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The Best Places to Travel in 2023

Start planning your 2023 travels to these 12 places—the most creative, delicious, and soul-reviving destinations of the year..

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It’s our favorite time of year: the Where to Go season, when AFAR reveals our list of the ultimate places to travel in the coming year. How to choose? Our editorial team reached out to writers, reporters, and correspondents around the world and curated 12 global destinations for 2023 that feel poised for a “moment": creative cities, seaside villages, national parks, and other places where wonder prevails. Read on and prepare to start wandering...

AFAR Where to Go 2023 Tasmania

Located 150 miles south of Melbourne, Tasmania is teeming with adventure and beauty.

Sean Fennessy

1. Tasmania, Australia

Across this secluded and beautiful island state near Melbourne, irreverence and experimentation reign.

It was my first trip to Australia—my first trip abroad —in 2001, and I arrived in Melbourne a green-as-they-come university student, all nerves and adrenaline, ready to pounce on whatever adventure lay before me. Show me the city! I screamed silently at our study-abroad orientation leaders. Let me loose! We visited the Coney Island–like neighborhood of St. Kilda on the south shore, learned the finer points of Australian rules football, and ferried to nearby Phillip Island, site of a nightly parade of pint-size penguins that dashed from sea to land at dusk, prompting a chorus of “awwws” from everyone with a heart.

Those points of interest were lovely but ... safe. Introductory. What if I had realized that a couple of hundred miles off the coast of Melbourne was an island known for its irreverent art? For its stark and dramatic natural beauty, its world’s-best single-malt whisky, and seafood so fresh, it asks you about the catch of the day. What if I had visited Tasmania?

For the full story from Laura Redman, read Eclectic Art, Fresh Seafood, and Wild Landscapes—Why Your Next Trip Should Be to Tasmania .

AFAR Where to Go 2023 Ruaha National Park

Asilia camp administrator, Leena Lulandala, using telemetry to track collared animals in Ruaha National Park.

Photo by Greg Funnell.

2. Ruaha National Park, Tanzania

In a remote corner of Tanzania’s Ruaha National Park, travelers can find an abundance of wildlife without the crowds—and help with important conservation work.

Sprawled across 7,700 square miles in southern Tanzania, Ruaha is the country’s second-largest national park. Yet it draws only a tiny fraction of Tanzania’s safarigoers, who flock in much larger numbers to the more famous Serengeti in the north. But low visitation rates make biodiverse Ruaha a wildlife enthusiast’s dream: This vast landscape of habitats, ranging from savannas to wetlands, feels like a private game reserve, and travelers can go days without seeing another vehicle.

In one of the park’s less-visited corners, you’ll find the Usangu wetlands , site of a former hunting reserve and home to the Wasangu tribe for centuries. The wetlands feed the Great Ruaha River, a critical water source for people, animals, and hydroelectric dams that supply energy to much of the country. Wildlife audits have revealed populations of cheetahs, leopards, and lions. Topi antelope can exceed 1,000 animals in one herd.

In 2017, the Tanzania National Parks Authority , Tanzanian Wildlife Research Institute , and safari lodge company Asilia Africa came together to introduce a tourism model where revenue from visitors helps fund research, management, and conservation. Asilia’s Usangu Expedition Camp , which opened in 2022, is the only place to stay for more than 30 miles in any direction. Its four high-ceilinged rooms feature enormous beds, rain showers, and wraparound mesh walls that provide views of acacia-dotted wilderness. The lodgings make a stylish base for exploration in two upcycled vehicles that run on ethanol created from the cane waste of a nearby sugar plantation. Guests pitch in on data collection from camera traps by day and thermal monocular cameras by night.

The area’s conservation story is brought to life by the mostly local staff, including Wasangu guide trainee Anderson Pakomyus Mesilla, whose family roots in Usangu run generations deep. “I’m helping to conserve my ancestral home, but this wetland also supplies electricity to a large part of the country, including my village,” he said. “We all benefit from conserving the source of the river.” —Jennifer Flowers

>> Watch the video: What it’s Like to Safari in Ruaha National Park

AFAR Where to Go 2023 Graz, Austria

Vienna, Salzburg, Linz—take a trip to Austria’s best kept secret, Graz.

Photo by Felix Bruggemann

3. Graz, Austria

A DIY spirit brings a historic city to life in a riot of yoga, silent discos, and avant-garde music.

Just over 100 miles south of Vienna, amid the surprisingly Mediterranean climate of the Styrian wine region, sits Austria’s second-largest city. Here, a fairy-tale jumble of baroque and Renaissance buildings clusters at the base of the Schlossberg, the hill that was once Graz ’s ultimate defense. Back in medieval days, a daunting fortress stood at its summit; Napoleon had it destroyed, but the colorful facades and terracotta roofs that sprang up beneath it still shine brightly in the southern Austrian sun. On the east side of the river Mur, Graz’s past is a vivid presence.

On the west bank, however, you will find its future. What the districts of Lend and Gries lack in architecture they make up for in creativity and an entrepreneurial soul. At Bo Suppe , Arnd Hoffmann sells different flavors of homemade soup from his kitchen window (try the vegan pumpernickel Bolognese). At Managerie, Maria Reiner sells drinks and crocheted lampshades from the “kiosk shop” at the front of her apartment. Daily life revolves around the Lendplatz morning market , and small businesses thrive thanks to a fierce community spirit that manifests in a busy calendar of events and projects, such as backyard flea markets, walking tours, outdoor yoga, and knitting circles. Travelers can find out more through the Annenviertel project , which was launched by local campaigners in 2014 to breathe new life into the quarter (or “viertel”) around the shopping street of Annenstrasse. Live music at the 1930s bar Café Wolf ranges from Israeli space-rock to an improvisational autoharp trio. The Lendwirbel festival in May fills empty shop fronts with art installations, silent discos, workshops, and discussions.

The Kunsthaus Graz modern art museum , meanwhile, has inspired artists and designers to make their homes and livings here. Stroll along the main strip Mariahilferstrasse and you’ll find jewelers, fashion boutiques, and homeware shops. A spirit of social enterprise infuses the city: One of the trendiest accessory stores in town, tag.werk, has helped hundreds of young people find employment over the past two decades by teaching them crafts and life skills. Come to Graz for the history, for sure—but stay for its hopeful vision of the future. —Emma John

AFAR Where to Go 2023 the Great Lakes

The Great Lakes are home to the largest fresh water ecosystem on the planet.

Photo by Christina Holmes

4. Great Lakes, USA

From charming lake towns to expedition cruises, there are many good reasons to explore the Greats.

A native of Michigan, I have a birthright bond to the Great Lakes, the magnificent five that span two countries and eight states, from New York in the east to Minnesota in the west. Michigan, which claims shoreline on four of the five lakes, always seemed like both the center of it all and a remote peninsula, buffered by its treasures. During high school, when my family had moved to a suburban Detroit home near a smaller lake that connects the Greats, I would fall asleep to the faint bass notes of freighters’ foghorns, the songs of vast waters you can’t see across, inland seas at once familiar and strange.

All these years later, they remain a place to splash in the calm shallows each summer or brave the waves by kayak. Winter brings ephemeral ice caves and adaptations such as iceboats, or sailboats on blades. “Great” describes not just their size but their influence on culture, history, and our climate future.

For the full story from Elaine Glusac, read The Great Lakes Offer Culture, History, and One of the Most Unique Ecosystems on the Planet .

AFAR Where to Go 2023 Cambutal, Panama

Black sand beaches, big waves, and rushing rivers. There’s lots to love about Cambutal.

Photo by Hassen Salum

5. Cambutal, Panama

Adventure and community-centric tourism beckon on the southern coast of Panama’s Azuero Peninsula.

Few travelers who visit Los Santos, one of Panama’s least-touristed provinces, venture to the end of the only main road heading south. That’s where Cambutal awaits, 228 miles from Panama City—a beach town garnering much-deserved attention from Panamanians and intrepid international travelers alike.

The town sits on the shores of a never-crowded, volcanic black-sand beach with perfectly surfable waves. The surrounding jungles hold rivers, canyons, natural pools, and multitiered waterfalls.

Having spent a lot of time on the southern coast of the Azuero Peninsula during his childhood, Panama-born Bryan Goldner founded Azuero Adventures in November 2020 to help visitors safely explore the region. As Cambutal’s only registered tour operator, the company started small, with horseback rides through grassy hills to bring travelers to see petroglyphs carved by Indigenous people.

In 2022, Azuero Adventures introduced multiday trips to Cerro Hoya National Park , just west of Cambutal. Encompassing more than 80,000 acres with no direct road entry, Cerro Hoya can only be accessed by boat, on horseback, or in a 4x4 vehicle, making it one of the hardest-to-reach national parks in Panama. The mostly untouched land is known for its diverse wildlife, including the great green macaw and the Azuero spider monkey, both endangered species. Guests can stay in secluded oceanfront cabins or opt for full immersion with an overnight camping expedition that includes a hike through the cloud forest more than 4,200 feet above sea level.

With sustainable and equitable tourism at the heart of his operations, Goldner works closely with the people of Cambutal—a vision directly in line with the Panama Ministry of Tourism ’s efforts to strengthen rural and community-based tourism enterprises.

“We use local captains and local guides,” Goldner says. “The idea is not to hire people and bring resources from outside when we have such a rich community that’s already here.” —Jessica Poitevien

AFAR Where to Go 2023 Transylvania, Romania

No vampires to worry about here.

Photo by Fundatia Adept

6. Transylvania, Romania

Nature and tradition thrive in one of Europe’s last wild regions.

It’s been 125 years since Bram Stoker wrote Dracula , branding Transylvania as a dark, forbidding land populated by bloodsucking counts with an aversion to holy water. And while perhaps no other book has clouded its readers’ impression of a place in quite the same way, Stoker was right when he wrote of the region’s wild side. North of Bucharest, in the heart of Romania, Transylvania is home to one of Europe’s last great wildernesses: a sprawl of alpine meadows, ragged limestone ridges, and old-growth forests that billow across the landscape in a thick quilt of juniper, spruce, beech, and fir.

These wild mountains harbor some of the highest numbers of large carnivores—brown bears, wolves, and lynx—on the continent. The nonprofit Foundation Conservation Carpathia (FCC) is in the process of creating a vast reserve to safeguard all this for future generations—a “European Yellowstone” as Christoph Promberger, FCC’s executive director, envisions it—that will stretch for nearly 618,000 untamed acres across Romania’s Southern Carpathian Mountains .

For the full story from Keith Drew, read This Misunderstood Romanian Region Is Known as “European Yellowstone.”

AFAR Where to Go 2023 Bangkok, Thailand

Prepare to be surprised on your next trip to Thailand’s most visited city.

Photos courtesy of The Standard, Bangkok Mahanakho and The Small Dinner Club

7. Bangkok, Thailand

Ambitious young Thais are driving a creative reawakening in one of the world’s most visited cities.

From the end of an L-shaped bar I watched three chefs in black caps delicately plate 11 dishes of what appeared to be snow. Loud music masked the sounds of the busy Bangkok street outside. “OK guys, this one is titled, ‘Daft Punk Is Playing in My Mouth,’” said chef Sareen Rojanametin, setting the intriguing dish before me. Marvelously on cue, the throbbing LCD Soundsystem song “Daft Punk Is Playing at My House” burst onto the stereo.

The first bite rocked me to my core. At Small Dinner Club , which “pulls apart, questions, and reimagines Thai food,” you’re not handed a menu. The 12-course evenings are a delightful mystery accompanied by inspiration notes from the 32-year-old chef, who opened the hidden boîte in February 2022. “For me this dish represents the essence of Thai cuisine,” he wrote. I expected coconut or lime; instead I got an explosion of Thai green chile. My eyebrows started sweating. I swirled it all up: hot ice, tiny iridescent fish, watermelon, and a sumptuous black sesame sauce. These were the flavors of Thailand composed into an entirely new song. Rojanametin, who spent two years in a forest monastery before opening the restaurant, tells me, “The city has changed a lot in the last four years. People are much more daring.”

For the full story from Kathryn Romeyn, read Just When You Thought You Knew Bangkok, Thailand’s Most Visited City Changes .

AFAR Where to Go 2023 Salvador, Brazil

Experience the intersection of history and culture in Salvador, Brazil.

Photo by Luisa Dorr

8. Salvador, Brazil

Engaging with Brazil’s Black history is essential—and easier than ever in the city of Salvador thanks to new cultural offerings.

In Salvador, a port city on the northeastern coast of Brazil, history isn’t relegated to textbooks. More than 4 million people were kidnapped from Africa and forced to harvest coffee beans and sugarcane in the country—a legacy that is most evident in the state of Bahia, where 80 percent of the population is Black or mixed race. Today the descendants of those enslaved people carry on traditions through Salvador’s food, culture, and music.

Tour company Guia Negro leads English-language histori- cal outings delving into Brazil’s Black heritage, including a walk through the streets where Michael Jackson and Spike Lee shot “They Don’t Care About Us,” the 1996 music video featuring the storied Afro-Brazilian drum team Olodum. The Casa do Carnaval da Bahia is a museum dedicated to the history of Brazil’s annual carnival celebration. The City of Music of Bahia museum, which opened in 2021, invites visitors to experience more than 800 hours of Bahian music, with the goal to educate them about specific styles such as pagode , a Brazilian subgenre of samba, and axe ́, an Afro-Caribbean mash-up that originated here.

The painful, racist history of Pelourinho, the city’s old town, is preserved in its name, which translates to “whipping post.” Once the site of slave auctions, it’s now home to brightly painted houses, cobblestoned streets, and numerous restaurants. At the rustic eatery Di Janela , chef Nara Amaral serves the food that brings her joy: roasted garlic with octopus, ruby-red lobster with heavily seasoned potatoes, and traditional fare such as moqueca, a seafood stew. At Ana Célia Santos’s Zanzibar restaurant, the moqueca takes numerous forms. A vegetarian version is prepared with rice and farofa (toasted cassava flour), while another is made with shrimp, stingray, and soft-shell crab.

For late-night entertainment, visitors should go to ABOCA Centro de Artes , a theater that hosts Afro-Brazilian musicians such as Mariene de Castro and Mateus Aleluia. After all, there’s no better way to end a day in Salvador than by listening to the residents who give the city its heartbeat. —Kayla Stewart

AFAR Where to Go 2023 Sharjah, UAE

Sharjah is often overlooked by its glitzier neighbors, but this emirate has plenty to offer in terms of art, architecture, and culture.

Photo by Ieva Saudargaite

9. Sharjah, UAE

Thought-provoking art and architecture shine a light on an emirate often overshadowed by its glitzier neighbors.

Ever since I moved to the United Arab Emirates seven years ago, I’ve loved Sharjah . It may not have the biggest/tallest/highest superlatives of Dubai or the epic palaces of Abu Dhabi, but understated Sharjah is home to some of the region’s most exciting cultural institutions. And 2023 is a big year for the emirate, with headline events showcasing two of its greatest draws: art and architecture.

The 15th Sharjah Biennial runs from February to June, presenting the creations of more than 150 artists from 70-plus countries. Thirty newly commissioned pieces, including works by Moroccan photographer Hassan Hajjaj and British Palestinian multimedia artist Mona Hatoum , will be featured in a program that spans 16 venues and explores the theme “Thinking Historically in the Present.” The exhibition spaces are as intriguing as the art: from traditional coral-stone houses to the Sharjah Art Foundation ’s recently acquired 1970s-era Flying Saucer, a UFO-shaped building that once housed a French patisserie and a fast-food chicken shop.

For the full story from Nicola Chilton, read Sharjah Is One of the Most Exciting—and Overlooked—Cities in the UAE .


Baltimore is quickly becoming an entertainment and foodie destination.

Photo by Irina Sitnikova/Unsplash (left) Scott Suchman (right)

10. Baltimore, USA

Long-overdue upgrades to major downtown attractions are turning Charm City into a veritable food- and-entertainment hub.

From its early days as a thriving seaport to its current status as a seafood paradise, Baltimore is ever evolving. A $45 million overhaul of Lexington Market —billed as the oldest continuously operating public market in the country, with roots dating to 1782—recently welcomed visitors to an airy, light-filled space enlivened by 16-foot murals from local artist Ernest Shaw Jr. and photographs by Shan Wallace depicting Baltimore’s Black food culture. (This is, after all, a majority Black city.)

The developer’s gut renovation of the old market reimagined the space as a fresh version of the com- munity gathering spot it had been before it fell into disrepair. Benches flank the central staircase and serve as prime people-watching spots, while an adjacent plaza hosts events and concerts. Input from residents informed the mix of more than 40 stalls, half of them Black-owned, including the coffee shop Black Acres Roastery and the husband-and-wife-run Sunnyside Café . The market also maintains its devotion to the ocean with Faidley’s Seafood , the famous crab cake spot, and the Korean family-owned Cho’s Sea Garden .

A few blocks away, the CFG Bank Arena will reopen in time to host college basketball tournaments in February and a nearly sold-out Bruce Springsteen show in April. Its $200 million revamp, backed by singer Pharrell Williams and an investment firm cofounded by NBA star Kevin Durant, gives the 60-year-old facility the updated concessions, audio, and lighting it needs to compete with other venues in the region.

Also notable for 2023: an exhibition of Baltimore native John Waters’s personal art collection at the Baltimore Museum of Art (through April 16) and the return of Artscape , a multiday cultural extravaganza in September that, in the past, has featured wildly decorated cars. Festivalgoers can stay in the Mount Vernon neighborhood’s new literary-themed boutique hotel, Ulysses , a 116-room property whose name pays homage to both the James Joyce novel and a ship that brought Bavarian immigrants to Baltimore. —Julekha Dash

AFAR Where to Go 2023 Prince Edward Island, Canada

Prince Edward Island’s new hike and bike trail offers travelers a new way to experience the coastal idyll.

Photo by Brendan George Ko

11. Prince Edward Island, Canada

A 435-mile hiking and biking route around Canada’s small but mighty province invites visitors to travel slowly and joyfully.

Prince Edward Island, or PEI, off Canada’s eastern seaboard, is home to some of the country’s most enchanting pastoral scenery. You’ll find fields of potatoes and strawberries, beaches that stretch for miles, storybook villages (the 1908 novel Anne of Green Gables was set here), red-and-white wooden lighthouses, and docks anchoring fishing boats. The Island Walk , a new 435-mile walking and cycling route circumnavigating “the Island,” as locals call it, gives travelers a unique opportunity to experience it up close.

My husband and I cycled 180 miles of the route in June 2022, starting in the compact capital city, Charlottetown, and spending six days working our way across a section in the central region of the province. From Charlottetown, we pedaled 35 miles along crushed-gravel trails, wide red-dirt roads lined with trees, and country lanes—all relatively flat. After checking into the Orient Hotel , a historic B&B in the tiny village of Victoria-by-the-Sea, we browsed in shops, talked with local anglers bringing in the day’s catch, and walked barefoot along an expansive beach with rose-colored sand at the edge of the village. The tide came in while I ate possibly the best lobster roll I’ve ever tasted—a buttery toasted roll loaded with chunks of tender fresh-caught crustacean and house-made mayo—at the Lobster Barn restaurant.

For the full story from Debbie Olsen, read Idyllic Villages, Fresh Lobster Rolls, and a New Trail—Why Now Is the Time to Visit Prince Edward Island .

AFAR Where to Go 2023 Bergamo and Brescia, Italy

In the heart of Bergamo near the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore and the famous Colleoni Chapel.

Photo by Andrea Frazzetta

12. Brescia & Bergamo, Italy

Find venerable history and hip cocktails in two Italian cities connected by a cycling trail.

The key ingredients of la dolce vita? Golden light beaming across ancient stones, a piazza that bustles at aperitivo hour, and streets ripe for a passeggiata (stroll) to work it all off. Enter Brescia and Bergamo, two cities in the northern Italian region of Lombardy that have been named joint Italian Capitals of Culture for 2023. If you only know them from news reports in early 2020—the two were hit hard during the pandemic—prepare to be bowled over.

Bergamo is the better known of the two; its historic Città Alta (Upper City) crowns a ridge nearly 300 feet above its more modern section. The Bergamaschi love the outdoors, and they kick back in deck chairs at the 17th-century gardens of Palazzo Moroni, which opened to the public for the first time in 2020. New tuk-tuk rides wind around the Città Alta’s UNESCO-protected 16th-century city walls. The lion- and sphinx-surrounded fountain in the main square, Piazza Vecchia, has been restored, and new walking routes through Bergamo’s layers of history connect the old and new town. Travelers and locals alike can amble through the nearby Val d’Astino, a valley filled with vineyards, wildflower- strewn meadows, and a monastery that was founded in 1107.

With a ceremonial opening in early 2023, a 47-mile bicycling route will roll from Bergamo past Lake Iseo, then through Franciacorta wine country to Brescia, the most colorful Roman city north of the Italian capital.

While Bergamo life is mainly outdoors, Brescia is inside; you’ll find gourmet pizza tasting menus at Inedito and Roman- themed cocktails at Massenzio . Try the Domitilla at the latter. Named after the wife of Emperor Vespasian, it’s a mix of berry gin with grapefruit, rosemary syrup, and egg white. Spend the night at Areadocks Boutique Hotel , where all the modern art- work and vintage furnishings are for sale. Here in northern Italy, the sweet life just got an upgrade. —Julia Buckley

An aerial view of the Palm Beach Par 3 golf course and hotel along the beach in Florida

52 Places to Go in 2023

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An Indian woman wearing a traditional sari wrap is using a taper to light a whole wall filled with hundreds of little oil lamps. They are illuminated and casting a bright glow over the scene; each lamp is set in its own little box within the wooden wall structure, tied with supporting pieces of bamboo. There are bunches of tiny bananas also tied to the top of the wall case.

London  Copied to clipboard!

A buzzing city ready for a coronation, a brand-new airport link and a prehistoric colossus read more.

Tom Jamieson for The New York Times

The Changing of the Guard outside Buckingham Palace has a royal marching band walking out of the palace gates, with waiting crowds gathered and police standing nearby. The band are blowing their instruments and wearing navy topcoats with gold buttons and gold helmets with long red tassels hanging from the top.

Between an altered post-lockdown landscape, sensational changeovers at 10 Downing Street and the death of Queen Elizabeth II, there is no doubt that London is in transition. But the city continues to juxtapose old traditions and new possibilities, offering something for everyone who loves culture, history, art and nightlife.

For fans of the royal family, and maybe a few naysayers, the crowning of King Charles III , Britain’s first coronation in seven decades, will be the main event in May. There’s also the revamping of Battersea Power Station , an iconic former coal-fired power plant, into a shopping and leisure hub, and a new line on the Underground will directly connect Heathrow Airport to the central boroughs. A cast of a titanosaur, the largest creature ever to walk the planet, will make its European debut at the Natural History Museum , and late-night obsessives can head to newly opened dance clubs like the Beams . Big changes, yes, but a wealth of new choices, too.

— Isabella Kwai

Morioka  Copied to clipboard!

A walkable gem without the crowds, just a short bullet train ride from tokyo read more.

Andrew Faulk for The New York Times

Morioka, Japan

Until this past October, Japan maintained some of the most stringent travel restrictions of any major country. Now, travelers are beginning to stream back to popular destinations like Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka.

The city of Morioka, in Iwate Prefecture, however, is often passed over or outright ignored. Circumscribed by mountains, it lies a few hours north of Tokyo by Shinkansen, the Japanese high-speed rail lines. Morioka’s downtown is eminently walkable. The city is filled with Taisho-era buildings that mix Western and Eastern architectural aesthetics as well as modern hotels, a few old ryokan (traditional inns) and winding rivers. One draw is an ancient castle site turned into a park.

There’s also fantastic coffee, including one of Japan’s third-wave originators: Nagasawa Coffee, whose owner, Kazuhiro Nagasawa, is so committed to his beans that he uses a vintage German-made Probat roaster, which he personally imported and restored. Azumaya serves up all-you-can-eat wanko soba , which comes served in dozens of tiny bowls; Booknerd offers classic Japanese art books; and Johnny’s, a jazz cafe, has been open for over 40 years. An hour west by car: Lake Tazawa and dozens of world-class hot springs.

— Craig Mod

Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park  Copied to clipboard!

The majesty and awe of towering buttes in a setting fit for hollywood read more.

Rachael Wright

Three enormous sandstone towers, which appear to be several hundred feet tall, rise above a flat, red landscape, while a road curves through the foreground. The sky above is light blue and is partially occluded by wispy white clouds. Small green shrubby plants dot the ground.

Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park,

Americans have been flocking to national parks, many of which were overrun with visitors during the peak of pandemic-related international border closures. Amid the bustle, peacefully taking in the majesty of nature can be a challenge.

Monument Valley offers a less crowded alternative. The site, known as Tse’Bii’Ndzisgaii in Navajo, has been a popular insignia for the American West ever since John Wayne rode in to film “Stagecoach” in 1939, and the grandeur of its cinematic sandstone buttes, towering above a copper-red desert vastness, elicits a feeling of reverence and awe.

The tribal park, which features a 17-mile driving loop, is open to visitors under the stewardship of the Navajo Nation. Its relatively basic infrastructure — in contrast to sites governed by the National Park Service — and its out-of-the-way location on the Arizona-Utah state line help create a more serene experience compared with other awe-inspiring U.S. destinations.

— Rachael Wright

Kilmartin Glen  Copied to clipboard!

A misty scottish stonehenge, with all of the mystery and far fewer visitors read more.

Andy Haslam for The New York Times

Kilmartin Glen, Scotland

The sun rises over Kilmartin Glen as it has for thousands of years, illuminating an ancient landscape of more than 800 archaeological monuments sprouting in the mist. This verdant valley on Scotland’s wild west coast is one of the most significant prehistoric sites in Britain, yet it’s largely off the visitor circuit; imagine Stonehenge without the crowds.

Wander among majestic stone circles, standing slabs that jut from the earth, burial cairns and rock carvings of concentric rings, expanding like ripples from a drop of water. And now the past is getting a refresh: The Kilmartin Museum is reopening with expanded exhibits and new experiences that delve into the region’s relics and flourishing natural life, including Moine Mhor (Great Moss), one of the few remaining raised bogs in Europe, above which looms the Iron Age hill fort of Dunadd.

For full immersion into the Scotland of yore, stay at the moody 16th-century Kilmartin Castle , which was recently transformed into a boutique hotel, with vaulted ceilings, copper tubs and a wild swimming pond.

— AnneLise Sorensen

Auckland  Copied to clipboard!

New Zealand

Pastries that rival France’s best, with a side of adventure tourism on the North Island Read more

Susan Wright for The New York Times

Over 20 French pastry cases are set out in rows on a black metal baking tray, in the process of being filled with a cream and having segments of fresh strawberries arranged artfully on top in a circular design. A hand holding a pastry brush is glazing the strawberries.

Auckland, New Zealand

Auckland is usually considered the entry point for the rest of New Zealand’s natural attractions, but travelers just passing through can miss that it’s also the culinary capital (sorry, Wellington).

Restaurants that have been germinating while the country’s borders were closed are now ready to be sampled by all. Just 10 minutes on foot from the newly renovated downtown, for instance, takes you to Hugo’s Bistro , where a regular clientele, including many lawyers, dines on unfussy French-inspired food that takes advantage of New Zealand’s fertility: Saffron, wasabi and truffles, among other delicacies, are grown in the country. Cazador , a longtime staple of the residential neighborhood Mt. Eden, serves local game in its restaurant and house-cured meats in its delicatessen.

The city’s famous multiculturalism also plays a part: Omni , which opened in 2020 and whose head chef worked at Hong Kong’s Yardbird, makes high-end yakitori, and Little French Pastry ’s founders, originally from France, serve up mille-feuille rivaling Paris’s best.

Palm Springs  Copied to clipboard!

Spotting stars in the streets and counting galaxies in the sky read more.

Beth Coller for The New York Times

A large telescope is aimed upward through a slit in the roof of an observatory dome. The dark blue sky, visible through the slit, is dotted with stars, and the interior of the dome is illuminated with a red light.

