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Frequently Asked Questions

Which apprenticeships does liuna local 183 training centre offer.

The Training Centre offers three apprenticeships, Brick and Stone Mason, Cement Finisher and Construction Craft Worker.

Where are the programs offered?

Our main campus which is located in Vaughan has the largest course catalogue of all four of our campuses. We run all three of our apprenticeship programs and majority of our construction skills programs at this location. There are also courses offered at our Barrie, Cobourg and Kingston campus. Our website details which programs are offered at which campus locations. You must have a valid drivers licence, social insurance number and high school transcripts showing that you have completed at least grade 10 or 16 credits in order to be eligible to take any of our apprenticeship programs.

Do you offer any other construction courses? Is there a cost for these programs?

The LiUNA Local 183 Training Centre offers a host of construction skills programs in various sectors such as Sewer and Water Main, High Rise Forming, Road Building and House Framing to name a few. If you are a member of Local 183 there is no cost for any of these programs.

Will there be a Health and Safety component to these programs?

With all of our apprenticeship and construction skills programs, health and safety is the focus. Each of our programs incorporates the necessary health and safety programs to ensure our members are working safely.

Depending on the program it can run from two to eight weeks, all courses are offered Monday to Friday from 7:30am to 3:00pm.

What if I am not a member of the Union, can I still take one of your programs?

Members of LiUNA Local 183 do receive priority for any of our apprenticeship or construction skills courses, but typically there are spots available for non-members, with an associated cost. Each course is a different fee.

Is there an age restriction or demographic for your programs?

Our demographic falls between 21 to 35 range but our programs are open to anyone, male or female over the age of 18.

Do I get paid to take training?

Apprentices and trainees are not paid by the Training Centre to take training.

Is a job guaranteed to me when my training is complete?

The Training Centre does not guarantee job placement, as all work is dispatched through LiUNA Local 183.  However, the Training Centre does assist with job placement by notifying the Union of potential candidates that have successfully completed programs.

Will I become a Member of Local 183 if I take a course?

No, membership to the Union is not associated with any of our training programs.

How can I apply for your apprenticeship or skills programs?

You can apply online or in person at our Wilson Avenue administrative office located at 1263 Wilson Avenue, Suite 301, East Wing.

If I apply for an apprenticeship or skills program when will I be contacted?

Once an application for apprenticeships or construction skills program is received, you will only be contacted if and when a spot in the program is available.  It is important to remember that in order to participate in an apprenticeship you will be required to attend an orientation, provide a valid driver’s licence as well as a social insurance number, and be able to present high school documents showing completion of at least grade 10 or 16 credits.  Construction Skills programs only require a valid driver’s licence and social insurance number.  In regards to health and safety programs, you will be contacted within 48 hours to arrange a date. 

Course is added to your cart.

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Are you sure you want to remove this course from your cart?

Thanks for your interest, however you can only add up to 4 courses per application. If you wish to apply for more, please submit this application and try again.

The course you are trying to add has expired, please choose another one.

Thank you for your registration! Based on your course selection, please be advised of the following:

Apprenticeship Programs

Apprenticeship applicants will be contacted to attend a pre-screening orientation to determine approval for a seat in the course.

Construction Skills

For Construction Skills courses, you will only be contacted if there is a spot available in the program.

Health and Safety Programs

For a Health and Safety course application, you will receive a response within 72 hours.

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Depending on the Collective Agreement under which you are employed, your employer may remit the vacation pay you have earned to the LiUNA Local 527 Vacation Pay Trust Fund. In turn, the Vacation Pay Trust Fund issues vacation pay cheques to the members semi-annually. Only vacation pays for which contributions have been received may be distributed.

Vacation Payout (regular) – June & December

Vacation pay earned from May to October is paid in December and vacation pay earned from November to April is paid in June. The cheques are issued on the second Friday of the months of June and December and mailed to members, unless a pick-up request is submitted within the stipulate timeline.

Vacation Pay Pick-up requests can only be made in the month of May for the June Payout and November for the December Payout. Please contact the office at 613-521-6314 if you required assistance.

Early Vacation Pay Withdrawl

Should you be vacationing in months other than those in which the vacation pay is paid, please contact the Benefit Office for an Early Vacation Pay Withdrawal Request Form . Note: This form only applies to receive an Early Vacation Pay Payout in months other that June and December and does not constitute a request to pickup your Regular Payout Vacation Pay Cheque.  

