
Aida Garifullina is a celebrated artist in the midst of an internationally acclaimed career. She is a regular guest artist of the world’s leading opera houses and concert venues, including the Royal Opera House (London), La Scala (Milan), the Metropolitan Opera (New York), Paris National Opera, Arena di Verona (Italy) and Salzburg Festival.

“Aida is one of the most exciting opera divas of today and tomorrow.” – Placido Domingo  

Born in 1987 in Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Aida Garifullina was surrounded by music from an early age. Her first music lessons came from her choirmaster and pianist mother, prompting her to further her musical development from early childhood and, later, inspiring a passion to pursue a career in opera. She made her performance debut at just five years old, as the youngest participant in one of Moscow’s most popular televised singing competition, and has not left the stage since!

Following initial studies in Nuremberg, Germany and The University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, Austria,Aida achieved huge recognition at Placido Domingo’s 2013 Operalia Competition, winning First Prize. She later joined the ensemble of the revered Vienna Staatsoper, regularly performing there whilst continuing to furthering her international career.

On the operatic stage she has sung under the musical guidance of some of the most prominent conductors, including Valery Gergiev, Zubin Mehta, Kent Nagano, Antonio Pappano, Yannick Nezet-Seguin and Placido Domingo.

Alongside a successful operatic career, Aida is a celebrated recording artist. Her acclaimed solo album “AIDA”, with Decca Records, won Best Solo Album of the year (ECHO), and she was nominated for a Grammy for her performance on the 2017 recording of Rimsky Korsakov’s “The Golden Cockerel”.

aida tour london paris

Royal Albert Hall, London

50th Anniversary of Placido Domingo

Salzburg, Austria

Concert Music of John Williams

Olimpic Athletic Stadium, Seoul, South Korea

Ave Maria (Schubert)

aida tour london paris

Je Veux Vivre - Gounod

aida tour london paris

The Bell Song

aida tour london paris

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More Information about AIDA

London hosts the biggest opera production it’s seen this century, as a groundbreaking production of Verdi’s AIDA plays three performances at the OVO Arena, Wembley in March 2024.

Promising an unparalleled spectacle the production brings Ancient Egypt to life through digital projections, innovative staging, puppetry, and choreography as AIDA's tragic tale unfolds against the backdrop of impending conflict.  

The grand scale includes a 72 square metre screen, a life-size puppet elephant, 578 stunning costumes, surround sound, and a 692 square metre River Nile flowing into the audience. The venue itself is infused with a custom perfume, enhancing the sensory experience with scents of lotus blossoms, pine trees, spices, and the Nile's waters.

Performed in Italian with surtitles,  this heart-breaking tale of jealousy, loyalty, love and betrayal features over 250 cast members including internationally renowned soloists and the 60-piece Hanseatic Symphony Orchestra performing some of the most heartbreaking and uplifting music ever written.  

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Home » AIDA » Metropolen ab Hamburg

AIDA Metropolen ab Hamburg – Stationen, Ausflüge und Tipps für einen tollen Urlaub

AIDA Metropolen ab Hamburg - die Kultkreuzfahrt vorgestellt

Schon seit vielen Jahren bietet AIDA die Route Metropolen ab Hamburg an. Zu recht verdient diese schöne Reise den Status einer Kultkreuzfahrt. Sieben Tage lang geht es durch die Nordsee und den Ärmelkanal. Paris und London liegen zum Greifen nahe. Aber auch Brüssel und Rotterdam haben ihren Reiz.

Auf der Kreuzfahrt, die von AIDA Fans liebevoll Metropolen-Tour genannt wird, geht es jedoch nicht nur um große Städte. Denn auf der Fahrt durch geschützte Küstengewässer hast du jede Menge Zeit, das Schiff kennen zu lernen. Und da hat AIDA einiges zu bieten, auch wenn die Sonne mal nicht scheinen sollte.

Diese Kreuzfahrt wird jetzt möglicherweise mit verändertem Routenverlauf angeboten.

Quick Check

  • 5 angesagte Städte in 7 Tagen
  • Übernachtung in Rotterdam
  • Günstige Anreise ohne Flugstress
  • Tolles Schiff mit vielen „Secret Places“
  • Super Bühnenshows
  • Deutschsprachiger Service
  • Trinkgelder schon inklusive

AIDA Metropolen ab Hamburg – Häfen und Ausflüge

Die Routenkarten zeigt den Verlauf der Kreuzfahrt AIDA Metropolen ab Hamburg.

Tag 1: 🏁 Abfahrt in Hamburg um 18 Uhr

In Hamburg startet und endet die AIDA Metropolen-Route.

Jeder kennt Hamburg, klar. Trotzdem ist dies kein gewöhnlicher Besuch in der Hansestadt. Man ist nicht als Ausflügler, Einheimischer oder Geschäftsreisender hier. Sondern als Kreuzfahrtpassagier. Es hat schon etwas Erhabenes, wenn man die Landungsbrücken entlang schlendert und an der anderen Hafenkante das AIDA Schiff liegen sieht, mit dem man am gleichen Abend noch in See stechen wird.

Mein Rat: Genieße die Hansestadt und die Vorfreude! Oft gehören diese Eindrücke im Nachhinein zu den schönsten Momenten der Kultroute AIDA Metropolen ab Hamburg. Natürlich kann man in Hamburg nicht nur maritime Stimmung tanken, sondern auch vorzüglich shoppen, spazieren und speisen. Die Seemannskirche Michel zum Beispiel oder die nahe gelegene Reeperbahn sind auch bei Tageslicht einen Besuch wert.

Es macht also durchaus Sinn, schon früh in Hamburg anzukommen. Dann kann man den Tag dafür nutzen, wofür er gedacht ist: als den ersten Urlaubstag.

Tag 2: 🛳 Am Seetag das Schiff entdecken

An dem Seetag lässt sich das Schiff AIDAprima erkunden.

Die Route AIDA Metropolen ab Hamburg wird von unterschiedlichen Schiffen befahren. Zum Zeitpunkt dieses Erfahrungsberichts war es die AIDAprima. Ein tolles Zuhause auf dem Wasser! Was so ein Kreuzfahrtschiff alles zu bieten hat, ist selbst an einem ganzen Tag auf See schwer zu erkunden.

Da wären zum Beispiel die vielen Restaurants. Essen und Trinken kann man zu jeder Tageszeit (zum Glück gibt es nur diesen einen Seetag auf der Tour 😉). Mein persönlicher Tipp für die AIDAprima: Die Brasserie French Kiss . Hier gibt’s von feinen Pasteten und leckerem Käse bis zur Bouillabaisse vieles, was die französische Küche so angesagt macht. Eine prima Einstimmung auf Paris, eines der Highlights dieser AIDA Kreuzfahrt.

Noch ein Tipp: Wer am Seetag das French Kiss oder ein anderes Restaurant (bis auf die Buffet-Restaurants) besuchen möchte, sollte besser vor der Reise in MyAIDA einen Platz reservieren. Das geht zwar auch an Bord, aber sicher ist sicher. Dies gilt übrigens auch für Wellness und Sauna.

Tag 3: ⚓️ Aufenthalt in Southampton von 9.30 bis 21.30 Uhr

Auf der Kreuzfahrt AIDA Metropolen ab Hamburg lässt sich auch ein Ausflug nach London machen.

Der erste richtige Hafen ist das südenglische Southampton. Hier hat man die Qual der Wahl zwischen mehreren Ausflugsmöglichkeiten. Die meisten Kreuzfahrer zieht es nach London. AIDA bietet verschiedene Möglichkeiten, die britische Hauptstadt zu erkunden: Mit dem Fahrrad, auf dem Wasser oder klassisch zu Fuß.

Die zweieinhalbstündige Busfahrt dorthin (gemessen bei wenig Verkehr) ist aber nicht jedermanns Sache. So finden sich auch Landausflüge in die nähere Umgebung. Nach Stonehenge zum Beispiel. Oder in das historische Winchester.

Tipp: Wer ganz und gar nicht in einen Ausflugsbus steigen möchte, kann Southampton auch sehr gut auf eigene Faust erkunden. Das Städtchen hat viel zu bieten – nicht zuletzt wegen seiner Verbundenheit mit der Titanic, die von hier aus in Richtung Amerika aufbrach.

Tag 4: ⚓️ Liegezeit in Le Havre von 9 bis 21.30 Uhr

AIDA Metropolen ab Hamburg führt über Paris, wo man den Eiffelturm besichtigen kann.

Le Havre ist das Tor zu Paris. Genau dafür nutzen die meisten Passagiere auch den Aufenthalt hier. Mit dem Bus geht es in die französische Hauptstadt. Dort bietet AIDA verschiedene Möglichkeiten an, die Stadt zu erkunden. Per Wasser und zu Land, mit dem Fahrrad und sogar mit einem Privatchauffeur. Der reizvolle Städtetrip hat jedoch auch seinen Preis: Über zehn Stunden dauert es, bis man wieder zurück auf dem AIDA Schiff ist.