Palm Springs, California

Yes, this is the land of midcentury nostalgia, with its low-slung Modernist architecture and the recent return of the 26-foot-tall “ Forever Marilyn ” statue. But these days, there’s another headliner: the surrounding desert, and the dark skies above.

Astrotourism is on the rise, with a constellation of ways to explore the cosmos, including at the Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory , which offers tours and monthly “Swoon at the Moon” events. Unfurl a blanket on the desert floor and gaze up at the starry sky at Joshua Tree National Park . This designated International Dark Sky Park has one of the darkest skies in California, with stargazing treks and the annual Night Sky Festival .

The desert nature and history that flourish around Palm Springs are also shaping the city’s landscape, including the new Palm Springs Downtown Park , designed to reflect Indian Canyons , ancestral home of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians; the Agua Caliente Cultural Plaza and Museum , which, when it opens later this year, will be one of the largest Native American cultural centers on the West Coast; and new desert-inspired hotels like Azure Sky .

Kangaroo Island  Copied to clipboard!

A haven for koalas and other wild creatures, healing after devastating wildfires read more, kangaroo island, australia.

A short trip from Adelaide, South Australia’s capital, the nearly 1,700-square-mile Kangaroo Island is known for incredible wildlife, breathtaking ocean views and its status as an ecological haven — like a zoo without fences.

Three years ago, devastating fires consumed the island, wiping out wildlife and destroying a famous luxury hotel, the Southern Ocean Lodge . Efforts to rebuild are continuing, and the island is more compelling than ever to visit. New organizations that sprang up to help with the wildlife recovery offer visitors a chance to play a part in funding that regeneration.

At the Kangaroo Island Koala and Wildlife Rescue Centre , you can book a private tour to see the animal hospital facilities, or bottle-feed a joey (a baby kangaroo). At the long-established Seal Bay Conservation Park , you can watch one of Australia’s largest colonies of sea lions frolic on the beach. And in 2023 the Southern Ocean Lodge will reopen, grander and better than before.

— Besha Rodell

Vjosa River  Copied to clipboard!

Cycling through the canyons and valleys of one of europe’s last untamed waterways read more.


A verdant river valley with undulating mountains surrounding it is shown at sunset. There is a glow over the green as the sun is slowly going down behind the rocky mountains in the distance.

Vjosa River, Albania

Protecting the Vjosa , one of Europe’s last undammed rivers, hasn’t been easy. After a decade of proposed projects that threatened to alter the waterway’s wild flow, its innumerable ecosystems and its valleys strewn with ancient communities, the Albanian government signed a commitment last June to create the Vjosa Wild River National Park .

Making good on that pledge, scheduled to become reality in 2023, will establish a global conservation model while preserving the country’s canyon-lined, 120-mile stretch of the 169-mile waterway, which runs from the Pindus Mountains in Greece to the Adriatic Sea, as well as including around 60 miles of tributaries.

For travelers — on trails like Albania’s new UNESCO Cycling Route (opening January 2023), which runs along the river and visits World Heritage sites like the city of Gjirokastra — safeguarding the Vjosa and its river system, with over 1,100 animal species, encourages responsible discovery of alpine settlements, where locals welcome adventurers for coffee, raki (local fruit brandy) and a chance to imbibe oft-overlooked Balkan culture.

— Alex Crevar

Accra  Copied to clipboard!

Feast first, dance later, in a hub of innovative west african cuisine read more.

Jessica Sarkodie for The New York Times

Three local Ghanaian restaurant staff are busy working behind a tiled bar with a wooden top; there are shelves behind them lined with alcohol bottles of different colors and varieties. There are stools strewn with colorful words in front of the bar, and wait staff, including a waiter carrying a tray with bowls of food, are walking by.

Accra, Ghana

Accra’s food scene typically consists of two schools: “chop bars” that serve traditional, cheap meals like fufu (made from pounded cassava, green plantains or yams) with tomato-based spicy soup, and pricier restaurants serving foreign fare.

Travelers to Accra, Ghana’s capital, can now see a new wave of chefs and entrepreneurs bridging this gap by emphasizing and innovating with local produce. At the Mix, a new restaurant and design hub, the West African staple gari (granulated cassava root) is dyed pink with beetroot and accompanies squid in a passion fruit sauce.

The sustainable food space in Accra is also one to watch; Ghana Food Movement , an educational group, hosts events throughout the year, including a signature Dine & Dance series in which underutilized indigenous ingredients like millet, eaten by Ghanaians almost exclusively as porridge, are made into stars over three courses. The meal is followed by a dance party, of course, in true Ghanaian fashion.

— Jessica Sarkodie

Tromso  Copied to clipboard!

A clear-skied hot spot where aurora seekers are likely to spy their dazzling prize read more.

Nerd Nomads Travel Blog

A deep blue sky is striated with neon green lights, as if shooting upward from a point in the far distance. Closer in the foreground are dramatic hills and a cabin with lights on inside.

Tromso, Norway

After years of low solar activity, projections are looking up for travelers hoping to experience the aurora borealis, or northern lights. As the sun’s volatility increases, with more coronal mass ejections and solar flares, so, too, will the frequency and intensity of the aurora. Experts predict solar activity to peak in 2025, explained Trond S. Trondsen, an aurora expert at Keo Scientific , a designer of specialized optical instruments for space research in Calgary, Alberta. Already, he said, “the number of sunspots are climbing faster than predicted .”

One of the best places to see the northern lights, Tromso, Norway, is more than 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle, and is relatively accessible, as far as reliable viewing locations go. Travelers can get there either by plane or by a combination of train and bus. Cruise ships and ferries are also a possibility.

Most important, the town’s surrounding landscape, near the sea but with mountains nearby, offers enough distinct weather zones to make it likely that there will be clear skies most nights — a must for seeing the lights when they do appear.

— Ingrid Williams

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park  Copied to clipboard!

Blinding white dunes and aquamarine pools in an otherworldly natural water park read more.

Scott Baker

An expansive dune of windswept white sand stretches out to the horizon, with a blue-green lake in the midground. The sky above is partly cloudy and deeply blue.

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Brazil

Want to feel like you’ve traveled so far that you’re only vaguely tethered to Earth? Welcome to Lençóis Maranhenses , a horizon of rolling, blindingly white sand dunes rising into the sun and descending into otherworldly green and blue lagoons filled with rainwater.

Forget your cell signal or trappings of comfort: There are few if any structures, people or even trees around, and the park’s location near the Equator means it’s blazingly hot during the day. Yet almost all Brazilians will tell you they want to visit this remote area to experience the sensation of playing in a lunar water park.

Logroll down the dunes, splashing into the natural pools. Traverse the area on horseback, stopping at “oases” along the way. Or be mesmerized by its immensity via helicopter tour. It’s the antidote to that claustrophobic Covid-era feeling — a vast, borderless moonscape where you can roam wild and free.

— Shannon Sims

Bhutan  Copied to clipboard!

Cliff-top fortresses and rhododendron forests on a revived trekking trail read more.

Marcus Westberg

Buddhist monks in scarlet-red robes descend the stone staircase of a temple high in the mountains on the side of a cliff. The sides of the staircase are painted white and decorated ornately with gold, and the temple is surrounded by trees, with a series of mountain ranges rising in the background, the furthest one snowcapped.

After two and a half years of pandemic isolation, Bhutan reopened in September with changes to its longstanding “high value, low volume” tourism policy. Visitors are no longer required to travel on package tours, but Bhutan’s mandatory “sustainable development fee” increased to $200 from $65 per day.

At the same time, the 250-mile Trans Bhutan Trail, a path used for centuries as a pilgrimage and communications route, reopened after a three-year restoration that mended suspension bridges, stone stairs and long-overgrown temples. The trail stretches east to west across nearly the entire country, passing through cities, villages, farmlands and wilderness. Depending on the route and time of year, trekkers might spy the snowcapped Himalayas, visit cliff-top fortresses, scale sacred mountain passes or pass through blooming rhododendron forests.

Official guides are required, and itineraries range from half a day to more than a month. Accommodations include guesthouses, home stays, luxury hotels and well-appointed campsites on each of the trail’s 28 sections. Proceeds from trips booked with Trans Bhutan Trail , the nonprofit that led the restoration, go toward trail maintenance, educational programs, guide training and other community causes.

— Sara Clemence

Kerala  Copied to clipboard!

Learn to climb a palm tree, visit a temple during an annual festival and get a sustainable taste of village life read more.

Poras Chaudhary for The New York Times

Kerala, India

We travel to immerse ourselves in other cultures, but some forms of community tourism put residents on display without offering benefits. Not so in Kerala — a southern Indian state celebrated for its beaches, backwater lagoons, cuisine and rich cultural traditions like the Vaikathashtami festival — where the government has adopted an award-winning approach that allows visitors to experience village life while supporting the communities that host them.

In Kumarakom, one of several “ responsible tourism destinations ” in the state, visitors can paddle through jungly canals, weave rope from coconut fiber and even learn to climb a palm tree. In Maravanthuruthu, visitors can follow a storytelling trail and enjoy village street art before taking in an evening performance of a traditional temple dance.

— Paige McClanahan

Greenville  Copied to clipboard!

South Carolina

Adventure in the Blue Ridge Mountains, and on dinner plates downtown Read more

Tony Cenicola/The New York Times

An overhead view shows a variety of dishes from a Georgian restaurant, including khachapuri, a cheese-filled bread with an egg at its center.

Greenville, South Carolina

Set in the shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Greenville has established itself on the culinary scene. The quaint city of about 70,000 has more than 200 restaurants — 85 percent of which are local, without a tie to a national chain — in its strollable downtown area alone. Visitors may come for the access to outdoor adventures, but they’ll most likely leave having been introduced to flavors from around the world.

Even as the renowned Soby’s celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2022 and two food festivals — euphoria and Fall for Greenville — attract tens of thousands of people annually, restaurants continue to crop up around the city. The second location of Charleston’s acclaimed Lewis Barbecue opened to long lines in September. Mr. Crisp , with Greg McPhee as executive chef, highlights seafood, especially its crisp-yet-tender hand-battered fish and chips. Keipi celebrates Georgian khachapuri and the country’s ancient wines; Aryana delivers a taste of Afghanistan; and Califas has brought Mexican birria tacos to Greenville.

“The real heartbeat of Greenville is a creative and diverse food community that keeps reinventing itself,” said Sid Evans, the editor in chief of Southern Living. “The food here is adventurous, and the chefs have embraced the global influences shaping the modern South.”

— Ari Bendersky

Tucson  Copied to clipboard!

A rebounding center of art and adobe with centuries-old ties to mexico read more.

John Burcham for The New York Times

Tucson, Arizona

Barrio Viejo, an area of more than 150 acres in Tucson, is the largest barrio in the United States and exemplifies Tucson’s connection to Mexico, with centuries-old Sonoran adobe architecture.

This year, the neighborhood, which has one of the most diverse racial, cultural, religious and ethnic populations in the country, will receive National Historic Landmark designation . Revival projects include the restoration of the 300-seat Teatro Carmen , built in 1915 and later converted into the Black Elks Club , and female-owned boutique hotels, like the Citizen in the former home of the Tucson Citizen newspaper and the Downtown Clifton in a once-faded motel.

Take the Tucson Origins Tour by Borderlandia , which specializes in tours of the U.S.-Mexico border area, for a deep dive into history. Then explore the famed Etherton Gallery and Andrew Smith Gallery , both in new spaces. Don’t forget Barrio restaurants like the local coffee drinkers’ favorite EXO Roast , housed in an 1885 adobe home, and the Coronet , which moved to the neighborhood in 2019.

— Daniel Scheffler

Martinique  Copied to clipboard!

Creole culture, giant ferns and hummingbirds that don’t back down from a staring contest read more.

A small hummingbird with green iridescent feathers and plumage on the top of their body flies and feeds from a flowering plant. The pink blooms its flying in front of are long and chandelier-shaped, hanging off a light-green branch.


While travel was frozen in 2020, Martinique celebrated the induction of its traditional yole sailboat — a lightweight craft kept upright by crew members, who use their body weight as ballast by sitting on poles that extend over the sides of the hulls — on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List. In the fall of 2021, the entire island was named a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve , recognizing the destination’s commitment to sustainable economic and social development.

Islanders are awaiting yet another decision from UNESCO, which they hope will name the nearly 4,600-foot volcano Mount Pelée and the Pitons du Carbet range to the World Heritage List. The region represents “the diversity of Martinique,” said Alex Dobat, who owns Natiyabel , a scuba diving and hiking outfitter (whose name means “nature is beautiful” in Creole), who described ferns the size of trees, wild begonias and hummingbirds “staring at you quietly.”

Tourism officials are counting on the UNESCO certifications to attract ecotourists to its peaks, rainforests, reefs and Creole culture.

— Elaine Glusac

The Namib Desert  Copied to clipboard!

Southern Africa

1,000-foot dunes and crashing waves along a nearly uninhabited coastline Read more

A large desert expanse with deep red sands gives way to a gently rising sand hill then a rocky mountain range in the background. Tufts of dry grass poke through the sand in the foreground.

The Namib Desert, Southern Africa

Along the desolate coast of Namibia, 1,000-foot-tall sand dunes descend into the sea. During low tide, intrepid adventurers can drive along the beach, past towering yellow dunes on one side and the South Atlantic’s churning waters on the other. This is the Namib, the world’s oldest desert, and the perfect place for a long road trip . After almost three years of Covid-19 restrictions, it’s hard to imagine a place where you can feel more free.

“Namib” means “vast place” in Khoekhoegowab, a language spoken in many parts of Namibia. It’s astonishingly easy to get lost in this almost entirely uninhabited expanse of sand, where you might travel for days without seeing another human being.

In the Namib-Naukluft National Park, travelers can go back in time at the Deadvlei, where 600-year-old trees stand eerily lifeless, preserved by the dry air; challenge themselves to climb the 100-story Big Daddy Dune; observe desert-adapted wildlife like oryx and springbok; and even see mysterious fairy circles .

— Jen Guyton

The Alaska Railroad  Copied to clipboard!

470 miles of mountains, glaciers and grizzlies from the comfort of a glass dome read more.

Christopher Miller for The New York Times

The Alaska Railroad,

Since 1923, the Alaska Railroad — the last railroad in the United States to carry both people and freight — has connected millions of passengers and trade goods over 470 miles of track, from Seward to Fairbanks. This year is the centennial of its operation and a celebration is planned in Nenana, where President Warren G. Harding drove in the golden spike on July 15, 1923, completing the railroad.

Operational well before Alaska became a state, in 1959, the railroad is an environmentally friendly way for passengers to see wilderness, and even the aurora borealis, without sacrificing comfort: Glass-domed rail cars make viewing easy. It is also the only remaining flag-stop major railroad in the country. Passengers can wave a flag to embark or disembark, gaining access to more remote locations, including harder-to-reach areas of the Chugach National Forest, through a partnership with the U.S. Forest Service.

Sights along the way include Denali, North America’s tallest peak, and Kenai Fjords National Park. History buffs can view a special exhibit at the Anchorage Museum that runs from May to February 2024, chronicling the railroad’s history.

— Charu Suri

Fukuoka  Copied to clipboard!

Savoring an endangered street-food tradition on the often overlooked island of kyushu read more.

Diners are sitting outside around the counter of an open-air food stall. Smoke is emanating from the open kitchen, and the diners are chatting and huddled over plates of food. Red lanterns attached to the stall are glowing brightly, along with the illuminated signs on top of each stall.

Fukuoka, Japan

Fukuoka, a subtropical city perched on the northern shore of Kyushu, is one of the few remaining places in Japan where you will see rows of yatai — open-air street-food stalls resembling boxes of neon light. Many sell traditional foods like ramen, yakitori and oden, but if you stroll along the riverfront on Nakasu, a small island that is Fukuoka’s red-light district, you’ll find some diversity with wine, coffee, and even French sausages and garlic toast.

Yatai were a common sight across Japan in the 1950s, but during the 1964 Summer Olympics, the authorities had them removed to project an image of economic recovery. In the present, Fukuoka is the only city left that’s fighting this bureaucracy. The government has acknowledged the cultural significance of yatai by increasing the safety and quality of the food and by offering more licenses in 2022. Even so, the number of yatai has fallen drastically to around 100 stalls today from more than 400 in the ’60s. Pull up a seat while you can and enjoy rubbing shoulders with strangers over supper again.

— Harvard Wang

Flores  Copied to clipboard!

An island paradise where crater lakes change color and nine-foot dragons roam read more.

Lauryn Ishak for The New York Times

Five boats, two passenger motorboats and three wooden fishing boats with covers, are gathered around a pier. They are surrounded by turquoise blue water, with a few people in swimwear waiting on the pier. The sky is bright blue with fluffy white clouds in the distance.

Flores, Indonesia

The term “fairy-tale getaway” is overused, but what else do you call a far-off, unspoiled, Southeast Asian island with nine-foot Komodo dragons, active volcanoes, white-sand beaches, coral gardens, rushing waterfalls and color-shifting crater lakes reputed to house departed spirits?

Such are the allures of Flores, one of the roughly 17,500 islands of the Republic of Indonesia. An hour’s flight from Bali and far less visited, Flores may be seeing more visitors with the scheduled opening late this year of Kodi Bajo , a luxury resort in the fishing town of Labuan Bajo. Operated by the group behind the NIHI hotel on Sumba, a nearby Indonesian island, Kodi Bajo will offer sumptuous hillside accommodations and views of the nearby Komodo National Park archipelago — the only place in the world inhabited by the famous giant lizards.

— Seth Sherwood

Guadalajara  Copied to clipboard!

Celebrating queer culture’s diversity and l.g.b.t.q. athletes from around the globe read more.

Adrian Wilson for The New York Times

Two bartenders stand within an enclosed bar, surrounded by the glow of a yellow-orange light. Nearest to the camera, one of them measures out alcohol in a metallic jigger. Shelves of alcohol line the walls.

Guadalajara, Mexico

Travel has always been a way to experience diversity, and in 2023 you’ll find a variety of sexual expression and shifts in traditional gender roles in Jalisco’s capital. This fall, the city will co-host (with Hong Kong) the 11th annual Gay Games . Athletes from around the world — of varying ages, sexual orientations and levels of athletic experience — will participate in 20 sports.

The city is also home to the annual Prohibido festival , during which an abandoned theater is transformed into a celebration of sexual diversity through art installations, interactive experiences, live music and talks about polyamorous and nonbinary culture. In Guadalajara, too, women take on nontraditional performance roles. On most nights, you can hear one of almost a dozen female mariachi bands from the area at Hotel Riu Plaza Guadalajara or El Patio, a restaurant. There are also local performances by female cowboys, known as escaramuzas, who present their choreography on horseback.

The city is considered by some to be Mexico’s drag capital, with numerous performers and shows. Guadalajara has also developed “antiturista” maps, including one for L.G.B.T.Q. travelers, that provide a local’s perspective on places to see and stay.

— Maggie Jones

Tassili n’Ajjer  Copied to clipboard!

Rock art, sandstone pillars and a glimpse at a lost saharan history read more.

Bright red-orange sand dunes stretch across a vast landscape that is interspersed with slightly darker-brown rock formations. The rocks are jagged and irregularly shaped.

Tassili n’Ajjer, Algeria

Often overshadowed by its neighbor, the tourism giant Morocco, Algeria — a stone’s throw from Mediterranean Europe and a mere three-hour flight from London — has recently relaxed its visa policies, allowing for much easier exploration of the country. While most visitors tend to stick to the coastal north, which contains some of the region’s best preserved Roman ruins, Africa’s largest country also contains its largest national park.

Virtually unknown to the outside world, Tassili n’Ajjer is eight times the size of Yellowstone. At the heart of the vast landscape of Saharan sand and stone lie the deep red dunes and pillars of Tadrart Rouge. Accessible only by a four-wheel-drive vehicle, this astonishingly striking national park is home to thousands of ancient works of rock art, stretching back to when the desert was a thriving savanna, as well as to a very much living nomadic Tuareg culture.

— Marcus Westberg

Kakheti  Copied to clipboard!

New flavors and ancient winemaking traditions in tiny hilltop towns and green valleys read more.

Irma Laghadze

A big steel bowl filled with a large amount of hand-twisted dumplings (more than 50) is being held by two pairs of hands over an open fire, as steam rises around it.

Kakheti, Georgia

The mountainous nation of Georgia’s 8,000-year-old winemaking tradition is at the center of several new trends in the wine world, including skin-contact (a.k.a. orange ) wines, amphora fermentation and charismatic grape varieties like saperavi. As a result, Georgian wine exports to the United States recently topped one million bottles and are growing at almost 29 percent annually, as Wine Enthusiast recently reported .

For wine lovers, a tasting trip to estates like Vazisubani and Kardanakhi in Kakheti offers a chance to discover new wines in a landscape of tiny hilltop towns and verdant valleys framed by the Caucasus. Many wines are made in traditional pointed qvevri clay vessels that are buried in the earth.

To complement the experience, local chefs have started offering cooking classes where gastronomes can learn how to make the meaty dumplings known as khinkali and other dishes from what Saveur magazine called “Europe’s great unsung cuisine.”

— Evan Rail

Nîmes  Copied to clipboard!

A sunny mediterranean morsel whose charming streets are studded with roman monuments read more.

Joann Pai for The New York Times

Nîmes, France

Nîmes is that rarest of Gallic delicacies — a sunny southern French city with great charm and fascinating architecture and museums that hasn’t yet become thronged with tourists like Arles or Avignon.

The city has a growing word-of-mouth reputation for the excellence of its dining options, which include everything from Michelin two-star restaurants like the chef Pierre Gagnaire’s Duende at the recently renovated Hotel Imperator to exceptionally good lunchtime dining in Les Halles de Nîmes, a covered food market, where the Halles Auberge and La Pie Qui Couette offer first-come first-serve counter service at noon. The latest local buzz is about the chef Georgiana Viou, originally from Benin, who serves up her personal and very delicate Afro-Provençal cooking at Rouge , the restaurant of the elegant new 10-room Margaret-Hôtel Chouleur in a landmarked mansion in the heart of the Écusson, or Old City. Le Coin and Menna, two excellent cosmopolitan modern French bistros — a type of restaurant that’s new to Nîmes — are not far away.

Shed some calories after a meal by taking in the sights of the Rome of France, a sobriquet explained by the most spectacular collection of Roman monuments in Europe outside of Italy.

— Alexander Lobrano

Ha Giang  Copied to clipboard!

A two-wheeled thrill ride leads to mountainside settlements where hmong and tay culture lives read more.

An elderly Vietnamese woman with glasses and a head-scarf sits outside at a small wooden table, hand-painting a fabric made of hemp that she is unrolling. She is wearing a purple and yellow print shirt, and there is a wooden wall behind her.

Ha Giang, Vietnam

The several-day loop by motorbike through the Ha Giang highlands in northern Vietnam is not for the timid. Getting to the city of Ha Giang takes six hours by road from Hanoi, and the loop’s steep roads, serpentine passes and recurring switchbacks can make the journey both treacherous and exhilarating.

This remote tableau of soaring peaks and cavernous valleys inspires a deep connection to the landscape and its inhabitants. Veer off the main road onto the narrow ribbons of concrete streaking the mountainsides and into the Hmong and Tay settlements dotting the hillsides and hollows. To learn more about their cultures, you can hire a guide from QT Motorbikes and Tours .

Road improvement projects and new high-end accommodations have made the loop more accessible and inviting. Don’t miss a boat ride through the canyon on the emerald river at Ma Pi Leng Pass.

— Patrick Scott

Salalah  Copied to clipboard!

A historic frankincense-trading center where the desert erupts in waterfalls read more.

Traversing a gently flowing river, a desert oasis, a line of five camels are following each other in procession, walking in the water up to their shoulders, single file. Trees in varying shades of green line the riverbank, and there is a mountain range in the background.

Salalah, Oman

With last year’s World Cup drawing attention to the built environment elsewhere in the Persian Gulf states, seaside Salalah, Oman, offers visitors a chance to see the region’s natural beauty. Depending on when you go, the area is either lush and green and blanketed in thick fog, or basking in sunlight and a warm breeze.

During the khareef (monsoon), the valleys and riverbeds are flooded with fresh water, and the mountains flow with waterfalls. The city is also home to Al Baleed Archaeological Park and the Museum of the Frankincense Land , which provides a visual history of the ancient incense trade and the associated export routes to the rest of the world. (A nearby collection of sites, known as the Land of Frankincense , is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.) Another draw is the collection of historical ports spread along the coast.

The population of Salalah, one of Oman’s largest cities, is around 330,000, so it’s easy to find oneself alone in the crystal clear waters of the area’s many tranquil beaches, including Mugsail, Fazayah and Haffa.

— Noa Avishag Schnall

Cuba  Copied to clipboard!

An island of music and white-sand beaches ripe for rediscovery as the united states eases travel restrictions read more.

Robert Rausch for The New York Times

A deserted beach is seen at sunrise, with the waves gently lapping the shoreline and the wet sand glistening and reflective. There are piles of rocks and palm trees further back on the shore, leading up to a grassy mound and the sun rising on the right in the distance.

With its sea-sprayed, pastel facades, white-sand beaches and tobacco-rich valleys, Cuba sits tantalizingly close to the United States, though it often feels out of reach — especially in recent years, when the Trump administration reinstated strict rules for American citizens hoping to visit.

But a confluence of factors just made travel to the island nation a bit easier. Last spring, President Biden relaxed many of the restrictions imposed by his predecessor. And in November, American Airlines resumed flights beyond Havana, adding departures to the beach town Varadero and the interior city Santa Clara, a regional capital steeped in revolutionary history. More flights from other carriers are set to begin in the coming months.

Cuba’s people are as generous with their stories — of history, family, even politics and protest — as they are with their music, an omnipresent, joyful soundtrack thrumming through the island’s cities and towns. Less than two years after historic protests were met with harsh repression, and as the country rebuilds from Hurricane Ian, travel to Cuba and support of its people may never be more valuable.

— Lauren Prestileo

Odense  Copied to clipboard!

A mystical new museum and garden with all you need to write your own fairy tale read more.

Andreas Meichsner for The New York Times

A solitary woman wearing headphones is seen standing in front of a museum exhibit. She is looking at a light display and surrounded by other luminous installations. She is wearing headphones and plaid pants.

Odense, Denmark

Designed by the Japanese architect Kengo Kuma & Associates, the new Hans Christian Andersen Museum in Odense, on the island of Funen, is more than a museum. It’s a mystical land, featuring labyrinthine gardens that double as a public park.

The museum explores Andersen’s literary interplay between real and imaginary: You can gaze up at the sky through a glass dome and feel like the Little Mermaid; roam sunken courtyards, illuminated by sunlight splintering through trees; and engage with exhibits by contemporary artists in cylindrical spaces wrapped in latticed timber that suggest the city’s traditional thatched-roof houses. The museum is as much about telling stories as it is about imagining your own: Creativity is encouraged at the magical Ville Vau children’s center, where children can paint, draw, write and play dress-up amid colorful scenes from Andersen’s fairy tales.

Time your visit with Odense’s summertime H.C. Andersen Festivals , and then find artistic inspiration, as Andersen did, by venturing across his home island of Funen, the “garden of Denmark,” with its storybook castles (the moated Egeskov is the stuff of dreams), heather-coated hillsides and misty coastline.

Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park  Copied to clipboard!

The shape-shifting sandstone heart of a continent and its indigenous heritage read more.

Matthew Abbott for The New York Times

Uluru, the sandstone monolith, is seen off in the distance at sunset, glowing a terracotta red, with the mellow-toned blue and pink sky behind it. Tufts of grass and shrubs rise from the earth in the foreground.

Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia

At Uluru, time stretches, dissolves. Over 500 million years old, the 1,142-foot sandstone monolith in Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park is a shape-shifter: aflame in pink, orange and violet through the day; its crevices gush with the rain, its surroundings erupt with wildflowers.