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Ticket prices and travelcards

Ticket prices and travelcards

Fares for Moscow's public transport network are the same for every mode of transport making it really easy to travel. See all the different tickets here !

Troika Ticket

This is the most economical option if you're spending a few days in the Russian capital. The card can be purchased and recharged at various station machines or even with the special Moscow Metro application. Your balance can be checked on the app or in the small yellow terminals inside the metro stations. A trip works out at ₽ 42 ( US$ 0.50), but if you change transport within 90 minutes, you'll only pay ₽ 23 ( US$ 0.30) for the next trip.

The day ticket for the Moscow metro can be purchased at any of the stops in the city. The price is ₽ 265 ( US$ 3) per day and ₽ 500 ( US$ 5.70) for three days.

90-Minute Ticket

The most convenient card if you want to take several types of transport within an hour and a half period. It costs  ₽ 65 ( US$ 0.70) per person and allows one metro ride and an unlimited number of trips on other types of public transport in Moscow during the time of its duration.

Different Moscow Metro tickets

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Moscow's crazy traffic and its excellent metro network mean that the city's buses and trolleybuses aren't the number one option for tourists.

Where to stay

Moscow has a wide range of accommodation: find the perfect district for you and book hotels, hostels and apartments at the best possible price.

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Zoomable Freezone Map: Local 183 and 793


For ease of reference with regards to the Free Zone for the respective Agreements, the GTSWCA has had a zoomable map prepared. This map will allow our members to more easily navigate the boundaries of each Free Zone and should be used in tandem with: (a) Article 23 and Appendix A of the Local 183 Agreement; and, (b) Article 13 of the Local 793 Agreement in order to reference the Free Zone for the respective Agreements.



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Russia: One Week Itinerary

Russia , the largest country in the world has been on my bucketlist for the longest time. This is where the first ‘women only’ tour of Ticking the Bucketlist is headed. We are off tomorrow and would be spending one week in this enchanting land!

Here is what our ‘one week in Russia’ itinerary looks like….

Day 1: Moscow – Izmailovsky Flea Market and ‘Moscow by Night’

We start our trip from Delhi on an Aeroflot flight and reach Moscow at about 0835 in the morning. We head straight to our hotel to stretch our legs and get some shut-eye. We need to charge our batteries for the Russian sojourn. We are staying in the Best Western Vega at the Izmailovsky area, which is very famous for its local flea market. The  Izmailovsky Market is the best place in Moscow for souvenir shopping …dolls, porcelain, jewelry boxes…we will buy them all from here.

Day 2: Moscow – Moscow City Tour and Kremlin Tour

A red building at the Red Square of the Kremlin

Having seen the city’s light the previous night, it is time to see the city’s colours this morning. We will set off on the Moscow City Tour shows us the highlights of city, starting with the Red Square. This is our day to click a 1000 pictures in front of all the monuments that represent Moscow…St Basil’s Cathedral, the Bolshoi theatre, the Olympic Stadium and the Sparrow Hills.

Exploring the Kremlin

Today is also the day to visit and learn more about the most famous monument in Russia. Kremlin, literally means a fort inside a city. Dynasties built on the site, one century after another and the site came to known as the Kremlin in the 14the century. The walled structure of the Kremlin includes palaces and cathedrals… and a historical past!

Later in the evening, we will enjoy the Russian circus that many of us have seen to television ever so often. Acrobats, clowns and animals….its is time to let the little girl in you come out and clap her hands!  

Day 3: Moscow – Metro Stations and Arbat Street followed by the Bolshoi Ballet 

Mosaics on the walls of the metro station

Today, we set out to explore the metro stations of Moscow, each of which is a stellar work of art. Stunning frescos and chandeliers in marble surroundings… it’s a work of art! We will then walk along the Arbat street, which is the city’s only pedestrian street, lined with shops and cafes.

As the night unfolds, I intend to don a classy dress and get set to watch one of the finest shows on earth at the Bolshoi Theatre. I have always been awestruck by the art form and would love to see some of the best performers in the world move gracefully. A performance that is rated as one of the best in the world has to be ticked off my bucketlist!

Day 4: Moscow – Day Tour to Sergiev Posad followed by a crazy bar hopping night!

