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  • Safari vs Chrome in 2024: Performance, Speed and Features Compared may earn a small commission from some purchases made through our site. However, any earnings do not affect how we review services. Learn more about our editorial integrity and research process .

safari same as google

Safari and Chrome are two of the biggest players in the browser world. While Safari comes ready-to-go on Apple devices, that doesn’t mean it’s the best option — especially as Chrome is often touted as the best browser out there. See who wins in our Safari vs Chrome comparison.

Hannah Pisani

Last Updated: 01 Feb'24 2024-02-01T09:54:22+00:00

All our content is written fully by humans; we do not publish AI writing. Learn more here.

It’s that time of year again where we put two of the most famous browsers in our virtual boxing ring for the battle of Safari vs Chrome. All Mac users will be familiar with Safari; it’s the default browser for Mac devices and iPhones. 

However, just because Safari comes pre-installed by default, that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily the best. With applications available for the Google Chrome browser on both Apple desktops and iOS, you might be wondering if you should make the switch.

Key Takeaways:

  • While Safari and Chrome are both decent browsers, Chrome’s vast library of extensions and customization capabilities means it’s a slightly better choice
  • In the battle of performance, Chrome also comes up tops, offering better speed and graphics execution
  • The only round where Chrome lags a little is privacy and browsing data collection, which is why we advise using this browser in conjunction with a VPN

To help you decide, we’ve done a bit of research for you, comparing Safari and Google Chrome across Mac and iOS to see which one is better. If you’re not a Mac user, then this article won’t be one for you, so we suggest you check out our Microsoft Edge vs Chrome review for Windows devices instead.

Cloudwards completed a fresh comparison of Safari vs Chrome. Since our last review, Chrome and Safari have remained relatively unchanged, making for a neck-and-neck race. 

Safari vs Chrome: Rounds & Criteria

Our showdown between Safari and Google Chrome will take the form of five rounds, each focused on a different strength: features, ease of use, performance, security and privacy.

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At the end of each round, one browser will come up tops and earn a point. Whichever of the two browsers scores three points overall will be the final winner. Is Chrome better than Safari? Let’s find out. 

Logo: Safari

1. Features

First up in our Google Chrome vs Safari showdown, we’ll explore each of the browser’s features. It’s fair to say that Safari and Google both cover the basics of a good browsing experience pretty well but, in this day and age, most of us want more than basic functionality. Native tools, customization and extensions were all things we considered in this round.


Safari is pretty minimalist in design and functionality. While you can customize the look and feel of the browser on Mac, your options are limited. For example, you can change the background of the Safari home screen, but not the overarching color and theme of the desktop.

By contrast, Google Chrome gives you a lot more options. You can choose from over 24 color themes, or even customize your background with an image of your choice. It’s a similar story over on the mobile applications for both.

Safari’s home screen feels minimalist and static, while the Google Chrome mobile device app offers higher levels of customization. You can, for example, set your homepage to show you the latest trending news from Google News.

Safari home

Google Extensions vs the Apple Ecosystem

Google Chrome also leads when it comes to extensions. Like Firefox, the Chrome extensions library is huge, varied and offers lots of applications for free. Read our Chrome vs Firefox review here . 

Safari’s library of extensions, in comparison, feels relatively limited. While you can access big names like Honey and 1Password, you’ll also find that a lot of applications aren’t compatible with Safari.

This is especially true for VPNs. Right now, none of the top VPN providers offer a browser extension for the latest version of Safari, but they do for Google Chrome. In essence, Chrome offers much more expandability and customization than Safari. 



Both web browsers offer solid syncing features. We like how Safari works in conjunction with a range of Apple features to offer a seamless browsing experience across all Apple products.

Combined with iCloud sync and Apple’s iCloud keychain software, you can move from your iPhone to your iPad to your Mac laptop without your browsing experience being interrupted, and your browsing history will also save automatically. Here’s the lowdown on how to get started with iCloud .

Safari also integrates into Mac’s other applications by default. So, if you use Mac apps like Apple Mail, Apple Calendar and iMessage, you’ll experience excellent continuity. We also like how, with compatible websites, you can use Apple Pay to pay for online shopping.

apple pay mac

Google Chrome, though, also performs well on the continuity front. If you have a Google account, you can also sync your browsing experience across your other devices. While Google Chrome doesn’t enable Apple Pay, it has its own option — Google Pay — which you can enable for a faster payment experience.

So, Google Chrome and Safari are pretty much neck and neck when it comes to features but, with its greater levels of customization and vast library of web extensions, Google Chrome takes the lead in this round.

2. Ease of Use

Both Safari and Google Chrome are straightforward to use on desktop and mobile devices, so in this round, we analyzed which user interface felt more pleasant to use. Across iPhone and Mac, Chrome takes a slight lead here. 

Safari’s user interface is minimalist and easy to get your head around. The search bar is at the top of the screen on both desktop and mobile. The home screen is then decorated with widgets showing frequently visited websites, favorite websites and suggested reading based on your browsing experience. 

Safari start

The experience is satisfactory and we also like how, if you open multiple tabs, you can click the four-square icon in the top right-hand corner of the browser to zoom out of all your open web pages, so it’s easy to find what you need.

Chrome is also really easy to use. The homepage — unless you change it — features the famous Google search bar, along with frequently visited websites below it. There’s also widgets in the top right-hand corner of the page, which give you quick access to Google applications like Gmail, Google Drive, Google Photos, Google Translate and YouTube. 

Google start

In terms of finding bookmarks, Google Chrome’s bookmarks are more seamlessly integrated into the browser, showing as small widgets below the search bar at the top of the page. To show bookmarks in Safari, you have to either manually click the bookmark tab in the control panel or enable the bookmark pane, which is quite big and invasive. 

Safari bookmarks

Overall, while both are easy to use, the Google Chrome browser feels a bit more dynamic and user-friendly than Apple’s browser. 

3. Performance

We’ve come to what is arguably the most important round: the Safari vs Chrome speed test. We performed a benchmark test using Speedometer 2.0, JetStream 2 and MotionMark to compare Safari vs Chrome performance. 

We used a MacBook Pro with 16GB of RAM and an Intel Core i5 CPU running at 2 GHz to run these tests. 

Benchmark Test Results

When it comes to speed, Chrome is the clear winner, reading 122.5 compared to 113.8 on Safari. While both are respectable scores, Chrome is undoubtedly the faster option. 

On JetStream, the tables turned. Safari’s reading was 125.705, putting it in the lead as Chrome’s score was 118.675. JetStream tests a browser’s ability to deal with complex JavaScript workloads. This indicates that Safari will perform better when executing complex applications — but only marginally. 

The last test we performed was MotionMark, which analyzes how the browser handles complex graphics. Chrome really shone in this test, coming in at 403.6 to Safari’s 356.31. This means that Chrome’s user experience and responsiveness outperforms Safari. 

Task manager

One thing worth noting is that Safari is a more lightweight browser than Chrome. While it might not be as quick, Safari is more economical for iOS and Mac performance than Chrome in terms of battery life, especially with multiple tabs open. 

Despite this, with Chrome winning on two out of three of these mini rounds in the Safari vs Chrome benchmark test, it’s fair to say that Chrome is the overall winner when it comes to performance. 

4. Security

Both Safari and Chrome use Google’s Safe Browsing database to keep users safe from phishing and malware. They also both offer password management functionality.

If you use Google’s password manager or Safari’s iCloud keychain, you’ll also benefit from dark web monitoring, a feature that uses data analytics to alert you to the exposure of your passwords and email addresses in data leaks and breaches. 

chrome security 

Despite these similarities, Chrome slightly takes the lead in terms of security features. We like that Google sends out frequent browser updates for Chrome, ensuring regular patching from potential vulnerabilities. Safari’s updates, by contrast, are much more infrequent. 

Over the last few years, Google has gotten in trouble with data privacy regulators numerous times for its use of cookies and improper collection of personal data. Apple, by contrast, has managed to stay out of the headlines for these reasons. 

We’ve taken an in-depth look at the best browsers for your privacy , which you can take a look at here. 

Privacy controls

While Google appears to have learned from its mistakes and is taking steps to bolster user privacy, Apple takes the lead in this round. We like that Safari features a dedicated “privacy report” feature, which shows how the browser is protecting you from online profiling and cross-site tracking through its intelligent tracking prevention software.

Chrome also offers a “privacy checkup” function, but it’s far less granular than Safari. Also, by default, your privacy isn’t prioritized. Google automatically enables personalized ads, as opposed to blocking them. Incognito mode, as always, doesn’t do much do actually protect your privacy.

safari privacy

This makes sense, as advertising is such a huge part of Google’s business model, but it means that you should probably use a VPN in conjunction with Chrome. For this reason, Safari wins this round. 

The Verdict

Ultimately, Safari and Chrome are both solid browser choices. For iPhone, iPad and Mac users looking for simplicity and deep integration across the Apple ecosystem, Safari is a good choice — and comes ready to go. 

However, it’s also well worth downloading Chrome and setting up a Google account if you haven’t already. Chrome is a leading browser for a reason. It’s fast, easy to use and comes with unparalleled customization options. 

Because of this, Chrome is our ultimate winner, but we do recommend you use it in conjunction with a VPN to ensure your online privacy. 

What are your thoughts on the battle between Chrome vs Safari? Do you agree that Chrome is the better browser overall, and why or why not? Let us know in the comments. Thanks for reading! 

Both Safari and Chrome are good browser choices for Apple users. However, Chrome takes the lead over Safari in terms of performance, ease of use and customization, making it a better all-round browser choice.

Safari and Chrome are both secure, and Safari actually uses Google’s Safe Browsing database. They are pretty much neck and neck when it comes to privacy and security, but if you’re concerned about your online privacy, we’d advise using a VPN.

Probably not. If you’re using Chrome, then Safari won’t offer you anything that you haven’t got already.

Great comparison, and I agree chrome wins in most everything. Review is missing a critical comparison, power consumption.

You mean on mobile?

I have win but I haven’t received any thing

I am pretty sure he means you didn’t include power consumption for desktop and mobile.

I use Safari because of the battery life and performance being pretty good. It does lack a robust extension store and isn’t cross platform outside of Apple’s OS ecosystem. Chrome has a significant market share on Mac OS because its cross platform and updates better if security is a priority for you. Safari lags in updates due to being tied to OS updates. WebKit is open sourced but mostly developed by Apple and is a fork of Chromium/Blink which Google and most other browsers use. Firefox is an option as well, but its always been slow and battery hungry as well.

Blink is actually a fork of WebKit, not the other way around.

fyi chrome uses safari’s rendering engine on iOS (as they’re not allowed to do otherwise) so speed is the same on iOS.

Firefox is much better nowadays in terms of performance and battery consumption (on MacBooks).

I Think Chrome is the browser with more day to day security and updates, for years I was a fan of Google Apps, but the fact that all of its apps are so resources’ hungry is annoying, I recently upgraded to 12GB RAM on my MacBook and the more RAM I add to my system the more RAM it uses, it’s incredibly annoying, when Safari handles everything faster with its simpler yet powerful and tidy design, using about 1/4 or less of the RAM used by Chrome, using the same websites, and the same amount of tabs open at the same time. Once I finish transferring my files from Google Drive I’ll switch everything to iCloud, it’s the way to go on a MacOS System.

Antonio, Please explain your like of Icloud. It’s the biggest annoyance.

It’s syncs seamlessly across all your devices – you can access them anywhere you can connect to the internet. It’s smart and even anticipates your needs, based on your file/folder usage behaviour.

If you’re finding it a massive annoyance then I imagine you’re *expecting* it to behave like Dropbox or Google Drive when that’s not what it was ever designed for.

Most people who find it frustrating do so because they don’t understand its purpose – I admit I fell in this camp for several years myself!

Took me years to realise that if you’re a Mac user, it’s pointless paying for eg 2TB of iCloud storage, if you don’t have 2TB of storage locally on your Mac. It’s not a storage extender like an external HD. It essentially replicates what’s on your Mac.

Not an ad, and am no way connected to him, but the ‘MacMost’ YT channel is an excellent free resource for both newcomers to Mac and experienced hands. Gary, the chap who runs it, has been around forever and watching his tutorial videos is like being taught by a friendly uncle. He has a rich, searchable back catalogue (with several on understanding iCloud!)

Regarding Chrome, I still love it – chiefly because of the vast library of extensions. I have 105 installed, but I’ve become far stricter about not keeping them all switched on all the time. I generally have about 12-15 on constantly; the rest I toggle on and off just when I need them. Seems the best of both worlds to me.

Chrome on iOS is more performant by safari. That is because, if you can choose safari, you have iOS. On iOS, chrome is always faster because it uses the same browser engine, webkit, with its own code to make it faster.

If you are on an Android phone with Google sync all across Google & Android products, Chrome is the winner!

The security on safari seems a little more liable other wise both are best but customisation wise chrome is a bit good

Liable to whom, and for what exactly? Or do you mean reliable? I’m unsure… Liable means legally responsible – do you mean Safari is run in a more legally compliant way? Please can you elaborate? Thanks

I reverted to Safari after I found that I couldn’t get a reader mode with Chrome for my iPhone and iPad.

Can’t use chrome extensions on iPad. It’s dumb.

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Safari vs. Chrome: Which browser is better for iPhone and Mac?

