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The best virtual tours to explore the world from home

Oct 8, 2020 • 5 min read

Ceiling of Sistine Chapel, Vatican City. Check permissions for this image

The Sistine Chapel is just one wonder offering a virtual museum tour ©Rajesh Gathwala/500px

We live in an age of unprecedented access to digital technology – and with it, brand new ways of exploring the world around us.

While it's not quite the same as seeing, say, the Mona Lisa or Christ the Redeemer in person, some of the world’s most popular and remote destinations have created libraries of online images and video, as well as 360 degree virtual tours that let you virtually explore museums, galleries, world wonders and even national parks.

Here a just a few of the best digital tours that let you wander the world from wherever you may be social distancing.

A woma nin a pink technical fabric top and matching pants and a black cap with a brim walks past the orange buildings and clay roofs of the Choijin Lama Museum in Ulan Bator with a green camera sphere from Google Street View strapped to her back

See the seven wonders of the world

If there’s anything capable of whetting your appetite for world travel, it is the new seven wonders of the world:  the Great Wall of China , the ancient city of Petra , the Taj Mahal , the Colosseum , Machu Picchu , Christ the Redeemer , and Chichen Itza . Thankfully there are impressive virtual tours of each from The New York Times , AirPano , Google , and Panoramas .

With modern technology, you can even see the last standing wonder of the ancient world— The Pyramids of Giza . There are a few other wonders that might not make it into to the top seven but are still worth a digital peek, like the Alhambra , Seville's La Giralda , and even Easter Island.

The Egyptian Antiquities room in the Lovure Museum is empty except for several statues of various sizes from Tanis, Karnak, and Thebes

Best virtual museum tours

In recent years, Google has partnered with over 2,5000 art museums to upload high-resolution versions of millions of pieces of art. Highlights include New York’s MoMA , DC’s National Gallery of Art , Chicago’s Art Institute , the Casa Battl ó, and Amsterdam’s Van Gogh Museum to name a few.

In addition, The Louvre offers a virtual tour , as do The Vatican Museums , many of the Smithsonian Museums , the Russian Museum , the top-rated British Museum , the Minneapolis  Museum of Russian Art , and the Palace Museum in Beijing.

You may not be able to kiss the Blarney Stone right now, but you can tour the Blarney Castle from afar. You can also visit the Museum of Flight,  the Museum of Science, the Museum of Natural History,  the National Women's History Museum  and Boston's History of Science Museum .

While museums are often an inherently visual experience, there's a lot to be learned from archives of past lectures and tours like the ones preserved online by Nashville's Frist Museum , the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, Tennessee, the Smithsonian American Art Museum,  the Frick , and others.

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Turquoise Pool in Yellowstone National Park surrounded by a contrasting blanket of fresh white snow

Explore national parks

While travel to National Parks is best avoided for the time being, you don't need to miss out on the scenery. Virtual Yosemite is absolutely stunning and one of the best, replete with audio. Both Yellowstone National Park and Mount Rushmore offer virtual tours as well. 

Google has similar 360 degree audio-visual tours of five select national parks, including Kenai Fjords, Hawai'i Volcanos , Carlsbad Caverns, Bryce Canyon , and Dry Tortugas, as well as 31 more on Google Earth . You can also get an up-close look at almost 4,000 pieces of artwork, artifacts, and other treasures related to the history and culture of the national parks, and view online exhibits .

A penguin looks at the viewer through the glass walls of a habitat at the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Digital safaris

Wildlife is a big draw for travelers, whether it's sighting some of the Big Five in Africa, glimpsing whales in North America, or introducing your children to new animals in person on a family safari . But if you're forays into the bush are grounded for now, many zoos and aquariums have created digital access to their habitats.

You can easily watch several live webcams of some of the nation’s greatest zoos and aquariums, including the  San Diego Zoo , Houston Zoo , Zoo Atlanta , the Tennessee Aquarium , and the Georgia Aquarium . Additionally you can see Canadian farm animals doing their thing , or you could watch Stella the Dog jump endlessly into huge piles of Maine leaves.

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A view overlooking the Wotans Throne feature at the Grand Canyon

Virtual hiking

Thanks to panoramic video, you can get a really good idea of what a hike looks like well before you arrive at the trailhead. For example, you can experience all of the following top-rated hikes right now from your computer or tablet:  Bryce Canyon , Grand Canyon , GR20 , Inca Trail , and the death-defying Angel's Landing . For even more great hikes, simply YouTube one of Lonely Planet’s top 10 treks or any other hike that suits your fancy. Bonus points if you follow along during a workout to enhance the realism.

Famous landmarks

You can visit many wonders of nature, including the Amazon Rainforest , Iguazu Falls , the Komodo Islands , or Table Mountain , using virtual tours. Or you can explore the Statue of Liberty , the Sahara Desert , Niagara Falls , or even a guided tour of the Eiffel Tower . For even more virtual tours, search your bucket list of adventures with  AirPano , Google Earth , or YouTube .

Astronatur Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. looks at the Lunar Module Pilot during the 1969 moon landing

Travel to outer space

The moon hasn't made it to Lonely Planet's Best In Travel list (yet!), and even without self-isolation and shelter-in-place measures for COVID-19, many of us may never travel to space. But thanks to technology, now is as good of a time as any to do so virtually. Before blasting off, considering touring some of NASA’s offices first. Then relive the last lunar missions and moon walks in stunning HD. Or take a virtual tour of Mars with the help of Google. 

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The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) is now a global pandemic. Find out what this  means for travelers . 

This article was originally published March 2020 and was last updated October 2020.

This article was first published Mar 18, 2020 and updated Oct 8, 2020.

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Everything You Need to Know About Virtual Tourism Companies

Everything You Need to Know About Virtual Tourism Companies in 2023

Virtual Tourism Companies

Advantages and challenges of virtual tourism, best practices for virtual tourism companies.

Virtual tourism refers to a specific tourism niche using technology that enables travelers to experience activities, locations, and destinations without leaving their homes . The types of virtual tours depend on the multimedia format offered to travelers. It can be anything ranging from still images, video, and audio to interactive virtual reality.

The popularity of virtual tourism spiked with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic . The pandemic had limited where people could go, forcing travelers to look for alternative options. 

Thanks to these particular developments, many travelers had an opportunity to experience virtual tourism for the first time . And it appeared attractive as it removed all kinds of limitations associated with travel, such as available flights, accommodation, tour guides, safety concerns, and others.

Virtual tourism benefits travelers and the travel industry as a whole. It enables companies to launch immersive marketing campaigns, facilitate the promotion of specific destinations or activities, improve the planning of tourist attractions, and enhance the travel experience.

Since this is an emerging travel niche, you are probably eager to learn more about virtual tourism companies. Below you can find out what these companies are and how they operate and discover the crucial stats . You will also learn about their challenges and go through 10 top virtual tourism companies nowadays.

Let’s start with something as basic as what virtual tourism companies are and then build up towards how they operate, make money, and the advantages and disadvantages of virtual tours.

What is a virtual tour company?

A virtual tour company specializes in delivering virtual experiences to travelers . Generally speaking, there are two types of virtual tour companies. Some create their own virtual tour experiences and sell them to end consumers . However, some virtual tour companies act as marketplaces enabling experts to stream virtual tours through their platforms.

You should also pay attention to one specific type of virtual tour company. These companies don’t work with end consumers. Their target customers are major players in the travel sector, including other travel companies looking for vendors specializing in creating multimedia formats on request.

How virtual tourism companies operate

Since no uniform business model exists in the niche, it’s impossible to pinpoint one universal blueprint for how virtual tourism companies operate. The most classic approach you’ll see in Airbnb Online Experiences is creating a marketplace for virtual tourism multimedia format creators . It allows the creators to publish their virtual experiences and invite travelers to join them.

Some, such as Google Arts & Culture, operate as repositories . In this specific instance, a repository of the world’s art and culture. 

Finally, virtual tourism companies specializing in creating and producing multimedia formats are devoted to using new tech to improve the experience and enable consumers to fully immerse themselves in everything a destination offers.

Overview of how virtual tours make money

There are several ways virtual tours make money. Even if you publish a virtual tour for free online, you can earn money through online ad programs. The most obvious money-making method for virtual tours is to market them as premium products . That’s how virtual tours become a legit travel product; consumers can search for, compare, and purchase.

Premium virtual tours can also make money for travel companies through commission rates . For instance, a virtual tour marketplace can make money by enabling creators to publish their virtual experiences.

Finally, virtual tour creators can make money selling their tours to other travel companies that don’t have access to experts or have time and budgets to create virtual tours on their own.

Advantages and disadvantages of virtual tours

Virtual tours, like their real-life counterparts, have a set of their own unique advantages and disadvantages. Let’s review the most noteworthy ones.

The advantages of virtual tours go as follows:

  • Convenience – people can visit available destinations and experience attractions from any place they like
  • Accessibility – consumers limited by disability or health issues can now immerse into experiences otherwise unavailable to them or available at high risks and efforts
  • Flexibility and freedom – you can pause/play most of the virtual tours and continue where you’ve left off the next time
  • Affordability – compared to standard tourism tours, virtual ones are significantly more affordable
  • Low environmental impact – regarding eco-friendliness, virtual tours have a considerably lower environmental impact than standard tours.


On the other hand, virtual tours have disadvantages of their own as well:

  • No physical interaction – tourists are unable to interact with fellow travelers or interact with various aspects of the destination;
  • There are still technical limitations – technical issues can potentially ruin the experience;
  • Lack of information – multimedia formats can be outdated and provide fewer details or inaccurate information;
  • No to limited social interaction – some multimedia formats limit social interaction, which is an integral part of the travel experience for some individuals;
  • Limited monetization potential – only virtual tours can be monetized, which leaves out the entire economy at a destination.

Stats about the success of virtual tours

The virtual tourism market is blooming. According to the latest reports , the global virtual tourism market reached $385.75 billion in 2022. The same reports indicate that the market will register a CAGR of 14.34% during the next five years to finally reach the size of $847.95 billion by 2028 .

People are generally satisfied with virtual tourism tours. In fact, 73% of travelers who had experience with virtual travel are happy with the experience and would like to repeat it in the future. Online exhibits are particularly popular nowadays. According to the latest reports , online exhibit viewership has increased by a whopping 4,106%.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual tours became super popular. The number of booked virtual events increased by 1,000% by 2020 . Be mindful, though, that it doesn’t only include virtual tourism products but work conferences, industry events, and college classes as well. 

Finally, modern travelers’ needs, wants, and expectations are shifting. They’ve discovered that virtual tours are easier to attend and more cost-efficient. A survey found that 84% of consumers wanted a virtual option for events . 

10 examples of virtual tourism companies

Below you can find 10 examples of virtual tourism companies. Each one of them is unique in terms of the types of available virtual tours and used tech.

Airbnb Online Experiences

Airbnb Logo

Airbnb Online Experiences is a virtual tour platform under the renowned Airbnb brand enabling travelers to connect with people across borders and experience places and activities .