Now, Uluru is a symbol of urgency. In 2017, it was the site of the Uluru Statement From the Heart , which calls for an Indigenous “voice to Parliament” to be enshrined in Australia’s Constitution. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced there would be a national referendum on the issue in 2023.

Uluru is sacred to the Anangu people, who protect and manage the land, and for decades tourists climbed the rock against their wishes. Climbing was banned in 2019, and now visitors can take a 5.8-mile walk around Uluru’s base to experience its splendor. The ban was a rare victory for Indigenous rights and cultural respect, and evidence that even deep-rooted attitudes can change.

— Tacey Rychter

Boquete  Copied to clipboard!

A slope-side nirvana for coffee geeks, waterfall hikers and white-water rafters read more.

Paul Castillero

Shining through a peek-hole in the lush growth of a forest is the orange glow of the rising sun, with clouds and a mountain range around it.

Boquete, Panama

Geisha, among the world’s most expensive coffee varietals, thrives on the slopes of the Barú Volcano, near Panama’s western border. In recent years, specialty coffee geeks the world over have gravitated here, encouraging coffee farms around the highland town of Boquete to act more like Bordeaux vineyards. New cupping rooms and bodega tours have been added at farms like Lamastus Family Estates , Chevas Coffee Estate and Finca Altieri , while coffee-themed hotels — including Finca Lérida and Panamonte — have updated their facilities.

In Boquete’s town center, which acts as a base for adventure activities like waterfall hikes and white-water rafting, the noted Panama City chef Mario Castrellón has opened a branch of the coffee roaster Café Unido , as well as a restaurant and bar with seasonal menus and Geisha-infused cocktails, in the new Selina hostel . The bold, 60-room property straddles a small river, with rooms ranging from beds in concrete cylinders to luxe suites.

— Nicholas Gill

Tarragona  Copied to clipboard!

An unsung artsy seaport rich in well-preserved roman ruins, and delicious tapas read more.

A old, stone cathedral, seen in the distance through a maze of residential buildings with clay-tiled roofs, is illuminated with yellowed lights. The sky shows a rich palette of colors ranging from blue and purple to orange and gold.

Tarragona, Spain

Long upstaged by the flash of Barcelona, this unsung waterfront city on the Costa Daurada is a culturally rich alternative, with thriving Catalan traditions, from the famous castells (human towers, formed by people standing on one another’s shoulders) to earthy Romesco sauce, often served with grilled fish and vegetables, and best enjoyed in El Serrallo, a maritime neighborhood.

But what elevates the Tarragona experience is the past: This is one of the oldest Roman settlements in the Iberian Peninsula. The impressively preserved Tarraco ruins, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, transform the city into an open-air museum, from the mighty Roman walls to the amphitheater framed by the Mediterranean.

Against this ancient backdrop, the city is in the midst of change: a revitalized port, new low-cost fast trains to the region and a growing contemporary arts scene. Perhaps the best way to savor it is to partake in a paseo: Stroll the Rambla Nova, grazing on tapas along the way, to the aptly named Balcó del Mediterrani observation point, where touching the iron railing is said to bring good luck.

Charleston  Copied to clipboard!

A powerful space will examine a city’s past and honor the african american legacy read more, charleston, south carolina.

Charleston’s brutal history of slavery can be overshadowed by a romanticized portrait of a city with charm, award-winning restaurants and plantation gardens. The planned opening of the $100 million International African American Museum this year will help comprehensively display the city’s complicated past.

The I.A.A.M. occupies the former Gadsden’s Wharf, where an estimated 30,000 African captives landed during the trans-Atlantic slave trade, more than at any other site. The sleek, single-story building floats atop 18 pillars clad in tabby, a kind of concrete made from oyster shells, and houses a genealogy center, a social justice action lab and 10 exhibit galleries that include stories of slavery and the Great Migration. A public outdoor space offers an African Ancestors Memorial Garden featuring indigenous plants like Lowcountry sweet grass and Canary Island palm trees.

This spring, the Charleston tourism board will debut a comprehensive guide to Black-owned businesses to elevate the overlooked successes of creative locals.

— Lauren Matison

Cayos Cochinos  Copied to clipboard!

Planting coral and counting sea turtles where there are no cars or roads read more.

Looking through a gap in the dense forest with a tree bough framing overhead, there is a view of a wooden beach cabana on stilts, siting over the turquoise water of a lagoon.

Cayos Cochinos, Honduras

Off the northern coast of Honduras, the Cayos Cochinos archipelago, part of a marine preserve where commercial fishing is banned, encompasses about 300,000 acres, two main islands and 13 small cays, with a collective population of about 200 Indigenous Garifuna residents.

Before the pandemic, the nonprofit Cayos Cochinos Foundation, which manages the reserve, derived much of its funding to study and protect its biodiversity from the fees paid by day-trippers to snorkel there. Now, the nongovernmental organization is gently opening itself to tourism, allowing visitors to stay in basic cabins (from $45 a night) that previously hosted exclusively scientists.

Between scuba dives and hikes to see pink boa constrictors and black-chested spiny-tailed iguanas, travelers can volunteer to propagate new coral or count sea turtles. Travel to the islands, which are roadless and free of cars, also supports the Garifuna community, which offers guide services, restaurants and tastings of the local root-infused spirit, guifiti.

Burgundy Beer Trail  Copied to clipboard!

Paying homage to hops and yeast in a region where wine has long reigned read more.

A man with dark hair and a beard and wearing a zip-up puffer vest is standing surrounded by huge wooden beer barrels in the cellar of brewery. He is pouring beer from a long-neck bottle into a large stemmed goblet, and there is an ancient stone wall behind him.

Burgundy Beer Trail, France

Wine lovers have long revered the great vintages of Burgundy. Now, beer lovers have their eyes on the Burgundy region, following the arrival of head-turning new breweries like Ammonite , Vif , Independent House and 90 BPM , all within 90 minutes of one another, and all rated among the best in France by fans on sites like Untappd and RateBeer .

Winemaking influences these new brewers, some of which employ solera barrel systems (like those used to age and blend sherry and Madeira wines), natural yeast, small oak barrels and other tools and techniques most often used by vintners.

For years, France has been a laggard in the global craft beer revolution, running far behind neighboring countries like Spain and Italy. The emerging beer trail in Burgundy’s wine region shows how France might soon develop an enviable beer culture of its own.

Istanbul  Copied to clipboard!

Reviving a city’s historic architecture just in time for modern turkey’s centennial read more.

Maria Mavropoulou for The New York Times

A modern-looking, three-level museum building of steel and glass is seen from the front, leading out to a forecourt of polished stone. There are people walking past the facade, and there is a sign in big capital lettering on the front that reads, “Istanbul Modern”

This October, the Turkish Republic celebrates its 100th anniversary, and to mark the occasion, Istanbul’s local government has invested millions in giving historic structures new life.

Among them: Feshane, a factory that manufactured the iconic Turkish hats and one of Istanbul’s first steel buildings, will become one of its largest art centers; west of the old city, a comprehensive restoration of the stone-and-brick Mevlanakapi city walls with their 22 towers dating back to the fifth century, will transform them into a four-and-a-half-mile walking path; and the Botter Apartment, one of Istanbul’s earliest Art Nouveau buildings, whose bottom floor was originally a studio for the sultan’s private tailor, will be turned into a fashion design center.

There’s more. Art museums are planned for the former Yedikule gasworks and the Halic Shipyard, one of the world’s oldest still in operation. And most notably, the newly built Istanbul Modern museum, designed by the architect Renzo Piano, will open its doors along the Bosporus in Karakoy, showcasing the works of notable Turkish artists such as Fahrelnissa Zeid and Erol Akyavas.

— Nora Walsh

Taipei  Copied to clipboard!

Floating sky lanterns and soaring skyscrapers in a sprawling, thrumming capital read more.

A bustling night market in Taipei has shoppers roaming up and down a long strip, lined on either side with stall fronts. There is backlit lettering on signage over many of the stalls, and illuminated yellow lanterns hang overhead. The night sky is black.

Taipei, Taiwan

Taipei is a glorious assault on the senses, a capital with stunning natural beauty, low crime, and clear air despite its immense urban sprawl. From its neon-lit night markets to its Qing Dynasty temples, visitors can feel the quiet drum of independent pride, however fragile its future.

Beijing, which sees self-ruled Taiwan as an unruly child, continues to assert its desire to reunify with Taiwan and put the island firmly back under its control. But for now, a visit to this city offers a riot of culinary and cultural pleasures. In 2023, the island’s third-tallest skyscraper will open, and the Taiwan Lantern Festival , a beloved tradition in which thousands of glowing lanterns float skyward in tandem, will return to Taipei after more than two decades.

Taipei’s future is uncertain. But in 2023, it remains an ideal place to gape at the sheer power of human innovation.

— Debra Kamin

El Poblado  Copied to clipboard!

Medellín, Colombia

A chic shopping district, pulsing nightlife and rainbow-colored macaws Read more

Federico Rios for The New York Times

A bartender, wearing an apron and standing in front of a large mirrored array of alcoholic beverages, slides an orange and green drink toward the viewer.

El Poblado, Medellín, Colombia

In the 1600s, Spanish settlers established El Poblado, “the village,” along the Medellín River. Eventually, the larger city of Medellín grew to the north, and El Poblado became a rural getaway for wealthy Colombians.

Today, it is once again a center of activity. The grid of two- or three-story homes has blossomed with shops and restaurants, interspersed with boutique hotels rising above the treetops. Nearby, gushing waterfalls and rainbow-colored macaws add to the lush tropical vibe.

An afternoon roaming the neighborhood, popping into Mon y Velarde for menswear or Makeno for artisanal home goods, followed by coffee at Pergamino or modern Colombian cuisine at Oci.Mde , is a worthy entry on any South American traveler’s bucket list. Stay out late enough to see the area transform into the pulsing heart of the city’s nightlife, with D.J.s on the rooftops and dance parties in the streets.

Lausanne  Copied to clipboard!


Spectacular views of Lake Geneva and an exploding architectural and artistic scene Read more

Clara Tuma for The New York Times

Looking down onto a cityscape from above, cars are driving down a bustling retail main street and apartment buildings are above the shops. A church steeple is seen in the distance.

Lausanne, Switzerland

Already blessed with a sublime Lake Geneva location and dramatic mountain views, Lausanne, Switzerland’s fourth-largest city, has been adding architectural and artistic beauty to its repertoire as well.

Known as Plateform 10 , the city’s three-year-old arts district recently inaugurated a bold new building that resembles an artfully cracked block of white stone for a pair of museums. Photo Elysée is dedicated to exhibiting photography in all its forms, while MUDAC is a haven of five creative outlets: design, glasswork, ceramics, jewelry and graphic art. The two institutions join the new home of the city’s international art museum, the Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts , which moved into its ridged, rectangular building in 2019.

Methana  Copied to clipboard!

A hike, a stroll or a run into the bronze age followed by a soak in an ancient tub read more.

Two runners, a man and a woman, are seen from behind as they are running along a rocky mountain trail, at the very edge of the cliff. They are dressed in black and gray and the blue sea and a mountain are seen in the distance.

Methana, Greece

Athens’s nearest active volcano, Methana, sits on a peninsula of the same name some 30 miles southwest of the Greek capital. Though largely unknown to tourists, the area is slowly evolving, in part because of its increasing popularity as a hiking destination.

In recent years, groups of locals have managed to reopen and map old walking paths, some of which date back to the Mycenaean Era, creating hiking trails that attract visitors from around the world. (So far, more than 18 miles have been cleared and marked.) The Methana Volcano Challenge , first organized in 2021, offers a trail run across the peninsula’s sloping landscape.

Visitors to this volcanic peninsula can also enjoy several hot springs, the most interesting of which is an ancient (and recently renovated) tub known as the Pausanias Baths near the village of Agios Nikolaos.

— Demetrios Ioannou

Louisville  Copied to clipboard!

A rising l.g.b.t.q. scene with quilts, drag shows, the derby and, of course, bourbon read more, louisville, kentucky.

One of the oldest cities west of the Appalachian Mountains, and arguably among the most beautiful, Louisville somehow flies under the radar. This despite its graceful 19th-century park system , designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, and its bourbon-fueled convivial spirit.

Today, its L.G.B.T.Q. scene is also thriving, with hot spots like Chill Bar and Play Dance Bar , which hosts regular drag nights featuring touring artists. (The city has also earned top marks from the Human Rights Campaign’s Municipal Equality Index for seven years running and is home to two new L.G.B.T.Q. community centers.) This spring brings Hotel Genevieve , from the Texas-based Bunkhouse Group, which offers Louisville-inspired touches like décor that pays homage to the city’s rich quilting heritage, an on-site market selling work from local artists and bourbon selections from neighboring Rabbit Hole Distillery .

Make plans for 2023, because the city might not stay below the radar much longer: 2024 will draw the masses for the 150th running of the Kentucky Derby.

— Paul L. Underwood

Manaus  Copied to clipboard!

River-to-table cuisine and ancestral recipes in the heart of the amazon read more.

A fish, cooked whole, sits on a small plate beside a sliced lime. Two additional bowls — filled with colorful food — sit beside the plate, as does a glass filled with a yellow-green drink.

Manaus, Brazil

Michelin-starred restaurants in São Paulo use Amazonian ingredients to appear exotic, but in Manaus, where you can sip steamy gourds of tacacá from a stand in front of the Teatro Amazonas or wander past plastic bottles of tucupi, the juice squeezed from grated cassava, in Adolpho Lisboa Municipal Market, Amazonian ingredients are a fact of life.

At the Indigenous-owned Biatüwi , a restaurant that pays homage to ancestral recipes and cooking techniques, drinks are made from fermented purple yams, and chiles are used to purify river fish in piquant stews like quinhampira.

Then there’s the chef Felipe Schaedler, who has helped threatened Yanomami communities commercialize their native mushrooms and runs two restaurants of his own: Banzeiro and Moquém do Banzeiro . Steering away from traditional preparations, Mr. Schaedler reimagines ingredients like lemon-grass-flavored ants and tambaqui ribs in a modern format, as do the bistros Caxiri , set in a colonial building overlooking Largo de São Sebastião, a grand plaza, and Fitz Carraldo, in the boutique hotel Villa Amazonia .

Vilnius  Copied to clipboard!

A 700-year-old survivor ready to party like there’s no tomorrow read more.

Gordon Welters for The New York Times

A man sits above a river, his feet dipping into the water, on a two-seated chair that is suspended about ten feet below a decorative bridge. Atop the bridge, three people look down at the man. Behind them is what appears to be a collection of residential buildings.

Vilnius, Lithuania

Lithuania’s cobblestoned capital has a long history of bootstrap survival. Occupied once by the Nazis and twice by the Soviets, Vilnius has a story that is complex and fascinating to explore. Its architectural riches span from Gothic to Renaissance to Baroque; grand churches rub shoulders with quaint timber homes on leafy streets.

In 2023, the resilient city celebrates its 700th birthday with a full year of revelry. A light festival , free music performances and the first Vilnius International Biennial are all on the calendar. Artificial intelligence will resurrect one of the city’s first operas from the 17th century, and an exhibition space will allow visitors to virtually explore Vilnius’s streets as they looked more than 200 years ago.

Ringing in its eighth century, Vilnius reminds travelers that, when viewed through the long lens of history, our own uncertain times are fleeting.

Macon  Copied to clipboard!

1,100-year-old native american mounds and deep rock ’n’ roll roots read more.

A pathway leads into a large mound of earth, perhaps around 10 or 15 feet tall at its peak and covered with neatly manicured grass. The mound has a large opening framed with wooden logs.

Macon, Georgia

The area around Macon has been home to multiple Native American tribes for 12,000 years. That history will be acknowledged this year, when Georgia is expected to get its first national park: The Ocmulgee Mounds, some of the most significant prehistoric Indigenous mounds in North America, date to the year 900, and are now a national historical park .

The national park will include the Bond Swamp National Wildlife Refuge , for a total of 50,000 acres, and offer a network of exquisite hiking trails and artifacts from American Indian culture. Management will be shared by the Muscogee Nation and the National Park Service.

Additionally, the city, whose musical roots run deep — Little Richard, the Allman Brothers and Otis Redding all got their start here — is celebrating its 200th anniversary with a new 10,000-seat amphitheater . Visitors can check out the Hotel Forty Five , a boutique hotel that opened downtown last year and that was named both for the angle of the street on which it sits and as a nod to musical history.

— Ondine Cohane

Madrid  Copied to clipboard!

Kicking off a worldwide tribute to picasso in a place that’s a masterpiece unto itself read more.

Emilio Parra Doiztua for The New York Times

If art is a universal language, as travel often reveals, Pablo Picasso’s antiwar “ Guernica ” may be one of its most potent symbols.

The Spanish and French governments recently announced the Picasso Celebration 1973-2023 in front of the famous painting at the Reina Sofia museum, kicking off a transnational commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the artist’s death. The worldwide tribute, from Madrid to Paris to New York City, includes some 50 exhibitions, many of which explore the artist through the lens of the present day. Madrid leads the way, with tributes throughout the year, including “Picasso. The Sacred and the Profane” at the Thyssen-Bornemisza ; “Picasso 1906. The Turning Point” at the Reina Sofia ; and an exhibition exploring Picasso and El Greco at the Prado .

During Picasso’s anniversary year, it’s worth noting that the city’s artistry isn’t just within its museums, but outside as well: Madrid’s cultural core is an urban masterpiece of art, nature and light, and in 2021, the entire area of the Paseo del Prado and verdant Parque del Buen Retiro, called “Landscape of Light,” was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Grand Junction  Copied to clipboard!

A bonanza of canyons, arches and cliffs, without the hordes of tourists read more.

Sharp orange-red sandstone cliffs contrast with the deep blue of the sky in the background. The cliffs, dramatically steep at the top, give way to gentler slopes of eroded material below.

Grand Junction, Colorado

On Colorado’s Western Slope, arid Grand Junction offers attractions similar to those of Moab, Utah, the gateway to Arches National Park, without the throngs.

The area around the Colorado alternative has the second-largest concentration of natural arches in the country in Rattlesnake Canyon, where some 35 sandstone spans are part of the roughly 123,700-acre McInnis Canyons National Conservation Area , reachable via off-road vehicle or a strenuous 14-mile round-trip trek. More convenient hiking trails in the Colorado National Monument — where geologic uplift and erosion formed monoliths of the same Entrada sandstone found at Arches — lie within about 10 minutes of town.

The 2021 opening of the Palisade Plunge adds a 32-mile descent — from the world’s largest flat-topped mountain, 10,000-foot Grand Mesa, down to the Colorado River — to the area’s biking challenges. All trails lead back to downtown Grand Junction, filled with shops, craft breweries, locavore restaurants and wine-tasting rooms from area vineyards.

La Guajira  Copied to clipboard!

An unspoiled land of orange-sand beaches and flamingo-lined lagoons read more.

Four figures, silhouetted against a dark orange-blue sky, are standing atop a hillside, with the ocean in view in the distance on the right.

La Guajira, Colombia

The remote and arid La Guajira peninsula, straddling Colombia’s border with Venezuela, remains largely unknown to international tourists — in spite of its dramatic salt flats, flamingo-lined lagoons and orange-sand beaches.

Terrorist activity made this area mostly off limits until 2016, but eco-minded hotels, including La Casa del Pavo Real and Hotel Waya Guajira , have spread along the peninsula, relying on increased flights to Riohacha, the regional capital, and nearby Santa Marta.

This region is the home of the Indigenous Wayúu people, who have expressed concerns that giant development projects may irreparably alter their ancestral lands. Tour operators visit Wayúu weavers known for their chinchorros, the colorful hammocks that take months to make, and their rustic kitchens, where cooks like Zaida Cotes showcase traditional cuisine based on salted fish, goat meat and purple corn.

Bergamo and Brescia  Copied to clipboard!

Open-air theater, art, music and a plateful of local delicacies in a cultural crossroads read more.

Andrea Wyner for The New York Times

An ancient city with pretty red roofs and facades of white and yellow sits in the foreground. In the distance are rolling forested hills and mountains.

Bergamo and Brescia, Italy

Milan may outshine Bergamo and Brescia , but in 2023 a spotlight will fall on these two Lombardy cities after they were jointly named the Italian Capital of Culture . More than 100 art projects, music and theater events (some open-air), nature walks and new bike routes are ​meant to map a way forward after the tragic headlines this northern region generated in 2020, when it was more ravaged by the coronavirus than anyplace else in Italy.

Bergamo is distinctive for its ancient, walled Città Alta (Upper Town) and modern Città Bassa (Lower Town), the two connected by ​narrow roads, a funicular and a footpath. Brescia, around 30 miles southeast , is a handsome crossroads of Roman, medieval and Renaissance sites .

Outstanding food is another draw — it’s Italy, after all — with menus in both areas featuring creamy, nutty polenta taragna and variously stuffed crescents of casoncelli swirled with butter and sage — little pasta miracles that prove how good life can still be.

— Julie Besonen

American Prairie  Copied to clipboard!

A vast, and growing, swath of nature where you can still feel tiny read more.

Janie Osborne

A dark-brown buffalo grazes through a field of light-yellow grasses, forming a striking contrast. In the distance, a row of trees showcases variously colored leaves: green, yellow, orange.

American Prairie, Montana

With its wide-open skies and boundless horizons, American Prairie is ideal for visitors seeking a respite from the fast pace of modern life. A vast nature preserve founded by a Montana nonprofit, A.P. has been accumulating grasslands since 2004. It currently consists of 455,840 acres — and the preserve continues to expand by acquiring private properties that connect to surrounding public lands. The goal: to create a contiguous, three-million-acre reserve and restore a disappearing ecosystem.

A.P. offers a broad range of activities, including leisurely walks, cross-country skiing and expert-level hiking, biking and paddling. Paved roads lead to Antelope Creek Campground, which features an interpretive trail and distant views of the Little Rockies. Buffalo Camp, accessible by gravel roads and situated among the reserve’s largest bison herd, is a little farther off the beaten path and provides a chance to see a buffalo jump, a cliff traditionally used by Indigenous peoples to harvest bison.

— Janie Osborne

Eastern Townships  Copied to clipboard!

A leisurely journey through the countryside with stops for wine, cheese and poutine read more.

An abbey — several stories tall, built from light-colored stone and showcasing a deep-green roof — is dusted with snow and sits among snow-covered trees.

Eastern Townships, Quebec

This is slow travel at its best: Pedal across the quiet Quebec countryside, refueling on local cheese, wine and, yes, poutine. Montreal and Quebec City are the stars of the region, but the bucolic, lake-laced terrain between them is often relegated to fleeting glimpses from the windows of a rental car.

The Eastern Townships — Canada’s New England, with French flair — deserves a visit all its own, and especially now, with the recent debut of the Véloroute Gourmande . The 150-mile cycle route traces the Route Verte and Trans Canada Trail across this charming region dotted with flower-festooned villages, and features more than 100 epicurean stops along the way, from farmers’ markets to maple groves to fromageries to vineyards.

Try the lush, sweet vin de glace (ice wine), made from ripe grapes that have frozen naturally on the vine, at Le Cep d’Argent , and the buttery Brise des Vignerons at the family-run Fromagerie des Cantons , one of the first in the area to develop cheese exclusively from Jersey cows, a nod to the region’s British influences.

New Haven  Copied to clipboard!


A home to tinkerers and rebels, and a treasure trove of contemporary art and architecture Read more

New haven, connecticut.

Connecticut’s third-largest city is a historic, mostly walkable and bikeable seaside town with distinctive neighborhoods, an encyclopedic collection of great American architecture, a thriving cultural life and one of the best food scenes in the country for a city of its size (134,000).

Founded in 1638, it’s a place where people have always tinkered with, mused about and challenged the status quo, which is why the New Haven Preservation Trust is now looking at saving the modernist buildings of the 1970s, which many see as disastrous examples of urban renewal. Discover one of the best of these brutalist concrete buildings by checking into the new Hotel Marcel , named for its architect, Marcel Breuer. Recently renovated, it’s become the first completely solar-powered, energy-neutral hotel in the United States.

Check out NXTHVN , a cutting-edge, community-focused arts center founded in 2019 in two abandoned factory buildings in the Dixwell neighborhood that has become the heart of a vibrant African American artists’ community. And then treat yourself to a great meal — maybe crispy artichokes with Parmesan aioli and pork belly with Tuscan cabbage and apple mostarda — at the recently opened Villa Lulu .

The Black Hills  Copied to clipboard!

South Dakota

Pine forests, powwows and a climb up to Crazy Horse’s giant granite face Read more

Benjamin Rasmussen

On top of a high rocky overlook, with green fields visible far below in the distance, three trees are covered in many dozens of prayer cloths, which have been tied to the trees’ trunks and branches.

The Black Hills, South Dakota

The Lakota people trace their creation to the He Sapa, or Black Hills, a mountain range of dramatic peaks and pine forests in an area that is South Dakota’s chief tourism attraction.

Now, representatives of all nine tribes in the state — working as the South Dakota Native Tourism Alliance — are having a say in how to experience Native American sites with the publication of a new tribal nations’ visitors guide , including destination suggestions and tips on visitor etiquette. The assembly helped identify the Great 8 , eight sites and experiences — among them powwows, or dance celebrations — that are significant to Indigenous culture, with a concentration in the Black Hills. These include Bear Butte State Park where hiking trails may lead past prayer cloths tied to trees, 7,244-foot Black Elk Peak, the state’s highest, and the Crazy Horse Memorial .

The massive sculpture of the Lakota warrior turns 75 next summer, when the biannual Volksmarch will allow hikers to ascend the carving, still under construction, and stand beneath Crazy Horse’s more than 87-foot-tall granite face.

Sarajevo  Copied to clipboard!

Bosnia and Herzegovina

A living museum of resilience where empires and cultures have long intersected Read more

Todd Heisler/The New York Times

A town center is seen from above at night, with the main high street illuminated as it runs between the dark building and surrounding apartments. There are people walking in the street, churches glowing as they rise from the other buildings, and the surrounding mountains in the distance are dotted with lights from many homes.

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo’s history lives in the present. There is the Latin Bridge, where a certain archduke was assassinated, catalyzing World War I. There are buildings still pockmarked by shells from the siege three decades ago. And there is the intricate interplay of empires, from the Ottoman to the Austro-Hungarian, that allows visitors to tour a mosque, a cathedral, an Orthodox church and a synagogue all within a few blocks.

These layers of history, of course, can detonate as easily as they can coexist. Bosnia’s multiethnic capital remains on edge. Look up to the hills, and there are the artillery positions built on the grounds of the 1984 Winter Olympics. But Sarajevo’s splendor comes from this intrusion of the past. It remains a living museum that hints at how a Ukraine or a Syria cannot only survive but perhaps one day flourish anew.

— Hannah Beech

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Design and Production

Sean Catangui and Gabriel Gianordoli

Danial Adkison, Stephen Hiltner, Suzanne MacNeille, Morrigan McCarthy, Fiona Murray, Nancy Ramsey, Tacey Rychter and Amy Virshup

Photo Editing

Phaedra Brown

Baden Copeland


A photograph with an earlier version of this article misidentified the city shown in the image. The photograph depicted the province of Tarragona, Spain, not the city itself. The image has been replaced.

The article also misstated the size of the Barrio Viejo neighborhood of Tucson, Ariz. It is more than 150 acres, not 150 blocks.

A photograph with an earlier version of this article misidentified the location in the image. It is Keelung, Taiwan, not Taipei.

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Where to Go in 2023: The Most Exciting Destinations to Explore This Year

Our writers and editors rounded up 10 must-visit spots

As we move into the new year, many of us are starting to think about our travel plans for 2023. While 2022 was a year of slow re-opening, travel opportunities for 2023 feel limitless, as old favorites (Japan, anyone?) have finally re-opened, and new frontiers await. Whether you're looking for a relaxing beach vacation, an exciting city break, or an opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture, there are plenty of options from which to choose.

