mount fuji tourist activities

Mount Fuji (�x�m�R, Fujisan) is with 3776 meters Japan's highest mountain. It is not surprising that the nearly perfectly shaped volcano has been worshiped as a sacred mountain and experienced big popularity among artists and common people throughout the centuries.

Mount Fuji is an active volcano, which most recently erupted in 1707. It stands on the border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures and can be seen from Tokyo and Yokohama on clear days.

Another easy way to view Mount Fuji is from the train on a trip between Tokyo and Osaka. If you take the shinkansen from Tokyo in the direction of Nagoya , Kyoto and Osaka , the best view of the mountain can be enjoyed from around Shin-Fuji Station on the right hand side of the train, about 40-45 minutes into the journey.

Note however, that clouds and poor visibility often block the view of Mount Fuji, and you have to consider yourself lucky if you get a clear view of the mountain. Visibility tends to be better during the colder seasons of the year than in summer, and in the early morning and late evening hours than during the middle of the day.

If you want to enjoy Mount Fuji at a more leisurely pace and from a nice natural surrounding, you should head to the Fuji Five Lake (Fujigoko) region at the northern foot of the mountain, or to Hakone , a nearby hot spring resort. Mount Fuji is officially open for climbing during July and August via several routes.

Top attractions in Mount Fuji

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mount fuji tourist activities

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mount fuji tourist activities

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Fuji-hakone-izu national park, hotels around mount fuji, mount fuji hotel guide.

How to choose the best places to stay in Mount Fuji

mount fuji tourist activities

Experiences around Mount Fuji

mount fuji tourist activities

30 Things To Do Around Mount Fuji & Where To Stay

Standing 3776 metres in height, Fuji is Japan’s tallest and most iconic mountain. Lying around 2.5 hours from central Tokyo, Fuji attracts countless visitors each year. Many come to be simply catch sight of the mountain, spellbound its size and beauty, while many others come with the more energetic plan to climb it. An active volcano, Fuji has long been revered, feared, and held in awe by the Japanese people.

Without doubt the country’s most iconic and instantly recognisable natural feature, Fuji is much more than just a mountain or volcano. It holds huge spiritual and cultural importance for Japan and rising high above the surrounding plateau is a constant presence in the daily life of the country – in short, Fuji is something of a must-see, must-do destination when visiting Japan. Always remember that you may not always get to see Fuji during your trip. The weather changes day to day, and Fuji can often be hidden behind clouds. Winter time is actually recommended as one of the best seasons to see Mount Fuji. On this page will find the following information:

— Where is Mount Fuji?

— 30 Things to Do Around Mount Fuji

— Where to Stay When Visiting Mount Fuji?

— How to Get to Mount Fuji

— Book With Us! Nagano’s No.1 Tour & Charter Operator

As Japan’s tallest mountain, Fuji acts as a beacon, calling you to leave the capital and begin your journey into Japan’s mountainous heartland, Central Japan. As such, this page contains tips and suggestions of places to visit and things to do immediately around the mountain, along with the many great attractions and activities on offer as you move deeper into the heart of Japan. Let’s begin with the obvious question…


Mount Fuji straddles and dominates the border of Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures and part of Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park. It sits approximately 100km to the south-west of Tokyo making it easily accessible from the capital as a day or overnight trip. Standing 3,776 metres tall, Fuji is visible at great distances including from the capital and many other areas. Considered one of Japan’s ‘Three Sacred Mountains’ – along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku – Fuji acts as a beacon calling visitors from Tokyo and to explore the mountainous heartland of Central Japan. For information on how to get there, see our ‘How To Get To Mount Fuji’ page .


As Japan’s most iconic and recognisable destination, Mount Fuji is something of a must-see, must-do for visitors. Many people come to climb the mountain while others just want to see it. Grand, imposing and strikingly beautiful, the mountain has an aura and presence which pervades not just the immediate area around it, but all of Japanese culture. Sitting around 2-hours outside of Tokyo, Fuji acts as a beacon to travellers, calling them to leave the capital and explore the mountainous heartland of Central Japan. As such, the following list of things to do starts on and around the mountain before moving away to nearby areas including Hakone and then deeper into our home region of Central Japan. We hope the following information inspires you visit Japan’s iconic mountain, starting with:

1 / CLIMB MOUNT FUJI / July to September

Fuji’s official climbing season runs from early-July until mid-September , during which time, all trails and mountain facilities are open. Weather is typically mild and this time and snow will be gone from the mountain. Visitors have the option of summitting Fuji via different trails including the Yoshida Trail – open from early-July until mid-September – along with the Subashiri, Gotemba and Fujinomiya Trails – open from mid-July until mid-September. Stations are positioned along each trail with most climbers choosing to walk from the 5 th station of their chosen trail. The Yoshida Trail is the most popular and as such, the Fuji Subaru Line 5 th Station on that trail is a very popular starting point for many visitors. From the 5 th station, it takes between 5 to 7 hours to ascend and 3 to 5 hours to descend.

Climbing Fuji is an extremely popular undertaking for both Japanese and international visitors. The more popular trails are likely to be congested as you join a column of many hundreds of people moving up the mountain. Mountain huts are available around the 7 th and 8 th stations however these book-out, so should wish to use one, make sure to reserve your spot well in advance.

It is also worth noting that Fuji stands at just under 4000 metres in height. As you ascend, the air is notably thinner. It will affect most people and can have serious health implications for some visitors. Even in summer, temperatures can be cold – potentially below 0°C – near the summit, so make sure you are well-prepared and suitably dressed. Finally, Mount Fuji is an active volcano and your personal safety should be your first priority . The Japan Meteorological Agency provides real-time advice and warnings for the entire country. Prior to visiting Fuji, we recommend checking the following website .

2 / ENJOY THE BEST VIEWS OF FUJI / all year round

Rising almost 4km above sea level, Mount Fuji is an unmissable sight. Equally imposing as it is beautiful, the mountain can be seen for great distances and from endless angles. Some of the most beautiful views of Fuji can occur from the most unexpected and mundane places – a convenience store car park or while driving or walking along a nameless suburban street.

Many visitors to the area want that classic photo of Fuji, set against a reflective lake or behind a tranquil temple. In that regard, these are three of the best locations from where to view and photograph Mount Fuji:

1 / Kawaguchiko : as one of the ‘Fuji Five Lakes’, the huge expanse and shoreline of Kawaguchiko offers outstanding views of Fuji – pictured above. Kawaguchiko is packed full of amazing activities to enjoy. For example, Oishi Park , Kawaguchi Asama Shrine & Tenku no Torii , and the Mount Fuji Panoramic Ropeway are all great options to be enjoyed in the Lake Kawaguchiko area. Click on the activity page links to find out more!

2 / Oshino Hakkai : is a reconstructed traditional village centred around eight naturally occurring ponds, fed by the snowmelt each spring.

Bridges and paths lead between the ponds and past traditional thatch-roofed buildings – a beautiful setting from which to view Mount Fuji looming nearby.

If you want to visit some of the destinations listed above to get the best views of Mount Fuji, then join our ‘Mount Fuji Day Trip : Adventure Around Lake Kawaguchiko’ tour and our ’1 Day Tour : Mount Fuji and Hakone’ tour!

3 / THE ‘FUJI FIVE LAKES’ (FUJIGOKO) / all year round

Sitting at the base of mountain, five bodies of water make-up what is collectively referred to as the ‘Fuji Five Lakes’ or ‘Fujigoko’. Ranging in size and character – with some lakes much more developed than others – visiting any of the five offers some of the best views of the mountain, amazing photography and lots of accommodation options. Of the five, Kawaguchiko or ‘Kawaguchi Lake’ is offers great views of Fuji and lots of accommodation options, while the other lakes of Saiko, Yamanakako, Shojiko and Motosuko all have their own character and reasons to visit as you explore the region. Kawaguchiko is also the easiest to access using public transport and offers the most attractions around its shores. On a fine day, the views of Fuji from Kawaguchiko are truly fantastic and based on that reputation, the area surrounding Kawaguchiko has been developed with hotels and guesthouses, restaurants and cafés, museums, shops, markets and more.

Kawaguchiko is worth visiting regardless of season with each of year framing the imposing mountain in different colours and light. Autumn in particular is spectacular as the leaves change colour and markets pop-up on the shore of the lake. Just make sure to keep any eye on the forecast and head there on a clear day, when the view is sure to be truly spectacular. For more information about staying around the lakes and other areas nearby the mountain, see our ‘Where To Stay Around Mount Fuji’ page .

4 / ITCHIKU KUBOTA ART MUSEUM / all year round

Located within easy walking distance of Kawaguchiko, the Itchiku Kubota Art Museum profiles the life and work of textile artist Itchiku Kubota . The museum consists of the main exhibition building, the Gaudi-esque ‘New Wing’ building, two cafes and a landscaped garden. During his lifetime, Itchiku Kubota (1917-2003) achieved only limited fame in Japan but was recognised and awarded in Europe for his mastery of the ‘Tsujigahana’ dying technique – an antiquated technique used during the Muromachi Period (1336-1573). Kubota revitalized and mastered the old technique and in doing so, produced stunning and elaborate kimono.

The main building – a pyramid-shaped timber structure – displays Kubota’s ‘Symphony of Light’, an exquisite series of kimono with further information and video presentations of this life and work. The museum also includes Kubota’s private collection of artworks including his collection of glassware and beads, from around the world.

If you would like the opportunity to visit this unique museum, it is included on our ’Mount Fuji Day Trip : Adventure Around Lake Kawaguchiko’ tour!

5 / FUJI-Q HIGHLAND / all year round

Want to get the adrenaline pumping? Then you need to head to Fuji-Q Highland. Located in the shadow of Mount Fuji, Fuji-Q Highland is one of Japan’s most popular amusement parks and home to its best rollercoasters. The park boasts four main rollercoasters: 1. Fujiyama – once the world’s fastest and tallest and still one of the best; 2. Dodonpa – said to have the fastest acceleration of any rollercoaster in the world; 3. Takabisha – the steepest rollercoaster in the world; and 4. Eejanaika – the park’s ‘4 th dimension’ rollercoaster, with rotating seats within the car.

The park includes other rides including those suited to children along with mazes and other attractions. For the younger kids, ‘Thomas Land’ is based on the popular Thomas the Tank series.  Restaurants, gift shops and the Highland Resort Hotel and Spa are also available. Fuji-Q Highland draws devoted fans from all over the world so expect long queues for the rollercoasters, particularly on weekends and holidays.

6 / FUJIYOSHIDA SENGEN SHRINE / all year round

Fujiyoshia Sengen Shrine is one of many around Fuji dedicated to the Shinto goddess, Konohara-sakyua Hime. Translating as ‘Princess Blossom of the Trees’, the deity and this shrine have a strong association with the mountain. The shrine acts as the trailhead for the Yoshida Trail that ascends to the summit of Fuji and even if they won’t walk from there, many climbers enroute to climb Fuji stop at the shrine to pay their respects, invoke the spirit and ask for safe passage. Regardless of whether you will be climbing Fuji yourself, the shrine is well-worth a visit. Set back from the road and along an avenue of trees – typical of many Shinto shrines – the shrine is a solemn and beautiful destination.


The shrine and pagoda are one of the most famous and iconic locations to view Mount Fuji. If you have read a magazine or book on Japan travel, you will have most likely seen a picture of the red pagoda with Fuji in the background! Many people like to come here in Spring to see the Cherry Blossoms and Autumn to see the coloured leaves, but we highly recommend visiting any time of year. The shrine and pagoda are located nearby Shiomyoshida Station, Chureito Padoga is part of Arakura Sengen Shrine . To reach the pagoda, visitors must ascend a long and somewhat trying stone staircase of almost 400 stairs but in doing so, move above the town below and to a fantastic view of Fuji. With the pagoda in the foreground, visitors can capture that quintessential photo of the mountain, which in spring and autumn is even more spectacular framed by the blossoms and coloured leaves.

You can access the shrine and pagoda by using the local train from Kawaguchiko station. It takes approximately 15 minutes to arrive, and the shrine is then another 10 minute walk from the station. So make sure to factor this in to your travel time and itinerary.

If you would love to visit this iconic destination, join our ’1 Day Tour : Mount Fuji and Hakone’ tour!

A little further afield, let’s now explore Hakone … Lying to the southeast of Fuji, Hakone sits in the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park – a beautiful region known for its hot springs, forests, and beautiful views of the mountain. When heading to Hakone, there’s only one place to start – onsen!

8 / HOT SPRINGS OF HAKONE / all year round

Easily accessible from Toyo, Hakone is one of Japan’s most famous hot spring areas . Set amongst the beautiful landscape of the national park and often enjoying outstanding views of Mount Fuji, the numerous onsen of the region have long been visited by those seeking beauty and relaxation. There are numerous hotels and ‘ryokan’ (traditional guesthouses) in the area, catering to all tastes and budgets. Readily accessible from Tokyo, Hakone is well-established as a stop on the tourist trail. For accommodation listings around Hakone, please refer to our ‘Hakone Onsen Area’, hotel page .

9 / POLA MUSEUM OF ART / all year round

The Pola Museum is another must visit for any art lovers out there! A beautifully modern and minimalist building that houses a wide collection of contemporary art from not only Japanese artists, but artists all over the world! You can easily spend a few hours here, enjoying the art, the Museum’s cafe and the amazing grounds that surround the museum where you can see some outdoor art installations.

10 / HAKONE OPEN-AIR MUSEUM / all year round

The Hakone Open-Air Museum mixes traditional indoor galleries and exhibition spaces with outdoor installation of many artworks. Set among the beautifully manicured museum grounds, and set against the lush backdrop of the surrounding forest, the museum marries the display of art with the environment in-keeping with the increasingly popular trend in Japan. Artworks from renowned artists including Picasso, Rodin and Medardo Rosso are among the large collection on display, with pieces by many other important artists included.

11 / OWAKUDANI / all year round

Accessible via the Hakone Ropeway, Owakudani is a dramatic volcanic zone , characterized by boiling hot springs, hot rivers and sulfurous clouds drifting through the valley. The area was formed around 3000 years ago when the Hakone volcano last erupted. Today, it draws many visitors who come to experience a landscape they will rarely have the chance to visit – and so close to major urban centres!

Walking trails lead around the volcanic zone with restaurants and souvenir shops also available. There is even a museum at the top of Owakudani. So even if the weather isn’t great, there is something to do. On a clear day, visitors can enjoy another fantastic view of Fuji from Owakudani. If you’re feeling brave, you can even try eating ’Onsen Eggs’, eggs that are cooked in the volcanic steam and as a result are colured black!

12 / ASHINOKO (LAKE ASHI ) / all year round

Accessible from Hakone using the Hakone Tozan Railway and then the Hakone Ropeway, ‘ Ashinoko’ or Ashi Lake is a popular destination known for its beautiful view of Fuji. When planning a visit to Ashinnoko it should be noted that if the weather is overcast or raining there may well be no view of the mountain. Yet on a clear day, the view is beautiful and allows for some terrific photography. Two companies operate sightseeing boats on the lake. Expect to pay around JPY1000 with cruises lasting a relatively short 30 minutes.

If you would like to take a boat ride across Lake Ashinoko and experience views of Mount Fuji and Hakone Shrine, then join our ’1 Day Tour : Mount Fuji and Hakone’ tour!

13 / HAKONE TOZAN RAILWAY / best: spring and autumn

Running from Hakone-Yumoto Station – in central Hakone – to Gora Station, the Hakone Tozan Railway is an enjoyable 35-minute ride on Japan’s oldest mountain train line . In doing so, the railway provides access to and from the Hakone Ropeway – ascending to Ashinoko via Owakudani. The railway is single track and in door to ascend the steep mountain incline, requires three switchbacks when the train pulls inside a side yard in order to switch tracks and continue onward.

Particularly beautiful in June and July when ‘ajisai’ (hydrangeas) line the tracks, and again in late-October to November when the stunning autumn leaves take hold, riding the Hakone Tozan Railway is a fun and relaxing experience.

14 / HAKONE ROPEWAY / all year round

Running from Sounzan Station to Togendai Station, the Hakone Ropeway connects visitors with some of Hakone’s most popular destinations including Owakudani, the Hakone Open-Air Museum and Ashinoko. To ride from the first to last station takes around 35-minutes and costs JPY1480. In between, passengers can disembark at either Owakudani Station or Ubako Station, from where walking trails span-out through the landscape. On a clear day, the ropeway allows for fantastic views of Fuji… but as the photo above shows, it is not guaranteed.

Now let’s go a little further yet and dive into Central Japan… Heading north from Mount Fuji, making use of the Chuo Main Line – using the Limited Express Azusa or Limited Express Kaiji services.

Visitors can continue their journey further into Central Japan including the following destinations and activities:

15 / SUNTORY HAKUSHU DISTILLERY / all year round

Sitting in the shadow of the South Japan Alps, the Suntory Hakushu Distillery produces some of Japan’s finest whisky and some of the most sought-after in the world. Established in 1973, the pristine water flowing from the mountains are ideal for producing whiskey and since its opening, Hakushu has won numerous international awards. The distillery is set within extensive and attractive grounds with multiple buildings including the distillery itself, a museum, large tasting and event hall and restaurant. Multiple daily tours of the distillery are available – including a tasting at the end – with a range of other options and personalised tours also available.

16 / MATSUMOTO / all year round

Heading further north, Matsumoto is a historic town and convenient hub from which to launch further into your exploration of Central Japan. Home of one of Japan’s last remaining original castles – a registered National Treasure – Matsumoto has a fascinating history and is home to lively arts and dining scene. Lying in the valley beneath the North Japan Alps, Matsumoto is ideally positioned to enjoy the rural surrounds of nearby Azumino including Daio Wasabi Farm and Hotaka Onsen-kyo , before heading high into the mountains toward the alpine oasis of Kamikochi.

