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LE&RN Travel Awards

LE&RN Travel Awards

Submission for the 2024 Gordon Research Conference Travel Awards is now closed.  The GRC will be held March 3-8, 2024 in Ventura, CA. The travel awards are made possible by a generous donation from the Estate of Edwin and Susan Swartz. The Lymphatic Education & Research Network is offering ten $1,000 (USD) scholarships for young investigators (PhD students and postdoctoral scholars within the first 5 years after receipt of their PhD) to defray registration and travel costs associated with attending the 2024 Gordon Research Conference: Lymphatics .  In addition, four Poster Awards (one $500 USD and three $250 USD) will be awarded for the top posters presented at the GRC. Investigators are eligible for consideration if they are actively enrolled in a doctoral program, residency, or accredited program of postgraduate education in the biomedical sciences. To be considered, the following information is required: (1) short abstract to be submitted to the conference ( apply now ) (2) curriculum vitae or National Institutes of Health bio sketch including list of publications (include only in press and in print) (3) narrative statement regarding the importance of your attendance at the conference for current and future goals (4) letter of support from your current research mentor that includes his or her name, position, contact information, and email (5) must be a current LE&RN supporting member in good standing through December 2024 or later (become a supporting member  here ) To apply for a LE&RN 2024 GRC Travel Award, click here . If you have any questions regarding the GRC Travel Awards, please contact LE&RN via email at  [email protected] . Winners of a GRC Travel Award, may be asked to provide a blog post summarizing the meeting and their experience at the event. Application Deadline:  January 19, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submission for the 2023 Lymphatic Forum Travel Awards is now closed.  The Lymphatic Forum will be held June 13-17, 2023 in Banff, Canada.

The travel awards are made possible by a generous grant from the Salice Family Foundation. The Lymphatic Education & Research Network (LE&RN) is offering Travel Awards (20 total of $500 USD) for young investigators who are LE&RN members (PhD students, graduate students, medical students, and postdocs) to defray registration and travel costs associated with attending the Lymphatic Forum 2023 - Exploring the Lymphatic Continuum . In addition, four Best Poster Presentation awards (one $500 US currency and three $250 US currency) will be given to the top posters presented. Travel awards are NOT available for local participants (defined as "residing within a 25 mile radius of the meeting venue") to attend the conference. If you are not yet a member of LE&RN, you may become a member here .

Eligibility Criteria

Deadline is March 15 , 2023 .

To apply, prospective candidates must:

  • be actively enrolled in a doctoral program, graduate program, residency or accredited program of postdoctoral graduate education in the biomedical sciences
  • provide a blog post summarizing the meeting and their experience at the event
  • be a member of LE&RN or NAVBO
  • reside more than 25 miles from the conference

Application Process To be considered for a Travel Award, the following information is required: 

  • submit an abstract to the Lymphatic Forum 2023
  • indicate that you are applying for this award within the online abstract submission form (choose the one with the appropriate society affiliation; you can choose both if you are a member of both societies)
  • provide your Curriculum Vitae (CV) or National Institutes of Health biographical sketch

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Online submission for the 2018 IVBM Travel Awards is now closed. The Lymphatic Education & Research Network is offering a limited number (10 total of $600 USD) for young investigators who are LE&RN members (PhD students, medical students, and postdoctoral students) to defray registration and travel costs associated with attending the 20th International Vascular Biology Meeting . Eligibility Criteria

(1) be actively enrolled in a doctoral program, residency or accredited program of postdoctoral graduate education in the biomedical sciences. Other trainees will be considered at the discretion of LE&RN and the Review committee (2) provide a blog post summarizing the meeting and their experience at the event (3) must be a current LE&RN supporting member in good standing through December 31, 2018 or later (become a supporting member  here ). Applicants who fail to maintain a minimum of a one-year LE&RN supporting membership will be not eligible for future LE&RN fellowship or travel award support. (4) reside more than 40 kilometers / 25 miles from the conference Application process To be considered for a Travel Award, the following information is required: (1) Submit an abstract and register to the 2018 IVBM. (2) Provide your Curriculum Vitae (CV) or National Institutes of Health biographical sketch (3) Indicate that you are applying for this award within the online abstract submission Please submit the required documentation in a SINGLE EMAIL to: [email protected] Application deadline coincides with the abstract deadline for the IVBM (March 19, 2018).   Any questions or problems, please contact LE&RN at [email protected] . Travel grant recipients will be determined by the committee after the candidate has met all eligibility requirements.