Wer es etwas weniger anstrengend bevorzugt, für den finden sich auch in der näheren Umgebung von Le Havre attraktive Ausflugsziele. Zum Beispiel die berühmten Kreidefelsen von Ètretat, die sich hervorragend als Fotomotive eignen. Einer hat die Form eines Elefanten. Oder das bezaubernde Fischerstädtchen Honfleur mit dem Strandbad Deauville.

Tipp: Auf eigene Faust ist Le Havre übrigens nicht zu empfehlen. AIDA bietet jedoch einen Ausflug zu den hängenden Gärten an, die nach einer kurzen Fahrtzeit erreicht sind. Hier kann man dann ganz in Ruhe entspannen.

Tag 5: ⚓️ Zu Besuch in Zeebrügge von 10 bis 19 Uhr

Brügge ist eine sehenswerte Stadt auf der Route AIDA Metropolen ab Hamburg.

Zeebrügge ist ein Teil der malerischen Stadt Brügge. Absolut ans Herz legen möchte ich dir einen Rundgang durch diesen traumhaften Ort. Das mittelalterliche Flair von Brügge ist ein wohltuender Kontrast zu den beiden Metropolen der Vortage. Wer gestern den zehnstündigen Paristrip mitgemacht hat, wird sich über die Beschaulichkeit, Ruhe und den Charme Brügges freuen. AIDA bietet mehrere Ausflüge zu Fuß, mit dem Auto oder mit dem Grachtenboot an.

Tipp: Brügge ist auch ein schönes Ausflugsziel für Familien. Die Reederei bietet eine Schnitzeljagd in dieser historischen Kulisse an.

Wen es dennoch erneut in eine Big City zieht – schließlich sind wir ja auf der Metropolen-Tour – der erreicht die europäische Hauptstadt Brüssel in gut zwei Stunden mit dem Bus.

Tage 6 und 7: ⚓️ Rotterdam von 8 Uhr über Nacht bis 8 Uhr

In Rotterdam liegt das Schiff über Nacht.

In Rotterdam trifft überall alt auf neu. Historische Gebäude im Stadtinneren stehen neben modernen Wolkenkratzern. Mittelalterliche Brücken folgen auf neuzeitliche Stahlpylonen. Allein die Fahrt durch den Hafen – den größten Europas – dauert mehrere Stunden, bis das Schiff in Zentrumsnähe anlegt.

Rotterdam eignet sich bestens für eine Erkundung zu Fuß. Entweder auf eigene Faust oder mit einem der zahlreichen Angebote von AIDA. Hierbei kann man die Stadt mit einem Amphibienbus, stilecht mit dem Fahrrad oder mit dem Tuk Tuk erleben. Übrigens: In Rotterdam lässt sich auch sehr gut shoppen.

Etwa zwei Stunden entfernt liegt Amsterdam. Die Busfahrt führt entlang der niederländischen Küste und ist absolut sehenswert. Da man für Rotterdam noch den ganzen Nachmittag und bei Bedarf auch die ganze Nacht Zeit hat, bietet sich am Vormittag so ein Ausflug an.

Tag 8: 🏁 Zurück in Hamburg um 8 Uhr

Frühaufsteher kommen bei der Fahrt durch die Elbe auf ihre Kosten. Mit einem Kaffee in der Hand in Hamburg einlaufen – vorbei an mondänen Stadtvierteln und traditionsreichen Hafenanlagen. Dieses Erlebnis ist der krönende Abschluss der Kultkreuzfahrt AIDA Metropolen ab Hamburg.

AIDA Metropolen-Tour: Das erwartet dich an Bord

Das erwartet dich an Bord von AIDAprima - ein Kreuzfahrtschiff, das 2016 in Dienst gestellt wurde.

Was ist im Reisepreis enthalten?

  • Vorzügliche Mahlzeiten in den Buffet-Restaurants mit neuem Hygieneservice
  • Tischgetränke zum Frühstück (Kaffee), zum Mittag und Abendbrot (Wein, Bier, nicht alkoholische Getränke)
  • Trinkgelder für die AIDA Crew – sie freut sich trotzdem über einen Extrataler 😆
  • Deutschsprachige Ansprechpartner z.B. an der Rezeption
  • Erstklassige Bühnenshows und Unterhaltungsprogramm im Theatrium
  • Viele lauschige Plätzchen an Bord zum Entspannen, Lesen, Musik hören, genießen etc.
  • Hervorragend ausgestattetes Fitness-Studio
  • Freier Eintritt in Bars und Diskotheken
  • Während der Liegezeiten kann man jederzeit das Schiff verlassen und auf eigene Faust die Hafenstadt erkunden, was bei der Tour AIDA Metropolen ab Hamburg bei jedem Stopp möglich ist

Welche Ausgaben solltest du zusätzlich einplanen?

  • An- und Abreise zum und vom Schiff, falls nicht schon mitgebucht
  • Bei Anreise mit dem eigenen Auto Parkgebühren (z.B. bei diesem Anbieter direkt vor dem Cruise Terminal)
  • Ausflüge (eine Übersicht findest du hier )
  • Wellness-Behandlungen, Massagen, Sauna
  • Getränke an Bars und in Spezialitäten-Restaurants (nicht in den Buffet-Restaurants zu den Hauptmahlzeiten)
  • Einige Restaurants – wie z.B. das Steak House – sind kostenpflichtig (aber es lohnt sich)

Geht es auch ohne Aufpreis?

Natürlich kannst du die Reise buchen und nicht einen zusätzlichen Euro ausgeben. Du wirst einen tollen Urlaub haben, viel von Europa sehen und von der AIDA Crew an Bord sehr gut versorgt werden.

Jedoch ist es ohne gebuchten Ausflug schwer, in der knappen Liegezeit nach Paris oder London zu kommen. Ebenso wäre es sicher auch schade, beispielsweise den hervorragenden Wellness-Bereich der AIDAprima nicht einmal zu testen.

Wieviel Geld man ausgibt, bleibt natürlich jedem selbst überlassen. Einige Gäste, mit denen ich gesprochen habe, beherzigen die Faustregel: Die Hälfte des Reisepreises steht als Bordbudget zur Verfügung und wird für Ausflüge, Wellness, Getränke sowie fürs Shopping verwendet. Denn schließlich ist man ja im ⛱ Urlaub.


Häufig gestellte fragen.

Diese Kreuzfahrt gehört seit Jahren zu den beliebtesten im Programm von AIDA. Fünf europäische Metropolen – darunter London und Paris – können während der sieben Tage dauernden Reise besichtigt werden. Zudem ist die Fahrt zum Schiff und wieder zurück nach Hause unkompliziert, weil kein Flug nötig ist. Dadurch ist diese Rundtour auch preislich sehr attraktiv. Keine Sorge, wenn die Sonne mal nicht scheinen sollte. Die AIDA Schiffe bieten genug Sehenswertes, um keine Langeweile aufkommen zu lassen.

Diese Kreuzfahrt dauert 7 Tage. Es werden 7 Nächte an Bord verbracht. Die Abfahrt ist am ersten Reisetag um 18 Uhr. Die Ankunft des Schiffes in Hamburg wird am 8. Tag der Reise gegen 8 Uhr erwartet.

Aktuell wird diese Kreuzfahrtroute von dem Schiff AIDAprima befahren. Die Schiffe können jedoch wechseln. Bitte die aktuellen Informationen auf der AIDA Website beachten.

Die Katalogpreise für diese 7-tägige Kreuzfahrt liegen bei etwa 1.000 € pro Person (p. P.) in einer Zweibettkabine. Im reduzierten Vario-Tarif sind diese Reisen für 700 bis 900 € p. P. buchbar. Gelegentlich bietet AIDA Schnäppchen-Aktionen an, bei denen man mit etwas Glück eine Kabine für 500€ p. P. ergattert. Dies ist jedoch meistens Reiseterminen in den kälteren Monaten vorbehalten.

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Fascinating Aida

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Fully Guided Tours from London to Paris

Fully Guided Tours from London to Paris

  • Choose from 27 London tours
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10 best Fully Guided tours from London to Paris

Compiled by

London travel expert at TourRadar

Melissa London travel expert at TourRadar

European Whirl (Summer, End Paris, 12 Days)

London and paris explorer (summer, 9 days), united kingdom, ireland and northern france, seven countries, venice & paris, from london to paris, the best of europe, romantic european (small groups, start london, end paris, 19 days), london & paris, european discovery (classic, start london, end paris, 16 days), london to paris via the channel islands.