15 Things to Do in Kamikochi, When to Visit, & Where to Stay

Part of the larger Chubu Sangaku National Park, Kamikochi is a beautiful al…

Open to the public from mid-April until mid-November, Kamikochi is considered the jewel of the Chubu Sangaku National Park . Boasting some of Japan’s best hiking trails and mountaineering courses, exploring the North Alps and Chubu Sangaku National Park is best enjoyed from spring to autumn.

17 / KISO VALLEY / all year round

Known for its pristine beauty, typified by emerald-coloured rivers, lush forests, and quaint townships, Kiso Valley is quietly becoming a popular destination for many international visitors. Most famously, the ‘Kisoji’ section of the historic Nakasendo Trail runs through the area and is home to the best-preserved postal towns along the route including Narai, Magome and Tsumago.

Accessible all year round, walking the Nakasendo is most enjoyable in spring and autumn. It can also be walk in summer and winter but be prepared for heat in humidity in summer, followed by deep cold and snow in winter. While in the area, make sure to explore the Kiso Ontake Mountain Range including Japan’s second tallest volcano behind Fuji, Mount Ontake. An area of rare natural beauty, verdant forests are criss-crossed by walking trails leading to gushing waterfalls and emerald reasons. For accommodation listings around Kiso, please refer to our ‘Kiso-Fukushima Area’, hotel page .

18 / HISTORIC OLD TOWN OF TAKAYAMA / all year round

Famous for the excellent preservation of its Edo Period (1603-1868) historic centre , Takayama is a popular destination in the heart of the region. Takayama is equally well-known for its food culture including Hida beef – considered some of the best in Japan – and its famous beef sushi, Takayama ramen and more! For foodies, Takayama is a real treat. If you have your eye on a particular restaurant, make sure to book in advance! Try to avoid the middle of the day – between 11:00 and 15:00 – when large tour buses arrive and crowd the small historic area with tourists. For accommodation listings around Takayama, please refer to our ‘Takayama City Area’, hotel page .

19/ SHIRAKAWA-GO & GOKAYAMA / all year round

15 Things to Do in Shirakawa-go & Where To Stay

The villages making-up Shirakawa-go and Gokyama rank among some of the most…

Easily accessible via Takayama, the villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama were inscribed on the World Heritage list in 1995 . Actually consisting of three villages, they are known for this distinctive ‘gassho-style’ thatch-roofed houses set in a beautiful alpine setting of rice fields and high mountains above. World Heritage-listing has ensured that the villages are hugely popular with both domestic and international tourists but don’t let that put you off. The villages are well-worth visiting and walking away for the central area of the main village of Ogimachi, will quickly have you unencumbered by other visitors. If you really want to avoid the crowds, consider heading to the other villages of Suganuma and Ainokura. Much smaller than Ogimachi they are also far less visited and offer a peaceful experience of these important rural hamlets.


A stop on the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line – running from Tokyo to Kanazawa – Toyama is another convenient hub from which to explore the north areas of Central Japan. From Toyama, the Toyama Chiho Railway provides access to the Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route and its iconic Snow Walls. Open from mid-April until late-November, the Snow Walls of Tateyama-Kurobe are at their best – up to 20 metres in height! – from opening until early-June, before the melting snow reveals a lush alpine landscape and fantastic hiking trails.

21 / KANAZAWA / all year round

30 Things to Do Around Kanazawa & Where to Stay

As the terminus of the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line from Tokyo and Thunderbird …

Nearby Toyama, Kanazawa is the northern terminus of both the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line – running southeast to Tokyo via Nagano City – and Limited Express Thunderbird – running southwest to Kyoto and Osaka. Kanazawa is a beautiful historic town, famous for its many attractions including Kenrokuen Garden , Kanazawa Castle Park , the Nagamachi Samurai District and many other sites, museums and galleries. Located nearby the Sea of Japan, Kanazawa is home to one of Japan’s best seafood markets – the Omicho Fish Market – and fantastic cuisine in its many restaurants. For further tips and suggestions, please refer to our ‘25 Things To Do In & Around Kanazawa’ page .

22 / NAGANO CITY AREA / all year round

Another stop on the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line, Nagano City is most famous as host of the 1998 Winter Olympics . As such, it is the ideal launching point from where to access many of the Nagano’s many ski resorts – around 80 in total – while also exploring nearby attractions including the city’s near-1400 year old Zenkoji Temple .

From Nagano Station, visitors can also head to nearby Togakushi, home to some of Japan’s most important Shinto Shrines and Togakure ninjas, or for the samurai-fans, historic Matsushiro. For accommodation listings around Nagano, please refer to our ‘Nagano City Area’, hotel page .

23 / YAMANOUCHI TOWN & THE SNOW MONKEYS / all year round

Taking the Nagano Dentetsu Line from Nagano Station, visitors can head to Yamanouchi Town – home to the world-famous Jigokudani Monkey Park . At its most popular through the snow of winter, the park is in fact open all year round. The monkeys – known for their hot spring-bathing antics – come to the park all year round with each season offering its own reasons to visit. Known fondly as ‘snow monkeys’, they are in fact there all year round with spring, summer and autumn each providing their own reasons to visit to the park.

When visiting the park, staying in nearby Yudanaka and Shibu Onsen is a great way to enjoy the region’s many hot springs and traditional guesthouses, while a little further along the mountain road to Japan’s largest ski resort and fourth largest national park…


Located a short distance from the Jigokdani Monkey Park,  Shiga Kogen is Japan’s largest and highest ski resort . The resort is comprised of 18 ski areas – some large, some small – spread over more than 600 hectares of terrain and offering more than 80km of ski runs. Boasting the longest season in Nagano and most reliable snow, Shiga Kogen is notably larger than any other resort and blessed with excellent powder. Just ask the locals, Shiga is the place to go! Part of the broader Joshinetsu Kogen National Park – the fourth largest national park in the country – this is an ideal destination for visitors seeking some of Asia’s best snow and beautiful natural landscapes.

25 / HAKUBA / all year round

An hour from Nagano Station, Hakuba is home to Nagano’s most popular and international ski resorts . Having hosted multiple events during the 1998 Winter Olympics, Hakuba came to the attention of the world and now draws huge numbers every year, wanting to experience its fabled powder, excellent terrain and vibrant nightlife – spread across many resorts. Best known for its winter, Hakuba is now establishing itself as a mecca for green season sports enthusiasts. After all, those mountains are just as big in summer and are home to some of Japan’s best hiking and mountaineering trails. For tips and suggestions all year round, please refer to our ‘25 Things to Do In & Around Hakuba’ page .


Boasting the majority of Japan’s tallest mountains and the most ski resorts in the country, along with pristine forests, rivers, lakes and multiple national parks, Central Japan is without question a true adventure travel hot-spot. From world-class skiing and snowboarding to outstanding hiking and mountaineering, rafting, wildlife experiences and more, Japan has loads to offer when it comes to adventure travel including experiences that straddle and blur the line between adventure, culture and spirituality in uniquely Japanese ways. For more information, see our ‘Japan Adventure Travel’ page .

27/ NOZAWA ONSEN / all year round

Easily accessible from Nagano Station or Iiyama Station, Nozawa Onsen is one of Nagano’s most popular resorts – offering skiers and boarders around 300 hectares of train between 565 and 1650 metres. Also known for its great powder and setup for snowboarders, Nozawa is a lively resort serviced by a large village full of accommodation, restaurants and bars and ‘onsen’ (hot springs), Nozawa’s reputation is as much based on what happens off the mountain. For tips and suggestions all year round, please refer to our ‘25 Things to Do In & Around Nozawa’ page .

28/ ANY OF JAPAN’S SKI RESORTS Ski Resorts / winter

Want to know more about ski resorts in Nagano? Our ‘Japan Ski Resorts’ page has everything you need to know to plan, book and get the most out of your winter to getaway or jump straight to our ’30 Best Ski Resorts in Japan’ page for tips and suggestions of the resort that suits you best!

29 / KARUIZAWA & KUSATSU ONSEN / all year round

Another convenient stop on the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line – only 30 minutes from Nagano Station – Karuizawa is a picturesque mountain resort town. Home to great restaurants and shopping, hot springs, natural sites and a small ski resort, Karuizawa is popular for lots of reasons. For tips, suggestions and reasons you should visit Karuizawa, please see our ‘25 Things to Do In & Around Karuizawa’ page .

Nearby Karuizawa, Kusatsu Onsen is one of Japan’s most famous hot spring towns. Fed by the volcanic waters of Mount Shirane , the town is instantly recognisable to most Japanese due to its iconic ‘yubatake’ or ‘Hot Water Field’, that cools the thermal water before feeding it into the town’s many onsen guesthouses. For further suggestions and reasons to visit Kusatsu, please refer to our ‘25 Things To Do In & Around Kusatsu Onsen’ page .

30 / ONSEN IN & AROUND NAGANO / all year round

Home to countless natural hot springs, enjoying an ‘onsen’ while in Central Japan really is a must-do activity! In the cold months of winter and cooler months of autumn, dipping into a thermal bath feels fantastic whereas in the warmer months of spring and summer, the initial heat of onsen leads your body to cool itself – a truly pleasurable feeling. Spread throughout the region, the historic onsen towns have numerous ‘ryokan’ (traditional guesthouses) with their own in-house onsen. Our ‘Onsen In & Around Nagano’ page introduces everything you need to know about using an onsen, the benefits and where to find them.


Deciding on the best place to stay when visiting Fuji depends on whether you are intending to climb it, simply want to see it, the type of accommodation you want and how you will get there. For most international visitors, staying in and around one of the ‘Fuji Five Lakes’ or nearby Mt Fuji Station area is the best option. You will find the largest range of accommodation in this area, great views of the mountain while putting you in close proximity of the trailheads, for visitors who intend to climb the mountain. Further afield, the onsen area of Hakone is another recommended area for visitors wanting some great views of Fuji while not necessarily intending to visit the mountain itself. Our ‘Where To Stay Around Mount Fuji’ page has everything you need including links to accommodation listings to plan and book your trip to Japan’s most famous mountain.


Visitors heading to Fuji can make the journey using public transport, their own car or arrange a tour or charter. For information on how to reach the famous mountain, see our ‘How To Get To Mount Fuji’ page .


Central Japan offers many, many reasons to visit. Operating all year round, we are Nagano’s No.1-rated tour and charter operator , offering a range of services including group tours, private tours and charters. We can arrange transport including a private vehicle and driver, to transport you to, from and between any destination in Central Japan.

Our drivers and vehicles are fully certified , allowing us to transport you to and from your preferred destinations in combination with any activity that suits your schedule. All vehicles are fitted with a protective screen – separating the driver from passenger and luggage area – and our drivers wear protective masks , allowing you to move between your destinations in comfort and safety.

We can arrange both private tours with an English-speaking guide or a private charter, including a private vehicle and driver but without a guide. We’d love to be part of your adventure in Central Japan and help you discover even more!

Why choose us?

Awarded a 2022 TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Award for our 1-Day Snow Monkeys, Zenko-ji Temple & Sake Tour – recognised as one of the Top 10 Experiences in Japan – we have the local knowledge and experience to help you get the most out of your time in Nagano.

Got a question about visiting Central Japan? Contact us and let’s get planning together!

Mount Fuji & Hakone

How To Get To Mount Fuji

How to Get to Hakone

20 Things to Do Around Hakone & Where to Stay

Where To Stay Around Mount Fuji?

Best Places to Stay in Hakone

Mount Fuji Day Trip : Adventure around Lake Kawaguchiko

1 Day Tour : Mount Fuji and Hakone

Walk the Tokaido Trail

Naraya Cafe and Foot Bath

Hakone Ashinoko Narukawa Art Museum

Kawaguichi Asama Shrine & Tenku no Torii

Oishi Park and Natural Living Centre

Mount Fuji Panoramic Ropeway & Shrine

Best Views of Mount Fuji

Climbing Mount Fuji

Kawaguchiko (Kawaguchi Lake)

Chureito Pagoda

Oshino Hakkai

Fujiyoshida Sengen Shrine

Fuji Subaru Line 5th Station

Itchiku Kubota Art Museum

Fuji-Q Highland

Hot Springs of Hakone

Hakone Tozan Railway

Hakone Ropeway

Hakone Komagatake Ropeway

Hakone Open-Air Museum

POLA Museum of Art

Okada Museum of Art

Ashinoko (Ashi Lake)

Hakone Shrine

Hakone Tokaido Checkpoint

Hakone Venetian Glass Museum

Suntory Hakushu Distillery

MOA Museum of Art

Kawaguchi Lake (Kawaguchiko) Onsen Area

Sai Lake (Saiko) Area

Shoji Lake (Shojiko) Area

Motosu Lake (Motosuko) Area

Yamanaka Lake (Yamanakako) Area

Mt Fuji (Fujisan) Station Area

Gotemba Station Area

Shin-Fuji Station Area

Hakone Onsen: Hakone-Yumoto Station Area

Hakone Onsen: Gora Station Area

Hakone Onsen: Ashinoko (Ashi Lake) Area

Hakone Onsen: Sengokuhara Area


  • Tokyo Attractions
  • Arakura Sengen Shrine
  • Fuji Q Highland
  • Fujinomiya 5th Station
  • Fuji Five Lakes
  • Trails & Routes
  • Mount Fuji Tours
  • Plan Your Visit
  • Restaurants

Climbing Mt. Fuji

  • Harry Potter Tokyo Studio
  • TeamLab Planets Tokyo
  • Tokyo Skytree
  • Tokyo Tower Tickets
  • Madame Tussauds
  • FujiQ Highland
  • LEGOLAND Discovery Center Tokyo
  • Tokyo Sanrio Puroland
  • Moomin Valley Park
  • Edo Wonderland
  • Roppongi Hills
  • Tokyo Dome City
  • Hop-On Hop-Off Tours
  • Sightseeing Cruises

Visit Mt. Fuji | Japan’s Iconic Symbol of Natural Beauty

Discover the majesty of Mt. Fuji , an iconic symbol of Japan's natural beauty. This comprehensive guide will provide you with everything you need to plan your visit and make the most of your experience. From opening hours and best times to visit, to transportation options and nearby attractions, we've got you covered.

What are the Mt. Fuji Opening Hours?

Mt. Fuji Opening Hours

  • The official climbing season for Mt. Fuji is typically from early July to mid-September. During this time, the mountain huts and facilities along the climbing routes are open to accommodate climbers.
  • The last entry to Mt. Fuji summit trails depend on the season and the trail being used. Generally, the last entry for the Yoshida Trail is at 9:00 AM and for the Subashiri and Gotemba Trails, it is at 10:00 AM.
  • For the descent, visitors are required to start descending from the summit by 2:00 PM to ensure a safe descent before sunset.
  • Mount Fuji is generally closed for hiking from early September until early July due to dangerous weather conditions. However, the exact closure dates may vary from year to year depending on the weather conditions and other factors. 
  • Additionally, some parts of the mountain, such as the summit, may be closed to visitors even during the hiking season due to adverse weather conditions or other safety concerns.

What is the Best Time To Visit Mt. Fuji?

Best Time To Visit Mt. Fuji

  • Early morning or late evening are the best for amazing views of Mt. Fuji.
  • It's worth noting that weekends and public holidays tend to be busier than weekdays. If you prefer to avoid crowds, consider visiting on a weekday.
  • It is important to check weather and trail conditions before planning a climb.
  • Some sections of the mountain may be closed due to volcanic activity.

Mt. Fuji Location

Mt. Fuji Location

Mount Fuji, Kitayama, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka 418-0112, Japan

Located in the prefectures of Shizuoka and Yamanashi in Japan, Mount Fuji is situated approximately 100 kilometers southwest of Tokyo. 

Nearby landmarks include the lakes of the Fuji Five Lakes region and the hot springs of Hakone.

How to Get to Mt. Fuji?

Mt. Fuji - how to get there by train

  • From Tokyo: Take a train from Tokyo to Kawaguchiko Station or Fujisan Station. These stations are located near the northern side of Mt. Fuji and provide access to the Fuji Five Lakes area.
  • From Shinjuku, Tokyo: Take the JR Chuo Line to Otsuki Station, and then transfer to the Fujikyu Railway to reach Kawaguchiko Station.

Mt Fuji - How to get there by bus

  • From Tokyo: Several bus companies operate direct bus services from Tokyo to the Fuji Five Lakes area, which includes stops near Mt. Fuji. The journey takes around 2-3 hours depending on traffic conditions.
  • From Shinjuku, Tokyo: There are direct highway buses available from Shinjuku Station to Kawaguchiko Station.

Mt Fuji - How to get there by car

  • From Tokyo: Take the Chuo Expressway or Tomei Expressway, and then exit onto the respective local roads leading to the Fuji Five Lakes area. It takes about 1.5 to 2.5 hours, depending on traffic and the starting point in Tokyo.
  • From other regions: Access to Mt. Fuji by car is possible via various expressways and connecting roads, depending on the starting location.

Know Before You Go

Mt Fuji Facilities

Mt. Fuji offers various facilities to enhance your visit. 

  • Cloakrooms are available to store your belongings, while clean restrooms are conveniently located throughout the area. 
  • You'll also find gift shops offering souvenirs to commemorate your journey.

Mt Fuji - Accessibility

  • While some parts of Mt. Fuji may have limited accessibility, efforts have been made to accommodate visitors with disabilities. 
  • The 5th station is wheelchair accessible.
  • However, the ascent is not recommended for those with mobility issues.

Mt Fuji - Rules & Regulations

Respect the Environment:

  • Do not litter and dispose of trash properly in designated areas.
  • Stay on designated trails to minimize environmental impact and preserve the natural surroundings.
  • Avoid picking or damaging plants, flowers, or wildlife.