The main focus is on live special events hosted by experts. When it comes to technology, Airbnb decided to use a trustworthy tech stack with Zoom at the center of its operations.

Airbnb homepage screenshot

The platform acts as a marketplace for online experiences enabling creators to earn money while commission goes to Airbnb. Online experience hosts have earned more than $2 million just a couple of months after the platform launch, and 82% of consumers say that Online Experiences are engaging and unique. 

Notable partnerships or collaborations include Okta, Tonkean,, Guesty, and many others.

Airbnb has a great self-service Help Center with dedicated sections for Host, Experience Hosts, Guests, and Travel admins. 

“One of my favorite features of the Airbnb platform is the special class of Experiences for social enterprises and NGOs.” – WanderLush

The Airbnb Online Experiences’ is unique because it focuses on social interactions. Social interaction is a vital aspect of the travel experience.

Google Arts & Culture

Google Arts And Culture Logo

Google Arts & Culture is a virtual tourism branch of tech giant Google . We are talking about a comprehensive platform where consumers can access high-quality images and videos of artworks and cultural artifacts.

The platform offers various multimedia materials, including images, videos, interactive games, and written copies.

This web-based platform has an excellent mobile port available to both Android and iPhone users. Some experiences even feature AR elements.

Google Arts and Culture homepage screenshot

When it comes to revenue and financial metrics, you should know that Google Arts & Culture is a non-commercial initiative. 

Over the years, Google Arts & Culture built a network of partnerships, including The British Museum, Guggenheim Bilbao, MoMA, and thousands of others .

“One of the many engaging components of Google Arts & Culture app is the AR feature that allows users with newer smartphones to view real-size artwork in their own environments.” – Commonsensemedia

The strongest perk of this platform is the availability of a dedicated mobile app. With Arts & Culture mobile app, you can enjoy immersive experiences wherever you are. 

You Visit Logo

YouVisit is a virtual tour company that creates immersive experiences for brands and their audiences. EAB recently acquired the company. However, it continues to strive towards excellence maintaining its position as one of the leaders in the niche.

YouVisit specializes in creating 360 Virtual Tours, Ultimate Virtual Tours, and interactive web content . 

The company uses the Aria platform, which is the leading enterprise solution for interactive 360 experiences. 

YouVisit Virtual website screenshot

In terms of customer support and accessibility, YouVitis offers an o nline contact form, getting-started guides, FAQs, and a self-service help center for technical support.

“A great tool for attracting new leads, providing the information they may need, and analyzing metrics…all while creating an interactive and immersive campus experience.” – Capterra

Using the Aria platform enables YouVisit to create realistic tours and communicate useful information about important buildings, activities, and other aspects of a tour.

VR Gorilla Logo

VR Gorilla is a virtual reality production studio that creates immersive VR experiences from scratch. If you need a VR experience, you should check out this company – they focus on filming and creating great VR materials.

VR Gorilla uses state-of-the-art cameras and software to deliver captivating VR footage. The company charges its clients for photoshoots, video recording sessions, and VR post-production . 

So far, the company has worked with DSM, Amsterdam UMC, Erasmus MC, Jeroen Bosch Hospital, and many others.

Vr Gorilla Virtual website

In terms of communication, VR Gorilla offers an online contact form. They also maintain open lines of communication with their clients. 

“We were looking for VR software possibilities and came across VR Gorilla. They helped us out in the best way possible! Great experience with and a great staff. Definitely recommended!” – Google My Business

VR Gorilla team has experience as filmmakers , which makes their experiences really immersive thanks to the powerful storytelling elements.

haptical logo

Haptical is a web portal focused on delivering important VR and AR-related news to consumers, including those interested in virtual tourism.

Haptical website screenshot

Although headquartered in Nevada City, California, Haptical covers every crucial bit of information and keeps its subscribers up to date with the latest development in the niche.

Timelooper Logo

TimeLooper is a pioneer in interpretive experience design, delivering mesmerizing virtual tours . The company enables consumers to explore trails and cultures and also learn.

TimeLooper leverages web and mobile technologies and combines them with high-quality videos, images, 3D renders, GIS mapping, holographic imaging, VR, and AR to deliver next-level virtual tours.

Timelooper website screenshot

TimeLooper’s business model is based on both premium and free content. Currently, the company is self-financed, producing and selling virtual tours to clients across all continents .

The company offers support via a contact form on its official website and through phone calls.

TimeLooper leverages storytelling to captivate viewers and make them want to stay and explore every virtual tour in its entirety.

Wild Within VR

HelloBC Wild Within VR Logo

Wild Within VR is a product launched by one of the largest tourism organizations in North America – Destination British Columbia. This interactive 360 video enables travelers to experience nature as if they were there themselves.

HelloBC Wild Within VR web screenshot

The Wild Within VR delivers realistic 360 footage. It’s most famous for the two adventures taking place in British Columbia, Canada. 

The company uses modern cameras and post-production software to create videos compatible with various VR headsets.

“I love it. It feels like I’m really there. More destinations, please!” – Oculus

One of the best things about Wild Within VR is that it offers different types of adventures to meet the expectations of many fellow travelers and adventurers.

Unbounded Logo

As a virtual tourism company, Unbounded creates immersive 360 experiences . Its primary focus is to introduce viewers to peculiar attractions in popular destinations.

Unbounded homepage screenshot

Unbounded uses high-quality videos and photos to deliver realistic 360 virtual tours . The AR introduces that interactive element to virtual experiences, making them more engaging. The company established a stable revenue stream through direct sales.

Virtually Visiting

Virtually Visiting Logo

Virtually Visiting is a virtual tourism company launched by a team of travel and technology experts . The company created a dedicated 360 virtual tour platform consumers can use to explore destinations and engage in adventures.

Visiting virtual tours is all about discovering nature, landscapes, and unique architecture. The primary multimedia the company uses is videos professionally shot with the latest 360 cameras .

Virtually Visiting website screenshot

Since it runs a marketplace, the company is focused on generating revenue through direct sales and commissions. Consumers and partner companies have access to FAQs and contact forms if they need assistance from one of the company’s representatives.

“The experience you’ll get is as close to the real thing as you can possibly make it. These are real tours and experiences delivered by the best guides in the business.” – Globetender

Virtually Visiting ensures professionals edit all 360 guided tours on their marketplace to deliver a consistent experience to consumers.

Virtual tourism as a travel niche also has advantages and challenges, as all other tourism sub-sectors do. Here are some unique advantages and challenges of virtual tourism.

Advantages for travelers and travel agents

There are several advantages for travelers only virtual tourism can offer. We’ve already mentioned that virtual tours are more cost-efficient and easier to attend – not to mention the convenience of engaging with virtual tours . Travelers can do it from any device and even while on the go. They can cross over must-visit places in their bucket lists even when on a budget.

There is something for travel agents as well. Sourcing new travel products is time-consuming, and it implies increased operational costs, especially when you need to streamline some of the logistics . As a travel agent, you can leverage virtual tours to easily add new destinations to your offer.

Virtual tourism can help travel agents cut through the noise . They make excellent marketing material you can share across social media channels, websites, email, or direct online communication. 

Since virtual tours are a multimedia format, you can add a Google Analytics tracking code to track the consumers’ behavior on your website . It can help you discover the most popular tours and which parts of a specific tour are the most effective. You can leverage this information to generate more leads.

Challenges and limitations

First of all, virtual tourism is the youngest member of the vast travel industry family. Although virtual tours are gaining in popularity, many people still prefer using virtual tours to find out more about a specific destination or attraction so they can make informed decisions . 

Other challenges and limitations of virtual tourism come from the disadvantages of virtual tours. Technology is the major challenge here. In fact, 30% of people are worried about technical issues that may occur during a virtual tour.

Virtual tourism can’t offer anything beyond the visual experience. Travelers still can’t have a sensory experience of actually being there physically. The ambient smells and tactile sensations are still out of the virtual tourism equation. 

Many world destinations have economies that depend on tourists actually visiting and staying. Virtual tourism can potentially negatively affect economies.

How virtual tourism can complement traditional tourism

There are many ways virtual tourism can complement traditional tourism . First, it can play an essential role in promoting destinations throughout the world. Virtual tours are far more immersive than any other media type available to travelers.

Consumers can now get a sneak peek of an attraction, destination, or activity before visiting in person . It can enable them to make the right choice and visit the place they find particularly encaptivating.

Then there is Augmented Reality. It enables travelers to see digital elements in the real-world environment. The AR can provide additional information at the location to make the experience more memorable or offer personalized information to deliver the next level of customer care.

While there are many strategies virtual tourism companies can pursue, not all of them bear the same results. Which ones are worth the time and money put into them? Below you can find the best practices for virtual tourism companies. 

Importance of customer experience

Customer experience should always come first . First of all, virtual tours must be optimized to be available to all consumers despite the bandwidth of their internet connection or the device they use. Next, the emphasis here is on immersion. 

The visual experience has to be immersive to hold the viewers’ attention in place for the duration of the virtual tour. The best way to deliver a great customer experience is to offer engaging, interactive virtual tours, which brings us to the next best practice.  

Strategies for creating engaging and interactive virtual tours

All strategies for creating engaging and interactive virtual tours involve using top-quality visual and audio material. The best virtual tourism companies also have a detailed plan before engaging in such an activity . The plan includes details about the multimedia type. For instance, whether to use 360 degrees pictures generated from a 3D model or panoramic 360-degree image. 

Next, interactive features include interactive flipbooks, guided selling, marketing games, and AR-based interactive videos.

The final strategy revolves around creating the best possible customer journey. You must put yourself in the travelers’ shoes and think about what they want to see, hear, learn, and engage with.

Collaboration with travel agents and online travel agencies

Finally, successful virtual tourism companies collaborate with travel agents and travel agencies . Why is this important? It’s not only about distributing virtual tours to end consumers. The collaboration creates new revenue opportunities for all parties. 

Virtual tourism companies can discover demand trends and customer experience expectations thanks to travel agents’ and travel agencies’ data. They can also consolidate marketing efforts and achieve better results through improved conversion rates and lead generation.

Virtual tourism is an important piece of the entire travel industry puzzle. It provides new opportunities for consumers to discover and explore never-before-visited locations in a cost- and time-efficient manner. It plays the convenience card to invite consumers to engage in immersive experiences. 

Thanks to virtual tourism, the travel sector can now launch engaging and interactive marketing campaigns , reduce the impact of tourism on vulnerable destinations, allow travel agents and agencies to stand out from the crowd , and provide travel experiences to people who can’t travel.  

What about the future prospects and opportunities for virtual tourism companies? It’s obvious that virtual tourism was not just a mere COVID hype . While virtual tourism companies can continue the current course as it generates revenue, they should also explore the new opportunities delivered by Metaverse, such as VR vacations.

A virtual tour company is a business that specializes in creating interactive walk-through experiences. In the travel sector, virtual tour companies create multimedia materials related to a destination, transportation, accommodation, activity, or attraction to create immersive experiences.

