said: I haven't exactly played Strange Journey, but where was it that mentions Mem Aleph creating the Schwarzwelt? I remember explicitly that it was created from human' corruption of the environment from a Let's Play I watched, but I'm probably wrong. Click to expand...

Gotcha. I actually memorized the quote about the Cosmic Egg's destructive abilities. Arthur : "Arthur: "These Cosmic Eggs have enough energy to create and/or swallow an entire space-time continuum. It is this energy that Mem Aleph intends to use to reconstruct the Earth. Plan Omega is to take this energy for our own purposes and use it to destroy the Schwarzwelt."  


I think he may reach up to Zeed.  

Fang said: Mem Aleph ripped apart a weakened Demiurge into two fragments and sealed him in a separate dimension, when he entered the Schwarzwelt trying to stop her and the other Mothers. The Schwarzwelt is a dimension that has infinitely expansive and layered universes atop each other that she created in her base form as well as being the Mother of all demon kind. Sectors Antilla, Bootes, Carina, Delphinus, Eridanus, Fornax, Grus, and Horologrim. Each one of these sub-dimensions were confirmed by Arthur and Zelenin, to be actual infinitely sized universes. And to escape to a different universe, the Protagonist had to defeat each of the Tyrants and Mothers maintaining and powering said "sectors" with their powers. Anyway an enraged Demiurge OHKO'd Metatron, whose the strongest regular avatar of YHVH. Said Metatron is vastly above Kagutuschi who creates and destroys endless and countless universes with the Conception in the Amala Universe in a place "beyond time and space" as we saw in Shin Megami Tensei III/Nocturne. Protagonist beat him (Demiurge) and Empty Mem Aleph, Mem Aleph's strongest form who outright attacks with reality warping. Same Mem Aleph in base form can shake said multiverse with her breath while sleeping and even before being enhanced and amped by Ubergestalt Gore, after defeating all of the previous Mothers and tyrants, could not even see her true form at all. By Commander Gore, Arthur, and every one else. It also can not be destroyed without using the Cosmic Egg which has all of Mem Aleph's power in it. Click to expand...
Adamant soul said: Sounds comparable to Darkness Bagramon who would have pulled together the infinite number of universes that make up the digimon multiverse and combined them into one large universe were he not one-shotted by Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode. Well I say one-shotted but he did block one attack with his bone arm, called the brave snatcher (which contains more than half of his power). In Young Hunters that arm is retrieved and used to one-shot another multiversal named Quartzmon who Mem Aleph and the Demiurge probably beat. I'd say Darkness Bagramon could take them or at least put up a fight. Click to expand...
Fang said: Like I said, that was YVHV's far weaker avatar Kagutuschi who did that and both Metatron and Demiurge are astronomically above him. Said weakened Demiurge one-shotted Metatron with a bitch-slap and and a stronger version of Demiurge fused with said Metatron before this got wrecked by Mem Aleph. Also its implied heavily she's omnipresent within the Schwarzwelt. And Tadano/SJ Protagonist scales to this low-end atop of being immune to time-stops: Click to expand...
Blakk Jakk said: If you don't mind, refresh my memory on this. Was it Mem Aleph in her Mother form or her much stronger Empty form? I'm fairly sure it was just her Mother self. Click to expand...
Adamant soul said: Apollomon Whispered, one of Bagramon's generals created the hell zone, a dimension of infinite size. Click to expand...
A greatly weakened Bagramon, disguised as an old man, was still able to travel between universes to gather the protagonists of all the seasons of digimon so they could retrieve his right arm (the Brave Snatcher). Just to get it required the combined energy of all 6 of the main heroes and their digimon's strongest forms. It then one-shotted a being (Quartzmon) that had created his own dimension called the digi-quartz that was consuming the whole multiverse. Click to expand...
The brave snatcher contains a large part of Bagramon's power (over half of it) but still not all of it and it one-shotted a multiversal being. Darkness Bagramon's fire attacks erase data on contact, Click to expand...
digimon has consistently shown that normal matter might as well be data to them, it makes no difference. The brave snatcher destroys the very souls of anything that arm comes into contact with. A casual attack from his left arm (the weaker one) destroyed a digital world made up of numerous dimensions called zones, created another dimension and stranded the heroes there before he left for the real world. Click to expand...
If you're wondering the reason why there's a difference in power between his left and right arms is because he had the right side of his body destroyed at one point but used pieces of Yggdrasil's body (basically a god of the digital world) which powered him up massively, gave him knowledge of everything and something about control over life and death (I think, this was in the manga and I didn't read the manga). Still think Darkness Bagramon has a chance here, anyone stronger than him definitely beats them. Click to expand...
Shin Megami Tensei IV Compendium said: The ash tree known as the World Tree in Norse lore. Its branches cover the entire earth, and its trunk pierces the sky and holds up several worlds, including Alfheim, the abode of the Light Elves. Its three roots stretch into Jotunheim, Niflheim, and Asgard. It is said that it will live through Ragnarok. Click to expand...
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Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey » WMG (Fan Theories)

Deep/redux theories.