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Choosing the right web browser for our devices is essential for productivity and efficiency. Safari and Chrome are two popular choices on Apple devices, each with strengths and weaknesses. In this blog, I will compare Safari vs. Chrome to help you decide which browser is better for your iPhone and Mac. Let’s dive into the differences!

Safari vs. Chrome – User Interface

Safari is designed to blend seamlessly with Apple’s ecosystem. Its sleek and intuitive user interface ensures a clutter-free browsing experience. Besides, it offers group tabs management for organizing your browsing. So you can easily focus on the content.

Safari vs Chrome User Interface

Chrome’s UI is user-friendly, with a familiar interface across devices. It lets you personalize your browsing experience with various themes, extensions, and add-ons. Nonetheless, this added flexibility might come at the cost of a more cluttered than Safari. 

Therefore, both Safari and Chrome have strong UI aspects. But the winner depends on your preference for minimalism (Safari) or customization options (Chrome). 

Safari vs. Chrome – Ease of use 

Safari is the default browser on Apple devices. So, it offers seamless integration and synchronization with other Apple services. The intuitive gestures make it easy to navigate and use the browser effortlessly. With Smart Search, you get more relevant results without going through multiple websites. Additionally, you can quickly autofill your passwords and verification codes, saving time and effort.

With its widespread popularity, Chrome ensures a consistent experience across different platforms. The synchronization with Google accounts, bookmarks, and history is convenient for users already within the Google ecosystem. 

If you own both Apple, Android, and Windows systems, Chrome will be your go-to browser. However, I only have Apple devices, so I prefer Safari to take up the work where I left it. Also, Safari allows me to create profiles to keep my personal and professional browsing separate.

Safari vs. Chrome – Performance and speed 

As Apple optimizes Safari for its devices, it often outperforms Chrome regarding speed and battery efficiency. Safari’s performance is particularly notable on iPhones and Mac devices. I have experienced smoother browsing and longer battery life using Safari. 

Chrome has made significant improvements in performance over time. However, it can still be resource-intensive, especially on older devices. While it performs well on Mac, it might not be as efficient on iPhones as Safari. 

Safari vs. Chrome – Security 

Apple strongly emphasizes user privacy and security. So Safari has built-in Intelligent Tracking Prevention and strong sandboxing. It also warns against unsafe websites, ensuring a secure browsing environment. Moreover, you may hide your IP address for data protection. With iOS 17, Safari automatically removes tracking parameters from URLs .

Google’s Chrome also focuses on security, with features like Safe Browsing and automatic updates. Besides, you may save your passwords securely and access them on any device using Chrome Password Manager . However, its ties to Google’s services raise data collection and privacy concerns. 

Safari vs. Chrome – Privacy

As mentioned earlier, Safari prioritizes user privacy by blocking cross-site tracking and preventing advertisers from collecting user data. It also includes a “ Privacy Report ” feature to get insights into trackers blocked on visited websites. Besides, you can lock your incognito tabs for more privacy.

You can  use Hide My Email  to create unique, random email addresses that will forward messages to your inbox without revealing your actual email address. Also, you may create or delete as many addresses as needed to enjoy greater control over who can contact you.

While Chrome offers some privacy controls, it cannot match Safari’s level of privacy protection. As part of Google’s business model, Chrome collects user data to improve its services, raising concerns for privacy-conscious users. 

Safari vs. Chrome – Customization 

Safari’s customization options are relatively limited compared to Chrome. You can only customize the Safari start page and a few website settings. While you can install some Safari extensions , the selection is not as extensive as in Chrome’s Web Store. 

Chrome’s extensive Web Store offers a vast collection of extensions, themes, and add-ons that allow users to tailor their browsing experience to their preferences. 

Additional features 

Safari offers Reading List, Listen to Page, PiP mode , and Handoff features to enhance the browsing experience. Also, it has a built-in PDF conversion tool to convert any webpage into a PDF. This is pretty convenient to save web pages. Besides, you can quickly share your password with family members without explicitly sharing them.

Chrome’s additional features include Google Assistant integration, cross-device synchronization with non-Apple devices, and easy access to Google Workspace. Another standout feature is the feature to do a reverse Google search on any image instantly.

Which browser is better for iPhone and Mac?

Choosing the better browser between Safari and Chrome for your iPhone and Mac depends on your priorities and preferences. Safari is ideal if you value seamless integration within the Apple ecosystem, strong privacy protection, and optimized performance. However, Safari is only limited to Apple devices.

On the other hand, you may prefer Chrome if customization options, a wide range of extensions, and additional features are more important to you. Therefore, if you want to use Chrome on your Apple devices, you may  change it on your iPhone  and  Mac .

Ultimately, whatever you choose, both browsers will provide a satisfying browsing experience on your Apple devices. Which browser is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below!

Explore more…

  • Best web browsers for Mac
  • 40+ Safari tips and tricks for iPhone
  • Safari crashing on Mac? Easy ways to fix it!  

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Google Chrome vs. Apple Safari: Which browser is better on Mac


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Key Takeaways

  • Cross-platform availability can make the switch from Chrome to Safari seamless, with data and preferences intact across devices.
  • Safari's user interface impresses with a clean layout, while Google Chrome offers more customization options in its Material You makeover.
  • Safari's memory usage advantage over Chrome on Mac with 8GB of RAM is a key factor to consider if performance is a concern.

As the default web browser on Mac, Safari has received a steady stream of updates over the last few years. Apple releases new builds for all its apps and services with yearly OS updates. While we applaud Safari improvements on Mac, the burning question remains the same: is it good enough to prevent users from switching to Chrome? How does it compare to everyone’s favorite web browser out there? Read our comparison post before you change the default browser on your Mac , iPhone, or iPad.

Google Chrome vs Microsoft Edge: Which browser is better?

Both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are feature-packed, but which one is superior?

Cross-platform availability

Before we pit Safari against Chrome, let’s check their cross-platform availability first. After all, you won’t want to leave your web bookmarks, history, quick links, and other preferences behind when you switch to another platform.

As expected, alternating is a breeze with Chrome, since the browser is available on most smart platforms you can think of. Whether you use Mac, Windows, iPhone, Android, or ChromeOS, you are ready to surf the web with all of your personal data and a familiar interface. In contrast, Apple’s walled garden approach has limited Safari’s availability to the company’s devices only.

User interface and theme

Being the first-party app on macOS, Apple has nailed the esthetics of Safari. Let’s start with the homepage. It carries all the essential elements you need when you fire up the browser. You can check your favorites, recently closed tabs, reading list, privacy report, Siri suggestions, and even apply minimal wallpaper to the background. If it’s too busy for you, customize the entire homepage from the bottom menu. Overall, it’s not as busy as Microsoft Edge and doesn’t look as bland as Chrome’s homepage. Safari also offers a cool translucent effect at the top when you scroll through webpages. Unlike Chrome, there is no theme store to change the look and feel with a single click.

Google Chrome recently received a neat Material You makeover on the web. While Material You on Chrome matches the rest of Google services, it does look slightly out of place with other Mac apps.

Tab management

Do you often have dozens of tabs open during long research sessions? Managing and switching between them can be cumbersome after a while. Here’s where Chrome and Safari’s tab groups come into play, where you can organize relevant tabs under different groups. Safari does have a couple of additional tricks up its sleeve though.

When you create several tab groups on Safari, you can check the entire list from the vertical sidebar. Safari also lets you create different profiles to keep your browsing data separate, such as tabs, history, cookies and website data.

You can assign a different symbol, color, and separate extension list for Work, School, or Personal profiles. There is also an option to share a tab group with your iMessage contacts.

Chrome vs. Safari: Features

Let’s compare Safari and Chrome based on extension support, reading mode, and other novelty features.

Reading mode

Apple offers a seamless reading mode on Safari that you can customize with different backgrounds, fonts, and sizes. In comparison, Chrome’s reader mode leaves a lot to be desired. It opens the article in a sidebar and doesn’t necessarily hide all the distracting elements. Safari wins hands down here.

While Safari covers the essential extensions from top VPNs, password managers, and other third-party developers like Grammarly, Pocket, Raindrop, and Notion, the overall collection is still slim compared to Google Chrome.

If your workflow depends on dozens of extensions, think twice before switching from Chrome to Safari.

Seamless sharing

Shared with You is a niche Safari feature that is tightly backed in iMessage. Links shared with you in the Messages app automatically appear in the Share with You section in Safari. It is only useful for those who frequently exchange weblinks in iMessage conversations.

Instant conversion and translation

Both Safari and Chrome support instant currency conversion and basic math equations. For example, you can quickly get a final number when you type $1000 to INR or 45*3 in the address bar. Chrome goes a step further with Google Translate integration - you can simply type Hello in French and get results instantly.

Chrome vs. Safari: Password management

Both browsers offer basic password management to save your login credentials. Safari uses iCloud Passwords that can sync with all your devices. It supports autofill, Passkeys, verification codes, notes, and more.

Google Password Manager also supports notes and checkup. Like security recommendations on Safari, Chrome Password Manager’s checkup tool shows your leaked, reused, and weak passwords.

Privacy and security

The built-in standard protection on Chrome warns you of harmful files, extensions, and corrupt sites. Safari is a step ahead with iCloud Private Relay. It’s a privacy add-on for Apple One and iCloud+ subscribers to hide your IP address from websites you visit. The option is enabled by default and works silently in the background. When you visit a website in Safari, no one, including Apple, can see who you are or which sites you are visiting. It’s not as extreme as a VPN connection and doesn’t break your browsing setup. You can check out our dedicated guide if you'd like to learn more about iCloud Private Relay .

Safari also offers a privacy report that shows the number of trackers it has blocked from profiling you in the last 30 days.


When it comes to performance, you won’t find any major differences between Chrome and Safari on a high-speed internet connection. However, if your Mac has a slow network connection, you may notice that Safari can load webpages faster than Chrome, something that Avast confirmed in their dedicated speed comparison for major browsers .

While we are on the topic of performance, we should also factor in compatibility. Since Google Chrome (built on Chromium) is the most popular web browser out there, developers test and optimize their offerings for it. You may run into performance issues with specific websites (like Photopea, a web-based Photoshop alternative) on Safari.

Memory usage

Safari is a relatively lightweight web browser compared to Chrome. This is expected, since Chrome has been infamous for high RAM usage. We opened a couple of identical tabs on Chrome and Safari and checked their memory usage from the Activity Monitor. We will let the screenshot below do the talking.

Mac users with 8GB of RAM will surely appreciate Safari’s approach to memory usage.

Chrome vs. Safari: Mobile experience

Both Apple and Google have done a solid job with their iOS apps. They use a bottom bar with all the essential options. You can also use Chrome password manager as the default method to autofill login info. Chrome’s default Discover menu with news articles may irritate some users. Interestingly, Google has done a better job than Apple when it comes to widgets, as Chrome offers more widget options than Safari. Most notably, Chrome offers lock screen widgets which are missing from Safari.

Browse the web in style

Are you still unsure about the pros and cons of Chrome and Safari? Allow us to simplify the situation. Safari shines with better UI, low memory usage, and integration with other Apple apps. Chrome strikes back with cross-platform availability, rich extension support, and Google Translate integration. If you notice performance glitches while browsing the web, check CPU usage on Mac .

You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience.

Compared: Safari vs. Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Edge on macOS in 2022

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Safari vs. Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Edge on macOS, compared.

safari same as google

The truth is, the perfect browser doesn't exist. Each of the four most popular macOS browsers has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, just based on the engine that's used for web rendering, and what the developers of the big-four have prioritized.

While the best browser for the individual varies on use case, and which websites behave the best on any given browser, there are a series of benchmarking tools that can measure performance on synthetic tasks.

Browser benchmarks

We tested each browser on three different testing platforms: JetStream 2, Speedometer, and MotionMark.

JetStream 2 is a JavaScript-benchmark that scores browsers based on how quickly they can start and execute code, which translates to faster JavaScript performance. Since JavaScript is used on most web browsers, it's a good test of snappiness for code-intensive sites.

MotionMark is a graphical browser testing suite that measures the ability to render complex web pages. Think a page that has complicated graphics and animations. A higher score results in smoother transitions and animations.

Speedometer 2.0 determines the responsiveness of a browser when running web applications. Among the three, it's the truest option for testing real-world performance across many popular websites and online services. A good example is adding tasks to a to-do list in a web app.

JetStream 2 browser benchmarks

Chrome came out on top in JetStream 2 testing, while Safari took second place.

MotionMark browser benchmarks

Safari was the fastest in MotionMark benchmark testing.

Speedometer browser benchmarks

Speedometer testing showed off interesting results, with Firefox and Edge coming in first and second, and Safari in last place.

Different testing platforms result in different scores, so your own mileage may vary. Safari was the best for graphical performance, for example, but its responsiveness lagged behind others. Choose what specific metrics are most important to you.

For Mac users, Safari is an institution. It's the default browser on Apple platforms and is generally lightweight and efficient. As you'd expect for an Apple product, Safari also emphasizing privacy while you browser online.

From the very first boot on a new Mac, Safari is instantly available and configured for easy, private browsing. That makes it the best choice for the most non-technical among us, since you won't need to download and install anything. Safari "just works" out of the box.

It also features the tighest integration across Apple's other devices and systems. You can use Continuity to easy hand-off your browsing between your Mac and any iPhone or iPad you have around. If you need to buy something with Apple Pay , you can authenticate purchases with Face ID or Touch ID.