European Whirl (Summer, End Paris, 12 Days)

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Explore Munich and cross into Innsbruck
  • Tour Rome's ancient sites and Vatican City
  • Cruise the Rhine from Boppard to St. Goar
“The European wirl was amazing. It was my trip of a lifetime.”

London and Paris Explorer (Summer, 9 Days)

  • Coach / Bus
  • Discover Parisian icons and Versailles grandeur
  • Savor leisure time and optional Thames cruise
  • Tour the Roman Baths and mystical Stonehenge
“She loved London. Really enjoyed the sidewalk cafes and the food in general was excellent.”

United Kingdom, Ireland and Northern France

  • Visit the majestic Mont-Saint-Michel and its abbey
  • Tour Edinburgh's UNESCO-listed sites and historic streets
  • Cruise the mysterious waters of Loch Ness
“The trip was generally smooth, but much to be desired in respect of your guide services.”

Seven Countries, Venice & Paris

  • Cruise the Rhine and stay overnight in Frankfurt
  • Explore London's landmarks on a panoramic tour
  • Enjoy a boat ride to Venice's Piazza San Marco
“I love all the experience from booking until we got dropped at the airport. I would totally recommend Cosmos to anyone.”

From London To Paris

  • Experience Montmartre's bohemian vibe
  • Explore London's iconic landmarks and Thames
  • Ascend the Eiffel Tower and cruise the Seine
“Value for money and guides made it a good tour.”

The Best of Europe

  • Explore the vibrant streets of London
  • Cruise through Amsterdam's historic canals
  • Discover ancient Rome and the iconic Colosseum
“The hotels were far from the shopping areas, and the bathtubs were high-walled and difficult to step into, especially for older adults.”

Romantic European (Small Groups, Start London, End Paris, 19 Days)

  • Visit the Sistine Chapel's stunning ceiling
  • Cruise Amsterdam's canals at sunset
  • Tour Würzburg Residenz, a UNESCO site

London & Paris

  • Dine and cruise on the Thames River
  • Cruise the Seine, see the Eiffel Tower
  • Farewell dinner in a Parisian restaurant
“It has been wonderful! He went above and beyond when I left my mobile phone on the boat.”

European Discovery (Classic, Start London, End Paris, 16 Days)

  • Admire the Sistine Chapel's famous ceiling
  • Cruise Amsterdam's canals at a welcome reception
  • Witness glassblowing in a Venetian arts centre

London to Paris via the Channel Islands

  • Visit Sark's captivating landscapes
  • Walk through medieval streets of Saint-Malo
  • Tour the grand Sausmarez Manor in Guernsey

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London and Paris Explorer Guided Tour

9-Day London and Paris Sightseeing Tour

9 days, 2 countries and 7 cities


8 Breakfasts, 3 Dinners

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Experience all the main icons of two great cities on this London and Paris trip. Enjoy an in-depth discovery of London with a side visit to Windsor, Bath, and the mystical giants of Stonehenge. It’s just a hop across the pond to Paris to explore, dine and live like a local as you soak up its joie de vivre.

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Deals, savings and exclusive private touring options available plus if you need a different date or itinerary change we can create a custom trip. Contact us for more details

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9 days itinerary trip from London to Paris visiting 2 countries and 7 cities

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Sightseeing highlights.

Explore London and Paris

Discover Bath and Windsor

Visit the Roman Baths in Bath, Stonehenge, and the Palace of Versailles

View the Eiffel Tower, the Champs-Élysées, the Arc de Triomphe and Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

See Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace in London and the White Cliffs of Dover

Travel highlights

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Cherry-picked hotels, all tried and trusted

All porterage and restaurant gratuities

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Breakfast daily and up to half of your evening meals

Must-see sightseeing and surprise extras

Audio headsets for flexible sightseeing

Luxury air-conditioned coach with Wi-Fi in most countries or alternative transportation (such as rail journeys)

Ferry across the Channel from Dover to Calais

Optional Experiences and free time

On occasion, hotels of similar standard and location may be utilized.

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Three local female weavers in colourful traditional local dress including festooned hats, weaving colourful alpaca wool on the ground


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Large BMG Australia Tasmania Mount Gnomon Farm With Guy Robertson

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Linda On The Run

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Linda On The Run on rooftop of Galeries Lafayette in Paris London

London Paris Itinerary: The Ultimate List You Should Steal

March 25, 2024 //  by  Linda Malys Yore

Looking for a London-Paris itinerary?

If you want to visit London, England, and Paris, France, on the same trip, you are in for a real treat! I’ve taken a trip from London to Paris and loved it!

These are two of my favorite cities and I have visited them both multiple times. They are fun, lively cities full to the brim with iconic sights!

I’ll share tips for the best tips for your London-Paris trip including how to travel between the cities, things to do, and where to stay.

I am giving equal time to both cities. However, how many days in London and Paris you spend is up to you.

Now, let’s dive into this epic London and Paris itinerary!

View over the Thames River to the Big Ben clock tower on a party cloudy dat.

London, England, United Kingdom

Day one:  visit london’s iconic sites, stop 1: trafalgar square.

World-famous Trafalgar Square is in Central London. It is a great place to begin your London-Paris itinerary.

Named after a British naval victory, there is quite a bit to see around here. There is a large statue honoring Admiral Nelson, guarded by four lions.

If you have a longer amount of time to spend in London read my 5 days in London itinerary .

Where To Stay Near Trafalgar Square :

Mid-Range: The Z Hotel Piccadilly . Check Rates:

Luxury: The Trafalgar St. James . Check Rates:

A fountain with a statue in Trafalgar Square with a church in the background.

Stop 2 : Discover The Warped Window

Located adjacent to Trafalgar Square is St. Martin in the Fields Church .

The window over the main altar was destroyed by the World War II bombings in London. The replacement is a unique display of contemporary art with an important message.

The simple glass and metal windows look so different compared to the opulent Baroque interior of the church.

The vertical and horizontal lines in the glass window form a cross with an opening in the center that permits light to enter the church.

Inside the St. Martin in the Fields Church

Stop 3: Visit The National Gallery

A great number of museums in London do not charge admission fees. Take advantage of this during your London trip by treating yourself to the fabulous exhibits at the National Gallery .

Located on the north end of Trafalgar Square, this museum houses some of the most impressive collections of artwork in the world. They are presented in chronological order.

There are free guided tours or you can rent an audio guide for a small fee.

I would advise you to get a map as there are many exhibits and multiple floors. This way you will be assured you will find what you are interested in.

If this is your first time in London , try to check out other free museums in the city!

Dusk over the lit-up National Gallery with a dome and pillars and a statue of a lion in the foreground.

Stop 4 : Visit The Smallest Police Station In The UK

This decommissioned police station is located in the southeast corner of Trafalgar Square. It has quite an interesting history!

Trafalgar Square has long been a gathering space for Londonites to gather to protest. This light post-turned-police station has narrow slits in it so a policeman could keep an eye out on the crowds.

This interesting historical gem should be on your London-Paris itinerary!

The Smallest Police Station In The UK in a stone pillar with a black door and a lamp on top.

Stop 5: Walk Down Whitehall Street

Head south from Trafalgar Square and you will find Whitehall Street . It is considered London’s “political” street. Be on the lookout as you meander because there will be several iconic sights to see.

You will see Downing Street , where the Prime Minister lives. You cannot visit it. However, you can head to 10 Adams Street which looks similar. Snap a souvenir picture here.

You will soon come to the Cenotaph Memorial. It is a monument honoring the fallen from WWI and WWII.

Soon Whitehall Street merges with Parliament Street and you will be at Bridge Street.

If you gaze straight ahead, you will see the Houses of Parliament. To your right is Westminster Abby. To your left is Westminster Bridge and the Thames River.

Truly all iconic London gems you do not want to miss seeing on your London and Paris trip!

The meeting point of Downing and Whitehall Streets with a black, metal gate.

Stop 6: Find History at Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey is where royalty is crowned where Prince William married Kate Middleton.

The church is a beautiful example of Gothic architecture. Within the abbey are monuments and memorials given to British citizens throughout history.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is inside Henry VII’s Chapel. It is dedicated to the British soldiers killed during World War II.

Viewing Westminster Abbey from the outside or touring the inside is a must on your London-Paris itinerary!

Book Here: London: Westminster Abbey Ticket with Audio Guide

Book Here: London: Westminster Abbey Guided Tour

The entrance to the Gothic Westminster Abbey with a rose window and intricate details seen on a London-Paris itinerary.

Stop 7 : See the Parliament Building and Big Ben

Not surprisingly, the Parliament Building with Big Ben is the most iconic, well-known, and most frequently visited site in London.

The Houses of Parliament Building is also called Westminster Palace . Tours are offered or you can rent an audio guide and take a self-tour.

The vertical tower where the huge bell we call Big Ben is housed is named Elizabeth Tower . It chimes on the hour and has rarely missed. It was however interrupted during the world wars.