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UZH for Researchers

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, funding for phd researchers, table of contents, 1. phd / research at uzh, 2 research stay abroad.

  • 3. Further funding opportunities for PhD's

The question of whether and how to do a doctorate depends to a large extent on how to finance it. Basically, there are two possibilities: through a employment at UZH or by pursuing a professional activity outside the university.

Employment at the university can take place in different ways: you have the opportunity to apply for a position as an assistant or doctoral candidate. information about open doctoral positions is best obtained directly from your supervisor or on the uzh job platform . or you can raise funds independently to finance your doctorate. below you will find funding instruments where doctoral researchers can apply for fellowships or a project funds..

The following opportunities enable you to fully or partially finance your doctoral research at UZH. This overview is not exhaustive. Be sure to inquire about specific funding opportunities in your department or faculty.

Mobility experience is of great importance for a academic career. The following programmes offer financial support for a stay abroad during doctoral research.

3. Further funding opportunities for PhD's

Weiterführende informationen.


Individual Support

Research Development Office Hirschengraben 48 8001 Zurich

The staff of the Research Development Office will be happy to support your inquiry for possible sources of funding.

Mail Phone +41 44 634 53 50

Further Sources of Funding

  • Access *Research Professional (via VPN)
  • Index of Swiss Foundations (in German)
  • Index of UZH Foundations (in German)
  • Index of Regional Foundations
  • Scholarshipportal


Further Information for PhD Researchers

  • UZH Graduate Campus
  • UZH for International Students and Scholars
  • Open Jobs at UZH
  • UZH Career Services


The Grant Review And Allocation Committee (GRAC)

Grant Review And Allocation Committee (GRAC)

Welcome to the grant review & allocation committee (grac) homepage. grac offers grants to fulfill graduate student needs and provide professional or community-based opportunities., upcoming grac events.

GRAC app


Find below a list of all available grants click on their respective images to explore more..

grc travel grant

Professional Grants

The Professional Grant provides financial assistance for costs associated with academic and professional development to graduate students Click on the Image to Explore More

grc travel grant

Travel Grants

The Travel Grant provides funding for graduate students to present Purdue research at academic conferences. Click on the Image to Explore More

grc travel grant

Our Graduate Student Organization Grant Allocation (GSOGA) Award provides funding to Graduate Student Organizations to support their activities, events, and programs Click on the Image to Explore More

grc travel grant

Symposium Grants

Our Symposium grant assists Graduate Student Organizations (GSOs) in hosting academic symposiums that will offer graduate students unique professional and academic development opportunities. Click on the Image to Explore More

grc travel grant

Equipment Fund Grants

The Graduate Student Equipment Fund (GSEF) provides funding for graduate student groups to make improvements to the spaces provided to them. Click on the Image to Explore More

grc travel grant

MHAW Partnership Grants

The PGSG Mental Health Partnership is a grant program to sponsor or co-sponsor Mental Health Awareness Events hosted by student organizations Click on the Image to Explore More

grc travel grant

PGSG Strategic Partnership

PGSG offers co-sponsorship funding for graduate student focused events that complement the mission of PGSG: Life, Career, Community.

grc travel grant

grc travel grant

Rajsri Raghunath

Professional Grant Vice-Chair Email: [email protected] Rajsri is the '24-'25 Professional Grant Vice-Chair. She is a 3rd-year PhD student in the Food Science Department. Her research interests are focused on cereals and cereal fibers, specifically how they are degraded by human gut bacteria. In addition to her research, Rajsri pursues her interests in reading, painting and listening to music.

grc travel grant

Jasmyne Emerson

Accessibility Vice-Chair Email: [email protected] Jasmyne is a third-year PhD student in Materials Engineering studying the effects of irradiation on reactor pressure vessel steels and welds. With a deep commitment to clean energy, energy accessibility, and diverse representation, she values the importance of inclusivity in academia, especially as a first-generation college student. Beyond her research, Jasmyne enjoys hiking, baking, and playing video games. She is enthusiastic about launching the Accessibility Grant and is dedicated to making Purdue a more accessible campus.