Some of the destinations on our 2023 list may seem overly familiar, we know—Rome? Tulum? Sydney?—but we promise that each has exciting new developments and things to see and do that will make your visit (or re-visit) revelatory. And then, of course, we've also snuck in a few unexpected treasures, like Central Maine and Israel's Western Galilee region, both places that are sure to delight first-time travelers and seasoned jet-setters alike.

Read on to discover the best places to visit this year, and consider adding both some unexpected destinations and old standbys to your 2023 travel bucket list.

Sydney, Australia

With its laid-back outdoor lifestyle and relaxed beachy chic, Sydney's natural assets usually get all the attention. There's the glittering harbor, the coastline strung with world-class beaches , and the stunning World Heritage wilderness on its doorstep. But in 2023, it will be Sydney's new cultural offerings that will steal the show.

For starters, the Sydney Opera House turns 50 in 2023. It celebrates by throwing off the scaffolding of a 10-year, $300-million renovation. Everyone in town is talking about the improved acoustics in the main Concert Hall, and many areas in the enormous building have been made accessible to people with mobility impairments for the first time. The venue will showcase its improvements with a stunning theater, music, and opera programs in 2023. 

Meanwhile, just past the Harbour Bridge , Pier 2/3 opened in 2022 to house the acclaimed Australian Chamber Orchestra in a stunningly repurposed Edwardian-era finger pier extending into the harbor. It's the latest addition to the Walsh Bay Arts Precinct, home to nine of Australia's most important performing arts companies, including First Nations contemporary-dance powerhouse Bangarra Dance Theatre and the Sydney Theatre Company —the theater of choice for Australian cinema stars seeking a stint of live performance, such as Toni Collette, Hugo Weaving, Geoffrey Rush, and former artistic director Cate Blanchett. 

Just south of Walsh Bay, Sydney's harbor revitalization is continuing with the massive development of Barangaroo , which transformed a working wharf area into parkland (including a brand-new harbor swimming spot in view of the Harbour Bridge), cultural spaces, and the 889-foot-high Crown casino, which has transformed Sydney's skyline. 

Meanwhile, the $344-million Sydney Modern wing of the Art Gallery of NSW opened in December 2022. Designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, it’s a sprawling glass-fronted stunner embedded into the Domain parklands over a series of stepped terraces. Inside are landmark collections of First Nations art, an underground gallery in an old World War II oil tank, and a dedicated new-media gallery. 

Australia is a long journey from many places worldwide, but new non-stop flights will make connections easier than ever. Qantas has announced it will link Sydney and New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport in a non-stop, 16-hour flight starting June 14, with plans to fly non-stop to London in the future too. 

And although Australia endured some of the harshest lockdowns in the world just a few years ago and closed its international border for almost 600 days, it reopened to international travelers in February 2022. In July 2022, it lifted the requirement for a COVID-19 test before entering the country. Locally, Sydney-siders have rebounded out of the tight restrictions with glee. The town is jumping, with live music pouring out of venues, conversation buzzing in restaurants, and what feels like half the city spreading a towel at the beach. Visitors are being welcomed with a choice of new luxury stays, including Heritage-listed Capella Sydney , opening in March 2023, behind a beautiful sandstone facade once occupied by the Department of Education, and the architecturally adventurous W Sydney , overlooking Barangaroo, in the dining and nightlife precinct of Darling Harbour. — Monique Choy

Central Maine

The classic Maine daydream usually consists of the tried and true elements: lighthouses, sailboats, and the roar of waves crashing into a rocky coast. But approximately one hour north of Portland, nestled in native Eastern white pine, lies a less coastal—and less congested—version of the state’s slogan, The Way Life Should Be.

For a state that has inspired heaping shelves of classic American literature—think “Olive Kitteridge,” “The Cider House Rules,” and, of course, anything by native Mainer Stephen King—it seems apropos that Maine was once a dominant force in the paper mill industry. In the 19th century, paper production consumed nearly half of the annual cut of Maine timber. The state’s abundant woodlands, particularly its plentiful poplar and spruce trees, made it the perfect destination for the industry to boom.  

Today, only six paper mills remain in Maine, and the glory days of its booming mill towns are long gone. While the allure of heavily touristed areas like Rockland, Camden, and Kennebunkport have cushioned the southern end of the state in tourism revenue, towns further away from the coast are finally finding their footing.

Central Maine has become an inspiring model for how to take a negative—defunct former mill towns—and transform them into hyper-local communities that enrich the lives of both natives and starry-eyed vacationers. Towns like Belgrade and Winslow, better known for their lakes than ocean views, offer plenty of outdoor adventure for campers, hikers, skiers, and more. And for those looking for a taste of Maine without breaking the bank, the area still offers the same unrivaled seafood and blueberries that you’ll find down south for a fraction of the price.

In Waterville, visitors walking down Main Street can still see the once-storied Lockwood Mills on the south end of town. The mills, which hung empty over Waterville for years, are now becoming a series of residential units and commercial spaces. It’s not the only thing being revitalized: Waterville-based Colby College has invested $100 million into the city’s downtown area over the past few years, culminating in the summer 2022 opening of the boutique Lockwood Hotel , as well as the Paul J. Schupf Art Center , which debuted in December 2022. 

Head to the bar at the sleek and sophisticated Lockwood on any Friday night in town, and you’ll be greeted by a young and creative crowd sipping craft cocktails by the fireplace. The Schupf Art Center, which spotlights work from local artists, also boasts a brand new cinema set to host a portion of this summer’s Maine International Film Festival . 

That swell of creative energy also extends over to Waterville’s neighboring city, Skowhegan. After securing space in a building once a county jail, co-founder and CEO Amber Lambke launched Maine Grains , a gristmill producing organic and heritage grains solely sourced from the Northeast. The mill just celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2022 and has announced plans to expand to an additional building to accommodate several new product lines and serve as an online fulfillment hub. 

The three-story former jail is also home to a local radio station, a yarn store, a dry goods shop, and an artisanal cheese shop Crooked Face Creamery , founded by local Amy Rowbottom, who handcrafts all of the shop’s offerings from milk sourced from local farms. On weekends, the area around the building buzzes with crowds of locals who drive up for lunch at The Miller’s Table , the gristmill’s onsite restaurant serving sandwiches and pizzas made with dough milled onsite. The menu features no shortage of craft beers from nearby Bigelow Brewing , which has also announced recent expansion plans: the brewery will take over the 80,000 square foot former Solon Manufacturing mill on Skowhegan Island, which had a strong run producing yarn and wood products in the early twentieth century.

Of course, there’s always plenty to do in Maine for those seeking solitude in the outdoors any time of the year. Just 2 miles from Waterville, the Quarry Road Trails offer over 8 miles of singletrack trails for skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing. Outfitters like Magic Falls and North Country Rivers offer rafting trips on the nearby Kennebec River. And in this part of the state, hiking opportunities, like the lush RiverWalk at Head of Falls or the Kennebec Messalonskee Trails , are abundant—just don’t be surprised if you see a moose or two. All are perfect opportunities for visitors to get up close and personal with the trees that built the state. — Astrid Taran

Western Galilee, Israel

While Tel Aviv and Jerusalem should very well be on your Israel itinerary , devote a few extra days to exploring a side of the country that often gets overlooked—and unfairly so. Western Galilee, also known as the North Coast of Israel, stretches along the Mediterranean Sea from the Carmel Range just north of Haifa to the country’s north-westernmost tip, with rolling mountains and coastal views intermixed with archaeological sites and farm-to-table eats that can’t be beaten.

Start your trip in the port city of Acre (also known as Akko), a UNESCO World Heritage Site nestled at the northern tip of the Bay of Haifa. Conquered by a range of empires and civilizations over its 5,000-year history, Acre is best known for having once been the capital of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem. Take a tour of the Hospitaller Fortress , which served as a hospital and hospice to pilgrims en route to Jerusalem in the 12th and 13th centuries, before journeying through the Templars Tunnels. This 492-foot-long underground passage was used to link the Knights Templar's main fortress to the port. Afterward, browse the city’s souk and artisanal shops, including Art 192 , a gallery that sells ceramics, jewelry, and other wares created by Israeli craftswomen from around Galilee and Golan.

Natural beauty is in no short supply here, either. Just south of Lebanon, on the Mediterranean coast, the geologic formation of Rosh HaNikra comprises grottoes and white chalk cliffs that can be accessed via a quick ride down the world’s steepest cable car. Then head to the remains of nearby Keshet Cave: a large natural arch situated on the southern cliffs of the Adamit Mountain Ridge in Adamit Park. Hike the short trail to the top, where you can simply take in the spectacular views or join other adventure seekers in rappelling roughly 130 to 165 feet down to the cave floor.

Meanwhile, the region’s food and drink scene is undoubtedly one to rival Tel Aviv’s. At Alto Dairy Farm , visitors can munch on housemade sourdough bread, a variety of quiches, and fresh cheese produced from Galician goat’s milk, paired with toppings such as silan, tahini, and nuts. If you’re looking to imbibe, sip wine at Kishor Winery , staffed by members of the neurodiverse Kishorit kibbutz, or craft beers at Malka Brewery .

Got a sweet tooth? Look no further than Tosha Bakery in Achziv. Co-owned by Shahaf Avraham and pastry chef Tomer Swisa, who honed his craft in Israel and France, Tosha offers more than 30 delectable pastries and other sweets adapted from recipes Swisa’s grandmother used to make. Pick up a smattering of baked goods to split with the table—from croissants oozing with pistachio crème to mouthwatering mousses and savory bourekas—and order a cup of coffee on the side. If you still have room left for dessert, head to Odette Chocolate & Pralines Boutique for an assortment of delicious confections—including chocolate logs, chocolate-covered nuts, and pralines filled with flavors like hazelnut and olive oil—and chocolate workshops led by owner Dr. Shlomit Zamir.

Don’t leave without signing up for a cooking workshop or home hospitality experience with tour operator Galileat , which offers visitors to the region an opportunity to learn about local culture through food. Through the program, Druze, Muslim, Christian, and Bedouin hosts around Galilee are ready to welcome you into their homes to share their faith and customs, cook you a traditional homecooked meal, and maybe show you how to roll a grape leaf or two.

To truly get a feel for what it is like to live and work on a kibbutz, a collective Israeli community with agrarian roots, round out your trip with a visit to Kibbutz Kfar Masaryk . In addition to tours of the grounds, the kibbutz offers workshops on topics ranging from birdwatching to Rondo and Hora dances, an art gallery, a dining hall with buffet-style lunch, and 20 accommodations where both families and couples can spend the night. —  Elizabeth Preske

Perhaps the most anticipated tourist reopening, Japan is now fully reopened to travelers, making 2023 the year to experience—or perhaps re-experience—the Land of the Rising Sun. Visitors will also be able to take advantage of a weaker-than-usual yen, as the exchange rate in 2020 was an average of 106 yen to $1—the current exchange rate is 127 yen per dollar.

For travelers with kids (or those who are simply young at heart), Tokyo is a must-visit city in 2023, with Tokyo Disney's Toy Story-themed hotel now open. Based on the film series, the hotel offers a unique stay for visitors that includes not just rooms decorated with characters from the franchise on the walls and matching bedding but an entirely immersive experience. If you want a truly magical experience in Tokyo, the 300,000-square-foot Warner Bros. Studio Tour Tokyo – The Making of Harry Potter opens this summer. The interactive experience allows guests to explore the world of Harry Potter through a behind-the-scenes look into how the films and special effects were created, including a recreation of the indoor soundstage and outdoor backlot used to make the films.

Entertainment lovers will also want to beeline to Tokyu Kabukicho Tower in Shinjuku, set to be the country's largest hotel and entertainment complex. Spanning 48 floors, Kabukicho will comprise two hotels, a movie theater, a massive food hall, and a four-story concert venue that will seat 1,500 people.

And for anime fans, Studio Ghibli has opened its long-awaited new theme park in Nagoya, about three hours by train from Tokyo. The expansive park spans five different themed lands based on fan-favorite films, like "My Neighbour Totoro" and "Princess Mononoke," as well as a life-sized replica of Howl's Moving Castle.

Japan has always been a bastion of luxurious hotels, and now the tony EDITION brand will plant its roots in Ginza, opening an 86-room hotel with three restaurants, including a rooftop bar where you can take in the expansive Tokyo skyline. Meanwhile, local brand Tokyu Hotels opened Hotel Higashiyama last July in Kyoto. Located near Chionin Temple and Heian-jingu Shrine, staying at the hotel is a zen-like experience with rooms arranged around a central courtyard with a Japanese garden. Each room also comes with a box full of original tea utensils that you can use to brew your own Japanese tea.

For families, Hoshino Resorts, which currently operates 58 properties in and around Japan, has just opened RISONARE Osaka , which bills itself as a hub of creativity where children can draw on the walls and windows of their guest rooms with crayons. Marking itself as Japan's first hotel to embrace the Reggio Emilia Approach, an early childhood education program, it hopes to become a hotel that offers value by creating opportunities to nurture children's artistic creativity.

Further north, Club Med has opened its newest ski resort in the area, Club Med Kiroro in Hokkaido. The all-inclusive resort offers up some of the best skiing in the region and will feature a natural open-air hot spring and spa, with all the attractive features the brand continues to be known for .

If you've been saddened by the news of Danish restaurant Noma closing its doors, but don't have plans to visit Copenhagen before then, you may still be in luck. The long-standing "world's best restaurant" is holding a 10-week pop-up in the Ace Hotel Kyoto from March 15 to May 20, 2023, focusing on a tasting menu inspired by the region's distinct ingredients and culinary history.

And, of course, after you've exhausted all the traditional culinary adventures Japan has to enjoy, you can take respite in the comfort food of choice at one of the country's long-standing top hotels: Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo , which features 12 restaurants and bars across its 38 floors. You'll have everything from traditional Cantonese at Sense, upscale French cuisine at Signature, and even Michelin-starred Tapas Molecular Bar. At the end of the night, tuck away to the rooftop Mandarin Bar and admire Tokyo's glittering sprawl. It's good to be back. — Ryan Smith

Thomas Pickard

In unexpected social media trends of the year, the infamous Drake Passage—the notoriously rough body of water that separates South America and Antarctica—has made its rounds on TikTok. And that's because more people than ever are heading to the southernmost destination in the world.

Antarctica is heating up, both figuratively and literally. With the rapid growth of the expedition cruising industry, particularly in the luxury sector, getting to Antarctica has never been easier.

Between 2022 and 2023, nearly a dozen new polar-class ships have been or will be launched by both existing and new cruise lines: Viking Octantis and Viking Polaris, Silversea's Silver Endeavor and Silver Nova, Seabourn Venture and Seabourn Pursuit, Atlas Ocean Voyages' World Traveller; Aurora Expedition's Sylvia Earle; Albatros Expedition's Ocean Victory and Ocean Albatros; Scenic Eclipse II; and Swan Hellenic's SH Diana, among them. And that's not to mention numerous others that debuted in 2020 and 2021. Between them, you're treated to comforts like high-end spas, toys like helicopters and submersibles, and, of course, fine dining.

What's more, even land-based Antarctic expeditions are growing. Luxury operator White Desert just opened its third space-age glamping facility, Echo Camp , on the continent; to get there, White Desert flies guests from Cape Town to Antarctica via private jet.

With so many options for visiting Antarctica, there hasn't been a better (or at least a more convenient) time to visit the White Continent. But returning to Antarctica heating up, is it ethical to go?

As an icy continent, Antarctica is, perhaps unsurprisingly, directly impacted by planetary temperature change. But Antarctica's climate is complex and dynamic, with dramatic regional differences. East Antarctica, for instance, has seen some cooling trends; the South Pole, which is technically in East Antarctica, had its coldest winter on record in 2021. And long-term Antarctic sea ice trend shows essentially zero change, according to . But the Antarctic Peninsula in West Antarctica, where most expedition cruises sail, is warming dramatically.

It's important to acknowledge that cruising is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, just like flying. Even ships that use liquified natural gas, which is touted as a more sustainable alternative to diesel, contribute to emissions, just in the form of methane rather than carbon dioxide.

But what makes cruising to Antarctica worth the potential environmental trade-off is the continent's ability to turn you into an ambassador for protecting Earth. On one of my trips to Antarctica, a naturalist told us that often people don't care to protect what they don't know. Being able to fully immerse yourself in the wilderness of Antarctica—to hear the thunderous crack of a glacier calving and the roar of the tsunami that follows, to watch an Adélie penguin waddle across your path with a pebble in its mouth to build a nest with its mate, to witness humpback whales lunge feeding in an extraordinary display of graceful choreography—makes you care just so much more about not just Antarctica, but the entire planet.

That's why we encourage you to visit Antarctica, but we implore you to do so with the right intentions. Don't just book a trip to check off your seventh continent. Do your research into the company you book with, ensuring they're a member of the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators . This organization ensures its members adhere to the best practices for protecting wildlife and the environment and take all precautions for human safety. And keep in mind that Antarctica is a remote, extreme, and dangerous place—listen to your guides at all times, and be highly mindful throughout your entire trip. A trip to Antarctica is an extraordinary privilege that shouldn't be taken lightly. Travel with intention, be safe and open yourself up to the wonders of the White Continent. — Stefanie Waldek

Bianca Loðbrók

Rome, Italy

If it seemed like everyone on your Instagram feed was in Italy last year, you’re not imagining things. A 2022 study by Allianz found that demand for Europe travel was up 600 percent, and Rome ranked as the fifth in-demand summer destination. That trend is likely to continue into 2023. A recent survey by the Leading Hotels of the World found that Italy is currently leading the pack for bookings this year.

Rome is called the Eternal City for a reason, but in addition to its many timeless pleasures, it has some compelling new reasons to go in 2023, especially if it’s been a while since your last visit. The Mausoleum of Augustus —the world’s largest circular tomb—reopened to the public in 2021 after an 8 million euros restoration. Also in 2021, the Colosseum opened the underground level known as the hypogeum, allowing visitors to walk the narrow corridors where gladiators prepared for the games and wild animals were kept before being hoisted up to the stage on wooden platforms. To visit the underground level, you must book a guided tour, such as the official Moon over the Colosseum tour , or a private tour with a company like Roma Experience .

Last year saw the inauguration of the Museo dell’Arte Salvata (Museum for Rescued Art), which displays looted or lost antiquities and other artworks that have been recovered before they’re returned to their rightful homes. In addition, a restoration of the Sacred Area of Largo di Torre Argentina —where Julius Caesar was assassinated—is currently underway. When it’s completed, visitors can join the cats at the Largo Argentina Cat Sanctuary and get up close and personal with the ruins, which lay just below street level in an open area in the heart of Rome’s centro storico.

In terms of modern developments, the city’s hotel scene is heating up in a big way, bringing hip new affordable options and luxurious properties by international brands. Already open are the Hoxton Rome and Mama Shelter Roma —where budget-conscious travelers don’t have to sacrifice style—and Soho House Rome and the W Rome , both of which boast rooftop restaurants and pools.

Coming soon are high-end hotels by Six Senses , Edition , Nobu , and Bulgari , in addition to Palazzo Roma, a luxury boutique hotel in a historic palazzo by the Shedir Collection (the company behind Hotel Vilòn and Hotel Maalot)—all slated to open in 2023. Plus, Thai brand Anantara is currently renovating the historic Palazzo Naiadi hotel on Piazza Della Repubblica.

Whether or not you splurge on a room, these new hotels are bringing buzzy restaurants and bars to attract locals and international visitors. The Bulgari Hotel, for example, will have a restaurant by lauded chef Niko Romito. The W has two hot restaurants: Giano by Michelin-starred Sicilian chef Ciccio Sultano and Otto Rooftop, which serves pizzas by esteemed Roman pizzaiolo Pier Daniele Seu, whose pizzeria Seu Pizza Illuminati is ranked number 8 on the list of the 50 Top Pizzerias in the world.

Indeed, it’s a perfect time for pizza aficionados to visit Rome. The city has seen a wave of next-gen pizzaiolos energizing the scene. Top spots include 180 Grammi in the off-the-beaten-path neighborhood of Centocelle, L’Elementare , which has locations in Trastevere and the Parco Appio, and I Quintili by pizzaiolo Marco Quintili, who hails from the province of Caserta, which is known for having some of Italy’s best pizzerias. A visit to Rome in 2023 will be a feast for all the senses. — Laura Itzkowitz

Courtesy of Four Seasons

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Prince got it right, per usual, when he told Oprah in a 1996 interview that he'd always live in Minnesota because "it's so cold it keeps the bad people out." The state's residents are notoriously nice, which makes Minnesota a particularly welcoming place to visit, no matter the weather. With the addition of a luxury hotel, a restaurant at the helm of pivoting American cuisine, and other must-see locales, it's easy to understand why you'd want to visit the land of 10,000 lakes. (Though, as Minnesotans will politely correct you, the state technically boasts 11,842 lakes—but who's counting?)

Start your stay in Minneapolis, the livelier of the Twin Cities. Hop on the light rail at MSP airport, and 30 minutes later, you'll step off in downtown Minneapolis, where you can check in for a stay at the state's first five-star hotel, Four Seasons Hotel Minneapolis . Located two blocks from the Mississippi River and four blocks from famed music venue First Avenue, the Four Seasons is within walking distance of all that downtown and its posh adjoining neighborhood, the North Loop, have to offer. That's assuming you can tear yourself away from eating every meal at Mara , the Mediterranean-inspired restaurant by award-winning chef Gavin Kaysen , located within the hotel.

One meal you must venture out for is a dinner at Owamni , the highly-praised restaurant at the center of the Indigenous foods movement. Perhaps you read about Owamni in The New Yorker , or maybe the name sounds familiar from their 2022 James Beard Award win for Best New Restaurant. Every menu item is "decolonized," as co-owner and Oglala Lakota chef Sean Sherman calls it, free of ingredients introduced to North America after Europeans arrived. Forget dairy, cane sugar, black pepper, and wheat flour. You don't need them, at least as far as the Owamni menu (which features dishes like bison stew and blue corn mush) is concerned. The restaurant is just an 11-minute walk from the Four Seasons, so go ahead and indulge in one more glass of whatever you're washing your elk short ribs down with. If the weather allows—always a gamble, though Minnesotans are bred to soak up every warm, sunny day—enjoy your meal on the patio overlooking the Mississippi River.

Add the Minnesota Zoo to your itinerary too. Located just south of the charming capital St. Paul, the zoo is not only home to lions and tigers and bears (oh my!) but also the world's longest elevated pedestrian loop. The Treetop Trail is a 32-foot-high, 1.25-mile walking path through the zoo's various lush landscapes, including a reflection pond, wetlands, and, as the name implies, a forest. The trail's multiple access points, with elevators and ramps, allow guests of all mobility levels to enter and exit in different locations to get a glimpse of their favorite animals. If all goes to plan, the Treetop Trail will open this summer, hopefully just in time to coincide with the zoo's annual and adorable Farm Babies exhibit.

For a more all-encompassing view of the midwest, book Viking's new Great Lakes Collection cruise. The two-week-long excursion travels between Duluth, Minnesota, and Toronto, winding through the Great Lakes with pit stops at iconic locations like Niagara Falls and Mackinac Island.

We like to think Prince would be the first aboard. — Megan McCarty

Maximilian Guy McNair MacEwan

Tulum, Mexico

The city that launched a thousand hashtags and the poster child of boho-chic, Tulum is one resort town where every year brings something new. Between the booming beach clubs and luxurious boutique hotels, there are many reasons why travelers keep returning again and again to this once-sleepy fishing village next to the Mayan ruins. Roughly a two-hour drive from the Cancun Airport, Tulum has always proved rewarding for those willing to go the extra mile, but the coming years are promising an easier way to get there so that you can skip the pricy cab fare or the rental car.

There are two massive infrastructure projects on the horizon in Tulum: the Maya Train and a brand-new international airport. Construction has been underway on the Maya Train, which will connect Tulum to not only Cancun but other major cities on the peninsula like Bacalar and Izamal. The first section of the train line is expected to open in December 2023, but the project has also been controversial, enduring harsh criticism from environmentalists and human rights advocates .

Meanwhile, the new airport will sit 20 minutes south of the city center near the ruins of Muyil. The first route will run between Tulum and Mexico City's brand-new airport, Felipe Ángeles (AIFA), and low-cost airlines are already eyeing the new landing strip. It's been given an opening date of December 2023, but it might take until mid-2024 for the regular service to kick in. Both projects are working towards decongesting traffic from Cancun as more and more holidaymakers are finding their way down to Tulum worldwide. The new international airport will also give travelers a better starting point for exploring the southern reaches of Quintana Roo, like the multicolored lakes of Bacalar (two hours south of Tulum) and the far jungle side of the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve.

Tulum's beachfront is stacked with luxury hotels that claim the best location in the city and are always trying to make the biggest splash in art and design. You can find the influencer set lining up for snapshots in front of the "Ven a la Luz" sculpture at the Ahau Tulum Resort or booking the top suite La Valise , where the bed rolls out onto the balcony so you can sleep under the stars. However, Hilton has just opened two new hotels in the area, which will pose shiny new offerings for travelers in 2023. The centrally-located Motto delivers Tulum style with a rooftop infinity pool, and with comparatively affordable rates, it's a good choice for those who plan to bounce between the city center and the beach. Alternatively, the Conrad Tulum Riviera Maya is 20 minutes away from Tulum proper, sitting on the turtle-filled beaches of Akumal, but the resort offers a more traditional Riviera Maya resort experience, but with the Tulum twist of holistic wellness experiences and bass-thumping DJ sets.

As always, Tulum's beaches are the star attraction. The gentle blue waves are watched over by the ruins of an ancient Mayan city, and the wind conditions entice kite surfers to strap on their boards and fly. The only thing that could ruin this picture is the massive clumps of sargassum seaweed that wash up on the shores daily. However, this problem will be mitigated in 2023 thanks to a new 1.4-mile-long anti-sargassum barrier that stops the seaweed before it washes up on the beach.

Tulum is a place that is constantly transforming, and with many promises on the horizon to make it even more accessible, this is a place to watch. — Jamie Ditaranto

Honestly, there is no wrong time to visit Disneyland . But making a pilgrimage to "The Happiest Place on Earth" during 2023 will make your visit extra sweet, and we're not just talking about the consumption of the park's sugar-coated churros.

This year the Walt Disney Company is celebrating a century of creating its unique brand of animated magic. The Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio—which it was initially named—was formed on Oct. 16, 1923, just months after 21-year-old Walt made the move to Los Angeles. There will be a year-long cross-company global observance to honor the centennial, with Disneyland being the centerpiece of the celebration. Beginning on Jan. 27, 2023, the park will feature added entertainment, festivities, and an abundance of razzle dazzle sprinkled throughout the park—all for the Disney100 Celebration , Sleeping Beauty's castle will be given a platinum-hued glow to kick it all off. The castle will also be the focus of the new nighttime extravaganza entitled Wondrous Journeys . This brand new show will use the castle, Main Street U.S.A., Rivers of America, and the facade of "it's a small world" as the canvas for a visual cavalcade featuring snippets and nods to every film that Disney has released during the past hundred years. Meanwhile, over at California Adventure, this year will see the debut of World of Color - ONE , the new water projection show paying homage to Disney classics, both new and old, alongside moments from "Star Wars" and Marvel movies.

Disney parade lovers will be thrilled with the return of the wildly popular " Magic Happens " parade in late February. The over-the-top extravaganza pays tribute to cherished moments from Disney's films from "Moana" to "Frozen" to Pixar's "Coco" with music, dancing, and elaborate floats, all led by an iridescent outfitted Mickey Mouse. But Mickey will have much more than merely a parade presence.

Since "it was all started with a mouse," as Walt Disney once famously stated, it's only fitting that Mickey Mouse will star in this year's most anticipated debut. On March 27, Mickey's Toontown, which has undergone a massive remodel, will reopen to guests. The reimagined land will feature CenTOONial Park, a sprawling grassy knoll, interactive play areas, and a bevy of water features, which will be a welcome addition on those hot southern California days. The highlight of the land is the west coast debut of Mickey & Minnie's Runaway Train , opening on Jan. 27. The attraction—which already exists in Hollywood Studios in Walt Disney World—will be housed in the memorabilia-filled El CapiTOON Theater.