Sergiev Posad is one the strongest spiritual centres in Russia. Home to stunning churches, Sergiev Posad will give us a flavour of the famous ‘Golden Ring’ of Russia. The tour will take 5-7 hours and we will be back at the hotel in second half.

Exploring Sergiev Posad

This will be our last night in Moscow, and we are not going to leave the city without sampling some fine Russian vodka. So, this night is dedicated to bar hopping and pub crawling. Hope to meet some travellers and make new friends.

Day 5: Saint Petersburg – Sapsan train experience to Saint Petersburg and Matryoshka Doll painting class

Saint Petersburg , our next destination, is at least 700 km away from Moscow… and we will zip zap zoom on the Sapsan (the high speed train) to get there in about four hours! The high speed trains are engineering marvels, worth experiencing and we ride this iron horse in the afternoon, reaching St Peterburg in the evening.

As a group, we also join a masterclass to paint our own nested Matryoshka dolls… our own little souvenir to carry and remind us of a fun week in Russia.

With our very own Matryoshka dolls!

Day 6: Saint Petersburg – City Tour and Peterhof Palace

The day starts with a city tour of Saint Petersburg that will give us a peek into what this city has… many bridges, stunning castles, colourful cathedrals and fortresses.

Post lunch, we will head to the Peterhof Palace, also called the Russian Versailles. With spring having set in, the gardens would be green and the fountains will put up a show…I am excited!

Peterhof Palace

Day 7: Saint Petersburg – Hermitage Museum and Shopping

The highlights tour on the previous day will surely make us want to see more of Saint Petersburg…and we will do so by visiting the Hermitage Museum, which is also called the ‘Louvre of Russia’. The Hermitage complex itself is of architectural delight … and the collections have stories to speak which will hopefully, spike our interest enough to make to go back read our history textbooks.

The Hermitage Museum

The rest of the day is totally free to visit any of the other monuments or simply shop … it’s every girl’s favourite sport, isn’t it?

Our last night Russia… Oh Russia!!!! Tonight we will explore the party scene in SPB … or maybe … pack for the next day?

Day 8: Saint Petersburg …Bye Bye Russia

Memories, souvenirs and new friendships… it’s time take them all back to India! We check out of our hotel and take the flight from SPB to Delhi, via Moscow.

Farewell Russia!

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About post author, 11 responses.

Your photos are beautiful! I have always wanted to visit Russia, especially after seeing Anastasia (the Disney movie) 🙂 I can’t believe those mosaics are on the walls at the METRO STATION! How unreal. Great stuff, thanks for sharing.

Wow that is quite an awesome itinerary. I mean… huge Russia in 1 week. I am still dreaming of St. Petersbourg. So many people told me that it is gorgeous. And I would die to see the Ballet

You know I have never considered Russia but this itinerary looks amazing. St. Petersburg looks beautiful. I will certainly consider a trip there now

I’ve only been to St Petersburg so far, and did a few tours in the city and around. But I have a good friend in Moscow, so the incentive is definitely there to go back. I enjoy doing those by night experiences and see how cities transform in different times of day – especially if it’s topped with a circus visit, amazing 🙂

We are thinking of heading to Russia next Summer so will deffo use this itinerary, looks amazing! Would love to visit the Kremlin in Moscow! Thanks for sharing!

I have always been fascinated by Russia. I like the colourful rounds domes on the Palaces just like an Aladin’s Palace. FIFA Football World will be held in Russia next year and I will try my best to visit this beautiful country and will follow your itinerary and contact you. 🙂

Moscow and Kremlin city tour looks amazing. Your one week itinerary is helpful and complete tour of Russian delights. St.Petersburg city tour is also enchanting and splendid. I really want to have Russian vacation now after seeing your pictures

Wow, this is awesome. Well weaved itinerary! We had always dreamed of taking pictures of those onion-domed palaces and those colors on the palaces are just mind blowing. We didn’t know that there is a Versailles in Russia the exterior paint and the colors look much similar. We had loved it in France and would love to visit it in Russia too.

The Peterhof Palace is a delight to visit. Highly recommend it if you are in SPB

I haven’t visited Russia, but it’s definitely on the list! This a great itinerary, I love how you included things to do but also gave some leeway to do things on your own as well (like shopping haha). Beautiful pictures, the buildings and Russian dolls are stunning! I wonder if they’re all hand painted.

The dolls are all hand painted. The cost increases depending on the quality of work and the artist.