Virtual tours don’t necessarily need to cost money. When used in marketing, virtual tours are completely free for consumers. However, as a travel product, virtual tours come with a price tag and require consumers to purchase them to gain access. If you want to create a virtual tour, you will need to pay a fee to the virtual tour company to complete the project for you.

A virtual tour can make money in two ways. It can generate profit when sold directly to a consumer as a travel product, or it can generate money through commission rates when listed on a reputable virtual tour marketplace.

While engaging and immersive, virtual tours have a few disadvantages, such as the lack of physical interaction, technical limitations, the potential impact on local economies, and limited social interaction.

Virtual tours are pretty successful. Over 70% of travelers who experience virtual travel are satisfied with virtual tours. The global virtual tourism market size is projected to reach $847.95 billion by 2028 .

Virtual tourism has a positive effect on traditional tourism. It streamlines the promotion of new destinations, enables consumers to experience destinations before getting there, improves customer experience, and helps create memorable experiences.

The most obvious way to benefit from virtual tourism as a travel agent or agency would be to use virtual tours in marketing campaigns. It makes marketing travel experiences more effective, boosting conversion rates and generating leads. 

Art galleries, museums, hotels, wildlife parks, nature parks, zoos, historical sights, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, cities, monuments, ancient structures, and various activities are all suited for virtual tourism.

Since virtual reality technology enables virtual tourism experiences, the impact of tech is enormous. It’s safe to assume that with better and more affordable tech, virtual tourism experiences will get significantly more available and better in the future.

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Cristóbal Reali, VP of Global Sales at Mize, with over 20 years of experience, has led high-performance teams in major companies in the tourism industry, as well as in the public sector. He has successfully undertaken ventures, including a DMO and technology transformation consulting. In his role at Mize, he stands out not only for his analytical and strategic ability but also for effective leadership. He speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. He holds a degree in Economics from UBA, complementing his professional training at Harvard Business School Online.

Mize is the leading hotel booking optimization solution in the world. With over 170 partners using our fintech products, Mize creates new extra profit for the hotel booking industry using its fully automated proprietary technology and has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue across its suite of products for its partners. Mize was founded in 2016 with its headquarters in Tel Aviv and offices worldwide.

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360° Panoramic Creations:

virtual travel tour company

We create high-quality stabilized video having 8k and 4k resolution, 48 or 24 frames per second together with high-quality post-processing. Videos are supported by the most advanced technologies, such as virtual reality headsets (including Samsung Gear VR), different electronic devices and YouTube channels.

We use different types of moving and fixed objects (tripods, monopods, cars, helicopters, building cranes, etc.) to record videos. For aerial shooting we usually use drones with fully gyro-stabilized unique suspension. Panoramic video covers up all the space around the camera 360x180 degrees without black spots at both nadir and zenith viewing angle.

360° videos are available in any format you choose: .mp4, .avi, .mov, etc. All the videos are made and kept in frames, making it possible to encode them into any available format and bitrate with the resolution up to 8k.


Our team creates high-quality 360° photo-panoramas with 35000x17500 pixels resolution (in the equidistant projection) and carries out professional post-processing and corrections of any complexity. We develop virtual tours which are suitable for all browsers, support both Flash and HTML5 technologies and are compatible with different mobile devices and virtual reality headsets (including Samsung Gear VR).

We use different types of moving and fixed objects (tripods, monopods, cars, helicopters, building cranes, etc.) to record videos. For aerial shooting we usually use drones with the fully gyro-stabilized unique suspension. Panoramic video covers up all the space around the camera 360x180 degrees without black spots at both nadir and zenith viewing angle.

Ready 360° photo-panoramas cover up all the space around the camera 360x180 degrees without black spots at both nadir and zenith viewing angle.

Info-points (description buttons that can be placed in the panorama), embedded pictures, video and audio can be added to the virtual tour.

virtual travel tour company


Our team creates high-quality 360° photo-panoramas with resolution from 1 to 3 gigapixel and carries out professional post-processing and corrections of any complexity. We develop virtual tours which are suitable for all browsers, support both Flash and HTML5 technologies and are compatible with different mobile devices and virtual reality glasses (including Samsung Gear VR).

Info-points (description buttons that can be placed in the panorama), embedded pictures, video and audio can be added to the ready virtual tour.


We can make panoramic timelapses with the given viewing angle and resolution up to 12k with professional post-processing and without black spots at both nadir and zenith viewing angle. 360° timelapses are supported by the most advanced technologies, such as virtual reality glasses (including Samsung Gear VR), different electronic devices and YouTube channels.

360° timelapses are available in any format you choose: .mp4, .avi, .mov, etc. All the timelapses are made and kept in frames, making it possible to encode them into any available format and bitrate with the resolution up to 12K.

Content sales:

virtual travel tour company


On the basis of 360° panoramas we create virtual tours of any complexity, branded with logos and design elements of the company’s website together with embedding interactive elements, such as photos, slideshows, videos, descriptions, switch-points to other panoramas, audio descriptions, 3D sounds.

Our clients receive a fully functional virtual tour developed in HTML5 and supported by any computer or mobile device (iOS, Android, Windows Phone).

360° Photo    Price List


For almost 10 years of travelling around the world our team has gathered an extensive stock of pictures, taken from both flying devices and the ground.

Any picture presented at our stock can be licensed for any kind of possible use. We can also offer the photos of ultra-high quality (the longer side up to 103,000 pixels).

You can also take a look at the spherical panoramas published on the website . Any of the 360° panoramas represented on the website can be converted into a printed image of very high quality.

Photogallery    Price List

virtual travel tour company


By filming 360° video since 2011, our team has gathered an extensive stock of clips, taken from both flying devices and the ground.

Any video presented on our website can be licensed for any kind of possible use.

360° videos are available in any format you choose: .mp4, .avi, .mov, etc. All the videos are made and kept in frames, making it possible to encode them into any available format and bitrate.

360° Video    Price List


We are one of the software developers of applications based on 360° photos and videos. Currently, there are 7 applications in our portfolio. One of them was top-rated in 84 countries and listed among the best applications of the year 2014 according to App Store.

These applications can also be used for demonstration of panoramic content with the help of virtual reality devices, such as Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard and analogues.

Exhibition installations:

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AirPano team has the experience of creating panoramic cinemas and video-walls, making it possible to demonstrate our panoramic content at different kinds of events, exhibitions and in museums. The size is only defined by the premises, the quality of projector and the dimensions of plasma screens. Such solutions usually make a deep impression on visitors.

The control is carried out by a tablet or Kinect devices.

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We are ready to create applications with panoramic content working on touch screens of any size. Both AirPano panoramas and the client’s material can be the basis for this kind of software.

We create virtual tours of any complexity, branded with logos and design elements of the company’s website together with embedding interactive elements, such as photos, slideshows, videos, descriptions, switch-points to other panoramas, audio descriptions, 3D sounds.

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Our virtual tours and 360° videos are supported by all the types of virtual reality headsets (VR): Google Cardboard, Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, Sony Morpheus and others.

We can also develop special software for operating on Samsung Gear VR, if required.

AirPano in cooperation with Polden Studio carries out the installation of the binocular usage of the client’s or our own content. With the help of binoculars, the client can present the panoramic content at different kinds of events, exhibitions and in museums. This kind of devices usually attract a lot of visitors and leave a deep impression on them.

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Experience authentic virtual travel with Together Virtually. Connecting you with the world’s best content creators and a vibrant travel community.

Welcome to Together Virtually, a brand new concept in affordable virtual travel, designed for you.

At Together Virtually, we’re passionate about providing authentic travel experiences that will leave you with lasting memories. We bring you world class content creators and wonderful destinations, and we focus on building community and friendships.

Our founders have years of experience in delivering captivating virtual travel experiences through other platforms like Heygo, Airbnb and Viewpal.

Together Virtually has built on their expertise to deliver the ultimate virtual travel experience, connecting travellers directly with world-class content creators and other travellers.

We are committed to cultivating meaningful connections between travellers and content creators.

Connecting you with the people who know the destination best, and inviting you to join our travel community.

Designed for you, by the guides you love.

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What is Amazon Explore?

How much is amazon explore, how is amazon explore different from other virtual experiences, my experience with amazon explore, some of the best amazon explore experiences to try, prime members can try amazon's new virtual travel experiences for free — here's what the platform is like to use and some of the best tours to try.

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  • Amazon Explore was recently launched to offer interactive, one-on-one virtual travel experiences.
  • Hosts are located around the world and for some, you can even shop for local items in real time.
  • Amazon Explore experiences range from $10 to $99, but Prime members can try it for free.

Insider Today

The other night I walked through the streets of Tokyo, stopping in at small shops, exploring handmade ceramics, saying hi to a local shopkeeper, and filling a basket with new treasures to display in my home — all while sitting in my living room in New Jersey. This was possible thanks to one of the new virtual tours from Amazon Explore . 

For the last long year, I've been trying to scratch my travel itch with virtual experiences, with mixed success. I tried online cooking classes, virtually toured museums and historical sites around the globe, and even bought my son and his cousin a small group online tea ceremony with EF Tours. And I've followed along as Airbnb added online interactive tours with guides. 

After all of that, I was surprised to hear that Amazon was jumping into the game. After a year of online experiences, why now? And how would this be different? 

To find out, I bought a virtual ticket for a first-hand Amazon Explore review to see exactly what they were offering. 

Amazon Explore is a series of live, virtual one-on-one experiences with hosts located around the world. You can access the program on the Amazon website. However, as a brand new offering that is technically still in beta, it's a little hard to spot tucked away as the very last entry on the "Programs and Features" tab.

Perusing Amazon Explore you'll find experiences ranging from hands-on cooking to tours of Paris and Berlin to virtual trips to the beach. Before I jumped in and booked my own tour, I was given an opportunity to do a short media "sampling" of Amazon Explore for review purposes. Highlights included two cooking experiences (salsa in Mexico , $28, and pasta making in Italy , $52) and two shopping and culture tours (one in Tokyo for only $9 and Quebec City at a pricey $62). They were all fun and exciting enough that I was eager to sign up for a full experience myself after. 

Other available options range from learning about the legends of alchemy in Prague ($56) to getting up close with sloths in Costa Rica ($27). No matter your travel interests, it's easy enough to find an experience catered to it. You can also filter by place, price, ratings, experience duration, and more to help narrow down the options. 

Everything takes place within the unique Amazon platform, and on the shopping experiences, you have the added benefit of being able to pick items out in real time to be sent to you later. 

Prices run the gamut from $10 to $99. Sometimes you'll find multiple prices for similar experiences (individual guides set their own prices, according to Amazon). Those who have Amazon Prime can try their first experience up to $50 completely free using the code FREEFUN . If you're not already a Prime member, you can sign up here . 

Before you get started, shop around to make sure you're not overpaying, just like you would if you were actually in the destination. 

Like purchasing any other item on Amazon, you can use your preferred stored payment method, add a new card, or use gift cards.