Follow Climbing Guidelines:

  • Check weather and volcanic activity updates before attempting to climb.
  • Prepare adequately with proper clothing, footwear, and necessary equipment.
  • Ascend and descend on designated trails and follow the instructions of mountain officials.

Safety Precautions:

  • Inform someone about your climbing plans and estimated return time.
  • Carry enough food, water, and warm clothing, as weather conditions can change rapidly on the mountain.
  • Take breaks and rest when needed to prevent exhaustion or altitude-related health issues.

Respect Local Customs:

  • Follow any specific rules or instructions provided by the local authorities or climbing guides.
  • Respect the customs and traditions of the local communities living around Mt. Fuji.
  • Leave No Trace:
  • Minimize your impact on the environment by leaving natural features, plants, and historical artifacts undisturbed.
  • Carry back any non-biodegradable waste to dispose of properly at the designated locations.

Mt Fuji Dining

  • Yoshida Udon Noodle Togawa : Located at the Yoshida Trail entrance to Mt. Fuji, this restaurant specializes in soba noodles and offers a variety of other traditional Japanese dishes as well. It's a great spot to fuel up before or after a hike.
  • Sumibi Yakiniku Himawari Te : A good meal, with spectacular upside-down reflections of Mt. Fuji, can be found at Sumibi Yakiniku Himawari Tei .
  • Ramen Kaneyuki: Ramen Kaneyuki is known for serving some of the best ramen in the area, with a variety of delicious and hearty bowls to choose from. The menu features different types of ramen, including the classic shoyu and miso ramen, as well as more unique options like spicy chilli ramen and tomato ramen. 

Mt Fuji - Stay

Here are some places to stay near Mt. Fuji:

  • Budget - Fujinomiya Green Hotel , K's House Mt. Fuji , Maruyaso
  • Mid-range - Highland Resort Hotel & Spa , Mizno Hotel , Hotel Kaneyamaen
  • Luxury - Hoshinoya Fuji , Fuji Lake Hotel , Asaba

Mt Fuji - Nearby

  • Fuji Five Lakes: A group of five scenic lakes—Lake Kawaguchi, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Saiko, Lake Motosu, and Lake Shoji—offering breathtaking views of Mt. Fuji and various recreational activities.
  • Hakone : A picturesque town known for its hot springs, stunning views of Mt. Fuji, Lake Ashi, and the Hakone Open-Air Museum.
  • Chureito Pagoda : A striking red pagoda located in Arakurayama Sengen Park, offering a stunning panoramic view of Mt. Fuji and cherry blossoms during spring.
  • Oshino Hakkai : A traditional village with eight clear spring ponds fed by the melted snow from Mt. Fuji, showcasing the serene beauty of the area.
  • Gotemba Premium Outlets : A popular shopping destination with over 200 stores, offering a wide range of international and domestic brands, located at the base of Mt. Fuji.

Places to stay near Mt. Fuji

Explore a range of accommodations near Mt. Fuji, from budget-friendly inns to luxurious resorts:

Budget-friendly stay options

Budget-friendly options

  • Fujinomiya Green Hotel : Perfect for travelers looking to save without sacrificing comfort. Located conveniently close to the Fujinomiya trail, this hotel offers cozy accommodations and easy access to Mt. Fuji's natural beauty.
  • K's House Mt. Fuji : Ideal for backpackers and solo travelers, K's House offers a friendly atmosphere. With shared and private rooms, it's a great place to meet fellow adventurers.
  • Maruyaso : A traditional Japanese inn offering a taste of local culture. Enjoy tatami mats, futon beds, and an authentic Japanese breakfast. It's a budget-friendly way to immerse yourself in the local way of life.

Mid-range comfort options

Mid-range comfort

  • Highland Resort Hotel & Spa : Situated near the Fuji-Q Highland amusement park, this hotel is perfect for families and thrill-seekers. It also offers stunning views of Mt. Fuji from its rooms.
  • Mizno Hotel : Located on the shores of Lake Kawaguchi, Mizno Hotel provides great views of Mt. Fuji. The rooftop terrace is a perfect spot for photography enthusiasts.
  • Hotel Kaneyamaen : Experience traditional Japanese hospitality with modern comforts. Enjoy the on-site hot springs (onsen) and beautifully landscaped Japanese gardens.

Luxury stays, Mt. Fuji

Luxury stays

  • Hoshinoya Fuji : Dubbed as Japan's first "glamping" resort, Hoshinoya Fuji blends luxury camping with stunning natural beauty. Each cabin offers a sleek, modern design and panoramic views of the surrounding forest and Mt. Fuji.
  • Fuji Lake Hotel : This luxurious hotel by Lake Kawaguchi mixes Western comforts with Japanese aesthetics. Indulge in the hot spring baths while enjoying the serene lake and mountain views.
  • Asaba : A ryokan that exudes sophistication and tradition. Located in Shuzenji, it's a bit further from Mt. Fuji but offers a secluded, luxurious experience with cultural performances and exquisite kaiseki meals.

Things to Do in Mt. Fuji

Things to Do in Mt Fuji - Climbing Mt. Fuji

Embark on a thrilling adventure by climbing to the summit of Mt. Fuji, Japan's highest peak, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.

Things to Do in Mt Fuji - Explore the Fuji Five Lakes

Explore the Fuji Five Lakes

Visit the scenic Fuji Five Lakes (Lake Kawaguchi, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Saiko, Lake Motosu, and Lake Shoji) for boating, fishing, hiking, or simply relaxing amidst stunning natural beauty.

Things to Do in Mt Fuji - Visit Fuji-Q Highland

Visit Fuji-Q Highland

Experience the excitement of Fuji-Q Highland, an amusement park located near Mt. Fuji, featuring thrilling roller coasters, entertainment, and breathtaking views of the mountain.

Things to Do in Mt Fuji - Lake Ashi Cruise in Hakone

Take a Lake Ashi Cruise in Hakone

Head to Hakone and enjoy a leisurely cruise on Lake Ashi, offering stunning vistas of Mt. Fuji, scenic landscapes, and the iconic Torii Gate of Hakone Shrine.

Visitor Tips

  • Arrive early to avoid crowds and witness the magic of Mt. Fuji at its quietest.
  • Dress in layers, as temperatures can vary throughout the day. Be prepared for cooler weather at higher altitudes.
  • Bring sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun's rays.
  • Stay hydrated by carrying a water bottle and pack some snacks for energy during your visit.
  • Check weather conditions and plan your visit accordingly. Mt. Fuji is often shrouded in clouds, so choose a clear day for optimal visibility.
  • Follow any safety instructions and guidelines provided by the staff.
  • Allocate ample time to explore and fully appreciate the beauty of Mt. Fuji.
  • Don't forget your camera to capture the breathtaking landscapes and unforgettable moments.

Book Your Mt Fuji Tours

Frequently asked questions about visiting mt. fuji.

Mt. Fuji is located in Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures, Japan.

Yes, Mt. Fuji is open to visitors who wish to explore its natural beauty.

Mt. Fuji offers a captivating experience with its majestic presence, stunning landscapes, and rich cultural significance.

While access to certain areas of Mt. Fuji may be free, there may be fees for specific activities or attractions.

There are two ticket options for Mt. Fuji. They can be classified into Day Tours and Private Tours. You can read more about these tickets and book online here .

The best time to visit Mt. Fuji is during weekdays, early mornings or late afternoons, and in seasons with favorable weather conditions.

The last entry to Mt. Fuji summit trails depend on the season and the trail being used. Generally, the last entry for the Yoshida Trail is at 9:00 AM and for the Subashiri and Gotemba Trails, it is at 10:00 AM. For the descent, visitors are required to start descending from the summit by 2:00 PM to ensure a safe descent before sunset.

Yes, Mt. Fuji is suitable for both solo travelers and group visits.

Yes, Mt. Fuji offers family-friendly facilities and experiences, making it a great destination for children.

While some parts of Mt. Fuji may have limited accessibility, efforts have been made to accommodate visitors with disabilities. Wheelchair rentals are available.

Yes, there are dining options available within Mt. Fuji, offering a variety of cuisines to satisfy your appetite.

The duration of your visit to Mt. Fuji depends on your preferences and the activities you choose to engage in. Plan to spend at least one full day at Mt. Fuji to explore all it has to offer.

Exploring Mount Fuji: A Visitor's Guide

Written by Bryan Dearsley and Meagan Drillinger Updated Dec 26, 2023 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

Mount Fuji — or Fujisan in Japanese — is the highest peak in the Fuji volcanic chain in central Japan and is the country's highest and most beautiful mountain . Almost perfectly round, its symmetrical form has long been celebrated in poetry and painting. The best known of these homages to this beautiful mountain can be found in the 8th-century verses of Yamabe Akahito, and the series of woodcuts, Views of Fuji , by Hokusai at the turn of the 19th century.

Mount Fuji

Recognized as the very symbol and emblem of Japan, the often snowcapped Mount Fuji can, on a clear day, be seen from as far away as Tokyo some 100 kilometers to the east. Part of Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park , Mount Fuji attracts more than a million tourists each year to the mountain and surrounding towns, approximately 300,000 of whom will make the climb to the top.

Of the hundreds of thousands of climbers who attempt to reach the summit of Mount Fuji between July and August, many will scale the mountain as an almost religious act, the culmination of which is the observation of sunrise on the summit.

One of Japan's Three Holy Mountains , or sanreizan, Mount Fuji joined the ranks of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites in 2013 as an important cultural location.

Climbing the mountain is now a rewarding and relatively easy experience given the numerous facilities set up to feed and accommodate climbers. Near the mountain are many cultural attractions and fun things to do that offer other reasons to visit besides summiting the peak.

See also: Where to Stay near Mount Fuji

Tours to Mount Fuji

Mount fuji: facts and figures, climbing mount fuji, the mount fuji trails, the summit crater, fujiyoshida, fuji five lakes, aokigahara forest, where to stay near mount fuji for sightseeing, best time to visit mt. fuji.

  • Mt. Fuji and Hakone in One Day : Mount Fuji is an absolute must when visiting Japan, but you'll find that the region has much to see beyond the mountain. This Mt. Fuji and Hakone One-Day Bus Tour takes travelers on a full-day tour to Mt. Fuji, followed by a scenic boat ride on Lake Ashi and an aerial tram over Owakudani Valley. The 11-hour tour includes an English-speaking guide and lunch.
  • A VIP Experience : Visitors with a little extra money to burn can book this Mt. Fuji Private Customized Tour . With the help of a private, English-speaking guide, visitors can customize their own itinerary to make sure the experience is maximized. Enjoy views from the 5th Station, visit Shinto shrines along the base of the mountain, and see the Fuji Five Lakes.

Mount Fuji: Facts and Figures

Mount Fuji is a stratovolcano with a complex geological history spanning many millennia and a perfectly circular appearance. Its base has a diameter between 40 and 50 kilometers, while its summit stands 3,776 meters high and is capped by snow for several months of the year.

Believed to have been named after the Ainu word for fire, Mount Fuji has had an active history as an erupting volcano, with the last recorded eruption occurring in 1707 . During that eruption, known as the Hoei eruption, the town of Edo (present-day Tokyo), some 100 kilometers away, was covered with a thick layer of ash. At the same time, the present lateral crater of Hoeizan was formed.

Fortunately, the volcano has remained dormant since then, although there are those who speculate that another eruption is possible in the foreseeable future, and could cause major disruption for the region.

Hikers on Mount Fuji

Highlight : An eight-hour ascent that leads to the highest point in Japan

With more than 300,000 visitors arriving each July and August to make the approximately eight-hour ascent, the crowds climbing Mount Fuji can at times seem a little daunting.

Likewise, the roads leading to Mount Fuji are sometimes gridlocked, too. This is especially true at sunrise at the summit , the reason the majority of Japanese visitors make the pilgrimage, an important rite of passage to be tackled at least once in a lifetime (an old Japanese saying states that only fools make the climb a second time). It has been a tradition that reputedly dates back to the seventh century, when the first monks began climbing the mountain.

There are four routes up Mount Fuji , each divided into 10 stages (or "gome") of varying lengths, with the most popular being the Yoshida Trail. Paved roads reach as far as the 5th stations, and between the 7th and 8th stations of the Yoshida Trail, numerous Mountain Huts provide lodge-style facilities offering food, drink, and overnight accommodations. While huts are always open during July and August, be sure to check in advance for locations open during cooler months of the year.

Most climbers start their ascent in the early afternoon from the 5th Station so as to reach the 7th or 8th Stations before nightfall, spending the night in a hut before making the final summit climb early the following morning. Once here, climbers rest, take a walk around the Summit Crater (the Naiin, or "shrine") before beginning their descent around midday, returning to base in the late afternoon.

Crater on Mount Fuji

An increasingly popular variant is to make the ascent in one go, starting after 4pm and reaching the summit at sunrise. This latter option also offers great views from the summit before clouds begin obstructing the view down into the valley, usually after 9am, and ensures a chance of catching a glimpse of the famous Mount Fuji sunrise ( goraikō).

Climbers intending to make the summit in a day like this need to be able to recognize the symptoms of altitude sickness and change plans accordingly, if need be.

Another popular option is to take one of the frequent buses running from the foot of Mount Fuji to the 5th Station (or drive and park here) and continue the climb. This effectively reduces much of the hard work required to make the ascent, and allows the return trip to the summit to be done in a day.

Alternatively, seasoned climbers and hikers may arrive in the quieter seasons of late spring and early fall to make their ascent, though the added dangers of snow and freezing temperatures do not make this the most recommended course of action.

Those looking to avoid the crowds but still hike in safer conditions, should aim for a weekday within the first few weeks of July. The beginning and end of the official climbing season are celebrated on July 1 and August 31 with solemn ceremonies.

For a fast and easy way to get to the 5th station from Tokyo, the Mt. Fuji, Lake Ashi and Bullet Train Day Trip departs from the city and provides quintessential views of the mountain. After time spent exploring the shrines, souvenir shops, and climbers at the Fuji Subaru 5th Station, this narrated tour rounds out the experience with a boat ride across Lake Ashi and views of Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park. At the end of the day, travelers catch a bullet train back to Tokyo. (Lunch is provided.)

The Yoshida Trail on Mount Fuji

Highlights : A selection of wide, safe trails all lead to the summit of Mount Fuji and can be accessed without serious climbing gear.

Mount Fuji's summit is accessible by four trails leading from the different 5th Stations: the Yoshida, Subashiri, Gotemba, and Fujinomiya trail. Of the routes from the 5th Stations, the Yoshida and Fujinomiya trails are most popular due to their numerous large huts and bigger parking lots, and their popularity among the many tour operators whose buses stop here.

While most visitors refer to "climbing the mountain," the slopes are gentle enough that even the steepest of spots can be handled without climbing gear. Trails are wide and safe and can easily handle the large numbers of climbers — even at choke points like the summit.

A popular alternative to climbing to the summit is to take the Ochudo-meguri trail . Known as the "boundary between heaven and Earth," this path encircles the mountain between the 5th and 6th Stations at the 2,500-meter mark. The complete circuit covers a distance of almost 20 kilometers and will take between eight to 10 hours, depending on your level of fitness.

The most difficult stretches are Hoeizan, on the east side, and the Osawa Gorge - the largest gorge of Mount Fuji - on the west side.

The Summit Crater

Highlight : A trail that leads to the eight peaks of Mt. Fuji, including the highest peak of them all

The crater rim trail around Mount Fuji's summit, Ohachi-meguri, takes in its eight peaks. These include Kengamine Peak , the highest point in Japan.

Much easier than the steep direct route along the crest is the shorter four-kilometer path around the inner rim of the crater, with the benefit of passing the Fujisan Sengen Shrine and the Gimmeisui Spring, also known as the "silver-shimmering water."

At the foot of the Hakusan peak, on the north side of the crater, rises the Kimmeisui Spring, or the "golden-shimmering water." It's well worth the effort, with the climb to the crater offering breathtaking views over almost the whole of mainland Japan.

Hot Tip: Be sure to visit the Kusushi-jinja Shrine , where special stamps can be purchased (and postcards mailed) commemorating your climb to the summit.

Fujiyoshida beneath Mount Fuji

Highlight : Mt. Fuji's lower regions have a number of important historic shrines and thousands of years of history.

Due to the increasing popularity among "casual" climbers - a group made up largely of tourists and day trippers - of simply wanting to say they've "done Mount Fuji," a number of older shrines, huts, and teahouses along the lower routes are once again becoming popular.

These routes, such as the old Murayama trail in the southern foothills, are often skipped over by those heading for the summit. From these different vantage points, you'll not only gain a better perspective of the longstanding cultural history of Mount Fuji, you'll also enjoy some great views up the mountain from the lower slopes.

The city of Fujiyoshida serves as another good place from which to explore Mount Fuji's lower regions. In addition to its wonderful views of the mountain, it offers a number of interesting tourist attractions, too. Highlights include Kitaguchi Hongū Fuji Sengen Jinja , an important Shinto shrine with a nearly two-millennium history of serving as the starting point for pilgrimages up Mount Fuji.

The shrine is now also home to a museum dealing with the lives of locals living in the volcano's shadow. Fujiyoshida is also where you'll find the Oshino Hakkai , a small village with postcard-worthy views of Mount Fuji surrounded by tranquil ponds and landscaped settings.

Lake Kawaguchi and Mount Fuji in autumn

Highlights : Kayaking, fishing, and a fun-filled pirate-themed boat cruise

On the northern flank of Mount Fuji is the Fuji Five Lakes region, an area of outstanding natural beauty that also provides superb views of the mountain. The five lakes themselves - Lakes Shoji, Kawaguchi, Saiko, Yamanako, and Motosuko - are worth the journey and offer a number of fun activities, from fishing to kayaking or a pleasant trip aboard a pirate-themed cruise ship.