These iconic attractions should not be missed during your London vacation!

Book Here:  London: Guided Tour of Houses of Parliament & Westminster

View from a bridge of the Big Ben clack tower next to the Parliament Building seen on a London-Paris itinerary.

Stop 8: Ride the London Eye

Riding the Coca-Cola London Eye is an unforgettable experience! Nothing quite compares to seeing London from the massive Ferris wheel.

Located within walking distance from the Parliament Building, it is on the banks of the Thames River.

The ride stands an impressive 443 feet high and was built in 1999 to welcome the new millennium. That is why you may hear it referred to as the Millenium Wheel.

One full slow rotation of the London Eye takes around 30 minutes. The aerial views of the River Thames and London are outstanding.

This is easily one of the most popular things to do in London !

Book Here: London: The London Eye Entry Ticket

Book Here: The London Eye Champagne Experience

Golden hour over the massive London Eye Ferris wheel set on the river.

Day Two: Explore London’s Castles and Parks

Stop 1: visit buckingham palace on your london paris itinerary.

Most everyone who visits London plans to visit Buckingham Palace , where the British Royal Family lives. The administrative office of the king along with manicured gardens are located at the palace.

Long a symbol for the British citizens, the palace is important to London during celebrations or sorrows.

You may be interested in watching the solemn changing of the guard ceremony. It is an iconic experience!

Be sure to check the dates and times of the ceremony on the palace website if you add it to your London-Paris itinerary.

Book Here: Buckingham Palace: The State Rooms Entrance Ticket

Book Here: London: The Changing of the Guard Experience

Buckingham Palace on a sunny day with colorful flower beds in the foreground.

Stop 2: Kensington Gardens

Located adjacent to Hyde Park’s western border (the largest royal park in London) are Kensington Gardens . They are 250 acres of wonderfully landscaped green space.

There are a few monuments worth seeking out at Kensington Gardens. One is the Prince Albert Memorial . Commissioned by Queen Victoria, it honors her husband upon his death.

The Diana Memorial Playground is a very popular monument in London.

Honoring the late Princess Diana it is located near Kensington Palace where her apartment was. The whimsical playground attracts lots of children to it. there is even an accessible area so everyone can play.

Book Here: London: Kensington Palace Gardens Tour with Royal High Tea

Where To Stay Near Kensington Gardens:

Mid-Range: The Columbia . Check Rates:

Mid-Range: Hotel 63 . Check Rates:

Luxury: Royal Garden Hotel . Check Rates:

The tall and intricate Prince Albert Memorial with golden details in Kensington Gardens with lines of green trees.

Stop 3 : Kensington Palace

Kensington Palace is where young royals have resided for over three hundred years.

At Kensington Palace, you can see the room where Queen Victoria was born and raised until she ascended to the British throne.

Located next to Kensington Gardens, you will have the feeling of stepping back in time. The State Rooms are available to tour. The private residences and offices are not.

There is also a Princess Diana exhibit and you can tour elegant royal apartments from the past where one is more exquisite than the next.

A visit to Kensington Palace is a must on your London-Paris itinerary. This is one of the top things to do in Kensington !

Consider This: Hop-On Hop-Off Sightseeing Bus

Vivid sunset over Kensington Palace with a white statue of Queen Victoria in front surrounded by a pool.

Stop 4: Visit Kyoto Gardens On Your London Paris Itinerary

Located about a mile from Kensington Palace you will find Holland Park . It is a 54-acre park, and here you will discover the Japanese-inspired Kyoto Gardens .

Established in the 1990s, the gardens were a gift to the people of Great Britain from the people of Japan. You will find rippling waterfalls spilling into ponds full of koi and peacocks meandering about.

Depending on the time of year of your London-Paris itinerary, you may also see blooming cherry blossoms. The park is free and open from dawn until right before dusk.

Book Here: Secret Gardens of London Full-Day Tour

Pretty Kyoto Gardens with a multi-tiered waterfall and a pond.

Stop 5: Take A Stroll In London’s Little Venice

Yes, London has its own Little Venice ! It is lively, quirky, and a great place to add to your London-Paris itinerary!

It is located where the Regent and Grand Union Canals meet, a smidge more than two miles from Holland Park. Where the two canals cross a small network of waterways is formed.

This area is called Little Venice . Known to the local Londonites, it is not widely known to most tourists, making it one of the top hidden gems in London !

Along with loads of restaurants and pubs, you can take a boat ride down the canals from April to November. You can also stroll the waterways to discover Regent’s Park or the London Zoo.

Take a rest at Rembrandt Gardens on benches among beautiful landscaping and look out onto Little Venice’s waterways.

View looking down into Regent Canal lined with house boats and trees.

Day Three: Explore More of London

Stop 1: learn history at the tower of london.

Another of London’s most popular attractions is the Tower of London . Famous and not-so-famous executions took place here. I suggest adding this attraction to your London-Paris itinerary.

It is usually very crowded, and a popular welcome tour is led by the Yeoman Warders (the “Beefeaters”).

Located on the north bank of the River Thames, there is an admission fee. It is best to purchase tickets online and in advance.

Certainly one of the more unusual places to visit in London , this historic building is a must-see!

Make sure you visit the Jewel House to see the Crown Jewels and the Medieval Palace. Also, look for the execution site where many killings took place.

Book Here: London: Tower of London Early Access Tour with Beefeater

Book Here: London: Tower of London and Crown Jewels Exhibition Ticket

View across the river to the Tower of London with stone fortifications on a sunny day.

Stop 2: Explore The Tower Bridge

Over 40,000 people cross the Thames River using the Tower Bridge every day.

You will learn the history of this mechanical masterpiece inside the Tower Bridge Rooms.

You will learn the stories of the unsung heroes who built and ran the original bridge.

Do not miss the panoramic views of London by walking the Glass Floor Walkway! It is 140 feet above the River Thames, 36 feet long, and almost 6 feet wide.

The Tower Bridge rooms are wheelchair accessible.

Book Here: London: Tower Bridge Entry Ticket

Where To Stay Near the Tower Bridge:

Mid-Range: citizenM Tower of London . Check Rates:

Mid-Range: London Bridge Central Apartments . Check Rates:

Luxury: The Dixon, Tower Bridge . Check Rates:

The iconic Tower Bridge on a sunny day during a London Paris itinerary.

Stop 3: Find Views at Sky Garden

Less than one mile away from the Tower Bridge is Sky Garden ! It is a unique public space that is three stories tall. It offers uninterrupted 360* views of London! And best of all, it is FREE!

However, you must sign up for tickets online in advance. The number of people admitted is timed and regulated.

A limited number of tickets are issued each day, so please make sure you sign up early.

You will find impeccably manicured botanical-style gardens on every level.

But it is the panoramic view that will wow you! There are a few upscale restaurants and two bars for cocktails.

Golden hour light shining through the glass walls and ceiling of Sky Garden with people sitting around plants.

Stop 4: Head To The Shard

Head south across the River Thames to the building that looks like a large piece of glass. The Shard is one of the most unique buildings in London and is the tallest building in Europe.

There is a robust discussion about which place has the better London views, the Shard or Sky Garden! You should visit both during your London-Paris itinerary and decide for yourself!

Inside the Shard are offices, businesses, a five-star hotel, and the View From The Shard observation towers.

There is an admission fee charged for such an extravagant experience. However, nothing compares to seeing the London skyline from 800+ feet in the air.

Get your tickets online beforehand if you are able. Do not be late as tickets are dated and timed. Security is strict, but once you are inside, you can remain as long as you want.

Book Here: London: The Shard Entry Ticket

Dusk over London with the reflective Shard skyscraper piercing the sky.

Stop 5: Check Out Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus

Leicester Square is a pedestrian-friendly square located in London’s stylish West End. You will find shops to fit every budget from swanky to simple. The same thing applies to restaurants, bars, and clubs.

If you are a Broadway lover and like musicals or dramatic performances then London’s West End is the place to be for live theatre performances.

You want to research what is playing at the theatres on your London and Paris trip, as shows sell out frequently.

Check out the nearby Piccadilly Circus , similar to Times Square in NYC with bright lights and screens on the buildings.

Piccadilly Circus with many people walking around, red double-decker buses, and big screens with ads.

Stop 6: Fashionable Covent Garden

Less than one mile from Leicester Square is Covent Garden . It is also in London’s fashionable West End and offers a more upscale shopping experience.

Once a fruit and vegetable garden, it is a must-see destination on your London trip. There is live entertainment by street performers, mostly on the weekends, and shops, restaurants, and pubs.

On the weekends, stalls are set up and locals display their authentic handmade wares. Support local!

You will love shopping at one of the best markets in London !