One additional way you can pay is with travel points — which is especially great since many of us have been sitting on a pile of unused points due to the pandemic. Hilton Honors has expanded its collaboration with Amazon so you can now use your Hilton points to book experiences. You just need to link your Hilton account with your Amazon one before you book. 

I noticed that the charge for my session wasn't processed until I had successfully completed my experience, and I also had the option to cancel right up until the time slot began. If there are tech difficulties that force a cancellation, you'll automatically be refunded. 

There are a few things that make Amazon stand out from other online virtual tours and experiences. First, every tour with Amazon Explore is a one-on-one experience. If you're hoping to sit back with your microphone turned off, this isn't going to be your cup of tea. However, if you miss chatting with someone new, asking questions about what you're looking at, or trying out a few words of a new language, this is a great option. 

Another difference you'll notice right away is the high production value. While other experiences use a regular Zoom log-in, Amazon has created its own unique platform. This high-tech option has integrated graphics, including maps and labels; the ability to touch an item on your screen and have your guide see what you're pointing to; and one-touch buttons for taking screenshots and to use a "megaphone" to talk to locals (for example, a shopkeeper) near your guide.

One thing to note: Currently, there's no dual camera. Amazon's platform allows you to see your guide, but they can't see you. However, you can still easily converse in real time.

Another intersection where Amazon Explore detours from Airbnb and other virtual tours is with the shopping experiences. Your guide will shop for you if your experience is marked with an "In-Session Shopping" tag. 

On a shopping itinerary I tried, this was a revelation and an entirely new way of interacting with the destination. The guide entered a local store, held up items, and after we chose one, brought it to the register, photographed it, and purchased it for me. The itemized charges appeared in my Amazon orders immediately. Genius. 

However, shipping is extra, so don't assume you'll have free Amazon Prime delivery for this program. 

Additionally, for one of the cooking experiences, I was able to have all of my fresh ingredients delivered from Amazon Fresh. Although this service isn't fully integrated into the program yet (it's not a one-click option), it's easy enough to copy and paste the ingredient list into your Whole Foods or Fresh shopping basket. 

While you're at it, you can also order any suggested kitchen equipment for your recipe from the Amazon site (if you're wondering, like I was, why Amazon is getting into experiences, this was an "Aha" moment).

I was interested in trying Amazon Explore 's live shopping options, and my son, who was joining me for this experience, is interested in Japanese culture, so it was an easy jump to choose a Tokyo shopping experience. There were three options that worked for us timing-wise (we had to choose a late-night time slot on the East Coast to coincide with stores opening in Japan in the morning) for $10, $20, and $39 price points, all 45 minutes long. I chose the mid-level option: Shop Like a Chef . It was a tour of Kappabashi, an area of Tokyo that specializes in cookery and kitchenware, and $20 for a 45-minute private session seemed like a good value.  

Our session started out strong. Explore has an interface that can only be accessed via Amazon on a laptop or desktop computer. The graphics were great, and the short intro of technicolor experiences around the world created Disney-level excitement. This was definitely not a Zoom chat. 

Our guide Giulia (a friendly, trilingual Italian, Japanese speaker), jumped right in with introductions and gave us a quick intro to the cooking district complete with a map of the area displayed across our screen and crisp graphics that showed four shop choices available to tour — Chopsticks, Ceramics, Fake Food, and Knives. Giulia said we'd have time for two, and we chose Ceramics and Fake Food, because plastic ramen was something we needed to see.

One note I quickly realized is that you need to be decisive on these tours. It helps to be able to pull the trigger quickly on a purchase since time is quite literally ticking while you shop. After I (finally) committed to a lovely hand-painted teapot and two teacups halfway through the session, Giulia brought them to the register and photographed them so she could return after the tour to process payment. 

We then tagged along on a quick walk through Kappabashi, listening to the sounds of shoppers and background store music on our way to an "only in Japan" shop filled with hand-painted food replicas. 

Several magnets and key chains shaped like raw fish later, our 45-minute tour was over and it was time to say sayonara . All around, it was a really fun, truly unusual, and rewarding virtual experience.

My receipt arrived immediately, and although shipping can take as long as four weeks, my package arrived in just five days. However, be aware that prices can quickly add up on top of the initial experience price. I ended up spending $80 while shopping and the shipping was an additional $25. 

"Souvenirs are memories," enthused guide Mizuki in Japan at the end of our tour, which seemed to perfectly sum up why these experiences seem so special. Staying at home this year I have neither new memories nor new souvenirs, and I was happy for an opportunity to get both. 

Overall, I found the Amazon virtual experiences I tried to be superior to other online travel options I've tried. From the unique interactive platform to the personal, one-on-one interactions to the real-time shopping options, these virtual offerings truly stand out in a crowded field.  I'm guessing that when Amazon Explore comes out of beta there will be a dual video option, which would be very helpful. 

Still, I was thoroughly impressed by the quality of the Amazon Explore programming and the tech which delivered it to my home. 

Ready to try out Amazon Explore and take a virtual vacation yourself? Consider some of these top Amazon Explore experiences. And don't forget, if you have Amazon Prime you can try your first experience up to $50 for free using the code FREEFUN at checkout.

  • Explore Florence, Italy's historic city center, including Piazza del Duomo, San Lorenzo Church, and more ($10)
  • Visit Costa Rica's Las Pumas Rescue Center and meet jaguars, monkeys, sloths, and more ($27.30)
  • Cook authentic Manchmanteles Mole with a Mexican chef ($28)
  • Tour a foodie's paradise and visit one of Singapore's famed hawker centers ($24)
  • Take an iPhone photography class with an award-winning photographer and filmmaker ($45)
  • Sip on Malbecs and wine taste your way across Argentina ($20.30)
  • Get up close with cuddly kangaroos and koalas at a Sydney wildlife park ($59)
  • Learn to make delicious French macarons from The Lincoln Apartment Bakery in Montreal ($69)

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Virtual Travel Tours Done Right

Virtual travel tours, let virtually anywhere put your destination online with exciting 360 degree travel and tourism virtual tours..

Be sure your facility is represented in the best way possible with a 360 degree, immersive virtual tour. Virtually Anywhere creates beautiful virtual travel tours, and also for many industries such as: Spas, Convention Centers, Museums, Rental Properties, Hotels, Resorts, Tourist Destinations and more. It has never been more important for online viewers to get a more realistic perspective of where they will be staying, dining or sight-seeing.

With more than 2 decades of experience creating highly professional and affordable online virtual tours, we offer an efficient turn-key solution and production process. Our modular approach allows us to be nimble, flexible and scalable in how we meet our travel and tourism customers’ needs.

A few selected examples of virtual travel tours in travel and tourism:

The kahala hotel and resort virtual travel tours, visit this 5 star hotel & resort virtual tour on the island of oahu.

The Kahala Hotel and Resort is one of Hawaii’s most elegant luxury resorts going back to the early 1960’s. This virtual tour highlights the classic styling and a remote location make this 5 star hotel particularly well suited for celebrities and heads of state to visit thru the years. The Kahala wanted to showcase their room configurations, public areas, several formal and less formal eating establishments, beach layouts, even a private lagoon where you can swim with the dolphins. Ballrooms, meeting areas, and wedding specific facilities complete the tour.

This combination creates a perfect sales presentation for meeting and wedding planers, as well as general consumers wanting to see what their accommodations could be. Stunning 360 views in and around the grounds frame this beautiful beachfront property.


A stunning 360 virtual tour of the us capitol, supporting buildings, and the grounds..

This United States Capitol 360 virtual tour allows people from anywhere to tour these significant and historic buildings online. Extensive embedded hotspots within the capital tour provide links to existing photos, deepening the historic experience to include the important paintings, sculptures, monuments, and architectural design elements all throughout the Capitol complex.

One of our greatest challenges with this capitol tour was keeping up with the vast amount of historical data included in each view. This historical depth affected not only captions for each area, but also intricate use of hotspots allowing viewers to click on artworks to find their origins, authors, and brief historical significances all through the tours. The resulting virtual capitol tour shows all people across the globe the majesty of these spaces, and also help in the preservation of that unique history.


A setting like no other. a place where "adventure" meets "time for quiet reflection", awesome: optional & built-in features.

We can suggest a mix of added features to customize your presentation to highlight your facilities’ greatest strengths.

Our most popular add-on feature to display additional information and media elements.

Optional, but useful features can be added inside the 360° images to provide more informational detail to your viewers by incorporating your existing media assets. See Hotspot Demo

Deep Linking

Increase engagement exponentially by using this built-in feature.

Our deep links allow you to incorporate links throughout your site to open the tour directly to ANY 360 as the start image.

Detailed Analytics

Built-in detailed online reporting of what your viewers are seeing within the tour.

Online traffic reporting including all scene views, + hotspot interactions using our newest advanced platform. See Example Report

Aerial Imagery

Add drone imagery for intro videos and/or a 360 navigational element.

An exciting point of view to show facilities or campus orientations. Availability based on specific location(s). See Demo Tour

Interactive Floor Plan & Map

Use a map or floor plan as a navigational element to the tour.

From your provided artwork, we can add navigation elements to a campus map.  This is used inside the tour window to seamlessly flow from one 360 image to another. See Example Tour

Add polish to the presentation, especially useful for headset projects.

Professional Voice Over

We can produce professional custom voice overs to tell your story.  Cost varies based on script length and talent chosen.

See Sample Tour

Since 1998, we approach each job with an eye toward true user engagement, a streamlined and natural user-friendly design, and most of all, a customer service model you will not find elsewhere.

We offer virtual tour services in these locations:

Whether you’re an avid traveler, a curious explorer, or a business owner seeking to showcase your space, our virtual tours services are available across these areas.

California Virtual Tours Texas Virtual Tours Florida Virtual Tours New York Virtual Tours Pennsylvania Virtual Tours Illinois Virtual Tours Ohio Virtual Tours Georgia Virtual Tours North Carolina Virtual Tours

Michigan Virtual Tours New Jersey Virtual Tours Virginia Virtual Tours Washington Virtual Tours Arizona Virtual Tours Massachusetts Virtual Tours Tennessee Virtual Tours Indiana Virtual Tours Missouri Virtual Tours

Maryland Virtual Tours Wisconsin Virtual Tours Colorado Virtual Tours Minnesota Virtual Tours South Carolina Virtual Tours Alabama Virtual Tours Louisiana Virtual Tours Kentucky Virtual Tours Oregon Virtual Tours

Oklahoma Virtual Tours Connecticut Virtual Tours Utah Virtual Tours Iowa Virtual Tours Nevada Virtual Tours Arkansas Virtual Tours Mississippi Virtual Tours Kansas Virtual Tours

Get In Touch With Us Today!

And we will get back to you.

Ready to elevate your business with stunning 360 imaging and virtual tours? Fill out the form below, and our expert team will get back to you within 24 hours.

Why Choose Us?

  • Professional Quality: High-resolution images and seamless virtual tours.
  • Quick Turnaround: Efficient production and fast delivery.
  • Tailored Solutions: Customized services to meet your unique needs.

