ville tours emploi

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Le moteur de l'emploi dans la Métropole

7 518 offres d'emploi vous attendent à Tours Métropole


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Dernières offres

31 juillet 2024


Tours - CDI

14 juillet 2024

Vendeur/vendeuse fruits et légumes

Tours - CDICDD

08 juillet 2024

Commercial sédentaire H/F

Parçay-Meslay - CDI

Job étudiant, candidat consultez nos offres !

1er bassin d’emploi et 1e pôle universitaire de la Région Centre-Val de Loire, destination touristique internationale, Tours Métropole est un territoire attractif au cœur du Val de Loire inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco. Avec un tissu économique dense et diversifié, 5 centres d’études et recherche, 1 CHRU, la métropole tourangelle est très accessible (aéroport international, 30 liaisons TGV par jour avec Paris).

Tours Métropole Emploi

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des employés circulant dans le centre de maintenance du tramway

Emploi, Mobilité

Kéolis Tours recrute !

Découvrez les métiers du réseau Fil Bleu

Publié le 12 décembre 2023

Kéolis, opérateur du réseau de transport en commun Fil Bleu de la métropole, a ouvert un site internet dédié au recrutement et aux métiers du réseau Fil bleu.

Avec le nouveau site internet carrière, les candidats peuvent dès à présent postuler en quelques clics aux offres proposées par Keolis Tours.

Destiné en premier lieu aux candidats, ce site carrière a été élaboré dans le but de simplifier leur recherche d’opportunités et d’informations sur l’entreprise mais également de faciliter le processus de candidature pour les postes offerts par Keolis Tours.

En bref, le site , c’est :

  • Des informations sur l’entreprise, ses métiers, ses valeurs, ses projets… pour mieux les comprendre et les connaître.
  • Une plateforme intuitive permettant aux candidats d’accéder à la liste complètes des opportunités d’emploi chez Keolis Tours, et d’y postuler en quelques clics.
  • Des témoignages de salariés qui prennent la parole pour présenter leur métier et leur entreprise.

Les métiers

Découvrez les grandes familles métier proposées chez Keolis Tours :

  • Conduite Bus & Tramway
  • Maintenance (Bus, Tramway, Installations Fixes, Voirie, Méthodes, Achats Approvisionnements)
  • Relation Client (à l’agence commerciale, au centre relation clients, à la médiation et à la vérification de titres, au sein des équipes marketing & information voyageurs)
  • Fonctions support (Exploitation, Finance, Ressources humaines, QHSE, Informatique & Projets)

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Offres d'emploi à Tours (et 0 km autour)

Le marché de l'emploi à tours.

Réputée pour son urbanisme et son dynamisme, Tours fait partie des 5 villes importantes de la région Centre . La jeunesse de la population, la richesse culturelle et la qualité de vie attirent de plus en plus de travailleurs. Tours s'est spécialisée dans le secteur de l'industrie médicale et pharmaceutique.

En effet, l'implantation de nombreux établissements de filière santé dans cette ville comme le Centre hospitalier universitaire de Tours, permet la création de nombreux emplois. Cet hôpital emploie près de 8000 salariés. On peut également citer les Laboratoires de Cheminau qui emploient environ 400 salariés. En outre, il y a Recipharm, Sanofi, Noveal Pharm et beaucoup d'autres. Cet environnement est avantageux pour les professionnels de santé qui sont en quête d'un emploi à Tours . De fil en aiguille, la ville s'est diversifiée et s'est focalisée dans le secteur tertiaire. En effet, après avoir été reconnue parmi les 20 importantes aires urbaines de France, cette ville attire de plus en plus de groupes de grande envergure qui sont des leaders nationaux et internationaux, dont Hervé Thermique, Linet France, H.L Display France, Sunrise France, etc. Grâce à ces acteurs pourvoyeurs de travail, Tours dispose d'un taux d'emploi élevé. Elle offre donc aux demandeurs l'opportunité de trouver facilement un poste qui correspond à leur profil.