Book Here: London: Historic Pubs of Central London Walking Tour

View from the upper balcony looking down at people dining at tables under a glass ceiling in Covent Garden.

Stop 7: Shopping at Neal’s Yard

Neal’s Yard is an interesting little street adjacent to Covent Garden.

The colorful buildings are so bright and attractive. If you travel from London to Paris at the right time of the year, you may see decorative flowering plants adorning the buildings.

A sanctuary for garbage not long ago, Neal’s Yard has been cleaned up and renovated into one of London’s beautiful places !

The iconic Neal’s Yard Remedies is a flagship shop offering organic skin and body care products. You will also find independent shops and upscale boutiques.

There are several restaurants to select from as well!

Looking up at colorful buildings covered in vines and other plants.

Day 4: London’s Interesting and Iconic Sites

Stop 1: wander leadenhall market.

Located in London’s Financial District is the charming Leadenhall Market . This covered market has a lovely green, maroon, cream-painted roof, and cobblestone streets.

You will want to add this alluring covered market to your London-Paris Itinerary.

It is a popular tourist destination and can be busy. Leadenhall Market has been used in many movies, and most Harry Potter fans will recognize it.

The market sells fresh flowers and foods to tempt you. This may be the perfect place for breakfast as you begin your day.

Book Here: Magical London: Harry Potter Guided Walking Tour

Wide-angle photo of Leadenhall Market lined with shops and a glass ceiling.

Stop 2:  The Royal Exchange Is Full Of History

The Royal Exchange is also located in London’s Financial District and steps away from Leadenhall Market.

The current building was designed in the 1840s and before that, it was twice ruined by fires. Today the Royal Exchange is a dining and shopping destination.

Offering boutique shops and upscale dining, this historic location should be a consideration when planning your London-Paris itinerary.

View of the Royal Exchange building with columns and a statue of a figure on a horse in front and skyscrapers behind it.

Stop 3: Stand at the Same Place But Different Times

I am referring to the Greenwich Meridian at the Royal Conservatory in Greenwich.

The Greenwich Meridian is the actual line of the earth that separates east from west. This is the same way the equator differentiates north from the south.

It is an imaginary line in London that marks zero degrees longitude.

This is important as the Greenwich Meridian is the starting point of every time zone in the world.

This is one of the coolest things to do in Greenwich !

Book Here: London: Royal Observatory Greenwich Entrance Ticket

Looking straight down at shoes standing on the Greenwich Meridian with a list of different cities on each side.

Stop 4: Grab an Instagram Pic On The Tulip Stairs

Also in Greenwich, only a few miles from the Greenwich Meridian, you will find the Queen’s Palace . There is no admission fee, and you will feel like you have stepped back in time.

Look for the stunningly blue Tulip Stairs for your picture. They are an architectural masterpiece from the seventeenth century.

It was the first self-supporting spiral staircase built in Great Britain.

Looking up through the spiral of the white Tulip Stairs with metal tulips on the rail.

Stop 5: Head To Harrods For A Signature Souvenir

Most everyone has heard of the most famous department store in the world: Harrods . Visiting Harrod’s is a top tourist pick when in London.

Harrods is the largest department store in Europe. It is well known for its signature service and luxurious shopping experience. You do not need to buy anything expensive!

The main London store has 330 departments and 23 restaurants. This is one of the best places to visit during Christmas in London !

You can grab a bite or a drink and rest awhile from your busy travel days.

Dusk over Harrods lined with golden lights.

TRAVEL DAY – How To Get From London To Paris

I have not scheduled anything for this travel day. This way you can schedule your travels to spend more or less time in either London or Paris.

Even though you will remain in the European Union, have your travel documents ready and available for customs and immigration officials.

There are several ways to travel from London to Paris. You can select between a train, ferry, bus, or car.

My family and I used the Eurostar , a high-speed train. It travels quickly through the Channel Tunnel (or Chunnel) from one country to another. It takes just over two hours.

I think this is the best way to get from London to Paris since it is efficient and a unique experience!

Select the best option for you and those traveling with you based on your schedule and budget.

However you travel, trips to Paris from London are easy and do not take long. You can also do this itinerary in reverse and travel from Paris to London instead.

Two Eurostar trains inside the London St. Pancras train station.

Paris, France

Day one: begin with classic paris, stop 1 : visit the eiffel tower.

Begin your Paris and London trip at arguably the most visited and well-known attraction in Paris: the Eiffel Tower !

The Eiffel Tower is over 1,000 feet tall and is one of the highest structures in Paris. Gustav Eiffel was the head engineer and it was the gateway to the 1889 World’s Fair held in Paris.

Today, it is recognized the world over as the symbol of Paris! You will certainly want to explore the Eiffel Tower so set aside plenty of time.

If seeing the most fantastic panoramic views of Paris interests you, head inside the Eiffel Tower! You may climb the steps, or use the elevators.

Please know that purchasing tickets online well in advance is prudent for such a busy place. Some tickets add a “skip the line” perk. And of course, visiting in the offseason will mean fewer crowds.

If you are celebrating a special occasion during your London and Paris trip, there are lovely restaurants and bars within the Eiffel Tower on several levels.

Book Here:   Eiffel Tower Summit or Second Floor Priority Access

Book Here: Paris: Eiffel Tower Access & Seine River Cruise

Where To Stay Near The Eiffel Tower:

Affordable: Hôtel de la Tour Eiffel . Check Rates:

Mid-Range: Grand Hôtel Lévêque. Check Rates:

Eiffel Tower Views: Hotel Relais Bosquet Check Rates:

The Eiffel Tower standing over a green park with many people walking around.

Stop 2: Marvel At Artwork At Musee d’Orsay

Just a few minutes from the Eiffel Tower is the Musee d’Orsay . I admit it is possibly my favorite museum in Paris!

It opened in 1986 in Gare d’Orsay, an old railway station. It is a lovely location to add to your Paris and London itinerary.

You are certain to find some form of art that delights you here. Whether you prefer paintings, sculpture, architecture, or design, the museum offers extensive collections of most.

Most of the art is from 1948 until 1914. The most popular offerings at this museum are its Impressionist and Postimpressionist collections.

If you are searching for an Insta-worthy picture, seek the see-through glass clock on the third floor. Lots of visitors clamor for a picture at one with unobstructed views!

There is another within a restaurant that you may have access to only if you purchase something.

Book Here: Paris: Musée d’Orsay Masterpieces Guided Tour

Inside the Musee d'Orsay with a cylinder ceiling with skylights, many statues, and people walking around.

Stop 3: Explore The River Seine

Because the Eiffel Tower and Musee d’Orsay are both located on the Left Bank of the River Seine , it is good to set aside some time to explore the river.

You can walk and meander along lovely walkways. Mingle with other Parisians and tourists alike. You can admire the architecture of the amazing bridges in Paris .

It is fun to discover more about Paris on a Seine River cruise. Most of the cruises often are narrated. This is like having a private tour guide!

Depending on the weather, you can sit atop the ship for unobstructed views of the sights.

Most scenic ships have large windows below in their air-conditioned or heated interiors (depending on the weather).

Most cruise tours last an hour, and there are lunch, dinner, and champagne options.

A river cruise is one of my favorite things to do in Paris !

Book Here: Paris: 2-Hour River Seine Lunch Cruise

Book Here: Paris: Seine River Sightseeing Cruise with 3-Course Dinner

Dusk over the River Seine with a cruise boat with many people standing on the open deck on a London-Paris itinerary.

Stop 4: Stroll the Jardin des Tuileries

The Jardin des Tuileries is located between the Louvre Museum and the Place de la Concord. Established in the 1500s, the Tuilleries Gardens are where locals and tourists meet, stroll, and relax.

On one end, you will find the Palais de Louvre which houses the Louvre Art Museum, which will be featured in tomorrow’s portion of this 4 days in Paris itinerary .

At the other end of these magnificent gardens, you will find the beginning of the most well-known avenue in the world, the Champs-Elysees.

Stroll through tree-lined promenades and see lovely fountains as you travel through one of the most spectacular parks in Paris !

The Jardin des Tuileries next to the Louvre Museum with colorful flower beds.

Day 2: See Iconic Sights in Paris

Stop 1: be amazed at the louvre.

No trip to the City of Lights would be complete without visiting the famous Louvre Art Museum . Located within the Palais de Louvre, this world-class museum houses the most impressive artifacts on earth.

Even if you only have 2 days in Paris , you must visit the Louvre!

When you approach, you will be greeted by the iconic glass pyramids. The largest pyramid is also the entrance to the museum.

The Louvre Museum is divided into 8 areas of exhibits, including paintings, prints, sculptures, and drawings. Some collections include Oriental, Roman, Greek, and Egyptian artifacts.

Once inside, secure a map to guide you to the specific collections that interest you. There is also an interpretive phone app to download that contains a map and loads of information.