Apple Safari

Safari also features some strong privacy protections, including mechanisms aimed at mitigating cross-site tracking and ad targeting. It features a built-in password manager that allows you to save and store passwords — with easy autofill options — across your Apple devices.

As an Apple-made product, Safari is the most convenient option on this list for Mac users — particularly those who own multiple Apple devices. It's also a good choice for the privacy conscious, though it isn't the fastest and it doesn't yet have a strong extension marketplace.

  • Default Mac browser with effortless setup
  • Strong privacy protections
  • Integration with other Apple products
  • Not the fastest or most responsive browser in some testing
  • Lackluster support for add-ons and extensions

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a massively popular browser, and a particular favorite of those who routinely use extensions to customize their web experience. It's the most-used web browser in the world, and it's faster and more RAM-efficient than it used to be. Chrome is even currently speedier than Safari on macOS.

The browser also has one of the world's most extensive list of add-ons, plug-ins, and extensions. From plugins focused on online privacy or to video content downloaders, there are around 190,000 extensions in total to choose from. You can also choose from a number of different themes and customization options.

Google Chrome

Intelligent Google-made features include automatic site translations and deep integration with the company's online tools and services — so it's great for those who rely on Gmail, Google Docs, or another Google service. Syncing between Google apps on different devices is also top-notch.

However, Google is a data company that relies on collecting information about its users. While the company has taken steps to bolster its privacy reputation, it's still a company that makes money on harvesting data. Those who are particularly privacy-conscious will probably want to look elsewhere.

It's hard to go wrong with the world's most popular web browser, particularly with its seamless workflow features and customization options. However, if you are even slightly concerned about online privacy, you may want to go with another option.

  • Simple to learn, fastest option in some cases
  • Syncs your Google account across other devices
  • Extensive list of extensions and add-ons
  • It's Google — so not that private
  • Is a RAM and CPU hog

Mozilla Firefox is one of the only popular and mainstream browsers to have started life as an open source project. It's still a free and open source browser with a hefty focus on privacy and security, which could make it a good fit for those who want a Google Chrome alternative.

Because of its open source nature, users are free to explore Firefox's code — and they do. The browser doesn't have any hidden secrets or data-harvesters. It also features some excellent built-in privacy and security protections, including Enhanced Tracking Protection and an extensive list of customizable permissions.

Mozilla Firefox

Firefox was also the first browser to actually offer third-party extensions and add-ons. Although it might not have as many extensions as Google Chrome, you'll still find a hefty list of options ranging from privacy add-ons to customizable themes for your browser.

Although Firefox has some cross-platform integration between its app and built-in Pocket support, it isn't as seamless as Chrome or Safari. If speed if your primary concern, it's also important to note that Firefox isn't the fastest browser by most metrics.

Users who want an open source browser or are committed to Mozilla's mission of keeping the internet open and free will find a browser after their own hearts here. For the average user, however, another browser on this list might be a better fit.

  • Completely free and open source
  • Extremely customizable with extensions, themes, etc.
  • The best option for hardcore privacy
  • Not the fastest or most RAM efficient
  • Synchronicity isn't as robust

Microsoft Edge is the spiritual successor to Internet Explorer that was first released in 2015. Originally HTML-based, Microsoft overhauled the browser to be based on Chromium, which is the same underlying software used to make Google Chrome.

As such, Microsoft Edge is now much more competitive than it used to be. It's far from a Google Chrome clone, but you should expect a similar level of performance from it. Some users believe that Microsoft Edge even feels snappier than Chrome on a Mac.

Microsoft Edge

Because it's Chromium-based, Microsoft Edge also has a list of extensions similar to Chrome. It also sports a number of unique features, such as a "Collections" ability that lets you save information like text or webpages to a built-in notebook. There's also a vertical tab bar, a built-in read aloud feature, and an easy native screenshot tool.

It's a solid option for anyone that doesn't like Safari and wants an alternative to Google Chrome because of privacy reasons. If you use a Microsoft account like some use a Google account, then Edge might also be a solid option.

  • Snappy, lower RAM and CPU usage
  • Unique features like Read Aloud and Collections
  • Good performance in most metrics
  • Can be slower than Chrome in terms of pure performance
  • Syncing isn't as strong as Safari or Chrome

The perfect browser doesn't exist, but you can pick and choose what you need

There's no clear answer for what the "best" browser on macOS is. However, some browsers are better suited to specific tasks than others.

When it comes to smooth JavaScript execution, Chrome is in the top spot with Safari a close second. Safari, according to the MotionMark testing, handles complex web pages better than any other browser.

Firefox, interestingly enough, may be the fastest when it comes to general everyday web apps.

Of course, there's also the issues of extension support, privacy, and synchronization across other devices. Many of the browsers are evenly matched on these metrics, but some excel in specific areas like privacy or cross-platform integration.

But, unlike on iOS, you aren't effectively stuck with one browser core technology. These four browsers, and several more, are available on macOS, and can be run in parallel.

While we don't recommend running all four unless you're a web developer or unit case tester, two or three different browsers can be run at-will, if any given browser doesn't handle your work case well.

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Safari vs. Chrome: Which Browser is Better?

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Safari and Chrome dominate the browser market. But which browser is better? Make the most of your high speed internet experience and compare which of the top two browsers is best for you.

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Apple safari, google chrome.

  • User Experience
  • Privacy and Security
  • Device Compatibility
  • Performance
  • Final Verdict

Baked into Apple’s iOS and MacOS devices, Safari is a robust and feature-rich browser. While it excels at privacy, it does have it’s downsides. Here are a few things to keep in mind when considering Apple’s native browser:

Safari is built from the ground up to work with Apple devices

Exceptionally strong privacy features, seamlessly syncs in the apple ecosystem, performs well on ios and macos, with increased battery life and fast page loading, clean, intuitive user interface, fewer add-ons & extensions compared to chrome, struggles to compete with google’s suite of online services, only compatible with ios and macos devices, fewer customization options.

Google’s Chrome browser dominates in terms of market share , but there are some security and privacy risks to consider. It’s a must-have if you live in the Google ecosystem and its customization is unsurpassed.

Compatible with a range of popular Google services, including Gmail and Maps

Feature-rich user interface, wide variety of native browser apps and extensions, fast, open-source browser, compatible with many devices, google’s data collection raises privacy concerns, the same goes for many chrome extensions and apps, power hungry, which leads to rapid battery drain, uses more cpu and memory than the native safari browser, user experience: chrome.

Side by side, Safari and Chrome check off both of these boxes by sporting a minimalist layout that’s easy to navigate. However, one browser clearly goes the extra mile.

safari same as google

Safari offers a standard tabs organizer, a bookmark manager, privacy settings, and a historical archive. However, the tabs organizer is a little inconsistent across devices. You’ll find a nice grid layout on desktop and a stacked deck on mobile that quickly becomes an endless scroll.

In comparison, Chrome acts as a hub for all Google products. It comes with the same abilities Safari has as well as seamless integrations with Gmail, Google Drive, Google Translate, Google Nest devices, and in-app settings. If you live entirely within the Google ecosystem, Chrome is a must-have.

When it comes to user experience, Chrome takes the lead with its sleek interface, and ease of use.

Features: Chrome

When choosing between Safari and Chrome, features are a significant factor, aside from user experience. Personalizing the browser, merging multiple apps in one window, and performing more actions attract users.

Both Chrome and Safari share common features like bookmarks, reading lists, and history logs across devices. However, the real differentiator is browser extensions. Extensions enhance and modify a browser. While Safari offers only 350 extensions , many of which are pay-to-use, Chrome has over 175,000 extensions in the Chrome Web Store , making it the clear winner for features, along with its Google app integrations.

Privacy & Security: Safari

Chrome and Safari are big on security measures – blocking popups by default, utilizing a Safe Browsing database to prevent malware, and frequently releasing software updates to fix bugs. However, privacy is an entirely different story.

Safari collects data for website recommendations and UX improvements, but offers easy opt-out options. The “Privacy Report” shows trackers blocked weekly, and Private Browsing masks browsing history and blocks cookies. Safari also provides a “Hide My Email” feature to create unique forwarding addresses and Touch ID or Face ID for purchase verification.

Google Chrome isn’t shy about collecting all your data with vague privacy policies and loose tracker practices. Predictive searches, URL suggestions, and even Private Incognito mode becomes a threat to user privacy. It’s hardly surprising since the tech giant’s primary revenue stream is advertising.

Unlike Google, Apple doesn’t rely on ads to keep the lights on, which allows it to put users’ privacy first. If you care at all about your personal pri v acy online , the choice is a no-brainer.

Device Compatibility: Chrome

Chrome works on all major platforms including Android, Linux, iOS, macOS, and Windows. So, whether you’re all-in on Apple products or prefer to mix things up, you can access your Chrome information across devices.

Safari is limited to iOS and macOS devices. Unless you have an iPhone, iPad, or Mac computer, you’re out of luck. The winner here comes down to what hardware you use. Safari is the default browser on all Apple devices, but if you want more flexibility, Chrome will work across all of your devices.

Performance: Safari

If used for general, light browsing, Safari and Chrome perform similarly in terms of speed and power consumption. However, when you start to work in multiple tabs, Safari is far superior.

Google Chrome’s 12-hour power consumption is significantly greater than Safari. Keep this in mind if you travel or spend long hours away from an outlet.

Safari offers better hardware-software integration, which is no surprise since it only works on Apple devices. On average, it loads websites 50% faster than Chrome and lasts 1.5 hours longer when browsing or streaming videos . This is because Safari uses minimal RAM while running compared to Chrome. If you rely on fast internet speeds , we recommend using a lightweight browser like Safari every time.

Safari vs Chrome: Final Verdict 

After analyzing both browsers, we found Chrome to be the best choice. It offers seamless integration, advanced features, and compatibility across devices. But for those prioritizing privacy, Safari is your go-to option. It’s equipped with built-in defense mechanisms that you can rely on.

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Safari vs Chrome: Which browser should you use on your Mac?

Published on May 31, 2022

Chrome logo on smartphone next to globe

Apple’s Mac computers and its Safari browser have gone hand in hand for years now. It’s a solid app, perfectly tuned for macOS, but what if you want something different? If you have an Android phone, you might be drawn to the dark side of Chrome instead. Let’s stack Safari vs Chrome in the ultimate browser battle and see which is better for your needs.

See also: These Chrome Flags will improve your web-browsing experience

We’ll walk through most of the key features of each browser. After all, you may spend hours working in a browser every day, so you want to pick the best one. Ready to crown a winner? Let’s get started.

Is appearance everything?

Safari vs Chrome

We’re not here to argue which browser looks better, but careful design can go a long way. In many ways, this battle comes down to Apple vs Google. You might immediately lean one way or the other based purely on appearances.

Take tab organization, for example. In Safari, you’ll find a grid layout that makes it easy to find any tab in seconds on a desktop. However, Safari turns its tabs into a deck of cards on mobile, requiring you to swipe through an endless list. You can only see the top of each tab, which can be confusing if you have multiple tabs open from one site.

Over on Chrome, you’ll become good friends with the tab bar in a hurry. You can keep adding tabs as much as you want, and they’ll shrink to accommodate new windows. It’s not a bad setup until you can’t read your tabs. Eventually, they’ll be a website logo and an exit button, and you’ll have to cycle through each one.

Chrome can’t seem to make up its mind when it comes to mobile tabs. It’s gone through a few grid layouts, and you can now open new tabs inside tab groups. The idea is to bundle related tabs together, but it’s mostly an easy way to get lost.

How do the Safari and Chrome features stack up?

Acer Chromebook Spin 514 profile on table

As you might expect, Chrome is the way to go if you’re part of Google’s ecosystem. If you have a Chromecast or some Google Nest devices, getting the most out of them will be far easier. You can right-click just about anywhere in Chrome and look for the Cast option any time you want to put your content on TV, too.

Chrome even comes with Google Translate built right in, so you can translate foreign web pages in seconds. There are thousands of other extensions you can explore as well, and Chrome even has a task manager on board in case you have to halt hefty processes.

See also:  The best privacy web browsers for Android

Safari, however, is the king of continuity. If you have an iPad, iPhone , or a Mac, you can easily pass windows and tabs between them. It’s an easy way to take an article with you if you didn’t have time to read it all. Furthermore, you can use your other Apple security measures to verify purchases. Once you check out on Safari, you’ll be prompted for Touch ID or Face ID to protect your purchase.

Unfortunately, it took Apple until Safari 14 to finally introduce extensions. You can now add Grammarly and select password managers to your browser, which brings Safari more in line with features that Chrome has had for a while.

Also, Safari is still unavailable outside of the Apple realm. It’s really only your best bet if you’re all-in on iOS and macOS. If you have a Windows PC or an Android phone, you’ll have to look at Firefox or Chrome for access across all of your devices. It’s not exactly easy to battle Safari vs Chrome when you can only download one of the browsers on half of your devices.

What security and privacy measures are there?

Safari vs Chrome

Feeling safe online is an important part of any browser, and it’s a key part of Safari vs Chrome. Both browsers make use of Google’s Safe Browsing database to guard against phishing schemes and other malware. It’s a great way to know that someone is looking out for you while you go about your day, even if you end up sending a lot of data straight to Google.

However, the biggest difference between the browsers comes in update frequency. Updates are an important way to stay ahead of cybercriminals, and Google Chrome has the easy advantage. Safari updates are often tied to macOS changes, but Chrome can push changes whenever it needs to. In fact, you’ll probably get some form of a patch just about every two weeks.