Over in Critter Country, big changes are on the horizon. Disney is transforming the wet and wild Splash Mountain into Tiana's Bayou Adventure. While this metamorphosis won't be complete until next year, you can get a taste of the "Princess and the Frog" vibe with the debut of Tiana's Place. The French Market in New Orleans Square, right around the bend from Critter Country, will be reimagined with a menu to reflect Tiana's culinary talents for dishes such as gumbo and beignets.

Speaking of beignets, whenever there is something to celebrate, Disneyland invariably cooks up something tantalizing and wildly creative. The year will be sprinkled with an eclectic array of new treats, both sweet and savory, along with food-centric commemorative souvenirs like the Mickey Mouse popcorn buckets and sippers, to go along with all the other commemorative Disney100 apparel and merch available for purchase.

If you've been looking for a good excuse to visit the "Happiest Place on Earth," partaking in the Disney100 Celebration is a pretty worthy one. Plus, there are churros. — Sunny Chanel

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Few cities in Asia and the world blend an opulent British-colonial past with ever-growing, space-age skylines like Kuala Lumpur, shortened to "KL" by most locals—and now, Malaysia's capital will soon be more accessible than ever to visit.

Expect more seamless connections from the U.S. to this Southeast Asian gateway after the Federal Aviation Administration upgraded Malaysia's air safety rating in October 2022. A coil of highways and light-rail transport systems connects the airport to the former small towns of the Klang Valley, which now function as KL's many thriving residential neighborhoods.

They attract foreigners who find no match for Kuala Lumpur's low cost of living and quality of life. Since last year, Malaysia's De Rantau Pass , Southeast Asia's first full-fledged digital nomad visa, has a rock-bottom income requirement of $2,000 a month and allows stays of up to two years.

Today, the Klang river that marked the city's humble beginnings—Kuala Lumpur means "muddy estuary" in Malay—is strangled by development but still flows by some of the old city's architectural gems, such as the Jamek Mosque and the old Kuala Lumpur Railway, completed in 1916 by the former British colonialists. These old dames rub walls with modern buildings, monorail, LRT overpasses, shopping malls, and futuristic skyscrapers.

The next giant to open mid-2023 is Merdeka 118, the world's second-highest building. Soaring above the tourist enclave of Pasar Seni and Petaling Street, the city's bustling Chinatown, this 118-story, 2,200-foot tall, dark glass tower stretches up to the sky as the supreme example of Malaysia's world aspirations.

Before that, the 88-story, 1,400-foot-high Petronas Towers held the world's record for the tallest building from 1998 to 2003. These futuristic twin towers are the trademark of KLCC, Kuala Lumpur's glitziest and central neighborhood, filled by the city's largest shopping malls and the plushest entertainment and dining options.

Perched on the 48th floor of the Naza Tower, literally "haute" restaurant Dewakan boasts authentic Malaysian dishes prepared with rare ingredients and stunning views of the Klang Valley hemmed by the viridian slopes of the nearby Genting Highlands, the city's quickest getaway to fresh air, shining casinos, and a plethora of resorts.

It's no wonder that in December 2022, Dewakan and the French-inspired DC by Darren Chin earned a star each in the first Michelin guide to Kuala Lumpur and northern sister Penang island. But Michelin's recommendations only scratch the surface of Kuala Lumpur's labyrinthine food scene, which mixes Malay, Chinese, Indian, and international cuisines and boasts some of Asia's best street food culture.

First-time visitors usually spill from bar-and-nightclub strip Bukit Bintang to the adjacent tourist-friendly Jalan Alor, a haven of Chinese seafood and staple dishes like KL Hokkien Mee (noodles smothered in a sweet-salty black soy sauce with prawns, pork belly, and cabbage) and bak-kut-teh (pork ribs cooked in a broth of herbs and spices).

But the savviest local foodies brave the city's eternal traffic jams to venture out of the center to suburbs like Petaling Jaya, where Marriott opened minimal-chic Le Meridien in June 2022, and Subang Jaya—in particular, its SS15 district. From Jibril's irresistible salted egg butter chicken to Uncle Seng's choice of handmake pork and chicken curry noodles, and the zesty pork burgers of Burgertory , this district will add inches to your belt.

When the city becomes too much, one doesn't have to travel far to wind down in nature. The longest trail at Kota Damansara Community Forest Reserve, Denai Tiga Puteri Peak, is a two-hour out-and-back scrawl across the rainforest to a viewpoint overlooking a busy highway and the city's skyline.

For more challenging trails, Bukit Saga in the northeastern area of Ampang has something for every level, from quick strolls to a whole day hike across the connecting Saga and Apek hills. Bukit Gasing in Petaling Jaya is next to the city's heart and can also be visited by car, driving up to a perfect viewpoint to soak Kuala Lumpur's lights come alive after pink-hued sunsets. — Marco Ferrarese

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The 18 best places to travel in 2023

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For many people, this year marked the first time since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic that travel was back within reach. It was a year defined by joyous reunions — reconnecting with friends and family in person, rediscovering favorite destinations and taking stock of this new, changed world.

It was also a year of novel travel challenges . As demand soared, so, too, did prices. We returned to the roads and skies to find a travel industry that could barely keep up with our ravenous appetite to explore the globe.

But somehow, our love of travel has endured, our wanderlust is just as insatiable as ever and destinations around the world are beckoning us to visit.

That's why we're thrilled to share the destinations on our list of the best places to go in 2023. And this year, we've not only tapped our editorial team to contribute their tips and insights but also our extraordinary network of writers from around the world.

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As always, we looked at exciting new hotel openings and boundary-pushing flights, plus the places that embody the travel trends and philosophies we see taking shape in 2023 and beyond: The destinations prioritizing sustainability, focusing on Indigenous and community-based tourism and encouraging travelers to venture beyond the obvious gateway or itinerary.

We also saw a proliferation of innovative new ways for travelers to use their points and miles to experience the world, including exciting ultra-long-haul flights where miles will come in handy and hotels in destinations that previously might have been absent from most reward travelers' maps.

As we head into 2023, get excited (we are!) about embarking on unforgettable journeys to new corners of the globe, prepare to take a second look at places you already thought you knew and connect more personally with the people who call them home along the way. We hope this list of places to visit rekindles your passion for travel and look forward to exploring this wonderful, awe-inspiring planet with you. — By Eric Rosen and Melanie Lieberman

Aotearoa-New Zealand: The future of inclusive travel

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Best for sustainability-focused outdoor adventurers and sports enthusiasts.

Laid-back beach towns, award-winning wine, genuine hospitality and outdoor adventure aren't the only reasons why you should put Aotearoa-New Zealand at the top of your 2023 travel list.

Although the country's commitment to sustainability has long, deep roots (more than 33% of its land is protected), New Zealand's tourism industry launched the Tiaki Promise, a sustainability pledge, just prior to the pandemic. The Maori word "Tiaki" means to care for people and places, so the aim of this pledge is to avoid overtourism and encourage visitors to explore lesser-known destinations.

One way to do so is to seek new Maori cultural encounters and experiences, such as a traditional hangi feast in Rotorua, which is prepared in underground pits, after a visit to the New Zealand Maori Arts and Crafts Institute. Or, take an interpretive storytelling trek up Maunga Hikurangi on the North Island's east coast. If you're there in June or July, you can celebrate the Maori New Year, Matariki, which is based on the lunar calendar and became an official public holiday in 2022.

Next year, New Zealand will also co-host the largest FIFA Women's World Cup ever along with Australia. Matches will be played on both the North and South islands. Along with other large sporting events like the Women's Rugby World Cup, it's a clear example of the nation's efforts to promote diversity and inclusion as international visitors return.

A handful of new hotels have opened recently, too, such as the art-filled Park Hyatt Auckland , the environmentally friendly Hotel Britomart in Auckland's central business district and, on the South Island, The Carlin Hotel in Queenstown, which overlooks the Eyre and Remarkables mountain ranges surrounding Lake Wakatipu.

Getting to the country from the U.S. is even easier now with Air New Zealand's new nonstop flights from New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) to Auckland Airport (AKL) and Qantas' launch of the same route starting in March 2023.

TPG tip: If you're staying in Tamaki Makaurau, the Maori name for Auckland, explore one of the towns or nearby islands in the harbor. The ferry ride to Devonport takes 15 minutes, while Waiheke Island is only 40 minutes away by ferry. The latter has fabulous beaches and wineries to explore using a hop-on, hop-off bus. — By Becky Blaine

Orlando: Easy fun with classic experiences

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Best for roller coaster riders, of course, but also space geeks and culture freaks.

Whether you want to feel like you're in outer space, watch an actual rocket lift off or catch a concert in one of the world's best theaters, Orlando is the destination to visit in Florida — and 2023 is going to be a banner year for the city.

Many travelers come for the world-class theme parks, but Orlando is undergoing a travel renaissance that includes a just-opened terminal at Orlando International Airport (MCO) and 170 miles of railway that will connect the high-speed Brightline train from Orlando to Miami by mid-2023.

But don't hop the train too fast. Book tickets to a concert at Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts' Steinmetz Hall, which opened in 2022 and is rated as one of the world's most acoustically perfect spaces. An urban pocket park downtown called Art2 is also elevating this area of Orlando with can't-miss experiences, including performances and food trucks.

Cape Canaveral, an hour east on the coast, is also now home to Gateway: The Deep Space Launch Complex, a 50,000-square-foot, multilevel addition to the Kennedy Space Center that's full of interactive exhibits. And that's to say nothing of the full lineup of planned rocket launches travelers can check out over the course of 2023.

Of course, it's always a good idea to visit the theme parks, especially to catch the final months of Disney World's 50th-anniversary celebration , which includes a reimagining of Epcot with that park's first-ever roller coaster, Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind , and the spring 2023 debut of Tron: Lightcycle Run in the Magic Kingdom.

Disney World is also home to the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser , a "Star Wars"-themed journey unlike any other. The immersive, interactive two-night hotel experience (ahem, space mission) opened in early 2022.

Walt Disney World Resort isn't the only theme park behemoth elevating the park experience in 2023. Universal Studios Florida opened the thrilling VelociCoaster ride just last year, and it's keeping the excitement up with an all-new theme park, Epic Universe, already under construction. It will deliver new rides, themed lands, hotels and restaurants.

TPG tip: If you are one of the millions of travelers who rent a car in Orlando each year, there is a new 7-Eleven on the airport property where you can refill your tank at retail prices and make a pit stop to grab snacks for your journey. — B y Summer Hull

Oslo: Europe's coolest art capital

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Best for art and design lovers seeking new city-shaping museums and hotels.

Norway continues to claim the attention of travelers, but in 2023, all eyes are on the capital city, which is finally ready to flaunt its latest investments in the arts and hospitality.

Across from the white, angular slashes of the opera house's Carrara marble ramps and staircases is the curving 13-story tower housing the new Munch Museum, which opened in 2021. Even more imposing is the sprawling new National Museum, now one of Europe's largest art museums, which houses works from Edvard Munch's iconic "The Scream" to masterpieces from European artists like Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet and Henri Matisse.

This fall also saw the debut of Sommerro, an art deco hotel packed with contemporary art collections curated by museum director and art critic Sune Nordgren, along with 1930s works by Norwegian master Per Krohg — including a mosaic feature in the restored public baths, which opened in November. There's more to come from the boutique hotel and cultural center next year, including the addition of Villa Inkognito, an 11-suite retreat in a former 19th-century residence.

You can even bookend your trip to Oslo by venturing farther south to Kristiansand, where Kunstsilo, a modernist Nordic art museum, will debut next year inside an award-winning functionalist silo from the 1930s.

TPG tip: It's never been easier to explore beyond Oslo thanks to a flurry of new flights and cruises. Low-cost carrier Norse Atlantic (which began operating in 2022) continues expanding its reach in the U.S. by offering a number of promising nonstop routes, including one between London's Gatwick Airport (LGW) and New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) that's coming next year. Norwegian airline Widerøe is connecting Bergen to four new European cities next summer as well. For those interested in heading north, Norway's oldest cruise company, Hurtigruten, is restarting the Svalbard Express next year, while Viking and Disney have announced new itineraries to the remote Arctic region . — By Melanie Lieberman

Jordan: Connections by air, land and sea

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Best for travelers who want a taste of the ancient world at the heart of the modern Middle East.

Home to some of the world's oldest pieces of history, Jordan is on many travelers' bucket lists, especially now that there are several new additions on the way. In 2023, this Middle Eastern country is channeling its renowned hospitality to welcome travelers via new flights and a host of new hotels and experiences.

In the capital city of Amman, The Ritz-Carlton is the latest luxury hotel to join the gaggle of points-friendly properties near the city's 5th Circle landmark. Lavish white interiors and crystal chandeliers bedazzle the new hotel, which has 194 rooms and 34 suites with floor-to-ceiling views of the capital's sand-hued buildings. Next summer, Radisson will pump up its Middle East portfolio with Radisson Blu Hotel, Amman Galleria Mall. And across the red sand desert, the Crowne Plaza Resort Petra will reopen after a 10-year renovation and expansion.

Northwest of Amman, the former ancient trading town of Al-Salt became Jordan's sixth and latest UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its reputation as "the city of tolerance and urban hospitality." History and design fans can explore touches of European architecture alongside the city's distinct yellow limestone facades. This city is also a new stop on the Jordan Trail's Thru Hike. Launched in 2017, the trail offers the chance to spend 40 days hiking through eight regions that, together, traverse the entire country. Originally connecting 52 villages, it's recently been upped to 75 different communities.

Nearly 75% of Jordan is covered in pomegranate-hued sand, but head south and the watercolor greens and blues of the Red Sea emerge. Here, cruising is making waves in a country renowned for its mystical desert landscapes. Emerald Cruises recently debuted its first oceangoing yacht the Emerald Azzurra, which sails from the famed seaside city of Aqaba to Athens, Greece. Next year, Windstar Cruises is following suit by launching new itineraries from Amman to Athens and Athens to Dubai, with a stop at Aqaba.

TPG tip: Hopping on a flight to Jordan from select North American cities has just gotten easier. United has launched its first-ever direct flight from Washington, D.C.'s Dulles International Airport (IAD) to Amman's Queen Alia International Airport (AMM) , which departs three times per week. Last summer, Royal Jordanian Airlines, a Oneworld member, also launched a new route from Amman to Toronto via Montreal, and it will be increasing frequencies to Chicago, Detroit, Montreal and New York in the spring and summer of 2023. — By Katie Lockhart

American waterways: Rediscovering our backyard

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Best for travelers craving a nostalgic way to see America's small towns.

There's something charming about life along the water — and we're not talking about the swanky condos overlooking Miami Beach or Malibu, California's Billionaires Beach. Think instead of historical small towns like Natchez, Mississippi, and Muskegon, Michigan, as well as industrial cities like Pittsburgh, Milwaukee and Chicago, which have long relied on the nation's waterways.

American lakes and rivers remain key commercial arteries, but the cruise industry has turned them into some of the world's top leisure destinations as well thanks to a slate of new, offbeat itineraries that are only going to draw more passengers in the coming years.

Although Great Lakes and U.S. river cruises have been around for more than a century, 2023 could be one of the best years yet to sail domestically thanks to lines like American Queen Voyages , American Cruise Lines , Ponant , Viking and Pearl Seas Cruises, which are adding more capacity and itineraries along the Mississippi, Ohio, Columbia and Snake rivers; the Great Lakes; and the Chesapeake Bay.

Viking's new expedition arm rolled out its first two ships, Viking Octantis and Viking Polaris, which both spent time sailing the Great Lakes in 2022. Next year, travelers can also look forward to two new vessels, American Eagle and American Glory, from American Cruise Lines. The ships will debut along the East Coast and sail exclusively domestic itineraries. Additionally, American Queen Voyages will roll out the longest river voyages to date: 23-day sailings on the Mississippi and Ohio rivers .

If you book a domestic cruise, you'll see unexpected sides to major cities like Cincinnati, where the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center provides a sobering experience, as well as Detroit, which is a staple on many Great Lakes voyages, and New Orleans along the Mississippi. You might also visit towns such as Madison, Indiana, home to stately houses and a historical saddletree museum, that you might not have heard of otherwise. With more itineraries rolling out over time, there will be plenty more destinations to discover along America's waterways.

TPG tip: If you're looking to engage your competitive spirit, book American Queen Voyages' Kentucky Derby Cruise on American Countess. During the sailing on May 3, 2023, the boat will go head-to-head against two other vessels in Louisville, Kentucky's Great Steamboat Race, part of the annual Kentucky Derby Festival. — By Ashley Kosciolek

Los Angeles: In-person events are the hottest ticket in town

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Best for travelers seeking a new side to the City of Angels.

Events for sports enthusiasts and tech acolytes will draw big crowds to Los Angeles next year.

In January, the College Football Playoff National Championship will kick off at SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park, and the 123rd U.S. Open Championship golf tournament will be held at the Los Angeles Country Club in June. A third major event, the 40th Annual Breeders' Cup horse racing world championship, will gallop out of the gate at Santa Anita Park in November. The venue sits across the street from the still-new Le Méridien Pasadena Arcadia.

You'll also want to get your virtual reality headset ready, because E3 is getting back in the game, live and in person this June at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The video game industry's biggest annual event was held virtually in 2021 and canceled outright in 2022.

It will at long last be easier to get around Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) , too. After three years of construction, the Automated People Mover at LAX will finally open, connecting all terminals, the Metro Rail and a new rental car center. This state-of-the-art train will reduce travel time both to and within the airport.

Even frequent visitors will find exciting new places to bed down in LA since eight major hotels opened in 2022, including the Hyatt -branded tommie Hollywood, The Shay in Culver City and the adjoining Hyatt Place and Hyatt House LAX/Century Blvd. Two Marriott hotels — a Moxy and an AC — will debut downtown in the 38-story Fig + Pico tower, which sits across from the convention center and Arena. A few blocks away, a $1 billion, Frank Gehry-designed mixed-use development called The Grand LA opened. Here, you'll find Hilton 's splashy Conrad Los Angeles and four new restaurants from chef José Andres.

Also new downtown is the Sixth Street Viaduct, a 3,500-foot-long bridge with an accompanying 12-acre park with walking and bike trails. Spanning the Los Angeles River, this bridge connects downtown's Arts District with the Mexican food hot spot, Boyle Heights.

TPG tip: The Los Angeles Dodgers are considered the early-odds baseball team to beat in the 2023 World Series, so we recommend keeping an eye out for autumn points deals at downtown LA hotels near Dodger Stadium. — By Melanie Wynne

South Africa: More flights to wildlife sites

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Best for nature lovers dreaming of visiting the Rainbow Nation.

South Africa has a wealth of natural and cultural riches that travelers never tire of exploring, from the Big 5 of safari lore (elephants, lions, leopards, hippos and buffaloes) to the historic steps of Nelson Mandela's "Long Walk to Freedom." One thing the country has been lacking, however, is direct flights to both Cape Town and Johannesburg via multiple U.S. carriers.

In mid-December, Delta will commence a triangle service, flying the Airbus A350 from Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL) to Johannesburg's O.R Tambo International Airport (JNB) and then on to Cape Town International Airport (CPT) with a nonstop return from there. And through a special arrangement with the Department of Transportation , United is now offering nonstop flights between Washington, D.C.'s Dulles International Airport (IAD) and Cape Town International Airport (CPT) using a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner. This is in addition to its nonstop services from Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) to both Cape Town International Airport (CPT) and Johannesburg's O.R. Tambo International Airport (JNB).

When they arrive, travelers will find new safari lodges opening next year in some of the best wildlife-viewing destinations. The Tswalu concession in the southern Kalahari Desert is South Africa's largest private reserve — and it's less than two hours away by plane from both Cape Town and Johannesburg. There are few lodges here, though, so the new Loapi Tented Camp opening in 2023 is truly notable. With just six modern, eco-friendly tented micro-camps that are perfect for privacy, it will feel like you have the remote savannah all to yourself as you head out on private ranger-led safari drives to spot African wild dogs and desert black rhinos.

Also set to open in 2023 is The Homestead, a sustainability-focused luxury lodge in the secluded Nambiti Private Game Reserve. Nestled into the mountains of malaria-free KwaZulu-Natal, the lodge is around a three-hour drive from either Johannesburg or Durban. In addition to a dozen sleek safari suites with expansive wilderness views and butler service, expect electric safari vehicles for game drives and innovative energy-saving touches as part of the lodge's larger conservation efforts, such as grass-planted roofs and a solar farm.

TPG tip: Plan a trip around South Africa's epic music festivals, including Johannesburg's Afropunk Festival on Constitution Hill, the seat of the country's lawmakers, in December. In March, the largest music festival in sub-Saharan Africa (the Cape Town International Jazz Festival) takes center stage. And AfrikaBurn, South Africa's answer to Burning Man, sets up on the Eastern Cape in April. — B y Melissa Klurman

Rome: The Eternal City shines anew

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Best for history buffs and hotel enthusiasts itching to discover ancient ruins amidst modern luxury.

In 2023, Rome's full historical heritage will be front and center for visitors to enjoy.

A project to open the Sacred Area of Largo di Torre Argentina (where Julius Caesar was assassinated) via a series of elevated walkways is slated for completion next summer. The archaeological site near the Pantheon was unearthed in the 1920s but has been inaccessible for decades. It joins The Mausoleum of Augustus, which reopened in 2021 following an 8 million euro ($8.2 million) restoration, as one of the ancient sites newly accessible to visitors.

Additionally, the Museo dell'Arte Salvata (the Museum for Rescued Art) opened in 2022. Here, precious antiquities that were returned to Italy after being plundered from archaeological sites and trafficked on the black market to auction houses, private collections and even institutions like New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art are on display. The exhibits will change, but you might see sculptures, ancient coins or even an amphora painted with erotic scenes that dates back to the sixth century B.C.

But there are new, modern developments luring luxury travelers back to Rome, too.

The arrival of international brands like W, Soho House, The Hoxton and Mama Shelter, plus boutique hotels like The First Musica and Umiltà 36 have heralded a contemporary hotel boom. Next year's openings will up the ante even more, with arrivals by Six Senses, Edition, Bulgari and Nobu, as well as a renovation of the 19th-century Palazzo Naiadi, a neoclassical landmark on Piazza Della Repubblica, by Anantara.

Rome will also see increased airlift from the U.S., with three daily seasonal flights (up from two) on Delta from New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) to Rome's Fiumicino Airport (FCO) and a new daily seasonal route from San Francisco International Airport (SFO) to Fiumicino Airport (FCO) on United , both of which will launch on May 25.

TPG tip: The best way to explore the Eternal City is on two wheels. Just in time for the 2023 season, Scooteroma is revamping its popular Street Art Vespa Tour and debuting a brand-new experience focused on the city's oft-overlooked early 20th-century art and architecture, such as the iconic Vittoriano Emmanuel II National Monument in Piazza Venezia. — By Laura Itzkowitz

Bangkok: Setting the table for an epic comeback

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Best for passionate foodies and arts aficionados.

For the last few years, Bangkok has been quietly setting the stage for a monumental rebound once the travel floodgates reopened and international tourists returned en masse.

On the Chao Phraya riverfront, a luxury hotel revival led by Capella and Four Seasons outposts has been underway since 2020. Both properties house destination restaurants, including soulful Thai at Capella's Phra Nakhon and the swanky Buenos Aires-themed BKK Social Club at the Four Seasons. This summer, Hong Kong's Mott 32, plus five other dining outlets, arrived at The Standard, Bangkok Mahanakhon around the corner. Early next year, Southeast Asia's first Soho House opens in Bangkok with multiple bars and restaurants (plus a 39-foot outdoor pool), and an Aman will follow in the coming years.

Hotels aren't the only places for tourists to experience the energy of Bangkok's evolving culinary scene. Innovators all across the city are transforming it into the world's next great food destination. Just this year, a former monk opened Small Dinner Club, which serves offbeat dishes like dessert tom yum, while mixologists at Mahaniyom Cocktail Bar craft boozy, zero-waste concoctions starring an individual element like coconut or squid.

The 2023 Michelin Bangkok guide features 35 starred restaurants (five more than last year). Additionally, both Samrub Samrub Thai and Raan Jay Fai ranked on the World's 100 Best Restaurants list in 2022. Buzz is gathering around watering holes like No Name Noodle, which opened in 2022 and serves just 35 bowls of Japanese soba per day, and chef Arnaud Dunand Sauthier's just-opened, alpine-inspired restaurant Maison Dunand as well.

Bangkok's art scene is also reawakening. Just before the pandemic, 31-year-old Mook Attakanwong founded ATT 19, an exhibition space in a former Chinese school where works broach once-taboo topics like mental health. At Aurum The River Place, exhibits range from street art to a subway car installation.

Airlines are putting flights to Thailand back on their schedules, too. Air Canada's seasonal route from Vancouver, British Columbia, to Bangkok running through March 24 is the first nonstop from North America in more than a decade. Just don't forget to make those restaurant reservations first.

TPG tip: Spend a few days hiking through tropical, UNESCO-listed Khao Yai National Park and stay in a Bill Bensley-designed heritage train car suite at the brand-new InterContinental Khao Yai Resort , which is located just a 2.5-hour drive away from Bangkok. — By Kathryn Romeyn

Panama: Leading the way with homegrown tourism

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Best for adventure seekers looking to explore an untouched paradise.

Panama might be best known for its famous canal, but in 2023, all that changes for the Central American country, as previously untouched areas become more accessible to travelers. The country is a hotbed of biodiversity and an eclectic blend of cultures unlike any other in the region. Now, it's easier than ever to experience it all.

Launched in August 2022, Panama's community tourism network, SOSTUR, is a digital platform connecting travelers with rural communities and local tourism businesses. Travelers planning a visit for 2023 can select tours across 10 pilot communities in remote corners of the country. Experiences range from agritourism farm visits to sloth watching in the jungle.

Hikers will love exploring the pristine southern coast of Panama's Azuero Peninsula, which is brimming with tropical flora and fauna, natural caves and hidden beaches. Next year, the tour operator Azuero Adventures — based in the rural village of Cambutal — is introducing its Cerro Hoya Mountain Expedition, a six-day adventure that includes a three-day camping tour in Cerro Hoya National Park, home to some of the last areas of primary jungle on the peninsula.

Bookend your trip with a few days in the capital and a stay at the stylish new Hotel La Compañia, part of Hyatt's Unbound Collection. Also in the city's Casco Antiguo colonial district is the new Sofitel Legend Casco Viejo, an Accor-affiliated property slated to open before the end of the year. It has a desirable location on the water's edge and unobstructed city skyline and Pacific views.

Since Delta launched three new routes from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), Orlando International Airport (MCO) and New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) to Panama City's Tocumen International Airport (PTY) late last year, it has gotten that much easier for many flyers to visit Panama.

TPG tip : If you're flying to Panama on Copa Airlines, the nation's flag carrier, consider upgrading to see the new Copa Club lounge in Tocumen International Airport (PTY)'s new Terminal 2. It's a sprawling 21,500-square-foot space with buffet-style dining, leather loungers, a dedicated family entertainment area and a bar. — By Jordi Lippe-McGraw

Bhutan: A legendary trail reopens

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Best for adrenaline junkies craving both nature and culture.

When Bhutan reopened for tourism in September 2022, it also unveiled the highly anticipated Trans-Bhutan Trail, an ancient footpath that stretches for 250 miles across the country. Over the previous two years, the trail was carefully restored by people from around the country, connecting the popular western area with the less-traveled eastern edge of Bhutan.

For decades, hiking has lured mountaineers to Bhutan. The tiny Asian kingdom has exceptional trails, especially through the Himalayas, such as the famous Snowman Trek, a demanding 216-mile hike considered one of the toughest in the world. The newly restored Trans-Bhutan Trail, by contrast, has sections that can be tackled in single or multiple days, so it's more beginner-friendly. Hikers wind through forested mountains, rice paddies and bustling villages with new campsites and homestays along the way. While there are still challenging tracts, the intention is to open parts of the country that are less touristed.

