travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form victoria

Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)

On this page, key messages, vptas claim form, vptas guidelines, what is the vptas process, eligibility for vptas, contribute the first $100 each treatment year, travel assistance, accommodation, who can be an approved patient escort, the vptas claim form must be completed by an approved medical specialist, lodge the vptas claim form.

  • The Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) provides financial assistance to eligible Victorians who must travel a long way for specialist medical treatment.
  • VPTAS is a subsidy scheme and not intended to reimburse all costs associated with accessing specialist treatment.
  • To be eligible, patients must live in a designated rural area and travel 100km one way or 500km per week to see a medical specialist. Full eligibility list and exclusions listed below.
  • An approved medical specialist or authorised officer must sign the claim form.
  • Payment of claims can take up to 6-8 weeks from receipt. All sections of the claim form must be fully completed to ensure your claim is able to be assessed.
  • Please contact the VPTAS office on 1300 737 073 or [email protected] if you have any questions.

To receive direct payment by electronic funds transfer (EFT) of approved VPTAS transport and accommodation subsidies, a claimant's bank account information needs to be filled out in Section E of the claim form.

The Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) helps Victorians who have to travel a long way for specialist medical treatment by subsidising their travel and accommodation costs.

Translations of VPTAS guidelines

The Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme's (VPTAS) guidelines are also available for download in 11 different community languages.

VPTAS guidelines - translated resources

Translated resources are available at Health Translations External Link .

To receive VPTAS assistance patients need to take the following steps:

  • Check you are eligible.
  • Understand what assistance is available.
  • Review the claim form to understand and collect the necessary information.
  • Fill in the VPTAS claim form.
  • Have the VPTAS claim form signed by an approved medical specialist.
  • Send the VPTAS form and required receipts/invoices to the VPTAS office.

The VPTAS guidelines provide details on eligibility. In summary, to be eligible for VPTAS patients must:

  • be a Victorian resident
  • live in a Department of Health & Human Services designated rural health region
  • be receiving specialist medical treatment from a medical practitioner registered with Medicare Australia and recognised as a specialist in a particular specialty under the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cwlth) as per Schedule 4 of the Health Insurance Regulations 1975
  • need to travel more than 100 kilometres one way or an average of 500 kilometres a week for one or more weeks (travel distances can be determined using the Google® maps Get Directions function).

Patients are not eligible for VPTAS if they:

  • participate in clinical trials or experimental treatments for medical research studies
  • live in states or territories other than Victoria (unless they are a living organ donor to a Victorian patient)
  • are away from their permanent place of residence when the treatment episode begins, such as when on holidays or while visiting friends or family either within Victoria or interstate
  • are undertaking a journey to or from outside Australia for medical treatment
  • are accessing allied health (for example, audiology, physiotherapy, podiatry, speech therapy)
  • are accessing general practitioner (GP) services
  • are eligible to claim assistance under another state or territory or from a registered benefit organisation including the Department of Veterans’ Affairs
  • were injured in a motor vehicle accident and are covered by the Transport Accident Commission
  • were injured at work and are covered by WorkSafe
  • have received or claimed by way of compensation, damages or other payment in respect to the illness or injury being treated.

The scheme has a contribution threshold of $100 for non concession card holders. This contribution threshold is an administrative process that is applied at the start of each treatment year. Once this contribution threshold has been reached, non-concession card holder will be eligible to receive subsidy payments. A treatment year starts from the date of the first appointment with a specialist. There is no contribution threshold for concession card holders.

People who are eligible for travel support will receive:

  • 21 cents per kilometre if a private car is used
  • full economy-class fare reimbursements for public transport
  • air travel reimbursement - only if the journey exceeds 350 kilometres one way and a commercial flight is used
  • taxi travel reimbursement - only to or from the nearest public transport when there are no other transport options.

Only the direct route to and from the person's home address is covered. Any other travel is not included. Google® maps Get Directions is used to determine the total eligible travel distance.

Travelling by public transport

People who are travelling by public transport and using a myki card should register their myki with Public Transport Victoria. They can access their travel history online and print a tax invoice statement of travel, which can be included with their VPTAS claim form.

Travel is subsidised to the nearest specialist

The person's GP is expected to provide a referral to the closest specialist available. If they choose to travel to a different specialist, the subsidies will be worked out as if they were seeing the closest specialist.

Applicants may be able to receive accommodation assistance up to a maximum of $45.00 per night ($49.50 including GST). This may be available to the applicant and their approved escort if:

  • they stay in commercial accommodation - that is, any accommodation that is registered as a business and has an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • the specialist completes the VPTAS claim form stating the number of nights of accommodation required
  • the specialist approves that partner or carer can accompany the applicant (they must be 18 years of age or older).

When a patient is eligible for VPTAS, an approved patient escort is responsible for the patient’s transport and accommodation needs during treatment.

For further information regarding escorts, please refer to the VPTAS guidelines .

Section C of the VPTAS claim form is to be filled out by an approved medical specialist or an authorised officer on their behalf.

Who is an approved medical specialist?

An approved medical specialist is a medical practitioner registered with Medicare Australia and recognised as a specialist in a particular speciality under the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cwlth) as per Schedule 4 of the Health Insurance Regulations 1975.

Who is an authorised officer?

An authorised officer is an individual who works with/for the approved medical specialist and can confirm the patient’s details and the approved medical specialist services received. An authorised officer can be a registrar, resident medical officer, intern, nurse, social worker, ward clerk or administration staff such as a receptionist. The authorised officer can sign a VPTAS claim form on behalf of the medical specialist. The medical specialist’s details must be provided.

Claimants should lodge the VPTAS claim by:

  • submitting the completed VPTAS claim form no later than 12 months from the date of the first listed approved medical specialist service
  • providing original receipts or tax invoices for travel and accommodation (petrol receipts are not required)
  • completing the travel and accommodation diary within the claim form
  • ensuring all information provided is true and correct
  • making sure the medical specialist’s details are correctly completed on the claim form and the specialist or their authorising officer has signed the claim form.
  • Mail claim form and original receipts to GPO Box 4057 Melbourne, VIC 3001

The claim lodgement date is the date the VPTAS office receives the completed claim form. The applicant should keep a photocopy of all receipts and documents, including the completed VPTAS claim form. Processing time and payment takes approximately six to eight weeks from the claim lodgement date. Payment will be made via electronic funds transfer (EFT) into the provided bank account detailed in Section E of the VPTAS claim form.