Don’t wait! Take the first step towards captivating your audience and boosting your sales. Complete the form now and let’s bring your vision to life!

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© 2024 Virtually Anywhere.

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Virtually Anywhere 4205 Balcones Drive Austin, Texas 78731

T:  512-591-5500 E: Contact Us Here

10 of the Best Virtual Reality Travel Experiences

  With the time and expense required to travel being prohibitive to many, there are alternative ways of indulging your wanderlust – including via the burgeoning world of Virtual Reality.

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(Photo: Cubicle Ninjas)

There are a huge number of VR companies all vying to create ever more unique experiences for consumers – and one of the biggest growth categories has been travel. And what better time to get a taste of exploration and adventure from the comfort of your living room, equipped only with a VR headset, than now, when travel is a luxury that many just can’t stretch to? We’ve picked out 10 of the best virtual reality travel experiences currently on the market.

So which VR headset should you go for? Our favourite is the Meta Quest 3, which launched onto the market in mid-2023 and is the successor to the Meta Quest 2. For immersive games and travel experiences, we believe the Meta Quest 3 is destined to become the leading VR headset over the coming years. It’s pretty affordable, too, and unlike other headsets, doesn’t require cords or a computer. You can purchase the Meta Quest 3 at

Guided Meditation VR

Developed by Cubicle Ninjas, Guided Meditation VR is designed to bring peace, joy, and calm back into your daily life by teaching you ancient meditation practices in a cutting-edge way. It features over 40 lush environments to escape the everyday, 30-plus hours of guided meditations on anxiety, depression, maternity, resilience, sleep and zen, and hundreds of hours of calming musical audio tracks to help enhance your meditation experience. Users can also customise their sessions to their own specific preferences and needs, including the option to switch into Motion mode and gently float through beautiful vistas like you would on a lazy river, leaving the worries of your life behind before returning calmer and stronger.

PRICE £10.99 HEADSETS Meta Quest 3

Be anywhere in the world with anyone, instantly, in this captivating game developed by Wooorld Inc. Visit hundreds of cities, architectural landmarks, natural wonders, and vacation spots in incredible 3D detail, and get tips about the best places to visit, the hidden gems, where to get the best food and all the tourist traps to avoid. You can also create your own 3D avatars with face and body tracking and test your worldly knowledge by guessing where you are after being teleported to 5 random locations, with only the landscape, flora, architecture, and road signs for clues. The game can played as collaboratively as you wish, with options to explore the world with friends and meet new people, or hop into a Solo World without any distractions.

PRICE Free HEADSETS Meta Quest 3

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(Photo: Wooorld Inc.)

Blueplanet VR Explore

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(Photo: Blueplanet VR Explore)

Highlighting sacred and fragile locations of natural beauty and cultural heritage, Blueplanet VR Explore  is a collection of remarkable places across the world. With freedom to move around and explore, the virtual reality experiences are captured in volumetric 3D with great detail and accuracy. The scenes look and feel like these places do in real life, and enable you to freely move around to enjoy and explore these remarkable, fragile, and priceless environments. Concern for the environment often comes from direct experience, and being as close as we can get to experiencing a sense of actually being there, Blueplanet can help encourage people to appreciate and protect these treasures.

PRICE £18.99 HEADSETS Meta Quest 3

BRINK Traveler

Travel to some of the world’s most amazing natural wonders in fully immersive 3D and feel like you’re really there in this awe-inspiring game by Brink XR. Step into a scene akin to a postcard as you visit a total of 28 (with more on their way) of the most breathtaking places on Earth. In-game highlights include room-scale walkable areas in each destination, a virtual guide and assistant to learn about where you’re visiting, and the chance to shoot photos to share with friends. You can either play the game solo or with friends and family in multiplayer mode.

PRICE £11.99 HEADSETS Meta Quest 3

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(Photo: BRINK XR)

National Geographic Explore VR

Created in partnership with National Geographic, a world-leading society in the fields of geography, cartography and exploration, this magical VR experience invites you to discover two of the most iconic locations on Planet Earth. Don your explorer hat and head to Antarctica for an exhilarating expedition. Navigate around icebergs in a kayak, climb a vast ice shelf and survive a snowstorm as you hunt for a lost emperor penguin colony. Visit the ancient Inca citadel of Machu Picchu in Peru and get immersed in amazing digital reconstructions of the legendary site. Witness mummy worships, raise a cup of sacred chicha and encounter cute and furry alpacas as you match Hiram Bingham’s photographs from when he rediscovered the citadel. Be sure to take a camera as your best snaps may even make it into the prestigious National Geographic magazine.

PRICE £7.99 HEADSETS Meta Quest 3

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(Photo: Force Field Entertainment B.V)

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners

Fans of the hugely popular TV blockbuster The Walking Dead can now join the world of zombies in this new VR adventure. Travel through the ruins of New Orleans as you fight, scavenge, and survive, each day unravelling another mystery lurking within the city’s historic quarters. Encounter desperate factions and lone survivors who could be friend or foe. Whether you help others or take what you want by force, every choice you make has consequences. What kind of survivor will you be for the people of NOLA? Scavenge for anything that you can; weapons, food, tools, and clues. Be wary of the living and the dead, with spatial audio drawing attention to any loud noise. Craft makeshift gear out of scrapped material; blades, guns, medicine, and more. Test your morals and make difficult choices for yourself and others. It’s all here, bringing the small screen to life in a big way.

PRICE £29.99 HEADSETS Meta Quest 3

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(Photo: Skydance Interactive)

Narrated by award-winning actress Anna Friel, this trail-blazing VR series opens the door to some of the planet’s wildest environments while redefining the limits of 3D-180 cameras. Meet the humans protecting our most precious wildlife, explore the great savannahs of Kenya, discover the ancient jungles of Borneo and dive into the rich coral reefs of Raja Ampat. Encounter elephants, orangutans, manta rays and some incredible humans, all in stunning cinematic footage filmed from the air and deep into the ocean. The series was produced in partnership with World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF),

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(Photo: PHORIA)

The world is your oyster with this interactive, immersive VR experience that’s designed to be played by the whole family. There’s global travel and adventure in which your friends and family can join city tours, hot air balloon rides, back-country road trips, and plenty more. Or you can simply kick back and relax, practice meditation and get back to nature – all in the company of a guide or going solo, if you prefer. Other features include photo sharing, soundtracks, a range of fun games and media customisation.

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(Photo: AARP Innovation Labs)

Rome Reborn: The Pantheon

Created by Flyover Zone, an American company specialising in virtual travel applications that present the world’s most important cultural heritage sites and monuments, Rome Reborn is one of five applications that present different areas of ancient Rome. This particular one transports users over the entire ancient city, focussing on the Pantheon, perhaps the best-preserved building from antiquity. In the company of two virtual guides, you’ll get to explore the exterior forecourt and interior sanctuary of the reconstructed complex as you listen and learn about the Pantheon’s design and decoration, as well as the nature of the religious cult once housed within it.

PRICE £3.99 HEADSETS Currently only available on Oculus Rift

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(Photo: Flyover Zone Productions)

Monte Fitzroy is Argentina’s most famous mountain landmark and is even used as the logo for outdoor retailer, Patagonia. It is a place that immediately evokes a sense of adventure. At the foot of the mountain is a beautiful and remote glacial lake known as Laguna Sucia. Most people who visit Monte Fitzroy view it from a location that is much easier to access. Laguna Sucia requires a much tougher hard-to-access trail that culminates in one of the most beautiful and remote glacial lakes in existence. You are rewarded with a sense of almost meditative stillness as you approach this untouched natural amphitheatre. This VR experience utilises Pterovision, a 3D technology that integrates computational photography, 360 Video, and gaming and allows you to take off like a bird, fly around the lake, visit the waterfalls along the edge, and fly over glacial formations beneath the mountain peaks. Numerous narrations will tell you about the challenges we faced when filming in this location, as well as educate you about the geology, culture, and history.

PRICE $2.99 HEADSETS Currently only available on Oculus Rift 

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(Photo: Specterras Productions)

Gala360 – Travel & Relax

Taking you on awe-inspiring virtual adventures across the globe, Gala360 is the result of the magic touch of an array of exceptionally talented photographers who have captured their globe-trotting trips in all their glory before being rendered into VR form. In professional 6K resolution, more than 300 tours around the world are featured, with some also including narration which allows you to listen to the stories behind the trips. Most of the tours are free, but you can pay a small fee to unlock more.

PRICE Free HEADSETS Currently only available on Oculus Go (soon available on Quest 2)

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(Photo: Gala 360)

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The 12 Best Virtual Vacations You Can Take Without Traveling

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While recent events may have kept us off planes and, well, on our couch, travel still remains one of the best ways to demonstrate our global interconnectedness and humanity. So for now, because we are all in this together (and separately from our individual couches), we’ll have to be armchair voyagers as we explore museums, libraries, and historical, religious, and cultural sites. Learning and discovery don’t have to stop. Keep reading to find out about the best virtual vacations from the comfort—and safety—of your own home.

Have a Virtual Adventure at the Grand Canyon

The National Park Service does more than educate sightseers in person when they visit any of the 61 national parks. You can view the Grand Canyon via 360-degree photographs on an archeology virtual tour, go on a virtual hike past layers of earth to the famous Phantom Ranch, or float down the Colorado River on a rafting trip.

Online: View virtual tours, maps, and photographs through the National Park System’s website.

See Llamas at Machu Picchu

Wendy Altschuler

High in the Peruvian Andes mountains sits Machu Picchu , an ancient citadel built in the 15th century. A visit here will reward you with stunning mountain views, llama sightings, and great hikes throughout olden ruins.

Online: Visit the citadel online through a 360-degree virtual tour , provided by You Visit.

Wander Through the Sistine Chapel in Italy

Located in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City, the Sistine Chapel is famous for the Renaissance frescos that brighten up the interior. In person, when open to the public, The Sistine Chapel is crowded, and it can be difficult to view all of the artwork. A virtual tour is not only a great way to appreciate the chapel without the interference of too many people, but you can also see the gardens, Pontifical Villas, and Vatican City museums.

Online: See the Vatican grounds, including the Sistine Chapel , by clicking on arrows to move up, down, left and right throughout each tour. You’ll also be able to zoom in to get a better look at the paintings.

Visit the Land of Creation

Jerusalem is home to three monolithic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is one of the most notable locations in Jerusalem . Located in the Christian Quarter of the Old City in Israel, this religious site is said to be where Jesus was crucified, where his empty tomb is located, and where he is believed to have been resurrected.

Online: Experience 360-degree virtual tours of Jerusalem, including The Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Western Wall, Old City markets, Mount of Olives, and much more via Samsung XL.