Another attraction of note in the Five Lakes region is The Healing Village (Saiko Iyashino-Sato Nenba). This interesting traditional Japanese village showcases the lives and livelihoods of the locals over past centuries.

Lake Ashi

Highlight : An eight-kilometer lake known for its resorts, boat rides, and scenic views

For a stunning watery environment with great views of Mount Fuji, Lake Ashi, roughly 50 kilometers southeast of the summit, is a popular day trip from Tokyo. It is reputedly one of the most beautiful bodies of water in the world. Bordering all sides of this eight-kilometer lake are mountains and lush forested landscapes.

Popular activities at Lake Ashi include scenic boat rides, staying at nearby resorts, and simply enjoying the views out and over the water. The most convenient way to get to the shore of Lake Ashi is the Hakone Ropeway, a gondola ride that delivers elevated views.

For a full-day adventure and healthy taste of Mount Fuji landscapes, the Mt. Fuji, Lake Ashi and Bullet Train Day Trip from Tokyo takes care of all the logistics of visiting Lake Ashi (including a ride on the Ropeway) and the 5th station of Mount Fuji in a single day and concludes with a Bullet Train ride back to the city. Note that the colder months of the year tend to have the best view of the mountain backdropping the lake. (Lunch is provided.)

Aokigahara Forest

Highlight : A circular ice cave known for its ever-changing ice formations

Also known as the Sea of Trees, the Aokigahara Forest on the northern slope of Mount Fuji has a bit of a macabre association tied to it. Myths and other monikers aside, this dense forest of overgrown roots, moss, and light-reducing trees is a notable attraction in the area, much in thanks to the explorable caves and other hiking opportunities offered here.

One of the most popular tourist attractions within the forest and the surrounding Five Lakes region, the Ice Cave is a circular cave with ever-changing ice formations. The Wind Cave , on the opposite side of the forest, provides an easy 15-minute underground tour with interpretive information. Both caves have their own visitor centers located near their entrances, where tourists can find souvenirs, various food stalls, and even some much-welcome ice-cream on hot summer days.

We recommend these unique hotels near Mount Fuji, each of which boasts beautiful mountain views:

  • Konansou : This luxury hotel offers an authentic Japanese experience, along with lovely Mount Fuji views. Highlights include its tatami rooms; an indoor pool; spa treatments; and for the kids, an amusement arcade.
  • Fujisan Onsen Hotel Kaneyamaen : This highly recommended 3.5-star hotel features wonderful staff, a beautiful traditional Japanese garden with hot springs, a tea ceremony, and an authentic drum show.
  • Fuji View Hotel : A good choice for its mid-range pricing, convenient location, and helpful service, Fuji View Hotel also offers a great buffet breakfast plus a hot tub.
  • Oike Hotel Honkan : A great option for those seeking budget-friendly rates, Oike Hotel features traditional Japanese-style rooms plus a handy shuttle bus service.

While Japan is a great destination to visit year-round, its most famous landmark can be rather fickle depending on the time of year. The mountain, which stands at a staggering 3,776 meters, is best viewed on a clear day, so the time of year matters when it comes to the best viewing and visiting of Mount Fuji.

December and January are the best times to view the mountain , as the weather is the clearest, and views are unfettered by clouds. This is not, however, the best time to climb Mount Fuji. For that, July, August, and September are best. In fact, these are the only times to climb the mountain because that is when the trails are open.

Expect obstructed views and rainy weather in April, May, June, July, August, and September, particularly during the rainy season.

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GUIDE The Top 30 Spots for Viewing Mt. Fuji

Notice: New rules and changes for climbing Mt. Fuji 2024.

Visitors are strongly advised to read the new rules on  the official Mt. Fuji Climbing website .

Discover the 30 very best views of Mt. Fuji including tips on when and where to visit

Japan's tallest mountain (3,776 meters) is visited by millions of tourists each year in addition to the roughly 300,000 climbers each summer. A visit to Japan would be incomplete without at least a glimpse of this grand peak, even if it's from the window of a speeding shinkansen or a faraway Tokyo skyscraper.

30. Tokyo City View of Roppongi Hills Mori Tower

mount fuji tourist activities

The City View observation deck on the 52nd floor of the Mori Tower building has floor-to-ceiling glass windows, offering a 360-degree view of the city and Mt. Fuji beyond.

29. Tokyo Tower

mount fuji tourist activities

Choose to view Mt. Fuji from one of two observation decks. The views from the highest deck at 250 meters are exceptional. Mt. Fuji is best seen from here when the air is crisp and the weather is clear.

28. Mt. Takao

mount fuji tourist activities

Just 50 minutes from Shinjuku by train, this scenic Tokyo mountain requires a climb for views of Mt. Fuji. From the end of the ropeway line halfway up the mountain, it is a pleasant two-hour hike to the summit.

27. Boso Peninsula

mount fuji tourist activities

The capes and coasts of the southernmost part of Chiba offer grand views of Mt. Fuji to the west. The Hojo Coast and Shiroyama Park afford unobstructed views of the mountain across the sea.

26. Minato Mirai 21

mount fuji tourist activities

25. Miho Matsubara

mount fuji tourist activities

24. Fuji-Q Highland

mount fuji tourist activities

Recommended for fans of white-knuckle rides, visit Fuji-Q Highland for views of the mountain from the park's hair-raising attractions.

23. Nihondaira Ropeway

mount fuji tourist activities

Ropeways offer spectacular mountain vistas, and the Nihondaira Ropeway in Shizuoka is no exception. Gaze out at Mt. Fuji as you make your way up a smaller mountain to a stunning shrine at its top.

22. Isshiki Beach

mount fuji tourist activities

This 500-meter-long stretch of sand is a popular beach destination from Tokyo with impressive sunsets and distant views of Mt. Fuji. Take in the scenery while enjoying a cocktail at one of the beach bars open in the summer season.

21. Lake Saiko

mount fuji tourist activities

For some of the most tranquil views of Fuji, and the only views from Lake Saiko, head to the western shore. While in the area, pay a visit to one the nearby caves.

20. Lake Shojiko

mount fuji tourist activities

19. Gotemba

mount fuji tourist activities

Flanking the southeastern side of Mt. Fuji, the mountain can be seen from almost anywhere in Gotemba, including from the city's popular outlet shopping mall. Elevated locations south of the city offer charming views at dusk.

18. Nishiizu

mount fuji tourist activities

Take in rural views of Mt. Fuji from Nishiizu's coastline, which zigzags along the Izu Peninsula's western shore. To the south of Nishiizu is Dogashima Onsen, one of the very few places where you can gaze upon Fuji while soaking in a relaxing bath across Suruga Bay.

17. Lake Motosuko

mount fuji tourist activities

16. Tagonoura Port

mount fuji tourist activities

Featuring in Japan's oldest poetry anthology, this area is now home to an industrialized fishing port, and remains a popular spot to visit for views of Mt. Fuji. You will find wonderful views from the top of a small hill to the east of the port.

15. Asagiri Kogen

mount fuji tourist activities

The vast plains of this plateau at the western base of Mt. Fuji offer unobstructed views of the mighty mountain. Visit in autumn for views of Mt. Fuji from fields of golden pampas grass.

14. Izu Panorama Park

mount fuji tourist activities

As the name suggests, this expansive park boasts sweeping panoramic views. Stroll the area for views of Mt. Fuji, the Izu Nagaoka hot springs area and Suruga Bay. To see the azalea in bloom, plan to visit in late spring.

13. Tokyo Skytree

mount fuji tourist activities

One of the tallest towers in the world at 634 meters, Tokyo Skytree's observation deck offers wonderful panoramic views of Tokyo and its surroundings, including Mt. Fuji on a clear, sunny day.

12. Tenjoyama Park

mount fuji tourist activities

11. Enoshima

mount fuji tourist activities

A popular excursion from Tokyo, this small island off the coast of Kamakura offers beautiful seaside views of Mt. Fuji. Climb the Enoshima Sea Candle for a good vantage point. Cooler temperatures and low humidity make for the best viewing conditions.

10. Saiko Iyashi no Sato nenba

mount fuji tourist activities

Saiko Iyashi no Sato nenba is a cultural park featuring thatched-roof cottages that house galleries, shops and restaurants. Visit for picture-perfect views of Mt. Fuji with a serving of traditional culture.

9. Lake Ashinoko

mount fuji tourist activities

8. Lake Kawaguchiko

mount fuji tourist activities

7. Oshino Hakkai Springs

mount fuji tourist activities

6. Lake Yamanakako

mount fuji tourist activities

The nearest lake to Mt. Fuji Lake Yamanakako is known for Hana no Miyako, a huge park with enviable views of the mountain. The fields of sunflowers in summer and cosmos in fall make for a stunning photograph.

5. Lake Tanukiko

mount fuji tourist activities

The calm, mirror-like surface of Lake Tanuki, in the Asagiri Highlands, serves up a high-definition reflection of Mt. Fuji hard to find anywhere else.

4. Urui River

mount fuji tourist activities

Running from the southwestern foot of Mt. Fuji and connecting with the Pacific, the Urui River offers grand views of the mountain. It is especially beautiful in early April, when cherry blossoms bloom along its banks.

3. Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office Observatory

mount fuji tourist activities

This iconic Shinjuku high-rise complex has two towers, each with an observatory on the 45th floor, 202 meters from ground level. On a clear day, you can see Mt. Fuji well. Best yet, the observatories are completely free of charge.

2. Imamiya Tea Field

mount fuji tourist activities

1. Akakurayama Sengen Park

mount fuji tourist activities

For a photo that screams Japan, this five-storied pagoda is the place to go. Catch the cherry blossoms in bloom here in spring for the ultimate composition.

Where to see Mt. Fuji

From one of the towering skyscrapers in Tokyo or Yokohama

From the shinkansen or car when traveling between Tokyo and Kansai (from Tokyo, sit on the right side, from Kansai, sit on the left side)

From almost anywhere in the Fuji Five Lakes area in Yamanashi Prefecture

From many Shizuoka prefecture destinations including the Izu Peninsula

From coastal regions including Chiba, Kanagawa, and the Izu Islands south of Tokyo

mount fuji tourist activities

When to see Mt. Fuji

Mt. Fuji is often obscured by clouds during the rainy season from early June to mid-July

Early morning or late afternoon are best for up-close views of the mountain

From afar, crisp, clear winter days offer the best viewing conditions

Diamond Fuji, when the rising or setting sun aligns with the peak of the mountain, occurs from late October to late February

mount fuji tourist activities

The latest information may differ, so please check the official website

* The information on this page may be subject to change due to COVID-19.

  • Mt. Fuji Guide
  • The Top 30 Spots for Viewing Mt. Fuji

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Travel Travel Guides

10 Things to Do Around Mount Fuji

There are plenty of things to do around Japan's most famous mountain

August 22, 2022 Updated On September 6, 2023

Ask people to name one symbol of Japan and undoubtedly  Mount Fuji will be up there as one of the top answers. While the country’s largest peak is climbable only one season of the year, there are plenty of things to do around it all year round.

With family-friendly activities such as crafts and camping, to baths and cycling, there is something to please everyone, from culture vultures to outdoor lovers. Let’s take a look.

mount fuji tourist activities

Gel candles at Kawaguchi Craft Park

1. Art Attack at Kawaguchi Craft Park

Lake Kawaguchi is the most tourist-friendly of the Fuji Five Lakes, offering visitors a brilliant view of the mountain. Kawaguchi Craft Park features many different crafting opportunities, all available while gazing upon the majestic peak.

It has a range of craft activities on offer, from making snow globes, complete with a mini-Mount Fuji, through to suncatchers and jewelry.

Each craft course is bookable online, lasting from 15 to 90 minutes, with a range of crafts suitable for young children and adults.

When finished, visitors can relax by soaking their feet in the free footbath, looking out over Mount Fuji and Lake Kawaguchi.

Aokigahara Wind Cave


2. Explore One of Aokigahara’s Hidden Caves of Wind and Ice

Aokigahara, otherwise known as ‘Sea of Trees’ or the ‘Suicide Forest’ is best entered with an experienced guide. When Fuji erupted over 1,000 years ago, many caves were formed in the forest, that are explorable to this day.

The Wind Cave is one of the best known, and depending on the tour, visitors need to don helmets and protective boiler suits before venturing down into its depths. Many tours start at Narusawa Michi-no-Eki and English-speaking guides are on hand to explain the sights down below.

The other famous lava cave is the Ice Cave, where visitors are treated to impressive ice formations in its cavernous depths. Start your adventure here .

mount fuji tourist activities

3. Museum Hopping Around Kawaguchi and Yamanaka

For those who love a bit of culture, the five museums around Mount Fuji have a surprisingly rich selection of museums. The interesting (or maybe creepy for some) Teddy Bear Museum at Lake Yamanaka is very close to the Literature Forest, which includes a Yukio Mishima Museum.

From there, head to Lake Kawaguchi for the hands-on Music Forest area, the Itchiku Kubota Museum and one of the several Mount Fuji Museums. For novel souvenirs, the Gem Museum and Herb Garden make excellent stop points.

mount fuji tourist activities

4. Become a Swan (on a) Lake

Lake Yamanaka is known for its boat rides, and these boats are not your average river cruisers. Its most famous is the Swan Boat, a luxury liner designed by Eiji Mitooka, which offers guests the chance to appreciate impressive Fuji views from relative comfort.

Gliding around the lake in a double-decker swan bus, admire the view and even feed the (real) swans. Each ride lasts around 25 minutes, with child-friendly features including binoculars and steering wheels. Swan food is also purchasable.

mount fuji tourist activities

5. Savor Fuji Food

As one of the most recognizable symbols of the Japanese archipelago, Mount Fuji has been replicated in almost every way possible. This includes food such as Mount Fuji-shaped shoku-pan, curry bread, curry, hamburgers, desserts and ice cream. Some of the most popular examples include Mount Fuji bread from Fujisan Shokupan bakery in Kawaguchi and blue Mount Fuji curry.

mount fuji tourist activities

6. Woosh Down the Kachi Kachi Ropeway

Officially known as the Lake Kawaguchi Panoramic Ropeway , the top of this 400-meter-long ropeway features a special kachi kachi mountain view swing.

Suitable for grownups (up to 100kg) and children over 100cm, swing high over the mountain and back again, heading to one of the shops on the plateau. The shops sell snacks such as rice cakes, ice cream and souvenirs including Mount Fuji-shaped rice crackers, amulets and omamori. Buy a gift before heading to the bottom via the ropeway.

mount fuji tourist activities

7. Soak in a Hot Spring with Mount Fuji Water

The hot springs around Mount Fuji provide some of the most relaxing places to gaze at the mountain. One of our favorite ones is the Hottarakashi Hot Spring in Yamanashi Prefecture.

Suitable for those with tattoos, Hottarakashi is a simple hot spring, known for its incredible views of Mount Fuji and a top-quality souvenir shop. Its most interesting point is that visitors pick one of two baths upon entry, either ‘Here’ or ‘There.’ Many guests flip a coin to decide.

mount fuji tourist activities

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8. Seek Thrills at Fuji-Q Highland

Mount Fuji’s local theme park, Fuji-Q Highland offers riders spectacular views of Mount Fuji. Speed by at breakneck pace down one of its roller coasters, while catching a quick shot of the mountain. Perch in a tiny carriage at the top of a big drop, with a moment to take in the breathtaking view before shooting down again.

Fuji-Q is the perfect spot for thrill-seekers who enjoy nature too. Younger guests will enjoy Thomas Land and Gaspard and Lisa. More details here .

mount fuji tourist activities

9. Cycle Around the Five Lakes

Keen cyclists or even just those who fancy a short pootle can take their bikes or rent one for the weekend at one of the many rental places around the lakes. It’s predominantly flat which makes for an easy cycling course while taking in the beautiful scenery.

It’s especially popular come fall, when the temperature is perfect and autumn leaves are in their full glory.

mount fuji tourist activities

10. Barbecue by the Lake

One of the most popular activities at the lakes is to camp, with a myriad of camping sites across all five, each with its own characteristics. For glampers, campers or even cottagers, there is something for everyone.

No matter what the day, kick back and relax with a barbecue by one of the lakes. Take equipment or borrow some. There are sites that even offer full, food-included deals to take the stress out of planning and ensure guests can relax properly, after a fun-filled day.

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  • Destinations

10 Best Mt Fuji Tours and Activities

Top 10 Special Things to Do around Mt Fuji

mount fuji tourist activities

Mt Fuji is one of the most attractive things in Japan. There are a number of ways to enjoy this glorious mountain, and many attractions are located in the surrounding area. From eco-glamping to relaxing hot springs or green tea farms, here are the top 10 tours and activities you should definitely consider adding to your travel plan to Mt Fuji!

*Please note that this article contains affiliate links.

1. Glamping Eco Tour with Mount Fuji Views

Enjoy a delicious BBQ with local products while having an amazing view of Mount Fuji! Stay one night in an eco-glamping ground, discovering the Japanese countryside. The experiences include a sake tasting from a local sake brewery and a morning walk tour to the beautiful Shirato Waterfalls, a World Heritage place.

Glamping Eco Tour with Mount Fuji Views

2. Fuji-Q Highland

mount fuji tourist activities

One of the best amusement parks in the country, Fuji Q Highland offers several world record-breaking roller coasters and scary rides which can be enjoyed with the magnificent view of Mt Fuji! The park is a perfect place for adrenaline seekers. However, there are many kids-friendly attractions in the park, too!