Department of Health & Human Services designated rural health region

VPTAS Feedback - Complaints, compliments and reviews policy

VPTAS Feedback - Complaints, compliments and reviews policy provides assistance and advice for VPTAS consumers wishing to register a complaint, compliment or seeking a review of the outcome of their VPTAS claim form processing

VPTAS feedback: complaints, compliments and reviews policy - translated resources

Reviewed 11 September 2024

  • Hospitals & health services
  • Public hospitals in Victoria
  • Patient care
  • Ambulance and patient transport
  • Non-emergency patient transport
  • Non-emergency patient transport review
  • NEPT legislation and clinical practice protocols
  • Non-emergency patient transport licensing
  • NEPT licensing fees
  • NEPT services information and guidance
  • First Aid Services
  • First aid licences
  • First aid services information and guidance
  • First aid service fees
  • Victorian State Trauma System
  • Acute medicine
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  • Better at Home
  • Critical care
  • Hospital in the Home
  • Virtual care (Telehealth)
  • Perinatal and reproductive services
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  • Renal health
  • Renal services in Victoria
  • Funding for renal services
  • Different approaches to haemodialysis
  • Specialist clinics
  • Access to non-admitted services
  • Minimum referral information
  • Communication toolkit
  • Integrated care
  • HealthLinks: Chronic Care
  • Community Health Integrated Program (CHIP) guidelines
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  • Specialist clinics reform
  • Specialty diagnostics, therapeutics and programs
  • Older people in hospital
  • End of life and palliative care in Victoria
  • Voluntary assisted dying
  • Quality, safety and service improvement
  • Digital Health
  • Roadmap and Maturity Model
  • Standards and guidelines
  • Policies and frameworks
  • Health Information Sharing Legislation Reform
  • My Health Record
  • Public hospital accreditation in Victoria
  • Credentialing for senior medical staff in Victoria
  • Clinical risk management
  • Preventing infections in health services
  • Healthy choices
  • Victorian Perinatal Data Collection
  • Rural health
  • Improving Access to Primary Care in Rural and Remote Areas Initiative
  • Rural x-ray services
  • Rural health regions and locations
  • Rural and regional medical director role
  • Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme
  • Rural and isolated practice registered nurses
  • Urgent care in regional and rural Victoria
  • Private health service establishments
  • Private hospitals
  • Day procedure centres
  • Mobile health services
  • Fees for private health service establishments in Victoria
  • Design resources for private health service establishments
  • Professional standards in private health service establishments
  • Legislation updates for private health service establishments
  • Complaints about private health service establishments
  • Cosmetic procedures
  • Guideline for providers of liposuction
  • Private hospital funding agreement
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  • About health service boards in Victoria
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  • Education resources for boards
  • Sector leadership
  • Data, reporting and analytics
  • Health data standards and systems
  • Funding, performance and accountability
  • Statements of Priorities
  • Performance monitoring framework
  • Integrity governance framework and assessment tool
  • Pricing and funding framework
  • Patient fees and charges
  • Fees and charges for admitted patients
  • Non-admitted patients - fees and charges
  • Other services
  • Planning and infrastructure
  • Medical equipment asset management framework
  • Health system design, service and infrastructure planning
  • Complementary service and locality planning
  • Primary & community health
  • Primary care
  • Community pharmacist pilot
  • EOI - Victorian Community Pharmacist Statewide Pilot
  • Victorian Community Pharmacist Statewide Pilot – Resources for pharmacists
  • Emergency Response Planning Tool
  • Working with general practice
  • Nurse-on-Call
  • Urgent Care Clinics
  • Local Public Health Units
  • Community health
  • Community health services
  • Community health pride
  • Registration and governance of community health centres
  • Community Health Directory
  • Community Health Program in Victoria
  • Community health population groups
  • Dental health
  • Access to public dental care services
  • Victoria's public dental care fees
  • Victoria's public dental care waiting list
  • Dental health for SRS residents
  • Dental health program reporting
  • Smile Squad school dental program
  • Maternal and Child Health Service
  • Nursery Equipment Program
  • Maternal and Child Health Service Framework
  • Maternal and Child Health Service resources
  • Child Development Information System
  • Early parenting centres
  • Maternal Child and Health Reporting, Funding and Data
  • Baby bundle
  • Sleep and settling
  • Maternal and Child Health Workforce professional development
  • Aboriginal Maternal and Child Health
  • Public health
  • Women's Health and Wellbeing Program
  • Inquiry into Women's Pain
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  • About the program
  • Victorian Women's Health Advisory Council
  • Cemeteries and crematoria
  • Cemetery trust member appointments
  • Cemetery search
  • Cemeteries and crematoria complaints
  • Exhumations
  • Governance and finance
  • Cemetery grants
  • Interments and memorials
  • Land and development
  • Legislation governing Victorian cemeteries and crematoria
  • Cemeteries and crematoria publications
  • Repatriations
  • Rights of interment
  • Medicines and Poisons Regulation
  • Patient Schedule 8 treatment permits
  • Schedule 8 MDMA and Schedule 8 psilocybine
  • Schedule 9 permits for clinical trials
  • Documents and forms to print or download
  • Legislation and Approvals
  • Frequently Asked Questions - Medicines and Poisons Regulation
  • Health practitioners
  • Licences and permits to possess (& possibly supply) scheduled substances
  • Medicinal cannabis
  • Pharmacotherapy (opioid replacement therapy)
  • Recent updates
  • Environmental health
  • Improving childhood asthma management in Melbourne's inner west
  • Climate and weather, and public health
  • Environmental health in the community
  • Environmental health in the home
  • Environmental health professionals
  • Face masks for environmental hazards
  • Human health risk assessments
  • Lead and human health
  • Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
  • Pesticide use and pest control
  • Food safety
  • Information for community groups selling food to raise funds
  • Food businesses
  • Food safety information for consumers
  • Food regulation in Victoria
  • Food safety library
  • Food allergens
  • Introducing Standard 3.2.2A: Food safety management tools
  • Immunisation
  • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) immunisation
  • Seasonal influenza vaccine
  • Immunisation schedule and vaccine eligibility criteria
  • Ordering vaccine
  • Immunisers in Victoria
  • Immunisation provider information
  • Cold chain management
  • Adverse events following immunisation reporting
  • Vaccine error management
  • Vaccination for infants and children
  • Vaccination for adolescents
  • Vaccination program for adults
  • Vaccination for special-risk groups
  • Immunisation resources order form
  • Victorian coverage rates for Victoria
  • Infectious diseases guidelines & advice
  • Infection control guidelines
  • Disease information and advice
  • Advice to the cruise industry: reporting infections
  • Notifiable infectious diseases, conditions and micro-organisms
  • Notification procedures for infectious diseases
  • Infectious diseases surveillance in Victoria
  • Germicidal ultraviolet light
  • Protecting patient privacy in Victoria