Both browsers block popups by default , but Chrome goes a step further to point out when you venture to an unsafe site. It displays a Not secure warning as well as a small popup window. Safari, on the other hand, indicates safety with a small green lock icon.

While we’re happy to give Google points for security, privacy is another matter entirely. The Mountain View-based company isn’t shy about wanting all of the data it can get its hands on, though it usually explains things away by trying to improve your experience. Common features like website recommendations and predictive search have to come from somewhere, don’t they?

Apple also collects all sorts of information on Safari, including names, locations, and IP addresses. It can share this information as needed, even if it claims not to share encrypted devices with authorities.

See also:  How to clear your browser or system cache on a Mac

Is one browser easier to use?

Google Chrome App On Android TV

Ease of use in Safari vs Chrome is a fairly subjective point, and it probably depends on your other devices. You’re probably used to Safari if you’re coming from an iPhone, while Android users are probably more comfortable in Chrome. You’ll have to consider which tab setup is easier for your own use, but it’s not hard to adjust between the two.

One of the biggest drawbacks to Safari is that you can’t tinker with settings in the app. You’ll have to head over to Apple’s dedicated settings app if you want to change something. Chrome’s settings — like most browsers — are right in the app, which makes life easy if you want to change on the fly.

Safari vs Chrome: Which browser wins?

Safari vs Chrome

We’ve hinted at it here and there, but the winner of Safari vs Chrome comes down to your needs. If you live completely inside Apple’s ecosystem, you’ll be better off with Safari. The Handoff feature is tough to top, and it’s nice to have some extra security around your purchases. However, you’ll probably want to fire up Chrome if you have other Android or Windows devices in your house. It’s the only way you can still share tabs and login information between devices.

Although we’ve gone pretty deep into Safari vs Chrome, they’re not your only options. If you haven’t been swayed one way or the other, then it might be time to switch things up. There are tons of other browsers to consider, and we’ll touch on a few favorites.

See also:  The best Android browsers for surfing whatever website you want

Are there any good alternatives?

Brave Browser on computer screen stock photo 1

Brave Browser

One of the newer browsers, Brave Browser , launched in 2016 with plenty of features. It packs a built-in ad blocker and features HTTPS just about everywhere you look. Brave offers per-site settings adjustments, and you can even track what you’re blocking. Perhaps best of all is the fact that Brave Browser is free.

See also:  Should you switch to Brave Web Browser?

Opera is another good browser alternative, and its messaging feature helps to clean up your overall experience. You won’t have to jump between apps, just open a small message window and keep chats going while you go about your day. Opera also has a built-in ad blocker to keep things smooth and an included VPN if you’re hoping to enjoy geo-restricted content.

If you’re worried about privacy, DuckDuckGo is a good option. Like Brave, it relies heavily on HTTPS and offers a private search mode. It even goes so far as to give each website you visit a privacy rating from A through F. You can’t sync all of your passwords, but the close button wipes your browsing data which is a nice bonus.

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Google Chrome vs Safari: A Comprehensive Browser Comparison

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Introduction to Google Chrome and Safari

When it comes to web browsing options, there are a plethora of choices available to users. However, in the world of desktop browsing, two heavyweights typically dominate the conversation: Google Chrome and Safari. While both browsers are strong contenders, it can be challenging to determine which one is the best fit for your needs. In this article, we will thoroughly compare the features, user interface, and performance of Google Chrome and Safari to help you make an informed decision.

When it comes to web browsing, there are few names as well-known as Google Chrome and Safari. Both of these browsers have their own unique features and advantages that make them popular among users of all ages and backgrounds.

What is Google Chrome?

Google Chrome is a free, open-source web browser that was first launched in 2008. Developed by Google, Chrome quickly rose to prominence thanks to its highly customizable nature and smooth user experience.

One of the key features that sets Chrome apart from other browsers is its extensive library of extensions and add-ons. These tools allow users to customize the browser to their specific needs, adding everything from ad-blockers and password managers to productivity apps and more.

Another major advantage of Chrome is its speed. Thanks to its advanced rendering engine, Chrome is able to load web pages quickly and efficiently, even on slower internet connections. This makes it a popular choice among users who need to browse the web quickly and efficiently, without wasting time waiting for pages to load.

What is Safari?

Developed by Apple, Safari is the default web browser for all iOS and macOS devices. With its sleek design, speed, and powerful performance, Safari remains a popular choice among Apple users worldwide.

One of the biggest advantages of Safari is its integration with other Apple products. For example, Safari allows users to easily sync their bookmarks, history, and other data across all of their Apple devices, making it easy to pick up where they left off no matter which device they are using.

In addition to its seamless integration with other Apple products, Safari is also known for its speed and performance. Like Chrome, Safari uses an advanced rendering engine to load web pages quickly and efficiently, even on slower internet connections. This makes it a popular choice among users who need to browse the web quickly and efficiently, without wasting time waiting for pages to load.

Overall, both Google Chrome and Safari are excellent choices for web browsing, each with their own unique features and advantages. Whether you prefer the customization options of Chrome or the seamless integration of Safari, both of these browsers are sure to provide you with a smooth and enjoyable browsing experience.

User Interface and Design

Google chrome's interface.

One of the key selling points of Google Chrome is its user-friendly interface. Chrome’s interface is clean, straightforward, and customizable, making navigation hassle-free. The browser has a simple and intuitive tab management system, which allows users to easily switch between tabs or create new ones. Additionally, Chrome offers a sleek and modern design that is pleasing to the eye, with smooth animations and a minimalist layout.

Chrome’s interface is also highly customizable, with a range of themes and extensions available for download from the Chrome Web Store. Users can personalize their browsing experience by choosing a theme that matches their preferences, or by adding extensions that enhance their productivity, security, or entertainment.

Another notable feature of Chrome’s interface is its omnibox, a combination of the URL bar and search bar. The omnibox allows users to quickly search for information or navigate to a specific website, without having to open a new tab or window. Chrome also has a built-in password manager, which can save and autofill login credentials for websites.

Safari's Interface

Safari’s interface features a minimalist design, with a top bar containing a URL and search bar. It is functional and straightforward in its design, though some users may find it more limited in customization options when compared to Chrome. The browser has a clean and uncluttered layout, with a focus on content rather than interface elements.

Like Chrome, Safari has a tab management system that allows users to switch between tabs or create new ones. The browser also has a feature called Top Sites, which displays a grid of frequently visited websites for quick access. Safari’s Reading List feature allows users to save articles or web pages to read later, even when offline.

Safari’s interface also includes a range of built-in tools and features, such as the ability to take screenshots or record screencasts. The browser has a Reader mode, which removes ads and other distractions from web pages for a more immersive reading experience. Safari also has a Private Browsing mode, which prevents the browser from saving browsing history, cookies, or other data.

In conclusion, both Google Chrome and Safari offer user-friendly interfaces that prioritize ease of use and accessibility. While Chrome may have more customization options and a more modern design, Safari’s minimalist layout and built-in features make it a solid choice for users who value simplicity and functionality.

Performance and Speed

When it comes to browsing the internet, performance and speed are two of the most important factors to consider. In this day and age, we want our web pages to load quickly and our browsers to be responsive.

Google Chrome's Performance

Google Chrome is known for its fast browsing speeds. Its performance capabilities are unparalleled, thanks to its advanced JavaScript engine. This engine allows for lightning-fast page rendering, making browsing a breeze. Additionally, Chrome can handle multiple tabs without lagging or crashing, making it a reliable choice for heavy internet users.

But Chrome's performance doesn't stop there. It also boasts a powerful set of developer tools that allow developers to test and optimize their websites for maximum speed and performance. These tools include a JavaScript debugger, a network panel, and a timeline view, among others.

Safari's Performance

Safari's performance, too, is generally regarded as impressive. Its speedy loading times and quick navigation make it a favorite choice among Apple users. Safari's rendering engine, WebKit, is known for its efficiency and speed, making browsing a smooth experience.

Like Chrome, Safari can handle multiple tabs without slowing down, making it a great choice for users who like to have multiple tabs open at once. Additionally, Safari has a set of developer tools that allow developers to test and optimize their websites for maximum performance. These tools include a JavaScript debugger, a timeline view, and a network panel, among others.

In conclusion, both Google Chrome and Safari are excellent choices when it comes to performance and speed. They both offer powerful rendering engines, efficient JavaScript engines, and reliable tab management. Whether you're a heavy internet user or a developer looking to optimize your website, both browsers have the tools and capabilities you need to get the job done.

Security and Privacy Features

Security features in google chrome.

Security is a top priority for Google, and so Google Chrome has several built-in features aimed at preventing malware and other online threats. Chrome offers an integrated sandbox environment that isolates web pages from other systems, making it more difficult for hackers to gain access to sensitive information. It also has an auto-updating feature that ensures it is always up-to-date with the latest security patches.

Security Features in Safari

Similar to Chrome, Safari features several security measures to protect user data. Safari utilizes advanced anti-phishing technologies to protect against fraudulent websites and an intelligent tracking prevention system that limits advertisers' ability to track user behavior. Additionally, Safari incorporates Apple's Keychain password management tool, which securely stores user login details.

Extensions and Add-ons

Google chrome's extension library.

Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers and offers an enormous selection of extensions, themes, apps, and add-ons that users can choose from. These extensions can be found on the Chrome Web Store and can be easily downloaded and installed with just a few clicks. The Chrome Web Store offers a wide variety of extensions, ranging from productivity tools to ad-blockers to entertainment add-ons.

One of the benefits of using Chrome is the ability to customize the browser to fit individual needs. With so many extensions available, users can enhance their browsing experience and tailor it to their specific interests. Additionally, due to its popularity, many developers prioritize developing extensions for Chrome first, meaning that users can often find the latest and most innovative add-ons on this platform.

Some of the most popular Chrome extensions include Grammarly, a spell-checking and grammar tool, LastPass, a password manager, and Adblock Plus, an ad-blocking extension. However, with so many options available, users can find extensions that cater to their unique needs and interests.

Safari's Extension Library

Safari is the default web browser for Apple devices and offers a smaller selection of extensions compared to Chrome. However, Safari's extension library still offers several useful plugins and extensions that can enhance the browsing experience.

Safari's extensions can be downloaded from the App Store, making it streamlined to download and manage new additions. This makes it easy for users to find and install new extensions without having to navigate to a separate website or store.

One of the benefits of using Safari is that it is optimized for Apple devices, meaning that Safari extensions are designed to work seamlessly with the hardware and software of Apple products. Additionally, Safari's extensions tend to be more curated and vetted, ensuring that users can trust the quality and security of the extensions they download.

Some of the most popular Safari extensions include Pocket, a bookmarking and read-later tool, 1Password, a password manager, and Ghostery Lite, an ad and tracker blocker. While Safari's extension library may not have as many user-made extensions and add-ons as Chrome, it still offers several useful tools that can enhance the browsing experience for Apple users.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

When it comes to choosing a web browser, cross-platform compatibility is a crucial factor to consider. It allows you to access your bookmarks, history, and preferences across multiple devices and platforms.

Google Chrome is one of the most widely used web browsers, and one of its significant advantages is its cross-platform compatibility. Whether you're using a Windows PC, a macOS laptop, or a Linux machine, you can easily download and use Google Chrome without any compatibility issues.

Moreover, Google Chrome's compatibility extends beyond desktop and laptop computers. You can also use it on some mobile devices, including Android smartphones and tablets. This feature makes it an excellent option for those who work on the go or use multiple devices regularly.

Google Chrome's User Interface

Aside from its cross-platform compatibility, Google Chrome is also known for its user-friendly interface. Its minimalist design and intuitive layout make it easy to use, even for those who are not tech-savvy.

Google Chrome also offers a wide range of customization options, allowing you to personalize your browsing experience. You can choose from various themes, extensions, and add-ons to enhance your productivity and make your browsing experience more enjoyable.

Safari's Compatibility

While Safari is primarily designed for Apple's devices, it can also be downloaded and used on Windows. However, its compatibility is limited, and its performance and features may differ significantly from its Apple counterparts.

One of the advantages of using Safari on an Apple device is its seamless integration with Apple's software and systems. For example, if you're using Safari on a MacBook, you can easily use features like Handoff and Continuity to switch between your MacBook and iPhone or iPad.

However, if you're using Safari on a Windows PC, you may experience some compatibility issues. Some websites and web applications may not work correctly, and you may encounter performance issues.

In conclusion, when it comes to cross-platform compatibility, Google Chrome is the clear winner. Its compatibility with a wide range of devices and systems makes it an excellent option for those who work across multiple platforms. However, if you're using an Apple device, Safari's seamless integration with Apple's software and systems may make it a better option for you.

Mobile Browsing Experience

Mobile browsing has become an essential part of our daily lives, and with the increase in the use of smartphones and tablets, it has become crucial to have a browser that provides a seamless and user-friendly experience on mobile devices. In this article, we will discuss two of the most popular browsers for mobile devices, Google Chrome, and Safari.

Google Chrome on Mobile Devices

Google Chrome is one of the most widely used browsers on desktops, and its mobile version is no different. It is available on both iOS and Android devices, and its mobile version offers many of the features found in its desktop counterpart, such as tab syncing, incognito mode, and voice search. Additionally, it is optimized for mobile use, making it an excellent option for those who browse frequently on their mobile devices.