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Travel Budget for Moscow Visit Moscow on a Budget or Travel in Style

  • Moscow Costs


  • Is Moscow Expensive?
  • How much does a trip to Moscow cost?
  • Russia Costs
  • Saint Petersburg
  • Nizhny Novgorod
  • Vladivostok
  • How much does it cost to travel to Moscow? (Average Daily Cost)
  • Moscow trip costs: one week, two weeks, one month

Is Moscow expensive to visit?

  • How much do I need for a trip to Moscow?
  • Accommodation, Food, Entertainment, and Transportation Costs
  • Travel Guide

How much does it cost to travel to Moscow?

You should plan to spend around $66 (₽5,855) per day on your vacation in Moscow. This is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors.

Past travelers have spent, on average for one day:

  • $15 (₽1,315) on meals
  • $6.33 (₽566) on local transportation
  • $83 (₽7,436) on hotels

A one week trip to Moscow for two people costs, on average, $917 (₽81,974) . This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

All of these average travel prices have been collected from other travelers to help you plan your own travel budget.

  • Travel Style: All Budget (Cheap) Mid-Range Luxury (High-End)
  • Average Daily Cost Per person, per day $ 66 ₽ 5,855
  • One Week Per person $ 459 ₽ 40,987
  • 2 Weeks Per person $ 917 ₽ 81,974
  • One Month Per person $ 1,965 ₽ 175,658
  • One Week For a couple $ 917 ₽ 81,974
  • 2 Weeks For a couple $ 1,834 ₽ 163,947
  • One Month For a couple $ 3,931 ₽ 351,316

How much does a one week, two week, or one month trip to Moscow cost?

A one week trip to Moscow usually costs around $459 (₽40,987) for one person and $917 (₽81,974) for two people. This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

A two week trip to Moscow on average costs around $917 (₽81,974) for one person and $1,834 (₽163,947) for two people. This cost includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

Please note, prices can vary based on your travel style, speed, and other variables. If you're traveling as a family of three or four people, the price per person often goes down because kid's tickets are cheaper and hotel rooms can be shared. If you travel slower over a longer period of time then your daily budget will also go down. Two people traveling together for one month in Moscow will often have a lower daily budget per person than one person traveling alone for one week.

A one month trip to Moscow on average costs around $1,965 (₽175,658) for one person and $3,931 (₽351,316) for two people. The more places you visit, the higher the daily price will become due to increased transportation costs.

Independent Travel

Traveling Independently to Moscow has many benefits including affordabilty, freedom, flexibility, and the opportunity to control your own experiences.

All of the travel costs below are based on the experiences of other independent travelers.

Moscow is a reasonably affordable place to visit. Located in Russia, which is a reasonably affordable country, visitors will appreciate the relatively low cost of this destination. It falls in the average range in the country for its prices. If you're traveling on a budget, then this is a good destination with affordable accommodation, food, and transportation.

Within Europe, which is known to be an expensive region, Moscow is a reasonably affordable destination compared to other places. It is in the top 25% of cities in Europe for its affordability. You can find more affordable cities such as Novi Sad, but there are also more expensive cities, such as Avignon.

For more details, and to find out if it's within your travel budget, see Is Moscow Expensive?

How much money do I need for a trip to Moscow?

The average Moscow trip cost is broken down by category here for independent travelers. All of these Moscow travel prices are calculated from the budgets of real travelers.

Accommodation Budget in Moscow

Average daily costs.

Calculated from travelers like you

The average price paid for one person for accommodation in Moscow is $42 (₽3,718). For two people sharing a typical double-occupancy hotel room, the average price paid for a hotel room in Moscow is $83 (₽7,436). This cost is from the reported spending of actual travelers.

  • Accommodation 1 Hotel or hostel for one person $ 42 ₽ 3,718
  • Accommodation 1 Typical double-occupancy room $ 83 ₽ 7,436

Hotel Prices in Moscow

Looking for a hotel in Moscow? Prices vary by location, date, season, and the level of luxury. See below for options.


Find the best hotel for your travel style.

Kayak helps you find the best prices for hotels, flights, and rental cars for destinations around the world.

Transportation Budget in Moscow

The cost of a taxi ride in Moscow is significantly more than public transportation. On average, past travelers have spent $6.33 (₽566) per person, per day, on local transportation in Moscow.