  • Population health systems
  • Evidence and evaluation
  • Health promotion
  • Health status of Victorians
  • Municipal public health and wellbeing planning
  • Population screening
  • Cancer screening
  • Conditions not screened
  • Improving outcomes in under-screened groups
  • Infant hearing screening
  • Newborn bloodspot screening
  • Prenatal screening
  • Screening registers
  • Preventive health
  • Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention
  • Eye health promotion
  • Injury prevention
  • Healthy eating
  • Oral health promotion
  • Physical activity
  • Sexual health
  • Sex worker health
  • Decriminalisation of sex work
  • Automatic mutual recognition
  • Domestic smoke detectors
  • Lasers, IPL and LED devices for cosmetic treatments and beauty therapy
  • Victoria's regulatory framework for radiation
  • Tobacco reforms
  • Tobacco reform legislation and regulations
  • E-cigarettes and vaping
  • Quitting smoking and vaping
  • Smoke-free and vape-free areas
  • Building entrances
  • Children's indoor play centres
  • Public hospitals and health centres
  • Children's recreational areas
  • Playground equipment
  • Skate parks
  • Swimming pools
  • Under-age sporting events
  • Enclosed workplaces
  • Government buildings
  • Learning environments
  • Outdoor dining
  • Outdoor drinking areas
  • Patrolled beaches
  • Train platforms and bus and tram shelters
  • Under-age music or dance events
  • Tobacco and e-cigarette retailers
  • Making a report or complaint
  • Resources and factsheets
  • Alternative water supplies
  • Aquatic facilities
  • Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria)
  • Drinking water in Victoria
  • Legionella risk management
  • Private drinking water
  • Recreational water use and possible health risks
  • Water fluoridation
  • Chief Health Officer
  • About the Chief Health Officer
  • Chief Health Officer publications
  • Health alerts and advisories
  • Mental health
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 Handbook
  • Community information
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 in your language
  • About Victoria's mental health services
  • Area-based services
  • Statewide and specialist mental health services
  • Mental Health Community Support Services
  • Support and intervention services
  • Language services - when to use them
  • Access to mental health services across areas
  • Transport for people in mental health services
  • Practice and service quality
  • Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act
  • Service quality
  • Specialist responses
  • Mental health and wellbeing reform
  • Reform activity updates
  • Priority areas
  • Latest news
  • Working with consumers and carers
  • Consumer and carer engagement
  • Consumer and Carer Experience Surveys
  • Family support and crisis plans
  • Consumer and carer financial support
  • Supporting children whose parents have a mental illness
  • Supporting parents with a mental illness
  • Prevention and promotion
  • Early intervention in mental illness
  • Mental health promotion in Victoria
  • Suicide prevention in Victoria
  • Priorities and transformation
  • Supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Victorians
  • National mental health strategy
  • Rights and advocacy
  • Making a complaint about a mental health service
  • Chief Psychiatrist
  • About the Chief Psychiatrist
  • Obligations under the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022
  • Reporting obligations for clinical mental health and wellbeing services
  • Reporting a failure to comply with the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022
  • Governance and committees
  • Mental health and wellbeing support
  • Making a complaint and seeking advocacy
  • Second psychiatric opinion and process of review by Chief Psychiatrist
  • Reform activities and news involving the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist
  • Resources and reports
  • Chief psychiatrist guidelines
  • Chief Mental Health Nurse
  • About Victoria's Chief Mental Health Nurse
  • Best practice
  • Reducing restrictive interventions
  • Research and reporting
  • Mental health performance reports
  • Reporting requirements and business rules for clinical mental health services
  • Alcohol & drugs
  • Alcohol and other drug treatment services
  • Overview of Victoria's alcohol and drug treatment system
  • Pathways into alcohol and other drugs treatment
  • Prevention and harm reduction
  • Victoria's Take-Home Naloxone Program
  • Medically supervised injecting room
  • Victoria’s pill testing trial
  • Community-based AOD treatment services in Victoria
  • Residential treatment services
  • Mildura statewide alcohol and drug residential treatment service
  • Drug rehabilitation plan
  • Hospital-based services
  • Forensic services
  • Pharmacotherapy treatment
  • Services for Aboriginal people
  • Services for young people
  • Statewide and specialist services
  • Compulsory treatment
  • Family and peer support
  • Public intoxication reform
  • New public intoxication response services
  • Policy, research and legislation
  • Alcohol and drug research and data
  • Legislation governing alcohol and other drug treatment
  • Alcohol and other drug service standards and guidelines
  • Alcohol and other drug client charter and resources
  • Alcohol and other drug treatment principles
  • Service quality and accreditation
  • Alcohol and other drug program guidelines
  • Maintenance pharmacotherapy
  • Specialist Family Violence Advisor capacity building program in mental health and alcohol and other drug services - Victoria
  • Alcohol and other drug workforce
  • Learning and development
  • Alcohol and other drug workforce Minimum Qualification Strategy
  • Workforce data and planning
  • Funding and reporting for alcohol and other drug services
  • Funding of alcohol and other drugs services in Victoria
  • Reporting requirements and business rules for alcohol and other drug services
  • Drug alerts
  • 25C-NBOMe and 4-FA sold as '2C-B'
  • Novel stimulants sold as MDMA, cocaine or speed
  • Protonitazene sold as ketamine
  • High potency benzodiazepine tablets
  • MDMA adulterated with PMMA
  • 25B-NBOH sold as powdered 'LSD'
  • Green 'UPS' pills containing N-ethylpentylone (no MDMA)
  • N-ethylpentylone in cocaine
  • Ageing & aged care
  • Supporting independent living
  • Low cost accommodation support programs
  • Personal Alert Victoria
  • Dementia services
  • Victorian Aids and Equipment Program
  • Residential aged care services
  • Public sector residential aged care services
  • Safety and quality in public sector residential aged care
  • Physical and social environments
  • Emergency preparedness in residential aged care services
  • My Aged Care assessment services
  • Home and Community Care Program for Younger People
  • HACC data reporting
  • HACC PYP fees policy and schedule of fees
  • Dementia-friendly environments
  • Designing for people with dementia
  • Maintaining personal identity
  • Personal enjoyment
  • Interior design
  • Dining areas, kitchens and eating
  • Bedrooms and privacy
  • Gardens and outdoor spaces
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  • Health regulation reform
  • Health legislation overview
  • Health Complaints legislation
  • Health Records Act
  • Human Tissue Act 1982
  • Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008
  • Voluntary Assisted Dying Act
  • Victoria's pandemic management framework
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  • Nursing and midwifery graduates
  • Nursing and midwifery graduate sign-on bonus
  • Working as a nurse or midwife
  • Enrolled nurse to registered nurse transition scholarships
  • Support for new nurse practitioners
  • Postgraduate scholarships for nurses and midwives
  • Nurse practitioners
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  • Refresher pathway for nurses and midwives
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In this topic