  • Confirmed on all accounts: it's Jun Hirose, the Deathtament manga confirms the Protagonist's Japanese nationality, and due to No Dub for You Hirose's lines are in all versions of Redux .
  • Nolan North . He'd be the everyman hero he usually is.
  • Jennifer Hale . She's never done SMT before (as far as this troper knows) so that would be interesting.
  • Cristina Valenzuela . She pulled off an impressive Russian-ish accent for Athena in Fire Emblem Heroes .
  • Steve Blum . He could definitely do that baritone rebel voice that Jimenez embodies.
  • All non-Japanese guesses Jossed as No Dub for You is in full effect.

Alex is somehow related to Aleph. Besides both names starting with Ale-, the letter x looks a bit like the letter Aleph. Either she's related to the main character of SMT 2, or she's related to Mem Aleph.

Alex's father is the protagonist. It's already established that Louisa Ferre is her mother and her father is human. The main argument for this theory is an addition to Louisa Ferre's first scene in which she walks through the protagonist before disappearing. This would be the moment of conception, and as it's fairly early into the game, it happens no matter what route you end up taking. It would also be a demonic, gender-flipped version of the Virgin Birth, which fits the game's themes of motherhood, which were amped up in Redux . She also looks a little like a feminine version of the protagonist.

The Schwarzwelt doesn't appear in response to humanity's vices; it was just made so the demons could control the Earth. It seems odd that in the Neutral+ ending the Schwarzwelt keeps appearing despite the fact the Earth is still pristine and humanity is still thriving. Even if they haven't entirely learned their lesson, they're at the very least keeping themselves in check. Considering the regular Law, Neutral and Chaos endings in Redux have proved that the angels and demons don't give a damn if humanity disappeared entirely, gaining control of the Earth has always been the main purpose for the creation of the Schwarzwelt, and it's clear each iteration of it appearing is the the demons giving humanity a giant "fuck you" for still being around at all.

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Megami Tensei Wiki

Law Demons in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

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Demons of the Law alignment in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey .


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  • Shin Megami Tensei


  1. Shin Megami Tensei

    demiurge strange journey

  2. Shin Megami Tensei

    demiurge strange journey

  3. Demiurge

    demiurge strange journey

  4. Demiurge

    demiurge strange journey

  5. SMT: Strange Journey

    demiurge strange journey

  6. SMT Strange Journey (DS Ver.)

    demiurge strange journey


  1. Dead by Daylight

  2. Demiurge Unevo & Evo + No Traits Is Good For Beginners?? (Anime Adventures)

  3. "Gods", Comics & the Quantum Realm

  4. Blade

  5. SMT: Strange Journey REDUX

  6. Shin Megami Tensei


  1. Demiurge

    Demiurge appears in the final EX Mission of Strange Journey, False God in Chains, as the game's ultimate boss.In this incarnation, he is a shard of the power of God, shattered from the whole after a battle with the Mothers of the Schwarzwelt, which resulted in humanity opposing his will and making it harder for him to reassemble himself.Another fragment, a powerful angel, succeeded in ...

  2. Finally beat Demiurge

    Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey. Finally beat Demiurge. Scribblemacher 10 months ago #1. Final party was Atropos, Alice, and Parvati. It really doesn't seem to matter what your party is, as long as their magic is high enough to live and deal damage. Decent lower-level demons that you can grind up with the bonus stat sub-apps seem superior ...

  3. Demiurge resistances? (spoilers)

    Name : Victor. Zeruel 14 years ago #3. According to the Perfect Guide, his resistances cycle randomly every two turns. After first attacking him, he becomes weak to either Phys, Gun, Fire, Ice, Elec, or Wind while reflecting the rest of them. "Ecstatically she waited until his mouth slowly neared her own.

  4. Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux Boss Demiurge [EXPERT]


  5. Shin Megami Tensei

    Not even the bonus boss warrants more strategy than "blast away and heal occasionally"... not that I have much more options but still xDAt least Etrian Odyss...

  6. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

    When an attack is reflected in Strange Journey, the target will take damage as if they had a "-" in Resistance, regardless of what their actual resistance to the reflected attack would normally be. ... [24] Nymph Apsaras [10] ____ Vile (Dark-Law) ¯¯¯¯ Vile Demiurge [94] * Special Fusion Vile Seth [85] Vile Samael [75] Vile Pales [68] Vile ...