grc travel grant

Meredith Ziliak

Travel Grant Vice-Chair Email: [email protected] Meredith is the current Vice Chair of Travel Grants and joined GRAC in the fall of 2021. She’s a third-year PhD student in interdisciplinary life sciences studying auditory neuroscience with a focus in computation. She understands the importance of grants and scholarships for sharing knowledge and research, and is committed to helping Purdue’s graduate students learn about how GRAC can assist funding their travel. She works hard to ensure students of all disciplines have a fair application process and chance at funding. Outside of GRAC, Meredith is often in the lab, but in her scant free time, she loves swing dancing with Purdue Night Train, playing card/board/puzzle games, and exploring cool places around town. Meredith is excited to hear about the exciting research happening on campus and is looking forward to working with you!

Fall 2023 top reviewers

Shuangtng li.

grc travel grant

Shuangtng Li is a PhD student in the Educational Psychology & Research Methodology department within the College of Education. His research focuses on understanding the influence of informal learning activities on middle and high school students’ science achievement. He is passionate about self-improvement in his personal life. In his spare time, he enjoys listening to music and spending time with his family. His favorite sport is basketball!

Palak Manchanda

grc travel grant

Palak Manchanda is pursuing her PhD in Chemistry with a concentration in analytical chemistry and neuroimmunology, currently in her 5th year. Her research interest is to utilize analytical techniques to uncover the dysfunctional cell states and associated mechanisms in the context of Alzheimer’s disease and Traumatic Brain injury. She loves to cook, and also try food from different places. In her free time, she enjoys painting and redecorating her place. She recently did a Co-op and is applying for jobs and would love to help graduate students navigate through getting internships and managing school alongside and overall help with the development of professional skills.

Fangfang Mo

grc travel grant

Fangfang Mo is a second-year PhD student in the College of Education with a concentration in Gifted, Creative, and Talented Studies. Her passion for the realm of gifted education was nurtured during my tenure as a Chinese language teacher in Singapore. In that role, she had the privilege of closely collaborating with gifted students and gaining insight into their distinct academic and socio-emotional requirements. She noticed that certain gifted individuals were vulnerable due to a deficiency in tailored educational support. This experience ignited her drive to delve deeper into the needs of gifted students and to actively search for avenues to empower them to realize their full potential and make significant contributions to society.

Morgan Chaney

grc travel grant

Morgan Chaney Dept is a 5th-year PhD candidate co-advised by Esteban Fernandez-Juricic and Jeffrey Lucas in the Biological Sciences department. She is studying the impacts of laser bird deterrents on the physiology and behavior of European starlings (an invasive bird species). She has been a member of PGSG and the GRAC team for two years. In her free time, she likes to play video games and spend quality time with her loved ones.

PGSG Grants Deadline

Past grac grants recipients.

grc travel grant

Funding Expertise. Personally Delivered.

Our actionable resources support higher education institutions at the pre-award stage of the grantsmanship process..

GRC members can quickly identify funding opportunities, meet specific campus needs, and build a network of sponsored programs professionals.

News and Information

Get federal and private funding alerts, federal meeting coverage, and successful proposal development guidance.


Use customizable filters to search through more than 1,500 federal and private higher education-focused funding opportunities.

Grant Resources

Find strategic insights and reliable context about the agencies and organizations providing higher education funding opportunities. 

Proposal Development

Leverage examples of successful grant proposals, funding webinars, and tailored support to identify and secure best-fit funding opportunities. 

Learn more about our resources.

Our targeted advocacy and expertise help members navigate higher education funding opportunities.  

GRC works with sponsored programs officers and faculty to support campus grant-seeking best practices and create opportunities for members to connect with program officers, successful awardees, and experienced peers.

Our virtual and Washington-based conferences give GRC members access to vital guidance and engagements, including:

  • Federal budget and funding forecasts from national experts 
  • Administrative perspectives on the grant-making process
  • Timely updates on program initiatives and regulations
  • Focused analysis of urgent or time-sensitive topics that are member priorities  
  • Numerous opportunities for networking with colleagues and funding agency officers

Our team is laser-focused on helping college and university faculty and staff secure more grants.

Our staff and advisory board work closely together to provide members with timely and relevant information, leveraging our funding expertise and on-the-ground connections in Washington to enhance member effectiveness.