▶ Book Fuji-Q Highland Ticket

3. Mt. Fuji Day Trip from Tokyo Bus Tour

Bus tours are highly recommended if you are willing to travel around Mt Fuji in one day so you can save your time and experience the best bits of Mt Fuji area with a limited time.” Mt. Fuji Day Trip from Tokyo Bus Tour ” by Japan Wonder Travel is a highly popular full-day tour that you can enjoy breathtaking views of Mt Fuji from several different spots including Chureito Pagoda. With a smooth and comfortable bus ride, you will be able to see and visit the best highlights of Mt Fuji in one day. The tour also stops for lunch to taste the local specialty, Hoto Noodle!

Book the tour now! ▶Mt. Fuji Day Trip Bus Tour from Tokyo

4. Mt. Fuji & Hakone Tour with Lake Ashi Cruise

mount fuji tourist activities

This is a classic tour in Hakone and Mt Fuji area featuring the amazing highlights such as Mt. Fuji 5th Station, delicious lunch, Lake Ashi cruise, and the scenic ropeway. Including a transportation from Shinjuku and the lunch.

▶ Book the Mt.Fuji & Hakone Tour with Lake Ashi Cruise Now!!

5. Enjoy the Mishima Sky Walk

mount fuji tourist activities

What a great option for adventure lovers! Fulfill your day with an unique and high adrenaline experience! Mishima Sky Walk is one of the most spectacular Mt Fuji viewing spot which opened recently! The large suspension bridge offers a scenic walk with the glorious view of Mt Fuji and the Shizuoka city.

▶ Book Mishima Sky Walk Tickets!

6.  Mt Fuji and Fruit Picking

The “Oishi Park & Mt. Fuji One Day Tour with Fruit Picking from Tokyo” is a full-day tour which you can fully enjoy Mt Fuji including a visit to Oishi Park near Lake Kawaguchi and Mt Fuji 5th Station, and a panoramic ropeway ride. The tour also includes fruit picking in an orchard in Yamanashi where you can enjoy seasonal fruits as much as you like!

▶ Oishi Park & Mt. Fuji One Day Tour with Fruit Picking from Tokyo

7. Mt. Fuji, Oshino Hakkai, & Gotemba Premium Outlets or Onsen Day Tour

mount fuji tourist activities

Spoil yourself by visiting the best view spot of Mt Fuji (The 5th station of Mt Fuji), and visit some of iconic attractions around Mt Fuji including Oshino Hakkai and Arakurayama Sengen Park. Enjoy the astonishing views of Mt Fuji from several different locations, then at the end of the tour, you’ll have a choice between Gotemba Premium Outlet”, one of the largest shopping malls in Japan OR hot spring experience near Mt Fuji.

▶ Mt. Fuji, Premium Outlets or Onsen One Day Tour from Tokyo !

8. Visit an Organic Tea Farm in Japan

Love green tea?The why not to visit the best green tea farms in Japan! Shizuoka Prefecture is famous for green tea production and home to numbers of tea plantations with scenic views of the mountain ranges including Mt Fuji. Visit the green tea farm and enjoy the scenery and tasting the finest green tea. Also learn how to make green tea by the proper way!

Shizuoka Tea Farm Tour with Factory Visit & Tasting | byFood

9. Cook Delicious Hoto Noodle by Lake Kawaguchi

Hoto is a famous local specialty from Yamanashi prefecture. The long, thick hoto noodles are served with a lot of vegetables and miso-based soup in a hot pot.  You can enjoy this hands-on cooking experience in Lake Kawaguchi, the very popular tourist site with the stunning view of Mt Fuji!

Yamanashi Cooking Class: Make Hoto Noodles by Lake Kawaguchi

10. Private Charter One Day Tour Mt. Fuji – Lake Kawaguchiko

mount fuji tourist activities

Take the chance to do a really complete private tour with all the best highlights, as the popular Chureito Pagoda where you can have the iconic views with the pagoda and the Mt.Fuji. The English speaker driver will  will take you to Oshino Hakkai village, Lake Kawaguchiko, Saiko Iyashi no Sato Nemba, Oishi Park, and much more!

▶ Book the Mt.Fuji & Lake Kawaguchiko Tour

+Enjoy unlimited rides with the 3 Days Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Area JR Pass

If you prefer to enjoy the Mt. Fuji area and the surrounding area at your leisure, buying this pass can save you a lot of money! The Mt.Fuji Shizuoka Area JR Pass offers unlimited travel for 3 days on all JR trains so you can go wherever you want!

<<Buy NOW your 3 Days Mt.Fuji Shizuoka Area JR Pass!!>>

Did you enjoy the list?? If you wish to have special experiences around Mt Fuji, these tours and activities are highly recommended!

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For more information about travelling in/around Mt Fuji, please check out these articles, too!

20 Best Things to Do in Mt Fuji Area: Mt Fuji Bucket List

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"The world is my oyster" A globetrotter 🌎 and hammock lover 🌞 who loves taking adventures to fuel wanderlust. Born and raised in Japan, I have spend almost a decade living and exploring countries across the world. Based on my travel experience, I'd love to share my knowledge and tips for travelling with my readers. I hope my stories help you plan your trip and have a great time in Japan 🌈

  • Things to Do

mount fuji tourist activities

19 Things to Do Near Mount Fuji: Top Sightseeing Spots in Yamanashi Prefecture

Embarking on a journey near the majestic Mount Fuji unveils a world of enchanting beauty and captivating experiences. With its breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage, this region offers an array of top-notch sightseeing spots that are sure to leave visitors in awe. From serene lakes to historic temples , we've curated a comprehensive list of 19 must-visit attractions and things to do near Mount Fuji . Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a history buff, or simply seeking unforgettable adventures, this area has something exceptional to offer every traveler. Join us as we explore the top sightseeing spots that will make your visit to this picturesque region an extraordinary one.

1. Enjoy the timeless charm of Mt. Fuji

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

The allure of Mt. Fuji remains timeless, enchanting visitors from across the globe with its breathtaking beauty . This iconic mountain stands as a testament to Japan's rich natural wonders and holds a special place in the hearts of those who encounter it. Whether you're gazing at its magnificence up close or admiring it from a distance, Mt. Fuji never fails to leave a lasting impression, regardless of the season . Nestled between Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures, this sacred volcano is a true marvel, inviting travelers to escape the bustling city life and immerse themselves in its captivating surroundings.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

When the summer months roll in, Mt. Fuji becomes a magnet for enthusiastic hikers seeking unforgettable adventures. Its scenic trails and the opportunity to climb to the summit draw in countless explorers. With a range of hiking routes available, visitors can tailor their experience to match their preferences, allowing them to savor Mt. Fuji's natural splendor at their own pace.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Situated conveniently near central Tokyo, reaching the majestic peak of Mt. Fuji is a relatively easy feat. Public transportation options around Mt. Fuji are readily available , allowing you to embark on your mountain adventure with ease. These services will conveniently transport you halfway up the mountain , bringing you closer to the mesmerizing sights that await.

Mount Fuji

  • Address Fujiyoshida-shi, Yamanashi, 403-0000 View Map
  • Nearest Station Gotemba Station (JR Gotemba Line)

mount fuji tourist activities

2. Unveiling the legacy of Shingen Takeda at Takeda Shrine

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Takeda Shrine , nestled in the heart of Kofu City, stands as a prominent homage to the esteemed feudal-era strategist, Shingen Takeda. With a rich history spanning over a century, this revered shrine showcases a treasure trove of cultural artifacts that vividly depict the life and remarkable achievements of this legendary Daimyo Lord.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

As spring casts its magical spell, a captivating transformation takes place at Takeda Shrine . The enchanting cherry blossoms gracefully paint the shrine grounds, creating a harmonious blend of history and nature . This exquisite fusion of vibrant blooms and the shrine 's historical significance makes Takeda Shrine a beloved destination for both visitors and locals alike, where they can immerse themselves in the captivating ambiance and pay homage to the revered past.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

  • Address 2611 Kofuchumachi, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0014
  • Phone Number 055-252-2609

3. Discovering historical splendor at Kai Zenkoji Temple

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Kai Zenkoji Temple , commissioned by the esteemed Takeda Shingen, stands proudly as East Japan's largest wooden structure. Steeped in history, this temple was not only a place of worship but also served as a sanctuary for the invaluable treasures safeguarded by the renowned warlord, fearing their loss during the tumultuous battles of the era.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Nestled within the temple 's hallowed halls resides the revered statue of Amitabha Tathagata, an iconic symbol that epitomizes the historical significance of Kai Zenkoji Temple . This priceless artifact stands as a testament to the temple 's rich heritage, offering visitors a glimpse into the cherished past while surrounded by an atmosphere of tranquility and spiritual devotion.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

  • Address 3 Chome-36-1 Zenkoji, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0806

4. Enjoy the tranquility of Erinji Temple

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Nestled on the outskirts of Koshu City, Erinji Temple stands as a tranquil and sprawling temple complex, deeply intertwined with the legacy of Lord Shingen. Its serene ambiance and expansive grounds create an atmosphere of peace and contemplation, attracting visitors from near and far.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

One of the most captivating aspects of the complex is its meticulously crafted gardens , a masterpiece designed by the renowned Buddhist priest Muso-Kokushi. Today, these gardens are recognized as a national treasure, offering a harmonious blend of nature and spirituality that enchants all who wander through their paths. Adding to the grandeur of Erinji Temple is the majestic Sanmon gate. This impressive structure holds significant historical importance, having been meticulously reconstructed after falling victim to a devastating fire during the feudal era. Standing proudly today, the Sanmon gate serves as a testament to the temple 's resilience and remains an invaluable asset, inviting visitors to admire its architectural splendor and embrace the enduring spirit of Erinji Temple .

  • Address 2280 Enzanoyashiki, Koshu, Yamanashi 404-0053

5. A captivating gateway to Mount Fuji: Fuji Sengen Shrine

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Beyond the bustling crowds that flock to Mount Fuji 's 5th station, lies a hidden gem that should not be overlooked: Fuji Sengen Shrine . Serving as a gateway to this revered mountain , the shrine offers an experience that captivates the senses and leaves a lasting impression.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Embarking on the awe-inspiring pathway to the shrine , visitors are greeted by a majestic scene. Towering cedar trees form a natural cathedral, enveloping the path and creating a serene ambiance that transports one to a world of tranquility. Every step along this enchanting trail immerses travelers in the peaceful embrace of nature 's grandeur.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

As you approach the shrine itself, a striking sight awaits. The impressive vermilion structure of Fuji Sengen Shrine stands amidst the lush greenery of the forest , an exquisite contrast that evokes a sense of reverence. The vibrant colors harmoniously blend with the surrounding landscape , creating a picturesque setting that stirs the soul and instills a deep appreciation for the sacred connection between nature and spirituality.

Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Jinja

  • Address 5558, Kamiyoshida, Fujiyoshida-shi, Yamanashi, 403-0005 View Map
  • Nearest Station Fujisan Station (Otsuki Line (Fujikyuko) / Kawaguchiko Line (Fujikyuko))

6. A haven for art enthusiasts: Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art

6. A haven for art enthusiasts: Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art

Just a short 15-minute bus ride away from Kofu Station, the Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art awaits, its wine-colored facade a beacon of artistic exploration. Within its walls, an expansive collection of over 10,000 artworks awaits discovery, offering a captivating journey through various artistic genres and periods. Among the museum 's prized possessions is the renowned Millet Collection, showcasing the works of the influential French painter who left an indelible mark on the art world, inspiring legendary artists like Van Gogh. Visitors have the opportunity to admire Millet's masterpieces firsthand, including the iconic painting, "The Sower." Beyond the captivating art, the museum 's surroundings provide an ideal ambiance for relaxation and leisurely enjoyment. The tranquil Arts Park , set against a picturesque natural backdrop, invites visitors to unwind and embrace the beauty of nature . Whether strolling through the park 's serene pathways or finding a peaceful spot to sit and reflect, the atmosphere offers a respite from the world, allowing art enthusiasts to indulge in both artistic marvels and the soothing tranquility of the outdoors.

  • Address 1 Chome-4-27 Kugawa, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0065

7. Majestic heights and breathtaking views: Minami Alps National Park

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Venturing beyond the splendor of Mt. Fuji, the Yamanashi mountains unveil a treasure trove of natural beauty awaiting exploration. Nestled within this captivating landscape lies the Minami Alps National Park , a majestic collection of Japan's loftiest peaks, including Kita-dake, Aino-dake, and Akaishi-dake, ranking as the country's second, fourth, and seventh highest mountains , respectively.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Despite its relatively compact size, this awe-inspiring national park offers a diverse range of challenging summits that will test the mettle of even the most seasoned climbers. Embarking on these exhilarating ascents rewards adventurers with unparalleled vistas, including the awe-inspiring sight of Mt. Fuji itself. The combination of these breathtaking views and the park 's already stunning natural scenery creates an experience that leaves an indelible mark on the soul, enticing climbers to conquer new heights and embrace the sheer magnificence of the Minami Alps National Park .

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

  • Address Around Ashiyasuashikura, Minami-Alps, Yamanashi

8. Yatsugatake Chushin-Kogen Quasi-National Park: A scenic haven

8. Yatsugatake Chushin-Kogen Quasi-National Park: A scenic haven

Nestled at the heart of a vast park spanning Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures, the mesmerizing Yatsugatake mountain range unfolds, offering a picturesque landscape adorned with tranquil lakes , graceful white birch trees, and vibrant alpine flora.

mount fuji tourist activities

One of the region's highlights is the charming highlands of Kiyosato and other neighboring areas. These pastoral landscapes , reminiscent of the countryside in Europe, captivate the imagination and allure countless visitors seeking a serene escape. The idyllic scenery transports guests to a world of serenity, evoking a sense of tranquility and admiration for nature 's beauty . For those who ascend the 5,059-foot peak of Utsukushi-Mori, a truly awe-inspiring panorama awaits. From this lofty vantage point, breathtaking vistas encompassing Mt. Fuji, the Minami Alps, Oku-chichibu, and other remarkable sights unfold before the eyes. Each view is a testament to the region's remarkable natural splendor, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who witness its grandeur.

mount fuji tourist activities

In the lower elevations of the Yatsugatake range, a different scene emerges, where dairy farming thrives alongside high-altitude agriculture. This fertile land serves as a perfect setting for cultivating crops like cabbage and lettuce, taking advantage of the favorable conditions created by the range's unique topography. This harmonious blend of natural resources and human endeavor creates a vibrant tapestry, showcasing the diverse facets of Yatsugatake's beauty and the resilience of the local community.

  • Address Near Hokuto, Yamanashi

9. Thrills and spectacular views: Fuji-Q Highland

9. Thrills and spectacular views: Fuji-Q Highland

Seeking an exhilarating adventure paired with breathtaking vistas? Look no further than Fuji-Q Highland, where rollercoasters provide a thrilling ride alongside mesmerizing views of Mt. Fuji. This amusement park is a haven for thrill-seekers, boasting an impressive lineup of seven rollercoasters, including the mighty Fujiyama . These adrenaline-pumping attractions deliver an unforgettable experience, combining heart-pounding excitement with sweeping vistas of the iconic mountain . The sensation of soaring through the air while catching glimpses of Mt. Fuji's majestic presence is truly awe-inspiring.

mount fuji tourist activities

But fear not, Fuji-Q Highland caters to visitors of all ages. Little ones can delight in the Thomas The Tank Engine-themed area, filled with enchanting rides and attractions designed with their enjoyment in mind. Meanwhile, for those seeking a break from the thrills, the park offers a diverse selection of restaurants where you can refuel and indulge in delicious treats. Whether you're a fearless adventurer in search of an adrenaline rush or a family looking for a day of fun-filled activities, Fuji-Q Highland promises an unforgettable experience with its combination of thrilling rides, captivating views, and a wide range of entertainment options for all to enjoy.

Fuji-Q Highland

  • Address 5-6-1, Shinnishihara, Fujiyoshida-shi, Yamanashi, 403-0017 View Map
  • Nearest Station Fujikyu-Highland Station (Kawaguchiko Line (Fujikyuko)) 1 minute on foot
  • Phone Number 0555-24-6711

mount fuji tourist activities

10. Serene beauty and outdoor adventures: Lake Kawaguchiko

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Lake Kawaguchiko, a postcard-worthy destination, serves as a magnificent showcase for the awe-inspiring beauty of Mt. Fuji. As the second largest among the Fuji Five Lakes , it offers a multitude of opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts to immerse themselves in nature 's splendor. For those who enjoy fishing, boating, or engaging in water sports , Lake Kawaguchiko presents a playground of possibilities. Cast your line into the tranquil waters, embark on a leisurely boat ride to admire the surrounding scenery, or partake in exhilarating water sports that promise an adrenaline rush. The lake 's expansive surface provides ample space to embrace the joys of outdoor activities , complemented by the backdrop of Mt. Fuji's majestic presence.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

A leisurely drive around the circumference of the lake is also a popular choice among visitors, particularly during the enchanting autumn season . As the foliage adorning the landscape transforms into a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues, the picturesque scenery becomes even more captivating. Taking in the panoramic views from the comfort of your car, you'll be treated to a visual feast as nature 's brushstrokes paint the surroundings in shades of gold, crimson, and orange. Lake Kawaguchiko truly offers a harmonious blend of tranquility and adventure, providing a haven where visitors can indulge in outdoor pursuits, relish in the awe-inspiring views of Mt. Fuji, and create lasting memories amidst the captivating natural beauty that surrounds them.