Not surprisingly, most visitors head to see Leonardo Da Vinci’s masterpiece, Mona Lisa . She is housed in the Denon Wing.

A second highlight is the classical sculpture, Venus de Milo . From the fourth century B.C., this statue is of the goddess Aphrodite.

The Louvre is the largest and most visited museum in the world! I recommend you budget a few hours to a half day here. Lines for admission tickets can be long, so purchase tickets online beforehand.

Book Here: Paris: Louvre Museum Timed-Entrance Ticket

Book Here: Paris: 2-Hour Louvre Museum Guided Tour with Ticket

Best Hotels Near The Louvre:

Mid-Range:  Hôtel Odyssey  Check Rates:

Upscale:  Hôtel Regina Louvre  Check Rates:

Purple dusk over the lit up Louvre Museum with the iconic glass pyramids.

Stop 2: Photogragh Le Deux Plateaux Art Installation

The controversial outdoor art exhibit Le Deux Plateaux is within walking distance from the Louvre.

More commonly referred to as Colonnes de Buren after the French artist who created it, Daniel Burren, it caused some controversy when initially installed.

It is situated within the inner courtyard of the Palais Royal , a former 17th-century Neoclassical royal palace adjacent to the Louvre.

Rows of columns of different sizes extending out of the former parking lot were thought unsuitable for such a historical landmark.

Today, this outdoor exhibit is a popular location! Tourists and locals alike wander through and it is a great place to snap an Insta-worthy picture with the black and white striped columns.

Black and white columns of different sizes in the courtyard of the Palais Royal.

Stop 3: Stop At Jardin du Palais Royal

Just a short walk north of the art installation you will find the palace gardens Jardin du Palais Royal . This is a splendid spot to take a respite.

You will enjoy the beautifully manicured grounds, a large fountain, statues, and tree-lined walkways.

Depending on the season you visit, you will be rewarded with lovely blooming flowers!

A sculpture among colorful flowers in the Jardin du Palais Royal during a London-Paris itinerary.

Stop 4: Shop Like The Locals

Located steps away, take a few moments to shop like the Parisians do! What a great thing to add to your London-Paris Itinerary!

Head to the iconic covered passage Galerie Vivienne and its Neoclassical architecture. The beautiful mosaic floors and lovely canopy ceiling make this a location you do not want to miss.

Its popularity did diminish for a while due to the arrival of the Champs Elysees. But it is now making a comeback due to its cultural and historical importance.

There are a ton of epic covered passages in Paris to check out on your trip!

Inside the covered Galerie Vivienne with a glass ceiling, intricate floor, and people dining at cafes.

Day 3 : The Finest Paris Has To Offer

Stop 1: the world famous champs elysees.

Head out to the ultra-fashionable Avenue des Champs-Elysees to visit one of the most well-recognized avenues on the planet. It has some of the richest real estate in the world!

The Champs Elysees extends from the Plaza de la Concord to the Arc de Triomphe.

Upscale and not-so-upscale shops, cafes, and restaurants can be found on both sides of the street.

Book Here: Best of Paris Bike Tour

Sunny day looking down over the tree-lined Champs Elysees with many cars and people walking around on a London-Paris itinerary.

Stop 2: Climb the Arc De Triomphe For Epic Views

The Arc de Triomphe is found at Place Charles de Gaulle at the western terminus of the Champs Elysees. It is the center of 12 radiating avenues that help define Paris.

The Arc de Triomphe honors those who fought and died for France. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is here with an eternal flame commemorating those who died but were never identified.

Did you know you can walk up inside the Arc de Triomphe? There is an observation deck on the top level with beautiful city views.

The climb to the top is fairly difficult. Unfortunately, there is no elevator. Sadly, this is not the monument to bring the wheelchair-bound or anyone who cannot climb stairs.

There are multiple exhibits of French military history to stop and read.

This is such an interesting experience I suggest you add it to your London-Paris itinerary.

Book Here: Paris: Arc de Triomphe Rooftop Tickets

Sunny day over the white and detailed Arc De Triomphe in Paris.

Stop 3 : Be Wowed At The Paris Opera House

Also known as Opera Garnier , the Paris Opera House is so opulent it is often called the Palais Garnier. It is about 2 miles from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris’ Financial District.

This beautiful theatre has seats for almost 2,000 patrons. These days, the theatre is used mainly for ballet performances. It has been designated a French historical monument since the 1900s.

Arguably one of the most famous opera houses in the world, the Palais Garnier is also recognized as one of the major symbols of Paris.

Once inside, you can see the treasures of 19th-century theatre art. Guided tours are available or you can walk about on your own.

The Grand Staircase and the Gold Room are as opulent as can be!

Book Here: Opera Garnier Entry Ticket

The grand staircase in Palais Garnier with intricate details and pretty candelabras on a London-Paris itinerary.

Stop 4: Visit Galleries Lafayette

Located behind the Opera Garnier is the legendary Galleries Lafayette . It is a set of fancy buildings connected by a series of bridges.

Visiting Galleries Lafayette is worth it to see the stunning Art Nouveau architecture and seasonal decorations. The Christmas tree in the main foyer is a must-see in Paris if you visit in December.

Do not miss out on taking a walk out on the Glasswalk.  It can be found on the third floor.

Walk out onto its 29-foot glass runway elevated 53 feet above the main floor for unequaled views of the main foyer space with its stunning stained glass dome.

Inside the beautiful, glass domed Galleries Lafayette on a London-Paris itinerary.

Stop 5: Do Not Miss The Rooftop Terrace For Killer Views

One of the more spectacular things to add to your London-Paris itinerary is seeing Paris from the rooftop terrace of the Galleries Layafette.

Most tourists do not know about this unique opportunity!

It is one of the best locations for spectacular views that is free and open to the public! It is a fab place to take Insta-worthy photographs.

You can also end your night at one of the best rooftop bars in Paris !

A woman in a pink flowing skirt and pink beret on top of the Galleries Lafayette rooftop at sunset on a London-Paris itinerary.

Day 4: Churches and Montmartre

Stop 1: stop by notre dame.

Arguably, the most famous cathedral in the world is Notre Dame de Paris . This church is recognized worldwide as a great example of French Gothic architecture.

She comes with an interesting history. The church took hundreds of years to construct.

UPDATE: Due to the fire in the spring of 2019, Notre Dame de Paris is closed. Please research updated information.  

Even though you cannot go inside, you will still want to visit Notre Dame when in Paris. She still draws large crowds and will still take your breath away.

Sun shining on the side of the Gothic Notre Dame Cathedral pre-fire on a London-Paris itinerary.

Stop 2: Do Not Miss The Spectacular Sainte-Chapelle

Within walking distance of Notre Dame is the unbelievably beautiful Sainte-Chapelle . This is another must-see during your Paris-London travels.

The bottom rooms are ordinary, even plain-looking. That is because it was for the staff and servants of the French King who lived there.

Sainte-Chapelle’s upper level has over 1,000 dazzling gleaming stained glass windows.

They tell the story of the Bible. Fifteen main stained glass windows show over 1,000 scenes from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.

You will find brochures in several languages explaining the sumptuous windows in the main panels.

Also, you will find a beautiful rose window that describes the Book of Revelation through its stained glass panels.

Book Here: Sainte-Chapelle, Conciergerie, Notre Dame Guided Tour

Look Here Too: Notre Dame Island Tour & Sainte-Chapelle Ticket

Inside Sainte-Chapelle with tall, colorful stained-glass windows and a intricate rose window on a London-Paris itinerary.

Stop 3 : Montmartre and Sacre-Coeur

The place to explore the bohemian and artistic district of Paris is Montmartre .

At the top of Montmartre, is the highest point of Paris Sacre-Coeur , the Basilica of the Sacred Heart.

Its architecture is much plainer than some, nor does this basilica display as much ornateness as other churches in Paris. Admission is free. Be respectful of the worship space when you visit.

Because of its location, there are MANY steps to climb to the summit. If climbing does not interest you, there is an incline railway to catch instead.

Outside, the church, you will find exceptional views of Paris, its surrounding communities, and its famous monuments.

Book Here: Montmartre Highlights Walking Tour with a Local Guide

Book Here: Montmartre Cheese, Wine & Pastry Guided Walking Tour

Looking up at the beautiful, white Sacre-Coeur Basilica with three domes and a merry-go-round and trees in the foreground.

Stop 5: Visit Montmartre’s Famous Artists Square On Your London Paris itinerary

Around the right side of the front of the church, take a short walk to Artists Square , or Place du Tertre.

This lovely square is tree-lined with local artists selling and practicing their trades. You will also be able to purchase hand-made souvenirs here.

Also, you will find a lot of street cafes and lovely restaurants.

Sunny day at Place du Tertre with many paintings and artworks on display and people walking around and a red and white cafe in the background on a London-Paris itinerary.