As a commitment to a more sustainable tourism strategy, the country also implemented a new, higher $200 daily tourism fee. The tariff (which replaces a daily $65 fee) funds various economic, social, environmental and cultural developments and is partially intended to limit tourist entries to manageable numbers. It also means travelers no longer need to purchase packaged trips, which allows more flexibility to book preferred hotels and tours.

The country has no shortage of luxury lodges (Aman, Como and Six Senses all have properties here), and more are on the way. Next year, andBeyond will unveil the new Punakha River Lodge on the banks of western Bhutan's Mo Chhu River in a bucolic, rice-growing region. It will have tented suites and two villas designed in a traditional Bhutanese architectural style.

TPG tip: Along with the new daily tourism fee, travelers have to adhere to a number of rules, which include hiring a local guide (in certain areas) and not self-driving. The upside is a guide can unlock the country's history and reveal its storied heritage. The roads are also extremely steep and winding, so having someone navigate them for you is a major plus. When planning your trip, keep in mind that there are no direct flights from the U.S. to Bhutan. Most travelers transit via Bangkok or Delhi, both of which have direct flights with Drukair to Paro International Airport (PBH). —By Mary Holland

Mexico's Pacific Coast: Stylish new destinations emerge

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Best for swimmers, surfers and sybarites who appreciate design-driven beach resorts.

The roughly 1,200-mile stretch of mainland Mexico's Pacific Coast from Nayarit to Oaxaca is famous for the resort destinations of Puerto Vallarta, Acapulco and Zihuatanejo. But swanky new hotels, major infrastructure improvements and breathtaking natural scenery have brought three very different areas along it into focus for 2023: Riviera Nayarit, Costalegre and Riviera Oaxaqueña.

Beginning just north of Puerto Vallarta, Riviera Nayarit is undergoing one of Latin America's biggest luxury hotel booms. This 65-mile string of resort communities includes Punta Mita, already home to Four Seasons and St. Regis properties, as well as the surf town of Sayulita and, farther north, the up-and-coming Mandarina and Costa Canuva developments. Recent openings include the Conrad Punta de Mita , Secrets Bahia Mita, One&Only Mandarina and Auberge Resorts' ultra-exclusive Susurros Del Corazón. Rosewood Mandarina and Costa Canuva's Ritz-Carlton Reserve Riviera Nayarit are coming soon, along with the VidantaWorld theme, water and nature park.

The dramatic headlands and secluded beaches of the 60-mile Costalegre, which is 2.5 hours south of Puerto Vallarta, have drawn celebrities to enclaves like Careyes for decades. The region is about to take off with the opening of a new airport in Chalacatepec and continued improvements along the winding coastal artery, Highway 200. The posh Four Seasons Resort Tamarindo opened in November 2022 with 157 open-air rooms and suites, and the famed Las Alamandas boutique resort recently completed a top-to-bottom renovation. There's also the continued expansion of the 36,000-acre Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve, home to a posh 40-room eco-resort with a Byzantine design.

Served by two smaller airports, including the recently expanded Puerto Escondido International Airport (PXM), Riviera Oaxaqueña is increasingly appealing to visitors seeking an easygoing, mindful vibe (think: yoga retreats and eco-conscious architecture). Grupo Habita's new Hotel Escondido and Hotel Terrestre offer understated luxury, while Puerto Escondido's adults-only Casona Sforza is an idyllic end-of-the-road beach retreat. And just down the coast, the artsy and diverse villages of Mazunte and Zipolite (with its LGBTQIA-popular, clothing-optional beach ) are blissful beach towns for chilling out.

TPG tip: The anticipated early 2023 completion of the Barranca Larga-Ventanilla Highway, which traverses a 10,000-foot-high mountain pass, will cut the drive time from Puerto Escondido to the historic town of Oaxaca, with its art galleries and renowned restaurants, from seven hours to less than three. — By Andrew Collins

Kenya: Africa's top ecotourism destination

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Best for wild-at-heart travelers seeking adventure and eco-friendly luxury.

Kenya has long been the standard bearer for sustainable tourism in Africa. The emergence of wildlife conservancies in the 1970s not only prevented poaching and illegal trade but also ushered in a new era of community involvement.

In 2023, Kenya's ecotourism movement will forge ahead with bold new initiatives to protect what is arguably the greatest safari destination on Earth. Kenya's emblematic mountain bongo (a critically endangered, notoriously shy type of antelope) will be repatriated to Mount Kenya from a preserve in Florida in a project spearheaded by the Meru Bongo and Rhino Conservation Trust. Sanctuaries within Mount Kenya National Park will also provide refuge to endangered black rhinos and draw on the knowledge and engagement of local Masai communities.

Points travelers will soon have even more reason to add the East African nation to their travel wish list. In 2023, Marriott will debut its first high-end safari lodge on the continent: the JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge . Its location, at the heart of Masai Mara National Reserve, will ensure optimal wildlife viewing; the park is home to a staggering inventory of more than 450 animal species, including the Big 5. The lodge will feature 20 classic safari-style tents with canopy beds, stone tile floors and Masai-inspired prints and fabrics. Marriott has committed to hiring 50 individuals from the Masai community, too.

Beyond the Masai Mara, Amboseli National Park is home to an extraordinary density of wildlife thanks in no small part to conservation efforts such as the Amboseli Trust for Elephants. Today, the park is one of the best places on the planet to see long-tusked elephants, as well as giraffes, eland, zebras and wildebeest in large numbers. Debuting in November 2023, Angama Amboseli will comprise 10 luxury tented suites located within Kenya's first community-owned conservancy, the Kimana Sanctuary. All tents will frame views of Mount Kilimanjaro, but the main draw here, no doubt, will be the once-in-a-lifetime elephant encounters.

TPG tip: The Billionaire Resort & Retreat Malindi, an erstwhile A-list hangout that opened to the masses in 2022, offers the ultimate safari and Indian Ocean combination without any grueling border crossings. Located in Malindi (75 miles north of Mombasa, Kenya), the resort's opulent villas and gorgeous infinity pool overlook a private white sand beach you won't want to miss. — By Caroline Lascom

Turks and Caicos: Getting out in the archipelago

trip m 2023

Best for sun seekers and beach lovers.

Beyond the white sands and aquamarine waters you'll find around the Caribbean, Turks and Caicos offers exciting developments, including new hotels and cruise facilities, plus better airports that will make some of its previously remote islands much more accessible. So, it should come as no surprise, then, that Turks and Caicos has seen the fastest-growing travel demand by Americans year over year, according to TripAdvisor's Fall Travel Index .

To help with the influx of inter-island and private flights, the new South Caicos Airport (XSC) on South Caicos Island — the easternmost island in the Caicos group — will complete construction in June 2023. The government will also break ground on a new-and-improved international airport for Providenciales in early 2023, a project expected to cost $300 million.

Visitors will have plenty of new accommodation options, too. Andaz Turks & Caicos Residences at Grace Bay is targeting a spring 2023 opening and will be the first Andaz-branded resort and residential property in the Caribbean. Also coming in 2023, The Shore Club is adding eight six-bedroom pool villas to its iconic Long Bay Beach property. Travelers can also look forward to boutique-style suites and panoramic views of Grace Bay Beach at The Bight Hotel and Providenciales' newest resort and marina, South Bank Turks & Caicos, both of which are in the pipeline.

A recently completed dock extension at the Grand Turk Cruise Center can now accommodate larger cruise ships, so it's bound to be a port of call on more itineraries. Additionally, $1 million in grants has been distributed to water sports operators and beach vendors to accommodate the projected increase in cruisers.

TPG tip: For the first time since the pandemic, a full lineup of events is planned for Turks and Caicos in 2023. This includes the weekly Island Fish Fry at Bight Park and legendary events like the Conch Festival, the Valentine's Day Cup on Middle Caicos, the Caribbean Food and Wine Festival and the largest festival in Turks and Caicos, Maskanoo, a cultural celebration started by enslaved people in the 19th century mocking the wealthy islanders' costume balls. —By Devorah Lev-Tov

Charleston, South Carolina: A new museum casts light on a dark past

trip m 2023

Best for diving deeper into a much-loved city .

Yes, we know. Charleston on a "best of" travel list is a lot like saying "florals for spring" — universally popular but hardly groundbreaking. But in 2023, the International African American Museum will open in Charleston, heralding a new era for cultural tourism in the city. In the works for the past two decades, the museum officially opens its doors on Jan. 21.

The museum will be a powerful lens on the past and is fittingly located at Gadsden's Wharf, where slave ships docked in Charleston Harbor and thousands of enslaved Africans first set foot in North America. The museum is raised off this now-hallowed ground on 18 pillars, each 13 feet high — a monumental structure designed by renowned architect Henry Cobb.

Inside, exhibits explore both the history of enslavement and the stories of African Americans in South Carolina's Lowcountry from the past through the present. There's a genealogical center here as well. Outside, the African Ancestors Memorial Garden includes a reflecting pool facing the harbor and a soundscape that explores the diverse range of African languages.

Beyond the IAAM, Charleston is welcoming new nonstop flights to several cities. Breeze Airlines continues to roll out new flights, including two weekly nonstops each to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) and Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and six direct flights per week to Provo Airport (PVU) in Utah, which all commenced in November. Earlier in 2022, Breeze rolled out daily nonstops to Orlando International Airport (MCO) and New York's Westchester County Airport (HPN).

On the hotel front, travelers can stay at the historic Charleston Place hotel, which is under new ownership as part of the Beemok Hospitality Collection and in the midst of a $100 million renovation. Mills House Charleston in the city's French Quarter recently emerged from a complete refurbishment as the city's first Curio Collection by Hilton property. The Loutrel, a new luxury hotel in the heart of Charleston's historic district with a buzzy on-site restaurant, is also worth checking out.

TPG tip: Spoleto Festival USA presents more than 150 performances of opera, dance, theater, classical music and jazz spanning two full weeks from Memorial Day through the beginning of June. It's a fun time to plan a visit, and there are numerous hotel package deals available. — By Melissa Klurman

Ecuador: Coastal towns capture the limelight

trip m 2023

Best for travelers searching for new destinations to unlock with points.

Though Ecuador's capital city, Quito, and remote Galapagos Islands may be the first to come to mind, exciting developments along the country's Pacific Coast are drawing a new wave of adventurers to unexpected corners of the nation.

In March of 2022, Kontiki Expeditions launched expeditions aboard the exclusive M/S Wayra, a nine-stateroom yacht that bears the distinction of being the first "water-based" Small Luxury Hotels of the World member, which partners with World of Hyatt . That means travelers can earn Hyatt points while exploring such seldom-visited ports of call as the surf spot San Mateo and Isla de la Plata, often referred to as an inexpensive alternative to the Galapagos.

Travelers eager to connect with Ecuador's overlooked coast can also take advantage of the country's increased airlift: LATAM resumed its route between Miami International Airport (MIA) and Mariscal Sucre Quito International Airport (UIO) in October with daily flights, making it altogether easier for Americans to reach Ecuador. American Airlines has also increased the frequency of its flights between Miami and Guayaquil, the gateway to Ecuador's beachy coastline.

Even Ecuador's most famous destination, the Galapagos, continues to see significant travel industry investments. Earlier this year, Ecuador's president expanded the protected Galapagos Marine Reserve by more than 23,000 square miles. Months later, a former boutique eco-friendly hotel was reborn as Royal Palm Galapagos, a Curio Collection hotel, making it possible for travelers to redeem Hilton Honors points in the Galapagos. Standard award nights start around 80,000 points, putting the islands well within reach for many travelers with points and miles stashes.

Plus, a new Hotel Indigo is now accepting reservations for end-of-year trips to the archipelago, unlocking IHG One Rewards points redemption opportunities there, too.

TPG tip: If an eight-day sailing along the coast isn't enough immersion in the culture and wildlife of Ecuador, remote workers can take advantage of Ecuador's new Nomad Visa, which launched in 2022 and allows foreign workers to live and work in Ecuador for up to 24 months. — By Melanie Lieberman

Disney Wish: The most magical place at sea

trip m 2023

Best for travelers who want the best of Disney while exploring the Caribbean.

Disney Wish first set sail in mid-2022, but 2023 is going to be the best time to sail on the company's first new cruise ship in a decade.

The itineraries and cabin types (ranging from a first-ever funnel suite to the cleverly designed oceanview staterooms with split bathrooms that help a whole family get ready faster by creating two distinct spaces) are now more widely available than in the first few sold-out months, but the new ship smell and sparkle remain.

Of equal importance, the staff has now had the necessary time to hit their stride with service, including on stage with Broadway-caliber reimaginings of "The Little Mermaid" and "Aladdin," and in the thrilling all-new restaurants with "Frozen"- and Marvel-inspired dinners (be sure and try the sticky date pudding with vanilla ice cream while in the Worlds of Marvel and Anna's Koldtbord with goodies like smoked salmon, sweet shrimp and dill honey mustard while dining in Arendelle).

With its three- and four-night sailings from Florida's Port Canaveral to the Bahamas, most passengers book Disney Wish to experience the ship itself rather than the ports of call. In fact, many guests don't even disembark in Nassau, preferring instead to take a turn on the AquaMouse slide, book a treatment at the Senses Spa or just have fun with the many Disney characters and themed spaces on board. It's a stress-free alternative to the increasing complexity and cost of indulging in a visit to the Disney theme parks.

TPG tip: There's the magic that's easy to spot on Disney Wish, but then there is more waiting to be discovered. For example, if you enjoy whiskey, don't walk past Hook's Barbery without popping in, as the secret space is far more than just a nook for a shave and a haircut. And if you can stay up late, make your way to the Grand Hall at midnight and look up for a fun surprise. — By Summer Hull

Sydney: Global celebrations abound

trip m 2023

Best for travelers eager to say they attended some of the biggest events in 2023.

A fabulous flock of international visitors will descend upon Sydney in February and March to celebrate WorldPride (the first in the Southern Hemisphere) mashed up with the city's Mardi Gras festival. An opening concert headlined by — who else? — the inimitable Kylie Minogue is reason enough to hop on a flight Down Under.

In August, the city's Accor Stadium will host the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup final, bringing to an end a month of soccer (sorry, football ) and Australia's shared hosting of the tournament with New Zealand.

Fortunately, getting there will be easier than ever, as Qantas recently announced it would fly from Sydney Airport (SYD) to New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) via Auckland Airport (AKL) in June, cutting travel times for East Coasters and heralding a new age of super-long-haul flights.

Arrivals will have a bounty of new hotels to choose from for their visit, too, including the recently opened Kimpton Margot Sydney and Ace Hotel Sydney, as well as a luxurious new Capella opening by Circular Quay early in the year and the forthcoming W Sydney set to debut in October.

Aside from all the sundry Sydney outdoor activities visitors can continue to enjoy year-round, from beach walks to BridgeClimb Sydney, travelers will also be able to explore the Art Gallery of New South Wales' stunning (and eco-friendly) new Sydney Modern Project, which the museum has billed as "the most significant cultural development in the city since the opening of the Sydney Opera House nearly half a century ago."

Opening in December of 2022 and overlooking the lush Royal Botanic Garden Sydney, the complex will comprise both new and historical buildings, performance spaces, creative studios and terraces and gardens. It was designed by Pritzker Architecture Prize-winning architectural firm SANAA and will house specially commissioned works by both international and Australian artists along with rotating exhibitions … so, you never know what you might see on your next trip to Sydney.

TPG tip: Indigenous tourism experiences are flourishing across Australia, including in Sydney, where travelers can learn about Indigenous Australians' way of life on a walking Dreamtime Southern X tour of The Rocks neighborhood or even book BridgeClimb Sydney's popular Burrawa Indigenous Experience guided tour as you scale the Sydney Harbour Bridge. — By Eric Rosen

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Famous Mitre Peak rising from the Milford Sound fiord. Fiordland national park, New Zealand

Where should you travel in 2023?

If you're wondering where you should visit next, you need to ask a professional. I consulted with OvationNetwork to find out which destinations the company is recommending for travel in 2023.

"After a year of unprecedented demand for travel, our travel advisors are recommending destinations that are new alternatives to old classics," says Sunil Mahtani, executive vice president of OvationNetwork. "They're places you can celebrate, reconnect and curate lasting memories."

These are the best destinations to visit in 2023

Here are the 23 best places to travel in 2023, according to OvationNetwork's list of the top leisure destinations, compiled exclusively for FORBES.

Queenstown, New Zealand

Marrakesh, morocco, big sky, montana, alentejo, portugal, svalbard, norway, naoshima, japan, paros, greece, virgin gorda, british virgin islands, perth, western australia, provence, france, antalya, türkiye, lecce, italy, menorca, spain, lausanne, switzerland, megève, france, siem reap, cambodia, valletta, malta, shimla, india, lake louise, canada, colca canyon, peru, pereira, colombia, doha, qatar, paso robles, california.

Scenic dusk view of illuminated Queenstown cityscape at beautiful sunset with Lake Wakatipu and The ... [+] Remarkables mountain range, Queenstown, famous resort town in Otago Region, South Island, New Zealand.

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Why visit? Besides its exotic scenery, Queenstown is known as the adventure capital of the world. "It gets your adrenaline racing," says travel advisor Aanchal Gandhi . But Queenstown is also a relaxing destination if you prefer a slower pace — plus, the wine is great, says Gandhi.

Who should go? Anyone looking for a diverse experience — from gastronomy to hiking in the mountains. Queenstown is family-friendly and if you're a “Lord of the Rings” fan, of course you'll want to visit Middle Earth.

Don't miss: The Remarkables mountain range and the azure blue glaciers surrounding the city. You can enjoy the adrenaline rush with a bungee jump or blast across Lake Wakatipu and down the world-famous Kawarau and Shotover Rivers on the KJet.

Souvenirs on the Jamaa el Fna market in old Medina, Marrakesh, Morocco

Why visit? Marrakesh is one of the leading locations for artisanal handcrafted wares, including tiles, pottery, wood crafts, hand-beaten metals, leather and glass. Plus, as travel advisor Fiona Bayne notes, it also “has some of the most revered hotels in the world where you can experience sublime luxury in historic ornate palaces, minimalist luxury in private pavilions, or the taste of Morocco in a secluded riad.”

Who should go? Marrakesh holds allure for those who enjoy mixing history with a unique cuisine. If you travel to find original handmade items for your home, you'll want to visit Marrakesh.

Don't miss: A day trip to the ancient coastal trading port of Essaouira, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with ancient stone battlements around the port. Explore Essaouira's markets, famed for the Thuya wood crafts and their skilled craftsmen.

Lone Peak View Big Sky in summer.

Why visit? Visitors to Big Sky experience the Wild West in its original form. “Big Sky is a wonderful place to visit in the summer and winter,” notes travel advisor Rob Karp . Also, it has great skiing and hiking, and it's close to Yellowstone National Park.

Who should go? Anyone looking for outdoor adventure. It’s also perfect for skiers, nature lovers, outdoor explorers, and families.

Don’t miss: A trek to Riverhouse for beer and barbecue.

Vines in a vineyard in Alentejo region, Portugal, at sunset.

Why visit? Located between Lisbon and the Algarve is a lesser-known farm region of Portugal known as Alentejo. It's home to vineyards, olive groves, and a rich local culture. “Some forward-thinking Portuguese families have converted their farms into hotels, opening the authentic experience to guests,” says travel advisor Sylvia Lebovitch . “Alentejo’s farm region provides an immersive experience.”

Who should go? Couples, families and foodies, along with anyone who has experienced Napa or Tuscany and wants something similar.

Don’t miss: A locally sourced picnic in the vineyards.

Coloured houses in the town Longyearbyen, the most northern settlement in the world in Svalbard.

Why visit? For a true bucket list experience, the Norwegian Arctic’s Svalbard remains one of the last undeveloped places on Earth, in part because of the difficulty in accessing it. “Wildlife encounters are a highlight of visiting this Arctic wonderland, with everything from walruses, Arctic foxes and seals to reindeer and polar bears,” explains Lebovitch.

Who should go? Svalbard attracts wildlife lovers, adventurers and those who feel they have “seen it all.”

Don’t miss: The Global Seed Vault, which safeguards seeds from all over the world to protect the future food supply. The seed vault is not open to the public, but the structure alone is a sight to see.

Clear water lapping on a deserted sandy beach in summer, Naoshima Island, Kagawa, Japan

Why visit? Naoshima offers a calmer, more local and community-based experience not found not found in cities like Kyoto or Tokyo. “The island's inherent tranquility and surreal scenery allows for the perfect environment to foster relaxation and an openness to creativity,” says travel advisor Rachel Glick , "It also hosts one of the most unique art experiences in the world.”

Who should go? Lovers of Japanese architect Tadao Ando, couples, architects, students, families with teens, and artists should consider weaving Naoshima into their Japan itineraries.

Don’t miss: Aside from the iconic Yellow Pumpkin by Yayoi Kusama, guests should prioritize Monet and Turrell at the Chichu Art Museum , The Oval at Benesse House , and Tadao Ando's new Valley Gallery Art Site. If you have an extra day to spare, the otherworldly Teshima Art Museum is a ferry ride away and a must-see.

Greek village of Naousa, Paros island, Greece.

Why visit? A Greek Island that has been famous among Greeks for decades, Paros’ landscape fascinates with its undulating hills dotted with private chapels, as well as fertile valleys, golden coasts and picturesque whitewashed villages. “Paros is beginning to offer a balance of the authentic Greek traditional feel and luxury,” notes travel advisor Konstantinos Bastas .

Who should go? Those looking for an alternative to the popular and more crowded Greek islands like Mykonos and Santorini.

Don't miss: The fishing town of Naoussa, located on the northern coast of the island, has a welcome mix of traditional Greek with the contemporary through its offering of boutique luxury hotels and great food scene.

white sand beach and boulders and palm tree in Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands

Why visit? Virgin Gorda is among the Caribbean’s best kept secrets, with clear, calm waters and first-class snorkeling. “The best way to explore has always been by boat, but with the reopening of the fully renovated Rosewood Little Dix Bay , staying on land is just as magical,” notes Lebovitch.

Who should go? Virgin Gorda is popular with couples, families, snorkelers and beach bums.

Don’t miss: The Baths, huge boulders in pristine turquoise water.

Elizabeth Quay-Perth, capital of Western Australia, where the Swan River meets the southwest coast.

Why visit? Often overlooked for international travel because it’s remote, Perth has a laid-back vibe and life centered around the water – both the Swan River and the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean. “You'll find sailing, surfing, quaint Victorian architecture, great food and excellent wine,” says travel advisor Mary Calloway Wood .

Who should go? With renowned vineyards and great food scene – there are more al fresco restaurants than anywhere else in Australia – it’s ideal for wine aficionados and foodies, along with surfers and adventure seekers.

Don't miss: A day trip by ferry to Rottnest Island offers more than 60 white sandy beaches and the ultimate Instagram celebrities: the quokkas, tiny marsupials with distinctive faces.

Senanque Abbey with blooming lavender field in Provence, France.

Why visit? Provence has a way of easing your heart rate. “Beautiful scenes of bucolic valleys, delicious food, and timeless pursuits offer a unique respite from our now fast-paced world,” says travel advisor Christopher Bellot . “Sun-filled days exploring idyllic farms, centuries old wineries and picturesque villages often end in candlelit dinners as the sun sets late.”

Who should go? Families, foodies, and those seeking an inspired sojourn.

Don't miss: The exquisite Le Mas des Poiriers , an 18th-century farmhouse located on an island in the Rhône River near the medieval city of Avignon.

Harbor in Antalya old town or Kaleici in Turkey.

Why visit? Antalya is famous for some of the world’s most ancient sites, as well as some of the finest resorts on the beach. “As a gateway to Türkiye’s Mediterranean region, known as the Turquoise Coast or Turkish Riviera, it’s a great alternative to the Greek Islands and less expensive,” explains travel advisor Harlee Rosenberg .

Who should go? Visitors looking for a warm weather getaway that won't break the bank. It's a great destination for families, singles and friends getaways.

Don't miss: The ancient sites and ruins and Yivli Minare Mosque, The Harbour, Kaleici, Perge Hadrian’s Gate and a boat ride to explore Duden Waterfalls.

Roman Amphitheatre in Lecce, Puglia (Apulia), southern Italy.

Why visit? Often in the shadow of Italy’s tourist destinations, the southern city Lecce, in the Puglia region, is for anyone who has already done the classics. “Travelers who are seeking the authentic Italian lifestyle experience will appreciate the evening passeggiata, when locals take a walk around town before they have dinner as the sun sets over the cobblestone lanes,” notes travel advisor John Yuceler .

Who should go? Foodies, well-traveled individuals, couples, and families.

Don't miss: After you overdo it on pasta and pizza, try the traditional Lecce Puglia cuisine, La Cucina Povera. If you want to take it a step further, take a cooking class to learn more about the local food and enjoy an authentic meal.

Sunset in Es Castells bay in Menorca, Balearic Island, Spain.

Why visit? Menorca is often referred to as Majorca’s little brother. Menorca attracts far fewer visitors and is much quieter, yet offers 216 kilometers of coastline is home to over 75 unspoiled beaches. “Visitors will find the island is filled with hidden swimming coves, called calas, many of which can only be reached by boat,” notes travel advisor Barbara Hammer .

Who should go? The island’s easygoing and uncrowded beaches make it ideal for families. There's plenty to do, including water skiing, windsurfing, sailing, kayaking, snorkeling and even exploring the island's shipwrecks.

Don’t miss: Port Mahon, the second-largest natural harbor in the world. Additionally, with extraordinary gastronomy and local wines, consider a wine tasting tour at the Binifadet Winery .

Aerial view of Lausanne Cityscape illuminated at dusk. Lake Geneva in the background. Vaud canton in ... [+] Switzerland.

Why visit? Lausanne is a medieval city on the shores of Lake Geneva that was once occupied by the Romans. ”It has a charming and historic old town, as well as magical views of the Alps and endless natural beauty,” says travel advisor James Katz .

Who should go? Anyone who enjoys history, as well as outdoor enthusiasts who like hiking.

Don't miss: Climb Sauvabelin tower for incredible views of the city, lake and Alps.

La Clusaz, located in the French Alps in Haute Savoie, is a beautiful little village and a famous ... [+] winter sports resort.

Why visit? Megève is considered one of the most luxurious winter destinations in the world. Yet it’s still understated, which helps it win over people who are uninterested in flash and glitz. ”After you spend the day on slopes you will find Michelin-starred restaurants and trendy bars where you can sip hot chocolate under the heat lamps,” recommends travel advisor Fatma Yuceler .

Who should go? Skiers, golfers, foodies, shopaholics, and spa lovers.

Don't miss: The Calvary Trail, where you can walk to see the 15 chapels that mark the stations of the cross.

Angkor Wat, Cambodia, one of the country's signature tourist attractions.

Why visit? Angkor Wat and the other Angkorian temples. But there is much more to Siem Reap. Travel advisor Andrew Williams explains, “It's the epicenter of chic Cambodia, with everything from backpacker party pads to hip hotels, plenty of wining and dining options, sumptuous spas, great shopping, local tours for all types of travelers and a creative cultural scene that includes Cambodia's leading contemporary circus.”

Who should go? History buffs, xenophiles and nature lovers. It's a destination that you can explore on your own, as a couple, or with the whole family or a group of friends.

Don't miss: Angkor Wat, Phnom National Park and the floating village of Kampong Phluk.

Valletta, Malta at dusk.

Why visit? Comprising three islands in the middle of the Mediterranean, tiny Malta is packed with history and culture. “Take the hop-on, hop-off ferry for a dip in the gorgeous Blue Lagoon and explore the truly unique Blue Grotto,” offers travel advisor Elaine Esposito .

Who should go? Malta is a destination for those interested in rich history and culture, great food, and a hot climate.

Don't miss: The three UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the capital city of Valletta, the Megalithic Temples of Malta and the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum.