One of the standout features of Google Chrome on mobile devices is its ability to sync tabs across devices. This means that you can start browsing on your desktop and continue on your mobile device without any interruption. This feature is especially useful if you are in the middle of reading an article or watching a video and need to switch devices.

Another feature that sets Google Chrome apart on mobile devices is its incognito mode. This mode allows you to browse the internet without leaving any trace of your browsing history, cookies, or search history. This is especially useful if you are using a shared device or browsing sensitive information.

Google Chrome on mobile devices also offers voice search, which allows you to search the internet by speaking into your device. This feature is particularly useful when you are on the go and need to search for something quickly without typing.

Safari on Mobile Devices

Safari is the default browser on all iOS devices, and it offers a seamless browsing experience on mobile thanks to its integration with Apple's software and systems. It has features like tab syncing, reader mode, and in-built privacy controls to make browsing on mobile devices smooth and user-friendly.

One of the standout features of Safari on mobile devices is its integration with Apple's software and systems. This means that if you are using an iPhone or iPad, you can seamlessly switch between your device and your Mac without any interruption. This feature is especially useful if you need to access a website or a document on your Mac while you are on the go.

Safari on mobile devices also offers a reader mode, which allows you to read articles without any distractions. This mode removes all ads, sidebars, and other distractions, making it easier to focus on the content. Additionally, Safari on mobile devices has in-built privacy controls, which allow you to browse the internet without leaving any trace of your browsing history, cookies, or search history.

In conclusion, both Google Chrome and Safari offer excellent browsing experiences on mobile devices. While Google Chrome is more widely used and offers features like voice search and incognito mode, Safari's integration with Apple's software and systems and its reader mode make it an excellent option for those who use iOS devices. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your personal preferences and needs.

Developer Tools and Support

Developer tools in google chrome.

As an open-source browser, Google encourages developers to customize Chrome through extensions and plugins. It also offers comprehensive developer tools that make troubleshooting web applications easier. Chrome features the JavaScript console, source viewer, and error console, making it an ideal choice for developers.

Developer Tools in Safari

Developers using Safari can access advanced debugging, profiling, and testing features that make their work easier. Safari’s developer tools include features like the console, network inspector, and timeline tools to help pinpoint and troubleshoot issues on web pages. Additionally, Safari supports WebKit, a powerful layout engine used to create web pages and apps.

Conclusion: Which Browser is Right for You?

Ultimately, the choice between Google Chrome and Safari comes down to personal preference and specific needs. Both browsers offer rich features, speed, and security, and ultimately, the decision between them comes down to which one feels more comfortable to use. To decide, you can weigh the pros and cons exhibited in this article and focus on what matters most to you. Whichever browser you decide to use, be confident in the knowledge that you are using two of the most advanced and polished browsers available on the market today.

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Is Safari And Google The Same?

Photo of Steven Carr

As someone who has spent most of their time on one browser or another, I know the workings of both Safari and Google. This makes me able to understand exactly what makes them similar as well as what makes them different from each other.   

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Where Safari is a web browser, Google is a search engine that has a web browser named Google Chrome. Safari and Google are owned by different companies; Google is operated by a parent company named Alphabet, while Safari is managed by Apple.  

If you’re looking for greater insight on the essential workings of Google and Safari, you have come to the right place. Here is a thorough evaluation of both search engines and web browsers to help all those people wondering “Is Safari and Google the same thing?” This would help you decide exactly which one is right for you. Excited? Let’s go and check it out.  

Table of Contents

Safari and how it Works  

It has been established that Safari is a web browser. On the face of things, this information may seem sufficient but there is a lot more to Safari than you might think.  

Designed by Apple, Safari is a graphical web browser which is based on WebKit engine. It works on the operating systems of Macintosh and windows, while also being supported by the iPhone, iPad , and the iPod touch devices. Safari’s WebKit engine expertly manages essential functions such as displaying the fonts, the graphics, JavaScript, as well as the overall layout of the page.  

There are many perks of using Safari as a web browser as it has a great reputation for speed, particularly on iOS devices. Its exceptional performances on Apple -specific operating systems is due to the fact that it was developed by Apple primarily for itself.  

Google and its many Workings  

If you ask around there would be very few people who could truthfully claim as to not have heard the word ‘Google’ in their life. The Google LLC is a multi-national company whose internet-specific technology is responsible for providing a large array of services and products such as various advertising technologies, software, hardware, as well as an internet search engine.  

The word ‘Google’ typically indicates the internet search engine of the same name, which makes use of a proprietary algorithm to help find the most relevant results to internet searches. Google’s web browser is called ‘Google Chrome’, which was initially released specifically for Windows, but eventually became compatible with Android, MacOS, iOS, and Linux.  

Similarities between Google and Safari  

As mentioned previously, Google is a search engine which offers a range of services including that of a web browser names ‘Google Chrome’. The Chrome web browser comes to par with Apple’s web browser ‘Safari’.  

Here is a quick list of some of the main similarities between Google Chrome and Safari.  

  • Surfing the Internet: since both Chrome and Safari are web browsers it does not surprise one to know how they both can allow users to access the internet and surf the web.  
  • Access from Various Devices: both Chrome and Safari give users the ability to make searches from a range of different desktop and mobile devices. 
  • Synchronized Surfing: it is interesting to note how both offer the chance for users to synchronize their information across all their devices. Safari makes the use of iCloud storage whereas Chrome allows auto-sync through the Google Accounts services. 
  • Google Safe Browsing database: as elaborated later in this article, it is fascinating to realize that both Google Chrome and Safari make the use of Google’s Safe Browsing database to ensure safe web surfing.  

Main Differences between Safari and Google Chrome :

It is not surprising to wonder how different they are if both Safari and Google Chrome are renowned web browsers. Here are some aspects that make them distinct from one another.  

Easy to Use   

One of the prime things to consider while evaluating a web browser in terms of another is its overall usability. Certain things like tab control, interface design, layout and even visibility features play a large role in making web browsers friendlier for users.  

Safari is renowned for being easy to operate on a daily basis as it has great tab management abilities and can control the size of the text so that it isn’t illegible when minimized. It also has a horizontal scrolling option, and is able to assist in distinguishing one tab from another by the use of large icons.  

However, Safari has some flashy animations which detract from its practical purpose, and the fact that its settings are located outside the web browser itself makes it harder to manage.  

Google Chrome is also considered friendly for users as it has a simple and rather uncluttered user interface. Its go-to nature is also demonstrated by fact that it makes use of third-party extensions that makes it simple to navigate through searches. It is also interesting to note that Google Chrome can search for images as well as texts.  

Available Features   

As is the case with getting any piece of technology, it is a good idea to evaluate the number and kind of functions that both offer users. Though both Chrome and Safari do not have much in terms of features, Chrome provides users with a vast extension library. 

Moreover, Chrome’s minimalist design is incredibly user-friendly, particularly in the way that allows users to choose features from an array of available extensions. The overall browsing experience is dictated by numerous options such as auto-sync across all your connected devices, browser history, open tabs, auto-fill material, and so on.  

Google Chrome also has many interesting services such as Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Translate to facilitate users in their daily tasks. These services are well-incorporated in Google Chrome while also being amongst the many ‘built-in’ services that Google has to offer.  

On the other hand, it is important to realize that Safari does not offer users much in terms of features, and even the extensions that it provides are very limited. Moreover, Safari reflects Apple’s tendency to reduce user control which means that the web browser itself does not offer users many customization options.  

Safari’s ability to auto-sync across all your devices isn’t as good as Chrome, generally asking users to opt for iCloud in order to synchronize information across devices. This particular web browser has some perks in its ability to imitate iOS devices, which is helpful if you want to test a service or a website. 

Ability to Perform  

It would not come as a surprise that Safari is superior to Chrome when it comes to performance. Its speed on iOS is unrivalled, primarily due to the fact that it was custom-designed by Apple for the iOS operating system. 

Additionally, the fact that it uses very little RAM to function is an added boon. This trait is helpful for all those people who like to have many tabs open at one time.  

Google Chrome, on the other hand, makes heavy use of RAM for basic functionalities, and though it is faster on desktops, it is Safari which holds the rank of the fastest web browser on mobile devices.  

What is Safer: Google or Safari  

In this age of rapidly advancing technology, privacy and security are major concerns for most users. One of the things that most people evaluate before choosing a web browser or a search engine is how safe it really is. Safety is primarily judged by the web browser’s ability to block content, have a safe browsing database, and provide frequent updates and warnings about poor internet connectivity.  

Safari interestingly makes the use of Google’s Safe Browsing database that helps protect users from suspicious and potentially harmful websites. Though it is largely effective in protecting users from phishing schemes, the use of Google’s Safe Browsing database is a privacy concern as it sends a lot of your browsing data to Google itself.  

Safari blocks pop-ups by default, and allows users to enable JavaScript for maximum protection, however for greater content blocking there is a need for users to download various extensions for maximum protection.  

A great concern for those browsing the web using Safari is how the web browser’s only warning regarding an unsecure connection is the absence of a green padlock. This can be easy to miss, making Safari safe only for the most vigilant of users.   

On the contrary, the Google Chrome web browser is a significantly safer option as it not just has amongst the best ad-blockers in the market but also makes it a point to send updates every few weeks.  

It is also interesting to note that Google Chrome caters to those extremely zealous about their online safety as it also offers a range of extensions in its library that can be enabled for added protection against pop-up ads. 

However, it can’t be ignored how like Safari, it makes use of the Google Chrome Browsing database, which is a threat for user privacy.  

At the end of the day, it is important to remember that both Google and Safari don’t exactly have a flawless reputation when it comes to privacy and online safety. Though Safari seems to have more loops in terms of security, it surpasses Google as it has a generally clean track record as opposed to Google’s privacy scandals.  

Should iOS users get Chrome?  

One of major concerns of iOS users is whether they can use Chrome and all of its extensions. In our analysis of the major differences between Google Chrome and Safari we came to realize how there are some aspects such as number of features and security where Google Chrome has an edge over Safari. People who value these traits above others may want to switch to Chrome.  

It is important to remember that Apple does not give its users the option of making Google Chrome its default browser. However, fans can still use Chrome by downloading the Google Chrome app through the App Store. Here is a quick rundown of the steps to follow in order to use Google Chrome on an iOS device.  

  • Download via App Store: open the App Store and search for ‘Google Chrome’. After finding the Chrome app, press on the download option to load it onto your phone.  
  • Adjust Positioning: though this is an optional step, it is helpful as it makes the Google Chrome web browser readily accessible. Once the Google Chrome app has been downloaded simply tap and hold it for a few seconds and then shift it to your home screen where you can see it readily.  

Since iOS devices usually refer to iPhones, iPads , and iPod Touch devices, all three of which are classified as mobile devices, it is a cause of concern and question for Apple device users who wonder if they can use Google Chrome on their Mac devices. People using Mac devices can simply download the Google Chrome app from the website itself.  

In order to improve accessibility and usability, iOS and Mac users can simply make a Google account for themselves and then use the account to access Google services such as YouTube, Google Maps, along with Google Chrome. Having one Google account can make it easier to synchronize information across various devices to ensure a better experience of the internet itself.  


As you have seen, Safari and Google are different as while Google is a search engine, Safari is a web browser that is similar to Google Chrome that is a service offered by Google itself.  

There are many similarities that link both Safari and Google Chrome such as how they allow users to access the web and protect them by using Google Safe Browsing databases. Additionally, both web browsers allow users to synchronize their searches across all their devices.  

However, there are some essential differences between Safari and Google Chrome such as their performance, the features they offer, the security they provide, etc. It is these differences that dictate the preferences of individuals when they decide which web browser is more suited to their needs. Hope this helps! 

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How to dump Google as your default Safari search engine on iPhone and Mac

Jason Cross

There has been a lot of talk of late about Apple’s default search engine, which is Google (and for a time, Bing would power Siri/Spotlight search requests). Recent court documents have shown just how much Google pays Apple to be the default search engine across iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Microsoft reportedly pitched selling Bing to Apple back in 2020, but with Google paying Apple billions of dollars a year to remain the default, Apple decided against it.

There have also been reports of Apple building its own search technology, with crawlers indexing the web to provide answers to common Siri questions and such. It fueled further speculation (yet again) that Apple would launch its own search engine, though that doesn’t appear to be happening any time soon. Apple’s new next-generation search technology is allegedly code-named “Pegasus” and it is already in use to index and find content within some Apple apps (like TV or Maps), and may soon extend to other apps or services, like the App Store.

It looks like, for searching the web, Apple users that use Safari (which is most of them) are going to be stuck with Google as the default search for quite some time.

But you don’t have to use Google if you don’t want to! Buried within settings, where 99.9 percent of the users will never look, is the option to change search engines. Here’s how you can change your Safari search default on iPhone/iPad and Mac.

  • Time to complete: 2 minutes
  • Tools required: none
  • Materials required: iPhone, iPad, or Mac

Change search default on iPhone or iPad

iPhone change safari search

To change your default search engine in Safari on iPhone or iPad.

  • Open Settings.
  • Tap Safari .
  • Tap Search Engine.
  • To select a different search engine for use in private browsing windows, tap Private Search Engine .

You should have several to choose from, but they may vary by region.

Change search default on Mac

Mac safari search

To change the search default on Mac, you’ll need to access Safari’s preferences.