Stop 6: Take A Peek At A Working Vineyard In Montmartre

Yes, there is a working vineyard in the heart of Paris. It is Vignes du Clos Montmartre , located not far from the artist’s square.

It is located on Rue des Saules on the way down the steep slope on the backside of the basilica.

Many tourists are not even aware of this vineyard, and it is a nice place to stop for a look-see during your London and Paris trip.

A stone pathway through the Montmartre vineyard on a London-Paris itinerary.

Stop 7: Look For Inexpensive Souvenirs At The Bottom Of Montmartre

At the bottom of the hill in front of Sacre Coeur, you will find the streets busy with people, both tourists and locals alike.

A great number of shops sell the cheapest souvenirs in all of Paris. When I travel to Paris, I usually get my souvenirs in this area.

There are numerous and reasonably priced restaurants and cafes in this area as well.

Where To Stay In Montmartre:

Affordable:  Le Village Montmartre by Hiphophostels . Check Rates:

Mid-Range:  Timhotel Montmartre . Check Rates:

Stop 8: Make Time To Visit The Legendary Moulin Rouge On Your London Paris Itinerary

Also located at the bottom of the hill in Montmartre, you will find the world-famous cabaret, the Moulin Rouge .

Legendary performers such as Elton John and Frank Sinatra loved this venue. It has been in many movies throughout history as well.

There is Broadway-style entertainment, which demands a proper dress code. Purchasing tickets for this popular venue is always prudent. Dinner options are also available.

If you have more time in Paris, check out my 5 days in Paris itinerary !

L ook Here: Evening Sightseeing Tour and Moulin Rouge Ticket

Book Here: Moulin Rouge Cabaret Show Ticket with Champagne

Night at the Moulin Rouge with neon signs and a red windmill on a London-Paris itinerary.

How To Get Around Paris

I suggest walking . Paris is a visually beautiful city. There’s much to see and absorb, which you could miss if you are not walking.

Leave ample time to arrive at your destination and wear sturdy, comfortable walking shoes.

The metro train system is extensive in Paris. It’s fast and cheap, arriving and departing frequently. You can purchase tickets at every station. The metro is easy to use even if it is your first time in Paris .

The metro is not an option for the wheelchair-bound or for those unable to walk long distances or climb up and down stairs frequently.

There are also city buses and trains to consider during your time in Paris. You always have the option to get a taxi or hire an Uber driver.

I do not recommend driving in Paris for visitors because of the traffic and difficulty finding parking. That is an option, however.

Renting a bicycle or e-scooter in Paris is an amazing way to explore the city. You have amazing mobility, yet the convenience of stopping whenever you like for a picture during your Paris trip.

A metro train at the station in a tunnel with open doors on a London-Paris itinerary.

Packing Tips For Your London Paris Itinerary

Read my advice on how to pack light using only a carry-on.

A  concealed travel pouch  may be one of the most important items you bring with you. This  unisex RFID-blocking concealed travel pouch is  lightweight and comes in several colors.

These  RFID  sleeves  would be handy to prevent identity theft.

This  Anker high-speed phone charging battery is the exact one I carry with me on all of my trips .

My daughter gifted me this  FugeTek Selfie Stick and Tripod  for my birthday. It has Bloothtooth connectivity so it is very easy to use.

These Bagail packing cubes   are  the exact ones I use whenever I travel . I cannot believe how much more organized I am now!

Travel Locks  are an important consideration. I always travel with locks for my luggage. I lock my luggage in my hotel room or Air BnB if there is no room safe for me to use.

This  world traveler adapter kit   can charge several devices at the same time.

I never leave home on a trip without my  Bobble   filtration bottle .  The 18.5-ounce size is perfect for travel and it fits nicely in the pocket of a backpack or your purse.

You can find   filter replacements here. 

This  foldable water-resistant backpack  would be great to store snacks, water, or an extra sweater.

I highly recommend these  Vionics adjustable strap orthotic sandals.

This  cotton unisex lightweight   scarf is versatile and can be worn in any season.

this   lightweight sunscreen shawl scarf  would do double duty to protect you from the British sun should you visit London in the warmer seasons as well as being a fashion accessory layering piece.

These  unisex polarized sunglasses   come in a lot of lens colors and frame designs and are extremely affordable too.

If you are fond of   aviator-style of sunglasses these polarized aviators may interest you.

As an Amazon Assoxciate, I earn from your qualifying purchases.

Golden hour view of the Eiffel Tower across the river with boats and trees in the foreground on a London-Paris itinerary.

Quick Tips For Your London And Paris Itinerary

Here are some  quick tips  and  tricks to keep in mind when planning a trip to London and Paris.

Stay vigilant! Pickpocketers are common in crowded areas of the city so be aware of your surroundings and belongings.

Call your credit card company  and verify if your credit card  does or does   not have foreign transaction fees.

When you visit an ATM in Paris , be sure it is in the  same network  as your bank so you are not charged transaction fees every time you withdraw cash.

Also, consider withdrawing larger amounts of cash more frequently, to limit the transaction fees.

Buy advanced tickets to must-do Paris attractions whenever possible. First off, usually, tickets purchased in advance online are less expensive.

Secondly, They usually come with skip-the-line options!

Do not worry about the language barrier when traveling to Paris. I understand a few basic French words and had NO difficulties when I visited.

The French people in Paris know a few English words and you will be able to communicate enough to make your wishes known.

You can even use a translator app on your phone to assist with your communications. My family and I use Google Translate. This is one of my top travel tips for Paris!

If you travel from far away, check out my tips for surviving long international flights . I also have tips for how to avoid getting sick on a plane .

I hope these suggestions will maximize your planning making your travel from London to Paris as effortless as possible.

View from a balcony over looking the rooftops of Paris with the tip of the Eiffel Tower in the distance on a London-Paris itinerary.

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Alexander Roberts


Classic london + paris by rail.

Overall Rating based on 8 Reviews

Our Distinctive A+R Style

  • Tailor this trip to your style and budget with our fine choice of city-center hotels.
  • Travel through the Chunnel aboard the Eurostar train from London to Paris… We include First Class tickets and private rail station transfers for a wonderful, carefree journey. 
  • Our included hop-on/hop-off sightseeing tours in both cities make it easy to see all the sites on your list.
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  • Ride the buses and subways for free with our included transport passes in both cities.
  • Gain free entry to the top sites of Paris with our 2-day Museum Pass.

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Welcome to London!

First Class Accommodations : Melia White House - London, England

Superior First Class : The Bloomsbury Hotel - London, England

Upon arrival at Heathrow Airport, you’ll be warmly greeted and escorted to your choice of accommodations: The first class  Melia White House Hotel or The Bloomsbury – our inviting superior first class hotel. Both have been carefully chosen for their warm English hospitality and convenient city-center location.  The balance of this day is yours to enjoy as you wish.

London Sightseeing

London is friendly and easy to get around! We’ve prepaid your Visitor Oyster card so that you can travel throughout the city over the next two days without having to reach for any pound notes! The card can be used on all bus, Tube, and tram routes in and around London. We’ve also included a prepaid ticket to enjoy a day of hop-on hop-off sightseeing with Big Bus London. With 4 different routes and the flexibility to get on and off at more than 40 stops across the city, you can discover the city’s most iconic landmarks at your own pace – from Buckingham Palace to Big Ben. Your Big Bus ticket also includes a river cruise on the Thames between Westminster and the Tower of London. And be sure to take advantage of your included Fast Track tickets for The London Eye… Enjoy a thrilling ride on the world’s largest observation wheel. Meals B

Free Day in London

You have this entire day at leisure to enjoy as you wish. London is a friendly, accessible city and your hotel’s heart-of-it-all location makes it easy to step out and explore at your own pace. Don’t forget, travelers come from all over the world just to attend the theater, perhaps London’s greatest love. Your hotel concierge can help arrange tickets. Meals B

London to Paris by First Class Rail

First Class Accommodations : Hotel Chavanel - Paris, France

Superior First Class : Hotel Le Six - Paris, France

You’ll be chauffeured to the rail station to board the Eurostar. Sit back in First Class comfort and enjoy the passing English scenery until you descend into the Chunnel – the celebrated undersea link between Britain and the Continent! Upon arrival in Paris, you’ll be met and transferred by private vehicle to your choice of air-conditioned city-center hotel: The first class Hotel Chavanel or the superior first class Hotel Le Six .  Meals B

Paris Sightseeing

We’ve included a day on the  hop-on hop-off sightseeing bus so you can explore the City of Light and its many landmarks at your own pace. Enjoy fine views of the city through large panoramic windows or head up to the top of your double-decker bus for refreshing open-air vistas. You can choose your exploration to wind through the  Arrondissements  of Paris and hop-off at any of the many stops – conveniently situated so you can explore Paris’ most iconic landmarks and attractions at your own pace.