Pour promouvoir la création de nouvelles entreprises et d' emplois à Tours, la ville encourage les porteurs de projet et les entreprises naissantes à s'installer sur son territoire. Afin d'y parvenir, la communauté d'agglomération de cette ville crée un environnement attrayant au profit des entreprises nouvellement implantées, au sein de « pépinières ». Bénéficiant d'un financement de la communauté, de la région, de l'État et du conseil général, ces dernières peuvent se développer rapidement. De plus, d'autres initiatives sont réalisées pour favoriser leur fonctionnement comme l'attribution de bureaux à loyers préférentiels.

Filtrer parmi 8751 offres d'emploi

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Ingénieur Méthodes - CDI - Tours H/F

Responsable d'affaires electricité h/f, contrôleur de gestion - contrat - tours h/f, business analyst - défense et sécurité - tours h/f, auditeur sénior h/f, fiscaliste expérimenté h/f, responsable de centre de travaux h/f, auditeur h/f, business analyst - tours h/f, chef de mission audit h/f, développeur java - jee h/f, développeur web - tours h/f, ingénieur etudes & méthodes h/f, alternance - chef de projet marketing h/f, responsable développement statut indépendant h/f, ingénieur packaging nouveaux produits h/f, acheteur industriel h/f, raf - responsable administratif et financier h/f, conseiller en immobilier vefa h/f, auditeur hygiène alimentaire sénior - inspecteur fsqs h/f, responsable paie h/f, consultant recrutement h/f, directeur d'agence indépendant- cabinet de recrutement work&you h/f, vendeur·euse polyvalent·e cdi 35h h/f, alternance - conseiller de vente h/f, topographe en détection des réseaux h/f, plaquiste h/f, chef d'équipe couvreur h/f, plombier chauffagiste cvc h/f, couvreur h/f.


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Synthèse de l'offre

Localisation du lieu de travail, détails de l'offre, contact et modalités de candidature, travailleurs handicapés.

Conformément au principe d'égalité d'accès à l'emploi public, cet emploi est ouvert à tous les candidats remplissant les conditions statutaires requises, définies par le code général de la fonction publique. À titre dérogatoire, les candidats bénéficiant d'une reconnaissance de qualité de travailleur handicapé peuvent accéder à cet emploi par voie contractuelle.

Aide contextuelle

L'emploi à Tours

Recherchez une offre d'emploi

Tours est la première agglomération de la région Centre-Val de Loire en nombre d'habitants (139 000 en 2012). Elle est entourée par les communes de Saint-Pierre-des-Corps, Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, La Riche, Joué-lès-Tours au nord et proche du parc naturel régional Loire-Anjou-Touraine. Le secteur d'activité dominant de Tours est incontestablement le tertiaire, et en particulier les services (commerce, tourisme). Les plus gros importants pourvoyeurs d'emplois sont le CHU, la SCNF, la Ville de Tours, Le Conseil départemental, l'Université, STMicroelectronics, Auchan, SKF, Mutualité 37, 'ou encore Michelin... La ville a vu naître et s'implanter de grandes sociétés au rayonnement national sur son territoire comme Citya Immobilier, des banques, des assurances. Elle fait également partie de la Cosmétic Valley, technopole regroupant de nombreuses entreprises du secteur pharmaceutique et de la cosmétologie (recherche et production) du sud de l'Ile-de-France à la région Centre en passant par la Haute-Normandie. On y recense des entreprises telles que Sanofi-Aventis, L'Oréal, Boiron, Nestlé, Médipréma, Pfizer, Pierre Fabre… 4 pôles de compétitivité sont présents à Tours : sciences et systèmes de l'énergie électrique, sciences de la beauté et du bien-être, polymers technologies et céramiques. L'Université François Rabelais de Tours est la plus grande université de la région Centre-Val de Loire et fait partie Pôle universitaire Centre Val-de-Loire depuis son rapprochement avec Orléans. Elle compte 25 000 propose 35 licences et 90 masters. » Lire la suite

3739 offres d'emploi à Tours :

Assistant social - remplacements h/f.

23 Août 2024

... fort esprit d'équipe - Capable de faire preuve d'empathie et de compréhension envers les bénéficiaires - Habitué(e) aux...

ville tours emploi

Garde d'Enfants à Tours Centre en Temps Partiel H/F

... bon relationnel avec les enfants - Intérêt pour la pédagogie et les activités ...

ville tours emploi

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Alternant Digital Manufacturing H/F

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Moniteur-Educateur H/F

... Diplôme d'État de Moniteur-éducateur (DEME) indispensable - Apte à accompagner les bénéficiaires dans leurs projets d'intégration sociale - ...