  • Regions and locations
  • Rural endorsed nurse
  • Urgent care
  • VPTAS complaints

On this site

  • Primary and community health
  • Working in rural Victoria

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Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme Department of Health

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  • Patient travel subsidies
Victorians who must travel long distances to receive specialist medical services can have their travel costs partly reimbursed.

The Victorian patient transport assistance scheme subsidises the travel and accommodation of rural Victorians, and an approved escort, who have to travel a long distance to receive approved medical specialist services.

For more information and to apply

For an application form, ask your local doctor, hospital social worker or phone the scheme's office on 1300 737 073 .

See the Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme page on the Department of Health website.

  • Ambulance transport
  • Dental services
  • Essential medical equipment payment
  • Eye care and glasses
  • Hearing services
  • Multi-purpose taxi program
  • Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

Last updated on 27/03/2023

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Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme

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The Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) helps eligible people living in rural or regional Victoria with the cost of travelling long distances for specialist medical services. The scheme contributes to the cost of travel (including petrol for private cars, public transport fares and air and taxi travel reimbursement) and accommodation (if required). Assistance may also be provided to Victorian residents who are referred to an interstate specialist when the service is not available in Victoria or if it is the nearest location. The specialist must confirm in writing that you can’t get the service in Victoria.

Services provided

  • Travel reimbursement
  • Accommodation subsidy


You may be eligible for subsidies if: you live in rural Victoria; your treatment is included in the list of eligible medical specialist treatments; you need to travel 100 kilometres or more one way or you need to travel (on average) 500 kilometres per week for five or more weeks in a row. Only the direct routes from your home address to the appointment and back to your home address are covered. No other travel is included. Refer to the rural areas map on the Department of Health and Human Services website to see if your home location qualifies.

How to access

In order to apply to receive a subsidy, you will need to complete a VPTAS claim form External Link .

Call 1300 737 073 .

Email: [email protected]

Visit the VPTAS website External Link .

The National Relay Service (NRS) External Link is available to help callers who are d/Deaf, or find it hard to hear or speak to hearing people on the phone.

The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) External Link is available (24 hours, 7 days) for callers who speak other languages. Call 131 450 .

If you are eligible for travel support you will receive:

  • approximately 17 cents per kilometre if a private car is used (check with VPTAS)
  • full economy class fare reimbursements for public transport
  • air travel reimbursement – only if the journey exceeds 350 kilometres one way and a commercial flight is used
  • taxi travel reimbursement – only to or from the nearest public transport when there are no other transport options.

If you are not the primary card holder of an approved pensioner concession card or health care card, you will pay the first $100 each treatment year for your travel and accommodation. After that time, you will get full assistance from VPTAS for the remainder of that treatment year. A treatment year starts at the date of your first appointment with your specialist (Note: costs are current at date of publishing and may change).

Use Visit Victoria's route planner External Link to work out your travel distances.

  • Your local doctor can provide a referral to the closest specialist available to you. If you choose to travel to a different specialist, the subsidies will be worked out as if you were seeing the closest specialist.
  • Your specialist will need to complete part of your claim form for the number of nights of accommodation required.
  • Your specialist may also approve an escort (partner/carer) to accompany you. They must be 18 years of age or older.
  • If you are applying for assistance because the service you need is not available in Victoria, your specialist must confirm this in writing.

travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form victoria

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Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)

You are here:

  • Patients & Visitors
  • Patient Information and Services
  • Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme
  • Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) covers some travel and accommodation costs incurred by rural Victorians when they travel more than 100 kilometres one way for specialist medical treatment.
  • To be eligible, patients must live in a designated rural area and not be undergoing clinical trials or accessing allied healthcare.
  • An approved medical specialist or authorised officer must sign the claim form .
  • Please contact the VPTAS office on 1300 737 073 or [email protected] if you have any questions.

Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme

Victorian patients and carers guide to claiming accommodation subsidies

travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form victoria

What is the VPTAS scheme?

The Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme subsidises the costs of travel and accommodation for residents of Victoria who need to travel long distances for specialist medical care.

Subsidies are provided to help cover the costs of staying in accommodation close to hospitals. Patients can also claim travel costs including private car and public transport costs.

VPTAS supports residents of Victoria travelling to hospitals in Victoria and other States. Interstate patients travelling to hospitals in Victoria must apply to the scheme in their home State. 

Eligibility Criteria

In Victoria, the main eligibility criteria for VPTAS is distance. Distance is defined from the patient’s home address to the specialist medical facility (hospital or clinic) or dental facility. There are two distance eligibility criteria:

travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form victoria

People travelling more than 100km from home to medical care (one way)

travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form victoria

People travelling an average of 500km over a week for one or more weeks.

travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form victoria

You also need to be a Victorian resident.

travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form victoria

You must be travelling to specialist medical or dental care that is not available closer to home.

Young girl and elderly women utilising a notebook to organise hospital accommodation with MediStays

Who decides if I am eligible to claim VPTAS

Your medical specialist needs to confirm you are travelling for specialist medical care. The doctor must be approved to practice as a specialist under Medicare Australia and their details must be included on the form. The specialist or an authorised officer, such as a hospital social worker, practice manager, receptionist or nurse may sign your form.

Please ask your medical specialist or staff at the clinic to assist you with this process. You can also contact the VPTAS Office directly for further information. Once your form is submitted to the VPTAS Office, they will process your application and confirm your eligibility and reimbursements.

Please note, MediStays does not approve your application. 