  • Launch Safari.
  • In the menu bar, select Safari and then Settings .
  • Select the Search tab.
  • Select the Search engine drop-down box to see and change between available search engines.
  • Select the Private Browsing search engine drop-down if you wish to use a different search engine when in a private browser window.

As with iOS and iPadOS, the available search engines may vary by region.

It’s actually possible to change search engines on the fly in Safari on macOS. When you put the cursor in the search/address box, simply hit space bar first to see a drop-down list of available search engines.

Author: Jason Cross , Senior Editor, Macworld

safari same as google

Jason has written about technology for more than 25 years - first in the gaming press, then focusing on enthusiast PCs and general technology. He enjoys learning how complicated technology works and explaining it in a way anyone can understand.

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Google Chrome vs. Safari: Which Is the Most Secure macOS Browser?


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Safari and Google Chrome are two of the most popular browsers today. But if you're using macOS, does one browser outweigh the other in terms of safety? Which of these two world-renowned browsers is more secure for macOS?

Google Chrome vs. Safari: Background

Safari and Google Chrome were developed and launched by two tech giants: Apple Inc. and Google, respectively. Both browsers were launched in the 2000s, though Safari came five years before Chrome, in 2003. Apple's incredibly popular smartphones, tablets, and laptops have popularized the use of Safari, which is a favorite for many who own iOS-based devices.

Google, on the other hand, was already a widely used search engine 10 years before the launch of the Chrome browser. So Chrome gained a lot of notoriety from its recognizable name.

Today, Safari and Google Chrome have billions of users around the world, but there is an evident gap in the popularity of the two. While Safari has around a billion users worldwide (as reported by Apple Insider ), Chrome has over 2.65 billion (according to BackLinko ). The latter certainly takes the cake in terms of worldwide usage, but this doesn't necessarily mean it's a better fit for macOS devices.

Google Chrome vs. Safari: Accessibility

While Google Chrome is a cross-platform browser that can be used on an array of operating systems, Safari is designed solely for Apple devices, which run on iOS and macOS. You can download and use Chrome on Linux-, Android-, Windows-, and macOS-based devices, making it far more accessible to users.

But there is a glaring flaw associated with cross-platform: it can be less secure. Cross-platform apps tend to be more exposed to security vulnerabilities than native apps, as the latter uses native security features designed specifically for a certain operating system.

On top of this, cross-platform apps can also be more limited in terms of features, as they cannot offer specialized options for a specific OS. You may find this to be a bit of an inconvenience if you use Chrome on macOS over Safari. But we'll discuss macOS suitability in more detail a little later.

Google Chrome vs. Safari: Security Features

When it comes to security, it's crucial that we take a look at the features offered by Chrome and Safari that can keep you safe.

What Security Features Does Safari Have?

Let's start with Safari.

Apple is known for offering users high-quality security measures, and Safari is no exception to this rule. Safari offers some great security features, starting with its Intelligent Tracking Prevention. Introduced in 2017, this feature blocks cross-site tracking via machine learning without affecting the way in which the sites you visit operate.

Safari also offers fingerprinting protection, which prevents third parties from developing a profile based on your activity. What's more, Safari's sandboxing feature stops third-party apps from making any unauthorized changes on your device.

Additionally, Safari's Incognito Mode allows users to surf the web without having their activity saved. In other words, you can browse online without having your search history saved if you activate this feature. This is great for privacy, though it's worth noting that this is not the same as a VPN.

In fact, Safari does not offer any kind of built-in VPN, which may be a deal-breaker for those who want to stay anonymous online. Of course, you can download a separate VPN service to use when browsing with Safari, but there are browsers out there that offer a built-in VPN for convenience.

What Security Features Does Google Chrome Offer?

So, what about Google Chrome?

Like Safari, Chrome also has a sandboxing feature, but things don't stop there. Chrome also provides users with advanced phishing and malware protection. This keeps you safe against suspicious attachments, links, and external images. You'll also be protected against spoofing with this feature, and be warned of unauthenticated email addresses so that you know when you may be dealing with a suspicious sender.

You can also make use of Chrome's HTTPS First Mode, which warns you if a given HTTPS address is suspicious or known to be dangerous. This feature can be invaluable in protecting you from malicious sites designed to steal your data.

Google Chrome vs. Safari: macOS Suitability

Because Safari is specifically designed for macOS and iOS devices, one would assume that it's better suited to macOS than Google Chrome. And, if this is what you've guessed, you'd be right! Safari is a better fit for macOS overall for a number of reasons.

Firstly, Safari can operate more efficiently on macOS than Chrome, meaning it doesn't drain your device's battery as quickly. This is particularly important if you're using your device on the go without access to a charging point.

What's more, if you're using a macOS version that's earlier than El Capitan , you won't even be able to download Google Chrome, whereas Safari is available for all versions.

As we already know, Safari is tailored to macOS. But Google Chrome is also somewhat tailored to ChromeOS, an operating system launched in 2011 used by Chromebook laptops. So, if you're using a Mac or MacBook, which are both powered by macOS, you ideally want a browser that's designed for your device. In this case, it's Safari.

Google Chrome vs. Safari: Hacks and Vulnerabilities

Chrome and Safari are both software applications, meaning they're built on code that may contain flaws. These flaws can give way to security vulnerabilities, which cybercriminals are always eager to exploit. But are these two browsers particularly prone to security issues?

Let's begin with Google Chrome. This browser has fallen victim to various attacks and exploits over the years, often due to security vulnerabilities. However, Google's security team is often quick to patch such vulnerabilities once they're discovered and keeps users updated on attacks and possible risks.

Safari, on the other hand, has never been hacked as a whole. This obviously bodes well for this browser's security integrity, but it's worth noting that security vulnerabilities are still a problem for Apple's software, as is the case with many software providers. Safari works to patch its vulnerabilities quickly, but they do still occur. Cybercriminals have also exploited Safari-based vulnerabilities in the past, so the risk of attacks evidently exists on both browsers.

Google Chrome vs. Safari: The Verdict

Overall, Safari is likely the better fit for macOS. This browser offers a range of useful security features and a number of perks over Chrome due to its streamlined suitability for macOS devices.

But if you're not a fan of Safari, you can still rely on Chrome on your macOS devices for useful features and adequate protection. Just make sure you activate all the relevant security options on both browsers to keep yourself as safe as possible.

Chrome and Safari Are Great Browsers, but One Comes Out on Top

If you're using a macOS device, you're likely better off using Safari, which is molded to fit your specific operating system. While Google Chrome is by no means a shoddy browser, it is not designed for Apple devices alone, and therefore misses out on certain specifications.

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Microsoft Edge Vs Safari: Which One You Should Use?

In the ever-evolving landscape of web browsers, two major contenders stand out: Microsoft Edge and Safari. Both browsers have their strengths, unique features, and dedicated user bases. In this detailed comparison, we will delve into various aspects of Microsoft Edge and Safari, including performance, features, compatibility, security, and user experience.

By exploring these key areas, we aim to provide a comprehensive analysis to help you choose the browser that best suits your needs.

1. Introduction to Microsoft Edge and Safari

Microsoft edge:.

Microsoft Edge is a web browser developed by Microsoft, introduced in 2015 as a replacement for Internet Explorer. It is based on the Chromium open-source project, which also powers Google Chrome. Edge is known for its speed, performance optimizations, and integration with Microsoft services such as Bing, OneDrive, and Office 365. It is available on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android platforms.

Safari is Apple’s proprietary web browser, designed specifically for Apple devices. It was first released in 2003 and has since become the default browser on macOS, iOS, and iPadOS devices. Safari is known for its sleek interface, energy efficiency, and deep integration with Apple ecosystem services like iCloud, Apple Pay, and Siri. It emphasizes privacy and security features, making it a popular choice among Apple users.

2. Performance and Speed

Microsoft Edge, especially the Chromium-based version, is praised for its speed and performance optimizations. It utilizes the same underlying engine as Google Chrome, known for its fast page rendering, efficient memory management, and support for modern web standards. Edge also includes features like hardware acceleration, which leverages your device’s GPU to enhance graphics rendering and overall performance.

Safari is known for its excellent performance on Apple devices, thanks to optimizations tailored for macOS, iOS, and iPadOS. It uses Apple’s WebKit rendering engine, which is known for its speed and efficiency. Safari’s performance benefits from Apple’s hardware and software integration, delivering smooth browsing experiences, fast page loads, and efficient battery usage, particularly on MacBooks and iOS devices.

Winner: Both Edge and Safari excel in performance, with Edge leveraging Chromium’s speed optimizations and Safari benefitting from Apple’s hardware and software integration. The choice between them may depend on the specific device you’re using and your preferences regarding ecosystem integration.

3. Features and Functionality

Microsoft Edge offers a range of features aimed at enhancing productivity, collaboration, and customization. Some notable features include:

  • Collections: A tool for organizing and saving web content, including text, images, and links, into curated collections for easy reference.
  • Immersive Reader: A reading mode that removes distractions and enhances readability by adjusting text spacing, font size, and background color.
  • Web Capture: Allows users to capture and annotate screenshots of web pages directly within the browser.
  • Extensions: Edge supports a wide range of extensions from the Microsoft Edge Add-ons Store as well as extensions from the Chrome Web Store, thanks to its Chromium base.
  • Vertical Tabs: A feature that lets users organize tabs vertically on the side of the browser window for better tab management.

Safari emphasizes simplicity, privacy, and seamless integration with the Apple ecosystem. Its key features include:

  • Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP): Safari’s built-in privacy feature that blocks third-party trackers and helps protect user privacy while browsing.
  • Reader View: Similar to Edge’s Immersive Reader, Reader View in Safari offers a distraction-free reading experience by removing clutter from web pages.
  • Tab Groups: Allows users to organize tabs into groups for better tab management and easier navigation.
  • Apple Pay Integration: Seamless integration with Apple Pay for secure online payments directly from Safari on supported websites.
  • iCloud Tabs: Syncs open tabs across devices using iCloud, allowing users to continue browsing seamlessly between their Apple devices.

Winner: The choice of features depends on your priorities. Edge offers robust productivity features like Collections and Web Capture, while Safari focuses on privacy, integration with Apple services, and seamless cross-device syncing.

4. Compatibility and Cross-Platform Support

Microsoft Edge is available on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. Its Chromium base ensures compatibility with a wide range of websites and web applications, making it a versatile choice for users across different devices and operating systems.

Safari is primarily designed for Apple devices and is the default browser on macOS, iOS, and iPadOS. While Safari is well-optimized for Apple platforms and offers excellent performance and integration, its availability is limited to Apple’s ecosystem.

Winner: In terms of cross-platform support, Microsoft Edge has the edge (pun intended) due to its availability on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. Safari, on the other hand, is best suited for users deeply embedded in the Apple ecosystem.

5. Security and Privacy

Microsoft Edge places a strong emphasis on security and privacy. It includes features such as:

  • Microsoft Defender SmartScreen: Protects against phishing attempts and malicious websites by warning users and blocking potentially harmful content.
  • Tracking Prevention: Similar to Safari’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention, Edge offers built-in tracking prevention features to enhance user privacy.
  • Secure Browsing: Edge leverages Microsoft’s security infrastructure to provide a secure browsing experience, including regular security updates and vulnerability patches.

Safari is known for its strong privacy features and is often praised for its approach to user data protection. Key security and privacy features in Safari include:

  • Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP): As mentioned earlier, Safari’s ITP feature blocks third-party trackers to protect user privacy and prevent data tracking across websites.
  • Sandboxing: Safari uses sandboxing to isolate web processes, reducing the impact of potential security vulnerabilities and preventing malicious code execution.
  • Secure Payment Integration: Apple Pay integration in Safari ensures secure and encrypted online payments without sharing sensitive payment information with websites.
  • Privacy Report: Safari provides a privacy report that shows users which trackers have been blocked and provides insights into website privacy practices.

Winner: Both Edge and Safari prioritize security and privacy, with features like tracking prevention, secure browsing, and encryption. Safari’s strong stance on privacy, especially with its Intelligent Tracking Prevention, gives it an edge in this category.

6. User Experience and Interface

Microsoft Edge offers a modern and customizable user interface. Its interface is similar to Google Chrome, with a clean design, customizable start page, and support for themes. Edge’s vertical tabs feature and integration with Microsoft services contribute to a seamless user experience.

Safari is known for its sleek and minimalist interface, optimized for Apple devices. It features a unified address bar and search field, a customizable start page with favorites and frequently visited sites, and a focus on content visibility. Safari’s interface is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, particularly on macOS and iOS devices.

Winner: User experience preferences can vary, but both Edge and Safari provide intuitive interfaces with customizable features. Edge may appeal to users who prefer a familiar Chrome-like experience, while Safari excels in providing a seamless experience within the Apple ecosystem.

7. Developer Tools and Web Standards

Microsoft Edge’s developer tools are built on Chromium’s DevTools platform

, offering a robust set of tools for web developers. Edge supports modern web standards, including HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, ensuring compatibility with the latest web technologies and frameworks.

Safari’s WebKit engine and developer tools are highly regarded in the web development community. It supports web standards and specifications while also focusing on performance optimizations for Apple devices. Safari’s developer tools provide insights into web performance, debugging capabilities, and compatibility testing.

Winner: Both Edge and Safari offer powerful developer tools and support for modern web standards. The choice may depend on your specific development needs and preferences.