Lake Kawaguchiko

  • Address Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi, 401-0301 View Map
  • Nearest Station Kawaguchiko Station (Kawaguchiko Line (Fujikyuko)) 1 minute on foot

mount fuji tourist activities

11. A tranquil oasis: Oshino Hakkai Springs

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Nestled amidst the captivating landscape lies Oshino Hakkai Springs, affectionately referred to as the " Spring of the Gods" since ancient times. This enchanting location comprises a cluster of eight hot springs , aptly named "Hakkai," which translates to "Eight Seas." Once a grand lake , the area underwent transformations due to volcanic activity from Mt. Fuji, resulting in the formation of these picturesque ponds, harmoniously embraced by traditional Japanese buildings. Oshino Hakkai is a destination that effortlessly embodies tranquility and natural beauty . The still and serene waters of the springs reflect the surrounding scenery, creating a mesmerizing sight. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of this oasis as you wander through the traditional buildings that encircle the ponds. Each step reveals glimpses of ancient charm, allowing visitors to experience the essence of Japan's cultural heritage. Every angle at Oshino Hakkai is a photographer's delight. The tranquil waters, framed by the breathtaking surroundings, serve as an endlessly captivating backdrop. And there, rising majestically in the distance, stands the iconic silhouette of Mt. Fuji, completing the picture-perfect setting. The combination of serene waters, traditional architecture , and the stunning presence of Mt. Fuji makes Oshino Hakkai an irresistibly photogenic destination that promises to leave a lasting impression.

  • Address Shibokusa, Oshino, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi 401-0511

mount fuji tourist activities

12. Majestic views and swans: Lake Yamanaka

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

As the largest among the Fuji Five Lakes , Lake Yamanakako offers an awe-inspiring canvas from which to admire the grandeur of Mt. Fuji. This pristine body of water, surrounded by unspoiled nature , allows you to bask in the majesty of Japan's tallest summit.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Despite its substantial size, Lake Yamanakako is relatively shallow and situated at a high altitude, making it a captivating sight during the winter months. As temperatures drop, the entire lake surface transforms into a frozen wonderland. Stepping onto the icy expanse for an unforgettable experience of ice fishing is an adventure that will leave an indelible mark on your memory. Engaging in this time-honored activity, you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the serene tranquility of the frozen lake , casting your line in hopes of catching a prized fish beneath the icy surface.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Lake Yamanakako, with its breathtaking vistas and frozen marvels, offers an exceptional blend of natural beauty and unique experiences. Whether you're gazing in awe at the magnificent views or venturing onto the frozen lake for a thrilling ice fishing adventure, this captivating destination promises to create cherished memories that will endure for a lifetime.

Lake Yamanaka

  • Address Yamanakako-mura, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi, 401-0500 View Map
  • Nearest Station Kawaguchiko Station (Kawaguchiko Line (Fujikyuko))
  • Phone Number 0555-62-3100

mount fuji tourist activities

13. A flavorful legacy: Koshu Wine in Yamanashi Prefecture

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Within Yamanashi Prefecture, Koshu wine stands as a prominent figure in Japan's wine industry, accounting for half of the country's wine production. The origins of Koshu wine trace back to a deep and international heritage, dating back to 1877 when Masanari Takano and Tatsunori Tsuchiya traveled to France to study the art of vinification. Their knowledge and expertise laid the foundation for the production of exceptional wines in Yamanashi Prefecture.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Katsunuma, nestled in the heart of Yamanashi , boasts the highest concentration of Koshu wine production. Wine enthusiasts can immerse themselves in the world of Koshu wine at the Budo-no-Oka ("Grape Hill") Wine Center, where displays of equipment and informative exhibits showcase the intricate winemaking process. Visitors can delve into the history and craftsmanship behind Koshu wine, gaining a deeper appreciation for this remarkable product. During the peak season , Katsunuma offers even more delights. Wine lovers can indulge in fruit picking, savoring the flavors of the luscious grapes that contribute to the creation of Koshu wine. This hands-on experience allows visitors to connect with the essence of the region, enjoying the fruits of the land while surrounded by the breathtaking scenery. With its rich legacy and distinctive flavors, Koshu wine continues to captivate wine enthusiasts. Yamanashi Prefecture serves as a haven for those seeking to delve into the world of Koshu wine, offering a journey that combines appreciation for craftsmanship, cultural heritage, and the pleasures of the palate.

14. Enjoy a taste of Yamanashi: 'Hoto'

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Steeped in history and shrouded in mystery, Hoto stands as a Yamanashi specialty dish with a fascinating origin story, believed to have its roots in China before making its way to the region. Hoto's journey traces back to its humble beginnings as a nourishing sustenance for Lord Shingen's troops during the feudal era. Over time, it has evolved into a beloved culinary icon that showcases simplicity and healthfulness. This hearty dish has become an integral part of Yamanashi 's gastronomic heritage, representing the area's rich culinary traditions and offering visitors a delightful exploration of local flavors.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Today, Hoto continues to capture the hearts and palates of both locals and tourists alike. Recognized as a wholesome and satisfying meal, this dish should undoubtedly be on every traveler's culinary adventure list in Yamanashi . Immerse yourself in the legacy of Hoto as you savor its robust flavors, relishing each bite of the thick flat noodles, vegetables, and savory broth that come together harmoniously. From its historical significance to its present-day appeal, Hoto encapsulates the essence of Yamanashi 's culinary delights and promises a memorable dining experience that truly satisfies the senses.

15. Illuminating the night sky: Lake Kawaguchiko Fireworks Festival and Kojosai

15. Illuminating the night sky: Lake Kawaguchiko Fireworks Festival and Kojosai

As the grand finale of the annual summer festivals in the Fuji Five Lakes area, a mesmerizing ritual takes place, believed to purify and cleanse away all traces of evil. Originating from Kawaguchi Sengen Shrine , this enchanting tradition involves the release of several hundred lanterns floating in small boats over the serene lake .

mount fuji tourist activities

The festivities commence with an afternoon concert , setting the stage for the main ceremony to follow. As the sun begins its descent, the air becomes charged with anticipation and the shimmering lanterns take to the water, creating a breathtaking spectacle. The gentle glow of these floating beacons casts a magical ambiance, inspiring a sense of tranquility and spiritual reflection.

mount fuji tourist activities

To bring the festival to a magnificent close, over 5,000 fireworks burst into the night sky, transforming it into a vibrant canvas of color and light. Each explosion illuminates the darkness, filling the air with awe and delight. As the radiant display captivates onlookers, the summer sky becomes a stage for a mesmerizing symphony of colors and cascading sparks, signaling the grand finale of this captivating event.

mount fuji tourist activities

The Lantern Festival at Fuji Five Lakes is an unforgettable experience that combines ancient traditions, ethereal beauty , and explosive spectacle. It is a celebration that invites locals and visitors alike to immerse themselves in the captivating atmosphere, igniting a sense of wonder and leaving lasting memories of a summer night filled with enchantment.

mount fuji tourist activities

16. Unveiling the spirit of Mt. Fuji: Fujisan World Heritage Center

16. Unveiling the spirit of Mt. Fuji: Fujisan World Heritage Center

Nestled at the base of majestic Mt. Fuji, embraced by lush woodland, the Fujisan World Heritage Center serves as a gateway to unravel the profound connection between this iconic mountain and Japan's rich history and culture. For those seeking a deeper understanding of Mt. Fuji's significance, this center is an essential destination.

mount fuji tourist activities

Immerse yourself in the immersive experience offered at the Fujisan World Heritage Center, where the spirit of Mt. Fuji comes alive. Delve into the intricate tapestry of stories, traditions, and legends that have woven this magnificent mountain into the very fabric of Japanese society. Through captivating exhibits and informative displays, visitors can embark on a journey that uncovers the profound symbolism and significance of Mt. Fuji. Surrounded by verdant woodland, the center provides a tranquil atmosphere that encourages contemplation and reflection. As you explore the exhibits, the natural beauty of the surroundings acts as a constant reminder of the profound harmony between Mt. Fuji and the environment in which it resides. It provides some excellent views of the mountain itself, as well as a cafe and restaurant.

mount fuji tourist activities

  • Address 6663-1 Funatsu, Fujikawaguchiko, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi 401-0301

17. Exploring the mysteries of the enigmatic Narusawa Ice Cave

17. Exploring the mysteries of the enigmatic Narusawa Ice Cave

Carved by the volcanic might of Mt. Fuji in ages past, Narusawa offers a captivating journey into the depths of this majestic mountain 's history. Conveniently situated near the Mt. Fuji Panorama Line Highway, Narusawa unveils an enigmatic wonder known as the Narusawa Ice Cave. This natural phenomenon remains frozen throughout the year, even in the peak of summer , providing a welcome escape from the sweltering heat.

mount fuji tourist activities

Embarking on a visit to Narusawa Ice Cave, visitors are transported into an otherworldly realm. As you venture into the depths of this mysterious cave, the air becomes cool and crisp, immersing you in a serene oasis hidden beneath the surface. The glittering ice formations that adorn the cave walls create a mesmerizing spectacle, evoking a sense of wonder and enchantment.

mount fuji tourist activities

The Narusawa Ice Cave offers a unique opportunity to witness the eternal presence of ice and delve into the fascinating geological history shaped by Mt. Fuji's volcanic activity. It provides respite from the summer heat while inviting you to unlock the secrets held within its frozen walls, offering a truly unforgettable experience that connects you with the awe-inspiring forces of nature .

Narusawa Hyoketsu Ice Cave

  • Address 8533, Narusawa-mura, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi, 401-0320 View Map

18. Enjoy a fragrant delight: Lake Kawaguchiko Herb Festival

18. Enjoy a fragrant delight: Lake Kawaguchiko Herb Festival

From mid-June to mid-July, the Fujikawaguchiko Herb Festival takes center stage, captivating visitors with its surprising scale and allure, even for those who may not consider themselves herb enthusiasts. Yagizaki Park and Oishi Park come alive during this festival, showcasing a vibrant tapestry of fragrant herbs and flowers. The air is filled with delightful aromas, creating a sensory wonderland for visitors to explore. As you wander through the parks , you'll encounter a myriad of stalls offering an array of crafts, teas, snacks, and, of course, herbs. The festival presents an opportunity to immerse yourself in the captivating world of herbs, discovering their diverse uses and enjoying their aromatic presence.

mount fuji tourist activities

At the heart of the festival lies the captivating lavender. Lavender fields in full bloom become the centerpiece of the show , painting the landscape with hues of purple and infusing the air with its distinctive fragrance. As you indulge in the festivities, don't miss the chance to savor lavender-flavored ice cream, a delicacy that comes highly recommended. The unique combination of creamy sweetness with the subtle floral notes of lavender creates a truly delightful treat that encapsulates the essence of the festival.

mount fuji tourist activities

The Fujikawaguchiko Herb Festival invites visitors on a fragrant journey, celebrating the beauty , versatility, and enchantment of herbs. It is an immersive experience that leaves a lasting impression, offering a delightful blend of sights, scents, and flavors that will surely ignite the senses and create cherished memories.

  • Address 897-1, Kodate, Fujikawaguchiko Town, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi 401-0302

19. A wine lover's paradise: Katsunuma Budo-no-Oka

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

Nestled in the heart of Koshu Wine country, Budo-no-Oka stands as a sanctuary for grapes and wine enthusiasts. Perched atop a hill adorned with picturesque vineyards in Katsunuma, this destination invites visitors to embark on a sensory journey through the flavors and beauty of the region.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

At Budo-no-Oka, wine lovers can indulge in a remarkable selection of approximately 180 carefully curated brands of wine. Each wine has undergone a rigorous quality screening by Koshu City, ensuring that only the finest offerings are available for tasting and purchase. Immerse yourself in the world of wine as you savor the distinct characteristics and craftsmanship of each brand, allowing your palate to dance with delight.

©Yamanashi Tourism Organization

The experience at Budo-no-Oka extends beyond wine tasting. From the vantage point of the on-site restaurant, you can relish commanding views of the surrounding area while enjoying a glass of your preferred wine. The panoramic vistas provide the perfect backdrop for a memorable dining experience, where culinary delights and scenic beauty merge harmoniously. To complete your visit, indulge in a soothing dip in the "Tenku no Yu" hot spring , where panoramic views await. Let the warm waters envelop you as you unwind and take in the breathtaking scenery that stretches before you. The combination of therapeutic relaxation and stunning vistas creates a moment of pure bliss, leaving you refreshed and rejuvenated. Budo-no-Oka is a haven where grapevines, wine, and captivating views converge. It invites visitors to immerse themselves in the essence of Katsunuma's winemaking heritage, offering an unforgettable experience that delights the senses and showcases the beauty of the region.

  • Address 5093 Katsunumacho Hishiyama, Koshu, Yamanashi 409-1302
  • Area Yamanashi
  • How To: Sightseeing

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  • Mount Fuji Facts & Travel Guide | 15 Things To Do Around Mt. Fuji | Best Way To See Mt. Fuji

Mount Fuji Facts & Travel Guide | 15 Things To Do Around Mt. Fuji | Best Way To See Mt. Fuji

Mount Fuji Facts & Ultimate Travel Guide

Last Updated: 06/10/2023

Mount Fuji, also known as Fuji-san, is the highest mountain in Japan and one of the country's most iconic landmarks. The distance of Mount Fuji from Tokyo is about 100km southwest, it is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. We will be sharing some interesting facts about Mount Fuji. We hope we can provide you with a comprehensive travel guide to help you plan your visit.

Mount Fuji Facts

Height and location.

Mount Fuji height & location

Standing at 3,776.24 meters (12,389 feet) height, Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. It is located on Honshu Island- the border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures , about 100 kilometers southwest of Tokyo.

Geology and Eruptions:

Mount Fuji is an active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707-08. The mountain is composed of three separate volcanic cones, with the highest being the Kengamine peak. Despite being an active volcano, it is still relatively safe. The Japanese government closely monitors its volcanic activity.

Cultural Significance:

Cultural significance of Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji has played an important role in Japanese culture for centuries. There are over 2 million shrines at Mount Fuji and it's considered sacred by many religions including Shintoism and Buddhism (especially Zen Buddhism). The mountain has also been the subject of many works of art, including paintings, poems, and literature.

UNESCO World Heritage Site:

In 2013, Mount Fuji was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. It was recognized for its cultural significance and natural beauty.

Mount Fuji Travel Guide

Best time to visit.

Mount fuji view from sengen park

The best time to visit Mount Fuji is during the climbing season, which runs from early July to mid-September. During this time, the weather is mild and the mountain is open to climbers. However, if you want to avoid the crowds, it is best to visit outside of this season.

Reach Mount Fuji by car

It takes about four hours by car from Tokyo or six hours from Kyoto. The road is closed during winter months because of heavy snowfall; if you're planning on driving up in wintertime (December through March), check with locals before setting out on your trip!

Reach Mount Fuji by bus

There are several options for taking public transportation up Mount Fuji. However, these routes only go as far as 5th Station or 7th Station respectively. If you want access beyond those points then consider taking taxis instead (they'll take longer but cost less). You may also need reservations depending on how busy things are during peak season (July-August).

Reach Mount Fuji by train

You can board trains at Shinjuku Station or Odawara Station. Some lines run all year long while others stop running between November and April due to weather conditions such as heavy snowfall. The Fuji Excursion Limited Express train is the way to go if you want to travel from Tokyo's super busy Shinjuku Station (seriously, it's like the busiest train station in the world) to Kawaguchiko . We recommend that you purchase a Japan rail pass to make your onward journey easier by train.

Climbing Mount Fuji

Climbing Mount Fuji

Climbing Mount Fuji is a popular activity, but it is not for the faint of heart. The climb can take anywhere from 5 to 12 hours, depending on your fitness level and the route you take. It is recommended that you start your climb in the late afternoon or evening so that you can reach the summit in time for sunrise.

Mt. Fuji Trails

Climbing Mount Fuji

There are four main trails that lead to the summit of Mount Fuji: the Yoshida Trail, Subashiri Trail, Gotemba Trail, and Fujinomiya Trail. The Yoshida Trail is the longest and most popular trail with an elevation gain of 10750 feet (3200 m) but takes only about 10 hours to reach its summit from Tokyo by car if you drive yourself; however there are also buses that go up and down the mountain every day starting from about 8AM until sunset (4PM).


If you plan to stay at Mount Fuji, there are many options. You can choose to stay in a hotel in Tokyo or one of the nearby cities. If you want to be closer to the mountain, there are several hotels near Mount Fuji that offer great views of it from their rooms or from their restaurants. If you are planning to climb Mount Fuji, you will need to stay overnight at one of the mountain huts located along the trails. These huts offer basic accommodations, including sleeping mats and meals.

15 Things To Do Around Mt. Fuji

If climbing Mount Fuji is not for you, there are still plenty of other activities to enjoy in the area.

1. See the sunrise/sunset at the top of Mount Fuji

Sunrise view on top of Mount Fuji

Watching the sunrise from the summit of Mount Fuji is an unforgettable experience. As the highest peak in Japan, the view from the summit offers panoramic vistas of the surrounding landscape, with the rising sun casting a stunning array of colors. It requires an early start and some effort, but the feeling of accomplishment and the beauty of the moment make it all worthwhile.

2. Visit Fujisan Hongū Sengen Taisha

Fujisan Hongū Sengen Taisha

Fujisan Hongū Sengen Taisha is a Shinto shrine located in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Prefecture , Japan. It is dedicated to Princess Konohanasakuya, the goddess of Mount Fuji and volcanoes. The shrine is believed to have been established in the 9th century and is a popular pilgrimage site for those climbing Mount Fuji.

3. Visit Lake Ashinoko

Lake Ashinoko

Lake Ashi, also known as Ashinoko, is a scenic crater lake located in Hakone , Japan. It offers picturesque views of Mount Fuji and is a popular tourist destination for its scenic boat tours, hot springs, and views of the surrounding mountains. Best way to explore Lake Ashinoko is by renting a cycle and riding around it.