Educateur Spécialisé H/F

... en équipe - Vous savez faire preuve d'initiative et de créativité, afin de trouver des stratégies éducatives adaptées -...

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Conducteur Engins R482 Catégorie d H/F


... domaine des cylindres enrobés. Vous avez des connaissance approfondie des techniques de compactage et des machines utilisées. Vous faites preuve...

ville tours emploi

Menuisier Aluminium H/F

... · Vous êtes en autonomie sur le poste. · Vous intégrez un service en plein développement....

ville tours emploi

Conducteur de Transports en Commun H/F

... de sécurité et du code de la route, vous avez un grand sens de l'organisation et le goût du contact,...

Futur Agent de Sécurité H/F

... Vous êtes reconnu.e pour votre aisance relationnelle et votre intégrité · ...

ville tours emploi

Assistant Trésorerie Pôle Bancaire H/F

Vous possédez une formation comptable, avec un première expérience réussie stage et alternance comprise.

ville tours emploi

Négociateur Transaction - Citya Béranger H/F

... Nous rejoindre, c'est aussi s'inscrire dans l'avenir, monter en compétences et embrasser des opportunités de carrière. Nous...

Chargé de Dossiers Comptables H/F

... goût du challenge et votre sens relationnel seront vos principaux atouts pour réussir cette mission. Rémunération selon profil. ...

Gestionnaire Locatif H/F

... réseau en pleine expansion, dynamique et qui offre de larges opportunités de carrière, postulez ! Rémunération selon profil.

Technicien de Maintenance H/F

... * Vous avez un excellent esprit d'équipe et de communication. Poste également ouvert aux candidats en situation de handicap.

ville tours emploi

Commercial - Business Developer Btob H/F

* Diplôme d'études supérieures en commerce, marketing, communication ou un domaine connexe, * Expérience d'au moins 5 ans dans...

Chirurgien Dentiste H/F

ville tours emploi

Assistant Offre de Services H/F

... et recherche de la satisfaction de l'usager Si vous vous retrouvez dans le profil ci-dessus, vous êtes notre prochain...

ville tours emploi

Opticien H/F

\nEn tant qu'Opticien, vous êtes responsable de fournir des services optiques personnalisés aux clients, en les conseillant sur le choix...

ville tours emploi

Gestionnaire de Paie H/F

... du marché ! Postulez dès aujourd'hui. Le cabinet DUO VENANDI recrute pour son client, un cabinet d'expertise comptable...

Collaborateur Comptable H/F

... Comptable et de l'Audit. Cabinet à taille humaine, nous proposons un accompagnement favorisant la proximité afin d'assurer...

Offres d'emploi H/F

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Retrouvez toutes nos offres d'emploi sur HelloWork

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Chiffres clés de l'emploi à Tours

  • Taux de chomage : 13%
  • Population : 137087
  • Médiane niveau de vie : 20210€/an
  • Demandeurs d'emploi : 16130
  • Actifs : 63947
  • Nombres d'entreprises : 9309

ville tours emploi

Un site du réseaux :

Consultez toutes nos offres d'emploi sur Tours

ville tours emploi

Les annonces d’emploi sur Tours sont nombreuses, retrouvez les jobs en CDI, CDD, et tout les autres type de contrat sur Tours-Emplois, un site du groupe HelloWork: spécialiste de l’emploi en Region.

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Retrouvez chaque jour la liste des entreprises qui recrutent le plus à . Répondez aux demandes ponctuelles des entreprises et ne manquez pas les vagues de recrutement sur le bassin de Tours !

ville tours emploi

Les agences d’interim de Tours sont continuellement en recherche d’intérimaires aux profils variés pour répondre aux demandes urgentes des entreprises en Indre-et-Loire. Revenez régulierement pour consulter nos offres!