  7. [Spoiler] Strange Journey Redux: New Neutral Ending Discussion

    The New Ending features a new boss, spoiler, which for the very first time, the very first appearance of an Avatar of YHVH in Strange Journey. It feels like the Redux update is deliberately made to link future SMT Games. spoiler is the form of spoiler which turns out to be spoiler himself in this game. Something along the lines that spoiler was ...

  8. Is Demiurge worth going into NG+ in Strange Journey Vanilla?

    This is a community for Megami Tensei, a series of JRPGs developed by Atlus. Games included under the MegaTen umbrella are the mainline Shin Megami Tensei games and its sub-series of Persona, Devil Summoner, Devil Survivor, Digital Devil Saga, and Raidou Kuzunoha (among others).

  9. List of Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Demons

    This is a list of demons in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, organized by alignment followed by demon race. The demons are organized according to level, from lowest to highest. Demons unique to Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux are indicated in dark blue. Usable demons that were only available as enemies and bosses (such as Jack and the different forms of Jimenez and Zelenin) as ...

  10. Demiurge

    Origin. The Demiurge, [a] literally meaning "craftsman" or "artisan," is a concept in Platonic philosophy. The Demiurge is the benevolent creator of the universe who seeks to create a world as good as possible. Plato first described this concept in his dialogue Timaeus. The term was later applied to the creator of the material world in Gnosticism.

  11. SMT: Strange Journey

    Real Shit.png. Initially, I thought taking this guy down was going to be impossible. If we had the Press Turn system we could get enough buffs out to tank th...

  12. Demiurge Has Fallen

    Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey; Demiurge Has Fallen; YoMomma 14 years ago my cosmic wallop. I beefed up my demons magic to mid-70s, early 80s--so he was only able to do about 80 or so damage when all the rasta-candies and jihads were properly lain upon his winged face.

  13. (Shin Megami Tensei) Strange Journey Protagonist enters the ...

    Said weakened Demiurge one-shotted Metatron with a bitch-slap and and a stronger version of Demiurge fused with said Metatron before this got wrecked by Mem Aleph. ... Also here's his profile from IV, can't find it from Strange Journey: Shin Megami Tensei IV Compendium said:

  14. The Three Wise Men

    Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey. The Three Wise Men were a group of omnipotent beings who took the form of a council of three men. Mastema is depicted as their servant, though amoral and capable of manipulation and deception in hopes of attaining his goals above those of the Wise Men. Demeter is another one of their servants, although ...

  15. Characters in Shin Megami Tensei

    Among YHVH's avatars, Demiurge is especially this, who is sometimes completely feral (Strange Journey), and other times completely deluded (IV). The Magic Goes Away: In many games, YHVH has a tendency to try and keep demons and other supernatural forces from affecting humans and the world at large so he can better control them. This is usually ...

  16. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

    An Updated Re-release for the Nintendo 3DS called Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux (Strange Journey Deep in Japan) was released in Japan in 2017. This update improves the visuals and adds voice acting, a number of new characters and recruitable demons, and new ending routes. It released in North America on May 16 2018.

  17. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

    In Devhatesyou's guide, after you defeat the Demiurge, he states the following... "You'll get the choice to either watch the fusion or to stop it. > What will you do? • Watch the fusion • Seal it away Do whatever you wish. The outcome for you, as the player, is the same. You get your reward. Unless you're Law aligned, anyway. If you're Law ...

  18. Shin Megami Tensei

    And a minute later I deleted him.... what are you looking at me like that?He only offers to join if you are on his side though.

  19. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

    The Protagonist will journey all over the Schwarzwelt to find remains of YHVH on several Law-Light equivalents of Fiends such as Demiurge, Metatron, Alilat and other daemons of this race. When the protagonist and Mastema fully assembles the pieces, they prepare to fight Mem Aleph and Jimenez. In the finale, the protagonist joins the restored ...

  20. Demiurge missing?

    Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey bigstickpolicy 14 years ago #1 So I played through the game once and I'm on the new section that has opened to me in Grus and I got to the door where Demiurge is supposed to be, I have enemy search C, and upon entering the door I get this message: "There is no one here."

  21. Sector Grus

    Appearances []. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey; Profile [] Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey []. Upon arriving at Sector Grus, the crew sees that the outside images heavily resemble Sector Antlia; yet, the positioning system's coordinates do not match Antlia in the slightest; once the crew steps out, they find that the sector is, in fact, a random mishmash of the first four sectors ...

  22. Possible to summon Demiurge via password first playthrough?

    Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Zendaik 13 years ago #1 Since I just summoned Alice without doing her quest through someone's password so I was wondering if doing the same for Demiurge is possible without doing his EX MIssion in NG+.

  23. Law Demons in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

    Demons of the Law alignment in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey.