Star Trek: Who Are The Andorians & Why Are They Blue?

Va'Al Trask talking

No matter which aspect of the franchise they're most familiar with, there's a good chance that "Star Trek" fans have crossed paths with the Andorians at least once or twice. These blue-hued aliens have been popping up in various shows and movies since  "Star Trek: The Original Series,"  cementing their position as one of the most enduring alien races to feature in the franchise's universe. However, while many fans are familiar with the basics of the Andorians — including their homeworld of Andoria, their humanoid appearance and sentience, and their militaristic societal structure — some may still have a question about them: Why, exactly, are they blue?

Typical Andorians sport light-blue skin, white hair, and a small pair of antennae atop their heads. While the origin of their blue coloring hasn't been explicitly addressed within the official canon, "Star Trek: Enterprise" offers a potential explanation. In Season 4, Episode 13, titled "United," viewers see an Andorian bleed, revealing that the aliens have blue blood. The ostensible implication is that the Andorians' unique physiology allows the color of their blood to affect their skin pigmentation, giving them their trademark blue hue.

Why did Star Trek make Andorians blue?

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That provides fans with at least something of an explanation for why Andorians are blue in the "Star Trek" universe, but franchise devotees may also be curious about the original design conception behind the aliens and just why, exactly, the powers that be felt compelled to make them blue in the first place. There is an explanation on this front as well, though whether it's a satisfying one is up for debate.

The Andorians were originally created by script writer D. C. Fontana for "Star Trek: The Original Series," and their overall design was ultimately cemented by makeup artist Fred Phillips. Fontana introduced the aliens in Season 2, Episode 10, titled "Journey to Babel," but while she seemingly always intended for them to have blue skin, her reasoning is rather unclear. The original script for "Journey to Babel" includes a memo from Fontana  regarding the Andorians' makeup and costume design, and she makes particular note of their blue coloration. In the words of Fontana herself, "Andorians are pale blue. Because."

Fontana's memo suggests that she and the rest of the "Star Trek" team's motivation for making the Andorians blue was purely an aesthetic choice meant to distinguish the aliens and nothing more. Superficial reasoning or not, however, this particular design decision resulted in the creation of one of the most iconic  "Star Trek" aliens  of all time.

Discovery 's newest crew member reveals his links to a forgotten Star Trek era

"His confidence and bombast have been stripped away."

star trek blue woman

In Star Trek, it's not easy being green. But being blue can be even harder.

Since writer Dorothy Fontana invented the blue-skinned Andorians for the 1967 Star Trek episode "Journey to Babel," these antenna-ed aliens have been fan favorites. Even so, there haven't been many Andorians in major roles on Trek, a tradition that Discovery changes with its latest episode.

Noah Averbach-Katz — who plays Ryn the Andorian — has been part of the Trek family for quite some time. Averbach-Katz is married to Mary Wiseman, who plays Sylvia Tilly on Discovery . He's also been a huge Trekkie since childhood. Averbach-Katz spoke with Inverse about how his deep love of the least popular Star Trek series was instrumental in bringing Ryn to life.

Spoilers ahead for Star Trek: Discovery Season 3, Episode 8, "Sanctuary."

In "The Sanctuary," the USS Discovery 's battle with the criminal empire known as The Emerald Chain gets serious. To protect Book 's (David Ajala) home planet, Ryn joins Lt. Demeter (Emily Coutts) in a Star Wars-style Death Star-run against the Orion Crime Lord Osyraa (Janet Kidder). Previously, Ryn helped liberate slaves from the planet Hunhau, taking a phaser blast meant for Book in the process.

Historically, the self-sacrificing, timid Andorian isn't something we've seen before. As a long-time fan of the prequel series Star Trek: Enterprise , Katz went back to the greatest Andorian of them all — Shran — in order to really figure out what his take on Ryn was going to be like.

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Averbach-Katz on the set of 'Star Trek: Discovery.'

"I re-watched Journey to Babel,” of course," Averbach-Katz says."That's just to get your Andorian history. But really, I also watched every episode of Enterprise with Jeffrey Combs as Shran. I used his performance as a sort of template for the Über- Andorian. Everything I do comes off that template. For a species that has been around since the beginning of Trek, it’s interesting how little lore there was. It was cool to see how Combs invented the canon and disposition of this species."

Although widely regarded as the least-loved of all the Trek spin-offs, Averbach-Katz enthuses that he unabashedly loves Enterprise. Upon revealing that he was playing Ryn in Episode 6 of Discovery , Averbach-Katz tweeted a self-made video montage of all of his childhood photos at Star Trek conventions with his parents, set to the saccharine theme song of Enterprise , "Faith of the Heart." The video concludes with candid shots of himself, both in and out of makeup with his real-life spouse and other Discovery cast members.

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A still from Katz's "Faith of the Heart" fan-made montage.

"My mom is a big Trekkie. She would drag me to the conventions. She would have these Star Trek parties — we would have all my friends over and watch the new episode of Enterprise . I’m one of the rare Trekkies who really grew-up on Enterprise . I not-so-secretly loved it. You’re kind of not supposed to, but I loved it."

Averbach-Katz isn't just a fan who happened to get married to a Star Trek actor and then become an Andorian. He also auditioned for the role of Spock in Discovery Season 2.

"Funnily enough, that was dummy script. It wasn't Spock. It was an Andorian named Tom. But I knew it was Spock right away," Averbach-Katz says. "Obviously, I didn’t get it, and Ethan did a great job. But, they really liked my take and they could see that understood the Star Trek genre. Then I got an audition for this character. I don’t know if they had me in mind, maybe I was the only person. Or maybe I was just the right one."

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Jeffrey Combs as Shran, the Andorian, on 'Star Trek: Enterprise.'

As much as Averbach-Katz was inspired by Combs portrayal of Shran, the Discovery star says Ryn is basically the reverse of the Enterprise character.

"What [Shran] does so well is present this proud and confident species. But, what’s great about his arc in Enterprise is underneath that is a deep sensitivity, and underneath that sadness and pain and loss and joy," Averbach-Katz explains. "For Ryn, it's the opposite. He’s been tossed aside and almost destroyed. His confidence and bombast have been stripped away. His journey is building all that back up, getting all the bluster of what makes an Andorian laid out."

Averbach-Katz can't say how long he'll be on the series, or if Ryn appears in Season 4, but he did reveal he's been making the most of his downtime by playing Dungeon and Dragons with his Discovery castmates over Zoom. (He's the DM.) He describes it not only as "an opportunity to have fun and share stories that aren’t just about work," but also says it's also given him a chance to get to know Blu del Barrio and Ian Alexander better.

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The Discovery cast's D&D Zoom game.

"They are such a hugely important addition to the current Star Trek. They are the new vanguard of what Star Trek is gonna be," Averbach-Katz says. "This is how younger generations will relate to this show, through Adira and Grey. I couldn’t think of better ambassadors than those two."

Star Trek: Discovery is streaming now on CBS All Access.

This article was originally published on Dec. 3, 2020

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Top 10 Best Star Trek Female Characters, Ranked From Romulans to Illyrians

Image of Dennis Limmer

It’s not easy coming up with the  best Star Trek female characters , because there are so many to choose from. We wish we could name every one of them since there have been amazing female characters throughout the original Star Trek series, The Next Generation, and the recent Strange New Worlds. But this bodes well for the franchise, providing an excellent balance between male and female characters that’s helped elevate Star Trek beyond the confines of any world. Without further ado, let’s check out the list.

10. Romulan Commander


The first time the Federation’s deadliest enemy was introduced was in the original series episode The Enterprise Incident. Kirk gives in to his daring nature and takes his Enterprise ship into Romulan territory, where he encounters a squadron. What makes this character even more significant is the fact that she remains unnamed to this day and yet is such an important milestone for Star Trek canon and history.

While Kirk attempts to gather intel on the Romulans, the commander is fascinated by Spock and tries to persuade him to join her. It becomes apparent she might have a romantic inclination toward him. After inviting Spock to dinner, she explains how Romulan women are passionate when compared to logical Vulcan women. Spock is put on edge, but resists her offer and maintains his loyalty. All along, Spock was helping Kirk steal the invaluable cloaking device to help advance the Federation’s technology. At the end of the episode, the Romulan commander is captured aboard the Enterprise and held as a prisoner. In a moment of privacy, Spock admits that his romantic interest in her was not pretended.

9. Philippa Georgiou


Georgiou is a Malaysian human who became one of the Starfleet Academy’s most decorated officers and the captain of U.S.S. Shenzou. During a routine activity, her crew encountered the hostile Klingon Empire and things quickly escalated into an event known as the Battle at the Binary Stars before becoming the catalyst to the Klingon-Federation War. Georgiou lost her life to the leader of the Klingons, T’Kuvma, as she tried to capture him on his ship in an attempt to prevent the war. She is a smart and driven commander who will go down in Star Trek history for her sacrifice.

8. Elizabeth Shelby


Commander Elizabeth Shelby has a bit of notoriety to her name, mostly owing to her rivalry with Commander William T. Riker. After confidently believing she would replace him as Captain Picard’s first officer, Riker didn’t take too kindly to her after his promotion to commander of U.S.S. Melbourne. To Shelby’s chagrin, she ended up becoming Riker’s first officer. Elizabeth has a similar personality to Admiral James T. Kirk in that she is a risk-taker when the greater good is involved.

As such, she ended up going over Riker’s head when leading an away team to investigate a Borg attack, and went so far as to lead another team to rescue Picard when the Borg kidnapped him. She eventually moved up the ranks to be a commanding officer herself, and it would be great to find out more about her in future shows.

7. Deanna Troi


Deanna Troi is a standout character not just due to her exoticness, but also because of her half-human, half-Betazoid hybrid race. This mixed-race is what gave her telepathic abilities (though decreased in their effectiveness), and those powers were perfect for the crew’s counselor. She brought prominence to this Starfleet position and proved the most valuable assets to have in space are communication and empathy.

On many occasions, her abilities helped smooth things out during turbulent encounters, and she survived many different scenarios including being surgically altered, impersonating Romulans, and figuring out when others were lying. Deanna eventually married Riker and did more than enough to secure her legacy in Star Trek canon and history.

6. Michael Burnham


Michael has great importance to Star Trek canon, bringing more diversity while also being the main protagonist on the Star Trek: Discovery series despite not acting as the captain. Her story overshadows her captain Gabriel Lorca, and while she served under Captain Phillippa Georgiou, she would commit mutiny and injure Phillippa in order to force the U.S.S. Shenzhou to preemptively attack the Klingons. After being a part of the Klingon-Federation war’s inciting incident, Captain Lorca reduced her sentence since he wanted crew members dedicated to defeating the Klingons.

Her backstory is unique in that she was a human raised by Klingons, and none other than Spock’s father, Sarek, specifically. Not a typical Star Trek character, Michael is a complicated woman, most likely created under modern characterization precepts, and it will be interesting to see how her story develops.

5. Beverly Crusher


Talk about an intimidating name. Beverly Crusher is an all-around amazing female character, and not at all an aggressive one like her last name might suggest. She served as the chief medical officer on both Enterprise-D and Enterprise-E, and was a main crew member on Star Trek: The Next Generation. She was also a loving mother to Wesley Crusher and after her husband’s tragic passing, developed a close bond with Picard that blurred the lines between friendship and romance.

Beverly Crusher is controversial in that many wished she was further developed than what was allowed on screen in the Star Trek the Next Generation shows and movies. Her closeness to Picard also rallied fans to request her to have a main role in the Picard series, and many non-canonical books were written about the pairing, and the life they share together, along with their son.

4. Seven of Nine


Seven of Nine’s name should state the obvious; there’s nothing quite like her. Although human, she was a former Borg drone, meaning she was part of the Borg Collective until she was liberated by Kathryn Janeway and her U.S.S. Voyager crew. As an assimilated Borg, she was taken by them and enhanced with cybernetics. In the case of Seven of Nine, or Annika Hansen, she was abducted at the age of six and dubbed Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One.

After her complex and traumatic upbringing, she becomes nuanced and complicated aboard the U.S.S. Voyager. She brings many deep, dramatic, and thematic elements to Star Trek, portraying a character that demands respect, patience, and understanding. After all, consider the fact that she was kidnapped as a child, forced to become a Borg drone, and then has difficulty assimilating with her human peers (let alone other races), while also having to suppress an urge to rejoin the Borg. For the show, she brought plenty of tense moments, as well as emotional scenes, funny moments, and butt-kicking action.

3. Nyota Uhura


Uhura has seen different incarnations throughout the various Star Trek series and movies, and Strange New Worlds has really taken her to the next level. Her latest on-screen portrayal brings a balanced sense of vulnerability, strengths, weaknesses, and backstory. Although she begins as a communications officer aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise, she eventually achieves the rank of commander of the U.S.S. Leondegrance for her remaining services to the Starfleet.

She can also be considered the first true standout female character or lead and deserves it completely. Uhura brings a great amount of diversity and unique themes to explore. As the expert linguist on her crew, and with her potential to grow, we’re looking forward to seeing more of her on a regular basis.

2. Number One / Una Chin-Riley


As her designated name states, Number One is the first officer to Pike, and ranks just shy of the number one spot on this list. In the original series, she was only referred to as Number One but was later named Una Chin-Riley in several non-canon Star Trek novels. It’s great how Strange New Worlds finally solidifies her name as canon. Also in the new series, Una is given a more involved role and is attached to a key plot involving Pike’s destiny. Since she’s an Illyrian, she’s genetically modified, which is also why she looks like a human, while her kind normally does not.

From the beginning of the Strange New Worlds series, Starfleet makes it clear that they are anti-genetically modified beings. This puts her in a terrible position, and in direct defiance of Federation law. Regardless, she’s already had spotlight episodes where she’s saved the crew from a deadly virus, and has special empathy when it comes to forming bonds with fellow crew members. The fact that she risks it all to help her crewmates and perform her duties to better mankind makes her all the more compelling and one to root for.

1. Kathryn Janeway


Kathryn Janeway is an iconic female character that hasn’t received as much attention as she should, especially in recent Star Trek lore and media. In Starfleet history, she remains one of the most highly decorated captains and is notoriously known for her obsession with coffee. On a more serious note, one of her most notable accomplishments is how she took command of the U.S.S. Voyager as it made its way through the dangerous Delta Quadrant, which is home to the Borg Collective. Thanks to her leadership, the Voyager was able to bring the crew safely back to earth through a Borg transwarp conduit.

Her time as a commander also gained her another milestone which she achieved during her space exploration. It’s been estimated in various episodes how she’s made first contact with more alien races than James T. Kirk. She eventually gets promoted to the rank of Admiral after helping prevent another technologically advanced species from the Delta Quadrant, the Vau N’Akat, from destroying the Federation. To top it off, she defeated the Borg Queen and has a diverse background full of hobbies, passions, and scientific skills. Most of all, she comes across as being a balanced leader; one who is smart, decisive, and strong, but also kind, caring, and understanding. No other female character has been involved in so many Star Trek critical events and achieved so much, which makes her deserving of this top spot.

That’s our list of the top best Star Trek female characters , but the great thing about this franchise is that it has always been a pioneer for portraying powerful women of diverse races, ages, and cultures. There are way more than 10 great female characters in the Star Trek mythos, and new prominent female characters are being introduced all the time. If you’re a Star Trek fan, you owe it to yourself to check out the video game, Resurgence .

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The Eye-Catching Women of Star Trek the Original Series

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Star Trek: The Original Series is known for being a trailblazing sci-fi series that boldly explored a broad range of themes, including technology, politics, civil rights, sexism, racism, and a plethora of other social issues. Despite not initially getting the attention it deserved, it proved to be a revolutionary show that gave birth to a franchise that has endured for more than half a century now.

From the beginning, Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the series, strove to use his platform as means to express his beliefs and convictions. While some might look back at the female cast members of Star Trek as merely being eye candy, in truth, Roddenberry’s goal was to depict women as being strong, empowered individuals who could hold their own just as well as any of the boys could.

That being said, there’s no denying the fact that many of the women who appeared on Star Trek: The Original Series, both in main and guest roles, were incredibly attractive. From the late Nichelle Nichols as Lieutenant Uhura to Majel Barrett as Nurse Christine Chapel and Grace Lee Whitney as Janice Rand, join Facts Verse as we take an indepth look at The Eye-Catching Women of Star Trek the Original Series.

Nichelle Nichols – Nyota Uhura

Nichols portrayed Nyota Uhura in Star Trek: The Original Series and it’s film sequels. Her addition to the show’s cast was seen as being very groundbreaking for African American actresses on American TV at the time.

She was born in Robbins, Illinois, on December 28, 1932. It was in Chicago that she got her start as a model, dancer, and singer. She eventually moved on to stage acting before being cast in film and television roles.

In 1959, Nichelle appeared as the principal dancer in the film adaptation of Porgy and Bess. Prior to being cast as Uhura on Star Trek, Nichols was a guest star on Gene Roddenberry’s first TV series, The Lieutenant, in the 1964 episode To Set It Right.

On Star Trek, her prominent supporting role as a bridge officer on the USS Enterprise was unprecedented. Being one of the first Black women featured on a major network series was seen as a major victory for civil rights activists.

She was tempted to leave the show early on in it’s run, but a conversation with Martin Luther King Jr. convinced her to stick around.

In an episode titled Plato’s Stepchildren, which aired on November 22, 1968, Nichols shared an onscreen kiss with white actor William Shatner who played Captain James T. Kirk. The episode is frequently cited as being the first example of an interracial kiss seen on television in the United States.

After Star Trek’s cancellation following it’s third season, Nichols continued to play an active role in the Star Trek Universe by reprising her role in the Star Trek animated series and several live-action films. She later volunteered with NASA promoting programs aimed at recruiting diverse astronauts.

Nichelle died of heart failure in Silver City, New Mexico on July 30, 2022, at age 89.

Alice Rawlings – Jame Finney

While not a very major role, this astonishingly beautiful actress played the role of Jame Finney in the season one episode ‘Court Martial’.

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Andrea Dromm – Yeoman Smith

In the first season episode “Where No Man Gone Before”, Dromm played the character Yeoman Smith. She was actually the second actress to play a captains’s Yeoman, after Laurel Goodwin who portrayed Yeoman J.M. Colt in the first pilot episode “The Cage”.

Dromm was expected to become a series regular, but she only ended up sticking around briefly. Despite being known for using Star Trek to advance his progressive social and political beliefs, director Jimmy Goldstone reportedly overheard Gene Roddenberry say that the only reason why he hired Dromm was because he wanted to ‘score with her’. Needless to say, that never happened.

Decades later, when asked about her time on the show, Dromm said that she had no problems with Gene and thought of him as being a very nice man.

Dromm might have become a recurring cast member if it weren’t for the fact that she was offered a prominent role in ‘The Russians are Coming, the Russians Are Coming’. She was told that she could either do the film or do the series but not both, and she ultimately chose the film. If she had known that Star Trek would become such a phenomenon, she would likely have opted to the series instead.

After Dromm’s departure, her role on the Enterprise was filled by the next actress we’ll be discussing.

Grace Lee Whitney – Janice Rand

Born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on the first of April, 1930, Whitney began her entertainment career as a singer on Detroit’s WJR radio at 14. After leaving home and moving to Chicago, she opened nightclubs for Buddy Rich and Billie Holiday before touring with Fred Waring and Spike Jones’s bands

She made her Broadway debut in a production of Top Banana. She followed that up by appearing in the 1954 Hollywood film adaption of the play. She went on to appear in more than 100 television roles, including in 77 Sunset Strip, The Roaring 20s, Batman, Hawaiian Eye, and Wagon Train

In 1966, Gene Roddenberry cast her in the role of the third Yeoman, Janice Rand. Whitney appeared in 8 of the first 15 episodes of the series before being released from her contract. She later revealed that while she was still under contract, she was sexually assaulted by one of the show’s executive producers.

Despite that traumatic event, she later reprised her role as Janice Rand in five Star Trek motion pictures. Throughout those films, her character received two promotions – first to the rank of chief petty officer and later to Lieutenant Commander.

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Star Trek franchise, Whitney returned in the 1996 Voyager episode ‘Flashback’ alongside her former co-star George Takei. Whitney has also appeared in several fan-made Star Trek productions, including Star Trek: New Voyages and Star Trek Continues.

Angelique Pettyjohn – Shahna

Born Dorothy Lee Perrins, Pettyjohn portrayed the character Shahna in the second season episode, ‘The Gamesters of Triskelion’. And yes, in that episode, she shared a rather passionate kiss with Captain Kirk.

Majel Barret – Nurse Christine Chapel

While Majel Barret has played several roles in the Star Trek franchise including that of Lwaxana Troi on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and the voice of the onboard computer interfaces throughout the various Trek series from 1966 to 2009, on Star Trek: The Original Series she played Nurse Christine Chapel.

Barret is also notable for marrying series creator Gene Roddenberry in 1969. Given her unique role and relationship with Star Trek, she is often referred to as ‘The First Lady of Star Trek’.

Majel made her first appearance on Star Trek in the initial unaired pilot episode ‘The Cage’, playing an unnamed Enterprise first officer simply referred to as ‘Number One’. As Nurse Chapel, Barret wore a blonde wig. Chapel was introduced in the sixth episode, ‘The Naked Time’ and proceeded to a be frequently recurring character.

After spending the majority of her professional career dedicated to all-things Trek, having appeared in every incarnation of the franchise in her lifetime, Barret died of leukemia on December 18, 2008, at age 78.

Antoinette Bower – Sylvia

Bower was a German-born actress who portrayed the character Sylvia in the second season episode ‘Catspaw’. Like so many of the other one-off female guest stars on the series, Sylvia too enjoyed a steamy kiss with that shameless playboy Captain Kirk.

Arlene Martel – T’Pring

Hailing from New York City, Martel was best known for playing Spock’s bride-to-be T’Pring in the Star Trek Original Series second series episode Arnok Time.

Throughout her acting career, Martel, sometimes billed as Arlene Sax, was praised for her ability to change up her appearance like a chameleon. She was also renowned for her proficiency with various accents and dialects.

Besides Star Trek, Martel made dozens of appearances on shows like The Man From UNCLE, The Wild Wild West, The Twilight Zone, The Rookies, Perry Mason, Mannix, and The Six Million Dollar Man – just to name a few.

Barbara Babcock

Babcock played several different characters and provided the voices for several more on Star Trek: The Original Series. She can be seen in the first season episodes ‘A Taste of Armageddon’ and ‘Plato’s Stepchildren’.

In addition to portraying Mea 3 and Philana, Babcock also did the voice work for the Beta 5 computer, Isis, Loskene, Zetarians, and Trelane’s mother.

Barbara Baldavin

Baldavin appeared in four episodes of Star Trek; The Original Series.

She portrayed a recurring character named Angela Martine, who can be seen in the episodes ‘Shore Leave’ and ‘Balance of Terror’. She also appeared in the season three episode ‘Turnabout Intruder’, playing the role of communications officer Lt. Lisa.

Barbara Bouchet – Kelinda

Another eye-catching female character that Captain Kirk locked lips with in the season two episode ‘By Any Other Name’ was a blonde named Kelinda, played by Barbara Bouchet.

Throughout her acting career, Bouchet has appeared in more than 80 television shows and films, including 1967s Casino Royal, 1972s The Red Queen Kills Seven Times and 2002s Gangs of New York.

In recent years, Bouchet has mainly appeared in Italian television shows such as Capri, Crimini, and Un posto al sole.

With that, we’re just about out of time, but we’d love to hear from you. Can you think of any other eye-catching beauties that appeared on Star Trek: The Original Series? And who do you think was the most powerful female character to be featured on the series? Let us know in the comments.

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Written by Alex Carson

Alex Carson is a seasoned writer and cultural historian with a passion for the vibrant and transformative decades of the 1960s and 1970s. With a background in journalism and a deep love for music, film, and politics, Alex brings a unique perspective to the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment.

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  • Star Trek celebrates strong female characters in leadership roles, reflecting a vision of equality in a futuristic utopia.
  • Iconic women like Lt. Uhura and Captain Burnham have paved the way for diversity and inclusivity in the Star Trek universe.
  • From powerful captains to clever doctors and empathetic counselors, the women of Star Trek bring compassion, intelligence, and strength.

Star Trek has introduced an incredible cast of truly amazing women throughout its nearly 60-year history. In the utopian future of Star Trek, women can climb the ranks of Starfleet to achieve the same positions of authority as their male counterparts. While this ideal was somewhat hindered by the landscape of the 1960s, modern Star Trek fully embraces Gene Roddenberry's vision of a peaceful future where all kinds are welcome. From Lt. Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) on Star Trek: The Original Series to Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) on Star Trek: Discovery, every Star Trek series has included great female characters.

Since Star Trek: The Original Series and its movies, women have served as Starfleet Captains, Admirals, and everything in between. Star Trek: Discovery even introduced a new United Federation of Planets President in Laira Rillak (Chelah Horsdal) and a Vulcan President of Ni'Var, T'Rina (Tara Rosling). Not only were both of these women incredibly intelligent and great at their jobs, but they were also compassionate and authentic in the best way. A true list of amazing Star Trek women would include far more than 20 characters, but nevertheless, here are 20 of Star Trek's greatest female characters.

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20 Commander Ro Laren

Portrayed by michelle forbes.

Ro Laren only appeared in eight episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and one of Star Trek: Picard , but she remains one of the franchise's most memorable and compelling recurring characters. Introduced in the TNG season 5 episode, "Ensign Ro," the fiery Bajoran Ensign Ro was impulsive and slow to trust, but she was also incredibly clever and able to adapt to any situation.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) became a mentor to Ro, and he was devastated when she later decided to join the rebel group known as the Maquis.

Ro followed her heart and her strong sense of morality in joining the Maquis, determined to stand against injustice even if it meant betraying Starfleet. Ro was later recruited by Starfleet Intelligence. In Star Trek: Picard season 3, Ro remains strong in her moral convictions in her eventual confrontation with Admiral Picard decades after her betrayal. Despite their differences, Ro trusted Picard to do the right thing, and her paranoia regarding the Changeling infiltration of Starfleet turned out to be well-founded.

Portrayed by Whoopi Goldberg & Ito Aghayere

As the enigmatic Ten Forward bartender on the USS Enterprise-D, Guinan patiently listened to the troubles of the ship's crew members and offered advice. Guinan was one of Picard's closest friends and one of the few people he would approach for counsel. With her understated sense of humor, Guinan had a knack for pointing people in the right direction and getting them to come to realizations on their own.

Guinan was eventually revealed to be a member of the El-Aurian species, an extremely long-lived race of listeners.

Guinan returned in Star Trek: Picard season 2, when Picard sought her out in the 21st century at 10 Forward Avenue in Los Angeles. This younger Guinan (Ito Aghayere) did not yet know Jean-Luc Picard, but she helped him anyway, pointing him in the direction of the Watcher he was searching for and contacting Q (John de Lancie).

Guinan's Complete TNG & Picard Timeline Explained

Guinan, the Enterprise-D’s mysterious bartender, is one of the most intriguing and popular recurring characters on Star Trek: The Next Generation.

18 Dr. Beverly Crusher

Portrayed by gates mcfadden.

For six seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Dr. Beverly Crusher served as the Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Enterprise-D. Dr. Crusher's medical and scientific knowledge helped save the Enterprise crew on multiple occasions, and her profound compassion made her a great doctor. Beverly often served as the moral compass of TNG and she was one of the few Enterprise crew members who would openly challenge Captain Picard.

Beverly managed to be a skilled doctor, an intelligent scientist, and a good mother to her son Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton), and she did all three jobs with distinction. Dr. Crusher returned with a bang in Star Trek: Picard season 3, having spent the last twenty years traveling the galaxy helping those in need. Dr. Crusher remained an excellent doctor and had also learned her way around a ship's weapons system.

Beverly and Jean-Luc spent much of TNG denying their obvious feelings for one another, and never officially became a couple on the show. However, Picard season 3 revealed that Beverly and Jean-Luc did spend a night together which resulted in the birth of their son, Jack Crusher (Ed Speleers).

17 Counselor Deanna Troi

Portrayed by marina sirtis.

Counselor Deanna Troi may not have always gotten the best storylines on Star Trek: The Next Generation , but she was nevertheless a vital member of the USS Enterprise-D crew. As a half-Betazoid, Troi could sense the emotions of those around her, which proved useful on numerous occasions. In many ways, Troi was the heart of TNG and her skill as a counselor helped the Enterprise crew function together well.

5 Times Deanna Troi Deserved Better On Star Trek: TNG

Counselor Deanna Troi was often saddled with questionable storylines on Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the character deserved better.

Deanna Troi's relationship with Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) became one of Star Trek's greatest romances, as evidenced by their return in Star Trek: Picard season 1 . Deanna finally got to save the day in Star Trek: Picard season 3, as her empathic abilities and connection with Riker allowed her to save the lives of her friends from the Borg.

16 Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax

Portrayed by terry farrell.

Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax was the Science Officer on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. As a joined Trill, Jadzia was the eighth host for the Dax symbiote, whose previous host had been close friends with Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks). With the knowledge and experience of seven previous lives, Jadzia had a passion for life and was very comfortable in her own skin.

When Lt. Commander Worf (Michael Dorn) joined the cast of DS9, he later fell in love with Jadzia, and the two have one of Star Trek's greatest love stories . Jadzia had a particular appreciation for Klingon warrior culture, and she truly brought out the best in Worf. Not only did Jadzia have a fun and infectious personality, but she was also an incredibly capable and intelligent Starfleet officer who wasn't afraid to stand up for her convictions.

Tragically, Jadzia was killed by a Pah-wraith-possessed Dukat (Marc Alaimo), and her symbiote was transferred to Ezri Dax (Nicole de Boer).

15 Major Kira Nerys

Portrayed by nana visitor.

As the Bajoran liaison officer on Starfleet space station Deep Space 9, Major Kira served as Captain Sisko's second-in-command. Prior to her position on DS9, Kira had been part of the Bajoran Resistance fighting back against the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. With her passion for the Bajoran people and her strong moral values, Kira proved to be vital in the fight against the Dominion.

With her warrior's heart and strong sense of justice, Kira remains one of Star Trek's strongest and most capable characters.

Even after the Dominion took over DS9, Kira continued to fight against them, eventually helping Starfleet retake the station. Kira took over command of the space station when Sisko disappeared in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's series finale . With her warrior's heart and strong sense of justice, Kira remains one of Star Trek's strongest and most capable characters, regardless of gender.

14 Lt. B'Elanna Torres

Portrayed by roxann dawson.

Because of her Klingon half, B'Elanna Torres sometimes felt like an outsider at Starfleet Academy, and she got in trouble with her instructors on multiple occasions. Despite her intelligence and engineering prowess, she dropped out of the Academy and joined the Maquis, eventually ending up on the USS Voyager. B'Elanna may have been headstrong, but she was also resourceful, intelligent, and brave.

Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) initially thought B'Elanna was too much of a loose cannon to be the USS Voyager's Chief Engineer, but B'Elanna later proved she had no trouble coming up with innovative solutions to keep the ship running. B'Elanna's romance with Lt. Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill) helped soften her cold exterior and gave her the chance to find happiness, but she never truly lost her tenacious side.

13 Captain Seven of Nine

Portrayed by jeri ryan.

Jeri Ryan's Seven of Nine has come a long way since her introduction on Star Trek: Voyager as a Borg drone. Not only did Seven prove that Borg drones could be rehabilitated, but she became a valuable member of the ship's crew in her own right. Seven's journey to rediscover her humanity became one of Voyager's best storylines, and Seven joined the ranks of Star Trek's best characters.

Seven returned in Star Trek: Picard , eventually becoming Captain of the USS Enterprise-G. Despite her no-nonsense attitude, Seven cared deeply about the people around her and would do anything to keep them safe. Between Seven's relationship with Commander Raffi Musiker and her adventures with Admiral Picard, she became a more fully realized character in Star Trek: Picard than she had been on Voyager.

To Me, Seven Of Nine Is Star Trek’s Most Impressive Character

Although the Star Trek franchise is full of great characters, Jeri Ryan's Seven of Nine has become one of the most impressive since her introduction.

12 Admiral Kathryn Janeway

Portrayed by kate mulgrew.

On Star Trek: Voyager, Kate Mulgrew's Kathryn Janeway more than lived up to the task of being the first female Captain to lead a Star Trek show​​​​​​. Janeway commanded the USS Voyager on its seven-year journey through the unexplored Delta Quadrant, facing off against powerful enemies and establishing first contact with several new species. Janway proved herself to be a strong leader numerous times over, as she was faced with impossible decision after impossible decision.

Janeway made a great Captain who was extremely dedicated and loyal to her crew.

After the USS Voyager returned from the Delta Quadrant, no one would have blamed Janeway for seeking an early retirement, but she continued to devote her life to serving Starfleet. Janeway was promoted to Vice Admiral and continued to passionately fight for the Federation's ideals. With her strong moral convictions and caring nature, Janeway made a great Captain who was extremely dedicated and loyal to her crew.

11 Ensign Hoshi Sato

Portrayed by linda park.

Hoshi Sato served as the linguist and communications officer on the Enterprise NX-01 under the command of Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) . When the Enterprise NX-01 set out on its historic mission to explore the galaxy, universal translator technology had not yet been perfected, making Ensign Sato vital to the ship's crew. Her knowledge of Klingon and Vulcan, in particular, as well as her ability to quickly translate new languages, often came in handy.

With her intelligence, kindness, her fear of the transporters, and her initial nerves about serving on the Enterprise, Hoshi was more relatable than many of the larger-than-life characters that often popular Federation starships. Because of her position on Archer's Enterprise and her contributions to universal translation technology, Sato became an incredibly important historical figure.

10 Sub-Commander T'Pol

Portrayed by jolene blalock.

Sub-Commander T'Pol initially joined the crew of the Enterprise NX-01 as an observer for the Vulcan High Command, but she later became an integral member of the ship's crew. As the first Vulcan to serve aboard a human starship for a significant amount of time, T'Pol was not immediately trusted by her shipmates. T'Pol was not exactly comfortable with her posting, either, as the only Vulcan among a crew of overly emotional humans.

Many of Star Trek's greatest (and most notorious) Vulcan characters are women who made indelible impacts on Federation history.

T'Pol could be severe, and she held tight control over her emotions, but she felt just as deeply as any Vulcan. Over time, she warmed up to her crewmates and they came to rely on her as their First Officer. T'Pol had a particularly contentious relationship with Commander Trip Tucker (Connor Trinneer), that eventually blossomed into a charming romantic relationship that unfortunately ended in tragedy. It's safe to say that without T'Pol's experience and intelligence, the Enterprise NX-01's voyages would not have been successful.

9 Lt. Sylvia Tilly

Portrayed by mary wiseman.

When Star Trek: Discovery began, Sylvia Tilly was a young, enthusiastic cadet who had her heart set on becoming a Starfleet Captain. Throughout her journey on Discovery, Tilly gained confidence as a person and as a leader. An incredibly intelligent scientist, Tilly's passion for learning new things is infectious, and her ideas saved the USS Discovery on numerous occasions.

An incredibly intelligent scientist, Tilly's passion for learning new things is infectious.

Despite their very different personalities, Tilly and Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) remain one of Star Trek's best examples of female friendship. By the end of Star Trek: Discovery's five seasons, Tilly had found her new calling as an instructor for young cadets at the newly reopened Starfleet Academy of the 32nd century. It remains to be seen whether Tilly will appear in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy , but the show will feel lacking without her.

8 Emperor Philippa Georgiou

Portrayed by michelle yeoh.

Like many of the women on this list, Emperor Philippa Georgiou changed a lot from her first appearance to her last. Having grown up in the brutal Mirror Universe, Georgiou was cold, calculating, and sometimes cruel. She was never afraid to take what she wanted, and it was largely the influence of Michael Burnham that helped Georgiou change her ways.

Academy Award winner Michelle Yeoh made Georgiou compelling from the start, and she became a mother-like figure to Michael, just as her Prime Universe counterpart had been.

Even as Georgiou grew as a character, she remained unapologetically herself, brutally honest, impulsive, and incredibly resilient. Georgiou traveled with the USS Discovery to the 32nd century but soon began experiencing disorienting flashbacks due to being displaced in both time and dimension. She was eventually sent back in time and will lead the upcoming Star Trek: Section 31 film .

Michelle Yeoh also portrayed the generous and heroic Captain Philippa Georgiou of the Prime Universe in Star Trek: Discovery.

7 Captain Michael Burnham

Portrayed by sonequa martin-green.

Captain Michael Burnham had a singular journey on Star Trek: Discovery, going from being one of Starfleet's most notorious figures to becoming a celebrated Admiral. With her compassion and willingness to risk everything for the people she cares about, Burnham has many qualities in common with Star Trek's greatest captains . Thanks in no small part to Sonequa Martin-Green's stellar performance, Michael Burnham quickly became one of Star Trek's greatest new characters .

Burnham and her USS Discovery crew became family, as they abandoned their lives to save the galaxy by traveling to the 32nd century. In the far future, Michael truly came into her own, becoming one of the most important players in the fractured Federation. Intelligent and passionate, Burnham put her trust in her Discovery family, who could find a creative solution to any problem and always found a way to emerge victorious.

Star Trek: Discovery may have come to an end after five seasons, but the show's incredible actors remain as busy as ever.

6 Commander Raffi Musiker

Portrayed by michelle hurd.

Introduced in Star Trek: Picard season 1, Raffi Musiker had a major chip on her shoulder, but she knew how to get things done. After Picard resigned from Starfleet, Raffi struggled with substance abuse until she got pulled into another adventure with Jean-Luc. Raffi's skills in tactics and hacking proved useful during Picard's off-the-books mission, but she eventually found her way back to Starfleet.

By Star Trek: Picard season 3, Raffi was working with Starfleet Intelligence and discovered her handler was none other than Captain Worf. Raffi had loosened up some by this point and made a great partner for the ever-stoic Klingon warrior. By the end of Star Trek: Picard season 3 , Raffi had come a long way and joined the crew of the USS Enterprise-G, alongside her former girlfriend, Captain Seven of Nine.

5 Lt. Erica Ortegas

Portrayed by melissa navia.

Melissa Navia's Lt. Erica Ortegas may be one of the lesser-developed characters on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , but future seasons will hopefully over more insight into her backstory. Ortegas serves as the helmsman on the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount), and she takes a lot of pride in the fact that she flies the ship, and has a snarky banter with her Captain.

Ortegas served on the front lines during the Klingon War and was considered a war hero by the time of Star Trek: Lower Decks.

Ortegas' piloting skills have saved the Starship Enterprise several times, as she has flown the ship (and sometimes a shuttle) through turbulent atmospheres and dangerous debris fields. Always confident in her own abilities, Erica has also demonstrated her skills in a space battle, expertly employing evasive maneuvers. Not only does Ortegas love her job, but she enthusiastically requests to go on away missions and can go from serious to joking in a heartbeat.

4 Lt. La'an Noonien-Singh

Portrayed by christina chong.

Having survived a Gorn attack as a child that killed everyone else on her colony ship, La'an Noonien-Singh has one of the most devastating backstories of any Star Trek character. It's not surprising, then that she keeps herself at a distance from most people, rarely opening up to anyone. Despite this, she also has a strong desire to find connection and sometimes wishes she could be more open.

As the descendant of tyrant Khan Noonien-Singh (Ricardo Montalbán) , La'an has a deep-seated fear of becoming like her infamous ancestor. La'an runs a tight ship as Chief of Security on the Enterprise and prefers her duties over recreational activities. With her skills in hand-to-hand combat, La'an often goes on away missions, but sometimes struggles to work with other people.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 ended with an epic cliffhanger and here's everything known about when it will be resolved in season 3.

3 Lt. Commander Una Chin-Riley (Number One)

Portrayed by majel barrett & rebecca romijn.

As a character, Number One made her Star Trek debut in "The Cage," the original unaired pilot of Star Trek: The Original Series . Played by Majel Barrett, this Number One was extremely logical and rarely showed emotion. Rebecca Romijn's Una retains these qualities but has added more depth to the character. Una wanted to join Starfleet so badly that she lied on her Starfleet application about being a genetically enhanced Illyrian.

Intelligent and always able to think on her feet, Una became known as one of the best First Officers to have ever served in Starfleet. Una wasn't afraid to point out when someone was wrong, and she was an incredibly versatile and well-rounded Starfleet officer. She intentionally kept her emotions hidden but cared deeply about her crew members and friends, often placing their best interests above her own.

2 Nurse Christine Chapel

Portrayed by majel barrett & jess bush.

Nurse Christine Chapel made her first appearance played by Majel Barrett on Star Trek: The Original Series, where she served alongside Dr. Leonard McCoy (DeForest Kelley). As a minor recurring character on TOS, Chapel did not get much character development beyond her obvious feelings for Spock (Leonard Nimoy). Jess Bush has brought new life to Nurse Chapel on Star Trek: Strange New Words, making her an incredibly compelling and fascinating character.

Chapel is vibrantly human in the best way.

Bush's Chapel falls into a romance with Spock (Ethan Peck), which recontextualizes her feelings for him in TOS . On Strange New Worlds , Chapel is a skilled nurse with a fun personality who brings out the more human side of Spock. Incredibly capable and confident in her own abilities, Chapel is vibrantly human in the best way. She's stronger than she initially appears, as evidenced by her service in the Klingon War alongside Dr. Joseph M'Benga (Babs Olusanmokun).

1 Lt. Nyota Uhura

Portrayed by nichele nichols, zoë saldana, & celia rose gooding.

Since her introduction in Star Trek: The Original Series , Nyota Uhura has become one of Star Trek's most iconic and beloved characters. As the communications officer on the USS Enterprise, she mostly answered and responded to hails, but other versions of the character have gotten more to do. Every version of Uhura is warm and caring, but Zoë Saldana's Uhura took on a more action-oriented role in J.J. Abrams' Star Trek films.

In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , Celia Rose Gooding has reinvented Uhura yet again, incorporating elements of both Nichelle Nichols's portrayal of Uhura and Zoë Saldana's. Gooding's Uhura is truly a beacon of light. Not only does she bring the Enterprise crew together, but her curiosity and creative thinking have saved the Enterprise more than once. The late Nichelle Nichols will always be remembered as one of the founding ladies of Star Trek, and she helped pave the way for all of the incredible Star Trek women who came after her.

Star Trek: The Original Series

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Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star trek: deep space nine, star trek: voyager, star trek: enterprise, star trek: discovery, star trek: picard, star trek: strange new worlds.

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Uniforms Uniforms | Women's | Star Trek Shop

Star Trek: The Next Generation Starfleet 2364 Men's Jacket

Star Trek: The Next Generation Starfleet 2364 Men's Jacket

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Outfit yourself for missions through space and time with the Starfleet 2364. Constructed of heavy denim with rugged topstitching, the jacket is strong enough to last a Vulcan's lifetime. The signature angular style of the Star Trek: The Next Generation uniforms is transformed into streetwear, recognizable as TNG-inspired, practical, and wearable. It's perfect for all your voyages, great and small. Whether you don Command Red, Operations Gold, or Sciences Blue, you'll be ready to tackle journeys in Enterprise D or just around your neighborhood in this sleek jacket. Live long and prosper!

  • Heavy duty water and stain repellent denim
  • Reinforced topstitching
  • Asymmetrical zipper
  • Two snap closure external pockets
  • Internal pocket
  • Comes with a certificate of authenticity.
  • Made in the USA
  • Care:Dry clean
  • Command Red - Red with black accents and red thread
  • Operations Gold - Gold with black accents and gold thread
  • Sciences Blue - Blue with black accents and blue thread

Ordering Information

  • Return Policy: We will gladly accept returns for any reason within 30 days of receipt of delivery.
  • Shipping: Ship times are estimates of time in transit after your product leaves the fulfillment center. Some items in your order may ship separately to arrive faster.
  • Availability: Ships to the United States and Puerto Rico.
  • Shipping Policy: For more information, see our Shipping Policy .


Star Trek: The Next Generation Starfleet 2364 Men's Jacket

Star Trek: The Original Series Engineering Uniform Athletic Shorts

Planning a trip to Risa, Casperia Prime, or maybe Freecloud is more your vibe? Don't forget to pack these Star Trek: The Original Series Engineering Uniform Adult Shorts in your suitcase! Channel your inner Paul Stamets, Montgomery Scott or Georgi LaForge in these amazing red uniform shorts featuring the Engineering Badge! With mesh side pockets, water-repellant fabric, and elastic waistband, you can't go wrong rocking these amazing shorts on your next adventure.

  • Made of: 91% recycled polyester, 9% spandex (fabric composition may vary by 3%)
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Star Trek: The Original Series Engineering Uniform Athletic Shorts

Star Trek: Discovery Starfleet 2256 Men's Jacket

Suit up for battle and prepare yourself to discover new dimensions in the Starfleet 2256 jacket. Heavy denim secured with sturdy topstitching enables this durable jacket to withstand conflicts with Klingons or tiffs with a Tardigrade. The signature angular style of the Starfleet uniforms returns with the stylish Star Trek: Discovery additions of long, geometric lines and shoulder line details. It's perfect for all your missions, whether it's a Black Alert aboard the Discovery or a routine landing party to the store. The sleek, blue color and the subtle details of stitching color and zipper allow you to flaunt your specialty under the radar. Pick gold for Command, silver for Sciences, copper for Operations, or stealthy black if you work in Section 31. See you on board!


  • Badge backing pocket to hold magnet makes putting on and taking off the badge quick and stealthy
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  • Snap tab collar can be worn closed or open
  • Magnetic external pocket closure for maximum futuristic tech
  • Command Gold - Sailor with navy accents and gold thread, gold zipper
  • Sciences Silver - Sailor with navy accents and silver thread, silver zipper
  • Operations Copper - Sailor with navy accents and copper thread, copper zipper
  • Section 31 - Black with black accents and black thread, charcoal zipper


Star Trek: Discovery Starfleet 2256 Men's Jacket

Star Trek: The Original Series Science Uniform Adult Shorts

Planning a trip to Risa, Casperia Prime, or maybe Freecloud is more your vibe? Don't forget to pack these Star Trek: The Original Series Science Uniform Adult Shorts in your suitcase! Get ready to do some high tech science experiments aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 in these blue Star Trek: The Original Series Science Uniform Adult Shorts featuring the Science Badge! With mesh side pockets, water-repellant fabric, and elastic waistband, you can't go wrong rocking these amazing shorts on your next adventure.


Star Trek: The Original Series Science Uniform Adult Shorts

Star Trek: Discovery Starfleet 2256 Women's Jacket

  • Comes with a certificate of authenticity


Star Trek: Discovery Starfleet 2256 Women's Jacket

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Published Mar 5, 2021

You Wear It Well: The Uniforms of Star Trek 

Turns out, "dress for the job you want, not the job you have," might still be a phrase heard in the 23rd Century and beyond!

Star Trek: The Original Series

The Delta Shield. The colors: red, gold and blue. The form-fitting jackets and often black trousers. Even the confining jumpsuits. Star Trek uniforms have a special place in pop culture, equal in renown maybe only by the jerseys and full kits of certain sports teams. Let’s take a look at some of the uniforms over the years and what messages they are sending to the galaxy.

Star Trek: Discovery — Of Terran Capes And Crowns with Gersha Phillips

Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: The Original Series

The TOS uniforms are arguable the most recognized and iconic of uniforms in the canon. They are the blueprint for all other uniforms in Star Trek . While they carry some of the elements from the “The Cage” unaired pilot episode — tunic-like top, Section colors, black capri-length trousers and boots — the cut and fit of the garments are narrower, the colors much sharper and for the women, no pants. Looking back from our vantage point the uniforms feel more inspired by the 1960s' mod culture, or the era’s British rock bands, not what a fleet of earth-based space explorers would be wearing in the 23rd Century. However, the athleisure vibe of it all was as portentous to our time as the TOS-inspired technology and gadgets that we use on a daily basis. Comparing these uniforms from the garments of other space traveling cultures seen throughout TOS is where you can really see the youthfulness of Starfleet. While Romulans’ uniforms echo the turtleneck silhouette, knit fabric and ultra miniskirts of Starfleet, the rigid textures, exaggerated shoulders, and the addition of a scarf or half vest overlays connotes a sense of the authoritarian militaristic society. Comparing the two looks, without context, you wouldn’t be at fault for easily assuming that Starfleet was the newest team in a galactic travel league.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation was all about the jumpsuit, with a touch of individuality. The best examples of this is Lieutenant Worf’s beautiful Klingon military sash or baldric and Lt. Troi’s flowing dresses and jumpsuits. The Next Generation also famously changed command colors from gold to red, ending a fan favorite “red shirt” trope from TOS. You see other examples of Starfleet uniform styles on the flagship Enterprise , including skants and tunics. The men’s TNG dress uniforms could even be worn as dresses due to their somewhat elongated line. However, from a design and storytelling point of view, the jumpsuit's utility is matched with the artful graphic design which evolves easily into the dress uniform’s elegance and formality.

Into the #Starchive Featuring Captain Picard's Uniform

We can see Starfleet’s evolution of mission and the number of lightyears traveled in the precision of the TNG uniform. Interestingly, the need to continuously mirror the delta design — in the shoulders, sleeves, even in the transition from bodice to trousers both section colors, front and back — is like a monogram. For the many species Jean-Luc Picard and his crew will make First Contact with, this uniform conveys a simple message: We are Starfleet.

Star Trek: Enterprise

Star Trek: Enterprise

We cannot talk about jumpsuits without talking about Star Trek: Enterprise ! The uniforms on this series most closely represent what our beginnings of further flung space travel might look like. In fact, rather than trying to create something that feels brand new and “science fiction,” the Enterprise crew looks like a team from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The command colors are placed in a simple elegant line framing the shoulders ending, of course, in a point or delta shape. The jumpsuits have the wonderful addition of actual pockets, which actually makes you wonder where all the pockets have been all of this time. Hallelujah — there will be pockets in the future! The jumpsuits are reminiscent of a behind-the-scenes pit or union crew, workers who are laying the important foundation for the future. Yet, similar to workwear from the 20th Century, there is an elegance of how a non-gender specific garment function matches and enhances its form. A more advanced culture may be more fancily dressed, but no one can jump on a nacelle rigging faster than Charles “Trip” Tucker, III.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Star Trek: Voyager

These series combine the streamlined look of the TNG jumpsuit with the function of Enterprise series jumpsuits — jackets, pockets, and pleated trousers. The colors: command red, operations gold, and sciences blue continue with the addition of a mock turtleneck undershirt in grey, which evolves later in a uniform variant where the section colors are the turtleneck and the upper bodice detailing is a quilted grey. Grey as a standard color for Starfleet uniforms appears in Star Trek: The Motion Picture and seen again in Star Trek: Discovery season 3, discussed below.

Into the #Starchive with Captain Janeway's OG Uniform

Deep Space Nine uniforms are particularly interesting in the way all clothes are, in relation to the places and people we associate these outfits with. What makes DS9 unique is the variety of dress everywhere on the starbase, from the Bajoran military uniforms with even more emphasis on the upper bodice and shoulders than Starfleet’s uniforms, to the regalia of the Bajoran monks.In the context of running a space station, Starfleet uniforms need to balance a message of both authority and hospitality. In a sea of colorful people and outfits on the space station’s promenade, the Starfeet uniforms’ relative dark color scheme is the easiest to recognize.

Star Trek: Discovery (Seasons 1-2)

Star Trek: Discovery -

At first glance the Discovery uniforms ignore all previous series. However, there are nods to past series that reveal themselves. While no longer jumpsuits, the jacket, and trouser-leggings of Discovery are blue and thus similar to the Enterprise series. As the series is set between Enterprise and TOS this for me, as a fan, a welcome nod. Most startling is the loss of the iconic red, gold and blue color scheme, it is seen nowhere unless you count the reddish-bronze for Operations. Out of all the series the Discovery uniforms are the most formal. Comparing them to other series, they in fact look like the uniforms of people who have been traveling throughout the galaxy for some time. The form-fitting suit with metal rather than rainbow colors seem to say, “We mean business.” Discovery leans into a militaristic style, more than with previous series. From the rigidity of the jacket to the stripes at the shoulder the uniform appears to, if not welcome , then at least expect conflict and war. The subtle pips on the delta shield could be interpreted to mean that while rank is important, the crew of the Discovery is a family — a band of brothers and sisters equally important and valuable as a captain or admiral. The biggest hint to where this series is going is the asymmetry introduced into Starfleet uniforms for the first time. The eschew collar which creates a delta shape in the front of the face (invoking TOS’ uniform) is closed by a bold metallic zipper that goes from the left of the neck to the center at the jacket bottom. These off-center details could be interpreted to mean that unexpected outcomes are coming!

Star Trek: Discovery (Season 3)

Star Trek: Discovery -

A conversation about Star Trek uniforms would be incomplete without some mention of Season 3’s far-flung future Federation uniforms. It’s not hard to see where these new uniforms took inspiration from other Trek series. In addition to the grey color seen most notably in Star Trek: The Motion Picture , the quilted-ridges at the top of the jacket mirrors that of Deep Space Nine ’s uniforms, and the asymmetry at the bottom of the jacket reminds us of Discovery ’s earlier uniforms. Season 3 even brings back the red, gold, and blue for command, operations, and sciences, this time in a bold sculptural color block down the right side of the jacket. Its appearance seems to state that knowing you and your colleagues’ place in the Federation and on your ship of duty is paramount for rebuilding. This is no time for subtlety. While this same meticulous design could also be overcompensation for the reduction of the Federation’s place, power, and purpose in the 32nd Century it could also be the Federation’s way of “dressing for the job you want (the premiere intergalactic union of planets), not the one you have.” And that’s a tip we can all take with us, to the board room or the Ready Room.

Designer Gersha Phillips Looks Back on Discovery Season 2 Costumes

Bio: Tereneh Idia (she/her) is a writer, fashion designer and fashion educator who has taught and designed in Pittsburgh, New York City, Nairobi, Kenya, Singapore and Bali, Indonesia. While missing out on Star Trek as a child, she expects the rest of her adult growing up to be inspired and entertained by Star Trek.

Star Trek: Discovery streams on Paramount+ in the United States, airs on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave in Canada, and on Netflix in 190 countries.

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Women's Star Trek Classic Deluxe Dress Costume

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Women's Star Trek Classic Deluxe Dress Costume

Product details, about this item.

  • Officially licensed star trek costume dress, look for authentic trademark logo on package and label
  • Long sleeve above the knee Blue dress; embroidered star fleet emblem on front; metallic band around forearms; black trim around neckline
  • Read before buying: costumes are not sized the same as apparel, please review the secret wishes size chart in images, reviews and q & a for best fit, do not choose based on clothing size
  • Coordinate with other officially licensed star trek costumes and accessories by Rubie's for group or family dress up fun
  • Classic star trek Blue uniform worn by science and Medical officers

star trek blue woman

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Rubies Costumes Baby Inflatable, Wonka, Buzz, Wednesday, TMNT

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Rubies develops product for popular movies TV and Franchises keeping collections up to date

  • Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No
  • Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 13.8 x 11.1 x 1.7 inches; 9.6 ounces
  • Manufacturer recommended age ‏ : ‎ 12 years and up
  • Item model number ‏ : ‎ 889060
  • Department ‏ : ‎ womens
  • Date First Available ‏ : ‎ October 2, 2000
  • Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Rubies Costumes - Apparel
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00265D0SG
  • #3,818 in Women's Costumes

Product Description

Join the crew on the bridge of the USS Enterprise and boldly go where no man or woman has gone before in this officially licensed Star Trek Deluxe Blue dress. Costume dress features a pull on long sleeve design with metallic arm band details; black trim around collar; and Star Fleet emblem on front. Designed for adults and older teens; dress comes above the knee in length. Costumes are not sized the same as apparel; please review the Secret Wishes size chart in images; read Q&A, and recent reviews to determine best fit. Pair with other officially licensed Star Trek costumes by Rubie's for a whole crew look ready for deep space. Includes dress only; boots sold separately. Family-owned, family-focused, and based in New York since 1950. As the world's largest designer and manufacturer of costumes Rubie's brings fun and fantasy to dress-up. Offering everything from full mascot suits to masks and wigs, from deluxe licensed costumes to simple starter pieces, from costume shoes to character make-up, and so much more. Rubie's promotes safety in dress-up, so you can relax and have a great time while looking the part. Look to Rubie's for every costume occasion and season: Halloween, Christmas, Mardi Gras, Easter, and all occasions in-between.

Whether the exciting new Star Trek movie has made you a fan or you've been watching Classic Star Trek, Next Generation, Voyager, DS9, or Enterprise for years - you'll want to beam up to your next costume party in this officially licensed Star Trek costume! Short dress has long sleeves and an embroidered Star Fleet emblem. Rubies Costume Company has been offering the world's finest collection of Halloween products for 58 years.

Top Brand: Rubies

Customer reviews.

  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 5 star 56% 17% 12% 6% 9% 56%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 4 star 56% 17% 12% 6% 9% 17%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 3 star 56% 17% 12% 6% 9% 12%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 2 star 56% 17% 12% 6% 9% 6%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 1 star 56% 17% 12% 6% 9% 9%

Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers like the quality and value of the costume. They mention it looks great, is good for the price, and is fun to wear. However, some dislike the fabric stretch and baggy fabric. Opinions are mixed on the sizing, quality, and comfort.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers like the quality of the costume. They mention it looks great, the design is fun, and the color is nice. Some say the traditional costume material is surprisingly cool for the synthetic material. Overall, customers are satisfied with the quality and find it a fun and easy costume.

"...I took those off and the arms are much better now. Costume looks great I already know it's going to be a hit !..." Read more

"...Almost too much fun for us ST fans. Great costume , fit exactly as intended, sized correctly, and even if a tad pricey, worth every dime...." Read more

"...It doesn’t have any stretch to it what so ever. Looks great but uncomfortable to wear." Read more

"...The material it's made from is actually thicker than normal costumes , the only faults I can find with it is that the badge fits over my breast..." Read more

Customers appreciate the value of the product. They mention it looks fantastic and is a great buy for a Trekkie who loves dressing up.

"...It is too short to go without leggings. Great costume for the price I paid ($28) no holes, no rips, no stains...." Read more

"...exactly as intended, sized correctly, and even if a tad pricey, worth every dime ...." Read more

"...Plus a great deal for the money ! Introducing to the world Beverly's lost son.... Brüt Crusher! LOL" Read more

"The fabric is rough and a bit uncomfortable, but it's cute and way cheaper than the Anovos replica dress...." Read more

Customers find the costume fun to wear. They mention it's great for Halloween, perfect for a dress-up party, and outdoor parties. Some also say it looks great and is perfect for AC Comic Con 2015.

"...The dress is cute and will work for a costume party . The material is polyester and it doesn't seem like it will be too hot...." Read more

"...Otherwise it is a fun , easy costume!" Read more

"...Definitely works for a Halloween party ." Read more

"...especially with the knee high boots I was wearing but was perfect for an outdoor party ...." Read more

Customers have mixed opinions about the size of the costume. Some mention it fits true-to-size, while others say it fits a little large for a medium, doesn't fit in the shoulder/arm area as well as the picture, and the size chart is not very accurate.

"...Gold sewn in wrist bands are tight . I took those off and the arms are much better now. Costume looks great I already know it's going to be a hit !..." Read more

"Overall, the dress fit well , the shade a blue was nice and the length was accurate. However, as far as accuracy goes, it ends there...." Read more

"...The size chart posted is not very accurate , so consider that if you decide to purchase this costume...." Read more

"...The material isn't the best quality and the length is perfect for wearing to work but because of the material (or possibly the horrible wrinkles)..." Read more

Customers have mixed opinions about the quality of the costume. Some mention it's a good thickness and not as cheap and thin as the materials of Halloween costumes you find at stores. However, others say the collar is pretty flimsy, the material isn't the greatest, and it'll be low-grade for conventions.

"...It is kinda low grade for Conventions , which is what i wanted it for but as a Halloween costume, and for the price, its simply wonderful." Read more

"...Great costume for the price I paid ($28) no holes, no rips , no stains. Did smell like plastic but after 1 wash that went away...." Read more

"...Due to the material its made out of, its not very forgiving and if you have any curves, (like myself and most women have) you may need to invest in..." Read more

"...instead & it fits perfectly, is highly accurate, & is of very high quality & 100 % cotton." Read more

Customers have mixed opinions about the comfort of the costume. Some mention it's pretty comfortable and cute, while others say it feels like they're wearing a pillowcase.

"...It's very comfortable and I wore it with black pantyhose and tall black boots. I'm pleased with this dress and got a lot of compliments." Read more

"...than most Halloween costumes but it still noticeably feels like wearing a Halloween costume in my opinion, which is perfectly fine for my purposes..." Read more

"...the use of this costume as pictured by a non intended frame, it was pretty comfy all together. Lots of comfy stretch and very well made materials...." Read more

"Expect this dress to be short. It fits true-to-size and is pretty comfy !! Make sure you read the return policy in case you want to return it, though." Read more

Customers are dissatisfied with the fabric stretch of the costume outfit. They mention it's a polyester-feeling blend that's scratchy and coarse.

"...I could have gone camping in it!..." Read more

"...with the uniform's black collar balancing it out. The material is polyester , so it slid and shifted over my nylon shaper all day long at the..." Read more

"...chested and there is a comfortable amount of space + the fabric has a little stretch , the same goes for the waist area, while not being too baggy...." Read more

"...Only complaint is I wish the material was stretchy. It doesn’t have any stretch to it what so ever. Looks great but uncomfortable to wear." Read more

Customers are dissatisfied with the baggy fabric of the costume. They mention it's a bit baggy in the middle, under the armpits, and back. Some say the collar is weird and misshapen.

"...The underarm and upper-arm area is really baggy though, I have no idea what shape of woman would have arms to fill that out...." Read more

"...The small fit just fine in most places, but the neck and upper arms were unusually baggy ...." Read more

"...The neckline is not shaped like the original uniforms. A bit baggy in the neckline /shoulder area. I have big hips and it fit well over them...." Read more

"...Its a tad baggy in the middle but I was fine with that. Overall a nice quality item for the price and I'll wear it again for Halloween!" Read more

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Memory Alpha

Joanne Linville

Joanne Linville ( 15 January 1928 – 20 June 2021 ; age 93) was an actress who played the Romulan commander in the Star Trek: The Original Series third season episode " The Enterprise Incident ".

She filmed her scenes on Wednesday 19 June 1968 , and between Monday 24 June 1968 and Wednesday 26 June 1968 at Desilu Stage 9 and Paramount Stage 3 .

Linville was the first actress to play a female Romulan in the Star Trek franchise, and it may be this role for which she is most well-known. For the Star Trek: The Next Generation sixth season episode " Face Of The Enemy ", writer Naren Shankar suggested that Linville reprise her role as the Romulan commander, but she was unavailable. ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 270)

Linville began acting on television in the 1950s, appearing on several popular anthology series such as Alfred Hitchcock Presents , Kraft Television Theatre , and One Step Beyond . Perhaps her earliest was a 1954 episode of Studio One co-starring fellow Original Series guest performer David Opatoshu . She went on to make three more appearances on Studio One (including one with Fritz Weaver ), and even had a recurring role on the show. Another early appearance for Linville was a 1956 episode of The Kaiser Aluminum Hour entitled "Gwyneth", in which Linville played the title character. This episode also marked the first of several times Linville would work with her future Star Trek co-star William Shatner . She and Shatner next appeared together in a 1958 episode of The United States Steel Hour and then in a 1961 episode of The Defenders – both times playing husband and wife – before working together on Star Trek . She also worked with Leonard Nimoy prior to Star Trek , co-starring together (with Paul Carr ) in a 1962 episode of the drama Sam Benedict .

In 1959, Linville co-starred with the man who played the first Romulan commander seen on Star Trek , Mark Lenard , on a DuPont Show of the Month production of Don Quixote . In 1961, she starred as a Civil War widow unaware of the fact that she's dead in the episode of The Twilight Zone entitled "The Passerby", co-starring with fellow Original Series guest stars James Gregory and Rex Holman . She also guest-starred with Celia Lovsky in an episode of Gunsmoke that same year.

She went on to appear on such shows as Ben Casey , I Spy , The Fugitive (with James Daly and Arch Whiting ), Bonanza (with Jeff Corey ), two episodes of Hawaii Five-O (including the two-part episode "Once Upon a Time" with Vince Howard , William Schallert , and Bill Zuckert ), Kojak (with Malachi Throne ), The Streets of San Francisco , CHiPs (with Robert Pine ), Charlie's Angels (with Bill Zuckert), and Mrs. Columbo (starring Kate Mulgrew ). She also co-starred with both Fritz Weaver and Jason Wingreen in one episode of two different shows: The F.B.I. in 1969 (having previously appeared in an episode with William Smithers ) and Barnaby Jones in 1970 (on which she had previously appeared with Richard Derr ). Lee Meriwether was a regular on the latter series. The FBI episode with Linville and Fritz Weaver also featured Barry Atwater .

Linville's career also included small roles in a few feature films, most notably Scorpio (1973, featuring fellow Trek veterans John Colicos , James B. Sikking , William Smithers, and Celeste Yarnall ). Other films in which she appeared include 1976's A Star Is Born and Gable and Lombard and 1982's The Seduction (starring Michael Sarrazin and Kevin Brophy ). Her earliest film, however, was The Goddess (1958).

Additionally, Linville had roles in a number of made-for-TV movies, including 1970's House on Greenapple Road , in which she played the wife of the character played by William Windom . Tim O'Connor , Paul Fix , Ned Romero , Peter Mark Richman (billed as Mark Richman), and Ena Hartman were also in this film. She also appeared in Lou Antonio 's TV movie The Critical List in 1978. During the 1980s, Linville made two appearances on the soap opera Dynasty (starring Joan Collins and Lee Bergere ), an episode of L.A. Law (starring Corbin Bernsen and Larry Drake ), and the 1989 TV movie From the Dead of Night (with Merritt Butrick ) before retiring from acting.

Linville was married from 1962 until 1973 to director Mark Rydell, and it was only for a supporting role in his 2001 TV biopic on James Dean that she briefly came out of retirement. She and Rydell had two children together – actors Amy and Christopher Rydell , the latter of whom has appeared on Star Trek: Enterprise . Amy Rydell later reprised her mother's role as the Romulan Commander for the fan series Star Trek Continues two-part finale, "To Boldly Go". Linville herself participated in the fan audio drama "Starship Excelsior" for the 50th anniversary special, "Tomorrow's Excelsior", reprising her role as the Romulan Commander.