Meet the team.

GRC Members

Grc member institutions span the u.s. and u.s. territories, from under 5,000 to over 10,000 fte..

Our members use our personalized and comprehensive resources to secure more competitive funding from federal and private sponsors.

Confirm your institution’s membership. 

grc travel grant

“Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) has been a member of GRC for almost 20 years. The resources they provide to our faculty has been invaluable. We depend upon their materials and timely information on agency funding priorities. The GRC staff are always available to address last minute requests and offer guidance. They are a great group of professionals to work with!”

Annemarie delgado.

grc travel grant

“The GRC has given us a competitive edge in seeking and securing funding for our research enterprise.”

Carl a. fox.

grc travel grant

“For more than 20 years, before I retired from a medium-size private college, GRC was my primary resource for grant opportunities, proven pre-award practices, experienced and generous colleagues from across the US, and meetings with Program Officers to learn about both emerging and evolving federal opportunities. GRC has the most knowledgeable and dedicated staff, always there for whatever you might need. If you do nothing else, become a GRC member!”

Linda l. marston, phd, recorded funding webinars.

Jul. 13 , 2023

Oct. 22 , 2022

Apr. 13 , 2022

View funding webinar archive.

GRC Membership

Through the following benefits, GRC members secure more competitive grants from federal and private sponsors:  

  • Streamlined identification of viable funding opportunities through GrantSearch©, AASCU’s proprietary higher education funding search engine 
  • Dedicated in-person and virtual support during the grant-seeking process from GRC staff
  • Opportunities to learn from program officers, successful awardees, and experienced peers
  • Tailored, timely resources, including GRC publications and social media platforms
  • Ongoing monitoring of legislation impacting higher education grant-seeking
  • Advocacy for increased federal agency responsiveness to GRC members 

Contact us to learn more about GRC membership.

" * " indicates required fields

Get answers to frequently asked questions about the Grants Resource Center.  

What does grc membership include.

GRC membership is separate from AASCU membership. Non-AASCU members are welcome to become GRC members, and current AASCU members can join for an additional cost. 

GRC membership includes the following amenities:

  • Access to GrantSearch © , AASCU’s proprietary higher education funding search engine with over 1,500 opportunities
  • Access to a funded proposal library with over 100 proposals from federal and private sponsors
  • Subscriptions to recurring newsletters containing relevant updates about grant-seeking policies, best practices, and deadlines 
  • Opportunities to network with colleagues, program officers, successful awardees, and experienced peers

Individuals may not obtain membership. GRC membership is typically coordinated through the sponsored programs/research office and is open to all public and private higher education institutions offering four-year and graduate degrees. Prospective GRC members can request a month-long trial.

What information will I find in GRC newsletters?

GRC members can access our comprehensive newsletters covering the following higher education grant-related information:

  • Bulletin : twice-weekly digest of, Federal Register, and Contract Opportunities notices relevant to higher education
  • GrantWeek : weekly electronic news magazine that analyzes federal legislation, agency policies, and best practices in research administration 
  • Deadlines : monthly funding opportunity alert that provides 90 days’ notice of federal and private application deadlines  

How can the GRC help higher education faculty members and administrators secure more grants?

GRC members can use GrantSearch © , AASCU’s proprietary search engine, to identify annually recurring grant opportunities. GRC members are also able to contact GRC staff for federal and private funding advice, funding search assistance, create personalized funding opportunity alerts, and access a funded proposal library.

Does the GRC help college and university campus teams identify best practices for working with federal agencies and private funders?

GRC provides members with comprehensive federal agency fact sheets to enhance their competitive edge along with a library of current campus policies and best practices to inform a wide range of funding issues, including intellectual property and research ethics.  

Can the GRC help higher education faculty members and staff write and develop grant proposals?

GRC does not assist with writing proposals. However, GRC members can access a library of successful grant proposals and archived webinars to support the development of effective funding proposals. GRC can also connect faculty and staff with program officers.

Please Log In to the Grants Resource Center to Proceed

This content is for GRC members only. If you are a GRC member, please click the Login button to access the content.

Need a login?

For grc members:.

If your institution is already a GRC member, request your username and password information here.

For Non-Members:

Contact GRC to discuss membership benefits at [email protected] or 202-478-7810.