Jobs les plus recherchés à Tours

  • Emploi Maçon
  • Emploi Infirmier
  • Emploi Commercial auprès des entreprises
  • Emploi Baby-sitter
  • Emploi Electricien

Entreprises les plus recherchées à Tours

  • LTD - Métiers de l'encadrement de chantier TP, de la VRD IDF, Géomètre-Topographe
  • La Marine Nationale
  • Adecco Medical
  • Régional Intérim et R Intérim, Groupe Triangle Solutions RH

Domaines les plus recherchés à Tours

  • Emploi Commerce
  • Emploi Production
  • Emploi Hospitalier
  • Emploi Informatique

Mots-clés les plus recherchés

  • Emploi Saisonnier
  • Emploi Étudiant
  • Emploi Cadre
  • Emploi Domicile
  • Emploi Évenementiel

Consultez toutes nos formations sur Tours

ville tours emploi

Les formations sur Tours sont nombreuses, retrouvez des formations dans tous les domaines sur MaFormation, un site du groupe HelloWork: spécialiste de la formation en Region.

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Vous êtes à la recherche d'un stage ? Les offres sont nombreuses sur Tours et continuellement mise à jour sur Tours-Emplois. Trouvez tous vos stages en Indre-et-Loire.

ville tours emploi

Les entreprises qui proposent des alternances recrutent sur Tours-Emplois! Consultez régulièrement nos offres et vous devriez vite trouver une alternance pour votre formation!

Les services emploi à Tours

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Agences Pôle emploi

Retrouvez toutes les coordonnées des agences Pôle Emploi proche de votre ville de Tours: adresse, horaire, téléphone, mail, ...

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Missions Locales

Toutes les informations sur les Missions Locales proches de Tours sont à votre disposition sur cette page: Adresse, téléphone, Fax, ...

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Annonces Pôle Emploi

Retrouvez tous les jours les dernières annonces proposées par Pôle Emploi sur Tours.

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Retrouvez toutes les dernières informations récentes sur Tours. Restez toujours au courant des actualités de votre ville !

Trouvez d'autres annonces d'emploi près de chez vous

Villes proches de tours.

  • Jobs Notre-Dame-d'Oé
  • Jobs Fontaine
  • Jobs Montbazon

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  • Check out our Russian cities and regions guides
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Russia panorama

Russian regions

  • Adygeya republic
  • Astrakhan oblast
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Astrakhan city, Russia

The capital city of Astrakhan oblast .

Astrakhan - Overview

Astrakhan is a city in Russia, the administrative center of Astrakhan Oblast. This is the oldest economic and cultural center of the Lower Volga and the Caspian region included in the list of historical cities of Russia.

It is located about 1,400 km southeast of Moscow in the upper part of the Volga River Delta, on 11 islands of the Caspian Lowland.

The population of Astrakhan is about 518,700 (2022), the area - 209 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 8512, the postal codes - 414000-414057.

Astrakhan city flag

Astrakhan city coat of arms.

Astrakhan city coat of arms

Astrakhan city map, Russia

Astrakhan city latest news and posts from our blog:.

4 March, 2020 / Astrakhan - one of the oldest cities in southern Russia .

18 May, 2019 / Colorful summer sunset in the Volga River delta .

4 April, 2019 / Cities of Russia at Night - the Views from Space .

11 May, 2017 / Astrakhan Kremlin after the Restoration .

13 December, 2016 / Astrakhan - the view from above .

More posts..

History of Astrakhan

Foundation of astrakhan.

Astrakhan, the oldest city of the Lower Volga region, is included in the list of Russian cities recognized as historically valuable. From ancient times, trade routes of Persians and Arabs passed through this territory.

For the first time Astrakhan was mentioned by historians, scientists, travelers in the 13th century. The town was part of the Golden Horde. It was located about 12 km north of present Astrakhan on the right bank of the Volga River. The town was known by such names as Astarkhan, Ashtarkhan, Hajji Tarkhan.

Hajji Tarkhan played an important role in trade between Asia and Europe. Trade caravans with silk, spices, and other goods passed through the town. In 1395, Astrakhan was captured by the army of Tamerlane and plundered.

It was rebuilt with the formation of the Astrakhan Khanate in 1459. In the first half of the 16th century, Astrakhan, due to its favorable geographical position, began to attract the attention of the Ottoman Empire, the Crimean Khanate, and the Nogai Horde. The Grand Duchy of Moscow was also interested in establishing control over this region.

In 1556, after several campaigns of Russian troops sent by Ivan the Terrible, the Astrakhan Khanate was liquidated, its territory became part of the Russian state. In 1558, a Russian wooden fortress was laid on the left bank of the Volga River.