8. Market Share and Adoption

Microsoft Edge has seen significant growth since its transition to the Chromium engine. It has gained popularity among Windows users and is also available on other platforms, contributing to its increasing market share.

Safari’s market share is primarily driven by Apple device users, including MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads. It is the default browser on Apple devices, leading to a substantial user base within the Apple ecosystem.

Winner: Market share and adoption vary based on platforms and regions. Edge’s availability across multiple platforms gives it broader adoption, while Safari maintains a strong presence among Apple device users.

9. Future Developments and Updates

Microsoft continues to invest in Edge’s development, with regular updates, feature enhancements, and performance optimizations. Edge benefits from the ongoing contributions to the Chromium project, ensuring it remains competitive and up to date with the latest web technologies.

Apple provides regular updates to Safari, introducing new features, security enhancements, and performance improvements. Safari updates are typically integrated with macOS, iOS, and iPadOS updates, ensuring seamless compatibility and functionality across Apple devices.

Winner: Both Edge and Safari receive regular updates and improvements, aligning with their respective platforms’ development cycles and user feedback.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right Browser

In conclusion, the choice between Microsoft Edge and Safari depends on your specific needs, preferences, and device ecosystem. Here’s a summary of key considerations:

  • Performance: Edge and Safari both offer excellent performance, with Edge leveraging Chromium’s speed optimizations and Safari benefiting from Apple’s hardware and software integration.
  • Features: Edge emphasizes productivity features like Collections and Web Capture, while Safari focuses on privacy, integration with Apple services, and seamless cross-device syncing.
  • Compatibility: Edge is available on multiple platforms, making it versatile, while Safari is optimized for Apple devices and ecosystem integration.
  • Security and Privacy: Both browsers prioritize security and privacy, with features like tracking prevention, secure browsing, and encryption.
  • User Experience: Edge provides a modern and customizable interface, while Safari offers a sleek and minimalist design tailored for Apple devices.
  • Developer Tools: Both Edge and Safari offer powerful developer tools and support for modern web standards.

Ultimately, if you are deeply embedded in the Apple ecosystem and prioritize seamless integration, privacy, and efficiency on macOS, iOS, or iPadOS devices, Safari may be the ideal choice. On the other hand, if you value cross-platform compatibility, productivity features, and integration with Microsoft services, Microsoft Edge offers a compelling alternative.

Consider your device preferences, workflow requirements, and browsing habits when making your decision. Both Edge and Safari are capable browsers that cater to different user needs and preferences in the ever-evolving digital landscape of web browsing.

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Safari vs Google Chrome

Safari is also a web browser used for surfing the internet and it was built by Apple. It was mainly used on the Mac operating system but it can also be used on Windows operating system. Initially, it was released in 2003, just like chrome it is also freeware. It is open source and is written using different programming languages like C++, Swift etc.

Google Chrome is one of the best web browsers as it is used by more than 60 percent of people worldwide on their desktops. It is also freeware means free to use by anybody. A license agreement is also simple and straightforward. It was developed by Google Incorporation and initially, it was released in 2008.

safari same as google

Following is a table of differences between Safari and Google Chrome:

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Don't want to Google it? These alternative search engines are worth exploring.

Google isn’t playing nice in the sandbox. Or maybe it's just getting too big for its britches. Those are the messages coming from the U.S. Department of Justice, where a federal judge recently ruled that the company illegally monopolized the online search and advertising industries through its long-standing partnerships with tech giants like Samsung and Apple.  

Google's leaders, of course, aren’t pleased with the decision. Its president of global affairs says the company will appeal. Still, now is as good a time as any for us to take stock of our Google dependence and consider the alternatives. After all, we don’t have to “google” anything, and there’s a whole other world of search engines out there where we can Bing , Ask and DuckDuck to our heart’s content.  

Why not Google?   

Google is the premiere search engine because it’s fast, easy to use and integrates with a bunch of other apps and tools that you probably already use, like YouTube , Gmail and Google Docs . It’s also popular because it’s the default search engine on most mobile devices, including Apple’s Safari , and that’s where the Justice Department’s argument comes in. Google’s parent company, Alphabet Inc., paid Apple $20 billion in 2022 to be the default search engine for Safari on iPhone, iPad and Mac. 

But breaking free from the crowd isn’t the only reason to consider taking your search traffic elsewhere. That colorful, familiar Google logo hides decades of privacy concerns, personal data mining and search results that aren’t always what you’re looking for. Aside from social media platforms where we willingly upload everything about our lives, Google probably knows more about you than any other company, and it uses that knowledge to serve you ads it thinks you’ll click on.  

With your personal data as the center of its business model, Google wields incredible power, and it’s on the receiving end of lawsuits in the U.S. and abroad for that very reason. Somewhat ironically, that has led Google’s own search trend to show enormous spikes recently in questions like “What’s the best alternative to Google,” and “What is the most honest search engine?”  

Is there a more private search engine than Google?   

If privacy is your priority, DuckDuckGo offers an alternative that may fit the bill. Founded on the premise that relevant search results don’t have to come with an exchange of personal data, DuckDuckGo doesn’t track searches or store your data to build a portfolio on you. The DuckDuckGo interface is clean and straightforward, and it presents results in a very Google-like way, with filters for region, date and other criteria.  

DuckDuckGo also offers searches for news, images, video and other types of results, just like Google, but it’s the privacy features that the company hangs its hat on. You can even upgrade to Privacy Pro (for $9.99 a month) to gain access to a built-in VPN, remove personal information from data brokers who sell your info and identify theft restoration, should you need it.  

The downsides here are minimal but worth considering: Without any personalized tracking, the search engine’s results may be slightly less relevant to you specifically. This isn’t much of an issue for most searches, but Google has the upper hand regarding personalized results. Additionally, DuckDuckGo may have fewer results for ultra-niche topics − particular interest in spinning dog hair into yarn or ball-jointed doll collecting , anyone? The company pulls from hundreds of sources, including Bing and Yahoo!, in addition to its own web crawler, so you’ll rarely find the results lacking. 

What’s the best search engine for visual results?

If you want eye-catching results, Bing is the place to be. Microsoft’s search engine competitor prioritizes high-quality imagery and videos and loves adding little pop-up tools and bells and whistles wherever possible.  

The actual layout of the results page is very Google-esque, but it has a more Instagram or Pinterest feel compared with Google's more austere look and feel. Bing also promotes search suggestions and offers larger previews of news stories, Wikipedia entries, and other results front and center.   

Bing was also one of the first search engines to embrace AI and gives you full access to Microsoft’s Copilot AI to answer questions and pull data from the web, providing summaries of topics front and center. Bing also has a rewards program in which you can earn points to redeem for real-life goodies, which is a decent incentive.  

Search results suffer a bit from the “It’s just not Google” bug, and ad placement can sometimes throw off the otherwise super-chill aesthetic and vibe. The worst is when the site listings are ads, but Bing makes them blend in with your authentic search results in a sneaky way. I don’t like that. Bing also doesn’t promise the same privacy protections as DuckDuckGo, and it’s linked to your Microsoft account (assuming you have one).  

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Whatever happened to Yahoo!?  

The heated search engine war between Google and Yahoo! may be long gone, but Yahoo! ’s still one of the most-visited sites on the internet, and its search is no slouch. Powered primarily by Bing, the results are similar to what you’ll see on Microsoft’s search site, which means they’re pretty good.  

You might wonder why you’d use Yahoo! at all if it leverages Bing, and that’s a great question. Yahoo! isn’t just a search engine, of course; all of the added features and tools are the real draw here.  

Yahoo! Finance remains one of the best places to check for business news and stock information. Its news and sports coverage is robust, and I still use Yahoo! Mail . Yes, that officially makes me old, but I’m in good company alongside more than 220 million people.  

Having a powerful search feature means Yahoo! is still a one-stop shop for many internet users who aren’t keen on the Google ecosystem.  

One significant criticism of Yahoo! Search is just … what happened? It’s not the premiere product of Marissa Mayers ’ golden years (she was the CEO from 2012 to 2017), and I miss those days. Now, Yahoo! is kind of like Facebook versus Instagram, and just doesn’t carry the hip-club vibe where everyone wants to hang out anymore. Also, Yahoo! Search gets a few updates and changes, and it shows.  

Still, it makes a strong case if you like the idea of a search engine alongside a modern email client, news aggregation and real-time stock info.  

What about AOL search? Or Ask?   

AOL as a web search engine is still alive and kicking, though under the same company as Yahoo!, and nowhere near its old glory days either. Its interface is slick and clean, like Yahoo!’s, with an option to filter potentially offensive results. The image search filters are top-notch but not as good as Google’s. Privacy is not its strong suit, though; location and activity tracking are turned on by default, so be sure to toggle those off if you want to fly under the radar.  

Old internet heads will likely remember the days when Ask Jeeves was the most fantastic website around. Today, is what remains, and while it’s not nearly as revolutionary as it was two decades ago, it’s still worth considering as a stand-in for Google. The site works best when you ask a question but produces results like other search engines in an instantly familiar list format.  

The biggest downside of using is the occasional random search result. For example, searching for “Travis Kelce” returns results for a bunch of other Travises − singer Randy Travis, former Uber CEO Travis Kalanick and even construction firm Travis Perkins − higher than anything about the NFL player. This may be because Ask farms out its search duties to other companies and heavily seeds the search results with paid placements.  

What are some other alternatives to Google Search?  

There are dozens more niche sites where you can also begin your web search online.  

  • Search site Ecosia plants trees in environmentally sensitive areas when you use it, and it promises to protect your privacy.  
  • Gibiru is another alternative that prioritizes privacy. According to Gibiru, there is no activity tracking, ads or agenda to follow you around the internet.  
  • If a more emotional connection is what you’re after, take a look at the UK-based site Mojeek . It also says it doesn’t track you or sell your data, but the really interesting part is that it lets you search based on an emotion. Type in your query and click on an emoji-like icon such as a heart for “love,” a laughing face for “haha,” and a surprised face for “wow,” among others. When I searched for “Olympic breakdancer Raygun,” the site offered up some unique and different results when I clocked the “love” icon versus the “sad” icon. It’s interesting but still super-niche, and it looks like an early iteration of an idea versus something worth switching to right now.  

There are many more out there, so if you’ve found a Google alternative you cannot stop talking with your friends about, let me know!  

Jennifer Jolly is an Emmy Award-winning consumer tech columnist and on-air correspondent. The views and opinions expressed in this column are the author's and do not necessarily reflect those of USA TODAY. Contact her at [email protected] .  

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Why is safari using Bing instead of Google as I have it set in preferences

safari same as google

I have my preferences set as shown. When I start a search, Safari gets transferred to Bing. I am not happy. I figure it must be something that Microsoft Office has done, but I cannot find any setting to correct.

As far as I know, I haven't changed anything.

MacBook Pro 13", 10.13

Posted on Jan 27, 2019 10:28 AM


Posted on Jan 27, 2019 11:18 AM

Usually this happens when adware is installed on your Mac.

 1. Use  the latest release of MalwareBytes for Mac to remove malware/adware.

     Install guide:

     Uninstall Guide:

     The installer may ask you to allow it in Security & Privacy  /System Preference. Allow it.

     Click the “Scan Now” button. Once done quit Malwarebytes for Mac.

     Restart the computer, relaunch Safari holding the shift key down.

2. Additional steps to take if necessary.

   Reset search engine:

   Reset  Homepage.

    Remove unknown extensions:

Similar questions

  • Safari searched with Bing instead of Google I checked my preferences in Safari (Im running Sierra) and it is set to Google, however when I go to search something, it searches in Bing! How can I correct this? 298 4
  • Can't delete Bing as search engine in Safari The search engine of Safari has changed to Bing and now I cannot change it back. When I try Safari > Preferences > Search, and select Google, it just changes to Bing automatically. I have also looked in the Applications folder and I don't find any suspicious programs. I have deleted all extensions from Safari, too. What else can I do? 1004 5
  • Whenever I try to search something on safari, the search engine is "search marquis" and when I type something in, it brings me to bing. I just got my computer yesterday and have not changed anything on my safari settings. Whenever I try to open a new tab in safari, the website is "search marquis" and when I type something in such as a website, it brings me to a bing search engine rather than google. I just got my computer yesterday and have not changed anything on my safari settings. In my safari settings it says that the search engine is Google but when I search, the engine seems to be bing. How do I fix this?? 284 3

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Jan 27, 2019 11:18 AM in response to TTeddyau

Jan 27, 2019 9:28 PM in response to dominic23

I knew it!! Had a feeling it was Malware. I did have the App, but I deleted it before upgrading, and then missed it on the list to reinstall.

I only needed the first additional step, this also got rid of that terrible drop down favourites, Yessss!

A big thank you, appreciate the quick response

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Google reveals new sensitive data privacy feature for chrome.

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Some good news this month for Chrome users—finally.

So this is rarity. Even as Apple’s Chrome attack ads air on TV screens around the world, Google has just revealed a surprisingly smart Chrome update for 2 billion Android users that seems to up the security and privacy ante on iPhone and Safari.

Apple’s attack ads feature a flock of birds spying on users’ phones until Apple in the form of Safari comes to the rescue. A modern–day take on Hitchcock’s “ The Birds, ” the ad began its life online and has now evolved into a mainstream TV commercial. It is accompanied by Safari privacy billboards in major cities around the world.