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College of Graduate Studies

Physical Address: Morrill Hall Room 104

Mailing Address: College of Graduate Studies University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 3017 Moscow, ID 83844-3017

Phone: 208-885-2647

Email: [email protected]

Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA)

The Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA) supports and promotes graduate student education, campus sustainability and graduate student life at the University of Idaho, which includes funding awards related to professional travel, publication and workshops. This includes creating programs and assisting graduate students during their transition from student to professional life. The GPSA is committed to providing a collective voice for graduate students to the University and the State. 

For more details, visit our GPSA Hub page . 

NOTE: The College of Graduate Studies is not associated with the Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA). We are not able to help you with travel or funding. Please contact GPSA for assistance.

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Tiger grants overview.

TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) Grants provide a unique opportunity for the DOT to invest in road, rail, transit, bicycle/pedestrian, port, and multi- modal projects that achieve critical national objectives. Since 2009, Congress has dedicated more than $4.6 billion for seven rounds to fund competitive projects that have a significant impact on the Nation, a region, or a metropolitan area. Through the TIGER program, DOT has awarded grants to 342 projects in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

What makes the TIGER program unique?

Flexibility TIGER can provide capital funding directly to any public entity, including municipalities, counties, port authorities, tribal governments, MPOs, or others in contrast to traditional Federal transportation programs that provide funding to limited groups of applicants (mostly State DOTs and transit agencies). This flexibility allows our traditional partners at the state and local level to work directly with a host of entities that own, operate, and maintain much of our transportation infrastructure, but otherwise have limited ways to receive Federal support.

Innovative Funding TIGER’s competitive structure and broad eligibility allow project sponsors to develop multi-modal, multi-jurisdictional projects that may not be eligible for funding through traditional DOT programs. For example, in 2009, the TIGER program partnered with the State of California (Caltrans) and the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)— the regional planning agency that represents 18 cities and county government to award $20.2 million to the Otay Mesa Port-of-Entry project– the largest freight border crossing between California and Mexico – to provide a direct six-lane highway link and reduce Interstate congestion.

Leveraging Resources TIGER projects have historically achieved, on average, co-investment of 3.5 dollars (including other Federal, State, local, private and philanthropic funds) for every TIGER dollar invested. The Razorback Regional Greenway TIGER 2010 project successfully leveraged $15 million from the Walton Family Foundation to support development of this 36-mile bicycle and pedestrian network in Northwest Arkansas.

Encouraging Partnership The TIGER program encourages States and localities to work together to bring more innovative, cross-modal proposals to the table. Priority is given to transportation projects that demonstrate strong collaboration among a broad range of participants, integration of transportation with other public service efforts, and/or projects that are the product of a robust planning process. For example, the Miami Trail/Everglades Restoration project, awarded $20 million in TIGER 2014, has extensive stakeholder collaboration and support including the National Park Service, the US Army Corps of Engineers, State and local agencies, and numerous conservation advocacy organizations.

Rural Investments The TIGER program enables DOT to use a rigorous process to select projects with exceptional benefits, explore ways to deliver projects faster and save on construction costs, and make investments in our Nation’s infrastructure that make communities more livable and sustainable, including in rural areas. Since 2009, the TIGER program has provided over $790 million to 117 projects in rural areas across the United States.

TIGER Project Spotlight

Memorial Bridge The Memorial Bridge on US Route 1 is the only bicycle and pedestrian connection between NH and ME and is located in the heart of downtown Portsmouth. Because the bridge had a sufficiency rating of 6 out of 100, safety concerns that resulted restricted bridge traffic to no more than three tons. A $20 million TIGER grant enabled this bridge to resume normal operations and it was reopened in August 2013.

CREATE The Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency Program, (CREATE) partners U.S. DOT, the State of Illinois, the City of Chicago, Metra (the region’s commuter rail agency), Amtrak, and the Nation's largest freight railroads in an approximately $1.5 billion program that includes 70 intermodal projects that restructure, modernize, and expand existing rail facilities to improve freight and passenger mobility in and through Chicago while reducing negative environmental and social impacts. The CREATE $100 million TIGER grant leveraged $14 million in State and local funding and $48 million in funding from the private railroads. CREATE adds capacity and reduces delays for trains and motorists using at- grade crossings, and improves roadways and sidewalks.