More historical facts…

Astrakhan - the main Asian gate of Russia

For the Moscow Kingdom, Astrakhan became not only a powerful military outpost in the southeast, but also its main trading gate to Asia. In 1582, stone walls with 8 large and small towers were built. The town grew quickly - the remoteness of this region and the need for labor attracted a lot of Russian settlers.

The Astrakhan Kremlin was built at the beginning of the 17th century. Both cathedrals located on its territory were constructed by architects from Yaroslavl in the traditional style of Russian church architecture in 1700-1710.

In the middle of the 17th century, Astrakhan was one of the border fortresses of the Russian state guarding the mouth of the Volga. Since 1668, Indian merchants had a permanent residence in the town and various benefits as people useful in the development of trade. The plague epidemic of 1692 claimed the lives of more than 10 thousand people out of 16 thousand inhabitants of Astrakhan.

For almost three centuries, Astrakhan was the main administrative center through which trade and political relations of Russia with the countries of the East, Transcaucasia, and the North Caucasus were carried out.

In the 17th-18th centuries, standing at the crossroads of caravan and waterways, Astrakhan turned from a small fortress in the south of Russia into a large trading town. The Volga River became the country’s most important transport artery.

Intensive Russian colonization of the Astrakhan region began in the 18th century. In 1717, by the decree of Peter I, the Astrakhan province was formed with almost the same borders as the present Volga Federal District. Astrakhan received the status of a provincial town.

In the first decades of the 18th century, a strong navy, admiralty, shipyards, and port were created in Astrakhan. After the Russo-Persian War of 1722-1723 (the Persian campaign of Peter the Great), the northwestern provinces of Persia (Gilyana, Mazandaran, Astrakhbad) were annexed to the Russian Empire, which had a huge impact on the development of the economy of the Astrakhan province.

Astrakhan in the 19th-20th centuries

In 1811, the population of Astrakhan was about 37,800 people. In the 1860s, in connection with the development of oil fields in Baku, the Astrakhan port became one of the largest in Russia. In 1873, the world’s first oil tanker sailed on the Caspian Sea. It was built by the Astrakhan shipowners, the Artemyev brothers, who poured oil for transportation directly into the hold of their sailing ship “Alexander”.

This technical solution was used by the Swedish industrialists, the Nobel brothers, who had their factories in Astrakhan and were engaged in oil development in the Caspian. In 1875, they built the world’s first steam oil tanker. In 1885, there were 62 factories in Astrakhan and its environs. Among urban industries, fishing and horticulture (especially viticulture) stood out.

In 1897, according to the census, 112,880 people lived in Astrakhan: Russians - 86,563 people, Tatars - 15,355, Armenians - 4,038, Jews - 2,115, Germans - 1,573.

From 1920 to 1928, Astrakhan was the capital of Kalmyk Autonomous Oblast. Until 1934, it was part of the Lower Volga Region, from 1934 - the Stalingrad Region. In 1939, the population of the city was 253,595 people. In 1943, Astrakhan became the center of Astrakhan Oblast.

In the 1950-1960s, the city was reconstructed. A new master plan for development and reconstruction was approved, according to which new parks were laid out, squares were formed, the Volga embankment was reconstructed, and the Astrakhan Kremlin was restored, new residential neighborhoods were built. At the end of the 1980s, the population of Astrakhan exceeded half a million.

Today, Astrakhan remains an important transit trade center and a major transport hub at the junction of Asia and Europe.

Architectural contrasts of Astrakhan

Apartment building in Astrakhan

Apartment building in Astrakhan

Author: Dvornikov Mikhail

Old wooden houses in Astrakhan

Old wooden houses in Astrakhan

Author: Groshev Yuri

Imperial and Soviet architecture in Astrakhan

Imperial and Soviet architecture in Astrakhan

Author: Bakhshiev E.M.

Astrakhan - Features

Astrakhan is located in the southeast of the East European Plain, in the Caspian lowland. The city stretches along the Volga River coast for more than 45 km on 11 islands. Astrakhan is somewhat similar to St. Petersburg - islands connected by a large number of bridges.

The City Day of Astrakhan is celebrated on the third Sunday of September. The Astrakhan Airport offers regular flights to Moscow.