The Kalka to Shimla railway is a 2 ft 6 in (762 mm) narrow-gauge railway in North India which ... [+] traverses a mostly-mountainous route from Kalka to Shimla.

Why visit? Crowned the “Queen of the Hills,” Shimla embodies India’s former British colonial culture, architecture and was adopted as the summer capital destination in modern Indian history. “The lush greenery in the summers and snowclad hills in the winter are enchanted,” says Gandhi.

Who should go? Architecture nerds. Also, hikers who enjoy spicy and earthy scents carried throughout the pine forests and those who want to slow down time to bask in the charming town.

Don't miss: A locally brewed cup of chai while relaxing in the opulent estate at the Wildflower Hall .

Moraine Lake, Rocky Mountains, Canada

Why visit? Lake Louise is a year-round destination in Banff National Park. Hiking, canoeing, rock climbing and fishing are popular summer activities. Visitors come to ski, skate and go tubing in winter. “Lake Louise enjoys a prime postcard backdrop against a hanging glacier and Mount Victoria,” notes travel advisor Stacy Kristynik .

Who should go? Active families and couples who love the outdoors will appreciate the enchanting, awe-inspiring scenery.

Don't miss: Hike the Plain of Six Glaciers. You will be rewarded with breathtaking views while you enjoy a snack and hot chocolate at the Plain of Six Glaciers Tea House.

Tourists at the Cruz Del Condor viewpoint, Colca canyon, Peru.

Why visit? This river canyon in southern Peru is famous for its remote trekking. “The surreal canyon is one of the world’s deepest, and you can hike among the terraced villages that predate the Incas,” says travel advisor Ashley Diamond , who notes that rafting and extreme sports are also available in the area.

Who should go? Culture-seekers and adventurous travelers will enjoy Colca Canyon most.

Don’t miss: Colca Canyon is the best place to see giant Andean condors. These condors are some of the largest birds in the world, with an average wingspan of 10 feet.

César Gaviria Trujillo Viaduct is a cable-stayed bridge linking the city of Pereira with the ... [+] municipality of Dosquebradas.

Why visit? Located in the foothills of the Andes and known for its sweeping coffee farmlands, Pereira is synonymous with the coffee cultural landscape of Colombia , a UNESCO World Heritage Site. “Pereira offers stunning views of the Andes while you enjoy a freshly brewed cup of Colombian coffee,” says travel advisor Diana Villegas .

Who should go? Both coffee novices and enthusiasts alike looking for a unique cup of joe experience can book a tour of the local coffee bean plantations. Families and solo travelers can enjoy captivating views in Pereira’s natural parks and botanical gardens and its scenic trails.

Don't miss: Coffee farms where Pereira’s award-winning arabica beans are grown and exported worldwide. Also, go café hopping to indulge in coffee, pastries, and local Colombian fare.

Famous Corniche, the waterfront street along Doha Bay, with its futuristic skyscrapers.

Why visit? Doha has become the latest golden capital of Mideast cool and culture. As the upcoming host to the World Cup, travel advisor Laurie Robinson explains, “It is a city in the making, juxtaposing its ancient Bedouin culture with the ultramodern. The Qatar National Museum, shaped as a desert rose, brings to life the unique story of Qatar and gives voice to the nation’s rich heritage and culture.”

Who should go? Architecture buffs will be awed by the futuristic skyline and the many spectacular museums.

Don't miss: Souk Waquif’s Golden Thumb, sunsets on the Doha Corniche, I.M. Pei’s Museum of Islamic Art, the Katara Cultural Village and the trendy Mshereib art/design district, with its robust coffee and café culture. Be sure to try machboos and karak chai.

California Valley Oak Tree with early morning sun beams in Paso Robles wine country in Central ... [+] California United States

Why visit? Consisting of majestic vineyards, oak-dotted hills and cowboy charm, Paso Robles is filled with world-class dining and a burgeoning art scene, says travel advisor Andrew Williams . “Relax in your choice of endless lodging options, from historic inns and luxury resorts to rustic vineyard escapes,” he says.

Who should go? Long viewed as a great weekend escape among Californians, it is ideal for multigenerational families and wine connoisseurs.

Don't miss: Tobin James Cellars, Sidecar Vineyard Tour, Sculpterra Winery, Kiler Ridge Olive Farm and Franklin Hot Springs are among the top vineyards.

Christopher Elliott

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The Trip (2023)

Four friends in their 30s visit a Pennsylvania farmhouse for a weekend getaway. What began as a relaxing retreat takes a sinister turn when the house reveals its ominous intentions. Their fu... Read all Four friends in their 30s visit a Pennsylvania farmhouse for a weekend getaway. What began as a relaxing retreat takes a sinister turn when the house reveals its ominous intentions. Their fun quickly spirals into a chilling ordeal. Four friends in their 30s visit a Pennsylvania farmhouse for a weekend getaway. What began as a relaxing retreat takes a sinister turn when the house reveals its ominous intentions. Their fun quickly spirals into a chilling ordeal.

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2023 bucket-list trips you should start planning now

Maya Stanton

Jan 2, 2023 • 12 min read

September 2, 2016: Flames shooting from a mutant vehicle at Burning Man in the evening.

Make 2023 the year you finally make it to Burning Man © lukas bischoff / Alamy Stock Photo

Want to start planning for the year ahead? Here are more than 20 reasons to consider a once-in-a-lifetime trip in 2023. 

WorldPride crosses the equator

Since its inaugural event in Rome more than two decades ago, this semiannual global celebration of LGBTIQ+ pride has never been held in the Southern Hemisphere – until  2023 , when it will touch down in Sydney for 17 days of parades, parties, exhibits, immersive art installations, sporting events and more. 

Key dates: Though the extravaganza runs from February 17 to March 5, things really kick off with an opening concert on February 24 starring Kylie Minogue – “not only a beloved musician and rainbow icon, but the highest selling Australian-born solo artist of all time,” per Sydney WorldPride CEO Kate Wickett. The Bondi Beach Party on March 4 is another hot ticket, with Nicole Scherzinger set to headline.

The 12 most LGBTIQ+ friendly places on Earth

A woman in a yellow bathing suit walks along a beach in Dominica.

Dominica parties hard

One of Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel picks for 2023 , the Caribbean island of Dominica has a big year ahead. Its three main festivals are back in business: following successful runs in 2022, Jazz N’ Creole and Dominica’s World Creole Music Festival are returning, and Mas Domnik, aka “The Real Mas,” is back for Carnival for the first time since the pandemic.

Key dates: Mas Domnik , February 20 to 21; Jazz ‘N Creole , April 30; World Creole Music Festival , October 27 to 29.  

Latin American and Caribbean Carnivals for every traveler

Burning Man explores its animal instincts 

Welcoming 75,069 participants at its peak in 2022, Nevada’s artsy, week-long Black Rock Desert gathering returns in 2023 with the theme Animalia . 

“This year’s Burning Man theme will celebrate the animal world and our place in it – animals real and imagined, mythic and remembered – and explore the curious mental constructs that allow us to believe that imagined animals are real, real animals are imagined, and that somehow, despite all evidence to the contrary, mankind is somehow not part of the animal kingdom,” writes Stuart Mangrum for the blog Burning Man Journal.

Key dates: The event is scheduled for August 27 to September 4. Ticket on-sale  dates have yet to be announced for 2023, but early passes have previously gone on sale in February, the main sale in late March and last-minute tickets at the beginning of August. Prior registration is required for all options. 

Sporting and cultural events 

Super bowl lvii.

At this point in the NFL season, the teams battling it out for Super Bowl supremacy are still to be determined – but we do know Rihanna is providing the halftime entertainment. If that’s enough to pique your interest (and how could it not be?>), tickets are still available (on the resale market, for big spenders only). And there’s plenty to do in the Phoenix metro area before and after the big game, which is taking place at State Farm Stadium Glendale, home to the Arizona Cardinals .

Key date:  Super Bowl LVII will take place on Sunday, February 12. 

2023 FIA Formula One World Championship

Engines will be revving in Bahrain  come early March, with three days of testing leading up to the first race of the F1 season at the track in Sakhir . 

Key dates: Testing begins March 3, then the 2023 season kicks off with the Bahrain Grand Prix on March 5. 

Where and how to watch sport like a local

Four people sit on a bench by a lake in a park with cherry trees in blossom, Tokyo, Japan

Sakura season 

Japan has finally reopened to individual travelers, so if catching the cherry blossoms at their peak has long been on your list, now’s a great time to go. While you should check the forecast before committing to a particular region (the trees are in full bloom at staggered times across the country),  Fukuoka is a safe bet for hanami (cherry-blossom viewing) in March. The biggest city on the southern island of Kyūshū , this  Best in Travel pick offers fantastic food and a beautiful bounty of flowering trees. 

Key dates: Because it’s a natural phenomenon, there’s no set schedule here. In 2022, the bloom began in mid-March and peaked a couple weeks later, per  – but you’ll want to keep an eye on the forecast as the season draws closer before making any nonrefundable plans. 

Eurovision Song Contest

Typically the winning country hosts the Eurovision finals the following year, but when Ukraine’s Kalush Orchestra took home the coveted glass microphone in 2022, plans had to change. A twin city of Odesa , Liverpool was chosen from a shortlist of seven cities to host on behalf of the besieged Eastern European nation in 2023.

Key dates: The Eurovision semifinals are slated for May 9 and 11; the final showdown follows on May 13. 

10 things Liverpool locals want you to know before you visit

An aerial view of Westminster Abbey, London.

Coronation of Charles and Camilla

This spring, King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla will be crowned at Westminster Abbey , continuing 900 years of tradition. Unless you’re an A-lister, the ceremony isn’t open to the public, though traditionally there’s been a procession through the streets of London afterward. Reports indicate that given the current economic climate this will likely be a more modest affair than Elizabeth II’s back in ’53. Still, expect rates on accommodations to soar and availability to be minimal around coronation weekend.

Key dates: The coronation is scheduled for May 6.  

Where to explore royal history in London

FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023

If it felt weird to watch the World Cup ahead of the winter holidays rather than over the summer, not to worry – the international soccer competition returns to its usual season in 2023, when women’s teams from 32 countries take the pitch in Australia and New Zealand . 

Key dates: The group stage begins July 20, and the round of 16 starts August 5. The quarterfinals take place on August 11 and 12 and the semis on August 15 and 16. The third-place game will be held on August 19 and the final on August 20. 

Rugby World Cup 2023

South Africa will defend its title, Portugal will play its first match on this stage in 16 years and Chile will join the fray for the first time ever when the Rugby World Cup comes to France . The pool matches will be played at stadiums across the country, from Paris to Marseille  and  Lyon to Lille  – on the off chance you need an excuse for a road trip . 

Key dates: The opening match kicks off September 8, the quarterfinals are October 14 and 15 and the semis are October 20 and 21. The bronze final is October 27, and the final is October 28. 

Museum openings

Exterior, International African American Museum, Charleston, SC

International African American Museum

More than 20 years in the making, the International African American Museum opens in 2023 in Charleston , South Carolina . 

Covering almost 150,000 sq ft of exhibition, learning and interpretive space on the site of a notorious former slave-trading port, the Henry Cobb–designed IAAM has nine galleries with exhibitions delving into the horrors of slavery and the African diaspora’s contributions to US history, among other themes. There’s also a memorial garden, an infinity reflection pool and a Center for Family History​ that will serve as a much-needed resource for African American genealogy.

"The International African American Museum’s work meets at the intersection of local, national and international stories that comprise a holistic view of the African American journey," chief learning and engagement officer Malika Pryor-Martin tells Lonely Planet. "[It's] not a monument to the carnage and injustice that was the slave trade. It is a testament to the fundamentally human experience of African American people who navigated great pain and joy: a people who survived and triumphed and are here now, telling their own story." 

Key dates: The IAAM was scheduled to open in late January, but it's since been delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. It's still slated for 2023, though, so keep an eye on the official site and socials for updates.

Grand Egyptian Museum

After years of delays (both COVID-related and not) Giza’s long-awaited Grand Egyptian Museum finally looks set to open. The showstopping US$1.1 billion, 484,000-sq-ft facility has “jutting, prowlike lines [that] resemble an enormous ship run aground in the desert,” National Geographic reported in October, housing 12 exhibition halls and 100,000 artifacts, including more than 5000 burial treasures from the tomb of Tutankhamun – on display together here for the first time ever. 

Key dates: Doors should be opening any day now. As of mid-December, the GEM had hosted a limited number of private events and group visits, with a trial phase for public visits due to be announced “soon,” per the museum’s Instagram . 

Experience Egypt’s epic history by getting up close with these latest discoveries

Robot Science Museum 

Back in 2019, Istanbul- and Seoul-based Melike Altınışık Architects won a design competition for a new Seoul museum dedicated to robotics – to be built by them, too. The RSM was slated to open in late 2022 in Chang-dong’s “New Economic Center,” and while updates haven’t been forthcoming, we’re hopeful this is the year. 

Key dates:  TBA. 

Our guide to Seoul’s must-visit neighborhoods

The facade of Renzo Piano's new Istanbul Modern, shot from a side angle and lit up at dusk

Istanbul Modern 

After four years at its temporary home in Beyoğlu , Turkey’s first museum of contemporary art is set to reopen at its original location in Karaköy , in stunning new digs designed by architectural maestro Renzo Piano. The five-floor, 15,000-sq-m (161,459-sq-ft) space will include an outdoor cafe and sculpture garden, a below-ground cinema and a rooftop deck – not to mention permanent and temporary galleries boasting 3300 sq m (35,521 sq ft) of exhibition space. 

Key dates:  Piano's first project in Turkey will be unveiled for visitors on May 4.

14 must-do things on your trip to Istanbul

A view of El Capitan mountain in Yosemite shows the "firefall" - a natural phenomenon when a waterfall appears as though it's glowing.

Catch the Yosemite firefall

Between mid- and late February, when the conditions are just right, Yosemite National Park ’s Horsetail Fall glows electric-orange at sunset, giving the illusion of a plummeting flume of fire. In recent years, it’s become a can’t-miss event . (Blame social media.)

Key dates: Though it’s impossible to predict the exact dates the phenomenon will occur, it almost always happens in February. If your schedule’s flexible, check it out during the week; you’ll need a reservation on the weekends of February 10 to 12, February 17 to 19 and February 24 to 26. 

Aurora borealis and silhouette of standing man and woman who pointing finger on northern lights. Lofoten islands,Norway. Aurora. Sky with stars and polar lights.

See the northern lights

Though the next solar maximum isn’t expected until 2025, the sun’s activity ramps up as the maximum grows closer, making 2023 as good a time as any to go looking for the aurora borealis. Head north : you’ll have the best odds in Iceland , Norway and Greenland , as well as towns like Fairbanks , Alaska , and Churchill , Canada . 

Key dates: The best time to see the northern lights varies by location, however the northern hemisphere's winter is the ideal time for a visit. Here's what you need to know about planning a trip to see the northern lights in Europe . 

Make a reservation at a US national park 

Many of the USA ’s national parks had timed-entry requirements during and in the aftermath of the pandemic, the majority of which have begun to ease. Yosemite announced in September that it was rolling back the reservation system for guests in summer 2023, while other parks still require permits year-round for certain activities, including viewing the sunrise at  Haleakalā National Park and climbing Angels Landing at Zion National Park . 

Key dates:  Currently, most national parks have yet to announce whether or not reservations will be required during peak season (usually mid-May to mid-September) – so one park in particular is on your bucket list, keep checking for news. Of course, permits are still required to camp in the national parks, with most reservations opening up a few months in advance; specifics vary from park to park . 

Woman walking along the edge of a cliff on the Inca Trail.

Hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

One of Peru’s most iconic treks, the 24-mile (39km) Inca Trail reopened to hikers in 2022. At first it wasn’t as busy as it had been before the pandemic , but things have since picked up.

Only 500 people are allowed on the Inca Trail per day, and only 4000 or so can enter Machu Picchu , so get your trip on the books as soon as possible to get your first choice of dates (and to have time to train for the challenging climb). 

Key dates: High season is between June and September , so book well in advance if you’re considering a trip then. Be sure to pick a reputable operator, as there were reports of overbooking last summer. 

How hiking the Inca Trail with my mom revamped our entire relationship

Schedule a safari 

Whether your dream trip has you following the Great Migration in Kenya or Botswana , Zambia or Namibia , there’s a safari experience that’s right for you. Deciding on a destination is half the battle; once you’ve worked that out, it’ll be much easier to determine the best time to go. 

Key dates: In general, aim to book your safari between June and September, but look into the specifics before booking any nonrefundable fares. Remember that some countries have stellar wildlife watching year-round (or at least as late as October and November).

Cars driving the crowded Going-to-the-Sun road on the 4th of July national holiday

Take the wheel on Going-to-the-Sun Road 

You’ll be limited to 40mph at lower elevations and 25mph at alpine heights, but no matter – the thrill of driving Glacier National Park ’s Going-to-the-Sun Rd doesn’t involve high speeds. It’s all about the scenery: winding through 50 miles of natural splendor, this is one of the most spectacular stretches of pavement in the country .

Vehicle reservations were required between late May and mid-September in 2022, but the situation is still TBD for 2023, so keep an eye on the park's official site for news and updates. 

Key dates: While the low-elevation sections of the road remain open year-round, the more treacherous parts remain closed until the weather cooperates. Usually it’s fully open by early July, though in 2022 late winter weather pushed things back to July 13. 

Two incredible itineraries to explore Montana's Glacier National Park

Watch the solar eclipse 

Don’t look directly into the sun if you’re out and about in the Western Hemisphere this fall, when an annular solar eclipse is set to leave parts of North, Central and South America in shadow. 

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According to NASA, the eclipse “will begin in the United States, traveling from the coast of Oregon to the Texas Gulf Coast. Weather permitting, the annular eclipse will be visible in Oregon, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and Texas, as well as some parts of California, Idaho, Colorado, and Arizona. [It] will continue on to Central America, passing over Mexico, Belize, Honduras, and Panama. In South America, the eclipse will travel through Colombia before ending off the coast of Natal, Brazil, in the Atlantic Ocean.”

Key date: October 14

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  • Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham Denver Airport $92+
  • La Quinta Inn & Suites By Wyndham Denver Airport Dia $94+
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  • Flight Ontario - Denver (ONT - DEN) $56+
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  • Flight Baltimore - Denver (BWI - DEN) $67+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - Denver (DCA - DEN) $71+
  • Flight Chicago - Denver (ORD - DEN) $72+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Denver (MSP - DEN) $73+
  • Hi Boston Hostel $60+
  • Harborside Inn $74+
  • Ramada by Wyndham Boston $116+
  • Flight Newark - Boston (EWR - BOS) $37+
  • Flight Baltimore - Boston (BWI - BOS) $45+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Boston (FLL - BOS) $47+
  • Ramada Plaza by Wyndham Atlanta Airport $65+
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24 Life-changing Trips Everyone Should Experience at Least Once

From African safaris to must-visit cities, these once-in-a-lifetime travel destinations will make you want to plan your next great adventure.

Elizabeth Rhodes is a special projects editor at Travel + Leisure , covering everything from luxury hotels to theme parks to must-pack travel products. Originally from South Carolina, Elizabeth moved to New York City from London, where she started her career as a travel blogger and writer.

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What's next on your travel list? With so many places worth traveling to, it can be hard to narrow down your top spots to visit.

Sometimes, it's the famous attractions, delicious food, and stunning hotels that draw us to a certain destination, and other times, it's the bragging rights that come with checking off every continent, country, or state. Whatever your motivation, we've rounded up 24 incredible trips, complete with once-in-a-lifetime experiences and iconic sights you won't find anywhere else in the world.

So, what makes a trip truly life-changing? That answer varies from traveler to traveler, but one thing is for sure: From African safaris to classic road trips, this list will make you want to plan your next great adventure.

alexisassa/Getty Images

Deciding between the historic cities of Rome, Venice, Naples, and Florence for the top destination to visit in Italy feels impossible, so the entire country deserves a spot on your list. Start in the Eternal City and head north through the rolling hills of Tuscany to visit Florence, followed by Milan or Venice, or go south to the beaches of the beautiful Amalfi Coast and Sicily.

New York, New York

Visiting the Statue of Liberty , standing at the top of the Empire State Building, walking across the Brooklyn Bridge: These are just a few of the things you can only do in New York City. Whether you dream of visiting all the places you've seen on screen, catching a Broadway show, or eating your way through the city's diverse neighborhoods, there's no doubt that NYC deserves a spot on your list.

Tokyo, Japan

Old and new come together in Japan's bustling capital city. Historic temples and shrines, busy shopping districts, delicious food, a huge music scene, and some of the world's best theme parks and attractions — whatever your interests, there's something for you in Tokyo .

Paris, France

From watching the Eiffel Tower sparkle and viewing famous works of art at world-renowned museums to eating delicious French pastries, there are innumerable reasons that Paris deserves a spot on your list. Of course, other dreamy French destinations like Mont-Saint-Michel, Chamonix, and the Riviera are well worth a visit, too.

Busy medinas, intricate architecture, and a unique combination of cultural influences make Morocco unlike anywhere else on the planet. Whether you're traveling to bustling Marrakesh, pretty coastal towns, or remote desert towns (or hopefully, all three), a trip to Morocco is bound to be one to remember.

Monica Farber/Travel + Leisure

From the whitewashed homes of Santorini to the Ios party scene to the relaxing atmosphere of Milos, there's a perfect Greek Island for every type of traveler. Island hopping gives you the chance to experience more of what the country has to offer, but plan to spend a couple of days in Athens at the beginning and/or end of your trip.

Machu Picchu

Rory Fuller/Travel + Leisure

Seeing the historic ruins of the Incan Empire set among the breathtaking Andes at Machu Picchu is an undeniably life-changing experience. The stunning citadel ruins of Machu Picchu are worth the journey — and for some travelers, that trip, often taken by train or on foot as a multi-day trek, is a big part of the experience.

African Safari

Seeing majestic animals like lions, elephants, and rhinos in the wild is a dream best accomplished with an African safari . South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya are among the most popular safari destinations — and in each of those countries, you'll find incredible lodges and tour operators who can help you spot these creatures in their natural habitat.

 fmajor / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Whether you dream of cruising down the famed Nile River, seeing the Pyramids of Giza , or visiting the ancient Valley of the Kings, Egypt's historic wonders make the destination unlike any other (and worthy of a spot on your travel list).

The Maldives

Unlike many of the action-packed trips on this list, the Maldives is synonymous with relaxation, luxury, and romance. A stay in an overwater bungalow set atop turquoise blue waters is the ultimate getaway that's worth the long-haul flight and oftentimes pricey accommodations.

Antarctica Cruise

Hoping to visit all seven continents? Cross Antarctica off your list with a cruise. Several major cruise lines have journeys to Antarctica, offering incredible views of the ice and wildlife from the comfort and safety of a ship. Travelers typically fly in and out of Buenos Aires en route to Ushuaia (where most cruises depart from); we recommend spending a few days in the fascinating Argentine city before your expedition.

Irjaliina Paavonpera/Travel + Leisure

Dubbed one of the natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef is a can't-miss for many wildlife lovers. Of course, Australia's gorgeous coastline, the iconic Sydney Opera House, and fuzzy creatures like kangaroos and koalas are also reasons to head to the destination. Fly into Sydney and spend a few days there before heading out to explore more of this expansive country teeming with natural beauty.

Galapagos Islands

Incredible and diverse plant and animal species make the Galapagos Islands another must-visit for nature-loving travelers. This stunning archipelago off the coast of Ecuador is best explored by cruise, so you can take in as many breathtaking landscapes and animals as possible during your trip.

Like the other countries on this list, India has countless destinations worth exploring, but one of the most famous attractions that travelers dream of seeing for themselves is the Taj Mahal. This 17th-century white marble mausoleum has drawn visitors to Agra for years. Luxury travelers might consider a train trip aboard the Maharajas' Express (with a stop at the Taj Mahal) as the ultimate experience. Travelers planning to visit the Taj Mahal or take the luxurious train ride will want to fly into Delhi, India's capital territory.

Petra, Jordan

Astalor / Getty Images

The stunning ancient city of Petra is made up of several impressive structures carved into sandstone rock faces, including the famous Al-Khazneh. The city dates back thousands of years, making this UNESCO World Heritage Site a must-visit for history buffs.

The Himalayas

Passing through India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Bhutan, and Nepal, the Himalayas are home to some of the world's highest peaks — and that means breathtaking mountain views, too. For adventurous and active travelers, trekking to Everest Base Camp is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

American National Park Road Trip

The classic American road trip is a mainstay on many travelers' lists — and for good reason. The country's incredible national parks , including Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and Yosemite, are best explored on road trips with stops at charming small towns and kitschy roadside attractions.

Great Wall of China

aphotostory/Getty Images

Stretching across China for thousands of miles, with sections dating back nearly 2,000 years, the Great Wall is regarded as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World . Visitors can hike along parts of the wall — some areas are located within driving distance of Beijing, so it's a perfect day trip from the city.

Easter Island

The hundreds of monolithic moai statues have drawn curious visitors to Easter Island for years. This remote Polynesian island is worth the lengthy trip for travelers hoping to see these impressive human figures while also soaking in some incredible coastal views.

Northern Lights Trip

Catching a glimpse of the elusive northern lights is possible in several destinations close to the Arctic Circle, including Alaska, Iceland, Canada, Greenland, Finland, Sweden, and Norway. All of these places have incredible viewpoints (and even hotels where you can see the phenomenon from your bed ), in addition to great wintry scenery. (The lights are best viewed from late fall through early spring.)

Thailand and Vietnam

A trip through Southeast Asia is a must for any traveler, especially foodies who love street eats. While you could spend weeks in each of these countries, Thailand and Vietnam can easily be paired for an exciting trip packed with lush scenery, cultural experiences, and delicious food. Have a little extra time to spare? Add Cambodia to the mix and include a visit to expansive Angkor Wat.

Cappadocia, Turkey

benstevens/Getty Images

Many travelers dream of experiencing this UNESCO site from high above in a hot air balloon. From this vantage point, you can really take in the unique rocky topography, dotted with fairy chimneys and pillars, river valleys, and cliffs. Because the region in central Turkey can experience snowy winters, it's best to book your hot air experience between April and November.

One of the most sparsely populated countries, Namibia's beauty can be relished with sweeping views of desolate, other-worldly landscapes. The southwestern African country is home to (and named after) the world's oldest desert, the Namib Desert, and the coast is also where you can see some of the world's largest sand dunes and incredible views of the desert meeting the Atlantic Ocean.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

With eye-catching architecture, enormous shopping centers, desert excursions, and plenty of beaches, Dubai offers diverse attractions for a wide array of travelers. The most temperate time to visit the hot city, which gets 300 days of sunshine, is from November to February, and winter is also when the Dubai Shopping Festival takes place.

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Is it possible to visit Russia as a tourist in 2023?

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Yes, traveling to Russia as a tourist in 2023 is possible. Here’s what to look out for if you’re preparing for your dream trip. 

Visa requirements

First things first, it is worth checking if you need a visa to cross the Russian border. In 2023, citizens of some 65 countries can visit Russia without a visa. This includes most of the post-Soviet states like Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, as well as Ukraine.

Additionally, citizens of some countries in South and Central America – including Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Panama, Peru, Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Uruguay, Ecuador – do not need a visa to travel to Russia.

Citizens of Israel, South Africa, Cuba, Montenegro, Thailand, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Andorra, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Mongolia, Botswana enjoy visa-free regime with Russia, too.

For the full list of countries, click here .

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* Data for the infographics is from November 2022 and was obtained from the Russian consular information website.

* The status of a particular country is subject to change. We advise additionally researching the relevant information in each particular case before booking any trip to Russia.

* Visa waivers may apply for holders of diplomatic or military service passports, select businessmen, air crew members, members of a ship or train crew, professional truck drivers, organized tourist groups and people who have official permission to live in some border regions.

Is it safe to travel to Russia right now?

Russia as a travel destination received a fair share of negative PR from various sources in early 2022.