  • Transportation 1 Taxis, local buses, subway, etc. $ 6.33 ₽ 566

Recommended Services

  • Private Transfer from Pekanbaru Airport (PKU) to Tangkerang Labuai Viator $ 42
  • Private Transfer from Pekanbaru Airport (PKU) to Tengkerang Tengah Viator $ 42

Flights to Moscow

Rental cars in moscow, what did other people spend on transportation in moscow.

Typical prices for Transportation in Moscow are listed below. These actual costs are from real travelers and can give you an idea of the prices in Moscow, but your costs will vary based on your travel style and the place where the purchase was made.

  • Two Metro Passes ₽ 135

Food Budget in Moscow

While meal prices in Moscow can vary, the average cost of food in Moscow is $15 (₽1,315) per day. Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when dining out an average meal in Moscow should cost around $5.89 (₽526) per person. Breakfast prices are usually a little cheaper than lunch or dinner. The price of food in sit-down restaurants in Moscow is often higher than fast food prices or street food prices.

  • Food 2 Meals for one day $ 15 ₽ 1,315

What did other people spend on Food in Moscow?

Typical prices for Food in Moscow are listed below. These actual costs are from real travelers and can give you an idea of the prices in Moscow, but your costs will vary based on your travel style and the place where the purchase was made.

  • Lunch for Two ₽ 550
  • Lunch in the Center Market ₽ 300
  • Breakfast for 2 ₽ 1,000

Entertainment Budget in Moscow

Entertainment and activities in Moscow typically cost an average of $16 (₽1,471) per person, per day based on the spending of previous travelers. This includes fees paid for admission tickets to museums and attractions, day tours, and other sightseeing expenses.

  • Entertainment 1 Entrance tickets, shows, etc. $ 16 ₽ 1,471

Recommended Activities

  • Custom Private Tour in Palembang with English Speaking Driver Viator $ 85
  • 2-Hour Private Guided Walking Tour in Bengkulu Viator $ 148

What did other people spend on Entertainment in Moscow?

Typical prices for Entertainment in Moscow are listed below. These actual costs are from real travelers and can give you an idea of the prices in Moscow, but your costs will vary based on your travel style and the place where the purchase was made.

  • Theater Tickets ₽ 1,150
  • Kremlin Entry (2) ₽ 1,000

Tips and Handouts Budget in Moscow

The average cost for Tips and Handouts in Moscow is $0.25 (₽23) per day. The usual amount for a tip in Moscow is 5% - 15% .

  • Tips and Handouts 1 For guides or service providers $ 0.25 ₽ 23

Scams, Robberies, and Mishaps Budget in Moscow

Unfortunately, bad things can happen on a trip. Well, you've just got to deal with it! The average price for a scam, robbery, or mishap in Moscow is $1.29 (₽115), as reported by travelers.

  • Scams, Robberies, and Mishaps 1 $ 1.29 ₽ 115

Alcohol Budget in Moscow

The average person spends about $8.13 (₽727) on alcoholic beverages in Moscow per day. The more you spend on alcohol, the more fun you might be having despite your higher budget.

  • Alcohol 2 Drinks for one day $ 8.13 ₽ 727

Water Budget in Moscow

On average, people spend $0.72 (₽64) on bottled water in Moscow per day. The public water in Moscow is considered safe to drink.

  • Water 2 Bottled water for one day $ 0.72 ₽ 64

Related Articles

Moscow on a budget.



Food and dining, transportation.

We've been gathering travel costs from tens of thousands of actual travelers since 2010, and we use the data to calculate average daily travel costs for destinations around the world. We also systematically analyze the prices of hotels, hostels, and tours from travel providers such as Kayak, HostelWorld, TourRadar, Viator, and others. This combination of expenses from actual travelers, combined with pricing data from major travel companies, gives us a uniqe insight into the overall cost of travel for thousands of cities in countries around the world. You can see more here: How it Works .

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View from the Trans-Siberian Railway

Home » Prices and Trans-Siberian Tickets » Trans-Siberian Railway Ticket Booking

Where can I book my ticket for the Trans-Siberian Railway?

There are two ways to get your Trans-Siberian ticket. You can book all your tickets on the Internet at home in advance and have the tickets sent to you. Alternatively you can fly to Moscow and buy the tickets on the spot over the counter.