The climate is temperate continental, arid, warm with large annual and summer diurnal amplitudes of air temperature and low rainfall. This type of climate is explained by the geographical position of Astrakhan in the semi-desert zone.

On average, there are 213 sunny days a year in Astrakhan. By the amount of annual precipitation (234 mm), Astrakhan is the largest arid city in Europe. The average temperature in January is minus 3.7 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 25.6 degrees Celsius.

The location of Astrakhan in the delta of the Volga River with rich reserves of natural resources contributes to the development of the fishing, fruit and vegetable, chemical and petrochemical industries, shipbuilding, and tourism.

The shortest routes connecting Europe with the countries of Central Asia, India and Pakistan, and the countries of the Indian Ocean basin pass through the Caspian Sea. The leading positions in the local economy are occupied by the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex (oil and natural gas production), shipbuilding, and the food industry.

Main Attractions of Astrakhan

The Astrakhan Kremlin (1580-1620) is the main historical and architectural attraction of Astrakhan. This picturesque ensemble of monuments of defense architecture, religious, and civil architecture includes 22 objects of the 16th - early 20th centuries. The Cathedral of the Assumption (1699-1710), the largest Orthodox church in Astrakhan, is located on its territory. This is one of the best examples of Russian church architecture of the early 18th century.

The Embankment of Astrakhan is one of the favorite places for walks. Here you can see a number of old buildings, unique fountains and enjoy the views of the Volga - the main river of Russia. The Petrovsky Fountain also known as the Musical Fountain is of the greatest interest. The show takes place every hour and is especially beautiful in the evening when the illumination is turned on.

“Selenskiye Isady” is the most famous market in Astrakhan that has become a popular tourist attraction. Here you can buy mainly processed fish: dried, smoked or caviar. The choice is very wide and a lot of sellers offer to taste their fish products. Prices are relatively high, but you are allowed to bargain - it is a market after all. Pokrovskaya Square, 3?. Opening hours: 08:00-18:00.

If you are interested in ecotourism, then from Astrakhan you can go on an excursion to the Astrakhan State Natural Biosphere Reserve located southeast of the city. Its territory is included in the list of wetlands of international importance. Tsarev River Embankment, 119.

Astrakhan State Picture Gallery named after P. M. Dogadin is the largest art museum in the Astrakhan region. The collection includes works by famous Russian artists of the 18th-20th centuries including the Russian avant-garde. The gallery also has a large collection of West European engravings of the 17th-19th centuries. Saratovskaya Street, 14. Opening hours: 10:00-18:00 (Thursday: 13:00-21:00). Day off: Monday.

House of the Merchant G. V. Tetyushinov (1872) - a unique two-story wooden building used as a museum and cultural center. Kommunisticheskaya Street 26. Opening hours: 10:00-18:00 (Thursday: 13:00-21:00). Day off: Monday.

Cathedral of St. Vladimir (1895-1902) - one of the main Orthodox cathedrals of Astrakhan. It was built in honor of the 900th anniversary of the baptism of Russia, as a monument to this significant historical event. General Yepishev Street, 4.

Saray-Batu is a tourist center dedicated to the history and culture of the Golden Horde Khanate located in the Kharabalinsky district of the Astrakhan region, northwest of Astrakhan, near the village of Selitrennoye, in places where the old capital Saray-Batu used to be (also known as Saray-Al-Mahrusa, Old Saray). It was built as the backdrop for the movie “Horde” in 2011.

Astrakhan State Opera and Ballet Theater . One of the most notable objects in the center of Astrakhan, this huge building, which looks more like a palace, is located near the bus station and railway station. The opera troupe of this theater has a wide repertoire: Russian opera, Italian opera, oratorios, chamber programs. Anri Barbyusa Street, 16.

Astrakhan Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve - the oldest regional museum in Russia. In total, there are about 300 thousand exhibits: unique natural science collections, archaeological, ethnographic, numismatic, taxidermy collections, and much more. Sovetskaya Street, 15. Opening hours: 10:00-17:00. On Mondays, the museum operates only in a guided tour mode.

The White Mosque (1810) - the oldest mosque in Astrakhan built in the forms of late classicism at the expense of the Tatar merchant David Izmailov. In 2006-2008, the building was restored. Kazanskaya Street, 34.