But Chrome has now hit back with a neat privacy update of its own. As trailed by Leopeva64 on X, “It looks like Chrome for Android will redact sensitive content during screen sharing, screen recording, and similar actions.” When enabled, this should prevent inadvertent sharing of credit card numbers, passwords, or other classifiably sensitive info that has been typed into Chrome fields.

We have all accidentally shared parts of our screens we’d rather not, whether on Zoom, Teams or Meet. And while navigating screen sharing on a laptop is fairly easy, it’s much less intuitive on a phone or tablet, where you’re more likely to share an entire screen than a specific window from a dropdown list.

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This feature has not been released, but “there is a new flag in the Canary version to enable this feature.” These Chrome flags enable Google to roll out features for anyone to easily test out in the Canary pre-release software.

Notwithstanding its bad press, Chrome’s Incognito mode has always been pretty good at protecting data from screen shares, redacting everything, but this new feature brings more targeted protection to regular tabs as well.

Google will also introduce an option to close all Incognito tabs. This is critical. Unlike Safari, Chrome does not protect data between Incognito tabs and so private data is only erased and forgotten when all Incognito tabs are closed. Safari does not share data between private browsing tabs, and so when a tab is closed all its data is erased.

Chrome doesn’t get close to Apple when it comes to privacy protection, anti-tracking and the lack of cross-site cookies. But Chrome’s Incognito mode is clearly better than its regular tabs. There is a push within Chrome to make that privacy mode better and easier to us. This is one example, another is the addition of an Incognito button when searching from within Google’s dedicated smartphone app.

I’m sure the Chrome team and users will welcome some good news on the privacy front, coming just a few weeks after the cookie reversal backlash and Apple’s attack on its tracking track-record. Apple doesn’t name Chrome in its ads—it doesn’t need to, but the film itself is called “ Flock ” which is a cute nod to Chrome’s first, failed Privacy Sandbox cookie alternative, Federated Learning of Cohorts, or FLoC .

Zak Doffman

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Google vs Microsoft Bing: A Detailed Comparison Of Two Search Engines

Google vs Microsoft Bing: Which search engine should you focus on? Explore the differences, market share, and AI integration to make an informed decision.

safari same as google

Between Google and Bing , which search engine should you focus on? Should you focus on both or prioritize one over the other?

Google is still the world’s most popular search engine and dominant APP store player, but things are changing quickly in an AI-driven world.

With the rise of artificial intelligence and both Bing and Google incorporating AI – i.e., Microsoft Copilot powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4, Bing Chat, and Google Gemini – into their algorithms and in the search engine results pages (SERPs), things are changing fast.

Let’s explore.

Google Vs. Microsoft Bing Market Share

One of the first distinctions between Microsoft Bing and Google is market share. According to Statcounter , in the US:

  • Google fell to 86.58%, down from 86.94% in March and 88.88% YoY.
  • Microsoft Bing grew to 8.24%, up from 8.04% in March and up from 6.43% YoY.
  • Yahoo grew to 2.59%, up from 2.48% in March and up from 2.33% YoY.

That’s pretty huge to see Bing growing and Google reducing.

Google had a 91.05% search market share in June 2024, according to Statcounter’s revised data , which is down from 91.38% in March and 92.82% YoY. Google’s highest search market share during the past 12 months, globally, was 93.11% last May.

While that may make it tempting to focus on Google alone, Microsoft Bing provides good conversions and has a user base that shouldn’t be ignored. Bing’s usage has grown because of the AI-powered feature Bing Chat, which has attracted new users.

Bing is also used by digital assistants such as Alexa and Cortana.

Bing has around 100 million daily active users which is a number that you can’t ignore. It’s particularly important to optimize for Bing if you’re targeting an American audience. In fact, 28.3%  of online queries in the U.S. are powered by Microsoft properties when you factor in Yahoo and voice searches.

Some have wondered over the years whether Bing is an acronym for “ B ecause It’s Not Google .” I’m not sure how true that is, but the name does come from a campaign in the early 1990s for its predecessor, Live Search.

Another fun tidbit is that Ahrefs recently did a study on the Top 100 Bing searches globally, and the #1 query searched was [Google].

Comparing Google Vs. Microsoft Bing’s Functionality

From a search functionality perspective, the two search engines are similar, but Google offers more core features:

Comparing AI Functionality

How google & microsoft bing differ in size of index and crawling.

Google says :

“The Google Search index contains hundreds of billions of webpages and is well over 100,000,000 gigabytes in size.”

Even so, not even Google can crawl the entire web. That is just not going to happen.

This is why using structured data is so important, especially now with AI overviews . It provides a data feed about your content so Google can understand it better, which can help you qualify for rich results and get more clicks and impressions.

Microsoft Bing hasn’t released similar figures. However, this search engine index size estimate website puts the Microsoft Bing index at somewhere between 8 to 14 billion web pages.

The two engines have shared a little about their approaches to web indexin g .

Microsoft Bing says :

“Bingbot uses an algorithm to determine which sites to crawl, how often, and how many pages to fetch from each site. The goal is to minimize bingbot crawl footprint on your web sites while ensuring that the freshest content is available.”

Around the same time the above statement was made, John Mueller from Google said :

“I think the hard part here is that we don’t crawl URLs with the same frequency all the time. So, some URLs we will crawl daily. Some URLs maybe weekly. Other URLs every couple of months, maybe even every once half year or so. So, this is something that we try to find the right balance for so that we don’t overload your server.”

Google has a mobile-first index, while Microsoft Bing takes a different stance and does not have plans to apply a mobile-first indexing policy .

Instead, Microsoft Bing maintains a single index that is optimized for both desktop and mobile, so it is important to make sure your site experience is optimized, loads quickly, and gives users what they need.

Google has evolved into more than just a search engine with products like Gmail, Maps, Chrome OS, Android OS, YouTube, and more.

Microsoft Bing also offers email via Outlook, as well as other services like Office Online or OneDrive.

Unlike Google, however, it does not have its own operating system. Instead, it uses Windows Phone 8 or iOS on Apple devices.

Now, let’s take a look at where Bing is on par with Google – or superior.

Differences In User Interface & Tools

Google has a clean, simple interface that many people find easy to use, but for some queries, AI overviews are shown.

Google search for bitcoin

SEO professionals love our tools and data.

Thankfully, both Google and Microsoft Bing have decent keyword research tools that offer insights into performance:

Keywords research tools

One area where I think Google falls behind is the data it provides in Google Search Console. If you want to learn how to use it, check out How to Use Google Search Console for SEO: A Complete Guide .

One of the cool feature sets in Microsoft Bing is the ability to import data from Google Search Console:

Another Microsoft Bing feature that I think beats Google is the fact that it provides SEO Reports .

Bing Webmaster Tools

According to Bing, these reports contain common page-level recommendations based on SEO best practices to improve your rankings.

The reports are automatically generated biweekly and provide tips as to what to work on or investigate.

See A Complete Guide to Bing Webmaster Tools to learn more.

Microsoft Bing May Excel In Image Search Over Google

When it comes to image search , Microsoft Bing may have a leg up on Google by providing higher-quality images.

Microsoft Bing search for donuts

Test out Bing Visual Image Search, which allows you to do more with images. Check out its library of specialized skills to help you shop, identify landmarks and animals, or just have fun.

Then, see How Bing’s Image & Video Algorithm Works to learn more.

Google search for donuts

However, Microsoft Bing provides more detailed information about the image users are searching for.

How Microsoft Bing & Google Handle Video Search

Microsoft Bing provides a much more visual video search results page, including a grid view of large thumbnails.

Google’s video results are more standard, featuring a vertical list of small thumbnails.

As you can see from the screenshot of a Bitcoin search below, they include different filters like length, price, etc., which is a great user experience.

I did not get this experience with Google video search .

This is one area where Microsoft Bing outperforms Google.

Microsoft Bing video search

Map Listings On Both Search Engines Matter For Local SEO

Both engines have similar functionality for maps, including map listings and local listings in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Make sure you claim all your listings in both Microsoft Bing and Google and optimize your profile with business information, photos, proper categories, social information, etc.

Accurate name, address, and phone number (NAP) information are key. Google focuses on a user’s immediate vicinity by default, providing highly localized search results, while Bing offers a broader view of the wider area in local searches, which can be beneficial for some businesses.

See A Complete Guide to Google Maps Marketing.

Optimizing For Google Search Vs. Microsoft Bing

Google is primarily concerned with E-E-A-T: Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trust . Providing users with high-quality, useful, and helpful content that is factual, original, and offers users value, as well as a site that provides good user experience, will help you rank.

Backlinks are also still important.

Microsoft Bing has always been focused on on-page optimization. It emphasizes exact-match keywords in domain names and URLs, gives weight to social signals and official business listings, and favors older and established domains.

Unlike Google, Microsoft Bing states in its webmaster guidelines that it incorporates social signals into its algorithm. That means you should also focus on Twitter and Facebook – including building good quality content on your site and social platforms – if you want to rank highly in Microsoft Bing.

Content is extremely important for both search engines. Always focus on high-quality content that satisfies the user’s intent and informational needs. By creating useful and relevant content, users will naturally love it and link to it.

Both speed, mobile-friendliness, and proper tech infrastructure matter for both engines.

Make sure you check out these resources for optimizing for various search engines:

  • Going Beyond Google: SEO on Other Search Engines
  • 7 Alternative Search Engines That Do Social Good
  • Embracing Bing Search & Giving It the Attention It Deserves
  • DuckDuckGo SEO: What You Should Know

Google Is Pushing Organic Results Further And Further Down The Page

As time goes on, Google continues to push organic results down the page, resulting in more revenue from paid search ads and fewer clicks from organic search. That is why a blended strategy is important to win in today’s SERPs.

Here is a comparison between a search in Google and a search in Bing. As you can see, Bing does not have as many ads as Google, and organic listings are more prominent on the page than Google.

Bing search for project management software

Google Search Vs. Microsoft Bing: The Verdict

Both Microsoft Bing and Google satisfy the informational needs of millions of people every day.

While Google remains the dominant player in the battle between Bing and Google, they both offer opportunities for your brand to reach new users and put you in front of millions of qualified customers who are looking for information, products, and services.

Bing offers unique advantages and opportunities, particularly in visual search, social signals, and certain niche markets.

Bing holds a smaller market share but has a growing user base.

Since optimizing for both Bing and Google is similar, with some key differences, I recommend optimizing for both. This can enhance overall visibility and reach, especially in a world where Google is pushing organic listings further and further down the page.

More resources: 

  • 23 Great Search Engines You Can Use Instead Of Google
  • Meet The 7 Most Popular Search Engines In The World
  • How Search Engines Work

Featured Image: Overearth /Shutterstock

Winston is a strategic problem solver who drives growth and revenue through innovative SEO and digital marketing strategies. With over ...

Prudentia project explores how Internet applications perform when sharing the same connection

Michael Cunningham

Aug 9, 2024

Photo of Adithya Abraham Philip presenting research at ACM SIGCOMM 2024

Adithya Abraham Philip, Ph.D. student in Carnegie Mellon's Computer Science Department, presents Prudentia project research at ACM SIGCOMM 2024 in Sydney, Australia.

What happens when two Internet users in the same home or coffee shop log in simultaneously? Does one user watch streaming videos in 4K, while the other’s video comes through grainy and glitchy? Does one user have web pages load in the blink of an eye, while the other user watches a progress bar slowly inch forward?

A new study from researchers in CyLab and Carnegie Mellon University’s Computer Science Department (CSD) aims to find out. The Prudentia project explores how popular Internet services – from Netflix to Google Drive – perform when sharing the same Internet connection.

“You can imagine an Internet connection like a water pipe to your house or apartment building,” explains Justine Sherry , lead investigator on the project. “If you have a lot of people who all want to take showers at the same time, you need a big pipe. If there’s not enough water to go around, residents on the ground floor may have great water pressure while residents a storey up see their water come through at a drip. Internet bandwidth is just like water pressure – if your provider sells you 100Mbps, that capacity needs to be shared by all users.”

Sherry and her students, led by CSD Ph.D. student Adithya Abraham Philip , studied the degree to which capacity is equally shared for popular services.

“Some services simply don’t coexist well with others,” said Philip. “For example, the popular file sharing service Mega leaves its competitors with as little as 16 percent of their fair share of bandwidth, leading to grainy videos and slow file transfers.”

According to the Prudentia team, the problem arises in part because the Internet does not explicitly allocate transmission rates between competing Internet services. Instead, they leave it to service providers to decide how fast to transfer data and when to send it. Seemingly minor decisions about whether to download a collection of photos all at once or one after another can have a significant impact on how much capacity an application takes for itself or leaves for others.

The researchers describe some services as contentious and others as sensitive. Sensitive services slow down very quickly in the presence of competition when they could possibly take a little more bandwidth for themselves. The researchers point to YouTube as a sensitive service, as it gifts competing services on average 13 to 32 percent more bandwidth than their fair share.

“The challenges in ensuring equitable sharing between services are subtle,” said Sherry. “Many of the providers we spoke to have been surprised to learn that their applications aren’t friendly to competition or are backing off too easily.”

Phillip presented a research paper describing the results of the project, which was funded by grants from CyLab and from the National Science Foundation , at the Association for Computing Machinery 's Special Interest Group on Data Communication (ACM SIGCOMM) 2024 Conference in Sydney, Australia this week. Results from the Prudentia project, which runs experiments continually, are available on the project’s website .


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