Tour the White House

Visiting Washington, D.C. , is inadvisable right now, but you can still go on a virtual tour of the White House . See the Eisenhower Executive Office Building positioned next to the West Wing where White House Staff offices are located. Click through a 360-degree view of the Vice President’s Ceremonial Office, the Secretary of War Suite, the War Library/The Law Library, and The Indian Treaty Room. Learn about how the art and décor of the White House has changed with each Presidential occupancy. You’ll have the opportunity to view the Entrance Hall, Cross Hall, East Room, Green Room, Blue Room, Red Room, State Dining Room, Vermeil Room, China Room, East Garden Room, and more.

Online: Google Arts & Culture offers a wide variety of virtual reality tours.

Visit the Guggenheim Museum in New York City

 Courtesy of The Guggenheim Museum

New York City’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is one of the most stunning Frank Lloyd Wright-designed structures in the country. The white spiral ramp in the interior takes you from the bottom to the top in an organized and visually pleasing way.

Online: Google Arts & Culture will lead you through the museum’s multiple floors, highlighting 600 artworks along the way. You’ll be able to zoom in and out and rotate your view 360 degrees.

Understand the Natural World in Washington, D.C.

TripSavvy / Victoria Chamberlain

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History , home to 125 million artifacts, is one of the most-visited natural history institutions on the planet. Visit the exhibits—permanent, current, and past—from your desktop or mobile device on a virtual tour. You’ll be able to click on blue arrows as you navigate through each exhibit, located on the ground, first, or second floors. Be patient as pages load and click on camera icons to get a close-up view of a particular object.

Online: The museum’s website showcases a wide variety of exhibits via virtual tours.

Visit the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island in New York City

If you’ve never been to New York City, then the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island and the Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration on Ellis Island are likely high on your travel wishlist. Both islands, which are part of the same National Park System, are worth exploring. Go on a virtual tour of Ellis Island to see where more than 40 percent of Americans can find family history and climb inside of the Statue of Liberty.

Online: The National Park Service has virtual tours of Ellis Island , created by Heritage Documentation Programs, and the Statue of Liberty National Monument. Scholastic also has an informative Teacher’s Activity Guide that will allow you to see photos, listen to audio, and learn about Ellis Island on an interactive tour.

Smile Back at Mona Lisa in Paris

kwanchai_k photograph / Getty Images

The Louvre in Paris is the largest art museum on the planet, home to more than 35,000 displayed works, including Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. While this historic museum is usually congested, especially on the weekends, you can visit virtually, from the comfort of your own home, and see the museum’s most impressive works. If nothing else, this online experience can be valuable research for when you travel to Paris in the future.

Online: Immerse yourself in the museum’s galleries and exhibits via virtual reality. See Egyptian antiques, the Louvre’s moat, and, of course, Mona Lisa’s smile. The museum’s website also has a number of videos that you can watch to get a better understanding of the museum’s art. Note: You’ll have to download Flash Player. You Visit also has a great 360-degree virtual reality display of several museum galleries.

Witness the Treasures of England’s British Museum

 TripSavvy / Gautier Houba 

Home to the Rosetta Stone, Greek vases, Egyptian mummies, an Easter Island statue, an Aztec double-headed serpent sculpture, and n umerous other artifacts and artworks , the British Museum is one of the most popular tourist attractions in London. See impressive examples of human history, art, and culture through a virtual tour.

Online: See the British Museum via Google, where you can navigate a timeline to view specific artifacts.

Learn About Amsterdam’s History and Culture at The Rijksmuseum

Merten Snijders /  GettyImages

The Rijksmuseum is one of the most visited museums in Amsterdam, and for good reason. See works from the Dutch Golden Age by Rembrandt, Vermeer, Ruisdael, Steen, and more. The building itself is also a work of art and worth viewing through virtual reality.

Online: Virtual tours, of the interior as well as the exterior, are available through Google Arts & Culture.

Float Along the Great Wall of China

Fortification walls, stretching thousands of miles, were built in northern China to protect the country against invaders and to control trade along the Silk Road. The Great Wall of China is known as one of the most impressive and significant archeological human feats in history.

Online: Wander through sections of the Great Wall of China through a virtual tour, provided by You Visit. Click on the camera icons to see close-up photographs.

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Let's Roam Explorer

18 Virtual Tours Worth Taking

Many museums, parks, and zoos have recently launched virtual tours and interactive experiences. Check out this list to learn more!

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During the COVID pandemic, most of us had our travel wings clipped a bit. The inability to travel was tough but luckily, many travel-oriented companies decided to pivot a bit and offer virtual travel tours and activities. Many of these virtual tours proved to be such a hit that they’re still in place today! 

Virtual tours are a great way to explore a new place, even if you don’t have the luxury of traveling at the time. Some of the best virtual tours take you deep into a destination, sharing insider tips and hidden gems you may never learn about otherwise. This is a particularly great option when you want to “visit” some of the world’s greatest museums and parks without having to endure the crowds and the high costs of getting there!

Explore the world with Let’s Roam .

At Let’s Roam, we specialize in turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. We strongly believe you can have a great time no matter if you’re exploring the streets of Mexico City or hanging out with your friends and family at home. To help you along the way, we’ve created hundreds of exciting app-based scavenger hunts , in-home games , virtual birthday party events, and much more. You can access all of these great experiences through the Let’s Roam app or on our website. 

The Best Virtual Tours to Help You Explore the World

Below you’ll find a list of some of the best virtual tours. Our team of in-house travel experts has scoured the globe (and the internet!) to find the best virtual tours. Many of these virtual tours are free to view and have a ton of other fun goodies that you can listen to or read while you’re there. This is a fun way to pass the time when you’re unable to travel, and it’s much better than looking at these destinations on social media. 

We’ve broken them down by museums and galleries, world landmarks, and parks and zoos and have included information on family-friendly activities available to make it even easier to plan an awesome virtual trip around the world with the whole family!

Museums and Galleries

1. the louvre virtual tour.

The Louvre is one of the best art museums in the entire world. People line up outside for hours to get a glimpse of artworks such as Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and Rembrandt’s Philosopher in Meditation. It probably comes as no surprise that the Louvre is also one of the world’s most searched virtual tours. Not only do you get a private glimpse into Paris’ most legendary art museum, but you get to escape the massive groups. These virtual tours allow you to see not only the museum’s most famous works, but it also allows you to go into the museum archives to see what lies behind the scenes. 

The Louvre offers a wide variety of virtual tours based on interesting themes or areas of the museum. You can choose from Founding Myths: Hercules to Darth Vader, the Body in Movement, and Power Plays. There’s also a Louvre at Home section of their website where you can access different activities and events held at the museum including podcasts, kids activities, and virtual reality experiences.

2. Van Gogh Museum

Van Gogh is considered to be one of the most influential artists of the 19th century. His Post-Impressionistic work is famous for its use of bright colors and vibrant brush strokes that convey deep expression and emotion. While visiting the Van Gogh Museum is a must for anyone traveling through Amsterdam, the Van Gosh Museum also lets you view his famous work from the comfort of your own home!

During your virtual visit, you can check out some of Van Gogh’s masterpieces as well as work by some of his contemporaries through the museum’s online collection. You can also read stories about Vincent’s life and work along with some of his letters and greatest quotes. There’s a special section of the website dedicated to activities for children including coloring books and board games. If that’s still not to satiate your desire to learn more about this famous Dutch artist, you can also download apps to your phone that offer free books or watch videos on YouTube. This is the perfect resource for anyone hoping to learn more about Vincent Van Gogh and his work in a fun and memorable way!

3. The Guggenheim Museum

As one of the most famous museums in New York City, the Guggenheim is at the top of many travel wish lists. From the robust curves of the exterior to the world-class collections inside, this is one museum you won’t want to miss! Some of the highlights of the collection include works by Pablo Picasso, Edgar Degas, and Edouard Manet, amongst many other 20th-century artistic legends. Lucky for us, you don’t have to travel to the Big Apple to get a sneak peek at all the museum has to offer!

The Guggenheim Museum offers an online collection of more than 1,700 artworks by more than 625 artists from the late 19th century through today. The database is searchable by artists, date, movement, and medium. It is designed to showcase the diversity and tenor of the Guggenheim’s New York collection as well as pieces from the Guggenheim Collection in Venice and the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. The Guggenheim also offers an extensive list of online courses for adults, kid’s activities, and a slew of family-friendly activities. 

4. Google Arts Project: Street Art

Street art has become one of the most beloved art genres around the world. From gritty graffiti to colorful murals, street art tells the story of a destination in a way that few other mediums can. Google has attempted to bring these stories to life through its Google Arts Project. Focusing on street art from around the world, the project features virtual tours of destinations like Buenos Aires and Lima as well as themed tours centered on different types of art. 

Visitors to the Google Arts Project website can go on virtual walking tours, listen to audio tours, and view online exhibitions while learning about the artists through interactive features. It’s a fascinating way to view street art from all corners of the globe without having to pack your passport! If street art isn’t your thing, don’t worry. The Google Arts & Culture Project includes high-res images from more than 2,000 of the world’s leading museums including many of the museums on this list!

5. Metropolitan Museum of Art

Another of New York’s treasures, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, also known as the Met, stands proudly on 5th Avenue, overlooking Central Park. This fantastic museum holds a bewildering collection of more than 490,000 pieces of art and artifacts from all corners of the planet including paintings by Vermeer and sculptures from ancient Egypt. The museum is organized by region of the world, and as you wander through the endless galleries, it feels like you’re traveling around the world without ever leaving Manhattan! 

This world-class museum can be visited anywhere in the world thanks to the Met 360° Project . This virtual experience is a series of six videos that have been created using 360° technology to help you explore every nook and cranny of this famed museum. The videos have been viewed more than 11 million times and offer a unique perspective of what goes on inside the museum. You may find yourself suddenly standing in an empty gallery, soaring high above the museum’s roof, or feeling like you are watching the world in fast-forward thanks to a time-lapse video. The experience is truly unique. Even if you’ve been to the Met before, you have never seen it quite like this!

6. Vatican Museums

As the heart of Catholicism and the home of countless treasures, the Vatican Museums in Rome are some of the most revered museums in the entire world. On their website, you can access a series of virtual tours that take you inside some of the most popular areas of the complex including the Sistine Chapel, the Pio Clementino Museum, and the Profane Museum.

You can start your visit with a 360-degree view of the Sistine Chapel, undoubtedly one of Michelangelo’s most famous masterpieces. The spectacular ceiling can be viewed in high-res detail, giving you a close-up look at the stories of Christ, Moses, and the various Popes over the past 2,000 years. The Vatican also offers real-time live webcams which lets you see what’s happening in Vatican City throughout the day. This is a great way to explore the history and art of the Roman Catholic Church. 

7. British Museum

Famous for being one of the best museums in the United Kingdom, the British Museum first opened its doors back in 1759. The collection has grown exponentially since those early days and the British Museum now holds a collection of more than eight million items showcasing more than two million years of human history. Some of the highlights of the museum include the Rosetta Stone and the Statue of Ramesses II in the Egyptian Sculpture Gallery and items recovered from Ancient Roman cities.