Paris as You Please!

After breakfast, this entire day is yours to explore the City of Light at your own pace. Don’t forget that we’ve included transportation and museum passes that are valid for two days. If you activated them yesterday, you can use them today to get around town for free and gain complimentary admission to more than 50 attractions. Today might be a good day to explore personal interests and venture a bit off the beaten path. Your Museum Pass is valid for the most popular attractions as well as lesser-known places like the Museum of Decorative Arts, the National Delacroix Museum, and the Museum of Music!

Au Revoir, Paris!

Your tour with us finishes today. Meals B

Private Tour Add-Ons

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Sorrento and Pompeii

Our 3-day FreeStyle Tour includes our handpicked deluxe hotel in Sorrento, daily breakfast, private car transfers from Naples, and in-depth sightseeing with your own personal car, driver and guide

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We include everything for a perfect stay in one of Europe’s most enchanting and romantic cities! Choose from our outstanding heart-of-it-all hotels and set out with our engaging resident guide on a private walking tour featuring St. Mark’s Square, the Doge’s Palace and more.

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Our 4-day FreeStyle Travel package features a choice of fine city-center hotels, daily breakfast, chauffeured airport transfers and in-depth sightseeing with your own personal car, driver and guide.

England + France Map

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Prices are per person, land only and may vary by day of week, season and during holiday periods. Availability of included sightseeing tours may be affected by holidays, museum closures and seasonally-adjusted schedules. Holiday surcharges may apply.

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Aida review

Phelim McDermott presides over a stylish update of Verdi's tragic opera

Alice Saville

Time Out says

Operatic spectacles don’t get much more humungous than Verdi’s ‘Aida’, with its teeming cast of Ancient Egyptians and grand temple scenes. Staged by Improbable boss Phelim McDermott, this new ENO production is suitably epic, conjuring up splendour with billowing silks and blindingly beautiful pyramid-shaped shafts of light. But his eclectic approach means it’s shot through with wit and human touches, too.

Its blue-haired heroine Aida is deeply, secretly in love with Radamès, a leading general – played with crowd-pleasing vigour by ENO favourite Gwyn Hughes Jones. Unfortunately, he’s caught someone else’s eye. ‘I will destroy you!’ sings the pharaoh’s jealous daughter Amneris, with admirable honesty, as she discovers that her servant Aida is her rival in love. This love triangle is set against a backdrop of simmering war: Aida is an Ethiopian prisoner, held at the Egyptian court as Radamès rides to defeat her people.

It’s a plot that’s robbed of dramatic tension by the campy pageantry of its temple scenes, and its characters’ almost divine ability to show up whenever some kind of intrigue is happening. Poor Amneris (Michelle DeYoung) struggles to create the requisite sense of menace in a series of challengingly geometric get-ups.

But elsewhere, McDermott fights against this static feel by injecting fluid, unearthly movements of all-female circus company Mimbre, who form towers or become a single, many-limbed temple deity. And there’s real warmth in Aida’s scenes with her vengeful father Amonasro: Latonia Moore’s performance is wonderfully subtle, conveying each fresh agony of her situation, and her voice blends with Musa Ngqungwana’s to richly emotive effect.

Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.

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Oasis reunites for tour, ending 15-year hiatus during Gallagher brothers’ feud

Liam Gallagher performs at the Reading Music Festival, England on Aug. 29, 2021, left, and...

LONDON (AP) —  Oasis, the Britpop band  known for timeless hits like “Wonderwall” and “Don’t Look Back in Anger,” is reuniting for a tour of the British Isles next summer, ending a 15-year hiatus and, presumably,  the long-held feud between brothers Liam and Noel Gallagher.

The guitar band will play 14 dates in Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland next July and August, Oasis said on Tuesday. Tickets go on sale at 9 a.m. Saturday.

“This is it. This is happening,” the band said.

Oasis split in 2009 after many years of infighting, with Noel Gallagher officially leaving the band just before a performance at a festival near Paris. Even before the dissolution, the brothers had long had an antagonistic relationship and reportedly did not speak to each other for years after the breakup.

“People will write and say what they like, but I simply could not go on working with Liam a day longer,”  Noel Gallagher,  the band’s guitarist and songwriter, wrote in a statement at the time.

While the Gallagher brothers haven’t performed together since, both regularly perform Oasis songs at their solo gigs. They’ve also each fired off criticisms of the other in the press.

Noel Gallagher accused his younger brother of having a hangover that forced them to cancel a 2009 concert. The frontman disputed the accusation and sued, later dropping the lawsuit.

But now the brothers are preparing to reunite, with the band saying fans would experience “the spark and intensity” that occurs only when they appear on stage together.

The tour will begin July 4 and 5 at Principality Stadium in Cardiff, Wales. Oasis will also perform at Heaton Park in Manchester, England, on July 11, 12, 19 and 20; Wembley Stadium in London on July 25 and 26 and Aug. 2 and 3; Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh on Aug. 8 and 9; and Croke Park in Dublin on Aug. 16 and 17.

There are plans for Oasis to perform in “other continents outside of Europe later next year,” the official tour announcement read.

The band also alluded to past tensions in the tour announcement.

“The guns have fallen silent,” Oasis said. “The stars have aligned. The great wait is over. Come see. It will not be televised.”

In 2011, Noel Gallagher told The Associated Press  in an interview  that he left the band after an incident where  Liam Gallagher  started wielding a guitar “like an axe ... and he’s swinging this guitar around and he kind of you know, he took my face off with it, you know?”

In 2019,  Liam Gallagher told the AP  he was ready to reconcile.

“The most important thing is about me and him being brothers,” he said. “He thinks I’m desperate to get the band back together for money. But I didn’t join the band to make money. I joined the band to have fun and to see the world.”

“I don’t know what his problem is,” he continued. “I think he just wanted to go away and do his solo career, get all the coin and be surrounded by all the yes men you can fire and hire whenever he wants. You can’t do that with me.”

With the announcement, the Britpop progenitors ended a few days of fan speculation. A short video on the band’s social media accounts Sunday night had revealed the date “27.08.24,” and time “8 a.m.,” written in the same font as the well-known Oasis logo. The brothers shared the same to their individual accounts.

Of course, fans have long theorized a reunion might be on the horizon: In the wake of the  2017 bombing that killed 22 at an Ariana Grande concert  in Oasis’ hometown of Manchester, Liam Gallagher performed at a benefit concert that fueled speculation of a reunion. He criticized his brother’s absence, but a spokesperson said Noel Gallagher couldn’t attend because of a longstanding family trip. Benefit organizers said  Noel Gallagher approved the use  of Oasis’ music and donated royalties from “Don’t Look Back In Anger” to the British Red Cross’ One Love Manchester fund.

Later that year, Liam Gallagher tweeted at his brother, leading some to believe they made up: “I wanna say Happy Xmas to team NG it’s been a great year thanks for everything looking forward to seeing you tomorrow AS YOU WERE LG x”

Prior to Tuesday’s announcement, Oasis was already teed up to release a new collection, “Definitely Maybe - Deluxe 30th Anniversary Editions,” celebrating the anniversary of their debut album.

Rumors of a potential reunion were amplified this past weekend when Liam Gallagher responded on social media to unconfirmed reports of the band playing London’s Wembley Stadium and Manchester’s Heaton Park. When one social media user criticized Heaton Park, the Manchester native wrote, “See you down the front,” calling the user a vulgarity. In another stand-alone post on X, he teased, “I never did like that word FORMER.”

“You tell me man,” Liam Gallagher replied. He also responded to several negative tweets about the potential reunion with “Your attitude sucks” and “SHUTUP.” Noel Gallagher, on the other hand, remained silent other than posting the teasers.

AP Music Writer Maria Sherman reported from New York.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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Knox Co. man indicted on murder charge

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Review on Aida

Aida located in the 7th arrondissement of Paris is an unpretentious Japanese restaurant specialising in teppanyaki cuisine. Chef and owner is Koji Aida who uses only the finest ingredients in the preparation of his dishes and has been awarded a prestigious Michelin star. The most popular seats in the restaurant are at the long counter where you can watch this skilled chef at work. It is very popular with the local Japanese community and tourists alike so reservations are necessary. Koji Aida takes great pride in his carefully selected wine list of Burgundy wines.

Aida is also featured in: Michelin Guide

Restaurant Opening Times

Dinner: 7.00 - 12.00am Tue-Sun

Accepted credit cards

Visa, Master Card, American Express

Online Booking Availability for Aida

Facilities at aida.

  • Private dining room
  • Private parties

Aida 1 rue Pierre Leroux 7th Arrondissement Paris 75007

Customer Ratings on Aida

Images of aida.


Virtual Tour of Aida

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+33 (0)1 43 06 14 18

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