How much is the accommodation subsidy

The subsidy varies depending on your situation:

Patients not admitted to hospital may be eligible to claim up to $49.50/night (incl GST) accommodation subsidy.

Patients travelling with an approved escort

Patients not admitted to hospital who are travelling with an approved escort may be eligible to claim up to $99.00/night (incl GST).

If you are an approved escort for a patient admitted to hospital you can claim an accommodation subsidy of up to $49.50/night (incl GST) .

Medical practitioners working together

When to submit a VPTAS application form

If you are eligible to apply for VPTAS, post your hard copy, signed form and MediStays tax invoice to the VPTAS office when your stay has finished.

Do I need to keep a diary of my travel?

Yes, please enter the details of your travel and accommodation on VPTAS form Page 2. Please check the VPTAS form for further instructions

Other frequently asked questions

Unfortunately, VPTAS do not allow pre-approval of accommodation subsidies for Victorian patients and carers.

However, MediStays is here to support with you discounted accommodation until your VPTAS submission is approved. Please visit our blog on how to c laim VPTAS here .

Every property on the MediStays website can be booked for your accommodation and VPTAS claim.

No, VPTAS entitles you to claim all accommodation costs, including one-night stays

As escort is a person approved to travel with the patient. This may include your husband or wife, carer or the parents of children under 18 years of age.

A person can have more than one escort if they are under the age of 18 years, certain conditions apply.

Accommodation in private homes is not covered under the VPTAS scheme.

You must claim the subsidy for the state or territory where you live (not the location of your treating hospital). 

Participation in some clinical trials will deem patients’ ineligible to claim VPTAS. Please discuss this with your medical specialist if unsure. 

As stated on the VPTAS website, in general, you will not be eligible to claim VPTAS if you:

  • participate in clinical trials or experimental treatments that are medical research studies that aim to find a better way to manage a particular disease
  • live in states or territories other than Victoria (unless they are a living organ donor to a Victorian patient)
  • are away from their permanent place of residence when the treatment episode begins, such as when on holidays or while visiting friends or family either within Victoria or interstate
  • are undertaking a journey to or from outside Australia for medical treatment
  • are accessing allied health (for example, audiology, physiotherapy, podiatry, speech therapy)
  • are accessing general practitioner (GP) services
  • are eligible to claim assistance under another state or territory or from a registered benefit organisation including the Department of Veterans’ Affairs
  • were injured in a motor vehicle accident and are covered by the Transport Accident Commission
  • were injured at work and are covered by WorkSafe
  • have received or claimed by way of compensation, damages or other payment in respect to the illness or injury being treated.

If your accommodation costs are more than the VPTAS subsidy, you will need to pay some out of pocket expenses. For example, if a patient and escort stay in accommodation close to hospital at $140/night, they will pay $41 per night for accommodation. VPTAS will subsidise the remaining $99/night.

You will need to pay the first $100 in a treatment year. A treatment year starts from the date of the first appointment with the medical specialist. This fee is waived if you are a primary card holder for the Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card.

A treatment year starts from the date of your first appointment. 

The $100 co-payment fee is waived if you are a primary card holder for the Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card.

Yes, if you are an approved escort you are eligible to claim the accommodation subsidy. For example, you may drive your husband to the hospital and book accommodation with MediStays until he is discharged. You are eligible to claim $49.50/night accommodation subsidy in this situation.

Yes, VPTAS covers public transport costs. Keep a copy of your tax invoices and record details of your journey (dates) on the form. If you are eligible to travel on V-Line for free, please state ‘V’ in the transport type.

Yes, VPTAS covers petrol costs. If you travel in a private car, you are eligible to claim 21 cents per kilometre. Google maps is used to calculate the distance from your home address to the hospital/clinic address. You do not need to provide tax invoices for petrol costs.

Please contact the VPTAS office directly for further information on 1300 737 073 or [email protected]  if you have any questions.

The website is here.

Once your form is submitted to the VPTAS Office, they will process your application and confirm your eligibility and reimbursements.

For long stays, you may also apply in advance or in regular intervals. 

How MediStays can help…

Checking your eligibility after booking.

When you book accommodation with MediStays, you can choose to tell us your postcode. This enables us to guide you on your eligibility for VPTAS and send you the link for the relevant VPTAS paperwork.

Which MediStays accommodation is eligible?

All properties listed on the MediStays website are eligible – simply book on our website and submit your MediStays tax invoice with your application form.

Are you a patient or carer travelling for medical care?

Our Care Navigators can assist with accommodation and funding support.

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Transport assistance schemes

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If you live more than 100km away from the hospital, you may be eligible for travel and accommodation assistance from the Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS).

Claim forms are available from the RCH’s Family Hub, clinic desks and Main Street Reception, or you can download the form here .

Your medical specialist will need to complete some sections of the form before you can claim.

Equivalent schemes are available in each state for interstate residents.

For more information, ask a RCH staff member or visit the  Department of Health website .


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Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)

Department of Health and Human Services

  • All cancers

Travelling to treatment

  • Phone-based service;Online service

The Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) subsidises travel and accommodation costs incurred by rural Victorians and an approved escort(s) who have no option but to travel more than 100 kilometres one way, or an average of 500 kilometres a week for one or more weeks, to receive approved medical specialist services or specialist dental treatment.

travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form victoria

1300 737 073

travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form victoria

travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form victoria

[email protected]

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Last updated: Friday, 19 July 2024

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Tax Information

Travel and accommodation

How the tac can help with travel and accommodation.

When we accept your TAC claim, or approve a treatment or service, you are covered for:

  • Travel to and from treatment related to your transport accident injuries
  • Travel to work for up to 24 weeks. By law, we cap the total cost of travel to work at $1,730
  • Travel to one of our pre-vocational or vocational training programs
  • Travel to an authorised supported employment service
  • Accommodation and meal expenses when you go to a medical or impairment examination
  • Travel and accommodation for family members .

You don't need to contact us for this travel if it's to and from an approved treatment or service and it's:

  • We can pay 30 cents for each kilometre your car travels. Please complete a Travel expense declaration form to make a claim.
  • In a train, bus or tram. Keep your receipts or tickets and we can reimburse you.

If you need to travel by taxi or a ridesharing service , you need to contact us for approval first.

How we pay for your travel

If you have paid for public transport, scan or take a photo of your receipts, tickets or myki statements. Send them to us with the ‘ Claim reimbursement ’ button on myTAC, or by email to [email protected] and we will repay you.