There are many ways you can virtually explore the British Museum. The museum is the world’s largest indoor space on Google Street View so this is probably the best place to start your journey! This gives you the chance to view more than 60 different galleries and create your own curated tour of your favorites. Before you head into each gallery, don’t forget to listen to the insightful introduction from the museum’s audio tours. There are also many online galleries where you can find art from Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, and the Pacific Islands as well as podcasts featuring curators, authors, artists, and scientists. There’s even a library of kid-friendly resources specially designed for ages 3 to 16.

If you’re still hungry for more British art and history, head over to the National Gallery . This art gallery is home to more than 2,600 paintings from around the world. Here, you can take a Director’s Tour of the galleries, view paintings celebrating Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee, or discover Renaissance masterpieces. 

8. Getty Museum

Located in Los Angeles, the Getty Museum is one of the best museums on the West Coast. The Getty Museum’s virtual tours focus on both particular works of art and broader themes. Some of the virtual tours on offer include the Grand Canal in Venice by Canaletto, J. M. W Turner’s Modern Rome, Irises by Vincent Van Gogh, and Manet’s Spring. There is also an orientation film where you can learn more about the museum and its collection.

Although it’s not possible to access the Getty Museum’s virtual tours on their website, they can be found on Google Arts & Culture and on the Joy of Museums Virtual Tours .

9. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

The National Museum of Natural History is one of the many amazing museums in Washington, D.C. This fascinating museum takes you through millions of years of evolution and human history through an incredible selection of artifacts.

Besides having a massive collection of 147 million artifacts, the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History also boasts an impressive “Explore from Home” selection. As part of the Objects of Wonder virtual exhibit, the program shares the story behind many of its items. You can take a virtual narrated tour of the exhibition or visit their online featured collections. 

10. Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)

As the Met’s “little sister,” the Museum of Modern Art specializes in art from the 20th century. For many visitors, the highlight of the museum’s collection includes Van Gogh’s eerie yet idyllic Starry Night. You can find this and many more of the museum’s artwork on their online exhibition. 

The museum also offers some interesting videos online of New York City itself. The videos offer a very interesting perspective of the Big Apple that is a far cry from the glitz and glamour you see on social media and TV. You can also listen to audio shows or watch movies as part of their Film Vault Summer Camp. 

11. The Uffizi Gallery

In a country that’s famous for its art and history, the Uffizi Gallery in Florence stands head and shoulders above its competition. This breathtaking museum is home to some of Italy’s most famous paintings and sculptures including Botticelli’s breathtaking Birth of Venus and Primavera, and Titan’s Venus of Urbino. 

The Uffizi’s virtual tours give you a three-dimensional view of this world-renowned museum. You can see all of their most famous paintings. The best part about it is you don’t have to jostle amongst the crowds of people that are there all year round! There are also videos posted on their website that give you a brief introduction to the museum’s collection as well as nearby attractions like the Pitti Palace and the Boboli Gardens. 

World Landmarks

12. great wall of china.

Stretching a whopping 3,000 miles long, there’s been a long-running rumor for decades that the Great Wall of China is one of the world’s only landmarks that can be seen from space. While that is definitely not true, you can view the longest structure ever built by humans on the China Guide’s virtual tour of the Great Wall. This 2,000-year-old wall stretches through a number of provinces in northern China, and this virtual tour allows you to view this world wonder without having to go through the lengthy and frustrating China visa process. 

Through the virtual tour, you can view both the interior and exterior sections of the wall, enjoy the beautiful scenery of northern China, and get a close-up look at the brick walls and windows that still stand proudly after two millennia. While their website offers a 360-degree virtual tour of the ancient site, you can also join a live tour with a guide who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have! This is a great option for people who want to see more of the Great Wall of China but may not be able to conquer the never-ending steps to get there!

13. Heritage on the Edge

Google’s Heritage on the Edge lets you view UNESCO World Heritage sites using 3D maps. This interactive program provides interesting information about the history and heritage of a site as well as the lengths people are taking to protect these sites from the effects of climate change. Some of the different destinations you can explore include Easter Island, Edinburgh, the California Redwoods, Bangladesh, and Chan Chan, Peru. 

The aim of the project is to digitally preserve these UNESCO sites that are currently being degraded by droughts, erosion, flooding, and more. There are interviews from local communities along with experts discussing how climate change is impacting the sites. The website gives a fascinating look into these areas and is particularly interesting for anyone planning on visiting Easter Island or Edinburgh anytime in the near future. 

14. Eiffel Tower

It’s hard to look at any travel blog or article about Paris without seeing this famous tower. Erected in 1887 as part of the Paris World’s Fair, it quickly became a symbol of the City of Light. Today, people make the journey to the top of the tower to enjoy sweeping views of Paris down below.

Even if you can’t get all the way to Paris, there’s no reason why you can’t see the Eiffel Tower up close and personal! There are many different virtual tours available that will take you up into the tower and let you admire the spectacular views yourself! You simply need to log onto the Eiffel Tower website and look for their mobile tour guide. Here, you can find a plethora of information about the history of the Eiffel Tower as well as the surrounding area. It’s just like having your own personal tour guide but without the high costs and the crowds!

15. Disney World 

Getting to Disney World or Disney Land can be an epic experience for many people. These beloved theme parks make many childhood fantasies come true and have almost become like a rite of passage for many families. However, getting to one of the Disney theme parks can be a painfully expensive and simply painful affair. The long lines and the shocking price tags for pretty much everything can put this adventure out of many people’s reach.

However, this certainly doesn’t mean you and your family have to miss out on the magic of the Magic Kingdom. In fact, there are tons of different ways you can visit the parks virtually. From park walk-throughs filmed by tourists to virtual experiences created by Disney lovers, you simply need to do a quick Google search. One of the best places to start is on Google Street View where you can check out 360-degree panoramas. From there, you can head over to their YouTube channel to virtually experience even more Disney attractions!

Parks and Zoos

16. san diego zoo.

The San Diego Zoo is one of the most famous zoos in the entire United States. Located in Balboa Park just north of downtown San Diego, it’s home to more than 4,000 animals (many of which are endangered) and more than 700,000 individual plants. 

On their website, you can access live cameras including the koala cam, panda cam, hippo cam, and penguin cam. Some of the cameras are live while others are pre-recorded due to ongoing construction at the zoo. This is the perfect way to keep track of your favorite animals in realistic-looking habitats. You can also watch videos covering different topics such as pigmy hippos, tapir calves, and toucan chicks to learn more about these fascinating animals. 

17. Monterey Bay Aquarium

Monterey Bay Aquarium is located on the edge of Monterey Bay just south of San Francisco in Central California. The aquarium offers more than 200 exhibits and 80,000 plants and animals with a focus on local and regional species. Like the San Diego Zoo, the Monterey Bay Aquarium offers live webcams that give you the chance to see your favorite marine animals any time of the day! Some of the animals you can view include jellyfish, penguins, sea otters, sharks, and more! There are also webcams of Monterey Bay and the open bar so you can see what’s happening in the ocean. 

If you want to experience something really unique, head over to the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s YouTube channel where you can watch videos of marine animals paired with ambient and instrumental music. Now that is one mesmerizing way to relax!

18 . Houston Zoo

If the San Diego Zoo doesn’t have webcams of your favorite animals, don’t despair. The Houston Zoo has even more webcams just waiting for you! The zoo’s webcams allow you to see their herd of Asian elephants making their way through their habitat, watch giraffes nibble on their favorite snack of lettuce, or laugh as hippos roll around in a massive mud puddle. For anyone that prefers primates, you can even watch chimpanzees and gorillas interact with guests. The webcams also give you a view into the zoo’s educational programs and animal care

Ready to roam?

We hope this list of virtual tours has left you excited to explore the world! As always, we would love to hear your feedback. Please let us know if there is anything we may have missed!

If you want to read about more destinations around the world, make sure to head over to the Let’s Roam Explorer blog . Here, you will find hundreds of destination guides, travel articles, and must-see lists for destinations around the world. These have all been written by our very own in-house travel experts who can give insider tips for destinations ranging from Alabama to Antarctica and everywhere in between! Also, don’t forget to download the Let’s Roam app before you head off on your next adventure. This handy app gives you access to all of our fantastic scavenger hunts as well as user-generated information for locations across the country. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Many of the world’s most famous museums offer free virtual tours . These are a great way to learn more about the collection itself as well as its history and culture.

Many museums offer interactive virtual tours where you can zoom in on particular works of art to read more about them or look at them in closer detail.

While most zoos don’t offer virtual tours per se, they do offer live webcams that allow you to see what your favorite animals, and their caretakers, are doing throughout the day!

There are many different historical sites and museums that offer virtual tours . If you want to see historical sites, you can check out Google’s Heritage on the Edge.

Virtual tours are the perfect way to get to explore the world around you if you don’t have the time, money, or desire to travel. They’re very educational and can be fun at the same time!

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These 15 Famous Museums Offer Virtual Tours You Can Take from Your Couch

Experience the best museums — from London to Mexico City — in the comfort of your own home.

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If you're a dedicated art lover, you likely go to great lengths to visit renowned museums and galleries. But even when you’re not traveling, you can still get a taste of the masterpieces, artifacts, and architecture at many famous institutions — and get inspired for future trips while you're at it.

Google Arts & Culture teamed up with more than 1,200 museums and galleries around the world to create a collection of online exhibits and virtual tours . Other museums have their own virtual tours, too, such as the Vatican Museums and the Louvre , which features a selection of exhibitions on their websites.

Top 5 Can’t Miss

  • View legendary artifacts like the Rosetta Stone on a virtual stroll through the British Museum.
  • Gaze up at the Sistine Chapel’s divine ceiling without the crowds at the Vatican Museums.
  • The Met’s immersive 360-degree VR videos are arguably the best virtual museum tours.
  • Get a glimpse of the four locations of National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, on a Google Street View tour.
  • Peruse some of Van Gogh's most iconic works in the artist's namesake Amsterdam museum.

The British Museum, London

This iconic museum located in the heart of London allows virtual visitors to tour the Great Court, which was given a striking contemporary redesign in 2000. Move through other galleries to discover ancient artifacts like the Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies.

Vatican Museums

MihaiDancaescu / Getty Images

The next best thing to an after-hours tour , the Vatican Museums offers virtual access to more than a dozen of its galleries and richly decorated spaces. Explore the sumptuous murals of Raphael's Rooms and the Sistine Chapel, where you can zero in on Michelangelo's famous ceiling.

The Met, New York City

While you can explore highlights of the Metropolitan Museum of Art's encyclopedic collection — including the ancient Egyptian Temple of Dendur — via Google Arts & Culture , the institution offers its own virtual reality tours. The Met 360° Project comprises six videos that can be viewed with a VR headset for an immersive experience, complete with ambient soundtracks.

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

Don Eim/Travel + Leisure

One of Korea's popular museums can be accessed from anywhere around the world. Google's virtual tour gives you a taste of the museum's four locations with Street View visits and online exhibits. For a deeper dive, check out the museum's website for video walk-throughs of select exhibitions, including immersive VR versions.

Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

Anyone who's a fan of this tragic, ingenious painter can see his works up close (or, almost up close ) by virtually visiting this museum, home to the largest collection of art by Vincent van Gogh. Check out some of his most iconic paintings, including "Sunflowers" and "The Potato Eaters."

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

This renowned American art museum offers three online exhibits through Google. An overview of American fashion from 1740 to 1895 features watercolors of garments from the colonial and Revolutionary eras. You can also browse through works from Baroque painter Johannes Vermeer and other Dutch genre painters of the period and take an in-depth look at an early work by Leonardo da Vinci.

Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

If you can't get to D.C., take a stroll among the historic planes, rockets, and other craft on display at the country's top air and space museum . Check out the Wright Brothers' first bona fide plane, the Wright Flyer, which took to the skies in 1903, and astronaut Neil Armstrong's spacesuit from the Apollo 11 moon landing.

Guggenheim, New York City

NurPhoto / Getty Images

Google's Street View feature lets visitors tour the Guggenheim's famous spiral staircase without ever leaving home. From there, you can discover incredible works of art from the impressionist, post-impressionist, modern, and contemporary eras.

The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

European artworks from as far back as the eighth century can be found in this California art museum. Take a Street View tour to discover a huge collection of paintings, drawings, sculptures, manuscripts, and photographs.

Musée d’Orsay, Paris

You can virtually walk through this popular museum that houses dozens of famous French works from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Get a peek at paintings and sculptures by Monet, Cézanne, Gauguin, and Rodin, among others.

Pergamon Museum, Berlin

As one of Germany's largest museums, Pergamon has a lot to offer — even if you can't physically be there. This historical museum is home to plenty of ancient artifacts including the Ishtar Gate of Babylon and, of course, the Pergamon Altar.

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Explore masterpieces from the Dutch Golden Age, including works by Vermeer and Rembrandt. Google offers a Street View tour of this iconic museum, so you can feel as if you're actually wandering its halls.

Uffizi Gallery, Florence

Housed in a purpose-built 16th-century palace, the Uffizi Gallery showcases the art collection amassed by the wealthy and powerful de' Medici family. Today, anyone can wander its halls from anywhere in the world to view world-famous works like Sandro Botticelli's "The Birth of Venus."

MASP, São Paulo

The nonprofit Museu de Arte de São Paulo was Brazil's first modern museum. Artworks placed on clear, raised frames make it seem like they're hovering in midair. Take a virtual tour to experience the wondrous display for yourself.

Frida Kahlo Museum, Mexico City

Getty Images / Andrew Hasson

Enter the world of 20th-century artist Frida Kahlo with a Street View tour of several spaces in Casa Azul, the modest, vivid blue-painted house where she was born, now the Frida Kahlo Museum . You can tour her studio and peek into other personal spaces like the kitchen and lush courtyard garden as well as view works by Kahlo and her husband Diego Rivera.

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  • Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Tours, Attractions and Things To Do in Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod is the fifth largest city in Russia with a population exceeding 1.2 million. The city is located at the confluence of two rivers - the Volga and Oka. It is the center of Nizhny Novgorod region and Volga Federal District, as well as one of the country’s major administrative, economic and cultural centers.

Furthermore, Nizhny Novgorod is the Russia’s largest industrial center with the enterprises of mechanical engineering, metalworking information technology playing a leading role.

Nizhny Novgorod was founded in 1221 by Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich to protect Russian borders. Under Ivan III, Nizhny Novgorod was a sentry city. It had a regular army. This was the place for Moscow to march against Kazan.

Nizhny Novgorod made a great contribution to the construction of the Russian state. In 1612, Kuz’ma Minin and Prince Dmistry Pozharsky’s militia from Nizhny Novgorod played a decisive role in the liberation of Moscow from Polish intervention.

During the Soviet period from 1932 to 1990, the city was named after Maxim Gorky, the Great Russian writer who was born there. From 1959 to 1991 it was a “forbidden” city for foreigners because of defense plants, located there. On October 22, 1990 the city got its former name, and about at the same time, it began developping tourist business.

Today, the city, once playing such a significant role in the history of Russia, is developed into a modern metropolis. So, the urban development plan intends to build a metro bridge, cableway, funicular, and a new branched transport infrastructure there. Furthermore, Nizhny Novgorod is the Russia’s largest center of river cruise tourism and venue of Nizhny Novgorod fair-based major international exhibitions.

Nizhny Novgorod is one of the richest cultural centers of Russia. The most prominent artists have received education in the local theater and art schools. The city has opened a large number of theaters, museums and cinemas.

This city can surprise any traveler by an entwinement of modern and ancient buildings, each time rising before your eyes in a completely unexpected appearance.



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Top 10 Things To Do And See In Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

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Located about 400km east of Moscow , Nizhny Novgorod is one of the most important centers of cultural, economic, and political activity in European Russia . Widely considered, after St Petersburg and Moscow, to be Russia’s ‘third city’, Nizhny is fast becoming a hot-spot for Russian and global tourists alike, attracted by the city’s up-and-coming reputation and stunning landscape.

The view over Nizhny Novgorod from the city’s Kremlin walls

The Kremlin

Jutting out from the cliffs that overlook the meeting point of the great Volga and Oka rivers, Nizhny Novgorod ‘s ancient Kremlin boasts of some of the best views in the city. Designed by an Italian architect, the 13 magnificent towers and the 12 meter high walls of Nizhny’s Kremlin date back to 1500. On this very spot in 1612, heroes of Russian history Kuzma Minin and Count Dmitry Pozharsky defeated the invading Polish army in extraordinary circumstances. This moment has become legend in Russian history and a statue in honor of these two lies at the foot of St Basil’s in Moscow. The Kremlin is the historic center of the city where you will find an art museum and the lovely Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, as well as a striking monument to those that fought in the Second World War and its flame eternally flickering on in their memory.

The eternal flame in Nizhny Novgorod’s Kremlin

Ride on the cable car

Completed in 2012, taking a ride on Nizhny Novgorod’s cablecar has fast become a favorite activity of tourists. The trip offers unparalleled opportunities to view the city’s gorgeous natural landscape from this bird’s eye position. The 3660m long gondola lift connects Nizhny to the town of Bor and stretches across the Volga River for 900 panoramic meters. The gondola acts as both a convenient means of transportation and a fantastic sight-seeing expedition – come at sunset for a golden-bathed view of the river and surrounding landscape.

Nizhny Novgorod’s cable car

The house-museum of Maxim Gorky

During the Soviet era, Nizhny Novgorod, birthplace of celebrated Russian writer Maxim Gorky , was renamed ‘Gorky’ in honor of this national hero. This home has been preserved in a state as accurate as possible to how it was left by Gorky and is so successful in this that it would seem as though the writer still lived there. The museum ‘s historic interiors and authentic furnishings will transport you back to the 1900s and the creative world of this icon of Russian literature. Come and make the most of this unique experience to delve into the childhood world of this Russian father of social realism. Museum booklets and guided tours are available in English.

Nizhegorodskaya Yarmarka

A yarmarka is something akin to a fair, and this historic former market place was restored in 1991, the site now playing home to a superb modern exhibition center. The city’s yarmarka plays host to international events, fairs, and conventions. In 2011, for the 20 year anniversary of the fair’s refounding, a vast array of exhibitions were organized, attended by thousands including members of the British royal family, Vladimir Putin, Mikhail Gorbachev , and Margaret Thatcher . The fair is not only a buzzing center of business and culture, it is also one of the city’s most impressive sights.

One of Nizhny Novgorod’s stunning parks

The Nizhegorodsky State Art Museum

Located inside Nizhny Novgorod’s ancient Kremlin, the building that houses this art gallery was once the home of the governor of the city. The exhibits are wide-ranging and include everything from 14th century religious icons, to work by 20th century contemporary Russian masters. Particularly dazzling is the collection by Russian painter Nicholas Roerich. There is also a large arts and crafts collection which demonstrates the exquisite handiwork of Russian artisans throughout history.

Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street

The chkalov staircase.

An idyllic spot from which to watch the sun’s rays set over the city, this monumental creation was constructed by the Soviet government and is unique to the city of Nizhny Novgorod. The staircase derives its name from pilot Valery Chkalov who, in 1937, became the first man to fly from Moscow to Vancouver through the North Pole. A monument to Chkalov stands at the top of the stairs. The construction of the staircase cost almost 8 million rubles – an immense sum at the time. Over 1,500 stairs connect the city center with the river embankment – making Chkalov’s landmark the longest flight of stairs along the Volga. Nowadays the staircase is a favorite meeting place and relaxation spot for locals.

The Chkalov Staircase in Nizhny Novgorod

The Rukavishnikov Estate Museum

The Rukavishnikovs were a family of immensely wealthy merchants originating from the region around Nizhny Novgorod. This superbly restored palace , their former home, has been transformed into a museum of Russian history and gives a realistic snap-shot of life for the wealthy under tsarist rule. The ornate 19th century interiors and exquisite facade are sure to dazzle with their beauty while the lush green of the surrounding natural landscape provides a tranquil getaway from the city center. Lavish furnishings, priceless antiques, and glistening gold will transport you back in time to a world of balls, carriages, banquets, and tsars. Join the world of Russian noble ladies and gentlemen for a day in this stunning palace.

The memorial statue to Valery Chkalov by the Chkalov Staircase

The Sakharov Museum

Nizhny Novgorod’s Sakharov Museum is dedicated to dissident Russian scientist Andrei Sakharov . The nuclear physicist and human rights activist was exiled for six years to the very flat in which the museum is now housed. Sakharov’s support for civil reform and improved human rights in the Soviet Union earned him harsh persecution from the Russian government, but also, in 1975, a Nobel Peace Prize . Sakharov was incarcerated here until 1986 when a KGB officer arrived to install a phone in the flat. Just after the phone was installed it began to ring: the caller was Mikhail Gorbachev, ringing Sakharov to inform him of his release. This phone is now one of the museum’s most treasured artifacts.

The stunning architecture of Nizhny Novgorod

The National Centre of Contemporary Art

Inside the walls of Nizhny’s Kremlin can also be found one of the best modern art galleries in Russia. Linked to galleries in both St Petersburg and Moscow, this top-ranking exhibition center houses regularly changing displays of both Russian and international art as well as interactive exhibits and a media library. Progress is also on-going of adding a concert hall, extending the exhibition areas, and creating a restaurant. These additions aim to make art contemporary, not simply a detached, unrelatable concept, but bring it closer to the Russian people.

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    Tours, Attractions and Things To Do in Nizhny Novgorod. Nizhny Novgorod is the fifth largest city in Russia with a population exceeding 1.2 million. The city is located at the confluence of two rivers - the Volga and Oka.

  22. Top 10 Things To Do And See In Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

    A yarmarka is something akin to a fair, and this historic former market place was restored in 1991, the site now playing home to a superb modern exhibition center. The city's yarmarka plays host to international events, fairs, and conventions. In 2011, for the 20 year anniversary of the fair's refounding, a vast array of exhibitions were organized, attended by thousands including members ...

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