4. Relax at a nearby hot spring (Onsen)

There are many onsen (hot springs) located around Mount Fuji in Japan, offering a relaxing and rejuvenating experience after a day of hiking or sightseeing. Some popular onsen include Fujikawaguchiko Onsen, Yamanakako Onsen, and Hakone Onsen. Each onsen has its unique characteristics, such as mineral-rich waters, outdoor baths, and stunning views of Mount Fuji.

5. Old Hakone art museum

Hakone open air art museum installation

The Old Hakone Art Museum is a cultural attraction located in Hakone , Japan, that showcases a collection of Japanese and East Asian ceramics, paintings, sculptures, and calligraphy. The museum's building is also an impressive work of architecture.

H.I.S. 訪日旅行営業本部

6. Fuji-Q Highland

Fuji-Q Highland amusement park

Fuji-Q Highland is an amusement park in Fujiyoshida, Japan, known for its thrilling roller coasters, including the "Eejanaika" and "Fujiyama" coasters, as well as haunted houses, and other rides.

7. Fuji Five Lakes

The Five Lakes are a group of picturesque lakes located in the foothills of Mount Fuji in Japan. The lakes offer stunning views of the mountain and are a popular tourist destination for their natural beauty.

a) Visit Yamanaka lake

Lake Yamanaka

Yamanaka Lake offers a range of water activities, including dome fishing, kayaking, and stand-up paddleboarding. Visitors can also enjoy boat tours, lakeside hot springs, and hiking trails.


b) Visit Lake Motosu

Kayaking on lake Motosu

Motosu Lake offers a variety of activities such as camping, hiking, and fishing. The lake is known for its crystal-clear waters.

Nagomi Nature Connections

c) Visit lake Saiko

Stand Up Paddling (SUP) on lake Saiko

Lake Saiko offers several water activities such as canoeing, kayaking, stand up paddling(SUP) fishing, and boat tours. The lake is known for its serene atmosphere.


d) Visit lake Shoji

Lake Shoji

Kayaking on Lake Shoji is a popular activity for visitors to the area. The serene and peaceful lake offers stunning views of Mount Fuji, making it a great place for a relaxing paddle. Visitors can rent kayaks or join a guided tour.

e) Visit lake Kawaguchi

Lake Kawaguchi

Lake Kawaguchi offers a range of activities such as cycling, hiking, and fishing. Visitors can also enjoy boat tours, lakeside hot springs, and stunning views of Mount Fuji. The lake is known for its beautiful cherry blossoms in the spring and colorful foliage in the fall.


8. Traditional tea picking experience at the foot of Mount Fuji

Tea picking at the foot of Mount Fuji

At the foot of Mount Fuji, visitors can experience traditional tea picking in the lush green tea fields. They can learn the art of tea picking, processing, and brewing while enjoying the scenic beauty of the area and savoring a cup of freshly brewed tea.


9. Paragliding & hang gliding over Mount Fuji

Paragliding with a view of Mount Fuji

Paragliding and hang gliding over Mount Fuji is a thrilling adventure that offers breathtaking views of the mountain and the surrounding landscape. Experienced pilots can take visitors on tandem flights, soaring high above the clouds and experiencing the exhilaration of free-flight.


10. Camping in the wilderness at the foot of Mount Fuji

Camping at the foot of Mount Fuji

Camping in the wilderness at the foot of Mount Fuji is a unique experience for nature lovers. Visitors can pitch a tent in one of the designated camping sites and enjoy the tranquility of the area, stargazing, and exploring the surrounding forests and trails.


11. ATV course through the wilderness with a panoramic view of Mount Fuji

ATV ride with a view of Mount Fuji

Visitors can explore the rugged terrain on an exciting course and enjoy stunning views of the mountain and the surrounding landscape. Rent an ATV now!


12. White water rafting

White water rafting with Mount Fuji view

Clear water rafting with a view of Mount Fuji is an exciting activity that combines adventure and natural beauty. Visitors can enjoy the thrill of white-water rafting while taking in the stunning views of the iconic mountain


13. Visit the volcanic craters

Volcanic crater of Mount Fuji

Visiting the crater of Mount Fuji and Hoei volcanoes is an unforgettable experience for adventure seekers. Visitors can hike to the top of the mountain, explore the volcanic landscape, and take in the stunning views from the summit, including a bird's-eye view of the crater.

冨士エコツアー・サービス (Fuji Eco Tour Service)

14. Cycling tour around Mount Fuji

Cycling tour around Mount Fuji

A cycling tour around Mount Fuji is a great way to explore the area's natural beauty and cultural attractions. Visitors can bike through picturesque countryside, visit traditional villages, and take in stunning views of the mountain from various vantage points.


15. Helicopter ride over Mount Fuji

Helicopter ride over Mount Fuji

A helicopter ride over Mount Fuji is a breathtaking experience that offers unparalleled views of the mountain and the surrounding landscape.

Mount Fuji is an iconic landmark that is steeped in Japanese culture and history. Whether you are a seasoned climber or just looking for a beautiful place to explore, Mount Fuji has something to offer everyone. With this comprehensive travel guide, you can plan your visit to this amazing destination and experience all that it has to offer. You could also check out more things to do around Yamanashi . So what are you waiting for? Start planning your trip to Mount Fuji today!

Frequently asked questions

Q which city is mount fuji in.

A Mount Fuji is located in Japan, specifically on the border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures.

Q Is Mount Fuji the biggest volcano in the world?

A While Mount Fuji is a large and impressive volcano, it is not the biggest in the world. In fact, it doesn't even make the top 10 list of the world's largest volcanoes.

Q Can a beginner climb Mount Fuji?

A Yes, a beginner can climb Mount Fuji. While it is a challenging hike, it doesn't require any special technical skills or equipment. However, it's still important to be prepared with proper clothing, footwear, and supplies, and to pace yourself to avoid altitude sickness.

Q Does it cost money to climb Mt. Fuji?

A While there is no fee to climb Mount Fuji, there are expenses involved such as transportation, food, and possibly accommodation.

Q What is the best way to visit Mount Fuji?

A The best way to visit Mount Fuji depends on your preferences and schedule. Some popular options include taking a bus tour, joining a guided hiking tour, or exploring the area on your own by car or public transportation.

Q How long does it take to climb up Mount Fuji?

A It typically takes between 5 and 8 hours to climb up Mount Fuji, depending on your starting point and pace.

Q How far is Fuji from Tokyo?

A The distance from Tokyo to Mount Fuji varies depending on where you want to go, but it's approximately 100 kilometers (62 miles) from central Tokyo to the base of the mountain.

Q Which shrine has the best view of Mount Fuji?

A The Arakurayama Sengen Park in Fujiyoshida City is a popular spot to view Mount Fuji, as it offers a stunning perspective of the mountain framed by a five-story pagoda.

Q What month is best to see Mount Fuji?

A The best month to see Mount Fuji is generally considered to be February, when the weather is cold and clear, and the snow-covered mountain is often visible against a blue sky.

Q How to go to Mount Fuji from Tokyo by train?

A To get to Mount Fuji from Tokyo by train, you can take the JR Chuo Line to Otsuki Station, then transfer to the Fujikyu Railway and take the train to one of the mountain's five stations. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Shinjuku Station or Tokyo Station directly to the mountain.

Q How high is mount fuji?

A Mount Fuji is 3,776 meters (12,389 feet) tall.

Q Can you see Mt. Fuji from bullet train?

A Yes, you can see Mount Fuji from the bullet train (Shinkansen) if you're traveling between Tokyo and Osaka. However, the view is only visible for a few seconds as the train passes by.

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Things to Do Around Mount Fuji

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Mt. Fuji Top Attractions/Private Tours

Most frequently asked questions.

  •  What location has the best view of Mount Fuji? There are three locations with the best views of Mount Fuji from a distance: Lake Kawaguchiko, Arakurayama Sengen Park, and Lake Ashi in Hakone.
  •  What pass is available for visiting Mount Fuji? Fujikyuko Buss offers some passes to enjoy the Mount Fuji area which is suitable for tourists who want to fully explore the Mount Fuji area. Mount Fuji Pass includes unlimited rides on the buses and trains of Fujikyuko company around the Mount Fuji area. The voucher also includes most tickets and some discounts. Mount Fuji Pass is only available for visitors who hold a short-term tourist visa.
  •  Where can I buy the Mount Fuji Pass? There are 8 Mount Fuji Pass sales windows. They are located at Otsuki Station, Kawaguchiko Station, Mount Fuji Station, Asahigaoka Bus Terminal, Shin-Fuji Station, Gotemba Station, Mishima Station, and Fujinomiya Station. In addition, it can also be purchased through designated overseas sales agents on the official website: .
  •  Are there Join In Bus Tours in the Mount Fuji area? We recommend the Kawaguchiko/Saiko Sightseeing Bus, which departs from Kawaguchiko Station every 15 minutes. It not only travels around Kawaguchiko and Saiko, but also passes the Mount Fuji Panoramic Ropeway, Kawaguchiko Sightseeing Boat "Ensoleille", Kawaguchiko Music Forest Museum, Kawaguchiko Museum of Art, and Saiko Iyashi no Sato Nenba, etc. The bus company also has launched a 2-day package that allows unlimited rides on the bus for two days. Timetable: .
  •  Is there a sightseeing bus to Oshino Hakkai and Lake Yamanakako? We recommend the Fujiyoshida/Oshino/Yamanakako Sightseeing Bus. From Kawaguchiko Station to Oshino Hakkai, Fujiyoshida, and Lake Yamanakako, there are 11 buses on the route every day. You can travel around Sengen Shrine, Mount Fuji Radar Dome, Benifuji Spring, Oshino Hakkai, Hananomiyako Park, etc. You can use IC transportation cards or the 2-day unlimited pass is also available. With the two days unlimited pass, you can ride for free in all of Fujikko areas (Kawaguchiko Station Mount Fuji Station Oshino Lake Yamanaka) for two days. They are available at the bus ticket counters at Kawaguchiko Station, Mount Fuji Station, and Asahigaoka Bus Terminal. Timetable: .
  •  What are the recommended spots to visit around Mount Fuji? Some recommended spots around Mount Fuji are Lake Kawaguchiko, Oshino Hakkai, Mount Fuji 5th Station, Sengen Shrine, Kawaguchiko Tenjoyama Park (Nakabadaira), and Kawaguchiko Music Forest Museum.
  •  Where can I take a hot spring bath near Mount Fuji? Hot springs are generally available in hotels near Mount Fuji. If you want to go to the hot springs alone, you can choose from the following recommendations. I. Near Lake Yamanaka 紅富士の湯 (Yamanakako Onsen Benifuji no yu)- There are many hot spring pools. There are saunas and the open-air pool that faces Mount Fuji. When the weather is fine, you can directly see the top of the mountain. 石割の湯 (Yamanakako Hirano Onsen Ishiwari-No-Yu)- Japanese people prefer this place because the spring water quality is better. II. Near Lake Kawaguchiko 富士眺望の湯ゆらり (Fuji Yurari Hot Spring)- There are many types of hot springs and you can see Mount Fuji in the open, and the scenery is good.
  •  Are there any ski resorts near Mount Fuji? Mount Fuji 5th Station's Snow Town YETI Ski Resort - When the weather is clear, you can see the view of Mount Fuji. There are 4 different ski slopes in the park, A, B, C, and D. It can be used by beginners or experienced skiers. Fujiten Snow Resort - It is located in the Yamanashi Prefecture in Mount Fuji, an hour and a half drive from Tokyo. It is not only rich and soft in snow, but more importantly, it is the only ski resort in Japan that allows you to see Mount Fuji up close.
  •  What's the recommended attractions near Mount Fuji? We recommended Fujinomiya Trail 5th Station, Chureito Pagoda, Lake Kawaguchiko, Lake Yamanakako, and Oshino Hakkai.
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Japan Holiday

Mt. Fuji: Ultimate Guide to Japan’s Iconic Mountain

mount fuji tourist activities

No mountain in Japan, and maybe even the world, is quite as spectacular as Mt. Fuji. We challenge you to find a list of the most beautiful mountains in the world without Fuji being in the top 10! Anyways, it gained its fame for many reasons- one of course being its surreally “perfect” shape. Fuji-san’s beauty has graced famed works of art for centuries, and its history yields numerous astonishing facts and captivating lore. Within the distance between the breathtaking views both of and from its majestic peak, lies a myriad of activities and sights catered to ensuring only the best of memories.

mt fuji hokusai

As glorious as it is, there’s no chance to enjoy it without a proper plan and understanding of all the when, where, what, and how- you know. Whether it’s climbing to the top or viewing from an onsen, finding your way there or finding a place to stay, knowing how to best enjoy Mt. Fuji is essential. Read along for an all-inclusive guide to, we would confidently claim to be, the world’s most beautiful mountain.

Where it is, When to go, and How to get there:

History, facts, and claims to fame, climbing: the ultimate achievement, nearby & far away, accommodation & tours, good luck and have fun, japan wonder travel tours , other articles you might be interested in:.

Mt Fuji

You know the what, so next up is the when, where, and how:

  • “Yamanashi” can be read as “山無し,” meaning “no mountain”, which is clearly not the the case. Bad puns aside, Yamanashi (actually “山梨”) is indeed the prefecture boasting the famous peak, which lies near the border of the neighboring Shizuoka prefecture. The general distance to Fuji from Tokyo is about 2 hours, give or take.
  • Shinkansen, or bullet trains, is by far the most comfortable and scenic way to get there. Headed east to west, be sure to grab a seat on the right side for a view of Fuji as you whiz by. 
  • Definitely the more budget friendly option, undeniably comfortable and differently scenic, Busses are a great way to get to and from various locations nearby.

For other ways to get there and for more details on the above, have a look at this: 

mount fuji tourist activities

  • For the best chance to see the peak, visit during December and March. Once things warm up, chances of a clear view drop from 70% to 30% due to clouds. In a way its ideal as onsen are great in the winter, and the views from them are the cherry on top. 

mt fuji shadow

Fuji warrants a lot of attention for its looks, but there’s a lot more to the mountain that makes it even more impressive:

  • As we’ve clearly stated, it’s immaculate . The symmetrical, conical, and blissfully unobstructed stance seems unreal in comparison to the many jagged mountains out there. Not trying to throw any shade… even though mountains do a lot of that. Especially Fuji- wait until you see its shadow from the peak, looming over the clouds. Compelling views from afar are also attributed to its 6 month a year covering of snow.
  • Mt Fuji is an impressive 3,776 meters (2.35 miles) tall and 50 kilometers (30 miles) wide. It is an active stratovolcano, with its last eruption occurring in 1707, which blotted the skies and buried as far as Edo Tokyo with ash.
  • There are actually 3 sacred mountains in Japan, and it’s laughable to think Fuji-san may not be one of them. In a nation 70% covered by mountains, these 3 definitely beat out a lot of competition.

mount fuji tourist activities

  • Fuji can actually be seen every day (and many times a day, if you’ve got a lot of cash!); it’s right on the back of the 1000 yen bill. The picture is replicated from the view you can get at from a shore near lake Motosu.
  • On another ‘note’, the way Fuji got its name is also an interesting story, as well as an ongoing debate. Learn more about it below! 

mount fuji tourist activities

  • Seasonal : The official climbing season is not too long- from early July to early September. August is quite popular among residents as a significant holiday season (Obon) occurs around then. So naturally, try to avoid times like this (and perhaps weekends) when the majority of the workforce has time to make the ascent. Note: climbing outside these months is highly discouraged- the huts along the path are closed and adds to the danger. While it’s not impossible, leave it to the pros. That being said, there are guided opportunities outside of the normal season available to perhaps intermediate climbers.
  • Daily : we have a much more detailed guide for actually making the climb, but to summarize, opt for taking 2 days to hike and perhaps stay a night at one of the huts along the way. It’s about a 5-10 hour hike depending on how often you stop, and is about a 3-4 hour descent. Many plan their hike in favor of seeing the sunrise which is undeniably breathtaking, but there are merits to summiting at other times too.

mount fuji tourist activities

  • Distance : Around 14 kilometers
  • Duration : 6-8 hours (ascending)
  • Details : Most popular, Bustling atmosphere, Numerous huts. Well-maintained and great for both novice and experienced hikers
  • Distance : Around 11 kilometers
  • Duration : 5-7 hours (ascending)
  • Details : Less crowded, beautiful forested area, more challenging and a bit more adventure
  • Distance : Around 19 kilometers
  • Duration : 7-10 hours (ascending)
  • Details : Longest and least frequented, steeper and more demanding, unique lava fields, rewarding for those who can handle the physical difficulty
  • Distance : Around 10 kilometers
  • Duration : 4-7 hours (ascending)
  • Details : Fastest route, more direct and less winding path. Many great views to see, and great for those trying to make the most of their time

mount fuji tourist activities

Being such a centerpiece of Japan, Fuji is surrounded by a wonderful selection of things to do a n d r e m a r k a b l e v a n t a g e p o i n t s :

Things to do nearby :

mount fuji tourist activities

  • Kawaguchiko : This amazing town is full of vitality, maintaining a laid back vibe while also being a hub for curious visitors. Plenty of amazing hotels with phenomenal views of Fuji complete with both public and private Onsen, as well as delicious restaurants and a bit of shopping. Not to mention, the ropeway, Chureito, and boat rides on the lake all offer incredible views of the mountain.

mount fuji tourist activities

  • Outdoor Activities : It goes without saying that Fuji would be a diamond in the eyes of nature enthusiasts, but the draw to the area doesn’t stop there. Plenty of camping spots, parks, cycling, lake activities, and other options for hiking are a great shout for a good time on a clear day.

mount fuji tourist activities

  • Fuji-Q : A different kind of outdoor fun lies at Japan’s most prized amusement park: Fuji-Q Highland. Complete with world record holding coasters as well as family friendly fun, Fuji-Q is a great chance to seek thrills and get a superb view of the peak.

mount fuji tourist activities

  • Other lakes : Kawaguchiko is the largest of 5 lakes around Fuji. Not all the lakes are quite as “central” as Kawaguchiko may be, but they all have their own merits. For example, Lake Motosu is not only great to see the 1000 yen bill scene, it’s also great for camping (cabins available too), stargazing, and relaxation.

mount fuji tourist activities

Admiring at a distance :

  • Fuji is so large and mostly unobstructed that it can actually be seen from distances as far as Tokyo, albeit just a silhouette. But of course, as you get closer, there are plenty of opportunities. Aside from those in Kawaguchiko and from the shinkansen, there are many spots in Shizuoka, other parts of Yamanashi, Hakone, and others. 