Send us a completed Travel expense declaration form and we will reimburse your travel in a private vehicle.

Immediate family members need to send us a TAC Visiting Expenses Declaration to claim the cost of visiting an injured person in a hospital.

Taxi travel and ridesharing services

You need to contact us for approval before we can pay for your travel by taxi or a ridesharing service, such as Uber.

We may pay for this type of travel if:

  • You can’t drive or take public transport because of your accident injuries
  • The travel is to and from medical, rehabilitation or disability services related to your transport accident injuries.

How to find out if we can pay for taxi travel or a ridesharing service

  • Please call the TAC to speak to your claim manager
  • your injuries,
  • where you need to travel to, and
  • how you travelled before your accident.
  • If we agree to pay for your travel, you can choose your taxi or ridesharing service provider. You should let your claims manager know which provider you choose.

How we pay for taxi travel or a ridesharing service

If your taxi provider invoices us, we will pay them for your taxi travel.

If you need to pay your taxi provider, send us your receipts for reimbursement with a Travel expense declaration form . You can send this using the ‘Reimbursement form’ button under 'Upload documents' on myTAC , or by email to [email protected] .

Ridesharing service such as Uber

You need to pay for your travel and then send your receipts to the TAC for reimbursement with a Travel expense declaration form . You can send this using the ‘Reimbursement form’ button under 'Upload documents' on myTAC , or by email to [email protected] .

We will monitor your taxi or ridesharing travel

We may collect information from your provider about your travel. This is to make sure your travel is in line with what we can pay for under the Transport Accident Act 1986 . If you would like a copy of the information we collect, please let us know.

If you misuse the travel that we pay for, we may ask that you repay us, or we may take further action.

How to ask for more taxi or ridesharing travel

You should keep track of your travel. If you think you will need the TAC to pay for more travel, please ask your health provider to contact us before your current approval runs out.

Your health provider will need to provide a medical reason related to your transport accident injuries for this type of travel. They will also need to tell us how long they think you will need taxi or ridesharing travel for.

If your current approval runs out, you will need to pay for your own travel.  After we receive more information from your health provider, we can reimburse you if we approve more taxi or ridesharing travel.

Travel and accommodation for family members

If you're in a hospital, we will pay for travel and accommodation for family members who live more than 100km away to visit you.

If you are a dependent child we can pay for your parent’s travel and accommodation so they can visit you in the hospital.

How to book your own travel and accommodation to visit an injured family member

You can book your own travel and accommodation to visit a family member injured in a transport accident if you are:

  • A parent of a dependent child
  • An immediate family member and you live more than 100 kms from the hospital.

Please call  Corporate Traveller on  03 8535 1640 to book your travel and accommodation. Have these details when you call:

  • TAC claim number of the injured person
  • Details of the people travelling to visit them in the hospital.

When you book travel and accommodation with Corporate Traveller, you will not be out of pocket. Corporate Traveller will invoice the TAC.

There is a maximum amount we can pay for travel and accommodation. We will get in touch with you to let you know when you are close to spending this amount.

travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form victoria

If you travel in a private car to and from treatment related to your transport accident injuries, we can pay  30 cents for each kilometre your car travels.

Please complete a Travel expense declaration form to make a claim.

This fee should be read in conjunction with the policy on travel benefits .

How we calculate the private vehicle travel reimbursement rate

The reimbursement rate calculates the "average" running costs and vehicle depreciation associated with travelling extra distances for defined purposes associated with a TAC claim.

The running costs are made up of the following factors:

  • Service/repairs

The TAC will review and update this rate annually.

For family members visiting a TAC client in hospital we can pay the costs of a hotel or motel, air fares, petrol, public transport, a hire car or taxis up to a maximum amount of  $24,240 . This amount applies when a claim for visiting expenses is made for the first time after  1 July 2023 .

If a claim for visiting expenses was made before 1 July 2024 , the maximum amount will be different. If visiting expenses were first claimed:

  • Between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024, the total maximum is $23,350
  • Between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023, the total maximum is  $21,620
  • Between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2022, the total maximum is  $21,090
  • Between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021, the total maximum is $20,820
  • Between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2020, the total maximum is $20,410

Please email [email protected] if you need the maximum amount for an earlier date.

These maximum amounts do not apply to parents visiting a  dependent child in hospital.

Immediate family member

Member of the immediate family of an injured TAC client means a partner, parent, child or sibling of the injured client.

For accidents on or after 26 September 2018 , a grandparent is also included as a member of the client's immediate family.

For accidents on or after 6 July 2022, a grandchild is also included as a member of the client's immediate family.

Dependent child

Your child is a "dependent child" if they are financially dependent on you and:

  • under 18 years of age, or
  • over 18 but under 25 years of age and a full-time student or an apprentice*.

A child who has a spouse or domestic partner cannot be a dependent child.

For accidents before 6 July 2022 , children aged over 16 must be a full time student or an apprentice* to be classified as a ‘dependent child’.

* Apprentice applies to accidents on or after 26 September 2018.

This form is to be used when claiming reimbursement for travel (i.e. private vehicle, public transport and/or taxi) expenses to attend: medical treatment for accident injuries; medical examinations arranged by the TAC; approved rehabilitation or disability services; or work, if you are participating in a formal Return to Work program.

How to send documents to the TAC

myTAC is the quickest way to:

  • Submit receipts and claim reimbursements
  • Send documents and forms
  • Update your personal and banking details
  • Find out about treatments and services the TAC may pay for

If you can't use myTAC to send your receipts or documents, please take a photo and email it to us at [email protected] . Include your claim number in the subject line of your email so we can process your request.

This form can be used by immediate family members of hospitalised clients to claim travel and accommodation expenses associated with visiting their loved one/s. Please note, to be eligible for reimbursement, immediate family members must reside more than 100km away from the hospital.

This form is for claiming expenses related to travel (by private car, public transport and/or taxi) to work. (Claims for travel expenses to attend medical treatment and/or rehabilitation need to be made using a separate form titled Travel Expenses: Declaration ).

We’re here to help you get your life back on track after your transport accident. To help you get to your treatment appointments and services we will pay for your travel costs in Australia.

While you are in hospital, we can also pay the costs of travel and accommodation so that your immediate family members can visit you if they live more than 100km from your hospital.

If you are a dependent child we can pay for your parents to visit you in hospital.