Online Booking versus Local Purchase

Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. When booking online you can be sure you have all the tickets in your pocket and don’t have to worry about them when travelling. You have a firm reservation and need not worry that there are perhaps no tickets available. However, this certainty has a price.

If you take nothing but a plane ticket to Moscow and buy your travel reservations for the Trans-Siberian Railway in Russia you will, of course, pay less. However, the ticket sellers at the counters can speak no English as a rule. It is difficult, but not impossible, to order your tickets without speaking Russian. Keep in mind that trains can be booked solid and you may have to wait a few days before you can continue. If you prefer careful planning and certainty, this is not for you. If you are looking for pure Trans-Siberian adventure, this is the right address.

Online Reservations with Real Russia

A very good online booking provider is RealRussia. It is the only site I know where you can buy 3rd Class tickets for the Trans-Siberian Railway. Even if you prefer to buy your tickets locally, it is worthwhile checking the various options and approximate costs with their booking engine. The Tour Planner enables you to specify exactly when you want to go and where and how long you want to stay. You can plan your journey in peace and try out the various alternatives. It is worthwhile pushing things around a bit. The price for the same route may differ depending on the type of train used. On the whole the prices compared well with the tickets I purchased at the counter. No one who had booked through RealRussia complained about problems.

What are the key issues when booking?

If you travel on the same class throughout, make sure that the trains have a green “International Rate” logo. You will then save about 100 € on the total cost. The tickets will be sent from England. The shipping costs, depending on the exchange rate, are around 23 €. For about 11 € it is possible to have the tickets sent to your hostel in Moscow. I personally prefer to invest a few extra Euros and have the tickets safely in my hands. But that is up to you. If you want to save the shipping costs you can pick up all the tickets at the agency office in Moscow.

The prices on some rail links are labelled “TBC”. This abbreviation stands for “To Be Confirmed” meaning the price will be determined individually. You will then receive an e-mail quote and can decide whether to accept it or not. These connections are not any more or less expensive than the normal ones. you need a Paypal account or a credit card to pay. This is not a problem as you should in any case get yourself a free credit card for the journey. Note that the final payment will in British pounds. This may include foreign exchange fee of about 1.6% on your credit card.

Type your total distance and your start date into the form below. Then you can then fill in stopover as a second step.

  • « Trans-Siberian Railway Tickets


  1. Local 183 Vacation Pay Withdrawal

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  2. Fillable Online LIUNA, Local 183

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  3. LiUNA care Local 183 eClaims by LiUNA Local 183 Benefits

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  4. Canada Liuna Local 183 Vacation Pay Withdrawal Application

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  5. Liuna 183 vacation pay: Fill out & sign online

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  6. Fillable Online 183membersbenefits Piecework Sector Application

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  1. Vacation Pay

    Email: [email protected]. Fax: 416-240-7488. Mail: 1263 Wilson Avenue, Suite 205, East Wing, Toronto, ON M3M 3G2. If you notice any discrepancies with your vacation pay amount, please print and complete a Vacation Pay Problem form and submit, along with copies/scans of pay stubs for all work months, via email, fax or mail.

  2. Home

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  3. PDF Updated Wage Scales for Local 183 and 793 2022-2025

    Vacation Pay + $0.20 Benefits - $0.10 Pension $0 Training + $0.05 SUB Plan + $0.10 TOTAL $2.25 • Per kilometer travel rate to the posted CRA travel rate (currently $0.61/km). • Out of town allowance rates increase to $170 per night (up from $140). • An increase of up to $20/day for parking (matching Local 183).

  4. Benefits

    Benefits - LiUNAcare Local 183 ... Benefits

  5. Updated Wage Scales for Local 183 and 793 2022-2025

    Published on: 11/05/2022. Attached are the updated wage scales for Locals 183 and 793 reflecting the monetary changes made in the recently ratified collective agreements, as well as an overview presentation which additionally reflects all of the language changes that were made. Download May 2022 Updated Wage Scales - Local 183 and 793.

  6. LIUNA Local 183 Collective Agreement 2021-2024

    LIUNA Local 183 Collective Agreement 2021-2024

  7. PDF Collective Agreement Between

    RLRFCA & LIUNA Local 183, 2019-2022 Collective Agreement (i) TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE 1 - R ... Thereafter, an Employer shall pay as a penalty the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each project commenced in breach of Article 1.06. ARTICLE 2 - UNION SECURITY & CHECK-OFF OF UNION DUES 2.01 The ...