Astrakhan city of Russia photos

Pictures of astrakhan.

Shopping center in Astrakhan

Shopping center in Astrakhan

Wedding palace in Astrakhan

Wedding palace in Astrakhan

Old power station in Astrakhan

Old power station in Astrakhan

Author: Varganov Mike

Sights of Astrakhan

Conservatory in Astrakhan

Conservatory in Astrakhan

Church of St. John Chrysostom in Astrakhan

Church of St. John Chrysostom in Astrakhan

Transfiguration Church in Astrakhan

Transfiguration Church in Astrakhan

Author: V.Kildushov

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  • A 48 Hour Guide To...

A 48 Hour Guide to Astrakhan, Russia

Baskunchak salt lake, Astrakhan region, Russia

Travellers who venture into Astrakhan will enjoy the historical charm and cultural vibrancy of this old Silk Route town. The otherworldly Lake Baskunchak and extensive Delta wetlands are just a day trip away.

Astrakhan lies close to the Kazakhstan border where the Volga River flows into the Caspian Sea. It used to be a town on the old Silk Route and is built on more than 10 islands. Meander along canals and over bridges to soak up ancient Tatar, Christian and Islamic history. Venture into the surrounding countryside to enjoy the splendour of the Volga Delta wetlands and the region’s natural beauty.

Day one – Acquaint yourself with the city

Morning – Explore local history

Start the day by taking a walk through the Kryusha Quarter. It’s the city’s former Tatar and Persian area, and it remains a predominantly Muslim area. As such, there are clusters of mosques in various states of neglect and repair.

Starting at Ulitsa Kirova, walk along Kazanskaya Ulitsa until you reach a Lenin bust. If you cross over the canal, you’ll come across a well-kept park, complete with sculptures and a lake. Continue past it, and you’ll end up at the foot of the hill where the city’s Kremlin sits on top. A UNESCO World Heritage site with inviting gardens and temporary exhibitions, the Kremlin is not to be missed.

Pro tip: The Kryusha Quarter is fascinating to walk through, but it is still a little rough. It is fine to walk through during the day, but it is best to avoid it at night.

Zhitnyaya Tower of the Astrakhan Kremlin, which is a must-visit

Afternoon – Discover Astrakhan’s cool hidey-holes

people cheering on a mountain

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Once you’re finished at the Kremlin, cut through the Fraternal Gardens to the city’s hipster hangout, Rozmarin Cafe , and fill up on freshly cooked meals and refuel with strong coffee. Once revived, take a peek at the Museum of Military Glory, which is as patriotic as the name suggests. However, despite the museum’s nationalistic slant, it is a good place to learn about historical battles.

Afterwards, it is worth walking over to Moloko, a hip, modern canteen-style café, which is run by the same people as Rozmarin Cafe. Even if you’re still full from lunch, they are licensed. So, why not have a cheeky afternoon drink and a snack?

From Moloko , it’s another lazy stroll along the banks of the Kutum River to the banks of the Volga – the manicured riverfront is the city’s crowning glory. There are people to watch, sculptures to see, and sunsets to enjoy.

Evening – Enjoy riverside views

After all of that walking about, treat yourself to a delicious meal. Right on the waterfront, Yamato is an indulgent, top-notch Japanese restaurant. The menu offers Japanese dishes, sushi, pan-Asian and Asian-fusion meals, as well as a lot of classic European and Russian cuisine. And it’s not just the food that is good here – so is the decor, inspired by Japanese minimalism and traditional aesthetics.

Pro tip: Yamato is popular. Book a reservation or be prepared to wait for a little while.

Astrakhan Kremlin, which includes the Cathedral of the Assumption, is a UNESCO-listed must-see

Night – Embrace the local culture

For those who want to sample some high-brow culture, why not check out what ballet is showing? The Astrakhan State Theatre of Opera and Ballet may not have the same clout as other regional theatres, but like most ballet and opera in Russia, they are still done to an outstanding standard.

For those who want to kick on, take the short stroll over to Kul’tovyy Bar (Cult Bar) for dim lighting, live music and boozy drinks. It also serves reasonably priced food. After loading up on positive vibes, belt out a few tunes with new friends at any of the many karaoke bars in town, such as Chicago House.