TAC approved services

We will pay for:

  • Public transport (train, bus or tram) or the cost of kilometres travelled in a private vehicle or hire car for travel related to the treatment of your transport accident injury. We will only pay for travel when you go to see a member of your treating team or when the TAC or your solicitor arranges for you to attend an independent medical examination or impairment assessment.
  • Travel to work, for no more than 24 weeks (consecutive or non-consecutive) up to $1,730. We will also pay for your transport to work as part of an approved return to work program,
  • Travel to one of our pre-vocational or vocational training programs,
  • Travel to an authorised supported employment service,
  • Accommodation and meal expenses when the TAC or your solicitor arranges for you to attend an independent medical examination or impairment assessment.

If your injuries stop you from travelling to education in your usual way, we will pay for a different type of transport. For example, if you normally ride a bicycle to university and you cannot ride because of an injured leg, we will pay for you to take the bus.

We will also pay for any required road tolls or car parking when you see a member of your treating team.

Air travel may be paid when you need to see a specialist or to attend a medical examination. We can arrange non-urgent air travel for you.

Travel costs that need TAC approval

We may pay for travel by taxi or a ridesharing service such as Uber if you cannot drive or take public transport because of your transport accident injuries.

Taxis and ridesharing services will only be approved if you have no other way to get to your TAC related medical appointments or to travel to other locations approved by the TAC.

How we organise the travel services you need

When needed, we will also work with your treating team to help them organise the travel services and support you need.

We may contact your treating team to discuss your progress or request an assessment to make sure that:

  • You have access to the most appropriate treatment and support.
  • You are getting proven, evidence-based treatment and not receiving treatment that isn't helping you recover.
  • You are moving towards getting your life back on track or being able to live independently.

How much we will pay

We pay up to a maximum of 30 cents per kilometre when you use your own vehicle or a hire car to go to your transport accident medical appointments and consultations, or you travel to your workplace or educational facility.

For family members visiting you in hospital we can pay the costs of their travel and accommodation such as a hotel or motel, petrol, public transport, air fares, Visa application fees, a hire car or taxis/rideshare, parking and tolls up to a maximum amount of $24,240. The maximum amount does not apply to parents visiting a dependent child in hospital.

How these services are paid for

If we have arranged a taxi for you to attend a consultation or medical examination we will pay the provider directly. If you have paid for rideshare or for other travel expenses you can submit your receipt via  myTAC and ask us to repay you.

For public transport repayment you will need to provide details of the travel, including the date, reason for travel and a copy of your receipt, ticket or myki statement.

Immediate family members claiming the cost of visiting the injured person in hospital should submit a TAC Visiting Expenses Declaration . We pay for your services in line with our responsibilities under the  Transport Accident Act 1986.

What we won’t pay for

We cannot pay for:

  • A service that is not reasonable, necessary or appropriate
  • Travel where a car has been written off in the transport accident and you want us to cover the cost of hiring a vehicle or pay for associated running costs, such as fuel
  • The costs of travel, taxis or rideshare services that are not used to attend treatment of your transport accident injuries or to go to an approved location
  • The cost of your family member’s meals when they travel, stay in accommodation or visit you
  • The costs of travel or accommodation for your family members after you have been discharged from hospital.

travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form victoria

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Travel Expenses and Reimbursements

Your case manager in most cases can assist in arranging travel on your behalf, however, If you incur reasonable travel related costs to and from medical assessments as they relate to your accepted workplace injury or condition you are welcome to seek reimbursement from Gallagher Bassett.

The following form is available to use to track and claim your travel reimbursements, it outlines the information we need to process your reimbursement in a timely manner.

Click here to view and download a Travel Reimbursement Form. (this link will open WorkSafe Victoria in a new tab)

Submit your Reimbursement and other documents using our online uploader here.

Feel free to submit your completed documents direct to Gallagher Bassett via the above form.

It is important to note that travel reimbursements must be completed within 6 months of the travel being completed. Your case manage is available to discuss your travel requirements with you as they relate to your injury or condition.

Accommodation and Meals ›

I may incur Accommodation expenses for appointments. Can I claim them?  

Scheduled Fees ›

What is a scheduled Fee and how much will I be reimbursed for services? 

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Worker reimbursement request form

Request reimbursement for claim-related medical or travel expenses.

  Published: 05 Jul 2021

  File type: PDF

  File size: 62.58 kB

  Length: 2 pages

  Reading level: Easy

What it contains

Use this form to request reimbursement for claim-related medical or travel expenses.

Travel reimbursement is for reasonable travel expenses you incur attending medical and hospital services required as a result of an accepted work-related injury or illness or where a worker* is entitled to provisional payments on a claim that includes a mental injury. It includes reasonable costs associated with:

  • private motor vehicle, including road tolls and car parking
  • public transport
  • in some cases, taxi travel to and from your treatment

Requests for travel expense reimbursements must be submitted within 6 months of date of travel.

*Eligible Victorian volunteers are also entitled to provisional payments. For more information:

Volunteer entitlements  

Related information, provisional payments for mental injuries  .

Translated in five languages.

WorkSafe Victoria

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Victorian Transport Assistance Scheme for Rural Patients

Victorian Transport Assistance for Rural patients scheme (VPTAS) Program Payment is available for you to attend one of our specialists at the Digestive Health Centre.

Are you eligible for a travel or Accommodation reimbursement from the Victorian Government?

Travel reimbursement applies if you are a resident in rural Victoria in a designated area (Please see map below) and traveling at least 100km one way to see a medical specialist for medical treatment.

Accommodation reimbursement applies if you receive accommodation assistance up to a maximum of $41.00 per night. This may be available to the applicant and their approved escort if:

  • they stay in commercial accommodation – that is, any accommodation that is registered as a business and has an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • the specialist completes the VPTAS claim form stating the number of nights of accommodation required
  • the specialist approves that partner or carer can accompany the applicant (they must be 18 years of age or older).

Check VPTAS website for more information

What is the VPTAS process?

People who wish to receive VPTAS assistance need to take the following steps:

  • Check you are eligible.
  • Find out what assistance is available.
  • Find out who can be an approved patient escort.
  • Fill in the VPTAS claim form.
  • Have the VPTAS claim form completed by an approved medical specialist.
  • Send the VPTAS form and required receipts to the VPTAS office.

The Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme’s (VPTAS) guidelines and feedback policies are now available for download in 11 different community languages from the Health Translations website.