Linville passed away on 20 June 2021 at the age of 93. [1]

Star Trek interview [ ]

  • "Romulan Love", Pat Jankiewicz , Starlog , issue 306, January 2003, pp. 82-84

External links [ ]

  • (X) – former official site
  • Joanne Linville at the Internet Movie Database
  • Joanne Linville at Wikipedia
  • Joanne Linville at
  • 1 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G)
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)
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Walter Koenig, Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, James Doohan, DeForest Kelley, George Takei, and Nichelle Nichols in Star Trek (1966)

In the 23rd Century, Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise explore the galaxy and defend the United Federation of Planets. In the 23rd Century, Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise explore the galaxy and defend the United Federation of Planets. In the 23rd Century, Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise explore the galaxy and defend the United Federation of Planets.

  • Gene Roddenberry
  • William Shatner
  • Leonard Nimoy
  • DeForest Kelley
  • 280 User reviews
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  • 16 wins & 31 nominations total

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Nichelle Nichols and Sonequa Martin-Green at an event for Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

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Did you know

  • Trivia In the hallways of the Enterprise there are tubes marked "GNDN." These initials stand for "goes nowhere does nothing."
  • Goofs The deck locations for Kirk's Quarters, Sickbay and Transporter Room vary (usually between decks 4-7) throughout the series.

Dr. McCoy : "He's dead, Jim."

  • Crazy credits On some episodes, the closing credits show a still that is actually from the Star Trek blooper reel. It is a close-up of stunt man Bill Blackburn who played an android in Return to Tomorrow (1968) , removing his latex make up. In the reel, He is shown taking it off, while an off-screen voice says "You wanted show business, you got it!"
  • Alternate versions In 2006, CBS went back to the archives and created HD prints of every episode of the show. In addition to the new video transfer, they re-did all of the model shots and some matte paintings using CGI effects, and re-recorded the original theme song to clean it up. These "Enhanced" versions of the episodes aired on syndication and have been released on DVD and Blu-Ray.
  • Connections Edited into Ben 10: Secrets (2006)
  • Soundtracks Star Trek Music by Alexander Courage

User reviews 280

  • May 5, 2003

Women in Science Fiction

Production art

  • How do they maintain Gravity on the the U.S.S. Enterprise ? .
  • All aliens on all planets speak the English language?
  • What does "TOS" mean?
  • September 8, 1966 (United States)
  • United States
  • Star Trek: The Original Series
  • Backlot, Culver Studios - 9336 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, California, USA
  • Desilu Productions
  • Norway Corporation
  • Paramount Television
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Technical specs

  • Runtime 50 minutes

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    Andorian. Commander Shran and crew from the 2004 Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Proving Ground". Andorians are a fictional race of humanoid extraterrestrials in the American science fiction franchise Star Trek. They were created by writer D. C. Fontana. Within the Star Trek narrative, they are native to the blue icy Class M moon, Andoria ...

  3. The Lovely Ladies of Star Trek

    Majel Barrett (born Majel Leigh Hudec) was an American actress, known for her long association with Star Trek. She had multiple Star Trek-related roles, though she is mostly remembered for her roles as Nurse Christine Chapel in Star Trek, The Original Series (1966-1969) and as Lwaxana Troi in Star Trek, The Next Generation (1987-1994) and Deep Space Nine (1993-1999).

  4. Star Trek: Who Are The Andorians & Why Are They Blue?

    While the origin of their blue coloring hasn't been explicitly addressed within the official canon, "Star Trek: Enterprise" offers a potential explanation. In Season 4, Episode 13, titled "United ...

  5. 'Discovery's newest crew member reveals link to a forgotten Star Trek era

    In Star Trek, it's not easy being green. But being blue can be even harder. Since writer Dorothy Fontana invented the blue-skinned Andorians for the 1967 Star Trek episode "Journey to Babel ...

  6. Andorian

    An Andorian make-up test for The Motion Picture. In either the original Star Trek series or Star Trek: The Motion Picture, makeup artist Fred Phillips - who worked on both productions - tested Andorian antennae and blue facial makeup on his daughter, Janna Phillips.(The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, p. 140) The first significant change in the Andorians' appearance came in The ...

  7. Top 10 Best Star Trek Female Characters, Ranked From ...

    She eventually moved up the ranks to be a commanding officer herself, and it would be great to find out more about her in future shows. 7. Deanna Troi. Image Source: Star Trek YT. Deanna Troi is a ...

  8. Rebecca Romijn

    Rebecca Romijn. Actress: X-Men. Rebecca Alie Romijn was born on November 6, 1972 in Berkeley, California. Her father was Dutch-born and worked as a custom-furniture maker. Her mother was American-born, with Dutch and English ancestry, and was a teacher of English. Rebecca attended Berkeley High School where her nickname was the "Jolly Blond Giant", then she attended the University of ...

  9. Blu del Barrio

    Blu del Barrio (born September 15, 1997) is an American actor, best known for playing Adira Tal in Star Trek: Discovery.They are the first openly non-binary actor, playing the first non-binary role in Star Trek.Del Barrio has studied and engaged in the performing arts since childhood, graduating from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) in 2019.

  10. The Eye-Catching Women of Star Trek the Original Series

    Nichelle Nichols - Nyota Uhura. Nichols portrayed Nyota Uhura in Star Trek: The Original Series and it's film sequels. Her addition to the show's cast was seen as being very groundbreaking for African American actresses on American TV at the time. She was born in Robbins, Illinois, on December 28, 1932.

  11. 20 Awesome Women In Star Trek

    Star Trek has introduced an incredible cast of truly amazing women throughout its nearly 60-year history. In the utopian future of Star Trek, women can climb the ranks of Starfleet to achieve the same positions of authority as their male counterparts.While this ideal was somewhat hindered by the landscape of the 1960s, modern Star Trek fully embraces Gene Roddenberry's vision of a peaceful ...

  12. Uniforms

    Dive into our Star Trek Uniform Collection for authentic, high-quality uniforms inspired by the iconic series. ... Get ready to do some high tech science experiments aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 in these blue Star Trek: ... Star Trek: Discovery Starfleet 2256 Women's Jacket Regular price $345.00 ...

  13. Bolian

    The Bolians were a humanoid species who were native to the planet Bolarus IX. The Bolians underwent a period of history known as the Middle Ages. (VOY: "Death Wish") As of 2151, Bolians had encountered Ferengi. (ENT: "Acquisition") By the 23rd century, Bolians were associated with the Federation, with several officers serving in Starfleet. A Bolian was among the casualties in the crash of the ...

  14. Susanna Thompson

    Susanna Thompson (born 27 January 1958; age 66) is an actress who has played four characters in the Star Trek universe, most notably that of the Borg Queen in the Star Trek: Voyager episodes "Dark Frontier", "Unimatrix Zero", and "Unimatrix Zero, Part II". She has also played two characters in Star Trek: The Next Generation and portrayed Lenara Kahn in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine fourth ...

  15. Star Trek uniforms

    Star Trek uniforms are costumes worn by actors portraying personnel of a fictitious Starfleet in various television series and films in the Star Trek science fiction franchise. During the various series, the costume design has often changed to represent different time periods and for reasons of appearance and comfort. Sometimes different styles were deliberately mixed to enhance the sense of ...

  16. You Wear It Well: The Uniforms of Star Trek

    The Delta Shield. The colors: red, gold and blue. The form-fitting jackets and often black trousers. Even the confining jumpsuits. Star Trek uniforms have a special place in pop culture, equal in renown maybe only by the jerseys and full kits of certain sports teams. Let's take a look at some of the uniforms over the years and what messages they are sending to the galaxy.

  17. Women's Star Trek Classic Deluxe Dress Costume

    Join the crew on the bridge of the USS Enterprise and boldly go where no man or woman has gone before in this officially licensed Star Trek Deluxe Blue dress. Costume dress features a pull on long sleeve design with metallic arm band details; black trim around collar; and Star Fleet emblem on front.

  18. Jeri Ryan

    Jeri Ryan. Actress: Star Trek: Voyager. Jeri Ryan was born Jeri Lynn Zimmerman on February 22, 1968 in Munich, West Germany, to Gerhard Florian Zimmerman, a Master Sergeant in the United States Army, and his wife Sharon, a social worker. She and her older brother Mark grew up on several military bases, including Kansas, Maryland, Hawaii, Georgia and Texas.

  19. Joanne Linville

    Joanne Linville (15 January 1928 - 20 June 2021; age 93) was an actress who played the Romulan commander in the Star Trek: The Original Series third season episode "The Enterprise Incident". She filmed her scenes on Wednesday 19 June 1968, and between Monday 24 June 1968 and Wednesday 26 June 1968 at Desilu Stage 9 and Paramount Stage 3. Linville was the first actress to play a female ...

  20. Seven of Nine

    Seven of Nine (born Annika Hansen) is a fictional character introduced in the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager.Portrayed by Jeri Ryan, she is a former Borg drone who joins the crew of the Federation starship Voyager.Her full Borg designation was Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One. [2] While her birth name became known to her crewmates, after ...

  21. Star Trek (TV Series 1966-1969)

    Star Trek: Created by Gene Roddenberry. With Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, DeForest Kelley, Nichelle Nichols. In the 23rd Century, Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise explore the galaxy and defend the United Federation of Planets.

  22. Star Trek Blue Costumes for Women for sale

    ST Discovery 2 Nhan Red Uniform Number One Gold Blue Tops Starfleet Shirts Pins. $25.00. $12.00 shipping. Star Trek Female Duty Blue Dress. Original Series Starfleet Uniform Costume, Sm. $45.00. or Best Offer. $8.45 shipping.

  23. Jeri Ryan

    Jeri Lynn Ryan (née Zimmermann; born February 22, 1968) [1] [2] is an American actress best known for her role as the former Borg drone Seven of Nine in Star Trek: Voyager (1997-2001), for which she was nominated four times for a Saturn Award and won in 2001.She reprised her role as Seven of Nine in Star Trek: Picard (2020-2023), for which she won another Saturn Award.