Atlanta Streetcar Born from a relationship between the city, local businesses, and MARTA (the local transit authority), the Atlanta Streetcar project received a $47.6 million TIGER grant to construct a new east-west streetcar line connecting many of the residential, cultural, educational and historic centers downtown, improving Atlanta’s quality of life and providing enhanced transit options. The streetcar, which opened for passenger service in December 2014, provides residents, students and visitors with easy access to jobs and public amenities in the core of downtown Atlanta, and serves an economically distressed area, spurring pedestrian-oriented development and reinforcing development plans.

US-491 Safety Improvements US-491 is the primary highway in an extremely rural area of northwest New Mexico, connecting the Navajo Nation to surrounding areas, and is a major trucking route with increasingly high volumes of commercial traffic. Prior to construction, this stretch of highway experienced fatality rates between two and three and a half times the state average. A $31 million TIGER grant enabled the Navajo DOT to construct two additional lanes and to separate north-south traffic on this corridor, limiting fatal accidents. Additional safety improvements include construction of turn lanes for acceleration and deceleration, and improved intersections, signage, markings, and drainage facilities.

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Graduate Campus

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, apply for grc short grant, what are grc short grants.

Are you looking for funding for your own research project? With GRC Short Grants we support postdocs and advanced doctoral researchers in situations where unforeseen costs or structural obstacles complicate a promising academic career. Projects can be applied for individually or as a group . The application volume is between CHF 500 and CHF 5'000 . Repeat submissions for the same project are not possible.

The FAQ contain further guidance on how to submit an application and manage a Grant.

Funding deadlines and award process

The call for GRC Short Grants is open continuously and applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. The submission date must be 3 months prior to the start of the activity. 

The GRC Coordination Office decides on the approval of the applications. The decision will be communicated no later than 8 weeks after submission of the application.

What can be funded?

The format of eligible activities is deliberately kept open to accommodate the widest possible range of academic projects. The core objective of the GRC Short Grant is to ensure an added value of the activity for the individual academic career of the grantee and socially sustainable project planning. Please refer to the factsheet with our Budget planning guidelines  for guidance on how to effectively design your application. 

  • Materials and operations (such as data collection, fees, publications)
  • Publication costs (such as APCs / printing costs)
  • Personnel (for early career researchers, student employees, experts, volunteers)
  • Peer formats (such as mentoring and research groups, event series, smaller projects)
  • Self-organized events at UZH (such as workshops, conferences, and meetings)
  • Participation fees (such as training courses, workshops, conferences, meetings); excluding travel expenses, for travel costs see Travel Grants
  • Science communication to the public (outreach)
  • Academic teaching or mentoring activities

A necessary condition for funding through a GRC Short Grant is that the project cannot be funded through other means. In the award process, it is therefore checked whether other funding options are available. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide the necessary information.

Who can apply?

All advanced doctoral researchers and postdocs of UZH. Postdocs are all early career researchers employed at or affiliated with UZH who have completed a doctorate and are also engaged in research after the doctorate and at the time of application. Advanced doctoral researchers are all doctoral researchers employed or enrolled at UZH who can credibly demonstrate that they are on a plausible academic career path to the postdoctoral phase as defined above.

How much funding can I apply for?

You can apply for funding from CHF 500 up to a maximum of CHF 5,000. Please follow our instructions in the budget planning guidelines  for the effective design of your application. 

GRC Short Grants may be applied for as matching funds. As a rule, applicants are required to be transparent about all sources of funding for the proposed activity. A global budget that clearly contextualizes the funds requested from GRC must be included.

Steps for submitting the application

Applications for a GRC Short Grant must be submitted digitally. You can enter and submit your application in the GRC Tool . The information provided can be saved at any time and completed at a later date. You must include the following documents with your application:

  • Short academic CV
  • Description of the activity
  • Detailed timeline of the activity with milestones
  • Rationale for persons to be compensated or experts to be invited. 

Before you submit your application, please consider the following points:

  • A UZH professorial faculty member must provide their own cost center for financial processing of the grant.
  • Is your application complete?
  • Have you indicated all possible sources of funding? Is a global budget available?
  • For projects with planned events: Are rooms reserved for your event?

Only applications that are complete and received in a regular manner can be accepted for formal review.  The application can only be considered ‘submitted’ once you have received confirmation by email.