Kawaguchiko Asama Shrine Mount Fuji

  • This shrine was constructed after a large eruption in 864, and has since become a UNESCO Heritage site. The torii gate was added recently in 2019, making the view that much more majestic.
  • If you find yourself on the west side of Fuji, you’ll be able to get a spectacular view called “Diamond Fuji” where the rising sun casts sparkling rays over the peak: shine bright like a diamond.

mount fuji tourist activities

Views from your private hot spring Getting a nice view of Fuji from your hotel room is absolutely a reason to splurge, and there are plenty of options to choose from that have incredible views, baths, service, and location. Here are a few that you’ll want to hope still have vacancy:

  • Speedway is the definitive flex of contemporary luxury and signature hospitality in one of the most scenic spots in Japan. Here you’ll enjoy five star comfort and exceptional service. This establishment truly speaks for itself.
  • Situated between Lake Kawaguchi and Mt. Fuji, this waterfront five star masterpiece is the epitome of Japanese luxury. Astounding design and breathtaking views come together for the perfect lakeside experience.
  • Another remarkable lakeside choice, Fufu boasts an unbeatable view of Fuji across lake Kawaguchi. Arguably one of the best names to remember, this spot is optimized for great memories.

mount fuji tourist activities

Relax and see all the spots If you want to leave the planning to the pros so you can sit back and relax, look no further.

  • There are plenty of tours to choose from when it comes to Fuji, and many spots to consider visiting around the area. Rest assured we have you covered here as well, especially with our day trip tour that hits the most memorable spots around lake Kawaguchi. If you’re interested in stunning views of the mountain, fun activities, and tasty food, be sure to look here for more information.

mount fuji tourist activities

  • And if you’re perhaps looking for some different itineraries, check out these as well:

mount fuji tourist activities

There you have it, everything you need to know to get the planning of your trip to Fuji underway. Whether it’s transport and accommodation, food and fun, climbing and relaxing, or simply enough facts and trivia to fool your friends into thinking you did it all, we hope your questions have been answered. Fuji is the pride of Japan, and so many wonderful experiences lie on and around it, perfectly catered to creating lasting memories and inspired moments.

Japan Wonder Travel is a travel agency that offers guided tours throughout Japan.  From private walking tours to delicious Food and Drink tours, we can help you organize the best tours just for you! If you want to explore Japan and learn more about the history and backstories of each area you are visiting, our knowledgeable and friendly English speaking guides will happily take you to the best spots!  In addition, we can provide you with any assistance you may need for your upcoming trip to Japan, so please feel free to contact us if yu have any questions or need some help! 

▶ Tokyo Tsukiji Fish Market Food and Drink Tour Explore the most lively and popular fish market in Tokyo and try some of the local’s favorite street foods and sake with one of our friendly and knowledgeable English speaking guides! 

tsukiji tour

▶ Tokyo 1–Day Highlights Private Walking Tour (8 Hours) There’s no better way to explore an area than taking a tour with a knowledgeable local guide. You will have the chance to learn about the history and interesting background stories of Tokyo, as well as discover some hidden gems which can be hard to do without a guide.

Asakusa Tokyo private tour

▶ Mt. Fuji Day Trip Bus Tour from Tokyo Experience the breathtaking views of Mt. Fuji by visiting the highlights of the area on our guided sightseeing bus tour! Departing from Shinjuku in central Tokyo, you can travel comfortably to all of the best spots in the area by bus.

mount fuji chureito pagoda

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Must-Try Family-Friendly Hiking and Sightseeing Activities on Mt Fuji

  • October 12, 2023
  • kawaiijourneys

Discover the wonders of Mt. Fuji with our curated list of must-try family-friendly hiking and sightseeing activities.

From breathtaking summit hikes to exploring the enchanting Aokigahara Forest, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Immerse yourself in the beauty of cherry blossoms at Chureito Pagoda, embark on a scenic boat tour of Lake Kawaguchi, or experience the thrills of Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park.

Join us as we unveil the best of Mt. Fuji, providing you with an unforgettable adventure for the whole family.

To reach the summit of Mt. Fuji, hikers must embark on a challenging and exhilarating journey that typically takes 6-8 hours. This iconic mountain in Japan offers several climbing trails, each with its own unique features and difficulty levels.

The most popular trail, known as the Yoshida Trail, starts from the fifth station and provides stunning views of the surrounding landscapes. Other trails like the Subashiri Trail and Gotemba Trail offer different perspectives and experiences.

It is essential to plan the hike according to the best time to hike Mt. Fuji, which is during the official climbing season from early July to mid-September. During this period, the weather is generally more favorable, and the mountain huts are open to provide much-needed rest and refreshment along the way.

Remember to pack proper gear, stay hydrated, and be prepared for the physical demands of this challenging adventure.

One of the most iconic views of Mt. Fuji can be seen from the Chureito Pagoda, a five-story pagoda located in Fujiyoshida City.

This picturesque spot offers a breathtaking backdrop of the majestic mountain, especially during cherry blossom season when the pagoda is surrounded by a sea of pink sakura.

It is a must-visit destination for nature lovers seeking to capture the beauty of both Mt. Fuji and the seasonal blossoms.

The Chureito Pagoda and cherry blossoms offer visitors a captivating and iconic view of Mt Fuji. This picturesque spot is a favorite among photographers and nature enthusiasts alike. Here are four reasons why you shouldn't miss this iconic Mt Fuji view:

  • Breathtaking Photography: The Chureito Pagoda, with its distinctive red color, stands majestically against the backdrop of Mt Fuji. Capture this postcard-worthy scene and create a lasting memory of your trip.
  • Cherry Blossom Spectacle: Visit during springtime and witness the stunning cherry blossoms in full bloom. The delicate pink flowers create a dreamlike atmosphere that perfectly complements the mountain's beauty.
  • Cultural Significance: The Chureito Pagoda is a symbol of peace and tranquility, offering a serene setting for reflection and contemplation.
  • Mt Fuji Climbing Tips: From this viewpoint, you can also gather valuable insights into the mountain's terrain and weather conditions, helping you prepare for your own Mt Fuji adventure.

Experience the freedom of immersing yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of Mt Fuji at the Chureito Pagoda and cherry blossoms.

Capturing the seasonal beauty of Sakura at the Chureito Pagoda and cherry blossoms is an enchanting experience that seamlessly continues the exploration of Mt Fuji's iconic views.

The blooming season of Sakura, or cherry blossoms, is a highly anticipated time of the year in Japan. Visitors flock to the Chureito Pagoda, situated at the base of Mt Fuji, to witness the breathtaking sight of the cherry blossoms in full bloom. The pagoda provides a stunning backdrop, adding to the picturesque scenery.

Many families and friends gather for hanami picnics, a traditional Japanese custom of enjoying food and drinks under the cherry blossoms. The vibrant pink and white petals create a magical atmosphere, inviting everyone to celebrate the beauty of nature.

The Chureito Pagoda and cherry blossoms offer a serene and unforgettable experience, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the tranquility of Mt Fuji's surroundings.

A popular activity for families visiting Mt Fuji is taking a scenic boat tour on Lake Kawaguchi. This breathtaking experience allows you to fully immerse yourself in the stunning surroundings of Japan's iconic mountain.

Here are four reasons why a Lake Kawaguchi boat tour is a must-try activity:

  • Spectacular Views: From the comfort of the boat, you can enjoy panoramic views of Mt Fuji, its reflection on the crystal-clear lake, and the surrounding picturesque landscapes.
  • Peaceful Atmosphere: The serene waters of Lake Kawaguchi provide a tranquil setting, allowing you to relax and unwind as you cruise along.
  • Unique Perspective: Seeing Mt Fuji from the water offers a different perspective compared to viewing it from land, giving you a fresh appreciation of its grandeur.
  • Photo Opportunities: Capture unforgettable moments with your family against the backdrop of Mt Fuji, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Embark on a Lake Kawaguchi boat tour and discover the beauty of Mt Fuji in a whole new way.

Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park is a must-visit destination for thrill-seeking families looking to have a fun-filled day.

The park boasts a wide range of thrilling roller coasters that will leave you breathless and exhilarated.

Additionally, there are plenty of family-friendly attractions and beautiful mountain views to enjoy, making it a perfect choice for a memorable day out.

The Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park offers a range of exhilarating roller coasters that are a must-try for thrill-seeking families. With heart-pounding drops, twists, and turns, these thrilling roller coasters will leave you breathless and craving for more.

Here are four of the most thrilling roller coasters at Fuji-Q Highland:

  • Fujiyama: One of the tallest and fastest roller coasters in the world, Fujiyama boasts a whopping 79-meter drop and reaches speeds of up to 130 kilometers per hour.
  • Dodonpa: Hold on tight as Dodonpa launches you from 0 to 180 kilometers per hour in just 1.8 seconds, making it one of the fastest accelerating roller coasters on the planet.
  • Eejanaika: This 4th dimensional roller coaster takes you on a wild ride with its rotating seats and mind-boggling 14 inversions, giving you a unique and thrilling experience.
  • Takabisha: Prepare for a heart-stopping 121-degree drop on Takabisha, the steepest roller coaster in the world, offering a combination of speed, twists, and turns that will leave you screaming for more.

Get ready for an adrenaline-packed adventure at Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park, where thrilling roller coasters await!

What family-friendly attractions does Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park offer?

Apart from the thrilling roller coasters, this amusement park has a lot to offer for families seeking outdoor fun and nature exploration.

Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park features several outdoor playgrounds where children can run, climb, and play to their heart's content. These playgrounds are designed to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for kids of all ages.

In addition to the playgrounds, the park also offers nature walks that allow families to immerse themselves in the beautiful surroundings of Mt Fuji. These guided walks provide a unique opportunity to learn about the local flora and fauna while enjoying the breathtaking views.

How can visitors at Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park enjoy the stunning mountain views? Here are some ways to make the most of the beautiful scenery:

  • Take a ride on the Fujiyama roller coaster: Experience the thrill of this iconic roller coaster while enjoying breathtaking views of Mt. Fuji.
  • Explore the hiking trails: Lace up your hiking boots and embark on a scenic hike through the surrounding mountains. Capture stunning mountain photography along the way.
  • Ride the Fuji Airways simulator: Immerse yourself in a virtual flight over Mt. Fuji, where you can witness the majestic beauty of the mountain from a unique perspective.
  • Visit the observation deck: Head to the observation deck for panoramic views of Mt. Fuji and the surrounding landscape. Take in the beauty of the mountain from a different vantage point.

At Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park, you can indulge in thrilling rides and attractions while also marveling at the breathtaking mountain views. Whether you prefer hiking, photography, or simply enjoying the view, there are plenty of opportunities to appreciate the majestic beauty of Mt. Fuji.

Exploring Aokigahara Forest offers an immersive and enlightening experience for families seeking adventure and natural beauty on Mt Fuji. This unique forest, also known as the Sea of Trees, is located at the base of the iconic mountain and is famous for its dense vegetation and captivating atmosphere.

Aokigahara Forest is home to numerous nature trails that wind through its lush greenery, providing ample opportunities for families to hike and explore. These trails offer a chance to witness the forest's diverse flora and fauna up close, including rare plant species and a variety of birdlife.

What makes Aokigahara Forest truly special is its mystical allure. The forest has a rich history and is associated with spiritual and mythical beliefs. Families can learn about the forest's cultural significance and folklore as they navigate its winding trails.

While Aokigahara Forest may be known for its eerie reputation, it is a place that offers endless beauty and exploration for families who seek a unique and memorable adventure on Mt Fuji.

Continuing the exploration of family-friendly activities on Mt Fuji, one must-try adventure is the Fuji Five Lakes Cycling Adventure. This thrilling experience allows families to explore the picturesque area surrounding Mt Fuji while enjoying the freedom of cycling.

Here are some highlights of this cycling adventure:

  • Scenic Cycling Routes: The Fuji Five Lakes area offers a variety of cycling routes, each providing breathtaking views of Mt Fuji and the surrounding landscape. From gentle paths that wind through the lakeside to more challenging routes that take you through forests and hills, there is something for every level of cyclist.
  • Family-Friendly Stops: Along the cycling routes, there are numerous family-friendly stops where you can take a break and enjoy the surroundings. These stops often include parks, playgrounds, and picnic areas, perfect for relaxing and rejuvenating before continuing your cycling journey.
  • Cultural Attractions: In addition to natural beauty, the Fuji Five Lakes area is also home to several cultural attractions. You can visit traditional Japanese villages, museums showcasing local art and history, and even hot springs to soak in after a long day of cycling.
  • Rental Services: Don't worry if you don't have your own bikes! There are plenty of rental services available in the area, offering a wide range of bicycles suitable for all ages and skill levels.

Embark on the Fuji Five Lakes Cycling Adventure to create lasting memories with your family while enjoying the freedom and beauty of the Mt Fuji region.

To enhance your family-friendly hiking and sightseeing experience on Mt Fuji, a visit to Oshino Hakkai Village is highly recommended. This picturesque village, located at the foot of the mountain, offers a unique blend of natural beauty, historical charm, and cultural experiences.

One of the highlights of Oshino Hakkai Village is its traditional hot springs, known as onsens. These natural springs are renowned for their healing properties and provide a relaxing and rejuvenating experience for visitors of all ages. Immerse yourself in the warm waters and let the stress melt away as you take in the stunning views of Mt Fuji.

In addition to the hot springs, Oshino Hakkai Village is also known for its local food and cultural experiences. Sample delicious traditional dishes made with fresh local ingredients, such as soba noodles and grilled freshwater fish. Explore the village's historic buildings and learn about the local customs and traditions that have been passed down through generations.

A visit to Oshino Hakkai Village is a must for those seeking a well-rounded and immersive experience of Mt Fuji and its surrounding areas. Whether you're looking to relax in the hot springs, indulge in local cuisine, or learn about the rich culture of the region, this charming village has something for everyone.

The Fujiyoshida Sengen Shrine offers a unique and culturally enriching experience for families visiting Mt Fuji. This ancient shrine, located at the base of the mountain, is not only a place of worship but also a hub of Sengen Shrine rituals and traditional festivals.

Here are four highlights of the Fujiyoshida Sengen Shrine experience:

  • Witness the striking rituals: Visitors can observe the mesmerizing Sengen Shrine rituals, which include purification ceremonies and sacred dances. These rituals are performed by Shinto priests and provide a glimpse into Japan's rich spiritual heritage.
  • Explore the beautiful grounds: The shrine is nestled amidst lush greenery, offering a serene and picturesque setting. Families can take leisurely strolls through the grounds, admiring the intricate architecture and vibrant colors of the shrine buildings.
  • Attend traditional festivals: The Fujiyoshida Sengen Shrine hosts various traditional festivals throughout the year. From lively processions to vibrant performances, these festivals celebrate local customs and traditions, giving families a chance to immerse themselves in Japanese culture.
  • Make a wish at the sacred tree: The shrine is home to a sacred tree known as the 'Fuji no Ki,' believed to grant wishes. Families can write their wishes on small wooden plaques called 'ema' and hang them on the branches, hoping for their dreams to come true.

Visiting the Fujiyoshida Sengen Shrine promises an unforgettable experience, where families can delve into Japan's spiritual traditions and create lasting memories.

What are some family-friendly activities to do on Mt. Fuji?

Families can enjoy unforgettable hiking adventures on Mt. Fuji by taking the Yoshida Trail, which is family-friendly and offers stunning views. Other activities include visiting Fuji-Q Highland amusement park, cycling around the base of the mountain, or exploring the Fuji Five Lakes area for various outdoor activities.

In conclusion, Mt. Fuji offers a wide range of family-friendly hiking and sightseeing activities that are sure to create lasting memories.

From the challenging summit hike to the breathtaking views from the Chureito Pagoda, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Take a boat tour on Lake Kawaguchi, explore the Aokigahara Forest, or experience the thrill of Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park.

Don't forget to visit Oshino Hakkai Village and Fujiyoshida Sengen Shrine for a taste of local culture.

Embark on these adventures and discover the beauty of Mt. Fuji with your family .

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  4. Mt.Fuji Guide

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  15. 10 Things to Do Around Mount Fuji

    Japan's Mt Fuji is only climbable one season, but there are plenty of things to do around Mount Fuji year round, from sports, arts to theme parks & camping. ... Lake Kawaguchi is the most tourist-friendly of the Fuji Five Lakes, offering visitors a brilliant view of the mountain. ... One of the most popular activities at the lakes is to camp ...

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    >>Click here for tours that include Mt. Fuji sightseeing. >>Click here for Mt.Fuji tours and activities. Regarding the climbing Mt. Fuji, I introduced in the article about hiking. If you are interested, please refer to the following article. 2023.02.28. 15 Best Places to Hiking in Japan.

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    It offers picturesque views of Mount Fuji and is a popular tourist destination for its scenic boat tours, hot springs, and views of the surrounding mountains. ... We offer 400 different types of activities, more than 18,000 outdoor activities, DIY experiences, day trips, leisure activities, and online experiences.

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