Your family doctor will advise you as to your eligibility in obtaining Victorian rural patient transport assistance reimbursement. The scheme can also provide accommodation reimbursement to assist in covering the costs of your medical care if you are traveling over 100km

Our approved medical specialists must sign the claim form before you lodgement.

VPTAS travel and accommodation claim form


Map of 5 rural Victorian regions shown in blue that are eligible for the VPTAS scheme


  1. Travel Reimbursement Form in Word (Simple)

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  2. Travel Reimbursement Form

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  3. Travel Reimbursement Form

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  4. Fillable Online (travel and accommodation) claim form Fax Email Print

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  5. Submit Your Travel Claim with Our Easy-to-Use Reimbursement Form

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  6. FREE 7+ Sample Travel Reimbursement Forms in MS Word

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  1. Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)

    An approved medical specialist or authorised officer must sign the claim form. Payment of claims can take up to 6-8 weeks from receipt. All sections of the claim form must be fully completed to ensure your claim is able to be assessed. Please contact the VPTAS office on 1300 737 073 or [email protected] if you have any questions.

  2. Travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form

    Travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form. VPTAS Ofice use. Claim number: • The standard processing time for a VPTAS claim is six to eight weeks. • Claim forms must be lodged within 12 months of attending an approved medical specialist service. • Submit separate VPTAS claim forms for each specialist.

  3. PDF Travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form

    The standard processing time for an eligible claim is six to eight weeks. Claim forms must be lodged within 12 months of attending an approved medical specialist service. cer has signed and dated this form in Section CSubm. laim forms for each specialist.About the schemeThe Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) helps eligible ...

  4. Patient travel subsidies

    For an application form, ask your local doctor, hospital social worker or phone the scheme's office on 1300 737 073. See the Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme page on the Department of Health website. The Victorian patient transport assistance scheme (VPTAS) helps rural Victorians needing specialist medical services with travel and ...

  5. Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)

    • Original receipts or tax invoices for travel and accommodation need to be submitted with your claim form. Petrol receipts are not required. • You must also complete the travel and accommodation diary on the claim form. • You must ensure the information provided is true and correct and sign Section D of the VPTAS claim form.

  6. Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme

    The scheme contributes to the cost of travel (including petrol for private cars, public transport fares and air and taxi travel reimbursement) and accommodation (if required). Assistance may also be provided to Victorian residents who are referred to an interstate specialist when the service is not available in Victoria or if it is the nearest ...

  7. Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)

    To be eligible, patients must live in a designated rural area and not be undergoing clinical trials or accessing allied healthcare. An approved medical specialist or authorised officer must sign the claim form. Please contact the VPTAS office on 1300 737 073 or [email protected] if you have any questions. St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne.

  8. Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme

    What is the VPTAS scheme? The Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme subsidises the costs of travel and accommodation for residents of Victoria who need to travel long distances for specialist medical care. Subsidies are provided to help cover the costs of staying in accommodation close to hospitals. Patients can also claim travel costs ...

  9. Your guide to the RCH : Transport assistance schemes

    Transport assistance schemes. If you live more than 100km away from the hospital, you may be eligible for travel and accommodation assistance from the Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS). Claim forms are available from the RCH's Family Hub, clinic desks and Main Street Reception, or you can download the form here.

  10. Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)

    The Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) subsidises travel and accommodation costs incurred by rural Victorians and an approved escort (s) who have no option but to travel more than 100 kilometres one way, or an average of 500 kilometres a week for one or more weeks, to receive approved medical specialist services or specialist ...

  11. Travel expenses policy

    A worker can claim the reasonable cost of travel expenses incurred as a result of a work related injury or illness to: In addition, the agent can pay the reasonable costs of travel expenses where the worker* is entitled to provisional payments on a claim that includes a mental injury. Requests for reimbursement must be submitted within six ...

  12. Forms for clients

    You can use these forms to claim reimbursement for different types of travel and accommodation from the TAC. Please choose the right form for the reimbursement you need. Travel reimbursement. Use this form to claim reimbursement for travel. This could be in a private vehicle, on public transport or a taxi. The travel must be to or from:

  13. Travel and accomm forms

    Travel and accommodation reimbursement for family members going to a funeral form (651.5 KB) You can use these forms to claim reimbursement for different types of travel and accommodation from the TAC. Please choose the right form for the reimbursement you need.Travel reimbursementUse this form to claim reimbursement for travel.

  14. Travel and accommodation

    This form can be used by immediate family members of hospitalised clients to claim travel and accommodation expenses associated with visiting their loved one/s. Please note, to be eligible for reimbursement, immediate family members must reside more than 100km away from the hospital.

  15. Travel Assistance

    Travel and accommodation reimbursement claim form (PDF Size 225Kb) The Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) helps eligible Victorians and an approved escort (s) who have to travel a long way for specialist medical treatment by subsidising their travel and accommodation costs. IPTAAS - NSW Residents.

  16. Travel Expenses and Reimbursements

    The following form is available to use to track and claim your travel reimbursements, it outlines the information we need to process your reimbursement in a timely manner. Click here to view and download a Travel Reimbursement Form. (this link will open WorkSafe Victoria in a new tab) Submit your Reimbursement and other documents using our ...

  17. PDF Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme

    Travel. are no other transport opionsAccommodationApplicants may be able to receive accommodation assistance up to a maxim. m of $45.00 per night ($49.50 including GST). May be available to th. heir approved patient escort.Approved EscortWhen a patient is eligible for VPTAS, an approved patient escort is responsible for the patient's trans.

  18. 4.5.50 Travel expenses

    WorkSafe can pay the reasonable travel or accommodation expenses incurred by immediate family members Family member means a partner, parent, grandparent, sibling or child of the worker or of the worker's partner of an injured worker where:. the worker sustains a severe injury that requires immediate in-patient treatment in a hospital, and; the hospital is located at least 100 kilometres from ...

  19. Worker reimbursement request form

    What it contains. Use this form to request reimbursement for claim-related medical or travel expenses. Travel reimbursement is for reasonable travel expenses you incur attending medical and hospital services required as a result of an accepted work-related injury or illness or where a worker* is entitled to provisional payments on a claim that ...

  20. Victorian Transport Assistance Scheme for Rural Patients

    Travel reimbursement applies if you are a resident in rural Victoria in a designated area (Please see map below) and traveling at least 100km one way to see a medical specialist for medical treatment. ... VPTAS travel and accommodation claim form. Map of 5 rural Victorian regions shown in blue that are eligible for the VPTAS scheme. Friendly ...