Assessment criteria

  • Added value of the activity for the academic career of the early career researchers.
  • Societal added value of the activity.
  • Sustainability of the activity regarding the aspects of ecology, social responsibility, and planning of the scientific career (see Sustainability Guidelines ).
  • Budget (the use of the requested funds is appropriate, targeted and sufficiently justified).

Financial processing and reporting

  • Settlement of accounts is generally done through the cost center of a Chair at UZH.
  • An accountability report must be submitted no later than 2 weeks after completion of the activity. Accountability reports for GRC Short Grants are to be submitted digitally. You can enter and submit your accountability report in the GRC Tool . The information provided can be saved at any time and completed later. All necessary documents for the submission of your report can be found directly in the GRC Tool as soon as you open your report there.
  • In event announcements (website, flyer, program, etc.), reference must be made to the support provided by Graduate Campus.  

Weiterführende Informationen

Please consult  the FAQ before contacting us . It currently takes up to two weeks to answer new questions.

Marco Toscano Grants & Awards e-mail

Application deadlines

Submit applications at least 3 months before the start of the event

  • Funded projects

GRC Grants are funding awarded for individual initiatives. Get an insight into the diversity of projects that have been realized:

  • Funded Peer Mentoring projects



  1. Travel Grants

    grc travel grant

  2. Travel Grant

    grc travel grant

  3. Travel Grant for International Conference

    grc travel grant

  4. Research Travel Grant

    grc travel grant

  5. GRC Travel

    grc travel grant

  6. How do I Get A Travel Grant for International Conference?

    grc travel grant


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  2. Dinosaur Rob Tortures Dr Grant with his rambling

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  4. arrive hotel and walk to P Navona Rome-07A

  5. CARNITAS ESTILO LUIS 😊 EN CDMX 🇲🇽 #mexico #food #2024 #carnitas #mexico city#travel#michoacán

  6. Tracking Tantor


  1. GRC Travel Grant apply

    GRC Travel Grants are announced twice a year. Application periods are: 1 March - 15 April, 11:59 p.m., for stays in the period between July of the current year and March of the following year. 1 October - 15 November, 11:59 p.m., for stays in the period between January and October of the following year. Important notice: The submission window ...

  2. FAQs

    FAQs - Gordon Research Conferences ... FAQs

  3. FAQ Travel Grants

    The resulting incentive tax is mandatory and also applies to air travel funded by GRC Travel Grants. Members of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences will be required to record their air travel via the Climate Smart Tool platform. No additional funds are available for this tax. Further information on air travel fees.

  4. GRC Travel Grant beantragen

    Förderfristen und Vergabeprozess. Die Ausschreibung der GRC Travel Grants erfolgt zweimal im Jahr. Bewerbungsperioden sind: 1. März - 15. April, 23:59 Uhr, für Aufenthalte im Zeitraum zwischen Juli des aktuellen Jahres und März des Folgejahrs. 1. Oktober - 15. November, 23:59 Uhr, für Aufenthalte im Zeitraum zwischen Januar und Oktober des ...

  5. Gordon Research Conferences

    Gordon Research Conferences

  6. LE&RN Travel Awards

    The Lymphatic Forum will be held June 13-17, 2023 in Banff, Canada. The travel awards are made possible by a generous grant from the Salice Family Foundation. The Lymphatic Education & Research Network (LE&RN) is offering Travel Awards (20 total of $500 USD) for young investigators who are LE&RN members (PhD students, graduate students, medical ...

  7. 2023 PCA Travel Award

    The PCA Travel Award is designed to assist one Black, Latine, or Indigenous scientist in attending one in-person conference per year. Previous awardees attended the Plant Biology 2022 conference in Portland, Oregon, USA. This year we are providing an award to cover travel and registration fees to the 2023 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Single-Cell Approaches in Plant Biology.