  8. Log in

    LiUNA care Local 183 eClaims: Log in

  9. Toronto Residential Construction Labour Bureau

    Medical benefits: Employer will contribute $3.45 per hour (previously $3.30 per hour) into Labourers' International Union of North America, Local 183 members' benefit fund. Effective May 3, 2021: $3.60 per hour. LTD: Employer pays 100% of premiums for Local 183 long-term care benefit fund.

  10. LIUNA Local 183

    LIUNA Local 183. · June 29, 2020 ·. Local 183 is pleased to announce that Member Service/ Dispatch and the Information Centre have re-opened at all offices. Dispatch will be open from 7AM to 5PM Monday to Thursday and from 7AM to 4:30PM on Friday. The Information Centre will be open 8AM to 5PM Monday to Friday.

  11. PDF LiUNAcare Local 183

    LiUNAcare Local 183

  12. Frequently Asked Questions

    The LiUNA Local 183 Training Centre offers a host of construction skills programs in various sectors such as Sewer and Water Main, High Rise Forming, Road Building and House Framing to name a few. If you are a member of Local 183 there is no cost for any of these programs.

  13. Whats the starting wage for a laborer at local 183? : r/LIUNA

    About $40 or so. Depends on your sector and foreman. Highrise builders get ~$39/hr but the formworker labourers get ~$42/hr. Low rise labourers get paid less. Road workers usually get paid less as well from what I've heard. But it all depends on your sector and region. Is it true that to join local 183 (without doing the apprenticeship) one ...


    For employees hired in and who are engaged to work in Board Areas 10, 11, and the accredited portion of 12, Schedule A of the Collective Agreement shall apply, except modified as follows: The hourly rate will be 15% less than Schedule A rates; and, Pension contributions shall be $1.29 less per hour than Schedule A.

  15. Vacation Pay

    The cheques are issued on the second Friday of the months of June and December and mailed to members, unless a pick-up request is submitted within the stipulate timeline. Vacation Pay Pick-up requests can only be made in the month of May for the June Payout and November for the December Payout. Please contact the office at 613-521-6314 if you ...

  16. PDF LiUNA Local 183 Members' Benefit Fund

    • Your Union Dues with LiUNA Local 183 must be maintained and in a current status. • The Trustees may adjust the self-payment amount from time to time. The cheque should be made payable to Local 183 Members Benefit Fund" and mailed " to: Local 183 Trust Administration . 205 - 1263 Wilson Avenue . Toronto, ON M3M 3G2

  17. Ticket prices and travelcards

    It costs ₽ 65 (US$ 0.70) per person and allows one metro ride and an unlimited number of trips on other types of public transport in Moscow during the time of its duration. Fares for Moscow's public transport network are the same for every mode of transport making it really easy to travel. See all the different tickets here!

  18. Zoomable Freezone Map: Local 183 and 793

    For ease of reference with regards to the Free Zone for the respective Agreements, the GTSWCA has had a zoomable map prepared. This map will allow our members to more easily navigate the boundaries of each Free Zone and should be used in tandem with: (a) Article 23 and Appendix A of the Local 183 Agreement; and, (b) Article 13 of the Local 793 ...

  19. Russia: One Week Itinerary

    Having seen the city's light the previous night, it is time to see the city's colours this morning. We will set off on the Moscow City Tour shows us the highlights of city, starting with the Red Square. This is our day to click a 1000 pictures in front of all the monuments that represent Moscow…St Basil's Cathedral, the Bolshoi theatre, the Olympic Stadium and the Sparrow Hills.

  20. Travel Budget for Moscow Visit Moscow on a Budget or Travel in Style

    $6.33 (₽566) on local transportation; $83 (₽7,436) on hotels; A one week trip to Moscow for two people costs, on average, $917 (₽81,974). This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing. All of these average travel prices have been collected from other travelers to help you plan your own travel budget.

  21. Trans-Siberian Railway Ticket Booking

    Online Booking versus Local Purchase. ... If you take nothing but a plane ticket to Moscow and buy your travel reservations for the Trans-Siberian Railway in Russia you will, of course, pay less. However, the ticket sellers at the counters can speak no English as a rule. It is difficult, but not impossible, to order your tickets without ...

  22. About

    About - LiUNAcare Local 183 ... About