Some official travel accounts run by governments of countries like the U.S. , Australia , Great Britain and others advise their citizens to abstain from non-essential travel to the country.

That said, it is always advisable to evaluate safety risks when traveling to any foreign country. Traveling to Russia is no exception. However, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major Russian cities have been widely regarded as being safe , especially in comparison to other popular tourist destinations.

Little has changed in major Russian cities from the point of view of tourists or local residents. Consequently, the most extreme and vocal concerns over security may be disregarded as being too alarmist.

That said, logistics pose the greatest challenge for tourists traveling to Russia in 2023. A number of countries closed their national airspace for Russian air companies resulting in more complicated logistics for tourists who intend to visit Russia in 2023.

However, specific changes depend on a particular country from where a tourist departs. In some cases, direct flight routes remain intact. For example, nothing has changed for tourists from China, India, Turkey, Middle Eastern countries and the majority of post-Soviet states. They can book direct flights to Russia’s main airports.

Tourists departing from European capitals will have to book connecting flights via Turkey or countries in the Middle East. This makes tickets more expensive and flights longer. However, it is still possible to travel to Russia from virtually any country in the world.

It should be noted that every country has its own nuances that must be taken into account beforehand. For example, the Indian Embassy in Russia advises Indian nationals against traveling to Russia via third countries. According to the embassy website, Indian travelers should choose only direct flights from Delhi to Moscow, otherwise they risk being denied entry into Russia.

In another instance, the British government prohibited its citizens from purchasing tickets on Russian airlines that were under sanctions. Nonetheless, the British authorities made an exception for those journeys originating in or within Russia: in this case, British nationals may purchase tickets from Russian companies without breaching UK sanctions.

Covid restrictions, vaccination status & quarantine

In 2022, Russian authorities canceled Covid-related restrictions for Russian citizens and foreign tourists, alike.

In 2023, foreign nationals no longer need to provide results of a negative PCR test when entering Russia by any mode of transport. Therefore, foreign travelers no longer need to take a coronavirus test in advance before departure.

Furthermore, Russian authorities lifted Covid-related restrictions that required visitors to provide a specific reason for visiting the country facilitating tourist traveling.

The only remaining Covid-related regulation is a requirement to fill in a questionnaire. Passengers – both Russian and foreign citizens – will be asked to fill out the paper version of the questionnaire on board during their flight to Russia.

Click here to find out who can travel to Russia without a visa in 2023.

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Moscow Travel Guide: Best Things to Do + More [2023]

· everything to know about visiting moscow, including the best things to do and how to get around. ·.

the red st basils church in moscow on a white winters day

Moscow is Russia’s vibrant capital city, and it also happens to be the largest city in all of Europe. The city’s long and infamous history makes it one of the most unique places we have ever visited.

The architecture ranges from centuries-old palaces to uniform, gray concrete buildings. The people range from cold and private to warm and welcoming. Moscow is a city is strong juxtapositions, and we learned a lot during our time there.

This post will break down all you need to know about visiting Moscow, including the best things to do, how to get there, how to get around, and more.

man and woman standing in front of main church in moscow

The Best Things to Do in Moscow

1. explore the red square.

The Red Square is the heart of Moscow. Most of the city’s top attractions can be found here, including just about everything on this list. The Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral, and Lenin’s Mausoleum are all located here, and the State Historical Museum and GUM are not far from here, either.

The Red Square is a common home for parades, protests, and seasonal celebrations. There are massive Christmas celebrations here, with food vendors and carnival rides set up in numbers.

red orthodox church in moscow russia red square on a winter day

2. Check Out the Ziferblat

The Ziferblat is a café in Moscow that is unlike any café we have ever been to. While most cafes charge you for your drinks and food, the Ziferblat charges you for your time.

Upon arrival, you are given a clock. When you leave, the barista calculates how much time you spent in the café and charges you accordingly. This concept was created to help visitors to be more intentional with their time, and the cafe itself is incredibly charming.

For a detailed look at everything you need to know before you visit, make sure you read my post about visiting the Ziferblat Cafe in Moscow .

white lcocks on a table

3. Marvel at St. Basil’s Cathedral

St. Basil’s Cathedral is one of the most iconic churches in the world, and it was the single thing we were most excited to see while in Moscow. Built almost 500 years ago, St. Basil’s Cathedral is recognized by its colorful domes and whimsical style. The church is of the Russian Orthodox faith, and the inside is just as wondrous as the outside.

St. Basil’s Cathedral is located on the edge of the Red Square, making it incredibly convenient to visit. Entrance for non-worshippers costs 800 rubles, and tickets can be bought at the church

woman in winter jacket standing in front of St Basils Russian Orthodox in moscow on a winter day

4. Explore the Kremlin

The Kremlin is the largest active fortress in Europe, and it is the site of most of Russia’s government affairs. In addition to government buildings, the Kremlin Complex is filled with courtyards, towers, and museums that are open to the public. If you have the time, you could spend a couple of days fully exploring all that there is to see in the Kremlin.

selfie of man and woman pointing to the Kremlin in Moscow

5. Walk Through Lenin’s Mausoleum

Vladimir Lenin is one of the most important figures in Russian history, and his body is located perfectly embalmed in a mausoleum in the Red Square. The Mausoleum is open to the public to visit, and as long as you are willing to go through a few security checks, it is easily one of the best things to do in Moscow. Its convenient location in the Red Square makes it a can’t miss attraction.

There is absolutely no photography allowed inside the Mausoleum. Do not test this rule.

red exterior of lenins mausoleum in moscow russia

6. Wander Along Arbat Street

The Arbat is a very popular street in Moscow that is lined with stores, cafes, and other touristy attractions. It is one of the oldest streets in the city, dating back to the 1400s. This street is both quaint and trendy, and there are many walking tours that introduce tourists to the neighborhood’s wonders and highlights.

man in sinter jacket standing in arbat street moscow at night with glistening white lights strung from the buildings

7. Catch a Show at the Bolshoi Theatre

As a lover of the arts, it is hard to think of Moscow and not think of ballet. Russia has always been a top dog in the world of fine arts, and Bolshoi Theater is one of the best places to catch a performance. We were lucky enough to attend an Opera here, and it is a venue that you don’t want to miss out on if you enjoy opera, ballet, or orchestral performances.

8. Visit the State Historical Museum

The State Historical Museum is one of the most respected museums in Moscow. Despite its name, it is not really focused on the history of Russia as a nation. Rather, it contains a collection of artifacts from all throughout Russia’s history.

The museum’s collection is very broad in nature. It houses some items from indigenous tribes that used to occupy the region, pieces collected by the Romanov family, and more.

9. Wander Around GUM

GUM is an absolutely massive mall within walking distance of the Red Square. It isn’t just the size that draws visitors here; it’s the sense of luxury. The mall is so beautiful inside, much like the metro stations.

While visiting a mall might not sound like it belongs on a bucket list, this mall does. You will not want to miss out on visiting GUM while in Moscow.

people walking inside GUM mall in russia with christmas lights

10. Admire the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

While St. Basil’s Cathedral is the most iconic church in Moscow, it isn’t the only one. The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is absolutely stunning, with massive golden domes. It is the tallest Orthodox church in the world, and it is the seat of the Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow.

It is located just about a mile from the Red Square, just south of the Kremlin Complex. You can walk to it from the Red Square in about 20 minutes.

How to Get to Moscow

Flying to moscow.

Moscow has three major international airports: Sheremetyevo (SVO) , Domodedovo (DMO) , and Vnukovo (VKO) . All three of them are directly connected to downtown Moscow by the Aeroexpress trains, which leave every 30 minutes throughout the day. By Aeroexpress train, you can expect to get to the city center in 25-45 minutes depending on the airport that you fly into.

Sheremetyevo is the biggest and busiest of the three airports, and it is the one you are most likely to fly into – especially if you are coming from outside of Europe or the Caucus region. We flew into Sheremetyevo on a direct flight from New York City.

I usually provide backup airport options, because flying right into the city isn’t always the cheapest way to get where you’re going. Unfortunately, when it comes to Moscow, don’t really have a choice other than to fly right into Moscow. It is a very remote city, and it is usually the cheapest place to fly into in Russia as a whole.

Since Sheremetyevo is so busy, you will probably find a great flight option anyway. I wrote in  my post about finding cheap flights  that using hub airports will lead to more affordable airfare, and the same logic applies here. Even though Russia’s national airline, Aeroflot, is no longer a member of the SkyTeam Alliance, Moscow is still a major hub connecting passengers from all over the world.

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Train or Bus to Moscow

Trains and buses are one of the most popular ways to get around Europe. However, they’re of very little use when you’re trying to get to Moscow.

Moscow is hundreds of miles from the nearest major cities. The only major European city that can even be reached within 8 hours on the ground is St. Petersburg, and even the Baltic capitals of Riga, Vilnius, and Tallinn are over 12 hours away.

If you want to get to Moscow, the best option is almost always to fly. While the train routes to Moscow are scenic, they simply take forever.

How to Get Around Moscow


Moscow has one of the most memorable metro systems in the world. Its metro lines are very deep underground, and the stations are absolutely stunning. Each station has its own unique style, but all of them contain escalators that seem to go on forever.

turned-on chandelier on ceiling of moscow metro

The system was built in an effort to showcase the power of the Soviet Union and its bright future. The plans were a form of propaganda, but they resulted in what is still one of the most visually appealing subway systems on earth.

Moscow’s metro system isn’t just pretty. It is also very useful and accessible. The system has 17 lines that connect the city and its surrounding area.

But wait; there’s more!

The Moscow metro system is also incredibly affordable, with each ride costing less than a dollar. The metro is by far the best way to get around Moscow, as it is almost impossible to beat the connection times and the low cost to ride.

Tickets can be bought at electronic, English-speaking kiosks in stations, or directly from ticket counters at certain larger stations. There are also day passes available, which are a very solid option if you plan on riding the metro several times per day.

long gray escalator in moscow russia

The metro is by far the best way to get around Moscow.

In addition to the metro system, Moscow also has a network of buses, trams, and trolleys. This system is nowhere near as convenient or well-connected as the metro, though, and is likely of little use to you during your trip. There is no Uber in Moscow, but a similar app named Yandex is available if you need a ride in a pinch.

How Many Days Do You Need in Moscow?

Moscow is the biggest city in all of Europe, and it is absolutely loaded with things to do. You could spend weeks in Moscow and still find new things to do. Of course, most travelers don’t have that kind of time to spend in one place!

I recommend spending no less than three full days in Moscow, and ideally closer to five or seven.

Moscow is very spread out, and it can take some time to get from one major point to another. There are also so many places that are nice to just sit back and relax, which is hard to do when you’re in a hurry trying to cram activities into just a few days.

If you only have a week to visit Russia, I’d advise spending all of the time in one city. If you decide to split your time between Moscow and St. Petersburg, I recommend not trying to squeeze in any day trips beyond those two cities.

moscow bridge at night with lights

When Is the Best Time of the Year to Visit Moscow?

There are two different ways to approach this question. Personally, I think the best time to visit Moscow is around Christmas and New Year’s Day. While the weather will be absolutely freezing, Moscow is a surreal winter wonderland in December and January.

We were in Moscow right before Christmas. While it was very cold, you can always bundle up. Exploring the Christmas markets and pop-up ice skating rinks throughout Moscow is one of my favorite memories from anywhere I’ve traveled, and I dream of going back to do it again.

If you aren’t fond of the cold, Moscow is beautiful in the summer. It tends to get pretty cold in the shoulder seasons, so if you want warm weather, you should plan to visit in the summer. Moscow actually gets pretty warm in July and August, and there are a bunch of fantastic places to soak up the sun within the city.

The best time to visit Moscow is either around Christmas or from late May to August.

group of people walking in moscow red square at night with christmas lights everywhere

Is Moscow Safe to Visit?

While Moscow is a truly wonderful city, there’s no denying that visiting Russia comes with risks. As the country is run by an infamous communist dictator, concerns about visiting are valid. While we didn’t experience any sort of threat or negative treatment during our time in Moscow, we visited in a peaceful time.

In our experience, Russia doesn’t seem to detain normal Americans or Westerners to use as pawns. As a regular person, as long as you don’t commit any crimes, there is a slim chance you will run into any issues. However, Russia will not hesitate to enforce its laws against foreigners, and illegal behaviors will likely land you in a very compromising position.

Russia will not hesitate to enforce its laws against foreigners, and illegal behaviors will likely land you in a very compromising position.

To make matters worse, Russia has a bad reputation for gang violence. While the Russian mafia has very little interest in normal Western tourists, they won’t hesitate to pick a fight with anyone who ventures into their sphere of influence. If you seek out illegal substances or activities, you could be a target of the mafia.

If you seek out illegal substances or activities, you could be a target of the mafia.

Finally, since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, things are all very different. Russia is currently at war, and there are battles raging within 8 hours of Moscow. While it is still relatively safe to visit, that could change at any time as the war with Ukraine continues.

Is Moscow Worth Visiting?

Without a doubt, Moscow is worth visiting. It is one of the most unique major cities we have ever visited, and we hope to make it back one day. The Russian Orthodox churches are stunning, the city’s history is unlike any other, and the food is to die for.

While many visitors prefer St. Petersburg to Moscow, I think Moscow deserves a lot of hype of its own. Moscow is the beating heart of Russian culture and history, and it’s a place I highly recommend checking out if you have the chance.

woman in head scarf hugging bronze statue of angry bear

That’s all we have for you about Moscow! I hope this post was helpful as you plan your trip to Russia’s capital.

Have you been to Moscow? Or is this your first time visiting? Comment below if you have anything to add to our travel guide!

Hi, I'm Greg. I'm an avid traveler who has traveled to over 50 countries all around the world with my wife and kids. I've lived in Italy, Mexico, China, and the United States, and I dream of moving abroad again in the future. With this blog, I provide my audience with detailed destination guides to my favorite places and pro-tips to make travel as stress-free as possible.

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Soyuz spacecraft carrying two Russians and an American blasts off for an express trip to the International Space Station

The Associated Press

September 11, 2024, 12:33 PM

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MOSCOW (AP) — Soyuz spacecraft carrying two Russians and an American blasts off for an express trip to the International Space Station.

Copyright © 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or redistributed.

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Texas A&M Opens as Slight Favorite vs. Florida

Zach dimmitt | sep 9, 2024.

Nov 5, 2022; College Station, Texas, USA; Florida Gators running back Trevor Etienne (7) pushes Texas A&M Aggies defensive back Jacoby Mathews (14) back in the second half at Kyle Field. Mandatory Credit: Daniel Dunn-Imagn Images

  • Texas A&M Aggies
  • Florida Gators

The Texas A&M Aggies will begin SEC play on Saturday when they travel to "The Swamp" to take on the Florida Gators.

After their 52-10 win over McNeese State, the Aggies enter the matchup as a slight favorite over Florida. FanDuel currently has Texas A&M as a 3.5-point favorite in the game despite being the road team.

Texas A&M Aggies defensive back Trey Jones II

The Gators won their Week 2 matchup over Samford, 45-7, but the team is still recovering from its 41-17 season-opening beatdown against Miami. Regardless, the Aggies know that the Gators still pose a threat, especially at home.

"We're playing in Gainesville," Aggies defensive back Will Lee III said. "It's going to be a loud stadium. And we know how Florida gets. I just feel like us being together as a family and understanding what we're going to do ... we'll be fine."

Texas A&M head coach Mike Elko said that the Aggies will have no choice but to be ready for SEC play.

"I don't think we have much of a choice," he said. "Next week we're going down to The Swamp, and the expectation is we're going down there and play our football. ... That's where we're at. ... "We will go back and study the tape for them and figure out how to clean stuff up. Now, (we're) turning our attention to next week. First SEC game, a road game. We know what both of those things mean for this program.

Texas A&M and Florida will kick off on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. CT.

Zach Dimmitt


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Hershey Bears Unveil New Uniform Design Ahead of 2024-25 Season

Back-to-back calder cup champions to wear new home and away sweaters that feature a classic and streamlined look.

The   Hershey Bears   are proud to unveil updated home and away jerseys ahead of the 2024-25 season.

The new sweaters feature a streamlined look that maintains the club's iconic Chocolate and White motif, while continuing to showcase cream accents. The jerseys are a blend of classic and contemporary, and they feature a simplified template that proudly highlights the club's primary logo as the crest. Bold horizontal striping is featured on the new jerseys, and contrasting-color shoulder yokes are prominent. Elements from the club's previous jerseys including vertical piping and underarm gussets have been removed in favor of a sleeker and more refined design that is perfect for the AHL's most historic franchise.

"We're thrilled to unveil our new jerseys and refreshed look ahead of what should be another exciting season," said Hershey vice president of hockey operations Bryan Helmer. “Our brand and the Chocolate and White color scheme are iconic, and these new streamlined jerseys celebrate our decorated history, while looking ahead to our bright future. I look forward to seeing these jerseys on the ice this season as we compete for a third consecutive Calder Cup title.”

The left shoulder of the jersey will continue to sport the club's alternate paw print logo, a staple on the team's sweaters since 2012. The right shoulder of the jersey proudly features the logo of the club's National Hockey League affiliate, the Washington Capitals.   The Bears   and Capitals have a longstanding partnership, and since the two teams joined forces in 2005-06, the Bears have won the Calder Cup five times (2006, 2009, 2010, 2023, 2024). No NHL-AHL pairing has won more Calder Cups in that span.   The Bears   previously had worn the Capitals logo as a shoulder patch, including when they won back-to-back Calder Cups in 2009 and 2010.

A limited number of authentic jerseys are available for purchase now, online via . Replica jerseys will be available soon, and once in stock, fans may purchase online or at the   Hershey Bears   Team Store at   GIANT Center . Further information will be shared via   and   Hershey Bears   social media in the near future.

The new jerseys will debut in the regular season on Oct. 19. The club will wear special Back-to-Back Calder Cup Champions specialty jerseys for the opening weekend of the season. Further details on those jerseys and all specialty jerseys for the 2024-25 season will be released soon.

The  Hershey Bears  are back-to-back Calder Cup Champions! Tickets to all games for the 2024-25 season are on sale now and more information is available at .

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Senior continues Nittany Lions' outstanding legacy that started with Ted Kwalick

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Follow our news, recent searches, us, uk top diplomats in ukraine to discuss long-range weapons, advertisement.

British Foreign Secretary David Lammy (front left) and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (front right) arrive at Kyiv train station, on Sep 11, 2024. (Photo: AFP/Pool/Mark Schiefelbein)

KYIV: The US and British top diplomats began a visit on Wednesday (Sep 11) to Ukraine, where they will discuss further easing rules on firing Western weapons into Russia, whose alleged acquisition of Iranian missiles has raised new fears.

In a rare joint trip, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken took the nine-hour train from Poland to Kyiv alongside Foreign Secretary David Lammy, whose two-month-old Labour government has vowed to keep up Britain's role as a key defender of Ukraine.

The visit comes as President Volodymyr Zelenskyy ramps up his requests to the West to provide weapons with more firepower and fewer restrictions.

US President Joe Biden, asked in Washington whether he would let Ukraine use longer-range weapons for strikes on Russian targets, said: "We're working that out right now."

In Moscow, the Kremlin promised it would respond "appropriately" if Washington eases its restrictions.

Biden, while strongly supportive of Ukraine , has previously made clear he wants to avoid devolving into direct conflict between the United States and Russia, the world's two leading nuclear powers.

Blinken, speaking on Tuesday in London alongside Lammy, said the United States was committed to providing Ukraine "what they need when they need it to be most effective in dealing with the Russian aggression".

But Blinken, who is paying his fifth trip to Kyiv since the invasion, said it was also important to see if Ukrainian forces could maintain and operate particular weaponry.

Pressed later in an interview with Sky News on whether the United States would green-light long-range weapons, Blinken said: "We never rule out, but when we rule in, we want to make sure it's done in such a way that it can advance what the Ukrainians are trying to achieve."

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Asked how Moscow would respond to such a development, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Wednesday: "It will be appropriate," without providing specific details.

He said the authorisation of Ukrainian strikes on Russian territory would serve as "further proof" of why Moscow launched its offensive, which he said was itself an "answer" to the West's support.

Ukraine enjoyed a fresh boost late on Tuesday when the International Monetary Fund said it reached a staff-level agreement that could open the door to US$1.1 billion for the country, which is weathering Russian attacks on infrastructure as winter sets in.

But on the military front, the United States said it believes that Russia could start firing short-range Iranian-made missiles into Ukraine within weeks.

Cash-strapped Iran went ahead with the sale despite repeated warnings from Western powers, which on Tuesday announced new sanctions on the cleric-run state.

The Iranian shipments have raised fears that Moscow would be freed up to use its long-range missiles against comparatively unscathed areas in western Ukraine.

The United States earlier this year gave its blessing for Ukraine to use Western weapons to hit Russian forces when in direct conflict across the border.

But Ukraine last month launched a surprise, daring offensive directly into Russian territory in Kursk , hoping to restore morale and divert Moscow as Russian troops trudge forward in the frontlines of eastern Ukraine.

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British media reports said Biden, who meets Prime Minister Keir Starmer on Friday, was set to end objections to letting Ukraine fire long-range Storm Shadow missiles into Russia.

Britain has repeatedly pushed the United States, by far Ukraine's biggest military supplier, to be more forward on weapons.

One key ask by Ukraine is to loosen restrictions on US-supplied Army Tactical Missile Systems, or ATACMS, which can hit targets up to 300km away.

In a joint letter to Biden, leading members of Congress from the rival Republican Party asked him to act on ATACMS immediately.

"As long as it is conducting its brutal, full-scale war of aggression, Russia must not be given a sanctuary from which it can execute its war crimes against Ukraine with impunity," said the letter signed by Representative Mike McCaul, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Republicans, however, are deeply divided over Ukraine, and a victory in November by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump over Biden's political heir Kamala Harris could dramatically shift US policy .

Trump aides have suggested that if he wins, he would leverage aid to force Kyiv into territorial concessions to Russia to end the war.

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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

Remarks by President   Biden Honoring the 2023-2024 NCAA Women’s Basketball Champions, the University of South Carolina   Gamecocks

11:03 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT:  My name is Joe Biden.  I work for Jim Clyburn.  (Laughter.)

Folks, welcome.  Welcome to the White House.  The national champions, University of South Carolina.  (Applause.)

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  (Inaudible.)  (Laughter.)

THE PRESIDENT:  All right.  You got it, kid.  I was getting some tips from the coach.

Look, a lot of supporters here today, including several members of Con- — 

Jim, I was just bragging about you.


THE PRESIDENT:  You know what I mean?  Because I — I’m afraid of you.  I don’t want to — (laughter) — don’t want to cross you.  And, by the way, get him back in — in line, will you?  You know what I mean?


THE PRESIDENT:  He — he used to be my close friend.  We got to get that way again.  (Laughter.)

I love Columbia so much, I asked the former mayor to join me in the White House full-time: Steve Benjamin.  (Applause.)  And he claimed credit for every win this year.  I don’t know what the story is.  (Laughter.)

Truth is, I wouldn’t be here today were it not for the support of the pe- — great people of South Carolina.  Let me say it again: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

To the families and friends and, most of all, to the players and coaches, congratulations on an incredible run of excellence.  Incredible. 

I know why you’re so good.  You got a girl from Philly running this team.  (Laughter and applause.)  I married a Philly girl.  You don’t screw around with a Philly girl, man.  They’re tough.  (Laughter.)  Jilly from Philly.

Coach, before you took the job in South Carolina, the women’s team had just — you had been to just two tournaments in 17 years. 

And now we’re here to celebrate the third national championship — second in three years — (applause) — with 109 to 3 record in that span — 109 to 3.  (Applause.)

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  (Inaudible.)

THE PRESIDENT:  You got it, kid.  You’re back there going — you’re right.

Just the 10th team to ever go undefeated in women’s college basketball. 

That’s not to say you — you weren’t challenged all the way to your 38 and 0 effort.  You know, you had to replace five starters due to the WNBA draft and graduation.  And there were doubts all over — doubts all over about contending for the title this year. 

But for the record — and this is the God’s truth — I picked you to win on my card.  (Laughter and applause.)  I won a lot of money.  No, that’s a joke.  (Laughter.)

But you — you never gave up.  You never gave up.  You kept the faith and you just finished the job.

Look, take the title game against Iowa.  In the back-and-forth game, everyone had to step up.  Nine players recorded double-digit in nine minutes — double — nine.  Four players scored in double figures.  Your bench outscored Iowa’s bench 37 to nothing. 

And here’s another big number.  The championship game was the most watched basketball game in five years, peaking at over 24 million viewers.  (Applause.)

I’ll tell you what, I don’t think anybody is watching men’s basketball anymore.  (Laughter.)

Look, from the — the college game to the WNBA, with a proud South Carolina alum, A’ja Wilson — (applause) — and the Las — Las Vegas Aces, who we had at the White House here to celebrate the WNBA championship.

So, you know, for the Olympics, where she also led the U.S. team to gold in Paris as one of a dozen South Carolina athletes in the Summer Games; and where Coach Staley joined Jill on the official delegation opening — at the opening ceremonies; and from everywhere in between, I think it’s fair to say everyone — everyone watches women’s sports now — everyone.  No, you’ve cha- — it’s amazing.  (Applause.)

And when new fa- — and when new fans watch for the first time, when young girls see their idols, they see the power of your example.  Coach Staley, when you took this job, Carolyn Peck, the first Black female coach in Division 1 women’s basketball national champion, gave you a piece of the net from her title game.  All she asked was that you pay it forward, and that’s what you’ve done. 

After your first title game, you sent a piece of the net to every Black woman head coach in Division I basketball.  That network is your legacy, kid.  (Applause.)  It’s the legacy of this whole team: setting an example for the next generation. 

Congratulations, national championships [champions], University of South Carolina women’s basketball.  (Applause.)  You’re the best.  You’re incredible to watch.  And God bless you all. 

And I’m going to turn it over to the coach to say a few words.  (Applause.)

COACH STALEY:  Thank you.  Thank you, President Biden. 

To my good friend Dr. Biden and distinguished guests, thank you for this incredible honor. 

To stand here in the White House — a house that symbolizes hope, unity, and opportunity for all — is a moment that is not lost on me.

I feel like this is a teachable moment for my team.  I’m reminded of the journey of our state — our home state, South Carolina, has taken — how not so long ago, the Confederate flag was taken down from our state capitol — a symbol that represented division and exclusion.  That moment wasn’t just about a symbol being removed; it was about people coming together, uniting for a shared vision of progress, justice, and equality.

Today, my staff, my team, and I stand here embodying diversity, inclusiveness, and unity.  My — my hope is that this moment lands on you, as my team, as a powerful reminder of the beauty that co- — that can come from unifying for a common goal and doing things the right way.

To my incredible staff and my relentless team, this moment is yours.  I ask so much of you, and you never back down.  You rise to every challenge with grace, tenacity, and heart.  We stand here today because of that commitment, because of your willingness to put in work and sacrifice to achieve something greater than ourselves. 

We want to take a moment to thank our families, who are our foundation; our fans, or “FAMs” — (laughter) — as we call them, who will travel the globe to support us and have become our unofficial sixth man.

To the University of South Carolina and the great state of South Carolina, we work hard every day to represent you well, and I truly hope we made you proud.

Most importantly, we know we wouldn’t be here without the grace of God.  So, I’d just like to say just thank you.  Thank you everyone for supporting our team.  I want to thank President Biden for your leadership.  We appreciate your service.  And we hope — we truly hope that your legacy will continue in — in all of us.  So, thank you so much.  (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT:  Let me say something here.  All of those of you who hold public office in South Carolina, you better hope she keeps coaching and doesn’t run.  (Laughter and applause.)

(The president is presented with a University of South Carolina Gamecocks jersey.)  (Applause.)

Let me make something clear: I played baseball and football.  I didn’t play basketball in college.  And there’s a rumor (inaudible).  (Laughter.) 

Thank you.  It’s a great honor.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  (Applause.)

11:12 A.M. EDT

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