  8. Salena wins a GRC travel grant!

    Yesica wins a GRC travel grant! April 24, 2024; Cris gives a short talk! April 5, 2024; Antonella del Torro joins the lab April 1, 2024; Salena wins a GRC travel grant! February 22, 2024; Yesica talks in the MBIDP student seminar series February 14, 2024; Butler/Novitch 2023 holiday party December 9, 2023; Samantha talks at SfN November 9, 2023

  9. Funding for PhD Researchers

    With a UZH Doc.Mobility grant, PhD researchers can fund a stay abroad of 6 to 12 months. GRC Travel Grants. The Graduate Campus supports short research stays abroad. Mobility Grants for SNSF Projects: PhD researchers who are employed in an SNSF-funded research project can apply for a grant to finance a stay abroad of 6 to 12 months.

  10. Funding Opportunities to Attend a Gordon Conference

    Through a grant from the David & Lucile Packard Foundation, GRC has limited funds for faculty, postdocs, and students from eligible institutions with significant minority enrollment to attend a Gordon Conference. ... Additional information on GRC and a listing of 2002 conferences can be found on the GRC Web site or in the 15 February 2002 issue ...

  11. Gonzalez-Arancibia receives travel grant from Gordon Research

    The Department of Surgery is dedicated to providing outstanding clinical care, educating the next generation of surgical leaders, advancing medical knowledge th


    The PGSG Travel Grant offers funding for Purdue graduate students to present their research at academic conferences. This grant enhances the academic development of our awarded students and augments the overall quality of research at Purdue University. We will be accepting applications starting July 24th for the August 14th deadline (3 weeks out).

  13. FAQ Short Grants

    It is not possible to apply for a GRC Career Grant with the same project in the same period. An application for a GRC Travel Grant can be submitted at the same time. Who can be a co-applicant? Co-applicants must be doctoral researchers or postdocs at UZH. However, it is not a mandatory requirement to have co-applicants, you can also apply alone.

  14. Graduate Student Council Travel Awards

    Travel awards are intended for students with limited or no additional travel funding, and students are encouraged to use departmental funds, if available, before using GSC travel funds. GSC travel awards are distributed on a competitive basis through a formal application process. Funding for the travel awards is provided by the Graduate School ...

  15. The Grant Review And Allocation Committee (GRAC)

    The Grant Review And Allocation Committee (GRAC) offers grants to fulfill graduate student needs and provide professional or community-based opportunities. Travel and Professional Grants may be submitted at the same time and can both be received during the same cycle; however, each application should pertain to an independent event.

  16. Grants Resource Center

    GRC members can use GrantSearch ©, AASCU's proprietary search engine, to identify annually recurring grant opportunities. GRC members are also able to contact GRC staff for federal and private funding advice, funding search assistance, create personalized funding opportunity alerts, and access a funded proposal library. Secure more grants.

  17. Graduate & Professional Student Association-University of Idaho

    The Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA) supports and promotes graduate student education, campus sustainability and graduate student life at the University of Idaho, which includes funding awards related to professional travel, publication and workshops. This includes creating programs and assisting graduate students during their ...

  18. Russia's Leading Travel and Tourism Exhibition:

    OTDYKH Leisure Travel Market is Russia's leading travel trade fair for inbound and outbound markets. It brings together dozens of key players from every area of the tourism sector, and provide ample opportunities for networking, business meetings and negotiations at exhibitor stands.

  19. Sustainable Travel Guidelines

    The UZH sustainability team records the business travel of UZH employees and the CO2 emissions caused by this travel. For this purpose, travel funded by a GRC Travel Grant will also be recorded as of the fall 2020 funding period. You are asked to indicate the planned means of travel when submitting your application.


    The CREATE $100 million TIGER grant leveraged $14 million in State and local funding and $48 million in funding from the private railroads. CREATE adds capacity and reduces delays for trains and motorists using at- grade crossings, and improves roadways and sidewalks. Born from a relationship between the city, local businesses, and MARTA (the ...

  21. Annual Program Statement

    Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) - FY 2024 Annual Program Statement. Funding Opportunity Title: U.S. Embassy Moscow, Public Affairs Section FY 2024 Annual Program Statement (APS) Funding Opportunity Number: DOSRUS-24-GR-001. Deadline for Applications: April 24, 2024. CFDA Number: 19.040 - Public Diplomacy Funding, and other funding sources.

  22. Short Grant

    Participation fees (such as training courses, workshops, conferences, meetings); excluding travel expenses, for travel costssee Travel Grants; Science communication to the public (outreach) Academic teaching or mentoring activities; A necessary condition for funding through a GRC Short Grant is that the project cannot be funded through other means.