Whatever time the night ends, rest your well-worn legs at the luxurious Novomoskovskaya Hotel , a 10-minute walk away from Kul’tovyy Bar. Sleeping options are limited in Astrakhan, but they are also affordable, which means this five-star hotel comes with a bargain price tag. It’s also right in the heart of the city, so the Kremlin and the central sights are all within walking distance.

Day two – Soak up the Astrakhan region’s beauty

Morning – Venture out to the great outdoors

Although the city still has plenty to offer, a trip to the surrounding countryside is a must. Around Astrakhan , the Volga River splinters off into thousands of streams and rivers, known as the Volga Delta Wetlands. The wetlands, filled with birds and animals, are lush and an adventure to explore.

Roads eventually peter out and make way for rivers and marshes. The further you explore the wetlands, the more likely you’ll need a boat. A trip into the wetlands is a day trip in itself, so don’t plan to cram too many countryside sights into your itinerary.

Pro tip: Many tour companies offer trips into the wetlands, so shop around to find a deal that you like. Parts of the area are protected, so tourists need a permit. Tourist agencies in Astrakhan can help you organise these. Procosta is a tour company that offers trips into the delta with a guide, and only Procosta tours can be taken without one of these permits.

A rural landscape of Astrakhan

Afternoon – Float in salty water

An alternative day trip is to Lake Baskunchak, near the Kazakhstan border. One of Russia’s major salt basins, it supplies the nation with approximately 80 percent of its salt. Back in the day, people used to flock here to reap the health benefits of the salty water and the clay, and legend has it that it is a place of healing. Despite, or because of, its otherworldly appearance and its far-flung locale, it remains a popular tourist destination, albeit an unusual one.

A swim in the lake is comparable to a dip in the Dead Sea , although many swimmers bring shoes because prickly salt covers the bottom of the lake-bed. The lake used to be an important stop on the Silk Route, as its seemingly endless supply of salt has long been a precious commodity.

Pro tip: Make sure you pack a picnic, plenty of fresh water and sunscreen because there aren’t any trees around the lake.

Evening – Feast on traditional dishes

All that country air will induce hunger that must be satiated. So, head straight to Mindal (which translates to Almond) to feast on steaming hot Georgian khachapuri and Uzbek pilaf and other drool-inducing dishes. A top restaurant in town, Mindal serves up hearty central Asian and Caucasian dishes in a casual, yet stylish setting – a perfect treat to end a long day spent on the road and in the great outdoors.

Night – Relax with a beer

Mindal has a licensed bar that also serves up hookahs, so if you are suffering from a post-pigout food coma, and are exhausted from the day, hang around and enjoy yourself for a little bit longer. But if you want a change of scenery, visit Akademiya Piva, (Beer Academy). This restaurant and brewery is not only a stumble away from the hotel, but it is an opportunity to try a local brew or two. Of their five house-made beers, one is brewed in the style of the iconic Soviet beer, Zhigulevskoye.

Pro tip: If you want to relax after dinner at Mindal, book a booth table and make yourself comfortable. Also, for those on a budget, Akademiya Piva serves pub grub at a reasonable price.

An aerial view of the must-visit Astrakhan Kremlin

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  17. Astrakhan

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  18. Astrakhan city, Russia travel guide

    This is the oldest economic and cultural center of the Lower Volga and the Caspian region included in the list of historical cities of Russia. It is located about 1,400 km southeast of Moscow in the upper part of the Volga River Delta, on 11 islands of the Caspian Lowland. The population of Astrakhan is about 518,700 (2022), the area - 209 sq. km.

  19. Astrakhan Oblast Map

    Astrakhan Oblast. Astrakhan Oblast is a region in the Lower Volga, descending from steppe along the Volga to the northwestern Caspian Sea. It borders Volgograd Oblast to the north, Kalmykia to the west, and Kazakhstan to the east. Photo: Alfredovic, CC BY 3.0. Photo: Wikimedia, CC0. Ukraine is facing shortages in its brave fight to survive.

  20. A 48 Hour Guide To Astrakhan Russia

    Around Astrakhan, the Volga River splinters off into thousands of streams and rivers, known as the Volga Delta Wetlands. The wetlands, filled with birds and animals, are lush and an adventure to explore. Roads eventually peter out and make way for rivers and marshes. The further you explore the wetlands, the more likely you'll need a boat.